Vents Magazine 12th isssue



Brand new and last of the year issue from Vents. Featuring more than 10 bands from different genres and more!

Transcript of Vents Magazine 12th isssue


Rafael Jóvine



Logo creator

Syrika Rutherford

Cover Designer

Kevin Sloan

Designer (Intro

and Top Bands)

Hello everyone!

From here we hope that each of you are well!

Welcome to a new edition of Vents Magazine. Though we started a little late by several drawbacks, the

And then to start I would highlight and mention that we have our site on the internet. Top of this page o

have noticed: we have more interviews, reviews, and more sections which we will be filling updating oft

and other new bands, as for now we will be updating the site daily or weekly, depending on the section.

So wait no further and check out the bands and what we have in this month for you a lot of things.

Enjoy it!


Cody Blevins


Melissa Hurry

Uk Writer and

Show reviewer

John Colson

Uk Writer &


Jon Ramirez



new music does not stop.

r you are now on that site. For in this site as you may already

en. That is, you no longer have to wait months for interviews





Silent Planet



What's the meaning behind the band's name?

Silent Planet is the first book of a sci-fi/ theology trilogy by the late C.S. Lewis. In short, earth (also Tellus) has

been corrupted thus making it the Silent Planet. This novel has been especially influential on Jason throughout his


How the band begin??

Nick and Jay prayed, and God was faithful. Also God works through Craigslist =)

What's the message to transmit with your music??

That creation is dying but there is hope. There is a God who is love and we are a testament to that. God's shown

his love to us through Jesus, and we want our living and dying to serve God and subsequently, humanity.

What's your method at the time of writing a song??

Can there be a method to madness?

Which is your musical influences??

Shoot. We are all over the map. Everyone brings different aspects to the table, which probably keeps us fresh and

diverse to some extent.

With screamo vocals that remind us to bands such as The Devil Wears Prada; Silent Planet is a band that

would get you up and mosh or follow every awesome breakdown or guitar riffs without be able to stop head

banging. Songs like “Eucharist”, it’s a proof of the talent and awesomeness of this band. So listen to their

message, get your fist to the air and enjoy.

What plans do you guys have for the future??

To tour, live uncomfortably, love kids, live in community, seek the face of God.

Which has been the funniest prank you guys have been or took part while on tour or after a show??

Jason's younger brother stormed a pit in a gorilla suit, that was pretty fantastic.

Our friend Brian came to a show in a twinkle suit but got knocked out by a kid who was dancing during our first

song. Moral of the story: only health foods survive the pit.

If you guys were stranded in the middle of nowhere after a show or while on tour. The help is 65 miles away

from where you guys are: Who would you guys send to look for help?

Jason: because he fixes everything.

And if while the rest wait, there's no food and the only way to feed yourself is by eating each other: Who

would you eat first?

Jay would probably get hungry and eat all of us. Jay can eat inhuman (and human) amounts of food.

Which country you guys would love to play?

I know Jay has buddies in Australia. For Today played on the Mount of Olives in the Israel, that sounds amazing.

Garrett would love to play in Haiti.

With which bands you guys would love to share stage??

If we play with August Burns Red, Garrett has to get quite a few portraits on some secretive place of his body, so

watch out for that.

Are you guys OK, with the direction the band is going actually?

If it glorifies God, then absolutely.

Check out more from Silent Planet by going to:


Imagine a peaceful walk through a grove of oranges, the sun streaming through tall trees brimming with

ripe fruit, while the citrus smell dances through the air. Now imagine the soundtrack to your walk, and I

can bet the aptly titled Orange Grove could fit the bill. With nimble acoustic guitar work and reggae-lite

rhythms bouncing between blissful tenor vocals, and life affirming lyrics. While most of this would seems

like posing and sugary pap, in the right hands it turns it turns into a soundtrack for special moments, and

happy feelings, without feeling empty after it’s over.

Where the band's name came from?

When we first started, about ten years ago, nearly all the members in the band came from Sint Maarten, like myself.

We wanted a name that represented the island in some we started calling out names local dishes, street

names, districts etc. In the end we all thought Orange Grove, which is a small area on the island, had the nicest

ring to it. Plus we didn't want a name that said too much about what style of music one could expect to hear from

us..and Orange Grove was quite neutral in that sense.

How the band started??

Back in 2000, close friend Jacob Streefkerk and I decided it was time to form a band. I had just discovered I could

sing and Jacob was getting quite good at guitar. Both of us were studying Marketing Management at the time and

actually had no interest really in the study. Neither of us really knew what we wanted to pursue as careers ..until

we wrote our first original song (hurtin) together! Today Jacob plays in another band, Intwine, but we still are best

friends and work closely together on the music and the two bands join forces every now and then to write a song

or do a show together.

What's the message to transmit with your music??

Relax. Take it easy. Be positive. Enjoy life and respect it. remember..'When you're crying for what you don't got,

some are dying for what you do' (a lyric from our song Cryin)


Orange Grove

What's your method at the time of writing a song??

