Verified Chief Justice Application

Republic of the Philippines, SUPREME COURT, En Banc and JUDICIAL and BAR COUNCIL, Manila In Re: JBC opening/acceptance of nominations and applications (not later than February 4, 2010) for the position of next Chief Justice (dated January 20, 2010); Letter from the Asia Pacific Bar Association (headed by Rafael Lucila) calling on the Council to initiate the constitutional process of “filling in the vacancy in the  position of the Chief Justice;” Verified Application for Chief Justice by Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr.; Nomination by Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. of Atty. Henry R. Villarica, Atty. Gregori o M. Batiller, Jr., SC Associate Justices Arturo D. Brion and Conchita Carpio-Morales for the position of Chief Justice subject to their ratification of the nominat ion or later consent thereof; with Verified Petition- Letter to (1) CONSIDER the case at bar/pleading/Letter, an administr ative matter and cause it to be appropriately DOCKETED, and (2) to DIRECT the Clerk of Court to immediately SERVE copies of the Resolution on (a) the Office of the President, (b) the Office of the Solicitor General, (c) JBC, and To All Whom it May C oncern. Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr., 123 Dahlia, Alido, Malolos, 3000 Bulacan, Philippines, Petitioner-Applicant, A. M. No. ________________________ X------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------X Verified Application and Nomination With Urgent Administrative Omnibus Motion to Docket the Case at Bar as Administrative Matter (under the Jurisprudence of A.M. No. 98-5-01-SC November 9, 1998 - In Re Hon. Placido B. Vallarta, et al .) Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno, JBC Chairman, Justice Secretary Agnes Devanadera, Sen. Chiz Escudero, Rep. Matias Defensor, Dean Amado Dimayuga Jr., Atty. J. Conrado Castro, and retired CA justice Aurora Santiago-Lagman, and Atty. Maria Luisa D. Villarama, ex-officio JBC Secretary and the JBC Secretariat, and Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno and The Members, En Banc, Supreme Court, Manila Your Honors, Undersigned petitioner-applicant-movant, Judge Florentino V. Floro, by HIMSELF and for HIMSELF, as litigant / movant-petitioner- applicant in the case at bar, AND WITH LEAVE OF THIS HONORABLE COURT-Judicial and Bar Council, most respectfully avers that: 1. He recei ved no tices by newspap er, of the JBC opening/acceptance of nominations and applications (not later than

Transcript of Verified Chief Justice Application

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Republic of the Philippines,SUPREME COURT, En Banc and JUDICIAL and BAR COUNCIL,


In Re: JBC opening/acceptance of nominations and applications (not later than

February 4, 2010) for the position of next Chief Justice (dated January 20, 2010);Letter from the Asia Pacific Bar Association (headed by Rafael Lucila) calling onthe Council to initiate the constitutional process of  “filling in the vacancy in the

 position of the Chief Justice;” Verified Application for  Chief Justice by JudgeFlorentino V. Floro, Jr.; Nomination by Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. of Atty.Henry R. Villarica, Atty. Gregorio M. Batiller, Jr., SC Associate Justices ArturoD. Brion and Conchita Carpio-Morales for the position of Chief Justice subject totheir ratification of the nomination or later consent thereof; with Verified Petition-Letter  to (1) CONSIDER the case at bar/pleading/Letter, an administrative matter and cause it to be appropriately DOCKETED, and (2) to DIRECT the Clerk of Courtto immediately SERVE copies of the Resolution on (a) the Office of the President,

(b) the Office of the Solicitor General, (c) JBC, and To All Whom it May Concern.

Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr.,123 Dahlia, Alido, Malolos, 3000 Bulacan, Philippines,


A. M. No. ________________________ 


Verified Application and NominationWith Urgent Administrative Omnibus Motion to Docket the Case atBar as Administrative Matter (under the Jurisprudence of A.M. No.

98-5-01-SC November 9, 1998 - In Re Hon. Placido B. Vallarta, et al .)

Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno, JBC Chairman,Justice Secretary Agnes Devanadera, Sen. Chiz Escudero, Rep. MatiasDefensor, Dean Amado Dimayuga Jr., Atty. J. Conrado Castro, andretired CA justice Aurora Santiago-Lagman, andAtty. Maria Luisa D. Villarama, ex-officio JBC Secretary and the JBC

Secretariat, and

Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno andThe Members, En Banc, Supreme Court, Manila

Your Honors,

Undersigned petitioner-applicant-movant, Judge Florentino V.

Floro, by HIMSELF and for HIMSELF, as litigant / movant-petitioner-applicant in the case at bar, AND WITH LEAVE OF THIS HONORABLE

COURT-Judicial and Bar Council, most respectfully avers that:

1. He received notices by newspaper, of the JBCopening/acceptance of nominations and applications (not later than


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February 4, 2010) for the position of next Chief Justice (dated January20, 2010).1

2. The papers published that a Letter (from the Asia Pacific Bar Association, headed by Rafael Lucila) calling on the Council to initiatethe constitutional process of “filling in the vacancy in the position of theChief Justice;” was received by the OCJ (Vide footnote No. 1).

3. He is hereby applying for the post of Chief Justice, on thecondition that the JBC will submit his name as one of the list of thenominees only to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, that is, not tothe next Prime Minister or President, as the case may be; henominates Atty. Henry R. Villarica, Atty. Gregorio M. Batiller, Jr., SCAssociate Justices Arturo D. Brion and Conchita Carpio-Morales for 

the position of Chief Justice subject to their ratification of the nominationor later consent thereof, on the condition that the JBC will submittheir names only to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, that is, notto the next Prime Minister or President, as the case may be.

4. Accordingly, he prays to the Court to (1) CONSIDER the caseat bar/pleading/Letter, an administrative matter  and cause it to beappropriately DOCKETED, and (2) to DIRECT the Clerk of Court to

1 01/18/2010 JBC

opens nomination for next chief justiceThe Philippines’ Judicial and Bar Council (JBC) has “unanimously" agreed to start nominations for thereplacement of the country’s outgoing Chief Justice Reynato Puno. The JBC, tasked by the 1987Constitution to submit nominees for vacant judicial posts, will seek experts’ opinions whether it waslegal to find a replacement for Puno.This has prompted Malacañang to reiterate what it has said allalong: That President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo can appoint the replacement of Puno despiteconflicting Constitutional provisions regarding the matter. The announcement, which was made byCabinet Secretary Silvestre Bello III, cited JBC’s decision to open nominations for Puno’sreplacement. JBC opens nominations for next chief justiceThe JBC, through its ex-officio secretary and Clerk of Court, lawyer Ma. Luisa Villarama, said thecouncil will be accepting applications and recommendations not later than February 4, 2010. Thecouncil will also accept sworn complaints, written reports or opposition against any candidates notlater than February 1, 2010. The Judicial Bar and Council on Wednesday announced the opening for application or recommendation for the position of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, which will bevacated by Chief Justice Reynato Puno when he retires on May 17.

“If the JBC chaired by the Chief Justice will start processing, then that impliedly recognizes theauthority of the President to appoint," Bello said. “We are being sustained by the JBC which is abranch of the Supreme Court." Section 15, Article VII of the Philippine Constitution – which prohibitsthe incumbent from appointing anyone to any executive position two months before a presidentialelection – does not apply in Puno’s case, Arroyo’s allies claim.

Instead, Section 4(1), Article 8 – which mandates that a Supreme Court vacancy should be filledwithin 90 days once the position remains vacant – is the provision that should be considered. Bello

recognized that conflicting Constitutional provisions covering Puno’s replacement need to bereconciled.

But at the same time, he said that “the [better] interpretation that would give life and prevent hiatusshould be given the better interpretation." The post of Chief Justice should not be allowed to stayunoccupied, especially since the Chief Magistrate chairs the Presidential Electoral Tribunal, whichhears poll protests involving the president and the vice-president. The JBC should be allowed to fulfillits mandate “without politicizing it by throwing wrong perceptions, intentions, and motivations," Belloadded.


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immediately SERVE copies of the Resolution on (a) the Office of thePresident, (b) the Office of the Solicitor General, (c) JBC, and To AllWhom it May Concern.

