Version 1.1 Owners Manual · Create a new project. 4. Open your 'VST Instruments' panel and then...

VST PolyLite Editor TM Version 1.1 Owners Manual Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP OS 9, OSX Jaguar, Panther, Tiger

Transcript of Version 1.1 Owners Manual · Create a new project. 4. Open your 'VST Instruments' panel and then...

Page 1: Version 1.1 Owners Manual · Create a new project. 4. Open your 'VST Instruments' panel and then select the 'VST PolyLite Editor' VST in say slot 1. 5. Create a 'MIDI' track. Select

VST PolyLite EditorTM

Version 1.1 Owners Manual

Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP

OS 9, OSX Jaguar, Panther, Tiger

Page 2: Version 1.1 Owners Manual · Create a new project. 4. Open your 'VST Instruments' panel and then select the 'VST PolyLite Editor' VST in say slot 1. 5. Create a 'MIDI' track. Select


Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP

OS 9, OSX Jaguar, Panther, Tiger

Thank you for choosing the reKon audio™ VST PolyLite Editor™. The VST PolyLite Editor™ is

a real-time MIDI synth editor that allows you full control of every parameter of the sound on

the MFB-PolyLite™ synthesizer. Now you can utilize your PolyLite to its full potential and

build lasting and meaningful patches that will bring new life to your PolyLite, and more

importantly, your music. All this and more in a matter of minutes via a slick and friendly

user-interface that actually adds features to your PolyLite such as the ability to name your

patches in a way that makes them understandable. You also maintain all your patches in the

VST itself without the hassle of manual dumps. All parameters are fully automatable in your

favorite VST host giving you the ability to visually program the PolyLite to your music via the

host sequencer.


MFB™ and the PolyLite™ names and logos are the property of MFB Music GmbH. VST PlugIn Interface Technology by Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. This product is in no way affiliated with nor endorsed by MFB Music GmbH or Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. The reKon audio™ VST PolyLite Editor™ is the sole property of reKon audio™ ©2005-2006. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication or distribution is a violation of federal copyright protection laws and will be prosecuted as such. By downloading, installing or using this software you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions as defined on our website at

VST PolyLite EditorVersion 1.1 Owners Manual


Page 3: Version 1.1 Owners Manual · Create a new project. 4. Open your 'VST Instruments' panel and then select the 'VST PolyLite Editor' VST in say slot 1. 5. Create a 'MIDI' track. Select

Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP

OS 9, OSX Jaguar, Panther, Tiger

Foreward ...................................................................................................................... i

Table of Contents ...................................................................................................... ii

Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1

Installation ................................................................................................................... 2

Setup ............................................................................................................................. 3

Working with the VST PolyLite Editor ................................................................. 4-5

Working with Presets ............................................................................................... 6

MIDI Continuous Controller Chart ...................................................................... 7

MIDI Implementation Chart .................................................................................. 8

Notes ............................................................................................................................. 9

Table of Contents


VST PolyLite EditorVersion 1.1 Owners Manual

Page 4: Version 1.1 Owners Manual · Create a new project. 4. Open your 'VST Instruments' panel and then select the 'VST PolyLite Editor' VST in say slot 1. 5. Create a 'MIDI' track. Select

Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP

To install the reKon™ VST PolyLite Editor™ on Windows machines simply place the .dll file

into your VST Plugins folder. This is typically located at ‘C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VST

Plugins’, but may differ based on your particular setup. You may also need to update your

VST host’s Plugin information to be able to recognize the VST in your host.

Mac OS 9, OSX Jaguar, Panther, Tiger

To install the reKon™ VST PolyLite Editor™ on Mac OSX simply place the VST in your VST

Plugins folder. This is typically located at ‘/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST’ , but may differ

based on your particular setup. You may also need to update your VST host’s Plugin informa-

tion to be able to recognize the VST in your host. folder.

About the Demo Version

Installation for the demo version is identical to the procedure mentioned above. The demo

version has significant limitations to prevent piracy and is provided only as a means to

evaluate the operation and usability of the product. Non-registered users of our products

(ie. demo users) are not entitled to product support, updates or any other service(s)

provided by reKon audio™.

License and Use Agreement

By downloading, installing or using this product you are agreeing to the Terms and Condi-

tions as defined on our web site at We highly recommend all users

read this agrrement to become familiar with these Terms and Conditions before download-

ing or using any reKon audio™ software.



