v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint...

/ffix. f s ? 7 /U / —■*v /o V" S^yCOst' vk^Lo^ -«o(U^ _ £c**s $w / &_ <L £*£<*-&&. C*»—- f\( 0 dZ*r—i-i (* r _^p 2 . l4^ : /IC-C^Tr cC*^j> t*z £g. k!o~£^j-4 ^i^^y-j9S-vo~Vi 'yefrtiVt Jpjl z~*S ^ fa O-Jr-^re 'i C*— C-uw^eA-y 'vv_ 4 ^^ hv^j-^X" (rQ. h~-+~*±e & K~a/VsJ !^0 //Gh^. c-cv'-Ow-lS*", »^/-£. ■Q"Gl~X>n.— •^o-v-C-o ' &JlJL<s^J '&- '—c*'= 'p ^ i C*~fi£L lT fl-JJ CL*^-^ jLu>^/Cov» “j 5 tr~f o/ /^-C- (wc^

Transcript of v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint...

Page 1: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

/ffix. fs ? 7 / U



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Page 2: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

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Page 3: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

P.O . Box 5569,/ • L> ^ /o JOHANNESBURG.C * + y > A ^ i4th Jui i945#


You are strongly reminded that a meeting of the above will be held on Tuesday 17th in st ., at 5 Pad. at the Offices of the African National Congress 58, Marke't Street Johannesburg.

A G E N D A S -- 1. Minutes.

2» Correspondence.3. Deputation to see Prime Minister.4* Co-option of new members.5. GENEBA1.,;..



Page 4: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

A.B. Xuma.'104, Sad Street,

* > 1 T i

norq '.V ? TrA r-©9DUT

-* f* y U -v

r , « r> u v r

' T g o j - t < V " T

Page 5: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish


Treasurer-General:R. G . BALOYI, M .R.C., P.O. Box 30, Bergvlei,


Honorary Officers:HO U SE O F C H IEFS .


(Founded in 1912)Motto: R IG HT NOT M IG HT. FREEDOM NOT SERFDOM.

A D M IN IST R A T IV E O F F IC E R S .Secretary-General:

Rev. JA S . A. CALATA.P.O. Cradock, C.P.

Assistant Secretary-General:W . B. N G A KA N A ,

"Lungalegwaba" Hostel,Orlando, Johannesburg

President-General:Dr. A. B. XUM A, M.D., D.P.H..

104, End Street, Johannesburg.

16th Juli-* 19 5 * 194..

Speaker:R. V. SELOPE-THEMA. M.R.C., 14, Perth Road, Westdene, Johannesburg.

Deputy Speaker:Mr. S. M AC. LEPOLESA,637, Batho Location. Bloemfontein.

Senior Chaplain:Rev. Z. R. M A HABAN E, Kroonstad, O.F.S.


Cape African Congress:Mr. A . FRANK PENDLA,New Brighton,Port Elizabeth.

Natal Native Congress:Dr J . L. DUBE, Ph.D., M.R.C., Ohlange Institute,Phoenix, Natal.

O.F.S. African Congress:Mr. T. M. M APIKELA , M.R.C., 1437. Community Avenue Bloemfontein.

Transvaal African Congress:Mr. S. P. MATSEKE (Deceased).

ADVISORS:C h i e f s :

SEM E- B-A - LL-D-.Korrfkulu Pte. Bag Mbabane, Swaziland.

Education:Mr. Z. K. MATTHEWS, M.A., LL.B Fort Hare College Alice. C.P.

Locations:Mr. R. H. GO DLO, M.R.C.68, St. Paul's Road.East London.

Lands:Mr. A. W . G . C H A M PIO N i9. O ld Dutch Road,Durban.

Labour:Mr. E. T. MOFUTSANYANA,74. Progress Buildings, Commissioner Street, Johannesburg.

Social Welfare:Mr. A. J . SI LI LO, M .R .C ..P.O. Box 154, Durban.

Law Advisor:Mr. LEO. MTIMKULU. Baunanville Location,Somtseu Road,Durban.

Organisational Propagandists:Mr. J . N H LAPO B.A.,P.O. Wilberforce,Evaton, Transvaal.Mr. SAM SESEDI,716, Makenna Street,Off Barldey Road,Kimberley.

Pear 'Ur,

LIPORTa NT k o t i c e .

I have be«n instructed oy The President General,.ur A* IS. Xama, to notify you that a meeting of the Forcing Committee, of the National executive, of the African National C o n g r e s s ill be h«ld at Congress Offices , Hosenbere Arcaae, 5b Market Street, Johannesburg, on the 2£rd July, 1945 ,at

II a.m.


1. Minutes.

2. Arising out of minutes,

3 . Mr. Thomas Mas the (Letaba).

4 . Mr. jlolepo’ s appeal

Heidelberg appeal n »

5. General business

Yours for the cause.

Secretary sooltiteeper.

Page 6: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

I 4 ': j Afcx■ 4 &7it I v

Copy of letter to Professor JabaYu,P#0«MIDDL ftttIi|,Tllc#p# received on the 16th August 194-5,from

Mr Peter Abrahams98,King Henrys Road,LONDON,N.W.3.,l6th July,1945

PAN-Atf'rUOAi* uON(rKtt33.Dear Professor Jabavu,

A proviaional Committee has recentlybeen formed here to convene a Pan"Afrlcan Congress in Britain in tnel latter part of September or early October,1945.Dr Du Bois of America is also associated with it and willprobably lead the American delegation to the congress. I ,a * joint international secretary with Hr Q-eorge padmore.hava oeet instructed to establish links with South Africa. I would like you,therefore,to treat this letter as an official invitaLion to tne Congress. In relation to South Africa we are fenced with a number of difficulties,and I thought you might d« tne Dest person to contact. We have not got the addresses of the various organisations like the All-African Congress and All"African Convention and the Non“Suropean United Front,and the time element is rather against us,so I wonder if you would use your influence to arrange for tnese groups to send a djelegation and to associate themselves with the Congress. I would parti­cularly like South Africa to be associated in the calling of this Congress,. I f .however,there is any difficulty in getting a delegation out of tne country,ana the various groups are in agreement with the Congress,I would suggest that you mandate South Africans already in tnis country and send to them matters that you would like to have raised at the Congress. Unfortu­nately the only South Africans I nave contact witn at present here are your daugnter,Mr Mark Hlubi,ana myself.

