V i ciHfocWMtriMlti W sti hj hrCtirtr a l t rkedf L t rrRt...

Q I 7- y f 1 M r + CI t 1 1 NTYFIRST YEAR EARLINGTCN HOPKINS nmm COUNTY KY THURSDAY JANUARY 27 1Q10rNag j iq N Jr oJ AT COMET i ATTRACTS MANY In Watt h EiHyi Evi1i fi Is Like Comet of 182r1 = if j V l FIRST Discoyeitep IN AFRICA 4 unnamed comet first Nh South Africa and cabled 6hamittiburg to the ob wfof this doutitrjt was S ret rtMire 8owdayio Vining a i9rt1 t l uh a teM > rltb ki- rve whbrcamyonted- ok iolto t iaduitry ttttd 6f tk + 1- et k erti 4 T f 9 tb Jc t j a r Hti i ttrtiLh- xleb tx otre It 4 head dvkn rand tail nwtt ruiftht up Thh + fl i likAtl lfiG1tr I- it ot s1SS2Jn hiclLMtncny re ber allWho ktiow eutugli took interest enough to get > 8ae it at three oclockau risp winter Uloraiag3ID is glbrifylfig the flrntaofeatv l1the gorgeous oveniUR- the comet iii the west and splendid full moon in the make n spectacle worth biug a tree to HOO this thing of the heavens was ivered in Africa but it is jug o t atrti Bpecl ltSQg7 Itt saxy Teddy abet V 3TAL SAf IJIOS 1A1TK ELL dtrttl by StMte Ctwmttftt im lou lifeae k Nw ltoad r 1tb a J to r Igs bauk bills ivoro tukp i up f by the Senate Committee ostofitccs and Post Roads ondiug to the wish of Presi Trtft expressed recently to tors Pen rose Crane and r all members of the Port Committee the subject has undertaken with a deter Eton to report a bill ntun day There are three bills lie subject before tho tout se They were introduced ma tors Carter Burkctt and h letter from PostnjaEter Gcn Hitchcock was read calling itioii totho three bills but udorsiug any one of them in renco to the others s only concern seemed to be legislation should be enact the present session proved for the cr6atioii Of postal mgs banttiEJ mother me6tfu lb hol- dtroytltdrlinembors to perfoctii measure at tittlet I fL yAi j LOOEY j lW f It iW h Gel Tfcirt J fiCJel Official tit 1Ii1itt 0 son Ky Jim 2 4iio idates for the Douioer titic nation f6B O lt reB8JWthn ad district met hero and fpr positions on the official It which resulted in A 0 ley getting fir tplace ga Clements second and 0 tveus the third position kcfelter Heakwerm Head carters ashington Jan 25rHoiii ew of the Rockefeller cworm Commission have openedin the Umou Trust lug in this city Its work be directed from 1Vftshliig A member of the commiR will hiitvttlris city aomor fqr a touK of s6me of the lirtri States in oonnection the campain against the- y WQrJu 1u f Wackliffe- lmlle f r Tenwill be one IL iJ t l iQ k I Y w a I L ft IT TO ABSORB TZINZIZZ aAL j kWmorSaya111he Central WIN Shaft fsj t8tMftt el Deal Nailujllo Jap lA rumor to the efteqt that the tioHiiviiltf tied Naihyjjjf railroad woaid4shortltake arver the IHCeP1tr ti re rt of t KeW York cotef renc4 b aa4e Milton H Smith ill e 4d a sGJjt JiUl o ikte the blLn 1 D9AC + i11IItli tOH tY1 rnQlrof jMaction with its DI n nntf oouueetn fKivln JUeM J 11e oI uae4- wt I C9 bQt00x111 I tt To 11Iino180 Mtooirtits ij p ucl + ztuR taro 1 iMiliWt Cnil Ll 9JtJ V dmutualJy L Ft Io 1 L1rLfR m 1 XOVDAT A7TUXQO t raatea- a1Mondav ftdt4inctCefIIf t DMr aftaruoon ths re 5 ncJ Dr P B Davintvas ivaeput was lotto They had been burp iuRBomopaperin u grate and BOUIO of itmnsp be e blc intro l- on the rooJXaud set if ablaze dud bat Xpt4Jpl imely finding would hVeljwon been JuncontroJiiblu J ftrwa bOl1htt smttt hole as- j r t t I lQ rQPlc Two houses belonging fo Dr Davis have burned where this one now stands HANSON DEPOT XOBBED Small Amount of Cash Taken and Mall Sack Opened Tho L N depot at Hanson was broken into and robbed at an early hour last Saturday morn- ing nndII small amount cf monov was taken from tho cash drawer A sack of mail which