Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Nebraska) 1898-08-04 [p ]. · I C Nelson of Cody--wa- s quite ill...

u t jy nr WKfcisnd rjBPffivsvik1 - 1 J1- - S - rr -- THE r jr I ii I r -- r r fe fc i t- - tM- - H C fee SsA t r l vol xni THIS AND THAT Comlnv Events Teachers Institute August 15 County Commissioners August 15 Republican County Convention August G Democratic Senatorial Convention Aug 20 Populist Senatorial Conventiou-r-Augus- t 20 Labor Day September 5 Topulist Commissioner Convention Sept 9 Democratic Commissioner Convention Sept 9 Populist County Convention Sept- - 10 DemocraticCounty Convention Sepfc 10 Mrs Perry Lawson visited the Chau ¬ tauqua Sunday J C Stotts was up from Cody on business Monday C A Johnson was in town from Woodlake yesterday Judge Walcott spenfcSunday at the Longpine Chautauqua NE Gardner of garden was in town over night Monday Miss Mary Hurley went home to ONeill Tuesday afternoon S B Turner an Ainsworth stock buyer was in townsysterday Mrs Sam Hudson visited with Mrs JJ Guth in town the past week Prof U OBryan of the reservationJ spent a day or two in town this week W Ef Haley will occupy the Evans house white Ms own is being remodel- ed ¬ Maggie Steele has been quite ill all week though nothing serious is ap- prehended ¬ D M Sageser is moving into his new house in the northeast part of twwn today Geo H Hornby and famity went to Longpine Sunday morning to attend Chautauqua W A Bonser one of Rosebuds most prominent cattle men was in town Monday Landlord Hooton of the Valentine House has been illand confined to his room this week- - DrJB Wells -- has been in Butte iis wees doing dental work for the Mheauts at that place- - Archie Petty crew has beenconsider ably under the weather this week though not seriously ill Work on the Barker building goes rapidly on and it will be completed by the first of September Prof S Q Spain of Kennedy- - was iiitown yesterday lo appear before the pension examination board The teachers institute which com- mences ¬ here August 15 bids fair to be tnb Deat ever held in Cherry county Chas BredesoD of Bosebud spent Saturday in town for the purpose of attending a lodge meeting that night Fred Polks has resumed his position as clerk in Grabb Yincents store after his tussel with blood poisoning C H Cornell went to Cody yester ¬ day morning and will rusticate for a few days on Quigleys Boiling Springs Banch W T Kincaid spectf Sunday at Longpine He reportsliaving heard a splendid lecture by Gov St John Kansas of Hans Basmusaien and Elisa Gjerder wpr marrted at Fort Niobrara- - last weekJticfge Towne performing the ceremony I C Nelson of Cody--wa- s quite ill last week and called Dr Compton to his assistance He is much better at this time Ye editor yesterday decorated the inmates of the court tionse with button hole boquets of fresh flowers from- - oue conservatory It is impossibVfor mafr to play sinch all the time and make a success of his life but some men like to try the impossible Bev 0 T Moore went to Lincoln this morning on a business trip ahd- - will- - visit the Exposition at Omaba while gone Misses E P Bailey and L C Van Horn teachers on the reservation re- turned ¬ last evening to resume work after their vacation speTit in the east W m Perdon and Earl Comstock went out to the formers ranch near Brownlee Sunday Wer presume that they got the full benefit of Mondays 6pW K J VALENT CO 4 Dr Evans and wife startedfor their new home at Springview overland Tuesday The Doctor and his estima ¬ ble wife leave behind- - them many warm friends Bob Paddis and Bill Ballard two of our well known and uiost in- fluential ¬ stockmen were in town Sat ¬ urday the former from Pass and the latter from Woodlake Dr H P Belt was over from Bose ¬ bud Monday and returned the next day The Doctor drove over in rain and was quite thoroughly soaked by the time ho arrived in town Many west bound trains double head The railroad company is bus illy engaged taking stock cars to the Hills The stock run will begin in earnest m a couple of weeks Since we have been keeping bache ¬ lors hall we have learned to appre- ciate ¬ Mark Twains aphorism Be good and you will be lonesome A truer thing was never written Prof and Mrs B H Watson re- turned ¬ Tuesday night from Ithaca where they have been visiting since the Professor finished the course at the State University summer school Dr Sloan will preachin Norden on Sunday morning and evening August 14 1898 He will also preach every evening of that week if it is the wish of the Norden Borealis Miss Peyton of Lavaca is visiting with Miss Delia Sawyer at Sparks prior to attending the teachers in- stitute ¬ The girls were in town last Saturday and went to Sparks the same day Sheriff Strong from Minnesota Charles Derling charge of horse liminary hearing returned with his Monday prisoner wanted here on a stealing The pre- - has not yet taken place Conductor Charlie Johnson fell be- tween ¬ the cars of his train No 27 near Sturgis lasL Thursday evening and was instantly killed Deceased was well known and liked on this end of the road Thank goodness our better nineteen- - twentieths will be home tomorrow evening We were just begining to study up the laws relating to marriage divorce bigamy etc when the wel- come ¬ news was received It is a Query where- - our deputy county treasurer spends so much of his spare time We dont wonder at the deputy clerk because we are told that he manages to link on to some girl almost every evening Davenport Thacher starting a branch of their general merchandise store at Cody in the near future We can promise the people df that live little burg a first class es- tablishment ¬ if such action is taken L C Sparks chief clerk in Daven- port ¬ Thachers general merchandise store left Sunday morning for Lincoln to attend the populist state convention Prom Lincoln he will visit the Ex- position ¬ and then visit his parents in- - Michigan The Nebraska state Sunday school convention will be held at Omaha on Sept 30 at the close of the Trans mississippi Sunday school congress This is expected to be one of the most important meetings of Sunday school workers ever held W E Haley is nothing if not up-to-da- te in the matter of office furni- ture ¬ His latest acquisition is a fine antique oak filing case for papers books letters etc The case has about 100 drawers and is the neatest thing of the kind in town Carl Dean Thompson and Eva Kate Mygatt were married yesterday and announce that they will bV at home after Sept 1 at Sharon- - Wis The groom is a minister of the gospel and die bride is one of Longpine and s fairest and best known ladies The job facilities of this office have been worked almost to their utmost capacity during the last two weeks and our stock of stationery has been sadly depleted Dont worry though if you have anything that you wish printed We have ordered a new sup ¬ ply of papers envelopes and card- boards ¬ and will turn onfc work- - ia good season - i v v - nSMWWtHvBVHWWv i Hi Tfrtd frj piiBjai m JL fl X J vs -- - INE PuMLsliea for 3Four Years as Chapman Jlilsinccr Married Saturday evening July 30 1S98 Mr George A Chapman and Miss Evelyn Hilsiuger Rev J M Bates performing the ceremony It is with the greatest pleasure that Tnii Democrat chronicler the mar- riage ¬ of this young couple The wed- ding ¬ took place at the home of the parents of the bride and was solemn ¬ ized by the llev J M Bates the beautiful Episcopal service being used None but relatives and two or three very intimate friends- - were present The groom is the pleasant and efficient pharmacist at the City drug store and during his residence here has shown himself a gentleman in every respect The bride is a Valentine lady and is known to all as a beautiful amiable and woman With scores of friends we wish the happy young couple success and hope that their troubles should any visit them will all be as light and pass away as quickly as did the moke of the grooms excellent wedding cigars JLlttle Spnsgys Jead Spug Donoher is dead It is with fond regrets mingled with ghoulish glee that ve chronicle this fact We liked Spug and he liked us but he was a dreadful nui- sance ¬ and the sentence of death which was passed upon him many moons ago was executed Tuesday Spug was a gentleman awd met his death in a way by the chloro- form ¬ route and amid the sobs of his many friends was tenderly laid away to his last rest at p m on the day of his demise His ancestry is lost even to tradition but the seven warts on his face showed that he was a and that is all we cared to know He was 12 years old at the time of his taking off was deaf blind and halt and was the best known pug- - dog in Northwest Nebraska Re quiescat in pace Sionx GU to OmaUa Incharge of J P House a dozen Siouxcame over from Bosebud last Priday afternoon and left the next morning for Omaha where they will attend the Indian congress as repres- entatives ¬ of the Brule Sioux The party was composed of Geo Lone Elk and wife Turning Eagle Pulls the Arrow Sleeping Bear and wife With Horns Goes to War wife and child Poor Dog and Keeps the Mountain The party carried a complete outfit of war bonnets feathers and beaded work and wore the Indian full dress Priday afternoon they obtained per- mission ¬ and gave our citizens an op ¬ portunity of seeing what they could do in tbe dancing line The alfair came off on Main street and attracted quite a crowd Wind Does Damago During the heavy wind last Priday J night the st eel roof on J R dyers House 7 miles northwest of Crookston was blown to smithereens a granary was wrecked and a barn scattered to the four winds The same night the north half ot tbe roof over I C Stotts house at Cody was blown away We are glad to say that nobody was hurt at either of these two places One queer thing comes to mind though- - both of these were new roofs Mr Stotts having moved into his house just the dy before the storm The query naturally arises Are new houses safe to live in Fourteen Baptised Pourteen persons were baptised by by Rev Moore Sunday Pour two ladies and two gentlemen were sprink- led ¬ at the church and ten three boys and seven girls were immerspd The latter ceremony took place at the mill pond nearthe bath house and was witnessed by a large concourse of peo- ple ¬ 200 or 300 being present Those who were baptised will be received in- to ¬ full communion with the Methodist i church on August 14 one week trom Sunday Everybody says that Cherry county will have the biggest crops this year ever known Small grain needs more than the usual amount of twiue for binding this year and the heads- - are large and well filled The rains of this week have assured a good corn crop except in a few places Haying is progressing rapidly and men are in1 Igreat demand - f -- rf - - - r DEM CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT Dr Reichard will be in Valentine at the Valentine House August 5 6 and 7 prepared to do all kind of den- tal ¬ work at lowest prices All work warranted 27 TjOHT A fine black and white set- ter ¬ dog Answers to the name of Paul Was first missed about July 23 Liberal reward will be paid for his return to Lt C H Bartii 27 Pt Niobrara Nebr Cherry county and in fact all of northern Nebraska was blessed with a fine rain Monday By the govern- ment ¬ rain gauge 136 inches of rain