Official publication of THE VASA ORDER OF AMERICA A Swedish-American Fraternal Organization Organized September 18, 1896 MARCH-APRIL 2006



Transcript of VASA STAR 2006 MARCH

Page 1: VASA STAR 2006 MARCH

Official publication of


A Swedish-American Fraternal Organization

Organized September 18, 1896


Page 2: VASA STAR 2006 MARCH

The GrandMaster’s Message




Vasa Members, Brothers and Sisters,

My term of office as Grand Master is coming to an end andthis is the last time I’ll have an opportunity to communicatewith you. During my four years as Grand Master I havebeen able to use this space in the Vasa Star to share obser-vations as well as getting your reactions to new conceptsand ideas. I have traveled a lot during these four years and Ihave met a lot of you. In short; I have enjoyed my term asGrand Master.

During my contacts and travel within the Order, I havebeen exposed to much “common wisdom” which uponreflection is neither common nor wisdom. I would like toshare some of these observations with you.

First, many lodges have over the years been more and moreopen, less and less Swedish. What I mean is that we havechanged in order to make it easier for more and morepeople to join us, making it more and more a social cluband thus, goes the common wisdom, our membershipshould increase. I know this is a very controversial state-ment, and I understand that many of you will disagree.However, let me present my observation that in Lodgeswhere we actually have started speaking Swedish again,albeit very little, attendances at meetings are up, youngerSwedes are joining again.

Second, organizations that attempt to be everything foreverybody are also doomed to failure. Swedes that joinwant to experience the Swedish heritage and today’sSweden…. similarly, Norwegians and Danes, etc…VGMRolf Bergman has some fascinating research results in thisarea which I hope he will share with you in an article in theVasa Star.

Finally, I want to ask you to support our National Archives.The Vasa Order of America National Archives has beenreconstituted as a 501 (C)(3) educational non-profit organi-zation with all the benefits to the organization that it entails.Your donation is needed now.

In the end of June, delegates and Vasa Members will con-gregate in San Diego for the quadrennial GrandConvention. This is the time for you to meet fellow mem-bers from other Districts and Countries. DL PacificSouthwest No. 15 has planned many activities for you, soplease, come and enjoy the Southern California hospitality.I hope to see you all there.

Thank you and good-bye.

Kära Vasamedlemmar och Vasasyskon,

Min mandatperiod som Stormästare börjar gå mot sitt slutoch detta är sista gången som jag har möjligheten att kom-municera med er. Under mina fyra år som Stormästare harjag kunnat använda detta utrymme på Vasastjärnan för attdela med mig av mina observationer samt få era reaktionerpå nya tankar och ideer. Jag har rest mycket under de härfyra åren och jag har träffat många av er. Kort sagt; jag harnjutit av min tid som Stormästare.

Under mina kontakter och resor inom Ordern, har jag utsattför mycket ”allmän vishet”, som vid eftertanke varken varitallmän eller vishet. Jag skulle vilja dela med mig några avdessa reflektioner med er.

Främst, många lodger har med tiden blivit mer och meröppna, mindre och mindre svenska. Vad jag menar är att viändrats för att kunna underlätta för fler att förena sig medoss, vilket nu gjort det mer till en social klubb ochsåledes, borde vårt medlemstal öka. Jag vet, detta är ettkontroversiellt uttalande och jag förstår om många av erinte kommer att hålla med mig. Emellertid, tillåt migatt presentera min observation att i lodger där vibörjat prata svenska igen, om än väldigt lite, så hardeltagandet på mötena ökat samt att yngre svenskar haranslutit sig.

För det andra, organisationer som försöker vara allt för allaär dömda att misslyckas. Svenskar som går med villuppleva det svenska arvet och dagens Sverige...likasånorskar och danskar etc...Vice Stormästare Rolf Bergmanhar några fascinerande forskningsresultat inom dettaområde som jag hoppas han vill dela med sig i en artikel iVasastjärnan.

Slutligen, vill jag be er att stödja vårt Arkiv. Vasaordernav Amerikas Arkiv har ombildats som en 501 (C)(3)ideell organisation med alla de förmåner som är förenademed organisationen. Era donationer behövs nu.

I slutet av juni kommer representanter och Vasamedlemmaratt samlas i San Diego för Storlodgemötet. Detta är tillfälletför er att möta medlemmar från andra disktrikt och länder.DL Pacifica Southwest Nr 15 har planerat åtskilligaaktiviteter för er så snälla, kom och njut av den södrakaliforniska gästvänligheten. Jag hoppas på att få se er alladär.

Tack och adjö.

Ulf Brynjestad

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Vasa Star March-April 2006 Page 3


Letter from the EditorOn the cover of this issue is a flower very familiar to many Swedes as the first sign

of spring. I remember as a child this was such an exciting discovery; I wish it still wasthat simple.

You can read about a “simple man” named Charles John Ericson from Södra Vithat ended up here in America as a 12-year-old. Despite his lack of education hebecame quite a remarkable man. But when you ask people in Södra Vi, north ofVimmerby in Småland about “the poor boy from Södra Vi who came to America, gotrich and helped so many, nobody seems to know anything about Charles John A.Ericson, where he or his parents had lived. Strange, isn’t it?”

We are also featuring the remainder of the Lucia Queens, and there are plenty ofthem. Some pictures may not be of very high quality when I receive them and there-fore they do not reproduce very well in The Vasa Star. In order to have a good pictureplease scan them at a resolution of 300 DPI in a JPEG format or send me the original.A paper copy will not work very well! I will return the original if you provide me witha self-addressed stamped envelope.

No more Lucia’s will appear following this issue until it is time for the 2006 Luciacelebrations.


Brev från redaktörenPå omslaget av denna upplaga är en blomma som ter sig mycket bekant för många

svenskar, som ett första vårtecken. Jag kommer ihåg att som barn, var detta en fan-tastisk upptäckt. Jag önskar att det fortfarande var så enkelt.

Ni kan läsa om en ”enkel man” vid namn Charles John Ericson från Södra Vi, somkom hit till Amerika som 12-åring. Trots hans brist på utbildning blev han en synnerli-gen anmärkningsvärd man. Men när du frågar människorna i Södra Vi, norr omVimmerby i Småland om “den fattige pojken från Södra Vi som kom till Amerika, blevrik och hjälpte så många, verkar ingen veta någonting om Charles John A. Ericson,var han eller hans föräldrar bott. Är det inte konstigt?”

Vi presenterar även resterande Lucior, och det är rätt så många av dem. En delbilder kanske inte har så hög kvalité när jag får dem och därför reproduceras de intespeciellt bra i The Vasa Star. För att få en fin bild, var snäll och ”scanna” dem i 300DPI i JPEG format eller skicka mig originalet. En pappers kopia fungerar inte så bra!Jag skickar tillbaka originalet om ni förser mig med ett addresserat kuvärt medfrimärke.

Det blir inga mer Lucior i kommande nummer förrän det är dags att fira 2006 årsLucior.


THE VASA STAR (USPS 657-020)March-April 2006

Vol. 99, No. 2, Serial 845

HEADQUARTERS:c/o Cynthia B. EricksonGrand SecretaryP.O. Box 1118Issaquah, WA 98027Phone: 425-392-5420E-mail: [email protected]

Grand Master:Ulf A.G. Brynjestad1926 Rancho AndrewAlpine, CA 91901Phone: 619-445-9707Fax: 619-445-7334E-mail: [email protected]

Editor:Marie Carlson9560 Curberry DriveMentor, OH 44060Phone: 440-255-4665E-mail: [email protected]

Circulation Manager:Cathy Anderson30 S.E. Bush StreetIssaquah, WA 98027Phone: 425-391-5904E-mail: [email protected]

Membership Chairman:Joan Graham5838 San Jose AvenueRichmond, CA 94804Phone: 510-526-5512E-mail:[email protected] bottom section of white copy ofapplication for new members to her.

Orders for advertising should be sent to:THE VASA STARMarie Carlson9560 Curberry DriveMentor, OH 44060Phone: 440-255-4665E-mail: [email protected]

THE VASA STAR (ISSN 0746-0627) ispublished bi-monthly by the VasaOrder of America. Periodicals postagepaid at Issaquah, WA and additionalentries.POSTMASTER: Send address changesto The Vasa Star, P.O. Box 1118,Issaquah, WA 98027.

Published by:Vasa Order of America

Deadlines for The Vasa Star:

Jan./Feb. is Dec. 1st July/Aug. is June 1st

March/April is Feb. 1st Sept./Oct. is Aug. 1st

May/June is April 1st Nov./Dec. is Oct. 1st

Deadline for Christmas ads: October 1st

New Advertising Prices:Full Page Black and White

old price $300.00 new price $500.00Half Page Black and White

old price $175.00 new price $275.00Quarter Page Black and White

old price $100.00 new price $150.00 One Column Inch

old price $20.00 new price $30.00Full Page Color

old price $500.00 new price $800.00Half Page Color

old price $300.00 new price $500.0010% discount for Vasa Lodges and Members

EFFECTIVE JUNE 1ST:Circulation Manager Cathy Anderson’s new address is:

6631 E. Via Algardi, Tucson, AZ 85718(520) 615-3113

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Page 4 Vasa Star March-April 2006


Publications and Newsletters at theArchives

The photo we have included in thisissue is showing a display case where wedisplay various publications and newslet-ters. Here, our visitors linger while look-ing through these reading materials. TheVasa Star has a prominent place on oneof the top shelves but everything is easilyaccessible to those wanting to read aboutour Order and about Sweden.

Our visiting Vasa members are espe-cially interested in the various newsletterswe receive from our Local Lodges and

Districts. Here they can glean informa-tion they can then take back to their ownlodges and cultural leaders. New ideasare always good for our lodges.

So here is a request to all the lodgeswith newsletters…if you are not alreadysending us your lodge newsletter,PLEASE send a copy of yours tothe Vasa Archives so we can share itwith our visitors. It will be verymuch appreciated by the staff and thevisitors.

If your lodge has written or is about towrite its history, we would appreciatereceiving that too. We are in process ofassigning storage boxes for each lodgethat will make it so much easier to storeand retrieve lodge records.

Finally, we are sincerely hoping thatyou read the article in the January-February Vasa Star from LennartPetersson, who is the President of theVasa Archives. Please be supportive ofhis suggestions and encourage yourown District’s Grand Lodge delegatesto vote on Lennart’s motion in a favor-able manner at the forthcoming GrandLodge Convention to be held in SanDiego. You will then have participatedin saving our Vasa Archive for futuregenerations.

TACK SÅ MYCKET!!!We can be reached at the Vasa

Archive, 109 S. Bishop Hill St, BishopHill IL 61419, Telephone and /FAX 309-927-3898 or via [email protected]

Submitted by: R&L Horngren

TABLE OF CONTENTSTHE GRAND MASTER’S MESSAGELETTER FROM THE EDITORARCHIVES NEWSGRAND LODGE NEWSGrand Lodge Convention Highlights of Grand Lodge Executive Board Meeting Grand Lodge Registration FormGrand Lodge Order FormGrand Lodge ScheduleDISTRICT LODGE NEWSDL Rhode Island #3DL Pacific Southwest #15NEWS FROM LODGESBrage Iduna Lodge #9Göta Lejon Lodge #84Freja Lodge #100North Star Lodge #106Thule Lodge #127Tegnér Lodge #149 Drott Lodge #168Oscars Borg Lodge #172Skandia Lodge #247Facklan Lodge #248Svea Lodge #253Nobel Lodge #288Svea Lodge #296 Omaha Lodge #330Balder Lodge #343Svea Lodge #348 and Lindberg Lodge #494Solidaritet Lodge #396Evening Star Lodge #426Sveaborg Lodge #449Austin Lodge #465Linde Lodge #492Lindbergh Lodge #494Hope Lodge #503Linnea Lodge #504Nordic Lodge #660Satellite Lodge #661Phoenix Lodge #677Viking Lodge #682Bishop Hill Lodge #683 Cariboo Lodge #690Tuscon Lodge #691Tre Kronor Lodge #713Birka Lodge #732Viking Lodge #735Sierra Kronan Lodge #737Viking Lodge #756Nordic Red Rocks Lodge #760SWEDISH NEWSLogen Enköping Nr 646Logen Carl von Linné Nr 678Vasa Future ClubCharles John Ericson från Södra Vi (Eng and Swe)YOUTH NEWSHow to Establish a Children’s ClubBarnklubben Elsa Rix #1Vasa Rosebuds #130WELCOME TO NEW MEMBERS AMERICAN

AND SWEDISHPLEASE MEETPhyllis PetersenThyra Andersson 100 years oldCULTURESpreading Culture and Friendship in the E-mail AgeHAPPENINGSSACCAstoria Scandinavian FestivalGuldgubbene ArtSanta Cruz Midsummer Draws 600Scandinavian Center at California Lutheran UniversityThe Swedish Language ClassRECIPEGoulash SoupPotatoes with Eggs, Fennel, and Smoked SalmonIN MEMORIAM

IMPORTANT!Immediate Changes

Effective ImmediatelyGrand Treasurer Richard Overberg’s new email address is:

[email protected]

Effective June 1stCirculation Manager Cathy Anderson’s new address is:

6631 E. Via Algardi, Tucson, AZ 85718(520) 615-3113

ON THE COVERTussilago - Coltsfoot

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Vasa Star March-April 2006 Page 5


October 17 – 19, 2005PHOENIX, ARIZONA

Such wonderful and exciting adventures are beingplanned for the 2006 Grand Lodge Convention in beauti-ful, sunny San Diego, California. The convention funopens with our “Welcome Reception” on the beautifulgrounds of the Town and Country Resort complete withMayflower member and musician, Carlos Ortega, won-derful food and a glorious San Diego sunset. Saturday theconvention officially opens and we have planned an out-standing program for all to enjoy. Our Swedish Rhapsodybanquet on Saturday evening will again showcase ourprofessional District 15 talent and well as the SwedishFiddlers. Wait until you see the fantastic table decorations– designed and created by hand by those super DesertViking members, Bob and Ila Engstrom. Our Lodgeshave been so supportive in hosting this capital letter eventand the Committee is most grateful.

More about the bus tours in the next article, but justcan’t wait to tell you about the Theatre opportunity:details of the play are compliments of Dr. Ann-CharlotteHarvey. July 3, 6:15 p.m. we leave the hotel for a night of“Midsummer Magic” with an evening in Balboa Park atSan Diego’s famous Old Globe Theatre. Following a

picnic supper and a special pre-show talk, we will seeShakespeare’s charming comedy “A Midsummer Night’sDream” under the stars in the wonderful open air theatre.The evening special pre-show talk will start with awelcome by Grand Cultural Director Anne-CharlotteHarvey and Old Globe’s Associate Drama Director DianeSinor. This is an event you will be discussing for yearsto come.

The Committee Chairman, Daga-Karin Lindquist, hasenlisted the efforts of many of our local crafts ladies toembroider squares of the Landskaps Blommor of theSwedish Provinces for a quilt, which will be raffled at theGrand Banquet, Friday, July 7, 2006. The hand-quiltedcomforter is over 6 feet square and will become anheirloom for some lucky family. We have a preview atour recent meeting and it is gorgeous. What a marvelouscommemorative of the 2006 Grand Lodge Convention.

More information in the next issue of the Vasa Star;until then remember to make your reservations early.

In Truth and Unity,Dr. Jacqueline E. Ahlen,

Publicity Chairman for the 2006 Grand Lodge Convention

2006 Grand Lodge Convention Adventures

1. A video of ‘How to Establish a Youth Club’ is now available from EBM William Lundquist.2. Photographs of the jewelry available from the Vice Grand Secretary will be placed on the Web.3. Ties and Scarves from Sweden will soon be in inventory also.4. CDs of Youth Club Elsa Rex #1 Lucia Pageant with music may be purchased from the Leader Sister

McGrath.5. GL Activities Director Baxter Swaffar announced that three new Activities Clubs have been chartered, one in

DL Golden Gate #12 and two in DL Pacific Southwest #15.6. Funding will be sought to provide a special facility for the Swedish Language Camp. We presently share the

Finnish Camp site and we are unable to choose when we wish to hold our camp.7. The Time Share donated by Sister Jacqueline Ahlen is being considered to be used for fund raising.8. Motions for the upcoming Grand Lodge Convention were written and approved by the Board.9. Delegates will receive the Motions at least sixty days prior to Convention in order to get in-put from the

members in their districts.Cynthia B Erickson, Grand Secretary

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NOTE: Grand Lodge Officers, Honorary Life Members of the Grand Lodge and Delegates receive complimentary tickets for theSaturday and Friday nights banquets, and the Sunday and Tuesday tours. Spouses and other participants are responsible for

payment of all events in which they partake except the Welcome Reception.

Note: Advance Registration is required for or a portion of the Convention, including the Welcome Reception!