Depends. Sometimes it starts with a guitar lick..sometimes a bass line..sometimes a lyric and melody. After we have decided

that there is indeed an OG song to be made from whatever new idea somebody in the band has come up with...we then work

towards creating that song.

Which is your music influences??

Personally I was inspired a lot by artists such as Bob Marley, Sublime, Wyclef Jean, Steel Pulse (and the whole roots reggae

ska scene from the 60's/70's..but also bands like Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Weezer, The Roots, Nathalie Imbruglia etc etc..there

must be many more who have influenced my song-writing I'm sure. I could really go on and of my favorite songs

ever because it makes me feel so happy every single time I hear it, Pressure Drop by Toots and the Maytals... Can it get any

simpler than that? Lovely track!! Great energy! One day I'd like to write a song that does what that song does.

What plans do you have for the future??

BIG ones! haha. well we are set out now on promoting the Fingerprint album to the USA and other parts of the world.

We just started to get it onto college radio and so far so good. We are trying to get our act over to America and one

of the goals right now is to put together a serious US tour in 2011. At the end of this year we'll be releasing an acoustic

EP and in the second half of next year we'll be releasing our third full-length studio album.

Which has been the funniest prank you have been or took part while on tour or after a show??

Just the other day we had a photo shoot on this big beach and I got the photographer to step in a huge dead jelly-fish that

was washed up on shore. He was barefoot and got the shock of his life! Another time when we were in Atlanta I snuck into

the bassist's room while he was going for ice..when he opened the door I rushed at him from inside and should

have seen that. He tried to punch me but as he was punching he recognised who I was and stopped himself just in time (lucky

for me..the guy practices mma too)

If you were stranded in the middle of nowhere after a show or while on tour. The help is 100 miles away from where

you are, ¿Who would you send to look for help? And if while the rest wait, there's no food and the only way to feed

yourself is by eating each other, ¿Who would you eat first?

Ok we'd all have to agree that our bassist would be eaten first as he is the plumpest. The fastest one with the best stamina

should go for help..I'd vote for myself and I'd ask for a piece of Quincell's blubber to bring along for the needed energy. I'd

also try and get the band to agree that before completely eating one of us we should try eating small parts off each other

first. So a little blubber off the butt-cheeks and bellies, a toe here and there, nipples..body parts we wouldn't necessarily need

to keep rockin it when we got back home!

Which country you guys would love to play?

We'd love to do a serious tour through the States! Right now there is nowhere else we'd rather play.

With which bands you guys would love to share stage??

SOJA, John Butler Trio, G-Love and the Special Sauce, Slightly Stoopid, Michael Franti and Spearhead, Ben Harpe..

Are you OK, with the direction the band is going actually?

We are based in a country where the style of music we play is not nearly as present as it is in the US or many other parts of

the world. None of us are Dutch really and this might have to do with the fact we do not make 'dutch' music. However, we

are here and it is not easy to just leave and set up shop somewhere where the record industry has an understanding of what

this is about. At the same time, we have been able to stand out and gather quite a strong following ..not only in Holland but

all over the world actually. I am happy with what we have accomplished as an unsigned band and at the same time I am

nowhere close to being satisfied. The direction we are going in..yeah..I'm pretty ok with it! Still there is lots of work to be

done of course. I can't complain though...we've had a great journey so far!

Check out more from Orange Grove by going to:

Human Anyway



By their own admission Missouri quintet Human Anyway, are a band that play by gods design and make

music that is entertaining and fun. However, this doesn’t mean they do not take their faith or music seriously,

from the contemplative and churning “Prodigal” that asks, “why do I do the things that I do,” to the decid-

edly rocking “Humble Me” bringing up comparisons to Chevelle and Three Days Grace. So in the message

and delivery these guys mean business, and are not afraid to spread a message, it’s up to you if you want to


What's the meaning behind the band's name?

The band's name came from the idea that everyone is human and will make mistakes. Too many times people

think you have to be perfect, but this life is about learning from those mistakes and learning that we can do nothing

to make ourselves right before God. God made that possible through His son Jesus (Rom. 3:23-25)

How the band started??

Jeremy and Chris along with two of their friends wanted to start a band after previously being in the band Seventh

Reason. They were looking for a lead singer and Chris posted that on his MySpace account. Zac, who had met

Chris through a mutual friend, answered the posting. The guys selected Zac as their lead singer and after a few

months of practicing, two of the band members made the decision to move out of state for job opportunities. So,

Matt, who had been joking with the guys to call him if they ever needed a drummer, got a call and joined the band.

After about another year and a half of looking for a guitar player that would be the right fit with the band, Jeremy

met John when they were both watching the events of a grease fire in their apartment complex.

What's the message to transmit with your music??

We try to remind people that this life is a learning experience. We aren't perfect and will experience a lot

of highs and lows in life.

What's your method at the time of writing a song??