fell during the day The water fell in torrents for a few minutes during the forenoon Stubble duck are said to be ripe at present It is against the law to shoot prairie chickens until September People throughout the country threat ¬ en to prosecute any one who violates the law so our sportsmen had better go a little slow Miss Kibbey left Valentine last week and Miss Williams returned to her school work at Rosebud Sunday at the expiration of her 30 days leave The bachelor contingent of The Don ¬ oher boarders say that everything in town is unusually quiet just now Rev Sloan so far recovered his health that he was able to leave the hotel for his home at Alliance last evening His illness was the ef- fect ¬ of a strain received while leaving the train a week ago Saturday and for a time his condition was very critical Ben Davis is budding forth as a hunter of pestiferous wild dog He weut forth early yesterday morning with a pack of gray hounds and gave chase The chase was exciting as it was short and at 6 oclock Davis and his hounds- - were iuowu with a- - great big coyote as a trophy of the hunt Cliadron News Eniow Etancit Sold Barrlett Bichurds md W G- - Com- stock ¬ this week closed a deal for the entire Enlow outfit situated in the southwest part of this county The deal means the transfer of several thousand acres of land and about three thousand head of cattle worth alto- gether ¬ about 100000 Mr Comstock will move his personal property frooi his old location in Montana to this county and will we understand make his home in Chadron Ten Years Recollections Rev Bates held regular services at the Episcopal church last Sunday morning and evening He announced that on his next visit to Valentine the first Sunday in September he will give his reminisenccs of his ten years work in this mission field It is sel- dom ¬ that a missionary holds one post as long as Bev Bates has held this and his talk is sure to be replete wiih in- terest ¬ to all Services in the evening will be held at 730 instead of 800 p m as heretofore iewsfrom Ainsworth E II Edwurds returned last Fri ¬ day evening from a weeks visit with his son at Carrol Will Dennis of Valentine passed through Ainsworth Tuesday on his way to South Dakota He is making the trip by wheel The Epworth League is fortunate in being able to arrange dates with Bev O T Moore of Valentine who is making a lecture tour along the Elk- - horn Mr Moores bill read Sense and nonseuse or An Evening of Fun Ainsworth Star JburnaT Nearly Completed Jackson Braytons new building is rapidly compleLion and By September 1 will be in use -- The floor is laid and shelving is be i ing placed in the store room on the first floor The present store room and the new one will be connected by an archway thus giving the RedEiont a floor space of 50x80 with a base ¬ ment under the entire establishment The second floor of the new building is divided into five rooms and a bath room closets etc The rooms are sol arranged that they may be used in suites or separately si A OORAT VALENTINE CHERRY NEBRASKA THURSDAY AUGUST 1898 congregation contemplate Bfownconnty -- accomplished inconsistently gentlemanly thoroughbred approaching OSPECTIVE HOUSEKEEPERS 3 - - SsjSsSSvS prob- lems original for open their too values are offering e GENERAL MERCHANTS Pr A fit THEjIJE JUST NOW THE N OF ALL NOW BEING- - OFFERED BY US YOU WILL M buying at A Drugs argest of WALL in Northwest J A of Perfumes M MORRISSEY ATTOENEY AT LAW VALENTINE NEB OWMOEEY WATOHMAKEE - - JEWELEE Pine of plain fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed done in manner Eull of sporting goods S ESTABROOK COUNTY STJ REYOR All executed promptness and accuracy Office at residence east of M E church VALENTINE NEB- - ISSUED Monthly OF line Sta- - AND line and and Best line work with 25 CENTS The- - ItandOIcKalTy- - Gnlde and Book of tlie Hallway ana Navl gatlon Lines of the United of Canada and Mexico Devoted especially transportation lines the territory of thOhloand Mississippi the lake region lines groveraed by the time ins tmui menamn tcemrai ewnaara lime ana west jinereoi naving ai3o conaenflea ana tnrough ume- - Subscription S3 per year ots pcr cctpy THE RAILWAY GUIDE CO Publishers and Proprietors lfi3 174 Adams Street Chlcajro HL nMIWIIMVMOTMNWMMMi NO One of the most serious ¬ that confronts all prospective housekeepers is the great outlay necessary setting up an establishment If would only come to us we wonld show them how easy it is to make ¬ tle money a long way Te can make veteran housekeepers eyes at the now Thacher HATH VICTORIES AlD ONE IS GOODS KINDS oDONALD OHV I v our store ine I Oils Paints Tarnish PAPER Nebr complement Toilet Articles tioneiy A O r O the J Official Band Steam States Dominion to In valleys lncludingaH of 00 25 AMERICAN to they a lit go of ete llliotts Drug Store O M SAGESER ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W H Moses building HOT AND COLD BATHS C A Wells o o 28 J B Wells BROS DE RIAL WELLS NTISTS Office over Clierry County JSanlc 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights c Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable Communica tions strictly confidential Handbook on Patents sent free Oldest agency for seenrinepatenta Patents taken through Mnnn Co receive special notice without charge in the Scientific American A handsomely illustrated weekly Largest cir cnlation of any scientific journal Terms 3 a year four months L Sold by ail newsdealers MUNNGo36B NewYorR Branch Office 25 T St Washington D C THE ELKHORN RAILROAD Iforth Western Line is to be to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD OF NORTH NEBRASKA i- - - 5