was in the depot was ripped open and the contents gone through and some express pack- ages wore stolen- Detectives are ou the scene but so far no arrests have been made East End Card Club The club was most delightful ly entertained on last Friday by Mrs W E Davos at the resi ¬ deuce of Dr W K Nisbet Mesdames JB Atkinson and Newbold and Miss Virginia Me Gary were guests of the duty Miss Carrie Orenshaw made tho best score At the conclusion of the game a delicious salad course was served followed by chocoj late and cake The next meet in will be hold with Mrs W EL Kline The drawing Will take place at this meeting Hewktt Shaver Saturday afternoon at Madi sonville Mr Alvey Shaver and wereruarrled was quite a surprise to their many friends Mr Shaver or ° Buok as he is known to his friends who are legion wish him good luck Miss Hewlett is one of our most popular and en tertaining young l ladies wljo has a host of friends They will re- side ¬ in this city TUB Bite gx tends its congratulatioija and best wishes Lawson HHW Ccnflrmed Washington lain 25 Lawson Beud was today confirmed Qbyt- Jte 8 fI 4 ea oollectoratflwe t bih ZI f I n- F L- By I N eYSTRY N s rtNRtVEape illiteracy and School Suffrage For Women Jtectfif < ff fifty SM t I Terriri of RN W ty Per Ct f mif < ciHfocWMtriMlt i TI > Yr Oldiai Over t i Tho first thirteen States in theatable below have loss than 1 dent of illiteracy All but oiia of these have ickool siffrane fa wntc t rrRt r fit Theiket tV sire it1 able pe otar 10 per cent di illiter y IItlt18 group is Kentucky Nott rae oFthti8 Stnt s4M8iOkQOt L J1ll ce r Jl r 7 rkedf IC i I n iVi tJ UOCflffsf ltiOO J tlri 14 a aerCynt rPAr Cent 5 W hTJ2tmi7s OJ Si 1 Ii ft n eAi- til a rr fkllaMk tsiat Q + Q 1t 1sla i qe eutfcs ves i ti- y j 0elitlik4 trs r 10IJ f r- r eu m 1 OA 1 Q j r ui 74r ai + SItytf J QI O t t f O QaeRoR i ° U 11i Utah O 12 iUtnct 1f Columbia HO is ipttti sol r OR l1Jforth vakotae9 1 i 4 llJi OW 1 CLtHnl rn iiutrcaget lQ lV Ivpw YO k P 1 11 lo fOt J2 lIWIH nilJi r J 1 Neuass a- New Vi L itaujpalhro < i fit ufhJ 17 N lert y f k 1 7 iL tlhod hfl sit tt 6 l Illinois 21 2r Peons lvlnl yo sul I S fratc o 1v 2i3 20 Ohio q 24 c H I TOO HIGH FOR HETTY QllIEt tycHNeW York Womm Cut Out Meal FtemHer Order Rr 2 1 ty Qreeu dt uINt cd t9t hlt thev I present prices nieat js top dear for her ami the cut it tint of her luncheon order Mrs Green entered a modest restaurant and scanned the hill of fare The steak was 50 cents a portion roast lamb and roast beef wurej 85 cents Mrs took huh = but at fifteen cents I T Have you joined the boys cott naked the wn t < Hj r No siiid Mrs Green semi ously but meat is loohl li You dont et your d mQup Cs worth The peopl really cant afford to eat itrlliere aM other things jug rypUd1rad cheaper v < Key Howard Mr Lambert Howard and Miss Cora Key of JUadisouville were byRev the Catholic church of the Im maculate Conception at his resi ¬ deuce They Were accbnjpanied by Mrs Green of Mt Vernon 111 Mrs L Dt BuvUholder of Croftoo Ky ald Mr Key and Mrs Ashby oT Madisonville After spending a short time at the home of Mr Thqs Blair they left for Croftou to remain a few days with relatives The marriage had been post ¬ poned and was quiet owing tp the death last week ofl1rs Pritchetr grandmother of the bride The young couple have known each other since childhood and thou many friends bqth hero and ill Mudisonville wish > tiibm a hnppyfutureCold Fatal to1t3obrWhlte Sportsman Irnve received Ja ports LIla t It bout 80 per coat of the quail in Kentucky ware duringthQrerotit rcn county hundreds oD birds were killed IYHpot hunter It is estimated that 417or cent Of the bird population was Win- s