Grounds and Extraordinary Merits of Judge Floro’s Application for the post of Chief Justice

5. The following evidence is submitted in support of his applicationand nominations, thusly:

i) Judge Floro is a Visionary and Prophet. He has accuratelypredicted in his “Angel of Death” 1996 and other editions, morethan 800 dire prophecies with impeccability. Since 2008, he hadbeen bestowed more than 21 visions and apparitions of Mary

and the Eucharist with vivid images and unequivocal messagesduly filed with this Court of last resort.2

ii) Judge Floro accurately predicted in writing the downfall of Erap(Annex D) and surgery of Davide, Jr. and lung cancer death of Diego Gutierrez (Annexes D and 3), the verbal and writtenpredictions of the SC appointment of Justices Corona (AnnexA), De Leon, Jr. Capio-Morales (Annex B), Callejo, Sr., Teresitade Castro (in Wikipedia), Brion (Annexes C, C-a and C-2), delCastillo (by phone to Atty. Gregorio M. Batiller, Jr.), Chief JusticePuno’s appointment against Quisumbing and Miriam Defensor-Santiago, by 3 hours card reading with Marilyn Puno Santiago,SC Conference hall.3

iii) Judge Floro predicted the September 23-24, 2009 dire tragedies- (ROPE) Rod Nazario, Ondoy, Pepeng and Global MillenniumEarthquakes, World Record Extra-judicial Killings of 30

 journalists in Ampatuan Massacre – when the Court expungedfrom the Records his Motions to Enthrone the Eucharist and

Mary in the 5 mystic fires courts he predicted (Annexes 1, 1-1and 2), including the enthronement of Minita Viray Chico-Narario(Annexes AA, BB, CC and DD).


3 [A.M. No. 2006-24-SC. November 14,


MATEO Nov 14 2006


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iv) Judge Floro holds the Ateneo Law School 1975-1985 unbrokenrecord (not duplicated by 10 Ateneo Valedictorians, of 91% incriminal law review under Dean Antonio L. Gregorio, the No. 1terror professor Ateneo ever had); he placed 12th in the 1983Philippine Bar Examination, with a very high bar rating of 87.55%in one of the hardest examination in Philippine history (only21.3% passed; 65% of both Ateneo and University of thePhilippines College of Law students failed because of thetaxation bar subject). This rating ties with that of SC JusticeAntonio T. Carpio.

v) Judge Floro became immortal in world history on April 7, 2006.4

“ [g]reat cases like hard cases make bad law. ”   -  Northern Securities Co.

v. United States, 193 US 197 (1904),[307](Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., dissenting)

“ The 'establishment of religion' clause of the First Amendment 

means at least this: Neither can force nor influence a person to go to

or to remain away from church against his will or force him to profess

a belief or disbelief in any religion. No person can be punished for 

entertaining or professing religious beliefs or disbeliefs, for church

attendance or non-attendance. ” 

- Everson v. Board of Education, 330 U.S. 1 (1947) Hugo Black 

Extraordinary Circumstances of Judge Floro’s Nominations for thepost of Chief Justice

vi) He nominates Atty. Henry R. Villarica, Atty. Gregorio M.

Batiller, Jr., SC Associate Justices Arturo D. Brion andConchita Carpio-Morales for the position of Chief Justicesubject to their ratification of the nomination or later consentthereof, on the condition that the JBC will submit their names only to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, that is,not to the next Prime Minister or President, as the case maybe.

Gender – First Woman Chief Justice ? Kelan pa?

vii) SOLOMONIC SOLUTION - It is weird and quirky for 2 women-Presidents to have miserably failed to pick and appoint a FirstWoman Chief Justice. Now it is the time: PGMA must andshould appoint Carpio-Morales (born June 19, 1941). 2 birds


%3Aofficial&hs=3JE&q=judge+florentino+floro&btnG=Maghanap&meta=&aq=f&oq=Resultang 1 - 10 sa halos 184,000 para sa judge florentino floro . (0.09 segundo)


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one stone: if she does this, she will be able to ease the destinybitter battle between Capio and Corona, since she would retireon June 19, 2011. This is a long shot view, but horse racingdoes have this daily, and the judicial turf would use this to avoidthe legal comedy of errors. PGMA could have appointed MiriamDefensor-Santiago had Marilyn Puno Santiago not consultedthe dwarves which were ridiculed by Minita Viray Chico-Nazarioon February 10, 2006 per Regino C. Hermosisma, Jr. Sheapproached this old man, during a dinner, unmindful of the direOMEN.

viii) Atty. Gregorio M. Batiller, Jr., as counsel of record of JudgeFloro, was Valedictorian of the Ateneo and was No. 1 in the Bar exams. He met this freak lawyer with John Syquia (son of owner 

of Comtrust Bank), when Judge Floro entered Ateneo LawSchool for the 1st class day at the toilet. Days later, John Syquiawas crashed by the train and died a week later.

ix) Atty. Gregorio M. Batiller, by phone, told Judge Floro (whopleaded months before the appointment of Justice Mar delCastillo, whom Judge Floro met in 1999 PJA conference, for anaudience with Mar, but Batiller, Jr. said:) “Ano kailangan mong tulong, negosyo?” Judge Floro said: “Mar will be appointed … I need to talk to him!” Atty. Batiller, said “He is not even one of thetop 5 in the list!” Judge Floro clarified that he was not asking for 

 job, work, trabajo, occupation, business and negosyo.

“I decided to endure my sufferings, since I was punished by theSupreme Court Justices, for consulting dwarves!” – Judge Floro

x) Atty. Henry R. Villarica was the lawyer of Judge Floro in 1975and his bar rating of 92.35% in 1972 where Speaker Nograleswas 2nd, was higher than Ferdinand Marcos’ reduced by the

Court 92.25% from 99%. Atty. Villarica got so angry with JudgeFloro due to the registered mail letter-curse sent about 1998,and allegedly, his child was operated. Villarica is the buddy-buddy close friend of Judge Floro’s mortal enemy brother JesieV. Floro, gold prince of traders. Villarica’s wife is using P 600million for the Bulacan congress race amid Villarica’s 318pawnshops. Jesie Floro is the ninong of Villarica’s daughter Hailey last May grand nuptial.

xi)SC Justice Brion - In the Bar Exams of 1975, Brion made Ateneode Manila history by topping the bar exam when no Ateneanlanded in the top 10 (according to 40 years, our librarian, Mr.Jun. Orense). His wife "Tonette" belongs to Ateneo College of Law (Buendia at that time) Class '82. From 1978 to 1982, Ipersonally sat beside her in class. On 2002, Tonette called mefor spiritual healing. I first met "Art" at Pandacan, their small


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house (they built a retirement mansion in Laguna, 2003-4).When I was healing Tonette (fibrosis), and when I conducted thefirst Spanish card reading with her, and when Art fed me with"pansit canton", Art told me that if he is not appointed S.C.Justice at the age of 63, he will give up. (Dr. Jane Gaston, MAB,St. Luke's, endocrinologist, is his doctor, and also of Renato C.Corona). I told him to apply for S.C. Justice, to leave theproblematic USEC of Labor office, but Art made a mistake of double application (S.C. and CA). Art, at that time had manyoppositions in his JBC application. He failed in his first attempt.Before I left his house, I told him that he will be a candidatefor Chief Justice. I received so many text messages fromTonette in my 7 years battle and sufferings due to longestsuspension. When Art was appointed CA Justice, I had been

there in his chambers for more than 5 times. But the last meetingwas pathetic. I left Art's dim chambers, after I did card readingwith Tonette and she went to Canada due to this. After thisFATE, on April 7, 2006, I was separated and is now JOBLESS ina pretend world. Last week Tonette mysteriously opened our communication (after I returned their/Art's last Christmas card,2006). In Ym (Yahoo! Messenger) she admitted me as a friend. Iand Art/Tonette made history awaiting the 2010+ destiny of the23rd Chief Justice. ---Florentino floro (talk) 07:07, 17 March 2008(UTC) :::: Quoted are parts of my diary and written prophecy dulyinserted in some filed 2006 Court pleadings - TO REPEAT