Please Print ClearlyName____________________________________________________ Local Lodge & No._______________________________

Address__________________________________________________ District Lodge & No._____________________________

City,State/Prov.,Country__________________________________________________________ Zip/Postal Code___________

Phone Number: Country Code/Area Code/Number_____________________________________________________________

(How many?) Delegate_____ GL Officer (Elected)_____ GL Officer (Appointed)_____ GL Honorary Life Member_____- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


To: Reservations Manager, Town and Country Resort & Convention Center500 Hotel Circle North, San Diego, CA 92108Phone: 1-619-291-7131, Toll free 1-800-772-8527 Fax: (619) 291-3584Internet Reservations: (Go to Make a Reservation;

Group; Attendee Code: Vasa)



City State/Province___________________________________________ Zip/PC___________ Country___________________

Phone No.: Country Code/Area Code/No.________________________ Arrival Date__________ Departure Date__________

Double Room, $109 + tax: King size bed_______ 2 Queen size beds_______ Smoking_______ Non-smoking_______

Sharing Room with_______________________________________________ Confirmation Required: Yes______ No______

Special Request______________________________________________________________________ Arrival Guaranteed by:

1st Night’s Deposit of $__________ (check) or Credit Card: Type_________ Number______________________ Exp.________

Date, Week Day Event (Please see Activity Schedule in No. of People Price Per Person Total Cost this Vasa Star issue for event details) Attending (Prices in U.S. $)

June 30, Friday Golf Tournament $95.00 $ June 30, Friday Welcome Reception No cost No cost July 1, Saturday Banquet “Swedish Rhapsody” $59.00 $ July 2, Sunday Tour: San Diego Area $40.00 (Includes Box $

Lunch & Coffee)

July 3, Monday Sea World Trip $55.00 $ July 3 (Evening) Play: A Midsummer Night’s Dream $39.00 (Includes Dinner) $ July 4, Tuesday Tour: San Diego Historical $59.00 (Includes Lunch) $

Sites and MuseumsJuly 4, (Evening) Harbor Cruise $25.00 (Includes Snacks) $July 5, Wednesday Tour to Julian and Casino/Outlet Shops $35.00 (Includes Lunch) $July 7, Friday Grand Banquet $69.00 $

TOTAL INCLUDED $____________

Vasa Order of America36th Grand Lodge Convention

June 30 - July 7, 2006Note: Convention rate is good

also for June 29 and July 8.Reservations due by June 6, 2006

to receive convention rates


PLEASE WRITE CHECK TO: VASA GRAND LODGE 2006 CONVENTIONMAIL TO: Leslie Leigard, 21402 Perry St., Carson, CA 90745

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Vasa Star March-April 2006 Page 7

*We are happy to again be able to offer you achance to obtain some very nice

articles to commemorate the upcoming36th Grand Lodge Convention

in San Diego, California.

* Please, look over the unique items presentedhere and pick one or more for your enjoyment.

District Lodge Pacific Southwest No. 15,the host of the Convention, thanks you

warmly for your support!

Name: ____________________________________________________Country _____________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

City/State/Zip: __________________________________Ph. No. _________________________

Email: ________________________________________________________________________



QUANTITY ITEM DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH TOTAL1. Book: “Holidays in Sweden – Traditions and Superstitions” $11.002. Commemorative Tea Caddy/Spoon Rest $11.003. Compact Disc: “Skandinavisk Gammaldans” $16.004. Compact Disc: “Alfon’s Gammaldansfavoriter” $16.005. Compact Disc: “Dragspelsglädje” $16.006. Compact Disc: “Sweetheart, Let’s Dance” $16.007. Blue Polo Shirt with Vasa Emblem: S ( ) M ( ) L ( ) XL ( ) XXL ( ) XXXL ( ) $28.008. Wrist Watch with Vasa D.L. Logo: Ladies’ ( ) Men’s ( ) $32.00


Shipping (see chart)


All items are shipped First Class within the U.S.

and Air Mail toCanada and Sweden

Shipping and Handling (USD)Order Total U.S.A. Canada Sweden Order Total U.S.A. Canada SwedenUp to $16.00 $3.00 $4.00 $8.00 $61.00 to $80.00 $10.00 $12.00 $20.00$17.00 to $29.00 $5.00 $6.00 $10.00 $81.00 to $100.00 $12.00 $18.00 $24.00$30.00 to $40.00 $6.00 $8.00 $14.00 Over $100 $14.00 $22.00 $28.00$41.00 to $60.00 $8.00 $10.00 $16.00


These items are offered as a fundraiser for the2006 Grand Lodge Convention in San Diego,

California, June 30 - July 7, 2006

NOTE: Sales tax is included in the pricesPrices are in U.S. Dollar

Country Code/Area Code/Number

Please write your check to: VASA GRAND LODGE 2006 CONVENTIONMail your order and check to: Leslie Leigard, 21402 Perry St., Carson, CA 90745

Email: [email protected] • Phone (310) 835-6501Thank you for your order and support of District Lodge Pacific Southwest No. 15!

THE 2006 GRAND LODGE CONVENTIONAn Opportunity for You to Purchase Commemorative Items

Elegant Wrist Watchwith Vasa Emblem (#8)

CommemorativeSpoon Rest/Tea

Caddy (#2)

Holidays in SwedenTraditions and

Superstitions (#1)

SwedishGammaldans Music

CD (#3)

SwedishGammaldans Music

CD (#4)

SwedishGammaldans Music

CD (#5)

SwedishGammaldans Music

CD (#6)

Blue Short SleevePolo Shirt with Vasa

Emblem (#7)

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Page 8 Vasa Star March-April 2006

Updated ACTIVITY SCHEDULE for the36th Grand Lodge Convention

FRIDAY JUNE 309:00 A.M. Golf Tournament at Riverwalk next to the Hotel. Cost: $95.00, which includes cart fee, green fee,

and range balls plus 20% discount on purchases in the Golf Shop.10:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Registration Desk open.6:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M. Welcome Reception hosted by DLPSW No. 15: “Boys and Girls Beach Party” around the pool.

Live music, hors d’oeuvres. No host bar with one complimentary drink per guest.

SATURDAY JULY 1 Canada Day.9.00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Registration Desk Open.1:00 P.M. – 2:00 P.M Opening Ceremony with greetings, presentation of flags and introductions.2:00 P.M. – 4:30 P.M. Coffee. Sessions for Grand Lodge Officers and Delegates.7:00 P.M. Informal Banquet. “A Swedish Rhapsody.” Swedish cuisine, entertainment and dancing.

Cost: $59.00. No host bar opens 6:00 P.M.

SUNDAY JULY 2 Free day for Grand Lodge Officers and Delegates.8:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. San Diego City Tour. A fully narrated tour takes us to spectacular sights in San Diego, Coronado,

and La Jolla. We will see the famous Hotel del Coronado; experience the beauty of the PacificOcean coastline in La Jolla; visit Old Town, the “birthplace” of California; and make a stop at thehistoric Gas Lamp Quarters. We will finish up in beautiful Balboa Park, America’s largest urbancultural park, and enjoy a nice box lunch, a stroll in the park, and “kaffe med dopp” at the House ofSweden. Cost: $40.00.

MONDAY JULY 3 Sessions for Grand Lodge Officers and Delegates.9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. Sea World Trip. Meet killer whale Shamu and other amazing animals. Cost: $55.006:15 P.M. – 10:30 P.M. Theater Package: “A Midsummer Nights Dream” at the Old Globe Theatre. Box dinner and a

welcoming introduction before the performance. Special package price: $39.00.

TUESDAY JULY 4 Independence Day. Free day for Grand Lodge Officers and Delegates.8:30 A. M. – 4:30 P.M. San Diego Historical Sites and Museums Tour. During this narrated tour we will visit Historic

Cabrillo Park, the Maritime Museum, and the old Mission Alcala; enjoy a late lunch at SeaportVillage on the Bay; and shop and stroll around in the Village. Cost: $59.00.

7:30 P.M. Spectacular Evening Cruise in San Diego Harbor. To celebrate 4th of July, we will watch fire-works over the Bay, have hors d’oeuvres and dance. Cost: $25.00. No host bar.

WEDNESDAY JULY 5 Sessions for Grand Lodge Officers and Delegates.8:30 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. Bus Trip to the Old Gold Mining Town of Julian. Visits to wineries, sight seeing, lunch. On the

return trip we will stop at Viejas Casino with many Outlet Shops. Cost: $35.00.

THURSDAY JULY 6 Sessions for Grand Lodge Officers and Delegates.Non-Delegates A day for relaxing around the pool, going to the beach, shopping, riding around on the trolley, or

strolling in beautiful San Diego.7:00 P.M. – 10:00 P. M. Cultural and Membership Seminars.

FRIDAY JULY 7 Sessions and Installation of the new Grand Lodge Officers.6:00 P.M. Photo Opportunities and Cocktail Hour.7:00 P.M. Grand Banquet with entertainment and dancing. Cost: $69.00, includes wine.

June 30 - July 7, 2006 San Diego, California

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Vasa Star March-April 2006 Page 9


District Lodge Pacific Southwest No. 15 held its Joint Installation of Local LodgeOfficers at the Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church in Los Alamitos under the spon-sorship of Evening Star Lodge #426.

District Master Deborah Kenshalo, along with all the District Officers, installed theLocal Lodge Officers in a beautifully executed ceremony with a musical accompani-ment by District Musician LeRoy Anderson.

Following the Installation, everyone enjoyed a wonderful dinner, prepared by ViceDistrict Master Steven Leigard and his family.

Submitted by: Thomas Jahn

DL RhodeIsland #3

Rhode Island District #3, V.O.A., heldtheir annual Toys for Children drive,sponsored by The Kristina Club #161 onDecember 4th. Price of admission was anew unwrapped toy. The members werequite generous and we donated toys toseveral different agencies. The childrendanced around the Yule tree. They put ona skit baking the buns for Lucia, andfinished the performance with a St. LuciaPageant and singing carols. YouthSupervisor, Mrs. Beverly JernquistCianfarani, assisted by Karen Soderberg-Gomez, GLD, Cultural Leader Lily Zarliand Edna Wilson on the piano, led thechildren in song and dance. A week laterher daughter had a surprise party for herat Vasa Music Hall. Beverly is a memberof Pioneer Lodge #506, the DistrictDeputy from Pioneer to Svea Lodge #362and Youth Supervisor for many years.Beverly was heard saying, “How manybirthdays is one suppose to have?”

Submitted by: Ray Johnson

DL Pacific Southwest #15

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Page 10 Vasa Star March-April 2006

The energetic young members ofThree Crowns Swedish Children’s Club#199 were the center of attentionthroughout the Lucia celebration present-ed December 11 in Springfield, MA.Well over 100 persons attended the annu-al Luciafest sponsored by Brage-IdunaLodge #9.

The colorfully flag-decorated sanctu-ary of Bethesda Lutheran Church added a“great hall” effect to the pageantry of theLucia ceremony. The entire cast includedseven Star Boys dressed in traditionalwhite costumes just purchased inSweden, six girls in Lucia’s court, andsix charming little tomtar dressed in red.Recitations in both English and Swedishrecalled the cherished legend portraying

Lucia as a bringer of light and hope to allmankind.

Everyone then moved to the socialhall where a Christmas tree was adornedwith Swedish ornaments. Refreshmentsand “kaffe” were brought to the gailydecorated tables. The children’s club per-formed their favorite Scandinavian folkdances and seasonal songs. A ring dance‘round the tree led to the långdans withmany of the audience joining in. Thesplendid festivity was capped off withSanta appearing with his sack of goodiesfor the youngsters.

This year’s Lucia was Stina Nilsson, asenior at E. Longmeadow H.S. who is afirst honors student and member of theNational Honors Society. She enjoysplaying clarinet, and on the tennis teamwas Western Mass. champion in a tourna-ment last spring. As a Swedish-speakingmember of Children’s Club, she oftenassists club leader Marcia Peterson

Radner and lodge chairperson IngridCaine at meetings. Since moving to theU.S. at age 4 with parents Åsa and PerNilsson, Stina has visited relatives inSweden each summertime.

While now applying to colleges herein the U.S., she also hopes to be anexchange student to Sweden for one year.

Submitted by: John Morgan


Stina Nilsson and star boys lead theProcession in Brage-Iduna Lodge’s Luciafest.

Göta Lejon #84 Celebrates 100 YearsYorktown, NY

Wow! 100 years – that’s really old.Until this past summer, I’d never metanyone that was 100 or older, but then Ihad the opportunity to meet and visit withRuth Winblad. She’s a 100-year-oldwoman from Chicago who was a singerand dancer in her earlier years and nowentertains as a clown. Her enthusiasm andenergy are amazing. You wouldn’tbelieve it unless you saw her, but,yes, she was riding a unicycle theweek I met her. It certainly changed myopinion about what 100-year “old”people can do.

Just like Ruth, Lodge Göta Lejon isstill rolling along with enthusiasm, unlikeother lodges, which have disbandedbefore reaching the age of 100. KarlSandberg of Lodge Three Crowns #38 ofStamford, Connecticut and Emil Hultbergorganized Lodge Göta Lejon #84 onAugust 15, 1905, in Mt. Vernon, NY.The lodge flourished in Mt. Vernon formany years and in 1975 the decision wasmade to move to Northern WestchesterCounty. The lodge currently meets atGrace Lutheran Church in YorktownHeights.

Although we are not a large lodge, weare very active. Our enthusiasm for see-ing the Vasa Order continue is evident bythe fact that three of our members are onthe District Executive Board (District

Chairman Margaret Lindblom, DistrictTreasurer Dennis Johnson, and DistrictCultural Leader Karen Snowberg).

At a gala dinner dance on November6th, 2005, many Vasa friends from otherlodges joined us as Göta Lejon celebratedand paid tribute to all our members pastand present and their accomplishments onbehalf of the lodge. We gave thanks tothe Vasa Order for traditions passed tofurther generations, for friendshipswoven with our common background,

and for help and friendship given to ourolder members who are living out theirfinal days among us.

Abraham Lincoln said, “In the end,it’s not the years in your life that count.It’s the life in your years.” There’s been alot of life in Göta Lejon’s years and wepledge to continue into our second onehundred years with the same spirit withwhich our early members founded thelodge.

Submitted by: Karen Snowberg

Front (L-R): Karen Snowberg, Art Peterson, Barbara Peterson, Louise Hall,Margaret Lindblom, Ellen Osterling, Beverly Dyckman, Ragnhild Holmquist, JanetHaggblom, Amy Johnson, Greta Upham, Jennifer Morgenthaler, Alice Johnson. Back:Don Jacobson, Ralph Lindblom, Grace & Dennis Johnson, Vincent Hall, AndreasAarbo, Eric Holmquist, Henning Haggblom, Bob & Christine Morgenthaler, and JohnKarlson.

Brage-IdunaLodge #9Springfield, MA

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Freja Lodge #100White Plains, NY

Nothing perks up a business meetingquite so much as having a guest speaker.At Lodge Freja’s October meeting, wewelcomed Richard Snowberg and hiswife Jan who were visiting fromLaCrosse, Wisconsin. Richard has taughtclasses in genealogy research, but is alsoa professional caring clown. Richard notonly performs in hospitals, but travels allover the country teaching others tobecome caring clowns and setting up car-ing clown units for hospitals. His talk tothe lodge explained how his interests inclowning and magic became a familyaffair and led him to Sweden where hemet a great uncle who interested him inthe field of genealogy for the first time.

(L-R) Chairman Jennifer Dreaper, JanSnowberg, Richard Snowberg, KarenSnowberg.

Jeanne Widman

In November we were happy to haveJeanne Widman, the Swedish Americanof the Year, speak at our meeting. Jeanneis certainly not a stranger to the lodge,but this is the first time she has spoken tous rather than playing accordion. She toldof her experiences in Sweden this sum-mer where she was honored at variousSwedish American celebrations inVärmland and in Stockholm.

Jeanne returned in January to lead themusic for Freja’s annual Julgrans-plundring party, held this year on January14th. We enjoyed a smörgåsbord and

then worked off some of the calories bydancing around the Christmas tree onelast time before the kids plundered it ofall its edible ornaments and the menthrew the tree out the door. Farewell toChristmas for another year!

Submitted by: Karen Snowberg

North Star Lodge#106

Los Angeles, CA

Erika Johansson was North Star Lodge#106, Los Angeles, CA, Lucia for the JulFest 2005. Erika, a very proud 11-1/2year old, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Kenneth Johansson, and the granddaugh-ter of Karl and Dolly Johansson, staunchmembers of North Star.

Erika performed her role as Lucia fol-lowing North Star’s traditional dinner.She was accompanied by a group of pret-ty maidens and star boys.

Erika’s sister, Amanda, was Lucia in2003.

In January North Star Lodge #106 cel-ebrated its 99th anniversary at Petrelli’sRest. It was an occasion to celebrate instyle, as it was exactly on the date of thelodge’s inception in the year of 1907.

North Star was the first VOA lodgesituated west of the AlleghenyMountains. The lodge was instituted with49 charter members present. Theiraverage age was 29 years and all but twowere born in Sweden.

Today we have 132 members, 21 bornin Sweden. Up until 1946, the meetingswere conducted in Swedish and the origi-nal handwritten meeting minutes stillexist.

Over the years we had a drill team, theChildren’s Club SVEA that was formedin 1924, and but for the depression in the’30s and World War II, met continuouslyuntil 1964. And our Star Sewing Society(later under the name of North Star’sWomen’s Club), formed in 1926 andtoday groups of ladies continue workingon handmade articles and decorations,and especially playing cards!

We had a “Go Western” theme andmany came in western attire. CH ErikLindberg welcomed some 70 guests andmembers. Much credit must be given toour CL Elvera Gregory who planned andset into motion this happy day event.

We thank DM Debbie Kenshalo andGL Deputy Jacqueline Ahlen and themany chairmen of local lodges.Mayflower CH Kurt Olafsson brought 20of their members! We sure appreciate themany lodges that attended. Thank you!

Our meal was sumptuous, entertain-ment by the Scintillating Seniors whosang and danced. Birgit had made cutecowboy boot magnet decorations, Elverathe centerpieces.

