Vaastu and Tress

Vaastu and trees To enjoy complete balance with universal energies, the type of plants and landscaping in front of the house must be carefully considered as they have great impact on the flow of energy into the house. A square or rectangular garden is the most favourable; ensure that the garden's north-east is not obstructed by tall plants or trees, as this will affect the wealth of the property owner. In this corner, it is best to place a fountain or a bowl of water containing flowers like lotus or water lilies as this will have a soothing and calming effect on residents and visitors. The south-west portion of the garden can contain tall trees, plants, a rock garden, garden chairs and a table or a patio. The south-east part (the fire corner) of the garden should be reserved for barbecues. If you have walls, ensure that the south and west walls are thicker and a few inches higher than the north and east walls. This is to keep good energy flowing in from the north-east confined within the property. Vasthu does not suggest keeping fish anywhere on the property because it is sinful to keep such marine lives trapped. Once the structure of the garden has been settled, check the soil and ensure it does not have stones, anthills, bones, holes or stumps as such items are inauspicious. Enhance the energy flow onto the property by planting trees and plants that bear fruits and flowers, like jasmine, because they represent fertility and will uplift well-being. Dead or dying plants and dried flowers must be removed because they emit negative energy. If you are thinking of growing the creeper known popularly as a money plant, don't - neither outdoors nor indoors. In fact, do not grow any type of creeper over walls or roofs because, according to Vasthu principles, they will intercept positive energy. The curry leaf plant is also frowned upon as, according to Vasthu, it is harmful to the male child of the house. Furthermore, the roots can spread wide and damage the floor of any patios or verandas and the foundation of the house. Other harmful plants that should be avoided are those that ooze sap, and thorny plants like cactus because they emit negative energy. What of positive plants? According to Vasthu, one of the most powerful and auspicious plants is the tulsi or basil plant. This shrub, which has great medicinal value, can purify the atmosphere and keep mosquitoes away. Tulsi can be grown at the front or the back of the house, in galleries, windows - in all places where it can be exposed regularly to sunlight. If growing in the garden, place it in the north-east.


vaastu and trees-garden energy balancing

Transcript of Vaastu and Tress

Page 1: Vaastu and Tress

Vaastu and trees

To enjoy complete balance with universal energies, the type of plants and landscaping in front of the house must be carefully considered as they have great impact on the flow of energy into the house.

A square or rectangular garden is the most favourable; ensure that the garden's north-east is not obstructed by tall plants or trees, as this will affect the wealth of the property owner. In this corner, it is best to place a fountain or a bowl of water containing flowers like lotus or water lilies as this will have a soothing and calming effect on residents and visitors.

The south-west portion of the garden can contain tall trees, plants, a rockgarden, garden chairs and a table or a patio. The south-east part (the fire corner) of the garden should be reserved for barbecues. If you have walls, ensure that the south and west walls are thicker and a few inches higher than the north and east walls. This is to keep good energy flowing in from the north-east confined within the property.

Vasthu does not suggest keeping fish anywhere on the property because it is sinful to keep such marine lives trapped. Once the structure of the garden has been settled, check the soil and ensure it does not have stones, anthills, bones, holes or stumps as such items areinauspicious.

Enhance the energy flow onto the property by planting trees and plants that bear fruits and flowers, like jasmine, because they represent fertility and will uplift well-being. Dead or dying plants and dried flowers must be removed because they emit negative energy.   If you are thinking of growing the creeper known popularly as a money plant, don't - neither outdoors nor indoors. In fact, do not grow any type of creeper over walls or roofs because, according to Vasthu principles, they will intercept positive energy.

The curry leaf plant is also frowned upon as, according to Vasthu, it is harmful to the male child of the house. Furthermore, the roots can spread wide and damage the floor of any patios or verandas and the foundation of the house.  Other harmful plants that should be avoided are those that ooze sap, and thorny plants like cactus because they emit negative energy.

What of positive plants? According to Vasthu, one of the most powerful and auspicious plants is the tulsi or basil plant. This shrub, which has great medicinal value, can purify the atmosphere and keep mosquitoes away.  Tulsi can be grown at the front or the back of the house, in galleries, windows - in all places where it can be exposed regularly to sunlight. Ifgrowing in the garden, place it in the north-east.

Tulsi contains beneficial fluids that can be used to prevent as well as cure illnesses. It is destroys phlegm and bile, benefits the heart, removes toxins, increases the secre-tion and quality of semen and strengthens memory. Its juice, in moderate amounts, enhances physical beauty.  Among other remedial applications of tulsi are as a treatment for diarrhoea, piles, kidney stones, loss of appetite, skin diseases, infertility, labour pains, constipation, colic, toothache, vomiting, asthma, hiccups, fevers, diseases of the mouth and ailments of the eyes.

Research has revealed that tulsi leaves contains a minimum of 27 minerals; scientists have also reported that 15 drops of juice squeezed from tulsi leaves added to a litre of petrol enhances the speed of a vehicle by 20%. Nowadays, the plant is used in the preparation for over 300  Ayurvedic medicines.   Tulsi is grown in almost every Indian house in Malaysia and India and even worshipped as a sacred plant.

Another plant that has healing qualities is the neem tree. Vasthu encourages growing one near a property. It is not advisable, however, to grow it within the compound of a house because its deep and strong roots can cause structural damage.  The neem tree has such a variety of medical applications that it is sometimes referred to as the village pharmacy and is now widely used by Ayurvedic practitioners.

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In Vasthu, neem is viewed as a miraculous plant because of its medicinal qualities and it is identified as an extremely powerful blood-purifying and detoxifying agent. Neem has been used for chicken pox, fever, malaria, skin diseases, dental problems, diabetes, tumours, arthritis, and jaundice.   It has gained the attention of late of scientists seeking a cure for HIV/AIDS, not only because of its anti-viral properties, but also because it boosts the immune system on all levels without destroying beneficial bacteria, unlike synthetic antibiotics.  In addition to its numerous uses as a healing agent, neem has been receiving much attention for the ecological benefits it provides.

For centuries Indians have been mixing neem leaves with stored grains to prevent insect infestation. But neem is not simply a natural alternative to pesticides; increasingly it is being used to reverse desertification and to reduce erosion and deforestation, making it an important weapon in the fight against global warming.  Neem's many practical applications make it of enormous interest to anyone concerned about health and ecology.

T. Selva, The Star's Maritime Editor, has spent years researching this ancient Indian science of construction, better known as 'Indian Feng Shui'. He is a student of 7th generation Vasthu Sastra Master Yuvaraj Sowma from Chennai, India. He can be contacted at [email protected]

A talk on Vasthu Sastra for health, wealth and prosperity will be held at 4pm on Dec 8 at Tashar Herbal Beauty House (No. 3A, USJ 11/1J, Subang Jaya, Selangor). Admission is free. To register, call Mrs Rama at 012-204 1442 or T.K. at 012-211 4545.

The similarities and differences between Vasthu Sastra and Feng Shui will be aired in a panel discussion hosted by Jenny Malai in the programme 'On The Air' on TV2 at 11am today. T. Selva is one of the panelists.