Transcript of Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Nebraska) 1898-08-04 [p ]. · I C Nelson of Cody--wa- s quite ill...

Page 1: Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Nebraska) 1898-08-04 [p ]. · I C Nelson of Cody--wa- s quite ill last week and called Dr Compton to his assistance He is much better at ... last evening

u t jy nr WKfcisnd rjBPffivsvik1 -

1 J1-- S - rr

-- THEr jr







t- -

tM- -





r l


Comlnv EventsTeachers Institute August 15

County Commissioners August 15Republican County Convention August G

Democratic Senatorial Convention Aug 20Populist Senatorial Conventiou-r-Augus- t 20

Labor Day September 5Topulist Commissioner Convention Sept 9

Democratic Commissioner Convention Sept 9

Populist County Convention Sept- - 10

DemocraticCounty Convention Sepfc 10

Mrs Perry Lawson visited the Chau ¬

tauqua Sunday

J C Stotts was up from Cody onbusiness Monday

C A Johnson was in town fromWoodlake yesterday

Judge Walcott spenfcSunday at theLongpine Chautauqua

N E Gardner of garden was intown over night Monday

Miss Mary Hurley went home toONeill Tuesday afternoon

S B Turner an Ainsworth stockbuyer was in townsysterday

Mrs Sam Hudson visited with Mrs

J J Guth in town the past week

Prof U OBryan of the reservationJspent a day or two in town this week

W Ef Haley will occupy the Evanshouse white Ms own is being remodel-



Maggie Steele has been quite ill all

week though nothing serious is ap-



D M Sageser is moving into his

new house in the northeast part of

twwn today

Geo H Hornby and famity went toLongpine Sunday morning to attendChautauqua

W A Bonser one of Rosebudsmost prominent cattle men was intown Monday

Landlord Hooton of the ValentineHouse has been illand confined to hisroom this week- -