 –"RELEVANT ANTECEDENTS  - 9 years ago [during anafternoon at Pandacan, Manila, about 2001, before our November, 2002 20 years Anniversary of Ateneo Law School Class 1982, my classmate TONETTE BRION (1982, ATENEO,wife of then USEC. ARTURO BRION , under DFA SEC. BLAS OPLE; and formerly, USEC, labor), approached me regarding her FIBROSIS, for a healing session at their Pandacan (564-9977), Manila residence. She also asked me to do a Spanish

 psychic card reading session

; at that time USEC. BRION could not be appointed CA Justice

, despite the influence of his closest friend, Renato C. CORONA (their closest family friend who regularly visited their 2 children, now professionals at CANADA). TONETTE BRION texted me almost daily, and asked me to help her husband be appointed via PSYCHIC PHENOMENA, and I texted her that he would be appointed IN TIME, and had a fighting chance to reach the High TRIBUNAL.… "Kung hindi pa ako ma-appoint ng 63, mag-re-resign na ako," 

Brion told me. "Your problem is double application, just apply with the SC and you will be appointed later ... you could possibly be considered for the 2010 post of Chief Justice ...," I told Brion.Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. told me that Brion was campaigning for my reinstatement starting with Caloy de Leon, the most 

 powerful PGMA relative, re Judiciary appointment. Hermosisima,Jr. told me that it was a fatal error for Brion to have openly 


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discussed the matter of helping me with my mortal enemy and chief architect of my 69 months suspension, Atty. Teresita Cruz-Sison, cursed and punished by LUIS, Armand and Angel.

xii) Pansit - This is all about the Filipino delicacy, Brion and Tonettefed me when I predicted the fate. Hence, Noboby, Nobody not JUAN - can prevent or rob me of this moment, when I am back here to file this destiny pleading as I told Brion that 2001afternoon as I ate his Pancit that He would be considered or bea candidate for Chief Justice ... meaning therefore, that I, aProphet, Visionary and Legal Luminary ... now decide ... tonominate him ... just to fulfill my Prophecy:  He will not be aChief Justice but everything already came to pass as I pleased.

 At the MANILA POLO CLUB, our class tendered him a dinner.

CA Justice BRION , privately conferred with incoming YMCACHAIR J. REGINO C. HERMOSISIMA, JR. at Singapore. J.BRION promised me that since CORONA is very LEGALISTIC, all he can request, is that my case beRESOLVED, since at that time, 2003, my case had beensubmitted for judgment on April, 2001 (  Annex C  ).

The Law – Bernas, Sandoval-Gutierrez, Austria-Martinez,

Panganiban, the columnists, journalists and broadcasters have no

business in telling to the Court via media blitz what the Law is!

6. Judge Floro per his 91% criminal law Ateneo record, is a legalluminary of higher caliber than all these sophisticated legal hypocrites.

“Not even Chief Justice Davide, can hold the candle that you … and still you are proud of horses, predictions, healing … I told you to choose …be a judge or a priest …!” Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr.” (Annex A)

In Re Vallarta is about Corona and Judge Floro’s prophecy that heand not Vallarta would be Ateneo Law School Class 1982’s FirstRTC Judge.

7. Before CA Justice Portia Hormachuelos, Hermosisima, Jr. saidthat Nazario was his Sandiganbayan Clerk of Court (when Judge Florowas fighting for Nazario). Hermosisima gazed at Judge Floro’s JBC andSC Pleading for Nazario (Annexes AA and BB), tersely saying that:“You do not understand Vallarta … President Ramos wanted Corona tobe SC Justice …!”  Judge Floro replied: “You never understand the

 prophecy, I and not Placido Vallarta will the 1st  Judge of our Class 82!” 5 


A.M. No. 98-5-01-SC November 9, 1998 - In Re Appointments dated March 30, 1998 of Hon.Mateo A. Valenzuela and Hon. Placido B. Vallarta as Judges of the Regional Trial Court of Branch62, Bago City and of Branch 24, Cabananatuan City, respectively. NARVASA, C.J.:


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8. The Balance of Power or Equilibrium in its Corridors stays mainlyin the plain as the rain in Spain. I told Marilyn Puno Santiago that theChief Justice post is CURSED, and history teaches many examples likethe dire pains of CJ Yap and CJ Fernan, inter alia. Bakit gustong-gustomo maging Chief Justice, I told Marilyn. They don’t care even if thecreeping imprecation upon the persona of Chief Justices since 1901stays, FOREVER!

The Supreme Court is less interested in the issue of Chief JusticeAppointment than columnists, law Deans and retired Justices …

The question presented for resolution in the administrative matter at bar is whether, during the periodof the ban on appointments imposed by Section 15, Article VII of the, Constitution, the President isnonetheless required to fill vacancies in the judiciary, in view of Sections 4(1) and 9 of Article VIII. Acorollary question is whether he can make appointments to the judiciary during the period of the ban

in the interest of public service.

Referred to the Court En Banc by the Chief Justice are the appointments signed by His Excellencythe President under date of March 30, 1998 of Hon. Mateo A. Valenzuela and Hon. Placido B.Vallarta as Judges of the Regional Trial Court of Branch 62, Bago City and of Branch 24, CabanatuanCity, respectively. The appointments were received at the Chief Justice's chambers on May 12, 1998.The referral was made in view of the serious constitutional issue concerning said appointmentsarising from the pertinent antecedents.

On April 6, 1998 the Chief Justice received an official communication from the Executive Secretarytransmitting the appointments of eight (8) Associate Justices of the Court of Appeals all of which hadbeen duly signed on March 11, 1998 by His Excellency the President.

In view of the fact that all the appointments had been sign on March 11, 1998 — the day immediatelybefore the commencement of the ban on appointments imposed by Section 15, Article VII of theConstitution — who impliedly but no less clearly indicated that the President's Office did not agreewith the hypothesis that appointments to the Judiciary were not covered by said ban, the Chief Justice resolved to defer consideration of nominations for the vacancy in the Supreme Court createdby the retirement of Associate Justice Ricardo J. Francisco, specially considering that the Court hadscheduled sessions in Baquio City in April, 1998, that the legislature's representatives to the JBCwere occupied with the forthcoming elections, and that a member of the Council was going on a tripout of the country.

On May 4, 1998, the Chief Justice received a letter from the President, addressed to the JBC,requesting transmission of the "list of final nominees" for the vacancy "no later than Wednesday, May6, 1998" in view of the duty imposed on him by the Constitution "to fill up the vacancy ** within ninety(90) days from February 13, 1998, the date the present vacancy occurred.

This circumstance, and the referral of the constitutional question to the Court in virtue of theResolution of May 8, 1998, supra operate to raise a justiciable issue before the Court, an issue of sufficient importance to warrant consideration and adjudication on the merits.

Accordingly, the Court Resolved to (1) CONSIDER the case at bar an administrative matter andcause it to be appropriately docketed: (2) to DIRECT the Clerk of Court to immediately serve copiesof this Resolution on (a) the Office of the President, (b) the Office of the Solicitor General. (c) Hon.Mateo A. Valenzuela, and (d) Hon. Placido B. Vallarta (at their addresses recorded in the Judicial andBar Council); and (3) to REQUIRE the Office of the President, the Office of the Solicitor General, Hon.Mateo A. Valenzuela, and Hon. Placido B. Vallarta to file their comments on this Resolution withinfifteen (15) days from notice thereof.

In view of the foregoing considerations, the Court Resolved to DECLARE VOID the appointmentssigned by His Excellency the President under date of March 30, 1998 of Hon. Mateo A. Valenzuelaand Hon. Placido B. Vallarta as Judges of the Regional Trial Court of Branch 62, Bago City and of Branch 24, Cabanatuan City, respectively and to order them, forthwith on being served with notice of this decision, to forthwith CEASE AND DESIST from discharging the office of Judge of the Courts towhich they were respectively appointed on March 30, 1998. This without prejudice to their beingconsidered anew by the Judicial and Bar Council for re-nomination to the same positons. IT IS SOORDERED.


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CJ Panganiban repeatedly sowed legal fear and did falselyprophesy horror movies and scenarios against PGMA on electionday – Noel, Noproc, etc. Columnists and journalists raked moneysby legal writing, pretending that they are better than LegalLuminary, Filipino Martyr, Saint Judge Floro, who speaks the law.