lomit durin the rexula hunt > tMot OU l U i f Maine waeunraws a l4 I Oklalidaftt r t Ic- t P 9 Ia l j 7 x rJiHc ii + tt QfUi 1 16t rf < ScWL 4 g Gv f Arsaw 11 qt t 1 01 n tFNfa151r I Flat lk sw iitsftrss 1c V Weed Vat lnia ft exit VJtZ = ao eufr o 11 Artrlwa4v jao affritf Itrt 11n aojta Cne JOKY utrrallj tril 3 1 iceki r qxt iWC 1 J I ub T rrft4ry new l WWra ei r it 48 PJ1uee J1DluffrM 142 7rllat maYaeeuStJiire 1 4j 48 Lppisisrui < HO 8H ffft e V70 1iJ NorHi Carollaa no suf tra eh < P n 195 60 Yew Mexico no suffrage 294 J 1WILLUoPiXOD1tYXIn sr Y AfteV Scvwi Wccb 1 ttert Will be Mack N Recaver B Wts r d L bhltIl JifI- atPnispectriot t Wli r bY L l nu Jte i specFors today it was announced that the St Paul mine at Cherry 111 will prohublv he opened ou Monday to allow the recovery of the 210 bodies remaining in the- lundetground levels as a result of tine diVasteroiis fire of last fall The ins pcctors and mine man ugeis today tested the tqmper attire the air pressure and the gus mixture of the mine and whiifc they found the tempera- ture a trifle high it wits said thai the interior would be work ¬ ahle by next week R5chirtl Newsman President of the State Mining Board will direct the openinn of the mine that hits been sealed for seven tviieksTHATCHER GETS PLACE AS U S DISTRICT ATTOMiiT I Said That Sptight Is Lotkin j for Seme Other Appointment Washington Jan24tM H Tliatqher has been decided upon as United States District At tornev nt Louisville The inter ests behind J USpeightQf Mayfield hiive shifted to some- thing ¬ else for the Western Ken- tuckian and this has developed since Saturday when Thatcher ioftfpr Louisvllfl He will sue ¬ coed Judge George DuRelle It is not known but it is under ¬ stood Senator Bra lley will not in- sist on a speedy nomination as DuRflles term does not expire until June PeytonGirovei Miss EJissii Peyton and Mr Ifyjrest Groves of this city sur prisod their ninny friends by eloping to Springfield Tenn Wednesday afternoon accom ¬ panied by Mrs Mary Durham whero they were quietly mar- ried They returned Wednes ¬ day night on 54 Miss Peyton is the laughter of Mr stud Mrs Rndto Peyton Mr Groves is a sort of Mr uud Mrs Toe Groves atttl is 14 fh > employ of the St ftU1idY 11L JOo C fl- a c Q C YLr S c fl urV > a I st t < c < L 0 If I 00 t4 d 0 f 0j i Tlf S 1 c IIl1lj IJ k t t l r SPAR OP1flRID41 AT 1 > Ilt TiJr a- ArSinkeNt iA lechw gist enaltrbytl e- aIj hKi lIty L Henderson Jan 24 Tl4teelaaperethiitar a t tSia nreo i ridJ L1Y eItp3iExi- pit rOnetltwoMS sank four iacku < A crew offttt1 mtlWni brtojjshjfc hirt Sun a1 anjd put fed WorkVfBftk tetra x Pjjjrary repairs in order to bpjn r an deftl isyy ifreijehti traintt are bW1Mg t IJf b tjOtl in orc1ertb t thf4y may crosit Swftlyv The tramps in pauiiu- wer caused th rails toJiulr two Itlches oil o id t J our iaichesroa the outingirne the tetj oriry r > t ht bNbt- rm d iHrll cogeidektM fherI- R uo dU erv A A in n tougbt neceasaryytfiid will in all p Wi weTier R h lAutttha t4 make njpi jWv steel- hgpernGrtt4tt j- LATrR 4 JI 0 rep ft thlt the tit ape IofUit Jegtvil4lrsx IH lt hviIWbrfd oW the dim o csrkakied l lad6euruslibtfepeto rspli r ts untruersipewrng r tonlljtate ment made btf Wiw ii Wilde Sliief engui f oftfcT JaOtiHTf ft r KrWilde absolutely saf1 and that like all bridges Jraif to bo t paired in places Pit ti 1 e ja8 the years go by TJtfe bridge wasDuilt twen ¬ ty ftto y pttrg rigp aid at ilia- tfnietvesproneuucad t ueof Wi- awIJ e StlU e coiiutr li t kfd iMr Wilde steel wears and i has to be replaced by neV pro ¬ ducts We thought it abou- time that some repairs wer necossary onkthe Henderson bridges of our system We pu a force of men