UVU Trumpet Auditions F18[2] - Utah Valley University · 2018-07-18 · Microsoft Word - UVU...

UVU Trumpet Auditions Fall 2018 1) Perform the following excerpt from the March in Symphonic Metamorphosis by Paul Hindemith.

Transcript of UVU Trumpet Auditions F18[2] - Utah Valley University · 2018-07-18 · Microsoft Word - UVU...

UVU Trumpet Auditions

Fall 2018

1) Perform the following excerpt from the March in Symphonic Metamorphosis by Paul Hindemith.

2) Perform the following 2 excperts from La Mer by Claude Debussy.

3) Solo or Etude of your choosing. Audition tips: Do your research! Be sure to study several recordings of each excerpt provided. In the end, the purpose of auditions is to place you in an ensemble where you will grow as a musician; simply try to play in a way that is an accurate version of yourself right now. All trumpet-playing music majors are REQUIRED to perform BOTH jazz and classical auditions.

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& # ..14

’ ’ ’ ’G7

’ ’ ’ ’C7

’ ’ ’ ’G7

’ ’ ’ ’Dmin7 G7

& #18

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’ ’ ’ ’G7

’ ’ ’ ’Bmin7 E7(b9)

& # ..22

’ ’ ’ ’Amin7

’ ’ ’ ’D7

’ ’ ’ ’G7 E7(b9)

D.S. al Fine’ ’ ’ ’Amin7 D7

Billie's Bounce Charlie Parker


Trumpet in Bb