I had intended writing to Dr A.B.Xuma but cannot get hold of his address. A friend,Mr Vil-Nkomo has sent me the adaress of Mr D.W.Bopape wno is Transvaal Secretary of the Congress,so I am dropping him a line and telling him that I have written to you. I also have the address of Mr David Gosani,Secretary of the Non-European Trade Union Council,Johannesburg,and I will drop him a line as well. I will as*c them both to get in touch with you.

I realise tnat tnis is a ratner unconventional manner to deal with tne matter,but no other way seems open to us,and a3 we want this to be a truly representative Congress of all the African peoples,we hope you will waive the irregularity in this instance.We have chosen our date for tne Congress to coincide with the ending of tne World Trade Union Conference so that the African Labour leaders who had been at the Conference would beable to attend our Congress.The sponsoring organisations to date are:pan-African Feder­ation; The League of Coloured Peoples; The West African, Stud­ents Union. I should like one or more of the South African organisations to be included among the sponsors.We have a very wide provisional agenda which I am posting t,o you seperately. We hope also to have fraternal delegates from other Colonial areas and groups of subject peoples -India, Burma,Ceylon,Malaya,etc•,as well as British Labour,Tr^de Union, and other progressive fraternal observers.

I hope you would kindly get in touch with tne various groups and discuss tnis matter as well as any othefc matters you may wish to raise,and let me mow what decisions have been* arrived at so that I can put it before my committee as soon as possible.

I shall keep you informed of any furtner arrangements and developments and snail hope to hear from you as soon ^ as it is possible. With warmest greetings,yours sincerely,p.A . ’

The provisional agenda merely says Reports,Discussion, Resolutions.covering 8 days,on questions educational, political,etc.).

' K , , __

Page 7: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

GOPI98 , King Henrya Hoad, LONDON, H.W .3.


Dear Mr. Bopape,

A provisional committee has recently been formed here to convene a Pan-African Congress in Britain in the latter part of September or early October, 1945. We are expecting delegations from the United States, the West Indies, West Africa and other colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish links with South Africa. 1 would like you, therefore, to treat this letter as an official invitation to your organisation to the Congress.

In relation to South Africa we are faced with a number of difficulties as I did not know the addresses of the various or­ganisations and groups and 1 did not even know your address until mv friend Mr. Vil Nkomo passed it to me. i I therefore decide to write to Professor «Jabavu who is, as you know, one of our most leading wellknown South Africans. would have li^ed to have written to Dr. Xuma as well, but did not have his address. 1 explained the position to Professor.Jabavu, and asked him to get in ’’ touch with the various organisations in South Africa, p o m u n g out to them that this Congress was going to be held in London and trying to arrange for a delegation from South Africa to oe represented. I hope you will forgive my taking this procedure of1 contacting an individual but that was the best 1 could do.Perhaps you will get in touch with Professor •'abavu at Port Hare and discuss the matter with him, and perhaps you would also put it

before your Committee. ' . .I feel it is most important that south Africa should be re­

presented at this Congress, not only because all the other African Peoples will be represented there, Dut because of what the Congress in itself can do to help improve conditions.

Op to now, there is no Sofcth African organisation among the bodies sponsoring the Congress. I would very much like to see the name of a South African organisation as one of the sponsoring hndips As I have told Professor Jabavu m mv lettei, it might not be*possible for a delegation from South ifrioa to get o»t of the

nr.frJ that case I have snprested that some South African already in this'country might be given J mandate to act on behaif of either

one or a number of South African organisations.

We have chosen our date for the Congress to coincide with the ending of the World Trade Union Conference so that the Laoour leaders who"have been at the Conference would be able to attend

our Congress.

We have a very wide provisional agenda which »vhich 1 ^ nos tine to you aeplrateiy? 7/e hope also to. have fraternal delegates

from other colonial areas and groups of subject peoples - India Burma, Ceylon, Malaya, etc., as well as British Labour, trade union, and other progressive fraternal observers.

a hore you will discuss this with your Committee and kindly ffet in touch with Professor Jabavu, and also discuss any matters vou may wish to have raised at the Congress, and let me know so that I can put these before my committee as soon as possible.

I shall keep you informed of any further arrangements and developments anci shall hope to hear from you as soon as it is


Y/ith warmest gre tings - /ours sincerely,

Peter Abrdiaffi&«.

Page 8: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish



m m s i G M * ________

S8 King Hanry's Hoad.lWnr» N.Vr.3.'LONDO

(Subject to amendment and alteration at the discretion of the Standing Orders Committee).

The sponsoring organisations at a preliminary meeting held in Manchester on June, 17, 1945 have agreed upon the following agenda for the Congress.

The Congress shall be held over a period of eight days at the end of September or the beginning of October, 1945 subject to the termination of the forthcoming World Trade Union Confersnce to be held in Paris. As soon as it is officially announced when the Trade Union Conference is to be held we shall fix our dates and announce them.