there so as to re ¬ place old steel with uev steol on one of the spans and mt a large force therA because we have to do these timings quickly in order not to delay traffic It is absurd to say that a span has fallen sev- eral ¬ inches or even one inch and trains run over it We always lighten the traffic on a bndg6 when We put in false structure with new steel and replacing it with new stool That is per ¬ fectly natural The Henderson bridge is in fine noaditiou and we always aim to so keep it Rehearing for Reach Hargb Lexington Ky Jau 25 Jackson people here today report that a petition for tup rehearing of the Bench Harris case has been filed with tho Court of Ap pejils the ground being hit two of the Appellate Judges dissent ¬ ed from the opinion of the court Ip refusing a now trial Young Hargie it will be recalled was given a life sentence An effort will bo made it is stated if a ro henrin is grttntetli have Har gis paroled on condition that tie leave the State and never return Union County Coal Mines Sold Morganfield Ky Jan 25 The Kentucky Goal and Mining Company was sold here this af- ternoon ¬ by tho Peoples Bank I and Trust Company trustees The Oniontown mines were brought byS K Hughes of Kyle 0 for 25000 and tho uunesI by Drury Drury of this city for37500prho appraised val- e u of the property IS 190000 Express Cempwlti Merje New York Jan 2slJatnes 0 Fargo lreeident of the Ameri ¬ cnutlrmodtO i ltYvJltjak over the ox press ptJIi c J ryr r t 1 f 1 oljot I A rER r tyt V j 1 i dd ° YS q dREES Ij t I 1 sti d tx hrCtirtr hj > d S f QV er a < 1 6 e lr ii lftM Wei i h YlJ vIf 15 m i n t t ipftm 1- J t iWlPfllIaI f m 1f e i 1 aWItJ A iU tJ i ot i AAtiIr It wbicLi- Y i ttW n agreed here t i t n I c e t A iu title as M i m ri v ti f if Y F fiJutfte titR N d tte J W > i11ti tai < r 91iaSr h i utlf I w Jf1 k witsrt j b t er +eajea J rr d JW w I rtrjaJtH4s t ti G ed T f < e ad i d tie eigttatjrlf i e ° Ray t i of thHetislefiepii treU1ttoorI- Ande5oto Q f i 6m muster ahdiec rfwg r N io tkie coMiy ifrobt Ddiietea l w 1 2u i nIUm f mlaDmK I113li0If y 51 it H Lieut RtioMki a > HS AfWUy cf MakttlSM rTJp1 I tW a Acre rt fel1S11cola YJ i Jt l lD iti flea ofUttl smr ti 1 J I Jr > L N t4 RBtieae il i t opli1i1oofhLOwro kinv J ttioi7 this a terno i qt tle Chop ernmdnt reBer atinhere Tb 100e I r n r tween four and jiye minMes f tAt the conclusion pf the flight Lieut Ehoades declared initial test proved S at Q ta f f- In every way Otlior trials ctpriI bably will be made thiei wee L Lieut Bhoades whb is 0 ft ed at Fort Barrauta with Maj 1 Qossman has been workiu oh the machine for the past ixn months The re > sl of tho trial this afternoon was forwarded by Ibe Washington i MEW 11IIDOZ lOU lIIOvi Company JncerprattJoKent cky W a te < i Evansville lud Jhn 25t SJf project for biiijifjing anojther1 y great briOe tteVjpss the Oh o = iffvilto t iuternrbniV tliirear lit Kentucky as well as for ratUoiuls and all other hu Iicis iii progress tsf formationt Preliminary ps haro already been taken and yesterday elute ¬ saries wore fJispjjtched to the cUpitals of KenfeHoljy and ludiawa to incorporate companies that will form the neoossary frttine- wont npoiuvvnich thY bridge eoi 4poratiop IENNESSSECJBKTRAL cr4 HOT Mil ft T Rumor That DM JtllteAt ci Denied At feMtat 00ctr 1 It was stated at tae general of ° flees of the LotitsVHK I lJitihv- iHe railroad yesterday aftifei1 noon that fhereVas BO truth in i the rumor that the cbntjiuy would acquire huTen t Central railroad ifes was ifiifed that the LooiaviUe nml HfttiiyJHfe hattno one fat tke prropu rtyt The road is i n eparation for Harrim n Tej JiJt Hoikiat yil iliNr ltyilu r iI1 tl o Vii D UII