Bernas could not be outwitted, for even without a wig, he is readyto collapse (after he did 2 a.m. during the FPJ Oral Argument).Bernas is out of his legal mind – he must rest for Mentis Pax .

Comedy of Legal Errors

Itong si Sandoval at Austria-Martinez naman, gustong

sabunutan si PGMA. It is time for the Supreme Court to order pleadings to be written in Filipino as it mandated for Bulacan Courtstenographers to do Pinoy stenos, Oh my God!6

Davide, Jr., Romero, Bellosillo, Melo, Puno, Vitug, Kapunan, Mendoza Panganiban, Quisumbing,Purisima and Pardo, JJ., concur. Mendoza, J., is on leave.


With Due Respect Jolting assault on JBCBy Artemio V. Panganiban Philippine Daily Inquirer 08/02/2009

AS A RETIRED chief justice and ex-officio chairman of the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC), Iresolutely protest Malacañang’s assault on the JBC’s integrity and independence. The JBC gauntlettook the form of a jolting letter, signed by Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita, returning without anylegal justification the council’s list of nominees from which the President is mandated to fill up the twovacancies in the Supreme Court.

Selection of justices. Under the Constitution, “the Members of the Supreme Court and judges of thelower courts shall be appointed by the President from a list of at least three nominees prepared by theJudicial and Bar Council for every vacancy .… Any vacancy shall be filled within 90 days from theoccurrence thereof.” Political Tidbits SC balance of power By Belinda Olivares-Cunanan Philippine Daily Inquirer 02/02/2010

This Thursday, Feb. 4, is the deadline for submission to the Judicial and Bar Council of letters fromparties interested in the post of chief justice of the Supreme Court. Two senior justices, AntonioCarpio and his cousin, Conchita Carpio-Morales, have indicated their interest, but said they would notaccept an appointment from President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Another justice, Renato Corona,who’s number two in terms of seniority, has remained silent as the controversy rages over whether or not the President should appoint a new CJ in her remaining 45 days in office. Corona is being smart,unlike the two Carpios who are already assuming that either one of them would be picked followingan opposition victory. Quite presumptuous and arrogant, opine some lawyers.* * *

In case the unexpected happens and Arroyo doesn’t appoint a new CJ, one can assume that Carpiowould be a shoo-in in case Sen. Noynoy Aquino wins, given that Carpio’s and Noynoy’s patron,

former Sen. Franklin Drilon, even dared recommend to Chief Justice Reynato Puno that the Courtstop the JBC from processing the selection. That prompted Puno to retort that the Court “can only actwhenever there is a proper case.” But if Sen. Manny Villar, who is breathing down Noynoy’s neck inthe surveys, wins the presidency, it can be safely assumed that Carpio won’t get the post.

Court insiders say the recent en banc session that saw the elevation of deputy court administrator Midas Marquez to the post of court administrator was an indication of the balance of power there.Midas was elected by 13 justices, with the two Carpios delivering the only negative votes. AssumingArroyo does appoint Corona, her former chief of staff, some insiders opine that a challenge to its


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Lecture of Judge Floro upon all these retired jurists, wannabees,and journalists, false legal prophets and legal traders:

9. First, when Justice Nazario approached Hermosisima, Jr. duringa dinner, about Judge Floro’s separation and back pay, not war pay, shewas already armed with the 76 pages draft decision penned by her PSAtty. Bibing Timbangkaya, daughter of No. 6 Bar placer Atty. VickyTimbangkaya, the partner of  Poor Rene AV Saguisag, counsel of Judge Floro in the case. Nazario forgot the law, and thought thatdecision-making is copy paste and then, tama na. But Poor Nazario,she instead used the dwarves as escape goat for ouster of Judge Floro,since according to Geno Ginintuan, a male Justice and ConsueloYnares-Santiago who lost his husband Tito and one kidney per JudgeFloro’s prophecy, asked if they would be RESBAK by the duendes,

LUIS, Armand-Angel, if Floro is removed. Ano ba talaga ang BATAS?


Status of the judicial power before Marbury and after MarburyMarbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137 (1803) is a landmark

case in United States law. It formed the basis for the exercise of judicialreview in the United States under Article III of the Constitution.

This case resulted from a petition to the Supreme Court by William

Marbury, who had been appointed by President John Adams as Justiceof the Peace in the District of Columbia but whose commission was notsubsequently delivered. Marbury petitioned the Supreme Court to force

legality could yield a near-unanimous vote in favor of Corona, as the two dissenting Carpios wouldhave to inhibit themselves. opposes Arroyo appointment of next chief justice Bernas warning on judiciary hitJanuary 23, 2010

Former Justice Raul Gonzalez chided Father Joaquin Bernas for warning that the Supreme Courtrisked undermining itself if it deliberated on whether Arroyo may appoint the next chief justice. Bernaswarned that justices would "fight among themselves'' to the point of undermining the high court'scredibility if it tackled the issue of whether Arroyo could appoint the next chief justice.

Bernas has taken the view that the administration should defer the appointment of the next chief  justice to whoever wins the May 10 presidential election in view of the constitutional prohibition. If thenew President assumes office on June 30, he has until August 17 to name a new chief justice, or 90days after Puno vacates his post, Bernas said. Gonzalez said it was "highly speculative'' for Bernas tosay that the high tribunal would issue an "advisory opinion'' before an appointment is made.

"Tell Bernas to go to the Supreme Court and become a justice. Nothing is ripe for judicial

determination yet,'' he said. "If the President appoints somebody, then it's a different story. That willbe a justiciable issue.'' Besides, he added: "When they deliberate, they express themselves inwhatever manner... That's why there are dissenting opinions.''

Cabinet Secretary Silvestre Bello III, for his part, dispelled Bernas' warning of wrangling among justices especially if the JBC submits a list of at least three justices for the position of Chief Justice."We should not forget that the JBC is headed by no less than the Chief Justice. So that if they submita list of nominees to the President, that's an implied recognition of the power and authority of thePresident to appoint the replacement of the retiring Chief Justice,'' he said over dzRB.


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Secretary of State James Madison to deliver the documents, but thecourt, with John Marshall as Chief Justice, denied Marbury's petition,holding that the part of the statute upon which he based his claim, theJudiciary Act of 1789, was unconstitutional.

Marbury v. Madison was the first time the Supreme Courtdeclared something "unconstitutional," and established the concept of 

 judicial review in the U.S. (the idea that courts may oversee and nullifythe actions of another branch of government). The landmark decisionhelped define the "checks and balances" of the American form of government.

The concept was also laid out by Alexander Hamilton in FederalistNo. 78:

“ If it be said that the legislative body are themselves the constitutional judges of their own powers, and that the construction they put upon them is conclusive upon the other departments, it may be answered, that this cannot be the natural presumption, where it isnot to be collected from any particular provisions in the Constitution. It is not otherwise to besupposed, that the Constitution could intend to enable the representatives of the people tosubstitute their will to that of their constituents. It is far more rational to suppose, that thecourts were designed to be an intermediate body between the people and the legislature, inorder, among other things, to keep the latter within the limits assigned to their authority. Theinterpretation of the laws is the proper and peculiar province of the courts. A constitution is,in fact, and must be regarded by the judges, as a fundamental law. It, therefore, belongs to

them to ascertain its meaning, as well as the meaning of any particular act proceeding fromthe legislative body. If there should happen to be an irreconcilable variance between thetwo, that which has the superior obligation and validity ought, of course, to be preferred; or,in other words, the Constitution ought to be preferred to the statute, the intention of the

 people to the intention of their agents. ” 

Vide also: "Mechem, Public Office and Officers" (Annex CC and DD).

What is/are the business/es of Panganiban, Olivares-Cunanan,Bernas, Sandoval-Gutierrez and Austria-Martinez in submitting to

newspapers for the Court, their wrong opinions, wise or otherwise?

11. They are not amici curiae, yet. They are not applicants, likeJudge Floro who must submit Argument and valid reasons for theapplication and his nominations. Instead of wasting the time of theCourt, these old guys should rather go to the races, malls and swimmingpools to cool their heads against PGMA, Thumbelina of …They are too excited, legally blonde. Bakit hindi sila mag-nominate?

