
Model { Name "vectorver3" Version 6.2 MdlSubVersion 0 GraphicalInterface { NumRootInports 0 NumRootOutports 0 ParameterArgumentNames "" ComputedModelVersion "1.47" Nu mM odelReferenc es 0 NumTestPointedSignals 0 } SavedCharacterEncoding "windows-1252" SaveDefaultBlockParams on SampleTimeColors off LibraryLinkDisplay "none" WideLines off ShowLineDimensions off ShowPortDataTypes off ShowLoopsOnError on IgnoreBidirectionalLines off ShowStorageClass off ShowTestPointIcons on ShowViewerIcons on SortedOrder off ExecutionContextIcon off ShowLinearizationAnnotations on RecordCoverage off CovPath "/" CovSaveName "covdata" CovMetricSettings "dw" CovNameIncrementing off CovHtmlReporting on covSaveCumulativeToWorkspaceVar on CovSaveSingleToWorkspaceVar on CovCumulativeVarName "covCumulativeDa ta" CovCumulativeReport off CovReportOnPause on ScopeRefreshTime 0.035000 OverrideScopeRefreshTime on DisableAllScopes off DataTypeOverride "UseLocalSettings" MinMax Overfl owLogg ing "UseLocalSet tings" MinMaxOverflowArchiveMode "Overwrite" BlockNameDataTip off BlockParametersDataTip off BlockD escrip tionSt ringDa taTip off ToolBar on StatusBar on BrowserShowLibraryLinks off BrowserLookUnderMasks off Created "Fri Oct 22 22:08:54 2010" Creator "Beta" UpdateHistory "UpdateHistoryNever" ModifiedByFormat "%<Auto>" LastModifiedBy "Admin" ModifiedDateFormat "%<Auto>" LastModifiedDate "Tue Dec 06 22:39:16 2011" ModelVersionFormat "1.%<AutoIncre ment:47>" ConfigurationManager "None"

Transcript of vectorver3

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Model {Name "vectorver3"Version 6.2MdlSubVersion 0GraphicalInterface {NumRootInports 0NumRootOutports 0

ParameterArgumentNames ""ComputedModelVersion "1.47"NumModelReferences 0NumTestPointedSignals 0

}SavedCharacterEncoding "windows-1252"SaveDefaultBlockParams onSampleTimeColors offLibraryLinkDisplay "none"WideLines offShowLineDimensions offShowPortDataTypes off

ShowLoopsOnError onIgnoreBidirectionalLines offShowStorageClass offShowTestPointIcons onShowViewerIcons onSortedOrder offExecutionContextIcon offShowLinearizationAnnotations onRecordCoverage offCovPath "/"CovSaveName "covdata"CovMetricSettings "dw"CovNameIncrementing off

CovHtmlReporting oncovSaveCumulativeToWorkspaceVar onCovSaveSingleToWorkspaceVar onCovCumulativeVarName "covCumulativeData"CovCumulativeReport offCovReportOnPause onScopeRefreshTime 0.035000OverrideScopeRefreshTime onDisableAllScopes offDataTypeOverride "UseLocalSettings"MinMaxOverflowLogging "UseLocalSettings"MinMaxOverflowArchiveMode "Overwrite"

BlockNameDataTip offBlockParametersDataTip offBlockDescriptionStringDataTip offToolBar onStatusBar onBrowserShowLibraryLinks offBrowserLookUnderMasks offCreated "Fri Oct 22 22:08:54 2010"Creator "Beta"UpdateHistory "UpdateHistoryNever"ModifiedByFormat "%<Auto>"LastModifiedBy "Admin"ModifiedDateFormat "%<Auto>"

LastModifiedDate "Tue Dec 06 22:39:16 2011"ModelVersionFormat "1.%<AutoIncrement:47>"ConfigurationManager "None"

8/3/2019 vectorver3 2/56

LinearizationMsg "none"Profile offParamWorkspaceSource "MATLABWorkspace"AccelSystemTargetFile "accel.tlc"AccelTemplateMakefile "accel_default_tmf"AccelMakeCommand "make_rtw"TryForcingSFcnDF off

ExtModeBatchMode offExtModeEnableFloating onExtModeTrigType "manual"ExtModeTrigMode "normal"ExtModeTrigPort "1"ExtModeTrigElement "any"ExtModeTrigDuration 1000ExtModeTrigDurationFloating "auto"ExtModeTrigHoldOff 0ExtModeTrigDelay 0ExtModeTrigDirection "rising"ExtModeTrigLevel 0

ExtModeArchiveMode "off"ExtModeAutoIncOneShot offExtModeIncDirWhenArm offExtModeAddSuffixToVar offExtModeWriteAllDataToWs offExtModeArmWhenConnect onExtModeSkipDownloadWhenConnect offExtModeLogAll onExtModeAutoUpdateStatusClock onBufferReuse onStrictBusMsg "None"ProdHWDeviceType "32-bit Generic"ShowModelReferenceBlockVersion off

ShowModelReferenceBlockIO offArray {Type "Handle"Dimension 1Simulink.ConfigSet {$ObjectID 1Version "1.1.0"Array {Type "Handle"Dimension 7Simulink.SolverCC {$ObjectID 2Version "1.1.0"StartTime "0.0"StopTime "1"AbsTol "auto"FixedStep "auto"InitialStep "auto"MaxNumMinSteps "-1"MaxOrder 5ExtrapolationOrder 4NumberNewtonIterations 1MaxStep "auto"MinStep "auto"RelTol "1e-3"

SolverMode "Auto"Solver "ode45"SolverName "ode45"

8/3/2019 vectorver3 3/56

ZeroCrossControl "UseLocalSettings"AlgebraicLoopSolver "TrustRegion"SolverResetMethod "Fast"PositivePriorityOrder offAutoInsertRateTranBlk offSampleTimeConstraint "Unconstrained"RateTranMode "Deterministic"

}Simulink.DataIOCC {$ObjectID 3Version "1.1.0"Decimation "1"ExternalInput "[t, u]"FinalStateName "xFinal"InitialState "xInitial"LimitDataPoints onMaxDataPoints "1000"LoadExternalInput offLoadInitialState off

SaveFinalState offSaveFormat "Array"SaveOutput onSaveState offSignalLogging onSaveTime onStateSaveName "xout"TimeSaveName "tout"OutputSaveName "yout"SignalLoggingName "logsout"OutputOption "RefineOutputTimes"OutputTimes "[]"Refine "1"

}Simulink.OptimizationCC {$ObjectID 4Array {Type "Cell"Dimension 5Cell "ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup"Cell "ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup"Cell "InitFltsAndDblsToZero"Cell "OptimizeModelRefInitCode"Cell "NoFixptDivByZeroProtection"PropName "DisabledProps"

}Version "1.1.0"BlockReduction onBooleanDataType onConditionallyExecuteInputs onInlineParams offInlineInvariantSignals offOptimizeBlockIOStorage onBufferReuse onEnforceIntegerDowncast onExpressionFolding onFoldNonRolledExpr onLocalBlockOutputs on

ParameterPooling onRollThreshold 5SystemCodeInlineAuto off

8/3/2019 vectorver3 4/56

StateBitsets offDataBitsets offUseTempVars offZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup onZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup onInitFltsAndDblsToZero onNoFixptDivByZeroProtection off

EfficientFloat2IntCast offOptimizeModelRefInitCode offLifeSpan "inf"BufferReusableBoundary on

}Simulink.DebuggingCC {$ObjectID 5Version "1.1.0"RTPrefix "error"ConsistencyChecking "none"ArrayBoundsChecking "none"SignalInfNanChecking "none"

AlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"ArtificialAlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"CheckSSInitialOutputMsg onCheckExecutionContextPreStartOutputMsg offCheckExecutionContextRuntimeOutputMsg offSignalResolutionControl "UseLocalSettings"BlockPriorityViolationMsg "warning"MinStepSizeMsg "warning"SolverPrmCheckMsg "warning"InheritedTsInSrcMsg "warning"DiscreteInheritContinuousMsg "warning"MultiTaskDSMMsg "error"MultiTaskRateTransMsg "error"

SingleTaskRateTransMsg "none"TasksWithSamePriorityMsg "warning"CheckMatrixSingularityMsg "none"IntegerOverflowMsg "warning"Int32ToFloatConvMsg "warning"ParameterDowncastMsg "error"ParameterOverflowMsg "error"ParameterPrecisionLossMsg "warning"UnderSpecifiedDataTypeMsg "none"UnnecessaryDatatypeConvMsg "none"VectorMatrixConversionMsg "none"InvalidFcnCallConnMsg "error"FcnCallInpInsideContextMsg "Use local settings"SignalLabelMismatchMsg "none"UnconnectedInputMsg "warning"UnconnectedOutputMsg "warning"UnconnectedLineMsg "warning"SFcnCompatibilityMsg "none"UniqueDataStoreMsg "none"BusObjectLabelMismatch "warning"RootOutportRequireBusObject "warning"AssertControl "UseLocalSettings"EnableOverflowDetection offModelReferenceIOMsg "none"ModelReferenceVersionMismatchMessage "none"