DrJB Wells -- has been in Butte

iis wees doing dental work for theMheauts at that place- -

Archie Petty crew has beenconsiderably under the weather this weekthough not seriously ill

Work on the Barker building goes

rapidly on and it will be completedby the first of September

Prof S Q Spain of Kennedy- - was

iiitown yesterday lo appear before

the pension examination board

The teachers institute which com-



here August 15 bids fair to be

tnb Deat ever held in Cherry county

Chas BredesoD of Bosebud spentSaturday in town for the purpose ofattending a lodge meeting that night

Fred Polks has resumed his positionas clerk in Grabb Yincents storeafter his tussel with blood poisoning

C H Cornell went to Cody yester ¬

day morning and will rusticate for afew days on Quigleys Boiling Springs


W T Kincaid spectf Sunday atLongpine He reportsliaving heard a

splendid lecture by Gov St JohnKansas


Hans Basmusaien and Elisa Gjerderwpr marrted at Fort Niobrara- - lastweekJticfge Towne performing theceremony

I C Nelson of Cody--wa- s quite illlast week and called Dr Compton to

his assistance He is much better atthis time

Ye editor yesterday decorated the

inmates of the court tionse with buttonhole boquets of fresh flowers from- - oue


It is impossibVfor mafr to play

sinch all the time and make a success

of his life but some men like to trythe impossible

Bev 0 T Moore went to Lincoln

this morning on a business tripahd- - will- - visit the Exposition atOmaba while gone

Misses E P Bailey and L C VanHorn teachers on the reservation re-



last evening to resume work

after their vacation speTit in the east

Wm Perdon and Earl Comstockwent out to the formers ranch nearBrownlee Sunday Wer presume thatthey got the full benefit of Mondays

6pW K J


Dr Evans and wife startedfor theirnew home at Springview overlandTuesday The Doctor and his estima ¬

ble wife leave behind- - them manywarm friends

Bob Paddis and Bill Ballardtwo of our well known and uiost in-


stockmen were in town Sat¬

urday the former from Pass and thelatter from Woodlake

Dr H P Belt was over from Bose ¬

bud Monday and returned the nextday The Doctor drove over in rainand was quite thoroughly soaked bythe time ho arrived in town

Many west bound trains doublehead The railroad company is busilly engaged taking stock cars to theHills The stock run will begin inearnest m a couple of weeks

Since we have been keeping bache ¬

lors hall we have learned to appre-


Mark Twains aphorism Begood and you will be lonesome Atruer thing was never written

Prof and Mrs B H Watson re-


Tuesday night from Ithacawhere they have been visiting sincethe Professor finished the course atthe State University summer school

Dr Sloan will preachin Norden onSunday morning and evening August14 1898 He will also preach everyevening of that week if it is the wishof the Norden Borealis

Miss Peyton of Lavaca is visitingwith Miss Delia Sawyer at Sparksprior to attending the teachers in-


The girls were in town lastSaturday and went to Sparks the sameday

Sheriff Strongfrom MinnesotaCharles Derlingcharge of horseliminary hearing

returnedwith his


wanted here on astealing The pre- -

has not yet takenplace

Conductor Charlie Johnson fell be-


the cars of his train No 27near Sturgis lasL Thursday eveningand was instantly killed Deceasedwas well known and liked on this endof the road

Thank goodness our better nineteen- -twentieths will be home tomorrowevening We were just begining tostudy up the laws relating to marriagedivorce bigamy etc when the wel-



news was received

It is a Query where- - our deputycounty treasurer spends so much ofhis spare time We dont wonder atthe deputy clerk because we are toldthat he manages to link on to somegirl almost every evening

Davenport Thacherstarting a branch of their generalmerchandise store at Cody in the nearfuture We can promise the peopledf that live little burg a first class es-


if such action is taken

L C Sparks chief clerk in Daven-


Thachers general merchandisestore left Sunday morning for Lincolnto attend the populist state conventionProm Lincoln he will visit the Ex-


and then visit his parentsin- - Michigan

The Nebraska state Sunday schoolconvention will be held at Omaha onSept 30 at the close of the Transmississippi Sunday school congressThis is expected to be one of the mostimportant meetings of Sunday schoolworkers ever held

W E Haley is nothing if not up-to-da- te

in the matter of office furni-ture


His latest acquisition is a fineantique oak filing case for papersbooks letters etc The case has about100 drawers and is the neatest thingof the kind in town