Transcript of V i ciHfocWMtriMlti W sti hj hrCtirtr a l t rkedf L t rrRt...

Page 1: V i ciHfocWMtriMlti W sti hj hrCtirtr a l t rkedf L t rrRt ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7nvx05zf0s/data/0031.pdf · t luh a teM >rltb ki-rve whbrcamyonted-ok ioltot iaduitry ttttd 6f tk







r +


t 1





N JroJ




In Watt h EiHyi Evi1i fi

Is Like Comet of 182r1= if j V l


4 unnamed comet firstNh South Africa and cabled

6hamittiburg to the obwfof this doutitrjt was SretrtMire 8owdayio Vining a i9rt1

t luh a teM >rltb ki-

rve whbrcamyonted-ok iolto t iaduitryttttd 6f tk+ 1-

etkerti4 T


9 tb Jct

j ar Hti i ttrtiLh-

xleb tx otre It4 head dvkn rand tail

nwtt ruiftht up Thh+ fl i likAtl lfiG1tr I-

it ot s1SS2Jn hiclLMtncny reber allWho ktiow eutuglitook interest enough to get> 8ae it at three oclockaurisp winter Uloraiag3IDis glbrifylfig the flrntaofeatv

l1the gorgeous oveniUR-the comet iii the west and

splendid full moon in themake n spectacle worth

biug a tree to HOO thisthing of the heavens was

ivered in Africa but it isjug ot atrti Bpecl ltSQg7Itt saxy Teddy abet


3TAL SAfIJIOS 1A1TK ELLdtrttl by StMte Ctwmttftt im

lou lifeae k Nw ltoad r

1tb a J tor

Igs bauk bills ivoro tukp i upf by the Senate Committeeostofitccs and Post Roadsondiug to the wish of PresiTrtft expressed recently totors Pen rose Crane andr all members of the PortCommittee the subject hasundertaken with a deterEton to report a bill ntunday There are three bills

lie subject before tho toutse They were introducedma tors Carter Burkctt andh

letter from PostnjaEter GcnHitchcock was read callingitioii totho three bills butudorsiug any one of them inrenco to the others

s only concern seemed to belegislation should be enactthe present session proved

for the cr6atioii Of postalmgs banttiEJmother me6tfu lb hol-dtroytltdrlinembors

to perfoctii measure attittletI

fL yAi j LOOEY j lWf It iW

h Gel Tfcirt J fiCJel Official


son Ky Jim 24iioidates for the Douioertiticnation f6B O lt reB8JWthnad district met hero andfpr positions on the official

It which resulted in A 0ley getting fir tplacega Clements second and 0

tveus the third position

kcfelter Heakwerm Head carters

ashington Jan 25rHoiiiew of the Rockefeller

cworm Commission haveopenedin the Umou Trustlug in this city Its workbe directed from 1Vftshliig

A member of the commiRwill hiitvttlris city aomorfqr a touK of s6me of thelirtri States in oonnectionthe campain against the-

y WQrJu 1u f Wackliffe-lmlle

fr Tenwill be one

IL iJ t l iQ kI

Y wa



kWmorSaya111he Central WIN Shaft fsj

t8tMftt el Deal

Nailujllo Jap lArumor to the efteqt that thetioHiiviiltf tied Naihyjjjf railroadwoaid4shortltake arver the

IHCeP1trtire rt of t KeW York cotef renc4baa4eMilton H Smith

ill e4d a sGJjtJiUl o ikte the blLn 1

D9AC + i11IItli tOH tY1 rnQlrofjMaction with itsDI n nntf oouueetn fKivlnJUeM

J 11e oI uae4-wtIC9 bQt00x111

I tt To 11Iino180

Mtooirtitsij p ucl + ztuR taro 1

iMiliWtCnilLl9JtJV dmutualJyL FtIo


t raatea-


ftdt4inctCefIIf tDMr

aftaruoon ths re 5

ncJ Dr P B Davintvasivaeputwas lotto They had been burpiuRBomopaperin u grate andBOUIO of itmnsp be e blc intro l-

on the rooJXaud set if ablaze dudbat Xpt4Jpl imely finding wouldhVeljwon been JuncontroJiiblu