Delegates report and various committees assemble.Evening: social function.Official luncheon.Evening: public meeting.First session: Reports and discussion on West Africa Second session:Reports and discussion on South Africa. First session:-Reports and discussion on Bast Africa. Second session:Resolotions on Africa.First session:-Reports.and discussion on West Indies. Second session:Further reports and discussion on West


Evening: Social.First session: Resolutions on West Indies, second session:Reports and discussion on Negro problems in North, South and Central America.First session:Resolutions on Negro problem in North South and Sentral America.First session: General summing up and decisions. Afternoon: Special session on of Congress committees and commissions. •

- Evening: Social function.

Experts on the various territories will be asked to draw up reports on them and to act as reporters. These reports will be supple^enteu bv reports from the delegates from the various countries concerned. Resolutions presented to“ the Congress will reflect the problems of the countries as well as specific questions like education, trade unions, public health, political and constitutional reforms, civil liberties,

etc., etc..









Peter Abrahams

Page 9: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

MX- 4 fo 7/ 7 V 7 u s

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if fS M X 1 ut- Colonel J . t e U a m , £ .3 .0 . , (Chalraan), Meeere.O .H.*1. Sdivodf nOd *<r»D.Rheioalit

; ‘W i received fro© - n. Jan H a0f*eyr, h . r . aad Br. A .3 . Xu»a.

•inutea of Meeting held os 12 th Jim*, X9^5 ,already circulated *«f« oonfjrae urn te3L ned- 71 SK'MALDaQN* Org. KflQ' CCA&UFlfT C'-.ffTfL- j

(a) {& « & * .* *ntlftn : **» ■**tt»g aj.^ roved of sn attaadaeot to Clauee h u ; as reoott*ended bj the fru#t#** of the c*

^ P»pt.,....pf j4oo.j»X ^elfaro t ^r# Joaea reporte. thathe was malting for the return of the £*«r«tary for Social Welfare

,* j aayertalo fro- hla th# b^&l* of the j*ra»ta for eapita 1 and running expenditure.


( o} . * * * . * • • reported that the Town CJerfc, Johanneebtarg had drafta* a atnut* providing for the aadertefelag aaked for by the fcapartjsant of oclal <£#1 fare in rea^-ect (if the refund of # * should the buUdtng mot continua to be needfor the purposes of the Centre. HOT” ©

— -J X ;:--- I— US8B3L1 *Piftintaeot of sr, Ear 3. r .n ;« p * i

&r. Phillip** acceptance *&a noted.

As Br. illlpe l» shortly to leave for the United State a of ^aerloa on a ho iiday visit, it «ae agreed -

" ft V v '■•■:Cw •'ilggtor O f t h e J * n hoftaeyr ggsaj. ^r iP k _u l^ ibaenc.a, be aaaed t T l ^ T T T T F r "£ ;"*« A*f— **» gn tue oo,;.fd of Trustee* until the lattera return in January X9UG.

____ ■ . . ' . . . ...., ;

sltft reference to the proposal agreed to *t t&e previous meeting tnfst tha . -A. Rative ollefra be aake^ to consider *iX) apfllo«tlo«a froa indiviausile for aa^lfet&soe to continue their eauc&tlon; ami to aake re^weewiatloo*; thereon, the fmkSa aeallabla £ L 2 9 5 f 10 *d«31tion to the &JQC now granted go

"j * j»XA.O»log reply fro» Principal Kerr, dated 5/ 7/ ^

* tfe ku-ve always considered tfe,*t ,?e ebonld nee p*rt of owv ,;ra»t for th® «14 of atudente and aa yoy are a*«'are e h;*ee done ao

' ® began. vt tite present «o»ent e are ai^ln, students taking Mdv.^nced or {W t^tlao c-'/uruea at Capetown and ^ 1 twataranu.nd fcnlreralUea • n® h-v* never felt t?i%.t the oujss thus placed at our ^iapOaal aere aufficient to gr^nt &urearie» to titudenta tsklnp

**>¥& aahpoX or University Cotirsee eapeolally alGca the i.<tueatlon Dapart■ emta in all the rrovinoe* have fairly extensive aureary dohaeea of their oan. The Teacake1 for example spenda*•75® burt*ftrlea at Fort Kar» alone, and the Provinces, «lth

Page 10: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

the exception of the Free State, are f irly liberally supplied.Needless to asy *e should be ?«*ry v.illin. to undertake the

expenditure of an additional sun up to .11250 anti to sxpend it to the best of our kao iswige but I hop* the Trustees *111 realise tfaat cn« «u& at .our disposal for this purpose ©a® generally only be useii to augsent fundu derived f w « other sources or to 4 4 in the purchase of book*.

I should <iay th&t •* are in touch vith othsr i*odl^b tin£ bursaries and thus <*re in a position to j^voli duplication of r«*;»oureea all too aleMer for n.&t t?»ey h*r.v to do.

fee shall *11lie; ly relieve you of the burden of investigation, •

Principal Kerr’ s ready respouse #&* deeply appreciated and the arrangement -a* confirmed.

«f. L*J«UaSYH ciUh^Ufaa ;

It reported the t the four nuts.ee admitted with the aid of these bursarlee ta the ©nurse at the University of the «lt%witer#-

. rand for the University Diplocia in -ursin had failed in the exam­inations for Fart 1, and that tiie following letter,dated l> /7 /^ » had been receive;- by tfce Institute of ?*&•* Halations from the D#an of the faculty of Siedicine *-

* I have to inforis you that at the nesting of the Board ofc.xaaln«rs for Part L of the examination for the Di|»loisa in tfuralng, the 3©ard resolved to inforu the &otith African Institute of R*.«t ftel*tlon» that t'c.« following recosoendatlon -ill b«? submitted to thet Senate of the i?niver:-»ity at its forth­coming meeting for *pvrov<*l.