Page 5: Version 1.1 Owners Manual · Create a new project. 4. Open your 'VST Instruments' panel and then select the 'VST PolyLite Editor' VST in say slot 1. 5. Create a 'MIDI' track. Select

Setting Up the Plugin for Your VST Host

The setup procedure will vary from host to host. Please refer to the setup instructions

provided with your VST host application for setting up a VST instrument (VSTi).

Setup for Cubase SX

To setup the reKon audio™ VST PolyLite Editor™ for Cubase SX:

1. Be sure to put the ‘VST_PolyLite_Editor.dll' file in your VST Instrument plugins folder.

2. Open Cubase SX.

3. Create a new project.

4. Open your 'VST Instruments' panel and then select the 'VST PolyLite Editor' VST in say slot


5. Create a 'MIDI' track. Select this MIDI track. (this will be the MIDI track the VST PolyLite

Editor is on).

6. On the I/O properties panel for this MIDI track, assign the MIDI input to the 'VST PolyLite

Editor'. Assign the MIDI output to go to the MIDI port (and channel) that your MFB-PolyLite

is on.

7. Create another 'MIDI track'. Select this track.

8. On the I/O properties panel for this MIDI track, assign the MIDI input to your MIDI

keyboard. Assign the MIDI output to go to the MIDI port (and channel) that your MFB-

PolyLite is on. (this will be the MIDI track to play and record your note/pitch/mod changes

to the MFB-PolyLite).

9. Activate the little yellow 'speaker' icons for both MIDI tracks (this allows them to be played

even if the track is not selected).

10. Start tweaking and playing the MFB-PolyLite via the VST PolyLite Editor and your MIDI

keyboard. Cool!



Page 6: Version 1.1 Owners Manual · Create a new project. 4. Open your 'VST Instruments' panel and then select the 'VST PolyLite Editor' VST in say slot 1. 5. Create a 'MIDI' track. Select

The Graphical User Interface

The graphical user interface of the VST PolyLite Editor™ is designed for maximum ease of

use, giving you easy access to all of the MFB-PolyLite™ controls right on one screen. You are

also able to rename, modify and browse the patches right inside the editor itself. All control

elements are handled via either a Knob, Combo box, Button or Text Edit Box.

The following screen shot will help explain the sections of the VST PolyLite Editor™ version


A. Oscillator 1 controls on the PolyLite.

B. Oscillator 2 controls on the PolyLite.

C. Modulation controls on the PolyLite.

D. Suc Oscillator controls on the PolyLite.

E. The VCF Filter controls on the PolyLite.

F. ENV 1 controls on the PolyLite.

G. ENV 2 controls on the PolyLite.

H. The Preset Management Section controls on the PolyLite.

Working with the VST PolyLite Editor™










Page 7: Version 1.1 Owners Manual · Create a new project. 4. Open your 'VST Instruments' panel and then select the 'VST PolyLite Editor' VST in say slot 1. 5. Create a 'MIDI' track. Select

About Sound

The VST PolyLite Editor™ is a VSTi (synth) plug-in that deals only with MIDI data. As a result

it makes no sound of its own. The sound comes from the actual hardware synth itself...

Which is what you want (pure analog sound, but with VST control). The VST PolyLite Editor™

is not a VST MIDI Effect plug-in, it is a VSTi instrument without audio processing functions.

Using the Controls

Most controls on the VST PolyLite Editor™ are self explanatory as to their use. There are two

types of knobs, those that have their ‘zero’ or lowest value set to the far left, and the other

has the ‘zero’ position set in the absolute middle. The display readouts will vary based on

the related ranges and values for that particular control.

Resolution of the Controls

To obtain a finer resolution control of the knobs in the VST PolyLite Editor™, hold down the

shift key while adjusting the knob. This will allow you to ‘fine-adjust’ the values of the knob.

Resetting the Default Value of a Control

To reset a control to its default value, hold down the ‘CONTROL’ key while clicking on the


Receiving MIDI Continuous Controller Data

The VST PolyLite Editor™ can receive and interpret MIDI Continuos Controller (cc) messages.