ModelReferenceIOMismatchMessage "none"ModelReferenceCSMismatchMessage "none"ModelReferenceSimTargetVerbose off

8/3/2019 vectorver3 5/56

UnknownTsInhSupMsg "warning"ModelReferenceDataLoggingMessage "warning"ModelReferenceSymbolNameMessage "warning"ModelReferenceExtraNoncontSigs "error"

}Simulink.HardwareCC {$ObjectID 6

Version "1.1.0"ProdBitPerChar 8ProdBitPerShort 16ProdBitPerInt 32ProdBitPerLong 32ProdIntDivRoundTo "Undefined"ProdEndianess "Unspecified"ProdWordSize 32ProdShiftRightIntArith onProdHWDeviceType "32-bit Generic"TargetBitPerChar 8TargetBitPerShort 16

TargetBitPerInt 32TargetBitPerLong 32TargetShiftRightIntArith onTargetIntDivRoundTo "Undefined"TargetEndianess "Unspecified"TargetWordSize 32TargetTypeEmulationWarnSuppressLevel 0TargetPreprocMaxBitsSint 32TargetPreprocMaxBitsUint 32TargetHWDeviceType "Specified"TargetUnknown offProdEqTarget on


Simulink.ModelReferenceCC {$ObjectID 7Version "1.1.0"UpdateModelReferenceTargets "IfOutOfDateOrStructuralChange"CheckModelReferenceTargetMessage "error"ModelReferenceNumInstancesAllowed "Multi"ModelReferencePassRootInputsByReference onModelReferenceMinAlgLoopOccurrences off

}Simulink.RTWCC {$BackupClass "Simulink.RTWCC"$ObjectID 8Array {Type "Cell"Dimension 2Cell "IncludeHyperlinkInReport"Cell "GenerateTraceInfo"PropName "DisabledProps"

}Version "1.1.0"SystemTargetFile "grt.tlc"GenCodeOnly offMakeCommand "make_rtw"TemplateMakefile "grt_default_tmf"GenerateReport off

SaveLog offRTWVerbose onRetainRTWFile off

8/3/2019 vectorver3 6/56

ProfileTLC offTLCDebug offTLCCoverage offTLCAssert offProcessScriptMode "Default"ConfigurationMode "Optimized"ConfigAtBuild off

IncludeHyperlinkInReport offLaunchReport offTargetLang "C"Array {Type "Handle"Dimension 2Simulink.CodeAppCC {$ObjectID 9Array {Type "Cell"Dimension 16Cell "IgnoreCustomStorageClasses"

Cell "InsertBlockDesc"Cell "SFDataObjDesc"Cell "SimulinkDataObjDesc"Cell "DefineNamingRule"Cell "SignalNamingRule"Cell "ParamNamingRule"Cell "InlinedPrmAccess"Cell "CustomSymbolStr"Cell "CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar"Cell "CustomSymbolStrType"Cell "CustomSymbolStrField"Cell "CustomSymbolStrFcn"Cell "CustomSymbolStrBlkIO"

Cell "CustomSymbolStrTmpVar"Cell "CustomSymbolStrMacro"PropName "DisabledProps"

}Version "1.1.0"ForceParamTrailComments offGenerateComments onIgnoreCustomStorageClasses onIncHierarchyInIds offMaxIdLength 31PreserveName offPreserveNameWithParent offShowEliminatedStatement offIncAutoGenComments offSimulinkDataObjDesc offSFDataObjDesc offIncDataTypeInIds offPrefixModelToSubsysFcnNames onCustomSymbolStr "$R$N$M"MangleLength 1DefineNamingRule "None"ParamNamingRule "None"SignalNamingRule "None"InsertBlockDesc offSimulinkBlockComments on

EnableCustomComments offInlinedPrmAccess "Literals"ReqsInCode off

8/3/2019 vectorver3 7/56

}Simulink.GRTTargetCC {$BackupClass "Simulink.TargetCC"$ObjectID 10Array {Type "Cell"Dimension 15

Cell "IncludeMdlTerminateFcn"Cell "CombineOutputUpdateFcns"Cell "SuppressErrorStatus"Cell "ERTCustomFileBanners"Cell "GenerateSampleERTMain"Cell "GenerateTestInterfaces"Cell "ModelStepFunctionPrototypeControlComp"

"liant"Cell "MultiInstanceERTCode"Cell "PurelyIntegerCode"Cell "SupportNonFinite"Cell "SupportComplex"

Cell "SupportAbsoluteTime"Cell "SupportContinuousTime"Cell "SupportNonInlinedSFcns"Cell "PortableWordSizes"PropName "DisabledProps"

}Version "1.1.0"TargetFcnLib "ansi_tfl_table_tmw.mat"TargetLibSuffix ""TargetPreCompLibLocation ""GenFloatMathFcnCalls "ANSI_C"UtilityFuncGeneration "Auto"GenerateFullHeader on

GenerateSampleERTMain offIsPILTarget offModelReferenceCompliant onIncludeMdlTerminateFcn onCombineOutputUpdateFcns offSuppressErrorStatus offIncludeFileDelimiter "Auto"ERTCustomFileBanners offSupportAbsoluteTime onLogVarNameModifier "rt_"MatFileLogging onMultiInstanceERTCode offSupportNonFinite onSupportComplex onPurelyIntegerCode offSupportContinuousTime onSupportNonInlinedSFcns onExtMode offExtModeStaticAlloc offExtModeTesting offExtModeStaticAllocSize 1000000ExtModeTransport 0ExtModeMexFile "ext_comm"RTWCAPISignals offRTWCAPIParams off

RTWCAPIStates offGenerateASAP2 off


8/3/2019 vectorver3 8/56

PropName "Components"}

}PropName "Components"

}Name "Configuration"SimulationMode "normal"

CurrentDlgPage "Solver"}PropName "ConfigurationSets"

}Simulink.ConfigSet {$PropName "ActiveConfigurationSet"$ObjectID 1

}BlockDefaults {Orientation "right"ForegroundColor "black"BackgroundColor "white"

DropShadow offNamePlacement "normal"FontName "Arial"FontSize 10FontWeight "normal"FontAngle "normal"ShowName on

}BlockParameterDefaults {Block {BlockType BusCreatorInputs "4"DisplayOption "none"

UseBusObject offBusObject "BusObject"NonVirtualBus off

}Block {BlockType BusSelectorMuxedOutput off

}Block {BlockType ClockDisplayTime off

}Block {BlockType ConstantValue "1"VectorParams1D onOutDataTypeMode "Inherit from 'Constant value'"OutDataType "sfix(16)"ConRadixGroup "Use specified scaling"OutScaling "2^0"SampleTime "inf"

}Block {BlockType DataTypeConversionOutDataTypeMode "Inherit via back propagation"

OutDataType "sfix(16)"OutScaling "2^0"LockScale off

8/3/2019 vectorver3 9/56

ConvertRealWorld "Real World Value (RWV)"RndMeth "Zero"SaturateOnIntegerOverflow onSampleTime "-1"

}Block {BlockType Demux

Outputs "4"DisplayOption "none"BusSelectionMode off

}Block {BlockType DiscreteIntegratorIntegratorMethod "Integration: Forward Euler"gainval "1.0"ExternalReset "none"InitialConditionSource "internal"InitialCondition "0"InitialConditionMode "State and output"

SampleTime "1"OutDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule"OutDataType "sfix(16)"OutScaling "2^0"LockScale offRndMeth "Floor"SaturateOnIntegerOverflow offLimitOutput offUpperSaturationLimit "inf"LowerSaturationLimit "-inf"ShowSaturationPort offShowStatePort offIgnoreLimit off

StateMustResolveToSignalObject offRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"

}Block {BlockType EnablePortStatesWhenEnabling "held"ShowOutputPort offZeroCross on

}Block {BlockType FromIconDisplay "Tag"

}Block {BlockType FcnExpr "sin(u[1])"SampleTime "-1"

}Block {BlockType GainGain "1"Multiplication "Element-wise(K.*u)"ParameterDataTypeMode "Same as input"ParameterDataType "sfix(16)"ParameterScalingMode "Best Precision: Matrix-wise"

ParameterScaling "2^0"OutDataTypeMode "Same as input"OutDataType "sfix(16)"

8/3/2019 vectorver3 10/56

OutScaling "2^0"LockScale offRndMeth "Floor"SaturateOnIntegerOverflow onSampleTime "-1"

}Block {

BlockType GotoIconDisplay "Tag"