Each song is born in a different way. Some have been started from the warm-up session just goofing around. Oth-

ers will be brought into practice almost finished and ready to add additional parts. We've tried a specific method,

but it hasn't ever worked well. Each song is unique and how it is written is unique as well.

What are your musical influences??

We are really influenced by all types of music. Each of the guys has a different type of music that he really likes,

so all of that is reflected in some way in our music. Bands like Switchfoot, Skillet, and Kutless are probably are

more genre-specific influences.

What plans do you guys have for the future??

We are ready to go wherever God takes us. We would love to tour the world and play for a massive crowd, but

we are also content just playing for a few hundred people. We have been given a great message to share through

our music, so we will share it. We do have plans for a second album in 2011, so be watching for that.

Which has been the funniest prank you guys have been or took part while on tour or after a show??

We haven't really pranked each other after a show. We are all hustling around to tear down our stuff so we usually

just sit and relax or rock out to another band that is playing, but one of the most memorable times was our first

show we ever played and having to vamp after the first two songs because our guitar player's strings broke. You

get creative when everyone is just staring at you waiting for you to do something.

If you guys were stranded in the middle of nowhere after a show or while on tour. The help is 65 miles away

from where you guys are, Who would you guys send to look for help?

Zac, he is probably the most physically fit out of the group.

Which country you guys would love to play?

We've got a lot of fans up in Canada, so we'd love to make it up there. And, then a European tour would be pretty


With which bands you guys would love to share stage??

Skillet, Switchfoot, Lifehouse, Building 429, Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, Flyleaf, Decyfer Down, and

Zac would like to do a duet with Kelly Clarkson.

Are you guys OK, with the direction the band is going actually?

It has been a rollercoaster ride of fun so far, so we can't wait to see where this road takes us. We have amazing

support from our friends and family, so we are ready to conquer whatever God brings our way.

Check out more from Human Anyway by going to:

The Archumedian Point



The Archimedian Point are keen on coalescing genres like atoms smashing. It’s a shift from mid-90’s crunch complete

with a less murky take on Janes Addiction like riffs and vocals, or even a sonically more interesting Hoobastank.

They don’t stay on this for long, as they infuse a little bit of political fury, on “Radio Sawa.” It starts with a looped

radio speech on terrorism, with an intricate arpeggio riff, that spirals into a chugging cacophony that wouldn’t sound

out of place on a System of a down record, and back into a jangly Pearl Jam refrain. This name dropping doesn’t

mean a thing really, The Archimedian Point is at once wholly recognizable, and at times completely without category,

it’s like a melting pot with a lot of familiar ingredients, that somehow just works.

Where the band's name came from?

The archimedian point is a quote from the philosopher/ mathemetician/ genius Archimedes.

He famously stated: "gIvE mE a PoInT oN wHiCh tO sTaNd, AnD i WiLL mOvE tHe EaRtH"

We appropriated the quote for our band's name because we feel it sums up our artistic goal appropriately.

How the band started??

The band started in 2008 when, during a routine band meeting,our four peice band dissolved suddenly. we still

had studio time booked and so I (jeremy) asked Daren to come in and at least do the drum tracks. During the

recording we realized that we worked much better together than any of the full bands we had played with so we

decided to go ahead and reform just as a duo.

What's your method at the time of writing a song??

I try and let the lyrics set the mood and craft the music around the content of the message. That being said, we

also will jam out a tasty hook and then add lyrics later... that is one of the greatest things about our chosen art

form, the raw excitment that you dont know where your inspiration will manifest.

Which is your music influences??

Musically we are influenced by any one that does it their own way. we are children of the nineties alternative era

and it is pretty evident that we like to think outside the box, occasionally setting the box on fire. We are influenced

by those that hit it big with their own style such as Nirvana and System of a Down but we also truly aprreciate

artists such as Jawbox and State Radio that will plug away their whole career doing what they love the way they

want to do it. We also have much love for other duos: Local H, white stripes, The Black Keys, the Terrible Air-

plane... there are more of us than you might think

What plans do you have for the future??

Right now we are playing constantly, and writing, writing, writing. we are label shopping for a wider release of

our debut, "genre specific", and a wide release for our new album entitled " a present progressive?" due out next


Which has been the funniest prank you have been or took part while on tour or after a show??

Haha interesting question. sadly, we must bore you with our answer. We our mainly about our musical message

and have not set out as merry pranksters on the road to goose the cities we visit. However, we find that mother na-

ture and life itself enjoys making fools of everyone at one time or another...

If you were stranded in the middle of nowhere after a show or while on tour. The help is 100 miles away

from where you are, ¿Who would you send to look for help? And if while the rest wait, there's no food and

The only way to feed yourself is by eating each other, ¿Who would you eat first?

being a duo we would most certainly be in BIG trouble. Best to just break out the instruments and rock as a beacon

to bring the help to us. If we can't catch attention to save ourselves, what kind of statement are we making? In-

teresting philosophical metaphor you have uncovered here.... well done Vents!

