UXANS. · 2017-09-20 · IbCirdir.nera nnd deiiaqnent subscriber*.__ A* fn* I'cuPLe is the guide...

i r I IHUH^DaI. fe **r I>ECE\IBEH 28 r mi . i j1 111' (■ " cuusTr cttKosrcLes. N«t Tntviiy i| uie dar. K«w i* (he line U swear off. Severs! ef ear youeg men see slleiidlhg the Augut a rnoer, The crosses vour psfter l< s speeis JnviU U*S for y«*«. gesile resder. Is cell «t thies/^ west Tsrsde; ssd Is psjr up yeiir dues te The rscM.«, Our Vighl and hesdeens yens* friend, M. C. Willie, sf Williston Tsw^ship, na* I snorahlj giadueitl tael week at Csl. fsw- ard s Ki>.|s Muunuin Military Academy C«.S«slly-0»t.-By Kev. W. D McMillan. «n tbs aflerhoen *f Lteeember Jdih, lh'S2, »l <he reaideitee of ihe brides faiher. L. M. <>«t, Etq.,wear Branelmll*, Mr. W. T. Cou- bstly qtBirntfell ««un!/ Miss Mary K. Ott »>f Orangeburg county^ Governor Tliowpaen k«s mads and Iks Resale confirmed Ihe felUwtoif Inpeialiaenis (hr this saunly ; Treasurer, N. I. Kirkland; Auditor, 8 W, Trait1 ; Jury Cetnnii«si4ner, M. W Felder; Trial Justices, 3. R. ISoya ♦oa,*J. B.r inn ter. D. J. R-we. J. w! Free- wan W. Il Bellinger. C. J. Hay, IT. M. Haeliek, f. 8. llunbar, H. L. Jobnssu rtnusTaiAsCowroaT.All oar caunlry *x Shangos. edited hy married men. are Inking f hrisiines this week. We eupp.>»e (key have boon -pnoking bmi-j nee-S* »nd gwoiring for IbCirdir.nera nnd deiiaqnent subscriber*.__ A* fn* I'cuPLe is the guide lar sale day and Mi atiH abiding In single blrssedn'csv it comes •ul with it* usual bill of fare. Wehnpe.ibst- Ing brnhren. that you have had geod luck Mud dhall leek for year viails uext neek with aaiieue appetite. The ' e-islatnre adjnarwed *n Iasi Saturday nseming after a brief and bu*y ssMtnn. A hundre-l and aevauty eight Acts were pas-cd. the graaler psrtisn being af (seal iat>rest. Th. f.dlewiug spp'.y especially ta <h » cetin- ty: A a An Is charter Thi Barnwell Rail- way Cempany, An Actto prohibit the sale nf ardent spirtio er liquor* in the town of WillieU;n. An Act loeulherito tho Connty ComwiiMlsaors of Uarnwetl rsunty in use Hrtaie fUnSo 1!»r ft# «fp>n*os oT thb lseiT yeer Mbd 8S A Joint Renelutien maki.ig pr«vi*ien f*r the enfo ee-nent of eertaru hsnd* oi tko County Ttfaiuren of Rom. w«ll counts, and for the dispo-itlon ef the fuadt renliiod therefreia. Fnvttian 9t rri.irt.—That nM aM>( reJia- s1«le r<*a»peny, ih* Wende. ho* opened the wiatrr <n i| aig*. See »d«eti-*metit. I* «v**.t^Gi S t ('sproM Towa*hip an tbs tO<h tnst . *1r« »T T C.vs after an MU »**• of e«* that hour*. v la Ited (*al| Tnwaship oa Iho Clbh in<1 . af paeuntouiS. Mr l*alrie<i Rasloy, after sn i> * kertof ion day* Mr* Nsnry l.. Allen, rsllrrpf the l»te apt. J. 1'anc.vn Alisa, dtodllker re.tdeve ow iha JTifc taMoal after week* •fin tea** saffocing W Metrnvrv* *>a rttsrek* Wilt A*d it *k their advaalagt belora purrhaaiog H«rJ- w.ro *sd ignoul *>al 1 mp *1*0.1 a if they w** d call oa*ft MURaS roraor flay ne an-i M*eiis; *»d comer Me ti.g and M^rkit Fire U, C.aranie", f.C. •« %m -a >W- 0 d z;*. I'l 1 f'lf.*i-1 ...tia'f" I1ItGV __ ______ .. t f*** with«nito»AerlDr fi It contain^ i!^. ^? P1Wa.SwAh|kUwtU>«. arnirato iSttfERRYaCO. S'"W _____________ Detroit MiCM. OFFICIAL NOTICE Oritri: or ('orxtT CoMMiasiovsRa. T nABiwELt S.^. 18th Dec. 1882. ( The IlsAid et tajiinty, (^umniimiionera » Ml raCetfor the f.rnnsaciion of business 00 Wed- ne«J#y. Ad January, I,-Jut. By order of tho lUard. , f. >f. mtotVMNQ, nerk. dsc21-2w ^ .. M|' HegistratiOn Notice The Registration Hooke will,be open at tho county seat on tho. First M<>nd y in each msath uQtil further not>ca i* given. JNO. W. HOLME8, Supervisor. deeJl if Sale of Land. / I will offer for sale at Bvrnwell Cowt ll«ii-o-un saleaday in fantipry n'ext, l>eing the first Tu*«day nod 2nd da^of the month, to the highest, bidder fbr cisit'Jhs following tract of land, tho fame si lupin, near live Itoil- it g.>p»ing* tn **nl county, c-usaiH-Hs-g UVi acres and i>ettnde<l an t h; Fist by the pohlic ro.J leading from Barnwell C. 11. to Usldne, aepiorauny il fr.ai land of .1, C. Fowke, on tie Ntirlh by I-nd* of J 8, Hovayer.tind R, V. (InnII, on tbs west by the l^sweV Tbres Runs and on |bs South by land* of U*s«ry The •aid tract of Uni) will salan be sold at private sal* kl nay lime before the oaid sale day if purchasers prefer lo treat lor it on ap- plication to P. M. CATER Purchaser to pay for papers. u ' dee2l-2w K^iksli-s-Diteot Ituporta* WANTED ^ ^ < in.OOO Torn* o11*>n Mim-v). Ittghcia cosh price paid for Cotton Horst Sollrenst in rar nwt |..u at ainr It. Jh -poi or Stvaiatvikt lan- •llng In Hoittli (Vntilsa, tbmrgia nr Nnrtli Carolina. I Melina cash price paid K»r kcroeRit', Uni and wbt.*- kvy hom-K EOBSALE COTTSJPJ CICKO MKA.L. Tire heat and chcaiMs.! hxsl for all kind* ofatork ami th-rhra|Mwt and tx-sl fcrtllliirr on the market. Write for ulijmphrita rnitUiniiiL'.imlvMa t>v Mr. C. Shkpard, htalethioniat. «r«t dlrretivms Ibr uae to CMAULUIXIM on. MsKUKAtm'in.NOnv. ti (tread Si. Charlvatan. A C. di-t'-Siw Christmas Goods .V: -AT- MO In AIRS Tart of ourst.ftt has already been receiv- ed and largo sliipmeots are on the way direct from the headqiiS/tdrs of Santa (Man*. Christ mas cniies but once a year n .id Mo- hair will have tile bent, largest nnd cheapest stock uf Christmas Goods ever brought to Barnwell. Call early and make your selec- tions brfnro the stools 1* pick erfover. Make the litt e folks happy. nov^8 If tlBOfMOLAIR. Central Hotel, IT ROAD) MT'RTCKT. AUGUSTA G A MRS. W. M. THOMAS, Ceutnillj located, conveoient to bn»i- nes*. - mv-G tf *, LAxb taE»Jt«M4)ietl 1 R®0. t. l.AXniE I1KADQUAKTKHS FOR FltUITS. A LANG SR Sz SON* Importer* and Wli.dw-alc lW»rj*lit For- oixn .vtid Domer-tieFmttaaml.PriMiuC'', XO. 61 MAhKEF RTBKET, CHA*LK»TO!*, •. 0 LARtritsT rrocii< I.OWEST fBICM. *>0x21-4m ^ _________ EierMitM tloii. .. I*rrmrlian CemniswDirect fmm th* Aacnt it. th* IWutumi laviy irntwot. > Ii - la (Jnano Ct&T7+r ocoL ammofttl. ....... Parlors of Fashion Mwoth I'lirollHi* ph.*s«Pin* gr.diod and of hi*h grad* Fo»snl*by HKRilANN nni.WINKLE, Ke r* Wharf,Chari stop, 8. C. d**14 *ua Bta WEli RAILROAD. 'T imo Tnbl* No. To take Kffcrt Motiday IVc. 11, 18B2, *t 6 00 A.M. vv K.-*r VV A 1M ». TfAfiovd I.r B arV * ill* ** A.hl.ieh Woodward'. Ar * arnk-ll t Act'*. 