Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting Call to … · Call to Order Approval of Minutes ......

Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting September 2, 2010, 4:10 p.m. Frist 140 Call to Order Approval of Minutes of May 10, 2010 Introduction of Executive Committee, Standing Committee Chairs/Task Force Chair, and New Senators Report of the Executive Committee (Brian Christman, Chair of the Faculty Senate) Remarks by Chancellor Nick Zeppos Presentation of committee charges for 2010-2011 New business Poll on Student Life's Honor System Charge – Student Life Chair Mavis Schorn Good of the Senate Adjournment to reception (in the Atrium between Frist and Godchaux Halls) Voting Members present : Atack, Aschner, Balser, Barz, Beasley, Beauchamp, Benbow, Bodenheimer, Calico, Carter, Christman, Conway-Welch, Dawant, Dever, Does, Donaldson, Floyd-Thomas, Fogo, Hall, Hudnut-Beumler, Hughes, Hurder, Hyman, Karageorgou, Kovalcheck, LeBlanc, Lukeheart, Moore, Price, Ramey, Rogers, Saff, Schorn, Schwartz, Shields, Skaar, Smith, Tansey, Turner, Van Kaer, Walker, Weil, Weintraub, Yoder, and Young.

Transcript of Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting Call to … · Call to Order Approval of Minutes ......

Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting

September 2, 2010, 4:10 p.m. Frist 140

Call to Order Approval of Minutes of May 10, 2010 Introduction of Executive Committee, Standing Committee Chairs/Task Force Chair, and New Senators Report of the Executive Committee (Brian Christman, Chair of the Faculty Senate) Remarks by Chancellor Nick Zeppos Presentation of committee charges for 2010-2011 New business Poll on Student Life's Honor System Charge – Student Life Chair Mavis Schorn Good of the Senate Adjournment to reception (in the Atrium between Frist and Godchaux Halls) Voting Members present: Atack, Aschner, Balser, Barz, Beasley, Beauchamp, Benbow, Bodenheimer, Calico, Carter, Christman, Conway-Welch, Dawant, Dever, Does, Donaldson, Floyd-Thomas, Fogo, Hall, Hudnut-Beumler, Hughes, Hurder, Hyman, Karageorgou, Kovalcheck, LeBlanc, Lukeheart, Moore, Price, Ramey, Rogers, Saff, Schorn, Schwartz, Shields, Skaar, Smith, Tansey, Turner, Van Kaer, Walker, Weil, Weintraub, Yoder, and Young.

Voting Members absent: Bradford, Braxton (regrets), Carbone, Collins, Fischer (regrets), Galloway, Gervais (regrets), Guthrie, Halpern (regrets), March (regrets), R. Miller, Nanney (regrets), Oppenheimer, Peek, Smrekar, Winder (regrets), Yarbrough, and Wait (regrets). Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, Damon, Fife, Fortune, McCarty, McNamara, Raiford, Stalcup, Sweet, Wcislo, Wente, and Zeppos. Ex Officio Members absent: Bernard (regrets), B. Miller (regrets), Paschal (regrets), Roberts (regrets), Williams, and Wright. The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair Brian Christman. Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of Minutes of May 10, 2010 Chair Christman asked for any changes to the minutes. Hearing none, he then asked for approval of the minutes. They were approved unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Introduction of Executive Committee, Standing Committee Chairs/Task Force Chair, and New Senators Chair Christman gave an overview of the functions of the Senate, and the power of the Senate. He said that the Faculty Senate has a seat at the table, and access to administrative leadership. He gave an overview of the Senate achievements last year. He then introduced the standing committee chairs and the task force chair. He also recognized the new senators. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of Executive Committee Chair Christman went over the work of the Executive Committee over the summer, which included the Senate retreat, Founder’s Day and the Fall Faculty Assembly. Chair Christman then turned the floor over to Chancellor Zeppos. He mentioned that the Senate would like to know more about the 60 new faculty chairs announced at the Fall Faculty Assembly. Next Item on the Agenda – Remarks by Chancellor Nicholas Zeppos Chancellor Zeppos welcomed everyone to the new academic year. He answered Chair Christman’s questions about the new faculty chairs by stating that we are in a very strong position to do this. He said that we will use the processes already in place in the schools to award these chairs. Some of these chairs will be restricted. He added that we try to get them funded with as broad a description as possible, but some will be restricted by the terms of the gifts. He said that we will look to the faculty, department, and deans to

evaluate these chairs. There is always the question of how many will be used for recruiting (the internal/external issue), and we will try and keep them balanced. He then opened the floor for more questions. Chair-elect David Weintraub: Is the money already in place to do this? Chancellor Zeppos: Yes. It may be that the money is still coming in, but over 90% of it is in. Chair Christman: Can you address the Chronicle of Higher Education article about very high administrative salaries at Vanderbilt? Chancellor Zeppos: Let me give you some background. Also, I would like to give you my view on administrative compensation in general. First, those were not salary figures. In 2007, my predecessor said that he was going to stay at Vanderbilt. Then, he resigned, and I was given the title of Interim Chancellor. Outside consultants are used by the Board to help decide pay, and the administrative salaries are voted on by the Board—I don’t get a say in any of this. When Gordon Gee left, there was a worry that some administrators might take their retirement and leave. The Board decided to keep them all. There was a retirement package in place for all upper level administrators at that time. There are no plans like this any longer. These were legal distributions that people were owed, not salaries. My view of administrative compensation: I pay them market rates. I want very well-paid administrators. We do a salary survey of our peer institutions, and that’s how we set their rates. The total cost of the administrative team is less now than it was before. It is market-driven, set by the Board of Trust, and data-driven. No one is allowed to serve on a for-profit board who works on my administrative team. I think it’s important for the administrators to give back to the university. Hearing no other questions, Chair Christman thanked Chancellor Zeppos for his remarks. Next Item on the Agenda – Presentation of committee charges for 2010-2011 Chair Christman presented the standing committee charges and task force charges for the 2010-2011 academic year (link: Next Item on the Agenda – New business- Poll on Student Life's Honor System Charge Chair Schorn passed out electronic clickers to the senators and they participated in a poll about the honor system and how it works. This information will help inform the work of the Student Life committee on Vanderbilt’s honor councils this year. Next Item on the Agenda – Good of the Senate and Adjournment

Chair Christman asked for any business under “good of the senate.” Hearing none, he asked for a motion to adjourn to the welcome reception. Motion was presented and passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 5:20pm. Respectfully submitted, Robert E. Bodenheimer, Vice Chair

Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting

October 7, 2010, 4:10 p.m. Frist 140

Call to Order Approval of Minutes of September 2, 2010 Report of the Executive Committee (Brian Christman, Chair of the Faculty Senate) Remarks by Chancellor Nick Zeppos New business Presentation and Discussion of Vanderbilt’s Honor System (Bobby Bodenheimer, Vice Chair of the Faculty Senate)

x Mark Bandas, Dean of Students x Daniel Swinton, Director of the Office of Student Conduct & Academic Integrity x Charles Brau, Head of the Appellate Review Board and Professor of Physics x John Callison, Senior Deputy General Counsel

Good of the Senate Adjournment Voting Members present: Aschner, Barz, Beasley, Beauchamp, Benbow, Bodenheimer, Christman, Dawant, Dever, Does, Donaldson, Fogo, Galloway, Gervais, Hall, Hudnut-Beumler, Hughes, Hurder, Hyman, Karageorgou, LeBlanc, Lukehart, March, Nanney, Price, Ramey, Rogers, Schorn, Shields, Skaar, Smith, Turner, Van Kaer, Walker, Weintraub, Yarbrough, Yoder, Young. Voting Members absent: Atack (regrets), Balser, Bradford, Braxton (regrets), Calico (regrets), Carbone, Carter, Collins, Conway-Welch (regrets), Fischer (regrets), Floyd-Thomas, Guthrie, Halpern, Kovalcheck (regrets), Miller, R., Moore, Oppenheimer, Peek, Saff, Schwartz (regrets), Smrekar, Tansey, Wait, Weil (regrets), and Winder (regrets). Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, Damon, McCarty, McNamara, Miller, B., Roberts, Williams, and Zeppos. Ex Officio Members absent: Bernard (regrets), Fife (regrets), Fortune (regrets), Paschal (regrets), Raiford (regrets), Stalcup, Sweet, Wcislo (regrets), Wente, and Wright. The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair Brian Christman.

Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of Minutes of September 2, 2010 Chair Christman asked for any changes to the minutes. Hearing none, he then asked for approval of the minutes. They were approved unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of Executive Committee Chair Christman gave his report. He mentioned meetings with all deans. He and Vice Chair Bodenheimer have met with Dean Benbow and Dean Jeff Balser so far. The Executive Committee is also looking into the undergraduate alcohol issue. They have talked to Mark Bandas (Dean of Students) about this issue, and have plans to create a Task Force on Alcohol at Vanderbilt. Chair Christman mentioned that there are many deaths each year from this problem. He is going to be asking for help from senators who want to serve on this task force. Chair Christman said that he wants to put together a council of past chairs of the Senate. He said that he will share more about this later. Chair Christman turned the floor over to the Chancellor. Next Item on the Agenda – Remarks by Chancellor Nicholas Zeppos Chancellor Zeppos mentioned the news article about the new Medical Center in Franklin, TN. He said that Vanderbilt did buy land in Williamson County. This area is very important to Vanderbilt’s mission. He said that we are leasing lots of spaces there. But, there are no plans to build large buildings in Williamson County. It will be addressed in the future, but we have a very tight prioritization process. The Life Sciences/Engineering building, Kissam residential college, and more space for the College of Arts and Science are all priorities. He said that the media did not get this one right. It is a strategic move to put a footprint there, but we are not building anything yet. He said that he just wanted to clarify that today. He asked for questions. Hearing none, he thanked Chair Christman for the opportunity to speak. Next Item on the Agenda – Presentation and Discussion of Vanderbilt’s Honor System (Bobby Bodenheimer, Vice Chair of the Faculty Senate) Vice Chair Bobby Bodenheimer introduced the panel, which included Mark Bandas, Dean of Students; Daniel Swinton, Director of the Office of Student Conduct & Academic Integrity; Charles Brau, Head of the Appellate Review Board and Professor of Physics; and John Callison, Senior Deputy General Counsel. Vice Chair Bodenheimer mentioned that the Senate’s charge is to look at the Honor System as a whole. He said that he and Mavis Schorn, chair of Student Life committee, have contacted all of the advisors of the professional schools and their honor councils. These are the three main issues that have come to light from these discussions:

1. The Graduate School honor council gets an average of 2 referrals per year, and

they usually meet less than once a year, because many of students withdraw from Vanderbilt during the preliminary investigation.

2. The Owen School’s major issue with the honors system is that their decisions keep getting overturned by the Appellate Review System.

3. The Medical School’s honor council has not found anyone guilty in the last 5 years (even though students have been referred).

Vice Chair Bodenheimer said that the Provost has asked two bodies to examine the Honor System this year: the Faculty Senate and the Academic Associate Deans of the Undergraduate Schools (A&S, Blair, Peabody, and Engineering). He then introduced the panel and asked them to give a brief introduction of their roles in the honor system.

x Mark Bandas, Dean of Students: He gave a history of the honor code at Vanderbilt. He mentioned that one of the topics we might talk about is the institutional support for the honors council.

x Daniel Swinton, Director of the Office of Student Conduct & Academic Integrity: He also gave a more detailed history of the Honor Code. He only works with the undergraduate honor council (not the graduate or professional schools). He does advise them if they ask questions. He gave an overview of the current membership of the Honors Council. He explained the membership application process. He went over the structure of the honors council. He said that there is a Faculty Board of Advisors that actually came out of the Faculty Senate. There are 30 Faculty who are to “advise the Honor Council during hearings and investigations.” He went over the process for investigations and the hearing. He gave an overview of the workload. He said that the average time to resolution is 19.6 days. He went over recent changes to the Honor Council and the strengths of the current system: 1) procedurally sound, 2) student-member passion, and 3) honor code signing each year.

x Charles Brau, Chair of the Appellate Review Board and Professor of Physics: He went over the responsibilities of the appellate review board. He said that there have been about 25 appeals out of 125 or so cases. He said that he is tasked to correct problems, and he is working right now with Owen to correct some problems. He said that there are 4 grounds for appeal. He does not re-hear the case. He went over the remedies available to the ARB. He said that the decisions of the ARB are final, but decisions can be appealed. He went over their procedures. He said that it should take only 39 days for the process, but it usually takes 90 days or more. He mentioned that some of the problems/issues that need to be addressed: 1) group work, and 2) graduate and professional school honors councils. He thinks that there should be one honor council for all graduate and professional schools.

x John Callison, Senior Deputy General Counsel: He is being asked to talk about two issues. One is FERPA. Does FERPA create limitations on a faculty member to find out about what happens in one of these hearings? The faculty member knows nothing about why the decision is made, only what the decision is. But the

answer is that no, it doesn’t. If the student consents to it or if the university determines that a member of the university needs to know, it is okay to know (if is a “legitimate academic need”). But, that faculty member cannot tell anyone else about this information. If you do redisclose the information, it is violation of the federal law. He also mentioned that FERPA requires the confidentiality of student records. He said that if the accused said that it was okay, it is okay to mention to anyone. But you can’t mention the accuser. The other question he was asked to address is whether or not a faculty member decides to report an honor code violation—does this create a legal liability for the university? Yes, it could. We have a system of dealing with academic violations of the honor code. If a faculty member decides to go outside the system, they are going outside the bounds of what we agree. The faculty member can, however, exercise their judgment on a paper that this is a clear example of plagiarism. We need to use the systems that we have. If you go outside the system, we could be open for liability. We always need to show that we follow all of the processes. I encourage all faculty members to turn in students to the Honor Council to keep the process working well.

Vice Chair Bodenheimer then opened the floor for questions. Senator Steve Hyman: I am intrigued why the Owen School decisions so frequently are overturned. Can you shed some light on this? Professor Brau: The Owen School had some problems that they are addressing. I don’t want to get into the specifics. But some of it had to do with group work and issues of technology. In this case, the student was convicted on evidence that the student had never seen. There were procedural difficulties. Dr. Bonnie Miller: Are the accusing students bound by confidentiality? Is that true of all honor councils? Dr. Roy Elam: Yes. Vice Chair Bodenheimer: For the ones that I have seen, yes, this is true. Dean Hudnut-Beumler: Someone mentioned that we need one graduate/professional Honor Council. Can you talk more about that? Professor Brau: I am extrapolating from my experiences. I see that all of the professional schools see very few cases, so that is why I feel that way. I think it would have to be worked out to what would serve all of the schools best. Senator Hyman: Is the information that is brought up so specific that it couldn’t be dealt with by people from other schools? Professor Brau: Not normally. Senator Vanessa Beasley: Can you speak to some specifics to the institutional support issue? Provost Richard McCarty: I have never been asked to provide any support for faculty advisors, but I think we need this and should not depend on the goodwill of faculty

members who have been serving in this role. I think we need to institute this. I think we need active, engaged faculty and I would love to see this. John Callison: I was around when the Birkby committee was charged with improving the confidence in the honor system. This is why the faculty advisors were created and were involved in the process. When I look at these cases, I think that the Honor Council does a great job. If a faculty member has an issue with a Honor Council decision, they need to talk to that faculty advisor who sat in on the hearing. Chair-elect David Weintraub: I don’t know any faculty who trust the Honor Council. I think we have a very serious institutional problem. I think we are back to 1987. We don’t have faculty buy-in. John Callison: I think that we need to have more incentives for faculty members and we need to make changes to make it work better. Senator Bridget Rogers: I have sat in as a faculty advisor, and was pleased with the process. Of course, the one time I brought a charge, the decision was overturned on appeal. I was dissatisfied since I never heard anything about the case. Professor Brau: I think the faculty member should have an advisor and that person could provide the information to help the faculty member understand the case. Senator Mavis Schorn: Is there any reason why the step of getting feedback to the reporting faculty member can’t be done? John Callison: Sure that can happen. We just need to make sure that the information goes to the reporting faculty member, with the understanding that it stops there. Senator Ann Price: Of the 100+ cases, which percentage are brought by faculty and how many are brought by faculty? Daniel Swinton: 5% are brought by students and 95% by faculty. Senator Sharon Shields: Charlie, you brought up a good point about documentation problems in cases. Should we have some training on how to do this better? Professor Brau: I think the problem isn’t documentation so much as the case couldn’t be made because it couldn’t be proved. Senator Daniel Gervais: The Law School is different because of their different process. My question: 20%-40% are not guilty, but it seems like some of these cases are dropped. Why are they dropped? Daniel Swinton: If the case is submitted, and if there is no evidence, the case is dismissed. That happens to 7-8% of all cases. Also, some cases that go to the panel are dropped. Senator Benoit Dawant: Group work—is it a matter of not being clear about our policies? Professor Brau: Different instructors have different intent under their group work policy. There is an inherent “mushiness” in group work.

Senator Schorn: I wanted you to address the discrepancy about disproportionate amount of minority students who are brought before the honor council. Daniel Swinton: Many of these students are unprepared academically, and they stretch themselves too much to do their work. I don’t think there is an inherent bias in the Honor Council. Maybe they need more academic help than other students on the front end. Professor Brau: As a faculty advisor, I never saw racial bias in any of the cases. I don’t think it’s a problem of the honor system itself. Richard McCarty: The issue of our students’ experience with honor systems at their high schools is all over the place. I think that we need to give some of these students better counseling about their options on the front end, too. We also have lost sight of the educational system as it is connected to the honor council. Vice Chair Bodenheimer: There are a considerable number of faculty who don’t buy in to the honor system. Why don’t we allow faculty to vote in large panel cases? Professor Brau: I am concerned that the students would be intimidated to please the faculty member. I can see that the students could possibly be intimidated by the accuser. Daniel Swinton: Faculty members are allowed to give their opinion throughout the process. There is sanctity of the students holding each other accountable, and the benefits of the peer review process. Senator Gervais: Do universities report their cases each year? Daniel Swinton: Not typically. We have commissioned a report from a variety of universities, and we are waiting on those results. Hearing no further questions, Vice Chair Bodenheimer thanked the panel. Next Item on the Agenda – Good of the Senate and Adjournment Chair Christman asked for any business under “good of the senate.” Chair-elect Weintraub asked to recognize Senator Ann Price for being inducted into the Vanderbilt Alumni Hall of Fame, and congratulated her for all her hard work and dedication to Vanderbilt. Meeting adjourned at 5:36pm. Respectfully submitted, Robert E. Bodenheimer, Vice Chair

Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting

November 4, 2010, 4:10 p.m. Frist 140

Call to Order Approval of Minutes of October 7, 2010 Report of the Executive Committee (Brian Christman, Chair of the Faculty Senate) Remarks by Chancellor Nick Zeppos Summary of the State of University Athletics: David Williams, Vice Chancellor for University Affairs New business Good of the Senate Adjournment Voting Members present: Atack, Balser, Barz, Beasley, Benbow, Bodenheimer, Carter, Christman, Conway-Welch, Dawant, Dever, Does, Donaldson, Fischer, Galloway, Gervais, Hall, Hughes, Hurder, Hyman, Karageorgou, Kovalcheck, LeBlanc, March, Miller, Moore, Nanney, Price, Ramey, Rogers, Saff, Schorn, Smith, Van Kaer, Walker, Weil, Weintraub, Winder, Yarbrough, Yoder, and Young. Voting Members absent: Judy Aschner (regrets), Beauchamp, Bradford, Braxton (regrets), Calico (regrets), Carbone, Floyd-Thomas, Fogo (regrets), Guthrie, Halpern (regrets), Hudnut-Beumler, Lukehart (regrets), Oppenheimer, Peek, Schwartz (regrets), Shields (regrets), Skaar, Smrekar, Tansey, Turner, and Wait (regrets). Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, Damon, Fife, Paschal, Raiford, Roberts, Sweet, Wcislo, Williams, and Zeppos.