Peggy Pages read a short history ofour 99-year existence. Lil Hoglund waspresented with her past chairman’s pinfor serving three consecutive years asFinancial Secretary. Congratulatory mes-sages and greetings from the variouslodges were read.

It truly was a wonderful, stupendousevent! Arrangements are being made forour next year’s 100th event.

Submitted by: Elinore Thornton

Erika Johansson

Lil Hoglund, Financial Secretary, receivesher Past Chairman’s pin at North Star #10699th Anniversary, presented by Ch. ErikLindberg.

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Hello from THULE LODGE #127,where we are enjoying a mild winter, andwe are looking forward to the spring andsummer seasons.

Our lodge chairman Robert Fuller,welcomed all into the New Year, andheld the first meeting of the year with thetheme “something new.” Membersbrought in something new in their lives,such as cultural leader Fanchon Fullershowing a new felted hat, Allie NelsonWithers showing a photographic memorybooklet prepared just for her, secretaryLucile Marsh showing a bright purplerobe, and financial secretary DonnaSandberg showing two Christmas seasonSwedish dolls.

Lodge historian John Sipos presentedto the lodge the annual report consistingof photographs of events from the previ-ous year, articles, and records. ThuleLodge keeps historical records at thelodge for all to view.

New York #4 Past District MasterEdwin Sandberg presented the VasaOrder of America Scholarship Certificateto Lisa Drezek. Ms. Drezek was therecipient of the scholarship, andSandberg read the letter of recognition toall. Ms. Drezek is the granddaughter oflong time Thule Lodge member MaureneHouse, and the late Ernest F. House, whohad served as chairman of the lodge. Ms.Drezek is currently studying at the

University of Maryland completing grad-uate work on speech pathology. Ms.Drezek thanked the lodge for their sup-port in her studies.

At the New Year’s meeting, yellowsplit pea soup was prepared by culturalleader Fuller, and a special cake by finan-cial secretary Sandberg. Don Carlsonserves as the vice chairman, and DianeShaw is the chaplain. Susan Sipos servesas the inner guardsman, and GeneDiamond is the outer guardsman.

Everyone at the Thule Lodge #127wish all a wonderful spring season. If youare in our area, we would be happy tovisit with you. “God dag” to all!

Submitted by: John Sipos

Thule Lodge #127 Jamestown/Bemus Point, NY

Maurene House, Rhonda Drezek, LisaDrezek, scholarship recipient, and RobertDrezek.

Taylor Hurwitz

Tegnér Lodge #149Oakland, CA

Tegnér Lodge #127, Oakland, CA,chose Taylor Hurwitz as its 2005 Lucia.She is the daughter of Janel Hill andRoger Hurwitz of Portland, OR, andgranddaughter of Past Chairman Marie-Ann Hill. She is an eighth grader atArden School. Taylor is an excellent stu-dent with a special interest in writing.She is involved in many school activities,service and community projects, e.g.,Special Olympics, the Annie RoseHomeless Shelter, Earthquake Relief inPakistan, and many more.

This past summer Taylor traveled inEurope, visiting many countries. She is acompetitive swimmer and a member ofthe track team. She likes all outdooractivities, especially hiking.

At Tegnér Lodge #149’s DecemberLucia Program, Shelby L. Nordendahl

read the following poem which she hadwritten. Shelby, 9 years old, is the grand-daughter of members Doris and BillNordendahl and niece of Tegnér’sChairman Laura Nordendahl. Shelby hasbeen taking part in the lodge’s Lucia pro-gram since she was six months old whenshe was pulled at the end of the proces-sion in a little red wagon.

Sankta Lucia – The Queen of LightFor many years I have practiced the song,And to walk with solemn strideSome day soon, I’ll be old enough to wear the

crownAnd a red sash on my gown of white.

Sankta Lucia is a part of the past,And hope for the future bright.As long as we remember our historyThere will be Lucia, the Queen of Light.

Sweden is far but it lives in our hearts,It will not be forgotten here.The smell of ginger and saffron fills the house,And we think of family dear.

Soon, very soon, I’ll be old enoughTo wear the crown with candles bright.Then I will lead the parade of girls in white

gownsAnd be Lucia, the Queen of Light.

Shelby L. Nordendahl

Tegnér Lodge #149 held its Christmassmörgåsbord and Lucia Program, Dec.11, 2005, with 65 members and guestspresent.

Submitted by: A. Tennis

On Sunday, December 11th, 2005,Drott members were treated to a lovelyrendition of Sankta Lucia. After KarinAlexis Frenze told the Story of St. Lucia,Linnea Mullenbach, the 2005 St. Lucia,dressed in white with a red sash and awreath of lighted candles on her head, ledthe procession of attendants. TheTärnorna, or St. Lucia attendants includ-ed Lisa Butler, Maija Butler, Maj-BrittKristina Frenze, Annika Fagerstrom,Kara Fagerstrom, Caroline Peters, ElenaClaire Remez, Marisa Seline Remez,Chloe Shalranis, and Kirsten Springer.Two Stjärngossar or Star Boys, followed,David and Thomas Weeden. At the endof the procession were four SwedishElves, or Tomtar, Kerstin Fagerstrom,Luke Hols-claw, Caroline Karsner, andDavid Shaltanis. Kristi Johnson and theDrott Singers provided music including

Drott Lodge #168Washington, DC

Continued on page 13

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In October of 2005, Oscars BorgLodge member Virginia Swedbergreceived the Merit Award from theSwedish Council of America for her out-standing volunteer activities. Virginia’senergy and ideas have helped theAmerican Swedish Historical Museum(ASHM) of Philadelphia in implementingits programs and events.

Virginia has been a member of ASHMsince 1965 and is a former president ofthe Auxiliary, where she served two two-year terms. She is currently a member ofASHM’s Board of Governors, Co-Chairof the Membership Committee, and amember of the Swedish Museum Singers.

In Oscars Borg Lodge, Virginia cur-rently serves as Inner Guard. She is also amember of the Colonial Society ofPhiladephia and the Swedish AmericanHistorical Society in Chicago.

Submitted by: Karen Seaman

Sankta Lucia; Goder Afton, Lasse Lella.and Stilla Natt, Heliga Natt. The childrenin the procession sang “We Wish You AMerry Christmas” and the St. LuciaQueen presented the Lucia Verse and theAdvent Verse. After the recession KarinWeeden led the dance around theChristmas tree.

Linnea Mullenbach, 2005 LuciaLinnea is a junior at Georgetown Day

High School in Washington, DC, whereshe rows competitively on her school’screw team. She is fluent in Swedish, hav-ing studied Swedish since the fourthgrade with a private tutor during theschool year and attending Sjölunden atConcordia Language Villages for sixsummers, the past two in the credit pro-gram. In summer 2005, Linnea was therecipient of the District’s Sjölundenscholarship.

During summer of 2006 Linnea willattend Concordia Language Villages’first Scandinavian abroad program, visit-ing Norway on her way to Sweden. Shewould like to return to Sjölunden as acounselor and working with the sailingprogram that was introduced in the sum-mer of 2005.

Linnea has traveled to Sweden withher family to visit relatives since she was7 years old and plans to take a year fol-lowing high school graduation to attend acollege in Sweden, before returning tocollege in the US. Linnea studies Frenchand Japanese and would like to become apediatric orthopedic surgeon. She is thedaughter of Hugh and Linda Mullenbach.

Submitted by: Betty M. Johnson

Linnea Mullenbach

Virginia Swedberg receives Merit Award fromSwedish Council of America.

Photo by: Alfred Pfaff

DROTT LODGE #168Continued from page 12

Oscars Borg Lodge #172Philadelphia, PA

Skandia Lodge #247Pasadena, CA

Skandia Lodge #247, Pasadena, CA, enjoyed an outstanding Christmas celebrationat the Annual Lucia Pageant at the lodge.

The December meeting included the initiation of several new members. WithRobert and Edward Yankowsky serving as Masters of Ceremony, the lodge welcomedLori Wennbo’s mother and Robert and Edward’s grandmother, Mary Mancil; the thirdgeneration of the Orcutt family, Kirsten; the third generation of the Ahlen family,Kristen Demarjian; and Ulla Cortez. Welcome to our new members and thanks to theofficers who have served so well during the 2005 term.

Submitted by: Dr. Jacqueline Ahlen

The Kitchen Cleaning Committee - a very important group: Jackie Ahlen, Lori Wennbo’s friendAnthony, Betty Holm, Dorothy Lepisto, Nel Solt, and Kathleen Ahlen Demarjian.

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Facklan Lodge#248

Mission Hills, KS

The Facklan Lodge #248 of Vasahosted the 2005 Christmas celebrationthis year. The Christmas party was heldon the 9th of December at the FirstLutheran Church in Mission, Kansas.This is the fourth year that the DanishLodge and the Swedish Lodge havejoined together to celebrate Christmastogether, alternately hosted by the Danishand then the Swedish lodge. The celebra-tion opened with the Santa Luciacelebration and included the grand-children of members of the Vasa Lodgeof Paul and Carolyn Sorensen and Jordanand Helen Ekberg-Ott. The pageantry ofSanta Lucia was followed by a wonderfulScandinavian meal catered by theGourmet Grocer, Tom Anderson. Afterthe meal, Ms. Nancy Sandehn told thestory of the Tomte with a presentation of

The Santa Lucia pageantry group includes leftto right: Back row: Jeremy Behler, NicklasOtt, Kai Chapin, Exra Back. Middlerow:Alexis Erikson, Gabrielle Back, MeghanWebb, and Heidi Ott. Front Row:Jakob Ott Heidi Ekborg-Ott and Rachael Sorensen.

On December 11, 2005 members ofSvea Lodge #253 gathered at the RivieraClub in Indianapolis to celebrate St.Lucia Day. The celebration began with asocial hour followed by the St. LuciaProcessional, choral music in bothSwedish and English was provided by achoir of members led by LinneaLeatherman. A typical Smorgasbord fol-lowed. After dinner Jultomten, DanAnderson, treated the children to a visit.

Laura DeLuca “Hornblower the Horrible,” Wesley Hansen.

the story with pictures from the book pro-jected on the screen. Singing ofScandinavian songs and Christmas carols

lead by V.G. Johnson on the piano fol-lowed the story of the Tomte.

Submitted by: Dean Larsen

The evening was complete after DansNordens leader John Seest and culturalleader Iva Lynn had the children andadults dance typical Scandinavian folkdances.

Our Lucia this year was LauraDeLuca, Granddaughter of CharlotteSvennson, and Chairman of our club.Laura is a seventh grader at Clay MiddleSchool. When Laura is not involved withher studies she enjoys rock climbing.

Thanks to all our members who volun-teered their time and talents to make thisa fun and entertaining evening.

Members of Lodge #253 were onceagain entertained and educated by theirfellow members. During November’sbusiness meeting we were treated to apresentation directed and narrated by EdHutland about the Vikings of Gotland.Several members dressed and reenactedtheir roles as Vikings. These memberswere Sophie Anderson as a weaver, DanAnderson as a poet and Ron Gardin as alongboat builder. Jean Bang explainedthe jewelry and adornment worn by theVikings. Carol Atherton went overViking artwork, and Joella Hutland wentover the typical foods, and brought homemade think crisp bread. We were evenvisited by “Horn blower the Horrible”a.k.a. Wesley Hansen who created hisvery own instrument using 10 feet of gar-

den hose and a trombone mouthpiece. Itreally worked. We look forward to moreof these fun presentations given by ourtalented members.

Submitted by: Michelle Escalante

Svea Lodge #253Indianapolis, IN

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Vasa Star March-April 2006 Page 15

Välkommen hem!Welcome home to your Swedish roots!A road map will make your travels in Sweden a lot easier.A family-map of your roots will add other kinds of value to your travel. Maybe your long lost relatives are waiting for you where it all started?Or maybe you are just curious about where and what kind of life your old

folks lived in that little country far up north, by the arctic circle?The House of Genealogy, non-profit but professional, can help you dis-

cover your Swedish roots. Our experienced researchers have access tochurch-records from all over Sweden and to all necessary databases. Wehave a nationwide network that makes the search more effective.

Within two weeks from your first request you will have an answer fromus. If you wish to continue working with us you will an almost completeanswer within two months.

Our research-fee is $25.00US per hour plus expenses.Read more about us on Contact us for fur-

ther information.

Nobel Lodge #288Moline, IL

Nobel Lodge #288, Moline, IL, held their annual ChristmasDinner on Thursday, December 1, 2005, at Salem LutheranChurch, Moline. We were happy to have with us many visitingguests: District Master Sten Hult and Nancy, District DeputyRoger Anderson and Judy, Archives Manager Richard andLillimor Horngren and daughter Lisa, and members of theBishop Hill Lodge #683, Chairman Sally Nelson and Harland,Rollie and Carol Krause, and Kathryn Carlson.

Our evening was a wonderful dinner of great food broughtby the membership. We were happy to have with us thatevening Lisa Horngren who played the nyckelharpa for us.Lucia for the evening was our new member Sarah Tollenaer,granddaughter of members Bruce and Audrey Skoglund.Entertainment was the Girl Scout Troop from the church whosang Christmas carols and read some Christmas stories. Wewere honored to have District Master Sten Hult present to helppresent our membership awards for the year – 40 yearsReiechert Harry Jacobsen and 60 year pins to Betty Thompsonand Mae Johnson.

The evening ended with door prizes given to all present.Installation of Officers was held with the installation of ournew Vice Chairman Linda Lootens, as all the other officerswill retain their office for the coming year.

Submitted by: Margaret Esken

Svea Lodge #296Erie, PA

Our 40th annual LuciaFestival was held December11 at the Bethany LutheranChurch. Dorothy Overberg,Chair of Svea Lodge, wel-comed all. Our Lucia wasAmanda Lucente, Star Boywas Zachary Byers and ChristKindle was Nicole Bardwell.Lois Jordan narrated and LesFobes was the “old” JulTomte. The young tomteswere the smiling children ofour families. Wallace Wiesewas accompanist. The pro-gram included narration andcarols. Afterward, everyone

trouped into Fellow-ship Hall for “KaffeOch Dopp” - Swedishrefreshments withLucia buns and cook-ies. Lucia poured thepunch. How lovely thedecorated tableslooked. There was aSwedish boutique sell-ing all types of import-ed gifts and decora-tions that no one couldresist. Despite incle-ment weather, therewas a large crowd forthe festivities whichheralded the start ofthe Christmas season.

Submitted by:Linda Collin

Tyler Keller

Lucia Manda Lucente and LynnetteDonnely.

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Omaha Lodge #330Omaha, NE

Balder Lodge #343Eureka, CA

Santa Lucia Day was cele-brated by Vasa Lodge #330 onSunday, December 11. LaurenMatson, daughter of CarolynMatson and granddaughter ofFerne Matson, both lodge mem-bers, served as Lucia. Lauren isa junior at North High School inOmaha, NE. She is active in herchurch youth group and in Job’sDaughters having served ashonored queen.

She was attended byEmmalie and Samanatha Bettinand Kaitlyn Bettin, granddaugh-ters of member Darlene Bettinand Erin Clough, granddaughterof member Marlene Clough.

Kimberly and Edward Pearceentertained members and guestswith a program of Swedish andChristmas music.

Submitted by: June Söderlund

Elizabeth Hedlund portrayedSaint Lucia at December’s LuciaJulfest program. Her attendant maidswere Nina Carson, Imogene Carson,Eva Hamer, Line Klinke, and AnnaNordquist, exchange student fromDenmark, and Soili Rautanen,exchange student from Finland.Staffan was Stefan Terpening. TheStar Boys were Oscar Carson, RobinLancaster and Logan Lancaster.

Talented Soili Rautanen played aclassical selection on violin and LineKlinke played solo piano. A brassand wind trio, Nina Carson on tenorsax, Eva Hamer on trombone andElizabeth Hedlund on trumpet, performed musical selections.

All joined in singing Christmas carols, then danced aroundthe Christmas tree and throughout the hall building. Santa Claus(Bob Berg) paid a visit, handing out gifts of candy and fruit.

Thanks are due Siw Berg for the lovely program, DorotheyLancaster for the colorful table decorations, Christian Nielsenfor the Christmas tree, John Olson for helping Christian deco-rate it, and all the members who brought refreshments.

Beginning in January, members will meet at the Danish Hallin Ferndale. Over the years, meetings have been held at variouslocations in Eureka since the lodge’s formation in 1916. Manymembers of Balder also belong to Dania Valhalla and YdunLodges, owners of the Danish Hall, located 20 minutes south ofEureka in Ferndale, the Victorian Village.

Visit Balder’s web site ( for news,photos and directions. Submitted by: DTC

Svea Lodge #348and Lindberg Lodge #494

San Jose, CA and Palo Alto, CASvea Lodge #348 (San Jose) and Lindberg Lodge #494

(Palo Alto) had a combined Installation of Officers. Lindberghosted this event.

The evening began with socializing in the dinner hall. Afew small appetizers led to the main course. The “lite dinner”turned out to be an endless number of potato/ham casserolesand salads. After the desserts and coffee it was a good time tomove into the Installation hall.

Anita Peterson and Kerstin Jansson, the Deputies of Sveaand Lindberg respectively, guided us through the ceremony.This was a big Installation, as both lodges installed newPresidents: Lindberg celebrated Birgitta Kellgren and installedRobert Wiklander. Svea celebrated Axel Jonasson andinstalled Mona Clements.

We enjoyed a Tap Dance presentation by Lindberg’s ownGerard Blaufarb. His oversized Red, White, and Blue Top Hatand matching costume, added to the music and energy filledpresentation.