All controls respond to their correlated MIDI CC number as listed in the MIDI Continuous

Controller Chart section of this manual. Automation of all parameters can be acheived via

these Continuous Controller Messages or via your sequencer host.

The MIDI LED Indicator

When the VST PolyLite Editor™ receives incoming MIDI data, this LED will blink to notify you.

The VST PolyLite Editor™ responds to MIDI Note On/Off, Pitchbend, Modulation, Continuous

Controller, Polyphonic Pressure and Aftertouch MIDI messages.

The About Screen

To view the About screen, click on the MFB logo in the upper left corner.

Working with the VST PolyLite Editor™


Page 8: Version 1.1 Owners Manual · Create a new project. 4. Open your 'VST Instruments' panel and then select the 'VST PolyLite Editor' VST in say slot 1. 5. Create a 'MIDI' track. Select

The Presets Section

The preset section allows you to control and manage your presets or ‘patches’ as they are

referred to in the synthesizer world. The display readout shows the current preset name and

number. The arrow buttons will allow you to move up and down through the presets. The

‘loader bar’ indicates MIDI data being sent to your synth to set the patch dynamically.

Changing the Current Preset

Use the arrow buttons to change the currently selected preset.

Renaming the Current Patch

To rename your preset, simply click on the name in the display readout and type the new

name of your patch, then hit the ‘Enter’ key. Patch names are limited to 24 characters.

Using the Copy/Paste Buttons

You can easily copy and paste presets to and from the currently selected preset. First select

the preset you wish to copy by navigating to it with the preset select arrow buttons. Now,

click the ‘Copy’ button (you will notice the button change color). Next, navigate to the preset

number you wish to paste to. Now click the ‘Paste’ button (the ‘Copy’ button will change

back to it’s default state). Voila! You can also continue to paste the same preset data into

other preset locations without having to re-click the ‘Copy’ button. This tool is invaluable for

creating variations of your favorite presets and allows you to quickly build your preset

library up.

Default Preset

The default preset from reKon Audio™ is all zeroes. This results in a preset that makes no

sound on the synthesizer.

Working with Presets


Page 9: Version 1.1 Owners Manual · Create a new project. 4. Open your 'VST Instruments' panel and then select the 'VST PolyLite Editor' VST in say slot 1. 5. Create a 'MIDI' track. Select

MIDI Continuous Controller Chart


CC# Parameter Range80 OSC 1 Octave 0-2 (16', 8', 4')24 OSC 1 Tune -24 to +2481 OSC 1 Wave 0-2 (Saw, Square, Ring, Ring 2)11 OSC1 Level 0-12782 OSC 2 Octave 0-2 (16', 8', 4')8 OSC2 Interval -127 - +12783 OSC 2 Wave 0-3 (Saw, Square, Pulse, Sync)12 OSC 2 Level 0-1279 SUB OSC Interval -127 - +12713 SUBOSC Level 0-12784 MOD Glide 0-2 (1/4, 1/2, 1)10 MOD Rate 0-12785 MOD Wave 0-3 (Triangle, Saw, Square, One Shot)14 MOD Depth -127 - +12715 VCF Cutoff 0-12716 VCF Emphasis 0-12717 VCF Contour 0-12718 ENV 1 Attack 0-12719 ENV 1 Decay 0-12720 ENV 1 Sustain 0-12721 ENV 2 Attack 0-12722 ENV 2 Decay 0-12723 ENV 2 Sustain 0-127

Page 10: Version 1.1 Owners Manual · Create a new project. 4. Open your 'VST Instruments' panel and then select the 'VST PolyLite Editor' VST in say slot 1. 5. Create a 'MIDI' track. Select

MIDI Implementation Chart


Message Tx Rx NotesChannel x o 1-16Mode x x Omni modeNote On/Off - o note numbers 0-127Velocity - o 0-127Aftertouch - o 0-127Poly Pressure - o 0-127Pitchbend - o 0-127Modulation - o 0-127Continuous Controller o o 0-127Program Change x xSystem Common x xSystem Realtime x xSystem Exclusive x x

no x Tx Transmittedyes o Rx Received

passed thru -

Page 11: Version 1.1 Owners Manual · Create a new project. 4. Open your 'VST Instruments' panel and then select the 'VST PolyLite Editor' VST in say slot 1. 5. Create a 'MIDI' track. Select