Ex Officio Members absent: Bernard, Fortune (regrets), McCarty, McNamara, Miller, Stalcup, Wente (regrets), and Wright. The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair Brian Christman. Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of Minutes of October 7, 2010 Chair Christman asked for the minutes of 10/7/10 to be approved. He asked if there are any additions or corrections to the minutes. There were none. The minutes were approved unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of Executive Committee Chair Christman recognized the hard work of all the committee members. He reminded everyone that there is an executive committee liaison to all Senate committees. He thanked the Chancellor, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs for making themselves available for discussion of university business. He said that the executive committee’s recent work includes following up on the email privacy policy. He said that Vice Chancellor Balser and Provost McCarty are working on the final language, which will then go to the PEAF committee, and then on to the full Senate. He said that they are also discussing the issue of faculty office privacy, and that this would be a similar policy with a limited number of university officers who could approve any exceptions. He said that the Student Life committee continues to work on the issue of the Honor System. He said that there was great discussion at the last Senate meeting. Chair Christman said that the Alcohol Task Force is coming together. He mentioned a recent study about alcohol that outlines the societal cost of alcohol. He said that Louise Hanson, Paul Ragan, Scott Rodgers, Anderson Spickard, Jr., Larry Dowdy, and Mary Yarbrough have all agreed to serve on this task force. He asked for other motivated volunteers for the task force to contact him. He then turned the floor over to Chancellor Zeppos. Next Item on the Agenda – Remarks by Chancellor Nicholas Zeppos Chair Christman mentioned that we solicited questions from faculty senators for the Chancellor. We will open the floor for other questions after the submitted questions. Chair Christman: What is your vision for Vanderbilt University? Chancellor Zeppos: There is a strategic plan that is currently on the website. There are some recommendations that have been implemented, and some initiatives that have

failed. Why haven’t we done another one? My philosophy is that I don’t like to do plans unless we have some money for it. I think the next time you’ll see this kind of planning is when we finish this capital campaign. Regarding the Medical Center strategic planning, when I was provost, I didn’t always agree with the planning that was done in this area. I would say that I struggled with the strategy of clinical enterprise in the Medical Center. I think Jeff Balser has articulated a research-based, cutting-edge strategic plan for the Medical Center now. We have to be one of the universities that dramatically transforms how healthcare is delivered in this country, and this is vitally important to Vanderbilt. Regarding the social sciences, I think that the strategies have been mixed in terms of results. I think it’s essential that we attract and retain quality faculty in all departments. I think that the engineering schools is one of my priorities—to significantly enhance the quality of that school and create a stronger partnership with the Medical School and Nursing School. Graduate Education is a priority for me, as well. I am a big supporter of the tenure system. Chair Christman: Can you talk about the university’s new process of linking health insurance premiums to income? Chancellor Zeppos: We did it because we are aware of the lack of raises, and we thought it was the right thing to do. It wasn’t good for the morale of the staff to raise their insurance premiums without giving them a raise. Senator Christina Karageorgou: I recently found out that our graduate students receive no benefits for their spouses or children. Is this true? Chancellor Zeppos: Yes, this is true. We do offer it, but they have to pay for it. Chair Christman thanked the Chancellor for his time. Next Item on the Agenda – Summary of the State of University Athletics: David Williams, Vice Chancellor for University Affairs Chair Christman introduced Vice Chancellor Williams. Vice Chancellor Williams said that the four pillars of Vanderbilt Athletics are 1) academic success, 2) competitive success, 3) quality of the student experience, and 4) fiscal responsibility. Academic Success: He showed a few different slides demonstrating Vanderbilt’s high academic success with their athletes. Competitive success: He showed a graph that demonstrated that Vanderbilt is competitive in the post-season NCAA competition within the SEC. Quality of the student experience: The quality of the student experience includes many hours of community service. Vanderbilt also emphasizes study abroad for the student athletes. He said that they made changes to make sure that the athletes can participate in study abroad.

Fiscal responsibility: He showed a slide with the budget of the athletic department. He also showed the expenses of the athletic department for FY 09-10. He thanked Patricia Marett and Brett Sweet for helping the department with their budget. He talked about starting the Athletic Hall of Fame over the last few years. He mentioned the 2010 NCAA Self Study, a department leadership series, and the partnership with the University Athletics Committee. He also mentioned the FY 10/11 “Good to Great” goals of the athletic department. He said that they are looking at having the University Athletics Committee handle student scholarship appeals. He added that Provost Richard McCarty is now the Faculty Athletic Representative. Chair Christman then opened the floor for questions. Senator Lynn Ramey: Why don’t we have a volleyball team for women? Vice Chancellor Williams: We aren’t financially sound enough to add a sport like volleyball. It is a money issue as well as a facility issue. We think it will happen in the future. Vice Chair Bobby Bodenheimer: What are the current major challenges? Vice Chancellor Williams: Football. It’s always going to be a challenge. We have to work very hard to get these students’ academics up to par. Facilities are also a challenge. We recruit 18 year-old kids who are impressed by big facilities. But we lead with Vanderbilt academics. Chair Christman thanked Vice Chancellor Williams for his presentation to the Senate. Next Item on the Agenda – Good of the Senate and Adjournment Chair Christman asked for any new business or anything under “good of the senate.” Hearing none, he asked for a motion to adjourn, which was seconded. Meeting adjourned at 5:34pm. Respectfully submitted, Robert E. Bodenheimer, Vice Chair

Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting

December 2, 2010, 4:10 p.m. Frist 140

Call to Order Approval of Minutes of November 4, 2010 Report of the Executive Committee (Brian Christman, Chair of the Faculty Senate) Presentation by Brett Sweet Vice Chancellor for Finance and CFO Q&A with Vice Chancellor Jeff Balser New business Confirmation of new Senate Parliamentarian Good of the Senate Adjournment Voting Members present: Aschner, Atack, Balser, Barz, Beasley, Beauchamp, Bodenheimer, Braxton, Calico, Carbone, Carter, Christman, Dawant, Dever, Does, Donaldson, Galloway, Hall, Halpern, Hughes, Hurder, Hyman, Karageorgou, Kovalcheck, Lukehart, March, Moore, Price, Ramey, Rogers, Saff, Schorn, Shields, Skaar, Tansey, Turner, Van Kaer, Walker, Weil, Weintraub, Winder, and Young. Voting Members absent: Benbow, Bradford, Collins (regrets), Conway-Welch, Fischer, Floyd-Thomas (regrets), Fogo (regrets), Gervais, Guthrie, Hudnut-Beumler (regrets), LeBlanc (regrets), Miller, Nanney, Oppenheimer, Peek (regrets), Schwartz (regrets), Smith (regrets), Smrekar, Wait (regrets), Yarbrough (regrets), and Yoder (regrets). Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, Damon, Fife, McNamara, Miller, Paschal, Raiford, Roberts, Stalcup, Sweet, and Wente. Ex Officio Members absent: Bernard, Fortune, McCarty (regrets), Wcislo (regrets), Williams, Wright, and Zeppos (regrets).

The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair Brian Christman. Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of Minutes of November 4, 2010 Chair Christman asked for the minutes of 11/4/10 to be approved. He asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. There were none. The minutes were approved unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of Executive Committee Chair Christman mention some of the issues that the Senate executive committee continues to discuss and work on: 1) e-Discovery document/email privacy issue, 2) working to select a new Process Chair for the grievance process, and 3) working on the Honor Council structure issue through Student Life Committee. He then introduced Vice Chancellor and CFO, Brett Sweet. Next Item on the Agenda – Presentation by Brett Sweet--Vice Chancellor for Finance and CFO Vice Chancellor Sweet talked about the revenue sources across the university. He also showed the FY2011 Expense and Funding budget details. He said that most of the money is spent on people and things (faculty/staff salaries and supplies). He showed the results of the first quarter of FY2011. He showed the endowment returns over the last forty years. He said that next year will be challenging for endowment-dependent areas (FY12). He said that in FY13, we should come “out of the turn.” Vice Chancellor Sweet showed the differences between endowment dependency among schools and colleges. He also showed that Vanderbilt depends less on their endowment than many universities. We have been extremely successful in winning ARRA awards (stimulus awards). But, he said that ARRA funds will begin to taper next year. The bulk of future funding is tied to transportation and energy projects, so it will be challenging for Vanderbilt. He said that NIH budget will be shrinking in real terms, and Vanderbilt gets much of its grant funding from NIH. He said that it’s not the brightest picture in terms of winning NIH awards. He then gave an overview of the federal budget picture. He pointed out that the healthcare picture has to change at the federal level. He ended by saying that we will continue to focus on raising endowment funds, to measure risks, and to make appropriate trade-offs. He then opened the floor for questions. Chair Christman: What about real wages and how that affects the recession? Vice Chancellor Sweet: Most economists just don’t know right now. It is a grand experiment.

Chair-elect Weintraub: Will we see changes in our students’ abilities to afford Vanderbilt? Vice Chancellor Sweet: The student No Loan program has helped us to keep the enrollment level steady. Dean Carolyn Dever: We have seen some issues with international students, but not domestic students. Vice Chair Bobby Bodenheimer: Compare us to peer institutions. Vice Chancellor Sweet: Good news: we weren’t as endowment dependent, so we didn’t need to have draconian budget cuts. And we hadn’t leveraged ourselves like others. We have also kept our cash flow working better than many of our peers. We are in a much better position to recruit faculty than many of our peers because of this. Past Chair Cynthia Paschal: Have we seen a difference on the medical side in terms of patients’ ability to pay? Vice Chancellor Sweet: We haven’t seen the uncompensated care rate rise like we thought we would. Insurers are playing games harder than they used to, though. Chair Christman thanked Vice Chancellor Sweet for his presentation. Next Item on the Agenda – Q&A with Vice Chancellor Jeff Balser Chair Christman introduced Vice Chancellor Balser, and said that he has agreed to answer questions from the Senate. Chair Christman: What’s your vision of the future of the relationship between the Medical Center and University Central? Vice Chancellor Balser: One of our advantages is the ability for us to integrate the medical center with university central. The things that improve quality of care also drop the costs of healthcare. Looking at the whole university, we have started to implement these ideas. We have shared administration and that lets us consolidate and integrate our infrastructure costs (development, PR, etc.). The cost savings is not immediate, but you’re able to bend the growth curve of costs by functioning as one university. Building the Life Sciences/Engineering building is a top priority. We need for the economy to remain stable so that we can do that. I feel optimistic about how we will be positioned in the future relative to our peer institutions. Chair-elect Weintraub: How do we do in competing for nurses in a city where there are many hospitals? Vice Chancellor Balser: We compete favorably. We do many staff surveys, and we know that we perform very well compared to other hospitals. Chair-elect Weintraub: I would imagine that is a good way to keep costs down is to keep your employees happy.

Vice Chancellor Balser: Our turnover rate is about 12.5%. Three or four years ago, it was 15%. How do you interpret that? Is it the economy or job satisfaction? We don’t know exactly, but we do know that it is critical to train and retain our staff members. We track the 18 month retention rate. We have seen our numbers improve via Innovate programs (such as nurses’ residency program). I would love to see us get down to 10% turnover rate. Senator Bridget Rogers: Impact of the 100 Oaks facility on the area seems to be huge. Have the clinics met your expectations? Vice Chancellor Balser: They have exceeded our expectations. It was a grand experiment, and it succeeded. We have found out that we can manage a Vanderbilt Medical Center outpost and it can be successful. From the faculty perspective, we have groups on a waiting list to go out there. From the patient perspective, they have surveys showing that the patient satisfaction is very high for 100 Oaks. Preventative health care is where we want to go—these things have a huge impact on cost as well. Senator Judy Aschner: How will changes to resident duty hour limits affect the Medical Center? Vice Chancellor Balser: This is an important issue to discuss here. The prime directive of resident programs is education not patient care—it is important for the Faculty Senate to know this. We have to maintain the quality of the program. We will not increase faculty numbers to cover this. That wouldn’t meet our mission. I think this issue forces us to be more creative about how we use physician extenders. We will use all healthcare providers to the limit of their licenses. Chair Christman thanked Vice Chancellor Balser for his time. Next Item on the Agenda – New business—Confirmation of new Senate Parliamentarian Chair Christman then thanked Bill Damon for his service as parliamentarian in the fall semester 2010. Chair Christman asked for a voice vote to endorse Senator Kass Kovalcheck as the Senate parliamentarian for the spring semester. He was approved unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Good of the Senate and Adjournment Chair Christman asked for any new business or anything under “good of the senate.” Hearing none, he asked for a motion to adjourn, which was seconded. Meeting adjourned at 5:25pm. Respectfully submitted, Robert E. Bodenheimer, Vice Chair

Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting

March 3, 2011, 4:10 p.m. Frist 140

Call to Order Approval of Minutes of December 2, 2010 Report of the Executive Committee (Brian Christman, Chair of the Faculty Senate) Report of the Chancellor New business Motion to recommend mid-career development programs (Ann Price, Faculty Life chair) Motion to endorse the new degree program in Biostatistics (Eric Skaar, APS chair) Good of the Senate Adjournment Voting Members present: Atack, Balser, Barz, Beasley, Benbow, Bodenheimer, Calico, Christman, Dawant, Dever, Donaldson, Fogo, Hudnut-Beumler, Hughes, Hurder, Kovalcheck, LeBlanc, March, Miller, R., Nanney, Price, Rogers, Sevin, Shields, Skaar, Van Kaer, Walker, Weintraub, Winder, Yarbrough, Yoder, Young, and Zamora. Voting Members absent: Aschner (regrets), Beauchamp (regrets), Bradford, Braxton (regrets), Carbone, Carter, Collins, Conway-Welch (regrets), Does, Fischer (regrets), Floyd-Thomas (regrets), Galloway (regrets), Gervais, Guthrie, Hall, Halpern, Hyman (regrets), Lukehart (regrets), Miller, M (regrets), Moore, Oppenheimer, Peek, Schorn (regrets), Schwartz (regrets), Smith (regrets), Smrekar, Tansey, Turner, Weil (regrets), and Wait. Ex Officio Members present: Fife, Fortune, McCarty, McNamara, Paschal, Roberts, Wcislo, and Zeppos. Ex Officio Members absent: Bandas, Bernard (regrets), Miller (regrets), Raiford, Stalcup (regrets), Sweet, Wente (regrets), Williams, and Wright.

The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair Brian Christman. Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of Minutes of December 2, 2010 Chair Christman asked for any changes to the minutes of the December Senate meeting. Minutes were approved unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Executive Committee Chair Christman said that the Executive Committee continues to meet weekly. He recognized the Senate committee chairs and task force chair. He mentioned the Process for the Approval of New Academic Programs at Vanderbilt University—he said that this document would be up on the Senate website and the document will be a work in progress. He thanked the deans and associate deans for their work on this along with APS chairs Tony Weil, Lynn Ramey, and Eric Skaar. Next Item on the Agenda – New Business: Motion to endorse the new degree program in Biostatistics Dr. Jeffrey Blume gave background on the proposed degree program in Biostatistics. He then opened the floor for questions. Vice Chair Bobby Bodenheimer: Why biostatistics and not just statistics? Professor Blume: There was some discussion about this. We decided that the biostatistics program will be heavier on the methods than the theory. BB: With a Ph.D. in biostatistics, will they be able to publish research? Professor Blume: Yes. Provost Richard McCarty: Is this a normal courseload per semester for graduate students in biostatistics? Professor Blume: This is normal for a biostatistics graduate degree. Senator Benoit Dawant: Will you increase the size of your faculty? Professor Blume: Our goal is to recruit more faculty members over the next several years—probably three or four more faculty members. Chair-elect David Weintraub: How will these students be supported? Professor Blume: Ph.D. students will be fully supported, and Masters students will pay their own way. We are hoping for a training grant for first-year Ph.D. students. Senator Eric Skaar (APS chair) said that the APS committee thought that this was an excellent proposal for a new program. Senator Skaar presented the motion to endorse this degree program. Chair Christman asked for a voice vote to approve. The motion passed unanimously.

Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Chancellor Chair Christman turned the floor over to the Chancellor for his Q&A. Chancellor Zeppos started with the topic of shared governance. He said that the most important thing about university governance is that administrators are faculty members, too. Does the university hire and bring in administrators who are faculty members as well? This is vital. All process should be faculty-driven. He told the Board of Trust that this should be your last search where it is not a faculty-driven process. He said that he is a firm believer that the mission of the university should be front and center of everything we do. Another thing that is really important is deliberation and discussion. Anything we take on academically is through discussion and deliberation by the faculty. He said that he is also promoting more transparency with the numbers and finances. Chancellor Zeppos said that the challenges we face are not insurmountable. He would ask that the faculty to have a more robust dialogue about the bigger picture. He appreciates when faculty members are looking at the bigger picture and not simply acting as a representative of their constituency. He said that faculty members should learn as much as they can about administrative work. He said that it is also important for the staff and faculty to learn more from each other. He mentioned that the Leadership Academy for faculty members will be starting fall 2011. He concluded that the tricky part is bringing all of the groups (faculty, staff, students, alumni, medical professionals, etc.) into the governance model. Chancellor Zeppos then opened the floor for questions. Chair-elect David Weintraub: You have suggested a few times that members of the Board of Trust don’t understand what we do as a faculty. Chancellor Zeppos: I don’t think so. But I think that the media does a disservice to research universities with their sensational stories. Tenure is the most perplexing idea to them, and the media doesn’t help in this regard. Chair-elect Weintraub: Maybe the Board of Trust would benefit from knowing us better. Chancellor Zeppos: I invite faculty to the Board of Trust luncheons. But the Board of Trust doesn’t want to sit around and socialize. Chair-elect Weintraub: I meant working together on things. Chancellor Zeppos: I try to put a trustee on search committees to work with faculty. One thing you have to be careful of is trustee overinvolvement in the running of the university. I look for more opportunities for engagement so that they can add to the value of the university. I’m a big believer in fiduciary responsibilities for Board of Trust members and not anything more. Senator Agnes Fogo: Another model to approach this is to have the faculty engaged in the Board of Trust meetings. I think we could bring better value and perspectives to the Board of Trust. Other institutions have this model.

Chancellor Zeppos: We do that. We pick substantive topics and have faculty members come and present to the Board of Trust. We do this at almost every meeting. I’m a big supporter of educating them on these issues as opinion leaders. Chancellor Zeppos also gave a quick history of the WRVU situation. In the 60s, a free speech issue arose, and Vanderbilt decided to not manage the media to make sure that we wouldn’t have a lawsuit. Vanderbilt Media is now in a separate corporation to insulate the university from liabilities. We don’t own it. And we don’t want to buy it, either. Hearing no further questions, Chair Christman thanked Chancellor Zeppos. Next Item on the Agenda –New Business: Motion to recommend mid-career development programs Chair Christman introduced Senator Ann Price, chair of the Faculty Life committee. She thanked Senator Lillian Nanney (last year’s Faculty Life chair) for beginning the work on this issue. Senator Price gave a background of the work on this motion, and then presented it for a vote. Chair Christman asked for any discussion on this motion. Chair-elect David Weintraub: Where does the expertise come to provide these training opportunities? Senator Price: We have a lot of resources here—Dr. Penn’s office, the Office of Teaching and Learning, etc. It’s a matter of putting it together. Some other institutions have a year-long curriculum in this area. Chancellor Zeppos: We have significantly improved Human Resources with Traci Nordberg here, and she could provide so much help with this. Also, I want to mention the Leadership Academy, and that we will have faculty members teach these topics. Any input you can give us on this project would be greatly appreciated. I also think it’s important that faculty members should be full professors before they take on administrative roles. Chair Christman asked for a voice vote. The motion passed unanimously. Chair Christman thanked Senator Price for her committee’s hard work on this motion. Next Item on the Agenda – Good of the Senate Chair Christman asked for any information for the good of the senate. Hearing none, he asked for a motion to adjourn, which was received and seconded. Next Item on the Agenda – Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 5:29pm.

Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting

April 14, 2011, 4:10 p.m. Frist 140

Call to Order Approval of Minutes of December 2, 2010 Report of the Executive Committee (Brian Christman, Chair of the Faculty Senate) Report of the Chancellor New business Motion to recommend mid-career development programs (Ann Price, Faculty Life chair) Motion to endorse the new degree program in Biostatistics (Eric Skaar, APS chair) Good of the Senate Adjournment Voting Members present: Barz, Beasley, Bodenheimer, Braxton, Calico, Carbone, Christman, Conway-Welch, Dawant, Dever, Does, Fogo, Gervais, Hurder, Kovalcheck, LeBlanc, March, Miller, R., Price, Rogers, Schorn, Sevin, Shields, Smith, Van Kaer, Walker, Yarbrough, Yoder, and Zamora. Voting Members absent: Aschner (regrets), Atack (regrets), Balser (regrets), Beauchamp (regrets), Benbow, Bradford, Carter, Collins, Donaldson (regrets), Fischer (regrets), Floyd-Thomas, Galloway (regrets), Guthrie, Hall (regrets), Halpern, Hudnut-Beumler (regrets), Hughes (regrets), Hyman (regrets), Lukehart (regrets), Miller, M. (regrets), Moore (regrets), Nanney (regrets), Oppenheimer, Peek, Schwartz (regrets), Skaar (regrets), Tansey (regrets), Turner, Weil, Weintraub (regrets), Wait (regrets), Winder, and Young (regrets). Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, Fife, Fortune, McCarty, Paschal, Raiford, Roberts, Wcislo, Wente, and Zeppos. Ex Officio Members absent: Bernard, McNamara (regrets), Miller, Stalcup (regrets), Sweet, Williams, and Wright.

The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair Brian Christman. Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of Minutes of March 3, 2011 Chair Christman asked for any changes to the minutes of the March Senate meeting. Minutes were approved unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Executive Committee Chair Christman gave his report stating that the Executive Committee has talked with the administration about the campus smoking policy, the Abu Dhabi initiative, Honor Council, and tech transfer/OTTED. He said that they represented the Senate at the Spring Faculty Assembly and BOT meeting this month. Also, he reported that we will hold a past chairs and vice chairs luncheon on April 29 to find out from these faculty leaders what important issues are on their minds. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Chancellor Chair Christman then turned the floor over to Chancellor Zeppos. Chancellor Zeppos talked about student mental health issues. He said that we should talk about this topic all of the time—it is of utmost importance. He said that mental health for all students, faculty and staff is one of the issues that he cares most deeply about. He mentioned that in 2006, we worked with the Senate on this issue. There is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. The way we try to deal with this for undergraduates is by prevention and intervention. We take a proactive view in educating the parents and involving the family if we think they need to be involved. All staff members who work with students are trained in spotting mental health issues. He has encouraged every professor to go through this training. He thinks it’s important to know how to help these young people. He said that he puts mental health resources as a top priority in his financial plan. Senator Mavis Schorn: What about part-time students? Chancellor Zeppos: We can look at these gaps. We should be able to help everyone who asks for it. Chancellor Zeppos said that he also visited Abu Dhabi recently. It was his due diligence to find out what the situation was. He said that this has to be something that’s very good for Vanderbilt. If we all say that we can make an impact and we want to do it, then we will. But there is more to come—no decisions have been made yet. He said that faculty hiring this year is outstanding, and that we have superb junior and senior faculty joining the university. He said that we need to support graduate education, and we have put aside $100 million for the graduate education endowment. He said that we want to grow that by another $100 million over the next five years. Chair Christman thanked Chancellor Zeppos for his remarks.

Next Item on the Agenda – Presentation from Traci Nordberg, Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Human Resources Officer Chair Christman introduced Associate Vice Chancellor Nordberg. She said that she views human resources at Vanderbilt as a journey. She said that the mode before was transactional and based on personnel. There is a new mode which is focused more on partnering. Human Resources had a firm do a study to help identify new models for service. Now there is mandate for change, and we are working on it. She said that there is now a new model of how we provide services—we will now have a single point of contact and expert centers. We also needed new infrastructure (key hires, technology, and process improvement). And, lastly, we have a new approach—more coaching, and different language. She showed the new service delivery model. She also mentioned what you can expect from the new HR: relief of administrative burdens, high standards for recruitment support, improved navigation of benefits, clear paths for how to solve problem and reliable turnaround times, and partnership on issues for faculty and staff. She then opened the floor for questions. Senator Paul Yoder: Who is our single point of contact? Associate Vice Chancellor Nordberg: As soon as your group is up and running, you will be notified. Past Chair Cynthia Paschal: Is there an opportunity to provide retirement plan counseling independent of the retirement benefits companies? Associate Vice Chancellor Nordberg: We have heard that the system in place is not meeting the current needs. We are working on this issue right now. Chair Christman thanked Associate Vice Chancellor Nordberg for her presentation. Next Item on the Agenda – Year-end report from Student Life (Mavis Schorn, chair) Chair Christman turned the floor over the Mavis Schorn, chair of the Student Life committee. She went over the charges to her committee from the beginning of the year. She mentioned that they were charged at looking at the honor councils, which actually turned out to be more about the honor system. She said that this charge took up most of their time, so at this point they are still working on this issue. They expect it to carry forward to next year’s committee. She said that she met with Cindy Funk, Director of the Career Center. And the committee met with Susan Barge about the progress of the college halls initiative (Kissam). She opened the floor for any questions or comments. Chancellor Zeppos: We are 95% there in terms of funding for Kissam. We hope to get Board of Trust approval in April. Chair Christman thanked Senator Schorn for the report from the Student Life committee.

Next Item on the Agenda – Guns on campus motion (Executive Committee) Chair Christman then presented the motion from the Executive Committee. He opened the floor for discussion. There was an amendment to revise the wording of the motion slightly by Senator LeBlanc. Senator Smrekar seconded the motion to amend. Amended motion: “We, the Faculty Senate of Vanderbilt University, resolve that we oppose legislation that would alter current policy regarding guns on college campuses in the state of Tennessee. We fully support the resolution of the Faculty Senate of the Knoxville Campus of the University of Tennessee.” Senator Bridget Rogers: Why are we doing this? Chancellor Zeppos: We don’t want the government telling us what to do anymore than they do. Senator Schorn: Does the law track with actual reduction in violence? Chancellor Zeppos: Regardless of the data, do you want to put this on our list of things to worry about? I don’t. Associate Vice Chancellor David Raiford: It is not illegal to have guns in your possession (in your car). We know that they are on the medical side in people’s cars, most likely, but they are not being carried around. There was other discussion about this issue. The question was then called and a vote was taken. Motion carried on a voice vote with one opposed. Next Item on the Agenda – Good of the Senate Chair Christman asked for any information for the good of the senate. Hearing none, he asked for a motion to adjourn, which was received and seconded. Next Item on the Agenda – Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 5:23pm.

Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting May 9, 2011 4:10 p.m.

**note new location: Featheringill Hall 134/Jacobs Believed in Me Auditorium**

Call to Order Approval of Minutes of April 14, 2011 Recognition of Third-Year Senators Report of the Executive Committee Chair Brian Christman Remarks by Chancellor Nicholas Zeppos Elections for Senate Chair-elect and Vice Chair-elect Year-end reports from standing committees New Business Motion from PEAF committee (Chair Terri Donaldson) Presentation from Vice Chancellor Jeff Balser on Technology Transfer Good of the Senate Adjourn (reception to follow) Voting Members present: Aschner, Balser, Barz, Beasley, Bodenheimer, Braxton, Calico, Christman, Donaldson, Fischer, Fogo, Galloway, Gervais, Hall, Halpern, Hudnut-Beumler, Hughes, Hurder, Hyman, Kovalcheck, LeBlanc, March, Miller, M., Miller, R., Nanney, Price, Rogers, Schwartz, Sevin, Skaar, Smith, Turner, Van Kaer, Walker, Yarbrough, Yoder, and Zamora.

Voting Members absent: Atack, Beauchamp (regrets), Benbow, Bradford, Carbone, Carter, Collins, Conway-Welch, Dawant (regrets), Dever (regrets), Does, Floyd-Thomas, Guthrie, Lukehart (regrets), Moore (regrets), Oppenheimer, Peek, Schorn (regrets), Shields (regrets), Smrekar, Tansey, Wait (regrets), Weil (regrets), Winder (regrets), and Young (regrets). Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, McCarty, McNamara, Miller, Paschal, Raiford, Roberts, Wente, and Zeppos. Ex Officio Members absent: Bernard, Fife, Fortune, Stalcup (regrets), Sweet, Wcislo, Williams, and Wright. The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair Brian Christman. Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of Minutes of April 14, 2011 Chair Christman asked for any changes to the minutes of the April Senate meeting. None were put forth. Minutes were approved unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Recognition of Third-Year Senators Third-year senators were recognized by Chancellor Zeppos. Chair Christman also recognized Cynthia Paschal and Jack Roberts’ service with plaques as outgoing past chair and past vice chair. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Executive Committee Chair Christman gave his report stating that the Executive Committee has talked with the administration about coordinating with committee chairs/reviewing potential motions, assisting administration in meetings with students about Middle East initiative, completing work on e-Discovery, and holding a very productive Past Chair-Vice Chair luncheon. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Chancellor Chair Christman then turned the floor over to Chancellor Zeppos. Chancellor Zeppos thanked everyone on the faculty for their devotion and service to the university. He asked for any questions. Hearing none, Chair Christman thanked Chancellor Zeppos for his involvement in the Senate over the last year. Next Item on the Agenda – Elections for Senate Chair-elect and Vice Chair-elect Sal March ran unopposed and was elected as chair-elect. Judy Aschner was elected as vice chair-elect.

Next Item on the Agenda – Year-end reports from standing committees Year-end reports were given from the following committees and task forces: Academic Policies and Services (APS), Faculty Life, Professional Ethics and Academic Freedom (PEAF), Senate Affairs, and the Task Force. All 2010-2011 year-end reports available online ( Next Item on the Agenda – New Business--Motion from PEAF committee (Chair Terri Donaldson) Chair Donaldson gave a history of the motion on changes to the electronic privacy statement in the Faculty Manual, and then presented it to the Senate: “The Faculty Senate commends Chancellor Zeppos, Provost McCarty, Vice-Chancellor for Health Affairs Balser, and the Office of the General Counsel for their serious consideration of the 2009/2010 PEAF Committee’s proposed changes to the Faculty Manual regarding privacy of faculty electronic records. We urge the development of policies and procedures that provide the strongest protections of individual privacy. In cases where legal compulsion or clear violation of University policy necessitate observation of faculty electronic records, said policies and procedures should be constructed so as to carefully limit the scope of investigation and use of results. We look forward to receipt this fall of a response to PEAF’s original proposal and commit to working with VU Administration to finalize relevant revisions to the Faculty Manual and accompanying procedures.” She opened the floor for discussion, but there was none. Chair Christman then asked for a show of hands to pass the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Presentation from Vice Chancellor Jeff Balser on Technology Transfer Chair Christman then turned the floor over to Vice-Chancellor for Health Affairs Jeff Balser for his presentation on Technology Transfer and the new formula for royalties’ revenue. Vice-Chancellor Balser told the Senate about the search process for the new Office of Technology Transfer and Enterprise Development (OTTED). He recognized Senator Eric Skaar for serving on the search committee for the new director, Alan Bentley. He said that we are committed to doubling the size of the OTTED office as soon as possible. He then shared the proposed formula for royalties’ revenue. The new formula takes out the portion for the OTTED office itself, and gives them a regular, fixed budget. The faculty portion will remain the same. The lab share will go away, and the faculty member can decide to share some of their portion with the lab. He then opened the floor for questions.

A question was asked about a deadline for when this would be effective. Vice-Chancellor Balser replied that he hopes to have this start on July 1. Any existing license would fall under the existing rule (except for the OTTED office). A motion was put up for a vote to suspend the rules for voting on this proposal at today’s meeting. The motion to suspend the rules passed unanimously. A concern was shared about having a widespread conversation with the faculty about how this will affect the labs. Provost McCarty answered that this has all been shared with deans. He said that this new policy would only take effect with new licensing, so no current labs would be affected. A motion was presented to approve this new royalties’ revenue formula and change the Faculty Manual going forth. The motion passed unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Good of the Senate Chair Christman asked for any information for the good of the senate. Hearing none, he asked for a motion to adjourn, which was received and seconded. Next Item on the Agenda – Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 5:27pm.

Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting

September 15, 2011, 4:10 p.m. Frist 140

Call to order Approval of the minutes of May 9, 2011 meeting Report of the Executive Committee

Election of Kass Kovalcheck as Parliamentarian

Remarks by Chancellor Nick Zeppos

x Framing the Conversation about International Programs

Discussion of International Programs involving Vanderbilt

x Richard McCarty, Provost, on international programs based in University Central x Robert Dittus, Associate Vice Chancellor for Public Health, on international

programs run out of the Medical Center x Tim McNamara, Vice Provost, on the Abu Dhabi initiative x Open Session for comments and questions

New business Good of the Senate Adjournment to reception (in the Atrium between Frist and Godchaux Halls) Voting Members present: Andrews, Aurbach, Balser, Barth, Barz, Beasley, Benbow, Beauchamp, Brady, Braxton, Calico, Cannon, Carbone, Clark, Dawant, Dever, Does, Donaldson, Gerstle, Gervais, Gigante, Gokhale, Hall, Hudnut-Beumler, Hughes, Hurder, Johnston, Kirshner, March, Miller, Mulvaney, Nanney, Niswender, Powers, Ramanujam, Ramey, Rogers, Smith, Tellinghuisen, Tsinakis, Turner, Van Kaer, Weintraub, Wikswo, Winder, Yarbrough, Yoder, and Zamora. Voting Members absent: Aschner (regrets), Bachorowski (regrets), Bradford, Conway-Welch (regrets), Fogo (regrets), Galloway (regrets), Guthrie, Halpern, Hyman (regrets), Moore, Schwartz (regrets), Skaar (regrets), Tansey, Wait, Wayman, and Wollaeger.

Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, Bodenheimer, Christman, Fife, Fortune, McCarty, McNamara, Sweet, and Zeppos. Ex Officio Members absent: Bernard, Miller, Raiford (regrets), Stalcup (regrets), Wcislo, Wente, Williams, and Wright. The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair David Weintraub. Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of the minutes of May 9, 2011 meeting Chair Weintraub asked for the minutes to be approved. Motion to approve passed unanimously.

Next Item on the Agenda – Election of Kass Kovalcheck as Parliamentarian

Chair Weintraub put forth a motion to have Kass Kovalcheck serve as Parliamentarian for the 2011-2012 academic year. Motion to approve passed unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Executive Committee Chair Weintraub introduced the committees/task forces, and members of the 2011-12 Executive Committee. Chair Weintraub then gave his report: the Executive Committee is meeting weekly, and they have met with the Chancellor and will meet with the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs. He said that they were consulted over the summer about bookstore plans. Also, they were invited to place a member (Senator Tom Schwartz) on the Provostial committee on the Kissam Halls project. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Chancellor Chair Weintraub explained that the usual Q&A will not be done by the Chancellor due to time constraints. He then turned the floor over to the Chancellor. Chancellor Zeppos said that he was happy to frame the discussion on international programs at Vanderbilt. He said the first question he always asks about anything is, “What’s our mission? Why are we doing this?” Universities develop their own policies around international activities. He said that he needs principled advice on international initiatives—our principles should always be at work and they should be tied to our mission.

Next Item on the Agenda – Discussion of International Programs involving Vanderbilt

Chair Weintraub introduced Provost Richard McCarty who gave an overview of Vanderbilt’s international programs in University Central. He said that Vanderbilt currently has a strong presence in Latin America, North America (Canada), Asia/Pacific

(Melbourne, Australia), Europe (Northern Ireland, Netherlands), Africa (South Africa), Middle East (Abu Dhabi). Chair Weintraub then introduced Associate Vice Chancellor Robert Dittus who gave a presentation on global health initiatives that originate from the Medical Center. Chair Weintraub finally introduced Vice Provost Tim McNamara who gave a summary of what is currently happening with the Abu Dhabi initiative (the new school of education in the Emirate). Vice Provost McNamara said that Vanderbilt is currently discussing the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding to cover the exploratory phase. He said that Peabody faculty members also have two grant programs that might be put in place over there. He also gave background and history of this initiative. Vice Provost McNamara outlined the risks: 1) Vanderbilt brand. He said that we won’t be forced to compromise our values over that which we have control over. 2) Focus and capacity: concerned about not wasting faculty effort and administrative bandwidth. 3) Safety of faculty and students. He gave a tentative timeline of activities. He also mentioned other universities and cultural centers that have a presence in Abu Dhabi. Discussion and Questions: A question was asked about the distinction we make between Vanderbilt values and American values—odd that we are pushing international programs when we lowered the requirement for foreign languages. Also, a question was asked about Abu Dhabi’s position on Israel. Vice Provost McNamara: As a research university, we can’t withdraw and we have to engage with people in order to change them. It is true that the UAE doesn’t recognize Israel, but they also have covert relationships that support Israel. It is completely surrounded by Saudi Arabia and it has to be very circumspect about its politics. Ellen Goldring is a Jewish professor who is actively engaged in this Abu Dhabi initiative. She said that the private work is different from the public policy. Chair Weintraub: We are thinking about broad policies here. There was discussion about the foreign language issue, and encouraging the Institute for Second Language Acquisition (Virginia Scott) at the table. A question was asked: How do you guarantee that Vanderbilt values are maintained if this isn’t a Vanderbilt school? Chancellor Zeppos: You have to have the right to exit at any time. That’s how you hold onto your values. I want to build slow, trusting relationships so that I can tell that things

are evolving in the right direction. It should grow incrementally. We should always be able to walk away from it. Vice Provost McNamara: Should this college come into being, we would insist that members of Vanderbilt faculty would serve on the board of this college. There was a comment about how mission of education is important, but we can’t be held responsible for every action by every person/student. There was a question about India: what are Vanderbilt’s plans there? Vice Provost McNamara: Forming the kinds of institutional relationships is difficult in India. I would love to be educated otherwise. We have a new chair of Religious Studies who is keenly interested in forming these relationships. Please give us advice if you have it. Someone brought up the issue about the Africa land grab story in the Guardian. Chair Weintraub said that he’d like to defer the question to another time as this is not the focus of the current discussion. Provost McCarty said that he stands solidly behind our chief investment officer who operates with the highest ethical principles. Chancellor Zeppos said that we are having some wonderful discussions about this, and we’re happy to talk about this. A question was asked about global branding and global initiatives—what are the feedback and the benefits? Vice Provost McNamara: I believe that to compete for resources, we have to have a global presence. If we don’t have this, we will not be a player on the international scene. Our international rankings are lower than our national rankings. This will not be changed overnight, but extending our mission will help us, and will help us improve recruiting and retaining faculty and students. Chancellor Zeppos: We have to think about future generations and our future reputation. The whole locus of the world is shifting. How do we serve so that our successors say that we did think of the new world that is in front of us? Someone raised the issue of mission drift: we want to have the most impact in the communities and countries that we go into. Are we talking about a country like this because of the wealth that will allow us to do it as opposed to a country with less money? We might want to think about redirecting some of the funds that we gain from this initiative into another community with fewer resources (social justice aspect). Chancellor Zeppos: It doesn’t work that way, so we will have no margins or extra money that we would get from this.