}Block {BlockType Ground

}Block {BlockType InportUseBusObject offBusObject "BusObject"BusOutputAsStruct offPortDimensions "-1"

SampleTime "-1"DataType "auto"OutDataType "sfix(16)"OutScaling "2^0"SignalType "auto"SamplingMode "auto"Interpolate on

}Block {BlockType IntegratorExternalReset "none"InitialConditionSource "internal"InitialCondition "0"

LimitOutput offUpperSaturationLimit "inf"LowerSaturationLimit "-inf"ShowSaturationPort offShowStatePort offAbsoluteTolerance "auto"IgnoreLimit offZeroCross on

}Block {BlockType LogicOperator "AND"Inputs "2"AllPortsSameDT onOutDataTypeMode "Logical (see Configuration Parameters: Optimiza"

"tion)"LogicDataType "uint(8)"SampleTime "-1"

}Block {BlockType MultiPortSwitchInputs "4"zeroidx offInputSameDT onOutDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule"

RndMeth "Floor"SaturateOnIntegerOverflow onSampleTime "-1"

8/3/2019 vectorver3 11/56

}Block {BlockType MuxInputs "4"DisplayOption "none"UseBusObject offBusObject "BusObject"

NonVirtualBus off}Block {BlockType OutportPort "1"UseBusObject offBusObject "BusObject"BusOutputAsStruct offPortDimensions "-1"SampleTime "-1"DataType "auto"OutDataType "sfix(16)"

OutScaling "2^0"SignalType "auto"SamplingMode "auto"OutputWhenDisabled "held"InitialOutput "[]"

}Block {BlockType PMComponentSubClassName "unknown"

}Block {BlockType PMIOPort


Block {BlockType ProductInputs "2"Multiplication "Element-wise(.*)"InputSameDT onOutDataTypeMode "Same as first input"OutDataType "sfix(16)"OutScaling "2^0"LockScale offRndMeth "Zero"SaturateOnIntegerOverflow onSampleTime "-1"

}Block {BlockType RelayOnSwitchValue "eps"OffSwitchValue "eps"OnOutputValue "1"OffOutputValue "0"OutputDataTypeScalingMode "All ports same datatype"OutDataType "sfix(16)"OutScaling "2^0"ConRadixGroup "Use specified scaling"ZeroCross onSampleTime "-1"

}Block {BlockType Saturate

8/3/2019 vectorver3 12/56

UpperLimit "0.5"LowerLimit "-0.5"LinearizeAsGain onZeroCross onSampleTime "-1"

}Block {

BlockType ScopeFloating offModelBased offTickLabels "OneTimeTick"ZoomMode "on"Grid "on"TimeRange "auto"YMin "-5"YMax "5"SaveToWorkspace offSaveName "ScopeData"LimitDataPoints on

MaxDataPoints "5000"Decimation "1"SampleInput offSampleTime "0"

}Block {BlockType SelectorInputType "Vector"IndexMode "One-based"ElementSrc "Internal"Elements "1"RowSrc "Internal"Rows "1"

ColumnSrc "Internal"Columns "1"InputPortWidth "-1"IndexIsStartValue offOutputPortSize "1"

}Block {BlockType SubSystemShowPortLabels onPermissions "ReadWrite"PermitHierarchicalResolution "All"SystemSampleTime "-1"RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto"RTWFileNameOpts "Auto"SimViewingDevice offDataTypeOverride "UseLocalSettings"MinMaxOverflowLogging "UseLocalSettings"

}Block {BlockType SumIconShape "rectangular"Inputs "++"InputSameDT onOutDataTypeMode "Same as first input"OutDataType "sfix(16)"

OutScaling "2^0"LockScale offRndMeth "Floor"

8/3/2019 vectorver3 13/56

SaturateOnIntegerOverflow onSampleTime "-1"

}Block {BlockType SwitchCriteria "u2 >= Threshold"Threshold "0"

InputSameDT onOutDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule"RndMeth "Floor"SaturateOnIntegerOverflow onZeroCross onSampleTime "-1"

}Block {BlockType Terminator

}Block {BlockType TransferFcn

Numerator "[1]"Denominator "[1 2 1]"AbsoluteTolerance "auto"Realization "auto"

}Block {BlockType TrigonometryOperator "sin"OutputSignalType "auto"SampleTime "-1"

}Block {BlockType UnitDelay

X0 "0"SampleTime "1"StateMustResolveToSignalObject offRTWStateStorageClass "Auto"

}}AnnotationDefaults {HorizontalAlignment "center"VerticalAlignment "middle"ForegroundColor "black"BackgroundColor "white"DropShadow offFontName "Arial"FontSize 10FontWeight "normal"FontAngle "normal"

}LineDefaults {FontName "Arial"FontSize 9FontWeight "normal"FontAngle "normal"

}System {Name "vectorver3"

Location [2, 82, 1014, 744]Open onModelBrowserVisibility off

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ModelBrowserWidth 200ScreenColor "white"PaperOrientation "landscape"PaperPositionMode "auto"PaperType "usletter"PaperUnits "inches"ZoomFactor "100"

ReportName "simulink-default.rpt"Block {BlockType BusSelectorName "Bus\nSelector"Ports [1, 3]Position [740, 321, 745, 359]ShowName offOutputSignals "Stator measurements.Stator current is_a (A),Sta"

"tor measurements.Stator current is_b (A),Stator measurements.Stator current i""s_c (A)"

Port {PortNumber 1

Name "<Stator current is_a (A)>"RTWStorageClass "Auto"DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"ShowSigGenPortName on

}Port {PortNumber 2Name "<Stator current is_b (A)>"RTWStorageClass "Auto"DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"ShowSigGenPortName on

}Port {

PortNumber 3Name "<Stator current is_c (A)>"RTWStorageClass "Auto"DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"ShowSigGenPortName on

}}Block {BlockType BusSelectorName "Bus\nSelector1"Ports [1, 3]Position [695, 381, 705, 419]ShowName offOutputSignals "Stator measurements.Stator current is_a (A),Mec"

"hanical.Electromagnetic torque Te (N*m),Mechanical.Rotor speed (wm)"Port {PortNumber 1Name "<Stator current is_a (A)>"RTWStorageClass "Auto"DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"ShowSigGenPortName on

}Port {PortNumber 2Name "<Electromagnetic torque Te (N*m)>"

RTWStorageClass "Auto"DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"ShowSigGenPortName on

8/3/2019 vectorver3 15/56

}Port {PortNumber 3Name "<Rotor speed (wm)>"RTWStorageClass "Auto"DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"ShowSigGenPortName on

}}Block {BlockType SubSystemName "Control block"Ports [1, 1]Position [265, 109, 345, 251]TreatAsAtomicUnit offMinAlgLoopOccurrences offRTWSystemCode "Auto"System {Name "Control block"

Location [2, 82, 1014, 727]Open onModelBrowserVisibility offModelBrowserWidth 200ScreenColor "white"PaperOrientation "landscape"PaperPositionMode "auto"PaperType "usletter"PaperUnits "inches"ZoomFactor "100"Block {BlockType InportName "speed*"

Position [215, 243, 245, 257]Port "1"IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {BlockType LogicName "BL1"Ports [1, 1]Position [890, 224, 920, 246]NamePlacement "alternate"ShowName offOperator "NOT"Inputs "1"

}Block {BlockType LogicName "BL2"Ports [1, 1]Position [895, 269, 925, 291]NamePlacement "alternate"ShowName offOperator "NOT"Inputs "1"


Block {BlockType LogicName "BL5"

8/3/2019 vectorver3 16/56

Ports [1, 1]Position [885, 174, 915, 196]NamePlacement "alternate"ShowName offOperator "NOT"Inputs "1"


Block {BlockType DemuxName "Demux"Ports [1, 3]Position [135, 86, 140, 124]BackgroundColor "black"ShowName offOutputs "3"DisplayOption "bar"

}Block {BlockType SubSystem

Name "Flux controller"Ports [2, 1]Position [480, 110, 545, 170]TreatAsAtomicUnit offMinAlgLoopOccurrences offRTWSystemCode "Auto"MaskType "PI controller"MaskDescription "Proportional-Integral Flux Controller"MaskPromptString "Proportional gain (Kp)Intrgral gain (Ki)L"

"imit"MaskStyleString "edit,edit,edit"MaskTunableValueString "on,on,on"MaskCallbackString ""

MaskEnableString "on,on,on"MaskVisibilityString "on,on,on"MaskToolTipString "on,on,on"MaskVarAliasString ",,"MaskVariables "Kp=@1;Ki=@2;lim=@3;"MaskDisplay "plot(0,0,100,100,[35,35,65],[70,30,30],[35,"