* &->n-^u roae.au 5-tuuents ;

Aeoyaaenoed that tae £-outh African Institute of Race Halations T i inYors>e« thst the Board, having considered the results as a steel*, Is of the opinion that the add as ion of Xoa-Ur^«tn strident a to tne Dip owa in riurain# course hab been preasture and ti.at these students should be withdrawn fro the course; t- e oo-jird t&kes this decision without prejudice to the adeil^siHis of Kori-^uropasin students to the course when c*ittfii3at©s of adequate quality are fertheoisiug. •

The information as a received *ith regret ane disappolntaent. After Clacueoion.

it »as a m s & ).


Liginuaft*,,, ________ .______________-u tr.o »dyfinc<>d.coara..«

to tbiffft. m j S U m a L aa ! » j j r i3_ S a _ lb s _ - ILri

lfeg_gl^iggte..CoB|;».. bh4S_ea

--- for ta. op ortunttjrlgj^s. » a r t a r italt

to fA&lt I W W Mis to * 31* ieste " I» a s_ q a sja f c S s * . ®£»de.,w uf c.-. fopthgotalBgi

V' '--f. to tot»r-»ie > thff1VJT- t jtgfel. &«-<lon.;..tp. hglj,

;i»lrLr-.-l ..t a n y , ' .iitga^arA r«- .4w 4l

a j . S2.to

the^r tralc f .& ^a to t■> . o « .n ^o ;q ^n f.run* of to

Page 11: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

.-Al-.;:**. -• ••«■: r- ..a . h/jiv* j

ffee following lattor, <U«®a ?a<S July, rwo.ired fro is Principal Kerr *aa read 8-

• I hbTo jour letter of the ^tfe Juoe ana I wiah tu axpraa* ay• rati trade r.'j * he "ruet.*a of t :a *s.ntu i f a « r *L-t for the kind consideration the,? feaee to my application for a***** or £$000 on b#h*lf of Kort Mar#.I BQt# that it 1» *uggeata that *e *n*3«uvoxir to raiae an

" 1 1 * onal cy>00 then apply to the <vov«rnasent for an equivalent grant, of *10,000. Though a*ar* of the difficulties beeettin*: any appeal on b^jalf of a Hative Coll*#* at this tl:« I a&-- willing to adopt the augpeation of the Trust and attest, to raise 65*^® the proatiaa of an equivalent account fro« the rruat. ?her« Is no doiffrt but that our bulliing pro*■ raw** coultf easily employ t-20, 000.Th# thre* projects loaedlately nae*a*»ry are the extenaloQ or Steaart Ball* tfte erte»i«i®r« of the >.o^en• * Hostel and the extension of the Aaaeably Hall.Itoanvhlle tbe v'hur-ohaa are planning axle^a ona of the **en'e

thar It would appear that increase of numbers will be possible In tae n**r future.

avery affort will b<» *adtt ?o r*iae an equivalent uua bafore approaching tha ^orarnaaant, I &op* tha Trustees will not allow our minimum roq(ulre;-.»«*Bte to fall of fulfilment should we ba unsuccessful in raisin# tne full &$QQO in a reasonable tluo*,

IT AORESD ; to. raooquyna t;o the, jugtaaj

M L a t w » A U . .tyMo »ht f E i r a a B L g £ t E l a ? i. ’ht foL.&SQRQ rm

U,.t iTlnolml fc«rr u . notas _ ti&z.

$ . gpSAy.' -------- ; Loan for a « o t n « -Uot:

The Chairoan submitted correspondence with air. » .3 . £rlal£b, Chalvaaa of fcew ;nlou uo dfiel^e, vhioh aho-xed th«t tha elactrlct plant daalre<3 for the HoapiUl waa an aaaantlal part of tha talar aupply of t. a tine and aurrman la*: aia*.rict ^Ith a large Afric n population dap^n^ent upon the uatar aupply. The Cepart^.ent of native Affaire waa bein§r «re c to ac-uire tha whole e^ulffMttt.

IT AS awu; r> : tbg.t riy-3 oorn»»FQRc*v»«i i t>» raf.rryi to Pr. .Mtk.n:

7 • Ayrtl^ g ? ;

Kotea prwparvd by Mr. Hhainallt Jonaa detail leg the a. enciea conoernefi alth tha welfare of Afrlouna on the lt*aterar>jnd and the nature of th^lr aotivltlaa ha5 been circulated. A# 6ev«3ri*l Tr?iate^a aere abaent -

IT «A3 Aflat. B : lo_£«far gor.^ia.ri»tlor! of th. not8. untU th.e?Tt_£aatlr.^ /rl ni.alnai^Woft^ to M t f^?T.w3 Z£ £ ^ + M * * i *M-Jp± .ag^lO.n by ti-,e ffugj.

*• KHUftSrtSPOBK flOlHi , v ,. : Held ovar.

• ------..................................... ......________________ .. ■-■■■1**

Tha Ch&lratan subaitte<S oorreapontienoa betaeen himaelf and certain Afrie&n nedloal jtudenta in «hlcn the lattar au^aated the eatabllatoant of r fur provide aehol^r»nipa to enable African ^r*«du«tea to ae^oialiae in certain diraotiooa un& to provide loins to aaalat t^e« In *afc bilahin^ theeaalvea in practice.

i«r. Jona« eaid that dlaouisalona taKio^ place betweenB m a « tend h \ & * f and oertaln p m lftvut macic -’ .-r.horitiea

regarding ways In which tha Tru&t ai,rht aawi^t in th e d«rvaIopallet


Page 12: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

of ftedio&l *e<i ho ith *»arTic»a a«o«£»t African* and In the training of the necessary personnel. Ala©, ttat Institute of H oe Relation* had be«*n aaked for ad*lot? *e to the ua« to wnich oert^ln ragl»*nt»l fuQus * lt ht be devoted for Native olf&re. He ndvlaed thst ao action be taken un*i 1 r. and he had reported. k i m -ihi

