Vanik’s Current Affairs...200 MCQs on Current Affairs 40 MCQs on Computer 20 MCQs on Banking...

Vanik’s MONTHLY ISSUE AUGUST - 2019 Banking | Railway | Insurance | SSC | UPSC | OPSC | PSU EDITION 53 rd Current Affairs 200 MCQs on Current Affairs 40 MCQs on Computer 20 MCQs on Banking Awareness 100 MCQs on General Knowledge 4 no. of Practice Set 1. RRB-Officer Scale-1 (Prelim) 2. RRB-Office Asst. (Prelim) 3. SBI-PO (Main) 4. SSC-CHSL

Transcript of Vanik’s Current Affairs...200 MCQs on Current Affairs 40 MCQs on Computer 20 MCQs on Banking...



Banking | Railway | Insurance | SSC | UPSC | OPSC | PSU



Current Affairs

200 MCQs on Current Affairs

40 MCQs on Computer20 MCQs on Banking Awareness

100 MCQs on General Knowledge

4 no. of Practice Set

1. RRB-Officer Scale-1 (Prelim)

2. RRB-Office Asst. (Prelim)3. SBI-PO (Main)4. SSC-CHSL

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Subrat Kumar Chhatoi

Vanik Publications

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50 200 MCQ onCurrent Affairs


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The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) 19thsummit was held at the Kyrgyzstan capital, Bishkek on13-14 June, 2019.The founding members of ShanghaiCooperation Organisation (SCO) are China, Russia,Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. India andPakistan officially joined this organisation in 2017.Terrorism, regional cooperation and the future ofAfghanistan were major issues at the ShanghaiCooperation Organisation’s Heads of State summit inBishkek). The summit saw several key bilateral meetingsthat took place apart from the multilateral meeting ofthe Heads of State. The summit also garnered increasedscrutiny on account of ongoing tensions in West Asiaand the US-China trade war. The presence of Iran andAfghanistan as observers also made it an importantvenue to discuss vital regional issues.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his address to theSCO leaders presented his vision for the organizationin the form of HEALTH (healthcare cooperation, eco-nomic cooperation, alternate energy, literature and cul-ture, terrorism-free society and humanitarian coopera-tion). Elaborating on these pointers, Modi called uponmember states to ensure that nations which support,

SCOSummit 2019The Bilateral and


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promote or finance terror must be held accountable – referring toPakistan without explicitly naming it. Modi also stressed using thepotential of RATS to counter terrorism.With India trying to boycott Pakistan at the international level, PakPM Imran Khan wrote a letter to his Indian counterpart offeringdialogue at the side-lines of the summit. This was the first time boththe leaders came face to face after months of tensions between thetwo countries.The rhetoric question everyone had was: will both the countries havea dialogue? But, India made its stand clear and PM Modi added thatIndia expected Pakistan to take concrete action. Both the leaders didexchange pleasantries, but Modi made it clear that he was in nomood to revive talks without any major steps from Pakistan onshutting down its terror factories. China, an all-weather friend toPakistan, made it clear before the summit that Pakistan should notbe targeted on terrorism at the SCO. Right from the beginning, whenIndia became a member of the organisation, there have beenspeculations that India became a member only because Russiawanted to balance China’s growing dominance. The effort wasapparently negated by China by bringing Pakistan in.

On the margins of the SCO, the Indian primeminister also held successful bilateralmeetings with Chinese President Xi Jinpingand Russian President Vladimir Putin todiscuss major issues. With reference toeconomic cooperation, PM Modi joinedhands with Russia and China to send out astrong message, outlining the recent threatsto global trade under the Americanunilateralism. With three powerful countriesunder one umbrella — Russia, China andIndia – did manage to send a powerfulmessage to the US on Donald Trump’s newaligning policies. Forming a trilateral, thecountries will also meet on the side-lines of

the G-20 summit in Japan later this month. The major focus of the bilateral discussion between India and Russia was ontrade, defence, and energy. Putin has invited PM Modi to be the chief guest at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostokin September.India’s strategy at the SCO is directed neither toward the US nor toward China. Through this forum, it aims to maximizeits interests. While doing so, India has been able to balance between conflicting approaches of the US and China. TheIndia-China bilateral meeting, coming after successful listing of Masood Azhar as a global terrorist, led to the decisionto expedite border talks and plans to mark the 70th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations. Apart from theabove-mentioned RIC meeting, the two leaders will meet in India later in the year for the second informal summit afterWuhan. Also, the two leaders will have the opportunity to meet at the BRICS and East Asia Summit in the comingmonths. The ongoing trade war with the USA has left China to look out for other options. PM Modi invited the Chinesepresident for an informal discussion later this year.The third important takeaway for India from the summit was with regard to the situation in Afghanistan. A briefing bythe Indian Ministry of External Affairs before Modi’s visit to Kyrgyzstan for the summit highlighted peace in Afghanistanas an important issue to be taken up through the SCO framework. India has also invested more than US$2 billion inAfghanistan under its extensive development assistance program. SCO member states highlighted the importance of apeaceful Afghanistan and urged the importance of settling disputes through the SCO-Afghanistan contact group.

Do you know about RATS Council?The Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) ofthe SCO is a permanent organ to promotecooperation of member states against terrorism,separatism and extremism. In June 2004, RATSwas established. The first joint military exercise ofSCO namely Sary-Arka-Antiterror 2019 wasannounced during 34th meeting of RATS councilheld in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. All the members ofSCO participated in a joint counter-terrorismexercise. The decision to hold Sary-Arka-Antiterror2019, the first joint military exercise of ShanghaiCooperation Organization was announced at the34th meeting of the RATS council held inTashkent, Uzbekistan. The meeting alsoannounced the holding of the first joint borderoperation Solidarity 2019-2021.

SCO member current states leaders are:People's Republic of China: Xi Jinping (President of China)Republic of India: Narendra Modi (Prime Minister of India)Republic of Kazakhstan: Kassym-Jomart Tokayev (President ofKazakhstan)Kyrgyz Republic: Sooronbay Jeenbekov (President of Kyrgyzstan)Islamic Republic of Pakistan: Imran Khan (Prime Minister of Pakistan)Russian Federation: Vladimir Putin (President of Russia)Republic of Tajikistan: Kokhir Rasulzoda (President of Tajikistan)Republic of Uzbekistan: Shavkat Mirziyoyev (President of Uzbekistan)

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Member states also signed a roadmap document for further action of the SCO-Afghanistan Contact Group for peace andprosperity of Afghanistan.India engages with the SCO to maximize its gains on energy and connectivity. However, the 2019 Bishkek summitdocument hardly mentions these. The Central Asian region is the source of much of the world’s energy resources. Indiahas not been able to exploit the full potential of this because of a lack of connectivity with the region. The opening of theChabahar port in Iran, entering the Ashgabat agreement and the ambitious International North-South Transport Corridor(INSTC) could alter the situation for India. But the latter two are in nascent stages of development, and there was noeffort made to push these two projects through the SCO summit.

The Bishkek DeclarationOn terror, the declaration largely followed language from theQingdao Summit declaration, reiterating SCO’s condemnationof terrorism ‘in all its forms and manifestations.’ There wassupport for WTO and the multilateral trading system; and likeother yearly declarations the members noted the need forincreased cooperation between SCO member states in trade andservices. However, concrete proposals for the same were fewand far in between. The 2018 communique on simplifying tradeprocedures remains in its initial stages. A document regardingcooperation among members on Digitalization and Informationand Communications Technology was signed at the end ofheads of state meeting.On other issues of regional and international concern, Iran, Syria and Afghanistan found mention in the final document.The declaration called for ‘consistent implementation’ of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and asked allparticipants ‘for comprehensive and effective implementation of the document,’ a year after US pulled out of it. OnSyria, the declaration noted the Astana format and the process of political settlement through the dialogue process. Italso extended support to ‘post-conflict restoration’ by different states in Syria. India has already noted the importanceof a Syria-led political process and supported the current regime during the ongoing conflict, while agreeing to getfurther involved in the reconstruction process. This puts its position on these issues broadly in line with the major SCOstates but at variance with the US and its regional allies like Saudi Arabia and Israel.Iran, who is an observer at SCO, has been in the eye of the storm in recent days with US accusing it of attacks on two oiltankers in the Gulf of Oman, charges Tehran has denied. The SCO as a grouping did not directly address the recentupheavals in West Asia, highlighting the cautious attitude the member states are taking in addressing the delicatesituation. Russian and Chinese foreign ministries have individually called for talks to address the situation.After the summit engagement, PM Modi embarked on a bilateral visit to Kyrgyzstan which as a host of the 2019 SCOhad also been invited to the swearing-in ceremony on May 23. The two countries upgraded their ties to the level of astrategic partnership and India announced it would extend $200 million line of credit to Bishkek. A five year roadmaphas also been developed to promote trade and economic cooperation, a sector where there is quite a scope for improvementas the bilateral trade in 2016-17 stood at just $ 24.98 million. Invitation was also extended to the Kyrgyz presidentSooronbay Jeenbekov to visit India, which was accepted by the other side. The SCO summit for 2020 will be hosted byRussia.It is clear that SCO has become an important venue for the member states to interact but it is telling that bilateralmeetings on the sidelines have garnered more attention than the multilateral summit itself. That is also because concrete,collective measures by the organization have been few and far in between. With the inclusion of India and Pakistan, itstill remains to be seen if the bilateral frictions between member states would preclude more meaningful collaborationat the SCO or whether it would overcome the differences to play an active role in a changing international order.Why membership of SCO is crucial for India?It is seen that SCO is an eastern counter-balance to NATO. Being India as its member will allow the country to take aneffective action in combating terrorism and security related issues as well. As India and China are most populouscountries so, now the SCO also has the largest population coverage. After joining India to SCO it is expected that therewill be rise in the regional politics group’s and trade negotiations.

The main aim to establish SCO is to generatecooperation between member nations on:- Resolving border issues- Security concerns- Military Cooperation- Countering Terrorism- Intelligence sharing- Economic Cooperation- Cultural Cooperation

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The 14th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to Basel Convention (COP 14) was held along with the 9thmeeting of the COP to Rotterdam Convention and the 9th meeting of the COP to Stockholm Convention in Geneva,Switzerland with the Theme: “Clean Planet, Healthy People: Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste”.OverviewBasel Convention: The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and theirDisposal was created to protect people and the environment from the negative effects of the inappropriate managementof hazardous wastes worldwide. It is the most comprehensive global treaty dealing with hazardous waste materialsthroughout their lifecycles, from production and transport to final use and disposal.Rotterdam Convention: The Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for certain hazardousChemicals and Pesticides in international trade provides Parties with a first line of defence against hazardous chemicals.It promotes international efforts to protect human health and the environment as well as enabling countries to decideif they want to import hazardous chemicals and pesticides listed in the Convention.Stockholm Convention: The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants is a global treaty to protect humanhealth and the environment from highly dangerous, long-lasting chemicals by restricting and ultimately eliminatingtheir production, use, trade, release and storage.Outcomes of the recent meeting:

In Basel Convention on Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, twoimportant issues were mainly discussed and decided i.e. technical guidelines on e-waste and inclusion ofplastic waste in Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure.




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In Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP), COP decided to list “Dicofol” in Annex A(Elimination) without any exemption. The “PFOA”, (Perfluorooctanoic acid) was also listed with someexemptions in Annex A of Stockholm Convention.

In Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticidesin International Trade, two new chemicals named Phorate and HBCD (hexabromocyclododecane) were addedin list for mandatory Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure in international trade.

BRS Conventions – Brief Background: The Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm (BRS) Conventions are multilateral environmental agreements, which

share the common objective of protecting human health and the environment from hazardous chemicals andwastes.

Aim: This “synergies process” aims to strengthen the implementation of the three conventions at the national,regional and global levels by providing coherent policy guidance, enhancing efficiency in the provision ofsupport to Parties to the Conventions, reducing their administrative burden and maximising the effective andefficient use of resources at all levels, while maintaining the legal autonomy of these three multilateralenvironmental agreements.

To streamline and strengthen the statistical system, the Govt. of India has decided to merge the Central StatisticalOrganisation (CSO) and the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) to form a National Statistical Office (NSO).While the NSSO comes out with various sample surveys such as on consumption expenditure, employment andunemployment, the CSO releases various data such as GDP and IIP.Merging NSSO and CSO into NSO

The move is a follow-up of a decision taken in 2005 by the UPA government’s based on recommendations of thereport of the National Statistical Commission, headed by former RBI governor C Rangarajan.

Both the wings are currently part of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI).


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Rangarajan committee recommendations The Rangarajan committee had recommended setting up of the NSC, headed by a person with a Minister of

State-level designation, to serve as a nodal and empowered body for all core statistical activities of the country. The NSC was constituted on July 12, 2006 with a mandate to evolve policies, priorities and standards in

statistical matters. According to the Commission, the new NSO was envisaged as an agency to implement and maintain statistical

standards and coordinate statistical activities of Central and State agencies as laid down by the NCS. The NSO’s other roles included collection of core statistics, carrying out methodological research and studies,

maintaining a warehouse of core statistics, as per the Commission report.Benefits of the merger

This is a measure to avoid duplication of work and leverage the strength of the statistical system. There is no dilution of independence rather it will strengthens the system. This will help in meeting the requirement of the statistical system as a lack of control on these two bodies was

one challenge presently.National Statistical Office (NSO)

The Statistical Wing, comprising the NSO with constituents as the CSO and the NSSO, to be an integral part ofthe main ministry.

The NSO would be headed by Secretary Statistics and Programme Implementation, with various divisionsreporting to the Secretary through Director Generals (DGs).

Presently the CSO is headed by a DG and brings out macro economic data like economic (GDP) growth data,industrial production and inflation.

While the NSSO conducts large-scale surveys and brings out reports on health, education, householdexpenditure and other social and economic indicators.

Data Quality Assurance Division A Data Quality Assurance Division has also been set up, replacing the Data Processing Division, which will

have the responsibility to bring about improvements in survey and administrative databases. This division will be strengthened through “re-skilling and deployment of existing personnel”.

In recent controversy! India’s official statistics came under a cloud after several experts raised questions on credibility of the new

GDP series. The government’s move to withhold the first periodic labour force survey, which showed unemployment rate

at a 45-year high, put a further dent.

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The US administration under Trump has removed India from its currency monitoring watchlist.

Countries in the list India, alongside China, Japan, Germany, Switzerland and South Korea, was placed in the bi-annual currency watch list in

October last year.

While India and Switzerland have not been mentioned in the latest list, the US has added Ireland, Italy, Malaysia,

Singapore and Vietnam to the list, with China continuing to figure in it.

While the designation of a country as a currency manipulator does not immediately attract any penalties, it tends to dent

the confidence about a country in the global financial markets.

The criterion Countries with a current-account surplus equivalent to 2 per cent of gross-domestic product are eligible for the list,

according to modifications made in the new list, down from 3 per cent earlier.

Other thresholds include repeated intervention in the currency markets and a trade surplus with the US of at least $20


Why is this significant? Tweaks in currency policy has been used by the Trump administration to browbeat countries that, from Washington’s

perspective, have hurt American businesses and consumers.

For India, this comes amid the ongoing trade spat between Washington and New Delhi.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that India is a “tariff king” and imposes “tremendously high” tariffs on American products.



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Accelerating economic growth must be on top of the agenda of the new government. It is only a fast-growing economythat will generate the surpluses which are necessary to address many of our socio-economic problems and to providesocial safety nets.The decline in the investment rateIn current prices, the ratio of Gross Fixed Capital Formation to Gross Domestic Product has stayed low at 28.5%between 2015-16 and 2017-18. In 2018-19 it is estimated at 28.9%. In 2007-08, it was as high as 35.8%. In constant prices,the ratio, has, however, shown a smaller decline from the peak.Reviving investment

The bulk of public investment comes from public sector enterprises, including the Railways. What is needed is for the government to interact with all public sector units and prepare a programme of public

investment for 2019-20.Long term view of Public Sector

Public sector units can take a longer-term view than the private sector. A strong public investment programmecan be a catalyst of private investment. In a situation such as the present one, it can crowd in private investment.

Industry government participation Second, there have to be sector- or industry-wise discussions between the government and industrialists to

understand the bottlenecks that each industry faces in making investment and take actions to remove them.NPA issue

Banks are under stress and the ratio of non-performing assets (NPAs) has risen. We need to resolve this issue as early as possible so that banks can get back to lending at a significant pace. In

the absence of term lending financial institutions, banks provide both working capital and long-term loans. That is why resolving the issue of NPAs is critically important for larger flow of long-term funds.

Jobs and growth The answer to the problem of jobs is only growth. It is faster growth and faster investment which will generate




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Sectors such as IT and the financial system, which provided attractive employment to young educated entrantsto the labour market in the past, have their own problems.

But an improvement in the financial system may trigger some new jobs. Ultimately, it is overall growth whichis key to more employment.

Rural Demand The main concern is the slowdown in rural demand, which can affect the off-take of consumer goods. Agrarian distress, which is the cause of the slowdown in demand, needs to be tackled on a priority. Where distress is due to a fall in prices, the best course of action is to resort to limited procurement so that the

excess over normal is procured by the government.Increase in agricultural output

As far as increase in agricultural output in the short run is concerned, the monsoon is a big question mark. Nothing can be done about it except changing the cropping pattern depending on rainfall. Over the medium term, more attention must be paid to increasing agricultural productivity through consolidation

of land holdings and spreading better techniques of cultivation.Goods and services act

The government should get tax authorities, industrialists, traders and, particularly, exporters to sort out theissues together.

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code was another significant step taken in the last few years. Even here there are some bottlenecks and the government must address them.

Land Reforms Compulsory acquisition of land is the antithesis of competition and should be resorted to only in limited cases

where the public interest is involved. Labour Reforms – Labour reforms should wait until the economy has picked up steam and moved to a higher growth path. Only in these circumstances will there be less resistance. To conclude, besides economic factors, non-economic factors are also critically important to revive what are

often described as ‘animal spirits’. Investment today is based on expectations of future earnings. Thus it is anact of faith in the future. For this to happen, there must be social and political tranquillity.



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Many recommendations of the Election Commission’s (EC) Working Groups are pending since 2014. The nine workinggroups were set up by the ECI to suggest improvements in specific areas. Groups suggested around 337 recommendations.Out of which 300 are already disposed off. These recommendations deals with wide range of problems,

Disqualification of candidates at the stage of framing of charges to attract a minimum of five years’ imprisonment Increased punishment for false affidavits Permanent disqualification of those guilty of corruption and heinous crimes, etc.

Key recommendations A candidate contesting a different election should resign from the current seat. Working group suggested amendments empowering the Commission to issue notice to a party for necessary

corrections in its manifesto with reference to the Model Code of Conduct (MCC). It suggested setting up of courts to adjudicate electoral offenses and disallowing the use of government

designations for the purposes of political publicity. It asked for the introduction of indelible marker ink pens, instead of ink vials, as a pilot project. The quality

check of the ink should be done by multiple independent laboratories. It recommended community legal demographic profiling and election time zones system to constrict the election

of electoral process. The number of members required for the registration of a party should be increased from 100 to 1,000. Drafting a comprehensive bill that deals with registration, recognition, and funding of political parties. Standardization of Electors’ Photo Identity Card numbers, as they are of 10 digits in some States and 16 in


R e c e n t m a c r o d a t a s h o w s t h a t I n d i a ’ s e c o n o m y i s u n d e r - p e r f o r m i n g w i t h G D P g r o w t h f a l l i n g t o 5 . 8 % i n t h e f o u r t h

q u a r t e r o f 2 0 1 8 - 1 9 . I t h a s p u l l e d d o w n t h e o v e r a l l g r o w t h f o r t h e f i s c a l t o a f i v e - y e a r l o w o f 6 . 8 % . G r o w t h i n g r o s s v a l u e

a d d e d ( G V A ) , w h i c h i s G D P m i n u s t a x e s a n d s u b s i d i e s , f e l l t o 6 . 6 % i n 2 0 1 8 - 1 9 . R e c e n t u n e m p l o y m e n t d a t a s h o w e d t h a t



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joblessness was at a 45-year high of 6.1% in 2017-18. Growth in core sector output, i.e. a set of eight major industrialsectors, fell to 2.6% in April, compared to 4.7% in the same month last year. Rural economy remains in distress as seenby the 2.9% growth in agriculture last fiscal year.Why such things are happening?

The economy is troubled by a consumption slowdown as reflected in the falling sales of everything fromautomobiles to consumer durables, even fast-moving consumer goods.

Private investment is slowing down. Government spending was cut down in the last quarter of 2018-19 to meet the fiscal deficit target of 3.4%.

Which of the following things are positive things? Inflation is undershooting the target. Oil prices are on declining mode.

How to improve the situation? In short-term, Government needs to boost consumption by providing more money in the hands of people. It can be done by cutting taxes, which is not easy given the commitment to rein in the fiscal deficit. In long-term, measures should be taken to boost private investment. This can done be started with land acquisition and labor, corporate taxes by reducing exemptions and dropping

rates, and nursing banks back to health. Other options such as recapitalization and consolidation of the ailing banks should be explored. Centre will have to look at alternative sources such as disinvestment and more privatization.

Just over a month after the powerful cyclone Fani from Bay of Bengal devastated large areas of Odisha, another cycloneis headed towards India, this time towards the Gujarat coast from Arabian Sea.Arabian Sea cyclones

Though cyclones are common in the June, very few of them originate in the Arabian Sea. Most of them are foundin the Bay of Bengal.


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In the last 120 years for which records are available, just about 14% of all cyclonic storms, and 23% of severecyclones, around India have occurred in the Arabian Sea.

Arabian Sea cyclones are also relatively weak compared to those emerging in the Bay of Bengal. This, along with the fact that the Gujarat coastline, which is where most of the cyclones emerging in the

Arabian Sea are headed, is not very densely populated. This ensures that the damage potential of the cyclones on the western coast is comparatively low.

About Cyclone Vayu Cyclone Vayu is a deep depression positioned around 250 km northwest of Aminidivi island in Lakshadweep

and about 750 km southwest of Mumbai. It generated winds of speed 110-120 km per hour. In contrast, winds associated with Fani had speeds of about

220 km per hour. Vayu at its most powerful stage was categorised as a “severe cyclonic storm”, while Fani was an “extremely

severe cyclonic storm” It has almost satisfied the conditions for classification as a “super cyclone”.

Major Impact: It halts Monsoon Cyclones are sustained by very strong low-pressure areas at their core. Winds in surrounding areas are forced

to rush towards these low-pressure areas. Vayu halted the northward progression of the monsoon for a few days. The cyclone interfered with normal progression, by sucking all the moisture from the monsoon winds towards

itself. Similar low-pressure areas, when they develop near or over land, are instrumental in pulling the monsoon

winds over the country as well. But right now, the low-pressure area at the centre of the cyclone is far more powerful than any local system that

can pull the monsoon winds moving northeast. Implications: What this means is that the places where the monsoon has already reached would continue to

get rain, mainly along the western coastline, but other areas would have to wait a little longer.


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The union government released a draft NPE, a report prepared by a committee headed by space scientist K. Kasturirangan.Its reference to mandatory teaching of Hindi in non-Hindi speaking States set off a political storm in Tamil Nadu,which is traditionally opposed to the compulsory study of Hindi. The govt. sought to neutralize the hostile reaction bydropping the controversial reference to Hindi.Backdrop to the Hindi imposition row

The State has been traditionally opposed to any attempt to introduce Hindi as a compulsory language oflearning or administration.

The origin of the linguistic row, however, goes back to the debate on official language. In the Constituent Assembly, Hindi was voted as the official language by a single vote. However, it added that

English would continue to be used as an associate official language for 15 years. The Official Languages Act came into effect on the expiry of this 15-year period in 1965. This was the background in which the anti-Hindi agitation took place. However, as early as in 1959 Nehru had given an assurance in Parliament that English would continue to be

in use as long as non-Hindi speaking people wanted it.The Three Language Formula

It is commonly understood that the three languages referred to are Hindi, English and the regional language ofthe respective States.

Though the teaching of Hindi across the country was part of a long-standing system, it was crystallized intoa policy in an official document only in the NEP, 1968.

This document said regional languages were already in use as the medium of education in the primary andsecondary stages.

At the secondary stage, State governments should adopt and vigorously implement the three-language formula. It included the study of a modern Indian language, preferably one of the southern languages, apart from Hindi

and English in the Hindi-speaking States.For non-Hindi speaking States

In such States Hindi should be studied along with the regional language and English. It added: Suitable courses in Hindi and/or English should also be available in universities and colleges with

a view to improving the proficiency of students in these languages up to the university standards. To Promote Hindi the NPE 1968 said every effort should be made to promote the language and that in developing

Hindi as the link language. Article 351 of the Constitution provides for Hindi as a medium of expression for all the elements of the

composite culture of India. The establishment, in non-Hindi States, of colleges and other institutions of higher education which use

Hindi, as the medium of education should be encouraged. Incidentally, the NPE 1986 made no change in the 1968 policy on the three-language formula and the promotion

of Hindi and repeated it verbatim.Tamil Nadu’s stand on this

Tamil Nadu has been traditionally opposed to any attempt to introduce Hindi as a compulsory language oflearning or administration.

The origin of the linguistic row, however, goes back to the debate on official language. TN leaders does not oppose the voluntary learning of Hindi and cite the unhindered work of the Dakshina

Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha, established in Chennai by Mahatma Gandhi in 1918. Also, there is no bar on private schools, most of them affiliated to the CBSE offering Hindi.

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The State has been following the two-language formula for many decades, under which only English and oneregional language are compulsory in schools.

An important aspect of the opposition to Hindi imposition is that many in Tamil Nadu see it as a fight to retainEnglish.

English is seen as a bulwark against Hindi as well as the language of empowerment and knowledge. There is an entrenched belief that the continued attempts to impose Hindi are essentially driven by those who

want to eliminate English as the country’s link language.

An epidemic of Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) has broken out in five north Bihar districts.Locally known as Chamki Bukhar in the state.About AES:

Acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) is a serious public health problem in India. It is characterized as acute-onset of fever and a change in mental status (mental confusion, disorientation,

delirium, or coma) and/or new-onset of seizures in a person of any age at any time of the year. The disease most commonly affects children and young adults and can lead to considerable morbidity and

mortality. Viruses are the main causative agents in AES cases, although other sources such as bacteria, fungus, parasites,

spirochetes, chemicals, toxins and noninfectious agents have also been reported over the past few decades. Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is the major cause of AES in India (ranging from 5%-35%). Nipah virus, Zika virus are also found as causative agents for AES. In India, AES outbreaks in north and eastern India have been linked to children eating unripe litchi fruit on

empty stomachs. Unripe fruit contain the toxins hypoglycin A and methylenecyclopropylglycine (MCPG),which cause vomiting if ingested in large quantities. Hypoglycin A is a naturally occurring amino acid foundin the unripened litchi that causes severe vomiting (Jamaican vomiting sickness), while MCPG is a poisonouscompound found in litchi seeds.


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PM Modi calls for all-party meet on ‘one nation, one election’. Simultaneous elections refer to holding elections to LokSabha, State Legislative Assemblies, Panchayats and Urban local bodies simultaneously, once in five year.Problems associated with frequent elections:

The massive expenditure that is currently incurred for the conduct of separate elections. The policy paralysis that results from the imposition of the Model Code of Conduct during election time. Impact on delivery of essential services. Burden on crucial manpower that is deployed during election time. Frequent elections affect policymaking and governance as the government is trapped in short-term thinking. It also destabilises duly-elected governments and imposes a heavy burden on the exchequer. It also puts pressure on political parties, especially smaller ones, as elections are becoming increasingly

expensive. The Model Code of Conduct (MCC) which comes into force with the announcement of poll dates, prevents

government from announcing any new schemes, make any new appointments, transfers and postings withoutthe approval of Election Commission. This brings normal work of the government to a standstill.

It also increases the cost of management to the Election Commission.Merits of Simultaneous elections:

Governance and consistency: The ruling parties will be able to focus on legislation and governance rather thanhaving to be in campaign mode forever.

Reduced Expenditure of Money and Administration: The entire State and District level administrative andsecurity machinery will be busy with the conduct of elections twice in a period of five years as per the currentpractice. Expenditure can be reduced by conducting simultaneous elections.

Continuity in policies and programmes. Efficiency of Governance: Simultaneous elections can bring the much-needed operational efficiency in this

exercise. Populist measures by governments will reduce. Simultaneous elections can also be a means to curb corruptionand build a more conducive socio-economic



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· The impact of black money on the voters will be reduced as all elections are held at a time.But, why it is difficult to go for simultaneous elections?

The biggest challenge is achieving political consensus, which seems to be “chimerical”. Regional parties will be more opposed to the idea than national parties because there is always a tendency for

voters to vote the same party in power in the state and at the Centre in case the Lok Sabha polls and the stateelections are held together.

Also, according to IDFC, there is a 77% chance that the Indian voter will vote for the same party for both the stateand Centre when elections are held simultaneously.

For simultaneous elections to be implemented, Changes to be made in Constitution and Legislations:Amendments needed in the following articles:-

Article 83 which deals with the duration of Houses of Parliament need an amendment Article 85 (on dissolution of Lok Sabha by the president) Article 172 (relating to the duration of state legislatures) Article 174 (relating to dissolution of state assemblies) Article 356 (on President’s Rule). The Representation of People Act, 1951 Act would have to be amended to build in provisions for stability of

tenure for both parliament and assemblies. This should include the following crucial elements: Restructuring the powers and functions of the ECI to facilitate procedures required for simultaneous elections A definition of simultaneous election can be added to section 2 of the 1951 act.

G l o b a l P e a c e I n d e x i s r e l e a s e d b y A u s t r a l i a n t h i n k t a n k I n s t i t u t e f o r E c o n o m i c s & P e a c e . T h e G P I w a s f o u n d e d b y S t e v e

K i l l e l e a , a n A u s t r a l i a n t e c h n o l o g y e n t r e p r e n e u r a n d p h i l a n t h r o p i s t . T h e r e p o r t c o v e r s 9 9 . 7 p e r c e n t o f t h e w o r l d ’ s

p o p u l a t i o n a n d u s e s 2 3 q u a l i t a t i v e a n d q u a n t i t a t i v e i n d i c a t o r s f r o m h i g h l y r e s p e c t e d s o u r c e s t o c o m p i l e t h e i n d e x .

T h i s y e a r ’ s r e p o r t i n c l u d e s n e w r e s e a r c h o n t h e p o s s i b l e e f f e c t s o f c l i m a t e c h a n g e o n p e a c e . I t r a n k s c o u n t r i e s a c c o r d i n g

t o t h e i r l e v e l o f p e a c e f u l n e s s b a s e d o n t h r e e t h e m a t i c d o m a i n s :

The level of societal safety and security.


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The extent of ongoing domestic and international conflict. The degree of militarization.

Performance of India: India’s rank has slipped five places to 141 this year. India’s neighbours: In South Asia, Bhutan topped the index with 15th rank, followed by Sri Lanka 72, Nepal

76 and Bangladesh 101. The neighbouring country Pakistan has been ranked 153rd on the index. India together with Philippines, Japan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, China, Indonesia, Vietnam and Pakistan are

the nine countries with the highest risk of multiple climate hazards. The country has the 7th highest overallnatural hazard score.

India, the US, China, Saudi Arabia, and Russia are the top five countries with the largest total militaryexpenditure.

According to the report, South Asia’s score for every indicator in ongoing conflict is less peaceful than theglobal average, with four out of six deteriorating last year. Only deaths from internal conflict improved, withfewer fatalities in Pakistan, Afghanistan and India than the year prior.

The score for internal conflicts fought had the highest rating at five in both India and Pakistan. China,Bangladesh, and India, score in the bottom half of the GPI and have significant exposure to climate hazards,with 393 million people in high climate hazard areas.

Performance of other countries: Iceland remains the most peaceful country in the world, a position it has held since 2008. It is joined at the top of the Global Peace Index (GPI) by New Zealand, Austria, Portugal, and Denmark. Afghanistan is now the least peaceful country in the world, replacing Syria, which is now the second least

peaceful. South Sudan, Yemen, and Iraq comprise the remaining five least peaceful countries.Key observations:

While global peacefulness improved for the first time in five years, as per the index findings, the world remainsless peaceful than a decade ago.

Since 2008 global peacefulness has deteriorated by 3.78 per cent. State sponsored terror has declined markedly over the last decade, with 62 countries improving their scores

while only 42 deteriorated. However, incarceration shows the opposite trend with 95 countries increasing theincarceration rate compared to 65 that improved.


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There’s a new cryptocurrency called Libra to be rolled out by Facebook by 2020. Facebook also announced a dedicatedwallet app called Calibra, which will be built into WhatsApp and Messenger as well, to let users store and use theseLibra coins.What is Libra?

Libra is a cryptocurrency built on a blockchain network, though Facebook was quick to insist that it will respectuser privacy and transactions will in no way to be linked to the user’s real world identity.

Libra is like any other cryptocurrency powered by blockchain technology.· It wants to be a ‘global currency’, one that can be used to transfer money anywhere in the world without any

transaction fees. The claim is that Libra will be accessible to anyone with a smartphone, even a low-cost budget phone, and a

network connection. Of course, there are several mobile payment services already offering seamless payments, though with real-

money.Calibra Wallet

Calibra is the digital wallet from Facebook to let users store these Libra coins. Facebook says this is a separate company, and data will not be shared with them and it will respect user

privacy. Calibra will have a dedicated team of experts in risk management to prevent fraudulent use. Also if someone loses their Libra coins from the Calibra wallet, they will refund users. Libra will also work with

other third-party wallets. Calibra will also be added to WhatsApp and Messenger.

How will Libra blockchain work? Libra is also being governed by the independent Libra Association, which is not what you see in typical

cryptocurrency. A new programming language is also being built for Libra called Move, which the organisation claims is more

secure and private. The Libra Blockchain will record the history of transactions and states over time, rather than the typical

blockchain where each transaction is added a new block.Buying Libras

The network is still far from ready. The Libra blockchain will be tested over the coming months. While there’s no word on exactly how someone will buy Libra, the Calibra wallet from Facebook will probably

be one way. To purchase Libra, user will have to pay in their local currency, provided the laws allow it.

Its uniqueness Libra will also be backed by a reserve of assets designed in order to “give it intrinsic value” and ensure

stability, which is not seen in typical cryptocurrencies. These assets includes securities and fiat currencies (like dollar, pound) etc as part of this reserve. The website says Libra will be backed by “short-term government securities in currencies from stable and

reputable central banks.” Still the “value of the one Libra in any local currency may fluctuate,” cautions the page. The idea is to ensure Libra is stable to give more users confidence in this, while ensuring that currency does not

fluctuate wildly like other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin which had at point had reached a high of $20,000.Will Libra work in India?

Cryptocurrency is illegal in India and the draft bill right now is recommending a maximum of 10 year punishmentfor those who mine, trade, buy or sell these.

In India, if the bill passes, trading in cryptocurrency could result in hard punishment. So one of the biggest markets, which is India, will not be able to use Libra, which could limit its potential. The Supreme Court of India is hearing a matter regarding regulation of Bitcoin in India and the matter will now

be heard on July 23, 2019.

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RBI IN NEWSSecond Bi-Monthly Monetary Policy, 2019-20The 6 member Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), headed byRBI Governor Shaktikanta Das, has decided to reduce key reporate by 25 basis points to 5.75 percent from 6.0 percent withimmediate effect.

1. Repo rate – 5.75 percent2. Reverse repo rate – 5.50 percent3. Marginal standing facility (MSF) rate – 6.0 percent4. Bank Rate – 6.0 percent ,CRR -4% and SLR -19%5. GDP growth for 2019-20 is revised downwards to 7.0

percent. Review of Charges for RBI-operated Payment Systems-

In order to provide an impetus to digital funds movement,it has been decided to do away with the charges levied bythe Reserve Bank for transactions processed in the RTGSand NEFT systems.

Constitution of a Committee to Review the ATMInterchange Fee Structure– RBI will soon set up aCommittee involving all stakeholders, under thechairmanship of the Chief Executive Officer, IndianBanks’ Association (IBA), to examine the entire gamutof ATM charges and fees.

RBI to create regulatory cadre to monitor banks The board of directors of RBI has decided to create a

specialized supervisory and regulatory cadre within theRBI to strengthen the supervision and regulation ofcommercial banks, urban cooperative banks and non-banking financial companies.

RBI Governor-Shaktikanta Das RBI 4 Deputy Governors-NS Vishwanathan, Viral V

Acharya (Resigned), BP Kanungo, and Mahesh KumarJain

RBI releases draft liquidity framework guide-lines for ailing NBFCs RBI released draft guidelines on liquidity riskmanagement framework for NBFCs and CICs, dueto rating downgrades and debt defaults in the NBFCsector and the need for a stronger asset liabilitymanagement (ALM) framework. In its draft guidelines, RBI has proposed tointroduce a Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR), whichis the proportion of high liquid assets set aside tomeet short term obligations for all NBFCs with anasset size of more than Rs. 5000 crore. StartingApril 2020, NBFCs will have to maintain aminimum of 60% of LCR as high liquid assets whichwill be increased in a calibrated manner to 100% byApril 2024 The regulator has also proposed to revise theALM of NBFCs to ensure that the differencebetween inflows and outflows during the first 7days is not more than 10% of the total outflows.Similarly over the next 8-14 days and 15-30 days,the cash flow mismatch should be only 10-20% of

the cumulative outflows. RBI has also asked NBFCs to adopt liquidity risk

monitoring tools to capture any possible liquidity stress.

RBI allowed modern currency chests to hike service chargesRBI will allow large modern currency chests to increase the servicecharges on cash deposited by non-chest bank branches from theexisting rate of Rs. 5 per packet of 100 pieces to a higher ratesubject to a maximum of Rs. 8 per packet.CC(Currency Chest)It is part of bank wherein currency notes and coins are stored. Itcan be strong room or a vault. When cash is taken out of vault, itbecomes cash of bank and it can be used for the payments. RBI onits behalf authorises few selected bank branches to stock rupeenotes and coins. It acts as distributives of RBI cash and enable RBIto take back soiled notes and mutilated notes from the public. RBIoffices in various cities receive currency notes from presses andcoins from the mints. These are sent to currency chests and smallcoin depots from where they are distributed to bank branches. RBIhas so far set up over 4,075 currency chests all over the country.Besides currency chests there are also around 3,746 bank branchesthat act as small coin depots to stock small coins.

RBI to purchase govt securities under OMO The Reserve Bank of India conducted an auction to

purchase government securities under Open MarketOperation (OMO) for Rs. 15,000 crore to infuse durableliquidity.

In the current financial year so far, it conducted OMOpurchase of five government securities on two occasions— on May 2 and May 16 — infusing Rs. 12,500 crore ineach auction.

The total amount of government securities offered bymarket participants was Rs. 27,426 crore (face value) onMay 2 and was Rs. 29,479 crore on May 16.


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An open market operation (OMO) is an activity by acentral bank to give (or take) liquidity in its currency to(or from) a bank or a group of banks. The central bankcan either buy or sell government bonds in the openmarket.

RBI Extended Timings for RTGS Transactions for Custom-ers from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm

The Reserve Bank of India has decided to extend thetimings for customer transactions in Real Time GrossSettlement (RTGS) System by 1.5 hours.

The timings for customer transactions (initial cut-off) inRTGS will be extended from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm.

The new timing will be effective from June 1, 2019. Accordingly, the new timing under RTGS time window

is as follows1. Open for Business: 08:00 hours,Customer transactions

(Initial Cut-off): 18:00 hour2. Inter-bank transactions (Final Cut-off): 19:45 hours The RTGS system is primarily meant for large value

transactions. The minimum amount to be remittedthrough RTGS is Rs 2 lakh with no upper or maximumceiling.

National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) is anotherpopular form of fund transfer. There is no limit for theminimum/maximum for fund transfer. However, NEFToperates in hourly batches.

RBI Scraped NEFT, RTGS Transaction Charges, Banks ToPass On Benefits

The RBI removed transaction charges levied by it forReal Time Gross Settlement System (RTGS) and NationalElectronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) systems to boostdigital transactions.

Currently Bank charges between Re 1 and Rs 5 for NEFTtransactions and between Rs 5 and Rs 50 for RTGS.

T N Manoharan Task Force on Secondary Market in Corpo-rate Loans

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has constituted a sixmember Task Force on the Development of SecondaryMarket for Corporate Loans to bring in place a well-developed secondary market for debt for transparentprice discovery of the inherent riskiness of the debt beingtraded.

The committee will be chaired by Shri T. N. Manoharan,Chairman, Canara Bank.

The task force will review the existing state of the marketfor loan sale/transfer in India as well as the internationalexperience in loan trading and shall submit its report bythe end of August 2019.

Harsh Vardhan committee on Housing FinanceSecuritisationThe Reserve Bank of India has constituted a Committee on theDevelopment of Housing Finance Securitisation Market. The sixmember committee will be chaired by Dr. Harsh Vardhan, SeniorAdvisor, Bain & Company. The Committee shall submit its reportby the end of August 2019.

RBI Extends Relaxation on the Guidelines to NBFCs onSecuritisation TransactionsThe Reserve Bank of India has decided to extend the ‘Relaxationon the guidelines to NBFCs on securitisation transactions’ tillDecember 31, 2019.The “Relaxation on the guidelines to NBFCs on securitisationtransactions” was issued on November 29, 2018 by RBI to beapplicable till May 2019.

Relaxed Norms RBI has relaxed the minimum holding period (MHP)

requirement for non-banking finance companies (NBFC)in respect of loans with maturity of over five year.

The lenders can now sell their loan pools or securitisethem after holding them for six months on their books.(Earlier it was one year).

RBI to Observe Financial Literacy Week 2019 from June 3-7

The Reserve Bank of India will observe the FinancialLiteracy Week 2019 from June 3-7, 2019.

The theme for 2019 is Farmers. Financial Literacy Week is organised by RBI to promote

awareness on key topics every year through a focusedcampaign.

RBI has designed Audio visuals on “Basic FinancialLiteracy”, “Unified Payments Interface” (UPI) and“Going Digital” for the benefit of general public on topicsrelating to Financial Literacy.

Nandan Nilekani Panel set up by RBI suggests 24X7 RTGS,NEFTNandan Nilekani Committee(for strengthening Digital PaymentEcosystem) suggested elimination of all charges on online moneytransfer, 24X7 RTGS and NEFT facility and duty free import ofPoint-Of-Sales machine. The panel also suggested continuing thescheme to refund the MDR (Merchant Discount Rate) for the nexttwo years.

RBI move a spot up at 10th in Gold Reserve Holding: WGC The Reserve Bank of India has moved to rank 10th in

terms of gold reserves with the central banks. RBI hasreplaced the Netherlands at 10th spot.

Reserve Bank has 612.6 tonnes of Gold as per Datareleased by World Gold Council in June 2019. Now RBIholds 6.1% of the total gold reserves

The United States is the top holder of Gold Reserves.

RBI imposed Rs 2cr penalty on Kotak Mahindra BankThe Reserve Bank of India imposed a penalty of Rs 2 crore onKotak Mahindra Bank for not complying with its directionsregarding dilution of promoters’ shareholding in the company.Kotak Mahindra Bank’sHQ: Mumbai

RBI To Create Foreign Exchange Trading Platform For Re-tail Participants

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announced to set up aforeign exchange trading platform for retail participants.

This is to create a market infrastructure that ensures fairand transparent pricing for users of foreign exchange like

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Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) exporters &importers and individuals.

The trading platforms are developed by the ClearingCorporation of India Limited (CCIL).

The foreign exchange trading platform will show thecustomer rates of all banks in one place. The customercan choose the most competitive rate and buy forex. Thecustomer’s bank will debit the money from his or heraccount and settle with the forex providing bank.

The minimum trade able amount is $1000 and they areissued in the multiples of $500 thereof.

All ATMs shall be grouted to a structure by September 30,2019: RBI

The Reserve Bank of India has formed a Committee onCurrency Movement (CCM) with Shri D.K. Mohanty,Executive Director as its Chairperson. After reviewingthe recommendation of the committee, the RBI hasdirected all banks to ensure the following safety measuresfor ATMs.

All ATMs shall be grouted to a structure (wall, pillar,floor, etc.) by September 30, 2019, except for ATMsinstalled in highly secured premises such as airports,etc. which have adequate CCTV coverage and are guardedby state / central security personnel.

RBI formed a committee headed by VG Kannan, IBA Chief toreview ATM pricing

In order to deal with the increased cost of operatingATMs, banks and white-label ATM operators (WLAOs)want the RBI to raise ATM interchange fee from Rs. 15to Rs. 18 for cash withdrawals and card-to-card fundtransfers, and from Rs. 5 to Rs. 8 for other non-financialtransactions.

According to RBI guidelines, the savings bank accountholders can make 5 free transactions in a calendar monthafter which they will be charged a particular amount foreach transaction that varies from bank to bank.

RBI issued direction for improved BSBDA norms Banks are now advised to offer the following basic

minimum facilities in the BSBDA (Basic Saving BankDeposite Account) ,free of charge, without anyrequirement of minimum balance.

The deposit of cash at bank branch as well as ATMs/CDMs

Receipt/ credit of money through any electronic channelor by means of deposit /collection of cheques drawn byCentral/State Government agencies and departments

No limit on number and value of deposits that can bemade in a month.Minimum of four withdrawals in amonth, including ATM withdrawals,ATM Card or ATM-cum-Debit Card.

As per RBI, Bank frauds worth Rs. 2.05 lakh crore reportedin the last 11 years

The Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) data revealed that53,334 fraud cases worth Rs. 2.05 lakh crore hit the

banks in India in the last 11 fiscal years i.e, between2008-09 and 2018-19.

The highest number of cases was reported in ICICI(Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India)Bank, State Bank of India (SBI) and HDFC (HousingDevelopment Finance Corporation) Bank.

SBI IN NEWSState Bank of India to introduce repo-linked home loan prod-uct from July 1State Bank of India (SBI) announced to introduce repo-linked homeloan product from July 1, 2019. It has become the first bank tooffer this facility.Home loans under this product will be priced at 2.65% over therepo rate of 5.75%. So, the home loan interest rate will work out to8.40 %. SBI also reduced the interest rate on Cash Credit Account(CC) and Overdraft (OD) customers with limits above Rs 1 lakh,after the RBI reduced the repo rate by 25 basis points to 5.75%.

SBI launched digital residential property show in HyderabadThe State Bank of India (SBI) has set up a new marketing outfitcalled ‘Destination: The Home Shoppe’ in Hyderabad.

OTHER BANKS IN NEWSCorporation Bank launched ‘Corp SME Suvidha’ for MSMEsCorporation Bank has launched ‘Corp SME Suvidha’, a productfor GST-registered MSMEs. The product has been designed aspart of the bank’s efforts to provide the best products to MSME.Corporation Bank’s Headquarters: Mangaluru

Public sector banks recover Rs 1.2 lakh cr from bad loansin 2018-19

According to the report, Public sector banks (PSBs) haverecovered close to Rs 1.2 lakh crore from stressed assetsduring the fiscal ended March, primarily helped byresolution under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code(IBC).

During the first half of the previous fiscal, banks recoveredRs 60,713 crore from bad loans.

“Due to non-resolution of some big accounts referredunder NCLT (National Company Law Tribunal), PSBscould not achieve the resolution target of Rs 1.80 lakhcrore.

Banks recovered close to Rs 55,000 crore from the NCLTresolution.