Which country you guys would love to play?

The Dominican republic of course!

With which bands you guys would love to share stage??

We love to play with any one pushing the barriers and thinking for themselves. Some of our heroes like State

Radio and Local H would of course be amazing, but as long as you are saying something genuine and not trying

to glaze your music over for the sake of the money we would be honored to share a stage with you.

Are you OK, with the direction the band is going actually?

Things are good! thank you for asking.

Check out more from The Archimedian point by going to:


A musician like singer-songwriter like Conil is hard to find in this day and age, overtly obsessive, with days of recording

that would seemingly never be interrupted if it weren’t for visitors from famous friends and musicians. This dedication

shows in his music, ragged and worn lullabies played with the finesse and precision of an earthbound angel, wandering

through life and recalling the human condition in song. Equal parts David Gray and Tom Waits, his music is cathartic as

it is stunning, the antithesis to the normally glossed over production of current musicians of similar style. This music should

not be passed over, but don’t listen in a rushed manner, a busy intersection, a screaming party, this is more for a glass of

wine on a crisp autumn night, or a summer evening with a slight glissade of heat covering the face and body as the words

and melodies melt into your skin.

Where the band's name meaning came from?

My name is Conil which means Hare in Catalan (the language spoken around the Barcelona area of North East

Spain) and Provencal (an archaic language from the south of France).

How the band started??

I started writing when I picked up an electric guitar for the first time aged 16.

What's the message to transmit with your music??

‘I got jazz in my vein and the blues even comes out of my asshole’ from my song Round Midnight – a tribute to

the jazz greats.

What's your method at the time of writing a song??

Switch off the thoughts and focus completely on getting the music out from inside you.

Which is your music influences??

John Coltrane, David Bowie, Ali Farka Toure.

What plans do you have for the future??

To go around the world and record more instruments that I find on the way.



Which has been the funniest prank you have been or took part while on tour or after a show??

I don’t recall but there would have been a drink involved...

If you were stranded in the middle of nowhere after a show or while on tour. The help is 100 miles away

from where you are, ¿Who would you send to look for help? And if while the rest wait, there's no food and

the only way to feed yourself is by eating each other, ¿Who would you eat first?

Someone recently told me drinking your own urine is extremely healthy. I’d start there, add a bit of whisky, some

ice, perhaps a dash of coke and a slice of lemon, then we’re flying...

Which country you guys would love to play?


With which bands you guys would love to share stage??

The late Lhasa – an amazing singer who died this year and made three exceptionally beautiful albums. She was a

true original.

Are you OK, with the direction the band is going actually?

I’m starting to play more percussion and ethnic instruments on stage, and am just starting to play solo with a sam-

pler. I think it’s sounding pretty cool, but I’ll get back to you in a few months to confirm that...

Check out more from Conil by going to:

Claiming influences by the likes of Wilco, Bob Dylan, and Elliott Smith, sets your music up for some heavy

scrutiny. David Gergen doesn’t quite reach that level of prodigy, the foundations are strong, sprawling

drumbeats and guitar fuzz peaking through like a less abrasive My Bloody Valentine, or even a less dark

Nine Inch Nails, while the smoky disembodied vocals of Gergen float in and out, at times grounding you in

the dense noise, or lifting you above the fray to admire the beauty of a jangly guitar ballad. The road to

musical genius is a long one, and most of the time is never even reached, but David Gergen is traveling at a

nice clip to create something unique and special.

How did you started??

When I was young I picked up a guitar at a friend's house and fell in love with it. He ended up giving the guitar to me

seeing that I was more in love with it than he was. I played hours each day, playing along to old rock and blues records. I

bought a 4 track recorder soon after and started making homeade recordings of songs I wrote. They were raw but gave me

the foundation for my musical future.

What's the message to transmit with your music??

I write what I feel, what ends up coming out is often about love, loss, pain, life, mysteries of the universe. Trying to find

my own original sound has always been the driving force behind my music. To create something resonant and meaningful.

What's your method at the time of writing a song??

I usually start with a basic idea, a couple chord changes, maybe a piano line or a vocal melody. Even just a drum beat will

inspire a guitar part or vocal melody. Then the mood takes over and the song kinda writes itself. It has to feel organic and

real or I will walk away and come back to it later.

Which is your music influences??

Early influences are Eric Clapton, David Bowie Zeppelin, Beatles, Dylan, Pink Floyd, Bob Marley, Prince. Later

on I moved into Radiohead, Beck, Wilco, Elliot Smith, The Secret Machines. Artists that have a unique sound that

is their own are who inspire me.



David Gergen

What plans do you have for the future??

To continue recording, playing shows and reaching out to find new fans. I would like to make the perfect album

but I guess so does everyone! I would love to do some international touring.

Which has been the funniest prank you have been or took part while on tour or after a show??