I . ...- - ■ : ■■■__________i I ■ ■ :

Col. on&ld»on reminded the meeting of hi* proeiae to don&te £1000 for the relief of dl*treaa#d African *x-»oldler*t and said ttat he had received a lottar froa Lt. Gol. i^ocfcford of the 8on- Europeaf* Arsijr ~errlee* as&feln certain att^geations*. After <31scu**lon,

XT «A3 AGREE© S ttefrjfflgfr : « ^ - ^ ^ n e t ^ s f l a s i i .^U j?J£ »lth

DfVtSCltntr* :■ rr»n ! uj ' ■■ ■ ■ n'>«

It as reported that on Coionol Jenaldaon*s recommendation the following shares had been pttreh&sed :-

500 Gferrlg Dl&saond* m Z$f-1000 Afrlo&n-£uropean # 108/- to 109/-and that another $00 Csrrlg Pl&monda would be bought If they fell to 21/- AC?£&.


i? >*& aOEK0& : in.jQr^tff yoajd. .fgr. sal.w k of .tfiTTchuroh.

J L>H J / DAK:

15th July, 1945.

Page 13: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

7/7/W - No..


Kosto(Jlurge £_

ersvoJ^uoiniijiT. Traffic Serial No.

Jvlas. Kanf/xir van herkouis. Woonle. K«xie.Cla3&. Oilice oi Origin. Words. Code.

Diensaanwyainga. Service Instructions.

{Skryf duidslik astddicf.— Please IVrite Distinctly.)




XaT o—



§ G .P.-S 5796 —11)43 4 - i 2.000 2 .0. S.

L .W .— Die Cepartcment Is nle vir verllc.se gely as £ cvolg van onjuiste oorscimn*^, vertraging of nie-aflewerlng ran telegramme'aanspreeklik nie.

N .B .— T h e D ep artm en t Is not llab !e fo r lo sse s in cu rred th rough In co rrec t tra n sm iss io n , delay o r n on -delivery o f T e le g ra m s.


M oenle o org eseln wort) n ie .— N o! to be telegraphed.

ITandtrkeniwj ran a/under.___ ____ _________ _________Mi/nature o f Sender I Q 4 , E n f l o t r # C t ,

Adra.... ...... .....JOHANNESBURG.A idrcu

Page 14: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

The prompt delivery of your

telegram is important to you. There-



Die stipte aflewerlng van u tele­

gram is vir u belangrik. ADRES-



Page 15: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

Ahy. 4tf>7i7ts , (

CuPT. $ AA Hi/ A .v..

TOi FI 1 » , t : LI :>r l s , P i ,'J ' I: , IV I ON HJIi Ur t'.:-# p Pl:r 0 ;I A#




k i 1 CA1.W LT1 U , UJ.iltia.Tt 1^:0 1 i*t3l L Chi «-:l KATi fenSf

/Ahh^'ib. Dlxii.L l'Rt.*.JCi4 C; Lift.ji.CH V*

ASHkWLj AS I'OINVjti/ OUi ii* TL L rO HA.; Mr.JiTjJ&lH

APRIL LAGT, PFj.Y 1,'i li.iATi PJ L i . i l» U1R11 Cl


( rGD) XrTM/ , ’ I R I D -Gh :- Ft/\L#


104, L’rv St.rrst,JOHANNESBURG,17th July, 194 5.

Page 16: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

i +■ ' i _ .,.6 At#- i'Tojr7 cw T p • r/ V

r .

i>. 0 . BO/. 205• PXKTER SBUR 0

17TIT .FTLY 1945

) ) ) ) .j .


m:APinclosed please find a coi>y of a letter

written to sens tor D/isnor by the le©d«rs of the African National Cor/^resa

North Tr/uiavatei Braaeh ' 'jolepo’s Defence Couanittee ahich speaks for

itself .

^e wish you to approve of the action

If you think vie should not Intervene kindly let us know ty the return of

post • 'Please expedite matters by an ealry

reply •

I am , Ycrars faithfully ,

% 2 ± ±

Page 17: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

i f p. 0 . BOX 205M PIETER SliTJRaW- . 17TH JULY 1945

THE ^ nator basher


we the undersigned wish to submit the i ollo*ving

the M inister of Native Affaixswas here in^Pietersburg^^

representations were made to him by the Chiefs and Councillors c o n s u i r f e r f ^ a p e before deporting any of their subjects ,

A *(2> as y o u are aware that a b ig trouble is brewing , and Preparations

are afflot , orders to remove certain Natives from grazing farms to resident!i t ia l farms , and that the authorities are going to move thase Natives o j

force very so^ e * ye leaders of^the North have interviewed the New

Native Commissioner who is sym p Jle^to the Natives to delay the authorities

d , to allow them to intervene by talking to the Natives who^are alrerd. so ’Tild to a-Tee to remove because Uhe Government nas ag r eeu u o

compensate J f T b y paying 30/- p .r M « f “ ? V g g gOf the farm to which they may go to . , <arilalso to oDtaingrass and provide them w ith transport of thier belongings •

(4) ( Chiefs M atlala and Moloto each v is ited t h e i r f o l l o j o r a t o Prevail

S i s kon h is followers . a p p e a l

to agree to the removal . a J ^ th±| appoal kindly send Mr Rangata with

a S f t S k f r t t w i people on or before t h e » £ W « t th®Native commissioner has given time only to that date •

rt>\ mif main fear is that i f there is bloodshed for we are sure if

force Is vaed there w ill be bloodshed the chances of Mr Molepo’s re iurn

home wi 11^ r ope le s s •

jhances property *

Kindly expedite matters hy an early reply >

We are * Yours fa ith fu lly ;

J .

Page 18: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

A. W. B U R T O N ,

T E L E P H O N E :

M . B. C h . B.