Both Incoming Presidents had good words for all in atten-dance, and Robert Wiklander ably concluded this event. Itwas good to see both familiar and new people at theInstallation Ceremony. Submitted by: Ty Swanson


June 16, 17 and 18Clatsop County Fairgrounds, Astoria, Oregon

Visit us at

Lauren Matson

Elisabeth Hedlund

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Vasa Star March-April 2006 Page 17

Solidaritet Lodge #396, Mount Vernon,WA, celebrated our 85th Anniversary,Lucia and Christmas on December 11,2005, at our own Vasa Hall with around80 people present.

As usual we started with a happy hourso everyone could be acquainted with eachother.

A beautiful smörgåsbord was awaitingus and the food committee really workedhard to get everything in a festive mood.

When the last person got a bowl ofrisgrynsgröt and a piece of our anniversarycake, it was time for the drawing of doorprizes. Including a special drawing amongthe children for a gingerbread house, madeby Taylor Melum. The winner wasKlarrisa Smith.

Taylor Melum entered as our 2005

Lucia, followed by her attendants whileRebecca Heilig sang the Lucia sång andStaffansvisan in Swedish. Then everyonesand Nu tändas tusen Juleljus and StillaNatt.

Majken Warns, Taylor’s mormor, pre-sented the Lucia with a beautiful necklace,purchased in Sweden. After the ceremonythe children passed our Christmas goodiesto all.

We ended our celebrations by dancingaround the Christmas tree to the tunes ofSwedish ring dances played on an accor-dion by Curt Tviet and by singingChristmas carols led by Bob Wieneke.

Tomten appeared with gifts to allasnälla barn. After a full evening everyonewished each other a God Jul.

Submitted by: Majken Warns

Solidaritet Lodge #396Mount Vernon, WA

Pictured from left to right: Allison Papritz, Klarissa Smith, Hannah Bressler, “Lucia” TaylorMelum, Amanda Acton, Kyleha Smith, Hanna Densmor, star boys: Henrick and Jorey Papritz.

Evening Star Lodge #426Los Alamitos, CA

On Saturday, December 17, 2005, atthe Good Shepherd Presbyterian Churchin Los Alamitos, Evening Star Lodge

#426 celebrated its 83rd Anniversary toan SRO audience. Included in theprogram, was a wonderful Christmas

party and a magnificent presentation ofthe Lucia Pageant by the Morning StarChildren’s Club #172 with Lucia KatieSpaberg. The Children’s Club sang manytraditional Christmas songs and offeredmany beautiful Yuletide poems.

Many thanks go to Gunlog Spaberg,our Children’s Club supervisor and herassistants Elizabeth and Tom Stauffer andJoachim Vance. Tom accompanied thechildren’s songs with wonderful guitarmusic. Elizabeth and Joachim started aschildren in the Morning Star Children’sclub and their help was invaluable.

Following the Lucia Pageant, a tradi-tional Swedish Dinner was prepared andserved to all by Ann-Marie Vance andher staff followed by dancing around theChristmas tree and the coming ofTomten.

It was wonderful to have so many dig-nitaries attended our program.

Submitted by: Thomas Jahn

Sveaborg Lodge#449

Concord, CATeresa Fassl was the Lucia at the annual

Julfest held by Sveaborg Lodge #449, VOA,recently. The celebration, attended by 120members and friends, featured a tastysmörgåsbord and of course, glögg.

Sveaborg is proud of its children club,Vasablad, directed by Rosemary Fassl.Twenty-one of the children participated inthe Lucia and sang Swedish songs.

Finally Santa Claus (Erik Wernes)arrived with gifts for the children.

Submitted by: Bob Burman

Teresa FasslPhoto by: Rosemary Fassl

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We are perhaps a little tardy in doingso (for which I take sole responsibility),but first we must say we are very proudof Birgitta Kellgren becoming the DistrictMaster of District Lodge #12 and of ToreKellgren serving as a representative ofthe District Lodge. Both have been veryactive in Lindbergh Lodge and we hearti-ly congratulate them. We also congratu-late Megan Wiklander who was awardedthe 2005 District Lodge college scholar-ship of $600 for her studies at OregonState Univ. where she is now a junior.

At the end of September we had ouryearly pick nick, this year down in Gilroyvisiting Tom and Karen Kruse at theirwinery and vineyards. When we arrived,we first toured the vineyard and Tomshowed us how to check the sugar con-tent of the grapes. The vineyard is next tothe winery and the old beautiful home,where Tom and Karen live. We tastedmany of their wines while munching onour delicious snacks and lots of barbe-cued chicken. It tasted sooooo good withall the salads. Ended the meal with fruit,cake, cookies and coffee of course. The

Linde Lodge #492Milwaukee, WI

LindberghLodge #494

Los Altos, CA

Hope Lodge #503Seattle, WA

Austin Lodge #466Chicago, IL

The annual and traditional Lucia cele-bration was performed by SkansenChildren’s Club. Our 2005 Lucia was 8thgrader Lauren Collins, accompanied byattendants and star boys. Fellowshipafterward included open-faced sandwich-es, lussekatter, cookies and other goodiesand refreshments. The children per-formed some well-known and deardances, such as Väva Vadmal, Trekarlspolka, and Oxdansen. Santa Claus was adear visitor, and to finish the eveningdancing around the Christmas tree tookplace. We had a successful raffle with theproceeds to support the hosting of the2007 District Convention in Milwaukee.

We had he Annual Julgransplundringby Skansen, this event is the official“throw-the-Christmas-tree-out.” Youdance one last time around the tree - thenplunder it of all its goodies, such ascandy filled weaved hearts, julgranskarameller, pepparkaks hjärtan, etc.

An upcoming event is the serving ofSwedish pancakes at Scandinavian Fest atHales Corners Lutheran Church on May6, 2006.

Midsommar will again be celebrated

Rabecca Soderblom, 19, sophomore atNorth Park University, psychology major,represented Austin Lodge #466 at the DaleyCenter in Chicago for Lucia Festival ofLights, Ebenezer Lutheran Church and TheSwedish American Museum. Rabecca wasin Varblomman Children’s Club for 8 years.While a member she was chosen to representthe club as Lucia in 1999. She and her fami-ly went on a trip to Sweden with the club.Rabecca also attended Sjolunden, SwedishLanguage Village at Concordia College fortwo years.

Submitted by: June Soderblom

Lauren Collins

Megan Wiklander

Rabecca Soderblom

Our Vasa Hope Lodge #503, Seattle,WA, is proud of our many senior cit-iziens who show up regularly at ourmonthly functions. Two of these wereHilda Krahn and Eric Anderson, picturedhere at our lodge’s Christmas Party onDecember 12, 2005.

Hilda was born on November 27, 1910and celebrated her 95th birthday with 65guests of family and friends at a SundayBrunch at Anthony’s Restaurant inBallard. She was born in Ballard (a trulyScandinavian district of Seattle) whereshe has lived for 54 years in the samehouse she moved into in 1951. Hildajoined our lodge in 1961 and served asChairman for the years 1999, 2000, and2001.

Eric Anderson was born November13, 1910, and joined our lodge in 1950,and was Chairman in 1957. He hashad no infractions on his driver’s licensefor 80 years and is proud that he passedhis current driver’s license test at age 95,and needing an 80 to pass, he received ascore of 92! With an expiration date of2010, Eric, you’ve got a long ways to goyet!

Congratulations to both of you two.You give us all an incentive to carry on

with the SAHS of Wis. in Old WorldWisconsin on June 25, 2006. We have aspecial surprise direct from Sweden - theHusarkvartetten from Höganäs.

We are encouraging and welcominganyone that can make it to our events.For more info - contact Lisa [email protected].

Submitted by: Lisa Ekstrand

setting was perfect with the vines, thetrees and the golden hills behind it all.

We bought some wine and took off inthe setting sun.

Our energetic District Master BirgittaKellgren was there with her Tore. It wastheir anniversary that day and we cele-brated it with them.

Submitted by: Tahir J. (T.J.) Naim

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Linnea Lodge #504Petaluma, CA

Linnea Lodge held its Lucia Fest,Bazaar and Smörgåsbord Dec 11, 2005.The dinner and Bazaar items were madeby the members, and enjoyed by the 200in attendance. Highlight of the eveningwas the Lucia pageant led by AmyBrevick, daughter of Kristine and DaleBrevick of Fall City, WA, and grand-daughter of Thelma and late EinarJorgensen, members of Linnea Lodge.

Amy, a tall blonde freshman atWashington State University is a memberof the women’s rowing crew there. Sheled the 31 girls and boys in a beautifulprocession on stage where each child wasintroduced and Amy gave a brief state-ment in Swedish.

There was singing and dancing aroundthe tree and then Santa came with giftsfor the children, a lovely evening forbeing a small Lodge.

Submitted by: Thelma Jorgensen

Hilda Krahn and Eric Anderson

Amy Kristine Brevick

Nordic Lodge #660Whittier, CA

Destiny Lindgren, 17, was selected asthe Nordic Lodge #660 Lucia for 2005.She is the daughter of Bob and LindaLindgren and is a junior at Marina HighSchool in Huntington Beach, CA.

Destiny’s great-grandmother, CarolineLindgren, and grandparents, Peter andCynthia Lindgren, are members ofNordic #660. Destiny has other specialconnections with the Swedish communityas well: Her cousin is Nobel Prize winnerGlenn T. Seaborg due to her Great-Grandmother Caroline and Glen Seaborg,a prominent philanthropist in OrangeCounty, California, having the samegreat-grandfather.

Seaborg received the Nobel Prize in

chemistry in 1951 for the discovery ofplutonium. At one time he was engagedin the Manhattan Project, which devel-oped the atomic bomb. He also served aschancellor of the University ofCalifornia, Berkeley, from 1958 to 1961,when President John F. Kennedy appoint-ed him chairman of the Atomic EnergyCommission.

Destiny hopes to teach mathematicssome day and enjoys such extra-curricu-lar activities as keyboard, drama, sewing,crocheting, painting, and church work.

Destiny said she was “very honored”to be Lucia and is proud of her Swedishheritage.

Submitted by: Carolyn E. Johnson

and make the most of our lives as aninspiration to others.

Submitted by: Elsie J. Busch

HOPE LODGE #503Continued from page 18

Satellite Lodge #661Kalamazoo, MI

Satellite Lodge #661 celebrated theirLucia Pageant on December 18 at TrinityLutheran Church in Kalamazoo, MI.Sarah Forsberg was St. Lucia. She is thedaughter of Tom and Sue Forsberg andgranddaughter of Marsh and JanForsberg, Vasa members. The court wasIngrid and Kaijsa Johnson, AnnalisePiazza, Emma and Ericka Kehler-Lozon,Rachel Forsberg and Katie Groesbeck.The star boys were Ben Piazza and LarsJohnson. We sang many Christmassongs, several in Swedish, and Emma andEricka Kehler Lozon played someChristmas songs on the piano.

After the Pageant, we danced severalSwedish folk dances including the oxdance. True to our heritage we enjoyedfellowship with coffee, glögg, and a wideassortment of traditional Swedish sweets.Judy Ruser was the winner of the raffle,which was a beautiful Orrefors crystaltree ornament. Everyone had a great time.

Submitted by: Janis Forsberg Sarah Forsberg

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Phoenix Lodge #677Phoenix, AZ

Bishop HillLodge #683

Bishop Hill, IL

Desert VikingLodge #682

Cathedral City, CA

Phoenix Lodge 677, District Arizona21, held its annual Lucia Fest andChristmas Party on December 11. Thelovely Roxanne Ross, 15, was the Lucia.She is the daughter of Dawn Ross andgranddaughter of Roberta Anderson.Roxanne has been a participant in Luciaprocessions for many years, initially as a“tomte.” Inga Korte, PDM, who is acousin of grandmother Roberta, intro-duced her to the annual pageant. Roxannewill become a member in January, andwishes to pursue her interest in art.

Submitted by: Sam Lidén

On Saturday, December 10, 2005,Desert Viking Lodge #682 presented itsLucia pageant at the United MethodistChurch in Palm Springs, CA. Theprogram consisted of Christmas storyreadings, the singing of Christmascarols and a traditional Swedish Meatballdinner prepared and served under thedirection of our very own Viola Wyler.Tom Bartel was our Santa Claus for theevent.

Our Lucia was Sarah Danielsson.Sarah is the 17-year-old granddaughter of

Roxanne Ross

Sarah Danielsson

There are so many different ways toshare our Swedish and Nordic Heritageduring our Vasa meetings. Some lodgeslike to do “things we have always done”while other lodges try different things.Both should be encouraged…keep doingwhat works for each lodge.

There are calls that the Vasa Ordershould be “modern” and to keep up withtoday’s Nordic countries. Yes, of coursethis is a good thing. Such information isavailable on the Internet and the mediaand can be retrieved very easily.

How many times do we hear “I wish Ihad asked grandma about her life inSweden and the relatives left there” or“Why did I not ask Grandpa about hiswoodworking skills or fishing inSweden.”

Stig and Lorraine Danielsson, who werepart of the original group who foundedDesert Viking Lodge almost 39 yearsago.

Sarah is a senior at Calvary ChristianHigh School in Ridecrest, CA. She plansto attend Masters College in SantaClarita, CA, in the fall, working toward ateaching degree. Her interests includevarious crafts and she is proficient in signlanguage.

Submitted by: Wilson

Continued on page 21

If we concentrate solely on today’sSweden (in order to keep Vasa membersinterested and encourage the youngergenerations to join) our important her-itage will soon be lost. It is thanks tomembers having been strong Vasa mem-bers for many years that the Vasa Orderis still an important organization aftermore than 100 years.

One such important member in ourlodge is Kathryn Carlson. At our lastmeeting she had been asked to talk abouther Swedish background and her earlyBishop Hill life. What a treat for us andwhat a wonderful evening we had listen-ing to her experiences. Kathryn broughtsome wonderful items from her child-hood for us to look at.

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Our chairman Sally Nelson hasarranged to have many of our membersspeak about their heritage at our cultural

events this year. We are all looking for-ward to hearing them.

Submitted by: L. Horngren

Cariboo Lodge #690British Columbia, Canada

Kathryn Carlson brought some wonderful items from her childhood.

Chelsay Horn, Beau Baxter, Andy Baxter and Chloe Carre.

The Cariboo Lodge #690 of Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada, celebrated theSanta Lucia by having their youth and children perform the traditional Lucia at theirLodge. The Lucia for 2005 was Chelsay Horn with a younger Lucia Chloe Carre, andthe star boys were Beau and Andy Baxter. Chelsay is 21 years old and in her third yearin University majoring in history, and will be a teacher within 2 years. Chloe Carre is8 years old and attends the Boucher Lake Elementary School. Beau is 10 years old andAndy is 8 years old and both attend the Barlow Creek Elementary School. All the chil-dren and youth are the grandchildren of Cariboo Lodge members living in Quesnel,British Columbia.

Submitted by: Sandra Telford

BISHOP HILL LODGE #683Continued from page 20

Tuscon Lodge #691Tuscon, AZ

Tucson Lodge #691 held their LuciaFest on December 10, 2005. SarahDeardorff was chosen to be Lucia. Sarahis the granddaughter of Janet and DuaneDeardorff. Janet’s father and maternalgrandparents emigrated from Sweden inthe late 1800s. Sarah is 15 years of age ishome-schooled. She has participated inSwedish folk dancing with the Vasayouth dance group for the past 10 years.Sarah especially enjoys drama and hashad leading roles in a number of dramasproduced by the Blake Acting Studio, alocal youth drama group. Sarah and theVasa youth dancers performed during theLucia Fest.

Submitted by: Janet Deardorff

Sarah Deardorff

Tre KronorLodge #713

Salem, OR

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The Scandinavian 4-H Club and TreKronor Lodge #713 had four rehearsalson October 2, October 16, October 30,and November 13, 2005. We gave fourLucia performances.

At the performance on November 13,2005, Caitlin Cameron was the LuciaBride at an event presented at the DallasFirst Christian Church in Dallas, Oregon.We followed with two performanceswhere Kirstyn Young, Tre Kronor’sLucia Bride for 2005, performed with hercourt. The first performance was onDecember 3, 2005 in the Capitol Rotundaof the Oregon State Capitol Building inSalem, Oregon. The second was at theSalem Masonic Temple on December 4,2005, at Tre Kronor’s regular lodge meet-ing. Finally, on December 8, 2005, at the

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Sarah Williams, Sara Ghika, Rayna and Mikala Halloram.

Willamette Lutheran RetirementCommunity in Keizer, Oregon, a perfor-mance was held and Victoria Wilson wasLucia Bride. We had about 22 performersparticipate in the events.

Kirstyn Young. Granddaughter of TreKronor members Dick and Donna Younghas been involved with Lucia courts sinceabout age 2-3; for about 14 years now.Currently attends North Salem HighSchool where she has a GPA of 3.86 andis in all honors classes. She has per-formed in orchestra (about 18 concerts)and is in a chamber orchestra. Kirstyn hasbeen involved in several orchestra com-petitions (National OrchestraCompetition in Reno, Nevada in 2004,four district competitions and two statecompetitions) and has also performed infour school plays. She volunteers in VBSand has helped in four orchestra camps,she also helps her mother, Lisa, in ele-mentary school classroom. Kirstynearned varsity letters in track, excels inbasketball, javelin, and shot put. Herwish is to visit Norway and Sweden andlearn the language some day.