1TSTaVll »M*iV f Va n.. *- r -e- A M A wi r w r. m. *u 1 #4» it* 7 to rr 1 »'•] lajel !■* : IJ- iii IT 4# 7.4* t.4i ' 1 IS 4# | 12 k# :.ie 60 4 WTAV AfiD. ET 'TtOXA I t Arv'ni j 4 Mall * Mail '*Ac<ptEirrs sai.-* -iz*u'l»* *vl*>_I/• - *•» WiU*k »*. C J. Keen* Tke nwdlrlded tMev *•» *f v ' J r-er<-In r.V rra b'A kMtkd^d tip UeaU*lk«r*o*. W/rdt !*Im< .e< VViHK.ua>. Praiv- r*> t'»t.«*ea nd n J. U~4*. tirdef *• t*--- J M Oraf ta J i Ikwrewee. a lw>- aiert ai>ra k.vatr U kt «» fam %>ik win* JO bv »• (rwK ea T. tf. WilliuyhuB > Snaprma plk,e. 4* laewuen aaia* fee. il. Jwbaekn, Agt , »« Jeha D«e IP aarao Imkadod Kwrth and IvtlHrffiVlay land, and J aad fr*i ky tka it *fjaa< Eead* asd (A. Tetwg Haari/ti* W»iae* (sow flatt*) v*. 8. W. E»r*a 4^0 aarav. bawedad by nsd* C. M M 'bwua. Jxtb llano*. A. N«ni^ Mary beer, oat «(I af IT a*. .Hi via on. *ad Ma. I el a I.v Berawth B imdwartl't f AatUrtgll tin* Arltlbtk M *'* At* «.V A M A. V s s J*I V *ts t«v ta* a- i *> 1»*a 1 '■A I 11.16 | S t- 11 a-l »A* ti.a 1 sso Ay ft**. 8i.ni U Daves, Tilly barnwtll Hallr >ad Train* manrrl hli Havh Car- •lia* IUd«»t Tr-tt« *• Sdlmf*: -- B*. 1 l•*llna»^• *HI« Hwkih Ceinltaa Hallway 8*. t r-i tn>ars-w*a.and l-«wl Mat:••* Kaa Of Ww »v Ule and rwlawMa TWvlatad Ha. 1 baa r«nW^I*wi frtww Wnttlk Oamltn* Railway N*. 4 frwaa Ajji.m* and luteal H«aMoas Witl nf UwkvMo. l*a. 4 ratia^Ht wltk Aaatli Cwmllwa lUilwat Kn. 6 fer Sa-uWe ami lawal UtlUat Warn wf BW. a nil*. » ta* •-•wvi.w-vlaa fr'Htv smMk Caolfna Hadart aft L. J. LEO KIE. FAIL AND WIN! ER MILLINERY n«vioff Icnmxl the hmist* and nt^r* fur* marly ><•••11 fried Dv Mm; Pr It chars). Eli Up *d HliV.**, I bar* flUeri up thrts* ..f that hnndm>in*»st MIKlncry Harlot# PrHth of Hiallmtora ntyd am now rca.iy lo abow th* ttii'Ki mid ru t r.-li clod •lock of French P.vtiwrn Bonnet# nn") U *T# ever brought to Aitgtian and cr. rv <>nt* In Invited t«» aall an<l cx wUt.c nty cn and price#. Our .Dx-k ut rtnalc a 'Velvet#, .r-ilha, #«tb<#. Feath- er*. Fi-'Wcm Pilds'lin and HO*-»adc rawn- A>lctc *nfl at |«w i>rt> cd ilatr Uoo*1a and 1*1' Ml Jew- lea" a np**. twite. Don't forget Hi** pi*.*- f.w Fir* MBMiRry .f tstCt tCIMZ. * 1 ' v: * 4 tAr>a i Irncf. door to Putt A Mciiyaiin'• Umtt Htor®. ihivB 1m -------- kj---------------------- ------- AshleyfPhosphate Company. CM ABLE9TON, SOLUBLE GtlAHO, hiflily •mmoiiiatei; DISSOLVED BON ft, Lighekt firm!* ; ACfl) Ill081*11 ATK» for compokling ; ASH ELEMENT, roado nf Floats, fur Cotton, Crain'«6mR Pfji; GENUlNK M#t>lj^>LpSil ALD-KAlNlT, imporicd tfirset from tl>« «• Miaca in Oeirtiftnyrniril Wumtuted pure; ' *1' - met* i.-« «'v»*f*j i"V.:_t . i_ i.. ,. •».„ r\ < . ; . V. V,? Tr / , ... GENUrXK FLOATS, ofliiglieM tf-r.lc, product of the Duo Atomiser} SMALL CHAIN SiKClFHJu . COTlON ..ND CORN COMPOUND ; GROUND DIUED FHH AND BLOOD; GROUND RAW BONE; LLANO N.S -U. AND VL ASTER ; corros sEEi *■ >KD MEAL; Special F.irmuIds"i«a<I« to orvlcr'. KfacctaJ Miduccuientq f.^ cm eh iml rs. * )t Far trims, IRsattatr/J AWmiiac* und cnnls otIdio«sfii6 Co. gL'V -J.--------r.M.wcrwWbw-rr-w.-... T-XALE MANUIFACTUUINO. CO.. Factory, Office, TVnrcrooma. and LuniMr Yard#, 10 to W Cumberland Street, .UH All E.KH'TON M. Cf. With the aid nf Mew Machlnrry, sktllod workmen and boat material, we are sntrpre S ire.I to m .mifactuie In tbt# city »H kful# of Work: we shall make aapt cialty of inure, Hnaliep. iilitnla, kiouldltiKs, Itrackcta. HOrtril KattinW. Ftn« f .ncy front 4ov»nv of pine or har wrwdl a i-j.hctalt y Window and door frames, fl.xviitvg Ixiard#, ALCm Etiilr ral1*. bnlueten*. i»ew>d#. inaihlr, wood and sh.tr mantels 1'nildere' Uardwaiw, wlto window gtiAida, white piMt. m.'.lu if-ny mmI Walnut. All kind#of fancy luntber, pattate. oils, Ttirnlshe-. br *di e in all atyba, nt tuulunterlal# ' ............. M , iVtndow olarat r r<'u h ad Atn»ile»n, Brnurd; cut and rod rnknWM *Ias and s* ylr#. putty Gl sierwPoli ta, jJlifiioiuis and Knlvca. * y UtMuftfcL Aft- all color# Pefu'ro puteha4ufr your maurlHi, consult your I tercet, attd buy at our Oieatly Re- duced Prk«i#t-Mu>lt t net iiHMS. W«buy. I. r CMSt^aiul cau afford lo a*-U at low Uuuihw Wa buy fur CMSl^aiul cau t Hall ManufdCUirina: C5o.< Cb«rWa*«B N. C. Feftmtite# given for every description of wura. Finns, cpecHb'allOua, Ad, furnished reill STAIR WORK. fer <1 wettings. STAIR HairihlfTacfllM*# with Biachl ary and cftperl ncetl Wotkitien, we are Ut ail kinds of htalr IDdl. complete, eftrly to put up, nt very low pi Ic-* uater- and Aaitd IlitU, all de.-i^ns and palteriis; aloo, all kinds of Walnut. Mahogany and Fancy LuuAer prenarml tn gel . Newel#, Bai- In ordering Rails w* should have form# filled out. and also #fate whether the 8; ring .It a i#. Ten with Ail-bra or not; if Winding Ht« I n send #<vilo drawing. not. bUt« hew tar t hey are ahead or l m-k. For a> gSt-Sm v FERTILIZF RS OF ALL KINDS AND OF THE BIQUS8T GPADK. XT G B R, M A K A I N OT DIRECT IMPORTATION. O T T O N SBBI>^MEAL AND ALL FERTILIZER BUPFLIE*. ---------- -FOR SALE BY------------ hum ox, omiiM * co m m Are acknowledged by everrbodf to for bash, and ua And tMr lg*nb« thrmighogf Ibe Country. Molalrs M * n ?cj2S otn T •Turt tecrirjj and npeued and tn he<nd4 ait cnof of Mi.sac..aaud fjiildretta' itaD, Kealltftf#, Valretecns, Laessand Unimrctta, ljudi-w l)re#s Good* in all almd #, and it Ivautiftil line dll Noitlierh and Eastern lioux.'*. MiM on* of 51 CliUdrvn ami Adu.t<i. Clotldpsi frr Men »nd Yv Bedsfcnd#, ('hairs, Uurctu#, Sit-tBinriie, Etc., And Inst, hut not 'cam. n IttH line ol'CUota* said for cash at cash prtet # at MMwwn 9 Gj HARDWARE MERCHA AGKNTN FOR Baldwin FEED GUTTER. P>TF. ACL.h to FOR KEMP9 MAN t FOR FALK: WANDO PrlOSl'HATE COMPANY. Charletston, S O* ,FftAKn* B. Hackkh, Prcsidvat JoafA^ 8. Bnotrn, FrcaanrcrA eavlti St# Axe*, Unmet, lloa#, Chain#, Ilow Line#, How#, Plow Stock#, Singletrees, Shrital#, t*! adea, Fork#. Woojwatc, 1 i.,w are, IV wareSouUi Carolina Hailvrny. 10th 1882, WATCH-MAKER ATBLACKVILLE I offer my# rvl<y**|otbe put. H-In the repelr <4 Watefcea, Chirku*ano J-m H jv - Wo'h #tdrw*t<w1 t*. |N# W'tl Core In # wnakiiiahH'.c (Waniw r. All W<Wk b»wit by in >11 or rX:.r>-*a •ball nave epm-hvl aUeo- tiop. Oiv- ttic a call. oena-Sm T. A RaoDCM. Removal. X* * fr»a* Ck*rt'at>« t *Iu#i4>n. CaiuSoa *i>4 X-tal #t«tie"* l »»t '{ Rlarkrtlh- So a **...»<. vifk h**iK t >.