  13. Akala nila napakatalino nila. What can you expect from havingsold newspapers, Bible and walking from Sampaloc to FEU. Judge Florospent his Ateneo days 9 am to 12 midnights studying and not working.Judge Floro is a master of law. Judge Floro never commits legalmistakes.


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14. Who tells and define the law? Not the CA, not the secondaryauthority, not the JBC, not the RTC, not the Law Authors, not even theDOJ. Only the Supreme Court, by virtue of its Marbury Judicial Reviewunder the Marcos-Cory Constitution, on its exclusive original jurisdictionon Certiorari, etc. Vallarta included In Re or administrative matter, andJudge Floro cites it as precedent, stare decisis.

Tip, not Dividen Dazo racing program:

15. Judge Floro had been in horse races since 1972, Atty. Banelknows that. The problem with tips is, when Judge Floro, from 1978-1982recited before Atty. Berenguer, etc. he held Dividendazo racingprograms while his classmates would tremble in Perez, Gregorio andGeronimo classes. Judge Floro would seldom bring books and notes or 

codigos. So, many classmates were angry why Judge Floro could havedone such feats or faith.

16. So, TIP: Panganiban and Bernas forgot that in political law, asProf. Exequiel Javier said – the 3 branches of the government are co-equal, amid the checks and balances. Kaya nga si Miriam Santiagothreatened the Court of slash in the budget …

17. PGMA has the right to appoint and once appointed, the newChief Justice, under Mechem’s teachings, remains even without oath.But the Supreme Court can issue a TRO or later strike down PGMA’sactions, being co-equal. But for now, since the JBC is under the samesection of the SC in the Constitution, and since the Chief Justice,Primus Inter Pares, presided over the JBC and began the nominationand constitutional process, then, this January 20, 2010 circumstance,and ongoing submissions of nominations, operate to raise a

 justiciable issue before the Court, an issue of sufficient importanceto warrant consideration and adjudication on the merits, in linewith Vallarta.

Factions in the court prove only the health of the judicialdepartment and its judicial independence from PGMA. After appointment, the Justices scramble to fulfill their destinies and toabide by their ambitions.

18. Sino ba naman ang mauulaw sa kapangyarihan? Even Puno,dared to consult the dwarves per Marilyn just to become CJ. Sino banaman maniniwalang hindi alam at hindi utos ni CJ Puno na mag-

conduct si Judge Floro ng 3 hours Spanish card reading sa SCConference hall amid 5 security guards and Marilyn even invited staffsto do it. [The gift of prophecy, as St. Matthew wrote, is bestowed freely,and must be granted without anything in return]. If only the rule wereotherwise, Judge Floro would even sit in the CA … for now.


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19. Ano ba ang batas? Ito ba ay ang sinasabi ni Carpio Morales atAntonio Carpio at Marcelo, by DISCARTE na magsubmit sila ngconditional acceptance of nomination? When Judge Floro went 7 inchesoff Morales’ Lucas Carpio house, her sister was not there, and that sister met Judge Floro in her reception room: Matalino at magaling daw siJudge Floro, sabi ni Mrs. Claudio. So, siding with Tony Carpio might notwork. Look what happened to Claudio Teehankee, as ingrate, he wasnever appointed by Marcos but by Tita Cory who died of colon cancer like Doy of blood cancer.

Ano ba talaga ang limitasyon ng Power to Appoint? Balik tayo kayMechem (Annexes CC and DD)

20. Simple lang. The power to appoint by the President has no limits

except those provided in the fundamental law. Ano? During vacancy, or after elections of May 2010? Ano sila, sinuswerte? Gusto kasi ni HarryRoque, magFOIL ng madaming Plunder soots. Itong mga oposisyonnaman gigil na gigil na kay PGMA.

PGMA prophecy: Basahin nila ito:

Florentino and the three dwarves Saturday, September 02, 2006

Florentino says he predicted Joseph "Erap" Estrada's presidential downfall and prayed that present incumbent Gloria Macapagal 

 Arroyo would survive her endless political battles. Looking ahead,he reckons Arroyo's power will end soon and the nation will suffer as a result.

Kahit sino ang maging President, Wag lang si NoyNoy! Mark my

word, they will regret it!

21. Once the case reaches the S.C. and I want to be the first inthis SAGA, the Court will vote, and the result is “THE” law. In US cases,there are lots of 5-4 or bad laws. But law pa rin iyon. In the case of theEricta Scandal, the SC Justices of Marcos displayed their childishfactions. Silip – then sumbong, this Amuerfina Melencio-Herrera got thevotes to oust Ericta, so they all resigned and Marcos did appoint.

Greed, anger, hatred, vendetta and ambition – Destiny andProphecy

  22. Erap never imagined that his very own appointees would jailhim. When I predicted De Leon, Jr.’s appointment per request of Hermosisima, Jr. this De Leon, Jr. who laughed (at me in 1996 atDulcinea, Greenbelt chance meet, when I said, “See you in the


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Supreme Court!”) - ridiculed Erap in Channel 2 News, he did bite his lastMcDo Burger and for 12 hours, I was there gazing how he suffered anddied. Bingo! PGMA does not hold the necks of Justices, when ambitionsare there roaming around like the elfs.

23. Nobody can predict except the Prophet Judge Floro, how thedivided votes of SC Justices would be cast in the final hour of Carpio,Corona, and Brion, inter alia. Not even PGMA could predict if she wouldappoint the Chief Justice. With bated breath let us take a break withthis sabunutan Comedy of Errors:

Legal comedy by Sandoval and Martinez: Rule of Law or Farce?

Atty. Pol San Juan (who worked for 8 years with the 2nd former 

Ponente J. Alicia Austria-Martinez, in the case of Judge Floro) informedthe Judge that she recited the Holy Rosary daily, and prayed for hoursbefore she would pen a very hard decision. 3 times, on 3 Sundays, for 3hours, Judge Floro physically touched and HEALED the body of theKing Maker (August, 1999, his home) Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. andlectured to him for more than 60 times in 60 long hours since 1999 untilFebruary 10, 2006, when the Truth was buried. Ano bang Rule of Lawang pinag-pupuputak nitong 2 old women na eto!

“FLASHBACK ---The appointments of DE LEON, JR. & CORONA

On Nov. 9, 1998, the JBC & C.J. NARVASA legally quarreled (“Inre: VALENZUELA & VALLARTA”, 298 SCRA 413-19), since Pres.FVR wanted to appoint RENATO CORONA as S.C. Justice (grooming him to be the youngest CHIEF JUSTICE later on), C.J. NARVASAstrongly objected (since CORONA was then so young). When my written PREDICTION (cause of my July 20, 1999 suspension)displayed on my sala at Malabon, on Dec. 9, 1998 7 , that ERAP WILL

not finish his term, came to pass on Jan. 20, 2001), Justice REGINOC. HERMOSISIMA, JR. told me that:

“ If you can predict that CORONA would be appointed by PGMA,he might be the successor of your PONENTE, J. BERNARDO PARDO, hence, your reinstatement, since we worked hard for him.”  Due to my   impeccable PROPHECY  for JusticeHERMOSISIMA,JR., that, a very dark/young horse, my ATENEO

 professor, SABINO DE LEON,JR.8  would be appointed S.C. JUSTICE,J. HERMOSISIMA, JR. encouraged me to PREDICT the appointment 

7 Photobucket,http://i226.pho

[A.M. No. 98-5-01-SC. November 9, 1998] In Re Appointments dated March 30, 1998 of Hon. Mateo A.

Valenzuela and Hon. Placido B. Vallarta as Judges of the Regional Trial Court of Branch 62, Bago City and

of Branch 24, Cabanatuan City, respectively.8 Death of Justice De Leon, Jr.


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of CORONA, for 2 reasons: a) at that time, there was VERY STRONG public opposition (led by ATTY. SAGUISAG, calling Justice CORONAin the papers …), and b) Justice CORONA was well-ahead of  Justice

 ANTONIO T. CARPIO (who was appointed on October 22, 2001 – Oct.26, 2019, being groomed by PGMA as the favorite horse future CHIEF JUSTICE); CORONA should have been appointed before CARPIO,recalling the cited VALLARTA case.