Caitlin Cameron. Granddaughter ofnew Tre Kronor member AudreyCameron and a member of theScandinavian 4-H Club. Attends CedarPark Middle School in Portland, Oregon

and has a 4.0 GPA. She has performed inseven concerts, plays basketball,some violin, performs in choir, volun-teers in the library, and is active in4-H. Caitlin loves to sing in Swedish.She earned blue ribbons in PolkCounty Fair for Scandinavian culturaldisplays.

Victoria Wilson. Sister of new TreKronor member Christine Wilson, is amember of the Scandinavian 4-H Club.Attends LaCreole Middle School in

Dallas, Oregon. She has a GPA of 3.7.Proficient in playing the piano, involvedin theater with experience in plays anddrama. Victoria also plays basketball andhelps with the children’s service at herchurch. She earned Reserve GrandChampion for the Scandinavian 4-HClub’s poster entry at the Oregon StateFair. Victoria would like to travel toDenmark, learn Scandinavian languages,and prepare Scandinavian foods.

Submitted by: Barry Ostrom

BirkaLodge #732

Hamilton, MA

Sara Ghika, daughter of Birka Lodge#732, Hamilton, MA, members, Eva andVinnie Ghika of Hampton, NH, was thelovely and very proud Lucia at the annualJul Fair held on November 26, 2005.

Sara, age 9, is a 3rd grade student andis also taking Swedish language classes atthe Swedish School in Boston along withher brother, Niklas, age 7. She especiallyenjoys arts, music, gymnastics, and GirlScouts.

A few of Sara’s attendants were SarahWilliams (who will be the 2006 Lucia),Rayna, Mikala Halloran.

Sara’s mother, Eva, was born inStockholm and came to the U.S. in 1991as an au pair.

Submitted by: Lois M. Johnson

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Viking Lodge #735Moorsetown, PA

The Lucia Singers of Viking Lodge #735, New Jersey District #6, VOA, sang amedley of Swedish Yule songs, Christmas carols, and, of course, “Sankta Lucia” aspart of the 26th annual Lucia Fest held at Muhlenberg College’s Edgar Chapel inAllentown, PA.

The event was sponsored by the faculty of the College and features the children offaculty members portraying Light Bearers, Folk Customs, Tomtegubbar, Star Childrenand, of course, Lucia. This year’s Lucia was Anastassia Baldridge of Kutztown. TheLucia Singers have been performing in the pageant almost from its inception.

Following the Fest, members of Viking Lodge retired to the Scottish Rite Center inAllentown for their annual Christmas feast. Swedish meatballs, cheeses and hot glöggpreceded the dinner which consisted of salmon, chicken, garlic mashed potatoes, car-rots and pumpkin pie ala mode. Viking members Shirley Nylund and her daughters,Allison and Kristen, provided the dinner entertainment of Christmas carols and classi-cal music performed on piano and flute.

The Muhlenberg Lucia Fest is modeled after the Lucia Fest performed at St. JamesChurch in Kingsessing in West Philadelphia. It is one of the old Swedish churcheslocated in the area that in colonial times was known as “New Sweden.”

Viking Lodge is composed of over 90 members from throughout easternPennsylvania and western New Jersey. Membership is open to persons ofScandinavian background and their spouses. The group meets the third Sunday of eachmonth at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Moorestown, PA. Persons interested inmembership information should contact Mary and Jim Omdahl at 610-866-7548.Proceeds from lodge events primarily provide scholarships for high school students toattend Scandinavian language camps.

Submitted by: Lars Larmon

Some of the members of Viking Lodge 735’s Lucia Singers surround this year’s MuhlenbergCollege Lucia, Anastassia Baldridge of Kutztown. The Singers are, back row from left, SolveigWills of East Stroudsburg, PA, Linda Michelson of Emmaus, PA, Bevin Scheirer of Reading,PA, and Ulla Dunkle of Alburtis, PA. In the front row, from left, are Nancy Thenstedt ofBethlehem, PA, Shirley Nylund and daughters Allison and Kristen Osborne, all of Macungie,PA, and Beryl Hellgren of Stroudsburg.

Sierra Kronan Lodge #737Roseville, CA

has been wonderful with its glorious col-ors. I remember how the Swedish coun-tryside was golden with aspen trees. Wehave our maples and oaks turning here.Last year the Hutter family planned aThanksgiving feast that was just spectac-ular. We had a great turnout and we wereespecially delighted to see MargithaAkerlund back after a very bad car acci-dent, and this report wouldn’t be com-plete without mentioning our semi-retirednurseryman Carl Pederson who made flo-ral centerpieces in all glorious fall colors.It was a sight to behold! Ann Erickson, areal gardener in our midst, always adds toour table decorations. We surely arethankful for our great nation! A big“thank you” goes to Kathryn Morefieldand her accordion. Her music was her giftto Helen Forsty who celebrated her 92ndbirthday recently. Congratulations!

Submitted by: Ingrid Wistrom Herink

“Happy Times” describes this fall asthey have brought many changes. We areenjoying our new meeting place at theLions Club. We thank Walter Nickstromfor being instrumental in establishing usin our new surroundings.

We have been mixing business andpleasure as we voted for our 2006 slate of

officers. This was followed by initiating6 new members – a very happy timeindeed! We welcomed Blossom Baker,George & Del Cirelli, Agrman & HelenEversen and Eric Swanson.

For our October meeting many woreHalloween costumes, which was fun inthe American way. Our autumn weather

VikingLodge #756

Greenfield, MA

On December 11, 2005, Viking Lodge#756 held it’s annual Lucia pageant at StPaul’s Lutheran Church in Greenfield,Mass. Our Lucia was Carlyn Perry, amember of St Paul’s church.

We meet at the church and manyLodge members are also members of thechurch, so we invited the church mem-bers to be a part of our Lucia celebration.The audience was delighted by songs andsolos from Lucia her attendants and thestar boys. Silent Night was sung in 5 lan-guages, and the audience joined in on theSwedish and English verses.

Viking member Nancy Pond accom-panied on cello. Judd Blain told us thestory of Lucia, and Torvald Kohlin wasTomte Far. Margareta Athey led oursinging. Everyone enjoyed our Coffee,Lucia buns and Christmas cookies after-wards.

It is hard to believe that it was 5 yearsago since we were instituted as VikingLodge #756.

Most of the lodges in our district are100 years old, so we are the “baby” in theMassachusetts District #2.

We celebrated our 5th anniversarywith a Korv dinner. This has become alodge event every year and we makeabout 100 pounds each time. We had 17of our 33 members in attendance and 2visitors from the District, Fred andBarbara Stuekeroth.

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Everyone enjoyed the Korv,mashed potatoes, and carrots, andespecially the anniversary cake withcoffee for dessert. Our Past Chairman,

and District Master, Phil Johnson whowas in charge of the kitchen, prepared themeal.

Submitted by: Phil Johnson

Nordic Red Rocks Lodge #760Sedona, AZ

January 22, 2006 was our installationof new and re-installed officers. We hadthe help of District officers including RuthGregory, Grand Lodge Deputy, PatFlippen, District Secretary and ScandiaLodge #728 Chairperson MaureenAnderson. One new member was installedhis name is Bob Hansen.

We are doing personal biographies ofour members. At the January meetingNelson Cederberg, Janell Brainard andVito Pantaleo were our special biogra-phies. We had two visitors from Sweden,Charlotte and Sven Andren. The meetingconcluded with wonderful refreshments of

herring, sandwiches, cookies, Jell-O andcoffee and tea.

At our February 26, 2006 meeting AstaFrench taught the art of making Danishopen-faced sandwiches, a delicious pre-sentation. We got to eat the labors of ourwork. Yum!

In March we had a mini-fundraiser awhite elephant raffle that Dennis Malarkeywas in charge of.

Nadine Murphy presented a delightfultalk on Easter in Sweden; his was ourApril 23, 2006 meeting. Nadine discussedcustoms, traditions, stories and food.

Submitted by: Kristin Boyes

VIKING LODGE #756Continued from page 23

Nordic Red Rocks Lodge at Scandia Lodge LuciaFest.


Under den 3 december 2005 firadeLogen Enköping sitt Lucia loge möte.Kvällen innehöll ett hemlagat julbord avvåra duktiga kommitterade Ingrid ochAlan Tammerfors samt Lillemor Ericsson.Med välsmakande mat sjöng vi julen till.Efter maten satt vi oss tillrätta och ficknjuta av vacker sång från vårt gästandeLuciatåg som var EnköpingsFolkdansgilles barn och ungdomsgrupp iledning av Pernilla Hallström.Vår ord-förande framförde logens varma tack till-sammans med applåder från övrigamedlemmar.

Till kaffet hade vi vårt traditionella jul-lotteri med många trevliga gåvor som varskänkta till logen av ordenssyskon. Ettvarmt tack till alla dem som skänker gåvortill vår Ordens bästa.

Även i år hade vår medlem BörjePettersson med hustru Gull-Britt givit ettvackert pepparkakshus som de dessutomsjälva vann vid utlottningen. Men till gläd-je för både logen och ordenssyskonen såskänkte de pepparkakshuset till den kom-mande auktionen under kvällen.

Vår DD Liberth Karlsson tog tillfället iakt att under kaffet presentera våra duktigaköksordenssyskon Ingrid Tammerfors ochLillemor Ericsson som arrangerat dennakväll med god mat och trevlig samvarooch som gör att alla känner att julen börjarnärma sig.

Söndagen den 8 januari på OddFellows lokal var det dags för den årligajulgransplundringen. Ungefär 45 barnsamt vuxna dansade och sjöng julen ut ochi år fick man hjälp av Pernilla Hallström,som var gästande dansledare samt våratrevliga musikanter Taimi Johansson och”Leverstatorparn” Ivar Karlsson på pianooch dragspel. Vi sjöng och dansade devälkända sångerna som ex. Små groderna,Björnen sover mm.... .

Innan dansen fick barnen gå tillfiskdammen för att fiska upp varsin pre-sent och alla fick ”napp”. Efter att alladansat sig varma till de välkända sångernabjöd kommitterade Anne-Sofie Hjort och

Logen EnköpingNr 646

Enköping, Sweden

Carlyn Perry

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Elisabeth Agge på korv med mos samtkaffe, saft och kaka.

Efter ytterligare dans fick barnen se enröd toppluva utanför fönstret till lokalen,alla rusar till fönstret och ser en jultomtesom kommer gående och vinkar till barnenmed en stor säck på ryggen. Barnenropade ”Jultomten kommer!” och vinkartillbaka till tomten under glada rop ochskratt.

När tomten kom in undrade han i sed-vanlig ordning om det fanns några snällabarn och satte sig ner för att vila. När hanfick höra hur snälla barnen varit tog hanupp varsin godispåse från sin säck och gavtill dem som med förtjusning satt på golvetvid tomten och väntade. Strax innan hangick, gjorde vi den traditionella ”raketen.”

Dagen avslutades med en långdans ilokalen innan ordförande Karl-ErikAxelssons tackade våra musikanter ochdansledare med applåder för deras insatserunder dagen. Trötta men nöjda traskadebarnen med föräldrar hem med vetskapom att om ett år kommer åter en jul.

Submitted by: Elisabeth AggePhoto by: Elisabeth Agge

Familjen Shoemaker LL 563 kring jultomten.sonen Kevin får sitta hos tomten och är lyck-lig.

Logen Carl vonLinné Nr 678

Västervik, SwedenLördagen den 19 november 2005

firade logen Carl vo Linné i Växjö sin40-åriga födelsedag under festliga for-mer. Många logesyskon hade hörsammatkallelsen, liksom många gästande syskonfrån flera loger i distriktet. Bland demsågs MSLER Bertil Ericsson, DM 20Åke Mellnert, HM 665 Stig Löfberg, HM20-Karl-Eric Forrsander och logens DDMaj Svensson.

Jubileumslogen inleddes med en fan-parad. Sy FDO Ingalill Rydén läste pro-logen, som är specialskriven för vår loge.Br. LH Göran Lundeberg berättade omhur logen startades och om instiueringenden 20 november 1965 på Stadshotellet iVäxjö. Kuvertkostnaden var då 33 kronorför tre rätters måltid med viner och kaffe.Initiativtagare till den nya logen vardåvarande VDS 20 Stig Löfberg. Han var

För underhållning under banketten svaradePeter Bringselius som sjöng amerikansk folk-musik.

också vår förste DD. Logens förste ord-förande var domkyrkokomminister ÅkeRydeman som idag är den ende kvar-varande chartermedlemmen, och somidag är hedersmedlem i logen.Recipierade 630. Även hon gästade logenCarl von Linné denna dag. Under punk-ten “Ordens Väl” uppvaktades vår logegeneröst med presener från SL, DL 20och alla distriktets lokalloger.Förtjänsttecken utdelades också ut.

Vid banketten hälsades alla varmtvälkomna av logens ordförande Sy MonaHarryson. Efter varmrätten bjöds alla påen glad överraskning: Carl von Linnéuppenbarade sig i egen hög person. Det Continued on page 26

LOGEN ENKÖPINGNR 646Continued from page 24

DM Åke Mellnert gratulerades även han på40-årsdagen. Här tillsammans med MonaHarrysson.

var logebrodern Åke Lundblad som pådetta sätt gav en fyllig presentation avvärldens mest kände svensk. PeterBringselius framförde ett knippeamerikanska sånger och ackompanjeradesig själv på både gitarr och munspel.Sedvanliga tal hölls. Traditionsenligtsjöng Br LH till systrarna och Sy FDOtill bröderna.

Sy Louise Sigers ansvarade för kväl-lens lotterier som slutsåldes än tanken,men så var också vinsterna ovanligt fina.Grattis alla vinnare!

Kvällen avslutades med dans till ton-erna från Per Hjalmarssos enman-sorkester. Tack alla medverkande somgjorde jubiléet så minnesvärt! Vi ser medförtröstan på framtiden.

Snart fyller vi 50 år.

Vasa Future ClubSom vi vet så är en lokalloge eller dis-

triktsloge till väsentlig del i sin verk-samhet beroende av ekonomiska resurser.Idén är enkel, att medlemmarna i dessastödklubbar med en mycket liten avgifttillsammans kan bli till god ekonomiskhjälp i verksamheten, både för lokalloger-na och distriktslogen. I denna anda star-tades Vasa Future Club 2001. I DL20 harman Vasa Support Club som fått ettmycket starkt stöd från alla håll. Minförhoppning är att vår Future Club skallfå den uppmärksamheten. Årsavgiften ärendast 40:- för enskild och 100:- förlokalloge. Postgirokontot är 174973-8.

Jag har länge sett hur man försöktarbeta ute i våra loger för att få igångungdomsverksamheten. Även vid vårtDistriktsmöte uttalades det önskemål attarbeta mer med detta. En god vän, numer

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Broder Owe blev nyligen blev medlem ilogen Bråviken tillsammans med sinmaka Sy. Barbro, han är s.k. AD (ArtDirector). Jag har gett honom någraförslag att arbeta för en logo eller annonsför en ny ungdomsloge inom Vasa Ordenav Amerika, och där kanske båda distrik-tslogerna i Sverige ställa sig bakom. Jagtänker att överlämna detta till vårStorlogeungdomsledare Elisabeth Agge,för att utveckla det vidare.

Jag bett Br. Owe att ge mig annons-förslag till informationsmöte till arbetetmed att bilda nya loger.

En annan vän sedan länge Sy. CrissHagfeldt, ett styrelseproffs, vi arbetadetillsammans under en tid då jag var Ordf.i Föreningen Norden, och hennes man Br.Stefan blev också med i logen BråvikenBr. Stefan är riksdagsman och kommerge mig möjligheten till kontakter litehögre upp för att i möjligaste månutveckla arbetet för Vasa Orden i Tiden.Naturligtvis är vi i logen Bråviken gladaöver deras inträde i Vasa Orden avAmerika. De har också den rätta Vasa-andan!

Stefan vet att jag arbetar med att fåfart på ungdomsarbetet. Han gav migdirekt förslaget om att han skulle kollavilka möjligheter DL 19 skulle ha attanvända ett EU bidrag för denna verk-samhet. Det skall bli intressant att se vadsom finns att hämta. Jag inflikade att detgäller ju ett intensivare arbetet för ung-domar att ha kontakter med varandra iUSA, Kanada och Sverige.

Submitted by:Lisbeth H. Qvarfordt DM DL 19

Picture by:Inge Hallberg SFF LL #751 LL #663

Ove Hilding och Lisbeth Qvarfordt-Hallberg

Flaka is the name of a small old village,beautifully situated in the parish of SödraVi, north of Vimmerby in Småland. In thebeginning of the 19th century lived ErikNilsson, a freeholder, and his wifeCatharina Clemensdotter. They had threesons, and the eldest two immigrated toAmerica in 1849. In their letters home theydescribed their new country as a paradise.

Three years later the parents too emi-grated with their youngest son Carl JohanAlfred Ericson (Charles John A. Ericson,CJA, as he was known in America). Hewas 12 and had gone to school for someyears, in Sweden.

In the middle of July 1852 they arrivedin New York after a forty-five days voyageby the three-mast schooner Virginia ofGothenburg. CJA’s first memory was get-ting lost in New York. He and his fatherand some other passengers went out to lookat the city. Hearing music of a brass bandthey followed on and was sure they couldeasily find their way back to the ship. But itwasn’t that easy, so they wandered aboutfor hours. At last a man who knew a bitSwedish helped them back, hungry, thirstyand very tired.