J ftrwa bOl1htt smttt hole as-jr t t I lQ rQPlc

Two houses belonging fo DrDavis have burned where thisone now stands


Small Amount of Cash Taken and Mall

Sack Opened

Tho L N depot at Hansonwas broken into and robbed atan early hour last Saturday morn-

ing nndII small amount cfmonov was taken from tho cashdrawer A sack of mail whichwas in the depot was rippedopen and the contents gonethrough and some express pack-ages wore stolen-

Detectives are ou the scenebut so far no arrests have beenmade

East End Card Club

The club was most delightfully entertained on last Friday byMrs W E Davos at the resi ¬

deuce of Dr W K NisbetMesdames JB Atkinson andNewbold and Miss Virginia MeGary were guests of the dutyMiss Carrie Orenshaw made thobest score At the conclusion ofthe game a delicious salad coursewas served followed by chocojlate and cake The next meetin will be hold with Mrs W ELKline The drawing Will takeplace at this meeting

Hewktt Shaver

Saturday afternoon at Madisonville Mr Alvey Shaver and

wereruarrledwas quite a surprise to theirmany friends Mr Shaver or°Buok as he is known to hisfriends who are legion wishhim good luck Miss Hewlett isone of our most popular and entertaining young l ladies wljo hasa host of friends They will re-


in this city TUB Bite gxtends its congratulatioija andbest wishes

Lawson HHW Ccnflrmed

Washington lain 25 LawsonBeud was today confirmedQbyt-

Jte 8 fI4 ea oollectoratflwe tbih ZI f




By I NeYSTRY N s rtNRtVEape

illiteracy and School Suffrage For Women

Jtectfif< ff fifty SM tI Terriri of RNW ty Per Ct f mif

<ciHfocWMtriMlti TI > Yr Oldiai Overt i

Tho first thirteen States in theatable below have loss than 1dent of illiteracy All but oiia of these have ickool siffrane

fa wntct rrRt r

fit Theiket tV sire it1 able pe otar 10 per cent di illiter y

IItlt18 group is Kentucky Nott rae oFthti8 Stnt s4M8iOkQOtL J1llce r Jl r 7rkedfIC i I n iVitJ UOCflffsf ltiOO

J tlri14 a aerCynt rPAr Cent5 W hTJ2tmi7s OJ Si

1 Ii

ft n eAi-


rr fkllaMk tsiat Q + Q

1t 1slai qe eutfcs ves i ti-yj 0elitlik4 trs r 10IJ

f r-

reum 1 OA 1 Q

j r ui74r ai

+SItytf J QIO t t f

O QaeRoR i ° U

11i Utah O

12 iUtnct 1f Columbia HO isipttti sol r OR

l1Jforth vakotae91 i 4

llJi OW

1 CLtHnl rn iiutrcaget lQlV Ivpw YO k P 1

11 lo fOt J2lIWIHnilJi r J1 Neuass a-


Litaujpalhro < i

fit ufhJ 17N lert y f

k 1 7

iL tlhod hfl sittt 6

l Illinois 212r Peons lvlnl yo sul I


fratc o 1v 2i320 Ohio q 24




tycHNeW York Womm Cut Out Meal

FtemHer Order

Rr 2 1

ty Qreeu dt uINt cd t9t hlt

thevI present prices nieat js topdear for her ami the cut it tint ofher luncheon order Mrs Greenentered a modest restaurant andscanned the hill of fare Thesteak was 50 cents a portionroast lamb and roast beef wurej85 cents Mrs took huh =

but at fifteen cents IT

Have you joined the boyscott naked the wnt <Hjr

No siiid Mrs Green semiously but meat is loohl liYou dont et your

d mQup Csworth The peopl really cantafford to eat itrlliere aMother things jug rypUd1radcheaper v <

Key Howard

Mr Lambert Howard and MissCora Key of JUadisouville werebyRevthe Catholic church of the Immaculate Conception at his resi ¬

deuce They Were accbnjpaniedby Mrs Green of Mt Vernon111 Mrs L Dt BuvUholder ofCroftoo Ky ald Mr Key andMrs Ashby oT Madisonville

After spending a short time atthe home of Mr Thqs Blairthey left for Croftou to remaina few days with relatives

The marriage had been post ¬

poned and was quiet owing tpthe death last week ofl1rsPritchetr grandmother of thebride

The young couple have knowneach other since childhood andthou many friends bqth hero andill Mudisonville wish > tiibm a