When my flawless PREDICTION became TRUTH  for  CORONA, J. AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ 9 (the NINANG  of the mastermind  of my suspension,   ATTY. TERESITA CRUZ-SISON , JBC 3-TERMER member), became the PONENTE . Justice Hermosisima, Jr. repeatedly encouraged me to reconcile with her. I did, but she was so cunning,and her lust for vengeance became so wild that it ….I talked to her somany times; she is as gentle as a doll. I remember HER ….



But God was so kind to me, that TRUTH revealed itself in many ways:

Jenny (private secretary, wife of Michael Austria, adopted son of Justice Alice)

 Atty. Pol San Juan ---  A young lawyer came to my house at Malolos, oneday. He asked for xerox of our dissolved family corporation’s TIN. Atty.Pol San Juan worked (for 8 years as confidential CA attorney/staff of CAJustice MARTINEZ). He told me about the fairy tale story of love,affection, prayer, discipline ….  the good Justice from Cainta had ---adopted ---  Michael and Bryan. Michael is married to Ma. Evangeline“Jenny” B. Austria. They have two children, Marianne Nicole and VinceMatthew. Bryan is still single. It was February that I was told by an OCADstaff (who is now abroad, whom I healed at Angat) that they arranged for a month my 2 push carts ROLLO, to have been delivered to the 2 nd 

Ponente, J. Austria Martinez, for her to have penned the Decision. I 

therefore called and texted Atty. Pol San Juan, and told him to ask Jenny that the good Justice should grant me an audience. But Atty. Pol SanJuan texted me that – MY CASE HAD BEEN UNLOADED …to…

“c. morales” ---- 0917-5163143

She prayed the Rosary daily, and would pray for hours before she would  pen a controversial decision. I dropped by the good Justice’s office, and I met Jenny, her daughter-in-law (Evangeline). I asked her to help me … toask her mother to decide my case … and she asked me to conduct card 

reading but I said that it would be improper … I conducted spiritual healing with my oil upon 3 court personnel thereat … Atty. Pol told methat for 8 years, he observed that J. ALICE barely missed the …” 

9 Wikipedia, Justice Austria Martinez


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Legal experts divided10

In a joint statement, Angelina Sandoval-Gutierrez and Ma. Alicia Austria-Martinez, retired associate justices from the Supreme Court,said the constitutional ban on the incumbent president to makeappointments 60 days before a national election is “clear and unambiguous" and does not need any more interpretation. “Even as wehave retired from the SC, we simply cannot sit idly and witness theobviously illegal attempt to appoint a new chief justice during theconstitutional ban on appointments," they said.

Jumping the gun on President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, 12 senators led by principal author Francis Pangilinan Tuesday filed a

resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that Malacañang should not make midnight appointments in the judiciary as mandated by theConstitution. Senate Resolution No. 1550 states that Ms Arroyo is not authorized to name the new Chief Justice from March 20 until she stepsdown on June 30. Two retired Supreme Court justices took the same


In a statement, titled “Defending the Last Bastion of Democracy,”  Angelina Sandoval Gutierrez and Ma. Alicia Austria-Martinez urged Ms Arroyo to respect the Constitution and leave it to the next President toappoint Chief Justice Reynato Puno’s replacement. Gutierrez and 

 Austria-Martinez said that should the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC)submit a short list of nominees, it would constitute “direct complicity inthe desecration of the fundamental law.” 

But Justice Secretary Agnes Devanadera and Quezon City Rep.Matias Defensor, allies of Ms Arroyo who sit on the JBC, believe that theconstitutional prohibition on midnight appointments does not cover appointments to the post of the Chief Justice.

Resignation – Alzheimer’s

On September, 2008, Austria-Martinez, citing health reasons, filed aletter to the Supreme Court of the Philippines thru Reynato Puno,tendering her resignation effective April 30, 2009, or 15 months beforeher compulsory retirement on December 19, 2010. In the October 1Judicial and Bar Council's en banc deliberations, Reynato Puno ruled:“The court merely noted it. We don’t have to approve it... it is her right.”During the JBC hearing, a JBC member said "Austria-Martinez had

wanted to retire earlier because of health reasons. We were told shehad health problems even when she was in the CA.”   Retired Chief  


  justices-say-no-to-Arroyo-naming-CJ 12 senators, ex-justices say no to Arroyo naming CJ02/03/2010


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Justice of the Philippines Artemio Panganiban stated: "I am saddenedthat Justice Ma. Alicia Austria-Martinez has opted to retire early from theSupreme Court due to 'health reasons.' She is not bedridden. Neither isshe physically or mentally incapacitated, but she has chosen to retire onApril 30, 2009 because she felt she could no longer cope with the heavycaseload." The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines provides that:"Section 11, Article VIII. The Members of the Supreme Court xxx shallhold office during good behavior until they reach the age of seventyyears or become incapacitated to discharge the duties of their office."

25. The problem with these 2 old and retired lady Justices, theyforgot, that they are no longer in power, and should rather visit their oncologists, internists and cardiologists, lest they suffer prolonged direillnesses. The WISE JUDGE FLORO FORGIVES BUT NEVER

FORGETS WHAT THESE 2 JURISTS DID WHEN THEY SIGNED HISDISMISSAL DUE TO DWARVES. Judge Oscar Herrera, Jr. in front of CTA Justice Cesar Casanova at Br. 80, RTC, Malolos, Bulacan on 2004,told Judge Floro that Austria-Martinez was afflicted with Reagan’sdreaded disease. Sandoval Gutierrez, on the other hand was then (asconfided by Atty. Pol San Juan to Judge Floro) the Queen whileConsuelo Ynares-Santiago was the Princess of CA POISON LETTERS.Sandoval lost her husband too due to cancer while she was later operated gall bladder February 2006, thanks to the dwarves’ prophecy.

26. The Ampatuan massacre is the only one in world history whichteaches us that there is only one sin that cannot be forgiven in heaven,presumption of the Holy Spirit or burying the truth. Journalists,columnists and false prophets, who volunteer comedy of errors legalopinions in this case, must be afraid of Judge Floro’s legal ponenciaherein submitted. They are creating a grim scenario, due to fear andhatred-vendetta against PGMA. E, kung hindi kay Nazario-PGMA,hanggang ngayon nasa kangkungan back-burner pa ang kaso ni JudgeFloro.

27. The Court has the right to disregard any and all unsolicited legalopinions on the hot issue. E, itong IBP etc. kahit sila mag-lulupasay sakarsada, hindi nila mapipigil ang kapangyarihan ng Presidente, whichcan only be checked by the Supreme Court. Tanong ko lang, do theyhave the right numbers.

28. I am not for or against appointment of Carpio, Corona etc. Myonly business here, is to fulfill what I did prophecy to Brion at Pandacan,Manila. This is my role and nobody can rob me of this right, Nobody,nobody not even Juan!

29. I have no illusion that I could even be nominated, but I did filethis, so that what I told Brion when he fed me with pancit, would befulfilled and now he is there. I repeat: “I decided to endure my 


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sufferings, since I was punished by the Supreme Court Justices,for consulting dwarves!” – Judge Floro

  Transcendental Importance of the Chief Justice 2010position: Because of the 150th anniversary of Our Lady of Lourdes’ Apparition and the 1917-18 3 secrets of Our Lady of Fatima which hadbeen repeatedly reiterated in more than 100 Global Apparitions of Mary as Queen of Heaven, the New Chief Justice is obliged to leadthe nation, before the Cardinal and Papal Nuncio, to consecrate theentire nation, judiciary and government, to Mary and the Eucharist –the Images of Our Lady of Fatima-Lourdes, the Blue Madonna, asMediatrix of Graces and co-Salvatrix who would crush the 666,serpent, and the Holy Eucharist with the Luminous Cross should beenthroned in the 5 mystic fires Courts – Supreme Court session hall,

Malabon RTC, Comelec, Court of Appeals’ 4th Floor and theParanaque MTC ::: the Act of Consecration must be approved inHeaven – amid the atheists’ and Born-Again contempt of MarianImages.