A long time ago my band was opening for the California Governer at the time. We had taken down our equipment

and we were at the side of the stage. A friend of mine who was under the influence runs on stage to the microphone

and starts screaming for the band to come back. We were waving from the side of the stage that we couldn't play

anymore and that the governer was about to come onstage. Besides we had already taken down our amps/drums

etc...He finally stepped aside realizing that we weren't going to play anymore. It was pretty funny but that's what

happens when alcohol meets enthusiasm.

If you were stranded in the middle of nowhere after a show or while on tour. The help is 100 miles away

from where you are, ¿Who would you send to look for help? And if while the rest wait, there's no food and

the only way to feed yourself is by eating each other, ¿Who would you eat first?

Well I often perform solo so if I were stranded in the middle of nowhere I would start by looking for a body of

water. I would then dive in and look for a mermaid to lead me to food. After her caring for me and introducing me

to her friends I decide to stay and live happily ever after. Mermaids really know how to make a man feel loved!

Which country you guys would love to play?

Iceland, Germany, Chile, New Zealand, Japan.

With which bands you guys would love to share stage??

I would love to play with Tom Petty, Radiohead, Peter Gabriel. It would be fun to just jam and see where it ends

up! John Lennon is one of my musical heroes so if he were alive he'd be my 1st choice.

Are you OK, with the direction the band is going actually?

Sure but things can move slowly at times. I would like things to happen quicker in regards to booking and pro-

moting my music. It's a strange time in the music business with lots of change going on. There is a new model for

how to succeed in the music business from how it was even 10 years ago so I think the artists that utilize these

modern tools have a distinct advantage to succeed. You have to stay hungry and don't let rejection keep you from

your goals.

Check out more from David Gergen by going to:

Jack Stevens

ReviewRock n’ Roll is back again by the hand of Jack Stevens. With powerful guitar riffs, and an vocal that adds

more awesomeness to the music, it’s an perfect option for those who like original rock n’ roll. Any song

would take you to that gold age when rock music was pure rock.

How the band started??

I (Jack Stevens), fronted a band in the 90's named Sin City. An all original band I created as well.Most of the

members of that band after years of touring decided it was time to settle down. I then decided last year to form

my own band and went to work on writing and recording the music for this release. I then put this band together.

My lead guitarist Ray Anton, is the only original member from the Sin City days now playing with me in my


What's the message to transmit with your music??

All my songs actually have messages in them and are generally about true life experiences or something I might

see that is either of a serious nature or that I find humorous but all my songs are written in a positive light and my

most important message is to never give up, always pick yourself back up and never let anyone put you down!

What's your method at the time of writing a song??

I feel I have been blessed to be able to write a song in a matter of minutes. I will actually be either sleeping or

driving, or anywhere and a full song, lyrics and all come to me.So the process is I will get together with my fellow

songwriters and start singing a melody with lyrics and they just start playing. Then we start filling in the gaps,

like bridges, solos, I will adjust a lyric or two. But the process has always seemed to work rather well!


Which is your music influences??

It's funny because I have a very eclectic bunch of influences as do the guys in the band. The obvious would be Kiss, Motley

Crue, Bon Jovi. any band that always have given their fans moneys worth at a show! But for me I also was fortunate enough

to grow up with a lot of diversity in my family. I use to sing Beatles songs so my younger brothers could fall asleep. The ole

big band music like Glenn Miller,Elvis, Chuck Berry, Harry Chapin, Cat Stevens, The Doors, Van Halen, Tom Petty, Led

Zeppelin, Pearl Jam, The Who, Ozzy, and even as diverse as Earth Wind and Fire and Run DMC. ha,ha, ha! Yes. I listened

and was influenced by many! I could go on and on but the most important thing for me that I learned is no matter if there's

one person or 20,000you always put on the same show and give the fans their moneys worth!

What plans do you guys have for the future??

Our plan is to tour as much as possible and worldwide until January 2011. We will then go back into the studio and record

our follow up. We have so many songs and I really love the direction this band is going in. I truly believe in what we do and

represent!We are bring true Hard Rock back to the masses and if we can just make one person ROCK, then we have done

our job correctly!

Which has been the funniest prank you guys have been or took part while on tour or after a show??

We have been involved in many great and funny stories! but I have to say that the though it may sound silly the funniest

stuff happened with my old bass player. he was one of those very paranoid type of people, always thinking there was a con-

spiracy to do something to him. Well while on tour one day, after the show we were always starving so out typical stop at 2

or 3am would be Denny's. One time my bass player, (Roger) went to the restroom and to be honest, we never did a thing but

when he cam back we were all silent, just from being tired actually. He looked at his glass of water and was about to take a

sip but he noticed that we were all quiet and started asking what we did to his water..LOL! sorry I start laughing now because

I remember his face. Knowing how he was we just all went with it and the more we denied any wrong doing the more he

was going crazy in the middle of Denny's.. I mean everyone there started laughing and we couldn't keep a straight face, we

just kept laughing and he kept asking us, "no really, what did you do to my water?" anyway one of those ya had to be there

moments. Just silly things like that always keep a band entertained. Many, many stories but for some reason we all come

back to this one!LOL!