Vice Provost McNamara: We have to stay focused on our mission. That is what will guide us. Principles should apply not only to us going somewhere, but also to people who want to come to us. The principles issue is helped by not making a profit. We are not building a building, hiring people, etc.—we are not investing anything other than our time at this point. Chair Weintraub then ended the discussion due to time constraints, and the thanked all of the presenters. Next Item on the Agenda – New business and Good of the Senate Chair Weintraub asked for any new business or information for the good of the senate. Hearing none, he asked for a motion to adjourn, which was received and seconded. Next Item on the Agenda – Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 5:34pm.

Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting

October 13, 2011, 4:10 p.m. Room 161—Nursing Annex**note room change**

Call to order Approval of the minutes of September 15, 2011 meeting Report of the Executive Committee Remarks by Chancellor Nick Zeppos Presentation by Vice Chancellor Doug Christiansen on undergraduate admissions New business Good of the Senate Adjournment Voting Members present: Andrews, Aurbach, Barth, Barz, Beasley, Beauchamp, Brady, Braxton, Calico, Cannon, Carlton, Clark, Dever, Does, Donaldson, Fogo, Gerstle, Gervais, Gigante, Gokhale, Hudnut-Beumler, March, Mulvaney, Nanney, Niswender, Powers, Rogers, Schwartz, Skaar, Tsinakis, Van Kaer, Wayman, Weintraub, Wikswo, Yoder, and Zamora. Voting Members absent: Aschner (regrets), Atack (regrets), Bachorowski (regrets), Balser (regrets), Benbow, Bradford, Carbone, Conway-Welch, Dawant, Galloway (regrets), Guthrie, Hall, Halpern (regrets), Hughes (regrets), Hurder (regrets), Hyman (regrets), Johnston, Kirshner, Miller, Moore (regrets), Ramanujam (regrets), Ramey (regrets), Smith (regrets), Tansey, Tellinghuisen Turner (regrets), Wait (regrets), Winder, Wollaeger, and Yarbrough (regrets).

Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, Bodenheimer, Fife, McCarty, Raiford, Williams, Zeppos. Ex Officio Members absent: Bernard (regrets), Christman (regrets), Fortune, McNamara, Miller, Stalcup, Sweet, Wcislo (regrets), Wente (regrets), and Wright. The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair David Weintraub. Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of the minutes of September 15, 2011 meeting Chair Weintraub asked for these minutes to be approved. Motion to approve passed unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Executive Committee Chair Weintraub then gave the report of the Executive Committee:

1. SPAF (Strategic Planning and Academic Freedom task force) generated suggestions for Provost’s Office for how to increase number and diversity of nominations for faculty awards

2. SPAF subcommittee will be meeting this month with Vice Chancellor Matthew Wright and Provost Richard McCarty to discuss certain investments about which some faculty have expressed concerns

3. Investigated question of unequal and perhaps expensive medical benefits for graduate/professional students, as requested by students and faculty at Owen: all have same plan across university; Vanderbilt graduate/professional students have better plans than peer institutions, but pay more for it

4. Held discussions with university leaders about public release of teaching evaluations of faculty: Executive Committee supports doing so, with some limits (e.g., minimum class size, limited release for faculty in first two years). Provost McCarty and Vice Chancellor Balser will next consult with deans and faculties of individual schools and colleges

5. Responded to a multitude of faculty inquiries (athletics, size of administration, benefits, facilities access)

6. Held discussions about forthcoming roll-out of new methods of reimbursement for business-related expenses (issue in hands of Faculty Life committee

7. Held discussions with university leaders about nondiscrimination policy Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Chancellor Chancellor Zeppos said that there have been a number of articles in The Atlantic Monthly about higher education. He mentioned that one of them had to do with costs of running a university. He said that his philosophy is that money goes to the students and faculty first before administrators. He said that you do need administrative staff to run a university smoothly. He mentioned that the figure that was quoted in the article (1 student for every

62 administrators) needs explanation since they included our medical center staff. He said that these figures are not useful for this reason. Since the university is growing its research enterprise, more administrators are necessary to support this growth. Also clinical enterprise drives it, along with childcare centers, expansion of the police force in 100 Oaks, the Commons, and other necessary staff. He said that he’s not keen on growth in Information Technology—he said that we have a lot of duplication in this area. He said that Human Resources has to grow to support this increase in staff as well. Chair Weintraub thanked Chancellor Zeppos for his remarks. Next Item on the Agenda – Presentation by Vice Chancellor Doug Christiansen on undergraduate admissions Chair Weintraub introduced Vice Provost Doug Christiansen. He gave a presentation on undergraduate admissions: Enrollment Data; Holistic Admissions Process; Application Numbers, The Commons and our Competitors; Freshman Class profile, Expanded Aid Impact and Student Indebtedness; Transfer Class Profile; and Student Life Cycle. He then opened the floor for questions A question was asked about the PAVE Engineering program: how do they compare to the regular student body? Vice Provost Christiansen: Whether they are PAVE students or international students, we look at the same issues (TOEFEL scores, course loads, etc.). We also see the same graduation rates. What is the biggest challenge you will face in the future? Vice Provost Christiansen: Continuing to think about access and affordability, and helping kids to understand the need-blind loan assistance program. Helping our alumni understand that students admitted ten years ago might not be admitted today. Worry about making too many offers of admission. A question was asked regarding GPA comparison on the transfer students—are you comparing the first-year experience of regular admits with first-year that a transfer student comes here, and did you take into account that freshmen courses are easier than sophomore and subsequent year courses? Vice Provost Christiansen: We tried to compare this as much as we could, but we know this isn’t exactly an apples-to-apples comparison. How do you incorporate faculty input into the admissions process? Vice Provost Christiansen: Through faculty focus groups, we asked what they wanted in their student body. We would be open to any discussion regarding “are we meeting your needs?” with faculty members.

Chancellor Zeppos: There has been a dramatic shift since Vice Provost Christiansen arrived at Vanderbilt. It has been an amazing transformation. There was a question about the 8% who don’t graduate—what happens to them? Vice Provost Christiansen: I would say that at least 5-6% of these students are graduating elsewhere. It is a case-by-case scenario of why they don’t graduate with us. We want to get the graduation rate closer to 95% like our peer institutions. Hearing no further questions, Chair Weintraub thanked Vice Provost Christiansen for his presentation. Next Item on the Agenda – New business and Good of the Senate Chair Weintraub asked for any new business or information for the good of the senate. Hearing none, he asked for a motion to adjourn, which was received and seconded. Next Item on the Agenda – Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 5:30pm.

Vanderbilt University

Faculty Senate Meeting November 3, 2011, 4:10 p.m.

140 Frist Hall

Call to order Approval of the minutes of October 13, 2011 meeting Report of the Executive Committee Remarks by Chancellor Nick Zeppos Presentation on Athletics—Vice Chancellor David Williams New business Good of the Senate Adjournment Voting Members present: Andrews, Aschner, Atack, Aurbach, Balser, Barth, Barz, Beasley, Beauchamp, Benbow, Bradford, Brady, Braxton, Calico, Cannon, Carbone, Carlton, Clark Dawant, Does, Donaldson, Fogo, Galloway, Gerstle, Gigante, Guthrie, Halpern, Hundnut-Beumler, Hughes, Hurder, Hyman, Johnston, Kirshner, March Miller, Powers, Ramanujam, Skaar, Smith, Tansey, Turner, Van Kaer, Wayman, Weintraub, Wikswo, Winder, Wollaeger, Yarbrough, Yoder, and Zamora. Voting Members absent: Bachorowski (regrets), Conway-Welch (regrets), Dever (regrets), Gervais (regrets), Gokhale (regrets), Hall (regrets), Moore (regrets), Mulvaney (regrets), Nanney (regrets), Niswender (regrets), Ramey (regrets), Rogers (regrets), Schwartz (regrets), Tellinghuisen (regrets), Tsinakis (regrets), and Wait (regrets).

Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, Bernard, Bodenheimer, Christman, Fife, Fortune, Miller, Raiford, Stalcup, Williams, and Zeppos.

Ex Officio Members absent: McCarty (regrets), McNamara (regrets), Sweet, Wcislo, Wente (regrets), and Wright. The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair David Weintraub. Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of the minutes of October 13, 2011 meeting Chair Weintraub asked for these minutes to be approved. Motion to approve passed unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Executive Committee Chair Weintraub then gave the report of the Executive Committee:

1. Planning for December meeting: presentation on the College Halls/Kissam project (Tom Schwartz, Cynthia Cyrus)

2. Planning for January elected-senators-only meeting: discussion of proposals from Student Life Committee about Honor Councils

3. Planning for February meeting: discussion of proposals from Student Life Committee about Honor Councils

4. Met with Committee Chairs: lots of good work being done 5. SPAF subcommittee met with Vice Chancellor Matthew Wright and Provost

Richard McCarty to discuss certain African investments; we expect a report to the full Senate, based on the SPAF report from that meeting, in December

6. Participated in further discussions with administrative leaders regarding nondiscrimination policy issues; will continue to monitor the situation. For now, we believe the Faculty Senate does not need to be involved beyond what we are already doing.

Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Chancellor Chair Weintraub then turned the floor over to Chancellor Zeppos. He said that he spent time in Washington, D.C. with AAU presidents and chancellors recently. The budget picture that the country is facing is bad, but there is hope for easing the regulations that impose huge costs for the university. He said that he thinks we will get away from effort reporting and more towards results reporting. They are talking about big changes in human subject research towards less regulation as well. He said that both sides of the aisle are talking about preserving research funding, which is a good sign. You can’t cut away at education and research budgets and expect the country to stay innovative. Regarding the nondiscrimination policy, we have been working on this issue for a while. The outside commentators aren’t interested in the nuances of this issue. He said that he

has a lot of faith in our students and they don’t see the same divisions that we do. He also said that he will not compromise on core principles. He added that applications are up, giving is up, and alumni contributions are up. His biggest worry is federal funding. He also commented that the search for a new engineering dean is coming along nicely. Chair Weintraub thanked Chancellor Zeppos for his remarks. Next Item on the Agenda – Presentation by Vice Chancellor David Williams Chair Weintraub then welcomed Vice Chancellor David Williams to give his presentation on athletics. Vice Chancellor Williams gave his presentation including: Academic Topics, Compliance and Reform, Conference Realignment, Our Graduates, Women’s Cross Country. He then asked for any questions. Do you have any comments on the recent Atlantic Monthly article? Vice Chancellor Williams: I’m not in favor of paying athletes. I don’t believe in that. We are giving them an education. I read the article—our athletes are scholar-athletes. It’s not true for Vanderbilt. What can be done about injuries and time lost to travel? Vice Chancellor Williams: I don’t know what you can do to reduce the travel time unless we do away with some of the off-season competition. I think the second thing we can do is to vigorously enforce the 20-hour rule (supervised practice per week). I think the third thing we can do is to be deliberate about keeping the students to these rules. We work hard to reduce the travel, but it is an issue we constantly work at. Athletic spending is going up at a much greater rate than general university spending. Can you talk about our budget? Vice Chancellor Williams: Our budget is stable and much of that is returned to the university via tuition and room & board. We get some money from the NCAA. We have to generate money from ticket sales, etc. We don’t get any more money from the university due to tuition going up. We agree with that—we think more money should come from our performance. We have to manage our budget because coaches want more money. Chancellor Zeppos: The economics of college sports is that there are the haves and have nots—there are very few universities that make money through athletics (U of Texas is

one). There are also proposals to cut football scholarships—I never thought I’d see that. These are real pressures. Tutoring for upper division classes? Vice Chancellor Williams: We use graduate students for tutors usually. We have used people in the community for foreign languages. We have a tuition coordinator that works on this. Presumably some scholar-athletes are academically at-risk. Are we willing to redshirt the freshman for the first year to help them? Vice Chancellor Williams: I am all for that. I wish they would make all freshmen ineligible. But since that isn’t the standard, we would lose the recruit to another university if we did this. We are using our summer school as a way to do this in a sense. Is there anything from preventing need –based athletic scholarships only? Vice Chancellor Williams: It is a recruiting disadvantage, unfortunately. That’s the other side of it. I wish we could do this so that we could spend that money elsewhere. Concern that as the average SAT score in the general population increases, the average SAT scores of student athletes is not keeping up with that increase. Vice Chancellor Williams: This is an issue. We try to address the gap and get the student to the next level. Integrating the athletes into the student body---how is this going? Vice Chancellor Williams: We tell them this is the expectation, and we are doing many things to support this. Hearing no further questions, Chair Weintraub thanked Vice Chancellor Williams for his presentation. Next Item on the Agenda – New business and Good of the Senate Chair Weintraub asked for any new business or information for the good of the senate. Hearing none, he asked for a motion to adjourn, which was received and seconded. Next Item on the Agenda – Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 5:37pm.

Vanderbilt University

Faculty Senate Meeting December 1, 2011, 4:10 p.m.

140 Frist Hall

Call to order Approval of the minutes of November 3, 2011 meeting Report of the Executive Committee Remarks by Chancellor Nick Zeppos Presentation on College Halls—Associate Provost Cynthia Cyrus and Senator Thomas Schwartz Report from Strategic Planning and Academic Freedom Task Force—Senator Dan Beauchamp New business Good of the Senate Adjournment Voting Members present: Aschner, Atack, Barth, Barz, Beauchamp, Brady, Cannon, Carlton, Dawant, Dever, Donaldson, Gigante, Gokhale, Hall, Hughes, Hurder, Johnston, Kirshner, March, Moore, Mulvaney, Nanney, Niswender, Ramey, Rogers, Schwartz, Tellinghuisen, Tsinakis, Van Kaer, Weintraub, Wikswo, Winder, Yoder, and Zamora Voting Members absent: Andrews (regrets), Aurbach (regrets), Bachorowski (regrets), Balser, Beasley (regrets), Benbow, Bradford (regrets), Braxton (regrets), Calico (regrets), Carbone, Clark, Conway-Welch (regrets), Does (regrets), Fogo (regrets), Galloway (regrets), Gervais, Guthrie, Halpern (regrets), Hudnut-Beumler (regrets), Hyman

(regrets), Miller, Powers (regrets), Ramanujam (regrets), Skaar, Smith (regrets), Tansey, Turner, Wait (regrets), Wayman (regrets), Wollaeger, and Yarbrough.

Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, Bodenheimer, Christman, Fortune, Kovalcheck, McCarty, McNamara, Raiford, Sweet, Wcislo, and Zeppos. Ex Officio Members absent: Bernard, Fife (regrets), Miller, Wente (regrets), Williams, and Wright. The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair David Weintraub. Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of the minutes of November 3, 2011 meeting Chair Weintraub asked for these minutes to be approved. Motion to approve passed unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Executive Committee Chair Weintraub gave the report of the Executive Committee:

• Planning for January elected-senators-only meeting: discussion of proposals from Student Life Committee about Honor Councils

• Planning for February meeting: discussion of proposals from Student Life Committee about Honor Councils

• Monthly meeting with Chancellor • Monthly meeting with Provost and VCHA • Negotiated plans for renewed access to Student Rec Center Track • Follow-up to November meeting: EC proposal to Athletics for need-based ‘full

cost of attendance’ athletic scholarships • EC participated in the Academic Programs-Student Affairs Joint Committee

Meeting of the Board of Trust on November 10 • Dec 14 meeting to review on-line implementation of Faculty Manual: • very close to completion of standardization of e-discovery documents (SPAF, VC

for Administration Jerry Fife) Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Chancellor Chair Weintraub turned the floor over to Chancellor Zeppos who took questions. Question about possible protests Chancellor Zeppos: Protest and free speech is part of living in a democracy. I think it’s an important part of what a university is. Question about the armed robbery on campus recently

Chancellor Zeppos: Public dissemination of information is crucial. We have legal obligations to inform the campus community. One Vanderbilt student was arrested. The safety of the community is always top priority—it bothers me that any incident on campus puts people in jeopardy. Appropriate action will be taken against any wrongdoers. Provost McCarty: Installation of security cameras on campus is one good thing that has been done. They are invaluable in solving crimes. Question about negotiations with new engineering dean Provost McCarty: We do not have a new dean yet, but we have a very enthusiastic candidate for dean. We are moving as quickly as we can, and we are finalizing the deal. Question about avoiding improprieties like what happened at Penn State Chancellor Zeppos: We are always looking at what happens at other schools, and trying to learn from their mistakes. We want to make sure we have the best processes here. Chair Weintraub thanked Chancellor Zeppos for his time. Next Item on the Agenda – Presentation on College Halls—Associate Provost Cynthia Cyrus and Senator Thomas Schwartz Chair Weintraub introduced Associate Provost Cynthia Cyrus. She gave a presentation regarding plans for College Halls at Vanderbilt. She also gave an overview of the College Halls Task Force and their meetings over the fall semester 2011. Senator Tom Schwartz also spoke as the representative from the Senate to the Task Force. He gave an overview of his experience and views. He said that he learned that students coming out of the Commons want to live with all 3 years of classes (sophomores, juniors, and seniors). He said that we also need to take the lessons learned from the Commons into this new project. He said that hopes this becomes an attractive option for our students. They opened the floor for questions. Question: Can you give an example of a student contribution to the halls? Associate Provost Cyrus: Things like participating in governance process, running the Ultimate Frisbee Challenge, providing service opportunities, etc. We also talked about “bringing a faculty member” program to connect the faculty with students. Senator Schwartz: It became clear that we couldn’t dictate these contributions, and that the students are part of this process. Question: When will the halls open? Associate Provost Cyrus: Fall 2014

Question: Are you making guidelines specifically about Kissam? Or are they about how the College Halls program will work in general? Associate Provost Cyrus: Both/and. We are looking specifically at Kissam and also about the college halls program in general. Question: Why did you decide to form intentional communities other than letting things form organically? Associate Provost Cyrus: We have living/learning communities and more independent living situations. So, we are trying to create something in between. Senator Schwartz: I felt very strongly that we needed to have student apply to come to the Kissam College Halls. Chancellor Zeppos: The key question will be: as it grows, does it really need an application process? Chair Weintraub: I actually think that this is a big mistake. I am very strongly against most of this. If this is to be a model for the future of residential colleges at Vanderbilt, this will fail. Senator Schwartz: I think you are misreading this totally. Dean Mark Bandas: The structure here reflects our living/learning environments that currently exist. Past Chair Brian Christman: I read it the same way as David Weintraub. Senator Schwartz: We don’t think this will be a big problem. We don’t anticipate doing much of this at all. Dean Mark Bandas: In the living/learning communities, we have a 1% “kickout” rate. So, it’s not very big. Associate Provost Cyrus: We worried about students gaming the system and applying for these dorms and not doing anything. We need an “out” clause. Question: I don’t think that any one of us here can state with certainty how the college halls will be organized. We can try and see what works. Senator Schwartz: We agree and this is how we are looking at this, too. Question: If we are afraid of a 2-page application process, then we are in trouble. I don’t think it’s too much to ask of them. Question: I don’t think it’s a question of being afraid to ask them to write an application of 2 pages, it is more about who you are asking to do this application and the application pool. Senator Schwartz: I think we’ll have a huge demand. Question: Another way to enforce diversity is to have 100% turnover rate each year. Did you consider that? Associate Provost Cyrus: Yes, we did consider that. We decided that we wanted some carryover with students.

