Vance Walberg Blood Drills


Transcript of Vance Walberg Blood Drills

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2006-2007 Drill Information Lay-up sequence Right side 1. Right hand, right side 2. Right hand, left side reverse 3. Cross over left hand left side 4. Hesitation left hand right side (Diagram 1) Move lines to 1 and 3 spot

5. 1 drop zone back door with 3 6. 1 drop zone blur screen with 3, 3 lay-up right side, right handed 7. 1 diagonal to 3 for quick 3 pointer. 8. 1 blur screen with 3, 3 penetrate, back to 1 for the 3 pointer. (Dia. 2) (Passer rebounds)

Left side: 1. Left hand, left side 2. Left hand, right side reverse 3. Cross over right hand right side 4. Hesitation right hand left side Move lines to 5 and 2

5. 5 drop zone back door with 2. 6. 5 drop zone blur screen with 2, 2 lay-up left side, left handed. 7. 5 diagonal to 2 for quick 3 pointer. 8. 5 blur screen for 2, 2 penetrate, back to 5 for the 3 pointer. (Passer rebounds)

Note: Work only one side each day of practice. If you have a lot of players on your team, use both baskets. We want overhead passes up the sideline. Names called of the guy you are throwing the ball to, and On lay-ups 1 through 4, the lines are at ½ court, do not let them cheat up. Lay-ups need to be at game speed. Shooter rebounds on 5, 6, and 7, passer rebounds on 8.

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Texas 1121 Basic setup B=brown, G=Gold. (Diagram 3) Texas 1121 continued The B at ½ court can not move defensively until the G attacking hits the edge of the ½ court circle The B at the baseline is chasing the ball. (Diagram 4) Texas 1121 continued G scores, (If G missed, or the ball is stolen, the B’s are going the other way right now) B takes it out of bounds, inbounds it to his teammate who is being side fronted by the G who just scored. They will now attack 2on1 to the far end. If the lone defender steals it in the backcourt, he tries to score again, if he steals it in the front court, the next players will come out. Play to 1, we want lay-ups with this drill. Anytime the offense is outmanned they are free to get second shots, on the way back it’s a 2 on 1 offensive advantage. Their rule is 1 front court pass, and 1 shot only. (Diagram 5) Texas 1121 continued The next players in the front of the line quickly move out, receive an outlet at the free throw line, and off they go. Rotate from ½ court to free throw to base line when leaving the floor. Texas 22 Basic set-up (Diagram 6) A lot like Texas 1121 only now it is 2 on 2, the ½ court defender may get back to the basket as soon as the free throw line catch is made. Upon a score it is a full court pick up with a full front and our “fist” player shadowing the back side of the intended receiver. (Diagram 7) Duke 21 ½ court Score and Recover Basic set up (Diagram 8) On the 2on 1 attack we want a lay up, you have a 1 pass limit. The person who shoots the ball, or throws it away, sprints back and touches the ½ court, then recovers to defend. The ball is out-letted to the nearest corner, then up the floor, then across the floor, (we want overhand passes going around the horn) at which time the offense can now attack. The previous defender and the non shooter fill out to the corners, the corner men rotate up the floor. Games to 11 (Diagram 9) Next attack on its way (Diagram 10)

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North Carolina 32 Push ahead Basic Set up Diagram 11 B with the ball at free throw line, wings just this side of ½ court the G’s have two guys at each basket. The ball handler is looking to push the ball ahead to a wing player near the FT line extended at the 3 point arc. The point will follow his pass to the FT lane extended up at the 3 point arc. Opposite wing gets to the block. (Diagram 12) Wing shot the ball, this is a one and done drill, who ever gets the ball hits the new B outlet swinging in, (Banana Cut ) and off the new B’s go in the other direction attack the other G’s defending the far basket. Two new wing players also come in from the ½ court area out in front of the ball. (Diagram 13) The three B’s who just finished offensively hustle to the ½ court area, and the outlet spot. They will be ready to attack as soon as the present attack has ended. (Diagram 14) Note each team gets 2:30 minutes to run against the other, and then switch the offensive and defensive sides. As seen in the diagram the G’s are rotating in after each ½ court attack. Team with the most points after their 2 ½ minutes wins, both 2’s and 3’s will be shot. After a pass to a wing, and a return pass to the point, assuming the wing didn’t shoot the ball, the point either shoots the ball, or can pass it to the opposite wing at the block. There are no more passes allowed after that due to the offensive man advantage (3 on 2). Oregon State 44 basic set up (Diagram 15) Oregon State 33 with a 3 man, basic set up. (Diagram 16) Oregon State 33 with a 2m man, basic set up (Diagram 17) This starts in the ½ court we are in our gap set with an open post. Simply live basketball. When a team shoots it is absolutely live, either someone will be taking it out, or in a rebound or steal transition situation. The teams transition to the other end, and then come back and finish on the end they started on. You sub in at this point. 3’s and 2’2 will be shot. In this drill we pick up immediately after makes or misses, after misses, if the defense starts retreating, we stop the drill and run an 11(Up and Back) We are in full court man, always looking for trap or run and jump possibilities. We are teaching them to get the ball slowed down immediately, we need strong ball containment in this, not flagging at the ball and missing. You need to pick up the man that was guarding you as the ball was shot, if the defense switched men during your offensive movement, etc, you have to be aware of it. Other special note: This drill ends when there has been a shot attempt at the near basket, then the far basket, then the near basket again If a team gets the ball stolen from them 6 times in a