"65],[45,60])"MaskIconFrame onMaskIconOpaque offMaskIconRotate "none"MaskIconUnits "autoscale"MaskValueString "20050200"MaskTabNameString ",,"System {Name "Flux controller"Location [2, 82, 1142, 818]Open offModelBrowserVisibility offModelBrowserWidth 200ScreenColor "white"PaperOrientation "landscape"PaperPositionMode "auto"PaperType "usletter"PaperUnits "inches"ZoomFactor "100"

Block {BlockType InportName "Phir"

8/3/2019 vectorver3 17/56

Position [45, 98, 75, 112]Port "1"IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {BlockType Inport

Name "Phir*"Position [45, 68, 75, 82]Port "2"IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {BlockType GainName "Integral\nGain"Position [270, 158, 310, 182]Gain "Ki"


Block {BlockType IntegratorName "Integrator"Ports [1, 1]Position [360, 155, 390, 185]IgnoreLimit off

}Block {BlockType GainName "Proportional\nGain"Position [275, 41, 315, 69]Gain "Kp"


Block {BlockType SaturateName "Saturation"Position [480, 110, 500, 130]ShowName offUpperLimit "lim"LowerLimit "-lim"

}Block {BlockType SumName "Sum"Ports [2, 1]Position [425, 105, 455, 135]ShowName offIconShape "round"

}Block {BlockType SumName "Sum1"Ports [2, 1]Position [115, 58, 125, 122]ShowName offInputs "+-"

}Block {

BlockType OutportName "Ids*"Position [525, 113, 555, 127]

8/3/2019 vectorver3 18/56

IconDisplay "Port number"BusOutputAsStruct offInitialOutput "0"

}Line {SrcBlock "Saturation"SrcPort 1

DstBlock "Ids*"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Phir"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Sum1"DstPort 2

}Line {SrcBlock "Phir*"SrcPort 1

DstBlock "Sum1"DstPort 1}Line {SrcBlock "Integral\nGain"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Integrator"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Proportional\nGain"SrcPort 1Points [120, 0]

DstBlock "Sum"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Integrator"SrcPort 1Points [45, 0]DstBlock "Sum"DstPort 2

}Line {SrcBlock "Sum"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Saturation"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Sum1"SrcPort 1Points [60, 0]Branch {Points [0, 80]DstBlock "Integral\nGain"DstPort 1


Branch {Points [0, -35]DstBlock "Proportional\nGain"

8/3/2019 vectorver3 19/56

DstPort 1}


}Block {BlockType From

Name "From"Position [215, 210, 260, 230]BackgroundColor "[0.501961, 1.000000, 1.000000]"ShowName offCloseFcn "tagdialog Close"GotoTag "Speed"

}Block {BlockType FromName "From1"Position [40, 86, 80, 114]CloseFcn "tagdialog Close"

GotoTag "Iabc"}Block {BlockType FromName "From2"Position [40, 30, 85, 50]BackgroundColor "[0.501961, 1.000000, 1.000000]"ShowName offCloseFcn "tagdialog Close"GotoTag "Speed"

}Block {BlockType Mux

Name "Mux"Ports [6, 1]Position [940, 142, 945, 293]ShowName offInputs "6"DisplayOption "bar"

}Block {BlockType ConstantName "Phir*"Position [400, 143, 430, 167]Value "0.72"SampleTime "Ts"

}Block {BlockType SubSystemName "Rotating_To_Fixed"Ports [3, 2]Position [590, 128, 660, 292]FontSize 14TreatAsAtomicUnit offMinAlgLoopOccurrences offRTWSystemCode "Auto"System {Name "Rotating_To_Fixed"

Location [396, 467, 894, 698]Open offModelBrowserVisibility off

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ModelBrowserWidth 200ScreenColor "white"PaperOrientation "landscape"PaperPositionMode "auto"PaperType "usletter"PaperUnits "inches"ZoomFactor "109"

Block {BlockType InportName "Ids*"Position [35, 38, 65, 52]Port "1"IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {BlockType InportName "Iqs*"Position [35, 93, 65, 107]

Port "2"IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {BlockType InportName "Theta"Position [35, 148, 65, 162]Port "3"IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {

BlockType FcnName "Fcn"Position [175, 17, 370, 53]Expr "u(1)*cos(u(3)) - u(2)*sin(u(3))"

}Block {BlockType FcnName "Fcn1"Position [175, 152, 370, 188]Expr "u(1)*sin(u(3)) + u(2)*cos(u(3))"

}Block {BlockType MuxName "Mux"Ports [3, 1]Position [115, 19, 120, 181]ShowName offInputs "3"DisplayOption "bar"

}Block {BlockType OutportName "I-al*"Position [405, 28, 435, 42]IconDisplay "Port number"

BusOutputAsStruct off}Block {

8/3/2019 vectorver3 21/56

BlockType OutportName "I-be*"Position [410, 163, 440, 177]Port "2"IconDisplay "Port number"BusOutputAsStruct off


Line {SrcBlock "Mux"SrcPort 1Points [0, 0; 15, 0]Branch {Points [0, -65]DstBlock "Fcn"DstPort 1

}Branch {Points [0, 70]DstBlock "Fcn1"

DstPort 1}}Line {SrcBlock "Ids*"SrcPort 1Points [0, 0]DstBlock "Mux"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Iqs*"SrcPort 1

Points [0, 0]DstBlock "Mux"DstPort 2

}Line {SrcBlock "Theta"SrcPort 1Points [0, 0]DstBlock "Mux"DstPort 3

}Line {SrcBlock "Fcn"SrcPort 1Points [0, 0]DstBlock "I-al*"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Fcn1"SrcPort 1Points [0, 0]DstBlock "I-be*"DstPort 1


}}Block {

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BlockType ScopeName "Scope"Ports [4]Position [635, 15, 680, 105]BackgroundColor "green"NamePlacement "alternate"Location [173, 446, 991, 997]

Open offNumInputPorts "4"ZoomMode "xonly"List {ListType AxesTitlesaxes1 "%<SignalLabel>"axes2 "%<SignalLabel>"axes3 "%<SignalLabel>"axes4 "%<SignalLabel>"

}TimeRange "1"YMin "0.2~0.6~10~-1"

YMax "0.65~1.9~50~1"SaveToWorkspace onSaveName "simu_vector1"DataFormat "StructureWithTime"LimitDataPoints offDecimation "20"SampleTime "5e-6"

}Block {BlockType SubSystemName "Subsystem"Ports [3, 3]Position [795, 151, 855, 269]

TreatAsAtomicUnit offMinAlgLoopOccurrences offRTWSystemCode "Auto"System {Name "Subsystem"Location [119, 281, 744, 583]Open offModelBrowserVisibility offModelBrowserWidth 200ScreenColor "white"PaperOrientation "landscape"PaperPositionMode "auto"PaperType "usletter"PaperUnits "inches"ZoomFactor "100"Block {BlockType InportName "Ia*"Position [105, 28, 135, 42]Port "1"IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {BlockType Inport

Name "Ib*"Position [105, 68, 135, 82]Port "2"

8/3/2019 vectorver3 23/56

IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {BlockType InportName "Ic*"Position [105, 108, 135, 122]

Port "3"IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {BlockType SumName "Add"Ports [2, 1]Position [320, 152, 350, 183]Inputs "+-"InputSameDT offOutDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule"

OutScaling "2^-10"SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off}Block {BlockType SumName "Add1"Ports [2, 1]Position [320, 192, 350, 223]Inputs "+-"InputSameDT offOutDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule"OutScaling "2^-10"SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off

}Block {BlockType SumName "Add2"Ports [2, 1]Position [320, 232, 350, 263]Inputs "+-"InputSameDT offOutDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule"OutScaling "2^-10"SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off

}Block {BlockType DataTypeConversionName "Data Type \nConversion1"Position [465, 200, 495, 220]BackgroundColor "cyan"ShowName offOutDataTypeMode "boolean"

}Block {BlockType DataTypeConversionName "Data Type \nConversion2"Position [465, 160, 495, 180]BackgroundColor "cyan"

ShowName offOutDataTypeMode "boolean"


8/3/2019 vectorver3 24/56

Block {BlockType DataTypeConversionName "Data Type \nConversion3"Position [465, 240, 495, 260]BackgroundColor "cyan"ShowName offOutDataTypeMode "boolean"

}Block {BlockType DemuxName "Demux"Ports [1, 3]Position [110, 167, 115, 263]BackgroundColor "black"ShowName offOutputs "3"DisplayOption "bar"Port {PortNumber 1

ShowPropagatedSignals "on"RTWStorageClass "Auto"DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"ShowSigGenPortName on

}Port {PortNumber 2ShowPropagatedSignals "on"RTWStorageClass "Auto"DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"ShowSigGenPortName on

}Port {

PortNumber 3ShowPropagatedSignals "on"RTWStorageClass "Auto"DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName"ShowSigGenPortName on

}}Block {BlockType FromName "From3"Position [25, 201, 65, 229]CloseFcn "tagdialog Close"GotoTag "Iabc"

