V Vampire

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Transcript of V Vampire

  • 8/10/2019 V Vampire


    V----- Vampire


    This is a town called Normal. It is a normal town, where normal people live in

    normal houses. Everything is very normal. Except for one house which is,,,


    just a little different from the others. A vampire lives in that house

    3. As the sun sets on the old, rickety house

    4. A coffin lid opens from the inside.

    5. Ancient grandfather vampire rises smoothly and quietly from the coffin. Left foot

    first, then right, he exits the coffin in the same way he has for the last 300 years.

    And so does

    6. V_____ Vampire. [sound effect Thump voice bubble: Ow! Im okay!] Who

    has not been doing this for quite so long.

    7. As the sky darkens V______ vampire is excited. Tonight grandpa vampire haspromised him the special treat he has been asking for. Can we go now grandpa?


    But Grandpa vampire is not quite ready. He does things in his own time and in his

    own way. Not yet little vampire, we must get dressed.

    9. Grandpa vampire puts on his coat. Left arm first and then right. Picks out a top hatand places it on his head just so, slips on his scarf and picks up his cane.


    V______ Vampire gets dressed too. He goes casual [voice bubble: V_____

    vampire! Is THAT what youre wearing!?)

    11.All finished. Can we go now grandpa? Not yet little vampire, we must brush

    our fangs.

    12.Grandpa vampire brushes carefully. First his left fang then his right. Always the

    same. He watches his fangbrush float in the mirrors reflection. Little Vampire!

    Your reflection is showing!

    13.All finished, can we go now grandpa? Not yet little vampire, we must light thecandles and feed Fred, the monster under the bed.

  • 8/10/2019 V Vampire


    14.Grandpa lights the candles, going around the room the same way he always does.

    V_____ vampire feed Fred. Wait! V_____ vampire! Are you feeding Fred, themonster under the bed .MARSHAMALLOWS!?


    All finished. Can we go now Grandpa?Not yet little vampire we must


    Yes?Well I guess that means


    [both together] YES!!!


    lets go now!

    17.Grandpa vampire and V_____vampire touch their nose and wiggle their toes.

    They tap their hats and

    18.turn into bats!

    19.At the end of the room a window opens all by itself and grandpa vampire, whohas done this many times, flies gracefully out of the window and into the night


    20.V_____vampire flies out the window too.

    [V_____vampire bat hits the windowsill. Sound effect: Thump voice bubble:ow! Im okay!]

    Careful V_____vampire!

    21.Granpa vampire and V_____vampire soar into the night sky.


    23.Granpa vampire flies slowly and elegantly. Always in a slow straight line.

    V_____vampire flies fast, doing circles and sommersualts in the air.

    24.Grandpa vampire watches V_____vampire and then tries something he hasnt

    tried in 300 years. Flying next to V_____vampire, he speeds up. He feels the wind

    in his ears and does loopdy-loops around V_____vampire. Grandpa vampire

    remembers just how fun this is!

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    25.As the night comes to an end and the sky lighten, grandpa vampire returns with

    V_____vampire to the old house; happier than he has been in a long time.

    V______vampire is feels good too, like he has learned a little bit of grandpavampires smooth grace and control [V___vampire bat hits his head on the

    window sill. sound effect: THUMP voice bubble: OW! Im okay] And he still

    has plenty of time to work on it.


    Touching their nose and wiggling their toes they swoop down by the fire, each

    one again a vampire.

    27. What a special night, Grandpa vampire and V_____vampire think as they settle

    down into their coffins; both feeling they had learned something special.


    As the light seeps in through the window

    29.and the sun rises over the town called Normal. Grandpa vampire and sleep

    30.Ready for the adventures that tomorrow night will bring!