*Una ltafl«#y No t f*r Ch* I1««. Cahimbi* »kC all ia»t.»* fjot. »*4 <a*#k*vt* •i<h #o«lh < < oil mi Kailwvi Xu- 4>.*is *«al •II k'.lkt* " o*l *f bt»rk»ir.. 4 k*. '^nrr-.Wn hr»N .-.mlt. (Jatoli* » It. Mvoy E.> 5 **<1 4 fo*». ra**H *'"k 4l.*.naa amt *11 l*» »l ataihvki; h*» »» ww*.-*ll»«> fT'in C«4»*.l!» Plvl-kia Th# iia»t*r*ig«e*l ha* removed M* re*l- ilrn«a from .kllrndEte to Baruuell C. tl , w i.r re be kill eoklieeo ibv praetiac of in* prw. f*e*h*it a* kcrclafora , ,ictv« «f J. J. HKOWM. ("Vnuncncinff De-enaSer traio# will run a# follows: COLVVPIA 1»IVI3U).\. . : (D6tiy.) Leava Obarlvatoa T OO a m 6.20 p m Arrive at Columbia ll.tftaai 16.Of pm Leave totniuMa t AS p m S.im » m C. ?, PECIIMANN, ff Rdrnwtfl, SVeae Cw Miwtotn. Ertraet fiom * I# rcb m.de by (1 W M. W lluui u vi* hi# t ill ty r>lN*tr aud refund (n the I qtivr diaf.ra uxe# i v*rcb.irip-.l t.y reioe.>ii «,f Ihr I# w chub lug tbr Hcertok III iXpll# *.ii the 31 -l of (licit De* #tu 'IT ; -*ln tii'r.i ii.ciRkr (Id-* bid I wa* ne- tuated by a fee.lug vi /mIc# to that rlaerof hecplr, ur r>*tb*>l to tbat pe .- ptrengag.*.! lu that < u*# *>i t*r«ceft <>f ItUallieMi knuai: (<* n ■twlllttg HpitiUl'UlB Li<)>l.>ia, «tti' n#, whpin, lu my knowl- .1#^, arc uv-n ptireof beuit, iiuri-et <<| pmpfvee nntl 'tfrt*** nt In the dl eliurtti*' «.f tli#li pub hr duty. Yen, riioti t** true #e any uirt; ttvlng. N-^w wltrnerrr a Ink la levied l>|eiii out laiel* wblch the Lrgialalure tlhl uot tutend to levy tijr ap|dl<-a!b*0. we, by law mind you, have au abatement and ti.c ninm.ut refund- edthat la tIts amount which by law w# have been ebarutd Ngatuai the aftldt aud Inteotlbn of tha law. N >w In this mallei tin. liquor AtahTs b.<ve l*een c-niprlletl (in a great many In- etatiue*) U1 |»#y tnori> Draff the fr*. f.>r Hceraa inDndetJ by the Uw. Tl D Mil am ply menuM to rafuotl to three per- •or.a whatever hue been ovriH'ltnigetl, nd that la all. I hare been t hi t y K»tit)<-nien upon ibis (1 mrtlint 'hr bill is a K"r'd one, the spirit, of It tight and <-4|t'|tal»|e, »>0I that ihe measure is nn tttipop'ilar nn# and cannot t>e carried. I #<.o the tight «.f (he Idll ; I pr**#ent it you «a riphr, just and iquitable; rote I* 'town tf you wlit (and no dotibt y.ifl ad|A, I hare done my duty and the rr-poositrillty re.ua upon you. 1 ahalt Halit the esNiat* <>f th* liquor tn«ti win n J )<M and right to <lo do a# I would miy other clhsu of men, and the man who falls to do it fall# In hl« dtity.Abnli*b the #ale of liquor entirely or be just In your legUI.itIon toward the denier and t>l»y no double role. I know all that! might say will do no ptiot), brC it la my duty in any what I have and tha rest fa with yon." «. 6\BT. it ovrirt. c n \ ut xfcco " Iwparter* *».| W e vl««alo Uoalvr* in FOREIGN AND DO 'I h> 1IC FRUTT : 5 § n O w •! C »•'), A7 A 311 Market it P. «. Inx 17®. 1 : l 5 V hatlmrien, S, C. UkV 2-® 31 i 1 « 2 * Piir lion llottl. biectrlo b«IU, at f-ana. g r Flevatar, Pnvl t<*e Hotel. * t nose fre* h #nd c'raa throughout. Tatde t»al lb the Hot.t >. vitloii t ransfor «iwehea •.•nd*)T#gea# at •ili tr .H*# etui taiata ItatoH r<'dne»d. Cwware <»f g.ving yvur cltecka to any voa nn tr«)». Kalra................................ $2 t»-fj S) K T. (iA.LLJtEl*, Im) i In or. Charloatnn, 8. tl. NOTICE. A 1 partita ind*',!#.! to tka estate of IT. T. ULAlvl OJC tfitfgoiue forward and »etito with the undaisigntd, or vith 8. W. II UKTOM. ai th* Homeelead. Pirtie# hol.tiaT claim* ag»in*t tke e*t#t# will proaoitllie same duly attested to I. A. BI.AMTOl, J.W BLANTON. * .^diainiatrat »r*. WillUton, 8. C., Ptcrmtor lltV. 18X2. de«!4 4w J. W. Strickland, Wh ilwriRhl an! D]fi(bm!l\ BLACKYILLE, S. C. w ami at all time# prepared with m*ie I* na first eTn«# w.irkmen and Aral cbm* fLl to do all work in hi# line in first c'aes style and at iftuannable llguree. He solic- its publln patrenair# and .-onfldefitly refer# PmtAoarn ix Bt# Hliyf In the r|- olftliy nf SVIchba, Kttneaa, there r> aide# with hie parents a young man whose (jhrUMnti natna la unfortunately not ni'-ntlnuad by the Journal wMcti r^- o >rde th# fnllowlng kxtrwordlpary Incj- »tent In hia career. Oae night hi# pa- r-ftta wrra asouaed by aingnlnr no'aee on the roof, ai d ko.iwing tUDr aoua habit of ciitthig caper# lu hla sleep i hey ran owt to the yard sod looked up. There sat the y«ung man on th# iditmovy p»p, dad <»nly in that garment which Itom* mortal usage ha# const*-, erntoff to the purpose of alnnibcr.Presantly he ros* to hia feet and ad- «fro.*ln)r tha Irnagln-try audience, gave out th* hvrtm, 'AH ball tha power c< Jfsiis name," which he forthwith prv- oceded to alng through from itegbuileg to rud to tb* aonormte tuns "Uoiuoa- tlow.* H# tb*n aeJec'e.l h text ^frem fat John, ▼. IS, preached a ▼fgorotik itlseouniw dftex-u mtoutea loog. ?nd *1H down the UpfctMlna rod Into a t ub of water, Wfttofefctofatfaer bad hurriedly wegl l do th# «K>*t T)M#a%ork aroused bla aad he tohtobc*. to all persons who have f.erur 'd Idm with their orders, Hal# always at home and always at work. W, % m>v2!-3<n ONeill & Sons, BOOTS AND SI10E8^ TRUNKS AND VALISES, $7#KING ST. ABOVE GEORGE, CHARLESTON, 8. C. 7 -♦af-*ep< The Blatkv lle Mae*iii Fnnule S(B inary Will Im op#n»4 Mnadav, ta<f Ubtohor. It will W ta rkwrc* •f Hr. W. E. Or»T, a of Mierary t**t* aa* (altwr*. )IU rvWrcama »fb Jrof. Oarlide, of WaffWtl CnllBf*. »wd Krot H. H. ftrun* *4 C ti»r- i- 4kar<>Mw* > n»nrh G«r*.»t. **4 Apjckrt. wilt ha t**xi.l la a.MIUon tn Vim Matt Cn;liafc tad tUmoal •aura*, laerwctiai. ta oimoV* H 4a*ifrd Tlotc* al tattiwa a wit* low. Bowl Ik private taavdir* vary r—*a«H«- Appij i# tha P-intipal ar «ae of Urn TraWooa.'C. A lartigw*. iaam* K#By. W. J. Map la. a t. V, fasrA, BoaiAwTTamtam. a^rfl t< -wini. TAP.YER, CfAHlfl & €9 Ml.hi .sale and Retail Dealers in ROOTS nnd SHOES MR DCOAD 8T. AUGUSTA. CA , M ill Le liappj to aec and serve hi# nu- merous iiuu.d# in Barov# 1 and a.lj esnt M-pU Sm comn-a. THE ELACKVILLE BAKERY ANDRESTAURANT Arrive at Ikartrolon 11.30pm K(W * m | Al’GUZT A MITISIOK. . - (Baiijr#fH4.)i *- -w H l.aa v# Ch .rtp»l<»a / 3 36 a tn 9 4ft p m /rrlTeai Rranehfll'o . 10.46 a m 6 UOp m Leava BrnwchviU# 19 Oft a m a. O0 p m * l^*ve Kdisto 11 27 a m H. f 2 p m la-i** Midway 11.13 * m 6 2*p «*? Leav* It.mberg 11 30am C 31 p m Lc«v* Graham* 11 3-1 am 3 47 pea Leave l*r* t 11 43 a a f 8 * p m toavw It'ackvill* 11.62am 7 12pm !.