Indian Overseas Bank Launched ‘Bank on Wheels’ FacilityThe Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) has launched a new service named‘Bank on Wheels’ in its 16 lead districts in the state of Tamil Nadu,Andhra Pradesh and Kerala.The mobile van facility will enable thepublic, especially senior citizens, conveniently get door-stepbanking facility available at identified locations of the lead districts.IOB’s Headquarters: Chennai

ICICI Bank Launched Centre For MSMEs In BengaluruICICI Bank launched a centre in Bengaluru to provide businesssolutions exclusively to start-ups and MSME sector.The services

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offered include working capital loans upto Rs.20 crore, businessloans (based on GST returns) upto Rs.1 crore, instant overdraftfacility of Rs.15 lakh, extensive trade solutions and cashmanagement services, among others.

Paytm Payments Bank ahead of major banks in digital trans-action target with 501.16 crore digital transactions.Paytm Payments Bank with 501.16 crore digital transactions forthe financial year 2019-20 was ahead of major banks includingHDFC Bank, Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India(ICICI) Bank and Punjab National Bank in digital transaction targetset by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology(MeitY).

Exim Bank signed $245 million loan agreement with Ghana& Mozambique for agricultural and railway projectsThe central bank of the country, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)notified that Export Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) will provideLine of Credit (LoC) worth $245 million to Ghana and Mozambiquefor agricultural and railway projects.Exim Bank: Headquarters: MumbaiCEO: David Rasquinha

Bharti AXA wins FICCI Claims Excellence AwardPrivate Life Insurer, Bharti AXA Life Insurance has been conferredwith the FICCI Claims Excellence Award.

WORLD ECONOMYFacebook Planed to Launch Cyrptocurrency Under the NameGlobalCoin

Technology major Facebook is planning to launch itsown cryptocurrency, in early 2020, which is likely to benamed GlobalCoin.

The cryptocurrency is being launched by Facebook underits Secret project “Project Libra” and will require around$1 billion in funding to support the project.

United States Removed India from its Currency MonitoringList

The US Treasury Department has removed India as wellas Switzerland from its currency monitoring list ofcountries having potentially questionable foreignexchange policies.

Removal of India from the currency watch list radar is apositive development, which otherwise could haveultimately led to a tag of being a currency manipulator.

Now nine major trading partners continue to be placedon Treasury’s ‘Monitoring List’ of major trading partnersthat merit close attention to their currency practices.

These countries are: China, Japan, Germany, SouthKorea, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore.

Currency manipulator :Countries which indulge inmanipulating the currency exchange rate for gaining unfaircompetitive advantage in international trade often endup with the tag of a currency manipulator.

ICBC tops Forbes The World’s Largest Public Companies2000 list; Reliance top Indian firm

The Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd (ICBC) hastopped the list of “World’s Largest Public Companies” by Forbesthat ranks 2000 companies. JP Morgan Chase is on second andChina Construction Bank is on third.

Venezuela to roll out three new banknotes due to Hyperin-flation

The Venezuelan government announced that it will issuenew banknotes due to racketing hyperinflation whicheroded the currency’s value.

The central bank of Venezuela will release new Banknotesof 10,000, 20,000 and 50,000 bolivar denominations.

The decision aims to control the prevailinghyperinflationary situation that reached more than 1.3million percent and strengthen the payment system andcommercial transactions in the country.

Nepal banned the use of Chinese Digital Wallets-WeChatPay & AliPayNepal Rastra Bank, the central bank of Nepal, banned the use ofChinese digital wallets WeChat Pay and Alipay, in Nepal, statingthat the country was losing foreign income due to illegal use ofthose payment applications by Chinese tourists.

World Bank, CommBank Team Up For ‘World 1st’Blockchain Bond TransactionThe World Bank and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia(CommBank) have teamed up to enable recording of secondarymarket bond trading using blockchain tech.The institutions announced that their successful recording of asecondary transaction for bond-i, a blockchain-operated debtinstrument, on a distributed ledger shows the “vast potential” ofthe technology, and marks the first bond to have both issuance andtrading recorded on a blockchain platform.

FINANCIAL NEWSForeign Exchange Reserves of India increased by $1.8 bil-lion to $421.8 billion

As per the data of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), theForeign Exchange (Forex) Reserves of India increased by$1.875 billion to $421.867 billion in the week endingMay 31, 2019.

In the previous week, the forex reserves rose by $1.99billion to $ 419.99 billion.

As per RBI’s data, gold reserves fell by $62.9 million to$22.958 billion, the Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) withthe International Monetary Fund (IMF) declined by $2.3million to $1.443 billion and the country’s reserveposition with the fund also declined by $5.3 million to$3.331 billion.

India ranked 10th in terms of FDI inflow in 2018, US top:UNCTAD

As per the UNCTAD World Investment Report 2019,India is on 10th rank in terms of FDI Inflow in the year2018. The US had the highest inflow of FDI in 2018. Ithad an FDI inflow of $ 252 bn.

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The US was the world’s top recipient of FDI with $252billion followed by China with $139 billion. India wasranked 10th as an FDI recipient.

India’s first mutual fund side pocket initiated by Tata Mu-tual Fund

Side pocketing is a procedure introduced by SEBI allowingAsset Management Companies (AMCs)to separate outa section of their portfolio corresponding to the bad debtheld by them. Investors receive units in the segregatedportfolio and these units are held separately.

Tata Mutual Fund launched the side-pocketing(segregated portfolio) option to set aside its troubledinvestment in Dewan Housing Finance Limited (DHFL).

They are created for 3 schemes namely Tata CorporateBond Fund, Tata Medium Term Fund, and Tata TreasuryAdvantage Fund.

Shadow banking 14.3% of total financial assets in India:FITCH

As per a Fitch Report, Shadow banking assets as apercentage of total financial assets within India, were at14.3 percent, in line with the global percentage of 13.7percent.

The reports pointed out that India’s shadow bankingassets were fairly small by international standards,ranking 17th globally at $571.7 billion.

The shadow banking system is a term for the collectionof non-bank financial intermediaries that provide servicessimilar to traditional commercial banks but outside normalbanking regulations.

Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2019-20 The Government of India, in consultation with the

Reserve Bank of India, has decided to issue SovereignGold Bonds for 2019-20 starting from June 2019 toSeptember 2019.

The Bonds will be sold every month between July andSeptember.

Denomination: multiple of 1 grams Tenor: 8 years with exit option after 5th year to be

exercised on the interest payment dates. Minimum Size: 1 gram,Maximum Size: 4 KG for

individual, 4 Kg for HUF and 20 Kg for trusts and similarentities.

IRDAI Hiked Third Party Insurance Premium for Small-Medium Cars

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authorityof India (IRDAI) has increased the third party (TP) motorinsurance premium for small and medium private cars inthe range of 12-12.5 percent for 2019-20.

The TP motor insurance premium for two-wheelers andheavy vehicles has also been hiked.

The new rates will come into effect from June 16, 2019. The new TP insurance for smaller cars (less than 1000

cc) will cost Rs. 2072 or 12% from the existing Rs. 1850.

IRDAIHQ: Hyderabad, Founded: 1999Type: Statutory corporationChairperson: Subhash Chandra Khuntia

CBDT task force gets 2-month extension to draft new directtax code till July 31

Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) task force hasbeen given an extension of two months to draft a newDirect Tax Code from May 31, 2019 to July 31, 2019.

The new Direct Tax code will simplify complex incometax laws. The extension was given by Finance MinisterArun Jaitley.

Also senior citizens with a taxable income of up to Rs 5lakh can now submit Form 15H to claim exemption fromTDS on interest income on deposits in banks and postoffices.

Earlier, the limit for seeking TDS exemption was Rs 2.5lakh.

Food grains production for the agricultural year 2018-19estimated at over 283 million tonnes

Food grains production for the agricultural year 2018-19has been estimated at over 283 million tonnes.

It is higher by over 17 million tonnes than the previousfive years average production of food grain.

According to Agriculture Ministry, as per the thirdadvance estimates the rice production is estimated at anall-time high of over 115 million tonnes during 2018-19,(previous 112 million tonnes- in 2017-18)

Production of wheat is also estimated at a record of over101 million tonnes, which is higher by 1.33 million tonnesas compared to the previous year.

The total pulses production is estimated at over 23million tonnes.

RATTING AND SURVEYIndia to grow at 7.1% in FY-20 :UN

Acc. to UN, India’s economy is projected to grow at7.1% in FY 2020 due to strong domestic consumptionand investment.

WESP- World Economic Situation and Prospects

Indian Economy to grow at 7.25% in FY19 7.5% in FY20:OECD

Organization for Economic Co-operation andDevelopment (OECD) has said in its Economic Outlookthat Gross domestic product (GDP) growth in India isprojected to strengthen close to 7.25% in FY19 and closeto 7.5% in FY20.

Indian Economy to Grow at 7.1% for FY20 & 7.2% for FY21:FICCI

The Industry body FICCI (Federation of IndianChambers of Commerce and Industry) expects the medianGDP of India to grow at 7.1% in 2019-20 in its economicoutlook survey released.

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The GDP growth projection for the fiscal 2020-21 is 7.2per cent.

World bank reports slow global growth in 2019 The World Bank Group has downgraded global real GDP

growth to 2.6% for 2019, down by 0.3 percentage pointsfrom its previous forecast in January.

Growth is expected to increase marginally to 2.7% in2020.India’s growth at a projected 7.5% is supported bycredit growth and an accommodative monetary policy.

Fitch affirms long-term ratings of SBI, BOB and PNB at‘BBB-’

International rating agency Fitch Ratings affirmed long-term issuer default ratings (IDRs) of six banks includingState Bank of India, Bank of Baroda and Punjab NationalBank at ‘BBB-’, with a stable outlook.

INVESTMENT AND ALLOCATIONAIIB made first investment in Nepal commits $90m to hy-dropower projectAIIB has made its 1st investment in Nepal with the provision ofup to $90m loan to help fund a $650m hydropower project.It has approved the loan for the Upper Trishuli-1 HydropowerProject expected to increase Nepal’s power generation by almost20%.

Japan To Invest Rs. 13,000 Crore In Infrastructure ProjectsIn Northeast

The Government of Japan has announced that it willinvest an amount of 205.784 billion Yen (Rs.13,000 croreapprox), in various ongoing and also new projects indifferent states of the North- Eastern region of India.

Some of the Projects includes – Guwahati Water SupplyProject and Guwahati Sewage Project in Assam,Northeast Road Network Connectivity ImprovementProject spread over Assam and Meghalaya, NortheastNetwork Connectivity Improvement Project inMeghalaya, Bio-diversity Conservation and ForestManagement Project in Sikkim, Sustainable ForestManagement Project in Tripura, Technical CooperationProject for Sustainable Agriculture & Irrigation inMizoram, Forest Management Project in Nagaland, etc.

World Bank signed $287 million loan agreement for theTamil Nadu Health System Reform Programme

The Government of India, Government of Tamil Nadu(GoTN) and the World Bank have signed a $287 millionloan agreement for the Tamil Nadu Health System ReformProgramme.

The programme aims to improve the quality of healthcare, reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases(NCDs), and fill equity gaps in reproductive and childhealth services in Tamil Nadu.

India Announced $200 Million Line of Credit for KyrgyzstanThe two countries also signed 15 agreements in various fieldsincluding on the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA),

Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT), MoUs in the field of Health,security, defence, counter-terrorism and Information andCommunication Technology among others.

ADB to provide USD 750 mn loan to India for Electrificationof Railway TrackAsian Development Bank (ADB) has signed an agreement toprovide USD 750 million equivalent in Indian rupee long-termfinancing to electrify railway tracks in India. ADB has committedthis amount to Indian Railway Finance Corporation (IRFC) tofund the railways track electrification project. This is the largestsingle non-sovereign loan ever committed by ADB to IRFC.


ONGC India’s most profitable PSU in 2018-19 India’s top oil and gas producer, ONGC was the

country’s most profitable public sector company in 2018-19.

Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC) reported a 34%increase in its 2018-19 fiscal net profit to Rs 26,716crore.

Second in the list is Indian Oil Corp (IOC) with a netprofit of Rs 17.274 crore in 2018-19. Last year IOC wasthe top PSU.

Tech Mahindra signs Rs 300 crore defence contract withIndian Navy

Tech Mahindra announced a defence order worth overRs 300 crore with the Indian Navy. As part of the ‘ArmedForces Secure Access Card’ (AFSAC) Project, TechMahindra will implement RFID based Access ControlSystem across all naval bases and ships.

Reliance beats Indian Oil Corp to become the biggest Indiancompany by revenue

Richest Indian Mukesh Ambani’s oil-to-telecomconglomerate Reliance Industries has toppled state-owned Indian Oil Corp (IOC) to become the country’sbiggest company by revenue.

Reliance in the 2018-19 fiscal year that ended March 31,reported a turnover of Rs 6.23 lakh crore.

In comparison, IOC posted a turnover of Rs 6.17 lakhcrore for the fiscal, according to regulatory filings by thetwo companies.

It was also the most profitable company in the countrywith a net profit of more than double that of IOC inFY2019.

L&T Financial unveils ‘Digital Sakhi’ programme in TN Larsen and Toubro Financial Services unveiled the Digital

Sakhi programme in Tamil Nadu. It is an educational program aimed at training over 40,000

people on digital financial inclusion in Tamil Nadu. A ‘Digital Sakhi’ is a rural woman with a digital device

who is equipped with skills and knowledge to impartdigital financial literacy training to others.

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WHO declared Algeria, Argentina malaria-free WHO declared Algeria and Argentina as malaria-

free.Efforts such as improved surveillance, allowed forevery last case of malaria to be rapidly identified andtreated.

WHO Director-General-Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

Singapore, Canada seek to join WTO consultations overIndia’s ICT products tariffSingapore and Canada are set to join consultations in a case filedby Japan in the WTO’s dispute settlement body against India’simport duties on certain information and communication technologyproducts, including mobile phones.

TAPI gas pipeline meet held in Turkmenistan Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas

pipeline meeting was held in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. The ADB is acting as the facilitator for the TAPI project.

The project is expected to be completed by2022 in Pakistan.

WHO Unveiled Plan To Tackle Global Snake-bite “Emergency” The World Health Organization has unveiled anew strategy to deal with deaths and injuries fromsnakebites As per the UN agency, any scarcity inantivenoms could soon spark a “public healthemergency”. The key guidelines proposed in the strategyincludes:Cutting snakebite-related deaths anddisabilities by 50% by 2030.

India Elected To Executive Board Of First UN-Habitat Assembly The first session of the UN-Habitat Assemblywas held from 27-31 May 2019 at UN-Habitat inNairobi, Kenya. The special theme for the UN-HabitatAssembly is: “Innovation for Better Quality of Life

in Cities and Communities”. India has been elected to the Executive Board of the first

UN-Habitat Assembly. The Executive Board of UN-Habitat will be responsible

to review and approve the UN-Habitat Strategic Plan2020-2025 and the Progress in implementation of NewUrban Agenda, among other things.

Sri Lankan navy launches extra vigil over terrorists Sri Lankan navy has launched extra vigil on its northern

seas in wake of media reports that some terrorist elementsmay have left the country to land on Indian shores.

Earlier, several media outlets reported that a group of 15suspected Islamic State terrorists were fleeing Sri Lankatowards the Kerala Coast. Coastal security has beenbeefed up across the Kerala coast in wake of reports.

Razorpay launched digital payment support for 100 curren-ciesRazorpay, a converged payments solution company, has announcedthat it now supports 100 currencies for international digitalpayments. It includes all major currencies such as U.S. Dollar(USD), European Dollar (EUR), British Pound (GBP), ArabEmirates Dirham (AED) and Singapore Dollar (SGD).

Tata Steel subsidiary launched Tree Bank in JamshedpurJamshedpur Utility and Services Company (Jusco), a 100%subsidiary of Tata Steel has set up a Tree Bank in Jamshedpur onthe occasion of World Environment Day on June 05, 2019. Atreebank was inaugurated and around 3,000 saplings were plantedat different locations of the Jamshedpur steel city. The bank has10,000 saplings of 13 species, including neem, mango, and palm.

FundzBazar launched ‘Selfiewala KYC’ feature for first-timemutual fund investorsFundzBazar, an online mutual fund investment platform launchedby Prudent, launched ‘Selfiewala KYC’ feature for the first-timemutual fund investors. Through this platform, investors cancomplete their KYC (Know your Customer) process from theirhome or office using mobile or laptop in just a few minutes.

Snapdeal close to acquiring ShopCluesOnline marketplace Snapdeal is close to buying its nearest rivalShopClues in an all-stock deal.The deal is likely to see ShopClues investors get one Snapdealshare if the merger goes through in this planned structure, and willlikely give them a 10% stake in the combined entity.

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Russia launches new nuclear-powered icebreaker in bid toopen up Arctic

Russia launched a nuclear-powered icebreaker, part ofan ambitious programme to renew and expand its fleet ofthe vessels in order to improve its ability to tap theArctic’s commercial potential. The ship, dubbed the Uraland which was floated out from a dockyard in StPetersburg, is one of a trio that when completed will bethe largest and most powerful icebreakers in the world.

The Ural is due to be handed over to Russia’s state-owned nuclear energy corporation Rosatom in 2022 afterthe two other icebreakers in the same series, Arktika(Arctic) and Sibir (Siberia), enter service.

Russia launched the first Arctic train service ‘Zarengold’ The first tourist train travelling through Russia’s Arctic

region and on to Norway set off from St. Petersburgstation (Russia) with 91 passengers aboard for theinaugural trial journey.

The tourists came from seven countries including theUS, Germany, Norway and Russia.

The train, named, Zarengold, complete with tworestaurant cars will travel from Saint Petersburg.

ICA issues first UAE Permanent Residency ‘Golden Card’in Abu DhabiUAE’s Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) hasissued the first Golden Residence Permit in Abu Dhabi, as part ofthe Investors Permanent Residence System aimed to attractinvestors, entrepreneurs and qualified individuals who meet itscriteria.

Scott Morrison sworn in as Australia’s PMScott Morrison has been sworn in as Australia’s Prime Minister,11 days after retaining the position in the country’s general election.Along with Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack, Morrisonwas sworn in by Queen Elizabeth’s official representative inAustralia, Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove, in the capital,Canberra.

SriLankan Airlines: World’s Most Punctual AirlineSriLankan Airlines, the National Carrier of island nation has beennamed the ‘World’s Most Punctual Airline’ for second consecutivetime.It was named so by global flight tracker, ‘Flightstats’ whichanalysed data of over 41 carriers from Europe, North America,South America, Asia and Middle East including some of the world’slargest and most prestigious airlines, before drawing its conclusionson scale of punctuality.

St Petersburg International Economic Forum 2019Russia’s annual Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum(SPIEF) was held from 6-8 June 2019. It is an annual internationalforum that discusses key economic issues facing Russia, emergingmarkets and world at large stage. The Saint Petersburg is Russia’sformer imperial capital.Theme for SPIEF 2019: Creating a Sustainable Development Agenda

UAE Cabinet adopts ‘National Strategy for Wellbeing 2031’

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Cabinet adopted a NationalStrategy for Wellbeing 2031 during its meeting at Presidential Palacein Abu Dhabi (UAE Capital).

The strategy has two pronged objectives as follows: To make UAE a world leader in quality of life by

undertaking various strategic objectives and initiatives. To promote an integrated concept of wellbeing, thereby

supporting vision of UAE Vision 2021 and UAECentennial 2071.

China launches Space Rocket from Yellow Sea for 1st timeChina launched a space rocket named “Long March 11” from amobile launch platform in Yellow Sea off Shandong province (China)for the first time. With this China became 3rd nation following theU.S. and Russia to successfully demonstrate ability to launchsatellites into orbit from a floating platform.

African Union suspends Sudan, demanding end to MilitaryRuleThe African Union (AU) suspended Sudan until establishment ofa civilian-led transition to democracy and also demanded to resolvean entrenched and bloody crisis. The decision was taken at AU’speace and Security Council meet in Addis Ababa, (Ethiopia’scapital).

About African Union (AU): It was established in 2002. It is a continental union with

headquarter in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Members: 55 countries located on African continent

(expect territories possessed by European located inAfrica).

Estonia, Niger, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Tunisia, Viet-nam Elected as Non-Permanent Members of UNSC

The UN General Assembly has elected Estonia, Niger,St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Tunisia and Vietnam asthe non-permanent members of UN Security Council fora two year term beginning January 1, 2020.

The Security Council is the most powerful organ of theUN and consists of 15 members including five permanentmembers (China, France, Russian Federation, the UnitedKingdom, and the United States), and 10 non-permanentmembers who are elected for two-year terms by theGeneral Assembly.

Currently, Belgium, Cte d’Ivoire, Dominican Republic,Equatorial Guinea, Germany, Indonesia, Kuwait, Peru,Poland and South Africa. are the non-permanent members.

INDEXIndia Ranks 117th; Iceland Tops in KidsRights Index 2019

India has secured 117th position out of 181 countries inthe KidsRight Index 2019.

It is an annual global index which ranks how countriesadhere to and are equipped to improve children’s rights.

The KidsRights Index is published by the internationalchildren’s rights organization KidsRights and the ErasmusUniversity Rotterdam.

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The Index was released by ‘Save the Children’, a UnitedKingdom (UK) based non-profit organisation whichworks for child rights.

India slipped 5 places to 141 on Global Peace Index 2019 India has slipped by four points in an annual global index

on peacefulness this year, finishing at 141 among 163countries.

Iceland remained at the top position, according to a reportby an international think tank.

The Global Peace Index (GPI) gauges ongoing domesticand international conflict, safety and security in society,and the degree of militarisation in 163 countries andterritories by taking into account 23 indicators.

Iceland remains the most peaceful country in the world,a position it has held since 2008.

Mumbai most vulnerable to cyberattacks: Annual ThreatReport

Acc. to , Quick Heal Security Labs, Mumbai is the mostvulnerable city to cyberattacks in 2019, followed byDelhi, Bengaluru and Kolkata.

The ‘Annual Threat Report 2019’ put Maharashtra,Delhi and West Bengal as the top 3 states at most risk.



The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of

India (IBBI) is the regulator for overseeing

insolvency proceedings and entitiesin India.It was

established on 1 October 2016 and given statutory

powers through the Insolvency and Bankruptcy

Code.The new code will speed up the resolution

process for stressed assets in the country.It attempts

to simplify the process of insolvency and bankruptcy

proceedings. It handles the cases using two tribunals

like NCLT (National company law tribunal) and

Debt recovery tribunal.

IBBI Governing Board:

IBBI will have 10 members, including

representatives from the Ministries of Finance and

Law, and the Reserve Bank of India.

Chairperson-M.S. SahooWholetime Members-Mrs Suman Saxena

Sh.Navrang SainiMrs. MukulitaVijayawargiya

Iceland has topped the international rankings followedby Portugal (2), Switzerland (3), Finland (4) andGermany (5).

India Ranks 43rd in IMD World Competitiveness Rankings2019

India has moved up one place to rank 43rd in the 2019edition of the IMD World Competitiveness Rankings,mainly due to its robust economic growth, a large labourforce and its huge market size.

The index has been topped by Singapore, followed byHong Kong and United States at second and third positionrespectively.

Venezuela ranked last in the index at 63rd.

India’s Global Rank in Mobile Speeds Falls to 121 WhileNorway Tops: Ookla

With an average download speed of 10.71 mbps, theglobal ranking of India’s mobile internet speeds hasdecreased to 121 in April 2019 as compared to 112 inMay 2018.

This report is released by Ookla, the US based companybehind Speedtest in its Speedtest Global Index for April2019.

Norway is at the top position globally with an averagedownload speed of 65.41 Mbps.

Singapore has topped the global rank for fixed broadbandspeed with an average download speed of 197.50 Mbps.

India Ranks 95 in SDG Global Gender Equality Index; Den-mark Tops

India has ranked 95 out of 129 countries in a newSustainable Development Goals Gender Index 2019, thatmeasures global gender equality. India scored 56.2 pointson a scale of 100.

Denmark has topped the index with 89.3 points, followedby Finland (88.8) and Sweden (88.0).

Chad was the lowest ranking country, placed at 129thplace with 33.4 points.

Mumbai has World’s Worst Traffic Flow; Delhi at FourthSpot: TomTom Report

Mumbai has the worst traffic flow in the world andranks first in the ‘Traffic Index-2018’, with a congestionlevel of 65 percent, as per a study compiled by locationtechnology specialist TomTom.

Mumbai has held on to the top rank for the secondconsecutive year. New Delhi is placed fourth in the listwith a congestion of 58 percent.

Bogota (63 percent), Lima (58 percent) and Moscow(56 percent) are the rest three cities in the top five mostcongested cities in the world.

India ranked 113 out of 176 countries in End of ChildhoodIndex 2019

The Index was topped by Singapore.

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Lok Sabha General Elections Results 2019 The election was conducted to elect people’s

representatives for the 17th Lok Sabha. While 22 states and Union Territories saw single-phase

polling in the polls, the states of Bihar, Uttar Pradeshand West Bengal saw polling in all seven phases,considering their huge population and vast geographicalarea.

The BJP-led NDA has returned to power after winningthe 17th Lok Sabha elections with 352 seats, betteringits tally of 336 in 2014 elections.

Important Points to Note: It is the highest mandate since the 1984 Lok Sabha

elections, which Congress won with 414 seats. PM Narendra Modi has become the first non-Congress

Prime Minister to return to power after completing fullterm.

Longest serving CM of any state Pawan KumarChamling-led Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF) lost after25 years to Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM) in thestate Assembly elections.

In the 32-member assembly, SKM gained majority bywinning 17 seats, while SDF won 15.

West Bengal’s ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC) won22 out of 42 seats in the Lok Sabha elections whereasBJP and the Congress won 18 and 2 constituenciesrespectively.

In 2014, TMC’s tally was 34 seats while BJP secured2.For the first time since its formation in 1964; the CPI(M) has won zero seats in general elections in the state.

The BJP won all the 4 seats in Himachal Pradesh, withall its candidates winning by a margin of over 3 lakhvotes each.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the 1st leader sinceIndira Gandhi to return to power with a single-partymajority in Lok Sabha.

His Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has secured303 out of the 542 Lok Sabha seats that werecontested.In 1971; Indira Gandhi led the Congressto victory with a full majority after having donethe same in 1967. A total of 65, 14,558 voters opted for NOTA(None-Of-The-Above) option, in 2019 Lok Sabhaelections.In 2014, as many as 60, 02,942 votershad opted for NOTA. The highest percentage of NOTA was recordedin the state of Bihar with 2% voters(8,17,139)opting for it.In Uttar Pradesh, which has 80 LokSabha seats, 7,25,079 voters opted for NOTA.

Narendra Modi takes oath as PM for secondterm National Democratic Alliance leader NarendraModi was sworn in as Prime Minister for the secondconsecutive term. President Ram Nath Kovindadministered the oath of Office and Secrecy to himand a team of 57 ministers at a glittering ceremony

on the forecourts of the Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi. Besides 24 Cabinet ministers including Amit Shah,

Rajnath Singh, Nirmala Sitharaman, Nitin Gadkari, SmritiIrani, and Piyush Goyal, 9 were sworn in as Minister ofState with Independent charge and another 24 as Ministerof State.

Record 78 women candidates have been elected to theLok Sabha in the recently held general elections.According to the Election Commission, the number hasgrown from the previous 62 women who were elected tothe 16th Lok Sabha in 2014.

BJP launched ‘Vijayi Bharat 2019’ website to commemo-rate PM Modi’s victory in Lok Sabha Elections

Following landslide victory of PM Modi in Lok SabhaElections 2019, BJP launches a new to congratulate him and theparty.

Any aam aadmi can visit this website and can congratulatehim by writing a message along with his name.

Union government has banned Jamaat-ul-MujahideenBangladesh and its manifestations with immediate effect.

In its notifications, Home Ministry said, the Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh and its formations like Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen India or Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Hindustanand their manifestations have committed acts andpromoted acts of terrorism and have been engaged inradicalisation and recruitment of youth for terroristactivities in India.

Government Plans to Merge NSSO & CSO into NSO toStrengthen Statistical System

The Ministry of Statistics and ProgrammeImplementation (MoSPI) has decided to merge theCentral Statistical Organisation (CSO) and the National

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Sample Survey Office (NSSO) to form a new body calledNational Statistical Office (NSO).

NSO would be headed by Secretary Statistics andProgramme Implementation.

NSSO is responsible to release various sample surveyssuch as on consumption expenditure, employment andunemployment, while the CSO releases various data suchas GDP and IIP.

The CSO and the NSSO both are the organs of theMoSPI.

Unemployment rate in India at 6.1% in 2017-18According to a survey conducted by National Sample Survey Office(NSSO) between July 2017 and June 2018 covering 4.3 lakh peoplerevealed that the unemployment rate was about 6.1% in 2017-18,highest in 45 year since 1972-73.

Key points:i. Unemployment was higher in urban areas as compared

to rural.ii. The unemployment rate in rural areas was about 5.3%

while in urban areas it was about 7.8%.iii. 6.2% males and 5.7% females are jobless in India.iv. The unemployment rate is highest amount urban females

at 10.8% followed by urban males at 7.1 % rural males at5.8% and rural females at 3.8 %.

AYUSH Ministry Launched App to Locate Yoga Centres &Instructors

The Ministry of AYUSH has launched a map-basedlocation application named “Yoga Locator” to help peoplein locating yoga events, centres as well as certified yogainstructors within the preferred radius of their vicinity.

The theme for IDY 2019 will be ‘Yoga for Heart’.

Elephanta Festival of Art and Culture Began in MumbaiThe two-days Elephanta Festival of Art and Culture began inMumbai on the Elephanta Island, located adjacent to the ElephantaCave, a World Heritage Site.

Government Forms New ‘Jal Shakti’ Ministry The Modi Government has come up with a new ministry

called the “Jal Shakti”. This ministry has been formed by reorganising the

Ministry of Water Resources, River Development andGanga Rejuvenation, along with Ministry of DrinkingWater and Sanitation.

Jal Shakti Ministry will look over issues ranging frominternational and inter-states water disputes, the NamamiGange project to clean the river, its tributaries and sub-tributaries and provide clean drinking water.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved the reconstitutionof government think-tank NITI Aayog.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has reconstituted thefederal policy think-tank National Institution ofTransforming India (NITI) Aayog by introducing keyCabinet ministers as members as ex-officio members.Thename of Bibek Debroy, who was full-time member whenNiti Aayog was formed, has been dropped.

The reconstituted NITI Aayog comprises the followingmembers:

Chairman: Prime Minister ,Vice Chairperson: RajivKumar

Ex-Officio Members: Amit Shah, Rajnath Singh, NirmalaSitaraman and Narendra Singh Tomar

Special Invitees: Nitin Gadkari, Piyush Goyal, ThawarChand Gehlot and Rao Inderjit Singh

Full-time Members: V. K. Saraswat (former DRDOChief), Ramesh Chand (Agriculture Expert) and Dr. VinodPaul (Public Health expert)

Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Amitabh KantGoverning Council: All Chief Ministers of States (andDelhi and Puducherry), Lieutenant Governor of Andaman& Nicobar Islands, and Special Invites.

Clean Drinking water to all by 2024: Govt of India The minister of Jal Shakti, Gajendra Singh Shekhawat

announced that central Government committed toprovide clean drinking water to all citizens by 2024.

The scheme “Nal se Jal” launched by the Jal Shaktiministry, which aims to provide drinking water by 2024.

Culture Minister inaugurated the exhibition-‘Astitva’ MoS (I/C) of Culture & Tourism, inaugurated the

exhibition titled “Astitva: The Essence of PrabhakarBarwe”, at National Gallery of Modern Art in New Delhi.

It is the first of its kind that will present his artisticoeuvre in four distinct phases.

ISRO for 1st time opens its laboratories for Indian schoolstudentsThe Indian Space Research Organization ISRO has, for the firsttime, opened its laboratories for Indian school students to undergotwo-week training from this year. The training module has beendevised as part of its new Young Scientists Programme, orYuvaVigyanikKaryakram, YUVIKA.

Election Commission grants national party status to NPPThe Election Commission of India granted the National party statusto National People’s Party(NPP) led by Meghalaya Chief MinisterConrad K. Sangma. It becomes the first Party from North Eastregion to get this tag. With this tag, it becomes the eighth nationalparty in the country among All India Trinamool Congress, BharatiyaJanata Party (BJP), BSP, CPI, Communist Party of India (Marxist),Indian National Congress (INC) and NCP parties.

I&B Ministry institutes Antarashtriya Yoga Diwas MediaSamman(AYDMS)

Acknowledging the positive role & responsibility of mediain disseminating the outreach of Yoga in India & abroad,Minister for I & B,Prakash Javadekar has instituted the1st Antarashtriya Yoga Diwas Media Samman to markthe contribution of media.

A total of 33 awards will be conferred grouped into 3categories namely Newspaper (11), Television (11) andRadio (11).

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Government Approved Farmers Pension Scheme ‘PradhanMantri Kisan Pension Yojana’

It is a voluntary and contributory pension scheme tocover all small and marginal farmers across the country.

A similar scheme has also been approved for smallshopkeepers, self-employed persons and retail traderswith GST turnover of Rs 1.5 crore.

Salient Features of the scheme: Minimum age to join the scheme- 18,Maximum age – 40

PM Kisan Pension Scheme Farmers will have to contribute Rs 100 per month under

the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Pension Yojana that seeks toprovide a minimum fixed monthly pension of Rs 3,000on the attainment of 60 years.

The central government will also contribute an equalamount to the pension fund to be managed by the LIC,which will be responsible for the pension payout.

The Modi 2.0 government in its first cabinet meeting hadapproved a separate pension scheme for farmers with anaim to cover 5 crore beneficiaries in the first three years.

Modi Government Extends Pradhan Mantri Kisan SammaanYojana to All Farmers

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister NarendraModi has approved the extension of Prime MinisterKisan Sammaan Yojana to all farmers, benefiting around14 crore 50 lakh farmers of the country.

Previously, this benefit was applicable to only thosefarmers having 2 hectacre land.

PM Modi Approves Hike in Scholarship Rate Under NDF;Extends Scholarship to Martyred State Police Officials Ward

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved an increasein the rates of scholarship in the ‘Prime Minister’s

Scholarship Scheme’ under the National DefenceFund (NDF). Rates of scholarship for boys increased fromRs. 2000 per month to Rs. 2500 per month. Rates of scholarship for girls increased fromRs. 2250 per month to Rs. 3000 per month forgirls. Under National Defence Fund, major scheme,Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme is beingimplemented to encourage technical and post-graduate education for the widows and wards ofthe deceased/ex-service personnel of Armed Forcesand Para Military Forces and Railway ProtectionForce.

Rajasthan Govt increases financial aid givento girls under ‘Aapki Beti Scheme’ The Rajasthan govt increased the financialassistance given to girls under ‘Aapki Beti’ Schemeas well as the ex-gratia payment given to the familiesof polling personnel who die during election duty. The amount has been increased from Rs 1100

to Rs 2100 for girls studying in class 1-8 & from Rs 1500to Rs 2500 for the girls in class 9-12.

Telangana increased the financial assistance given underRythu Bndhu SchemeThe Telangana CM K Chandrashekhar Rao increased the financialassistance given to agriculture and horticulture farmers under RythuBndhu Scheme (Investment Support Scheme) from Rs 4,000 to Rs5,000.

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US withdraws India’s GSP benefits The United States of America (USA) President Donald

Trump terminated India’s designation as a beneficiarydeveloping nation under the GSP (Generalized Systemof Preference) trade program w.e.f. 5 June 2019.

The step was taken on determining that India has notcommitted to provide “equitable and reasonable accessto its markets” for the US.

Under the US’s oldest preferential trade scheme calledGSP, India is the largest beneficiary nation and exportedgoods worth $6.35 billion under the scheme in 2018.

The Generalized System of Preferences are unilateral,non-reciprocal and non-discriminatory benefits extendedby some developed nations to developing countries.

Sri Lanka Signs Tripartite Agreement with India and Japanfor Colombo Port

The Government of Sri Lanka has signed a tripartiteagreement with India and Japan for development ofeastern terminal of Colombo port.

Under the agreement, Sri Lanka Port Authority (SLPA)will hold 51 percent majority stake in the portdevelopment while combined stake of 49 percent will beheld by Japan and India.

The East Container Terminal is located some 3 km awayfrom China-backed international financial city, popularlyknown as “Port City” which is being built on reclaimedland on Colombo’s sea front.

India extends financial aid to Nepal for rebuilding earth-quake-hit houses

India extended a financial aid of 1.6billion NepaleseRupees (NPR) to Nepal government for rebuilding

earthquake-hit houses in two district namelyNuwakot and Gorkha that were most hit. This sustained and generous humanitariansupport extended by India for post-earthquakereconstruction was appreciated by Nepal.ManjeevSingh Puri, India’s ambassador to Nepal handedover financial aid cheque to Rajan Khanal, FinanceSecretary of Nepal So far a total of Rs 4.5 billion Nepalese rupeeshave been granted Nepal to India under housingreconstruction projects.

India–China6th India-China Bilateral Dialogue on Disarmamentand Non-Proliferation and arms control was heldin New Delhi.

India, US, Japan and Australia for ASEAN-ledarchitecture mechanismIndia, US, Japan, and Australia came together to

support ASEAN-led architecture mechanism for a rule-based orderto promote free, open, prosperous and inclusive indo-pacific regionin a meeting held at Bangkok, Thailand. This move is to counterChina’s military expansion into the Indo-pacific region.ASEAN is an association of 10 countries which include – Singapore,Brunei, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam,Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar.Headquarters – Jakarta, Indonesia.Secretary general – Lim Jock Hoi

India & Portugal to set up National Maritime Heritage Mu-seum in LothalGovernment of India announced that it will join hands with Portugalto set up maritime museum near ancient Harappans civilization atLothal in Gujarat. It will be a similar model of the museum whichis at Lisbon, Portugal administered by the Portuguese Navy.

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Mukhyamantri Vriddha Pension Yojna launched in Biharfor Poor citizen above 60 years

Nitish Kumar, the Chief Minister of Bihar has launcheda pension scheme for poor people above 60 years of agein the state named Mukhyamantri Vriddha Pension Yojna.

As per the Scheme, Poor people above 60 years of agewill get Rs 400 per month and those above 80 years willget Rs 500 per month.

J&K Govt Unveils Healthcare Investment Policy-2019 toPromote Medical Tourism

The Jammu and Kashmir Government has unveiledHealthcare Investment Policy-2019 to boost healthcareinfrastructure in the state.

Under the Healthcare Investment Policy-2019 the stateGovernment will promote and encourage the privateparties and entrepreneurs for healthcare infrastructure inthe state by providing subsidies and incentives.

Aroma Mission Launched in Meghalaya The Chief Minister of Meghalaya, Conrad K Sangma

launched the Aroma Mission and Processing Unit ofEssential Oil at Byrwa in Ri-Bhoi district to boostAgriculture and allied sector in the state.

The Aroma mission has been launched for Rs 18 crore tostrengthen the livelihood condition of farmers and createemployment opportunities in the state.

Assam Govt Raises Parental Income Limit Under Fee WaiverScheme

Assam has enhanced the annual income limit of parentswhose children are eligible for the state government’sadmission fee waiver scheme up to Post Graduate level.

Under the revised scheme, students whose parent’sannual income is less than Rs 2 lakh will be eligible forwaived admission fees. Earlier this limit was Rs 1 lakh.


The Madhya Pradesh cabinet passed a resolu-tion to increase the reservation quota for OtherBackward Classes from 14% to 27%.This is set to take the total reservation in the stateto 63%, including the reservations for the ScheduledCastes and the Scheduled Tribes. However, 10%quota for the economically weaker sections takesthe total to 73%.

Karnataka Government Launches “PinkSarathi vehicles”The state government of Karnataka launched “PinkSarathi vehicles” for women safety. This waslaunched by the Chief Minister of Karnataka,H.D.Kumaraswamy. The vehicles were procured bythe Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation(BMTC) under the ‘Nirbhaya’ scheme.

Goa cabinet approved 10% reservation for eco-nomically weaker section in general categoryThe Goa state cabinet approved 10 % reservationfor economically weaker sections of general category

in education and employment.

Assam govt to set up Skill University at Darrang districtAssam government will set up a Skill University at the cost of 850crore rupees at Darrang district. This will be perhaps the first skilluniversity of the country with a capacity of 10 thousand seats.

Unemployed Graduates To Get Up To Rs 3,500 In RajasthanUnemployed youth having graduation or equivalent degree will begiven unemployment allowance by Rajasthan government. Maleapplicants will get Rs 3,000/month, while the women anddifferently-abled will get Rs 3,500/month under Chief MinisterYuva Sambal Yojana from February this year. The applicants mustbe natives of Rajasthan and the amount will be given for two yearsor until they get employed.

Rajasthan Government banned advertisement and sale of e-cigarettes

On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day(May 31),Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot announced theban on advertisement, production, distribution and onlineor offline sale of e-cigarettes in the state. This was a partof Congress party’s manifesto for Elections 2019.

It has increased the financial assistance given to schoolgirls under the ‘Aapki Beti’ scheme. For girls studying inclass 1 to 8, it is hiked to Rs. 2,100 from Rs. 1,100 andfor the girls in class 9 to 12, its hiked to Rs. 2,500 fromRs. 1,500.

Along with this, the hike has been given in ex-gratiapayment to the families of polling personnel who diedduring election duty. It has been increased to Rs. 20 lakhfrom Rs. 15 lakh.

Punjab to ban Online Food Delivery without Hygiene Rating

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counterpart to the ‘Man Booker Prize’ that isawarded only for English-language novels. Oman author Jokha Alharthi won theprestigious ‘Man Booker International Prize2019’ for her novel “Celestial Bodies”. With this, Alharthi became the first Arabic-language writer to win the prize and the first femalewriter from Oman to have her work translatedinto English. The 2018 winner of the prestigious prize wasnovel ‘Flights’ by Polish author Olga Tokarczuk.

Shyam Saran to be Conferred Japan’s Orderof the Rising Sun Former Indian foreign secretary Shyam Saran(72-years) has been chosen to be conferred withJapan’s second highest national award in its 2019Spring Imperial Decorations Mr. Saran will be awarded ‘the Order of theRising Sun, Gold and Silver Star’ for hiscontributions to strengthen the strategic ties andenhancing mutual understanding between India and

Japan. ‘The Order of the Rising Sun’ is a Japanese government

honour established in 1875 by Emperor Meiji.

‘Celestial Bodies’ wins Man Booker International Prize 2019 The Man Booker International Prize, an international

literary award hosted in the United Kingdom, is a

Punjab has announced that it is going to ban online food deliverywithout hygiene ratings. This was announced by the health ministerBrahm Mohindra under Tandarust Punjab mission.

Free rides scheme for women’s in DelhiChief Minister of Delhi, Arvind Kejriwal has announced free ridesin Delhi metro and Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) for womento ensure safety and make transport with higher fare affordable.This project will cost Rs 700 crores to the Delhi government. Thissubsidy is to be optional and planned to be implemented in two orthree months.

Haryana High court declares of entire animal kingdom as‘legal entities’The Haryana High court (HC) declared the entire animal kingdom,including avian and aquatic, as a legal entity having rights of a livingperson. The verdict of Punjab and Haryana HC comes a year afterUttarakhand HC passed similar order to protect and promote greaterwelfare of animals.

Haryana Govt Withdraws EPBG Quota for accommodatingEWS reservationsHaryana government has issued an order to withdraw EconomicallyBackward Persons in General Caste Category (EBPG) reservationsince Economically Weaker Sections reservation (EWS) came intoeffect. EWS comes under Constitution 124th Amendment Bill,2019 passed by the parliament to allow 10% reservation foreconomically backward sections in the general category ingovernment jobs and academic institutions in January 2019.

Andhra Pradesh CM appoints 5 Deputy CMs in Cabinet

Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister(CM) Jagan Mohan Reddyappointed 5 Deputy CMs in a full 25-member Cabinet,one eachfrom Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Backward Classes(BC), Minority and Kapu communities.

Annual festival of Kheer Bhawani Mela celebrated in J&KAnnual festival of Kheer Bhawani Mela on Zeasht Ashtami wascelebrated in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). Hundreds of KashmiriPandit devotees assembled and prayed at the famous Ragnya Devitemple in Ganderbal district in J&K. It is one of the biggest religiousfunctions of the Kashmiri Pandits.

Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh requested PrimeMinister to declare 550th Parkash Parb as National Toler-ance DayPunjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh has requested PrimeMinister Narendra Modi to declare the 550th Guru Nanak PrakashPurab as National Tolerance Day cited the Sikhism founder’smessage of love and compassion.Parkash Utsav of Guru Nanak Dev( also known as Guru NanakJayanti), celebrates the birth of the first Sikh Guru and SindhiCommunity Guru Nanak.

WHO award for Rajasthan Health Dept.WHO has selected the Rajasthan government’s Medical & HealthDepartment for its award this year in recognition of its achievementsin the field of tobacco control. It is the only govt. body in Indiawhich will be awarded for its tobacco-free initiatives.

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Kapil Sharma is the most viewed stand-up comedian in Indiaand AbroadComedian-actor Kapil Sharma (38-years) has been acknowledgedas the most viewed stand-up comedian in India and abroad by theWorld book of Records London.

Indra Nooyi receives an honorary degree from Yale Univer-sityFormer PepsiCo chairman and CEO Indra Nooyi was presentedwith an honorary degree by the prestigious Yale University. In2006, Nooyi became the first woman to helm the global food andbeverage giant PepsiCo.

Sunny Pawar won ‘Best Child Actor’ at DFW South AsianFilm FestivalAfter a big win at the New York Indian Film Festival, ‘Lion’ fameSunny Pawar won the ‘Best Child Actor’ award for ‘Chippa’ at the5th DFW South Asian Film Festival. The 11-year-old boy Sunnyshot to fame with Australian director Garth Davis’ acclaimed 2016film ‘Lion’ for which he won an AACTA award.

Statue of Unity Enters 2019 World Architecture News AwardsThe world’s tallest statue, Statue of Unity, in Gujarat, constructedby Larsen & Toubro, has entered the globally-acclaimed 2019 WorldArchitecture News (WAN) Awards. The statue has been designedby Maharashtra’s legendary architect Ram V Sutar.

Guy Gunaratne Wins 2019 Dylan Thomas Prize for HisNovel ‘In Our Mad and Furious City’The British-Sri Lankan writer and human-rights documentary film-maker, Guy Gunaratne, has won the £30,000 Swansea UniversityInternational Dylan Thomas Prize 2019 for his debut novel In OurMad and Furious City.

Playwright and Journalist Annie Zaidi wins Nine Dots Prize2019Indian playwright and journalist Annie Zaidi has been named forthe 2019 Nine Dots Prize for her essay Bread, Cement, Cactus.The book will be published by Cambridge University Press inMay 2020.The 40-year-old Annie is Mumbai based Freelancewriter.The Nine Dots Prize is a global book prize for creative thinkingthat tackles contemporary societal issues. Entrants for the prizeare asked to respond to a question in 3,000 words.

Ex-President Pratibha Patil Receives Mexico’s Highest Ci-vilian HonourFormer President of India, Pratibha Patil, was conferred with the“Orden Mexicana del Aguila Azteca” (Order of the Aztec Eagle),the highest civilian award of Mexico given to foreigners.

85-year-old Patil is the first Indian women to have servedas the President of India (2007-2012).

She is also the first Indian female and only the secondIndian to get the Mexico’s civilian award, the first beinglate President S Radhakrishna.

Frank Layden receives the 2019 Chuck Daly LifetimeAchievement Award

The National Basketball Coaches Association announced, FrankLayden as the recipient of 2019 Chuck Daly Lifetime AchievementAward.