The next morning the family left NYand went by boat, train, a canal boat andfinally on a hired ride to their final destina-tion near Moline, Ill. On Aug. 1 theyreached their destination near Moline wherethey met their two elder sons. CJA went toschool for one year and then started to workfor one of the brothers on his farm. He wasto have many jobs before he had savedenough money to be able to open a shop ofhis own which was his dream. CJA workedas a farm hand, learning to plough withoxen. He was a ferry driver on the RockRiver, he also held employment at asawmill and he had also worked as a clerkat a store in Altona, Ill.

When one of his brothers moved toIowa, CJA followed him. He had savedabout four hundred dollars from his earn-ings, which he invested in a stock of mer-chandise and opened up a store in MineralRidge in Boone County. The wholesalemerchants he dealt with offered him creditas they said they read in his face he was amost honest man. He also started to buy

and sell cattle and was elected postmasterin the town.

In 1870 he moved to Boone, Iowa,where his other brother lived, there heopened up another store. Working hard hebuilt it up to the largest business at that timein the county. Two years later he assisted inorganizing the First National Bank ofBoone and was elected vice president.Some years later he closed down his ownstore and became cashier of the bank, reor-ganized as the City Bank in 1878. He was amember of the board of the bank for therest of his life.

CJA held a deep interest in politics andwas elected member of the city council. Hewas the chairman of many committees, forinstance the school board.

In 1871 he was elected member of the14th general assembly of Iowa on therepublican ticket. Twenty-five years laterhe was elected member of the state senate,the first Swede to hold this office ever!!!He did important work as the chairman ofdifferent committees, e.g. public libraries.He also presented and had a bill passed forcorporation taxes. Twice he introduced billsfor the protection of birds and their nests.

CJA supported many projects for thegood of the public. At a cost of $10,700 hehad a magnificent library built andequipped in Boone named the EricsonLibrary. In 1900 he donated $13,000 and280 acres of land to Augustana College.The land was given the name of EricsonPark, where he had been playing and hunt-ing squirrels when he was a young boy. Healways wanted to help people in need.Several Swedish immigrants have receivedmoney from him when needed, “he was afriend indeed”.

CJA was married twice and had twodaughters, Alice and Lorena. In 1894 heand Lorena travelled in Europe, visitingSweden too. He died in 1910. Heleft $56,000 to Augustana College and toother charities $44,000 in his will. Tothe village of his childhood he left$2,700 saying that the money must be putin the bank and the annual interest paid outto poor people in the parish of Södra Vi.

VASA FUTURE CLUBContinued from page 25

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Charles John Ericson from Södra Vi

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When asked what made him so success-ful he usually answered that he had threenorms: 1. Be honest. 2. Refrain fromspeculations and investments in outsideenterprises. 3. Always keep your word.

My principal, Mr. Erik Carlsson told methis story about the poor boy from Södra Viwho came to America, got rich and helpedso many. But in Flaka, nobody seems toknow anything about Charles John A.Ericson, where he or his parents had lived.Strange, isn’t it?

Submitted by: Gun Lith, DCL DL 20

Carl Johan AlfredEricsson Från

Södra ViFlaka är namnet på en liten by, som lig-

ger mycket vackert i Södra Vi socken, norrom Vimmerby i Småland. I början av 1800-talet bodde där den självägande bondenErik Nilsson och hans hustru CatharinaClemensdotter. De hade tre söner och debåda äldsta utvandrade till Amerika 1849. Isina brev hem beskrev de sitt nya land somett paradis.

Tre år senare utvandrade ocksåföräldrarna med sin yngste son Carl JohanAlfred Ericsson, som i Amerika blevCharles John A. Ericson (CJA). Han var 12år och hade gått några år i skolan.

I mitten av juli 1852 anlände de till NewYork efter en 45 dagars sjöresa med dentremastade skonaren Virginia av Göteborg.CJA:s första minne från NY var att hangick vilse. Han och hans far och någraandra passagerare gick ut för att se på sta´n.Då de fick höra musik från en blåsorkestersom de följde efter, övertygade om att deskulle kunna hitta tillbaka. Men det var inteså lätt, utan de irrade omkring i flera tim-mar. Till sist fick de hjälp av en man somkunde lite svenska och han hjälpte dem till-baka till skeppet och då var de hungriga,törstiga och trötta. Morgonen efter fortsattefamiljen sin resa, nu med båt, tåg, kanalbåtoch till sist en hyrd skjuts till bestäm-melsesorten nära Moline, Ill. De kom framden 1 aug. och sammanträffade då med sinabåda söner. CJA gick ett år i skolan menbörjade sedan arbeta som dräng hos en avsina bröder. Det skulle bli många olika jobbinnan CJA hade lyckats spara ihop såmycket pengar att han kunde öppna eget,något som var hans dröm. Han arbetade isågverk och en kvarn, lärde sig plöja medoxar, körde färja på Rock River och fickjobb som expedit i en affär i Altona, Ill. Dåen av hans bröder flyttat till Iowa följdeCJA efter. Han ägde då 400 dollar som hansparat och dem investerade han i ett varu-lager och öppnade en liten affär i MineralRidge, i Boone county. Han fick kredit avde grossister han handlade med, eftersom

de trodde honom på hans ärliga ansikte.Han började även handla med boskap. Detgick allt bättre för honom och han blev valdtill postmästare i staden.

1870 flyttade han till Boone i Iowa, dithans andra bror tidigare flyttat. Han köpteen affär, som han genom hårt arbete byggdeupp till den tidens största varuhus i länet.Två år senare var han med och startadeFirst National Bank i Boone, vars styrelsehan invaldes i. Efter några år sålde han sinaffär och blev i stället kassör i banken, somomorganiserades till City Bank of Boone1878, och i dess styrelse satt han till sindöd.

CJA var mycket intresserad av politikoch satt med i kommunfullmäktige. Hanvar ordförande i flera kommittéer, t.ex.skolstyrelsen.

1871 valdes han till ledamot av den 14:egeneralförsamlingen i Iowa på den repub-likanska listan och 25 år senare valdes han,som förste svensk någonsin, in i senaten försin stat. Han uträttade mycket som ord-förande i olika kommittéer, t.ex. för folk-biblioteken. Han lade fram och fick igenomett nytt skatteförslag för företag. Två gångerlade han fram lagförslag om skydd försmåfåglar och deras bon. Han stödde många projekt för det allmännabästa.

För en kostnad av 10.700 dollar lät hanuppföra och utrusta den magnifika byggnadi Boone, som kallas Ericsons Bibliotek. År

1900 donerade han 13.000 dollar + 280acres mark till Augustana College. Områdetkallas Ericson Park, och det var just därsom han som pojke lekt och jagat ekorrar.Han ville alltid hjälpa människor som hadedet svårt. Det är många svenska immi-granter, som berättat hur de fick pen-ninghjälp av honom när de behövde.

CJA var gift två gånger och hade tvådöttrar; Alice och Lorena. 1894 gjorde hanoch Lorena en lång resa i Europa, och dåbesökte de även Sverige.

CJA dog 1910 och testamenterade56.000 dollar till Augustana College och tillandra välgörenhetsinrättningar 44.000 dol-lar. Till Södra Vi socken testamenteradehan 2.700 dollar och förordnade att pengar-na skulle sättas in på bank och ränta årligenutbetalas till behövande i socknen.

När man frågade CJA hur han kunnat bliså framgångsrik, brukade han svara, att hanhade tre rättesnören i livet: 1. Att vara ärlig.2. Att avstå från investeringar i andra före-tag, hålla sig till sitt eget. 3. Att alltid hållaord.

Det är min chef, rektor Erik Carlsson,som berättat den här historien om den fat-tige pojken från Södra Vi som kom tillAmerika, blev rik och hjälpte så många.Men i Flaka, Södra Vi, verkar ingen vetanågonting om Charles John A. Ericson, varhan eller hans föräldrar bott. Är det intekonstigt?

Submitted by: Gun Lith DKL DL 20

YOUTH NEWSAs the Chairman of the Grand Lodge

Youth Committee, I would like to intro-duce a new power point program designedto help local lodges establish Children’sClubs. This program was designed with thehelp of Lynda Smith, who is the Children’sClub Director of Nordikids, the newestChildren’s Club in District #8. Nordikidshas grown tremendously in the few years ithas been in existence under Lynda’s innov-ative and enthusiastic direction. Her leader-ship style portrayed in this presentationwill offer practical guidance to all chil-dren’s club leaders.

This power point presentation wasreviewed by the Grand Lodge Board at itsmeeting held in Sweden in August and theBoard strongly recommended its use as aneducational tool for youth directors.District Directors of Children’s and YouthActivities might consider using this tool toconduct seminars to educate prospectivechildren’s club leaders. The presentationwould take approximately 45 minutes toreview with a group, but local items of

interest could be added thus making it evenmore practical in your area.

The CD can be mailed to you at nocharge. You may also request a hard copyof the presentation in addition or instead ofthe CD that you may use without a com-puter.

Telephone, write or email me today!Many lodges have expressed a need for

assistance in teaching children aboutScandinavian history and traditions, lan-guage and song. This presentation will helpguide the user through advertisement, pub-licity, site selection lesson planning, musicand dance opportunities and much more. Alist of resources for additional support isalso included. Please don’t miss out on thisopportunity and advance our Order. Ourchildren are our future.

William L. Lundquist,MEB Midwest Region

1456 Kennebec Rd.Grand Blanc, MI 48439

810-695-3248or email: [email protected]

How to Establish a Children’s Club

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Barnklubben Elsa Rix #1, the oldestchildren’s group in the Vasa Order ofAmerica, held their 85th annual LuciaFestival at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Churchin West Hempstead, NY on December 4,2005. The afternoon started with a prayerled by Pastor Frederick McElderry and alovely version of the Sankta Lucia legend,read by Kathryn Brown.

Participating in the program this yearwere 36 current members, singing theirtraditional songs and reciting poems inSwedish. The children sang beautifullyand read their parts perfectly (thanks toNina Prasso, our musical director andProcessional soloist and ElizabethDahlström the co-leader of the club).Jeanne Eriksson Widman provided themusic for the pageant on the piano andWayne Soderland on the accordion.

This year’s Lucia was DeirdreMcGrath, daughter of Elaine and KevinMcGrath. She’s continuing a family tradi-tion (Mom was the club’s 1969 Lucia andher sister, Kerry, was the 2002 Lucia).While her father’s grandparents hail fromIreland and Canada we are sure there issome Swedish in Kevin as he is alwaysbusy during the Lucia season servingglögg, setting-up, driving and makingsure clean up is complete.

Deirdre looked beautiful in her longsatin gown with a wreath of traditionalgreens and candles on her head. She car-ried a copper tray with a copper coffee potand lussekatter. She sounded angelicsinging Hosianna and O Helga Natt withKerry McGrath and Kathryn Brown

singing harmony. Maidens, star boys,bakers and tomtar attended her. Herbrother, Brian, was the Big Star Boy andNoelle Nero (Lucia 2006) gave a beautifulrendition of the Lucia poem. Candle girls,Victoria Magnozzi and Mary Russo readtheir parts flawlessly. Of course, the littletomtar stole the show and caused severalgasps when they got too close to the can-dles.

After Lucia, everyone gathered in theSocial Hall for homemade sandwiches,coffee bread, cookies, glögg, coffee andsoft drinks. The children, dressed inSwedish costumes, showed their expertisein folk dancing. From the littlest onesdoing Shoemakers (or just standing stilland looking cute) to the older childrendoing Tre Karls and Talgoxen, theirenthusiasm was apparent. They wereaccompanied by Jeanne ErikssonWidman, Einar Ericson and WayneSoderland who also played Christmastunes to get everyone in the holiday spirit(they are also the musicians on our newCD).

A big thank you to our parents, alumniand friends who worked very hard pur-chasing supplies, setting-up, decorating,printing programs, baking, making sand-wiches, working in the kitchen, workingat the gift table, selling raffles, servingcoffee and cleaning-up. There were manyhomemade types of bread, glögg, Swedishgift items, beautiful Lucia dolls and ourbrand new double CD with Lucia bookletfor sale on the gift table as wellas an abundance of raffle prizes. Copiesof our CD are available and informationcan be found on our webpage (click the Elsa Rixlink).

Our 2005 Lucia, Deirdre, is also fol-lowing a family tradition by being anactive in Vasa. Deirdre’s maternal greatgrandparents came from Askefalla inSmåland, Sweden, Landskrona in Skåne,Sweden and Pori, Finland. OscarPeterson, her great grandfather was amember of Vasa since 1925; first joiningTure Lodge, which later became Ture &Tura Lodge, then Gosta Saga Lodge.Annie Peterson, her great grandmother,was a member of Valkyrona Lodge,VOA. Her grandparents, Edna and the lateOtto Lindquist, and her mother weremembers of Gosta Saga Lodge, whichlater merged with Lodge Olympic #235.Elaine, Kerry, Deirdre and Brian are allmembers of Lodge Olympic.

Submitted by: Elaine Lindquist McGrath

Barnklubben Elsa Rix #1

Congratulations to Annika Tohlen,who was Lucia 2005 for Vasa YouthGroup #130, Swedish Folk Dancers ofOregon. Annika, a junior at Grant HighSchool in Portland, enjoys her time co-leading the children’s dance group afterthe retirement of longtime instructor,Judy Rust. A member of Vasa HarmoniLodge #472, Annika also had the oppor-tunity to travel to southern Sweden aspart of the 2004 Vasa Youth Exchangeprogram. In her extracurricular time,Annika is President and founder of theScandinavian Club at Grant, plays highschool lacrosse, sings in Portland’sPacific Youth Choir, tutors at her localelementary school, and hopes to beinvolved in Trollbacken Swedish Cultureand Language Camp again this summer.Of her experiences in Vasa and the danc-ing Rosebuds, Annika says, “I loveSweden and the chances I’ve had toexplore my heritage. I recommend bothhighly to everyone!”

Submitted by: Ann Tohlen

Annika TohlenPhoto by: Marion Thompson

Vasa Rosebuds#130 Lucia

Deirdre McGrath

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Welcome To Our New MembersOn behalf of the Grand Lodge and members of the Vasa Order of America, I am pleased to welcome youto our organization. We hope you will enjoy your membership and attend your respective lodges andparticipate in all of the activities planned for you.

Joan Graham, Grand Lodge Membership Chairman5838 San Jose Avenue, Richmond, CA 94804

Email: [email protected]

GRAND LODGE NO.0Facklan #248

William BackLinda Dost

Miami #554Natasha HendersonEleanor Scholl

Jubilee #692Arthur AndersonMary AndersonWilliam FerraraBert NelinValice SandersonViolet Sanderson

Holiday #699Ida Duffy

Nordic #708 Magnus EdlundCarl EricssonAdrienne MylesMichael Olsson

Carl XVI Gustaf #716Ruth OstlundWendy ReevesCharles Segerstoin


Michael Hale

DL NEW JERSEY NO.6 Arlington #62

Hanne AnkersonDawna RenneMark RenneJeanne Widman

Baltic-Framat #360Andrew Lundquist

Viking #735Jean BrownCarol McDermott

DL MINNESOTA #7 Framat #166

Florence Larson

DL LAKE MICHIGAN NO. 8Siljan-Mora-Tuna #134

Kristen PersonSvea #253

Karen FrickVicki Lindgren

Austin #466Bruce Nelson

Satellite #661Stina Gustafson

Jubileum #755Robert MerrillMatthew NordlingCarrie RoyIngrid Russell

Bishop Hill #683James AsplundDolores Hier

DL PENNSYLVANIA NO. 9Oscars Borg #172

Anne SeamanKaren Seaman

Svea #296David CopeKaren CopeDonna SandbergEdwin Sandberg

DL SUPERIOR NO.10Monitor #163

John LakeSuperior #423

Judith DonckersAllen Johnson

Framat #463Harold JohnsonNina Johnson


Enighet #11George Ek, Jr.Sonja EkAnders MalmElsa Ekman-MalmJudith LuffKathleen LuffPamela LuffRobert Luff, Jr.Robert Luff, Sr.Timothy LuffBrian MagnussonMagnusson Margaretha

DL GOLDEN GATE NO. 12Svea #348

Louise ParzaniciCaryl WesterbergKarin White

Lindbergh #494Agnes BabcockDean BabcockLars LenckMary LenckAnn Marie Van Horn

Linnea #504Helen JohanssonAnn WessmanRolf Wessman

Valhalla #746John CarlsonAnna Mae DouganKarren OlsonHelene PayneBonnie Thurston


North Star #145Eileen EdgrenMaxine HargaughWilliam Sullivan

Astor #215Danielle CarlsonDavid SundquistStacy Sundquist

Skogsblomman #378Gordon BennettThomas DanielsonShawn Thornsberry

Solidaritet #396David AndersoonRebecca HeiligEthel June LindScott McFarlaneNancy Tschida

Frihet #401David Cook Sandra CookSanna Hammons

Harmoni #472Sharon AndrusJohn Beck

Olympia #550Josh HiltonShelley LindbergDavid Oswald

Tre Kronor #713Ted ArthurMaddie BlunckIngrid SiadalDoris ThompsonArt Tidey


Linnea #696Gunnel WaziriRafiq Waziri


Norrskenet #331Carmen MajorRobert Skinner

DL NORRA SVERIGE NO.19Vänersborg No 471Ann BergerGunnar Berger

Stockholm No 589Anita BlomgrenChrister FernströmPatrick JovellEva MelanderBo TryggHjördis Trygg

Skövde No 626Louis LehmanMyra Lehman

Karlstad No 632Carl Olof EdsgårdGun Hedström

Lidköping No 636Ingmar BristavMarianne GunnarssonAnn-Marie JärkebornAnita Kjällström

Kristina No 656Mats JonssonAnders PonténKarl Pontén

Bråviken No 751Monica AnderssonUlf AnderssonCriss HagfeldtStefan HagfeldtBarbro Hill HildingOwe Hilding

DL SVERIGE NO. 20 Logen Smaland #618

Ewa Rosen-Andersson

Inger ErikssonKjell Rosen Brigitta StombergSven-Olof Stomberg

Logen Hoganas #634Ingrid BergJan-Erik Berg

Logen Malmohus #643Bengt NylinBirgitta Nylin

Logen Westervik #679Ingela BrandelAnders BrandtBenthe HjertstedtEivor HolmquistGunnel NorrboChrister Warfving

Logen Nybyggarna #698Bengt BengtssonKerstin Bengtsson

Logen Trelleborg #734Goran AnderssonKarin AnderssonAnny NilssonGert-Ove Nilsson

Logen Klockan #747Rune SandsethBodil SvenssonKjell-Erik Svensson

DL ARIZONA NO. 21Phoenix #677

Mia HolgersonLisa JohansenSara LagermanSara OlsonEva Kristina Stalbrand

Tucson #691Joellen AndersonLeRoy IsraelsonMarleen IsraelsonRoger JohnsonPaul Olson


P.O. Box 129 • Ione, CA 95640 • Phone: [email protected]

The Vasa website at contains a “materials but-ton” which has the listing of audio visual materials available.