Fatal to1t3obrWhlte

Sportsman Irnve received Jaports LIla t Itbout 80 per coat ofthe quail in Kentucky ware

duringthQrerotitrcn county hundreds oD birdswere killed IYHpot hunterIt is estimated that 417or centOf the bird population was Win-

s lomit durin the rexula hunt >

tMot OU l U i

f Maine waeunrawsa

l4I Oklalidaftt r t Ic-t

P 9 Ia l j 7x rJiHc ii + ttQfUi 1

16t rf< ScWL 4 gGv fArsaw 11 qtt 101


tFNfa151r IFlat lk sw iitsftrss 1c V

Weed Vat lnia ft exit

VJtZ= ao eufr o 11Artrlwa4v jao affritf Itrt 11naojta Cne

JOKYutrralljtril 3

1iceki r qxt


J Iub T rrft4ry new

l WWra ei r it48 PJ1uee J1DluffrM 1427rllat maYaeeuStJiire 14j

48 Lppisisrui <HO 8H ffft e V70

1iJ NorHi Carollaa no suftra eh < P n 195

60 Yew Mexico no suffrage 294


sr Y

AfteV Scvwi Wccb 1 ttert Will be Mack

N Recaver B Wtsr d

L bhltIl JifI-

atPnispectriott Wli

r bY L l nu Jte i

specFors today it was announcedthat the St Paul mine at Cherry111 will prohublv he opened ouMonday to allow the recovery ofthe 210 bodies remaining in the-

lundetground levels as a result oftine diVasteroiis fire of last fall

The ins pcctors and mine manugeis today tested the tqmperattire the air pressure and thegus mixture of the mine andwhiifc they found the tempera-ture a trifle high it wits saidthai the interior would be work ¬

ahle by next week

R5chirtl Newsman Presidentof the State Mining Board willdirect the openinn of the minethat hits been sealed for seven




Said That Sptight Is Lotkinj for Seme

Other Appointment

Washington Jan24tM HTliatqher has been decided uponas United States District Attornev nt Louisville The interests behind J USpeightQfMayfield hiive shifted to some-thing


else for the Western Ken-tuckian and this has developedsince Saturday when Thatcherioftfpr Louisvllfl He will sue ¬

coed Judge George DuRelle Itis not known but it is under ¬

stood Senator Bra lley will not in-

sist on a speedy nomination asDuRflles term does not expireuntil June


Miss EJissii Peyton and MrIfyjrest Groves of this city surprisod their ninny friends byeloping to Springfield TennWednesday afternoon accom ¬

panied by Mrs Mary Durhamwhero they were quietly mar-

ried They returned Wednes ¬

day night on 54 Miss Peyton isthe laughter of Mr stud MrsRndto Peyton Mr Groves is asort of Mr uud Mrs Toe Grovesatttl is 14 fh> employ of the StftU1idY 11L JOo







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rSPAR OP1flRID41 AT1 > Ilt TiJr a-



lechw gist enaltrbytl e-

aIj hKi lIty L

Henderson Jan 24Tl4teelaaperethiitar a t tSia

nreoi ridJ L1Y eItp3iExi-pit rOnetltwoMS sankfour iacku < A crew offttt1mtlWni brtojjshjfc hirt Sun a1anjd put fed WorkVfBftk tetra


Pjjjrary repairs in order to bpjn ran deftl isyy ifreijehtitraintt are bW1Mg t IJf b tjOtlin orc1ertb t thf4y may crositSwftlyv The tramps in pauiiu-wer caused th rails toJiulr twoItlches oil o id tJ ouriaichesroa the outingirne thetetj oriry r > t ht bNbt-rm d iHrll cogeidektM fherI-

R uo dU erv A Ain n

tougbt neceasaryytfiid will in allpWiweTier R hlAutttha t4 make njpi jWv steel-hgpernGrtt4tt j-

LATrR4JI 0 repft thlt thetit ape IofUit Jegtvil4lrsx IH

lt hviIWbrfd oW the dim o

csrkakied l

lad6euruslibtfepeto rsplirts untruersipewrng rtonlljtate

ment made btf Wiw ii WildeSliief engui f oftfcT JaOtiHTf ft r

KrWildeabsolutely saf1 and that like allbridges Jraif to bo t paired inplaces Pit ti 1 eja8 the years goby TJtfe bridge wasDuilt twen ¬

ty ftto y pttrg rigp aid at ilia-


ueof Wi-



StlU e coiiutr lit kfd

iMr Wilde steel wears and ihas to be replaced by neV pro ¬

ducts We thought it abou-time that some repairs wernecossary onkthe Hendersonbridges of our system We pua force of men there so as to re ¬

place old steel with uev steol onone of the spans and mt a largeforce therA because we have todo these timings quickly in ordernot to delay traffic It is absurdto say that a span has fallen sev-


inches or even one inch andtrains run over it We alwayslighten the traffic on a bndg6when We put in false structurewith new steel and replacing itwith new stool That is per ¬

fectly natural The Hendersonbridge is in fine noaditiou andwe always aim to so keep it