Actress Sheela wins prestigious J C Daniel AwardThe Kerala government’s highest honour for outstandingcontribution to Malayalam cinema named J C Daniel Award wonby Malayalam actress Sheela J.C.

Sunder Pichai, Nasdaq’s Friedman to receive 2019 GlobalLeadership AwardIndia-born Google’s CEO Sunadar Pichai & Nasdaq President AdenaFriedman have been chosen for the prestigious Global LeadershipAwards 2019 by business advocacy group USIBC in recognitionof the two companies’ contribution as the leading technology-driven platforms.

Maldives conffered highest civilian award on PM Modi PM Modi was conferred with the Maldives’ highest

civilian award, the Order of the Distinguished Rule ofIzzudeen. The award is in recognition of services PMModi has offered to cement the longstanding ties b/w 2countries & for the magnanimous assistance.

President of Maldives - Ibrahim Mohamed Solih,Capital:Male ,Currency :Rufiyaa

Climate activist Greta Thunberg wins Amnesty human rightsawardSwedish teenage activist Greta Thunberg (16), has won the AmnestyInternational’s, “Ambassador of conscience” for fighting againstthe peril of global warming.

Former U.S President Jimmy Carter to be honored with H.W. Bush Award for Statesmanship

Ex-President of United States of America (USA), JimmyCarter (94) has won the inaugural George H. W. BushAward.

He was awarded in recognition of his contributions torelations between the U.S. and China.

It is given to people who made great contributions to thedevelopment of constructive and mutually beneficialrelations between the U.S and China.

T-Series CMD Bhushan Kumar receives Guinness WorldRecords certificateThe CMD of India’s biggest music label T-Series, Bhushan Kumarhas received the Guinness World Records certificate as T-Seriesbecame the “First YouTube Channel to surpass 100 millionsubscribers”.

Veteran English Author Amitav Ghosh Conferred 54thJnanpith awardThe noted English writer Amitav Ghosh has conferred the 54thJnanpith award for the year 2018 in New Delhi for his outstandingcontribution towards literature in English.

Dell tops the list of most trusted brand in India, while Ama-zon is most trusted Internet Brand: TRA Research 2019

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WORLDNigeria’s Ambassador to the UN Tijjani Muhammad-BandeElected 74th UNGA President

The Nigerian Ambassador to the United Nations, TijjaniMuhammad-Bande, has been elected as the president ofthe 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly(UNGA).

According to the report “Brand Trust Report, 2019”, byTrust Research Advisory (TRA), Dell tops the list asthe most trusted brand for 2019 in India.

It is followed by automobile brand Jeep and LIC (LifeInsurance Corporation of India).

Suman Rao from Rajasthan Crowned Miss India 2019 Suman Rao, a CA student from Rajasthan, has won the

Femina Miss India World 2019 beauty pageant held atthe Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Indoor Stadium in Mumbai.

Suman will now represent India at Miss World 2019 tobe held in December in Thailand.

She was crowned by Miss India 2018 Anukreethy Vasfrom Tamil Nadu.

Other winners include : Shivani Jadhav (Chhattisgarh) – Miss Grand India 2019 Shreya Shanker (Bihar) – Miss India United Continents

2019 Sanjana Vij (Telangana) – Miss India Runner Up 2019

Akshay Patra’s school meals project won BBC Award Bengaluru-based NGO, Akshaya Patra, has been awarded

the BBC World Service Global Champion Award forrunning one of the world’s largest school meals project.

The charity started its mid-day meal programme almost20 years ago.

It feeds 1.75 million children all over India with hot,freshly prepared meals.

Two Tamil writers got SahityaAkademi awards Writers Sabarinathan and Devi Nachiappan have been

conferred SahityaAkademi’sYuvaPuraskar andBalSahityaPuraskar awards for 2019.

Sabarinathan has been awarded for his poetry collection‘Vaal (Tail)’ published in 2016.Sabarinathan, who hailsfrom Kazhugumalai in Thoothukudi district, has so farpublished two poetry collections. His first collectiontitled KalamKaalamAatam was published in 2011

Nachiappan has received the award for her contributionsto children’s literature.

The SahityaAkademi Award is the second-highest literaryhonor in India. The SahityaAkademi, India’s NationalAcademy of Letters, aims at “promoting Indian literaturethroughout the world”. The Akademi annually conferson writers of “the most outstanding books of literarymerit”.

NEWS IN BRIEF Amasebailu in Kundapura Taluk of Udupi district has

been named as the Karnataka’s first solar-powered GramPanchayat.

Priyanka Chopra to Receive Humanitarian Award fromUNICEF.

Social activist Makarand Tilloo conferred with ‘SaveWater Hero Award’.

The 61-year-old succeeds Ecuardorian María FernandaEspinosa Garcés whose year long tenure ended on June5, 2019. The 74th session of the 193-member UN GeneralAssembly (UNGA 74) will begin on 17 September 2019.ZuzanaCaputova: Anti-corruption campaignerZuzanaCaputova was sworn in as Slovakia’s first femalepresident.Slovakia (Capital/Currency) – Bratislava/EuroVolodymyr Zelenskiy: Volodymyr Zelenskiy took theoath of office as the president of Ukraine and immediatelyannounced that he is dissolving the Verkhovna Rada, thecountry’s parliament.Jimmy Morales: He is a former comic actor who wonthe 2015 Guatemalan presidential election.Guatemala (Capital/Currency)- Guatemala City/ QuetzalCyril Ramaphosa : South African lawmakers have re-elected Cyril Ramaphosa as the president of the country.James Marape : A former finance minister, JamesMarape has been sworn in as the 8th Prime Minister ofPapua New Guinea by the National Parliament.

Peter Mutharika: The President of Malawi, Peter Mutharika hasbeen elected to a second term in office as president after winningthe 2019 elections with 38.57% of the vote.Gianni Infantino : Gianni Infantino has been re-elected aspresident of world football governing body FIFA for a secondterm. The 49-year-old Swiss-Italian lawyer will be incharge for aperiod of four years until 2023.

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Nayib Bukele : In the Central American country of El Salvador,Nayib Bukele has been sworn-in as the nation’s President.Prayuth Chan-ocha : Retired Army general Prayuth Chan-ocha,has been elected as the Thailand’s Prime Minister by both thehouses of parliament .

INDIANripendra Mishra: Nripendra Misra and PK Mishra were re-appointed as Principal Secretary and Additional Principal Secretary,respectively, to Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Cabinetminister rank. The Appointments Committee of the Cabinetapproved both the appointments with effect from May 31.Ajit Doval: Ajit Doval, who served as the NSA to Prime MinisterNarendra Modi in the previous NDA government, will continue inhis role for another five years with cabinet rank.Rajiv Mehrishi : CAG of India Rajiv Mehrishi has been electedas external auditor of WHO for four years from 2020 to 2023.Rajiv Mehrishi will take over from the incumbent External Auditorof WHO, the Supreme Audit Institution of Philippines.Pema Khandu : Senior BJP leader Pema Khandu was sworn- in asthe Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh for a second term.Naveen Patnaik : Naveen Patnaik, took oath as the Chief Ministerof Odisha in Bhubaneswar for the consecutive fifth time. Patnaikis only the third Indian chief Minister after Pawan Chamling andJyoti Basu to win five consecutive terms as Chief Minister of anIndian state.Prem Singh Golay: Prem Singh Golay shown as New ChiefMinister of Sikkim.Jaganmohan Reddy : YSR Congress Party Leader YS JaganmohanReddy took oath as the new Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh.Anita Bhatia: Indian-origin Anita Bhatia, a veteran in strategicpartnerships, resource mobilization and management, has beenappointed the Deputy Executive Director of the UN Women forResource Management, Sustainability and Partnerships.Mohana Singh: Flight Lieutenant Mohana Singh has become thefirst woman fighter pilot to fly by day a Hawk advanced jet aircraft.She achieved the feat at the Kalaikunda Air Force Station in WestBengal.Arun Kumar: Arun Kumar, a member of the prestigious IAScadre, has been given the additional charge of DGCA.Kumar, whocurrently holds the position of an additional secretary at the aviationministry. He will succeed B S Bhullar.Shailesh Tinaikar: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres hasappointed a decorated Indian Army officer as the new ForceCommander of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan.Justice Dhirubhai Naranbhai Patel : Justice Dhirubhai NaranbhaiPatel was sworn in as Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court.LtGovernor Anil Baijal administered the oath of office to JusticePatel. Earlier, Justice Patel was posted at the Jharkhand High Court.Thawarchand Gehlot: Union Minister Thawarchand Gehlot hasbeen appointed as the Leader of the Rajya Sabha. The appointmentfor the Leader of the Rajya Sabha is made by the party in power atthe Centre.Union minister for Railways Piyush Goyal has been appointedthe deputy leader of Rajya SabhaPadmaja : The Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India,announced the appointment of Ms. Padmaja as the next HighCommissioner of India to the Republic of Tuvalu.

D Sarangi : Debendranath Sarangi has been re-elected as presidentof Squash Rackets Federation of India (SRFI).Himanta B. Sharma : The Badminton Asia Council (BAC) haselected the President of Badminton Association of India (BAI),Himanta Biswa Sarma, as the Vice-President of BAC.Atul Kumar Jain : Vice Admiral Atul Kumar Jain has taken overas the new Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief (FOC-in-C), EasternNaval Command (ENC) from Vice Admiral Karambir Singh.Karambir Singh : Admiral Karambir Singh took charge as the24th Chief of the Naval Staff. He is the 1st helicopter pilot fromthe Indian Navy to lead the naval armed forces.‘Cyclone man’ Mrutyunjay Mohapatra: Renowned scientistand cyclone warning specialist Mrutyunjay Mohapatra wasappointed as the chief of IMD. He has been appointed as DG ofMeteorology, IMD, for a period of 5 years.Sharad Kumar: Sharad Kumar has been named as acting CentralVigilance Commissioner as current (CVC) K V Chowdarycompleted his tenure at the anti-graft body.Virendra Kumar: Virendra Kumar, a seven-term member ofParliament was the pro-tem speaker of the Lok Sabha.

BANKING AND CORPORATER K Chibber: The Jammu and Kashmir government removed J&KBank Chairman Parvez Ahmad and appointed its executive presidentR K Chibber as an interim chairman.Suresh Kumar: US-based retail chain Walmart has appointedSuresh Kumar, an IIT Madras graduate and former Googleexecutive, as chief technology officer and chief development officer.Sachin Bansal: Ujjivan Small Finance Bank has appointed Flipkartfounder Sachin Bansal as its independent director. This is the secondbig futuristic move by Ujjivan management after it roped in HDFCBank’s digital banking head Nitin Chugh as its next chief executive.N. Gopalaswami : Former Chief Election Commissioner NGopalaswami has been appointed as an electoral officer for theBCCI’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), to be held on October22, 2019.Neelendra Singh : Adidas India has appointed Neelendra Singhas the general manager of the company. He will report to DaveThomas, managing director of Emerging Markets at Adidas. Hefirst joined Adidas in India in 2005.Ajay Singh : SpiceJet’s Chairman and MD Ajay Singh was electedto the board of the IATA, after the airline joined the global grouping.Laxman Narasimhan: British consumer goods giant ReckittBenckiser named PepsiCo executive Laxman Narasimhan to succeedRakesh Kapoor as chief executive officer. Narasimhan, PepsiCo’sglobal chief commercial officer, will join Reckitt as CEO-designateand be appointed to the board on July 16. He will become groupCEO on September 1.Rakesh Makhija: RBI has approved appointment of RakeshMakhija as chairman of Axis bank. The board of the bank in Marchhad approved appointment of Makhija as chairman subject to RBIclearance.

MISCELLANEOUSChandrani Murmu: 25-Year Old Chandrani Murmu,the candidateof Biju Janata Dal from the Keonjhar seat in Odisha became theyoungest MP in India’s history. She defeated the two-time BJPMP Ananta Nayak and claimed the Keonjhar constituency.

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Italy’s Volcano Mount Etna erupts on Island of SicilyEurope’s Highest Volcano Mount Etna, in southern Italy eruptedwith burst into life, spews ash, fire, and spitting molten lava highinto sky.This is 2019’s first eruption as the volcano on island ofSicily previously erupted in December 2018.

About Mount Etna With an elevation of 3,326 m (10,912 ft), it is the highest

peak in Italy (south of Alps) and is the highest activevolcano in Europe outside the Caucasus.

It is also the largest of the three active volcanoes in Italy,other being Mount Vesuvius, near Naples and MountStromboli, one of the Aeolian Islands. It is about 2.5times the height of the next largest, Mount Vesuvius.

It is an active strato volcano and is located on the eastcoast of Sicily, Italy, in the Metropolitan City of Catania.

Bancha, The First Solar Kitchen Only VillageIn IndiaBancha in Betul district is the first village in India tohave zero wooden stoves and almost no use for LPGcylinders with all its 75 houses relying on solar-powered stoves to meet their cooking needs.

Central India got its First Sikh Museum inRaipur, ChhattisgarhCentral India got its First Sikh Museum in Raipur,Chhattisgarh. The museum Shri Guru Teg BahadurSikh Museum is located at Gurudwara GurusinghSabha in Guru Nanak Nagar.

Shillong got its first ever orchidariumIn order to enhance the growth of eco-tourism, theInstitute of Bio-Resources and SustainableDevelopment (IBSD) opened state-of-the-artorchidarium in Upper Shillong. The orchidarium whichwas constructed within a span of three months hasover 20 varieties of orchids which are found in

Meghalaya and its neighboring states.

Volcano erupts in the Indonesian island of BaliA volcano on the Indonesian island of Bali, Mount Agung erupted.Mount Agung spewed a plume of ash and smoke more than 2,000metres into the sky.

Chile’s Puerto Williams Overtakes Argentina’s Ushuaia toBecome World’s Southernmost City

Puerto Williams, a small settlement on Navarino Islandin Chile has claimed the title of the world’s southernmostcity.

This achievement was made after the Chile authoritiesupgraded to the category of Puerto Williams from“hamlet” to “city”.Until now, the title was held byUshuaia, city in Argentina.

Dighi Port chief Vijay Kalantri declared wilful defaulter byBank of Baroda

Vijay Goverdhandas Kalantri, chairman and managingdirector of Dighi Port has been declared willful defaulterby Bank of Baroda.

Vijay Goverdhandas Kalantri, chairman and managingdirector of Dighi Port, and his son Vishal Kalantri, adirector of the port, owe approximately Rs 3,334 croreto a consortium of 16 Indian banks led by Bank of India.

Wipro founder Azim Premji to retire next month, son Rishadto take over

Azim Premji, the founder of Wipro Limited, will retireas Executive Chairman upon the completion of his currentterm on July 30, 2019.

The son of Azim Premji, Rishad Premji, presently theChief Strategy Officer and Member of the Board, willtake over as the Executive Chairman.

OBITUARIES The Godfather’ Actor Carmine Caridi Passed Away Former PM of Thailand Prem Tinsulanonda Passed Away Bengali singer Ruma Guha Thakurta passed away Rajasthani folk dancer ‘Queen Harish’ passed away Veteran actor Dinyar Contractor passed away Noted actor, filmmaker and playwright Girish Karnad

passed away due to health issues on June 10, 2019.In1998, he received the Jnanpith Award, the highest literaryhonour conferred in India along with Padmashree &Padma Bhusan.

Crazy Mohan, an Indian actor, comedian, screenwriterand playwright, has passed away.

R.V. Janakiraman, former Puducherry Chief Minister andDMK leader has passed away.

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The southernmost city in the world is mainly a sloganused for tourism to attract visitors to a city.

India’s first Dinosaur Museum inaugurated in GujaratGujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani inaugurated the new DinosaurMuseum-cum-Park at Raiyoli village in Balasinor town of Mahisagardistrict.This is the first such park in the country and also theworld’s third park which exhibits remains of various dinosaurs andfossil records.

ASI declared Chaukhandi Stupa as Monument of NationalImportanceArchaeological Survey of India (ASI) has declared ChaukhandiStupa as a “Monument of national importance”. The ancientBuddhist site situated in Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh.Chaukhandi stupawas a terraced temple constructed between 4th to 6th century ofthe Gupta period.

Helo becomes team Sponsor of Indian Wheelchair CricketAssociation for Asia Cup 2019

Helo, India’s social media platform, has announced itspartnership with the Indian Wheelchair CricketAssociation as the team sponsor for Team India duringthe Asia Cup 2019, which is to be held in Nepal.

India Bagged 57 Medals at India Open International BoxingTournament

The Second India Open International Boxing Tournamentwas held at Karmabir Nabin Chandra Bordoloi IndoorStadium in Guwahati .

India has claimed total 57 medals including 12 Gold, 18Silver and 27 Bronze.

China Defeated Japan to Claim 2019 Sudirman Cup China beat Japan in the 16th edition of the Sudirman

Cup 2019 in Nanning, China by 3-0 to win thetournament.

They beat Japan in men’s doubles, women’s singles andmen’s singles to clinch the title for an 11th time.

Mahesh Mangaonkar wins Sekisui Open Squash Tourna-ment

Professional Indian Squash player MaheshMangaonkar has defeated Spain’s Bernat Jaume toclinch the 2019 Sekisui Open title in Kriens,Switzerland.

ISSF World Cup begins in Germany International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF)World Cup will begin at Munich, Germany. A totalof 919 athletes from 98 countries will be competingfor the 17 Tokyo Olympics quota places available.India has 5 quota places in Rifle & Pistolcompetitions. Indian shooter Apurvi Chandela beat WangLuyao of China to win gold in women’s 10m air rifleevent of the ISSF World Cup in Munich.

Criiio Campaign Launched by ICC to Celebrate2019 Men’s World Cup The International Cricket Council (ICC) haslaunched Criiio campaign on the eve of the ICC Men’sCricket World Cup 2019. The campaign aims to bring together hundreds

of millions of fans from around the world and celebratethe magnificent diversity of cricket.

Chelsea beat Arsenal 4-1 to win UEFA Europa League English football club Chelsea beat Arsenal 4-1 to win the

UEFA Europa League final at the Olympic Stadium inBaku, Azerbaijan.

2019 ICC Cricket World Cup Begins; Sachin TendulkarMakes Commentary Debut

The 12th edition of the Cricket World Cup, known asthe ICC Cricket World Cup England & Wales 2019 beganand will continue upto 14 July 2019. The matches willbe hosted by England and Wales.

Pakistan to host 2020 Asia Cup Pakistan will host the 15th edition of the 2020 Asia Cup

cricket tournament (in September 2020). India had defeated Bangladesh in the final of the previous

edition held in the United Arab of Emirates (UAE). ACC also reaffirmed its stand to include cricket in the

2022 Asian Games scheduled in Hangzhou, China. The 2018 Asia Cup (14th - edition) was a One-Day

International (ODI) cricket tournament that was held inthe United Arab Emirates in September 2018.

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Rani Rampal to lead Indian Women Hockey squad for FIHSeries Finals

Hockey India named an 18-member Indian team for theupcoming FIH Women’s Series Finals starting inHiroshima, Japan on the 15th of next month.

Indian women’s team is grouped in Pool A along withPoland, Uruguay and Fiji.

Pool B features 18th Asian Games Gold Medallist Japan,Chile, Russia and Mexico. India will begin their campaignon an opening day against Uruguay.

FIH Hockey Series Japan defeat Mexico International Hockey Federation (FIH) Men’s Hockey

Series Finals match played at Kalinga Stadium inBhubaneswar.

Japan defeated Mexico by a goal margin of 3 – 1. FIH – Founded (7 January 1924) Headquarters

(Lausanne, Switzerland) President (Narinder Batra)

FIFA women’s world cup starts in France The 8th edition of the FIFA Women’s World Cup was

hed in France. The United States enter the tournament as the defending

champions & the most decorated national team inWomen’s World Cup history with 3 titles.

French Open 2019 The 123rd Edition of French Open 2019, a Grand Slam

Tennis Tournament was held at the Stade Roland Garrosin Paris, France.

Winners listEvents Winners

Men’s Singles Rafael Nadal(Spain)

Women’s Singles Ashleigh Barty(Australia)

Men’s Doubles Andreas Mies&KevinKrawietz(Germany)

Women’s Doubles Tímea Babos(Hungary)&KristinaMladenovic(France)

Mixed Doubles Latisha Chan(Taiwan) &IvanDodig(Croatia)

Yuvraj Singh announced retirement from internationalcricket

Yuvraj Singh 2011 World Cup hero announced retirementfrom international cricket. Yuvraj Singh had played hislast Test in 2012 and ODI and T20 in 2017.

In total, Yuvraj Singh featured in 40 Tests, 304 ODIs and58 T20Is.

Yuvraj Singh played his last test match in December2012 against England, last ODI in June 2017 againstWest Indies and last T20 in February 2017 againstEngland.

Lewis Hamilton won Canadian Grand Prix

Lewis Hamilton claimed his seventh Canadian Grand Prix win afterrival Sebastian Vettel was hit with a controversial five secondpenalty.

India ranked 101 in latest FIFA rankings; Belgium tops India has been ranked at 101st spot in the football FIFA

rankings for June 2019. The ranking has been topped byBelgium.France is on second followed by Brazil on third.

IAAF to Rebrand as World Athletics The world athletics’ governing body, International

Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), hasapproved plans to rebrand itself as World Athletics.

Malaysian Badminton legend, Lee Chong Wei announcesretirement

Peter Gilchrist lifted Pacific International Billiards Cham-pionship title 2019

Peter Gilchrist of Singapore defeated India’s SouravKothari (Kolkata) to win the 2019 Pacific InternationalBilliards Championship at the Yarraville Club inMelbourne, Australia.

Australia and Qatar to participate in Copa America 2020 The South American Football Federation, CONMEBOL

has invited the Australia and Qatar to take part in 2020COPA America.

The 2020 Copa America will be held jointly by Colombiaand Argentina.

It is international football competition is played betweenmen’s national football teams of South American FootballConfederation (CONMEBOL).

India beat South Africa 5-1 to Win Men’s FIH Series Final India beat South Africa 5-1 to win the Men’s FIH Series

Finals title held at the Kalinga Stadium in Bhubaneswar.BEST PLAYER BEST GOALKEEPERManpreet Singh Jonathan Klages


Kohli become the fastest batsmen to reach 11,000 runs Indian skipper Virat Kohli became the fastest batsman

to reach the 11,000 run mark in the ODI cricket. The Indian skipper has just taken 230 ODIs to complete

11,000 runs. Tendulkar had achieved the 11000 run mark against

England in 2002 in his 284th ODI.

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India Successfully Test-Fires Air Launched Version ofBrahMos From Su-30 MKI Fighter Jet

The Indian Air Force (IAF) successfully conducted thetest firing of the air version of BrahMos missile from itsfrontline Su-30 MKI fighter aircraft on May 22, 2019.

This was the second successful test of the missile, whilethe first testing was done on November 22, 2017 makingIAF the first air force in the world to successfully fire anair launched 2.8 Mach surface attack missile of thiscategory on a sea target.

SpaceX launches First 60 satellites of its ‘Starlink’ Con-stellationSpaceX launched a rocket carrying the first 60 satellites of its‘Starlink’ constellation, from Cape Canaveral, Florida in US. TheSpaceX’s new array of Starlink communication satellites is intendedto provide Internet from space. The launch was conducted bySpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocketsThe US California-based Space Exploration Technologies, orSpaceX is a private rocket company of high-tech entrepreneurElon Musk. Musk is also chief executive officer (CEO) of automakerTesla Inc.

Delhi Metro is India’s first project to receive power fromwaste-to-energyDelhi Metro became India’s the first ever project to receive powerfrom a waste-to-energy plant. The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation(DMRC) started receiving 2 MW power from a 12 MW capacitywaste-to-energy plant set up in Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh.

Google map launched new public transport features in IndiaA web mapping service, Google map launched three India-Firstfeatures targeted at Public transport users to access public transportquickly and easily. It stated that Google map users now can see thebus travel times from live traffic data across 10 cities, get to knowthe real-time train status on the platform as well as get commutesuggestions that combine public transport and auto-rickshaws.

India Successfully Puts RISAT-2B Earth-Ob-servation Satellite into Orbit The Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO) successfully launched its third radar imagingearth observation satellite RISAT-2B into orbit . ISRO used Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle(PSLV-C46) to launch RISAT-2B from the SatishDhawan Space Centre into an orbit of 556 km. RISAT-2B is a radar imaging earth observationsatellite having a weight of about 615 kg. The satellite will help boost the country’ssurveillance capabilities and provide services in thefield of agriculture, forestry and disastermanagement among others.

NASA plans to send equipment to Moon from2020 For the first time since the 1970s, NASA isplanning to to send equipment to the surface of theMoon in 2020 and 2021, in anticipation of a crewedlunar mission in 2024.

The landers will deliver up to 23 small payloads ofequipment provided by NASA.

ISRO to launch Chandrayaan-2 between July 9-16 The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is likely

to launch India’s second spacecraft to the moon,‘Chandrayaan-2’ between July 9 and July 16.

GSLV Mark-III will launch Chandrayaan-2 fromSriharikota, Andhra Pradesh.

Programs recently launched by ISRO- YUVIKA2019(Young Scientist Program), SwS(Samwad withStudents), UNNATI (UNispace Nanosatellite Asembly& Training by ISRO).

ISRO to launch its own space station by 2030: ISRO Chief The Chairman of Indian Space Research Organisation

(ISRO) K Sivan announced that India will have its ownSpace station by 2030. This will help ISRO to sendmore astronauts to space.

A space station is like a habitable artificial satellite thatis designed to remain in space and is capable of beinginhabited by crew members for an extended period oftime.

NASA unveils schedule for ‘Artemis’ 2024 MissionThe National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) ofUnited States (US) has unveiled the calendar for its forthcoming“Artemis” program.

The schedule for Artemis Programme is as follows:1. Artemis 1: It is planned for 2020. It will be an uncrewed

flight test mission around Moon. It will demonstrateNASA’s capability of sending crew spaceship to lunarorbit ahead of its return to surface of Moon.

2. Artemis 2: is the next mission planned for 2022. It willorbit Earth’s satellite (moon) and will fly a different

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path than first test flight. It will be a crewed mission andaround Moon for first time in 50 years

3. Artemis 3: will follow Artemis 2. This is the ‘Artemis’2024 Moon mission which will return astronauts to lunarsurface by year 2024, including first woman and the nextman. So far only 12 humans (all American male) havewalked on Moon.All three missions will be launched into space by biggestrocket of all time, the Boeing-led Space Launch System(SLS).

IIT-Madras unveiled Data Platform to Improve efficiency ofGovernment Infrastructure DevelopmentThe Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras has launched aData Platform of ‘Integrated Database on Infrastructure Projects’(IDIP) to improve the efficiency of Government InfrastructureDevelopment. It will help in effective decision-making amongdifferent stakeholders involved in the infrastructure sector. Thedevelopment partner for the project is Akara Research andTechnologies.

25 States Miss Deadline to Submit Plastic Disposal Plan;Face Rs 1 cr Penalty

The National Green Tribunal (NGT) had directed all thestates and Union Territories (except 4) to submit theirrespective action plans on systematic disposal of plasticwaste in compliance to Plastic Waste Management(PWM) Rules, latest by April 30, 2019, to CentralPollution Control Board (CPCB).

In this regard, 25 states have failed to comply to thedirections, and now as per NGT’s order, each state wouldhave to pay the pollution body a compensation at therate of Rs one crore per month.

Canada To Ban Single Use Plastics From 2021Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that single-useplastics will be banned in the country from 2021. He declared it aglobal challenge to phase out the plastic bags, straws and cutleryclogging the world’s oceans.

Tanzania becomes yet another African nation banning plas-tic bagsA plastic bag ban comes into force in Tanzania as Africa leadsefforts to stem the tide of plastic pollution. Tanzania is banningthe importation, production, sale and use of plastic bags. It becomes

the 34th African country to implement suchrestrictions, according to the United NationsEnvironmental Programme (UNEP).

NGT formed panel to discuss plea seeking banon plastic packagingThe National Green Tribunal (NGT) has formed apanel to look into the needs for further norms torestrict the use of plastic packaging of foodproducts. This was formed after a plea to seek aban on the plastic packaging of food products.Abench headed by NGT Chairperson Justice AdarshKumar Goel formed the panel.The nodal agencyfor coordination is FSSAI (Food Safety andStandards Authority of India) and it is required tofurnish its report to the tribunal within three monthsby e-mail.

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Burnout classified as medical condition:WHOThe World Health Organization (WHO) has forthe first time recognised “burn-out” in itsInternational Classification of Diseases (ICD). Thedecision was taken during the World HealthAssembly (WHA) in Geneva.

Ebola drug ‘remdesivir’ to protect againstNipah virusAn experimental Ebola drug ‘remdesivir’ is foundto cure Nipah virus also according to the new studypublished in Science Translational Medicine fromNational Institutes of Health scientists andcolleagues. The drug was developed by GileadSciences, Inc. in collaboration with scientists fromthe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC).nbNipah is a zoonotic virus which istransmitted from animals such as bats or pigs tohumans and can also spread through contaminatedfood and people-to-people contact. In May 2018,it has claimed 17 lives in Kerala.

India Successfully Test-Fires Air Launched Version ofBrahMos From Su-30 MKI Fighter Jet

The Indian Air Force (IAF) successfully conducted thetest firing of the air version of BrahMos missile from itsfrontline Su-30 MKI fighter aircraft.

This was the second successful test of the missile, whilethe first testing was done on November 22, 2017 makingIAF the first air force in the world to successfully fire an

air launched 2.8 Mach surface attack missile of thiscategory on a sea target.

Lt Bhawana Kanth, 1st Woman To Qualify ToGo To Day Missions On Fighter JetFlight Lieutenant Bhawana Kanth became the firstwoman pilot of the Indian Air Force to qualify toundertake missions by day on a fighter aircraft.She completed the Day Operational syllabus onMiG-21 Bison. Bhawana joined the fightersquadron in 2017 and flew the first solo on MiG-21 Bison in 2018.

US, Japan, South Korea, Australia Hold 1stNaval Drills In Western PacificU.S. Navy ships conducted joint drills withwarships from allies Japan, Australia and SouthKorea in their first combined exercise in the WesternPacific.

Supersonic cruise missile BrahMos test-firedat Chandipur in Odisha

The anti-ship version of Supersonic cruise missile BrahMos wastest-fired from Complex-3 of the Integrated Test Range (ITR) atChandipur in Odisha. BrahMos, with a strike range of around 290km, can be fired from land, sea, and air.

Indian Navy successfully conducted ‘live mating’ of subma-rine rescue system DSRVThe Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle (DSRV) based atVisakhapatnam, successfully conducted the live mating exercise. It

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2019 Urban 20 Mayors Summit Held in Tokyo The 2019 Urban 20 Summit was hosted by the Tokyo

Metropolitan Government, led by Governor YurikoKoike from 21-22 May 2019.

The Urban 20 Mayors Summit takes place one monthahead of the G20 Summit.

The 2019 G20 Summit will be the fourteenth meeting ofGroup of Twenty and will be held on 28–29 June 2019in Osaka, Japan.

SCO Foreign Ministers’ meeting held in Kyrgyzstan External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj attended a 2-

day meeting of the Shanghai CooperationOrganisation(SCO) in Kyrgyzstan capital Bishkek.

British PM , Theresa May announces her resignation. British Prime Minister, Theresa May announced her

resignation after a 3-year tenure. She has set the date as

7th of June. She was a Conservative leader. Herleadership had been turbulent.

Thaawarchand Gehlot participated in 2nd Glo-bal Disability Summit Thaawarchand Gehlot attended 2nd GlobalDisability Summit in Buenos Aires in Argentina.Theobjective of 3-day summit is to deliberate on issuesacross the world concerning empowerment andinclusion of Persons with Disabilities.

The 14th Organisation of Islamic Coopera-tion (OIC) summit was held in Mecca The 14th summit of the OIC was held in Mecca,Saudi Arabia and hosted by Saudi King Salman binAbdul Aziz Al Saud. The official purpose of meeting was to address‘current issues in Muslim world’ and ‘recentdevelopments in a number of OIC member states. OIC – Established (25th Sept 1969)

Headquarter (Jeddah,Saudi Arabia) 57 Member States. Its official languages are Arabic, English and French.

Nirmala Sitharaman to attend G-20 Finance Ministers’ meet-ing in Japan

G-20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governorsmeet will begin in Fukuoka, Japan.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will attend the eventas her first overseas visit as a finance Minister of India.

RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das will also visit the samewith her.

The G20 is an international forum for the governmentsand central bank governors from 19 countries and theEuropean Union.

Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2019 Held in The Hague,Netherlands

involved the transfer of personnel from the bottomed submarine,INS Sindhudhvaj. It was inducted into the Navy by the formerChief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Sunil Lanba in December 2018.

MILITARY EXERCISESSingapore-India Bilateral Maritime Exercise SIMBEX-2019Concluded

The Singapore-India Maritime Bilateral Exercise(SIMBEX-2019) concluded on May 22, 2019.

The bilateral naval drill, consisting of both harbour phaseand sea phase, was conducted by the Indian Navy andthe Republic of Singapore Navy from May 16 to May22.

U.S., Japan, South Korea & Australia Holds 1st Naval Drill“Pacific Vanguard”

The navies of United States, Japan, South Korea, andAustralia commenced their first ever combined naval drillsnamed “Pacific Vanguard”, near the U.S. island of Guamin the Western Pacific region.

India-France to Hold Mega Air Exercise “Garuda VI” in July The Air Forces of India and France will carry out a two-

week-long mega air exercise “Garuda VI” beginning July1, 2019 at an air base in France to further boost tomilitary-to-military ties between the two countries.

Army’s training exercise, “Kharga Prahar” held in PunjabThe exercise “Kharga Prahar”, was undertaken in the plains ofPunjab by various units and formations of Army’s Kharga Corps.The components of the Indian Air Force also participated in theexercise.

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The ninth edition of the Global Entrepreneurship Summitwas held in The Hague, Netherlands from June 3-5, 2019.For the first time, the event was held in European Union.

About 1,200 entrepreneurs from across 140 countries,including 33 from India, participated in the Summit todeliberate on the five global challenges surrounding water,agriculture, healthcare, connectivity, and energy.

G20 Ministerial Meeting held in Japan The G20 Ministerial meeting on Trade and Digital

Economy was held in Tsukuba city, Ibaraki Prefecture,Japan.

Indian Delegation for G20 Ministerial Meeting was ledby the Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal.

G-20 surveillance note expected that Indian economywill grow 7.3% in 2019 and 7.5% in 2020.

India emphasized to promote MSMEs in developingcountries to boost domestic and global trade.

16th Asia Media Summit held in Siem Reap Province, Cam-bodia

The 16th Edition of Asia Media Summit (AMS) 2019was held in Siem Reap province, Cambodia.

Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) meets in BangkokThe Quadrilateral Security Dialogue also known as Quad is aninformal strategic grouping consisting of India, US, Australia andJapan recently met in Bangkok in Thailand.

Government constitutes Tribunal for adjudicating ban onLTTE

The Government of India (GoI) has constituted aTribunal for adjudicating ban on Liberation Tigers ofTamil Eelam (LTTE).

The Tribunal constituted by GoI is comprised of a sittingJudge of Delhi High Court (HC) Justice Sangita DhingraSehgal.

LTTE has been banned in India since 1991, after theassassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi byits member. In early May 2019 the Ministry of HomeAffairs (MHA) issued a notification about extending aban on LTTE in India for a further period of five years.

Draft National Education Policy 2019 Submitted By Dr.Kasturirangan CommitteeA committee headed by Dr. Kasturirangan submitted draft nationaleducation policy 2019 to Union Human Resource Development

Minister, Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ andMinister of State for HRD, Shri Sanjay ShamraoDhotre in New Delhi to rename Minister of HumanResource Development to Minister of education.

High level committee recommends strategy toreduce crude oil importsIn a report submitted to the oil ministry, a high-levelcommittee (HLC) of companies has recommendedstrategies to reduce import dependency. Thecommittee was formed to discuss research-relatedsynergies and tax issues for state-run oil companies.The committee consisted of Anil Kakodkar (scientist)and Sidharth Pradhan, an expert on financial and taxissues.

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Forbes’ 2019 List Of The World’s 100 Highest-Paid Ath-letes

Argentina football player, Lionel Messi has been namedthe richest sportsperson as per the Forbes’ 2019 List ofthe World’s 100 Highest-Paid Athletes with $127 millionin total earnings.

Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo is at the second place whoearned $109 million.

Virat Kohli is the only Cricketer and only Indian in thelist and he is ranked at 100th place.

Indian Owned Charity Trust in UAE Enters Guinness WorldRecords for Holding Longest Iftar

Pehal charitable Trust (PCT), a charity run by an Indianin United Arab Emirates (UAE), has entered the GuinnessBook of World Records for “Longest Line of Hunger

Relief Package” in Abu Dhabi during the holy monthof Ramzan. The PCT Humanity has been founded byJoginder Singh Salaria.

Orchha in Madhya Pradesh Included inUNESCO’s Tentative List of World HeritageSites The heritage town of Orchha in MadhyaPradesh has been included in the tentative list ofUNESCO world heritage sites, following theproposal sent by the Archaeological Survey of India(ASI) to the UNESCO on April 15, 2019.

Wax Statue of Virat Kohli Unveiled At Lord’sAhead Of World Cup 2019 The renowned wax museum MadameTussauds, unveiled the wax statue of Indiancaptain Virat Kohli at the iconic Lord’s CricketGround, London to mark the launch of the ICCMen’s World Cup 2019.

The statue will stand alongside Usain Bolt, Sir Mo Farahand fellow Indian cricket star Sachin Tendulkar

The 10th National Science Film Festival of India (NSFFI)will be organised in Tripura

To raise awareness about science and environmentthrough films, the 10th National Science Film Festival ofIndia (NSFFI) will be organised in Tripura, in 2020.

The film festival would include films from UNICEF,UNESCO & filmmakers from different countries.

Indore’s Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar airport gets ‘international’statusIndore’s Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar airport declared as an internationalairport, considered as the busiest airport in Central India. It has

‘Cricket World Cup the Indian Challenge’Ashish Ray pens down a new book titled ‘CricketWorld Cup the Indian Challenge’ and Published byBloomsbury.

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been bestowed Worlds Standardization Certification by the UnitedKingdom.

Two-day Yoga Mahotsava Inaugurated by Vice Chairman NitiAyog

A 2-day Yoga Mahotsava, Int. Day of Yoga 2019 wasinaugurated by the VC, NITI AAYOG Shri Rajeev Kumarat New Delhi.

MDNIY under Ministry of AYUSH is organising theYoga Mahotsav-2019 to sensitize the masses forcelebration of IDY 2019.

AYUSH ministry launches app to expand coverage of eventsYoga locator is a map-based location app which will also enableyoga instructors to register themselves and reach out to a largenumber of people.

Army rehabilitation centre brings in ‘Udchalo’ initiative In a bid to make wounded soldiers, who are now confined

to wheelchairs, self-reliant, an initiative ‘UdChalo’ is allset to take off at the Army’s Paraplegic RehabilitationCentre (PRC) in Punjab’s Mohali.

‘UdChalo’ is a travel portal, that caters for the personaltravel of the military and paramilitary forces personnelby aggregating defence fares and getting exclusivediscounts.

India constituted 12% of global internet users According to the report on internet trends released by

the venture capitalist Mary Meeker stated that Indiaranks second by witnessing 12% world internet users(close to 455 million).

China leads the chart with 21% of global internet userswhile U.S (United States) placed third with 8%.

150th Birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi celebrated inDhaka

The 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi wascelebrated in Dhaka.

The High Commission of India organised a bi-Cycle Rallyat the Dhaka University campus.

Social Media Profiles to be included in U.S visa applicationAccording to a new immigration rule in US, the visa applicants arenow required to provide social media details dated back to fiveyears from the application date, to enhance the screening processof the applicants and ensure national security. This affects nearly15 million people per year.

International Day for Biological Diversity :22 May The United Nations (UN) has proclaimed 22nd May

‘The International Day for Biological Diversity’ (IDB)to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversityissues.

The theme of 2019 is ‘Our Biodiversity, Our Food, OurHealth’.

World Turtle Day: May 23 The World Turtle Day is held on May 23 every year to

raise awareness and increase knowledge and respect for

turtles and tortoises and encourage human action to helpthem survive and thrive The Day is sponsored since 2000 by American TortoiseRescue. The theme for 2019 World Turtle Day is “Adopt,Don’t Shop.”

International Day of Action for Women’s Health:May 28 Theme 2019: Our Health, Our Rights, Our Lives!Women’s Health Matters.

World Hunger Day: May 28 The theme for World Hunger Day 2019 is Sustainability.

International Everest Day: May 29 The International Everest Day is observed every yearon May 29 in memory of the first summit of Mt. Everestby Sir Edmund Hillary (New Zealand) and Nepalese

Tenzing Norgay Sherpa on May 29 in 1953.

International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers: May 29 The 2019 Theme is Protecting Civilians, Protecting Peace.

World No-Tobacco Day: May 31 The World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) is observed on 31

May annually to encourage a 24-hour period of abstinencefrom all forms of tobacco consumption around the globe.

The Day was created by the member states of the WorldHealth Organization (WHO) in 1987.

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The theme of 2019 WNTD is ‘Tobacco and Lung Health’.

World Milk Day: June 1 World Milk Day is observed on June 1 each year since

2001 to recognize the importance of milk as a global foodand bring attention to activities that are connected withthe dairy sector

It was established by the Food and AgricultureOrganization (FAO) of the United Nations.

The World Milk Day 2019 Theme is “Drink Milk: Today& Everyday.”

World Environment Day: 5th June The theme for World Environment Day 2019 is “Beat

Air Pollution “.

World Bicycle Day: 3rd JuneThe United Nation General Assembly declared 3rd June as WorldBicycle Day.

World Food Safety Day :7th June The World Food Safety Day (WFSD) observed every

year across the world on 7th June. The theme for World Food Safety Day (WFSD) 2019 is

“Food Safety, everyone’s business”.

World Oceans Day : June 8 World Oceans Day is an opportunity to raise global

awareness of the challenges faced by the internationalcommunity in connection with the oceans.

The 2019 theme is ‘Gender and the Ocean’.

World Day against Child Labour 2019: June 12 The theme for the year is “Children shouldn’t work in

fields, but on dreams!”

World Blood Donor Day 2019: June 14 The Slogan for World Blood Day 2019 is “Safe blood for


World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: 15 June The UN aims to raise awareness of elder abuse and

prevent it, and on this day. 2019 Theme WEAAD is Lifting up Voices.

Global Wind Day: June 15 The Global Wind Day is held worldwide on 15 June to

celebrate wind energy. It is organized by Wind Europeand GWEC (Global Wind Energy Council).

The theme for 2019 is “Future Wind”.

Father’s Day: 16 June 2019Father’s Day is celebrated every year on the third Sunday of Juneto honour the journey of fatherhood and the role that father’s playin the family structure and society.