Hearing no further questions, Chair Weintraub thanked the presenters and told everyone that the report is out until the last day of fall classe, and they welcome comments. Next Item on the Agenda – Report from Strategic Planning and Academic Freedom Task Force—Senator Dan Beauchamp Senator Dan Beauchamp gave a presentation about his subcommittee that met with Vice Chancellor Matthew Wright regarding Emergent Asset Management (investments in Africa). He mentioned that a copy of the subcommittee report is available to the members at the meeting. He asked for any questions. Question: Do we have any reason to think that the middle class will develop there to buy the food? Senator Beauchamp: According to the Vice Chancellor, the goal is for local sale and not for export. This is based on first-person interaction with Vanderbilt and Emergent. Question: Any numbers of how many people through these investments have been displaced? Senator Beauchamp: I got the impression that no one has been displaced. Hearing no further questions, Chair Weintraub thanked Senator Beauchamp for his presentation. Next Item on the Agenda – New business and Good of the Senate Chair Weintraub asked for any new business or information for the good of the senate. He shared that Vice Chair Greg Barz’s book was published in Sept. 2011. Hearing no other business, he asked for a motion to adjourn, which was received and seconded. Next Item on the Agenda – Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 5:21pm.

Vanderbilt University

Faculty Senate Meeting February 2, 2012, 4:10 p.m.

140 Frist Hall

Call to order Approval of the minutes of December 1, 2011 meeting Report of the Executive Committee Honor System discussion—Senators Vanessa Beasley and Joy Calico, co-chairs, Student Life committee and Past Vice Chair Bobby Bodenheimer Request for change in non-discrimination policy language—Provost Richard McCarty Changes to committee descriptions in Senate Rules of Order—Senator Agnes Fogo, Senate Affairs committee New business Good of the Senate Adjournment Voting Members present: Andrews, Aurbach, Barth, Barz, Beasley, Brady, Braxton, Calico, Cannon, Carlton, Clark, Conway-Welch, Dawant, Dever, Does, Donaldson, Fogo, Gigante, Gokhale, Hughes, Hyman, Johnston, March, Miller, Moore, Morrill,Nanney, Niswender, Ramey, Rogers, Schwartz, Skaar, Tellinghuisen, Tsinakis, Weintraub, Wikswo, Winder, Wollaeger, Yarbrough, Yoder, and Zamora. Voting Members absent: Aschner (regrets), Atack (regrets), Bachorowski, Balser (regrets), Benbow, Bond (regrets), Beauchamp, Bradford, Carbone, Galloway (regrets), Guthrie, Hall (regrets), Halpern, Hudnut-Beumler (regrets), Hurder (regrets), Kirshner,

Mulavaney, Powers (regrets), Ramanujam (regrets), Tansey, Turner, Van Kaer (regrets), Wait (regrets), and Wayman.

Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, Bodenheimer, Fife, Fortune, Kovalcheck, McCarty, McNamara, Raiford, Sweet, Wcislo, Williams, and Zeppos. Ex Officio Members absent: Bernard (regrets), Christman (regrets), Miller, Stalcup, Wente (regrets), and Wright. The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair David Weintraub. Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of the minutes of December 1, 2011 meeting Chair Weintraub asked for these minutes to be approved. Motion to approve passed unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Executive Committee Chair Weintraub gave the report of the Executive Committee:

• Regular monthly meetings with Chancellor, with Provost/VCHA, with Senate Committee Chairs

• Planning for Senate Office space during/after Alumni Hall remodel • Planning for Abby Stewart (guest of Senate) visit in April • Consultative Committee met (nominees for awards, university standing

committees) • Smoke Free Campus: end of cigarette sales in Munchie Marts, 2012 • On-line implementation of Faculty Manual

Next Item on the Agenda – Honor System discussion—Senators Vanessa Beasley and Joy Calico, co-chairs, Student Life committee and Past Vice Chair Bobby Bodenheimer Chair Weintraub then turned the floor over to Senators Vanessa Beasley, Joy Calico and Past Vice Chair Bobby Bodenheimer who gave their presentation from the Student Life committee on the Honor System report. They first gave a history of the charge. They listed questions that they asked about the Honor System. They said that the purpose of today’s meeting is to promote an open discussion of the Honor System, and we are also focused on the implementation of the report (how will the recommendations be carried out? Who is responsible for each one?), and the assessment of the outcome of the report (How will we know things are better?). They reviewed the nomenclature concerning the Honor System, and they went over their methods. The recommendations fall into three areas: 1) information: raising awareness of the Honor System, 2) engagement: addressing faculty concerns, 3) process improvements: fixes and tweaks. They also mentioned opportunities for engagement for faculty members (task forces, committees).

Then, they opened the floor for discussion and comments. Question: Why there are separate task forces? Senator Beasley: We tried to be thoughtful regarding the stakeholders in these different issues, and we saw a separation between programmatic issues and faculty autonomy issues, for example. Past Vice Chair Bodenheimer: We are open to the criticism that we “kicked the can down the road,” but we didn’t want to be prescriptive about the solutions without input from the students. Senator Beasley: You will have more time to look at this report, and there will be a vote at the March meeting to accept the report. There will be a second vote to make this report public, also at the March meeting. Provost McCarty: You have done a great service to the Faculty Senate and the university. You have tackled a very tough issue with compassion and thoughtfulness. The role that the Senate plays in this cannot be understated. We need the support and active involvement of faculty. If we don’t get this, we will have an honor system in name only. We have to try to get to a point where we have a clean slate and start to have a system that we can be proud of. You have provided a wonderful roadmap for us to follow. I promise you that I and my colleagues in the Provost’s office will work on this carefully and collaboratively with the Senate. Chair Weintraub: The Senate does expect the various tasked people to follow up on these recommendations. Past Vice Chair Bodenheimer: The Senate is also tasked with following up on these recommendations in two years. Question: If faculty are not using the honor system and part of it has to do with believing that they have little say in the outcome, then how is this going to encourage the faculty to use the honor system? Professor Charlie Brau: The faculty do have voting rights in some cases. So, we have broken through that barrier in some small ways. Question: So is my assumption wrong? Senator Beasley: There are multiple assumptions and multiple answers to this. There are ways for the faculty to be involved (i.e. faculty observer role). But there is also difficulty in finding faculty to fulfill these roles. We would like to echo the clean slate approach that the Provost mentioned. Chair Weintraub: What we’re asking is to negotiate the level that the faculty is involved since they are already involved in it to some degree. Provost McCarty: There are also other levels of faculty involvement—such as closing the loop for communication with faculty who participate in the honor council and also having

the undergraduate honor council report to the Associate Provost. I think this is a better way to go, in my mind. Question: Is there an inequality to the degree that the faculty has access to the Honor System versus the student’s access to the Honor System? For example, the way a faculty member can’t provide a rebuttal. Past Vice Chair Bodenheimer: Outside of the law school, the system is designed to be non-adversarial. What happens is that a faculty member presents their evidence and then the student can respond. Then the council makes their decision. Comment: Instead of “rebuttal,” I should have used a less adversarial word. Question: Can you speak to issues about Appellate Review Board and lack of communication with faculty members. Senator Beasley: In recommendation #1, we said that we need guidance for faculty going through this process as well as the students (who already have guidance/advisors during this process). Provost McCarty: I think that this is one of the shortcomings that they have addressed in this report. Question: Who would implement the database for faculty reporting violations that don’t go to the Honor Council? I think that’s a great idea and will get more faculty members involved. Past Vice Chair Bodenheimer: The Provost is responsible for that. Coming up with some best practices for that will be very helpful. Chair Weintraub thanked all of them for their hard work. Next Item on the Agenda – Request for change in non-discrimination policy language—Provost Richard McCarty Chair Weintraub turned the floor over to Provost Richard McCarty who is asking the Senate to approve a change in the Faculty Manual. This change will be voted on at the next Senate meeting in March. Provost McCarty gave a presentation on the issue of changing the Faculty Manual to reflect the correct version of the nondiscrimination policy. He said that this is necessary to have all the university documents match (Student Handbook, Faculty Manual, and Human Resources policy). Chancellor Zeppos: It is clear that there is confusion about this policy the way that it’s written in the Faculty Manual. I feel strongly about the principle of nondiscrimination.

Q: Question about fraternities and sororities discriminating? Chancellor Zeppos: There is a statutory exception that deals with the Greek system. Chair Weintraub said that he is forming an ad hoc committee to discuss the proposed change so that we can hear from all faculty voices. The committee will be chaired by Chair-elect Sal March. Chair Weintraub thanked Provost McCarty for his presentation. Next Item on the Agenda – Changes to committee descriptions in Senate Rules of Order—Senator Agnes Fogo, Senate Affairs committee Chair Weintraub turned the floor over to Senator Agnes Fogo, chair of the Senate Affairs committee. Senator Fogo gave the background for this motion to change the committee descriptions in the Senate Rules of Order. She then asked for any questions. Question: Which staff councils would be contacted by Senate Affairs on a yearly basis? Senator Fogo: We are thinking of the University Staff Council, but we are willing to meet with other staff councils if they want to reach out to us. Hearing no other questions, Chair Weintraub thanked her for her presentation and reminded everyone that the vote on this change would take place at the next Senate meeting in March. Next Item on the Agenda – New business and Good of the Senate Chair Weintraub asked for any new business or information for the good of the senate. Hearing no other business, he asked for a motion to adjourn, which was received and seconded. Next Item on the Agenda – Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 5:25pm.

Vanderbilt University

Faculty Senate Meeting March 1, 2012, 4:10 p.m.

140 Frist Hall

Call to order Approval of the minutes of February 2, 2012 meeting Report of the Executive Committee Remarks by Chancellor Nick Zeppos New business Motion to accept the Honor System report from the Student Life committee— Senators Vanessa Beasley and Joy Calico, Student Life committee Motion to approve the changes to committee descriptions in Senate Rules of Order—Senator Agnes Fogo, Senate Affairs committee Motion to approve changes to the Faculty Manual regarding disciplinary action section—Senator Agnes Fogo, Senate Affairs committee Motion to approve changes to non-discrimination policy in Faculty Manual— Executive Committee Good of the Senate Adjournment Voting Members present: Andrews, Atack, Aurbach, Balser, Beasley, Beauchamp, Benbow, Bradford, Cannon, Carbone, Carlton, Clark, Dawant, Dever, Does, Donaldson, Fogo, Gokhale, Guthrie, Hall, Hudnut-Beumler, Hughes, Hurder, March, Moore, Morrill, Nanney, Powers, Ramanujam, Ramey, Rogers, Schwartz, Skaar, Tellinghuisen, Turner,

Van Kaer, Wait, Wayman, Weintraub, Winder, Wollaeger, Yarbrough, Yoder, and Zamora. Voting Members absent: Aschner (regrets), Bachorowski (regrets), Barth (regrets), Bond, Barz (regrets), Brady, Braxton (regrets), Calico (regrets), Conway-Welch (regrets), Galloway (regrets), Gigante, Halpern, Hyman (regrets), Johnston (regrets), Kirshner, Miller, Mulvaney (regrets), Niswender, Tansey, Tsinakis (regrets), and Wikswo (regrets).

Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, Bodenheimer, Christman, Fife, Fortune, Kovalcheck, McCarty, McNamara, Raiford, Sweet, Williams, and Zeppos. Ex Officio Members absent: Bernard, Miller, Stalcup (regrets), Wcislo, Wente (regrets), and Wright. The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair David Weintraub. Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of the minutes of February 2, 2012 meeting Chair Weintraub asked for these minutes to be approved. Motion to approve passed unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Executive Committee Chair Weintraub gave the report of the Executive Committee:

x Regular monthly meetings with Chancellor, with Provost/VCHA, with Senate Committee Chairs

x Planning for Abby Stewart (guest of Senate) visit April 12-13, 2012 Next Item on the Agenda – Remarks by Chancellor Nick Zeppos Chancellor Zeppos said that he continues to be impressed by the faculty here, and by our environment of collegiality and civility. Our general feeling in the community has an impact on our recruitment and retention. He told two stories about faculty recruiting that went well—everyone was welcoming to them on their visit. He commends the faculty for all their great work. He asked for any questions. Hearing none, he thanked the Senate for the opportunity to speak. Next Item on the Agenda – New business: Motion to accept the Honor System report from the Student Life committee Chair Weintraub asked for any further discussion on the motion that was presented at the February Senate meeting. He said that the Student Life committee chairs are scheduling a meeting with student leaders to discuss this report and its recommendations. Hearing no other discussion, he asked for a vote on the motion.

Motion approved unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – New business: Motion to approve the changes to committee descriptions in Senate Rules of Order Chair Weintraub asked for any further discussion on the motion that was presented at the February Senate meeting. Hearing none, he asked for a vote on the motion. Motion approved unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – New business: Motion to approve changes to the Faculty Manual regarding disciplinary action section Chair Weintraub asked for any discussion on this motion. Hearing none, he asked for a vote on the motion. Motion approved unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Motion to approve changes to non-discrimination policy in Faculty Manual Chair Weintraub turned the floor over to Chair-elect Sal March who gave a history of his ad hoc task force’s work in looking into the non-discrimination policy changes to the Faculty Manual. Chair Weintraub said that a Senate committee will be charged next year to talk about the issues of academic freedom that this task force raised. He then opened the floor for questions. Question: Why is the wording, “In addition..” included in this policy? Answer: Federal law governs the first half of the policy, and the second half is what Vanderbilt does to go above and beyond the federal guidelines. Chair Weintraub then called for a motion to approve these changes to the Faculty Manual presented by Provost Richard McCarty at the February Senate Meeting. Motion approved. Chancellor Zeppos: One concern I have about this issue—I really cherish academic freedom. Our current academic freedom statement recognizes this. I get nervous about carve-out areas. I think you might send negative signals out about the university if we do something like this. This is an important issue, and I’m fine with looking at it. Let’s recognize more broadly the scope of our freedoms.

Chair Weintraub also said that the Senate Executive Committee is concerned with future changes to the Faculty Manual to reflect current policy. He suggests that instead of having policy in the document itself, we should have a pointer to the current policy on the Human Resources website. Provost McCarty: We should also wait until we know the outcome of our affirmation process for the student group; we should know the outcome in April of this year. Chancellor Zeppos: Let’s see how it plays out; jumping into studying it immediately could be problematic. Giving us a chance to go through the affirmation process this year might be helpful. There could be a reasonable case made that the Senate should wait a year at least to see how the policy affects our culture before studying the issue. Comment: I would be concerned not only with implications for outside issues, but also for setting a precedent for these student groups. I would feel strongly that we should all abide by this statement. Dean James Hudnut-Beumler: I hope we won’t change this statement, but instead we should look at the academic freedom section. I think it looks like a loophole where it is currently proposed. I would hope that the effort to look at academic freedom will help make us more robust in our upholding of this policy in face of the off-campus pressure. Vice Chancellor David Williams: There can be no exception to the nondiscrimination policy since it is federal law. Academic freedom cannot trump nondiscrimination policy. Chancellor Zeppos: Let’s have the best section in the Faculty Manual on academic freedom in the country. Question: Is it in the Senate’s purview to have this conversation about student groups? Chair Weintraub: We felt for most of the year that it was mostly a student issue until the issue of changing the Faculty Manual came up—then it became our issue. You all can decide as a Senate how we can take this up from here on out. There has been an issue of faculty members signing the affirmation statement. The concern was that, in signing this form, the faculty member was saying that s/he believe all of this. But the faculty member’s role is to abide by these rules, not to believe them. Chancellor Zeppos: When I look at other issues questioning the core value of what we do, there are more pressing issues than this one. Chair Weintraub thanked everyone for their comments and discussion on this issue. Next Item on the Agenda – Good of the Senate

Chair Weintraub asked for any news under good of the Senate. Hearing none, he called for an adjournment. Next Item on the Agenda – Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 5:15pm.

Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting

April 12, 2012, 4:10 p.m. 140 Frist Hall

Call to order Approval of the minutes of March 1, 2012 meeting Report of the Executive Committee Remarks by Chancellor Nick Zeppos Brief presentation by Professor Abigail Stewart, Professor of Psychology and Women’s Studies and Director of University of Michigan’s ADVANCE Program at the Institute for Research on Women and Gender New business Report and motion from the Student Alcohol and Prescription Drug Task Force— Senator Mary Yarbrough, chair Report and motion from the Academic Programs and Services Committee— Senator Eric Skaar, chair Good of the Senate Adjournment Voting Members present: Aschner, Atack, Balser, Bond, Barz, Beasley, Beauchamp, Brady, Calico, Cannon, Carbone, Carlton, Dawant, Dever, Does, Fogo, Hurder, Hyman, March Miller, Morrill, Mulvaney, Ramanujam, Ramey, Rogers, Schwartz, Skaar, Tellinghuisen, Tsinakis, Van Kaer, Wikswo, Winder, Wollaeger, Yarbrough, and Zamora. Voting Members absent: Andrews, Aurbach, Bachorowski, Barth (regrets), Benbow, Braxton (regrets), Clark, Conway-Welch (regrets), Donaldson (regrets), Galloway

(regrets), Gigante, Gokhale (regrets), Guthrie (regrets), Hall (regrets), Halpern (regrets), Hudnut-Beumler (regrets), Hughes (regrets), Johnston (regrets), Kirshner, Moore (regrets), Nanney, Niswender, Powers (regrets), Tansey, Turner, Wait (regrets), Wayman, Weintraub (regrets), and Yoder.

Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, Bodenheimer, Fife, McCarty, McNamara, Raiford, Stalcup, Wcislo, and Zeppos. Ex Officio Members absent: Bernard (regrets), Christman (regrets), Fortune, Kovalcheck (regrets), Miller, Sweet, Wente (regrets), Williams, and Wright. The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Vice Chair Greg Barz. Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of the minutes of March 1, 2012 meeting Vice Chair Barz asked for these minutes to be approved. Motion to approve passed unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Executive Committee Vice Chair Barz gave the report of the Executive Committee, which was that the committee is meeting monthly with senior administrators, and also working on a variety of ongoing issues. Next Item on the Agenda – Remarks by Chancellor Nick Zeppos and presentation by Vice Chancellor Jeff Balser Vice Chair Barz then turned the floor over to Chancellor Zeppos. Chancellor Zeppos said that commencement is just around the corner. He added that while we may disagree about issues, he encourages open and productive dialogue. He mentioned the Leadership Academy for faculty members. He said that we have invested a fair amount in talent development. Our university will stand or fall on the quality of our leaders. He said that there will be a very low tuition increase this year. He then asked for any questions. Question: Outside pressures on faculty Chancellor Zeppos: We always get outside pressure, but I think we’re doing fine. I think there is an effort by small groups of people to pressure universities in general. We treasure our independence as a private university. Vice Chancellor Balser than gave a presentation on tuition benefits for dependents of Vanderbilt faculty and staff. He talked about the history of the issue. The option to do nothing wasn’t an option—we had to think about what would be the best way to handle this without hurting ourselves and keeping our ability to recruit and retain the best.

He said that this change is only for the faculty and staff that we will hire after 9/1/12. He said that we feel that we still have one of the strongest tuition benefit plans in the country. Comment: Need to clarify this information with staff, especially in Medical Center Vice Chancellor Balser: We will continue to work on communication on this issue. Human Resources Chief Traci Nordberg: There has been a change for nursing staff tuition, but not for the dependent tuition benefit. Question: Proportion of the operating budget? Vice Chancellor Balser: It will take a larger percentage of the budget as we go along, and it will be nonsustainable. Chancellor Zeppos: Also, we can’t put this in our indirect costs or fringe rate. Human Resources Chief Nordberg: We won’t see a reduction of costs for about 10-15 years since we are allowing everyone who currently works here to stay at the same level. Next Item on the Agenda – Brief presentation by Professor Abigail Stewart, Professor of Psychology and Women’s Studies and Director of University of Michigan’s ADVANCE Program at the Institute for Research on Women and Gender Vice Chair Barz introduced Professor Stewart. She gave an overview of her speech on Friday, April 13. She spoke about the ADVANCE program and its impact on universities with regards to diversity issues. She gave examples of what her program has accomplished over the past few years. Next Item on the Agenda – New business: Report and motion from the Student Alcohol and Prescription Drug Task Force, Senator Mary Yarbrough, chair Vice Chair Barz then introduced Senator Mary Yarbrough who gave an overview of the report from her task force. Vice Chair Barz explained that the motion to accept the report from the task force will be voted on at the May meeting. Question: Assessment question—it’s a big problem, but how do we assess this? Senator Yarbrough: We tried to find out what the best practices are. We won’t solve the problem overnight, but we have to start somewhere. Question about the disciplinary actions regarding drinking alcohol. Senator Yarbrough: We have a process in place to deal with these issues. But these are the small tip of the iceberg. Chancellor Zeppos: We are trying to change culture and norms. I think this is one of the most important issues that we will ever address—students’ health and wellness, especially mental health.

