Veganuary evaluation

Veganuary Booklet Evaluation Tom Brett

Transcript of Veganuary evaluation

Page 1: Veganuary evaluation

Veganuary Booklet Evaluation

Tom Brett

Page 2: Veganuary evaluation

Front CoverThis is the front cover to my booklet, I used the colour orange because during my planning I looked at similar products but mainly the Veganuary website and

the first colour that showed up was orange. Orange is also quite a gender neutral colour as it is never used to show differences between males and

females. I took a lot of inspiration from a ‘trypraying’ book which I found on the internet, the booklet had a plain blue colour that filled the whole front cover, then in the center of the page it had ‘trypraying’ in black and white text that was in a simple font. I took this style and made it my own by changing the

colour and adding a bit more text and some images/icons to it as well. However I still felt like there could be more work done so I added a texture that was like

crumpled up paper, just to make it more appealing. I have not received any feedback for my front cover but personally I think that the front cover is one of

my strongest pieces because it looks more slick and cleaner than the rest of my pages. I think this is because of how everything is very simple and matches with each other whether that be because the text and the images are both the same colour, or because of the way the text is spaced out and aligned with the

images. Doing the front cover didn’t take much time because I did it right at the start when I first had the idea to do it, however that was just a first draft because it was just the Veganuary logo on a plain orange background. I then

added everything else a few minutes later so there wasn’t much time management for this piece because I just did it as quickly as possible. The only problem with having a simple front cover design is that the rest of my article will have to follow a similar simple and bright design, and doesn’t allow me to show off my creative abilities. I think that my intentions have been realised, I want to make a bright booklet cover that will stand out and won’t look boring, this is so more people will be more likely to look at it and buy it. However even if the intentions are realised, I don’t think that it is appropriate for the audience as people might think that the style is too bright and bold, especially on some

of the pages that feature in the booklet.

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Multipage ArticleThis is an example of one of the pages that make up my multipage article that is in my booklet, the rest of my article has this exact same design except with different text and images that are more suitable to the text next to it. When it came to the preparation for my article I did not look at many existing products and I did not

even take inspiration from any professional booklets that have already been made and published, this is because before I did any research of existing products I

already had a brief idea as to what I wanted to do which was to have half the page taken up by text and the other half been made up of a large image. This idea was changed slightly after I made the pages because I realised that the appearance

didn’t look as professional or as clean as I hoped, so instead I thought that I would interpret the design of my front cover into the rest of the article by using the same orange background and crumpled paper texture, I also used more plain white and

simple icons, this so I have continuity throughout my booklet, because of the simplistic design I was unable to show off any creativity I have however it managed

to let me complete the booklet in time. I had a bit of feedback from my audience and my peers who all mentioned about the colours being too bright, this is

understandable as it does hurt your eyes, the issue is that I tried to grab peoples attention with the front cover and copy that style throughout the booklet. Another comment from my peers said that I should experiment with the images more, they

said that instead of just repeating the same icon over and over again, I should Photoshop more and different images to create some variation. I agree with this point as currently my multipage article does not look very appealing due to its

boring repetition, also some of the images that I have used are not the best quality and some of them have a lot of blur on them. Another comment from a peer

mentioned the actual text in the article, in which they made recommendations and improvements for me to think about and use. The multipage article was the piece of

work that took up most of my time, this is because it takes up 5 individual pages, and even though the technical process was very simple it just took lots of time to

get everything put in and lined up. I do not think my intentions have been realised, my intentions were to create a simplistic design which is nice to look at, however

those who evaluated my booklet mentioned that I should try and use more extravagant imagery, but this would take away that simplicity that I was aiming


Page 4: Veganuary evaluation

Info graphicThis is part of the info graphic that is in my booklet, the rest of my info

graphic follows the same design but just has different images and facts that go with the images themselves. Like with the rest of my article I did not

take much inspiration from current info graphics apart from for my UK and USA images that are on the other page of the info graphic because I saw a similar idea on the internet in which the artist used small human icons that show a physical representation of the percentage or statistic in general. In comparison to other peoples info graphics, mine is definitely a lot worse because of how simple it looks and how little content there is as well, in

terms of creativity my info graphic is also worse than others that are on the internet because I haven't incorporated any graphs into any images or

been generally creative with my images. In my personal opinion my info graphic is one of my weakest pieces of work in the booklet, I think that this is due to the lack of content in it or because of how little detail went into

the images. I had a few mixed responses for my info graphic from my peers and my audience, some of the negative points that were made was that

there could’ve been more images and more facts, other comments stated that there were a few images that were hard to look at because they were

so bright and hurt their eyes. However there were some positive comments made about the info graphic, one comment stated that they liked the UK

and USA facts and imagery because it will make the reader feel less lonely about being vegan, another comment stated that the colour blue was a

nice touch because it was subtle, but is also worked well the the images of the UK and USA, making it look like they were on top of an ocean. There are

a lot of improvements that I would make to this page and that is to make the images more detailed and to make them cleaner as well, for example the Oreos have a blur on them. I’d also add more images and facts as well

just so it looks like there has been more effort put into the page.

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FactfileThis is the factfile that features in my booklet, just like my

front cover, my factfile is one of the more stronger pieces of work that is in the booklet. I did not take any inspiration from other factfiles on the internet or that are professionally made, however I did take inspiration from my own infographic that I

created earlier. I copied the style of having the text and images opposite to each other on each line, but I also copied

the icon style from my front cover because I wanted continuity throughout my booklet. I had a lot of feedback for

this page, most of it was positive however the negative comment stated that the green used was a bad colour

because it was too bright and didn’t work well with the purple colour that was used for the page next to it. The other

comments were more positive, some were stating that there were some interesting facts followed by sensible images.

Other comments mentioned that they liked the use of a drop shadow behind the text boxes because it adds depth to the page. The only two improvements that I would make to this page is the colour in the background, I would change it to something more subtle or to a colour that matches with

purple. The other improvement that I would make applies to the rest of the booklet, and that is to change the font to

something a bit more creative and that’s not boring to look at.