4 f ,X * # 7 IS


S u r g e r y 6 4 6 R e s i d e n c e 5 2 1

C a p e P r o v i n c e .

ttuly 18th 45.....“■■■................. . 1 94

Dr.A .B .Xum a,M .D ., D .P .H .

114 End St,


Dear Sir,

Mr.B.Xiniwe of our town has drawn my attention to

a booklet,- " AFRICAN CHARTER" which he has advised me to

read. He is not aware of the actual cost which he estimates is

about 2/- . I send P .O .Order for 2 /6 and for same would like

you to forward me a copy at your convenience.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

A?W.BURTON,M.B.,CH,B. ( E d in .)

Page 19: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

/fax- 4 r q /?



M O D ER A TO R — Rt. Rev. L. N . Mzimba, B .A., D .D .GEN . T R E A S U R E R

andCON. R E G IST R A R .

[Loncoln U niv. U .S .A .] P.O. Box 18, Alice, C.P.

SEN IO R C LER K — Rev. T . P. Tshabangu,1043 Bantu Location, Bloemfontein, O .F.S.

JU N IO R C L ER K — Rev. P. B. Rapiya,311 Allen Lane,East Bank Location,East London, C.P.

PEN SIO N FU N DT R E A S U R E R — Rev. C. D . Kwatsha. B .A., S .T .B .

263 Durban Road,P.O. Korsten,Port Elizabeth, C.P.


Page 20: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

A h y - *

.0 i V.


AB^ARM.Preeldsnt-CdnerBl*» O ffice ,

104, "n i Street,Bo rrfonteln,

Joh n’-’e^Vurg,S^th Jul' , 1945.

Mr. Slose* Mphah’ ale,

86 , Sixth Avenue,

tRi-V'j I A.

De^r Sir. 'Jphahlelt,

T have to acknoeledhe, "rlth thanka, receipt ofyour letter of the 28th ultiao and aopy of * resolution adoptel at a neetlru hei on the H a t Kay, last at the Poufal’ 'Util, *Tar&bfistad, Tretoria, requee^i*!*. at to call a Plenary Me^tlr^ of CM pfs or thrlr rsro resent at lvfrs and

l^a-J'-rs to bi Y U at P r e t ^ a on the 6th A.upjst, 1 9 * % to fc form a proper c 'nstl tutlonal ^!onf^r® ',' ‘ n th® Transmnl*

Ther- 13 nt present a o nstl tutlonal Transvaal _i ® _ . . • « « — .African "ational Congress ulti Mead quarters at Rosent erg Arcade, 56, Market Street, Johamdsburfi, an I feel that all persons interest.d In Congress and the v:elf^rc of th«Af* leans shoul b-come aeeabers of the constitutional Provincial Congress anu becoae candidate* for oi .icte , If t'ft desire, at Vie nt ;ct election anc obtain t ; t. desired

Af -lcun lr.1 ty and bt able to steer the African rational Con^res boat to a safe anchorage and achieve for our people Tici of si it is dr at red.

ar;. recta* e thr -r.r*. flayed ty *«,k .^thoIn clarifying the ▼'orltlon and t •«=■ Interest you :nc ot -.era nr* taking in waferp 'ectinn <"?on~re£3*

Your^ 'o- t-ie a<lvu->o-P'nent of


( SCU) A. B. X H ,,H .iv li)h.k -I- . HhL.

Page 21: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

Mx- 4 roy 2~o i

P .S .4502/ 45.

|Smntoor u an bie f U r s i e Ifitn iflie r

|Jrinxe M inieier’z (M £ i» ,

P R E T O R I A ,

20th July, 1945.

Dear Dr. Xuma,

On behalf of General Smuts I have to

acknowledge receipt and thank you for your telegram

of the 17th instant, in which you convey greetings

from the African National Congress.

Yours fa ith fu lly ,

p r iv a t e Se c r e t a r y ,

Dr. Xuma,President - General, African National Congress,


Page 22: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish


yi& tA ie^ / { jo . ~ ) b ~ pO<)ndio W-egi?

Scdf-xnY-) €

N O T I C E O Poil )cjH-'5-

A P P E A L .




Dear Sirs, Please take notice that we the undersigned, being bona fide members of the African National Congress (Orlando Branch) and duly authorised to ibake this

proceedure, hereby note an appeal against the validity of the election held at Orlando on Sunday the 15th July, 1945, before the Provincial President (Mr.Ramohanoe), on the grounds as set out hereunder

1.(a) THAT the Orlando Branch of the African National Congress and/or the Head Office of the Province erred in causing to be published and/or allowing publication of circulars in .-which names of certain canditates and the positions they wished to contest for were specifically stated therein ;

(b) THAT the publication of the said circulars influenced and prejudiced the mationte mind andthus failed to allow* people a free choice in the election.

2. THAT the Provincial President who was then presiding over the said election erred in holding that all people who were present in the said election were bona fide members of the African National Congrras for the current year and eligible to vote without conducting an devising an impartial method of checking their membership in the interests of all contesting canditates.

We shall be pleased if you will cause a meeting of the National Executive to be held when we can be heard to present our case to them.

Kindly advise of the date of hearing.

We are who are ready to serve the nation.

Page 23: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

r.hi / t t X '4 Jr»72JL

J O , 114^ N o._

Koate Charge £_


Traffic Serial No.Klu,. Kautoor van herkoms. Woorde. Kode.Class. Office of Origin. Word*. Code.via

Diensaanwysings.— Service Instructions. OorgeseinKent

—8-- d.

V a n • F r o m§ G .P .-S .034»-?

L(A/sV\ ±($U La4A 4$yV3* ]&&t*aLL^ 9+1 - 2—«.250,ooo. s . Mosnie oorgesein word n ie.— Not to be telegraphed.