Question: The Commons—has that had an effect on drinking? Senator Yarbrough: I’m not sure—it should. I don’t think there has been a study. The reason that students say that they drink is because they need the social lubrication for their anxiety. Comment: The issue of normal drinking being illegal (21 drinking age) Senator Yarbrough: We’re not approaching this by saying what should be legal, we approached this as “what can we do within the legal limits that we have?” Dean Mark Bandas: Conduct incidents have gone down since the opening of The Commons. Extreme drinking has not declined. I think we have had more students in the ED this year than ever before. Vice Chair Barz thanked Senator Yarbrough for her task force’s very thorough report. Next Item on the Agenda – New business: Report and motion from the Academic Programs and Services Committee, Senator Eric Skaar, chair Vice Chair Barz tabled this report and motion until the next meeting due to lack of time for presentation and discussion. Next Item on the Agenda – Good of the Senate Vice Chair Barz asked for any news under good of the Senate. Hearing none, he called for an adjournment. Next Item on the Agenda – Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 5:20pm.

Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting May 7, 2012, 4:10 p.m.

134 Featheringill Hall/Jacobs Believed in Me Auditorium

Call to Order Approval of Minutes of April 12, 2012 Recognition of Third-Year Senators Report of the Executive Committee Chair David Weintraub Remarks from Provost Richard McCarty Elections for Senate Chair-elect and Vice Chair-elect (Links to candidates’ statements and CVs here: Year-end reports from standing committees (Please read in advance of the meeting--link to final reports here: New Business Motion to accept the report from the Student Alcohol and Prescription Drug Task Force—Senator Mary Yarbrough, chair Report from the Academic Programs and Services Committee—Senator Eric Skaar, chair Good of the Senate Adjourn (reception to follow) Voting Members present: Aschner, Aurbach, Barth, Bond, Barz, Beasley, Bradford, Brady, Calico, Carlton, Dawant, Dever, Donaldson, Gigante, Gokhale, Hudnut-Beumler, Hughes, Hurder, Hyman, Johnston, Kirshner, March, Miller, Moore, Mulvaney, Nanney, Niswender, Powers, Ramanujam, Rogers, Tellinghusien, Van Kaer, Wayman, Weintraub, Wikswo, Yarbrough, Yoder, and Zamora. Voting Members absent: Andrews (regrets), Atack (regrets), Bachorowski (regrets), Beauchamp (regrets), Braxton (regrets), Cannon (regrets), Carbone (regrets), Clark (regrets), Does (regrets), Fogo (regrets), Halpern (regrets), Morrill (regrets), Ramey (regrets), Schwartz (regrets), Tansey (regrets), Tsinakis (regrets), Turner (regrets), Winder (regrets), and Wollaeger.

Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, Bodenheimer, Christman, Fife, Kovalcheck, McCarty, McNamara, Raiford, and Wente. Ex Officio Members absent: Bernard (regrets), Fortune (regrets), Miller (regrets), Stalcup (regrets), Sweet, Wcislo (regrets), Williams,Wright, and Zeppos (regrets). The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair David Weintraub. Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of Minutes of April 12, 2012 Minutes of April 12, 2012 meeting were approved. Next Item on the Agenda – Recognition of Third-Year Senators Chair Weintraub and Provost Richard McCarty recognized all third-year senators with certificates and thanked them for their terms on the Senate. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Executive Committee Chair Weintraub thanked the outgoing committee and task force chairs. He mentioned highlights of the Senate’s work over the past year including Professor Abby Stewart’s visit; ongoing dialogue with the Chancellor, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs; new Senate office space in Sarratt Student Center; new non-discrimination policy in the Faculty Manual; the Honor System report; and the new process for archiving the Faculty Manual annually. Next Item on the Agenda – Remarks by Provost Richard McCarty Provost McCarty gave a report on the Board of Trust meeting in April. They approved the tuition increase (1.9%) for undergraduate education. This will require a focus on costs. This is the lowest increase among our sister universities. Some buildings were also approved—the Medical Center plaza project will start soon. He also spoke about the nondiscrimination issue and said that there was a major effort to review the applications for all student groups for next academic year. 424 organizations have been approved, which is more than we had last year. This has created a lot of media coverage, but we will continue to reach out to all student organizations. We have not kicked anyone off campus. Mark Bandas and Pat Helland have done an incredible job working through this issue. Gov. Haslam vetoed a bill that was passed by the Assembly that would have singled out Vanderbilt for some harsh measures next year. We are very fortunate that the governor vetoed this misguided legislation. We hope to continue engaging the members of the General Assembly and educate them about our nondiscrimination policy.

He said that we are in receipt of a second letter from the Prayer Caucus of the US House of Representatives. They are concerned about the harsh treatment of Christians on our campus. We are drafting a response and hope to invite them to visit us. He said that two of our colleagues have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences—Randolph Blake and Larry Bartels. He also announced that he has decided to make a change in the leadership of the Psychological and Counseling Center. He said that Cathy Fuchs will be the new director of the PCC. She will take over on August 1, 2012. He hopes that the Senate will invite Cathy to give an update on her initiatives at the PCC sometime next year. He said that we are moving to put in competitive salaries for our professional staff, and to have them working for Vanderbilt full-time. We want to support the work that they do with our students. He said that he is also proud of the report from the Student Alcohol and Prescription Drug task force. He then opened the floor for questions. Question: Question about all-comers policy. I think we should emphasize the term “nondiscrimination” and not the term “all-comers.” Provost McCarty: That is language taken from a 2010 Supreme Court case. What we have been doing is saying that if you are a student in good-standing at Vanderbilt, you should be able to join any group. And if you are a member of the group, you should be able to run for office. Question: Salary raise—low tuition raise=flat salaries? Provost McCarty: They will not be flat—the average salary increase will be 2% for faculty and staff. We won’t make enough to cover this, but we will dig into the piggy bank for it. Chair Weintraub thanked Provost McCarty for his time. Next Item on the Agenda – Elections for Senate Chair-elect and Vice Chair-elect Elections were carried out and Donald Brady was elected Chair-elect while Jeffrey Johnston was elected Vice Chair-elect. Next Item on the Agenda – Year-end reports from standing committees Chair Weintraub noted that the committees’ year-end reports were available on the Senate website at: Next Item on the Agenda – New Business Motion to accept the report from the Student Alcohol and Prescription Drug Task Force—Senator Mary Yarbrough, chair

Chair Weintraub presented a motion to accept the report from the Student Alcohol and Prescription Drug Task Force that was presented by Senator Mary Yarbrough at the April Senate meeting. Motion passed unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Report from the Academic Programs and Services Committee—Senator Eric Skaar, chair Chair Weintraub then recognized Senator Eric Skaar who presented recommendations from APS regarding follow-up on the Graduate Education Task Force report, which his committee had been charged to do. After meeting with many administrators across campus, here is their list of recommendations for the Executive Committee to follow-up on: 1. The selection process for recipients of “topping off awards” should be reconsidered. Specifically, more control should be given to the individual schools to select the recipients of these awards. 2. Support should be provided for the submission of training grants and fellowships. In light of the increasing demands on faculty time, and the decreased funding rate associated with training grant and fellowship applications, faculty should be given incentives and support to apply for these types of awards. 3. Career development support should be increased across campus including the creation of handbooks with sample job hunt materials and the addition of one FTE focused on career development to the BRET office. Chair Weintraub thanked APS for all their work on this important issue. Next Item on the Agenda – Good of the Senate Chair Weintraub asked for any news under good of the Senate. Hearing none, he asked for a motion to adjourn. Next Item on the Agenda – Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 5:30pm.

Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting

September 13, 2013, 4:10 p.m. Frist 140

Call to order Approval of the minutes of May 7, 2012 Report of the Executive Committee Remarks by the Chancellor New business

a. Motions from the Executive Committee 1) Motion to appoint Alex Hurder as Faculty Senate Parliamentarian 2) Motion to appoint Doug Perkins as Vanderbilt representative to the Coalition

on Intercollegiate Athletics (COIA) b. Motions from the Provost’s Office to Amend the Faculty Manual

1) Addition of Title: Principal Senior Lecturer 2) Summer Pay Exception 3) Tuition Benefit

c. Background Check Policy: Presentation by Timothy McNamara, Vice Provost for Faculty and International Affairs and David Raiford, Associate Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs

Good of the Senate Adjournment Voting Members present: Anderson, Baker, Balser, Brady, Braxton, Cannon, Clark, Enterline, Fauchet, Fogo, Gervais, Gokhale, Guelcher, Hall, Harrington, Hemingway, Hornberger, Hudnut-Beumler, Huffman, Hurder, Johnson, Johnston, Karageorgou, Kirshner, Lim, Lind, March, Morrill, Mulvaney, Niswender, Rohde, Schoenfield, Skaar, Smrekar, Southard-Smith, Tarpley, Tellinghuisen, Turner, Watters, Wayman, Wehby, Wikswo, Winder, Yarbrough. Voting Members absent: Aschner (regrets), Atack (regrets), Barth (regrets), Benbow, Bond (regrets), Bradford, Calico (regrets), Conway-Welch, Dayan, Dever (regrets), Dow, Fountain (regrets), Gigante, Guthrie, Hughes (regrets), Hyman, Moore, Nanney (regrets), Powers (regrets), Ramanujam (regrets), Schwartz (regrets), Tansey, Tsinakis (regrets), and Wait (regrets).

Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, Barz, Fife, McCarty, McNamara, Raiford, Sweet, Wcislo, Weintraub, and Zeppos. Ex Officio Members absent: Bernard, Fortune, Miller, Stalcup, Wente (regrets), Williams, and Wright. The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair Sal March. Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of Minutes of May 7, 2012 Minutes of May 7, 2012 meeting were approved. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Executive Committee Chair March introduced the new Executive Committee members. He also thanked the chairs of the Senate committees and task force. Next Item on the Agenda – Remarks by Chancellor Nick Zeppos Chancellor Zeppos said that campus safety is of utmost importance to him. He mentioned Chief August Washington as someone who is in charge of this issue every day. Striking the balance of safety and community is very important. Chancellor Zeppos said that he meets with Vice Chancellor Jerry Fife, Dean Mark Bandas and others regularly to talk about campus safety. Security alerts: We do send out alerts via email, texts, etc. There are two types of alerts that we are obliged to send out (to be in compliance with Clery Act). There are mandatory reporting requirements about incidents that could endanger the community. Then, we also make a yearly report on our crime statistics to the federal government as part of this requirement. We also have requirements for emergency mass notifications (tornadoes, other bad weather, active shooter on campus, viral outbreak at hospital, etc.). 17,000 people have signed up for the text messaging service, and we are always looking for more people to opt in. There are also security notices (armed robbery, sexual assault on campus, etc.) that we are mandated to send out, as well. We send these security notices out via email. He said that he tends to be conservative on compliance issues, and errs on the side of notifications. He also mentioned that Vice Chancellor Fife is working on an FAQ on this issue. He also mentioned background check issue, and said that it was brought about in part by the Penn State issue. He mentioned that the vulnerable populations on campus are a special consideration for us. We are working hard to figure out what risks we have as a university in this area. We do recognize the privacy and the good history of people who work at Vanderbilt. He said that he thinks the federal government will probably require this soon, and we need to be ahead of this issue. One of the issues is “what do we do

with this information that we gather?” He said that everyone’s insights and contributions will be valuable as they go through this process. Chair March thanked Chancellor Zeppos for his remarks. Next Item on the Agenda – New Business New business

d. Motions from the Executive Committee 3) Motion to appoint Alex Hurder as Faculty Senate Parliamentarian: Chair

March presented this motion. Motion is approved on a voice vote. 4) Motion to appoint Doug Perkins as Vanderbilt representative to the Coalition

on Intercollegiate Athletics (COIA): Chair March presented this motion. Past Chair David Weintraub gave background on this position. Motion is approved on a voice vote.

e. Motions from the Provost’s Office to Amend the Faculty Manual 1) Addition of Title: Principal Senior Lecturer: Chair March presented this

motion. He gave the background on this motion—it is to be able to offer a longer contract term to a lecturer. Question: is the length of contract the only difference? Answer: yes. Richard McCarty: it also makes the lecturer track parallel with the tenure track. Motion passes.

2) Summer Pay Exception: Chair March presented this motion. He gave the background on this issue. David Weintraub explained that this would not affect extramural funding. Motion passes.

3) Tuition Benefit: Chair March presented this motion. He gave the background on this issue. Question: How much money will we save? Jeff Balser: It is substantial. David Weintraub: We are not debating the policy today, but we are making the Faculty Manual consistent. Motion passes.

f. Background Check Policy: Presentation by Timothy McNamara, Vice Provost for Faculty and International Affairs and David Raiford, Associate Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs

Associate Vice Chancellor Raiford and Vice Provost McNamara presented on the background check policy. Chair March said that we expect this to be an ongoing discussion. Associate Vice Chancellor Raiford said that he thinks that everyone understands that campus safety has skyrocketed as a major issue on university campuses recently. We made a decision to undertake a survey about good practices, risks, exposure, etc. It became clear that there were some populations that needed some protection (non-matriculating minors, patients, etc.). With the assistance of the deans, we looked at programs where faculty had interactions with minors (140+ different groups). We also sought consultation outside the university with a law firm about this. We decided to start with these groups where faculty/staff are dealing with minors. We put together a process to do this. And we made sure that the process included protections for faculty members’ personal information. Peabody faculty have been subjected to background checks for many years as well as other healthcare professionals.

We came up with the process for faculty and implemented it on August 1, 2012. Also, we made a decision to not include established faculty who don’t have any interactions with minors in this first group. We’ve begun the process on faculty members who work with minors, and we continue the process with healthcare professionals. Chancellor Zeppos put together a task force around this issue, and Tim and I chair this task force. Senate Chair-elect Donald Brady serves on that task force as a liasion from the Senate. Vice Provost McNamara: We started the first checks in June 2012. The policy covers all faculty who expect to work with minors, all with healthcare appointments, and all new faculty. Explicit protections are that when a result is obtained via a background check—the only person who sees this is HR Chief Nordberg (besides myself and David). If she sees something criminal, she contacts either me or David. If I need help, I contact General Counsel’s office or the Police Dept. Results are not kept on campus. The results are immediately destroyed. The Fair Credit Reporting Act insures that the person is able to see the results and the institution cannot take any action without the person’s knowledge of the result. Also this protection is outlined in the Faculty Manual via the disciplinary process and the grievance process around this. They then opened the floor for questions. Question: What kinds of things might show up in a background check that would be irrelevant? Vice Provost McNamara: Speeding tickets. Minor possession charges in college, for example. The policy spells out how the results will be evaluated. Question: What if a faculty member coming from outside the US is a political dissident? Vice Provost McNamara: We would need more information and context. International faculty members present a definite challenge. We would engage the person and try to use common sense. Chancellor Zeppos said that having a good process in place gives him a peace of mind. And also the ability to grieve any disciplinary actions is important. Question: Someone expressed concerns about racial issues around violations. Vice Chancellor Jeff Balser: We have lots of experience with this at the hospital—we look for reasons to say “yes” not “no.” It’s our baseline attitude. Our posture is, “how can we find a way to say yes.”

Chair-Elect Donald Brady: We worry more about people lying on a form than the actual transgression itself. Question: What is the objective of the policy? How much of this is informed by the Penn State situation or is there more? Vice Provost McNamara: The objective is to make the Vanderbilt campus safe for everyone. Chair March: The policy has not been widely distributed yet. Vice Provost McNamara: The policy has been distributed to the deans on the university side and they are supposed to distribute to their faculty. We are now working on a policy for university programs that involve minors. We have a training component involved as well. We are centralizing our efforts so that we can know where all these programs are and we can monitor their participation in the training program. Question: Does the faculty member have to give permission for the check? Vice Provost McNamara: Yes. We can’t do them without your permission. Question: Does HR do degree verifications? Vice Provost McNamara: That is done through my office and directly by the university. Question: For a check on a hire, if they say no, we don’t hire them. What do we do with a faculty member who says no? We have identified that as a problem that needs to be resolved. I think we need enunciate why we are doing these background checks. Vice Provost McNamara: The policy only applies to new hires and to faculty who interact with minors. If someone says no, we engage them in a conversation. We have not made a decision yet about how to move forward with established faculty members. Chair March thanked Associate Vice Chancellor Raiford and Vice Provost McNamara for their presentation.

Next Item on the Agenda – Good of the Senate Chair March asked for any news under good of the Senate. Hearing none, he asked for a motion to adjourn.

Next Item on the Agenda – Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 5:30pm.

Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting

October 11, 2012, 4:10 p.m. Frist 140

Call to order Approval of the minutes of September 13, 2012 Report of the Executive Committee Remarks by the Chancellor New Business

1. Progress on Honor System Report 2. Progress on Student Alcohol and Prescription Drug Use Task Force 3. Motions from the Executive Committee

a. Faculty Manual Change: Motion on Parental Leave Policy b. Faculty Manual Change: Conflict of Interest and Commitment Policy

4. Annual report of inspection of faculty electronic communications/records from Vice Provost Timothy McNamara

Presentation by Vice Chancellor Doug Christiansen on undergraduate admissions Good of the Senate Adjournment Voting Members present: Anderson, Aschner, Baker, Balser, Barth, Benbow, Blume, Bond, Brady, Calico, Dever, Fogo, Fountain, Gigante, Harrington, Hemingway, Hudnut-Beumler, Huffman, Hurder, Hyman, Johnson, Karageorgou, Kirshner, Lind, March Morrill, Nanney, Niswender, Powers, Rohde, Schoenfield, Schwartz, Southard-Smith, Tarpley, Tellinghuisen, Tsinakis, Wehby, Wikswo, and Yarbrough. Voting Members absent: Atack, Bradford, Braxton (regrets), Cannon (regrets), Clark, Conway-Welch, Dayan, Dow (regrets), Enterline, Fauchet (regrets), Fischer (regrets), Gervais (regrets), Gokahale (regrets), Guelcher (regrets), Guthrie, Hall (regrets), Hornberger, Hughes (regrets), Johnston (regrets), Lim, Moore (regrets), Mulvaney, Ramanujam (regrets), Skaar (regrets), Smrekar, Tansey, Turner (regrets), Wait (regrets), Watters (regrets),Wayman (regrets), and Winder (regrets).

Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, Barz, McCarty, McNamara, Miller, Stalcup, Weintraub, Wente, and Zeppos.