}Block {BlockType RelayName "Relay"Position [415, 155, 445, 185]

}Block {BlockType RelayName "Relay1"Position [415, 195, 445, 225]

}Block {

BlockType RelayName "Relay2"Position [415, 235, 445, 265]

8/3/2019 vectorver3 25/56

}Block {BlockType OutportName "pulse"Position [570, 163, 600, 177]IconDisplay "Port number"BusOutputAsStruct off

}Block {BlockType OutportName "pulse1"Position [565, 203, 595, 217]Port "2"IconDisplay "Port number"BusOutputAsStruct off

}Block {BlockType OutportName "pulse2"

Position [565, 243, 595, 257]Port "3"IconDisplay "Port number"BusOutputAsStruct off

}Line {SrcBlock "From3"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Demux"DstPort 1

}Line {Labels [0, 0]

SrcBlock "Demux"SrcPort 1Points [5, 0; 0, -10]DstBlock "Add"DstPort 2

}Line {Labels [0, 0]SrcBlock "Demux"SrcPort 2DstBlock "Add1"DstPort 2

}Line {Labels [0, 0]SrcBlock "Demux"SrcPort 3Points [5, 0; 0, 10]DstBlock "Add2"DstPort 2

}Line {SrcBlock "Ia*"SrcPort 1Points [80, 0; 0, 125]

DstBlock "Add"DstPort 1


8/3/2019 vectorver3 26/56

Line {SrcBlock "Ib*"SrcPort 1Points [65, 0; 0, 125]DstBlock "Add1"DstPort 1


Line {SrcBlock "Ic*"SrcPort 1Points [45, 0; 0, 125]DstBlock "Add2"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Add"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Relay"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Add1"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Relay1"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Add2"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Relay2"DstPort 1


Line {SrcBlock "Relay"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Data Type \nConversion2"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Data Type \nConversion2"SrcPort 1DstBlock "pulse"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Relay1"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Data Type \nConversion1"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Data Type \nConversion1"SrcPort 1DstBlock "pulse1"DstPort 1

}Line {

SrcBlock "Relay2"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Data Type \nConversion3"

8/3/2019 vectorver3 27/56

DstPort 1}Line {SrcBlock "Data Type \nConversion3"SrcPort 1DstBlock "pulse2"DstPort 1


}Block {BlockType SubSystemName "Torque controller"Ports [2, 1]Position [480, 190, 545, 250]TreatAsAtomicUnit offMinAlgLoopOccurrences offRTWSystemCode "Auto"MaskType "PI controller"

MaskDescription "Proportional-Integral Torque Controller"MaskPromptString "Proportional gain (Kp)Intrgral gain (Ki)L""imit"

MaskStyleString "edit,edit,edit"MaskTunableValueString "on,on,on"MaskCallbackString ""MaskEnableString "on,on,on"MaskVisibilityString "on,on,on"MaskToolTipString "on,on,on"MaskVarAliasString ",,"MaskVariables "Kp=@1;Ki=@2;lim=@3;"MaskDisplay "plot(0,0,100,100,[35,35,65],[70,30,30],[35,"


MaskIconFrame onMaskIconOpaque offMaskIconRotate "none"MaskIconUnits "autoscale"MaskValueString "20050600"MaskTabNameString ",,"System {Name "Torque controller"Location [2, 82, 1142, 818]Open offModelBrowserVisibility offModelBrowserWidth 200ScreenColor "white"PaperOrientation "landscape"PaperPositionMode "auto"PaperType "usletter"PaperUnits "inches"ZoomFactor "100"Block {BlockType InportName "Te"Position [45, 98, 75, 112]Port "1"IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {BlockType Inport

8/3/2019 vectorver3 28/56

Name "Te*"Position [45, 68, 75, 82]Port "2"IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {

BlockType GainName "Integral\nGain"Position [270, 158, 310, 182]Gain "Ki"

}Block {BlockType IntegratorName "Integrator"Ports [1, 1]Position [360, 155, 390, 185]IgnoreLimit off


Block {BlockType GainName "Proportional\nGain"Position [275, 41, 315, 69]Gain "Kp"

}Block {BlockType SaturateName "Saturation"Position [480, 110, 500, 130]ShowName offUpperLimit "lim"LowerLimit "-lim"

}Block {BlockType SumName "Sum"Ports [2, 1]Position [425, 105, 455, 135]ShowName offIconShape "round"

}Block {BlockType SumName "Sum1"Ports [2, 1]Position [115, 58, 125, 122]ShowName offInputs "+-"

}Block {BlockType OutportName "Iqs*"Position [525, 113, 555, 127]IconDisplay "Port number"BusOutputAsStruct offInitialOutput "0"


Line {SrcBlock "Saturation"SrcPort 1

8/3/2019 vectorver3 29/56

DstBlock "Iqs*"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Te"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Sum1"

DstPort 2}Line {SrcBlock "Te*"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Sum1"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Integral\nGain"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Integrator"

DstPort 1}Line {SrcBlock "Proportional\nGain"SrcPort 1Points [120, 0]DstBlock "Sum"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Integrator"SrcPort 1Points [45, 0]

DstBlock "Sum"DstPort 2

}Line {SrcBlock "Sum"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Saturation"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Sum1"SrcPort 1Points [60, 0]Branch {Points [0, 80]DstBlock "Integral\nGain"DstPort 1

}Branch {Points [0, -35]DstBlock "Proportional\nGain"DstPort 1



}Block {BlockType SubSystem

8/3/2019 vectorver3 30/56

Name "Two_To_Three"Ports [2, 3]Position [690, 129, 745, 291]FontSize 14TreatAsAtomicUnit offMinAlgLoopOccurrences offRTWSystemCode "Auto"

System {Name "Two_To_Three"Location [525, 319, 1023, 619]Open offModelBrowserVisibility offModelBrowserWidth 200ScreenColor "white"PaperOrientation "landscape"PaperPositionMode "auto"PaperType "usletter"PaperUnits "inches"ZoomFactor "100"

Block {BlockType InportName "I-al*"Position [30, 78, 60, 92]Port "1"IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {BlockType InportName "I-be*"Position [30, 128, 60, 142]Port "2"

IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {BlockType FcnName "Fcn"Position [230, 50, 300, 80]Expr "u(1)"

}Block {BlockType FcnName "Fcn1"Position [230, 100, 300, 130]Expr "-0.5*u(1)+0.866*u(2) "

}Block {BlockType FcnName "Fcn2"Position [230, 150, 300, 180]Expr "-0.5*u(1)-0.866*u(2)"

}Block {BlockType GainName "Gain1"Position [105, 69, 130, 101]

Gain "sqrt(2/3)"}Block {

8/3/2019 vectorver3 31/56

BlockType GainName "Gain2"Position [105, 119, 130, 151]Gain "sqrt(2/3)"

}Block {BlockType Mux

Name "Mux"Ports [2, 1]Position [160, 81, 165, 139]ShowName offInputs "2"DisplayOption "bar"

}Block {BlockType OutportName "Ia*"Position [380, 58, 410, 72]IconDisplay "Port number"

BusOutputAsStruct off}Block {BlockType OutportName "Ib*"Position [380, 108, 410, 122]Port "2"IconDisplay "Port number"BusOutputAsStruct off

}Block {BlockType OutportName "Ic*"

Position [380, 158, 410, 172]Port "3"IconDisplay "Port number"BusOutputAsStruct off

}Line {SrcBlock "I-al*"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Gain1"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "I-be*"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Gain2"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Gain1"SrcPort 1Points [10, 0]DstBlock "Mux"DstPort 1

}Line {

SrcBlock "Gain2"SrcPort 1Points [0, -10]

8/3/2019 vectorver3 32/56

DstBlock "Mux"DstPort 2

}Line {SrcBlock "Mux"SrcPort 1Points [20, 0]

Branch {Points [0, -45]DstBlock "Fcn"DstPort 1

}Branch {Points [0, 5]Branch {DstBlock "Fcn1"DstPort 1

}Branch {

Points [0, 50]DstBlock "Fcn2"DstPort 1


}Line {SrcBlock "Fcn"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Ia*"DstPort 1

}Line {

SrcBlock "Fcn2"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Ic*"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Fcn1"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Ib*"DstPort 1


}Block {BlockType SubSystemName "calculation of rotor flux vector"Ports [4, 3]Position [240, 40, 330, 160]TreatAsAtomicUnit offMinAlgLoopOccurrences offRTWSystemCode "Auto"System {Name "calculation of rotor flux vector"Location [2, 82, 1014, 722]Open off

ModelBrowserVisibility offModelBrowserWidth 200ScreenColor "white"

8/3/2019 vectorver3 33/56

PaperOrientation "landscape"PaperPositionMode "auto"PaperType "usletter"PaperUnits "inches"ZoomFactor "100"Block {BlockType Inport