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row with out a shot, the sequence could go on a while before the new subs come in. Play to 11, 2 and 3 pointers will be shot. Gaps 22 basic set up (Diagram 18) Gaps 33 left or right, shown as Gaps 33 right (it’s with a 2 man, 33 left would be with a 3 man) (Diagram 19) Gaps 44 basic set up (Diagram 20) This is really the nuts and bolts drill for having your guards under standing the offense, and having to make a lot of quick decisions in a short amount of time. If you don’t have enough to run Gaps 44, you need at least 14, and even then, your guards will not get to sub out, and either you are a manager will have to be the out of bounds outlet man. What you can do is run Gaps 44 at one end and Gaps 33 at the other at the same time. This would take 14 guys at least you have subs for your guards. You can also run 44 at one basket, and 22 at the other which would also take less people. You could also do 33 at one end, and 22 at the other, etc. This is a great way to be able to run this much needed drill with fewer players. To keep this drill moving, the offense can rebound, but no put back shots. The rules for this are in the blood drill attachment. We will not call this blood, but Gaps 22, 3, or 44. St. Anthony Chase the Dribbler 2 browns just inside the foul line, one gold with foot on volleyball cover, (Move them a few feet to find the right spot for your guys.) Coach says go, and the two browns play catch as fast as they can go, and try to get a lay-up, they may not dribble the ball. The lone Gold is chasing them. The Left lane gold sprints to the outlet, the right lane gold needs to sprint to the far baseline. (Diagram 21) The browns mage the bucket, the chaser takes it out, fits the outlet who takes it on a banana cut, and dribbles up the floor at a diagonal towards the player that had to touch the baseline, and is now running for the FT line at the 3 point arc. The take out man runs hard and fills the right lane, usually filling the right block. It’s an advantage/ disadvantage drill, so this is a one and done on both ends as it is a player advantage situation. If the players miss on the 2 on 1 the chaser, doesn’t take it out, but just blows out in a fast break situation. The two passers, are getting back as fast as they can to defend the basket. On the 3 on 2 it is limited to a total of three passes; we are in attack mode, not a set up. 2 and 3 pointers can be taken, game to 11. (Diagram 22) “5-0 Calls” Basic set up (Diagram 23) Work both ends call actions for them. Drop zone back cut Drag zone drifts, Euro’s Wave throughs, Ball reversal and post, followed by an off guard dive etc.

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The possibilities are limitless. We are also working on Offensive rebounding coverage. This needs to happen every day. Clovis West Cones Basic Set up (Diagram 24) Attacking 3 cones, with called moves, front cross, between, behind, Phil ford, Hesitation, pull back cross over, combos. We need to plant and go at each cone, not just a fly by. We finish with a lay-up, either speed or power, but I like power in this drill. Go to the back of the other line, after you rebound your own shot. Timing is necessary, next guy should not go until player in front has made move at last cone, etc, adjust accordingly. Just do each one a couple of times, this drill can get tiring in a hurry. Game speed or we will run. (Diagram 24) Grants Pass Ball handling set up (Diagram 25) See attached dribble notes for Grants Pass ball handling drills. “D board Verbals” (Diagram 26) Players in the paint, coach shoots, try to miss, team boards. If 2 or 3 rebounds they declare the trail verbally, and the 5 will run to their spot. If 5 rebounds, you need to decide if your 5 is a primary or not, if he is not, he needs to outlet to the 1. The 4 will never trail as a rule; he will hit the outlet, and sprint to the post. On the far end have a pre called set ready, and they need to execute the proper O board coverage, get a score, get the ball out, and then come finish on the end they started on, then the next 5 players step out. UNLV See it and Fix it. 33, 44, or 55 Basic set up (Diagram 27) Offensive Players on the baseline, defensive players in front of them on the free throw line. Coach will throw the ball to one of the baseline players. The defender who is guarding that player must now sprint, and touch the baseline. The offense is now on the attack, the defense needs to see it and fix it, second shots are permitted. Once the defense gains control of the ball, we will set up the same thing at the other end. The only adjustment we would make is that the offense will now be the defense, and vice versa. Shown is UNLV 44.