Ex Officio Members absent: Bernard (regrets), Fife, Fortune, Raiford, Sweet, Wcislo (regrets), Williams, and Wright. The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair Sal March. Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of Minutes of September 13, 2012 Minutes of September 13, 2012 meeting were approved. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Executive Committee Chair March gave the report of the Executive Committee. He mentioned that Vice Provost Tim McNamara sent him a link to the FAQ on the Clery Act. It is also posted on the Vanderbilt website. Chair March said that the USAC (University Staff Advisory Council) has developed an initiative for breastfeeding mothers (faculty and staff). Anna Thomas from USAC will talk to the Senate next month about this initiative. Managing email and support services—we are discussing this. Purchasing issues—we have followed up on this concern that was brought to us by a faculty member. Committees: SPAF is working on the online education issue. Vanderbilt is working with Coursera now, and SPAF is discussing the strategic planning around online education. Next Item on the Agenda – Remarks by Chancellor Nick Zeppos Chancellor Zeppos gave a history of his involvement with online education starting in the nineties. He said that he is glad to be partnered with Coursera to be making knowledge available freely to the world. He said that we should be part of this noble mission. He also mentioned the possibility of capstone experiences for in-house use. He said that we will be glad to offer the courses for free, and are not interested in revenue-generating websites. But we may be able to leverage some programs in that direction. He is skeptical about tuition-generating online courses. Chair March thanked him for his remarks Next Item on the Agenda – New Business

1. Progress on Honor System Report: Chair March referred to the attached documents with the email that was sent out about the update on progress on this report.

2. Progress on Student Alcohol and Prescription Drug Use Task Force: Chair March mentioned that there are resources for faculty through Cognito about student alcohol use. The training is free and available to all Vanderbilt faculty members. He asked all senators to look at the training and go through this training as faculty leaders. Senator Mary Yarbrough asked everyone to use it even if you don’t interact with students much—people you work with, etc. It is helpful for everyone. Chair-elect Donald Brady said that we have a responsibility to our students as well as our colleagues.

3. Motions from the Executive Committee a. Faculty Manual Change: Motion on Parental Leave Policy (Tabled):

Chair March said that this has been tabled and further discussion will happen with Vice Provost Tim McNamara and Associate Vice Chancellor David Raiford. Email any suggestions you have to Chair March or the Senate office.

b. Faculty Manual Change: Conflict of Interest and Commitment Policy: Chair March presented the changes to the Faculty Manual. He said that the changes are necessary to have the wording be in synch with the other university documents. He opened the floor for discussion. He said that this will be voted on at the November meeting.

4. Annual report of inspection of faculty electronic communications/records from Vice Provost Timothy McNamara: Chair March reminded everyone that this is the first year for the annual report of inspection of faculty electronic communication/records. Vice Provost McNamara gave this data to the Faculty Senate. Chair March thanked him for the report.

Next Item on the Agenda – Presentation by Vice Chancellor Doug Christiansen on undergraduate admissions Chair March introduced Vice Chancellor Christiansen to speak about enrollment issues at Vanderbilt. Vice Chancellor Christiansen presented enrollment management data. He said that he thinks that the recent increase of applications was due to the Commons, the “no student loan” program, and better outreach by the admissions office. He also mentioned the emphasis on leadership abilities. He also said that loans have definitely gone down over the last few years. He also talked about data on transfer students. Question: Diversity—what about the drops in Hispanic and African American population? Vice Chancellor Christiansen: As we are becoming increasingly more competitive, it is becoming more difficult in the admission process to attract these highly desirable students.

Question: Affirmative action or diversity as a criteria for admission. Your thoughts? Vice Chancellor Christiansen: What we believe in is holistic admissions on the individual level. We will see what happens once the Supreme Court makes their ruling. Chair March thanked Vice Chancellor Christiansen for his presentation. Next Item on the Agenda – Good of the Senate Chair March asked for any news under good of the Senate. Hearing none, he asked for a motion to adjourn. Next Item on the Agenda – Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 5:30pm.

Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting

November 1, 2012, 4:10 p.m. Frist 140

Call to order Approval of the minutes of October 11, 2012 Report of the Executive Committee Remarks by the Chancellor Old Business

Motion from the Executive Committee: Conflict of Interest and Commitment Policy

New Business

1. Presentation by Anna Thomas, University Staff Advisory Council (USAC), Breastfeeding Support and Resources for New Mothers

2. Presentation by David Williams,Vice Chancellor for Athletics and University Affairs and Athletics Director

Good of the Senate Adjournment Voting Members present: Anderson, Aschner, Balser, Barth, Benbow, Blume, Bond, Brady, Braxton, Cannon, Dow, Enterline, Gokhale, Guelcher, Hornberger, Hudnut-Beumler, Huffman, Hurder, Johnston, Karageorgou, Lim, Lind, March, Morrill, Mulvaney, Nanney, Powers, Ramanujam, Schoenfield, Skaar, Tarpley, Tellinghuisen, Tsinakis, Turner, Watters, Wehby, Wikswo, and Yarbrough. Voting Members absent: Atack, Baker, Bradford, Calico (regrets), Clark, Conway-Welch, Dayan, Dever (regrets), Fauchet (regrets), Fischer (regrets), Fogo (regrets), Fountain (regrets), Gervais, Gigante, Guthrie (regrets), Hall, Harrington (regrets), Hemingway, Hughes (regrets), Hyman (regrets), Johnson (regrets), Kirshner (regrets), Moore (regrets), Niswender (regrets), Rohde (regrets), Schwartz (regrets), Smrekar, Southard-Smith, Tansey, Wait, Wayman, and Winder.

Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, Fife, McCarty, McNamara, Raiford, Weintraub, Williams, and Zeppos.

Ex Officio Members absent: Barz (regrets), Bernard (regrets), Fortune, Miller, Stalcup, Wcislo (regrets), Wente (regrets), and Wright. The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair Sal March. Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of Minutes of October 11, 2012 Minutes of October 11, 2012 meeting were approved. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Executive Committee Chair March gave the report of the Senate Executive Committee. He mentioned their work on the parental leave policy changes in the Faculty Manual. He said that the committee has met with Vice Provost Tim McNamara and Associate Vice Chancellor David Raiford about this issue, and the Faculty Life committee will be working on this later in the year. He also reported that Vanderbilt is developing a policy of record retention, and the Senate’s records will be involved in this initiative. The Executive Committee has agreed to partner with the Vanderbilt Commons to invite a guest speaker next fall 2013—Professor Andrew Delbanco (Columbia University). Chair-elect Donald Brady and Past Chair Greg Barz will be the liaisons for this event. Finally, Chair March asked how many senators had taken his challenge to complete the Cognito challenge that he posed to them at the last meeting. He said that it is a great training, and he hopes that everyone will take the time to do it. Next Item on the Agenda – Remarks by Chancellor Nick Zeppos Chancellor Zeppos mentioned the issues with Hurricane Sandy and our students affected by it. He congratulated the Faculty Senate for partnering with the Commons to bring Professor Delbanco to Vanderbilt next year. He also mentioned the “New Ideas” grant program, and said that it will be the beginning of a period of engagement with the faculty about where we are going—what are the big ideas that we need to think about as a university. This will start in the fall 2013, and we’ll get some guidance on a grants process that we can use. Also, we want to bring the faculty into a conversation about the direction of the university, and this is one way to do it. He asked for any questions, and hearing none, he thanked the Senate for their time.

Next Item on the Agenda – Old Business--Motion from the Executive Committee: Conflict of Interest and Commitment Policy Chair March mentioned that there is a motion from the Executive Committee from last month’s meeting. He said that the information was sent out last month and this month. He asked for any further discussion. Hearing none, he asked for a voice vote. The motion passed unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Presentation by Anna Thomas, University Staff Advisory Council (USAC), Breastfeeding Support and Resources for New Mothers Chair March introduced Anna Thomas, president of USAC, and she gave her presentation about USAC Breastfeeding Proposal Overview. She said that their desired outcome was a culture of support for breastfeeding mothers. She gave a history of how this issue came up. She said that they did a thorough review of the current policies and then did some benchmarking of other universities. She outlined the concerns that were brought to them and that they discovered in their study. She outlined their recommendations from USAC:

1) Standardized Terminology, 2) Review of HR policy language for unpaid “nursing breaks,” 3) Designated breastfeeding spaces around campus, 4) Centrality of resources for new mothers (including a statement of affirmation

about breastfeeding), 5) Resources for managers.

She mentioned that some of their recommendations have already been implemented (website updated, updated list of lactation spaces, Provost McCarty providing support for finding spaces on campus, etc.). She requests the endorsement and support of the Faculty Senate on this proposal. She asked for any questions. There were none. Vice Chair Judy Aschner asked what the next steps are. Chair March said that Faculty Life committee has been involved in these discussions and he expects that they will put forth a motion of support for this initiative. Past Chair David Weintraub thanked Anna Thomas for her presentation and all her work, and also Traci Nordberg for their responsiveness. He said that the Senate next month will vote to endorse this proposal. Next Item on the Agenda – Presentation by David Williams, Vice Chancellor for Athletics and University Affairs and Athletics Director Chair March introduced Vice Chancellor David Williams. Vice Chancellor Williams gave his presentation on the state of athletics. He said that their main focus is academics first. He presented data on their students’ academic performance. He mentioned that the athletes are all involved in community service. He mentioned the facility upgrades, as well. He also presented data on fundraising and on rankings.

He asked for any questions. Hearing none, he thanked the Senate for its time. Next Item on the Agenda – Good of the Senate Chair March asked for any news under good of the Senate. Hearing none, he asked for a motion to adjourn. Next Item on the Agenda – Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 5:30pm.

Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting

December 6, 2012, 4:10 p.m. Frist 140

Call to order Approval of the minutes of November 1, 2012 Report of the Executive Committee Remarks by the Chancellor New Business

1. Approval of Lillian Nanny to serve the remainder of Judy Aschner’s term as Past Vice Chair of the Faculty Senate

2. Motion: Endorse the Report of the University Staff Advisory Council (USAC), Breastfeeding Support and Resources for New Mothers

3. Presentation by Dennis Hall, Vice Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School, Professor of Physics and Professor of Electrical Engineering

Good of the Senate Adjournment Voting Members present: Anderson, Aschner, Baker, Barth, Blume, Bond, Bradford, Brady, Calico, Clark, Dow, Fischer, Fogo, Gervais, Guelcher, Hall, Huffman, Hurder, Johnson, Johnston, Karageorgou, Kirshner, Lind, March, Moore, Nanney, Powers, Ramanujam, Rohde, Skaar, Tarpley, Tellinghuisen, Turner, Watters, Wehby, Yarbrough. Voting Members absent: Atack (regrets), Balser (regrets), Benbow, Braxton (regrets), Cannon (regrets), Conway-Welch (regrets), Dayan, Dever (regrets), Enterline, Fauchet (regrets), Fountain (regrets), Gigante, Gokhale (regrets), Guthrie, Harrington (regrets), Hemingway, Hornberger (regrets), Hudnut-Beumler (regrets), Hughes (regrets), Hyman (regrets), Lim (regrets), Morrill (regrets), Mulvaney (regrets), Niswender (regrets), Schoenfield (regrets), Schwartz (regrets), Smrekar, Southard-Smith, Tansey, Tsinakis (regrets), Wait, Wayman, Wikswo (regrets), and Winder.

Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, Barz, McCarty, McNamara, Miller, Wcislo, and Weintraub. Ex Officio Members absent: Bernard, Fife, Fortune, Raiford (regrets), Stalcup (regrets), Sweet, Wente (regrets), Williams, Wright, and Zeppos (regrets).

The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair Sal March. Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of Minutes of November 1, 2012 Minutes of November 1, 2012 meeting were approved. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Executive Committee

1. Chair March shared that Judy Aschner is leaving Vanderbilt, and thanked her for her service on the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.

2. Chair March thanked the Chancellor’s office and Dean Mark Bandas’ office for developing the Chancellor’s letter emphasizing the importance of the Cognito training for faculty to help underline their responsibility for students and their mental health.

3. Chair March reminded everyone about the January Elected Senators Only meeting. He asked senators to send any items for that meeting to him.

4. Chair March shared that the Senate Executive Committee has been in conversation about the budget with the administration. One thing that came out of the meetings is that faculty members still have questions about how the budget issues affect them. He said that we have invited the Chancellor to speak about this issue today, but he couldn’t make it, so the Provost has graciously agreed to step in. We have also invited CFO Brett Sweet to speak at the February Senate meeting about this topic.

Next Item on the Agenda – Remarks by Provost Richard McCarty Chair March turned the floor over to Provost McCarty (standing in for the Chancellor). He said that we are doing a CIO search—the first time Vanderbilt has had a CIO. The interviews will occur between now and the end of the calendar year. There is a real push to have this work done quickly, and the Chancellor is chairing this search. This position will be a Vice Chancellor and will be a member of the senior leadership team. This is being done in parallel with the Bain & Co. study of our technology issues. They are doing an excellent job and have reached out to you in your role as faculty members to find out more about these issues. CFO Brett Sweet is chairing the search for General Counsel. The last of 5 interviews was finished yesterday and it is now in the Chancellor’s court to make the final decision. Don Brady was the Faculty Senate representative on that committee. We are also nearing the end of the search for the next Dean of the Divinity School; that search will be concluded by early spring semester. With regards to sequestration, there is still a lot of political posturing going on. We are all hopeful that we do not face this horrible outcome in the New Year, and I believe that a deal will be reached. If not, we will have to pull together in every way to make sure we continue to operate well. Provost McCarty also mentioned the Music City Bowl and how well the Athletics department has done with this big event.

With regards to the budget, we are all looking to contain costs. Changes are coming soon with the Affordable Care Act that will necessitate that we do things more effectively in the Medical Center, for example. We did have a meeting on Aug. 29 with all deans and their unit budget officers, but we were not able to meet with all faculty members, so the message didn’t get communicated as effectively as we’d like. We would like to eliminate the differential that we have every year in our budget. Half will be the responsibility of the schools and half will be the responsibility of administrative areas. Every unit will be asked to contribute its share of the cuts, but it is not mandated an amount—each school will do this differently. Also, we need to save for renewal and replacement—2% each year is our goal. We need all faculty to understand what we need to do as we go forward. He asked for questions. Hearing none, Chair March thanked the Provost. Next Item on the Agenda – New Business: Approval of Lillian Nanny to serve the remainder of Judy Aschner’s term as Past Vice Chair of the Faculty Senate Chair March brought up the issue of Judy Aschner leaving Vanderbilt before the end of her ex officio year. The Executive Committee asks the Senate to approve Lillian Nanney to serve the remainder of Judy Aschner’s term as past vice chair of the Faculty Senate in 2013-14. This request was approved unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Motion: Endorse the Report of the University Staff Advisory Council (USAC), Breastfeeding Support and Resources for New Mothers Chair March reminded everyone that this motion was brought to the Senate at the last meeting in November. He then asked for any further discussion. Hearing none, he then asked for a vote on this motion. The motion passed unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Presentation by Dennis Hall, Vice Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School, Professor of Physics and Professor of Electrical Engineering Chair March introduced Vice Provost Dennis Hall who gave a presentation about graduate education and the changes that have occurred in the past few years. Vice Provost Hall shared that there have been seven new graduate programs started since 2001, there is now direct charging of grant-paid tuition and an online application system, his office has ended the application fee, and there are a variety of workshops for graduate students. He also mentioned the EGE program, “Enhancing Graduate Education,” where faculty members can propose programs to help graduate education. He talked about graduate application numbers, and how Vanderbilt is ranked with their peers on various measures. He also addressed the attrition rate. He discussed PhDs awarded to underrepresented minority domestic students. He also talked about career and

professional development work—his office recently hired Ruth Schemmer as the Assistant Dean for Career Development. He then opened the floor for questions. Question: Who are we competing with and where do students go instead of us? Dennis Hall: It depends on the discipline (engineering students go to different places than humanities graduate students, for example). Elizabeth Rapisarda: We will be undertaking a study now that looks at aspirational schools and peer schools, but it will be at the departmental level. Question: Mental health and resiliency of the graduate students. What is the Graduate School doing about this? Dennis Hall: In Jan 2013, Cathy Fuchs is meeting with the DGS’s to address this. It is a work in progress. Question: What could we be doing better to improve graduate education? Dennis Hall: This is about the faculty and their reputations. We are working hard in diversity and career development. The best thing we can do is to continue to try and hire the best faculty for these programs. Question: Why did applications drop sharply after we went online? Dennis Hall: Applications dropped after 2001 when the US became less hospitable to foreign applicants for graduate school. Next Item on the Agenda – Good of the Senate Chair March asked for any news under good of the Senate. Hearing none, he asked for a motion to adjourn. Next Item on the Agenda – Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 5:30pm.

Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting

February 14, 2013, 4:10 p.m. Frist 140

Call to order

Approval of the minutes of December 6, 2012

Report of the Executive Committee

Remarks by the Chancellor

New Business

1. Presentation by Brett Sweet, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Chief Financial Officer

Good of the Senate


Voting Members present: Baker, Balser, Barth, Blume, Brady, Calico, Cannon, Clark, Conway-Welch, Does, Dow, Fischer, Gigante, Gokhale, Hudnut-Beumler, Huffman, Hurder, Hyman, Johnson, Johnston, Kirshner, Lim, Lind, March, Morrill, Nanney, Ramanujam, Schoenfield, Skaar, Southard-Smith, Tellinghuisen, Watters, Wayman, Wehby, Winder, and Yarbrough. Voting Members absent: Anderson, Aschner (regrets), Atack (regrets), Benbow, Bond (regrets), Bradford, Braxton (regrets), Dayan, Dever, Enterline, Fauchet (regrets), Fogo (regrets), Fountain, Gervais, Guelcher, Guthrie (regrets), Hall (regrets), Harrington (regrets), Hemingway, Hughes (regrets), Moore, Mulvaney, Niswender (regrets), Powers (regrets), Rohde, Schwartz (regrets), Smrekar, Tansey, Tarpley (regrets), Tsinakis, Turner, Wait (regrets), and Wikswo (regrets).

Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, Fife, McCarty, McNamara, Raiford, Sweet, Weintraub, Wente, and Zeppos. Ex Officio Members absent: Barz (regrets), Bernard, Fortune, Miller, Stalcup, Wcislo (regrets), and Williams. The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair Sal March. Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of Minutes of December 6, 2012 Minutes of December 6, 2012 meeting were approved.

Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Executive Committee Chair March reported that online education has been a major topic of discussion among the Executive Committee recently. He mentioned that Associate Provost Cynthia Cyrus will be coming to talk at the March Senate meeting about the response to the Honor System recommendations. There will be a public report that will be made available to senators, as well. We will also talk about online education at that meeting with Associate Provost Cyrus. Chair March also reported that the Faculty Life committee has been working on the parental leave policy wording in the Faculty Manual. Associate Vice Chancellor Dave Raiford and Vice Provost Tim McNamara have put together a task force to look at this and Senator Chris Lind (chair of the Faculty Life committee) will be on this task force. Next Item on the Agenda – Remarks by Chancellor Zeppos Chair March turned the floor over to Chancellor Zeppos. He said that he wants to talk about the high-level issues regarding the budget. He gave an overview of the external issues regarding the economy and the budget situation at Vanderbilt. Next Item on the Agenda – Presentation by Brett Sweet, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Chief Financial Officer Chair March turned the floor over to Vice Chancellor Brett Sweet. He gave a presentation on the budget at Vanderbilt as well as an introduction to the new travel system. He said that Vanderbilt will be using the same travel system as other universities called Concur. There was a question about per diem. Vice Chancellor Sweet said that they looked at this issue, but they met with faculty & staff who said that they didn’t want a per diem system. He added that there will be a VU travel credit card where the charges will automatically be uploaded into the system rather than having to keep up with your receipts. Reimbursement will be direct deposited to the same account that your check goes to currently. Chair March thanked Vice Chancellor Sweet for his presentation. Next Item on the Agenda – Good of the Senate Chair March asked for any news under good of the Senate. Hearing none, he asked for a motion to adjourn. Next Item on the Agenda – Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 5:30pm.

Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting

March 14, 2013, 4:10 p.m. Frist 140

Call to order Approval of the minutes of February 14, 2013 Report of the Executive Committee Remarks by the Provost New Business

1. Presentation by Cynthia Cyrus: Update on the Honor System 2. Presentation by Cynthia Cyrus: State of Online Education at Vanderbilt 3. Discussion of Online Education Issues: David Weintraub

Good of the Senate Adjournment Voting Members present: Aschner, Balser, Barth, Blume, Bond, Brady, Cannon, Clark, Dever, Does, Dow, Enterline, Guelcher, Hall, Harrington, Huffman, Hurder, Johnson, Kirshner, Lind, March, Mihalik, Rohde, Tarpley, Tellinghuisen, Tsinakis, Turner, Wayman, Wehby. Voting Members absent: Anderson (regrets), Atack, Baker (regrets), Benbow, Bradford, Braxton (regrets), Calico, Conway-Welch, Dayan, Fauchet (regrets), Fischer (regrets), Fogo (regrets), Fountain, Gervais (regrets), Gigante, Gokhale (regrets), Guthrie (regrets), Hemingway, Hudnut-Beumler (regrets), Hughes (regrets), Hyman (regrets), Johnston (regrets), Lim, Moore, Morrill (regrets), Mulvaney, Nanney (regrets), Niswender (regrets), Powers (regrets), Ramanujam (regrets), Schoenfield (regrets), Schwartz (regrets), Skaar, Smrekar, Southard-Smith, Tansey, Watters, Winder, Wait (regrets), and Yarbrough (regrets).

Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, McCarty, McNamara, Weintraub. Ex Officio Members absent: Barz (regrets), Bernard (regrets), Fife, Fortune, Miller, Raiford, Stalcup, Sweet, Wcislo, Wente (regrets), Williams, Zeppos (regrets). The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair Sal March.

Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of Minutes of February 14, 2013 Chair March asked for an approval of the minutes. Minutes were approved unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Executive Committee Chair March said that much of the Executive Committee’s time has been working on understanding issues surrounding the budget, and he thanked Brett Sweet for his presentation at last month’s Senate meeting. He also reminded senators about the upcoming chair-elect and vice chair-elect in May—he reminded them that all first-year senators are eligible to stand for nomination. The Spring Faculty Assembly will be held on Wednesday, April 3, and Dr. William Shaffner will be the faculty speaker. Next Item on the Agenda – Remarks by Provost Richard McCarty Provost McCarty mentioned that we have a new general counsel who started on Monday, Audrey Anderson. Within the next few weeks, the Chancellor will be announcing our first Chief Information Officer. Also, the Chancellor and others will be working to replace Matthew Wright as Vice Chancellor for Investments. He also said that our investments are going well as per the most recent report from Brett Sweet. We are now in the midst of the sequester, and we are dealing with challenges as they come up. He said that it affects the Medical Center more than University Central. Provost McCarty then turned to online education. He said that the landscape has changed rapidly in the last eighteen months. He mentioned that Coursera is the company that Vanderbilt is working with to offer online education. They are now up to 62 university partners. He would like to suggest a parallel process going forward: 1) we need to be involved in online education or we will be left behind, but also 2) we want to make sure and keep our eyes on our on-campus residential experience. Next Item on the Agenda – Presentation by Cynthia Cyrus: Update on the Honor System Provost McCarty introduced Associate Provost Cynthia Cyrus. She gave a presentation on the Honor System report follow-up: 23 tasks delivered, 5 tasks in progress (e.g. tutorial for grad students), 3 tasks await new General Counsel, and 4 planned for next year. They have built a website that was edited by the Provost’s office: ( They put up a new reporting form online. There is also a focus on consultation and presentation/education about the Honors System. They have created a Vanderbilt Visions module for the VUceptors. They also changed the Honor Code signing process. They made some mechanical fixes to secure all files, adjusted the ARB processes, changed the reporting structure, and now have 10-school meetings. Forms for incoming freshmen and graduate students have been changed, too. There is also new staff: GL Black (new director), Cara Tuttle Bell (new assistant director) and a case manager who will be hired. Pending work: “Opportunities

for intervention” task force, writing a new FAQ for faculty, discussion of faculty roles and expedited options, development of a 10-school statement of the code, and General Counsel review of process and constitutions and by-laws. She said that statistics of Undergraduate Honor Council Outcomes is on the website. Recommendation: more detailed report to be submitted annually to the Student Life committee of the faculty senate (adding this as a formal charge). She also mentioned that graduate/professional schools are adopting the undergraduate honor council report as their template for reporting data. Next Item on the Agenda – Presentation by Cynthia Cyrus: State of Online Education at Vanderbilt Associate Provost Cyrus gave an overview of digital learning at Vanderbilt. She mentioned that Coursera is our partner in this venture. There are 169,000 students currently enrolled in VU Coursera offerings. There is 30% participation rate for VU Coursera courses (10% national average). Faculty for pilot program: nominated by deans, reviewed by Online Education Task Force, and final selection by Provost. Compensation is through overload or credit toward service obligations. Next steps: rounding out the pilots, demographics and assessments (alumni and outreach metrics), organizational and support planning, and other projects (course “wrapping,” IRB research and data mining, review of possible additional partners, work copyright and on IP issues—in conjunction with the Faculty Senate). Question: What is the mission here? Associate Provost Cyrus: We are trying many things, but right now I would say it is: “Make it work and take from it what is going to be best for Vanderbilt in the long haul.” Learning what works and what doesn’t work is part of the process. Question: Are you looking at ways to generate revenue? Associate Provost Cyrus: We’ve been invited to participate in the certificate program, but we aren’t there yet. There are conversations around publishing and sharing courses that will be revenue-sharing. Until VU has recouped its investment, they won’t share with the faculty member, but after that, they will. Next Item on the Agenda – Discussion of Online Education Issues: David Weintraub Past Chair David Weintraub introduced what SPAF (Strategic Planning and Academic Freedom committee) has been talking about and doing about the issue of online education. He gave a history of SPAF’s work on the issue over the past year. The initial conclusions are: 1) it is a complex rapidly-evolving issue with potentially huge but unknown implications, 2) it is critical for the Faculty Senate to proactively (and continuously) work with the administration, 3) where possible, online courses should be administered with the policies and procedures that are currently in place for classroom courses. Issues for initial discussion:

1) Intellectual property rights 2) Selection of faculty and subjects for online courses 3) Recognizing online courses for credit

Past Chair Weintraub said that SPAF wants to start the conversation about this very important and ever-changing issue. He opened up the floor for questions. Question: Once a course is delivered, can VU just continue to offer the course as many times as they want? Associate Provost Cyrus: Within Coursera, the decision to run a course is left to the institution with the faculty member. The contract with the faculty member specifies that the course can run over at least three years. It has to be run at least once. Question: Once the course is launched, is it self-sufficient? Associate Provost Cyrus: The amount of engagement is up to the faculty member. The contractual obligation is that the faculty member monitor the discussion the first go-round, but other than that there is no technical obligation. The second time the course runs, there is no obligation for monitoring. Question: Is the course synchronous or asynchronous? Associate Provost Cyrus: It depends on the faculty member and the course. Generally, the course is laid out synchronously. Some faculty members want the class to move ahead as a group through the course. It is mostly synchronous. Question: Is the material available at other times or could a person download and store information and use it in a different setting? Associate Provost Cyrus: It’s up to the faculty member, but most faculty allow students to download their videos. If you download videos or materials illegally, Coursera is prepared to take legal action. There is also bartering between partner universities, as well. Our current model is that it is co-owned: the faculty member owns the content, but the university also owns the course. Statement: It’s important to hold to existing procedures and structures that we have. This upholds the quality of the courses and faculty governances. Provost McCarty: I would disagree that we don’t have goals—the potential to learn about student learning is there like never before. We have the ability to experiment on campus like never before, and our students will be expecting that. One of our biggest goals is to sell our brand to the world. But this is an uncertain future since these are changing times. Past Chair Weintraub said that we can’t afford to do things slowly on this issue, and he looks forward to the ongoing discussion on this important issue.

Next Item on the Agenda – Good of the Senate Chair March asked for any news under good of the Senate. Hearing none, he asked for a motion to adjourn. Next Item on the Agenda – Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 5:34pm.

Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting

April 11, 2013, 4:10 p.m. Frist 140

Call to order Approval of the minutes of March 14, 2013 Report of the Executive Committee Presentation by Alan Bentley, Director of the Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization (CTTC) Remarks by the Provost New Business

1. Student Alcohol and Prescription Drug Use Task Force report: Mary Yarborough, chair

2. Discussion of Online Education Issues: Ranga Ramanujam, Strategic Planning and Academic Freedom committee chair

Good of the Senate Adjournment Voting Members present: Anderson, Barth, Blume, Bond, Brady, Cannon, Conway-Welch, Does, Dow, Fischer, Fogo, Guthrie, Hall, Hemingway, Huffman, Hurder, Hyman, Johnson, Johnston, Lim, Lind, March, Mihalik, Morrill, Mulvaney, Powers, Ramanujam, Rohde, Schoenfield, Schwartz, Tarpley, Tellinghuisen, Tsinakis, Watters, Wayman, Wehby, and Yarbrough. Voting Members absent: Atack (regrets), Baker (regrets), Balser, Benbow, Bradford, Braxton (regrets), Calico, Clark, Dayan, Dever (regrets), Enterline, Fauchet (regrets), Fountain (regrets), Gervais, Gigante, Gokhale (regrets), Guelcher, Harrington, Hudnut-Beumler, Hughes(regrets), Kirshner, Moore, Nanney (regrets), Niswender, Skaar (regrets), Smrekar, Southard-Smith, Tansey, Turner, Wait, and Winder.

Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, Barz, Fife, McCarty, Wcislo, and Weintraub. Ex Officio Members absent: Bernard, Fortune, McNamara, Miller, Raiford, Stalcup, Sweet, Wente (regrets), Williams, and Zeppos (regrets).

The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair Sal March. Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of the minutes of March 14, 2013 Chair March asked for an approval of the minutes. Minutes were approved unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Executive Committee Chair March reminded everyone that Senate elections will take place at the next Senate meeting. He asked for any first year senators who are interested in serving to contact him. Following up on 2011-12 recommendations from the Alcohol Task Force, Dean Mark Bandas will be writing a report on these recommendations and it will be up on the Senate website in the summer. The Executive Committee has recommended a task force to look at Greek Life issues that will start in Fall 2013. If you are involved and/or interested in this issue, please contact us. Next Item on the Agenda – Presentation by Alan Bentley, Director of the Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization (CTTC) Alan Bentley, Director of the Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization (CTTC), gave a presentation on apportionment of revenues among inventions and inventors for licensed portfolios. He gave a brief overview of what his office does. Next, he gave an overview of the technology policy, and he went over the Technology Review committee recommendations. Next Item on the Agenda – Remarks by Provost Richard McCarty Provost McCarty said that we have just started a Strategic Planning process that will last for the rest of the calendar year. It will involve much faculty involvement and will lead to the next Capital Campaign. The public campaign will end in 2023, which is the sesquentennial of Vanderbilt University. We will ask for your assistance on these committees over the next year. Regarding budget issues, he said that it is a difficult time here financially at Vanderbilt. But don’t let that overshadow all of the good work that happens here. He gave an update on campus construction, and said that Alumni Hall will be done in July 2013. We have selected the founding directors of the two residential colleges—Moore College and Warren College. New appointments: Audrey Anderson is our new General Counsel. The New Chief Information Officer will be announced tomorrow and that person will start work on Monday. We have a search for the Owen School Dean that has been started. The search for new Chief Investment Officer is also moving along. Brett Sweet is doing two jobs right now, so we are fine under his leadership. Chair March thanked the Provost for these updates.

Next Item on the Agenda – New Business: Student Alcohol and Prescription Drug Use Task Force report: Mary Yarborough, chair Chair March mentioned that the final report of this task force will be distributed before the May meeting. Mary Yarbrough mentioned that they have been working on this issue this past year after they issued the recommendations on alcohol use. She went over the process that the group has followed this year. Then, she highlighted the recommendations from her task force. She opened the floor for questions and comments. Question: How will you deal with the people who have obtained a prescription for Adderall/Ritalin by gaming the system? Yarbrough: You’re not going to make the system so tight that you will catch everyone. But it will be at the discretion of the Office of Student Conduct. And we struggled with this issue, too. Question: Is it true that 10% of high school males are on these drugs? Yarbrough: The numbers vary. David Weintraub: Thank you for your incredible work on this issue. Did your committee ever discuss 5 hour energy drinks? Yarbrough: We tried to stay focused on the prescription drugs only. At some point, we have to try and give some kind of guidance to decision-making on these issues. Question: Honor code issue—two potential concerns: 1) students who will be driven underground by this behavior—will I be discouraged from doing this if I know I will be sanctioned? 2) I am worried about how we don’t have those sanctions for faculty and residents. Yarbrough: Faculty and residents don’t get a pass, and they do have repercussions. This issue is national and growing. Comment: I am uncomfortable with the honor code violation for this. Sentator Tom Schwartz: I think what swayed me was that students felt that this was a violation. Chair March thanked Senator Yarbrough and her task force for their work this year. Next Item on the Agenda – Discussion of Online Education Issues: Ranga Ramanujam Ranga Ramanujam, chair of SPAF, presented a proposal for addressing online education issues. He said that we looked at three main issues: 1) intellectual property rights, 2) course credit, 3) selection of faculty and courses. He presented some conclusions that the committee came to about these issues. Proposal: standing faculty committee to advise the Provost on emerging policy and implementation issues.

Question: Will there be staggered 3-year terms for committee members? For continuity? Ramanujam: We didn’t get into that level of detail yet. Provost McCarty: The chancellor is preparing to fund a new institute/program that will deal with pedagogy of online education. A director would be named this summer and I think they would have an advisory committee that may serve the same purpose of this committee. It’s a challenge because each of the undergraduate schools has a vote that is independent of the other schools when it comes to accepting credit, and this will happen soon (that students will bring transfer credit for these MOOCs). Question: Have there been faculty members asking to do this? Associate Provost Cynthia Cyrus: Yes, they have. There are also other conversations happening about flipped classroom situations. We don’t have the resources to accommodate all of the requests for other video classroom use. Provost McCarty: Faculty members are doing this as an overload this year. Chair March said that this conversation will continue. Next Item on the Agenda – Good of the Senate Chair March asked for any news under good of the Senate. Hearing none, he asked for a motion to adjourn. Next Item on the Agenda – Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 5:30pm.

Vanderbilt University Faculty Senate Meeting May 6, 2013, 4:10 p.m.

Frist 140

Call to order Approval of the minutes of April 11, 2013 Recognition of Third-Year Senators Report of the Executive Committee Remarks by the Chancellor Election of Chair-Elect and Vice Chair-Elect of the Faculty Senate New Business

1. Motion: Endorse the report of the Drug and Alcohol Awareness Task Force 2. Motion: Endorse the recommendation of the Strategic Planning and Academic

Freedom Committee to commission an Online Education Task Force 3. Motion: Formation of a Faculty Senate Task Force on Greek Life 4. Announcements from the Senate Affairs Committee, Alex Hurder (chair)

Good of the Senate Adjournment to reception Voting Members present: Anderson, Baker, Barth, Braxton, Calico, Cannon, Dever, Does, Dow, Fauchet, Gokhale, Guelcher, Hall, Hemingway, Hudnut-Beumler, Huffman, Hughes, Hurder, Johnson, Johnston, Lim, Lind, March, Moore, Morrill, Nanney, Niswender, Ramanujam, Rohde, Skaar, Southard-Smith, Tarpley, Tellinghuisen, Watters, Wayman, Wehby, and Yarbrough. Voting Members absent: Attack, Balser, Benbow, Blume (regrets), Bond, Bradford, Brady (regrets), Clark, Conway-Welch (regrets), Dayan, Enterline, Fischer, Fogo, Fountain, Gervais (regrets), Gigante (regrets), Guthrie (regrets), Harrington, Hyman, Kirshner, Mihalik (regrets), Mulvaney, Powers (regrets), Schoenfield (regrets), Schwartz (regrets), Smrekar, Tansey, Tsinakis, Turner, and Winder.

Ex Officio Members present: Bandas, Fife, McCarty, McNamara, Raiford, Wcislo, Wente, Zeppos.

Ex Officio Members absent: Barz (regrets), Bernard (regrets), Fortune, Miller, Stalcup, Sweet, Williams. The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chair Sal March. Next Item on the Agenda – Approval of the minutes of April 11, 2013 Chair March asked for approval of the minutes. Minutes were approved unanimously. Next Item on the Agenda – Recognition of Third-Year Senators Chancellor Zeppos handed out certificates for third year senators and thanked them for their service. Next Item on the Agenda – Report of the Executive Committee Chair March said that all of the committee reports are posted on the Senate website. He asked that if anyone had a particular interest in serving on a committee or serving as chair to let him know. He also recognized outgoing past chair and vice chair, David Weintraub and Greg Barz. Next Item on the Agenda – Remarks by the Chancellor Chancellor Zeppos recognized Vanderbilt’s new CIO, John Lutz. He said that he is the first CIO that Vanderbilt has had. He said that it was important to have someone thinking every day about working with the deans, faculty, students and staff about the IT strategy. Reducing risk is also an important part of this job. He mentioned issues about sequestration and research. He reminded everyone that research is an important function of the university; it is not a money-making endeavor. He said that we are going to start a strategic planning process soon that will be transparent, inclusive and responsible in length. We will do another capital campaign and we need to think about where we were ten years ago, where are we now, and where we want to be in ten years. We have to begin to articulate our future. He will be appointing a group of 15-20 faculty members on the Executive Committee, and also planning groups on open-ended topics. He said that we want to end up in the spring 2014 with a good sense of who we are and where we are going. Next Item on the Agenda – Election of Chair-Elect and Vice Chair-Elect of the Faculty Senate Senators Paul Lim and Rolanda Johnson were elected as chair-elect and vice chair-elect, respectively.

Next Item on the Agenda – New Business

1. Motion: Endorse the report of the Drug and Alcohol Awareness Task Force—Chair March thanked Senator Mary Yarbrough and her task force for all of their hard work on this issue and this report. Question: Issue about Honor Code violation for violation for prescription drug abuse. Senator Mary Yarbrough: Our task force recommends that this issue be studied by the appropriate group at the university. Chair March asked for a voice vote and it was approved unanimously.

2. Motion: Endorse the recommendation of the Strategic Planning and Academic Freedom Committee to commission an Online Education Task Force Chair March said that this motion was proposed by the SPAF committee and the Chancellor, Provost, and Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs all have agreed to support the formation of this task force. Provost McCarthy: This will require a lot of working together with the Provost’s office to make sure that they have the most current information. Question: Issue about the word “institution” in this motion. Friendly amendment to the motion—change “institution” to “practices” Motion passes with the amendment.

3. Motion: Formation of a Faculty Senate Task Force on Greek Life—Past Chair David Weintraub presented the motion to create a task force on Greek Life. Question: Will the membership of the committee be only senators? Past Chair Weintraub: No, it will be open to all at the university. Chair March: We will be looking for recommendations for faculty members to serve on this task force. Chair March asked for a voice vote. Motion was approved unanimously.

4. Announcements from the Senate Affairs Committee, Alex Hurder (chair): Senator Alex Hurder illuminated some issues from the Senate Affairs committee concerning communication from the Senate on the MyVU/MyVUMC emails. He said that we will work with Vice Chancellor Beth Fortune’s office on this initiative. He also mentioned information about the SACS accreditation process that the committee gathered this year. Chair March thanked his committee for all their work this year.

Next Item on the Agenda – Good of the Senate Chair March asked for any news under good of the Senate. Hearing none, he asked for a motion to adjourn. Next Item on the Agenda – Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 5:30pm.