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1. Which senior BJP leader has opted outof the new Modi Government?(a) Sushma Swaraj(b) Rajnath Singh(c) Piyush Goyal(d) Arun Jaitley

2. India is ranked at which position in thelatest ICC ODI Team Rankings?(a) Second (b) First(c) Third  (d) Fourth

3. Which Indian bowler leads the ICC ODIPlayer rankings for bowlers?(a) Kuldeep Yadav(b) Yuzvendra Chahal(c) JaspritBumrah(d) Ravichandran Ashwin

4. The first match of ICC World Cup 2019will be held between which twonations?(a) England vs South Africa(b) South Africa vs Australia(c) Pakistan vs England(d) Bangladesh vs Sri Lanka

5. Who among the following will not at-tend the swearing-in ceremony of PrimeMinister Narendra Modi?(a) K.P. Sharma Oli(b) Maithripala Sirisena(c) SooronbayJeenbekov(d)Shiekh Hasina

6. The United States recently removedwhich country from its currency moni-toring watchlist?(a) Japan (b) India(c) Russia (d) China

7. When is the International Day of UNPeacekeepers observed every year?

(a) 27th May (b) 28th May(c) 29th May (d) 30th May

8. How many total matches will be held inICC World Cup 2019?(a) 42 (b) 45(c) 48 (d) 50

9. Which country recently signed tripartiteagreement between India and Japan?(a) Russia (b) China(c) Sri Lanka (d) United States

10. Scott Morrison has been sworn in as thePrime Minister of which nation?(a) New Zealand(b) Australia(c) United Kingdom(d) Germany 

11. The opening match of world cup 2019was held between England and whichnation?(a) New Zealand(b) Sri Lanka(c) South Africa(d) Pakistan

12. The first world cup match for 2019 isbeing held in which stadium?(a) Edgbaston(b) Lord’s(c) Trent Bridge(d) Oval 

13. Writer Annie Zaidi has been named the2019 winner of Nine Dots Prize. Shebelongs to which nation?(a) Bangladesh(b) India(c) Pakistan(d) Indonesia

14. The United States has signed a defenseagreement with which among the fol-lowing gulf nations?(a) Qatar(b) UAE

(c) Saudi Arabia(d) Bahrain 

15. Which of the following state governmenthas appointed a new advocate generalSatish Chandra Verma with immediateeffect, replacing Kanak Tiwari on thepost recently?(a) Kerala(b) Uttar Pradesh(c) Maharashtra(d) Chhattisgarh

16. Which state government has unveiled itsHealthcare Investment Policy-2019?(a) Gujarat (b) Jammu and Kashmir(c) Kerala (d) Odisha 

17. Which nation celebrated its 12th Repub-lic Day on May 29, 2019?(a) Malaysia(b) Bangladesh(c) Maldives(d) Nepal

18. Which among the following states cel-ebrated its statehood on May 30?(a) Meghalaya (b) Assam(c) Goa  (d) Karnataka

19. Which of the following state has beenlevied 1% calamity cess in India?(a) Odisha (b) Gujarat(c) Kerala (d) Uttarakhand

20. Which national political party has de-cided not to send its spokesperson inTV debates for a month?(a) BJP (b) BSP(c) Congress (d) SP

21. Who has been given the Finance portfo-lio in the new Modi Government?(a) Rajnath Singh(b) Amit Shah(c) Piyush Goyal(d) Nirmala Sitharaman

22. Who has been named as the new HomeMinister?(a) Smriti Irani(b) Amit Shah(c) Rajnath Singh(d) Nirmala Sitharaman

23. Who among the following will be the newExternal Affairs Minister under Modi2.0?(a) Ravi Shankar Prasad(b) Smriti Irani (c) S Jaishankar(d) Amit Shah

24. When is World No Tobacco Day ob-served?


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(a) May 31st  (b) May 30th

(c) May 29th   (d) May 28th  25. Which among the following Ministers

has been left out from Narendra Modi’snew Cabinet Ministers?(a) DV Sadananda Gowda(b) Maneka Gandhi(c) Narendra Singh Tomar(d) Harsimrat Kaur Badal

26. Which state/UT govt has recently an-nounced to build a water museum?(a) Maharashtra(b) Kerala(c) Delhi(d) Puducherry 

27. How many women cabinet ministers(apart from State ministers) are includedin newly formed Indian Government?(a) 3 (b) 4(c) 5 (d) 6

28. Which country has recently removed In-dia from currency watch list?(a) France (b) Germany(c) USA (d) Spain

29. In which state has scientists recently iden-tified a new type of wasp of Kudkremiafamily?(a) Goa (b) Punjab(c) Jharkhand (d) Tamil Nadu

30. Which among the following BJP alliesrefused to join the PM Modi-led gov-ernment for the second term?(a) SAD (b) LJP(c) JDU (d) Shiv Sena

31. Which high court recently upheld theconstitutional validity of death penaltyfor repeat rape offenders?(a) Bombay High Court(b) Madras High Court(c) Kerala High Court(d) Rajasthan High Court

32. The Modi 2.0 Government created whichnew Ministry while allocating portfo-lios to new Council of Ministers on May31?(a) Ministry of Nari Shakti(b) Ministry of Jal Shakti(c) Ministry of Space exploration(d) Ministry of Earth Sciencesý

33. Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik recently re-signed from which constituency?(a) Hinjili (b) Jashipur(c)Bijepur (d) Titilagarh

34. Which airlines resumed its flights to Pa-kistan after over 10 years of suspen-sion?(a) Emirates (b) Lion Air(c) Etihad (d) British Airways

35. Which state celebrated its Formation Dayon June 2?(a) Telangana (b) West Bengal(c) Bihar (d) Sikkim

36. Which state’s Chief Minister has an-nounced the proposal of a free ridescheme for women in public transport?(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Delhi (c) Maharashtra (d) Karnataka 

37. As per a new study, MRI could be usedto detect which chronic disease?(a) Cancer (b) Heart Disease(c) Diabetes  (d) Thyroid

38. Which public sector company has be-come India’s most profitable public sec-tor company in the latest fiscal?(a) NTPC (b) Bharat Petroleum (c) IOC  (d) ONGC

39. Pinaki Misra has been appointed as theParliamentary party leader of whichparty?(a) BJP (b) LJP(c) BJD (d) Shiv Sena

40. In one of the major upsets in ICC worldcup 2019, Bangladesh defeated whichcricket team in Match 5?(a) New Zealand(b) Sri Lanka (c) Australia(d) South Africa 

41. Which has been reappointed as NationalSecurity Adviser?(a) Rajiv Mehrishi(b) Raghuram  Rajan(c) Shaktikanta Das(d) AjitDoval

42. Which country would be playing its firstmatch of cricket world cup 2019 on June5, 2019?(a) Australia(b) India(c) New Zealand(d) Pakistan 

43. Thomas Mueller posted a picture of him-self on Twitter, wishing Indian cricketteam captain Virat Kohli luck for WorldCup 2019. Mueller is the star footballplayer of which nation’s football team?(a) France (b) Belgium(c) Brazil (d) Germany 

44. A case of Nipah Virus resurfaced in whichIndian state recently?(a) West Bengal(b) Karnataka(c) Kerala(d) Maharashtra 

45. Which state’s cabinet has passed a reso-lution to increase reservation for OBCsto 27 percent?(a) Rajasthan (b) Uttar Pradesh(c) Maharashtra (d) Madhya Pradesh 

46. When is World Environment Day ob-served?(a) June 1st (b) June 3rd

(c) June 8th (d) June 5th

47. Which among the following political alli-ances have called off their ties tempo-rarily?(a) BSP- SP(b) JDU-BJP(c) BJP-Shiv Sena (d) Cong-DMK

48. Which IAF aircraft has gone missing with13 people onboard on June 3?(a) IAF AN-32(b) IAF CN-3A(c) IAF BS-45(d) IAF NU-14

49. Who has been sworn-in as the Presidentof El Salvador recently?(a) Prince Naruhito(b) Sebastian Kurz(c) NayibBukele(d) Muhammadu Buhari

50. The Food and Agriculture Organisationof the United Nations (FAO) selectedJune 1st as World Milk Day, which cel-ebrates the important contributions ofthe dairy sector to sustainability, eco-nomic development, livelihoods, andnutrition. The theme for World MilkDay 2019 is-?(a) Drink Milk Product for Better

Life(b) Drink Milk: Today & Everyday(c) Importance of Milk in Our Life

and Society(d) Milk is the Global Foods

51. Which former Prime Minister’s death an-niversary is observed on May 21?a) Jawaharlal Nehrub) Rajiv Gandhic) Lal Bahadur Shastrid) Gulzarilal Nanda

52. Google has announced suspension of itsservices with which technology giant?a) Alibaba b) Xiaomic) Baidu d) Huawei

53. Which nation has suspended the proce-dure of filling landing cards by travelersfrom India and other nations?a) US b) Japan

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c) France d) UK54. Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu has

called for protecting which cattle breedrecently?a) Ongole b) Ruhadec) Sambati d) Anchita

55. What is the name of farthest place inuniverse where NASA’s spacecraft hasrecently found evidence of water?a) Webar Galaxyb) Giant Graciac) Wire Grossd) Ultima Thule

56. Name of Indian spinner who recentlystarted lifestyle brand CheQmate?a) Kuldeep Yadavb) Ravidra Jadejac) Yuzvendra Chahald) Ashish Nehra

57. When the World Metrology Day is ob-served every year?a) 19th May b) 20th Mayc) 21th May d) 22th May

58. Starbucks recently opened ‘silent cafe’in which country?a) Japan b) Francec) USA d) China

59. Who was elected as the President of In-donesia recently?a) Joko Widodob) Prabowo Subiantoc) Sandiaga Unod) Ma’ruf Amin

60. The Indian Navy recently began theIMCOR exercise with which country?a) Russia b) Malaysiac) Myanmar d) South Carolina

61. The lawmakers of which nation amendedthe penal code on May 21 to introducelife sentence without parole?a) Serbia b) Georgiac) Armenia d) Poland

62. Which nation’s opposition has submittedno confidence motion against the rulinggovernment?a) Malaysia b) Sri Lankac) Indonesia d) Australia

63. Who among the following, who is a three-time Formula One world champion,passed away on May 20?a) Niki Laudab) Graham Hillc) James Huntd) Mike Hawthorn

64. Who was appointed as Pakistan HighCommissioner to India?a) MueenulHaqb) Sohail Mehmood

c) Imtiaz Ahmadd) Zaheer Ali

65. Who won the Man Booker InternationalPrize 2019?a) Annie Ernauxb) JokhaAlharthic) Olga Tokarczukd) Alia Trabucco

66. Google announced suspension of its ser-vices with which technology giant?a) Huawei b) Baiduc) Xiaomi d) Alibaba

67. The voting for the Lok Sabha Elections2019 was held in how many constitu-encies of Uttar Pradesh?a) 62 b) 80c) 91 d) 100

68. Which institution recently announcedcreation of a specialised supervisory andregulatory structure for commercialbanks, urban cooperative banks andNBFCs?a) Finance Ministryb) SEBIc) RBId) FICCI

69. The joint exercise IMCOR is being heldbetween India and which country?a) Maldives b) Mauritiusc) Malaysia d) Myanmar

70. When is World Day for Cultural Diver-sity for Dialogue and Development ob-served every year?a) 19th May b) 20th Mayc) 21st May d) 22nd May

71. Who is the youngest BJP candidate towin in the Lok Sabha Elections 2019?a) Nusrat Jahanb) Tejaswi Suryac) Praveen Nishadd) Mukut Bihari

72. Which seat of Uttar Pradesh was notwon by the Bhartiya Janata Party inLok Sabha Elections 2019?a) Pilibhit b) Rampurc) Gorakhpur d) Baghpat

73. In Lok Sabha Election 2019 results whichcandidate has won from Begusarai LokSabha constituency?a) Gopal Jee Yadavb) Ravi Shankar Prasadc) Giriraj Singhd) Dinesh Chandra Yadav

74. What is the present strength of Judges inthe Supreme Court, as on May 24,2019?a) 23 b) 26c) 29 d) 31

75. Who will be conferred with Japan’s ‘Or-der of the Rising Sun’ award for strength-ening the strategic ties and enhancingmutual understanding between India andJapan?a) Shyam Saranb) Sushma Swarajc) Raveesh Kumard) Ramnath Kovind

76. The Indian cricket team would be play-ing its first match at the ICC World Cup2019 against which nation?a) New Zealandb) South Africac) Englandd) Bangladesh

77. The ICC World Cup 2019 will begin inEngland and Wales on which among thefollowing dates?a) May 31 b) May 30c) June 2 d) June 1

78. Who has been recently re-elected as thePresident of South Africa?a) Jacob Zumab) Kgalema Motlanthec) Thabo Mbekid) Cyril Ramaphosa

79. The BJP has won how many seats inWest Bengal Lok Sabha Elections 2019?a) 21 b) 12c) 18 d) 19

80. Who will be sworn in as the new ChiefMinister of Andhra Pradesh on May30?a) Jagan Mohan Reddyb) Chandrababu Naiduc) MK Stalind) K Chandrashekhar Rao

81. When will Narendra Modi be sworn-inas the Prime Minister?a) May 28 b) May 29c) May 30 d) May 31

82. The Orchha town was recently added tothe tentative list of World Heritage Sitesof UNESCO. Where is the Orchha townlocated?a) Andhra Pradeshb) Madhya Pradeshc) Uttar Pradeshd) Himachal Pradesh

83. Prem Singh Golay took oath as the ChiefMinister of which state?a) Tripura b) Tamil Naduc) Odisha d) Sikkim

84. Who among the following world leadershas become the first one to meet Japan’snew emperor?a) Xi Jinping


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b) Narendra Modic) Theresa Mayd) Donald Trump

85. India on May 27, 2019 paid homage towhich among the following leaders, onhis 55th death anniversary?a) Jawaharlal Nehrub) Vallabhbhai Patelc) Subhas Chandra Bosed) Rajendra Prasad

86. When will the ICC World Cup Final beheld?a) July 9 b) July 1c) July 14 d) July 11

87. Which among the following teams hasnever won the ICC World Cup before?a) New Zealandb) Sri Lankac) Pakistand) West Indies

88. Who will be sworn in as the new ChiefMinister of Arunachal Pradesh?a) Pema Khandub) HimantaBiswaSarmac) Biren Singhd) Prem Singh Golay

89. Which organisation flight tested GuidedBomb from Sukhoi combat jet?a) BARC b) ISROc) DRDO d) IAF

90. Which IAF’s aircraft was recently certi-fied to operate on indigenous Bio-Jetfuel?a) MiG-21b) CH-47 Chinookc) Global 5000d) AN-32

91. India invited which group of countries atthe oath-taking ceremony of PMNarendra Modi?a) BIMSTEC b) SAARCc) ASEAN d) BRICS

92. The DRDO recently test-fired the newversion of which surface-to-air missile?a) Prithvi b) Akashc) Agni d) Nirbhay

93. Team India will begin its campaign in theICC World Cup 2019 on June 5 againstwhich team?a) West Indiesb) Sri Lankac) South Africad) England

94. Which Insititution on May 28, 2019launched competition for its logo andmotto?a) NITI Aayogb) Department of Fisheries

c) Department of Animal Husbandryd) Lokpal

95. The World Health Organisation officiallylabelled which addictive disorder?a) Excessive gamingb) Excessive sleepingc) Excessive eatingd) Excessive laughing

96. India’s second warm-up match at the ICCWorld Cup 2019 is against which na-tion?a) Afghanistanb) Pakistanc) Sri Lankad) Bangladesh

97. Which nation has been elected to the Ex-ecutive Board of first UN-Habitat As-sembly?a) Sri Lanka b) Francec) India d) Malaysia

98. When was Menstrual Hygiene Day 2019observed?a) May 27th b) May 28thc) May 25th d) May 26th

99. When was Veer Savarkar Jayanti ob-served?a) May 25th b) May 27thc) May 28th d) May 26th

100. The Union Government has set up atribunal for adjudicating ban on whichmilitant group?a) LTTE b) JeMc) LeT d) Taliban

101. The Government has reconstituted eightcabinet committees. The Prime Minis-ter is a part of how many cabinet com-mittees?a) Six b) Eight c) Two  d) Five

102. Home Affairs Minister Amit Shah is apart of how many cabinet committees?a) Seven  b) Fivec) Eight  d) Three

103. Who officially launched SwachhSurvekshan 2020 League?a) Narendra Singh Tomarb) Hardeep Singh Puric) Amit Shahd) Smriti Irani

104. Which nation has launched the first Arctictrain service?a) Greenlandb) United Kingdomc) Russiad) Iceland

105. Dzükou Valley became a plastic freezone on the occasion of World Environ-ment Day 2019. The valley is a part of

which Indian state?a) Sikkim b) Jammu and Kashmir c) Meghalayad) Nagaland

106. What is the current Repo Rate as perthe Second Bi-monthly policy state-ment 2019-20?a) 5.50 percentb) 5.75 percentc) 6.0 percentd) 6.25 percent

107. What is the current monetary policystance as per the Second Bi-monthlypolicy statement 2019-20?a) Expansionaryb) Neutralc) Accommodatived) Contractionary

108. The Reserve Bank of India has doneaway with the charges levied on fundtransfers through which of the follow-ing?a) RTGSb) NEFTc) Both (a) & (b)d) None of the above

109. Which nation did S Jaishankar visit inhis first overseas trip as India’s Exter-nal Affairs Minister?a) Nepal b) Chinac) Bhutan  d) Indonesia

110. Who among the following has not beenincluded in the NITI Aayog as an ex-officio member?a) Rajnath Singhb) Nirmala Sitharamanc) Narendra Singh Tomard) Piyush Goyal

111. The ICC has requested which Indiancricketer to remove army insignia fromuniform?a) Virat Kohli  b) Rohit Sharmac) KL Rahul  d) MS Dhoni

112. India’s second match in World Cup 2019is against which cricket team?a) New Zealandb) Australia c) England d) Sri Lanka 

113. When is World food safety day ob-served?a) June 7th b) June 6th 

c) June 4th  d) June 5th 114. Which Indian IT industry pioneer an-

nounced his retirement recently?a) Azim Premjib) NR Narayana

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c) FC Kohlid) Rishad Chopra

115. Where will be the ‘Unknown master-pieces of Himachal Folk Art’ held?a) Solan b) Dharamshalac) New Delhi d) Gurgaon

116. Who was elected as Prime Minister ofThailand?a) ThanathornJuangroongruangkitb) Prayuth Chan-ochac) Maha Vajiralongkornd) PalangPracharath

117. Which Country will host India in all 3formats of Cricket in 2020?a) New Zealandb) South Africac) West Indiesd) England

118. Recently, the Agreement for Exchangeof Information was notified betweenIndia and which country?a) Serbia b) Mozambiquec) Zimbabwe d) Marshall Islands

119. Which of the following accused in Kathuarape-murder case was acquitted byPathankot special court?a) Vishal Jangotrab) Pravesh Doshic) Anand Duttad) Tilak Raj

120. Which nation has set the record of post-ing the highest-ever chasing targetagainst Australia in a cricket world cupmatch?a) India b) West Indiesc) England  d) New Zealand

121. Which Indian cricketer became the 4thbatsman in the world to hit 2000 ODIruns against Australia during India vsAustralia world cup match on June 9?a) Virat Kohlib) Rohit Sharmac) Shikhar Dhawand) MS Dhoni

122. Which cricketer announced his retire-ment from international cricket on June10?a) MS Dhoni b) Rohit Sharma c) Yuvraj Singh d) Shikhar Dhawan

123. Which planet will be the brightest ob-ject in the sky in June, besides the sunand the moon?a) Venus b) Jupiterc) Saturn d) Mercury

124. Which region among the following hasdecided to go ahead with extradition laws

despite massive protest?a) Taiwan b) Australiac) Mauritius  d) Hong Kong

125. In which state, drone successfully usedto transport blood from remote healthcentre?a) Jharkhandb) Uttar Pradeshc) Uttarakhandd) Madhya Pradesh

126. In a recent list released by Forbes, whichwoman of Indian origin is ranked 18thin the list of America’s richest 80women?a) Neerja Sethib) Neha Narkhedec) Aprajita Sinhad) Jayshree Ullal

127. Which of the following Indian historianhas been elected as the InternationalMember of the American PhilosophicalSociety?a) Brijesh Das Guptab) Romila Thaparc) Arvind Chaturvedid) Anushka Rawat

128. Where would be main event of Interna-tional Yoga Day will be organised incountry by Government of India?a) Ranchi b) Alwarc) Almora d) Patna

129. The wreckage of which Indian Air Forceaircraft was found in Arunachal Pradeshrecently?a) AN-32b) Mig-21c) Mirage 2000d) Boeing 707

130. Which country announced on June 11,2019 to ban single use plastics from2021?a) Thailand b) Canadac) Japan d) Russia

131. Which world leader became the first tovisit Sri Lanka after the Eater serialbombings that left over 250 dead?a) Justin Trudeaub) Vladimir Putinc) Narendra Modid) Sheikh Hasina

132. Name of bollywood superstar whoseTwitter account was recently hacked bya Turkish hacker?a) Shah Rukh Khanb) Salman Khanc) Amitabh Bachchand) Ranbir Singh

133. What is the name of cyclone that may

hit coastal areas of Gujarat in next fewdays with wind speed of 110-120kmph?a) Pawan b) Prakratic) Vayu d) Abhed

134. What is the name of senior BJP leaderwho has been proposed as Pro-temspeaker for upcoming Lok Sabha ses-sion?a) Santosh Gangwarb) Ajeet Sinhac) Jairam Singhd) Virendra Kumar

135. What is the ranking of India in “End ofChildhood Index” released by Save theChildren recently?a) 110 b) 111c) 112 d) 113

136. When was World Day against ChildLabour observed?a) June 12th  b) June 13th c) June 10th  d) June 9th 

137. The Union Government has decided todevelop Eklavya Model ResidentialSchools for which community?a) Dalitsb) EWSc) Scheduled Castesd) Schedules Tribes

138. Which financial institution has consti-tuted a committee to review ATM pric-ing?a) NITI Aayog b) IMF c) SEBId) RBI

139. Who has been appointed as the newleader of Rajya Sabha?a) ThawarchandGehlotb) Amit Shah c) Smriti Irani d) Rajnath Singh 

140. Which among the following is the sched-uled launch date of Chandrayaan-2?a) July 10th  b) July 15th c) July 13th  d) July 5th

141. Which Indian is the sole one to featureon the Forbes 2019 list of world’s high-est-paid athletes?a) Virat Kohli b) Mithali Rajc) PV Sindhud) Sania Mirza

142. Who topped the Forbes 2019 list ofworld’s highest-paid athletes?a) Floyd Mayweather b) Cristiano Ronaldoc) Lionel Messi


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d) Roger Federer143. Who has been appointed as the deputy

leader of BJP in the Lok Sabha?a) Amit Shahb) Piyush Goyal c) ThawarchandGehlotd) Rajnath Singh

144. Which country has decided to invest Rs13,000 cr in India’s northeast region?a) Russia b) USc) Japan d) Germany 

145. The RBI has slapped a penalty of Rs. 2crores on _______________ for thenon-state lender’s failure to adhere tothe regulator’s diktat on promotershareholding recently.a) Axis Bankb) State Bank of Indiac) HDFC Bankd) Kotak Mahindra Bank

146. Who has won her first Grand Slamsingles title after easing past Czech teen-ager Marketa Vondrousova in straightsets in the women’s final in French Open2019?a) TimeaBabosb) Ashleigh Bartyc) Kristina Mladenovicd) Simona Halep

147. World Oceans Day takes place everyyear on-a) 08th June b) 05th Junec) 12th June d) 10th June

148. Which of the following country willconfer ‘Nishan Izzuddin’ award onPrime Minister Narendra Modi and thisaward is the highest award to honourforeign nationals?a) Singapore b) Thailandc) Sri Lanka d) Maldives

149. Commerce and Industry MinisterPiyush Goyal is leading the Indian del-egation for the two-day G20 Ministe-rial meeting on Trade and DigitalEconomy beginning in-?a) Japan b) Russiac) Germany d) China

150. The country’s foreign exchange reservesincreased by USD 1.875 billion to USD______________ billion in the weekending 31st May 2019.a) USD 342.675b) USD 421.867c) USD 554.212d) USD 845.954

151. Which of the following organisation hasreleased India’s first Type ApprovalCertificate (TAC) for Bharat Stage– VI

(BS–VI) norms that are the latest emis-sion norms as notified by the Govern-ment of India for the two-wheeler seg-ment?a) Central Warehousing Corporation

(CWC)b) Automotive industry in Indiac) Ministry of Road Transport and

Highwaysd) International Centre for

Automotive Technology152. FormerChief Minister between 1996

and 2000 and a seniorDravidaMunnetraKazhagam leader RVJanakiraman was passed away recently.He was former CM of-a) Lakshadweepb) Keralac) Goad) Puducherry

153. The V.O. Chidambaranar Port Trust,Tuticorin and _________have signed anMoU for facilitating Direct Port Entry(DPE) of e-sealed factory stuffed ex-port container to the port under ‘Easeof Doing Business’.a) National Fertilizers Limitedb) Food Safety and Standards

Authority of Indiac) Central Warehousing Corporationd) Food Corporation of India

154. Which company has acquired ethnicapparel and lifestyle retailer ‘JayporeE-Commerce Pvt. Ltd‘ which sells eth-nic fashion merchandise under its ownbrand ‘Jaypore’ for Rs 110 crore?a) Lifestyleb) Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail

Ltdc) Myntrad) Future Group

155. Who has topped in the recently releasedAssociation of Tennis Professionals(ATP) Rankings?a) Novak Djokovicb) Rafael Nadalc) Roger Federerd) Dominic Thiem

156. Which of the following state has de-cided that the all farmers, including peas-ants, will be given Rs 12,500 a year asinput subsidy before the sowing sea-son in the recently cabinet meeting?a) Arunachal Pradeshb) Sikkimc) Telanganad) Andhra Pradesh

157. IRSDC entered a Tripartite Agreementwith French Railways (SNCF) & AFD,a French Agency which will finance upto 7,00,000 EURO, through FrenchNational Railways (SNCF)-Hubs andConnexions as a Technical Partner toIRSDC to support the Railway StationDevelopment Program in India. Whatis full form of IRSDC?a) Indian Railway Station

Development Corporationb) Indian Railway Station

Development Councilc) Indian Railway Scheme

Development Chamberd) Indian Railway Station

Department Corporation158. Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

has announced that single-use plasticswill be banned in the country from-?a) 2023 b) 2025c) 2022 d) 2021

159. India has received an invitation to at-tend the outreach Session at the G-7Summit 2019 to be held in-?a) Canada b) Italyc) France d) Germany

160. US retail giant ___________ has movedpast hi-tech titans Apple and Google tobecome the world’s most valuable brand,a key survey showed recently.a) Youtube b) Amazonc) Facebook d) Gmail

161. Who has been named as acting CentralVigilance Commissioner as current(CVC) recently?a) Anita Bhatiab) Sanjiv Puric) Azim Premjid) Sharad Kumar

162. The International Labour Organization(ILO) launched the World Day AgainstChild Labour to be organized across theworld on ____________a)10th June b) 8th Junec) 12th June d) 15th June

163. The Reserve Bank of India constituteda six-member committee to review theATM interchange fee structure with a“view to increase the ATM deploymentin the unbanked areas”. The committeewill be led by ___________a)Vimal Karnadb) V G Kannanc) Arvinda Srivastavad) Kamlesh Nath

164. Name the person who has been re-ap-pointed as Principal Secretary to Prime

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Minister Narendra Modi with Cabinetminister rank.a)Devansh Mishrab)Devashish Pantc)Kriplesh Singhd)NripendraMisra

165. Name the company that has surpassedUS technology giant IBM in terms ofmarket capitalization.a)Tata Consultancy Servicesb) WIPROc) Infosysd) Reliance Communication

166. Name the Very Severe Cyclonic Stormthat has hit over East-central ArabianSea and moved nearly northwards witha speed of about 13 kmph.a) FANI b) VANIc) VAYU d) FONI

167. British consumer goods giant ReckittBenckiser named PepsiCo executive_____________ to succeed RakeshKapoor as chief executive officer.a) Prakritesh Talwarb) Suwarna Rajuc) Kamal Nathd) Laxman Narasimhan

168. Name the Union Minister for TribalAffairs who has recently launched the“e-governance initiatives for ST Wel-fare schemes” at a function organizedby Ministry of Tribal Affairs.a) Raj Kumar Singhb) Ashwini Kumar Choubeyc) Arjun Ram Meghwald) Arjun Munda

169. Name the country that has decided toinvest an amount of Rs.13,000 crore, inseveral ongoing as well as new projectsin different states of India’s North- East-ern region.a) China b) Maldivesc) Japan d) Male

170. 2nd Bi-Monthly monetary policy state-ment has been released. The reverse reporate under the LAF stands adjusted to____________.a) 5.75% b) 5.50%c) 5.25% d) 5.00%

171. What is the theme for World DayAgainst Child Labour 2019?a) Stop Child Labour, Protect

Childhoodb) Let’s Together Protect Childhoodc) Say No To Child Labourd) Children shouldn’t work in fields,

but on dreams!

172. The Union Cabinet has cleared the NewDelhi International Arbitration Centre(NDIAC) Bill, 2019. The NDIAC willeffect from-a) 2nd March 2019b) 2nd January 2019c) 2nd May 2019d) 2nd June 2019

173. Which of the following university willconfer the distinguished alumni awardto Union Ministers Nirmala Sitharamanand Subrahmanyam Jaishankar?a) Indira Gandhi National Open

Universityb) Jawaharlal Nehru Universityc) University of Delhid) Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha

University174. According to annual report on internet

trends by venture capitalist MaryMeeker, Which country accounts for12% world’s internet users?a) China b) USAc) India d) Germany

175. India successfully conducted a first testflight of the indigenously developedHypersonic Technology DemonstratorVehicle (HSTDV) from a base off the-a) Coastal Statesb) South coast of Indiac) West Bengal coastd) Odisha coast

176. The U.S. Embassy organised its_____________ annual ‘Student VisaDay’ and launched ‘Education USA In-diaa) first b) secondc) third d) fifth

177. Which of the following Indian playerranked 100th and remains the sole In-dian in the Forbes list of world’s high-est-paid athletes with estimated annualearnings of $25 million?a) MS Dhonib) Rohit Sharmac) MC Marycomd) Virat Kohli

178. The Hypersonic Technology Demon-strator Vehicle (HSTDV) is an un-manned scramjet (allowing supersoniccombustion) demonstration vehicle thatcan cruise up to a speed of mach 6 (orsix times the speed of sound) and riseup to an altitude of ___________ km in20 seconds.a) 55 km b) 65 kmc) 40 km d) 32 km

179. Cancer-hit badminton star Lee ChongWei announced his retirement. He is aretired _______________ professionalbadminton player.a) Japaneseb) Indonesianc) Malaysiand) Chinese

180. According to a report released by brandanalytics firm TRA Research,_______________ has emerged as themost trusted brand in India in 2019.a) Apple b) Dellc) Sony d) MI

181. Who was awarded the 54th JnanpithAward for his contribution to the en-richment of Indian Literature in English?a) Amitav Ghoshb) Vikram Sethc) Anita Desaid) Arundhati Roy

182. Name the Bollywood actress, who is aglobal UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadorfor Child Rights is going to be honouredwith Danny Kaye Humanitarian Awardby UNICEF at the UNICEF SNOW-FLAKE BALL recently?a) Priyanka Choprab) Aishwarya Raic) Katrina Kaifd) Deepika Padukone

183. A team of scientists from_______________ and the Wildlife In-stitute of India, in collaboration withresearchers from Indonesia and the US,have discovered a new species of ‘paddyfrog’ from Northeast India, primarilyAssam.a) Banaras Hindu Universityb) University of Delhic) Jawaharlal Nehru Universityd) Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha

University184. PazhavilaRameshan was a ________

language journalist, poet and lyricistfrom Kerala, India and received the 2017Kerala Sahitya Akademi Award forOverall Contributions.a) Marathi b) Teluguc) Kannad d) Malayalam

185. Which organisation has changed its nameto “World Athletics” in its 217th coun-cil meeting which took place in Mo-naco?a) European Athletics Associationb) FIFAc) International Association of

Athletics Federations


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d) International Shooting SportFederation

186. Minister of State (I/C) of Culture &Tourism, GoI who inaugurated the ex-hibition titled “Astitva: The Essence ofPrabhakar Barwe”, at National Galleryof Modern Art, New Delhi isa) Jalam Singh patelb) Narendra Singh Tomarc) Shri Prahlad Singh Pateld) Rakesh Singh

187. The government has reduced the totalrate of the contribution made by work-ers and employers towards the Employ-ees’ State Insurance (ESI) scheme from6.5% to _______ for the first time inover two decades?a)4.4% b)4.2%c)3.5% d)4.0%

188. Which Indian regulatory will infuse Rs12,500 crore into the financial systemthrough bond purchases under the OpenMarket Operation (OMO)?a) RBIb) IRDAIc) NHBd) SEBI

189. Which asian country has secured 141strank among 163 countries in the recentlyreleased Global Peace Index 2019?a) Pakistanb) Sri Lankac) Afghanistand) India

190. Atop which mountain, a team ofTribhuvan University and NationalGeographic Society scientists and re-searchers have installed the world’s high-est, fully automated weather station?a) Mount Everestb) Mount killimanjaroc) Cho oyud) Mount Elbrus

191. Which Indian regulatory have directedrating companies to create a uniformprobability of default benchmark foreach rating category on their website?a) RBIb) SEBIc) CRISILd) IRDAI

192. Which day is celebrated as Kargil VijayDiwas?a) 26th Juneb) 26th Julyc) 20th Juned) 16th May

193. What is the minimum fixed monthlypension for farmers under the PradhanMantri Kisan Pension Yojana?a) Rs 3000 b) Rs 4000c) Rs 5000 d) Rs 3500

194. Which country has topped among 163countries in the recently released Glo-bal Peace Index 2019?a) Finland b) Swedenc) Iceland d) Norway

195. Which corporation have sold its 4.22%stake in Gruh Finance for Rs 899 crore?a) Life Insurance Corporationb) Housing and Urban Development

Corporation Ltdc) Housing Development Finance

Corporationd) India Bulls

196. The Information and Broadcasting Min-istry directed all satellite TV channelsto display the cast, credits and titles ofHindi and regional language serials thatthey broadcast in the respective lan-guages too. Who is the present UnionMinister of Information and Broadcast-ing?a) Prakash Javadekarb) Harsh Vardhanc) Piyush Goyald) Ravi Shankar Prasad

197. Which organisation has announcednames of 22 winners for Bal SahityaPuraskar and 23 winners forYuvaPuraskar?a) Sahitya Akademib) Sangeet NatakAkademic) National School of Dramad) Lalit Kala Akademi

198. What is the current FIFA ranking ofIndian Football Team?a) 100th b) 101st

c) 103rd d) 104th

199. NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope toRetire in which year?a) 2019 b) 2025c) 2030 d) 2020

200. Which of the following consumer lend-ing technology company have partneredwith Digit Insurance to offer EMI in-surance to the company’s five millioncustomers?a) Paytmb) Zest Moneyc) Mobikwikd) Freecharge


1. d 2. a 3. c 4. a5. d 6. b 7. c 8. c9. d 10. b 11. c 12. d13. b 14. b 15. d 16. b17. d 18. c 19. c 20. c21. d 22. b 23. c 24. a25. b 26. c 27. a 28. c29. a 30. c 31. a 32. b33. c 34. d 35. a 36. b37. b 38. d 39. a 40. d41. d 42. b 43. d 44. c45. d 46. d 47. a 48. a49. c 50. b 51. b 52. d53. d 54. a 55. d 56. c57. b 58. d 59. a 60. c61. a 62. b 63. a 64. a65. b 66. a 67. b 68. c69. d 70. c 71. a 72. b73. c 74. d 75. a 76. b77. b 78. d 79. c 80. a81. c 82. b 83. d 84. d85. a 86. c 87. a 88. a89. c 90. d 91. a 92. b93. c 94. d 95. a 96. d97. c 98. b 99. c 100. a101. a 102. c 103. b 104. c105. d 106. b 107. c 108. c109. c 110. d 111. d 112. b113. a 114. a 115. c 116. b117. a 118. d 119. a 120. a121. b 122. c 123. b 124. d125. c 126. d 127. b 128. a129. a 130. b 131. c 132. c133. c 134. d 135. d 136. a137. d 138. d 139. a 140. b141. a 142. c 143. d 144. c145. d 146. b 147. a 148. d149. a 150. b 151. d 152. d153. c 154. b 155. a 156. d157. a 158. d 159. c 160. b161. d 162. c 163. b 164. d165. a 166. c 167. d 168. d169. c 170. b 171. d 172. a173. b 174. c 175. d 176. d177. d 178. d 179. c 180. b181. a 182. a 183. b 184. d185. c 186. c 187. d 188. a189. d 190. a 191. b 192. b193. a 194. c 195. c 196. a197. a 198. b 199. d 200. b

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1. Who gave the title of ‘Sardar’ to VallabhBhai Patel(a) Mahatma Gandhi(b) Vinoba Bhave(c) J. Nehru(d) M A Jinnah

2. Who was the viceroy when Delhi be-came the capital of British India?(a) Lord Curzon(b) Lord Minto(c) Lord Harding-II(d) Lord Waveli

3. Who established the Indian civil Liber-ties Union in 1936?(a) Subhash Chandra Bose(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak(c) Jawahar Lal Nehru(d) Rajendra Prasad

4. Who was the regent of Akbar in his earlydays?(a) Abul Fazl (b) Bairam Khan(c) Tansen (d) Todarmal

5. Before assuming the office of the Sultanof delhi Balban was the Prime Ministerof Sultan(a) Nasir-ud-din(b) Qutub-ud-din-Aibak(c) Bahrem Shah(d) Aram Shah

6. Who was the French Governor ofPondicherry? Who tried to make theFrench company as a powerful com-pany?(a) Thomas Arthur, comte delally(b) Godeheu(c) La baurdonnais(d) Joseph francois Dupleix

7. The most powerful Peshwa was(a) Balaji Baji Rao(b) Baji Rao-I(c) Madhava Rao(d) Balaji Vishwanath

8. Chandragupa maurya spent his last daysat(a) Kashi (b) Pataliputra(c) Ujjain (d) Sravanabelgola

9. The Ashokan Inscriptions were engravedin which script?(a) Magadhi (b) Brahmi(c) Pali (d) Devnagari script

10. Who was the first monarch in the DelhiSultanate to start direct relations withthe cultivators to know the actualamount they as land revenue?(a) Balban(b) Ala-ud-din-Khilji(c) Muhamad-bin-Tughlaq(d) Sikandar Lodi

11. Which one amongst the following is theoldest Dynasty?(a) Pallava Dynasty(b) Chola Dynasty(c) Maurya Dynasty(d) Gupta Dynasty

12. The Mughal queen, whose name was in-scribed on the coins and on all royalfarmans as well as attached to the im-perial signature was ___.(a) Nur Jahan(b) Jodha Bai(c) Mumtaz Mahal(d) Ladli Begum

13. Which state produces maximum soyabean?(a) Puducherry

(b) Madhya Pradesh(c) Meghalaya(d) J & K

14. Which planet in our solar system isnearly as big as the earth?(a) Mercury (b) Mars(c) Venus (d) Pluto

15. Identify the most infertile amongst thefollowing soils.(a) Black cotton soil(b) Alluvial soil(c) Literate soil(d) Peaty soil

16. Spot the odd item of the following :(a) Shale (b) Marble(c) Limestone (d) Sandstone

17. Which of the following reasons is respon-sible for lack of vegetation in the deserts?(a) Heavy volume of sands(b) Absence of B-horizon in the soil(c) High temperature(d) Lack of rainfall

18. Which of the following lakes is called‘Honeymoon Lake’?(a) Nyasa (b) Chad(c) Titicaca (d) Toba

19. The spiral flow in a stream caused bychannel shape is called :(a) Stream flow(b) Laminar flow(c) Turbulent flow(d) Helical flow

20. The forest in Silent valley of Kerala is anexample of(a) Mangrove forest(b) Deciduous forest(c) Tropical rainforest(d) Alpine coniferous forest

21. The device through which the radiationof the sun rays is measured:(a) Astrometer(b) Chrescograph(c) Barometer(d) Actinometer

22. At boiling point of liquids, its(a) Temperature increases(b) Atmospheric pressure increases(c) Temperature remains constant(d) Vapour pressure decreases

23. The major objective of monetary policyis to(a) Increase government’s tax revenue(b) Revamp the Public Distribution

System(c) Promote economic growth with

price stability


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(d) Weed out corruption in theeconomy

24. Which one is not the main objective offiscal policy in India?(a) To increase liquidity in the

economy(b) To promote price stability(c) To minimize the inequalities of

income & wealth(d) To promote employment

opportunity25. “Earth provides enough to satisfy

everyman’s need but not everyman’sgreed”. Who said this?(a) Guru Nanak Dev(b) Mahatma Gandhi(c) Pope Paul VI(d) Smt. Indira Gandhi

26. Who won the first medal for India at theRio Olympics?(a) Babita Kumari(b) Narsingh Yadav(c) P. V. Sindhu(d) Sakshi Malik

27. Terylene is a condensation polymer ofethylene glycol and which acid?(a) Benzoic Acid(b) Salicylic acid(c) Phthalic acid(d) Terephthalic acid

28. The smallest island country in the IndianOcean is(a) Maldives (b) Sri Lanka(c) Mauritius (d) Madagascar

29. The Dandi March of Gandhi-is an ex-ample of :(a) Non-Cooperation(b) Direct Action(c) Boycott(d) Civil Disobedience

30. Who among the following introduced theMansabdari system?(a) Jahangir (b) Shah Jahan(c) Sher Shah (d) Akbar

31. When was RTI Act enacted in India? (a) 15th August 2005(b) 15th March 2005(c) 15th June 2005(d) 15th July 2005

32. The tendency of liquid drop to contractand occupy minimum area due to(a) Surface Tension(b) Vapour Pressure(c) Density(d) Viscosity

33. Heat energy of an object is(a) The average energy of the

molecules of the object(b) The total energy of the molecules

of the object(c) The average velocity of the

molecules of the object(d) The average P.E. of the molecules

of the object34. In a nuclear reactor cadmium rods are

used to(a) Speed up Neutrons(b) Slow down neutrons(c) Absorb Neutrons(d) Produce Neutrons

35. The electrical circuit used to get smoothDC output from a rectifier circuit iscalled(a) Amplifier (b) Filter(c) Oscillator (d) Full Rectifier

36. Whose experiment proved that the speedof light was always the same?(a) James Clark Maxwell(b) Michelson and Morley(c) Miller and Stanley(d) Werner Heisenberg

37. A solution of washing soda in water is(a) Acidic (b) Neutral(c) Bleaching (d) Alkaline

38. Super cooling stands for cooling of a liq-uid(a) At Freezing Point(b) Below Freezing Point(c) At Melting Point(d) Above Melting Point

39. The conduction of electricity through theelectrolyte solution is due to(a) Movement of Molecules of

Electrolyte(b) Movement of Ions of Electrolyte(c) Movement of Separate Atom(d) Movement of Particles of the

Solvent40. Which of the following colloids are sol-

vent loving colloids?(a) Lyophilic(b) Lyophobic(c) Hydrophilic(d) None

41. Medicines are more effective if they areused in(a) Solution State(b) Gaseous State(c) Colloidal State(d) Solid State

42. Which method is used for the purifica-tion of bauxite ore?(a) Magnetic Separation(b) Electrolysis(c) Leaching(d) Levigation

43. Heating pyrites in air to remove sulphuris known as(a) Bessemerisation(b) Roasting(c) Calcination(d) Smelting

44. Study of effect of light on various bio-logical life process(a) Potobiology(b) Photobiology(c) Photometry(d) None of these

45. The characteristic odour of garlic is dueto(a) A Chloro Compound(b) A Sulphur Compound(c) A Fluorine Compound(d) Acetic Acid

46. Consumption of fish is considered to behealthy when compared to flesh of otheranimals because fish contains(a) Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids(b) Saturated Fatty Acids(c) Essential Vitamins(d) More Carbohydrates and Proteins

47. The corners of the cells of collenchymatissue in plants are thickened due to thedeposition of(a) Lignin and Suberin(b) Suberin and Cutin(c) Cellulose and Pectin(d) Chitin and Lignin

48. Catalytic converters are generally madefrom(a) Carbon(b) Alkaline Metals(c) Transition metals(d) Hydrogen

49. Hydrogen peroxide is an effective steril-izing agent. Which one of the followingproduct results when it readily losesactive oxygen?(a) Water(b) Hydrogen(c) Nascent Hydrogen(d) Ozone

50. What happens when a drop of glycerol isadded to crush KMNO

4 spread on pa-

per?(a) There is a cracking sound(b) The paper ignites

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(c) Explosion(d) No reaction

51. Heart beat is controlled by -(a) Vagus nerve(b) Audotary nerve(c) Olfactory nerve(d) None of these

52. Cretenism is related to(a) Thyroid gland(b) Thymus gland(c) Adrenal gland(d) None of these

53. Deep voice in regulated by whichhormone?(a) Adrenalin(b) TSH(c) Testosterone(d) Thymosine

54. “Healing of wound” controlled by -(a) Vitamin –C(b) Vitamin –D(c) Vitamin –A(d) Vitamin – K

55. Which one of the following techniquescan be used to establish the paternityof a child?(a) Protein analysis(b) Chromosome counting(c) Quantitative analysis of DNA(d) DNA finger printing

56. In human body, the pancreas secretes itsenzyme into which one of the follow-ing?(a) Doudenum(b) Ileum(c) Jejunum(d) Stomach

57. Among the following food items, whichone has the highest amount of carbohy-drates?(a) Apple (b) Banana(c) Cabbage (d) Pea

58. Which among the following is the richestsource of ascorbic acid?(a) Apple (b) Bean(c) Carrot (d) Guava

59. Three communicable diseases prevalentin developing countries caused by un-safe drinking water and bad sanitationare:(a) Malaria, Acute diarrhoea and

Schistosomiasis(b) Rheumatism, Malaria and AIDS(c) Acute diarrhoea, Cancer and Gout(d) Onchocerciasis, Leukemia and


60. Which among the following are the majorreasons behind preferring Eucalyptustree in the planned forestation process?1. Plantation grows very fast2. Plantation makes the soil more

fertile.3. Wood from Eucalyptus tree is

easily converted into pulp forpaper industry.