30. It was the condition given by Judge Floro to Marilyn PunoSantiago, that Mary as Queen of Heaven would reign in the SupremeCourt, when the former agreed to her request to pray that her brother Reynato S. Puno would be Chief Justice contra Quisumbing andMiriam Defensor-Santiago. But until now, she has not fulfilled JudgeFloro’s plea of Consecration.

Challenge to Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr. to prove that thefollowing Visions and Apparitions of-to Judge Floro are false,figment of imagination and/or farce:

Copy pasted hereunder are the Diary of the Travels, Visions andApparitions of-to Judge Floro – these were submitted to Fr.Constancio S. Gan, C.M. 3 days before the death of Dulce

Saguisag, and few months before Rod Nazarios’ Fate onSeptember 23-4, 2009 amid the Ondoy, Pepeng andEarthquakes/E-j killings of 30 journalists:

“November 30 I bought 5 big live fishes, fried them with oil in my magic 

handkerchief. Thereafter, I saw many feces in toilet bowl, flushed themand a pink fish appears.

December 2 I was awakened when LUIS jerked-touched my feet.

December 3In LUIS' "Enchanted" Airport Flying School, I was awed by his

amazing fleet of private planes the shining blue plane and the tall silver  plane sign.


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December 5 Midnight LUIS bestowed his brightest exploded reddish white light 

upon me as gift-power. A dwarf guided me at my back to dig with my right hand the soil.

December 6 My mother Milagros+ bought 1 of 5 smallest, most expensive bird 

in the world, "Maya" and one pet dog from LUIS kingdom.

December 7 I circled the church praying the rosary. I saw the most serene vast 

very low tide ocean several soil visible. At my left 250 feet below is bluewaters of hotel's swimming pool.

December 9LUIS, Armand & Angel repeatedly did play "Ikot-ikot" circles-run

on my head-hair as I felt the magnetic itchy pulling while I woke up. Thistouching happened almost daily since 1992.

December 11LUIS gave me a SUERTE - pure luck - I was holding 2 pure gold 

metals, 200 gms. each, one is very soft due to purity. I wore a ring witha non-precious gem as my deceased father Florentino, Sr. said, it is not diamond.

December 13

When I woke up, with closed eyes, LUIS showed me for -1minute, his glimmering-fiery-yellowish-no-size-no-space-timeless-no-matter-pure-light rocket-space-UFO ship. I advised a future priest to behumble and good at St. Vincent's Seminary.

Minutes before midnight, meters before Lugam, Malolos, Bulacanintersection, a young man inside a tricycle was seriously injured when asingle motorcycle crashed unto the tricycle minutes before I passed.

December 15 My deceased mother and father Milagros-Florentino, Sr. appeared 

to me.

December 16 

2 females re-discounted my 6,000 check with 3,000 cash + 4 pink-red-brown small Japanese moneys as I sat-traveled beside my deceased father, Florentino, Sr. up the mountain. In darkness, I rodeLUIS' tame horse with the reins disappearing yet it gently stopped. InLUIS' green "Enchanted" kingdom, I saw his edible and non-ediblemushrooms, the latter in the shells, both of which he uses to play. Asmall dwarf climbed the tree to gather fruits and mushrooms.


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December 2110:40 pm minutes before I arrived home at Alido, Malolos, Bulacan

gate, 2 motorcycles collided seriously injuring riders, at the same 2 spots where I rode jeepneys daily. This is the 2009 7th accident whichwaited minutes before I went home as Angel of Death. I witnessed the2nd male anguishing in pain while his 3 children were crying.I saw a estero or muddy water canal. I shouted 2 times when 3 and 1

men tried to enter our Calvario house. White lights flashed before I slept. 7 a.m. LUIS, Armand and Angel whistled high pitch sounds to my left then right ear, then, bombardment of sounds repeat for a minute. InJerusalem,"The Holy Family" appeared to me at the altar where theMass chalice with wines moke-steam. I was awed by LUIS' amazing multi-colored high-tech super planes with robots and dwarves at his

small airport.

December 24I was 1 inch levitated near Duhat tree, Calvario, Meycauayan,

Bulacan where LUIS, Armand and Angel appeared to Robert Floro onJune 2, 1983, the 3 dwarves on top of my head. I exclaimed: I amshielded, no weapon or bullet can injure my immortality. My father's1949 green Chevrolet suffered front left flat tire amid my asthma attack as I was counting 2 bundles of moneys. The Medusa Snare: Adam John Miller: Adam released 3 records under his own name: The Swedish Decapitation Scene (2005), FlorentinoFloro (2006) and The Dolphin Hotel (2007).

December 25 Before break of dawn, LUIS flashed his brilliant lights since he has

found joy in me.

December 27 Mid-awake I heard LUIS' bombardment of sounds including high

 pitch ones.

December 29

Early morning, awake, I was almost blinded by most brilliant yellow lights twice, hence I opened my eyes. Moments later, LUIS droveme in his obelisk shaped UFO-space-rocket ship hearing his voice while

I viewed vast bright not dark ocean in a wink of an eye. Then, I viewed the immense blue universe sky, so bright amid the superlative-super fast/er than light speed of the UFO, horizontally, then it ascended vertically almost hitting the wires and metals but so smooth.. I thenclung to the metals as the UFO disappeared and I saw many stairs and I levitated down LUIS' "Enchanted, United Kingdom" just to see many dwarves. I then saw my mother Milagros+ serving me mongo soup.


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LUIS brought me to the cute house of his dwarf friend where Angel served me two 1 1/2 inches roasted-fried dwarf chicken and like-a-horsedish and I levitated, flew so high amid the darkest nights without anything I could see, hence I went down.

December 30 10:00 pm At BPI crossing Malolos, I saw media and SOCO

investigating the carnapping-shootout involving 4 vehicles, an hour ago,a man shot dead. Two vehicles collided.

January 1 2010 I saw a mare giving birth, asking for veterinary help.

January 3In LUIS' darkest night, I saw his majestic white horse marching 

down the wooden steps amid sparkling deepest blue sea.January 4

2 big beings got me; I began my long escape running jumping inmany beautiful places. January 5 awake already but eyes closed 9:00 a.m., I clearly saw blocks with a red X-men warrior displaying his agility,fighting techniques. Riding a vehicle at super highway, another car would hit us, as I stepped down at a curve. I descended long stairs, rodea yellow jeep to Contreras but I was about to go to cursed Ateneo Law School, in LUIS' "Enchanted" kingdom.January 7 

I Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. greets LUIS, the happiest birthday.In his kingdom's San Lazaro race track horses were ready to run the big race. In the dark, I saw 2 eyes of holy image of Virgin Mary with the right showing pinkish-yellow-brown eye lids and brows emitting mystic lightsand I hurriedly raised my palms to get the lights as I exclaimed inecstasy: "Hesus, Hesus, Hesus!" Armand had shown me his glowing brown irregular square bonito, dwarf hat prefatory to his January 31birthday.Deceased Poor Claire nuns asked me to send a note to my aunt Sor 

Martha del Sagrario Floro+ but I already did.January 8 

In LUIS' birthday celebration, I saw a beautiful Osaka, Japan Queendwarf presented on stage as I stare 1 foot off the face of an alien-likefemale dwarf.January 9

I saw a black and white silhouette of the Virgin Mary's image-face.

January 11

I made a giant leap from LUIS' road up to have climbed-levitated vertically his hill.January 13

I traveled to LUIS' Baguio, Majayjay, Laguna, was standing onroad-mountain as a "TAYAIN" jeepney passed by. Descending school stairs w/ young females, a most beautiful teen dwarf squeezed near meas I levitated softly down the bottom of the stair.


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January 14Last night, 9:30 p.m., a "Karatig" jeep smashed, seriously injured a

man riding single motorcycle, at Capitolyo, Malolos City Highway, 1/2 hour before I passed the scene of the crime.January 15 

Back in time, I had been present again at St. Vincent's Seminary,Karuhatan, Valenzuela, Bulacan.

January 18 Again, back in time, for hours, I was in study hall & basketball field 

of St. Vincent's Seminary, Karuhatan, Valenzuela.

January 19

9:00 a.m. awake but with eyes closed, I used LUIS' "lente" and "salamin" (magic eyeglass), to consolidate his 7th plane with our earth'slow plane-dimension. Riding LUIS' car, I did tour-view his many green-yellow ways to many so clean rooms. I gazed at 3-4 yellow robotic street fighters X-men playing games with other dwarves.