/{b*$ Adresllandtelcening van afsender.Signature of Sender

L .W .—Die D epartem ent is nie vir verliese M roorssak deur onjuiste oorseining, vertraging ot nie-aflew ering van telagram m e, a a n -

spreeklik nie.


N .B.—The D epartm ent is not liable for losses incurred through incorrect transm ission, delay or non-delivery ot Telegrams.

Page 24: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

The prompt delivery of

telegram is important to you.




There -


Die stipte aflewering van u tele­

gram is vir u belangrik. ADRES-



Page 25: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish




•Scruonifuer. Traffic Serial No.

Kius. ivuutoor vuu hnrkonus. W oorile.Class. Oiliee o f Origin. Word*. Codu.


Service Instructions


(Skryf duiddik awcbltif.— Please Write Distinctly.)





D io r.......




XUMA, PRESIDENT-GENERAii, AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS, xVANFROM ________I G J\ -S .6790 — 11)43- 4 —12.000- 250. S.

L .W .— D ie D ep artem w it is n ic v fr verU ese gely f*.s gevolg van onjuiste oorseiA ing, v ertrag in g c f n ie-aflew erin g van telegram m e aan sp reek llk nie.

N.B.—The Department is not liab le for lo sse s incorrect through incorrect transm ission, delay or non-dehver> o f Telegram s.

M oenie co rg ese in w ord n ie .—N ot to be te legraph ed.

nandtr.Uniny ran afsender- Si'/nature of Sender

J dree.Addreu

Page 26: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

The prompt delivery of your

telegram is important to you. There­



Die stipte aflewering van u tele­

gram is vir u belangrik. ADRES-



Page 27: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

N.A. 283vTelegraphic Address- Telegrafiese A dres:

** N A T IV E S ."



P.O . BO X \P O S B U S /


______________ 19-.6/278.

Dr. A.3. Xuma, M.D., D.P.H., President General,

The African National Congress, 104 End Street, JOHANNESBURG.

Dear Sir ,

I have to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your letter dated the 7th instant together with one copy of "The Africans' Claims" which, it is noted, you have been good enough to furnish free of charge.



Page 28: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish


2 6 rh fuly,A?</5 .

dr. L. 1J. Au:ialo, lioure N o. 7 4 67, O r l a n d o W e s t , JurlAKiv-.LiiURG.

Dear Sir,

I arn a e ' ^ n o r l t receipt of vonr Notice or Appeal dat*> tie in-ta-it.

I shrill h=> p l p i to s e e v'i'i a r d v o ’ir c o l l e n p i i e s a * 11 a . m . ^ u ’-'day t 0 « ? Q * h J u l y , 1 9 4 5 , a t i ’f i o m e , c 5, '"I'n'r r t r e - 1 , r o i a t ->-v n 1 n f»">n c o t t o n ” i t o y o u r c o m p l a i n t * a b o u t t o p r e c e n t C ^ n / r e p ? B r a n c h e l e c t i o n ? a t O r l a n d o ;

Y o u r s t o r n f n c a n e , A L A u t . i t

Pru-6ix>i*i 'i-U£.»,z

Page 29: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish



2 6 t'i J u l y #/<5v5.

Lir. C. b. Rsr-ohunoe,

Trenrvai-.l P n vin cir l President,

1 4 0 , Sixth Avenue,

a LKXANDR# T 0 ^ S ! I P .

Dear Pr">vi of'1 f 1 Pi*f»«»i ie>n*

I append a copy of a U t t p r ’-r.se, <*«>(}

tilr day L* v. Ku'nal o , an : **ha 1 i ba gratp fillti have you present at -he

* *

Mr. L.P.Kurmlo,House No. 7467,Orlando vert.,

J oHh.nnePbu rg.

’> a r Si r,

• . I n n acKno^vledginr rec ipt of your

Notice of Appeal detyd the 21rt instant.

I aha? ] V gl* r1 11 co i vo’j s*ri vomi no! ! ^afiiep a*', "li a .11!, o r’j Hriy t. ?QtH ju lv p -TM5, at *rtv hou^e, P5, rT,oVi’-•’>0} hi f~ t >1 ip erfi On m*| th yoi J r* r» T7|-pl ain tfabou4 t'-|c Effort K-'in

at Crl ">rdo. "

Ycure for Africans* Progress,

A 3 X U i UPR s i ji::_R/,l .


Page 30: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

/fivx- '67Ml

nliA/ Aiv.1.

2 6 ti July, 5.

M r. S. 5 1 1 *8 ,

Bloeraf^nteln Locatioim ,'BLO,""vn',T'7I v .

VD o r r . J. ' r * . KHftr,

I muf t conpT^ tul« t* you f^r being-

c l » c feri Provincial Secretary of th* Orange

Free Ftate African National Congress. A greatre.*8]. nelbil i t.y ha? been -Disced upon yoij to do a ll

you c p h to org-nir.e and unite our people for the

raisin* oi.' t i ? ir O 'n rtatus and brln5(:lnj_ about

freedom to nnd for themselves.

I an w riting to i^fTrm you that I am

scheduled to open the ALL-IN-CT'- [j:; Or

\’0N-y.r?Ifh __ 'T HIS on Sat.urday*the 4th August

n »xt . I a*’ ar-'-anging to ar-lve t^ere the le

rooming. I shel1 remain 1 M "Blo^^fdn + pin until

Sunday the "5th August. T deoVr^ + r> meet. your

Executive and ■''uT^ v>c' g1«^ rRrti f*lv>a','e In any

r,ro :'r*'ne you v a r ^ n g e c -nveni ent ly ,

I shall b p pl^d to ie- r frim you

about your plans n t your earliest, po '^ 'ib le .

convenience in ord °r to prepare rayselt* for them.