Select the correct answer using the codegiven below:(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3(c) 2and3 (d) 1,2and3

61. Which of the following vegetable pro-teins is considered as good as an animalprotein?(a) Soyabean protein(b) Corn protein(c) Wheat protein(d) Bengal gram protein

62. To which one of the following types oforganisms do mushrooms belong?(a) Algae (b) Ferns(c) Fungi (d) Lichens

63. The most important requirement for thepeople of a flood hit area is:(a) Small pox vaccination(b) BCG injection(c) Inoculation against cholera(d) None of these

64. Sahara desert is in(a) Africa (b) Australia(c) Asia (d) Europe

65. With which musical instrument wasUstad Mustaq Ali Khan associated?(a) Shehnai (b) Flute(c) Sitar (d) Tabla

66. Ms. Gaura Pant “Shivani” who passedaway recently was a famous(a) Politician(b) Scientist(c) Social Activist(d) Story Writer

67. Which state gives Mewar Award?(a) Delhi (b) Punjab(c) Haryana (d) Rajasthan

68. The headquarters of International Olym-pic Committee is at(a) Lausanne(b) Moscow(c) Los Angles(d) New York

69. The recently published book “ThreeDecades in Parliament” is a collectionof the speeches of(a) L. K. Advani

(b) A. B. Vajpayee(c) N. G. Ranga(d) Somnath Chatterjee

70. Guillermo Cano Press Freedom Prize isan initiative of ________.(a) UNEP (b) UNSC(c) UNDP (d) UNESCO

71. Which department Proposes New RulesTo Tax MNCs And Digital Firms InIndia(a) Income Tax Department(b) Ministry of Agriculture(c) Ministry of Civil Aviation(d) Ministry of Commerce and

Industry72. Which of the following authority has

launched the housing scheme for 2019?(a) Bihar Development Authority

(BDA)(b) Odisha Development Authority

(ODA)(c) Mumbai Development Authority

(MDA)(d) Delhi Development Authority

(DDA)73. What is the position of India on WEF

global Energy Transition index?(a) 74th (b) 78th

(c) 72nd (d) 76th

74. Which of the following India’s airporthas now become the world’s 12th busi-est airport?(a) Rajiv Gandhi International

Airport, Hyderabad(b) Indira Gandhi International

Airport, Delhi(c) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

International Airport, Mumbai(d) Kempegowda International

Airport, Bengaluru75. Which is the 1st Indian state to ban the

electronic cigarettes?(a) Punjab(b) Uttar Pradesh(c) Bihar(d) Karnataka

76. 34th edition of Aahar International Foodand Hospitality Fair begins in _____?(a) New Delhi(b) Chennai(c) Hyderabad(d) Pune

77. Who became newly joined member ofthe 15th Finance Commission?(a) Ajay Narayan Jha(b) Krishna Jha(c) Suresh Kumar


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(a) ’Our Pride, Our Film’(b) ’Our Nation, Our Pride’(c) ’Our Film, Our Pride’(d) ‘Our Heritage, Our Pride’

98. Who was conferred with the EY Entre-preneur of the year 2018 award?(a) Ritesh Agarwal(b) Siddhartha Lal(c) Azim Premji(d) Byju Raveendran

99. Name the Annual Exercise carried out byIndian Army at Deolali Camp nearNashik?(a) Exercise Sampriti(b) Exercise Mitra Shakti(c) Exercise Shatrujeet(d) Exercise Topchi

100. What was the name of the online portallaunched during the first investor con-ference ASCEND 2019 held in Kerala?(a) KSWIFT (b) KSHEER(c) KINVEST (d) KPORTAL


1. a 2. c 3. c 4. b5. a 6. d 7. b 8. d9. b 10. b 11. c 12. a13. b 14. c 15. c 16. b17. d 18. c 19. d 20. c21. d 22. c 23. c 24. a25. b 26. d 27. d 28. a29. a 30. d 31. c 32. a33. b 34. c 35. b 36. b37. d 38. b 39. b 40. a41. c 42.c 43. b 44. b45. b 46. a 47. c 48. c49. a 50. b 51. a 52. a53. c 54. a 55. c 56. a57. b 58. d 59. a 60. b61. a 62. c 63. c 64. a65. c 66. d 67. d 68. a69. b 70. d 71. a 72. d73. d 74. b 75. a 76. a77. a 78. d 79. b 80. c81. d 82. a 83. a 84. d85. a 86. d 87. c 88. d89. b 90. b 91. d 92. b93. b 94. b 95. d 96. c97. d 98. b 99. d 100. a

(d) Vijay Kumar78. The study of heavenly bodies is known

as(a) Astrology(b) Astronautics(c) Astronomy(d) Astrophysics

79. The Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary is locatedat(a) Madhya Pradesh(b) Rajasthan(c) Uttar Pradesh(d) Kerala

80. The Govind wild life sanctuary is lo-cated at(a) Karnataka(b) Andhra Pradesh(c) Uttarakhand(d) Gujarat

81. Kiran Desai won the Man Booker Prizefor the book(a) Life of Pi(b) The White Tiger(c) Last Orders(d) The Inheritance of Loss

82. The book “Kargil : Turning the Tide” iswritten by(a) MohinderPuri(b) DurjoyDatta(c) ChetanBhagat(d) Anita Nair

83. Which of the following award is given forthe field of medicine?(a) B. C. Roy(b) Kalinga Award(c) Borlaug Award(d) None

84. The headquarters of the National Re-search Laboratory for Conservation ofCultural Property is located in ;(a) Jaipur (b) New Delhi(c) Pune (d) Lucknow

85. “Samanta Chandrasekhar Award” is givenfor excellence in the field of:(a) Science(b) Literature(c) Administration(d) Environment

86. Where is world’s deepest trench“Mariana Trench” located?(a) In Indian Ocean(b) IN Atlantic Ocean(c) In Arctic Ocean(d) In Pacific Ocean

87. In which of the following country hasthe maximum population of Muslims?

(a) India (b) Pakistan(c) Indonesia (d) Saudi Arabia

88. Minimum payment of factor of produc-tion is called-(a)Quasi Rent (b) Rent(c) Wages (d) Transfer Payment

89. What is the full form of NATO?(a) North African Treaty

Organization(b) North Atlantic Treaty

Organization(c) North Asian Treaty Organization(d) North American Treaty

Organization90. The Full form of ATM is -

(a) Automatic Teller Machine(b) Automated Teller Machine(c) Automatic Tally Machine(d) Automated Tally Mechanism

91. Which is not an extension of a picture fileon a computer-(a) .jpeg (b) .png(c) .gif (d) .mdb

92. Which Printer cannot print more thanone character at a time.(a) Laser (b) Dot-matrix(c) Line (d) Daisy-wheel

93. Who has received this year’s PritzkerPrize 2019?(a)Tanaka Ito(b)Arata Isozaki(c)Yamamoto Saki(d)Saito Kobayashi

94. Who launched the countrywide PulsePolio Programme 2019? (a) Narendra Modi(b) Ram Nath Kovind(c) Arun Jaitley(d) Dr Harsh Vardhan

95. President Ram Nath Kovind conferredthe Padam Shri 2019 on which of thefollowing personality?(a) Nambi Narayan(b) Bachendri Pal(c) Teejan Bai(d) Gautam Gambhir

96. Name the Joint Humanitarian Assistanceand Disaster Relief Exercise,that heldrecently in Jaipur, Rajasthan?(a) Vijay Prahar(b) Shakti(c) Rahat(d) Indra

97. What is the theme of the ChallachitramNational Film Festival that is to be heldGuwahati?

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1. Which key is used to search any data ina computer?(a)F1 (b)F2 (c)F3  (d)F4 (e)F5  

2. Which of the following is a non-volatilememory chip used for storage and fortransferring data between   a   personalcomputer (PC) and digital devices ?(a)Flash memory(b)RAM(c)Cache memory(d)Registers(e)None of the above

3. .bmp extension is used by(a)MS-Powerpoint(b)MS-Word (c)MS-Excel(d)Paint(e)All the above

4. Name the type of memory which clearseverything when the power of a com-puter gets witched off.    (a) Volatile  (b) Non-volatile (c) ROM (d) Flash memory (e) All of these 

5. A handheld device that allows you tocontrol your computer without typinginstructions from a keyboard is knownas_______.  (a) Tablet  (b) PDA(c) Mouse  (d) Mike (e) None of these 

6. Who invented the machine to add num-bers quickly and accurately?  (a) Joseph Marie Jacquard (b) Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (c) Blaise Pascal (d) Herman Hollerith (e) None of these  

7. Which output device transfers processedinformation into a printed page?    (a) Scanner  (b) Printer (c) Monitor  (d) CD-ROM (e) Digital Camera 

8. Which of the following units performsthe arithmetic tasks (such as addition,subtraction, multiplication and division)and logical operations?  (a) Input unit (b) Control unit (c) Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) (d) Storage unit (e) Memory Unit 

9. What converts high-level languages intomachine language?  (a) Complier (b) Assembler (c) Operating System (d) CPU (e) Browser 

10. Which of the following electronic devicesprocesses data, converting it into infor-mation? (a) Computer  (b) Memory (c) Case  (d) Stylus (e) None of these 

11. Twisted pair wire are commonly used in (a) Telephone networks (b) Cable TV networks (c) Computer networks (d) Both (a) & (b)  (e) None of the above 

12. In network topology, all devices on anetwork are connected to a single con-tinuous cable called    (a) Star  (b) Ring (c) Bus  (d) Tree (e) Mesh 

13. A term for retrieving software or otherfiles on your computer from a computer

network or Internet. (a) Upload  (b) Download (c) Sharing  (d) Mailing (e) Editing 

14. Which one of the following is internetStandard Protocol?  (a) TML (b) COBOL(c) JAVA (d) TCP/IP(e)None of these

15. Name the network that is geographicallydistributed in a small area. For example,it allows connection among computersof two separate departments in a build-ing.  (a) LAN  (b) WAN (c) TCP/IP  (d) OSI (e) None of the above 

16. Operating system that allows only oneuser to work on a computer at a time isknown as (a) Single user operating system (b) Multiuser operating system (c) Single tasking operating system (d) Multitasking operating system (e) Real time operating system  

17. What acts as master software that worksas a mediator between a computer userand the hardware of a computer?  (a) Application Program (b) Hardware (c) Software (d) Operating system (e) User 

18. In which process, each program is splitinto fixed size program componentscalled pages?  (a) Multitasking(b) Logging on (c) Paging (d) Scheduling (e) Time Sharing 

19. In addition to keying data directly into adatabase, data entry can be done froma(n)(a) input form(b) table(c) field(d) data dictionary(e) None of these

20. What is an e-mail attachment?(a) A receipt sent by the recipient(b) A separate document from another

program sent along with an e-mailmessage



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(c) A malicious parasite that feeds offyour messages and destroys thecontents

(d) A list of CC or BCC recipients(e) None of these

21. SMTP, FTP and DNS are applicationsof the ____ layer.a) data link b) networkc) transport d) applicatione) None of these

22. In a database, information should beorganised and accessed according towhich of the following?a) Physical positionb) Logical structurec) Data dictionaryd) Physical structuree) None of these

23. A _______ is a computer connected totwo networks.a) link b) serverc) gateway d) bridge waye) None of these

24. A file extension is separated from themain file name with a(n) _______, butno spaces.a) question markb) exclamation markc) underscored) periode) None of these

25. A telephone number, a birth date, and acustomer name are all examples ofa) a record b) datac) a file d) a databasee) None of these

26. The term _______ designates equipmentthat might be added to a computer sys-tem to enhance its functionality.a) digital deviceb) system add-onc) disk packd) peripheral devicee) None of these

27. Which key is used in combination withanother key to perform a specific task?a) Function b) Controlc) Arrow d) Space bare) None of these

28. The real business and competitive valueof information technology lies ina) The software applications that are

used by many companiesb) The capabilities of the software

and value of the information, abusiness acquires and uses

c) The infrastructure of hardware,networks, and other IT facilitiesthat are commonly used by manycompanies

d) The capabilities of the hardwareand the speed at which itprocesses information

e) None of these29. OCR stands for _____

a) Optical Character Recognitionb) Optical CPU Recognitionc) Optimal Character Renderingd) Other Character Restoratione) None of these

30. If a new device is attached to a computer,such as a printer or scanner, its ______must be installed before the device canbe used.a) buffer      b) driver         c) pager d) server e) None of these

31. The software that allows users to surfthe Internet is called a/ana) Search engineb) Internet Service Provider (ISP)c) Multimedia applicationd) Browsere) None of these

32. A tuple is aa) column of a table                 b) two-dimensional tablec) row of a table     d) key of a tablee) None of these

33. The method of file organization in whichdata records in a file are arranged in aspecified order according to a key fieldis known as thea) Direct access method b) Queuing methodc) Predetermined methodd) Sequential access methode) None of these

34. In Excel,_____ contains one or moreworksheets.a) Template b) Workbook               c) Active celld) Label       e) None of these

35. Which of the following is a popular pro-gramming language for developing mul-timedia web pages, websites, and web-based applications?a) COBOL        b) Java         

c) BASIC d) Assembler             e) None of these

36. Compiling creates a(n) _____ .a) program specification   b) algorithmc) executable program       d) subroutinee) None of these

37. A CD-RW diska) has a faster access than an internal

diskb) is a form of optical disk, so it can

only be written oncec) holds less data than a floppy diskd) can be erased and rewrittene) None of these

38. The first page of a Web site is called thea) Home pageb) Indexc) Java Scriptd) Book marke) None of these

39. Full form of TCP is:a) Transmission Control Protocolb) Total Control Protocolc) Transmission Control Programd) Totaling Control Programe) None of these

40. __ provides a common address space androutes the packets of data across theentire internet?a) IP              b) TCPc) UDP  d) ALUe) None of these


1. c 2. a 3. d 4. a

5. c 6. c 7. b 8. c

9. a 10. a 11. a 12. c

13. b 14. d 15. a 16. a

17. d 18. c 19. d 20. b

21. d 22. b 23. d 24. d

25. a 26. d 27. b 28. b

29. a 30. b 31. d 32. c

33. d 34. b 35. b 36. c

37. d 38. a 39. a 40. a

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1. Which committee set up by RBI hassuggested to increase the collateral freeloans to MSME’s from Rs. 10 Lakhsto Rs. 20 Lakhs?A)Nandan NilekaniB)Bimal JalanC)Viral AcharyaD)U K Sinha

2. RBI has extended the RTGS timings forcustomers from 4.30 P.M to___________?A)8 P.M B) 5 P.MC) 6 P.M D)7 P.M

3. Crypto Currency is a ___________?A)Pastic MoneyB) Digital PaymentC) Digital Medium of ExchangeD) Both B & C

4. Which of the following is not the pri-mary function of a bank?A)Granting of LoansB)Collecting Cheques/DraftsC) Issuing Bank DraftsD)Facilitating import of Goods

5. Suppose RBI has reduced the Bank Rateby 100 basis points, so what will be itsimpact on the market?A) Less liquidity in the marketB) Mobilization of more deposits by

commercial banksC) More liquidity in the marketD) No change in the liquidity in the

market6. Credit risk to the banks is high from

which of these cards?A) Debit Card B) ATM CardC) Credit Card D) All of these

7. The rate at which the domestic currencyis converted into foreign currency orvice-versa is called as?A) Base Rate B) LIBORC) Call Rate D) Exchange Rate

8. Crossing on a cheque can be cancelledby the _________of the cheque, under

his full signature?A) Payee B) DraweeC) Endorser D) Drawer

9. Bank branches which can undertake for-eign exchange business directly areknown as ________ in foreign exchange?A) Approved DealersB) DrawersC) Authorised DealersD) Foreign Dealers

10. What do u understand by “Mortgage”?A) Registration of charge with the

Registrar of the companyB) Sale of movable security in the

event of default by the borrowerC) Registration of charge with the

Regional transport AuthorityD) Making the security of the

immovable property available asa cover for a home loan by theborrower

11. Which of the following is/are the variouscomponents of monetary policy ofRBI?I) Altering the money supplyII) Credit availabilityIII) Influencing the exchange rateA) Only I B) Only IIC) I & II Only D) Only III

12. Which of the following is known asbenchmark policy rate?A) Bank RateB) MSFC) Rev. Repo RateD) Repo Rate

13. Reserve Bank of India has divested itsstake in IDBI Bank to __________?A) Govt of India B) NHBC) SIDBI D) LIC

14. Which entity announced that it willimplement an ‘Ombudsman Scheme forDigital Transactions’ covering servicesprovided by entities falling under Re-serve Bank’s regulatory jurisdiction?

A) Union Ministry of FinanceB) State Bank of India (SBI)C) Reserve Bank of India (RBI)D) Indian Banks’ Association (IBA)

15. In which of the following system thesettlement of fund is done on half hourlybasis?A) UPI B) RTGSC)  NEFT D) Both B and C

16. The main objective of introducing KYCnorms by banks is__________?A) Ensure that the money deposited

in the bank has come from genuinesources

B) Bring more number of unservedpersons under banking system

C) Identify people who do not payincome tax

D) Determine whether moneydeposited is of an Indian or foreignnational

17. The ATM that is connected to the data-base of the banks all the time is knownas?A) White label ATMB) Off-site ATMC) On-Line ATMD) Off-Line ATM

18. What is the minimum maturity periodfor Masala Bonds raised up to USD 50million equivalent in INR per financialyear?A) 2 years B) 3 yearsC)  4 years D) 5 years

19. What is very restricted form of banking,where the institution is not allowed totake risks by giving fresh loans to busi-ness?A) Para BankingB) Narrow BankingC) Wholesale BankingD) Retail Banking

20. Courtesy amount in a cheque stands for__________?A) Money valueB) Amount written in wordsC) Amount written in figuresD) Amount written by bank officials


1. D 2. C 3. C 4. D5. C 6. C 7. D 8. D9. C 10. D 11. C 12. D13. D 14. C 15. C 16. A17. C 18. B 19. B 20. C


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Direction (1-5): Read the followinginformation carefully and answer thequestions given below.Eight people P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W areborn in different months viz,. January,February, March, April, May, June, Julyand August in a same year. They all havedifferent bikes namely Hero, Yamaha,Vespa, Mahindra, Honda, Royal Enfield,Kawasaki and TVS. All the information isnot necessary to be in the same order.The person who has TVS is born in themonth which contain less than thirty days.Number of people born before the personwho has Honda is same as the number ofpeople born after U, who is younger thanthe person who born in the month of April.W has Kawasaki bike and who is born in themonth which contains 31 days. The personwho has Vespa born immediately before S.S is born in the month which contains 31days. The person who likes Vespa is notborn in the month which contains 30 days.W is younger than the person who hasHonda bike. The person who has RoyalEnfield is elder to the person who has Herobike. The person who has Mahindra bike isyoungest among all. The person who hasHero bike was not born in the month ofJune. Only two people born between theperson who has Yamaha and T. Only onepeople born between U and P, who doesnot have Vespa. V does not have RoyalEnfield bike and he is elder than Q

1. Name the person who likes Mahindrabike?a) P b) Qc) S d) Re) None of these

2. The person who has Honda bike born inwhich of the following months?a) January b) Februaryc) March d) Aprile) None of these

3. How many people born between theperson who likes Vespa and T?a) One b) Twoc) Three d) More than Threee) None

4. Name the person who has TVS bike?a) P b) Vc) S d) Re) None of these

5. In which of the following months theperson who has Yamaha bike born?a) June b) Julyc) March d) Auguste) None of these

Direction (6-10): Read the followinginformation carefully and answer thequestions given below.“petrol price increased high” is coded as “O5V18 W14 S9”“barrel crude oil quantity” is coded as “O1V18 O9 B21” “cost improve develop undertakes” is codedas “G15 V13 K5 H14”

6. What is the code for the word “Region”?a) F1 b) W6c) M5 d) U7e) None of these

7. What is the code for the word“Domestic”?a) S18 b) X15c) H24 d) L11e) None of these

8. What is the code for the word“Revenue”?a) V5 b) J10c) F21 d) W4e) None of these

9. What is the code for the word“Economy”?a) K15 b) X3c) A26 d) B3e) None of these

10. What is the code for the word “Growth”?a) S19 b) S18c) T20 d) N14e) None of these

Directions (11–15): Study the followinginformation carefully and answer thequestions given below.There are eight members M, N, O, P, Q, R,S, and T who are seated around a circulartable at an equal distance and some are facingto the centre while rests are facing oppositeto the centre.M sits second to the right of the one whosits immediate left of Q. T is an immediateneighbour of Q. Both the immediateneighbours of M face same direction as Mfaces. Atleast four persons are facing outsideto the centre. R sits immediate right of T. Nsits third to the left of O. Both the immediateneighbours of Q face same direction. S sitsthird to the right of M. P and S face samedirection but opposite to that of N.

11. Who among the following sits third tothe left of S?(a) M (b) N(c) Q (d) T(e) None of these

12. How many persons are facing to thecentre?(a) One (b) Two(c) Three (d) Four(e) None of these

13. If ‘M’ is related to ‘O’ and ‘P’ is relatedto ‘T’ in a certain way, then ‘S’ isrelated to which of the following?(a) Q (b) T(c) R (d) N(e) None of these

14. Who among the following sits oppositeto M?(a) S (b) Q(c) P (d) O(e) None of these

15. What is the position of N with respectto R?(a) third to the right(b) second to the left(c) second to the right(d) immediate left(e) None of these

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Directions (16-20) : In each of thequestions below. Some statements aregiven followed by conclusions/group ofconclusions numbered I and II. You haveto assume all the statements to be trueeven if they seem to be at variance fromthe commonly known facts and thendecide which of the given twoconclusions logically follows from theinformation given in the statements.

(a) If only conclusion I follows(b) If only conclusion II follows(c) If either I or II follows(d) If neither I nor II follows(e) If both I and II follow

16. Statements:Some A are not BAll B are DSome E are DConclusions:I. Some D are not A is a possibilityII. All E are D

17. Statements:All B are COnly K are BSome E are KConclusions:I. No E is CII. All E are C is a possibility

18. Statements:All E are FNo A is GNo F is AConclusions:I. No G is FII. No E is G

19. Statements:Some A are not KSome K are not CAll C are DConclusions:I. All C can be AII. All K can be D

20. Statements:All B are ASome D are CNo A is DConclusions:I. Some D are not A is a possibilityII. Some B are C

Directions (21-25) : Read the followinginformation carefully and answer thegiven questions:Seven people P, Q, R, S, T, U, and V livedifferent floors of a building having 7 floors,the lowermost floor is numbered as 1 and

topmost floor is numbered as 7 (but notnecessarily in the same order). They are trainers of different subjects i.e.Java, Dot Net, PHP, Ruby, Linux, HTML,and  Java Script  (but not necessarily in thesame order). P is a trainer of Dot Net andlives on an even numbered floor but not morethan two people live below P. V liveson  5th  floor and is not a trainer of HTML.T is a trainer of PHP and lives on one ofthe  odd numbered  floors above the one whois a trainer of Java. Q is a trainer of Ruby. Rlives just above U, who is  trainer  of Linux.S, who is a trainer of  Java Script  lives belowP.

21. Who among the following is a trainer ofJava?(a) Q (b) P(c) V (d) S (e) None of these

22. Who among the following sits just belowthe one who is a trainer of HTML?(a) U(b) S(c) The one who is a trainer of Linux(d) Both a and c(e) None of these

23. R lives on which of the following floor?(a) 3rd  (b) 4th(c) 5th  (d) 7th (e) None of these

24. How many trainers live between Q andP?(a) Three (b) Two(c) One (d) Four(e) None of these

25. Who among the following lives just aboveV?(a) T (b) S(c) P (d) Q(e) None is true

Directions (26-30) : Read the followinginformation carefully and answer thegiven questions:26. What does the code “PNB” stands for?

1. Nirav modi PNB as “ aa bb cc”2. PNB beared loss as “ cc dd ee”(a) Data given in statement ‘1’ is

sufficient to answer the question,while data in ‘2’ is not sufficientto answer the question.

(b) Data given in statement ‘2’ issufficient to answer the question,while data in ‘1’ is not sufficientto answer the question.

(c) Data given in either ‘1’ or ‘2’ aresufficient to answer the question.

(d) Data given in both statements arenot sufficient to answer thequestion.

(e) Data given in both statements ‘1’and ‘2’ are necessary to answerthe question.

27. Among A, B, C, D, E and F, who issecond to the left of B.All are sittingaround a circular table facing centre?1. D sits opposite E and is the

immediate neighbour of F and A.C is third to left of A.

2. E is immediate neighbours of Band C. F is second to left of A.

(a) Data given in statement ‘1’ issufficient to answer the question,while data in ‘2’ is not sufficientto answer the question.

(b) Data given in statement ‘2’ issufficient to answer the question,while data in ‘1’ is not sufficientto answer the question.

(c) Data given in either ‘1’ or ‘2’ aresufficient to answer the question.

(d) Data given in both statements arenot sufficient to answer thequestion.

(e) Data given in both statements ‘1’and ‘2’ are necessary to answerthe question.

28. How many pencil does Akansha have?1. Akansha has 12 pencil less than

what Banni have.2. Charu has 18 pencil more than

what Bani have.3. Disha has 8 pencil , which are

forty percent less than what Banihave.

(a) Only 1 is sufficient to answer thequestion

(b) Only 2 is sufficient to answer thequestion

(c) Both 1 and 2 are required toanswer the question

(d) Both 2 and 3 are required toanswer the question

(e) Both 1 and 3 are required toanswer the question

29. How many hours did Kavya take tocomplete her college project?1. Manish correctly remembers that

Kavya took more than 3 hours butless than 9 hours tocomplete it.

2. Mehul correctly remembers thatKavya took more than 6 hours butless than 11 hours to complete it.


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(a) Only 1 is sufficient to answer thequestion

(b) Only 2 is sufficient to answer thequestion

(c) Both 1 and 2 are required toanswer the question

(d) Either 1 or 2 is sufficient to answerthe question

(e) Neither 1 or 2 is sufficient toanswer the question

30. In a five floor building, on which floordoes Mr.Ramesh live?(Starting fromfirst floor going up to fifth floor)1. Mr. Ramesh lives exactly above

Rahul’s flat ,whose flat is exactlyabove Viru’s flat.

2. Suresh lives on top floor.3. Rinku lives exactly above

Mr.Ramesh’s flat. Viru lives on thefirst floor.

(a) Only 1 is sufficient to answer thequestion

(b) Only 2 is sufficient to answer thequestion

(c) Both 2 and 3 are required toanswer the question

(d) Both 1 and 3 are required toanswer the question

(e) Data inadequate

Direction (31-35) : Read the giveninformation carefully and answer thequestions;Seven boxes M, N, O, P, Q, R, and S areplaced one above another and going to parcelin different cities, also they are of differentweights.More than three boxes are placed betweenthe box which is going to parcel Delhi andbox M. Heaviest box is placed above boxM. More than two boxes are placed betweenbox P and box R. Box S is third heaviest box.Box M and N are heavier than box Q, whichis not the lightest box. Lightest box is goingto parcel Goa. Two boxes are placed betweenbox R and S. Heaviest box is going to parcelRanchi. Box P is lighter than S. Only twoboxes are placed between 2nd heaviest boxand the box which is going to parcel Pune.Box Q is not going to parcel Pune. Box Nand Q are lighter than box P. Atleast 3 boxesplaced above lightest box. The box which isgoing to parcel Mumbai is placed just abovethe box which is going to parcel Doon. BoxP is going to parcel Jaipur and placed belowbox M.

31. Box N is going to parcel in which of thefollowing city?

(a) Pune (b) Doon(c) Delhi (d) Goa(e) None of these

32. Which of the following box is placed attop?(a) N (b) S(c) Q (d) M(e) None of these

33. How many boxes are placed between Qand the box which is going to parcelDoon?(a) One (b) Three(c) Two (d) More than three(e) None of these

34. Which box is placed just above box N?(a) S (b) P(c) M (d) R(e) None of these

35. Which of the following box is going toparcel Mumbai?(a) S (b) Q(c) O (d) M(e) None of these

Directions (36-38) : Each of thesequestions is based on the followinginformation:There are seven members in a family A, B,X, Y, U, V, and R, among them only two aremarried couples. B is daughter in law of U.V is grandmother of Y. R is sister in law ofU. A has two children X and Y. V and R aresiblings. B has no son. 

36. Who among the following is son of R’sbrother in law?(a) Y (b) X(c) A (d) B(e) None of these

37. How is X related to A’s mother?(a) Grandson(b) Granddaughter(c) Son(d) None of these (e) Daughter

38. How is R related to X’s father?(a) Maternal aunt(b) Paternal aunt(c) Mother(d) None of these(e) Son

Directions (39-40):  A is 20 m away fromC in east direction. B is standing in southof A and is facing south direction anddistance between A and B is 30m. Now tothe right of B covering 32 m towardswest, D is standing. D is eating burgerstanding on its position and facing north.

After eating burger D starts movingtowards south east direction covering 13m and reaches to the position of E.

39. What is the distance between D and Cand C is in which direction with respectto D?(a) 31.2m, north-east(b) 29.4m, north-west(c) 32.3m, north-east(d) 40.8m, north-west(e) Cannot be determined

40. In which direction C is with respect toB?(a) South – West(b) North – East(c) South(d) North – West(e) None of these


Directions (41 – 45): What should comein place of question mark (?) in thefollowing number series?

41. 3, 5, 15, 45, 113, ?(a) 190 (b) 234(c) 293 (d) 243(e) 208

42. 17, 98, 26, 89, 35, ?(a) 78 (b) 79(c) 80 (d) 81(e) 82

43. 3240, 540, 108, 27, ?, 4.5(a) 12 (b) 7(c) 9 (d) 8(e) 6

44. 7, 4.5, 5.5, 12, 49, ?(a) 393 (b) 378(c) 197 (d) 148(e) 246

45. 2, 17, 89, 359, 1079, ?(a) 2134 (b) 1081(c) 2195 (d) 2159(e) 1945

46. A and B sold two articles at 25% profitand 40% profit respectively. If totalprofit is Rs. 178 and the cost price ofA is Rs. 120 less than B. Find the CPof B.(a) Rs. 310 (b) Rs. 370(c) Rs. 320 (d) Rs. 430(e) None of these

47. Three partners A, B and C invested theiramounts in ratio 7 : 5 : 3. At the end ofsix months, A withdraws his amountsuch that his total investment will beequal to C’s initial investment. If C’s

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share in annual profit is Rs. 3600. A’sannual profit will be?(a) Rs. 6000 (b) Rs. 7000(c) Rs. 45000 (d) Rs. 9000(e) None of these

48. If 2 is subtracted from the numeratorwhile 3 is added to the denominator,ratio becomes 3 : 2. While if 7 is addedto the denominator while 4 issubtracted from the numerator, ratiobecomes 5 : 3. What is the fraction?









(e) None of these49. Sashi spends 32% of his income in

various expenses. Of the remaining, shespends one-fourth on her brother while9/17 on her sister and remaining keepsas savings. If the difference betweenher money spending on brother andsister is Rs. 3800. What is Shashi’ssavings?(a) Rs. 3000 (b) Rs. 2500(c) Rs. 4000 (d) Rs. 3400(d) None of these

50. A bag contains 25 cards with numbered1, 2, 3 ………………….25. Two cardsare picked at random (one after anotherand without replacement). Find theprobability that the sum of numbersof both cards are odd?









(e) None of these

Directions (51-55) : What approximatevalue should come in place of thequestion mark (?) in the followingquestions?

51. 24.001 14.999 9.998 = ?(a) 4200 (b) 3000(c) 3600 (d) 4000(e) 2500

52. 0345.53?003.14



(a) 801 (b) 720(c) 729 (d) 721(e) 744

5 3 . 875.4893.3611.10

?231.1799.19 (a) 25 (b) 144(c) 225 (d) 625(e) 900

54. 1898.88 189.921 + 9.99 + (?)2 = 83.89(a) 3 (b) 4(c) 5 (d) 8(e) 7

55. 39.7% of 801 – 250.17 = ? – 63% of 801(a) 800 (b) 500(c) 574 (d) 760(e) 550

Directions (56-60) : Read the followingtable and answer the following question:Total number of voters in differentdistricts and percentage of male out ofthese voters are given.

District Total Voters(Male andFemale)

Percentageof male out

of totalvoters

A 350 30%B 400 54%C 370 50%D 250 46%E 300 45%F 625 32%

56. Total number of male voters from districtA and B together are how much more/less than total number of female votersfrom district E and D together?(a) 21 (b) 32(c) 25 (d) 31(e) None of these

57. The average of total voters from districtB, C and D together are approximatelywhat percent less/more than the no. ofmale of voters from districts D,E andF together?(a) 33.33% (b) 24.44%(c) 66.66% (d) 16.66%(e) None of these

58. Find the ratio of the male voters fromdistrict D and E together to the femalevoters form C, E and F together?(a) 10 : 31 (b) 10 : 41(c) 10 : 51 (d) 10 : 61(e) None of these

59. The no. of female voters from district Fis what percent more/less than the no.

of male voters from district A?(Rounded off to nearest integer) :(a) 290% (b) 230%(c) 300% (d) 305%(e) None of these

60. Find the ratio of no. of male voters fromdistricts B and E together to the no. offemale voters from districts C and Atogether?(a) 351 : 430 (b) 341 : 230(c) 361 : 430 (d) 231 : 410(e) None of these

61. Two trains, A and B, start from stationsX and Y towards each other, they take4 hours 48 minutes and 3 hours 20minutes to reach Y and X respectivelyafter they meet. If train A is moving at45 km/hr., then the speed of the train Bis :(a) 60 km/hr (b) 64.8 km/hr(c) 54 km/hr (d) 37.5 km/hr(e) None of these

62. A hemispherical bowl of internaldiameter 54 m contains a liquid. Theliquid is to be filled in cylindrical bottlesof radius 3 cm and height 9 cm. Howmany bottles are required to empty thebowl?(a) 221 (b) 343(c) 81 (d) 243(e) 162

63. There are 3 consecutive odd numbersand 3 consecutive even numbers. Thesmallest even number is 9 more thanlargest odd number. If the square ofaverage of all the 3 given odd number is507 less than the square of the averageof all the 3 given even number, what isthe smallest odd number.(a) 11 (b) 13(c) 17 (d) 19(e) 9

64. A can complete a task in 15 days. B is50% more efficient than A. Both A andB started working together on the taskand after few days B left task and A

finished the remaining3

1 of the given

work. For how many days A and Bworked together.(a) 3 (b) 5(c) 4 (d) 6(e) 2

65. A boat can travel 9.6 km downstream in36 min. If speed of the water current is10% of the speed of the boat in


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downstream. How much time will boattake to travel 19.2 km upstream.(a) 2 hours (b) 3 hours(c) 1.25 hours (d) 1.5 hours(e) 1 hour

Directions (Q. 66-70) : The following bargraph shows the production of cars in 6months by 2 companies (A and B). Readthe graph carefully and answer thefollowing questions.

66. If in July there is an increase of %91


in the production of car of company Awith respect to that of in June and there

is a decrease of %81

4713 in the

production of cars of company B withrespect to that of in June then find thedifference between the production ofcars of company A in July to that ofcompany B in July.(a) 290 (b) 300(c) 275 (d) 270(e) None of these

67. Find the ratio between the totalproduction of cars of company A fromFeb to Apr and the total production ofcars of company B from Apr to June.(a) 507 : 464 (b) 464 : 507(c) 275 : 119 (d) 507 : 23(e) None of these

68. The total production of cars of companyB in Jan and June together are whatpercentage more/less than the totalproduction of cars of company A inApr and May together?

(a) %27

261 (b) %



(c) %29

231 (d) %



(e) None of these

69. Out of the total production of cars ofcompany A from Jan to June together,2450 cars are defective then the nondefective cars of company A from Janto June together is what percent of thetotal production of cars of company Bfrom Jan to June together?

(a) %3

148 (b) %



(c) %3

246 (d) %



(e) None of these70. Find the ratio between the average of

total production of cars of company Aand company B in Mar to the averageof total production of cars of companyA and company B in June.(a) 353 : 443 (b) 464 : 507(c) 355 : 334 (d) 507 : 239(e) 335 : 344

Directions (Q. 71-75): Solve theequations given below and answer.

(a) If x > y(b) If x < y(c) If x y

(d) If x y(e) x = y or no relation can be


71. i. 035316 2 xx

ii. 0132 2 yy

72. i. 0412)414(2 2 xx

ii. 0419)41518(10 2 yy

73. i. 01092 2 xx

ii. 045284 2 yy

74. i. 0121115 2 x

ii. 0304920 2 yy

75. i. xx 7152 2

ii. 26717 yy

Directions (Q.76-80) : Read the followingline graph and answer the followingquestions given below it –There are two motorbike manufacturingcompanies A and B. The sale of motorbikesby these two different companies in differentyears is given in the graph below.


76. What is the ratio of total sales ofcompany B in 2012 and that ofcompany A in 2014 together to the totalsales of company A in 2011 and that ofcompany B in 2015 together?(a) 13 : 12 (b) 11 : 9(c) 12 : 7 (d) 13 : 10(e) None of these

77. What is the difference between the salesof company A in 2016 and that ofcompany B in 2016 if the sales ofcompany A and B increase by 20% and10% respectively in 2016 as comparedto 2015?(a) 1700 (b) 1600(c) 1800 (d) 2100(e) None of these

78. The total sales of both companies in2015 is what percent more than thetotal sales of both the companies in2011?(a) 280% (b) 180%(c) 200% (d) 250%(e) None of these

79. Find the difference between the totalsales of company A from 2012 to 2014and that of company B from 2013 to2015?(a) 750 (b) 500(c) 600 (d) 400(e) None of these

80. If the sales of company A increases by33.33% in 2011 over its sales in 2010,then find the percent increase in thesales of company A in 2015 withrespect to the sales in 2010? (up totwo decimal places)(a) 233.33% (b) 210.12%(c) 333.33% (d) 272.32%(e) None of these

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Month Person BikesJanuary R Royal EnfieldFebruary V TVS

March T HondaApril P HeroMay W KawasakiJune U YamahaJuly Q Vespa

August S Mahindra

1. c 2. c 3. c 4. b5. a(6-10)

Logic –>Letter denotes reverse of last letter ofthe wordNumber denotes the place value ofsecond letter of the word.

6. c 7. b 8. a 9. d10. b(11-15)

11. d 12. c 13. c 14. d15. c(16-20)16. a

17. b

18. d

19. e

20. d


Floor People Subject7 T PHP

6 Q Ruby5 V Java

4 R HTML3 U Linux

2 P Dot Net

1 S Java Script

21. c 22. d 23. b 24. a25. d(26-30)26. e 27. e 28. e 29. e30. d(31-35)

31. a 32. c 33. d 34. d35. a(36-38)

36. c 37. b 38. a(39-40)

39. c; Given CA = 20m, AB = 30mBD = 32m, DE = 13m,We have to calculate the length of DC.By applying Pythagoras theoremDC2 = CF2 + DF2

DC2 = 302 + 122

DC = 144900

1044= 32.3 mHence distance between C and D is 32.3m and C is north-east direction.

40. d41. d

42. c

43. c

44. a

45. d


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46. cLet, CP of B be x + 120And that of A be xThen,




25 xx

Or, 17848100


Or, x = 200C.P. of B = x + 120 = Rs. 320

47. a; Let their initial investments be 7x, 5xand 3x respectivelyRatio of their profit =

123:125:6367 xxxx


A’s profit =35


= Rs. 6000

48. c; 23



Or, 2x – 4 = 3y + 9Or, 2x – 3y = 13 .... (i)




Or, 3x – 12 = 5y + 35Or, 3x – 5y = 47 ... (ii)Solving (i) and (ii),X = -76, y = -55

Fraction =5576

49. a; Money spent on brother = %6841

= 17%

Money spent on sister = %68179

= 36%ATQ,(36% - 17%) of total = 3800

Total = Rs. 20000


= 20000100


3000.2000010015 Rs

50. b; Sum can be odd in two cases :1. First card is odd numbered &second one is even.2. First card is even numbered &second one is odd.Required probability






51. c; 3600101524

52. c; ?53?14 ?2767



53. e; ?172073710

? = 30

? = 90054. d; 1899 190 + 10 + ?2 = 84

Or, ?2 = 84 – 10 – 10 or, ? = 855. c; 863?250840

? = 57456. a; No. Of male voters from district A

and B

= 40010054350


= 105 + 216 = 321Total no. of female voters from E and






Difference = 321 – 300 = 2157. b; Average no. Of voters from district,

B, C and D

= 3403



Male voters from D, E and F together




= 115 + 135 + 200 = 450

Req. % 100450



24.44%58. a; No. of male voters form district D

and E





No. of female voters from C, E and F




= 185 + 165 + 425 = 775

Ratio =3110


59. d; No. of female voters from F =



No. of male voters from A =



Req. % = 100105


= 304.7% 305%

60. a; No. of male voters from B =


No. of male voters from E =


No. of female voters from C =


No. of female voters from A =



Required ratio =430351

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61. c; 5072












= 54 km/hr62. e; Volume of hemi-sphere =

33 cm)27(32

Volume of cylindrical bottle = hr2

= 9)3( 2 Required no. of bottles =





= 2 3 27 = 162 bottles63. a; Let the three consecutive odd numbers

= x – 2, x and x + 2And the three consecutive evennumbers= y – 2, y and y + 2So, y – 2 = 9 + x + 2y – x = 13 ... (i)and( x )

2 + 507 = (y)2

y2 – x2 = 507(x + y)(y – x) = 507

(x + y) = 39yx13

507 ... (ii)

Solving (i) and (ii) y = 26 and x = 13So smallest odd numbers = x – 2 = 13 –2 = 11

64. c; A complete work in 15 days.B will complete work in 10 days.They together will complete wholework



A and B together worked for

4326 days

65. d; Speed of downstream =


6.9= 16 km/hr

Speed of current = 1.6 km/hrLet speed of boat in still water = x km/hrSo, x = 16 – 1.6 = 14.4 km/hrRequired time in upstream =

= 1.5 hours

66. a;918%




Production of car of company A in July




Production of car of company B in July



Required difference = 990 – 700 = 29067. b; Required Ratio

= (800 + 750 + 770) : (850 + 875 +810) = (2320) : (2535) = 464 : 507

68. d; Total production of cars of companyB in Jan and JuneTogether = 840 + 810 = 1650Total production of cars of company Ain AprilAnd May together = 770 + 850 = 1620Required %



69. b; Non defective Cars of company Afrom Jan to July = 5005 – 2450 = 2555Required % =



70. e; Required Ratio = 1675 : 1720 = 335: 344

71. b



0)7x2)(5x3(0)7x2(5)7x2(x3035x10x21x6 2

0)1y(1)1y(y201yy2y2 2





72. e

0412x41x4x2 2



0419y415y18y10 2




Hence no relationship can beestablished.

73. c


0)2x(5)2x(x2010x5x4x2 2

045y10y18y4 2





74. e

0)4x3(3)4x3(x5012x9x20x15 2


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0)5y4(6)5y4(y5030y24y25y20 2



No relation can be established75. e

0)5x(3)5x(x2015x3x10x2 2



0)7y3(1)7y3(y207y3y14y6 2




Hence no relation can be established76. a; Total sales of company B in 2012 and

that ofCompany A in 2014 = 2500 + 4000 =6500Total sales of company A in 2011 andthat ofCompany B in 2015 = 2000 + 4000 =6000

Ratio =1213


77. b; Sales of company A in 2016 =


Sales of company B in 2016 =


Difference = 6000 – 4400 = 160078. c; Total sales in 2011 = 2000 + 1000 =

3000Total sales in 2015 = 5000 + 4000 =9000Required

% %2003000


79. b; Sales of company A from 2012 to2014= 3500 + 4500 + 4000 = 12000Sales of company B from 2013 to 2015= 3000 + 4500 + 4000 = 11500Difference = 500

80. a; Sales of company A in 2010 =


Required % =



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Directions (Q.1-4) : Read the followinginformation carefully and answer thequestions given below.Seven boxes P, Q, R, S, T, U, V are kept areabove the other containing different numberof books ranging from 10-80. Not more thanfour boxes are kept above P. Two boxes arekept between P and the box containing 51books, which kept below P. S contains thricenumber of books than box Q. Box R contains37 number of books and kept not on top.The number of books in box V is a cubenumber. Only one box kept between boxcontaining 51 and 39 books. Box S has lessbooks than P. One of the boxes contains 77books. Five boxes are kept between boxcontaining 64 books and box R. Box V isimmediately above box T. Box S is not keptimmediately above or below box Q. Threeboxes are kept between box S and box U.Box S is above box U.

1. Which among the following box/boxes iskept exactly between box S and box Q?(a) V, T (b) Q, R(c) Q, P (d) U, R(e) None of these

2. How many books are kept in box T?(a) 39 (b) 23(c) 77 (d) 51(e) None of these

3. Which among the following boxescontains the maximum & minimumnumber of books respectively?(a) V, T (b) Q, S(c) R, P (d) U, Q(e) None of these

4. Which of the following combination istrue?(a) 39 – V (b) 13 – Q(c) 31 – T (d) 39 – P(e) None of these

Directions (Q.5-6) : Study the followinginformation carefully to answer thequestions.

A vehicle starts from point P and run 10 kmtowards North. it takes a right turn and runs15 km. now it runs 6 km after taking a leftturn. Finally, it takes a left turn, runs 15 kmand stops at point Q.

5. How far is point Q with respect topoint P?(a) 16 km (b) 25 km(c) 4 km (d) 10 km(e) None of these

6. Towards which direction was the vehiclemoving before it stopped at point Q?(a) North (b) East(c) South (d) West(e) North-West

7. In a row of 34 students, W is fifth afterX from the front and X is 20th from theback. What is the position of W fromthe front?(a) 20 (b) 25(c) 30 (d) 22(e) None of these

Directions (Q.8-12) : Answer thefollowing questions referring to thesymbol-letter-number sequence givenbelow:X N 5 C Z 2 $ P * A B 1 Q 3 Y N O 9 L 6 M4 ~ F 7 1

8. Which of the following is exactly midwaybetween the tenth element from theright and fifth element from the leftend?(a) A (b) B(c) 1 (d) *(d) None of these

9. How many letters are there in the abovesequence which are immediatelypreceded by a number and immediatelyfollowed by a consonant?(a) None (b) One(c) Two (d) Three(e) None of these

10. What should come in place of thequestion mark (?) in the followingsequence?

?, 2AC, *Q$, 1NA(a) 5$X (b) CPN(c) ZP5 (d) 5$Q(d) None of these

11. Which of the following is the eleventhelement to the right of the secondelement from the left end in the abovesequence?(a) 9 (b) 1(c) M (d) 4(e) None of these

12. If both the halves of the above sequenceare written in reverse order, which willbe the sixth element to the right of thesixteenth element from the right end?(a) 4 (b) ~(c) 0 (d) N(e) None of these

Directions (Q. 13-17) : In each questionbelow are given some statements followedby two conclusions numbered I and II. Youhave to take the given statements to be trueeven if they seem to be at variance withcommonly known facts. Read all theconclusions and then decide which of thegiven conclusions logically follows from thegiven statements, disregarding commonlyknown facts. Given answer

(a) If only conclusion I follows.(b) If only conclusion II follows(c) If either conclusion I or II follows(d) If neither conclusion I nor II

follows(e) If both conclusion I and II follows

13. Statements: All bags are purses.No purse is blackAll blacks are covers.Conclusions: I. All bags are coversII. Some covers are purses.

14. Statements: Some cats are rats.Some rats are fishes.All fishes are birdsConclusions: I. Some fishes are ratsII. All cats being birds is a possibility

15. Statements: Some flowers are roses.No rose is red.


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All red are leaves.Conclusions: I. Some flowers aredefinitely not red.II. Some leaves are definitely not roses.

16. Statements: All cards are sheets.All files are cards.Some sheets are papers.Conclusions: I. All files being papersis a possibility

II. All files are not sheets.17. Statements: Some flowers are roses.

No rose is red.All red are leaves.Conclusions: I. Some flowers are notleaves.II. No leave is red.

Directions (Q.18-20) : Read the followinginformation to answer the questions.

(i) P # Q means Q is father of P.(ii) P * Q means Q is mother of P(iii) P £ Q means Q is brother of P.(iv) P $ Q means Q is sister of P.

18. Which of the following means X isgrandmother of Y?(a) Z $ X * K # L £ Y(b) Y £ L # K * X $ Z(c) X * K # L £ Y(d) Cannot be determined(e) None of these

19. Which of the following means A isnephew of D?(a) D £ C # B £ A(b) A £ B # D £ C(c) C £ D # B £ A(d) Cannot be determined(e) None of these

20. Which of the following means C is auntof F?(a) E £ F # D # C * B(b) F £ E # D $ C * B(c) B * C $ D # E £ F(d) Cannot be determined(e) None of these

Directions (Q.21-25) : Study thefollowing information carefully andanswer the questions given below. Giveanswer

(a) If only conclusion I is true(b) If only conclusion II is true(c) If either conclusion I or conclusion

II is true(d) If neither conclusion I nor

conclusion II is true(e) If both conclusion I and II are true.

21. Statements

FRWH ConclusionsI. R = HII. R > H

22. StatementsM < T > K = DConclusionsI. D < TII. K < M

23. Statements

BFNR ConclusionsI. F = RII. B < N

24. StatementsH > W < M KConclusionsI. K < WII. H > M

25. StatementsR T = M > DConclusionsI. D < TII. R M

Directions (Q.26-30) : Study thefollowing information carefully andanswer the given questions:M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T and U are sittingaround a circular table facing the centre. N isfourth to the left of S, who is second to theright of O. R is fourth to the right of O andis second to the left of U. P is not animmediate neighbour of either U or N. M isnot neighbour of R. T is third to the right ofQ.

26. Who among the following is second tothe right of U?(a) O (b) Q(c) T (d) R(e) None of these

27. Who is sitting third to the right of theone who is sitting second to the rightof M?(a) P(b) O(c) U (d) T(e) None of these

28. How many persons are sitting betweenT and P, if counted anti clock-wise fromP?(a) One (b) Two(c) Three (d) Four(e) None of these

29. What is the position of M with respectto T?(a) Second to the right

(b) Third to the left(c) Second to the left(d) Fifth to the right(e) None of these

30. Who sits third to the left of Q?(a) M (b) S(c) T (d) O(e) None of these

31. The positions of how many digits in thenumber 59164823 will remainunchanged after the digits are rearrangedin descending order within the number?(a) None (b) One(c) Two (d) Three(e) More than three

32. What should come next in the followingletter series based on English alphabet?CEA IKG OQM ?(a) STW (b) WUS(c) SWU (d) UWS(e) None of these

Directions (Q.33-37) : The followingquestions are based on the six wordsgiven below.ROCK MOCK TONE FROMTURN EACH(The new words formed after performingthe operation mentioned may or may notnecessarily be meaningful English words.)

33. If the first two letters in each of thewords is changed to the next alphabetin the English alphabetical order, howmany words having no vowel will beformed?(a) Five (b) Four(c) Three (d) Two(e) One

34. If the given words are arranged in theorder as they would appear indictionary from right to left, which ofthe following will be the fourth fromthe left?(a) TONE (b) ROCK(c) MOCK (d) FROM(e) None of these

35. If in each of the words, all the alphabetsare arranged in the reverse order ofEnglish alphabet within the word, howmany words will not begin with avowel?(a) Three (b) Four(c) Five (d) Six(e) None of these

36. If in each of the given words, the firstalphabet is changed to the previousletter in the English alphabetical order,

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how many words thus formed will bemeaningfull?(a) One (b) Two(c) Three (d) Four(e) None of these

37. If in each of the given words, first andthird alphabets are interchanged andsimilarly second and fourth alphabetsare interchanged, how many words thusformed will end with a vowel?(a) Two (b) Three(c) Four (d) Five(e) Six

38. In a certain code language ‘lu ja ka hu’means ‘Will you meet us’, ‘lu ka hu pameans ‘will you sold us.’ Then what isthe code of ‘meet’ in this code language?(a) ja (b) lu(c) ka (d) hu(e) Cannot be determined

39. In a certain coding system, PAPER iswritten as PERPA and SUBJECT iswritten as JECTSUB, what should bethe code of COUNCIL?(a) NCILCOU(b) LICNOUC(c) NCOUCIL(d) NLICUOC(e) NILCCOU

40. How many pairs of letters are there inthe word “SENATOR” which have asmany letters between them in the wordas in alphabetical series?(a) None (b) One(c) Two (d) Three(e) four


Directions (Q.41-45) :   Study thefollowing Graph carefully and answerthe questions given below:

Number of votes polled in favour of thethree parties during five years.