Name "Speed"Position [505, 238, 535, 252]Port "1"IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {BlockType InportName "Ia"Position [25, 143, 55, 157]Port "2"IconDisplay "Port number"

LatchInput off}Block {BlockType InportName "Ib"Position [25, 168, 55, 182]Port "3"IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {BlockType InportName "Ic"

Position [25, 193, 55, 207]Port "4"IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {BlockType SumName "Add"Ports [2, 1]Position [575, 182, 605, 213]InputSameDT offOutDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule"OutScaling "2^-10"SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off

}Block {BlockType FcnName "Fcn"Position [275, 200, 345, 230]Expr "3*p/2*(Lm/Lr)"

}Block {BlockType FcnName "Fcn2"Position [480, 185, 540, 215]

Expr "u(2)/(Tr*u(1)+1e-3)"}Block {

8/3/2019 vectorver3 34/56

BlockType GainName "Gain"Position [360, 150, 390, 180]Gain "Lm"ParameterDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule"OutDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule"SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off

}Block {BlockType GainName "Gain1"Position [290, 263, 330, 297]Gain "Lm"ParameterDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule"OutDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule"SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off

}Block {BlockType Integrator

Name "Integrator"Ports [1, 1]Position [640, 185, 670, 215]IgnoreLimit off

}Block {BlockType MuxName "Mux"Ports [2, 1]Position [450, 181, 455, 219]ShowName offInputs "2"DisplayOption "bar"

}Block {BlockType ProductName "Product"Ports [2, 1]Position [460, 92, 490, 123]InputSameDT offOutDataTypeMode "Inherit via internal rule"SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off

}Block {BlockType TransferFcnName "Transfer Fcn"Position [275, 147, 335, 183]Denominator "[Tr 1]"

}Block {BlockType SubSystemName "abc to alfa-beta"Ports [3, 2]Position [95, 137, 140, 213]NamePlacement "alternate"FontSize 14TreatAsAtomicUnit offMinAlgLoopOccurrences off

RTWSystemCode "Auto"System {Name "abc to alfa-beta"

8/3/2019 vectorver3 35/56

Location [226, 382, 740, 612]Open offModelBrowserVisibility offModelBrowserWidth 200ScreenColor "white"PaperOrientation "landscape"PaperPositionMode "auto"

PaperType "usletter"PaperUnits "inches"ZoomFactor "100"Block {BlockType InportName "a"Position [25, 68, 55, 82]Port "1"IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {

BlockType InportName "b"Position [25, 108, 55, 122]Port "2"IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {BlockType InportName "c"Position [25, 148, 55, 162]Port "3"IconDisplay "Port number"

LatchInput off}Block {BlockType DemuxName "Demux"Ports [1, 2]Position [370, 84, 375, 146]BackgroundColor "black"ShowName offOutputs "2"

}Block {BlockType GainName "Gain3"Position [120, 91, 190, 139]Gain "sqrt(2/3)"

}Block {BlockType GainName "Matrix Gain"Position [210, 77, 300, 153]Gain "[cos(0) cos(2/3*pi) cos(4/3*pi); si"

"n(0) sin(2/3*pi) sin(4/3*pi)]"Multiplication "Matrix(K*u)"


Block {BlockType MuxName "Mux"

8/3/2019 vectorver3 36/56

Ports [3, 1]Position [95, 57, 100, 173]ShowName offInputs "3"DisplayOption "bar"

}Block {

BlockType OutportName "alfa"Position [455, 93, 485, 107]IconDisplay "Port number"BusOutputAsStruct off

}Block {BlockType OutportName "beta"Position [455, 123, 485, 137]Port "2"IconDisplay "Port number"

BusOutputAsStruct off}Line {SrcBlock "Gain3"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Matrix Gain"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Mux"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Gain3"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Demux"SrcPort 2Points [0, 0]DstBlock "beta"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Demux"SrcPort 1Points [0, 0]DstBlock "alfa"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "c"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Mux"DstPort 3

}Line {SrcBlock "b"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Mux"

DstPort 2}Line {

8/3/2019 vectorver3 37/56

SrcBlock "a"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Mux"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Matrix Gain"

SrcPort 1DstBlock "Demux"DstPort 1


}Block {BlockType SubSystemName "al-be to dq"Ports [3, 2]Position [195, 141, 245, 239]NamePlacement "alternate"

FontSize 14TreatAsAtomicUnit offMinAlgLoopOccurrences offRTWSystemCode "Auto"System {Name "al-be to dq"Location [189, 224, 728, 480]Open offModelBrowserVisibility offModelBrowserWidth 200ScreenColor "white"PaperOrientation "landscape"PaperPositionMode "auto"

PaperType "usletter"PaperUnits "inches"ZoomFactor "125"Block {BlockType InportName "alfa"Position [15, 33, 45, 47]Port "1"IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {BlockType InportName "beta"Position [15, 88, 45, 102]Port "2"IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {BlockType InportName "Theta"Position [15, 143, 45, 157]Port "3"IconDisplay "Port number"

LatchInput off}Block {

8/3/2019 vectorver3 38/56

BlockType FcnName "Fcn"Position [155, 12, 350, 48]Expr "u(1)*cos(u(3)) + u(2)*sin(u(3))"

}Block {BlockType Fcn

Name "Fcn1"Position [155, 147, 350, 183]Expr "-u(1)*sin(u(3)) + u(2)*cos(u(3))"

}Block {BlockType MuxName "Mux"Ports [3, 1]Position [95, 14, 100, 176]ShowName offInputs "3"DisplayOption "bar"

}Block {BlockType OutportName "d"Position [385, 23, 415, 37]IconDisplay "Port number"BusOutputAsStruct off

}Block {BlockType OutportName "q"Position [390, 158, 420, 172]Port "2"

IconDisplay "Port number"BusOutputAsStruct off

}Line {SrcBlock "Fcn1"SrcPort 1Points [0, 0]DstBlock "q"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Fcn"SrcPort 1DstBlock "d"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Theta"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Mux"DstPort 3

}Line {SrcBlock "beta"SrcPort 1

DstBlock "Mux"DstPort 2


8/3/2019 vectorver3 39/56

Line {SrcBlock "alfa"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Mux"DstPort 1

}Line {

SrcBlock "Mux"SrcPort 1Points [0, 0; 15, 0]Branch {Points [0, 70]DstBlock "Fcn1"DstPort 1

}Branch {Points [0, -65]DstBlock "Fcn"DstPort 1


}Block {BlockType OutportName "Phir"Position [485, 28, 515, 42]IconDisplay "Port number"BusOutputAsStruct off

}Block {BlockType Outport

Name "Te"Position [520, 103, 550, 117]Port "2"IconDisplay "Port number"BusOutputAsStruct off

}Block {BlockType OutportName "Theta"Position [450, 268, 480, 282]Port "3"IconDisplay "Port number"BusOutputAsStruct off

}Line {SrcBlock "abc to alfa-beta"SrcPort 1Points [35, 0]DstBlock "al-be to dq"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "abc to alfa-beta"SrcPort 2Points [35, 0]

DstBlock "al-be to dq"DstPort 2


8/3/2019 vectorver3 40/56

Line {SrcBlock "al-be to dq"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Transfer Fcn"DstPort 1

}Line {

SrcBlock "al-be to dq"SrcPort 2Points [5, 0]Branch {DstBlock "Fcn"DstPort 1

}Branch {Points [0, 65]DstBlock "Gain1"DstPort 1


}Line {SrcBlock "Gain1"SrcPort 1Points [50, 0; 0, -70]DstBlock "Mux"DstPort 2

}Line {SrcBlock "Mux"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Fcn2"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Product"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Te"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Fcn"SrcPort 1Points [70, 0; 0, -100]DstBlock "Product"DstPort 2

}Line {SrcBlock "Fcn2"SrcPort 1Points [15, 0]DstBlock "Add"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Speed"SrcPort 1Points [15, 0; 0, -40]

DstBlock "Add"DstPort 2


8/3/2019 vectorver3 41/56

Line {SrcBlock "Ia"SrcPort 1DstBlock "abc to alfa-beta"DstPort 1

}Line {

SrcBlock "Ib"SrcPort 1DstBlock "abc to alfa-beta"DstPort 2

}Line {SrcBlock "Ic"SrcPort 1DstBlock "abc to alfa-beta"DstPort 3

}Line {

SrcBlock "Integrator"SrcPort 1Points [20, 0; 0, 115; -260, 0]Branch {Points [-265, 0; 0, -95]DstBlock "al-be to dq"DstPort 3

}Branch {DstBlock "Theta"DstPort 1


Line {SrcBlock "Add"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Integrator"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Transfer Fcn"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Gain"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Gain"SrcPort 1Points [10, 0]Branch {Points [0, -60; 40, 0]Branch {Points [0, -70]DstBlock "Phir"DstPort 1