My mother Milagros+ was frying for me thigh and leg part of achicken.

January 21I did travel-passed by LUIS' kingdom - a not so good restaurant 

and finally a good one with lengua and good foods.

January 24-35 Robert and Joselito informed me of the Malhacan, Meycauayan,

Bulacan NLEX November 2009 tragic accident of Michael David, son of Necemio David. A truck hit a jeep which smashed a tricycle and Michael David and 2 others while they were about to ride the vehicle

January 28 1:50 a.m. very bright VIOLET flash; I met Teodora Lim Floro+ as we

discussed near school children; very high up the skies, I saw LUIS' 2 spaceships interconnecting, descended and connected with tall mother white rocket ship-UFO, glided nearly touched me; my brother Benny bathed in the river; the sun turned silhouette black eclipsed rising upand down, in fear, I kissed my rosary; a truck was thown near fencebeside me; due to the eclipsed blackened sun, a "Balagtas" big market and nearby buildings were burning; my mother Milagros+ told me to

drive our 1949 Chevrolet car, was pushed to start, and I drove on and back since the fire would not reach us.

February 2 9:40 pm As I passed the Baliuag National Road, I faced 2 car and 

single motorcycle accidents, where 2 persons were seriously injured.” 


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  A final word. Judge Floro submits a stern warning upon any andall who contradicted and would unlawfully change PGMA’s destiny asprophesied by Judge Floro in The Standard before Sam Chambers,2006, re 2001 prediction on PGMA.

Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo survived her political battles and is inpain. Look what happened to her tormentors FPJ and Cory Aquino, andto Erap, etc. Newspaper pundits could not explain this, and stated thatGloria was lucky. Erap is finished in political history since his neighbor Bernardo P. Pardo confirmed Flerida Ruth Romero’s suspension of Judge Floro on July 20, 1999.

She is not. She is the only President who works 24/7, second onlyto Ferdinand E. Marcos.

She is guided by spirit guides, in the same manner, that JudgeFloro is … Rene AV Saguisag told Atty. Gregorio M. Batiller, Jr. and the

latter by phone, said that Saguisag was interested in applying for theChief Justice Post. Benipayo and Nazario would live their lives, and theywill never ever forget Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr. 

Rod Nazario, the former business manager of Manny Pacquiao,and widely recognized as the man who gave the current pound-for-

 pound king his break on US soil, passed away at the age of 74 onThursday morning at the Perpetual Help Hospital in Las Pinas, MetroManila. Nazario, who became involved in the fight game during the timeof Tanny Campo in the 1950s, had been diagnosed with lung cancer last year. Nazario even celebrated his birthday last Sept. 12 and over the weekend, Pacquiao dropped by the hospital and wished him well.Pacquiao was under the tutelage of Nazario from 1995 until 2005 and it was in June 2001 when Pacquiao made his American debut after Nazario negotiated that he be given the chance to fight underneath anOscar De La Hoya headliner at the MGM Grand. Nazario was at ringside when Pacquiao knocked out Ricky Hatton last May in LasVegas. Fightnews would like to express its condolences to the family of Nazario.

August 4, 2006 and August 28-29, 2006 - Judge Floro was not allowedto enter the house of Justice Nazario at 9 pm, and she instructed her lawyer, PS, not to entertain Judge Floro, respectively.

In pages 357/399 of the 404 Pages First Book of Judge Floro, 2006,ISBN 9789716916195 "World-famous Mystic Armand, LUIS and Angel,

the Three Dwarves MEET THE JUDGE, Psychic and Healing Martyr or Filipino Justice," LUIS, the King of kings of elementals ordered JudgeFloro to write the Prophecy:

"FINAL WORD OF JUDGE FLORO TO JUSTICE MINITA VIRAY CHICO-NAZARIO” - Cursed 75 pages decision of Justice MinitaViray Chico-Nazario (Annex XXX)


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On March 12, 2004, when hope was lost for Justice Nazario, only LUIS through Judge Floro, PUBLICLY, CONSTITUTIONALLY and by SPIRITUAL weapon, fought to enthrone MINITA, as God destined her tobe the 15th Supreme Court Justice who would be the instrument toclean the corrupt judiciary and to PEN the landmark Decision whichshould have championed Justice. But she instead buried the truthawaiting its burial in her tomb. The 2 pages which MARKED her destiny is reproduced hereunder as LIVING proof that LUIS did prophesy her 


Nazario's husband Rod, age 74, former Manny Pacquiao manager, passed away on September 24, 2009 after having undergone by-passoperation in 2006 and underwent chemo-therapy for his lung cancer, a

day before typhoon Ondoy devastated the Philippines.


President Arroyo has the co-equal right and duty to act inaccordance with her own mandate, as Head of State. The SupremeCourt, and not newspaper columnists or even lawyers andJustices, is the sole institution which has co-equal right and dutyto check and balance her act or appointment, if any, by saying withfinality, what the law is. The NUMBERS of Supreme Court Justicewould finally determine the fate of the new Chief Justice and theFaith of the Filipino nation. Only a revolution, whether extra-legalor legal can change that course of legal tide. Judge Floro ferventlyprays that our New Chief Justice would lead the nation in theenthronement and consecration (re: Mary and the Eucharist)above-discussed. Amen+


PREMISES CONSIDERED, it is respectfully prayed to thisHonorable Court,to (1) CONSIDER the case at bar/pleading/Letter, an administrativematter and cause it to be appropriately DOCKETED, and (2) to DIRECTthe Clerk of Court to immediately SERVE copies of the Resolution on (a)the Office of the President, (b) the Office of the Solicitor General, (c)

JBC, and To All Whom it May Concern.

It is further prayed to the Court and JBC, that the instant applicationand nominations by undersigned be given due course, considered andGRANTED, in view of the extraordinary circumstances above-submitted.

Other reliefs and remedies, just and equitable under thecircumstances are likewise prayed for.


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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I signed this pleading, application,nomination – motion, this  4th day, of February, 2010, at Malolos City,3000 Bulacan, Philippines for Manila, Metro Manila.


Petitioner-Applicant-Movant,123 Dahlia, Alido, Malolos, 3000 BULACAN, Tel /# (044) 662-82-03;

[I.D. Number: RTCJ-317 / EDP Number: 38676300; ROLL OF ATTORNEY’S NO.32800, Pg. No. 60, Book No. XIV].



I, Judge Florentino V. Floro, Jr., movant, petitioner, under oath, depose/say, that:I am the applicant-movant-petitioner in these cases. I caused the preparation, signed and

read the instant pleading, and all the contents/allegations thereof are true and correct of my ownpersonal knowledge or based on authentic records.

I CERTIFY that on February 4, 2010, I personally served copies of this pleading with allannexes in these cases entitled “In Re:  JBC opening/acceptance of nominations andapplications” by personal service upon the following – OCAD, Supreme Court, Manila,JBC, Supreme Court, Manila,Supreme Court Associate Justices, proved by the rubber stamp receipts/their signatures hereunder on the original copy hereof, inaccordance with Rule 13, Rules of Court.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, on this 4th day of February, 2010, here atMalolos City, Bulacan, affiant exhibited to me his CTC NO. CC12005 # 21783592, issued at Malolos,Bulacan, on 2-27, 2007.

DOC. NO. _____, PAGE NO. ____,BOOK NO. ____, SERIES OF 2010. 


Until Jan. 31, 2010,PTR NO. 1496043, 1- 4,’10,Atty.’s Roll No. 33633,

IBP OR # 774491, 1-4,’10Malolos, Bulacan,

MCLE-2 # 0011645,Pasig City, 8-27, 2008.

COPY FURNISHED-SERVED:(By Personal Service):


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OCAD, and PIO, Supreme Court, Manila,

JBC Members, Secretariat, Secretary, Supreme Court, Manila,

Supreme Court Associate Justices, Manila.

“Not even Chief Justice Davide, can hold the candle that you … and still you are proud of horses, predictions,healing … I told you to choose … be a judge or a priest …!” Regino C. Hermosisima, Jr.” (Annex A)