*«?« F. k.i 12 "ftp at T.tfop m i.eave M illi*4 n 12 16 pm 7 32 p m Arrive *1 Augusta 1.00 p m ft 0 Ip 04 '(Drily Fa«t | towve .Anguet v 7 0.'. a m 4 20pm L ave AVillLtoa •.It a ta C.u\p m Leave Fdka 9 VM* m H. 13 p m leave ItUrkvilIe 97 a m *.30 f a* l.eave Leoa ft. 13 a at 4.3H p ai I.e»ve Graham* ft. A, a m 6.47 p m I.•>ve Rvmhorg It -Oft a m 3 68 p ai leave Midway lu. IH a m 7 l»H p m Leave Rdiato 10.29 a m 7 It* pm Ar. at Branch villa 19 39a m 7.2ip m !.e«v» Uranchritle -19.46 » a. 7.3" f m Ar al Charleston 12 66pm It.tJpm (Freight and Arrow modal ioa Most.) Leav* Cianehrille 6 66 a a. Leave B sckville 6 Ai a at Ar. et Auguaia ft. 10 a 1 < W# ©ootimi# to •et aaaoh<ytor* for paten •#, towats, I, copyright#. #4*.,for tha United Bmtea^and to obtain pat- la Canada. Bnglaad, Franco, Germany, and all other cmntrto#. T6vlvly*«6x gwwvw* nractic#. N" rharga for oaamiaatltm of aaodola or draw- inn. A dries by mail frwo. Patents obtained through u are noticad In ih# scawwnnr awawicAn, whveh has tb* iargowt rixpatottfm, aad ta th* m»«» ladu asor of Ito kind totWlahod In tho Tb* ad va world. TV* ad raniagoa ef awch a aotie# ovary ta# andorotaada Thislsrg# #*d •vleadidlv Ulnatrated new#* pactapwbltahad wKBKLT aitAlOayear. aad ta admitted to be the heel paper devoted moe. meokauee,iBveatiOba, oagineenu* i, and other 4rptrlrawn * of industrial oat, pwblisi.ed In any eetmtry. Single l^ff eopie< •a by mail, 10 eenla. Sold try an aews- r*. Addroea, Mnn* A 0».. pnbltahora of fteistv ««- Aaaeriaaji, Ml ftroadway, Xew York. Handbook about patonle maitod free. «•-1 v t ATUXANS. J. H. POnOKR. dealer In Fresh Bread aadG-k##, Choice CowfvCilufteiVr# and #e- l.ict Faw.ily Oiooeries, B.ilroail Avenue, Wlackvltle. 8. 0. Hot Meal# nerved at short nottae. AIV goods at 4easonabla fixate t aurffl JdAtES H. CACSyiW Tonsorial Artist, / N O. UOIH A SKL ST. Kbie Kixo St (Sign Tc’opkoao Pels and Ua«d.S . -AMD ALSO ATWAVERLY HOUSE. BSSTSHWIXO aXECVTEP BT ELECTSrClTT'"$M #*p7-Cm Cliarlestonr S C- Maniifaetnrera of High Fertilizers, Proprioior* of th» CeltbraleU Brands: (Frsigktsnd Acaammodatioa Cas(.) l^avs .4 ugiiota s W.CO p m Ar. at ttaakvilta 11 (0 pm A r. at Bianck villa iJ.A^am COLUMBIA DltlXlON. (Daily, Kxccpl Snadaj.) Leava Branchvlil# 11.00am Ariiv* *i Uehimbia 4.0® p m ' Leav* Columbia 00 a m Ar. at BranchTpU 10 *7 « m ••tyKNrCT10)l8.•Trains leaving ItrMiehTill# at A.(k> A. M. and Columbia *( 6.6 ft P. M m*k« ermae* lioea dai!y. cqehpt Sundays, with iraiu* oa Aiiguata Uivisu n. Tmi** leaving Clmrlerton at 3.4.* P. M aad leaTmg August tat 7.0u A. M. and 4.20 P. 61. make e.-nnectiouk daily with trains ef lb* Georgia Kail road and On I rat I'.ailroad of Gcorgyv, fer klacen, Atlanta and all pwinia \te»l affd 8oiHhwc*t. PASSEKGFB FARE.Excuraion Ticket* t«*nd from all fttations on Ih* (load ar* »«ld at ® cents per rails for round trip. Tickrt* are g"o*l for tvn days to return On Faturdaya and Sundays ticket* arc sold to aad trenail Station* at or.# first- class fart for th* round trip. Ticket* ar* good till Monday noon to reiura. Itegular rate#, 4 cents per mile firktclaos, Z eon ta per mile >cc*iid-c!a«a wh-r* ticket* ar* purchas- ed bo loro knlering Ih# car*, bleeping Cars art rue on a I night passenger trainwbei ween Charleston and Columbia. J) C. Al.LKN, G. P AT Agt. JOHN B. PECK. General Manage). OfX Kino WmUlvem. Av-riraa and K*t*a, of the Uleal (tile*. Kiel* WVecrwlry, w aad »^al Ikatga* and KswoMta W*rk- tal rltsog a*llvr*wwmr*. la Fiwfc iad BeawtlW PaHoewa, •^•etaliy ada#4<4 lec Wedl.lag i'rvwwta A»h#poo Ferttlix-r, Ashnpoo Add Pho#phata, Eutaw Fertilizer, EutaW Add Pbosphato, CaruliDa Pho#phatffr Palmetto Acid Pbo»phate. Importer® of Genuine German KaluD, direct Jrom the Mluee. Consult your iuterrat aud FuJ those goods. Make aj plication to P. W. Farrell & , BlackrlD#, 8. C. Vf.J. Martin, Black ville. 8. C. B. J. Brabham A Bro., Bamberg,8.0. J. D. Copeland, Bamberg, S. C. 8 J. BartZig, Bamberg, 8. 0. W. H. Kennedy, Willi*loo, 8. C. J. W. Crum, Graham#, 8. C. Fku A Govge, AileodtUe, 8. C, Aabepoo Pb nap bate Co. BOBEBTSOK, TAYLOR * CO. Oewerai Aftftte, Cbailealoa, 8. CL •evt-Aa# do you want to save money IN BUYING GROCERIES? If so send your order# t# Hit vorp)#l«*<l Wnrw, Tka Art*. Waller*, l.w rftaker*, totter m*he«, CagS OnMrt*. #)»w«w Kaeka of kr* #«atliy, e4# Choice Knnvy CJ (XXl*. (# ' Fr-o. I* aa-t AmetWaa Ctork*, rtae T»We Cattery, #neet»rU'». a»r. WMtrWa* >1*4 Jewatrr Car*fall- R*|wirri, The D.-W CKw*t* a* (be Lew«*« I'net*. JAMKH At*l*A>#« .807 King F(., Ckarleakun, 8. C- •eth : G. T. Andrews Wit!. E. IJ. EARLE, 801 King St., Charleston, 8. C f DealaV In (tn# fthne*. Boots, Trunk#, fte. H# guaranteea satisfaction. Exchange* cheerfully made at any lime. All erder* order*over f 1U.00 f.zpre*a eluirfe. prepaid. Heineiteahit Iriend* of Barnwell (7ounty to come and see him. and any hnlen emrust ed to him will be promptly executed. Yeur favors solicited. 0 T. AKDnF.tVft, Near Masonic Hall, ItOl Kingftt. nett Welsh & Eason, X. Wholesale and Retail dealer* In Chdce Family aad Fancy Grecerie*. Fine Liquor*, Tees and Cigata, 127 aad 12V Meeting Flreet 8. W. corner Market 8irr«t. t'h*rle't*n. S. C. It# carry an oxtensiv# aasortmont *f good* and hav# everything yeu want at aslouioh- tugly low prices. Holiday Goods in Great VarWy. Country merchant# Wishingan as#ertvieot ef Fancy Groeerie# will ftuU it tolhehr iater- e«t to c#rre*pond with us «U the auhject. lend for ontalugue and price list. aov28 3m W R-KELLY. ATT0RSEY AT LAW, Am J. YVeatliersbee. -fO I HAV ft JU8T RECEIVED A large •lock of General N vrchAndiae which I will sell at very close fijurcs fof cash and e**h only. Buyers will find it to iheir infereat (o trade with me, for I am determined to he undersold by no merchant in tlia county. All persons indebted to me are re- quested and advised to make early set tlementa. It wid p«y tbo to do so. Pa ikmce h«s ceased to Le virtue A. J. weathkrsbre, WiRuton, 8. C. ang2lt( DR TODD, IS la A C K V I la la f V PrwaiplfcOee aopoctoity Haring rciurned to Barnwell C.B. tn r-matn peiaanetttly, oflbro bin nor viees to the public ta ALL braaebea of tie medical profoaaloa. TenaaOatb or pradocc. •eflb-tf V* jr t ^ ■* 'ifeo: » ,f a^. _