}Branch {DstBlock "Product"

DstPort 1}


8/3/2019 vectorver3 42/56

Branch {Points [25, 0; 0, 25]DstBlock "Mux"DstPort 1



}Block {BlockType SubSystemName "speed controller"Ports [2, 1]Position [295, 205, 360, 265]TreatAsAtomicUnit offMinAlgLoopOccurrences offRTWSystemCode "Auto"MaskType "PI controller"MaskDescription "Proportional-Integral Speed Controller"MaskPromptString "Proportional gain (Kp)Intrgral gain (Ki)L"

"imit" MaskStyleString "edit,edit,edit"MaskTunableValueString "on,on,on"MaskCallbackString ""MaskEnableString "on,on,on"MaskVisibilityString "on,on,on"MaskToolTipString "on,on,on"MaskVarAliasString ",,"MaskVariables "Kp=@1;Ki=@2;lim=@3;"MaskDisplay "plot(0,0,100,100,[35,35,65],[70,30,30],[35,"

"65],[45,60])"MaskIconFrame onMaskIconOpaque off

MaskIconRotate "none"MaskIconUnits "autoscale"MaskValueString "300501200"MaskTabNameString ",,"System {Name "speed controller"Location [2, 82, 1014, 744]Open offModelBrowserVisibility offModelBrowserWidth 200ScreenColor "white"PaperOrientation "landscape"PaperPositionMode "auto"PaperType "usletter"PaperUnits "inches"ZoomFactor "100"Block {BlockType InportName "w"Position [45, 98, 75, 112]Port "1"IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {

BlockType InportName "w*"Position [45, 68, 75, 82]

8/3/2019 vectorver3 43/56

Port "2"IconDisplay "Port number"LatchInput off

}Block {BlockType GainName "Integral\nGain"

Position [270, 158, 310, 182]Gain "Ki"

}Block {BlockType IntegratorName "Integrator"Ports [1, 1]Position [360, 155, 390, 185]IgnoreLimit off

}Block {BlockType Gain

Name "Proportional\nGain"Position [275, 41, 315, 69]Gain "Kp"

}Block {BlockType SaturateName "Saturation"Position [480, 110, 500, 130]ShowName offUpperLimit "lim"LowerLimit "-lim"

}Block {

BlockType SumName "Sum"Ports [2, 1]Position [425, 105, 455, 135]ShowName offIconShape "round"

}Block {BlockType SumName "Sum1"Ports [2, 1]Position [115, 58, 125, 122]ShowName offInputs "+-"

}Block {BlockType OutportName "Te*"Position [525, 113, 555, 127]IconDisplay "Port number"BusOutputAsStruct offInitialOutput "0"

}Line {SrcBlock "Saturation"

SrcPort 1DstBlock "Te*"DstPort 1

8/3/2019 vectorver3 44/56

}Line {SrcBlock "w"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Sum1"DstPort 2


Line {SrcBlock "w*"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Sum1"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Integral\nGain"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Integrator"DstPort 1


Line {SrcBlock "Proportional\nGain"SrcPort 1Points [120, 0]DstBlock "Sum"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Integrator"SrcPort 1Points [45, 0]DstBlock "Sum"DstPort 2

}Line {SrcBlock "Sum"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Saturation"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Sum1"SrcPort 1Points [60, 0]Branch {Points [0, 80]DstBlock "Integral\nGain"DstPort 1

}Branch {Points [0, -35]DstBlock "Proportional\nGain"DstPort 1


}}Block {

BlockType OutportName "pulse"Position [1010, 213, 1040, 227]

8/3/2019 vectorver3 45/56

IconDisplay "Port number"BusOutputAsStruct off

}Line {SrcBlock "From"SrcPort 1DstBlock "speed controller"

DstPort 1}Line {SrcBlock "speed*"SrcPort 1DstBlock "speed controller"DstPort 2

}Line {SrcBlock "Phir*"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Flux controller"

DstPort 2}Line {SrcBlock "speed controller"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Torque controller"DstPort 2

}Line {SrcBlock "From2"SrcPort 1Points [135, 0]DstBlock "calculation of rotor flux vector"

DstPort 1}Line {SrcBlock "calculation of rotor flux vector"SrcPort 2Points [0, -15; 35, 0]Branch {Labels [2, 0]Points [15, 0; 0, 120]DstBlock "Torque controller"DstPort 1

}Branch {Points [0, -35]DstBlock "Scope"DstPort 2

}}Line {SrcBlock "calculation of rotor flux vector"SrcPort 1Points [0, -15; 20, 0]Branch {Points [75, 0; 0, 80]DstBlock "Flux controller"

DstPort 1}Branch {

8/3/2019 vectorver3 46/56

Points [0, -15]DstBlock "Scope"DstPort 1

}}Line {SrcBlock "Flux controller"

SrcPort 1Points [25, 0]DstBlock "Rotating_To_Fixed"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Torque controller"SrcPort 1Points [-5, 0; 0, -5; 30, 0]DstBlock "Rotating_To_Fixed"DstPort 2


Line {SrcBlock "calculation of rotor flux vector"SrcPort 3Points [0, -15; 15, 0]Branch {Points [25, 0; 0, 150; 200, 0]DstBlock "Rotating_To_Fixed"DstPort 3

}Branch {Points [0, -55]DstBlock "Scope"DstPort 3

}}Line {SrcBlock "Rotating_To_Fixed"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Two_To_Three"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Rotating_To_Fixed"SrcPort 2DstBlock "Two_To_Three"DstPort 2

}Line {SrcBlock "From1"SrcPort 1Points [20, 0; 0, 10; 15, 0]DstBlock "Demux"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Two_To_Three"SrcPort 1Points [20, 0; 0, 15]

DstBlock "Subsystem"DstPort 1


8/3/2019 vectorver3 47/56

Line {SrcBlock "Two_To_Three"SrcPort 2DstBlock "Subsystem"DstPort 2

}Line {

SrcBlock "Two_To_Three"SrcPort 3Points [20, 0; 0, -15]DstBlock "Subsystem"DstPort 3

}Line {SrcBlock "Mux"SrcPort 1DstBlock "pulse"DstPort 1


Line {SrcBlock "Subsystem"SrcPort 1Points [0, -5; 10, 0]Branch {Points [20, 0; 0, -10]DstBlock "Mux"DstPort 1

}Branch {DstBlock "BL5"DstPort 1


}Line {SrcBlock "Subsystem"SrcPort 2Points [5, 0]Branch {Points [25, 0; 0, -5]DstBlock "Mux"DstPort 3

}Branch {Points [0, 10; 10, 0]DstBlock "BL1"DstPort 1

}}Line {SrcBlock "Subsystem"SrcPort 3Points [5, 0]Branch {Points [25, 0; 0, 5]DstBlock "Mux"DstPort 5


Branch {Points [0, 30]DstBlock "BL2"

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DstPort 1}

}Line {SrcBlock "BL5"SrcPort 1Points [10, 0; 0, -5]

DstBlock "Mux"DstPort 2

}Line {SrcBlock "BL2"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Mux"DstPort 6

}Line {SrcBlock "BL1"SrcPort 1

Points [10, 0; 0, -5]DstBlock "Mux"DstPort 4

}Line {SrcBlock "Demux"SrcPort 3Points [40, 0; 0, 30]DstBlock "calculation of rotor flux vector"DstPort 4

}Line {SrcBlock "Demux"

SrcPort 2Points [80, 0]DstBlock "calculation of rotor flux vector"DstPort 3

}Line {SrcBlock "Demux"SrcPort 1Points [40, 0; 0, -10]DstBlock "calculation of rotor flux vector"DstPort 2


}Block {BlockType GotoName "Goto"Position [900, 496, 945, 514]BackgroundColor "[0.501961, 1.000000, 1.000000]"ShowName offGotoTag "Speed"TagVisibility "global"

}Block {BlockType Goto

Name "Goto2"Position [900, 456, 945, 474]BackgroundColor "[0.501961, 1.000000, 1.000000]"

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ShowName offGotoTag "Iabc"TagVisibility "global"

}Block {BlockType ReferenceName "Induction machine"

Ports [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 3]Position [550, 240, 665, 370]SourceBlock "powerlib/Machines/Asynchronous Machine\nSI Unit"

"s"SourceType "Asynchronous Machine"ShowPortLabels onPresetModel "No"ShowDetailedParameters onRotorType "Squirrel-cage"ReferenceFrame "Stationary"NominalParameters "[ 50*746, 460, 50 ]"Stator "[ 0.087 0.8e-3 ]"

Rotor "[ 0.228 0.8e-3 ]"Lm "34.7e-3"Mechanical "[1.662 0.1 2 ]"InitialConditions "[ 1, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ]"Units "1"LoadFlowParameters "0"

