Various Kamas user letters - · 2014. 4....

Dear Idea Craftsman: COMPUSOPHIC SYSTEMS Thank you for ordering the KAMAS™ Knowledge And Mind Amplificatlon System. We hope that you enjoy using KAMAS. Here are the Items that you should find with your unit: KAMAS User's Gulde, Volume 0 (same as Introduction to Outllne Processing); KAMAS User's Gulde, Volume 1; KAMAS User's Guide, Volume 2; the current lssue of the KAMAS Report Newsletter; and a sealed envelope that contains your KAMAS Master System disk, lnstal latlon Jnstructfons, and regfstration card. Before you get started, please take a few minutes to read over the llcense agreement, warranty, and refund pol Icy on the sealed envelope containing the master disk. Don't forget to fll I out and return your reglstratfon card found Inside the envelope with the KAMAS Master System Disk. By returning the registration card, you wJll be ellgible for discounts on future products, telephone support, and appl lcatlons support KAMAS Report newsletter. If you want to obtain back issues of the newsletter, make a note requesting backlssues on your registration card before sending It Jn. Before starting to use KAMAS, be sure to back up the master diskette followtng the INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS enclosed. 2525 S.W. 224th Ave Aloha, OR 97006 Sincerely, Anne Hickman Compusophic Systems Marketing (503) 649-3765 P.O. Box 5549 Aloha, OR 97007

Transcript of Various Kamas user letters - · 2014. 4....

  • Dear Idea Craftsman:


    Thank you for ordering the KAMAS™ Knowledge And Mind Amplificatlon System.

    We hope that you enjoy using KAMAS. Here are the Items that you should find with your unit: KAMAS User's Gulde, Volume 0 (same as Introduction to Outllne Processing); KAMAS User's Gulde, Volume 1; KAMAS User's Guide, Volume 2; the current lssue of the KAMAS Report Newsletter; and a sealed envelope that contains your KAMAS Master System disk, lnstal latlon Jnstructfons, and regfstration card.

    Before you get started, please take a few minutes to read over the llcense agreement, warranty, and refund pol Icy on the sealed envelope containing the master disk.

    Don't forget to fll I out and return your reglstratfon card found Inside the envelope with the KAMAS Master System Disk.

    By returning the registration card, you wJll be ellgible for discounts on future products, telephone support, and appl lcatlons support through~ KAMAS Report newsletter.

    If you want to obtain back issues of the newsletter, make a note requesting backlssues on your registration card before sending It Jn.

    Before starting to use KAMAS, be sure to back up the master diskette followtng the INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS enclosed.

    2525 S.W. 224th Ave Aloha, OR 97006


    Anne Hickman Compusophic Systems Marketing

    (503) 649-3765 P.O. Box 5549

    Aloha, OR 97007

  • Dear Idea Craftsman:


    Choosing the right tools for the job is part of the task of the professional. For example, a serious photographer will use a 35 mm over an instant snapshot camera. The 35 mm provides more precision and control allowing higher performance for photographers.

    The KAMAS system is made for the kind of person who demands quality and performance in the area of developing and organizing textual information. KAMAS is for the serious idea craftsman who desires maximum control over his craftsmanship with no ceiling on his skill. It's for the high performance professional. "••• KAMAS is without question an interesting addition to the world of CP/M software, and one capable of performing real work." [Byte Magazine, September 1984, page 422)

    Through its Outline Processing, KAMAS enhances your ability to organize your thoughts and develop your ideas. Outline Processing helps you to employ a logical, scientific approach to thinking. It is similar to word processing except that KAMAS keeps track of how you've structured your text. It even helps you in organizing your thoughts into structured text. Outline Processors bring text to life in a remarkable new way, allowing you to hide the details of your ideas and focus on how they fit together. You'll be amazed at the resulting clarity and crispness of your ideas. KAMAS makes thinking fun.

    Outline Processors are catching on according to Infoworld [July 2, 1984, page 30). And Esther Dyson says, "Over the next year we expect to see several applications managers adopt the outline function •••

    11 [LIST Magazine, July 1984, page 51). Industry leaders are taking note of the significance of Outline Processing.

    And the excitement is spreading through the user community, too. It's like the early days of electronic spreadsheets when people were first experiencing the benefits of the new "imagination machines." While spreadsheets led the first wave of the "cognitive revolution," Outline Processors promise to lead the next. [LIST Magazine, June 1984, page 75) "Outline processing might be the next wave in software, and KAMAS is a good place to start." [Byte Magazine, September 1984, page 422) Compusophic Systems is Leading this wave of the software revolution with KAMAS.

    KAMAS is still the first and only Outline Processor for CP/M systems. More importantly, KAMAS is the first Programmable Outline Processor for personal computers. This makes KAMAS an integrated, applications environment for text. We call it a Knowledge Processor because it includes the extra horsepower that you may need to get the job done: Information Retrieval, Telecommunications, Word Processing, and a full featured Programming Language, in addition to the Outline Processing.

    No programming is required to use the KAMAS Outline Processing features. So, just as many 35 mm cameras offer an automatic setting for taking quick snapshots, KAMAS offers a simple-to-Learn and easy-to-use Outline Processor for that quick report or occasional outline that you need to produce. Even if the Outline Processor is all you ever use of KAMAS, you'll pay less for all of KAMAS than for competing outline processors. The introductory price of $147 is now in effect.