Transcript of UXANS. · 2017-09-20 · IbCirdir.nera nnd deiiaqnent subscriber*.__ A* fn* I'cuPLe is the guide...

Page 1: UXANS. · 2017-09-20 · IbCirdir.nera nnd deiiaqnent subscriber*.__ A* fn* I'cuPLe is the guide lar sale day and Mi atiH abiding In single blrssedn'csv it comes ••ul with it*






mi. i j1 111' (■ " ■

cuusTr cttKosrcLes.N«t Tntviiy i| uie dar.

K«w i* (he line U swear off.

Severs! ef ear youeg men see slleiidlhg the Augut a rnoer,

The crosses vour psfter l< s speeis JnviU U*S for y«*«. gesile resder. Is cell «t thies/^

west Tsrsde; ssd Is psjr up yeiir dues te The rscM.«,

Our Vighl and hesdeens yens* friend, M. C. Willie, sf Williston Tsw^ship, na* I snorahlj giadueit’l tael week at Csl. fsw- ard s Ki>.|s Muunuin Military Academy

C«.S«slly-0»t.-By Kev. W. D McMillan. «n tbs aflerhoen *f Lteeember ‘Jdih, lh'S2, »l <he reaideitee of ihe bride’s faiher. L. M. <>«t, Etq.,wear Branelmll*, Mr. W. T. Cou- bstly qtBirntfell ««un!/ I« Miss Mary K. Ott »>f Orangeburg county^

Governor Tliowpaen k«s mads and Iks Resale confirmed Ihe felUwtoif Inpeialiaenis (hr this saunly ; Treasurer, N. I. Kirkland; Auditor, 8 W, Trait1 ; Jury Cetnnii«si4ner, M. W Felder; Trial Justices, 3. R. ISoya ♦oa,*J. B.r inn ter. D. J. R-we. J. w! Free- wan W. Il Bellinger. C. J. Hay, IT. M. Haeliek, f. 8. llunbar, H. L. Jobnssu

• rtnusTaiAsCowroaT.—All oar caunlry *x Shangos. edited hy married men. are Inking f hrisiines this week. We eupp.>»e (key have boon -pnoking bmi-j nee-S* »nd gwoiring forIbCirdir.nera nnd deiiaqnent subscriber*.__A* fn* I'cuPLe is the guide lar sale day and Mi atiH abiding In single blrssedn'csv it comes • •ul with it* usual bill of fare. Wehnpe.ibst- Ing brnhren. that you have had geod luck Mud dhall leek for year viails uext neek with a« aaiieue appetite.

The ' e-islatnre adjnarwed *n Iasi Saturday nseming after a brief and bu*y ssMtnn. A hundre-l and aevauty eight Acts were pas-cd. the graaler psrtisn being af (seal iat>rest. Th. f.dlewiug spp'.y especially ta <h » cetin- ty: A a An Is charter Thi Barnwell Rail­way Cempany, An Actto prohibit the sale nf ardent spirtio er liquor* in the town of WillieU;n. An Act loeulherito tho Connty ComwiiMlsaors of Uarnwetl rsunty in use Hrtaie fUnSo 1!»r ft# «fp>n*os oT thb lseiT yeer Mbd 8S A Joint Renelutien maki.ig pr«vi*ien f*r the enfo ee-nent of eertaru hsnd* oi tko t» County Ttfaiuren of Rom. w«ll counts, and for the dispo-itlon ef the fuadt renliiod therefreia.

Fnvttian 9t rri.irt.—That nM aM>( reJia- s1«le r<*a»peny, ih* Wende. ho* opened the wiatrr <n i| aig*. See »d«eti-*metit.

I’* «v**.— t^Gi S t ('sproM Towa*hip an tbs tO<h tnst . *1r« »T T C.vs after an MU »**• of e«* that hour*. v

la Ited (*al| Tnwaship oa Iho Clbh in<1 . af paeuntouiS. Mr l*alrie<i Rasloy, after sn i> * kertof ion day*

Mr* Nsnry l.. Allen, rsllrrpf the l»te • ’apt. J. 1'anc.vn Alisa, dtodllker re.tdeve ow iha ’JTifc taMoal after week* •fintea** saffocing W

Metrnvrv* *>a rttsrek* —Wilt A*d it *k their advaalagt belora purrhaaiog H«rJ- w.ro *sd ignoul *>al 1 mp *1*0.1 a if they w** d call oa*ft MURaS roraor flay ne an-i

M*eiis; *»d comer Me ti.g and M^rkit Fire U, C.aranie", f.C.

•« • %m

-a >W- 0 d z;*. I'l 1 f'lf.*i-1 ...tia'f" I1””

ItGV __ ______.. —t f*** with«nito»AerlDr fi It contain^i!^. ^? P1Wa.SwAh|kUwtU>«. arnirato

iSttfERRYaCO. S“'"W_____________ Detroit MiCM.

OFFICIAL NOTICEOritri: or ('orxtT CoMMiasiovsRa. T

nABiwELt S.^. 18th Dec. 1882. ( The IlsAid et tajiinty, (^umniimiionera » Ml

raCetfor the f.rnnsaciion of business 00 Wed- ne«J#y. Ad January, I,-Jut.

By order of tho lUard. • ,f. >f. mtotVMNQ, nerk.

dsc21-2w^ .. M|'

HegistratiOn NoticeThe Registration Hooke will,be open at tho

county seat on tho. First M<>nd y in each msath uQtil further not>ca i* given.

JNO. W. HOLME8, Supervisor. dee’Jl if

Sale of Land./ I will offer for sale at Bvrnwell Cowt ll«ii-o-un saleaday in fantipry n'ext, l>eing the first Tu*«day nod 2nd da^of the month, to the highest, bidder fbr cisit'Jhs following tract of land, tho fame si lupin, near live Itoil- it g.>p»ing* tn **nl county, c-usaiH-Hs-g UVi acres and i>ettnde<l an t h; Fist by the pohlic ro.J leading from Barnwell C. 11. to Usldne, aepiorauny il fr.ai land of .1, C. Fowke, on tie Ntirlh by I-nd* of J 8, Hovayer.tind R, V. (InnII, on tbs west by the l^sweV Tbres Runs and on |bs South by land* of U*s«ry

The •aid tract of Uni) will salan be sold at private sal* kl nay lime before the oaid sale day if purchasers prefer lo treat lor it on ap­plication to

P. M. CATER Purchaser to pay for papers.

u ' dee2l-2w

K^iksli-s-Diteot Ituporta*

WANTED^ ^ < •

in.OOO Torn* o11*>n Mim-v).

Ittghcia cosh price paid for Cotton Horst Sollrenst in rar ‘nwt |..u at ainr It. Jh f» -poi or Stvaiatvikt lan- •llng In Hoittli (Vntilsa, tbmrgia nr Nnrtli Carolina. I Melina cash price paid K»r kcroeRit', Uni and wbt.*- kvy hom-K


Tire heat and chcaiMs.! hxsl for all kind* ofatork ami th-rhra|Mwt and tx-sl fcrtllliirr on the market. Write for ulijmphrita rnitUiniiiL'.imlvMa t>v Mr. C. V« Shkpard, htalethioniat. «r«t dlrretivms Ibr uae to

CMAULUIXIM on. MsKUKAtm'in.NOnv.ti (tread Si. Charlvatan. A C.


Christmas Goods.V:


MO In AIRST’art of ourst.ftt has already been receiv­

ed and largo sliipmeots are on the way direct from the headqiiS/tdrs of Santa (Man*.

Christ mas cniies but once a year n .id Mo­hair will have tile bent, largest nnd cheapest stock uf Christmas Goods ever brought to Barnwell. Call early and make your selec­tions brfnro the stools 1* pick erf over. Make the litt e folks happy.

nov^8 If tlBOfMOLAIR.

Central Hotel,IT ROAD) MT'RTCKT.


Ceutnillj located, conveoient to bn»i- nes*. ’ - mv-G tf

*, LAxb ta— E»Jt«M4)ietl 1 R®0. —t. l.AXni’E


A LANG SR Sz SON*Importer* and Wli.dw-alc lW»rj*lit For- oixn .vtid Domer-tie’Fmttaaml.PriMiuC'',

XO. 61 MAhKEF RTBKET, CHA*LK»TO!*, •. 0 LARtritsT rrocii< I.OWEST fBICM.

*>0x21-4m ^ ’_________

EierMitMtloii. ..

I*rrmrlian Cemnisw—Direct fmm th*Aacnt it. th* IWutumi laviy irntwot. >

I’i - la (Jnano Ct&T7+r ocoL ammofttl.

....... Parlors of FashionMwoth I'lirollHi*ph.*s«—Pin* gr.diod and of hi*h grad*

Fo»snl*byHKRilANN nni.WINKLE,

Ke r’* Wharf,Chari stop, 8. C.d**14 *ua

Bta WEli RAILROAD.'T imo Tnbl* No.