If you guys were stranded in the middle of nowhere after a show or while on tour. The help is 65 miles away from

where you guys are, ¿Who would you guys send to look for help? And if while the rest wait, there's no food and the

only way to feed yourself is by eating each other, ¿Who would you eat first?

If we were stranded, i can tell you that I would be the one going for help, they look at me as their leader and I am. Also the

fact that I'm in the best cardio shape helps and a little know fact about me,I was in the Army!We would definitely eat the

drummer first because a drummer really isn't a musician is he? I mean if I wasn't a musician I'd definitely be a drummer!

(bon jovi quote) LOL!

Which country you guys would love to play?

Argentina! 2 main reasons! One is I have hear and seen interviews over the years even with Guns & Roses where they stated

that was the best place in the world to play! 2. My family's roots are from there!:) I want to go everywhere though!

With which bands you guys would love to share stage??

My dream is to share the stage with Bon Jovi or Kiss. To me they are the epitome of what a Rock Star is! But Bon Jovi has

been a big influence my whole life. To sing or to have him sing on stage with me, well I think I could retire after that!

Are you guys OK, with the direction the band is going actually?

Yes. This is one of the best times of our lives! The amazing shows we have lined up, the amazing support from our

proves to us that we are going in the right direction at a very hi speed! :)

Check out more from Jack Stevens by going to:



You know the old adage you can’t judge a book by its cover, well this is no exception. Lachi play emotive

piano pop music, reminiscent of Imogen Heap, and Regina Spektor, with a folksy dash of Tori Amos thrown

in for good measure. This is surprising considering the band looks like it consists of aging session musicians,

and an African-American front woman who would try to sing Whitney Houston songs on American Idol.

So close your eyes, and just listen, the infectious melodies, and crystal spider web of instruments and sounds,

need no image to make them great.

Where the band's name came from?

Lachi is short for Ulachi which is my middle name. It means Ring of God.

How the band started??

I started out playing solo shows then as the music got heavier, I added a team of mercenaries. However after meeting Andre

(guitar) through a friend, he joined the band once there was a vacancy and happened to have a roommate who was a bass

player, Jaime, who followed suit not too long after. Their third roommate had an older brother that played the drums, but

was stuck up in Albany. We ended up moving him down to join the band. And alas, no longer a band of mercenaries, but a

band of friends with awesome chemistry. The guys have all been playing with each other off and on for well over ten years.

As a unit, we've been playing for two years or so.

What's the message to transmit with your music??

I want to send out a message of realism. Acceptance of others, of ones self, of insecurities, of weakness. People have such

a hard time being real, and being themselves in the presence of others, and since it is something we all deal with, I feel it is

an essential message to spread.

What's your method at the time of writing a song??

Sometimes it depends on the time of day and mood. Lyrics usually never come first and are more like colorful sprinkles.

The melodies usually come first whether it be the piano melody or the vocal melodies. In terms of song form, the hook

often pops into mind and the verses follow suit.


Which is your music influences??

I listened to a lot of Beatles, Radiohead, Smashing Pumpkins, Bjork, Yanni and Sublime growing up.

What plans do you have for the future??

I would love to tour at an international level and reach out to parts of the world that would not normally get to

hear this message.

If you were stranded in the middle of nowhere after a show or while on tour. The help is 100 miles away

from where you are, ¿Who would you send to look for help? And if while the rest wait, there's no food and

the only way to feed yourself is by eating each other, ¿Who would you eat first?

I'd probably be sent to go look for help since I have the best vision of the group. I think the rest of the guys would

eat Jaime, since he's the smallest, though they'd then be in a real dilemma for who'd be next.

Which country you guys would love to play?

Japan or Australia.

With which bands you guys would love to share stage??

Ben Folds, Cold Play, Dave Matthews, Fionna Apple, Regina Spektor.

Are you OK, with the direction the band is going actually?

We would like to do bigger things very soon, spread our word and really get out there!

Check out more from Lachi by going to:

Page lynch

True in his message and lyrical content, Page Lynch wants you to know about Jesus, to journey with him

to find the meaning in Jesus, and become yourself. This may not be the most fertile ground for musical ex-

ploration, for what it’s worth Page Lynch does these things well. Even when referencing biblical figures,

the songs still have a universal appeal in the lyrics, while the softly strummed rhythms and the interesting

and sparkling guitar leads, put the listener at ease, and make it more easy to digest the message, even if you

do not necessarily have a religious bent. The songs are well written, the melodies are interesting, barring

any prior hesitation to the message, and from a musical that should be all that matters.

How the band started??

I, personally, began music because God dragged me into it by the ear, and I kicked and screamed the whole way

until finally I said, "Oh... This isn't so bad. You were right, God!"

What's the message to transmit with your music??