Carl Dean Thompson and Eva KateMygatt were married yesterday andannounce that they will bV at homeafter Sept 1 at Sharon- - Wis Thegroom is a minister of the gospel anddie bride is one of Longpine and

s fairest and best knownladies

The job facilities of this office havebeen worked almost to their utmostcapacity during the last two weeksand our stock of stationery has beensadly depleted Dont worry thoughif you have anything that you wishprinted We have ordered a new sup ¬

ply of papers envelopes and card-boards


and will turn onfc work-- iagood season -

i v v -nSMWWtHvBVHWWv i Hi Tfrtd frj piiBjai m JL

fl X Jvs -- -

INEPuMLsliea for 3Four Years as

Chapman JlilsinccrMarried Saturday evening July 30

1S98 Mr George A Chapman andMiss Evelyn Hilsiuger Rev J M

Bates performing the ceremonyIt is with the greatest pleasure that

Tnii Democrat chronicler the mar-


of this young couple The wed-


took place at the home of theparents of the bride and was solemn ¬

ized by the llev J M Bates thebeautiful Episcopal service being usedNone but relatives and two or threevery intimate friends- - were presentThe groom is the pleasant and efficientpharmacist at the City drug store andduring his residence here has shownhimself a gentleman in every respectThe bride is a Valentine lady and isknown to all as a beautiful amiableand woman Withscores of friends we wish the happyyoung couple success and hope thattheir troubles should any visit themwill all be as light and pass away asquickly as did the moke of the groomsexcellent wedding cigars

JLlttle Spnsgys JeadSpug Donoher is dead It is with

fond regrets mingledwith ghoulish glee that ve chroniclethis fact We liked Spug and heliked us but he was a dreadful nui-


and the sentence of death whichwas passed upon him many moonsago was executed Tuesday Spugwas a gentleman awd met his deathin a way by the chloro-


route and amid the sobs of hismany friends was tenderly laid awayto his last rest at p m on the dayof his demise His ancestry is losteven to tradition but the seven wartson his face showed that he was a

and that is all we caredto know He was 12 years old atthe time of his taking off was deafblind and halt and was the best knownpug- - dog in Northwest Nebraska Requiescat in pace

Sionx GU to OmaUaIncharge of J P House a dozen

Siouxcame over from Bosebud lastPriday afternoon and left the nextmorning for Omaha where they willattend the Indian congress as repres-


of the Brule Sioux Theparty was composed of Geo Lone Elkand wife Turning Eagle Pulls theArrow Sleeping Bear and wife WithHorns Goes to War wife and childPoor Dog and Keeps the MountainThe party carried a complete outfit ofwar bonnets feathers and beadedwork and wore the Indian full dressPriday afternoon they obtained per-



and gave our citizens an op ¬

portunity of seeing what they coulddo in tbe dancing line The alfaircame off on Main street and attractedquite a crowd

Wind Does DamagoDuring the heavy wind last Priday

J night the st eel roof on J R dyersHouse 7 miles northwest of Crookstonwas blown to smithereens a granarywas wrecked and a barn scattered tothe four winds The same night thenorth half ot tbe roof over I C Stottshouse at Cody was blown away Weare glad to say that nobody was hurtat either of these two places Onequeer thing comes to mind though- -

both of these were new roofs MrStotts having moved into his housejust the dy before the storm Thequery naturally arises Are newhouses safe to live in

Fourteen BaptisedPourteen persons were baptised by

by Rev Moore Sunday Pour twoladies and two gentlemen were sprink-led


at the church and ten three boysand seven girls were immerspd Thelatter ceremony took place at the millpond nearthe bath house and waswitnessed by a large concourse of peo-


200 or 300 being present Thosewho were baptised will be received in-


full communion with the Methodisti church on August 14 one week tromSunday

Everybody says that Cherry countywill have the biggest crops this yearever known Small grain needs morethan the usual amount of twiue forbinding this year and the heads- - arelarge and well filled The rains ofthis week have assured a good corncrop except in a few places Hayingis progressing rapidly and men are in1

Igreat demand

- f


- -- r


Dr Reichard will be in Valentineat the Valentine House August 5 6

and 7 prepared to do all kind of den-


work at lowest prices All workwarranted 27

TjOHT A fine black and white set-


dog Answers to the name ofPaul Was first missed about July23 Liberal reward will be paid forhis return to Lt C H Bartii

27 Pt Niobrara Nebr

Cherry county and in fact all ofnorthern Nebraska was blessed witha fine rain Monday By the govern-ment


rain gauge 136 inches of rainfell during the day The water fellin torrents for a few minutes duringthe forenoon

Stubble duck are said to be ripeat present It is against the law toshoot prairie chickens until SeptemberPeople throughout the country threat ¬

en to prosecute any one who violatesthe law so our sportsmen had bettergo a little slow

Miss Kibbey left Valentine lastweek and Miss Williams returned toher school work at Rosebud Sundayat the expiration of her 30 days leaveThe bachelor contingent of The Don ¬

oher boarders say that everything intown is unusually quiet just now

Rev Sloan so far recovered hishealth that he was able to leave thehotel for his home at Alliance lastevening His illness was the ef-


of a strain received while leavingthe train a week ago Saturday and fora time his condition was very critical

Ben Davis is budding forth as ahunter of pestiferous wild dog Heweut forth early yesterday morningwith a pack of gray hounds and gavechase The chase was exciting as itwas short and at 6 oclock Davis andhis hounds-- were iuowu with a-- greatbig coyote as a trophy of the huntCliadron News

Eniow Etancit SoldBarrlett Bichurds md W G-- Com-


this week closed a deal for theentire Enlow outfit situated in thesouthwest part of this county Thedeal means the transfer of severalthousand acres of land and about threethousand head of cattle worth alto-


about 100000 Mr Comstockwill move his personal property frooihis old location in Montana to thiscounty and will we understand makehis home in Chadron

Ten Years RecollectionsRev Bates held regular services at

the Episcopal church last Sundaymorning and evening He announcedthat on his next visit to Valentine thefirst Sunday in September he willgive his reminisenccs of his ten yearswork in this mission field It is sel-


that a missionary holds one postas long as Bev Bates has held this andhis talk is sure to be replete wiih in-


to all Services in the eveningwill be held at 730 instead of 800 pm as heretofore

iewsfrom AinsworthE II Edwurds returned last Fri ¬

day evening from a weeks visit withhis son at Carrol

Will Dennis of Valentine passedthrough Ainsworth Tuesday on hisway to South Dakota He is makingthe trip by wheel

The Epworth League is fortunatein being able to arrange dates withBev O T Moore of Valentine who ismaking a lecture tour along the Elk- -

horn Mr Moores bill read Senseand nonseuse or An Evening of Fun

Ainsworth Star JburnaT

Nearly CompletedJackson Braytons new building

is rapidly compleLionand By September 1 will be in use --

The floor is laid and shelving is be i

ing placed in the store room on thefirst floor The present store roomand the new one will be connected byan archway thus giving the RedEionta floor space of 50x80 with a base ¬

ment under the entire establishmentThe second floor of the new buildingis divided into five rooms and a bathroom closets etc The rooms are solarranged that they may be used insuites or separately







-- accomplished






3 - -SsjSsSSvS





open their too values are offering






M buying at ADrugs

argest of WALL in NorthwestJ A of Perfumes





Pine of plain fancy jewelry constantly on hand

Repairing promptly executeddone in manner

Eull of sporting goods


All executed promptnessand accuracy

Office at residence east of M E church




lineSta- -


line and



work with


The- - ItandOIcKalTy- - Gnlde andBook of tlie Hallway ana Navl

gatlon Lines of the United ofCanada and Mexico

Devoted especially transportation lines theterritory of thOhloand Mississippi the lakeregion lines groveraed by the timeins tmui menamn tcemrai ewnaara lime ana west

jinereoi naving ai3o conaenflea ana tnrough ume- -

Subscription S3 per year ots pcr cctpyTHE RAILWAY GUIDE CO

Publishers and Proprietorslfi3 174 Adams Street Chlcajro HL



One of the most serious ¬

that confronts all prospective

housekeepers is the great

outlay necessary setting up an

establishment If would

only come to us we wonld show

them how easy it is to make ¬

tle money a long way Tecan make veteran housekeepers

eyes at the now






OHV I v our store ineI Oils Paints Tarnish

PAPER Nebrcomplement Toilet Articles


AO r O



OfficialBand Steam

States Dominion

to Invalleys

lncludingaH of




a lit



llliotts Drug StoreO M SAGESER

ARTISTHair cutting and shavingShop in the W H Moses building


C A Wells




J B Wells





NTISTSOffice over

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