To take Kffcrt Motiday IVc. 11, 18B2,

*t 6 00 A.M. ’

vv K.-*r VV A 1M ».TfAfiovd

I.r B arV * ill*** A.hl.ieh “ Woodward'.

Ar * arnk-ll

t Act'*. 1TSTaVll »’M*iV f Va n..—*- r -e- ——

A M A w‘i r w r. m.’ *u 1 #4» it* 7 torr 1 »'•]

lajel!■* : IJ-

iii IT 4# 7.4*t.4i '1 IS 4# | 12 k# :.ie

60 4 WTAV AfiD.

ET 'TtOXA I t Arv'ni j 4 Mall * Mail '*Ac<’t»

► ptEirr’s sai.-* -iz*‘u'l»* *vl*>_I/• - *•» WiU*k »*. C J. Keen* Tke nwdlrlded tMev *•» *f v ' J r-er<-In r.V • rra b'A kMtkd^d tip UeaU*’lk«r*o*. W/rdt !*Im< .e< VViHK.ua>. Praiv- r*> t'»t.«*ea nd n J. U~4*.

tirdef *• t*--- J M Oraf ta J i Ikwrewee. a lw>-aiert ai>ra k.vatr U kt «» fam %>ik win* JO bv »• (rwK ea T. tf. WilliuyhuB > Snaprma plk,e. 4*

■ laewuen aaia* — fee. il. Jwbaekn, Agt , »« Jeha D«e IP aarao Imkadod Kwrth and IvtlHrffiVlay land, and J aad fr*i ky tka it *fjaa<Eead* asd (A. Tetwg

Haari/ti* W»iae* (sow flatt*) v*. 8. W. E»r*a 4^0 aarav. bawedad by ‘nsd* C. M M 'bwua. Jxtb llano*. A. N«ni^ Mary M« beer, oat «(I af IT a*. .Hi via on. *ad Ma. I el a

I.v Berawth “• B imdwartl't f

AatUrtgll tin*Arltlbtk


• «.V

A M A. Vs s



a- i *>1»*a 1 '■A I11.16 | S t-11 a-l »A*ti.a 1 sso

■ Ay ft**. 8i.ni U Daves, Tilly

barnwtll Hallr >ad Train* manrrl ‘ hli Havh Car- •lia* IUd«»t Tr-tt« *• Sdlmf*: --

B*. 1 l•*llna»^• *HI« Hwkih Ceinltaa Hallway 8*. t r-i tn>ars-w*a.and l-«wl Mat:••* Kaa Of Ww »v Ule and rwlawMa TWvlatad

Ha. 1 baa r«nW^I*wi frtww Wnttlk Oamltn* Railway N*. 4 frwaa Ajji.m* and luteal H«aMoas Witl nf UwkvMo.

l*a. 4 ratia^Ht wltk Aaatli Cwmllwa lUilwat Kn. 6 fer Sa-uWe ami lawal UtlUat Warn wf BW. a nil*.

“ » ta* •-•wvi.w-vlaa fr'Htv smMk Caolfna Hadartaft


n«vioff Icnmxl the hmist* and nt^r* fur* marly • ><•••11 fried Dv Mm; Pr It chars). Eli Up *d HliV.**, I bar* flUeri up thrts* ..f that hnndm>in*»st MIKlncry Harlot# PrHth of Hiallmtora ntyd am now rca.iy lo abow th* ttii'Ki mid ru t r.-li clod •lock of French P.vtiwrn Bonnet# nn") U *T# ever brought to Aitgtia’n and cr. rv <>nt* In Invited t«» aall an<l cx • wUt.c nty cn and price#. Our .Dx-k ut rtnalc a 'Velvet#, .r-ilha, #«tb<#. Feath­er*. Fi-'Wcm Pilds'lin and HO*-»adc rawn- A>lctc *nfl at |«w i>rt> cd ilatr Uoo*1a and 1*1' Ml Jew- lea" a np**. twite.

Don't forget Hi** pi*.*- f.w Fir* MBMiRry .f tstCt tCIMZ.

* 1 ' v: * 4 tAr>a i •‘Irncf.door to Putt A Mciiyaiin'• Umtt Htor®.

ihivB 1m-------- kj---------------------- ------- ■—

AshleyfPhosphate Company.CM ABLE9TON,

SOLUBLE GtlAHO, hiflily •mmoiiiatei;DISSOLVED BON ft, Lighekt firm!* ;

ACfl) I’ll081*11 ATK» for compokling ;ASH ELEMENT, roado nf Floats, fur Cotton, Crain'«6mR Pfji;

GENUlNK M#t>lj^>LpSil ALD-KAlNlT, imporicd tfirset from tl>««• Miaca in Oeirtiftnyrniril Wumtuted pure; ' *1' -met* i.-« «'v»*f*j i"V.:_t . i_ i.. ,. •».„ r\ < . ; .

V.■ V,?

Tr / ,...

GENUrXK FLOATS, ofliiglieM tf-r.lc, product of the Duo Atomiser} SMALL CHAIN Si’KClFHJu .




AND VL ASTER ;corros sEEi *■>KD MEAL;Special F.irmuIds"i«a<I« to orvlcr'.KfacctaJ Miduccuientq f.^ cm eh iml rs. * )tFar trims, IRsattatr/J AWmiiac* und cnnls otIdio«sfii6 Co.

gL'V -J.--------r.M.wcrwWbw’ -r—r—-w.—-...

T-XALE MANUIFACTUUINO. CO..Factory, Office, TVnrcrooma. and LuniMr Yard#, 10 to W Cumberland Street,

.UH All E.KH'TON M. Cf.With the aid nf Mew Machlnrry, sktllod workmen and boat material, we are sntrpre

Sire.I to m .mifactuie In tbt# city »H kful# of Work: we shall make aapt cialty of inure, Hnaliep. iilitnla, kiouldltiKs, Itrackcta. HOrtril KattinW.Ftn« f .ncy front 4ov»nv of pine or har wrwdl a i-j.hctalt y Window and door frames,

fl.xviitvg Ixiard#, ALCm Etiilr ral1*. bnlueten*. i»ew>d#. inaihlr, wood and sh.tr mantels — 1'nildere' Uardwaiw, wlto window gtiAida, white piMt. m.'.lu if-ny mmI Walnut. All kind#of fancy luntber, pattate. oils, Ttirnlshe-. br *di e in all atyba, nt tuu’ lunterlal#

' ‘ “ ‘............. ‘M, iVtndow olarat r r<'u h ad Atn»ile»n, Brnurd; cut and rodrnknWM *Iasand s* ylr#. putty Gl sierw’ Poli ta, jJlifiioiuis and Knlvca. * y

UtMuftfcL Aft-all color#

Pefu'ro puteha4ufr your maurlHi, consult your I tercet, attd buy at our Oieatly Re­duced Prk«i#t-Mu>lt t net iiHMS. W«buy. I. r CMSt^aiul cau afford lo a*-U at low UuuihwWa buy fur CMSl^aiul cau t

Hall ManufdCUirina: C5o.< Cb«rWa*«B N. C.Feftmtite# given for every description of wura. Finns, cpecHb'allOua, Ad, furnished


fer <1 wettings.STAIR

HairihlfTacfllM*# with Biachl ary and cftperl ncetl Wotkitien, we are • Ut ail kinds of htalr IDdl. complete, eftrly to put up, nt very low pi Ic-* uater- and Aaitd IlitU, all de.-i^ns and palteriis; aloo, all kinds of Walnut. Mahogany and Fancy LuuAer

prenarml tn gel . Newel#, Bai-

In ordering Rails w* should have form# filled out. and also #fate whether the 8; ring.It a i#. Ten with Ail-bra or not; if

Winding Ht« I n send #<vilo drawing.not. bUt« hew tar t hey are ahead or l m-k. For

a> gSt-Sm v




---------- -FOR SALE BY------------

hum ox, omiiM * co m m

Are acknowledged by everrbodf to for bash, and ua

And tMr lg*nb« thrmighogf Ibe Country.

Molalr’s M

* n?cj2S otn

T•Turt tecrirjj and npeued and tn he<nd4 ait cnof

of Mi.sac..aaud fjiildretta' itaD, Kealltftf#,Valretecns, Laessand Unimrctta, ljudi-w l)re#s Good* in all almd #, and it Ivautiftil line dll Noitlierh and Eastern lioux.'*. MiM on* of 51 CliUdrvn ami Adu’.t<i. Clotldpsi frr Men »nd Yv Bedsfcnd#, ('hairs, Uurctu#, Sit-tBinriie, Etc.,And Inst, hut not 'cam. n IttH line ol'CUota* said for cash at cash prtet # at








,FftAKn* B. Hackkh, Prcsidvat JoafA^ 8. Bnotrn, ’FrcaanrcrAeavlti St#

Axe*, Unmet, lloa#, Chain#, I’low Line#, How#, Plow Stock#, Singletrees, Shrital#,

t*! adea, Fork#. Woojwatc,

1 i.,w are,IV ware’

SouUi Carolina Hailvrny.10th 1882,

WATCH-MAKER ATBLACKVILLEI offer my# rvl<y**|otbe put. H-In the

repelr <4 Watefcea, Chirku*ano J-m H jv - Wo'h #tdrw*t<w1 t*. |N# W'tl b« Core In # wnakiiiahH'.c (Waniw r. All W<Wk b»wit by in >11 or rX:.r>-*a •ball nave epm-hvl aUeo- tiop. Oiv- ttic a call.