41. Choose the party that won the electionsmaximum number of times.(a) A and B (b)A and C(c) B and C (d) A(d)B

42. In which year there was a maximum %increase in votes polled for party BWhen compared to the previous years?(a) 2009(b) 2010(c) 2007(d) Cannot be determined(e) None of these

43. Parties A and C, being allies, got mergedin 2011 elections. If the expectationsin 2011 were same as 2009 polls, whatcould be the chance of A and C winning?(a) 60% (b) 30%(c) 50% (d) 40%(d) None of these

44. The total number of votes polled infavour of A in 2008 and 2010 is whatpercentage of the total number of votespolled in favour of all the three partiesin the same years?(a) 22% (b) 31%(c) 40% (d) 43%(e) None of these

45. What is the ratio of the total number ofvotes polled for A and B in 2006 tothose polled for C in 2008?(a) 13 : 6 (b) 2 : 1(c) 15 : 8 (d) 16 : 9(e) None of these

Directions (Q.46-50) : What value willcome in place of question mark (?) inthe following questions?

46. 3263 × 246 – 18611 = ? + 5883(a) 897071 (b) 778204(c) 989090 (d) 797090(e) None of these

47. 7000 ÷ 70 95 = ? 20(a) 475 (b) 380(c) 640 (d) 720(e) None of these

48. 35% of  3136 x 5 = ? + 54

(a) 46 (b) 48(c) 44 (d) 42(e) None of these

49. (19×75.4÷0.2) ÷ 13 + 67 = ?(a)1056 (b)981(c)564 (d)618(e)None of these

















(e) None of these

Directions (Q.51-55) : Study thefollowing graph carefully to answerthese questions :

51. Total number of students of College Bin years 2005, 2006 and 2003 togetherare what percent more/less then totalnumber of students of College A inyears 2003, 2004 and 2008 together?

(a) %9

422 (b) %



(c) %9

222 (d) %



(e) None of these52. What is the ratio of the total number of

students of College A in years 2004,2006 and 2007 together and the totalnumber of students of College B inyears 2003, 2004 and 2008?(a) 35 : 32 (b) 33 : 37 (c) 34 : 31 (d) 32 : 35 (e) None of these 

53. What is the average number of studentsin College A for all the years together? (a) 45,000 (b) 50,000(c) 52,000 (d) 48,000(e) None of these 


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54. What is the approximate percentage risein the number of students of College Bfrom 2005 to 2006?(a) 8   (b) 12(c) 4 (d) 15(e) 20

55. The number of students of College B inyear 2008 is what percent of the totalstudents of College B in all the yearstogether (Round off to two digits afterdecimal)(a) 20.61  (b) 23.79(c) 21.79 (d) 17.29(e) None of these

56. The monthly income  of Shyama  andKamal  together is Rs.28000. Theincome  of Shyama and Kamal isincreased by 25% and 12.5%respectively. The new income  of Kamalbecomes 120% of the new salary ofShyama. What is  the newincome  of  Shyama?(a) Rs.12000 (b) Rs.18000(c) Rs.14000 (d). Rs.16000(e) Rs.15000

57. An employer reduces the number of hisemployees in the ratio of 7:4 andincreases their wages in the ratio 3:5.State whether his bill of total wagesincreases or decreases and in whatratio.(a) increases 20:21(b) decreases 21:20(c) increases 21:22(d) decreases 22:21(e) None of these

58. A boat goes 6 km against the current ofthe stream in 2 hours and goes 8 kmalong the current in half hour. How longwill it take to go 28.5 km in stationarywater? (a) 4 1/2 hours(b) 3 hours(c) 3 1/2 hours(d) 4 hours(e) None of these

59. Two pipes P and Q can fill a tank in 10min and 12 min respectively and awaste pipe can carry off 12 litres ofwater per minute. If all the pipes areopened when the tank is full and ittakes one hour to empty the tank. Findthe capacity of the tank.(a) 30 (b) 45(c) 60 (d) 75(e) None of these

60. At present, the respective ratio betweenthe ages of A and B is 3:4 and that

between A and C is 1:2. six years hence,the sum of A, B and C will be 96 years.what is the present age of A?(a) 12 years (b) 24 years(c) 19 years (d) 27 years(e) 18 years

Directions (Q.61-65) : What value willcome in place of question mark (?) inthe following questions?

61. 13 15 26 84 328 ?(a) 1780 (b) 1890(c) 1650 (d) 1690(e) None of these

62. 5 8 6 10 ? 12(a) 2 (b) 4(c) 6 (d) 7(e) None of these

63. 9 10 18 57 ? 1125(a) 164 (b) 230(c) 210 (d)  224(e)  115

64. 12 14 19 36 ? 358(a) 105 (b) 104(c) 106 (d) 102(e) 101

65. 12 23 35 49 ? 93(a) 67 (b) 75(c) 65 (d) 23(e) 50

66. If 4 boys or 5 women can reap a field in20 days. Then what will be the timetaken by 6 boys and 8 women to reapthe field?(a) 200/33 days(b) 200/31 days(c) 200/35 days(d) 200/37 days(e)None of these

67. How much water must be added to 50litre of milk costing 10 rupees per litreso as to bring the cost of milk to 8rupees per litre?(a) 11.5 (b) 12.5(c) 13.5 (d) 14.5(e) None of these

68. A shopkeeper sold certain articles at 380after giving a discount of 5 percent. Ifthe discount is not given he would havebeen gain 20 percent. What is the costprice of the articles (approx.)(a)332 (b)333(c)334 (d)335(e)None of these

69. If a Car runs at 45Km/hr it reaches itsdestination by 10 min late If it runs at60Km/hr it is late by 4min. Then whatis the correct time for the journey?

(a) 12 min (b) 14 min(c) 16 min (d) 18 min(e) Cannot be determined

70. P and Q invested in a business. Theyearned some profit which they dividedin the ratio of 2:3. If P investedRs.30000, the amount invested by Qis(a)Rs.40,000 (b)Rs.35,000(c)Rs.45,000 (d)Rs.64,000(e) None of these

Directions (Q.71-75) : What approximatevalue will come in place of question mark(?) in the following questions? (You arenot expected to calculate the exactvalue). 

71. 18% of 256 + 35% of 290 – 15% of 385= ?(a)83 (b) 80(c) 90 (d) 70(e) 85

72. 23 ?49121634090 (a)29 (b) 49(c) 33 (d) 39(e) 37









(a)8 (b) 6(c) 10 (d) 5(e) 2

74. ?5








(a)32 (b) 28(c) 40 (d) 45(e) 42










(a)65 (b) 62(c) 76 (d) 71(e) 78

Directions (Q.76-80) : Study thefollowing table carefully and answer thequestions given below :Number of students enrolled with fivecolleges over the years :

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Colleges Years


2006 450 320 400 480 5202007 480 350 380 500 5402008 420 300 410 520 4602009 460 360 430 470 4802010 470 340 390 530 530

76. If from college Q in 2009, 90% of thestudents enrolled appeared in acompetitive examination, out of which75 %  students passed, how manystudents passed the examination ?(a) 280 (b) 216 (c) 243  (d) 270 (e) None of these

77. In 2007, from all the colleges togetheran overall 40 % of the students enrolledfor a computer course total how manystudents enrolled for these course ?(a) 700 (b) 600 (c) 800  (d) 900(e) None of these

78. What is the ratio of the average numberof student enrolled with collegestogether in 2009 to that in 2010 ?(a) 117 : 108  (b) 111 : 113 (c) 110 : 113  (d) 105 : 108 (e) None of these

79. The Average number of studentsenrolled from college Q for all the yearstogether is approximately whatpercent of the average number ofstudents enrolled from college R forall the years together ?(a) 83  (b) 85(c) 87  (d) 80 (e) None of these

80. In 2008, from all colleges together 10 %students enrolled went abroadApproximately how many studentswent abroad?(a) 311 (b) 211(c) 321  (d) 521 (e) None of these


Boxes BooksP 64S 39V 27T 51Q 13U 77R 37

1. a 2. d 3. d 4. b(5-7)

5. a 6. d7. a; X is 20th form the back.

The position of W from the back is(20-5) = 15th

Hence the position of W from the frontis (34 – 15 + 1) = 20th

(8-12)8. b9. c; 5CZ, 3YN10. a; 5$X11. e







12. b;(13 – 17)13. d

14. e

15. e

16. a

17. d

18. b

19. e20. b

(21-25)21. c

I. R W = H (false) Either I or IIII. R W = H (false)22. a; I. D = K < T (True)

II. K < T > M (false)23. b; I. F N R (false)

II. B < F N (true)

24. d; I. K M > W (false)II. H > Q < M (false)

25. e; I. D < M = T (true)II. R T = M (true)

(26 – 30)

26. c 27. c 28. d 29. a30. b 31. c


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32. d; UWS33. c; After rearrangement, First two letter

of each words change to next alphabetin English alphabetical order, theybecome –SPECK NPCK UPNE GSOMUVRN FBCH we can see that SPECKNPCK FBCH words have no vowel.

34. c; After rearranging all the word, we have–TURN TONE ROCK MOCK FROMEACH4th from the left is MOCK.

35. b; After rearranging all the alphabets inreverse order of English alphabet, theybecome –ROKC OMKC TONE ROMF UTRNHECAWe can see that OMKC and UTRNWords are begin with vowel, so herefour words are not begin with vowel.

36. a; After rearrangement, 1st alphabet ofeach words change to previous letter,they become –QOCK LOCK SONE EROM SURNDACHThe meaningful word is LOCK

37. d; After rearrangement,1 st and 3 rd

alphabets are interchanged and 2nd and4th alphabets are interchanged in eachword, they become –CKRO CKMO NETO OMFR RNTUCHEAWe can see that there are five wordsend with vowel

38. a 39. a 40. c(41-45)41. a; Party A won elections in 2006, 2008

Party B won elections in 2007, 2009Party C won elections in 2010So both parties A and B won maximumnumber of times

42. a; By observation, we can say that thepercentage increaseIs the maximum in 2009.

43. c; As the expectation is same as that of2009 polls then chances of A and Cwinning polls is 50% as number ofvoters polled for A and C in 2009=50%and B too get 50% of votes.

44. c; The required value =



= %40100200


45. a; The ratio of the total number of votesfor A and B in 2006to C in 2008= (40 + 25) : 30 = 65 : 30 = 13 : 6


46. b; 8026982463263 778204)588318611(802698

47. a; 47520?95707000 48. c




49. d; (19377)÷ 13 + 677163 ÷ 13 + 67551+67 = 618

50. d; x =9




(51-55)51. c; Required percentage =





52. d; Required ratio =

)856030(:705040 = 175:160


53. b; Required average = 506




54. a; Required % =%8





55. c; Required % = 100390


= 21.79%56. e; The monthly income  of Shyama  and

Kamal = S + K = 28000Shyama’s income = x; Kamal’s income= 28000 – x.

K =100


S’s new income = (28000 – x)



K’s new income = x 100


(28000 – x) 100

5.112= x 100




x = 12000New Income of Shyama = 125% of12000 = 15000

57. b; Let initial employees be 7x and then4x similarly initial wages be 3y andthen 5yso total wage = 21xy initially and then20xyso wages decreases and ratio = 21:20

58. b; Speed upstream =2

6= 3, speed

downstream =16


Speed of boat = 5.9)163(2



hrSo time in still water =



59. c; Let the waste pipe take ‘T’ time toempty the tank.







We will get T = 5 min

So capacity = 125 = 60 ltr

60. e; The ratio between A, B and C is = 3 :4 : 6The sum of present age of A, B and C= 96 – 18 = 7813 x = 78X = 6Present age of A = 3x = 18

(61-65)61. c; The series is , 1 + 2, 2 – 4, 3 +

6, 4 – 8, 5 + 10

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62. d; The series is, 2 – 2, 2 + 2, 2 –2……

63. d; 9 1 + 1 = 10

10 2 -2 = 18

18 3 + 3 = 57

57 4 -4 = 22464. e; 12 + 12 + 1 = 14

14 + 22 + 1 = 1919 + 42 + 1 = 3636 + 82 + 1 = 101

65. a; 231212 3511223 3511223


6731249 66. b; Work done by one boy in one day =



Similarly for women =205


Now the time taken by 6 boys and 8women to reap the field =





d =31


67. b; Total cost of milk= 5001050 For selling in rupee 8,total amount ofmixutre =500/8=62.5So,amount of

water= 5.12505.62

68. b; .380MP100

95 MP=400

400 = CP100


CP = 333.3369. b



70. c; 30,000 : Q = 2 : 3

Q = 000,452


(71-75)71. c; 18% of 256 + 35% of 290 – 15% of

385 = ?= 46.08 + 101.5 – 57.75 90

72. d;









73. a;56








Or, ? =













74. e;

















= 425




75. d;?





















76. c; 2434




77. d; 41. (480 + 350 + 380 + 500 + 540) ×40 % = 900

78. c;





=110:11379. a; 41. (320 + 350 + 300 + 360 + 340)/

(400 + 380 + 410 + 430 + 390) 100


1670 100 = 83.08%

80. b; (420 + 300 + 410 + 520 + 460) ×10 %

= 2110100

10 = 211


UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME (UBI) Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a

programme for providing all citizensof a country or other geographicarea/state with a given sum ofmoney, regardless of their income,resources or employment status.

The main idea behind UBI is toprevent or reduce poverty andincrease equality among citizens.The essential principle behindUniversal basic income is the ideathat all citizens are entitled to alivable income, irrespective of thecircumstances they’re born in.

The Economic Survey 2016-17advocated the concept of UniversalBasic Income (UBI) as an alternativeto the various social welfare schemesin an effort to reduce poverty.

The Survey points out that the twoprerequisites for a successful UBIare:

(a) Functional JAM (Jan Dhan,Aadhar and Mobile) system as itensures that the cash transfergoes directly into the account of abeneficiary and(b) Centre- State negotiations oncost sharing for the programme.


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Directions (Q.1-5) : Study the followinginformation carefully and answer thequestions.There are two parallel rows with a sittingcapacity of six on each side but only fivepeople are sitting in each row keeping oneseat vacant in each row. In row -I , Ragu,Raju, Arjun, Mahi and Mani are sitting andfacing south. In row-II, Atharva, Rakesh,Anoop, Tinku and Ramu are sitting andfacing north. All of them like a different fruit,i.e Mango, Banana, Apple, Guava, Kiwi,Orange, Pear, Litchi, Berry and Cherry.

• Ramu sits third to the right ofRakesh and likes Guava.

• Only two people sit betweenAtharva and the vacant seat.

• Atharva does not like Kiwi orApple.

• Mani is an immediate neighbourof Arjun.

• Raju likes Cherry. The one wholikes Apple faces the one wholikes Litchi.

• The one who likes Apple sitsopposite the one who sits thirdright of the one who sits oppositeto Ramu.

• Arjun is not an immediateneighbour of Mahi.

• Tinku, who likes neither Kiwi norOrange, does not face the vacantseat.

• Neither Ramu nor Rakesh sits atthe extreme ends. Mahi facesRakesh.

• Vacant seats are not opposite toeach other.

• Two persons sit between Tinkuand Anoop.

• The one who likes Berry faces theone who likes Guava.

• The person who likes Mango andLitchi are adjacent to each other.

• The vacant seat of row I is notadjacent to Mahi.

• Atharva sits at one of the extremeends.

• Rakesh does not like Mango andLitchi.

• The vacant seat of row-I does notface Ramu and also it is not at theextreme ends.

• Anoop is an immediate neighbourof Ramu, who faces the personwho likes Berry.

• Raju faces the vacant seat in row-II and sits third to the right ofArjun.

• Arjun likes Pear.

1. Who sits second to the right of the onewho faces vacant seat of row I?(a) Raju (b) Arjun(c) Mani (d) Atharva(e) Ragu

2. Which of the following fruits does Tinkulike?(a) Apple (b) Kiwi(c) Banana (d) Guava(e) Orange

3. Ragu is related to the vacant seat ofrow-I in the same way as Tinku isrelated to Anoop. So the vacant seat ofrow two is related to who among thefollowing?(a) Arjun (b) Ramu(c) Atharva (d) Raju(e) Rakesh

4. Who sits diagonally opposite the onewho likes Orange?(a) Mani (b) Mahi(c) Ragu (d) Raju(e) None of these

5. Which of the following is true regardingAnoop?(a) Rakesh is sitting second to the

right of Anoop(b) Ramu is sitting second to the left

of Anoop(c) Anoop faces Arjun(d) Anoop is facing the vacant seat of

row one(e) Ragu faces Anoop.

Direction (Q. 6-8) : A string of numbersis given as input. The further stepsgiven are obtained by applying certainlogic .Numbers of step II have beenobtained by using at least 1 digit of eachnumber in step I. Each step is aresultant of previous step only. Input – 

As per the rules following the steps givenabove , find out in each of the following

6. Which number is greater in step 1?(a)53 (b)25(c)63 (d)60(e) Other than option given

7. What is the second highest numberobtained in any step of given input?(a)8.5 (b)7.5(c)5 (d)10.5(e)7

8. Find the difference between sum ofnumbers obtained in step 1 and sumof numbers obtained in all othersteps?(a)61 (b)67(c)89 (d)73(e)76

Directions (9-13) : Read the informationgiven below carefully and answer thefollowing questions. The data given are

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in some coded format, throughout andproceed further.

@ - North% - South* - East© - West$ - Either 2 metres or 7 metres# - Either 4 metres or 9 metresi.e, A @ B means A is to the North of BA %* B means A is South East of BA $ B means A is either 2 metres or 7metres from BA %# B means A is South of B andwith either 4 or 9 metres.Point X is to the west of point P withdistance of 4 metres.Set-1:I. P @$ QII. Q *# RIII. R %# TIV. T %© XSet-2:I. S ©$ UII. O %# SIII. O *$ TIV. U @ PDistance between point U and P isgreater than distance between point Xand P.

9. What is the distance between Q and U?(a) 9m (b) 11m(c) 13m (d) 15m(e) None of these

10. Which of the following will be true asper the given data?(a) R @© P (b)P %© S(c)X %* U (d) O @© Q(e) None of these

11. If R *$ A, then what will be the directionof point T with respect to point A?(a) @© (b) @*(c) %* (d) %©(e) None of these

12. If B %$ X and point B lies in line with Rand Q, then which of the following willbe true?(a) B©# Q (b) B *$ Q(c) R*$ B (d) Both (a) and c)(e) None is true

13. What is the direction of point R withrespect to point P?(a) @© (b) %©(c) %* (d) @*(e) None of these

Direction (14-18) : Study the followinginformation carefully and answer thegiven questions.

Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H areseated around a circular table. They all areof different ages- 24, 15, 19, 30, 27, 45, 36and 10. Four of them are facing towards thecenter and rest outside the center.B sits 2nd to the left of A, who is 6 yearsyounger than G. B and A, who is not theyoungest face opposite direction. H’s age isa perfect square. The one who is 30yrs oldsits 3rd to the right of B Both the immediateneighbours of G face opposite direction ofG. F sits 2nd to the right of G but doesn’tsit just near to B The one whose age isperfect cube faces inside and sits oppositeto E, who is not an immediate neighbour ofF. Not more than 2 persons who sit togetherface same direction. H doesn’t sit just nearto G. The one who is oldest, faces insideDifference between ages of D and C is 5yrs.Youngest person is not an immediateneighbour of E.

14. Who among the following is oldestperson?(a) A (b) C(c) B (d) E(e) None of these

15. Who among the following is 10 yrs old?(a) C (b) A(c) D (d) H(e) Either (a) or (c)

16. Who among the following sits oppositeto the one who is 15 yrs old?(a) H(b) C(c) The one whose age is 30(d) The one whose age is 24(e) B

17. What is the age of F?(a) 36 (b) 45(c) 27 (d) 19(e) 30

18. Who among the following sits immediateleft of the one who is 19 yrs old?(a) B (b) A(c) H (d) G(e) C

Direction (19) : In the followingquestions, only one Conclusion is givenand five statements are given as a), b),c), d) and e). From this you have to takethe statements to be true even if theyseem to be at variance with commonlyknown facts and then decide which ofthe given statement logically follows.

19. Conclusions :Some Diamonds are rings

No stone is a ringSome Diamonds are doorsSome doors are ringsStatements:(a) Statements: Some stones are

hammers. Some hammer is a ring.Some rings are doors. All doorsare diamonds

(b) Statements: All stones arehammers. No hammer is a ring.Some rings are doors. All doorsare diamonds

(c) Statements: All stones arehammers. No hammer is a ring.No rings are doors. No doors arediamonds

(d) Statements: All stones arehammers. All hammer is a ring.Some rings are doors. All doorsare diamonds

(e) Statements: Some stones arehammers. No hammer is a ring.Some rings are doors. All doorsare diamonds

20. Statements: H O = U B < L = P; D

< N = B S > KConclusions:I. K < L

II. H K (a) only I follows(b) only II follows(c) either I or II follows  (d) neither I nor II follow(e) both I and II follow

21. Statements: B < N = T G > H = F; G > L = D > V; L > W = AConclusions:I. A < HII. V < B(a) only I follows(b) only II follows(c) either I or II follows(d) neither I nor II follow(e) both I and II follow

22. Statements: N > D F > J; E < L G< S < P < F; G > WConclusions:I. W < J

II. J W(a) only I follows(b) only II follows(c) either I or II follows(d) neither I nor II follow(e) both I and II follow


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23. Statements: V < E = D =  W L; F S

= D < K; L R = H BConclusions:I. B < SII. B = S(a) only I follows(b) only II follows(c) either I or II follows(d) neither I nor II follow(e) both I and II follow

24. In which of the following expressions

does the expression ‘B H’ and ‘A >G’ definitely hold true?(a) A = B < F H = K > G > D

(b) D > A = G B = F G < H

(c) A < O > G < H = H S B

(d) G = U B = E H = O < AA(e) None of these

Direction (25-29) : Study the followinginformation carefully to answer thegiven Questions.Seven people, namely P,Q,R,S,T,U and Vlike seven different movies namely TheAvengers, Titanic, The Dark Knight,Jurassic Park, Avatar, Iron Man 2 andBatman Begins but not necessarily in thesame order. Each people also works in thesame office but at a different department onthe basis of experience namelyAdministration (ADMIN), Marketing &Sales, (M&S), Accounts (ACC), Production(PO), Quality Management (QM), HumanResources (HR), and Public Relations (PR),but not necessarily in the same order. Eachperson has a different number of medalsstarting from 1 to 9.Note : Each person has been allocated to adepartment as per increasing order ofexperience with the one in ADMIN beingthe least experienced while the one in PRBeing the most experienced.Person S secured more medals than thePerson U. The number of medals securedby Person R is the Square of the number ofmedals secured by V. Only one person hasless experience than U. The one who hasless experience than U likes Jurassic Park.Only one person has more experience thanP. The one in HR likes Avatar. Only twopeople have more experience than the onewho likes The Avengers. V likes BatmanBegins and has more experience than theone who likes The Avengers. The number ofmedals secured by S is the sum of medalssecured by R and Q. S has less experience

than the one in PO, but more experiencethan the one who likes The Dark Knight.Number of medals secured by T is less thanthe number of medals secured by V. T neitherhas the least experience than the one wholikes The Dark Knight. The differencebetween the total number of medals securedby the person S and U is one. T neither hasthe least experience nor he works in QM. Qdoes not work in QM. The one who likesTitanic does not work in PO. Total numberof medals secured by V is less than 3. Thetotal number of medals secured by Q is lessthan 4. The number of medals secured byPerson P is the square of the number ofmedals secured by Q. Total number ofmedals secured by the person who likes“The Dark Knight” is the multiple of thenumber of medals secured by V and Q.

25. As per the given arrangement, ADMINis related to Batman Begins and PR isrelated to Jurassic Park in a certain way.To which of the following is ACCrelated to the same way?(a) The Dark Knight(b) The Avengers(c) Iron Man 2(d) Avatar(e) Titanic

26. Which of the following pairs of peoplewho have more experience than P lessexperience than U?(a) V, P (b) Q, U(c) R, V (d) V, Q(e) R, P

27. Which combination represents thedepartment that R works in and themovie he likes?(a) QM – The Avengers(b) PO – The Dark Knight(c) PO – Iron Man 2(d) ACC – Jurassic Park(e) ADMIN – Jurassic Park

28. Who amongst the following works inPR?(a) S(b) R(c) P(d) V(e) Other than those given as options

29. V secured how many medals?(a) Two(b) One(c) Three(d) Four(e) None as G was appointed on


Directions (30-32) : study the followinginformation carefully and answer thequestions given below:In a certain code language ‘how to completethis job’ is written as ‘nk pt vt ks yp ‘ , ‘this job is very challenging ‘ is written as ‘ rjlk pt zp nk’ , ‘they complete this challengingwork’ is written as ‘bt lk nk yp zt’ ‘howthey are taking challenge’ is written as ‘ vtbt dv re fr’ , taking challenges are amazing’is written as ‘ re mo dv gi’ .

30. The code ‘ks’ stand for(a) to (b) how(c) this (d) job(e) Other than the given options

31. If ‘re’ is the code for ‘taking’ then whatmay be the code for ‘all are amazing’ ?(a) dv mo gi (b) mp dv gi(c) tk dv mo (d) Either (b) or (c)(e) Cannot be determined

32. What does the code ‘zp’ stand for ?(a) is(b) very(c) Either (a) or (b)(d) Cannot be determined(e) job

33. Statements : The Information &Broadcasting Ministry is planning toextend the number of ‘Doordarshan’channels for the north-east region.Which of the following may be theeffect of the above steps ?(a) Now the number of violence

against north-eastern will decrease(b) It will be easy to understand the

culture and civilization of north-eastern region

(c) More artists will emerge from thisregion

(d) All (a),(b) and (c)(e) Only (b) and (c)

34. Statements : The pre- Budget EconomicSurvey 2015-16 advocated therationalising of LPG subsidy byreducing the annual supply of below-market priced cooking gas to 10cylinder per household.Which of the following has beenassumed in the above statement ?(a) Subsidy on cylinders cannot be

removed completely.(b) For the economic growth

reduction in subsidy is necessary.(c) The price of subsidised cylinders

is very low as compared to themarket price.

(d) All (a),(b) and (c)

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(e) Other than the given options

Directions (35) : Study the followinginformation carefully and answer thequestions given below:A man ‘K’ goes 4m east from point P andreaches point Q. Then he turns his left andgoes 3m to reach point R. Finally he turnshis right and goes 4m to reach point S.Another person goes 3m north from pointZ and reaches point Y. He again turns hisright and goes 6m to reach point W. He thengoes 4m north to reach point V. He finallyturns his left and goes 2m to reach point T.Which is to the east of Q and at a distance of4m.

35. What is the distance between R and Z ,and Z is in which direction with respectto R ?(a) 10 m, north(b) 13m, west(c) 10m, south(d) 12m, south(d) 16m,east

36. What should be used if a companywants to include its company name andlogo at the bottom of every page of abrochure?a) Header b) Macroc) Footer d) Footnotee) None of the above

37. What is a serial port that adds a directconnection to a network?a) FireWireb) NICc) USBd) Internal modeme) None of the above

38. Which of the following is saved tononcontiguous clusters on a hard disk?a) Clustered fileb) Defragmented filec) Sectored filed) Fragmented filee) None of the above

39. Which of the following is used for closea tab on a browser?a) Ctrl + T b) Ctrl + Wc) Ctrl + A d) Ctrl + Ye) None of the above

40. Linux is a_____.a) Utility program for peer-to-peer

file sharingb) Real-time operating systemc) Network operating systemd) PDA platforme) None of the above

41. ___________ is an event-drivenprogramming language developed in theearly 1990.a) C b) VBc) C++ d) Pascale) None of the above

42. The_________ runs the front-endapplications software in a network.a) Client b) Databasec) Server d) CPUe) None of the above

43. Inheritance is the ability of an object topass on its characteristics to its____________.a) Subclassesb) off-springc) Super classesd) Parentse) None of the above

44. Which of the following extends dataacross networks rather than store it inone central site?a) PIMb) File managerc) Distributed databased) Data mining programe) None of the above

45. Which of the following activities is NOTa component of e-business?a) Collaboration with business

partnersb) Cash flow managementc) Customer serviced) Sellinge) None of the above


Direction (46-50) : Study the followingtable to answer the questions that follow.Some values are missing. Study the tablecarefully and answer the questions basedon data in table and particular questions.

46. On Friday, if ratio of speed of boat tospeed of stream is 2 : 1, what is thedifference between the time taken bythe boat to go upstream and the timetaken by the boat to go downstream?

a) 36 hours b) 54 hoursc) 45 hours d) 72 hourse) 65 hours

47. On Monday, if difference between thetime taken by the boat to go upstreamand the time taken by the boat to godownstream is 20 hours, find the totaltime taken by the boat to go upstreamand downstream.a) 20 hours b) 40 hoursc) 30 hours d) 80 hourse) 60 hours

48. On Tuesday, if difference between thetime taken by the boat to go upstreamand the time taken by the boat to godownstream is 45 hours, find the totaldistance covered by the boat to goupstream and downstream.Downstream speed is 24 km/hr.a) 720 km b) 540 kmc) 360 km d) 680 kme) 450 km

49. On Wednesday, if the boat covered halfdistance upstream with usual speed andother half with double its speed, then

it takes 334

3 hours less time than

usual time to go upstream. Find the

total time taken by the boat to go

upstream and downstream.a) 120 hours b) 108 hoursc) 92 hours d) 84 hourse) 128 hours

50. On Thursday, difference between timetaken by the boat to cover ‘X’ kmupstream and (X+120) kmdownstream is 26 hours. Had the boatcovered same distance upstream asdownstream, what would be thedifference in time taken then?a) 58 hours b) 62 hoursc) 48 hours d) 56 hourse) 64 hours

Directions (Q.51-55) : Study thefollowing information carefully toanswer the given questions.In a medical college there are 1600 studentsstudying Dentistry and Homeopathy. Eachstudent from each course knows one or morelanguages out of English, Hindi and Bengali.45% of the students study Dentistry andthe remaining students study Homeopathy.Out of the students studying Dentistry,boys and girls are in the ratio 5:3. Out of theboys studying Dentistry, 16% know only


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English, 10% know only Hindi and 4% knowonly Bengali. 24% know English as well asHindi, 20% know English as well as Bengaliand 14% know Hindi as well as Bengali.The remaining boys know all the threelanguages.Out of the girls studying Dentistry, 20%know only English, 10% know only Hindiand 10% know only Bengali. 20% knowEnglish as well as Hindi, 20% know Englishas well as Bengali and 10% know Hindi aswell as Bengali. The remaining girls knowall the three languages.Out of the students studying Homeopathy,boys and girls are in the ratio 4:7. Out of theboys studying Homeopathy, 20% knowonly English, 15% know only Hindi and 5%know only Bengali. 15% know English aswell as Hindi, 25% know English as well asBengali and 10% know Hindi as well asBengali. The remaining boys know all thethree languages.Out of the girls studying Homeopathy, 15%know only English, 15% know only Hindiand 5% know only Bengali. 20% knowEnglish as well as Hindi, 20% know Englishas well as Bengali and 15% know Hindi aswell as Bengali. The remaining girls knowall the three languages.

51. How many students studying Dentistryknow only either English or Hindi?(a)154 (b)162(c)184 (d)132(e)None of these

52. How many students in the college knowall the three languages?(a)104 (b)302(c)162 (d)182(e)None of these

53. What percent of the total number ofgirls in the college know Bengali?(a)6.62% (b)6.54%(c) 6.12% (d) 6.54%(e)None of these

54. How many students studyingHomeopathy do not know English?(a)315 (b)292(c) 216 (d)108(e)None of these

55. Out of the students studyingHomeopathy, what is the ratio of thenumber of boys knowing English to thenumber of girls knowing Hindi?(a) 3:5 (b)4:5(c)1:2 (d)2:3(e)None of these

Directions (56-60) : Each question belowcontains a statement followed byQuantity I and Quantity II. Find both tofind the relationship among them. Markyour answer accordingly.

56. Quantity I:  A bag contains 3 green, 2yellow and 3 purple balls. Two ballsare drawn at random, what is theprobability that no ball is purple.Quantity II: (7x – 8) (14x – 5) = 0a)Quantity I Quantity IIb)Quantity I > Quantity IIc)Quantity I = Quantity IId)Quantity I < Quantity II

e)Quantity I Quantity II57. The speed of a boat in still water and the

speed of the current are in the ratio5:3. The difference between thedistance covered by the boat in 2 hoursupstream and that in 2 hoursdownstream is 24 km.Quantity I. Speed of the boat in stillwater.Quantity II. Speed of the cyclist whogoes 28 km in 2 hours.(a) Quantity I < Quantity II

(b) Quantity I Quantity II

(c) Quantity I Quantity II(d) Quantity I > Quantity II(e) Quantity I = Quantity II

58. There are 45 cards numbered as1,2,3……….45.Two cards are pickedat randomly.Quantity I: Probability that both cardsshow 2 digit numbers which increaseby 36 when its digits are reversed.Quantity II: Probability that bothcards show a number divisible by 8 butnot 16.a) Quantity I > Quantity IIb) Quantity I < Quantity IIc) Quantity I > Quantity IId) Quantity I > Quantity IIe) Quantity I = Quantity II or

relationship cannot be determined59. Ravi can do the half of the work in 12

days and Raba can do the whole workin 30 days.Quantity I: In how many days willRavi and Raba do the whole work?Quantity II: If Ravi starts the workand works for 4 days, after that Rabajoin him, in how many days will thewhole work be completed?

  a)Quantity I Quantity II

b)Quantity I Quantity IIc)Quantity I > Quantity IId)Quantity I < Quantity IIe)Quantity I = Quantity II


Quantity I. x0

Quantity II. 600

a)Quantity I > Quantity IIb)Quantity I < Quantity II

c)Quantity I Quantity II

d)Quantity I Quantity IIe) No relation

Directions (Q.61-65) : Study thefollowing information carefully toanswer the given questions.Percentage of population interested indifferent sports (cricket, football,badminton, tennis, volleyball, hockey)in pie chart I and percentage of femalesinterested in these sports in pie chart II.

61. What is the ratio of the number of peopleinterested in tennis and hockey togetherto that interested in cricket andvolleyball together?a)23 : 32 b)34 : 43c)101 : 130 d)11 : 32e)None of these

62. For which of the sports, the percentageof population interested with respectto that of females interested isminimum?a)Volleyball b)Badmintonc)Tennis d)Footballe)None of these

63. What is the difference between thenumber of females interested inbadminton and that in volleyball?

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a)1.5 lakh b)2.2 lakhc)1.8 lakh d)1.9 lakhe)None of these

64. For which of the sports, the number ofmales interested is less than that offemales interested?a)Tennis, Volleyballb)Volleyball, Badmintonc)Badminton, Tennis, Hockeyd)Badminton, Tennis, Volleyballe)None of the above

65. What is the ratio of the number of malesinterested in badminton and footballtogether to that of females interestedin hockey and tennis together?a)124 : 117 b)128 : 119c)19 : 17 d)23 : 19e)None of these

Directions (Q.66-70) : The followinggraph shows the percentage profit earnedby two companies A and B during 2007 –2012.

66. If the expenditure of Company A in theyear 2009 was Rs 77.5 lakh what wasits income (in Rs) in that year?a)96 lakh b)102.4 lakhc)108.5 lakh d)112.5 lakhe)None of these

67. If the income of Company B in the year2012 was Rs 125.4 lakh what was itsexpenditure (in Rs) in that year?a)94 lakh b)102 lakhc)108 lakh d)114 lakhe)117.5 lakh

68. If the expenditure of Company A in theyear 2008 and the income of CompanyB in the year 2011 were equal to 85lakh what was the difference betweenthe profit of Company A in the year2008 and the profit of Company B inthe year 2011?a)10.2 lakh b)11.4 lakhc)12.8 lakh d)15 lakh

e)17.5 lakh69. If the incomes of two Companies in the

year 2010 were equal what was theratio of their expenditure?a)5 : 4 b)5 : 3c)5 : 2 d)5 : 1e)None of these

70. If the income of Company A in the year2010 and the expenditure of CompanyB in the year 2012 were equal and theywere Rs 171 lakh each, what was thedifference between the income ofCompany B in the year 2012 and theexpenditure of Company A in the year2010?a)41.2 lakh b)42.3 lakhc)43.4 lakh d)44.5 lakhe)45.6 lakh

Directions (Q.71-75) : Study thefollowing table chart carefully andanswer the questions given beside.Given table shows the profit/loss,discount and marked up per cent on 6different electronic articles.

ArticlesProfit % / Loss



up %A.C. Profit 8% ---- 28%

Cooler Loss 8% ---- 16%Fridge ---- ---- 15%Oven ---- 25% ----

Geyser Profit 10% 8% ----Television ---- 10% 12%

71. An owner of the electronics shop soldthe cooler to a customer at a loss givenin the table. Had he sold it for Rs.475more, he would have gained a profit of11%. What is the marked price of thecooler?a)Rs. 2300 b)Rs. 2500c)Rs. 2700 d)Rs. 2900e)None of these

72. If shopkeeper marked Oven 10% aboveCP and Geyser 20% above CP and alsothe CP of Oven is half of the CP ofGeyser then find the amount ofdiscount offered by shopkeeper onoven if gained Rs.1000 on sellingGeyser?a)Rs. 1375 b)Rs. 1575c)Rs. 1480 d)Rs. 1200e)None of these

73. The difference between the selling pricesof an A.C and a Television is Rs.15400

when Television is sold at a profit of12%. Cost price of A.C is Rs.15000more than that of Television. What isthe Cost price of A.C.?a)Rs. 34000 b)Rs. 25000c)Rs. 35000 d)Rs. 20000e)None of these

74. Find the overall profit or loss per centapproximately made by a customerwho bought 1 AC set and 1 cooler set.Cost price of 1 AC set is Rs. 30000and cost price of 1 cooler set is Rs.5000.a)5.71% b)2.77%c)2.41% d)3.24%e)None of these

75. Find the total amount paid by a customerafter purchasing 1 oven and 1 fridge ifthe shopkeeper marked the oven upby 15% and he gains 8% on the fridge.Cost price of oven is Rs.15000 andmarked price of fridge is Rs.11500.a)Rs. 13737.5 b)Rs. 23737.5c)Rs. 22500 d)Rs. 28737.5e)None of these

Directions (Q.76-80) : Study the graphscarefully to answer the questions thatfollow.Total number of children in 6 differentschools and the percentage of girls inthem


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76. What is the total percentage of boys inschools R and U together? (roundedoff to two digits after decimal)(a) 78.55 (b) 72.45(c) 76.28 (d) 75.83(e) None of these

77. What is the total number of boys inschool T?(a) 500 (b) 600(c) 750 (d) 850(e) None of these

78. The total number of students in schoolR, is approximately what per cent ofthe total number of students in schoolS?(a) 89 (b) 75(c) 78 (d) 82(e) 94

79. What is the average number of boys inschools P and Q together?(a) 1425 (b) 1575(c) 1450 (d) 1625(e) None of these

80. What is the respective ratio of thenumber of girls in schools P to thenumber of girls in school Q?(a) 27 : 20 (b) 17 : 21(c) 20 : 27 (d) 21 : 17(e) None of these


81. What is the Maximum amount pertransaction for cash-based remittancesthrough NEFT within India?a) Rs 10,000 b) Rs 25,000c) Rs 50,000 d) No Limite) None of these

82. Tokenization refers to ____________ofactual card details with an uniquealternate code called the “token”, whichshall be unique for a combination ofcard, token requestor and device?a) Identificationb) Correctionc)  Replacementd) Inclusione) None of these

83. What is the limit for collateral freeagricultural loans?a) Rs 50,000b) Rs 1 lakhc)  Rs 1.5 lakhsd) Rs 1.6 lakhse) None of these

84. As per revised guidelines, WLA operatorshave to buy minimum of ________pieces of any denomination from RBIor any other currency chest?

a) 50,000 b) 1 lakhc)  2 lakh d) 3 lakhe) None of these

85. The  Credit Guarantee Fund  Trust forMicro and Small Enterprises(CGTMSe) is run by____________?a) RBI b) NABARDc) SEBI d) SIDBIe) None of these

86. The Economic Survey of India ispresented annually by_____________?a) RBIb) Ministry of Financec) CSOd) NITI Aayoge) None of these

87. RBI had constituted a 5 member high-level committee for deepening of digitalpayments. It was headed by____________?a) Kishore Sansib) Nandan Nilekanic)Aruna Sharmad) Sanjay Jaine) None of these

88. The payment and settlement systemsin India are regulated as per which act?a) RBI Act 1934b) Payment and Settlement Systems

Act, 2007c) NPCI Act 2002d) PSS Act 2008e) None of these

89. The multinational investment bank andfinancial services company, GoldmanSachs Group has its headquarterat_____________?a) London b) New Yorkc) Paris d) Berne) None of these

90. Which of these payment systems canbe defined as: Multiple Debit, SingleCredit?a) NEFT b) RTGSc) ECS d) UPIe) None of these

91. Which organization was formed formanaging retail payment in India?a) SBI b) NPCIc) UPI d) IBAe) None of these

92. Inflation refers to -?a) Increase in value of currencyb)Decrease in value of currencyc) Increase in value of commoditiesd)Decrease in value of commoditiese) None of these

93. Which of the following committeerecommended using CPI, instead ofWPI, to measure Inflation in India?a) Bimal Jalan committeeb)Urjit Patel committeec) Mukul Mudgal committeed) Rangarajan Committeee) None of these

94. Which of the following is true regardingBearer Cheque?a) Whoever holds and presents the

bearer cheque, will be paidb) Bearer cheque doesn’t have any

crossing on itc) Bearer cheque can be encashed in

the bank counterd) All are truee) None of these

95. VPA is given to an individual using theUnified Payment Interface (UPI)service to send or receive money. Whatdoes it stands for?a) Venture Payment Addressb) Virtual Payment Addressc) Variable Payment Addressd) Verification Payment Addresse) None of these

96. What is the total corpus ofNABVENTURES Fund launched byNABARD?a) Rs 200 croreb) Rs 500 crorec) Rs 700 crored) Rs 800 croree) None of these

97. Which of these is currently India’s most-valued firm in terms of marketcapitalization?a) HDFC b) TCSc) RIL d) ITCe) None of these

98. To open a bank account, which of thesedocuments is not required?a) Domicile Certificateb) Recent Photographc) Address Proofd) Identity Proofe) None of these

99. The Indian currency note printingpresses is not located in which of thesecities?a) Nasik b) Mysorec)Salboni d) Aurangabade) None of these

100. Which of these is not the fully ownedsubsidiary of RBI?a) DICGC b) NHBc)ReBIT d) BRBNMPL

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e) None of these101. India’s first talking Automated Teller

Machine (ATM) for visually impairedwas launched by which bank?a) Kotak Mahindra bankb) Union Bank of Indiac) State Bank of Indiad) ICICI Banke) None of these

102. The Airtel Payments Bank waslaunched in which year?a) 2016 b) 2017c) 2015 d) 2014e) None of these

103. The Foreign Trade Policy in India isregulated by ____________?a) RBIb) Directorate General of Foreign

Tradec) Ministry of Financed) EXIMe) None of these

104. The biggest contributor to foreignexchange reserve of Indiais  _____________?a) Foreign currency  assetsb) Gold  reservesc) Special drawing rightsd) India’s position with the

International Monetary Funde) None of these

105. The Headquarter of crypto currencyfirm Libra Networks, launched byFacebbok, is located  at____________?a) Londonb) Washington, D.Cc) Genevad) New Yorke) None of these

106. How much amount of subsidy has beenannounced by the Assam governmentfor the North East Skill Centre?a) Rs 2.2 lakhb) Rs 2 lakhc) Rs 1.7 lakhd) Rs 1 lakhe) None of these

107. Who has been named as the NewChairman of the Axis Bank?a) Sandeep Bakhshib) Uday Chander Khannac)BrahmDuttd) Rakesh Makhija e) None of these

108. Who among the following has becomethe world’s first billionaire rapper ofthe world as per the Forbes report?

a) Jay-Zb) Eminemc) Draked) Kanye Weste) None of these

109. Which brand has topped the TRA’sBrand Trust Report 2019 for being themost trusted brand in India?a) LIC b) Dellc) SBI d) Reliancee) None of these

110. Who will chair the committee formedby Defence Minister Rajnath Singh towork out the modalities andmethodology of the implementation ofthe next revision of pension underOROP?a) Controller General of Defence

Accountsb) Minister of Financec) Controller General of

Accounts  (CGa)d) Minister of Defencee) None of these

111. Fitch Ratings has estimated the India’sGDP for fiscal 2019-20 at__________?a) 6.2% b) 7.1%c) 6.6% d) 6.8%e) None of these

112. Where is the Headquarter of UNEnvironment Programme (UNEP)located?a) Nairobi, Kenyab) Rome, Italyc) London, United Kingdomd) Geneva, Switzerlande) None of these

113. Name the first Arab country to becomefull member of FATF?a) UAE b) Saudi Arabiac) Iraq d) Omane) None of these

114. Who among the following deputygovernors of RBI has resigned from thepost recently?a) BP Kanungob) N. S. Vishwanathanc)  Viral V. Acharya d) Mahesh Kumar Jaine) None of these

115. Which railway station has become theIndia’s first green and clean railwaystation?a) Varanasi Cantt Railway Stationb) Udhana railway stationc) Jaynagar railway stationd) Katni Junction railway station

e) None of these116. Which of the following countries were

reported as malaria-free cases in 2018,as per World Health Organization(WHO)?a) China, Iran, Malaysia, Timor-

Leste and El Salvadorb) China, Iran, Malaysia, Singapore

and Tajikistanc) China, Iran, Malaysia, Cambodia

and Thailandd) China, Iran, Malaysia, Brunei and

Philippinese) None of these

117. What does Tstands for in NAFTA?a) T – Transferb) T – Tariffc) T – Traded) T – Taxe) None of these

118. By which year, NITI Aayog plannedto transit two-wheelers with an enginecapacity less than 150 cc (CubicCentimeter) to full Electric Vehicles(EVs) ?a) 2035 b) 2030c) 2020 d) 2025e) None of these

119. Where was the 3rd Asian LeadershipSummit or Asian Leadership Summit2019 held?a) Jakarta, Indonesiab) Tokyo, Japanc) New Delhi, Indiad) Thimphu, Bhutane) None of these

120. In which two countries, DD(Doordarshan) India, an Indian EnglishNews and Current Affairs Channel willbe telecasted?a) Nepal and Bangladeshb) Sri Lanka and Nepalc) Pakistan and Myanmard) Bangladesh and South Koreae) None of these


Directions (121-130): Read the followingpassage carefully and answer thequestions.Paragraph 1: Donors to charities rarelymake the sort of cost-benefit calculations.So, charities attract donations with picturesof smiling gap toothed children, rather thanspread sheets showing how they actuallyspend their money. Tugging at theheartstrings, however, does little to allay


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the doubts of economists sceptical aboutthe efficacy of charity. Who is to saywhether donating to a homeless shelter is abetter use of money than donating to aschool?Paragraph 2: Yet advances in social science,particularly in development economics,mean donors can now have a reasonably goodidea of how far each dollar will go.Empirically minded do-gooders, membersof the nascent “effective altruism”movement, argue that it is at last possible toput into practice a “fundamental axiom” ofutilitarianism, first invoked in 1776 byJeremy Bentham, a British philosopher: “Itis the greatest happiness of the greatestnumber that is the measure of right andwrong.”Paragraph 3: The vast majority ofcharitable contributions come not from bigfoundations, but from individuals. Data fromthe Giving USA Foundation, a non-profit,show that of the $390bn Americans gave tocharity in 2016, $280bn came fromindividual donors. Of this, around $120bnwent to religious organisations and $60bnto educational institutions (mostlyuniversities).Paragraph 4: Not all of this money wasgiven with the intention of maximising humanwelfare. Take, for instance, the Make-A-Wish Foundation, which helps childrenstricken with life threatening illnesses, bygranting “wishes”, such as meetingcelebrities or visiting theme parks. Thetypical wish costs the foundation around$10,000 to fulfil—heart-warming for therecipient but of little help in improvinghealth generally. Yet some charities, notablythose active in poor countries, can producebig public benefits for relatively smallamounts of money. One estimate finds thatsurgery that prevents blindness induced bytrachoma, an infectious disease, costs acharity just $100 per operation.Paragraph 5: William MacAskill, aphilosopher at Oxford University, arguesthat promoting inefficient charities mightactually do more harm than good.Competition for donations is acute. Researchby the Centre for Effective Altruism, a think-tank he co-founded, finds that every dollarraised by one charity means 50 cents lessfor others. Mr. MacAskill also worries about“moral licensing”. One study found thatpeople tend to treat giving to charity likebuying a medieval indulgence—they maybelieve they have the right to act immorally

if they have done something they deemaltruistic.Paragraph 6: Measuring a charity’sefficiency is not straightforward, however.Effective altruism’s most-cited evaluator isGive Well, a non-profit group based in SanFrancisco founded in 2007 by HoldenKarnofsky and Elie Hassenfeld, two formerhedge-fund analysts. Traditionally, charitiesused to be rated according to their overheads.Give Well instead calculates standardisedreturns on investment across charities, asmeasured by factors such as cost per lifesaved. The charities it rates most highly arenot all household names.Paragraph 7: Toby Ord, anotherphilosopher at Oxford, argues that peoplefrom rich countries who are interested inmaximising human welfare should focus theircharity abroad. A donor who wants toimprove educational outcomes, for instance,would do better to donate not to Americanschools but to charities trying to improvethe diets of children in poorer countries. Arough meta-analysis by Give Well finds thatensuring children in a poor country haveenough iodine in their diets can lead to afour-point increase in average IQ.Paragraph 8: One of Give Well’s highest-rated charities is the Against MalariaFoundation (AMF), which distributesmedically treated bed nets in poor countries.Malaria still kills some 400,000 a year,mostly in sub-Saharan Africa. There is stillno cure for the mosquito-borne disease. Butit is relatively easy to prevent its spread.The AMF estimates that it costs $4 to buyand distribute a treated bed net. Accordingto Give Well’s analysis, the health benefitsfrom this in sub-Saharan Africa are equivalentto a child’s life saved for every $2,000 spent.Paragraph 9: Give Well’s approach toevaluation has its limitations. It is hard tomake like-for-like comparisons of theefficacy of different charities with differentgoals. An alternative approach is simply togive money to poor people. A proliferationof mobile-payment apps has made thiseasier than ever before. Give directly, acharity founded by a group of developmenteconomists in 2008, facilitates directtransfers to people in Kenya and Uganda.Mr. Hassenfeld likens the organisation toan index—it serves as a baseline againstwhich other charities can be judged. GiveWell reckons that in order for a charity to bemore cost-efficient than Give Directly, itwould have to provide goods or services

that people cannot readily purchase bythemselves.Paragraph 10: Inevitably, even effectivealtruists have to accept a degree ofuncertainty about the impact of theirdonation. The question is how much? Givewell is relatively conservative when it comesto recommending charities, listing just nineorganisations under its list of “topcharities”. The Open Philanthropy Project,a research group spun out of Give Well, ismore willing to back ventures with only asmall chance of success provided thepotential benefits are big enough. An extremeexample is its recommendation that donorsfinance research on the safe use of artificialintelligence (AI). The increasing economicimportance of AI, and the fact that it is sopoorly understood, have led many altruiststo believe it may soon become one of thebiggest threats to society.Paragraph 11: It is hard to gauge quite howbig the effective altruism movement hasbecome. But it does have some seriousbackers. Good Ventures, a non-profit groupfounded by Dustin Moskovitz, a co-founderof Facebook, and his wife, Cari Tuna, makesdonations based almost exclusively on theOpen Philanthropy Project’srecommendations. It does not accept outsidedonations, but is dedicated to spending Mr.Moskovitz’s and Ms. Tuna’s wealth, whichForbes reckons to be $15bn. Last year, GoodVentures gave out over $300m in grants.Paragraph 12: Effective altruists fret thattheir movement might, in fact, have verylimited appeal. Utility maximizingautomatons might see the sense in buyingmosquito nets over the internet for distantstrangers. Human beings might find, say,volunteering at a local soup kitchen moresatisfying emotionally. Ari Kagan, aresearcher at the Centre for AdvancedHindsight, a think-tank at Duke University,points out that many people find the ideaof applying quantitative reasoning toaltruism repugnant—like charging familymembers for a meal. Surveys show that whilethe effective-altruism movement has grownquickly, it has mainly done so within a limitedgroup of people—I.e., young white menwith degrees in science and philosophy.Paragraph 13: Effective altruism can be ahard sell, even for the rationally minded.Silicon Valley-types have been keener toembrace the philosophy than those workingon Wall Street, for instance. Mr. Hassenfeldreckons that this is partly because

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programmers who get rich tend to do so at ayoung age, and are hence more open-mindedabout charity. Bankers, in contrast, start tomake real money only in their 40s, by whichtime they may already have formed theircharitable habits. With many potentialdonors, Mr. Hassenfeld says, “it’s easy toget intellectual agreement, but harder to getaction.” As utilitarians have long found, andBentham himself lamented, “The rarest ofall human qualities is consistency.”