Telling the Big Story one small story at a time.

What's your method at the time of writing a song??

Pray really hard that I don't mess up in translation what God put in my head... Then attempt.

Which is your music influences??

David Crowder *Band, Chris Tomlin, Nickel Creek, and various late 90's to early 2000's rock bands. Also, sunrises,

sunsets, pain, exuberance, despair, happiness, and everything in between.

What plans do you have for the future??

To not give in to hate. To not give into the love of money. To not give in to lust. To not give in to all those stories

and more that lie to us on a daily basis, trying to convince us they are real.



Which has been the funniest prank you have been or took part while on tour or after a show??

Hmm... We aren't big pranksters: However, one time I called a guy that temporarily played bass for me "GP" while

on stage. No one knew what it stood for but us, but he looked terrified that I was about to tell the crowd that it

stood for "Girl Pants" because that's what he wore. I didn't tell them though.

What are your hobbies?

Videography, photography, web design, and figuring out how things work.

Which country you guys would love to play?

I'd like to play in China. Not sure why.

With which bands you guys would love to share stage??

Oh, please, please, please, let me open for David Crowder *Band! Please, please, please!

Are you OK, with the direction the band is going actually?

Yes. I am currently heading northwest, and it seems like a pretty good direction.

Check out more from Page Lynch by going to:

Spaceships are Cool


Where the band's name came from?

I always wanted to be in a band called spaceships are cool, but all the bands I have ever been in before never let

me call it that, so I started my own band.

How the band started??

Well, after starting a band purely because I liked the name! It began with Just me doing solo stuff in my studio.

Bits of wierd tape loops mixed with samples from Sci-fi films of the 1950s. Once I had started to actually write

some songs and recorded an LP, It was time to take the whole thing to a Live audience, so I enlisted the help of

Ben James to play synths and guitar with me, plus a laptop for all the bleeps and beats. We soon moved on to a 3-

piece line up with Ben changing to electric piano and Rob Yunioshi coming on board to play the synths, then got

Helen Maddison in to play electric violin and theremin.

It didn't take long after that for us to go for a full line up and get Johnny Cousins in on bass, Tim Maddison in on

Drums and part time analog noise masters Hallur Kr Jonsson & Ragnar Laki (from Icelandic electro band 'Blood-


What's the message to transmit with your music??

Don't take life too seriously, smile a whole lot, fall in love and look to the stars.


3,2,1.…Blast Off! You’re now on a Technicolor journey with the United Kingdom Quintet, Spaceships Are

Cool. On this journey you will witness a band with matching outfits ala’ nerd rock champs Devo, play spaced

out jams, full of cooing harmonies, skittering percussion, and the ability to evoke the blissed out euphoria

of legends like The Flaming Lips, with nary a rough landing in sight. Bonnaroo are you listening? You have

the next 2 a.m. singalong champs in the making right here.

What's your method at the time of writing a song??

Song writing is entirely down to me and all my toys in the studio and usually begins with drinking lots of green tea whilst

making short loops and patterns on the acoustic guitar. I then have another cup of tea and play around with my old fashioned

drum machines. Then I just keep layering up sounds until there simply isn't any room left in the mix! (I do have to start

chopping stuff out soon after I reach that point).

Which is your music influences??

I've always been a big fan of Frank Zappa, especially his early stuff, I think this is where my love of layering sounds has

come from. There is of course a heavy influence from 1950s & 1960s sci-fi film soundtracks, Forbidden planet has an

amazing soundtrack that is just loads of strange electronic noises and no actual 'music' at all. More recent influences include

The Flaming Lips, Beck, Bjork and Lamb.

What plans do you have for the future??

To visit more wonderful places, meet more wonderful people, get more wonderful musicians to join our band, make an an-

imated film & open our own toy shop.

Which has been the funniest prank you have been or took part while on tour or after a show??

I don't know if you would call them 'pranks' but more ' stupid accidents' on tour: we managed to drive off to Glastonbury

festival leaving our keyboard stands on the roof of a van with no roof rack, we took a glockenspiel for Ben to play at a TV

session in Canada and forgot to bring the beaters, so there was some great live TV footage of him playing it with a pencil

and a plastic ruler and Helen being told by girls in the audience that they loved her 'Crazy modern on stage dancing', (they

didn't realize that she was actually playing the theremin at the time).

And of course there is the on tour rule that if anyone forgets to bring their orange spacesuit to wear onstage, they will have

to play the gig in their underwear.

If you were stranded in the middle of nowhere after a show or while on tour. The help is 100 miles away from where

you are, ¿Who would you send to look for help? And if while the rest wait, there's no food and the only way to feed

yourself is by eating each other, ¿Who would you eat first?

I would have to send our synth master Rob Yunioshi to look for help because of his amazing talent for navigation. And al-

though bass man Johnny C would be the biggest band member and therefore supply us with the most food, I think that Helen

theremin would taste better.

Which country you guys would love to play?