■ oena-Sm T. A RaoDCM.


X* * fr»a* Ck*rt'at>« t *Iu#i4>n. CaiuSoa *i>4 X-tal #t«tie"* l »»t ‘'{ Rlarkrtlh-

So a *—*...»<. vifk h**iK t >.*Una ltafl«#y No t f*r Ch* I—1««. Cahimbi* »kC all ia»t.»* fjot. »*4 <a*#k*vt* •i<h #o«lh < < oil mi Kailwvi Xu-4>.*is *«al •II k'.lkt* " o*l *f bt»rk»ir..

X» 4 k*. '^nrr-.Wn hr»N .-.mlt. (Jatoli* » It. Mvoy E.> 5 **<1 4 fo*». ra**H *'"k 4l.*.naa amt *11 l*» »l ataihvki; h*» »» ww*.-*ll»«> fT'in C«4»*.l!» Plvl-kia

Th# iia»t*r*ig«e*l ha* removed M* re*l- ilrn«a from .kllrndEte to Baruuell C. tl , w i.r re be kill eoklieeo ibv praetiac of in* prw. f*e*h*it a* kcrclafora, ,ictv« «f J. J. HKOWM.

("Vnuncncinff De-enaSer traio# will run a# follows:

COLVVPIA 1»IVI3U).\.. : (D6tiy.)

Leava Obarlvatoa T OO a m 6.20 p mArrive at Columbia ll.tftaai 16.Of pm Leave t’otniuMa t AS p m S.im » m

C. ?, PECIIMANN, ff Rdrnwtfl,

SVeae Cw Miwtotn.

Ertraet fiom * • I# rcb m.de by (1 W M. W lluui u vi* hi# t ill ty r>lN*tr aud refund (n the I qtivr diaf.ra uxe# i v*rcb.irip-.l t.y reioe.>ii «,f Ihr I# w chub lug tbr Hcertok III iXpll# *.ii the 31 -l of (licit De* #tu 'IT ;

-*ln tii'r.i ii.ciRkr (Id-* bid I wa* ne-tuated by a fee.lug vi /mIc# to that rlaerof hecplr, ur r>*tb*>l to tbat pe .- ptrengag.*.! lu that < u*# *>i t*r«ceft <>f ItUallieMi knuai: (<* n ■twlllttg HpitiUl'UlB Li<)>l.>ia, «tti' n#, whpin, lu my knowl-• .1#^, arc uv-n ptireof beuit, iiuri-et <<| pmpfvee nntl 'tfrt*** nt In the dl eliurtti*' «.f tli#li pub hr duty. Yen, riioti t** true #e any uirt; ttvlng. N-^w wltrnerrr a Ink la levied l>|eiii out laiel* wblch the Lrgialalure tlhl uot tutend to levy tijr ap|dl<-a!b*0. we, by law mind you, have au abatement and ti.c ninm.ut refund­ed—that la tIts amount which by law w# have been ebarutd Ngatuai the aftldt aud Inteotlbn of tha law. N >w In this mallei tin. liquor AtahTs b.<ve l*een c-niprlletl (in a great many In- etatiue*) U1 |»#y tnori> Draff the fr*. f.>r Hceraa inDndetJ by the Uw. Tl D Mil am ply menuM to rafuotl to three per- •or.a whatever hue been ovriH'ltnigetl,• nd that la all. I hare been t hi t y K»tit)<-nien upon ibis (1 mrtlint 'hr bill is a K"r'd one, the spirit, of It tight and <-4|t'|tal»|e, »>0I that ihe measure is nn tttipop'ilar nn# and cannot t>e carried. I #<.o the tight «.f (he Idll ; I pr**#ent it u» you «a riphr, just and iquitable; rote I* 'town tf you wlit (and no dotibt y.ifl ad|A, I hare done my duty and the rr-poositrillty re.ua upon you. 1 ahalt Halit the esNiat* <>f th* liquor tn«ti win n

J )<M and right to <lo do a# I would miy other clhsu of men, and the man who falls to do it fall# In hl« dtity.— Abnli*b the #ale of liquor entirely or be just In your legUI.itIon toward the denier and t>l»y no double role. I know all that! might say will do no ptiot), brC it la my duty in any what I have and tha rest fa with yon."

«. 6\BT. it ovrirt.

c n \ ut xfcco "Iwparter* *».| W e vl««alo Uoalvr* in


: 5 § nO w •! C

»•'), A7 A 311 Market it

P. «. Inx 17®.

1 :• •l 5

V hatlmrien, S, C.UkV 2-® 31

i 1« 2 ‘ *

Piir lion llott’l.biectrlo b«IU, atf-ana. g r Flevatar,

Pnvl t<*e Hotel. *t nose fre* h #nd c'raa throughout.Tatde t»al lb the Hot.t >.P« vitloii t ransfor «iwehea •.•nd*)T#gea#

at •ili tr .H*# etui taiata ItatoH r<'dne»‘d. Cwware <»f g.ving yvur cltecka to any voa nn tr«)».

Kalra................................ $2 t»-fj S’)K T. (iA.LLJtEl*, I’m) i In or.

Charloatnn, 8. tl.

NOTICE.A 1 partita ind*',!#.! to tka estate of IT. T.

ULAlvl OJC tfitfgoiue forward and »etito with the undaisigntd, or vith ‘

8. W. II UK TOM. ai th* Homeelead.

Pirtie# hol.tiaT claim* ag»in*t tke e*t#t# will proaoitllie same duly attested to


* .^diainiatrat »r*.WillUton, 8. C., Ptcrmtor lltV. 18X2.

de«!4 4w

J. W. Strickland,Wh ilwriRhl an! D]fi(bm!l\


w ami at all time# prepared withm*ie

I* nafirst eTn«# w.irkmen and Aral cbm* fLl to do all work in hi# line in first c'aes style and at iftuannable llguree. He solic­its publln patrenair# and .-onfldefitly refer#

PmtAoarn ix Bt# Hliyf —In the r|- olftliy nf SVIchba, Kttneaa, there r> aide# with hie parents a young man whose (jhrUMnti natna la unfortunately not ni'-ntlnuad by the Journal wMcti r^- o >rde th# fnllowlng kxtrwordlpary Incj- »tent In hia career. Oae night hi# pa- r-ftta wrra asouaed by aingnlnr no'aee on the roof, ai d ko.iwing tUDr aou’a habit of ciitthig caper# lu hla sleep i hey ran owt to the yard sod looked up. There sat the y«ung man on th# iditmovy p»p, dad <»nly in that garment which Itom* mortal usage ha# const*-, erntoff to the purpose of alnnibcr.— Presantly he ros* to hia feet and ad- «fro.*ln)r tha Irnagln-try audience, gave out th* hvrtm, 'AH ball tha power c< Jfsiis name," which he forthwith prv- oceded to alng through from itegbuileg to rud to tb* aonormte tuns "Uoiuoa- tlow.’* H# tb*n aeJec'e.l h text ^frem fat John, ▼. IS, preached a ▼fgorotik itlseouniw dftex-u mtoutea loog. ?nd *1H down the UpfctMlna rod Into a t ub of water, Wfttofefctofatfaer bad hurriedly

wegl l do th# «K>*t T)M#a%ork aroused bla aad he


to all persons who have f.erur 'd Idm with their orders, Hal# always at home and always at work. W, % m>v2!-3<n

O’Neill & Sons,BOOTS AND SI10E8^


CHARLESTON, 8. C.7 -♦af-—*ep<

The Blatkv lle Ma‘e*iii Fnnule S(B


Will Im op#n»4 Mnadav, ta<f Ubtohor. It will W ta rkwrc* •f Hr. W. E. Or»T, a of Mieraryt**t* aa* (altwr*. )IU rvWrcama »fb J’rof. Oarlide, of WaffWtl CnllBf*. »wd Krot H. H. ftrun* *4 C ti»r-i- 4kar<>Mw* > n»nrh G«r*.»t. **4 Apjckrt. wilt ha t**xi.l la a.MIUon tn Vim Matt Cn;liafc tad tUmoal •aura*, laerwctiai. ta oimoV* H 4a*ifrd Tlotc* al tattiwa a wit* low. Bowl Ik private taavdir* varyr—*a«H«-

Appij i# tha P-intipal ar «ae of Urn TraWooa.'C. A lartigw*. iaam* K#By. W. J. Map la. a t. V, fasrA, BoaiAwTTamtam. a^rfl t<


TAP.YER, CfAHlfl & €9Ml.hi .sale and Retail Dealers in


M ill Le liappj to aec and serve hi# nu­

merous iiuu.d# in Barov# 1 and a.lj esnt

M-pU Smcomn-a.



Arrive at I’kartrolon 11.30pm K(W * m |Al’GUZT A MITISIOK. .