}Block {BlockType MuxName "Mux"Ports [3, 1]Position [885, 266, 890, 304]ShowName off

Inputs "3"DisplayOption "bar"

}Block {BlockType ScopeName "Scope"Ports [4]Position [945, 350, 990, 440]BackgroundColor "green"NamePlacement "alternate"Location [201, 109, 1019, 660]Open onNumInputPorts "4"ZoomMode "xonly"List {ListType AxesTitlesaxes1 "%<SignalLabel>"axes2 "%<SignalLabel>"axes3 "%<SignalLabel>"axes4 "%<SignalLabel>"

}TimeRange "1"YMin "-1000~-500~-3000~-1000"YMax "1000~500~2000~1250"SaveToWorkspace on

SaveName "simu_vector"DataFormat "StructureWithTime"LimitDataPoints off

8/3/2019 vectorver3 50/56

Decimation "20"SampleTime "5e-6"

}Block {BlockType ScopeName "Scope1"Ports [1]

Position [510, 30, 555, 120]BackgroundColor "green"NamePlacement "alternate"Location [252, 109, 1070, 660]Open offNumInputPorts "1"ZoomMode "xonly"List {ListType AxesTitlesaxes1 "%<SignalLabel>"

}TimeRange "1"

YMin "0"YMax "1"SaveToWorkspace onSaveName "simu_vector2"DataFormat "StructureWithTime"LimitDataPoints offDecimation "20"SampleTime "5e-6"

}Block {BlockType UnitDelayName "Unit Delay"Position [850, 447, 870, 483]

SampleTime "2e-6"}Block {BlockType ReferenceName "Universal Bridge"Ports [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 2]Position [405, 241, 475, 374]Orientation "left"NamePlacement "alternate"SourceBlock "powerlib/Power\nElectronics/Universal Bridge"SourceType "Universal Bridge"ShowPortLabels onArms "3"SnubberResistance "1000"SnubberCapacitance "inf"Device "IGBT / Diodes"Ron "1e-3"Lon "0"ForwardVoltages "[ 0.8 0.8]"ForwardVoltage "0"GTOparameters "[ 10e-6 , 20e-6 ]"IGBTparameters "[ 1e-6 , 2e-6 ]"Measurements "None"

}Block {

BlockType ReferenceName "VDC\n(780 V)"Description "source block"

8/3/2019 vectorver3 51/56

Ports [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]Position [295, 290, 315, 325]Orientation "up"AttributesFormatString "\\n"SourceBlock "powerlib/Electrical\nSources/DC Voltage Source"SourceType "DC Voltage Source"ShowPortLabels on

Amplitude "780"Measurements "None"

}Block {BlockType ReferenceName "Vab"Ports [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2]Position [755, 203, 780, 227]SourceBlock "powerlib/Measurements/Voltage Measurement"SourceType "Voltage Measurement"ShowPortLabels onPhasorSimulation off

OutputType "Complex"PSBequivalent "0"}Block {BlockType ConstantName "load"Position [455, 130, 485, 160]Value "0"

}Block {BlockType ReferenceName "powergui"Ports []

Position [65, 80, 145, 125]ShowName offUserDataPersistent onUserData "DataTag0"FontSize 11SourceBlock "powerlib/powergui"SourceType "PSB option menu block"ShowPortLabels onSimulationMode "Discrete"SampleTime "2e-6"echomessages offx0status "blocks"Frange "[0:2:500]"Ylog offXlog onShowGrid offsave offvariable "ZData"ZoomFFT onStartTime "0.0"cycles "1"DisplayStyle "1"fundamental "60"FreqAxis offMaxFrequency "1000"

frequencyindice "50"frequencyindicesteady "1"RmsSteady "1"

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display offTs "0"frequency "60"methode off

}Block {BlockType Constant

Name "speed*"Position [180, 160, 210, 190]Value "80"OutDataTypeMode "double"

}Line {LineType "Connection"Points [500, 280; 0, -70; 240, 0]DstBlock "Vab"DstPort LConn1Branch {ConnectType "SRC_DEST"

SrcBlock "Universal Bridge"SrcPort LConn1Points [0, -10; 10, 0]

}Branch {ConnectType "SRC_SRC"Points [35, 0]DstBlock "Induction machine"DstPort LConn1

}}Line {LineType "Connection"

Points [525, 310; 0, -90; 215, 0]DstBlock "Vab"DstPort LConn2Branch {ConnectType "SRC_DEST"SrcBlock "Universal Bridge"SrcPort LConn2Points [0, -5; 35, -5; 0, -5]

}Branch {ConnectType "SRC_SRC"Points [10, 0]DstBlock "Induction machine"DstPort LConn2

}}Line {LineType "Connection"SrcBlock "Universal Bridge"SrcPort LConn3Points [0, -10]DstBlock "Induction machine"DstPort LConn3

}Line {

LineType "Connection"SrcBlock "VDC\n(780 V)"SrcPort RConn1

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DstBlock "Universal Bridge"DstPort RConn1

}Line {SrcBlock "Induction machine"SrcPort 1Points [0, -10; 10, 0]

Branch {Labels [2, 0]Points [45, 0]DstBlock "Bus\nSelector"DstPort 1

}Branch {DstBlock "Bus\nSelector1"DstPort 1

}}Line {

SrcBlock "Vab"SrcPort 1Points [50, 0; 0, 150]DstBlock "Scope"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "Unit Delay"SrcPort 1DstBlock "Goto2"DstPort 1

}Line {

SrcBlock "speed*"SrcPort 1Points [35, 0]DstBlock "Control block"DstPort 1

}Line {SrcBlock "load"SrcPort 1Points [45, 0]DstBlock "Induction machine"DstPort 1

}Line {Name "<Stator current is_a (A)>"Labels [0, 0]SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector1"SrcPort 1Points [160, 0; 0, -5]DstBlock "Scope"DstPort 2

}Line {LineType "Connection"SrcBlock "VDC\n(780 V)"

SrcPort LConn1DstBlock "Universal Bridge"DstPort RConn2

8/3/2019 vectorver3 54/56

}Line {SrcBlock "Control block"SrcPort 1Points [10, 0]Branch {Points [130, 0]

DstBlock "Universal Bridge"DstPort 1

}Branch {Points [0, -105]DstBlock "Scope1"DstPort 1

}}Line {Name "<Rotor speed (wm)>"Labels [0, 0]

SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector1"SrcPort 3Points [85, 0; 0, 10]Branch {Points [0, 85]DstBlock "Goto"DstPort 1

}Branch {Points [135, 0]DstBlock "Scope"DstPort 4


}Line {Name "<Electromagnetic torque Te (N*m)>"Labels [0, 0]SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector1"SrcPort 2Points [145, 0; 0, 5]DstBlock "Scope"DstPort 3

}Line {Name "<Stator current is_a (A)>"Labels [0, 0]SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector"SrcPort 1Points [120, 0]DstBlock "Mux"DstPort 1

}Line {Name "<Stator current is_b (A)>"Labels [0, 0]SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector"SrcPort 2Points [120, 0]

DstBlock "Mux"DstPort 2


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Line {Name "<Stator current is_c (A)>"Labels [0, 0]SrcBlock "Bus\nSelector"SrcPort 3Points [120, 0]DstBlock "Mux"

DstPort 3}Line {SrcBlock "Mux"SrcPort 1Points [0, 150; -60, 0]DstBlock "Unit Delay"DstPort 1


}MatData {

NumRecords 1DataRecord {Tag DataTag0Data " %)30 . X ( 8 ( @ % "

"\" $ ! 0 % 0 # $ !X <&]W97)G=6D <W1E861Y<W1A""=&4 :6YI='-T871E<P ;&]A9&9L;W< ;'1I=FEE=P >FUE=&5R 9F9T=&]O;"" <F5P;W)T :'ES=&5R97-I<P ;&EN97!A<F%M #@ # & \" "" 8 !0 @ $ \"0 . , 8 ( !""@ % \" 0 ) X P !@ @ & "" 4 ( ! D #@ # & \" 8 "" !0 @ $ \"0 . , 8 ( !@ "" % \" 0 ) X P !@ @ & "" 4 ( ! D #@ # & \" 8 "

" !0 @ $ \"0 . , 8 ( !@ "" % \" 0 ) X P !@ @ & "" 4 ( ! D #@ # & \" 8 !""0 @ $ \"0 "}


# Finite State Machines## Stateflow Version 6.2 (R14SP2) dated Jan 27 2005, 19:24:42##

Stateflow {

machine {id 1name "vectorver3"created "05-Nov-2010 16:14:34"isLibrary 0firstTarget 2sfVersion 62014000


target {

id 2name "sfun"description "Default Simulink S-Func

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tion Target."machine 1linkNode [1 0 0]