Rehearing for Reach Hargb

Lexington Ky Jau 25Jackson people here today reportthat a petition for tup rehearingof the Bench Harris case hasbeen filed with tho Court of Appejils the ground being hit twoof the Appellate Judges dissent ¬

ed from the opinion of the courtIp refusing a now trial YoungHargie it will be recalled wasgiven a life sentence An effortwill bo made it is stated if a rohenrin is grttntetli have Hargis paroled on condition that tieleave the State and never return

Union County Coal Mines Sold

Morganfield Ky Jan 25The Kentucky Goal and MiningCompany was sold here this af-


by tho Peoples BankI

and Trust Company trusteesThe Oniontown mines werebrought byS K Hughes ofKyle 0 for 25000 and thouunesIby Drury Drury of this cityfor37500prho appraised val-

eu of the property IS 190000

Express Cempwlti Merje

New York Jan 2slJatnes 0Fargo lreeident of the Ameri ¬

cnutlrmodtOi ltYvJltjak over the ox pressptJIicJ


t 1 f1 oljot I

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1stid tx hrCtirtrhj > d S f

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elrii lftM Weii h YlJ vIf


m i n ttipftm 1-



iWlPfllIaI fm 1f e i1 aWItJA iU tJ

i ot iAAtiIr It wbicLi-

Y i ttW nagreed here t i t

n Ic e tAiu titleasM imri v

ti fif Y F

fiJutfte titRN dtte J

W > i11ti

tai <r 91iaSr hi utlfI w Jf1k witsrt jb t er +eajea J rr d

JW wI rtrjaJtH4s t ti

G ed T f< e ad i dtie eigttatjrlf i e

° Ray t iof thHetislefiepii treU1ttoorI-Ande5oto Q

f i 6mmuster ahdiec rfwg r N

io tkie coMiy ifrobt Ddiietea lw 1 2u i

nIUm fmlaDmK I113li0Ify

51it HLieut RtioMki a >HS AfWUy cfMakttlSM rTJp1 I tW a

Acrertfel1S11cola YJ


Jt l

lD iti flea ofUttl smr ti 1

JIJr >


N t4RBtieae ili t

opli1i1oofhLOwro kinv Jttioi7 this a terno i qt tle Chop

ernmdnt reBer atinhere Tb100e I rn r

tween four and jiye minMes ftAt the conclusion pf the flightLieut Ehoades declaredinitial test proved Sat Q ta f


In every way Otlior trialsctpriIbably will be made thiei weeL

Lieut Bhoades whb is0

fted at Fort Barrauta with Maj 1

Qossman has been workiu ohthe machine for the past ixnmonths The re >sl of tho trialthis afternoon was forwarded byIbeWashington


MEW 11IIDOZ lOU lIIOviCompany JncerprattJoKent cky W a

te <


Evansville lud Jhn 25t SJf

project for biiijifjing anojther1 y

great briOe tteVjpss the Oh o =iffvilto t

iuternrbniV tliirear lit Kentuckyas well as for ratUoiuls and allother hu Iicis iii progress tsf

formationtPreliminary ps haro already

been taken and yesterday elute ¬

saries wore fJispjjtched to thecUpitals of KenfeHoljy and ludiawato incorporate companies thatwill form the neoossary frttine-wont npoiuvvnich thY bridge eoi4poratiopIENNESSSECJBKTRAL cr4HOT Mil ft T

Rumor That DM JtllteAt ciDenied At feMtat 00ctr 1

It was stated at tae general of°

flees of the LotitsVHK I lJitihv-iHe railroad yesterday aftifei1

noon that fhereVas BO truth in ithe rumor that the cbntjiuywould acquire huTen tCentral railroad ifes was ifiifedthat the LooiaviUe nml HfttiiyJHfe

hattno one fat tke prropu rtytThe road is in eparation forHarrim n Tej JiJt Hoikiatyil iliNr ltyilu riI1tl o Vii