- (Baiijr#fH4.)i *- -w Hl.aa v# Ch .rtp»l<»a / 3 36 a tn 9 4ft p m/rrlTeai Rranehfll'o . 10.46 a m 6 UOp mLeava BrnwchviU# 19 Oft a m a. O0 p m *l^*ve Kdisto 11 27 a m H. f 2 p mla-i** Midway 11.13 * m 6 2*p «*?Leav* It.mberg 11 30am C 31 p mLc«v* Graham* 11 3-1 am 3 47 peaLeave l*r* t 11 43 a a f 8 * p mtoavw It'ackvill* 11.62am 7 12pm!.*«?« F. k.i 12 "ftp at T.tfop mi.eave M illi*4 n 12 16 pm 7 32 p mArrive *1 Augusta 1.00 p m ft 0 Ip 04

'(Drily — Fa«t |towve .Anguet v 7 0.'. a m 4 20pmL ave AVillLtoa •.It a ta C.u\p mLeave Fdka 9 VM* m H. 13 p mleave ItUrkvilIe • 97 a m *.30 f a*l.eave Leoa ft. 13 a at 4.3H p aiI.e»ve Graham* ft. A’, a m 6.47 p mI.•>ve Rvmhorg It -Oft a m 3 68 p aileave Midway lu. IH a m 7 l»H p mLeave Rdiato 10.29 a m 7 It* pmAr. at Branch villa 19 39a m 7.2ip m!.e«v» Uranchritle -19.46 » a. 7.3" f mAr al Charleston 12 66pm It.tJpm

(Freight and Arrow modal ioa — Most.)Leav* Cianehrille 6 66 a a.Leave B sckville 6 Ai a atAr. et Auguaia ft. 10 a 1 <

W# ©ootimi# to •et aaaoh<ytor* for paten •#, towats,

I, copyright#. #4*.,for tha United Bmtea^and to obtain pat-

la Canada. Bnglaad, Franco, Germany, and all other cmntrto#.

T6vlvly*«6x gwwvw* nractic#. N" rharga for oaamiaatltm of aaodola or draw- inn. A dries by mail frwo.

Patents obtained through u are noticad Inih# scawwnnr awawicAn, whveh hastb* iargowt rixpatottfm, aad ta th* m»«» ladu

asor of Ito kind totWlahod In thoTb* ad vaworld. TV* ad raniagoa ef awch a aotie# ovary

ta# andorotaadaThislsrg# #*d •vleadidlv Ulnatrated new#* pactapwbltahad wKBKLT aitAlOayear.

aad ta admitted to be the heel paper devoted moe. meokauee,iBveatiOba, oagineenu* i, and other 4rptrlrawn * of industrial oat, pwblisi.ed In any eetmtry. Singlel^ff

eopie<•a by mail, 10 eenla. Sold try an aews- • r*.

Addroea, Mnn* A 0».. pnbltahora of fteistv ««- Aaaeriaaji, Ml ftroadway, Xew York.

Handbook about patonle maitod free.«•-1 v




J. H. POnOKR. dealer In Fresh Bread aadG-k##, Choice CowfvCilufteiVr# and #e- l.ict Faw.ily Oiooeries, B.ilroail Avenue, Wlackvltle. 8. 0.

Hot Meal# nerved at short nottae.AIV goods at 4easonabla fixate t


JdAtES H. CACSyiWTonsorial Artist, /

N O. UOIH A SKL ST.Kbie Kixo St (Sign Tc’opkoao Pels and

Ua«d.S .




Cliarlestonr S C-Maniifaetnrera of High Fertilizers,

Proprioior* of th» CeltbraleU Brands:

(Frsigktsnd Acaammodatioa —Cas(.) l^avs .4 ugiiota s W.CO p mAr. at ttaakvilta 11 (0 pmA r. at Bianck villa iJ.A^am

COLUMBIA DltlXlON.(Daily, Kxccpl Snadaj.)

Leava Branchvlil# 11.00amAriiv* *i Uehimbia 4.0® p m 'Leav* Columbia • 00 a mAr. at BranchTpU 10 *7 « m

••tyKNrCT10)l8.•’Trains leaving ItrMiehTill# at A.(k> A. M.

and Columbia *( 6.6 ft P. M m*k« ermae* lioea dai!y. cqehpt Sundays, with iraiu* oa Aiiguata Uivisu n.

Tmi** leaving Clmrlerton at 3.4.* P. M aad leaTmg August tat 7.0u A. M. and 4.20 P. 61. make e.-nnectiouk daily with trains ef lb* Georgia Kail road and On I rat I'.ailroad of Gcorgyv, fer klacen, Atlanta and all pwinia \te»l affd 8oiHhwc*t.

“PASSEKGFB FARE.”Excuraion Ticket* t«*nd from all fttations

on Ih* (load ar* »«ld at ® cents per rails for round trip. Tickrt* are g"o*l for tvn days to return On Faturdaya and Sundays ticket* arc sold to aad trenail Station* at or.# first- class fart for th* round trip. Ticket* ar* good till Monday noon to reiura. Itegular rate#, 4 cents per mile firktclaos, Z eon ta per mile >cc*iid-c!a«a wh-r* ticket* ar* purchas­ed bo loro knlering Ih# car*, bleeping Cars art rue on a I night passenger trainwbei ween Charleston and Columbia.

J) C. Al.LKN, G. P AT Agt.JOHN B. PECK. General Manage).


Kino WmUlvem.Av-riraa and K*t*a, of the Uleal (tile*.

Kiel* WVecrwlry,w aad »^al Ikatga* and KswoMta W*rk-

tal • rltsog a*llvr*wwmr*.la Fiwfc iad BeawtlW PaHoewa, •^•etaliy ada#4<4

lec Wedl.lag i'rvwwta

A»h#poo Ferttlix-r,Ashnpoo Add Pho#phata,

Eutaw Fertilizer,EutaW Add Pbosphato,

CaruliDa Pho#phatffrPalmetto Acid Pbo»phate.

Importer® of Genuine German KaluD, direct Jrom the Mluee.

Consult your iuterrat aud FuJ those goods. Make aj plication to

P. W. Farrell & C« , BlackrlD#, 8. C. Vf.J. Martin, Black ville. 8. C.B. J. Brabham A Bro., Bamberg,8.0. J. D. Copeland, Bamberg, S. C.8 J. BartZig, Bamberg, 8. 0.W. H. Kennedy, Willi*loo, 8. C.J. W. Crum, Graham#, 8. C.Fku A Govge, AileodtUe, 8. C, Aabepoo Pb nap bate Co.

BOBEBTSOK, TAYLOR * CO. Oewerai Aftftte, Cbailealoa, 8. CL


do you want to save money

IN BUYING GROCERIES?If so send your order# t#

Hit vorp)#l«*<l Wnrw,Tka Art*. Waller*, l.w rftaker*, totter m*he«, CagS

OnMrt*. #)»w«w Kaeka of kr* #«atliy, e4#Choice Knnvy CJ (XXl*. (# '

Fr-o. I* aa-t AmetWaa Ctork*, rtae T»We Cattery,#neet»rU'». a»r.

WMtrWa* >1*4 Jewatrr Car*fall- R*|wirri,The D.-W CKw*t* a* (be Lew«*« I'net*.

JAMKH At*l*A>#«.807 King F(., Ckarleakun, 8. C-

•eth :

G. T. AndrewsWit!. E. IJ. EARLE,

801 King St., Charleston, 8. C f

DealaV In (tn# fthne*. Boots, Trunk#, fte. H# guaranteea satisfaction. Exchange* cheerfully made at any lime. All erder* order*over f 1U.00 f.zpre*a eluirfe. prepaid.

Heineiteahit Iriend* of Barnwell (7ounty to come and see him. and any hnlen emrust ed to him will be promptly executed. Yeur favors solicited.

0 T. AKDnF.tVft,Near Masonic Hall, ItOl Kingftt.


Welsh & Eason,X.Wholesale and Retail dealer* In Chdce

Family aad Fancy Grecerie*. Fine Liquor*, Tees and Cigata, 127 aad 12V Meeting Flreet 8. W. corner Market 8irr«t. t'h*rle't*n. S. C.

It# carry an oxtensiv# aasortmont *f good* and hav# everything yeu want at aslouioh- tugly low prices.

Holiday Goods in Great VarWy.Country merchant# Wishing’an as#ertvieot

ef Fancy Groeerie# will ftuU it tolhehr iater- e«t to c#rre*pond with us «U the auhject.

lend for ontalugue and price list.aov28 3m


Am J.YVeatliersbee.


I HAV ft JU8T RECEIVED A large •lock of General N vrchAndiae which I will sell at very close fijurcs fof cash and e**h only.

Buyers will find it to iheir infereat (o trade with me, for I am determined to he undersold by no merchant in tlia county.

All persons indebted to me are re­quested and advised to make early set tlementa. It wid p«y tbo ■ to do so. Pa ikmce h«s ceased to Le ■ virtue

A. J. weathkrsbre,WiRuton, 8. C.



IS la A C K V I la la f V

PrwaiplfcOee aopoctoity

Haring rciurned to Barnwell C.B. tn r-matn peiaanetttly, oflbro bin nor viees to the public ta ALL braaebea of tie medical profoaaloa.

Tenaa—Oatb or pradocc.•eflb-tf

V* ‘jr t ^ ■* 'ifeo: » ,f a^. _