121. What can be understood about theemployment of funds received bycharitable institutions?(a) the employment of donated

amount depends upon theurgency of the needs of those whoare to be supported

(b) not every expenditure made outof donations is aimed at ensuringhuman welfare

(c) the amount donated to institutionsis generally spent on unnecessaryactions

(d) the employment of these funds isdone with the sole aim ofmaximising human welfare

(e) More than one of the above122. Which of the following is true about

the institutions Give Well and GiveDirectly?I. they both are similar as they are

charitable institutions working forpromoting human welfare

II. one of them evaluates othercharities while one is a charitableinstitution

III. one of them distributes goods andservices to needy while the otherdistributes money

(a) Both (II) and (III)(b) Only (III)(c) Only (I)(d) Only (II)(e) All (I), (II) and (III)

123. What does the example of Give Well’sproject aimed at controlling the spreadof malaria suggest?I. it is possible to control the spread

of a disease even if its cure isexpensive

II. it is possible to generate greaterbenefits for needy with lesserexpenditure

III. it is not possible to compare thebenefits generated by two welfareschemes with each other

(a) Only (I)

(b) Only (II)(c) Only (III)(d) Both (I) and (II)(e) None of (I), (II) or (III)

124. Which of the following is the core ideabehind “effective altruism”?I. to make the most out of an

investment irrespective of itsultimate purpose

II. to keep track of the moneyinfused into an institutionalsystem

III. to extend help and benefits to asmany people as possible

(a) Only (I)(b) Only (II)(c) Only (III)(d) Both (I) and (II)(e) All (I), (II) and (III)

125. How does age of the donors play a rolein improving the efficiency of charitableactivities?(a) older donors are more likely to be

associated with such charitableactivities for long

(b) older the donor, higher would bethe amount donated and thus,more benefits for the needy

(c) younger donors can more easilyincrease the benefit of theircharity

(d) younger the donors, lesser wouldbe their desire to have a say inallocation of the funds they havedonated

(e) All of the above126. Which of the following can be

understood from the passage?(a) uncertainty in the usage of

charitable donations can be doneaway with by effective altruistic

(b) donations made to charitableinstitutions are always used asper effective altruism

(c) effective altruism is not free fromthe uncertainty in the deploymentof donated funds

(d) it is only when donations are madeas per the practice of effectivealtruism that they help inpromoting human welfare

(e) None of the above127. Which of the following facts, if true,

would strengthen the argument thatpromoting inefficient charities mightactually do more harm than good?

I. employing resources for multipleuses at the same time leads tosubpar results

II. in case of high demand forresources, they should be dividedamong all the prospective usersequally

III. in case the resources are limited,they should be employedefficiently to achieve the bestresults

(a) Only (II)(b) Only (I)(c) Both (I) and (II)(d) Both (II) and (III)(e) Only (III)

128. Which of the following measures canlead to an improved allocation ofdonors’ money for human welfare?(a) categorising countries based on the

efficiency of their charities(b) improving the measures used to

assess the efficiency of a charity(c) encouraging more and more

people to donate across thecountries

(d) identifying regions donating towhich would result in maximumwelfare

(e) More than one of the above

Directions (129-135) : Read the followingpassage carefully and answer thequestions.Paragraph 1: The President of one ofAmerica’s best-known Catholic places oflearning came this week to his alma mater,Oxford University, and with some fanfaredelivered a lecture on the future of highereducation. His hosts included Chris Patten,the eminent Conservative politician who isnow Chancellor of Oxford University andhappens to be a fellow Catholic.Paragraph 2: So, did the visitor, whoseacademic interests include medievaltheology, deliver a lament over the weakeningChristian connections of places like Oxford,which emerged in a 12th century world wherelearning and public activity of any kind werealmost inseparable from religion? Did hedeplore the fact that Oxford had incubatedthe “new atheist” movement? No, FatherJohn Jenkins, the president of Notre DameUniversity, did nothing of the kind. Instead,he emphasized the spirit of inquiry, disputeand interrogation that characterized Oxfordfrom its earliest days and argued that the


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same spirit could and should guarantee thefuture of universities as physical places, asopposed to the hubs for e-learning whichsome people anticipate.Paragraph 3: An essential characteristic ofmedieval Oxford, he said, consisted of“practices of common inquiry at the highestlevel that serve both to advance knowledgeand understanding and to train the minds ofstudents through participation in suchinquiry.” The same healthy spirit pervadedtoday’s best universities, where now as inthe past “the most valuable learning is oftenof a tacit sort, when a student observes howa seasoned scholar addresses a problem,wrestles with an objection, formulates acreative solution.” Such techniques could belearned more easily at close quarters, in along-established bastion of learning, than bycomputer: that alone boded well for thefuture of real-world colleges.Paragraph 4: To some Americanconservatives, this emphasis on free-ranginginquiry, rather than the axioms of faith, willonly confirm what they suspected: thatNotre Dame and other historically Catholiccolleges are drifting far from their Christianroots and are on the road to becomingvirtually identical to secular places oflearning. But the real situation is moreinteresting. In the ecology of American highereducation, there are many differentrelationships with religion. There arezealously Christian establishments likeLiberty University in Tennessee, which maybe the largest non-profit college in the world,with 15,000 students at its Lynchburgcampus and another 110,000 engaged inonline learning. First-year students takeBible classes and there is a “code of honour”that bars extramarital sex. At the otherextreme, there are state universities whichhave never had any particular connectionwith religion. There are also mightyinstitutions like Harvard and Princeton,where the training of ministers was originallythe main activity but theology is now aminority interest.Paragraph 5: America’s 250 or so Catholiccolleges and universities, including the 28which are run by the Society of Jesus, havetheir own place in this kaleidoscope. Agrowing number have lay presidents. Theseplaces encourage applications from Catholicstudents, but they are also competing hardto attract a cohort of young Americans forwhom “none” is an increasingly popularanswer to questions about religious

affiliation. They are vying for the sameacademic prizes as purely secularestablishments.Paragraph 6: The net result, especially atthe Jesuit campuses like Georgetown,Fordham and Boston College, is a culturethat fuses a broadly Catholic ethos withintensive engagement with the secular andnon- Catholic world. This reflects the Jesuittradition of operating at the outer edge,between Catholicism and other cultures. Inseveral cases, this translates into a strongemphasis on comparative religion, includingthe study of Christian-Muslim relations.Paragraph 7: Father Jenkins’s vision of aneducation which is Catholic in origin butemphasises free inquiry raises all manner ofdilemmas. Won’t this untrammelledinvestigation eventually lead the inquirersto abandon completely the straightjacket ofreligion, as has been the general trend in theWestern world for several centuries? To thisquestion, in private conversation, FatherJenkins gives a careful answer. All inquiry,he says, begins with certain postulates, andits pursuit is made possible by a “moralframework” including a sense of the purpose,scope and limits of human knowledge. Ifthe postulates of religion are false, then it islogical to expect that people will in duecourse abandon them. But if they are true,they will continue to provide many peoplewith an indispensable framework for theirinvestigations into reality.Paragraph 8: The hard fact is that “revealedreligion” (the idea that the most importanttruths have been disclosed by God, or arestill being disclosed) will always be in sometension with empirical investigation. EvenIslam, which places overwhelming stress onrevelation, wrestles with that question. Oneof the answers it offers consists of a sayingattributed to Muhammad: “Seek knowledgeeven as far as China.” That is a principle towhich culturally adventurous Catholiceducators can relate.

129. Which of the following is a characteristicof the practices followed by themedieval Oxford?I. training minds of students to learn

through observationII. advancing knowledge and

understandingIII. Stimulating integrated learning

practices for experts and students(a) Only (II)(b) Only (III)(c) Both (I) and (II)

(d) Both (I) and (III)(e) All (I), (II) and (III)

130. Why is the author averse with the ideaof encouraging a free and open dialogueas a part of the practices ultimatelyaimed to strengthen the roots ofreligion?I. it will bring the people affiliated

to Catholic institutions at par withthe people of the Westerncountries

II. it will eventually make thoseinvolved in the dialogue reject theidea of religion

III. it will prove the postulates ofreligion illogical and false

(a) Only (III)(b) All (I), (II) and (III)(c) Both (I) and (III)(d) Both (I) and (II)(e) Only (II)

131. Which of the following can be inferredabout the Oxford University from thepassage?I. Over the last decade, Oxford has

turned out to be a secularuniversity rejecting the influenceof Christian practices

II. there has been a shift in the role ofreligion in Oxford’s culture ascompared to the past

III. As a shift from the past, Oxfordhas started encouraging spirit ofinquiry, dispute and interrogationon its campus

(a) Only (III)(b) None of (I), (II) or (III)(c) Only (II)(d) Both (I) and (II)(e) Only (I)

132. Which of the following is false as perthe passage?(a) it is possible to improve the image

of educational institutions bymaking them moreaccommodative

(b) none of the educationalinstitutions in America arecompletely detached from theconcept of religion

(c) some of the best universities inAmerica still follow the tacit formof learning

(d) Father John Jenkins believes thatthe idea of religion can survive thetest of free inquiry

(e) None of the above

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133. Which of the following best describesthe influence of religion in the Americaneducational institutions?(a) it is not constant and is

continuously decreasing(b) it is not constant and varies from

extreme to minimal level(c) it cannot be measured as

Americans are not allowed tomerge religion with education

(d) it is solely driven by thetraditional popularity ofChristianity in America

(e) it depends upon the authoritiesan educational institution isaffiliated with

134. Which of the following can be inferredto be the cause of discord betweenempirical investigations and religiousfaiths?I. no similarity in the way a new

revelation is termed useful orredundant

II. different perspectives on how oneshould seek knowledge and acceptit

III. difference in the ways suggestedto discover the truths

(a) Only (III)(b) Only (II)(c) Only (I)(d) Both (I) and (II)(e) None of (I), (II) or (III)

135. Why are the Catholic colleges anduniversities making efforts to attractstudents who do not believe in religiondespite being the institutions run byreligious authorities?(a) for negating the fact that religion

cannot be cooperative(b) for strengthening the roots of

religious institutions(c) for merging atheism with the

concept of secularism(d) for promoting a more

accommodative version of religion(e) for empowering Catholic ethos

and values

Directions (136-140) : In the questiongiven below a sentence is given which isthen divided into five parts out of whichthere is an error in three parts of thesentence and only one part is correct,you have to choose the correct part asyour answer. Whereas the part in bold isgrammatically and contextually correctfor the sentence.

136. Billionaire Mukesh Ambani isplanning for entering the e-commercebusiness by combining at best of theonline and offline shoppingexperiences, a business model whichwill require zero cash burn to acquirecustomers.(a) for entering the e-commerce

business by(b) combining at best of the online and

offline shopping(c) experiences, a business model

which will(d) require zero cash burn to acquire

customers(e) All parts are correct

137. If parents themselves are to be enjoyeda higher lifestyle, it becomes difficultto tell their children to keep with whatthey have, and therefore, most of themend on financially supporting the child.(a) If parents themselves are to be

enjoyed(b) difficult to tell their children to

keep with(c) what they have, and therefore,

most of them(d) end on financially supporting the

child(e) All parts are correct

138. In many cases, there have beenchanges to names, and in some casesthere had been changes to thefundamental attributes of the schemesuch as their investment choices andthe fund category it finds itself to.(a) changes to names, and in some

cases(b) there had been changes to the

fundamental(c) attributes of the scheme such as

their investment choices(d) and the fund category it finds itself

to(e) All parts are correct

139. Key debutants in the England sideinclude the excellent Arnold andgoalkeeper Nick Pope which means thatEngland go into the tournament witha large squad of exciting young playerswho have an opportunity to shrug offthe memories of the past and thus goon to meet expectations or perhaps,even, surpass them.(a) Key debutants in the England side

include the excellent Arnold andgoalkeeper Nick Pope whichmeans that

(b) squad of exciting young playerswho have an opportunity

(c) to shrug off the memories of thepast and thus go on to meet

(d) expectations or perhaps, even,surpass them

(e) All parts are correct140. E-commerce brand Myntra seems to

be figured out a way to not just engageits workforce, but encourage it to takean interest in how the companyfunctions, take more responsibility,and buying into the company’s goal.(a) E-commerce brand Myntra seems

to be figured out(b) a way to not just engage its

workforce, but encourage(c) it to take an interest in how the

company functions(d) and buying into the company’s

goal(e) All parts are correct

Direction (Q.141-145) : Rearrange thesix sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and(F) in a proper sequence to form ameaningful paragraph and answer thefollowing questions.

A. They calculated they would havemore success against him. So itcame to pass that they raised agreat army and invaded Britain.

B. My father had fought manybattles with invading Danes andSaxons, and had alwayssuccessfully defended his realm,but these foreign invaders rejoicedgreatly after his death, when theyheard that Constantius the Monk,as people referred to him, had beencrowned king.

C. My name is Uther Pendragon, andI was the third and youngest sonof a great king, Constans.

D. Once upon was a time, long beforethe inhabitants of Britain wrotedown their histories for us all toread, that country was inhabitednot just by people like you andme, but wizards, ghouls,monsters, dragons, tricksters, andworse, demons.

E. During this time some of myfather‘s most loyal friends tookmy brother Aurelius and myselfout of the country, and across tosea to Brittanny, or Little Britainas it was then commonly known,


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in a country which you now knowas France.

F. Along with the sons of The greatConstans, I fought a gruesomebattle which lasted a fortnight andsuccessfully caught hold of ourancestors’ reign.

141. Which of the following sentences wouldbe the FIRST after rearrangement?(a) A (b) D(c) C (d) B(e) E

142. Which of the following sentences wouldbe the SECOND after rearrangement?(a) E(b) B(c) D (d) A(e) C

143. Which of the following sentences wouldbe the THIRD after rearrangement?(a) C (b) E(c) B (d) A(e) F

144. Which of the following sentences wouldbe the SIXTH (LAST) afterrearrangement?(a) D (b) F(c) B (d) E(e) A

145. Which of the following sentences wouldbe the FOURTH after rearrangement?(a) F(b) B(c) E(d) A(e) D

Direction (Q. No. 146-150) : In thefollowing passage, the blank spaces arenumbered and a word is given in boldwith bracket in some cases the bold wordmight fit the sentence and the paragraphmeaning fully and sometimes it mightnot. If it fits “No change required” willbe your answer. If it does not fit you haveto choose one option out of the given fouroptions against that number and markit as your answer.Floods in northern India, mostly in the smallstate of Uttarakhand, have (146) (impact)disaster on an enormous scale. The early,intense onset of the monsoon on June 14th

swelled rivers, washing away roads, bridges,hotels and even whole villages. Rock filledtorrents (147) (hurted) vehicles and homes,burying victims under rubble and sludge.Despite some warnings of the rains to come,around 1,00,000 people were trapped bythem. At least 1,000 have died. Many moreare missing. The final death (148) (cost)may never be known, and stretch into many

thousands. At this time of year, throngs ofpilgrims and tourists join the localpopulation in the Himalayan foothills, givingthis calamity a national dimension. Worsthit was a small, high altitude town,Kedarnath, the site of a Hindu temple nearthe source of the Ganges, where hundredsof bodies, mostly those of pilgrims, werefound. Many who (149) (existed) the initialflooding sat exposed and hungry for over aweek awaiting rescue by the army, whoseefforts were hampered by continuing badweather. The air force dropped logs to buildpyres for mass cremations. On June 25th arescue helicopter (150)(reached) near thetown with 20 people on board, all now eitherdead or missing. India’s press told of heroismand generosity, but also of greed andincompetence. greed and incompetence.146. (a) finished (b) exhausted

(c) wrought (d) declined(e) No change required

147. (a) flinched (b) smashed(c) demolish (d) broken(e) No change required

148. (a) tribute (b) valuation(c) toll (d) buzz(e) No change required

149. (a) suffocated(b) denied(c) adversed(d) survived(e) No change required

150. (a) crashed (b) suffocated(c) flushed (d) pinged(e) No change required

Directions (151-155): In the questiongiven below a sentence is given withthree blanks. Choose the correctcombinations of words that fit in thecorresponding blanks. In the case thatall three words fit the sentence, but aregiven in incorrect sequence chooseoption (d). In the case that all three wordsfit the sentence, in the same sequenceas given, i.e. (a), (b), (c), choose option(e).

151. Putting a man on the moon was a/an____(A)_____ achievement, but insome ways it was peculiarly un-American—almost, you might say, a/an____(B)_____ born out of theunique ____(C)_____ of the cold war.

(A) peerless(B) aberration(C) zeitgeist(a) Both A and B fit

(b) Both B and C fit(c) Both A and C fit(d) Sequence can be altered(e) All are in correct sequence

152. Hot on the heels of the pizza burgerand the now-iconic Double Down, thespaghetti taco is the latest____(A)_____ culinary____(B)______ to ____(C)_____ foodcritics in America.(A) outlandish(B) truce(C) flummox(a) Both A and B fit(b) Both B and C fit(c) Both A and C fit(d) Sequence can be altered(e) All are in correct sequence

153. Baseball became our national pastimewhen its early ____(A)_____ turned awild game into a demonstration of their____(B)_____efforts and____(C)____ respectability.(A) trailblazers(B) sedulous(C) solemn(a) Both A and B fit(b) Both B and C fit(c) Both A and C fit(d) Sequence can be altered(e) All are in correct sequence

154. Manning’s ____(A)_____reaction tohis injury is particularly remarkableconsidering his reputation as a____(B)_____: he came in second as ina 2007 players poll about which NFLquarterback player is easiest to____(C)_____.(A) wimp(B) nonchalant(C) cow(a) Both A and B fit(b) Both B and C fit(c) Both A and C fit(d) Sequence can be altered(e) All are in correct sequence

155. When I outlined my ____(A)_____feelings about Radiohead, I did so withsome ____(B)_____, afraid that their____(C)_____ of cult-like fans (or,really, just Catherine) would rip me toshreds, but since Carrie Brownsteinseems to agree, I’ll just consider myselfin good company.(A) lackadaisical(B) consternation(C) silhouette(a) Both A and B fit

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(b) Both B and C fit(c) Both A and C fit(d) Sequence can be altered(e) All are in correct sequence



1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (c)5. (d)(6-8):In first step: (a) 8 – 3 = 5, 10 – 2 = 8 (b) 9 – 4 = 5, 4 – 2 = 2 (c) 6 – 5 = 1, 9 – 8 = 1 In second step: From the first digits: 5 × 5 – 1 = 24 From the second digits: 8 × 2 – 1 = 15 In third step: (a) 2 + 4 = 6 (b) 5 + 1 = 6 In fourth step: 6 + 6 = 12 Further, 1 + 2 = 3 

In first step: (a) 8 – 2 = 6, 5 – 2 = 3 (b) 4 – 2 = 2, 6 – 1 = 5 (c) 5 – 3 = 2, 8 – 7 = 1 In second step: From the first digits: 6 × 2 – 2 = 10 From the second digits: 3 × 5 – 1 = 14 In third step: (a) 1 + 0 = 1 (b) 1 + 4 = 5 In fourth step: 1 + 5 = 6 

6. (c) Hence, 63 is the greatest number instep 1.

7. (c) 5 is the second highest number inany step of given input.

8. (d) Sum of numbers obtained in step1: 63 + 25 + 21 = 109 Sum of numbers obtained in othersteps: 10 + 14 + 1 + 5 + 6 = 36 Difference between them = 73


9. (c) 10. (d) 11. (b) 12. (a)13. (b)(14-18)

14. (d) 15. (e) 16. (d) 17. (c)18. (c)19. (b)

20. (a) Statement : H 0 = U B<L=P

D<N = B S>KConclusion : (I) K < L (True)

(II) H K (False)Hence only Conclusion I follow.

21. (d) Statement : B < N = T G > H=F G > L = D > V

L > W = AConclusion : (I) A < H (False)

(II) V < B (False)Hence neither Conclusion I nor IIfollows.

22. (c) Statement : N > D F > J

F > P > S > G L > EG > W

Conclusion : (I) W < J (False)

(II) J W (False)Hence either Conclusion I or II follows.

23. (c) Statement : V < E = D = W L R

= H B

F S = D < KConclusion : (I) B < S (False)

(II) B= S (False)Hence either Conclusion I or IIfollows. 

24. (d) G = U B = E H = 0 < AA(25-29)

Person Job Film Numberof Medals

V PR Batman Begins 2P HR Avatar 9R QM The Avengers 4T PO Iron Man 2 1S ACC Titanic 7U M&S The Dark


Q ADMIN Jurassic Park 3

25. (b) 26. (d) 27. (a) 28. (d)29. (a)(30-32)

This – nkJob – ptComplete – ypHow- vtTo –ksChallenging – lkThey –btWork – zt


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Challenge – frIs/very - rj/zpAre / taking – re/dvChallenges / Amazing – mo/gi

30. (a) 31. (d) 32. (c) 33. (e)34. (b) 35. (c)

36.c 37.b 38.d 39.b40.b 41.b 42.a 43.a44.c 45.b(46-50)46. (a) Let Speeds = 2a, a

So 722




aaaaBy Solving the equation we can get a =6So speed of stream is 6 km/hr andspeed of boat is 12 km/hrSo difference in time =





= 54 – 18 = 36


47. e; Given: 204




aaBy solving the above equation we canget a = 12 km/hr = speed of boatSo total time =





=40 + 20 = 60

hours48. a; Let upstream distance =

downstream distance = x kmSpeed of boat = a km/hr, speed ofstream = b km/hr

So 75








ax ………..(1)

Also 45








bx ……..(2)

By Divide equation…1 by equation2





3a – 5b = 0 ………………(3)Also, a + b = 24 …………….(4)By solving equation …….3 byequation…… 4 we can geta = 15, b = 9by putting the value of a and b in x/(a-b) + x/(a+b) = 75 we can get x = 360 kmSo total distance travelled = 720 km

49. b; Let speed of boat = a km/hrSo



















aa = 33.75







aaBy solving we can get a=9 and 2Speed of stream = 6 km/hrso speed of boat = 9 km/hr [speed ofboat remains greater than speed ofstream] So total time =





50. d ; Downstream speed = 11+7 = 18

km/hrUpstream speed = 11-7 = 4 km/hr





By solving the above equation we canget X = 168 km = Upstream distanceDownstream distance = 168+120 =288 km

Now the required time =





(51-55)Total number of students=1600.Number of students in Dentistry= 45% of1600= 720.Number of students in Homeopathy=1600-720=880.Ratio of boys and girls studyingDentistry= 5:3.Number of boys studying Dentistry=



Number of girls studying Dentistry=


3 .

Ratio of boys and girls studyingHomeopathy= 4:7.Number of boys studying Homeopathy=


4 .

Number of girls studying Homeopathy=


7 .

Now make a table to put these values

Denstity (720) Homeopathy (880)Boys(450)




English(E) 72 54 64 84

Hindi (H) 45 27 48 84

Bengali(B) 18 27 16 28E+H 108 54 48 112

H+B 70 27 32 84

E+B 90 54 80 112E+B+H 47 27 32 56

51. b; No. of student from Dentistry(English + Hindi)=108 + 54 = 162

52. c; No. of student know all three language

16256322747 53. a; No. of girls know Bengali

552827 Total No. of girls

830560270 Reqd. percentage



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54. b; No. of students studyinghomeopathy but don’t know English

292843228168448 55. d; No .of boys From homeopathy

knowing English

22432804864 No. of girls from homeopathyknowing Hindi


Reqd. Ratio 3:2336


(56-60)56. a; Quantity I:

Favourable out comes = 5C2 = 10

Total outcomes = 8C2  = 28

Probability =14




Quantity II:(7x – 8) (14x – 5) = 07x – 8 = 0, 14x – 5 = 0





Quantity I Quantity IIHence, option a is correct.

57. a; Quantity I. Let the speed of theboat downstream =

xxx 835 and upstream

xxx 235 242228 xx

Or, 24416 xx


24 x kmph

Speed of boat =

1025 kmph

Quantity II. Speed of cyclist =


28 kmph

Hence, Quantity I <Quantity II.58. e; 15+36 = 51, 26+36 = 62, 37+36 = 73

So there are 3 such numbers (15,26,37)

So required probability =45



2 =



II: Such numbers are = 8, 24, 40

So required probability =45



2 =



So both quantities are same.

59. d  ; Ravi can do the half in 12 days so hecan do the whole work in 24 days. Rabacan do the whole work in 30 days.Quantity I : Ravi and Raba can do the

whole work together










Quantity II:

Ravi’s 1 day work24


Ravi’s 4 day work6




Remaining work6




Ravi and Raba can do the remainingwork,









Total time9




Quantity I < Quantity IIHence, option d is correct.

6 0 . b ; Given OBC = OCB = 370

(base angles of an isosceles triangle)

COB = 1800 – (370 + 370) = 1060


00 531062




Hence Quantity I < Quantity II(61-65)

61. b; Compare only the percentage forratio calculation.Reqd. ratio= 21 + 13 : 11 + 32 = 34 :43

62. a; Reqd. ratio =

sports that




For volleyball =22

11= 0.5

For badminton =12

8= 0.66

For tennis =23

13= 0.565

For football =8

15= 1.875

Clearly, the ratio for volleyball isminimum.

63. c; Total number of females playing

sport = 488

3 = 18 lakh

Diff. between number of femalesinterested in badminton and that involleyball = (22 – 12)% of 18 lakh =10% of 18 lakh = 1.8 lakh

64. d; Total players in Badminton

= 384000100



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Female player in Badminton





Male badminton player

168000216000384000 Similarly in Tennis and volleyballmales interested are less thanFemales.

65. a; From above question,Males interested in badminton = 1.68lakhFemale interested in hockey = 2.88lakhFemales interested in tennis = 4.14lakhTotal population interested in

football = 488

3 = 7.2 lakh

Females interested in football

= 18100

8 = 1.44 lakh

Males interested in football = 7.2 –1.44 = 5.76 lakhReqd. ratio








= 124 : 117


66. c; IA2009 = E x +100




=77.5+31 =

108.5 lakh

67. d; ExB2012






12540 lakh

68. a; Profit of company A in the year2008 Profit of company A in the year

2008 =85 2.27100

32 lakh

Profit of company B in the year 2011



176885 lakh

Difference = 27.2 – 17 = 10.2 lakh69. a; Let the each of their incomes be I.

Expenditure of company A in the

year 2010 =100P%








Expenditure of company B in the

year 2010 =15




Ratio = 4:54








70. e; Expenditure of company A in theyear 2010

= lakh5.142120


Income of Company B in the year

2012 = lakh1.188100


Difference = 188.1 – 142.5 = 45.6lakh

(71-75)71. d; Let the CP of the cooler = 100x

First SP = 92% of 100x = 92xSecond SP = 111% of 100x = 111x =92x + 475

19x = 475

x = 25MP of cooler = 116% of 100x = 116x= 116 × 25 = Rs. 2900Hence, option (D) is correct.

72. a; Let CP of Geyser = 100xSP of Geyser = 110% of 100x = 110xProfit = 110x – 100x = 10x = 1000(Given)

x = 100CP of oven = 100x = 50x = 50× 100 = Rs. 5000MP of oven = 110% of 5000 = Rs.5500

Discount on oven = 25% of 5500 =Rs.1375Hence, option (A) is correct.

73. c; Let CP of AC and Television is‘100x’ and ‘100y’ respectively.SP of AC = 108% of 100x = Rs. 108xSP of Television = 112% of 100x =Rs. 112yFrom the question-

100x – 100y = 15000 …. (1)

108x – 112y = 15400 …. (2)From (1) and (2)-

x = 350 and y = 200Cost price of A.C. = 100x = 100 × 350= Rs.35000Hence, option (C) is correct.

74. a; Total CP = 30000 + 5000 = Rs.35000SP of AC = 108% of 30000 = Rs.32400SP of cooler = 92% of 5000 = Rs.4600Total SP = 32400 + 4600 = Rs.37000Total profit per cent =



= 5.71

(Approx)Hence, option (A) is correct.

75. b; CP of Fridge = 100115

11500 = Rs.

10000SP of Fridge = 108% of 10000 =Rs.10800MP of oven = 115% of 15000 =Rs.17250SP of oven = 75% of 17250 =Rs.12937.5Total amount paid by customer = SPof Fridge + SP of oven = 10800 +12937.5 = Rs.23737.5Hence, option (B) is correct.

(76-80)76. d; Number of boys in school R and U






22758251450 Required percentage



77. (c) Number of boys in school T



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78. a; Total number of students in schoolR = 2000Total number of students in school S= 2250Required percentage



79. b; Required average =











80. (c) Required ratio





4530:4025 27:20135:100

81. c 82. c 83. d 84. b85. d 86. b 87. b 88. b89. b 90. c 91. b 92. c93. b 94. d 95. b 96. c97. c 98. a 19. d 100. b101. b 102. a 103. b 104. a105. c 106. c 107. d 108. a109. b 110. a 111. c 112. a113. b 114. c 115. b 116. a117. c 118. d 119. d 120. d121. b 122. d 123. b 124. c125. c 126. c 127. e 128. e129. c 130. e 131. c 132. b133. b 134. a 135. d(136-140)136-d; The correct sentence is:

“Billionaire Mukesh Ambani isplanning to enter the e-commercebusiness by combining the best ofonline and offline shoppingexperiences, a business model that willrequire zero cash burn to acquirecustomers.”In part A, modify the phrase “forentering” as “to enter”. The verbPlan is being followed by another verb,enter. In this case, since the first verbis a gerund, the following verb should

be an infinitive verb (“to” + first formof verb).In part B, remove the preposition “at”.The phrase “at best” means taking themost optimistic view; which is not theintended meaning here. This part isreferring to the “best of” the two formsof businesses.In part C, replace “Which” with“That”. “Which” is used only incases where the following part of thesentence is independent of the mainsentence which is not the case here.

137-c; The correct sentence is: “If parentsthemselves are enjoying a higherlifestyle, it becomes difficult to tell theirchildren to do with what they have,and therefore, most of them end upfinancially supporting the child.”In part A, modify the phrase “are tobe enjoyed” as “are enjoying”. Herethe subject, parents, has been used asan object which is incorrect. In orderto rectify this error, the form of theverb should be modified accordingly.In part B, replace the phrase “keepwith” with “do with”. The phrase“keep with” means to leave somethingin the care of someone which does notgo with the context. Instead, the phrase“do with” should be used as it meanswould find useful or would like to haveor do.In part D, replace the phrase “end on”with “end up”. The correct phrase touse here would be “end up” as it meansto finally be in a particular place orsituation.

138-a; The correct sentence is: “In manycases, there have been changes to names,and in some cases there have beenchanges to the fundamental attributesof the scheme such as its investmentchoices and/or the fund category itfinds itself in.”In part B, change the tense from pastperfect continuous to present perfectcontinuous as the sentence is in thepresent tense (clear from the bold part),i.e., from “had been” to “have been”.

In part C, replace the pronoun “their”with “its”. The pronoun “their” hasbeen used for the subject “scheme”,which is plural, and thus, is incorrect.In part D, replace the preposition “to”with “in”. Generally, elements fall“into” a category and not “to” acategory. Accordingly, the correctpreposition to be used here would be“in” as there is no motion involved,so, “into” would not fit.

139-e; All of the given parts of the sentenceare grammatically and contextuallycorrect.

140-c; The correct sentence is: “E-commerce brand Myntra-Jabong seemsto have figured out a way to not justengage its workforce, but also encourageit to take an interest in how thecompany functions, take moreresponsibility, and buy into thecompany’s goal.”In part A, modify the phrase “to be”as “to have”. The phrase “to be”means to become while here theintended meaning is accomplishing atask for which “to have” should beused.In part B, insert the word “also” after“but” . In order to complete theconjunction pair, “not just….butalso”, “also” should be inserted in thispart.In part D, change the form of the verb“buy” , from “Buying” to “Buy”. Asper the rule of parallelism, all the partsof a sentence should follow the samegrammatical structure. Thus, this partshould be in simple present tense andnot present continuous tense.

(141-145)DCBAEF141. c 142. b 143. c 144. d145. a 146. c 147. b 148. c149. d 150. a 151. a 152. c

153. e 154. d 155. a


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Direction (Q. 1-3): Select the relatedletters word/number from the givenalternative :

1. Pulp : Paper : Hemp : ?(a) Basket (b) Yarn(c) Rope (d) Cotton

2. Mango : Fruit : : Potato : ?(a) Root (b) Fruit(c) Stem (d) Flower

3. 10 : 14 : : 7 : ?(a) 9 (b) 13(c) 15 (d) 17

Direction (Q. 4-6): Select the one whichis different from the other threeresponses.

4. (a) Nylon (b) Silk(c) Cotton (d) Jute

5. (a) 8 (b) 9(c) 27 (d) 64

6. (a) 42 – 28 (b) 28 – 14(c) 30 – 24 (d) 49 – 35

7. Arrange the following words as perorder in the dictionary :1. Sinister2. Sinuous3. Sinhalese4. Sinusitis 5. Sinecure(a) 5, 3, 2, 4, 1(b) 5, 2, 4, 3, 1(c) 5, 2, 1, 3, 4(d) 5, 3, 1, 2, 4

Directions (Q. 8-10): A series is givenwith one term missing. Choose thecorrect alternative from the given onesthat will complete the series.8. Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand, Jharkhand,?

(a) Uttar Pradesh(b) Madhya Pradesh(c) Rajasthan(d) Telangana

9. FI, KM, PQ, ?(a) MO (b) ZA(c) TO (d) UU

10. 13, 27, 56, 115, ?(a) 224 (b) 231(c) 233 (d) 234

11. A series is given, with one numbermissing. Choose the correct alternativefrom the given ones that will completethe series.-7.25, -5.75, -4.25, -2.75, ?, 0.25(a) 1.25 (b) -1.25(c) 1.5 (d) -1.5

12. In a certain code PATHOLOGIST iswritten as PIUBQKSRHFN. How isCONTROVERSY written in that code?(a) SUOPDNXRQDU(b) SUOPDNZTSFW(c) QSMNBPXRQDU(d) QSMNBPZTSFW

Direction (Q.13) : A series is given, withone or more term(s) missing. Choose thecorrect alternative from the given onesthat will complete the series.

13. m_nm_n_an_a_ma_(a) aamnan (b) ammanm(c) aammnn (d) amammn

14. If ‘–‘ stands for ‘division’, ‘+’ for‘multiplication’, '' for ‘substraction’and ‘x’ addition’, then which one ofthe following equations is correct?

(a) 1543954 (b) 1143954 (c) 1743954 (d) 1843954

15. Which venn diagram shows therelationship of the following :Iron, Lead, Nitrogen

16. Sohan walked 20 meters East. He turnedto his left and walked 30 meters. Heagain turned towards his left andwalked 20 meters. How far and inwhich direction is he now from hisstarting position?(a) 30 meters, South(b) 30 meters, North(c) 70 meters, North(d) 50 meters, North

17. Pointing to a girl in a photographs, Vipulsaid, “She is the only daughter of mygrandfather’s only son.” How is Vipulrelates to the girl in the photograph :(a) Father (b) Brother(c) Nephew (d) Data inadequate

Direction (Q. 18-19): Select the missingnumbers from the given alternatives :


1 4 9 ?

1 2 3 4

2 4 6 ?

(a) 16, 8 (b) 25, 5(c) 36, 4 (d) 49, 7


(a) 19 (b) 22(c) 32 (d) 35

20. Two position of a dice are shown below.What is the face opposite to the facenumber 4?

(a) 6 (b) 1(c) 5 (d) 2

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][100Page |

21. If the day before yesterday was Sunday,what day will it be three days afterday after tomorrow?(a) Sunday(b) Monday(c) Wednesday(d) Saturday


From the details, find out the numberof rural people who are not educated.(a) 28 (b) 16(c) 44 (d) 56

23. From the given answer figures, selectthe one in which the question figure ishidden/ embedded

24. If a mirror is placed on the line MN,then which of the answer figures is theright image of the given question figure?

25. A word is represented by only one setof numbers as given in any one of thealternatives. The sets of numbers givenin the alternatives are represented bytwo classes of alphabets as shown inthe given two matrices. The columnsand rows of Matrix –I are numbered

from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix-II arenumbered form 5 to 9. A letter fromthese matrices can be represented firstby its row and next by its column, forexample ‘K’ can be represented by 41,34 etc and ‘Z’ can be represented by66, 57 etc. Similarly, you have toidentify the set for the word ‘OPAL’.

Matrix – I

0 1 2 3 4

0 K B M M I

1 J B C L G

2 A L F L E

3 H J D E K

4 J K E G M

Matrix – II

5 6 7 8 9

5 Q O Z V P

6 U Z X X R

7 R P Z Z P

8 U O Z Z P

9 W U X S R

(a) 86, 33, 55, 59(b) 86, 89, 20, 66(c) 56, 76, 20, 21(d) 56, 59, 76, 89


Directions (26-30) : Read the passagescarefully and choose the best answer toeach question out-of the fouralternatives.The two dominant features of our age arescience and democracy. They have come tostay. We cannot ask educated people toaccept the deliverances of faith withoutrational evidence. Whatever we are calledupon to accept must be justified andsupported by reason.Otherwise our religious beliefs will bereduced to wishful thinking. Modern manmust learn to live with a religion, whichcommends itself to his intellectualconscience, to the spirit of science. Besides,religion should be the sustaining faith ofdemocracy, which insists on the intellectualand spiritual development of every humanbeing irrespective of his caste, creed,community or race. Any religion which

divides man from man or supportsprivileges, exploitation, wars, cannotcommend itself to us today.

26. In the passage, it is said that democracy.(a) should aim at the intellectual

growth of all people(b) should strengthen religion(c) should work for spiritual

development of every humanbeing

(d) Both (a) and (c)27. Which of the following is correct?

(a) A good religion supports wars ifnecessary

(b) A good religion grants a numberof privileges to people

(c) A good religion divides man fromman

(d) A good religion supportsdemocratic system

28. The writer of the passage stresses theimportance of(a) religion(b) science(c) science and democracy(d) democracy

29. The writer says that(a) educated people are likely to

accept faith not supported byreason

(b) people should haveunquestionable faith in religion

(c) faith and reason are two separateentities

(d) faith without rational evidencemay not be acceptable to theeducated people

30. What, according to the writer, is the roleof religion in the present age?(a) To promote rational thinking(b) To inculcate scientific spirit in man(c) To strengthen faith in democracy(d) To develop faith in God

Direction (Q. 31-32):  In the followingquestion, some parts of the sentenceshave errors and some are correct. Findout which part of a sentence has an error.The number of that part is your answer.If a sentence is free from error, then youranswer is (d) i.e. No error.

31. The artist, plainly a better critic (a)/thanpainter destroyed what (b)/he madeover for ten years. (c)/ No error (d)

32. The job for drawing water (a)/from thevillage well is usually (b)/carried out


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by the women and young girls. (c)/ Noerror (d)

Direction (Q. 33-34): In the followingquestions choose the word which is mostOPPOSITE in meaning of the givenword.

33. PROFANE(a) Patch (b) Sacred(c) Mend (d) Exalt

34. EXPURGATE(a) Bowdlerize (b) Approve(c) Censor(d) Cleanse

Direction (Q.35-36) :  In these questions,four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase given in bold in the sentence.Choose the alternative, which bestexpresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.35. Settle a score

(a) within a short time(b) take revenge(c) inadequate comfort(d) pay attention

36. Off the hook(a) No longer in Jeopardy(b) to discuss about life lessons(c) to make fall others into difficulty(d) to put oneself into trouble

Direction (Q. 37-38) : Four words aregiven in each question, out of which oneword is wrongly spelt. Find theincorrectly spelt word.

37. (a) Possessions (b) Sheriff(c) Hygiene (d) Restaurataeur

38. (a) Bellweather (b) Reverend(c) Clientele (d) Thirtieth

Direction (Q.39-40) : In these questions,out of the four alternatives choose theone which can be substituted for thegiven words/sentence.

39. Sudden or unpredictable changes ofmood or mind.(a) Middling (b) Minatory(c) Maverick (d) Mercurial

40. Intended to destroy the power ofinfluence of a government or anestablished belief(a) Vicarious(b) Nondescript(c) Subversive(d) Sinewy

Direction (Q.41-42) : A sentence hasbeen given in Active/Passive Voice. Outof the four alternatives suggested, selectthe one which best expresses the samesentence in Passive/Active Voice andmark your answer in the answer sheet.

41. People claim to have seen the suspect inseveral cities.(a) The suspect is being seen in

several cities.(b) The suspect is claimed to have

been seen in several cities.(c) The suspect is claimed to be seen

in several cities.(d) The suspect is claimed to have

seen in several cities.42. Sameer is playing guitar in his house.

(a) Guitar is being played by Sameerin his house.

(b) Guitar is to be played by Sameerin his house.

(c) Guitar is being played by Sameer.(d) Guitar is played by Sameer in his


Directions (Q.43-44) : Fill in the blankswith appropriate options.

43. He was ___________ at being excludedfrom the meeting.(a) vanguard (b) peeved(c) upfront (d) savant

44. Ravi was so ____________ that hecould hardly stand.(a) perjure (b) puddle(c) emaciated (d) rogue

Direction (Q. 45-46) : A part of thesentence is bold. Below are givenalternatives to the underlined part at(a),(b),(c) which may improve thesentence. Choose the correctalternative. In case no improvement isneeded your answer is (d).

45. The architects gave their cue for thedesign of the new hotel from the nearbybanks.(a) got their cue(b) took their cue(c) demanded their cue(d) No improvement

46. The project has been given funding foranother year, but it is not out of allwoods yet.(a) out of woods(b) outing of the woods(c) out of the wood(d) No improvement

Direction (Q.47-48) : In the followingquestions choose the word which is mostnearly the SAME in meaning of thegiven word.

47. DWINDLE(a) Aggravate (b) Diminish(c) Flourish (d) Increase

48. MAMMOTH(a) Quiet (b) Trivial(c) Huge (d) Small

Direction (Q.49) : In each of thefollowing questions, a sentence has beengiven in Direct/Indirect Speech. Out ofthe four alternatives suggested select theone which best expresses the samesentence in Indirect/Direct Speech.