Yours f ir tie A fr ic a n s ’ Progress,


Page 31: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

h ' O j U e -


2 6 1'*. July, 5.

Hr. J. Jacobs,

Bochabela Location,B L U M ’Ol'V IV.

If)e«r Mr. Jacob?,

T must conprRtul«t*» yon r ^ T >>elnp

elected President, of th'’ Crar.£*e ^re- State Aftttcan

Nation*? Congresp. A great responsibility has been

placed upon you to di all you cnn to orgaripe and

unite our people for the raising o f their owi status

and brlntio/ about frecdo® to and for themselves.

1 am ••riling tc in font you that, X am

SC t O t id 1 i<—Co.■ i x-- - - » Oj ' NUN—Ifctli.Ih

1 nAi.. U' i CNL or Saturday tie 4tn August next. 1 am

aT—> ngi nf to arrive there nhe s-me morning. I shall

repair in Plormfonteln u^til Sunday tie 5th August.

I me<*t your Sxecuti^e end would be glad

to participate io any programme yon m^y arrange


I FT *11 bp gird to V s r fronj you

about y m pv-nr a* your e*rliept pnsrib"!*» con-'enfen'

ce in nr-vr t^ p r e ^ r e mypel p f^r th*m.

Yourr f-ir the Africans ’ progress

Page 32: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

*3038 Gabashane Street, BLELJ£F OK’Ta 1ST.26th. July , 1945.

jjr • i i * -B* iX-Uina , M. !D. t re si dunt- (k.neral,African. National Congress, iviv/ard Road, Sophiatown,J Ojiu UlixtiilS-HURCr.

Dear ^resid&nt, t _ . .In accordance with our conversation of Kimberley

concerning the African National Congress, I beg to communicatewith, you in the following terms :

Sow that I have been appointed Organiser and provincial Secretary of the African National Congress in this Province; I f you are satisfied that I 'm a proper and fitting one for the responsibility entrusted to me by the ^ree Stat conference, I shall then, ask to make this request. I f I ha>«- to carry out my duties satisfactorily, honestly and trustfully,

mo forget my cares and worries as a man of family. Then, with a ll my soul, my mind, my organisational de^lomatic method my strength and the profound love for my fellow Africans, I shall give this work its due attention, i f only Congress undertakes to pay me a salary not ls-ss than £15. per month®

The Africans, you w ill agree with me, are far from being organisdd. I am not trying in any way to under­estimate work done by former leaders of the Congress- it is indeed meritorious. But when I think of the masses, the masses that are st ill outside thts great fold of Congress, the mas° s that are- now ready to march with a Koses, then I realise the restonsibility antrustea to me. I plead here to b~ given a proper and fitting chance to organise the Africans in this doomed province of ours. I f I have to undertake so vast, so precious a work, under the present conditions then I feel as National Ogganisation, we shall not miss the gaol.

fin a lly , i f my terms communicated you here are acceptable, I would suggest that you send me your block and that of lady Xuma. I have decided to arrange a public meeting herra for six speakers from Johannesburg, i f possible jiast London and one lady from Cape Town. I have the backing of 31 organisations, the meeting w ill be held on the 8th

SeptemberrI945. in the Ramblers ground. The purpose, is to raise funds for the or&anisation. I anticipate attendence of between 15 ,0 and 20 ,000 that day, I want to make an elaborate preparation; Meotin& w ill start from 1 0 .a.m. at I .p .m . two foot-ball teams w ill gives exhibition. Lunch w ill be served on the ground. Please ask Dr Dadoo for his block also, and these must be ser to me immediately.

Yours in the/7service of the Africans.

Page 33: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish


27 th July, /9</ 5. *•

IMr. I . Leg Chili,

P. 0. Box 20"5,PIETBR8BURG.

Dear Mr. Chill,

I have just received your letter of the 17th instant nine dayc after because it had ray name and Johannesburg. No other fidr’reFS.

It 1* difficult t.o know what, advice to give on this matter at this stage since I have no information aYout t.'ie background o*’ the whole affair. It wouli have be»n useful If you had acquainted us with the basis of th«* trouble so that. *»e could have peen the fiovemn*»nt or the Co"i’"t «*sl oner even long before the other Tribe had moved.

It seems no* that all of you are agreed that the people must be persuaded to move, of course you must h*ve good reasms for the suggestion.

I was not able to carry out my pl*n« about visiting Pieteraburg because of almost a nerve break down from overwork. I am much improved now and would be prepared to make a week-end v is it for a properly organised meeting arranged by tie people rnd at their lnvl tatlon.

Yours for Africans’ pro#ress,



Page 34: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish


_____________ SOTOH AFRICA/______________

By Dr. A. B.Hu«a President-General, African

National Congress.

Page 35: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

28 th Julv, p.

Tip Bditor,Inkululeko,

P. 0. Box 4179,JOrlAWi SBUKU.

Denr Sir,

Attached please find a copy of a lett«r ar» rersed by t-> Mr. Moses K. Mpha'nlele in reply to

a letter of ‘il* for^ardinp resolutions' adopted at a mef» + lnf* in Pr»tnr!n on th* "’Hut May last, I piall t>f» pt-' teful i f von *-ould, riiease, hnv® same m bit Med In your nert i«nif of Inkul’ileko. sn The*-1 repolu + ionF parsed at t:ne aV'-ovementi one^ meeting ?’ere puMls*rd in your naoer so^e timf liirck.

TiB’kinp you in anticipation.

Yours fal ta f\illy.

Page 36: v /o V S^yCOst' - Historical Papers, Wits University€¦ · colonial territories. 1, as Joint International Secretary, with Mr. Georgd Padmore, have been instructed to establish

Collection Number: AD843

XUMA, A.B., Papers


Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive

Location:- Johannesburg



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