If you are unable to use the Vasa website, you can still ask that a listingbe sent to you by mail.

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PDM Phyllis Petersen, made anHonorary Life Member by DistrictGolden Gate #12 at its 2005 convention,succumbed to lung cancer on December14th.

Phyllis was honored especially for herfounding efforts of Trollebo, the District#12 Summer Family Camp. She has beenthe director since its founding four yearsago. Phyllis served District #12 as secre-tary as well as District Master 1994-1995and she was also a member of the DistrictMemorial Team.

Her home lodge was Nord Lodge#392 in Stockton California where sheheld many offices, most recently secre-tary. She was elected to be an alternatedelegate to the Grand Lodge Conventionin 2006.

PDM Phyllis is the wife of GL Audio

PDM Phyllis PetersenPhoto by: Tore Kellgren

A very special luncheon was held inDecember to celebrate Thyra Anderson’s100th birthday!

Thyra was greeting by CH ErikLindberg who presented her with a lovelycorsage. She was pleased to see manyfriends there, including GL DeputyJacqueline Ahlen who brought greetingsfrom GM Dr. Ulf Brynjestad. DMDebbie Kenshalo and many Districtofficers came to preside over themeeting and to wish Thyra a most happybirthday!

Debbie led the meeting efficientlywith her accompanying officers. Anannouncement was made that North Starwill celebrate its 99th anniversary onJanuary 15, 2006. But today it was timeto party and enjoy the wonderful cateredluncheon hosted by Thyra’s daughterAstrid.

Thyra was born in Bredaryd, Småland.She came to the U.S. in 1933. She wentto Connecticut to stay with an uncle’sfamily. There Thyra trained as a nurseand became an R.N. She studied for herMaster’s Degree at Hartford NeurologicalInstitute.

In 1937 Thyra arrived in SantaMonica, CA, and worked as private dutynurse. When Midsummer came shejoined the Swedes at Sycamore GrovePark where she met her future husbandEd. They enjoyed 60 happy years ofmarriage.

Thyra and Ed had three daughters:Astrid, Birgitta, Tia and a son, Edmund.There are several grandchildren andgreat-grandchildren too.

Submitted by: Elinore Thornton

North Star #106 Chairman Erik Lindbergwith Thyra Anderson who celebrated her100th birthday at a luncheon, held onDecember 5, 2005, in her honor.

Photo by: Peggy Pages

Visual Director Craig Petersen. Theirhome is in Ione CA.

Besides her husband, Craig; twin sons,Malcolm and Derek, and daughter, Kim,survive her also. There are four grand-children: Ryan, Michael, Lindsay andBrittany.

Memorials may be made in her nameto the Trollebo Family Camp Fund c/oBirgitta Kellgren, 4957 W. Walbrook Dr,San Jose CA 95129.

Submitted by: Barbara Olson

CULTURESpreading Culture and Friendship in the E-mail AgeAs I was planning my trip to Sweden

this past November, I finally decided tofollow through on a dream I’ve had forquite some time. Each time I’ve visitedSweden, I’ve wished that I could meetsome of the Vasa members there. Asnewly elected Cultural Leader of DistrictIV New York, I felt brave enough to tryto contact some of my fellow culturalleaders. The first e-mail I sent out was toMargareta Berg, who is Vice DistrictCultural Leader of Södra Sverige andalso Cultural Leader of Calmare NyckelLoge #628. In my first message to her Iexplained that I would be visiting

Sweden in November to attend a familyreunion on Öland and I would very muchlike to meet her. I got an immediate mes-sage back from her inviting me to comeand visit her.

We had a lovely afternoon togethergetting acquainted and sharing lodgeexperiences via photos that we each had.I was pleased when she asked if one ofthe lodges that I belong to would like tobe a sister to Calmare Nyckel. That waseasily accomplished, since Göta Lejon#84 didn’t have a sister lodge. As a newmember of Göta Lejon about eight yearsago, I thought it was strange that we

didn’t have more contact with the lodgesin Sweden – especially in this age of e-mail when contact is so readily available.Now I know that Margareta and I will bein frequent contact to keep each other up-to-date on all the news from our sisterlodge. I know I’ll also see her frequentlyin the future, as my trips to Swedenalways take me to Öland via Kalmar.

Having success in contacting SödraSverige, I thought I’d try to reach NorraSverige as well. My next e-mail was sentto Ulla-Britt Essgren who is DistrictCultural Leader. She was so pleased to

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receive my e-mail that she actually calledme at work to talk to me. I hadn’t real-ized that she lived in Göteborg, and theclosest I was going to be was inStockholm, but she graciously volun-teered to take the train to Stockholm forthe weekend so we could meet. She andLeif Strom (an auditor with one of theStockholm lodges) picked me up at myhotel and drove me to Drottningholm,where we took a leisurely (but cold) walkof the grounds. We warmed up after-wards with coffee and apple cake, whichUlla-Britt made for us while we visited

Visiting a chilly Drottningholm with Ulla-Britt Essgren (on right).

and talked more about our lodge activi-ties. All too soon it was time for me toleave, but, again, I knew that Ulla-Brittand I would be writing to each other a lotvia e-mail.

Sometimes when I meet a new friendwith whom I have a lot in common, itseems like there’s just not enough time tosay everything I want or to share all thethings I want. The time passes much tooquickly and I reluctantly have to saygood-bye. This was true with bothMargareta and Ulla-Britt. We have somuch in common with our plans anddreams for Vasa, and it’s so wonderful toknow that we can share these ideasalmost instantaneously via e-mail. I knowwe have many, many members who donot own a computer or don’t use one reg-ularly. For those of us who do, I’d like toencourage more frequent communicationbetween the lodges (both betweenSweden and within our own countries) toshare ideas.

Submitted by: Karen SnowbergCultural Leader District IV, New York


HAPPENINGSThe Cleveland area is now the SACC

USA’s 20th chapter and I had the opportu-nity to interview Christian Bernadotte,currently the Chairman of SACC-Ohio,and here is what he has to say:

“How did you become acquainted withSACC?”

Mr. Bernadotte: “I’ve known aboutSACC for many years since we lived inAtlanta. In Cleveland I became involvedmostly through our Swedish Consul - MikeMiller, who has served as an informationand activity hub for most Swedes in thearea.”

“What would you like to say aboutSACC and what is your experience withSACC?”

Mr. Bernadotte: ”I think it is a greatorganization which really provides valueadded in promoting trade between Swedenand the US. It is surprisingly active andhas a well established network of localchapters throughout the US which “cus-tomize” their services to the local needs,just like we will do in Ohio”.

“When did the Cleveland chapterbecome a part of the SACC organiza-tion?”

Mr. Bernadotte: “Our chapter is for-mally named SACC-Ohio, but we intend toinclude the bordering areas includingwestern Pennsylvania, Kentucky, easternIndiana, western West Virginia, in thegeographical area we will serve. Thechapter became official Jan 1, 2006 whenwe became SACC USA’s 20th chapter, butwe haven’t yet had our opening event, butplan to have this in late spring/earlysummer.”

“Who established SACC inCleveland?”

Mr. Bernadotte: “A group of about tenSwedish and American business peoplefrom Ohio that decided we wanted to cre-ate this chapter and that we would be ableto create plenty of support from local busi-nesses and trade organizations.”

“How would it benefit Cleveland?”Mr. Bernadotte: “We think it will bene-

fit the region we serve by promoting it inSweden so that Swedish companies look atthis region as an attractive place to moveto or start a US based business in.Conversely, we will promote Sweden as anexcellent place to establish a foothold inthe European market.”

“How do you look at the future withSACC?”

Mr. Bernadotte: “I think SACC pro-vides the kind of services to the businesscommunities in the US and Sweden thatwill continue to grow nationally in the US.Locally, I think there is a great demandfor those services as this region has nothad the benefit of a chapter previously,and yet is a major manufacturing regionin the US with a significant consumerbase, and quite a few connections toScandinavia.”

“How and why did you end up inCleveland?”

Mr. Bernadotte: “I transferred over in1982 with McKinsey & Co fromCopenhagen. Worked in Atlanta 1986-1998, and then came back to Cleveland in1998.”

By Marie Carlson

SACC is Established in Cleveland, OH

Swedish American Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. From left to right: MatiasBonnier, Peter Carlsson, Michael Miller, Christian Bernadotte, Bengt Gerborg, KennethJohnson and Erick Carlson.

Picture by: Erick Carlson

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About SACCThe Swedish-American Chamber of

Commerce (SACC) was founded in 1906in New York and is the oldest organizationabroad of its kind. Today there are twentyregional Chambers across the UnitedStates, and the number is growing.

In 1988, the regional Chambers, togeth-er with the Swedish Members, jointlyfounded the umbrella organization SACC-USA, which was incorporated in 1995.Many of the major Swedish corporationsare members, as are many small and medi-um-size Swedish businesses.

Below, please find a presentation thatgives you a broad overview of the individ-ual 20 chambers’ profiles and expertise.

SACCContinued from page 31

The Festival will be held at theClatsop County Fairgrounds, Astoria,Oregon, on Highway 202. Thisyear the dates are June 16, 17 and 18.Admission is $6.00 for an adult3-day souvenir button, $2.00 forchildren 6 – 12 and 5 & under is free.Parking is $2.00 per day or a $5.00 week-end pass.

Featured entertainment this year isRyttergarden Spillemaend with theBallerup Folk dancers from Denmark. Amust. They will be performing through-out the weekend. Their beautifulcostumes alone are well worth seeing.Food is available in a number of interest-ing locations e.g. Salmon Dinner, TheMidnight Sun Scandinavian Breakfast,The Viking Fest, etc.

Sunday begins with the famous RotaryPannukakku breakfast. Try The TrollStoll - it is a great way to start your day.Spot the Trolls during a 1.5, 3.0 or 5.75mile Run/Walk through the countryside.There will be a nondenominationalchurch service after breakfast.Entertainment, food, and fun continue

throughout the day. At 4 pm, the winnerof the grand prize, round trip tickets for 2to Scandinavia, (and many other fabulousprizes) will be drawn at the closingceremonies.

Astoria has historically been knownfor its Scandinavian Heritage. Many arearesidents are able to trace their own her-itage back generations. Local Lodgesinclude the Danish Society, FinnishBrotherhood, Ladies of Kaleva, Sons ofNorway, Daughters of Norway, and TheVasa Lodge.

One does not need to be Scandinavianto get into the spirit of the Annual AstoriaScandinavian Midsummer Festival. Greatfun for the entire family!

Our web site is check for updates and informationas it becomes available. Contact will beavailable through the site or snail mail usat ASMFA PO Box 34, Astoria, Oregon97103. We may also be contactedthrough the Astoria Warrenton AreaChamber of Commerce.

Submitted by: Katrina Ivanoff -ASMFA Co-Chair

Astoria Scandinavian 39thFestival in 2006

Välkommen * Tervetula * Velkommen *

Guldgubbene Art, A Grant to StudyScandinavian Artifacts

A Valhalla Scandinavian’s family hasreceived a grant to educate the publicabout GULDGUBBENE. Do you knowwhat this subject is about?

“Guldgubbene” means “The HolyCouples” and are Scandinavian archeo-logical artifacts 1200 to 1600 years old.These objects are gold and fragile and,therefore, are studied through profession-al photographs offered by the majorScandinavian museums. The photographsare copyrighted and viewing must be paidfor prior to exhibition. The grant hasfunded these expenses to use thephotographs.

Freya Baer, whose parents, Jane andPhilip Baer are members of ValhallaScandinavians, is the lead researcher inthis project. The three had a table at

Midsummer introducing the “Guld-gubbene” to the Santa Cruz community.A grant through the ScandinavianCultural Center was awarded by theBarbro Osher Pro Seucia Foundation tocover the costs of the copyrightedphotographs and other expenses.

At the October 6th ValhallaScandinavians cultural program, the pre-sentation of “Guldgubbene” will be madeso that Santa Cruzan’s will be introducedto these artifacts of early Scandinavia.

The contact number to receive moreinformation or to invite the Baers to pre-sent at your lodge is [email protected].

Submitted by: Barbara Olson ofValhalla Scandinavians and

the Scandinavian Cultural Center inSanta Cruz, CA

and providing support and assistance toover eight hundred corporate membersthroughout the United States. SACC origi-nated the Swedish-American Entrepre-neurial Days in 1997 and is coordinatingthe actions between the many involved

organizations in Sweden and the UnitedStates that has made this event a runningsuccess.

For more information about

Submitted by: Marie Carlson

American and Swedish entrepreneursare invited to the “Swedish-AmericanEntrepreneurial Days” during August 21-23, 2006 in Lidköping Sweden. You shallfind, as hundreds of executives have expe-rienced before you, that Sweden will wel-come your company by its leaders ofindustry and government and is ready todo business.

Sweden is an open market with a diver-sified industry base and demanding con-sumers. Foreigners own about 25% of thetotal corporate equity, most by Americans.Sweden is also the preferred location ofnorthern European headquarters byAmericans. The trade balance betweenSweden and the United States presentlyfavors Sweden with a factor 5 to 1, andincreased export is strongly supported bythe U.S. Government and encouraged bySwedish businesses. Sweden is also animportant re-exporter of goods and ser-vices to the growing markets of the BalticStates and Russia.

The Swedish-American Chamber ofCommerce (SACC) mission is to promoteand enhance trade, commerce and invest-ments between Sweden and the UnitedStates. From its foundation in 1906 inNew York City, SACC has grown into anorganization with nineteen RegionalChambers covering major trading areas

Page 33: VASA STAR 2006 MARCH

Vasa Star March-April 2006 Page 33

Six hundred attended the Midsummeron June 4, 2005. The highlight for allattending was decorating the midsom-marstång with flowers and vines. Thedecorated pole was raised during theafternoon program, which included theguest entertainer, Therese Ulvan ofNorway who sang. Songs followed herfrom the Midsummer by the ZaidaSingers and folk dancing by the NordahlGrieg Norwegian Dancers of Los Gatos.

Exhibits included rosemaling, carvingand photography, and book signing bymember-authors. Musicians strolled andentertained throughout the day.

Demonstrations included roasting coffeeand making of aebelskiver. The aebel-skiver demonstration served nearly 400aebilskivers during the day. Lunches ofpotatis och korv and smorrebrod servedsome 300 meals. Home baked items byValhalla members were sold for desserts.Selling their wares were vendors from asfar away as Los Angeles.

The Scandinavian Cultural Center andValhalla Scandinavians Lodge #746 ofSanta Cruz teamed up promotingScandinavian cultural programs in thecommunity.

During the year the Scandinavian

Cultural Center had received $4000 ingrants to present cultural programsincluding Midsummer and their JulDinner with “Røyst” a women’s quartetfrom Norway.

The Midsummer grant was funded, inpart, the Cultural Council of Santa CruzCounty through a Cultural EnhancementGrant from The James Irvine Foundationand the Jul Dinner awarded grant by theAmerican Scandinavian Foundation.

Submitted by: Barbara Olson ofValhalla Scandinavians and theScandinavian Cultural Center in

Santa Cruz CA

Santa Cruz Midsummer Draws 600

Scandinavian Center at California Lutheran UniversityIn the front yard of the Scandinavian

Center at California Lutheran University,the work of Vasa members literallystands out. The 6-foot-tall Dala horse cre-ated by members of Oak Leaf Lodge #658 serves as a dramatic sign when “tiedup” on the front lawn of the Center.

When the huge horse with its brightorange “coat” and decorative dalmålningdesign proudly emerges from its “stable”in the garage, it vividly announces thatthe Center is open for business.

Some curious passersby even wonderif it is a Trojan horse, so that provides aperfect opportunity to tell about itsSwedish heritage. Of course, the horseserves as a great “photo op” for visitors,such as the Brownie troops who had theirpictures taken when they came to theCenter as part of their study ofScandinavia.

Appropriately, the primary craftsmanin the creation of the horse, TorstenOlsson, came from Mora, Sweden, so hewas well acquainted with the Dala tradi-tions.

He had skilled help from others in thelodge, too. In finishing the structure ofwood, fiberglass and concrete, ElvinTaylor had the challenge of applying thefinal “undercoat” of concrete—below thebelly of the horse. Another member,Irene Baldwin, used her painting skills todecorate with the bright colors andshapes of dalmålning. Knut Shoberg“shoed” the horse with wheels to make it“hot to trot” to the front yard.

The impact of Swedish folk art isn’tlimited to out front. When visitors enterthe Center, they’re met by another dra-matic sculpture. Nils Holgersson and agoose with 8-foot wingspan hang fromthe ceiling, as though they’re flying overSweden.

That sculpture evolved when CenterDirector Richard Londgren (all fourgrandparents from Sweden) hoped to addanother display to appeal to children. Sohe suggested creating Nils and the goose.Torsten Olsson endorsed the idea andwent to work in his garage. Once again,Irene Baldwin applied the decorativetouches. And her husband, Jerry (who’streasurer of Oak Leaf Lodge and theCenter’s genealogist), helped as the“ground crew” suspended the goose withcables attached to the ceiling.

The dramatic addition caught on notonly with visitors but also with localmedia. The regional daily newspaper,The Ventura Star, sent a reporter andphotographer to the unveiling ceremony.The California Lutheran University stu-dent newspaper, The Echo, also coveredthe event. Now, thanks to the promotion-

al efforts of Torsten and his Swedish rela-tives, the story has been featured in news-papers in his home area of Sweden.

Nils was one of the attractions whenrepresentatives of three other Vasa lodgesof Southern California recently came fora luncheon at the Center.

Åke Sandler of the North Star Lodge#108 of Los Angeles lodge had recom-mended the visit. He’s an enthusiasticadvocate of the Center, and he’s a mem-ber of the board of the ScandinavianAmerican Cultural and HistoricalFoundation, Inc. (SACHF), whichincludes the Scandinavian Center as oneof its functions.

Then Erik Lindberg, chairman of theNorth Star Lodge, coordinated the gather-ing of 16 Vasa visitors, who were also

Continued on page 34

A six-foot-tall Dala horse made by Torsten Olsson and other Vasa members signals that theScandinavian Center is open.

Page 34: VASA STAR 2006 MARCH

Page 34 Vasa Star March-April 2006


Tina Nordstrom -www.scandcook.comIngredients for serving 4:

2 yellow onions2 peeled garlic cloves1 red bell pepper1⁄4 celeriac4 peeled potatoes1⁄2 pound (200 grams) ground beef1 1⁄2 teaspoons marjoram1 1⁄2 cumin3 tablespoons tomato paste1 can crushed tomatoes1 quart (1 liter) water2 cubes chicken stock1 cup (21⁄2 dl) crème fraîche for garnish

This is how you make it:

Chop the onion finely and crush thegarlic cloves with a knife. Cut thebell pepper, celeriac and potatoes incubes. Fry on medium heat and add themincemeat and the spices. Add thetomatoes, water and the stock. Let itsimmer for 20-25 minutes and seasonwith salt and pepper. Serve the soup witha small tablespoon crème fraîche andbread.

Submitted by: Paul Ljunggren

Mormor’s Kitchen…Tina Nordstrum - www.scandcook.comIngredients for serving 4 persons

1 pound (1/2 kg) potatoes, newly boiledwith dill

3/4 cup (2 dl) dill, stems removed4 hard boiled eggs1 fennel1/2 pound (300 grams) smoked salmonDressing3/4 cup (2 dl) creamJuice of 1 lemonSalt, pepper and sugarFreshly ground nutmeg

This is how you do it:

Cut the eggs and potatoes in half. Cut thesalmon in big chunks. Slice the fennel asthinly as you can. Place the potatoes, dill,eggs, fennel and salmon in a big bowl.

DressingMix the lemon juice and the cream andstir carefully until the cream thickens. Itis important that you stir — and notwhisk! Season with salt, pepper, sugarand ground nutmeg. Serve with a salad.

Submitted by: Paul Ljunggren

Goulash Soup Potatoes with Eggs,

Fennel, andSmoked Salmon

The Swedish Language Class

The Swedish Language Class in Las Gatos, CA, gathered for Christmas celebration withsinging traditional Christmas songs in different languages.

Photo by: Gerd Salmonsen

from Mayflower Lodge #445 and NordicLodge #660. To sweeten the visit, hebrought special bread to serve at“elva kaffe” when the Vasa contingentarrived.

During the luncheon, another memberof the SACHF board, Lana Lundin talkedabout the story of Nils. She told abouthow a Swedish educators organizationcommissioned Selma Lagerlof to writethe story for teaching about Swedishgeography, folklore and flora and fauna.Lagerlof later won a Nobel Prize for liter-ature.

Lana also mentioned another of herroles at the Center—teaching Swedishlanguage classes. She alternates betweenliving in Sweden and the United Statesbecause her husband Lars is a Volvoexecutive presently based California.

Another SACHF board member, AnitaLondgren (one grandparent from Swedenand three from Norway) is the wife of thedirector and coordinates the programs atthe Center. She explained that the Centerincludes a museum and library. It alsooffers genealogy assistance and sponsorsactivities such as “brown-bag” lunch dis-cussions, a book group, Scandinavian-related movies, a baking class, artexhibits and Norwegian as well asSwedish language classes. She noted thatthe Center also encompasses Denmark,Finland and Iceland.

She added that the Center maintainsclose links with California LutheranUniversity President Luther Luedtke andwith the faculty, staff and students in avariety of ways. She also reported thatthe university in Thousand Oaks, Calif.,takes pride in its Scandinavian heritage.

In a “concert” for the Vasa visitors,university professor emeritus CarlSwanson played Swedish tunes on theCenter’s pump organ, and professoremeritus Fred Tonsing told about thepump organ as the “instrument of choice”in immigrant homes. Both professorscherish their Swedish roots.

During the luncheon, Torsten Olssongot involved too, as he answered ques-tions about the horse and goose and manyof his other creations in the Center.

Director Londgren thanked the Vasarepresentatives for the ongoing supportfrom Vasa and said the Center looks for-ward to increased association with Vasa.

For more information, contact theCenter at (805) 241-0391 [email protected].

Submitted by: Richard Londgren

SCANDINAVIAN CENTERContinued from page 33

Page 35: VASA STAR 2006 MARCH

MEMORIAL NOTICESshould be mailed with check or money order to:Marie Carlson, 9560 Curberry Drive, Mentor, OH44060. The fee is $5.00 for six lines. All noticesmust be TYPED and written in a format similar tothose in this column.

Longer memorials are charged at the rate of$8.00 per column inch.

on December 7, 2005, at the age of 87. He was a member ofNord Lodge for 26 years. He is survived by his wife, Helen,a son and daughter and 2 grandchildren.

MAJ BRITT SOFIA PETERSON passed away onNovember 2, 2005, in Thousand Oaks, CA. She was born inGamleby, Sweden, on March 31, 1920. Maj Britt and herhusband Paul started Oak Leaf Lodge #685 in ThousandOaks in 1968 and she served as Chairman and held variousother offices. She is survived by her son and his family.

PDM PHYLLIS PETERSEN joined Nord Lodge #392 onNovember 15, 1974, a member for 31 years. She was born inStockton, CA, on May 28, 1938, and passed away onDecember 4, 2005, at the age of 67. She is survived by herhusband Craig, twin sons, Derek and Malcolm, and a daugh-ter Kimberly. She also leaves her mother, brother and 4grandchildren.

GERDA NELSON STANLEY passed away on January 14,2006, in Fontana, CA, from a stroke. She was a member ofMayflower Lodge #445 in California. She is survived by herson Alan and three grandsons, Sean, Stafford and Stephen.

MARIE WALLER passed away November 24, 2005, inTempleton, CA. Marie was born in Topeka, KS, and joinedMayflower Lodge #445 on May 16, 1974. She is survivedby 2 sons, Stephen and Donald.

CONNECTICUTROBERT H. LEOPOLD died on July 19, 2005 at the ageof 90 years. He was born on February 25, 1915, in Brooklyn,NY. He joined Three Crown Lodge #38, Stamford, CT, onMarch 20, 1964. He is survived by his wife, ShirleyLeopold.

FLORIDABETTY CATHERINE DAMASO passed away on January12, 2006. She was born in Carnegie, PA, on August 16,1924, and came to Florida in 1980. She joined HolidayLodge #699 on May 5, 1986. She is survived by a daughter,Bette Farmerie, her companion, Peter Sylvia, 11 grandchil-dren and 21 great-grandchildren.

ILLINOISRUSSELL L. MOLINE, born March 19, 1932, diedOctober 10, 2005, at the age of 73. He joined Siljan-MoraTuna Lodge #134, Chicago, IL, on February 26, 1999. He issurvived by his wife, Jackie, and family (father to 6 childrenand proud grandpa and papa of 8 grandchildren).

SIGNE NELSON, passed away on November 18, 2005 atthe age of 102 in Hillsdale, MI. She was born April 6, 1903in Sweden. She joined Nobel Lodge #288 in April 1949.Memorial services were held at Moline Memorial Park,Moline, IL.

NEW YORKJOHN MAGNUSSON passed away on January 23, 2006,at the age of 97. John was a carpenter who was born inSweden and joined Freja Lodge #100 of White Plains, NY,in 1961. He served the lodge as Treasurer. John loved tosing, play the accordion, and was a member of a SwedishGlee Club. He is survived by daughters Doris Hennemanand Helen Magnuson, 3 grandchildren and 3 great-grand-children.

OHIOJAMES B. FRAVEL, age 78, beloved husband of Elna I.Fravel (nee Freeburg), loving father of Jeffrey B. Fravel,Lynne Doycich (Thomas), and James S. Fravel (HeidiBerghaus), dear grandfather of Valerie and Emily Doycich,and Sarah, Rebeccah, and Samuel Fravel, passed away onDecember 2, 2005, in Cleveland, OH. Jim was born inLakewood, OH, on December 1, 1917, and joined Nobel-Monitor Lodge #130 on November 10, 1985.

ELIZABETH (Betty) A. CURTIS TAYLOR of MayfieldVillage, OH, passed away on January 4, 2006, at the age of95. Beloved wife of the late Charles B. Curtis and ClydeTaylor, mother of Penny Conover and Edward A. (Kathy)Curtis, grandmother of Casey Conover and E. Scott andJeffrey Curtis. Betty was born in Milton, MA, on July 10,1910, and joined Nobel-Monitor Lodge #130 on August 16,1983. She faithfully served her lodge both as the editor oftheir monthly newsletter and as the Vasa Star representativefor many years. Betty was also very active in the Tuesday

morning Swedish “Breakfast Club” which she and anotherlodge member began about 20 years ago.

PENNSYLVANIABERNARD LEROY STEN, 82, passed away October 27,2005. He was born in Washington, PA, on August 20, 1923and joined Balder Lodge #308 on July 23, 1946. He is sur-vived by 2 sons and 4 grandchildren.

EVELINE WHITTEL, born July 2, 1915, died December5, 2005. She joined Oscars Borg Lodge #172 inPhiladelphia, PA, on February 24, 1991. She served asAssistant Secretary for many years. She is survived by her 2stepsons, 8 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.

TEXASGEORGE BERNARD HANSON passed away December7, 2005, in Dallas, TX, at the age of 85. He was born on July16, 1920, at Barnesboro, PA, to John Hanson and HildurBerlind, served as a pilot in WWII in the U.S. Army AirForce and graduated from the University of Oklahoma witha B.S. in Geology. He was a member of the Vasa SwedishClub and the Polka Lovers Klub of America. Preceded indeath by his wife of 43 years, Mary Osborne Hanson.Survived by 2 sons and 6 grandchildren and 1 great-grand-daughter, as well as his dance partner and close companion,Martha Frnka.

WASHINGTONHOLLIS SMITH, born in 1916, passed away on August13, 2005. He was an enthusiastic member of OlympiaLodge #550 and Past Chairman. Also Past District #13Treasurer. He is survived by his wife Doris, her 2 childrenand his 2 brothers.

LAURA SEZNICK, born December 7, 1918, passed awayJanuary 13, 2006, at age 87. Peter, her husband of 60 years,passed away in 2003. They are survived by three children,Joan, Nancy, and Jack, 4 grandchildren; 3 great-grandchil-dren, and one great-great grandchild. Laura had been veryactive in the Vasa Hope Lodge #503 in previous years.

CANADAEDWIN OTTO CARLSON was born in Dalarna, Sweden,and immigrated to Canada in April of 1932. He passed awayin Winnipeg, on January 7, 2006, at the age of 95. Ed wasinitiated into Lodge Strindberg #259 in 1910. In 1999, hewas made an Honorary Life Member of our Lodge. Ed wasvery active in the Lodge and the Swedish community andbelonged to numerous organizations. He was appointedHonorary Consul for Manitoba and Saskatchewan by theKing of Sweden and in this capacity was awarded the Orderof the North Star for dedicated service. Ed attended meet-ings and Lodge activities right up to his death. The Lodgeand the Swedish community will miss Brother Ed.

SHIRLEY MAE FORREST was born June 22, 1935, inCalgary, Alberta, and died on August 26, 2005 in Rimbey. She was a member of Branting Lodge #417 sinceFebruary 14, 1975. Surviving are her husband Robert andchildren Shelley and Darrell, brother Arnie and their fami-lies. She was predeceased by her parents, daughter Sandraand sister Rita.

GORDON JOHNSON, Spruce Grove, AB, passed awaytragically on his way to playing hockey, December 14,2005. He was born in Edmonton, Alberta, on May 27, 1951,and became a member of Skandia Lodge #549, Edmonton,AB, on June 1, 1974. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy, 1son, Scott, 1 daughter, Le-Anne, brothers Greg, Grant, Gary,Glen, and sister Peggy, father Sixten, grandchildren Nicklas,Nolan, Madison, McKenna, Michelle and many other rela-tives and business associates. He was Chairman for 7 yearsand was serving as Past Chairman. Ten days prior to this heplayed the role of Santa Claus at our Children’s Christmasparty.

In MemoriamTill minne av hädangångnaordenssyskon genom vilkas

bortgång syskonkretsen gjorten kännbar förlust

In memory of our departedmembers who will be

sorely missed

ARIZONAREX BINNIE passed away on November 21, 2005, at theage of 89. He was a member of Tucson Lodge #691. He wasborn in Indiana on October 13, 1917 and joined on January18, 1974. He served as Assistant Master of Ceremonies from1975-77. He is survived by Charlotte, his wife for 59 years,3 children and 6 grandsons.

BRITA GUNN passed away in Tucson, AZ, on November28, 2005. She was a member of Tucson Lodge #691. Shewas born in Germany on December 7, 1925 and joined ourlodge on January 20, 1973. She is survived by a son, Sven,daughters Jackie and Frances, and 6 grandchildren.

CALIFORNIARUTH D. BREHM, born August 20, 1917, in Eureka, CA,passed away on November 23, 2005, in Sacramento, CA.She was a long-time member of Fylgia Lodge #119 in SanFrancisco, CA. Beloved mother of Paul Westlund (Janet)and Elsa Boze (Michael), grandma of Janet Jepsen(Jonathan), great-grandma to Eleanor, sister to the late EarlGustafson (Florence) and Carl Gustafson (Claire). She issurvived by cousins, nieces and nephews here and inSweden.

LYNN MARIE GLOTZ passed away in her sleep onSunday, January 29, 2006, of cancer. She was a member ofMayflower Lodge and a Past Chairman and a member of theDistrict #15.

CLIFFORD HORST passed away on October 23, 2005.He was born in Turlock, CA, on June 2, 1941. He was PastChairman of Jenny Lodge Lodge #388. He is survived by hismother, Helen Horst, and sister Diane McNeill.

CLAUDE HOUCK passed away in Cathedral City, CA, onDecember 3, 2005, at age 92. He was born in Iowa on May9, 1913. He is survived by his wife of 60 years, Lorraine. Hewas a member of Desert Viking Lodge #682.

KENNETH “KEN” CARL JOHNSON died on January 9,2006, at home in Santa Rosa, CA. He was born on May 29,1925, one of 8 siblings growing up in Bristol, CT. Upongraduation from Bristol High, Ken was inducted into theU.S. Army and served 2 years in WWII campaigns in theEuropean theatre. Following graduation from college heworked as a manager for Western Electric in New York andin New Jersey for 30 years. In 1990 Ken and wife, the lateJune Carlson Johnson, retired to Oakmont-Santa Rosa. Theywere active in Vasa Linnea Lodge of Petaluma where Kenserved as Scholarship Chairman and recently Jr. PastChairman. He is survived by 3 sons, 2 daughters and spous-es, 8 grandchildren, 3 brothers and 2 sisters, and Ruth Duffy,his close companion in later years.

MAY MINNIE JOHNSON passed away in Camarillo, CA,on January 1, 2006. She was born in Salt Lake City, UT, onMay 15, 1915. She was a member of Oak Leaf Lodge #685in Thousand Oaks, CA, where she served as Secretary andChairman. She is survived by her husband Fred, 3 daughtersand their families.

PEARL LINDALL joined Nord Lodge #392 on October 5,1957. She was born in Pine City, MN, on January 30, 1910,and passed away on August 13, 2005, at the age of 95. Shewas a member for nearly 48 years. She is survived by adaughter and son and their children.

JOHN NICHLEY joined Nord Lodge #392 on May 6,1979. He was born on September 1, 1918, and passed away

Page 36: VASA STAR 2006 MARCH

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