49. The boys said, “Hurrah! We have wonthe match”.(a) The boys exclaimed with Joy that

they won the match.(b) The boys exclaimed with Joy that

had to win the match.(c) The boys exclaimed with shock

that they had won the match.(d) The boys exclaimed with Joy that

they had won the match.

Directions (Q. 50) : In the followingquestion, the first and the last part ofthe sentence are numbered 1 and 6. Therest of the sentence is split into four partsand named P, Q, R and S. These fourparts are not given in their proper order.Read the parts and find out which of thefour combinations is correct.

50. 1. This is about footage andphotographs of two events, liketwo strips of memory; cutingsfrom everydayness.

P. It is a blood sport. The mob picksup Sameyddin, a 65-year-old man,and forces him to confess.

Q. One of them, from Hapur inUttarpradesh this month,

R. Shows a vigilante group huntingfor alleged cow slaughterers andsmugglers.

S. It then drugs a 45-year-old,Qasim, like a sack before itlynches him.

6. He begs for water as he is beingbeaten up, but the mob refuses.

(a) QRPS (b) PQRS(c) QRSP (d) PQSR

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][102Page |


51. If a + b + c = 0, then the value of








a)1 b)0c)- 1 d)- 2

52. If 20% of (A + B) = 50% of B, then

value ofB2A









53. The curved surface area and the totalsurface area of a cylinder are in the ratio1 : 2.If the total surface area of theright cylinder is 616 cm², then itsvolume is?(a) 1232 cm³ (b) 1848 cm³ (c) 1632 cm³ (d) 1078 cm³

54. Divide Rs. 1250 among A, B, C, so that

A gets9

2of B’s share and C gets



A’s share.a)Rs. 200, Rs 800, Rs 250b)Rs 200, Rs 900, Rs 150c)Rs 150, Rs 800, Rs 300d)Rs 200, Rs 900, Rs 75

55. If p =23


and q =23


, then

p2 + q2 - pq will be equal to will beequal to


376 b)




374 d)



56. Two circles touch externally each otherat point P. From any point T of their

common tangent P, the tangents TQand TR are drawn. If the centre of largercircle is M and MP = 8cm and MT =12 cm then TQ = ?

a) 25 cm b) 52 cm

c) 54 cm d) 45 cm

57. ?......666 a) 2.3 b) 3c) 6 d) 6.3

58. In the given figure, AOB is a straight

line. If o103 xAOC ,

o50COD and

,20 o xBOD then


a) o40 b) o60

c) o80 d) o5059. For a certain article, if discount is 25%

the profit is 25%. If the discount is10%, then the profit isa) 50% b) 40%

c) 30% d) %3


60. The sides PQ, QR, RS and SP of aquadrilateral have the equations x + 2y= 3, x = 1, x – 3y = 4, 5x + y + 12 = 0respectively, then the angle betweenthe diagonals PR and QS is:(a) 30° (b) 45°(c) 60° (d) 90°

61. The length of the shadow of a verticaltower on level ground increases by 10metres when the altitude of the sunchanges from 45° to 30°. Then theheight of the tower is

(a) 5 3 metre

(b) 10( 3 + 1) metre

(c) 5( 3 + 1) metre

(d) 10 3 metre

62. Pipes P and Q can fill a tank in 10 and 12hours respectively and C can empty itin 6 hours. If all the three are opened at7 a.m., at what time will one fourth ofthe tank be filled?a) 10 a.m. b) 10 p.m.c) 11 p.m. d) 11 a.m.

63. A and B together can do19

11of a work.

In the same time B and C together can


14of the same work. The ratio of

work done by A, B and C is

a) 5:4:3 b) 7:5:4c) 8:6:5 d) 8:7:5

64. The length of each side of an equilateral

triangle is 314 cm. The area of the

incircle, in 2cm , is

a) 450 b) 308c) 154 d) 77

65. The simplest value of sin250 + sin2100 +sin2150 +…….+ sin2850 + sin2900 is :


18 b) 1


19 d) 9

66. The average of seven numbers is 18. Ifone of the numbers is 17 and if it isreplaced by 31, then the averagebecomes :a) 21.5 b) 19.5c) 20 d) 21

67. A can contains a mixture of two liquidsA and B in the ratio 7 : 5. When 9 litersof the mixture is drawn off and the canis filled with B, the ratio of A and B


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becomes 7 : 9. How many liters ofliquid A was contained by the caninitially?(a) 10 (b) 20(c) 21 (d) 25

68. A jogger running at 9 kmph alongside arailway track is 240 metres ahead ofthe engine of a 120 metre long trainrunning at 45 kmph in the samedirection. In how much time will thetrain pass the jogger ?(a)30 seconds (b)32 seconds(c)34 seconds (d)36 seconds

69. The difference between the interior andexterior angles of a regular polygon is60o. the number of sides in the polygonisa) 4 b) 5c) 6 d) 8

70. A certain amount of money earns Rs.540 as a simple interest in 3 years. If itearns a compound interest of Rs.376.20 at the same rate of interest in 2years. Find the principal?(a) 1600 (b) 1800(c) 2100 (d) 2000

71. What is the value of





?51sin39sin 22





c)0 d)Both2




Directions (Q.72-75) : Study the barchart carefully to answer the questionsgiven below :The number of factories of variousindustries in India and Pakistan

72. If the ratio of production of Steel inIndia to that in Pakistan is 5 : 3 and theproduction of Steel in India is 1000tonnes, what is the ratio of theproductivity (production/no. offactories) of Steel in India to that ofPakistan?a)5 : 4 b)4 : 3c)3 : 2 d)2 : 1

73. What is the difference between the totalnumber of factories in India and that inPakistan?a)250 b)150c)50 d)100

74. The number of Cotton factories inPakistan is what percent of the totalnumber of Cement factories in India?a)53.5% b)59.9%c)57.14% d)50%

75. If Pakistan and India export 40% and30% respectively of their productionof Fertilizer, then what is the differencebetween the amounts of Fertilizer theyused for themselves? (The productionof Pakistan is 50 tonnes per factoryand that of India is 60 tonnes perfactory)a)15 tonnes b)0 tonnec)35 tonnes d)32 tonnes


76. The Hijra era is counted from(a) 622 A.D. (b) 632 A.D.(c) 712 A.D. (d) 1525 A.D.

77. The first major inscription in classicalsanskrit is that of(a) Chandragupta Vikramaditya(b) Kanishka I(c) Rudradaman(d) Samudragupta

78. In the context of the reign of Guptas andtheir successors what is Vishti?(a) Kings share in the produce of the

land(b) Forced Labour(c) Emergency Taxation(d) Levy Collected by Local Chiefs

79. By tradition the famous lexicographerAmarsimha was a contemporary ofwho of the following?(a) Asvaghosa(b) Panini(c) Patanjali(d) Kalidas

80. Article 75 includes among its provisions1. Prime Minister is to be appointed

by the President

2. The council of Ministers shall becollectively responsible to the LokSabha

3. The President may appoint a non-member as Prime Minister whomust become a member ofparliament before the expirationof six months

4. The Ministers shall hold officeduring the pleasure of the PrimeMinister

(a) 1 and 2 (b) 3 and 4(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 4

81. In which areas is concurrent action ofLok Sabha and Rajya Sabha required?1. Removal of comptroller and

auditor general2. Approval of emergency

proclamation3. No-confidence motion4. Constitutional amendment(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2, 3 and 4(c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 1, 3 and 4

82. Which of the following statements arenot true?1. The Rajya Sabha has no power to

reject or amend a money bill2. The speaker of Lok Sabha has sole

and final power of decidingwhether a bill is a money bill

3. In the creation of All India Servicesthe Lok Sabha has more powersthan the Rajya Sabha

4. In 197 the money bill wasintroduced in the Rajya Sabha

(a) 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 4(c) 1 and 2 (d) 3 and 4

83. The parliament legislates on a Statesubject if1. The Rajya Sabha passes a

resolution by two-thirds majoritythat to do so is in the nationalinterest

2. During times of emergency3. When the legislature of two or

more states resolve that it is lawfulfor parliament to do so

4. A treaty or internationalagreement has to be implemented

(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 3 and 4(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

84. Lapse rate is related to the decrease of(a) Wind velocity with an ascent of

300 feet(b) Humidity with an ascent of 450

feet(c) Temperature at 10 F for an ascent

of 330 feet

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][104Page |

(d) Pressure with an ascent of 500feet

85. Which of the following constituents ofthe atmosphere are important form theclimatic point of view?1. Nitrogen2. Oxygen3. Carbon Dioxide(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3(c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) Only 3

86. What helps to maintain the heat budgeton the surface of the earth?(a) Incoming insolation in short

waves and terrestrial radiation inlong waves

(b) The atmosphere absorbs heat(c) Incoming solar radiation is

reflected(d) The earth absorbs heat

87. The water content in the atmosphere(a) Is independence of temperature(b) Increases as temperature increases(c) Decreases as temperature

increases(d) Either Increases or decreases with

temperature increases88. Which of the following schemes was

intended to tap the black money?(a) SBI Deposit Scheme(b) UIT Bonds(c) Long Term Operations Scheme(d) India Development Bonds

89. According to the law of demand when(a) Price Increases Demand Decreases(b) Price Decreases Demand

Decreases(c) Price Increases Demand Increases(d) Price Decreases Demand does not

Change90. Which one of the following situations

makes a firm most efficient?(a) Falling Average Costs(b) Rising Average Costs(c) Constant Average Costs(d) Lowest Average Costs

91. A lighted candle gets extinguished whencovered with a tumbler because of(a) Adequate Supply of Air(b) Inadequate Supply of Air(c) Pressure of Non-Luminous

Matter(d) None

92. A weather balloon is not fully inflatedon the ground because(a) It cannot rise up in the air when

fully inflated(b) It cannot withstand the outside

pressure if fully inflated

(c) If t he balloon is fully inflated itmay not remain stable in a storm

(d) The air inside the balloon expandsas it rises and may burst

93. One should not connect a number ofelectric appliances to the same powersocket because(a) The appliances will not get full

voltage(b) The appliances will not get

proper current(c) This can damage the appliances(d) This can damage the domestic

wiring due to over heating94. Which of following is an element?

(a) Ruby (b) Sapphire(c) Emerald (d) Diamond

95. Most soluble in water is(a) Camphor (b) Sugar(c) Sulphur (d) Common Salt

96. Among the following elements whichone is essentials for the transmissionof impulse in the never fibre?(a) Calcium (b) Iron(c) Sodium (d) Zinc

97. Which of the following is not a mosquitoborne disease?(a) Dengue Fever(b) Malaria(c) Sleeping Sickness(d) Filariasis

98. Which sport league match was launchedin India after Kabaddi and Footballrecently?(a) Hockey (b) Golf(c) Wrestling (d) Kho-Kho

99. Name the Algerian president whoresigned after twenty years recently?(a) Ali Kafi(b) LiamineZeroual(c) Abdelaziz Bouteflika(d) Abdelkader Bensalah

100. Asian Development Bank has projectedIndia’s GDP as ____ per cent for theyear 2019-20?(a) 7.1% (b) 7.5%(c) 7.6% (d) 7.2%


1. c; Pulp is the basic raw material used inthe production of paper, Similarlyhemp is used to make rope.

2. c; Biologically, mango is a fruit, whilepotato is a modified stem.

3. a; .722

10 Therefore, 92



4. a; Nylon is synthetic, all others arenatural

5. b; All others are perfect cube.6. c; In option (c) difference of 6 and other

having 14 difference betweenalphabets.

7. d; The correct sequence is -5, 3, 1, 2, 4

8. d




9. d

10. d





11. b

12. a

First and last five letters are in reversedorder +1 and -1 respectively, thenmiddle letter decreased by 1.

13. c; manmanmanmanman14. a; 4 + 5 9/3 – 4 = 1515. d; All are different categories.16. b; 30 meters, North17. b; Vipul is the brother of that girl.18. a; Series are 1, 4, 9, 16 and 1, 2, 3 and 4

and 2, 4, 6, 8.19. a; There is gap of 2 in between alternate

numbers, 25 – 2 = 23, 23 - 2 = 21, 21 –2 = 19

20. b; Here common number is 3


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write clock wise;

So, 1 is the opposite of 421. a; Day before yesterday was Sunday.

Therefore, today is Tuesday.Day after tomorrow will be Thursday.Thursday + 3 = Sunday

22. c 23. c24. c; According to mirror image concept

ans (c) is correct25. c;

26. d 27. d 28. c 29. d30. b(31-32)31-c; Add ‘had’ before ‘made’ (past perfect)32-a; Replace ‘for’ with ‘of’33. b 34. b 35. b 36. a37. d 38. a 39. d 40. c41. b 42. a 43. b 44. c45. b 46. a 47. b 48. c49. d 50. a

51. b; cbba











= 0

Because 0 cba

52. a; 100








5B2B2A 3BA2









53. d;2











3082 rh .............(i)

61622 2 rrh ...(ii)

From (i) and (ii)r = 7 ....................(iii)From (i) and (iii)h = 7volume =


22hr 2

= 1078 cm3

54. b;9








Ratio of 3:18:4C:B:A

Share of A = Rs.200125025


Share of B =



Share of C = Rs.150125025


55. b;23







= 7




pq = 123

















56. c; TP is tangent of the circle.







cm5480TP Now, TP and TQ both are the tangentfrom an exterior point on same circle.

TQ=TP=4 5 cm

57. b; Let x .......666On squaring both sides.

2........666 x26 xx

062 xx

06232 xxx

033 xxx

032 xx

3 xBecause 2x

58. c; Since AOB is a straight line.We have



1204 x

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][106Page |

30 x

oo 8010303AOC 59. a; If the marked price be Rs. x and cost

price be Rs.100, then,









S.P. after a discount of 10%=





Gain percent = 50%60. d; x+2y = 3 ................(i)

5x+ y = - 12 ..............(ii)From (i) and (ii)x = - 3, y = 3Co-ordinates, of p ( - 3, 3)Similarly, Q (1, 1), R (1, - 1), and S (- 2,2)

M1, slope of PR = 1



M2, slope of SQ = 1



M1 1M2 {when two lines are


090θ 61. c;










135AC 62. b; Part of tank filled in 1 hour when all

three pipes are opened











The tank will be filled in 60 hours.

One fourth of the tank will be filledin 15 hours i.e. the tank will be filled at10 p.m.

63. c; Work done by (A+B+C) = 1

Work done by (A+B)=19


Work done by (B+C) =19


Work done by A=19




Work done by C =19




Work done by B =19






Required ratio =







64. c;

37DCBD cm




2137321 cm

OD = Radius of circle =


1 cm

Area of circle = 2rπ



65. c; 5, 10, 15……90 is an arithmeticsequence whose first term =5 andcommon difference = 5. It the numberof terms be n, then

d1nat n



171 n

18 n(Note : Divide 90 by 5 to get numberof terms here)

Expression =

o2o2 85sin5sin

..8..........80sin10sin o2o2

terms+ o2o2 09sin45sin

o2o2 5cos5sin

o2o2 10osc10sin +

………. 8 terms + 12






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66. c; Difference = 31 – 17 = 14Required average =



67. c; Suppose the can initially contains 7xand 5x litre of mixture A and BrespectivelyQuantity of A mixture left




77x litre



217x litre

Quantity of B in mixture left




5x litre



5x litre

















112x=336x=3So, the can contained 21 litre

68. d; Speed of train relative to jogger =(45-9) = 36 kmph= 36 (5/18) = 10m/secDistance to cover = 240 + 120 = 360metresTime = Distance/Speed

So, Time=10

360=36  Seconds

69. c; 51. Here interior angle – exteriorangle = 60o











60720180 n

720120 n


720 n

70. d; 540=100

3 RP










376.20=1.8 1802 r16.2=1.8rr=9%PR=18000P=2000

71. a; 51sin39sinsin51



3 22











72. a; Production of Steel in India = 1000

tonnesProductivity of Steel in India =


1000= 1.25 tonnes per factory

Production of Steel in Pakistan


31000 = 600 tonnes

Productivity of Steel in Pakistan


600= 1 tonnes per factory

Reqd. ratio = 1 : 25 : 1 = 125 : 100 =5 : 4

73. d; Total factories in India = 300 +500+500 +700 + 800 = 2800Total factories in Pakistan = 500+400 +700 +500 + 600 = 2700Reqd. difference = 2800 – 2700 =100

74. c; Total number of cotton factories inPakistan = 400Total number of cement factories inIndia = 700

Reqd. % =700

100400= 57.14% of

the number of cement factories inIndia.

75. b; Production of fertilizer in Pakistan =

5 0 700 = 35000 tonnesExport of Pakistan is 40% of its


Then, the Fertilizer used by Pakistan

itself =100

6035000 = 21000


Production of Fertilizer in India =

60 500 = 30000 tonnes

India exports 30% of its production.

So, Fertilizer used by India itself


7030000 = 21000 tonnes

Reqd. difference = 21000 – 21000 =0 tonne

76. a 77. c 78. b 79. d

80. a 81. c 82. d 83. d

84. c 85. d 86. a 87. c

88. d 89. a 90. d 91. b

92. d 93. d 94. d 95. b

96. a 97. c 98. d 99. c

100. d

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Narendra ModiMinistry of personnel, public grievances and pensionsDepartment of atomic energy, Department of spaceAll important policy issues and all other portfolios not allocated to any minister

Rajnath Singh Minister of defence

Amit Shah Minister of home affairs

Nitin Gadkari Minister of road transport and highwaysMinister of micro, small and medium enterprises

D V Sadananda Gowda Minister of chemical and fertilizers

Nirmala Sitharaman Minister of finance, Minister of corporate affairs

Ram Vilas Paswan Minister of consumer affairs, food and public distribution

Narendra Singh Tomar Minister of agriculture and farmers welfareMinister of rural development, Minister of panchayati raj

Ravi Shankar Prasad Minister of law and justice, Minister of communicationsMinister of electronics and information technology

Harsimrat Kaur Badal Minister of food processing industries

Thaawar Chand Gehlot Minister of social justice and empowerment

Dr SubrahmanyamJaishankar Minister of external affairs

Ramesh Pokhriyal'Nishank' Minister of human resource development

Arjun Munda Minister of tribal affairs

Smriti Zubin Irani Minister of women and child development; and Minister of textiles

Dr. Harsh Vardhan Minister of health and family welfare;Minister of science and technology; and Minister of Earth sciences

Prakash Javadekar Minister of environment, forest and climate change; andMinister of information and broadcasting

Piyush Goyal Minister of railways; andMinister of commerce and industry

Dharmendra Pradhan Minister of petroleum and natural gas; and Minister of steel.

Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi Minister of minority affairs

Pralhad Joshi Minister of parliamentary affairs; Minister of coal; and Minister of mines.

Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey Minister of skill development and entrepreneurship

Arvind Ganpat Sawant Minister of heavy industries and public enterpriseGiriraj Singh Minister of animal husbandry, dairying and fisheries

Gajendra Singh Shekhawat Minister of jal shakti


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Santosh GangwarMoS (independent charge) of ministry of labourand employment

Rao Inderjit SinghMoS (independent charge) of ministry of statisticsand programme implementation

Shripad Yesso NaikMoS (independent charge) of ministry of AYUSHMoS in the ministry of defence

Dr Jitendra Singh

MoS (independent charge) of ministry of developmentof North Eastern regionMoS in the Prime Minister’s Office;MoS in the ministry of personnel, public grievancesand pensions;MoS in the department of atomic energy; andMoS in the department of space

Kiren RijijuMoS (independent charge) of the ministry of youthaffairs and sports;MoS in the ministry of minority affairs

Prahalad Singh PatelMoS (independent charge) of the ministry of culture;MoS (independent charge) of the ministry of tourism

Raj Kumar Singh

MoS (independent charge) of the ministry of power;MoS (independent charge) of the ministry of newand renewable energy;MoS in the ministry of skill developmentand entrepreneurship

Hardeep Singh Puri

MoS (independent charge) of the ministry of housingand urban affairs;MoS (independent charge) of the ministry of civilaviation;MoS in the ministry of commerce and industry

Mansukh L.Mandaviya

MoS (independent charge) of the ministry of shipping;MoS in the ministry of chemicals and fertilizers

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Faggansingh Kulaste MoS ministry of Steel

Ashwini Kumar Choubey MoS ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Arjun Ram MeghwalMoS ministry of Parliamentary Affairs;MoS ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises

General (Retd) V. K. Singh MoS ministry of Road Transport and Highways

Krishan Pal MoS ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

Danve Raosaheb Dadarao MoS ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution

G. Kishan Reddy MoS ministry of Home Affairs

Parshottam Rupala MoS ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

Ramdas Athawale MoS ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti MoS ministry of Rural Development

Babul Supriyo MoS ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

Sanjeev Kumar Balyan MoS ministry of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries

Dhotre Sanjay ShamraoMoS ministry of Human Resource Development; MoS ministry ofCommunications; and MoS ministry of Electronics and Information Technology

Anurag Singh ThakurMoS ministry of Finance; andMoS ministry of Corporate Affairs

Angadi Suresh Channabasappa MoS ministry of Railways

Nityanand Rai MoS ministry of Home Affairs

Shri. Rattan Lal KatariaMoS ministry of Jal Shakti; and MoS ministry of Social Justice andEmpowerment

V. Muraleedharan MoS ministry of External Affairs; and MoS ministry of Parliamentary Affairs

Renuka Singh Saruta MoS ministry of Tribal Affairs

Som Parkash MoS ministry of Commerce and Industry

Rameswar Teli MoS ministry of Food Processing Industries

Pratap Chandra SarangiMoS ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises; and MoS ministry ofAnimal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries

Kailash Choudhary MoS ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

Debasree Chaudhuri MoS ministry of Women and Child Development

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1 Andaman & Nicobar U.T. Devendra Kumar Joshi

2 Andhra Pradesh Shri Jagan Mohan Reddy Shri. E. S. L. Narasimhan

3 Arunachal Pradesh Pema Khandu B.D. Mishra

4 Assam Sarbananda Sonowal Jagdish Mukhi

5 Bihar Nitish Kumar Lal Ji Tondon

6 Chandigarh U.T. V.P. Singh Bandore

7 Chhattisgarh Dr. Bhupesh Baghel Anandiben Patel

8 Goa Pramod Sawant Mridula Sinha

9 Gujarat Vijay Rupani Shri Om Prakash Kohli

10 Haryana Manohar Lal Khattar Satyadev Narayan Arya

11 Himachal Pradesh Jai Ram Thakur Acharya Dev Vrat

12 Jammu and Kashmir Presidents Rule Satyapal Malik

13 Jharkhand Raghubar Das Draupadi Murmu

14 Karnataka H.D. Kumaraswami Vajubhai Rudabhai Vala

15 Kerala PinarayiVijayan P. Sathasivam

16 Madhya Pradesh Kamal Nath Anandiben Patel

17 Maharashtra Devendra Fadnavis Chennamaneni Vidyasagar Rao

18 Manipur N. Biren Singh Najma Heptullah

19 Meghalaya Conard Sangam Tathagata Roy

20 Mizoram Zoramthanga Jagdish Mukhi

21 Nagaland Neiphiu Rio Shri Padmanabha Balakrishna Acharya

22 New Delhi Arvind Kejriwal Anil Bijal

23 Odisha Sh. Naveen Patnaik Ganeshi Lal

24 Puducherry V. Narayanasamy Kiran Bedi

25 Punjab Captain Amarinder Singh V P Singh Badnore

26 Rajasthan Ashok Gehlot Kalyan Singh

27 Sikkim Shri Prem Singh Tamang Ganga Prasad

28 Tamil Nadu Eddappadik Palaniswami Banwaril Lal Purohit

29 Telangana K Chandrasekhar Rao ESL Narasimhan

30 Tripura Biplap Kumar Dev Kaptan Singh Solanki

31 Uttar Pradesh Yogi Aditya Nath Shri Ram Naik

32 Uttarakhand Trivendra Singh Rawat Baby Rani Maurya

33 West Bengal Km. Mamata Banerjee Keshari Nath Tripathi

34 Dadra and Nagar Haveli U.T. Prafula Khodapatel

35 Daman and Diu U.T. Prafula Khodapatel

36 Lakshadweep U.T. Farooq Khan

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BUREAUCRATS1. National Security Adviser-Ajit Doval2. Cabinet Secretary of India-Pradeep Kumar Sinha3. Attorney General of India-K. K. Venugopal4. Solicitor General of India-Tushar Mehta5. Home Secretary-Rajiv gauba6. Finance Secretary-Subash Chandra Garg7. Foreign Secretary-Vijay Keshav Gokhale8. Defence Secretary- Sanjay Mitra9. Secretary-General of the Lok Sabha-Snehalata Srivastava (She succeed Anup Mishra)10. Secretary-General of the Rajya Sabha-Desh Deepak Verma11. Speaker, Lok Sabha- Sumitra Mahajan12. Deputy Speaker, Lok Sabha- M. Thambidurai13. Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha-PJ Kurien14. Principal Scientific Adviser-R. Chidambaram15. Director,National Technical Research Organisation-Alok joshi16. Chief Economic Adviser-Krishnamurthy Subramanium17. Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations-Syed Akbaruddin18. Chairman, Railway Board-Vinod Kumar Yadav19. Chief Justice of India-Ranjan Gogoi20. Comptroller and Auditor-General of India-Rajiv Mehrishi21. Chief Election Commissioner of India-Sunil Arora22. Election Commissioner-Ashok Lavasa & Sushil Chandra23. Chairperson, NITI Aayog-Prime Minister N.Modi24. Vice President, NITI Aayog-Rajiv Kumar25. CEO, NITI Aayog- Amitabh Kant26. Defence Research and Development(DRDO) Secretary -G. Satheesh Reddy27. Principal Secretary to PM - Nirpendra Mishra28. Director, Enforcement Directorate-Sanjay Kumar Mishra

PERMANENT COMMISSIONS OFFICE-HOLDERS1. Chairman, National Human Rights Commission of India-H. L. Dattu2. Chairman, Central Vigilance Commission-K. V. Chowdhary3. Chairman, Central Information Commission-Sudhir Bhargava4. Chairperson, Central Board of Direct Taxes -Pramod Chandra Mody5. Chairman, National Commission for Minorities-Syed Ghayorul Hasan Rizvi6. Chairman, National Commission for Scheduled Castes-Ram Shankar Katheria7. Chairman, National Commission for Scheduled Tribes -Nand Kumar Sai8. Chairman, National Commission for Backward Classes- Bhagwan Lal Sahni9. Chairman, National Commission for Women-Rekha Sharma10. Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission of India-Sekhar Basu11. Chairman, ISRO-K. Sivan12. Chairman, National Forest Commission-B. N. Kirpal13. Chairman, Union Public Service Commission-Aravinda Saxena14. Chairman, University Grants Commission-Dhirendra Pal Singh15. Chairman, Central Water Commission-Narendra Kumar16. Director, Space Applications Centre-Tapan Misra17. Chairman, Competition Commission of India-Devender Kumar Sikri18. Chairman, CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education)-Anita Karwal19. Chairperson, Central Board of Indirect Tax & Customs (CBIC)-Pranab Kumar Das20. Chairman, FSSAI(Food Safety and Standards Authority of India)-Rita A. Teotia

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21. Chairman, National Highways Authority of India-Nagendra Nath Sinha22. Chairman, Central Board of Film-Prasoon Joshi23. Chairman, Children’s Film Society of India-Vacant24. Chairman, Press Council of India -CK Prasad25. Chairman, Press Trust of India-N. Ravi26. Chairman, Telecom Regulartory Authority of India (TRAI)-Ram Sevak Sharma27. Chairperson, National Green Tribunal-Adarsh Kumar Goel28. Director, NCERT(National Council of Educational Research and Training)-Hrushikesh Senapaty29. Director General, Archaeological Survey of India-Rakesh Tewari30. Chairperson, Staff Selection Commission -Ashim Khurana31. Director General, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation-Mangu Singh

DEFENCEAND SECURITY1. Chief of the Army Staff-General Bipin Singh Rawat2. Chief of the Air Staff-Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa

(also Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee)3. Chief of the Naval Staff-Admiral Sunil Lamba4. Chief of Integrated Defence Staff-Lt. General P.S. Rajeshwar5. Director, Research and Analysis Wing-Anil Dhasmana6. Director, Intelligence Bureau-Rajiv Jain7. Director General, Military Intelligence-Lieutenant General K. G. Krishna8. Director, Central Bureau of Investigation-Rishi Kumar Shukla9. Director General, Border Security Force-Rajni Kant Mishra10. Director General, Central Reserve Police Force-Rajiv Rai Bhatnagar11. Director General, Central Industrial Security Force-Rajesh Ranjan12. Director General, Indo-Tibetan Border Police-R. K. Pachnanda13. Director General, National Security Guard-Sudeep Lakhtakia14. Director General, National Investigation Agency-Yogesh Chander Modi15. Director General, National Disaster Response Force-Satya Narayan Pradhan16. Director General,SSB-Kumar Rajesh Chandra

HEADS OF FINANCIAL BODIES1. Chairman, 14th Finance Commission of India-Y. Venugopal Reddy, 15th Finance Commission-N.K. Singh2. Governor of Reserve Bank of India-Shaktikanta Das3. Chairman, Securities and Exchange Board of India-Ajay Tyagi4. Chairman, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India-Subash Chandra Khuntia5. Chairman, 7th Pay Commission-Ashok Kumar Mathur6. Chairman, Small Industries Development Bank of India-Muhammad Mustafa7. Chairman, Company Law Board-Mahesh Kumar Mittal8. Chairman and Managing Director, Export-Import Bank of India- David Rasquinha9. CEO and Managing Director, National Housing Bank-Dakshita Das10. Chairman, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development-Harsh Kumar Bhanwala11. CEO and Managing Director, Industrial Finance Corporation of India-Dr. Emandi Sankara Rao12. MD & CEO of National Stock Exchange-Vikram Limaye13. Chairman, Bombay Stock Exchange-Sethuratnam Ravi14. Chairperson, State Bank of India-Rajnish Kumar15. Chairman, IDBI-Rakesh Sharma16. Chairman, Life Insurance Corporation of India-M.R. Kumar17. President, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry-Sandip Somani18. Chairman, Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority-Hemant G. Contractor19. President, Confederation of Indian Industry-Rakesh Mittal20. President, ASSOCHAM-Balkrishan Goenka21. Chairman, National Statistical Commission-P.C. Mohanan (Acting)22. Chairman of Indian Bank Associations-Sunil Mehta23. CMD & CEO of Indian Post Payment Bank (IPPB) - Suresh Sethi

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ABBREVIATIONAcronyms Abbreviations

ACS Automated Clearing Systm.

AD Authorized Dealer.

ADB Asian Development Bank.

ADF Automated Data Flow

AEPS Aadhaar Enabled Payments Switch

AFS Annual Financial Statement.

AIC Agricultural Insurance Company.

AIF Alternative Investment Fund

ALCO Asset Liability Committee

ALM Asset Liability Management

AMFL Association of Mutual Funds in India.

AML Anti-Money Laundering

AMRMS Audit and Risk Monitoring Mechanism

ANBC Adjusted Net Bank Credit

APBS Aadhaar Payment Bridge System

ARC Asset Reconstruction Companies

ASBA Applications Supported Bank Accounts

ASSOCHAMAssociated Chambers of Commerce andIndustry of India.

ATM Automated Teller Machine.

BCBS Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

BCSBI Banking Codes and Standards Board of India

BIS Bank for International Settlements.

BOE Bill of Exchange

BOP Balance of Payments.

BOT Build,Operate and Transfer.

BSCS Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.

BSE Bombay Stock Exchange.

BSR Basic Statistical Returns.

CAD Current Account Deficit

CAR Capital Adequacy Ratio

CARE Credit Analysis and Research Limited

CASA Current and Savings Accounts

CBLO Collateralized Bank Lending Obligations

CBS Core Banking Solution.

CCIL Clearing Corporation of India Limited

CCL Cash Credit Limit

CDB Caribbean Development Bank.

CDBS Committee of Direction on BankingStatistics.

CDRS Corporate Debt Restructuring

CDS Credit Default Swap.

CEPA Comprehensive Economic PartnershipManagement.

CFRA Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts.

CGRA Currency and Gold Revaluation Account.

CIBIL Credit Information Bureau of India Limited

CMISCurrency Management InformationSystem

CNP Card Not Present

CPFF Commercial Paper Funding Facility

CPI Consumer Price Index.

CRAR Capital To Risk Weighted Asset Ratio.

CRISIL Credit Rating Information Services Of India

CRMD Credit Risk Management Department.

CRR Cash Reserve Ratio.

CSR corporate social responsibility

CTI Country Threat Index.

DPG Deferred Payment Guarantee

DPN Demand Promissory Note

DRAT Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal

DRI Differential Rate Of Interest

DSCR Debt Service Coverage Ratio

DTAA Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement.

EBRDEuropean Bank for Reconstruction andDevelopment.

ECB External Commercial Borrowings.

ECS Electronic Clearing System.

EDF Export Development Fund

EDI Electronic Data Internchange

EDP Entrepreneurship Development Programme

EEFC Exchange Earners’ Foreign CurrencyEFTPOS Electronic Funds Transfer At Point Of Sale

EIB European Investment Bank.

ELSS Equity Linked Saving Scheme.

EMI Equated Monthly Instalments

EPFO Employees’ Provident Fund OrganisationEPOS Electronic Point Of Sale

EPS Earning per Share

ESOP Employee Stock Options

EXIM Export Import Bank of India.

FCA Foreign Currency Assets.

FCCB Foreign Currency Convertible Bond

FCNR Foreign Currency Non Resident Deposit Accounts

FCNRA Foreign Currency Non resident Account.

FDI Foreign Direct Investment.

FEDAI Foreign Exchange Dealers Association Of India

FERA Foreign Exchange Regulation Act.

FICCIFederation of Indian Chambers of Commerce andIndustry.

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FII Foreign Institutional Investor.

FINOFinancial Information Network andOperation Limited

FIPB Foreign Investment Promotion Board.

FPI Foreign Portfolio Investment.

FTA Free Trade Agreement.

GAAR General Anti Avoidance Rule.

GDR Global Depository Receipt.

GFD Gross Fiscal Deficit.

GIRO Government Internal Revenue Order.

GMS Gold Monetisation Scheme

GSTN Goods and Services Network

HDFC Housing Development Finance Corporation.

IADB Inter American Development Bank.

IAS Integrated Accounting Systems

IBBI Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India

IBRDInternational Bank for Reconstruction andDevelopment

IBU International Banking Unit

ICA Indian Council of Agricultural Research.

ICICIIndustrial Credit and Investment Corporationof India.

ICRAInvestment Information and Credit RatingAgency of India Limited

IDB Islamic Development Bank.

IDBI Industrial Development Bank of India.

IDR Indian Depository Receipts.

IDRBTInstitute for Development and Research OfBanking

IEPF Investors Education and Protection Fund

IFC International Finance Corporation

IIB International Investment Bank.

IIBF Indian Institute of Banking and Finance.

IMF International Monetary Fund.

IMPS Immediate Payment Service

IMT Instant Money Transfer

IOB Indian Overseas Bank.

IPO Initial Public Offering

IPPB India Post Payments Bank

IRBI Industrial Reconstruction Bank Of India.

IRDAInsurance Regulatory and DevelopmentAuthority of India

IROs Interest rate options

IRR Internal Rate Of Return.

ISCIInternational Standard IndustrialClassification

KCC Kisan Credit Card

KMB Kotak Mahindra Bank.

KVB Karur Vysya Bank.

KVIC Khadi and Village Industries Corporation

KVP Kisan Vikas Patra

KYC Know Your Customer Guidelines

LAB Local Area Bank.

LAF Liquidity Adjustment Facility

LAMPS Large Sized Adivasi Multipurpose Societies

LDB Land Development Bank.

LERMS Liberalized Exchange Rate Management System

LIBOR London Inter Bank Offered Rate.

LIC Life Insurance Corporation Of India

LTCG Long-Term Capital Gains

LTN Long Term Note

MCA Ministry Of Company Affairs

MCLR Marginal Cost Of Lending Rate

MFDF Micro Finance Development Fund

MIBOR Mumbai Inter Bank Offer Rate.

MICR Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

MIS Management Information System

MSS Market Stabilisation Scheme

MTN Medium Term Note

MUDRA Micro Units Development And Refinance Agency

NABARDNational Bank For Agricultural And RuralDevelopment.

NAS National Account Statistics.

NAV Net Asset Value.

NBC Non Banking Companies.

NBFC Non Banking Finance Companies

NDA Net Domestic Asset

NDS Negotiated Dealing Systems

NDTL Net Demand And Time Liability

NECS National Electronic Clearing System

NEFT National Electronic Funds Transfer System.

NFA No Frills Account.

NFC Non Banking Finance Companies.

NFS National Financial Switch

NHB National Housing Bank.

NIB Nordic Investment Bank.

NPA Non Performing Assets.

NPCI National Payments Corporation Of India

NPS National Pensions Scheme.

NPV Net Present Value

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ONE LINER1. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research and National Physical Laboratory (CSIR-NPL) has introduced

redefined International System of Units for the country.The redefined systems are kilogram, Kelvin, mole andampere.

2. High-Level Committee constituted by the Centre has submitted its recommendations to Minister of Petroleumand Natural Gas Dharmendra Pradhan to bring down India’s dependence on crude oil imports.

3. ISRO’s new commercial arm NewSpace India (NSIL) officially inaugurated in Bengaluru.NSIL was inauguratedK Kasturirangan (ISRO’s honorary adviser). It is responsible for manufacturing & production of Small SatelliteLaunch Vehicle & Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle via technology transfer mechanisms.

4. Defence Research and Development Organisation has test-fired an indigenously developed 500 kg classguided bomb from a Sukhoi combat jet at Pokhran, Rajasthan. The guided bomb achieved the desired rangeand hit the target with high precision.

5. Elon Musk owned private rocket company, SpaceX, successfully launched the first batch of 60 small satellitesinto low-Earth orbit using Falcon 9 rocket under its new Starlink internet services project for “global broadband”system.

6. Karnataka Government has Launched Pink Sarathi Vehicles for Women’s Safety7. Govt. Set Up A 10 Member Cabinet Committee On Employment And Skill Development.8. Gujarat topped the country with annual fish production of 7.8 lakh tonnes, followed by Tamil Nadu (7.02 lakh

tones) and Kerala (6.43 lakh tonnes) according to the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI).9. The North-East Zonal Programme Co-ordination Committee, ZPCC Meeting of All India Radio Stations

began in Kohima, Nagaland.10. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has conferred an Indian national Sheikh Mohammad Munir Ansari

with the Star of Jerusalem medal, one of the highest honours given to foreign nationals by the PalestinianAuthority.

11. India has been designated as Guest of Honour at 33rd Guadalajara International Book Fair in Mexico.12. Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) to confer its Distinguished Alumni Award to Union Ministers

NirmalaSitharaman and SubrahmanyamJaishankar.13. Denmark’s Inger Andersen took charge as the new Executive Director (ED) of United Nations Environment

Programme (UNEP).14. To curb the rise in road accidents, the Madhya Pradesh government has issued a directive that mandates

buyers of two-wheelers to purchase two helmets and show the receipt to the Transport Department to gettheir vehicle registered.

15. The Indian student, Nia Tony, was honoured during the 22nd edition of the Emirates Recycling Awards inDubai.

16. The second edition of India International Mega Trade fair (IIMTF) was inaugurated at Bidhannagar (or SaltLake) city in Kolkata.

17. The Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone (APSEZ) will set up its 1st container terminal outside India inMyanmar at an estimated cost of Rs. 2,000 crore.

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In the previous Magazine we have discussed about the one side arrangement of all the numbers and words. Oneside arrangement means the arrangement may be either left or right. In this double logic type of questions, boththe letters and numbers will be arranged at a time from the left side as well as right side.At first, we should have a close look on the steps of the input which will help us for determining the appropriatelogic.Let’s discuss an example:Input: games 79 go glacier 57 14 give 86 63 gender 42 getStep I: glacier games 79 go 57 give 86 63 gender 42 get 41Step II: gender glacier games 79 go 57 give 86 63 get 41 24Step III: games gender glacier 79 go give 86 63 get 41 24 75Step IV: give games gender glacier 79 go 86 get 41 go 75 36Step V: get give games gender glacier go 86 41 24 75 36 97Step VI: go get give games gender glacier 41 24 75 36 97 68Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement of the input.In this type, look at the final arrangement the words are shifted as per the total number of letters. For Example, go –two letter word; get – three letter word and so on. Numbers are arranged in ascending order as per the input (but thedigits are reversed while shifting. For Example, 14 – 41, 42-24). In all the steps, both word and number are arrangedin both ends of the row.Now let’s discuss about some more examples:

Directions (Q.1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them followinga particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. (All the numbers are two-digit numbers.)Input: tall 48 13 rise alt 99 76 32 wise jar high 28 56 barnStep I: 13 tall 48 rise 99 76 32 wise jar high 28 56 barn altStep II: 28 13 tall 48 rise 99 76 32 wise jar high 56 alt barnStep III: 32 28 13 tall 48 rise 99 76 wise jar 56 alt barn highStep IV: 48 32 28 13 tall rise 99 76 wise 56 alt barn high jarStep V: 56 48 32 28 13 tall 99 76 wise alt barn high jar riseStep VI: 76 56 48 32 28 13 99 wise alt barn high jar rise tallStep VII: 99 76 56 48 32 28 13 alt barn high jar rise tall wise And Step VII is the last step of the above input, as the desiredarrangement is obtained.As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for thegiven input.Input: 84 why sit 14 32 not best ink feet 51 27 vain 68 92 (All the numbers are two-digit numbers.)1 . W h i c h s t e p n u m b e r i s t h e f o l l o w i n g o u t p u t ?

3 2 2 7 1 4 8 4 w h y s i t n o t 5 1 v a i n 9 2 6 8 f e e t b e s t i n k

( a ) S t e p V ( b ) S t e p V I ( c ) S t e p I V ( d ) S t e p I I I ( e ) T h e r e i s n o s u c h s t e p .


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2. Which word/number would be at 5th position from the right in Step V?(a) 14 (b) 92 (c) feet (d) best (e) why

3. How many elements (words or numbers) are there between ‘feet’ and ‘32’ as they appear in the last step of theoutput?(a) One (b) Three (c) Four (d) Five (e) Seven 

4. Which of the following represents the position of ‘why’ in the fourth step?(a) Eighth from the left (b) Fifth from the right(c) Sixth from the left (d) Fifth from the left(e) Seventh from the left

5. How many steps are required to complete the rearrangement?(a) Six (b) Seven (c) Eight (d) Nine (e) None of these


1. e 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. b

In the above questions, words are arranged from right side and the numbers are arranged from the left side.Numbers are arranged from the left side in each step as ascending order. The words are arranged from the rightside as in alphabetical order in each step.

Directions (Q.6-10): Study the given information and answer the questions: A word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them following aparticular rule. The following is an illustration of input and its rearrangement.Input: strike over 79 down 46 across 13 34 world update 67 Step I: across 34 strike over 79 down 46 13 world update 67Step II: over 46 across 34 strike 79 down 13 world update 67Step III: update 79 over 46 across 34 strike down 13 world 67Step IV: down 67 update 79 over 46 across 34 strike 13 world Step V: strike 13 down 67 update 79 over 46 across 34 worldStep VI: world strike 13 down 67 update 79 over 46 across 34Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement. As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the followingquestions the appropriate steps for the given input.Input: prison 53 election 82 force onwards 67 black 98 india 25 6. Which of the following element will be the 4th to the right of 8th from the right end in step III?

(a) India (b) 53 (c) Election (d) Force (e) 987. What is the difference between the element which is 4th from left end in step IV and 6th from right end in step II?

(a) 20 (b)15 (c)24 (d)14 (e)108. In step V, which of the following word/ number would be on 6th position from the left end?

(a) Black (b) 67 (c) Onwards (d) India (e) 539. In which of the following step the elements ‘election 82 prison force’ found in the same order?

(a) Step IV (b) Step III (c) Step II (d) Step V (e) Step I

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10. Which of the following element is 3rd to the right of the 7th from the left end in step IV?(a) 25 (b) Force (c) Prison (d)67 (e) None of these


6. b 7. d 8. b 9. a 10. b

Logic of the given input output is-A word and number are arranging in each step(ii) for numbers- First all the even number are arranged in ascending order in each step then odd number are arrange indescending order from left end.(iii) for words- First all the words start with vowels arranged in alphabetical order in each step then words start withconsonants are arranged in alphabetical order from left end.Input: prison 53 election 82 force onwards 67 black 98 india 25Step I: election 82 prison 53  force onwards 67 black 98 india 25Step II: india 98 election 82 prison 53  force onwards 67 black  25Step III: onwards 67 india 98 election 82 prison 53  force  black  25Step IV: black 53 onwards 67 india 98 election 82 prison force 25Step V: force 25 black 53 onwards 67 india 98 election 82 prisonStep VI: prison force 25 black 53 onwards 67 india 98 election 82Some questions are also there which is based upon both double logic and individual logic. Individual logic means thechange of numbers in step by step.

Directions (Q. 11-16): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.A word and number arrangement machine, when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them followinga particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of an input and rearrangement given below.Input: action 22 65 thinks below five 37 properly 72 42Step I: 22 action 37 below 42 five 65 properly 72 thinks.Step II: thinks 22 action 37 below 42 five properly 72 65Step III: thinks properly 22 action 37 below five 72 65 42Step IV: thinks properly five 22 action below 72 65 42 37Step V: thinks properly five below action 72 65 42 37 22Step VI: 2 4 3 1 5 9 2 6 1 4Step VII: 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 9Step VII is the last step of the above arrangement.As per the rules followed in the above input, give the answer of the following questions.Input: Best 25 69 Tiger cost 639 Position 75 4511. How many steps will be required to complete the above arrangement?

(a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) 9 (e) None of these

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12. Which element is fifth to the left of the element which is tenth from the left end of the third step?(a)25 (b)Best (c)39 (d)cost (e)45

13. What is the position of ‘75’ from the right end in the fourth step?(a) Fifth (b) Eight (c)Third (d) Seventh (e) Fourth

14. In step 5, what is the sum of third from right element and sixth from left element?(a) 126 (b) 144 (c) 125 (d) 110 (e) 118

15. How many words/numbers between ‘position’ and ‘45’ in step 5?(a)3 (b)5 (c)6 (d)7 (e) None of these

16. Which of the following would be at the fifth position from the right end in step II? (a)6 (b)39 (c)25 (d)cost (e)Best


11. b 12. e 13. c 14. b 15. b 16. d

This above question has two logics. Step 1- step 5 holds a logic and after Step 5,another logic starts.In step 1,all the numbers are arranged in

ascending order and all the words are arranged in alphabetical order directly. In Step 2 arrangement of the words in reverse alphabetical order starts whereas the numbers from the right side

are arranged in descending order. In step 6,the 1st letter and last letter of the words are multiplied and are converted to a single digit by adding all

the digits after multiplication. The numbers from the right side are converted to a single digit by adding witheach other.

In last step,all the numbers are arranged in ascending order.Input: Best 25 69 Tiger cost 639 position 75 45Step I: 25 best 45 cost 69 position 75 Tiger 639Step II: Tiger 25 best 45 cost 69 position 639 75Step III: Tiger position 25 best 45 cost 639 75 69Step IV: Tiger position cost 25 best 639 75 69 45Step V: Tiger position cost best 639 75 69 45 25Step VI: 9 8 6 4 9 3 6 9 7Step VII: 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 9 9

We hope you all understand these illustrations very well and by practicing more and more you can clear all yourdoubts.

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