    If you are an Applications Developer, KAMAS offers you an unparalleled opportunity. With KAMAS, you can tailor Outline Processing applications to meet specific needs. You can get a head start in the new Outline Processing [or "idea processing") market area. If you don't program applications yourself, you can benefit from those who do. A KAMAS user community is starting to grow now. And we're publishing The KAMAS Report to aid in sharing KAMAS applications.

    More information on the KAMAS system is enclosed. See the other side of this Letter for technical specifications.

    2525 S.W. 224th Ave Aloha, OR 97006 (503) 649-3765

    P.O. Box 5549 Aloha, OR 97007

  • OUtltna ProcaB&tng Spactftcattona Fu LL Screen Out Line Editor


    Topic files contain text in outline form. Maximum Topic File Size: 8 MB Maximum Nunt>er of Topics Accessible at One Time: 16 Total Maximum Accessible Text: 128 MB Maximum Nunt>er of Itema/File: No limit other than disk space Maximum Nunt>er of Items/Level: No limit other than disk space Maximum Nunt>er of Levela/File: No limit other than disk space Expansion Buffer Size: About 20K or 250 titles

    Each item in a topic file consists of a key, a subtitle, and a text leaf. Maximum Nunt>er of Charactera/Key: 31 Maximum Nunt>er of Charactera/Subtitle: 63 Maximum Nunt>er of Charactera/Leaf: 2420

    Word Proc888tng Spactfications Full Screen Text Editor Left, Full, and No Justification Spacing: Single, Multiple Settings Left and Right Margin Settings Optional Automatic Paging Formatted output to printer or screen Conversion of topic files to standard CP/M, ASCII text files compatible with many word processors

    Info .... tion Retrieval Specifications Access Time: About 1 second per topic for any keyed item Retrieval Capabilities:

    From item to item following the outline structure From item to item ignoring the outline structure Directly to a specified keyed item Directly to any keyed item that sounds like the specified item (Soundex Algorithm) Directly to any item that contains the specified string in the subtitle or leaf (using a

    Partial Match Retrieval Algorithm) Level-by-Level as if the items formed a progression of menus

    Programing Language Specifications Threaded Code, Extensible Language (similar to FORTH) Control Structures: If-then-else, 2 kinds of case structures, 6 definite loop structures, 1

    indefinite loop structure, general purpose exit command, recurs1on Data Types: Word ordinal, double integer, string, character, word flag, 2 kinds of arrays

    (word ordinal and double integer) Data Forms: Literals, Constants, Variables Language Structures: Command dictionary with hierarchical vocabulary, parameter stack, return

    stack, translate buffer, vocabutary stack, topic stack, loop stack, macro stack, job execution (Jex) stack

    Size of Dictionary Free Space: About 20K Size of Parameter Stack: Default size is 400 bytes; can be changed dynamically using dictionary space Size of Return Stack: Default size is 200 bytes; can be changed dynamically using dictionary space Benchmark Program: Sieve of Eratosthenes - Execution speed for 10 iterations on a 4 MHz Z80 is

    164 seconds. Code size is 130 bytes. Maximum Nunt>er of Accessible Vocabularies: 16 at any one time Valid Input to Text Interpreter: Keyboard, Text Leaf from Outline Structure (Jexing), String Macros Maximum levels of Jex nesting: 8 Maximum levels of Macro nesting: 8

    Talac.,.....ications Spacificattona (not available on some versions) KAMAS can be functioned remotely as a Bulletin Board System. Modem Required for Built-in KAMASBBS"' Application: Hayes Smartmodem 1200. Notes: Modem .,st implement the RS232 carrier detect line. Morrow MD2/MD3 version does not aupport

    autoselect of the baud rate during BBS operations and also requires a specially wired, user supplied, RS232 cable. The following versions do not support any telecommunications features: Osborne Executive, Osborne 1, Morrow MD5, Morrow MD11, Otrona Attache, and Televideo 803.

    Global Specifications Over 100 context-sensitive help screens online. Versions: Currently available preconfigured for the following machines:

    Kaypro (entire CP/M 2.2 Line except the single drive New 2 with CP/M 2.2u); Morrow (MD2, tlJ3 with CP/M 2.2); Osborne (1 with Double Density upgrade); Televideo (802, 803 with CP/M 2.2); Epson (to

  • KAMASOFT, Inc. 2525 SW 224th Ave. P.O. Box 5549 Aloha, OR 97007 (503) 649-3765

    Dear Idea Craftsman:

    Thank you for ordering the KAMAS™ update. Here are the items that you should find with your unit:

    - Installation Instructions - KAMAS Reference Cards - Sealed envelope containing:

    - KAMAS Master System Disk - Registration Card

    Before you get started~ please take a few minutes to read over the license agreement and warranty- on the sealed envelope containing the KAMAS Master System Disk.

    Don't forget to fill out and return your registration card found inside the envelope with the KAMAS Master System Disk. By returning the registration card, you will continue to be eligible for discounts on future products.

    Befo.re_s_tarting to llS-e- KAMAS-,--b.e- ure t-o fo-1-1-0w t-he ~01'-ALMT-I-ON- IN-S~RUCTION-S-to make a Working System Disk and save your Master &ystem Disk in a safe place as a permanent backup.


    ~~ Anne Hickman Marketing

  • KAMASOFT, Inc. 2525 SW 224th Ave. P.O. Box 5549 Aloha, OR 97007 (503) 649-3765

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