I have already played my other favourite countries like Canada, Iceland, Sweden & USA. So it would have to be JAPAN!

We are meant to be going out to Tokyo next April to do some some shows, and the whole place looks amazing. I love the

mixture of History and hi-tech culture.

With which bands you guys would love to share stage??

The Flaming Lips, Roxy music, Bernard Fevre, Bloodgroup & Yunioshi.

Are you OK, with the direction the band is going actually?

Definitely! this year has been amazing so far; we have been out on tour, playing all over the UK, going to NYC & Toronto,

having our music on MTV shows, BBC radio & TV in the UK, tracks on American airlines in flight players, releasing our

Debut LP' Heart echoes' (out now on iTunes & gogoyoko!), and remixing great artists like french synth legend Bernard

Fevre & Icelandic electro monsters Bloodgroup. next up? we are off to Iceland in October to play Iceland Airwaves festival,

followed by CMJ in NYC.

Check out more from Spaceships are Cool by going to:

The Wandering Bards


As you can expect with a name like The Wandering Bards, this band is a rag-tag group of wandering mu-

sicians playing tunes that are sometimes comical, sometimes funky, but altogether entertaining. The Bards

aren’t without talented musicians however, as you can hear a tight knit group that might not take themselves

too seriously, but certainly do not sacrifice the musicality in the process. Lulling strings, funked out bass

lines staying deep in the pocket, and a carnival-esque amalgam of jesters and seriously talented players

hoping to pied piper some listeners into the uproar.

Where the band's name came from?

The Wandering Bards’ name is a play on, as well as homage, to the actual order of Bards in Scotland and Ireland

during Medieval times. They were poets and musicians who’d travel from village to village, reciting epic tales

based on their history and events as well as entertain.

How the band started??

I had a desire to perform acoustic–based music for a variety of reasons. Explore more Roots-type music. Lower

volume. Less gear. Can perform in more places. Kenny, Mike and I have played music with each other in various

permutations for many a year so it seemed natural to get them involved. We needed some bass and met Ron via

the Internet and he claimed he always wanted to play the upright bass so here was the chance. Then we had a per-

formance that Kenny could not make and Ron said he knew a violin player who could fill in. That was Ray. And

from there we just kept going with the quintet.

What's the message to transmit with your music??

The main groove of The Wandering Bards to promote a good time! Sometimes it might be funky good time. Or

whacky good time. Maybe even a questionable good time!


What's your method at the time of writing a song??

For The Wandering Bards. I may have a song more or less written and everybody else fills in with their parts.

Suggestions may go all around and come from anyone. “Let’s try it slower”, “Can it be in a different key?” Or an-

other way might be Ron has bassline but maybe that’s all. And we start to jam that and take it from there. Kenny

and I compose the lyrics and that process might go through a few edits as the music grows. As with our ‘cover’

songs, they will also go through a “Bardification” process. It could be because of the instrumentation. Or we play

it in a different key, etc. We try to give them our own spin.

Which is your music influences??

Individually, our influences are very eclectic. As for a group sound, it is hard to say. But we are open to opinions!

I mean for example: We do a version of “Old Dan Tucker”. I believe Kenny wanted to play it because he saw it

on TV being played by Bruce Springsteen. But he did know it as a children’s song as well. He wanted to use the

jaw harp; it was in ‘G’ so we put the song in ‘G’ as well. I like to play slide in ‘G’ so that put a Bluesy spin on the

tune. Ray added a bluegrass feel with the bowing of the open strings and Mike plays more military-type rolls and

cadences. Then we added harmony in the Chorus a bit like The Band might have done. So who knows where all

these ideas come from or what the total sum of the parts are?

What plans do you have for the future??

The plan for The Wandering Bards is to keep on performing. Because of our sound and presentation we do get

hired to perform at clubs, private parties, weddings, cocktail hours and festivals and yet still simply do ‘our thing’

no matter what. So that is nice. We’d like to open up for a touring artist since we live in The New York City Metro

area and everybody does come to town. We have also written a few songs that would be good for commercials.

One is about tater tots. Oh, it’s catchy! 30 seconds, baby!

Which has been the funniest prank you have been or took part while on tour or after a show??

Prank? Reckon I ain’t much of a prankster. I have never hidden Kenny’s accordion on him.

If you were stranded in the middle of nowhere after a show or while on tour. The help is 100 miles away

from where you are, ¿Who would you send to look for help? And if while the rest wait, there's no food and

the only way to feed yourself is by eating each other, ¿Who would you eat first?

Wow, those are pretty dire circumstances…I would be the one to go look for help and thereby will hopefully not

have to eat anybody.

Which country you guys would love to play?

Ireland. Seems like it would be fun and that folks would like us. Mind you I have no evidence of that though.

With which bands you guys would love to share stage?

Willie Nelson.

Are you OK, with the direction the band is going actually?

Sure, We are having fun and it pays for itself to boot.

Check out more from The Wandering Bards by going to: