Vacation the Social Media Way - Pecha Kucha

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A PK slideshow on how social media has influence vacationing. I discussed how people use social media platforms while planning trips, while on vacation, and once they're home. I review a couple of social phone/web apps that have perpetuated the way people travel.

Transcript of Vacation the Social Media Way - Pecha Kucha

  • 1. Nikki Schell - Pecha Kucha @nschell05 Vacation the Social Media Way

2. Planning the Trip 3. In Transit 4. On Vacation 5. #vacation 7,267,111 Instagram as of 8pm Wednesday. #holiday 9,282,301 Instagram as of 8pm Wednesday. #travel 6,599,749 Instagram as of 8pm Wednesday. 6. Once Home 7. Sol Wave House - Majorca, Spain 8. Twitter Themed Hotel #SocialWave @SolWaveHouse #PartySuite 9. Instagram Themed Hotel 10. 1888 Hotel Sydney, Australia 11. InstaContests 12. Theres an App for that 13. DO WE NEED A VACATION FROM SOCIAL MEDIA? IS A VACATION FROM SOCIAL MEDIA EVEN LOGICAL?