uVed it Lbs - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01438/00836.pdf · hppt...

THE GAINESVILLE MARCH ill SUN IH06 a J w a- z E EMPLOYED- ON NAVAL Sixty Coif s li Bolt for IVim 0 ARE INTELLIGENT Mary Thtin Kiwe tr l sh Eruca lion Speak the Lareuije Flu- ently Are Now Workng at Paradise and Appear to be Contented With the intrndntion nt Ubor iMeti n C V r the bin naval torts i pernt r own i wral ItrRe etiterprie if tlii kind n Atachii county Iud other ec lion hop to solve the Ub r j rob lem far a the naval store buMin M concerned While the naval tore iieret- hare been tneof the irjiitri 4 in Florida for the f at trw year the operators hive experienced consider table ditliculty in nMrinj help Ntt- vithsUtnliuB that guild wHiten lave been ptid and the employe al the matter of the man who him work the negro realizing im- portance in the making of turpentine I a born deposed to do he I leaied with the reut that he irer red lu own id i a to when ami when he thnuld work Thi i CHiditmn- i f ntltiri made him independent n ft rile he ha siren the op rator no- eid i rouble and iiiintivenieiuv at- jl te HTnailCial ll Chase while he WR williiii t i i hmii to sour o nide ratn n of the tepro went nbout the muter to cecure- Uiure fliahle help Helm i p from Inrliand Oregon nboiil r y- CMnatMMi Mr ChMi ntMtit or rip epentative explnineii to the Chintnien- Jl e n tit u re nf the work Itnil n dmd- s em to irmiie A prix tie Pullman k r v ei ured ari in t the tiMy left Ijrilaiid in JiMela condition h J after dujf travel arrived nt iaradi vitiirdny iidil They xv II pleaded and have Vm1 tn work vali a uilinifu It i i tirpoi n tlihl uemeit ti- w r the men id the woid well nil ther Uiei incident to th min ttfiOtjre of Uirj entitle Hill l i he- lievi d thiV wil make i o Ci j ttent and faithful emi Tin ufotip comprise v ry in telliaent e wh k Ilnchth- iuenly aud art sm t M A of them were in the city Mondif niHiii prchae and made tuvurtlle imprejio i those whom they met DENSLER HOUSE SOLD T J McRae Purchases Fine Properly on West Liberty Street One rf the latest tr nfer in rent i tinted iti the purjhne hy T J McKee of the two utory blillinp- knonn a tliDfh ler hou e oituated an Ves Iiherly street near the GHiroiviMe and Bolt ia pnjer fta- t Ml property among the mot in th city especially liner the inverpity lunidiiiu have been lucattd- in thjit ihrectioi niiil is destined to In- emne of great r ti The lumsse eoti- th r nlntit rMtni and mnke a it lfKble dwelllriirplace While the Iniiliiinc i in repair t I efUiiHl thill the new owrer- wi nrt e nine nltenttioi which i it r ve the OXFORDS NONhtjLU ktd Patent Hotiiid lox d IJIucher Oxford Box Kid Inertiun Hart Tip and Sin- gle yule a new narrows receduiR toe V4 4J75 3 15 oral 3 75 We ntitee all our bud 75 Oxford tube jolt what you buy hi other place for 3 and 3 50 knit our 3 In and 375 to be the H and 5 L C SMITH Aorth Side Square Fla I j i 1 ltd l U f- ALL of aId ant lULl as ii leading sort BIt r Iii tl II x I I lIt Ill t Tti t d- ir m I Last t aiD nlIle t r sets s i ass tire his adios t M nil r r ira 1 T iry hppt oral r I t a i- Ii Iii r pep i s r 1 ntirz- a felt ignite M tat t urn a t and W r t lame- r r L s- e Colt guar t aid 12 r style I E ¬ > > < > > > > > > + + + + + + + + + + + + ± LilliJlS- uVed fr T to fiyj in J Lbs E orts of Three Doctors Anotner Re- markable and CURE BY THE CUTICURA REMEDIES- I 1 N frr tin ynir At titt it uo u IT iKfutotilv- in vmtir Tlan it tiuiiiy iazm to- xr v Hiv l htd tlir t- flxd dirtor to all they niinl hutC- H liitii if tlii iii did aty thin MI f- Cntiiura Oiit it- t null three bottli of nnd Aiui cured hinU S Wire rrv nil o r boll gilt nail tin fi tiiii- wn iirR nil nv Ud iiid liinli I ii if Cut i nia lti i f ii r uith the Ointment my or hi ilnl iii r ahd by I t i I hail- ii d tli li jt I v titnly- M II I hid 1 Ktul t aid UH fit hii r tliiii I In any Itii1 win any kin II H diM a 1- WuiiM i th i t f t till Clitu tiri Iteineiliio uinl x t II ifiifki r than nil ti dm tir i t S iti ran run you Mrs M I I May l i 1POJ i i 1 rry Vu CURED OF ITCHING HUMOR I have UHII troil Iil ith a liimnr tin kuk nf i in k nd I i il ijrorlve y It h k id Ilirnint i IIVIIIM dial v i i iry un- iTtnlort ijc ii lug I M I I Ie- C itiruni llitllei t ni i ilivit Till thru Htid iti v 1 am Mr II I I Ham Dtm Citv Md- fU l Ut Ill M I I k t I lj U POURNELL TO LEAVE One of Gainesvilles Old Ridents Make His Home in Georgia A noted in of the f A 1 urae1 A Son tn er xvill ie li o r d A M i Iour- i i the ir member the firm reirine Iuirnell ha decded to to hi old home in Georgia md rid for th next few month on farm near J littman In hi depar- ture the people of ininirille feel they hive lot a cood citizen and pioneer cince he ha been A of the city f ir this pSt ijnnrter of 1 I I l i u which they all proud For evernl- i year he hn been encaced in the jrro- Irery biiitie on Smith Tniversity- I street where he WH q lite unere iful hilt finally moved to th location nt the corner of Main and Kit Ini u ftriet where he ha ince en- joyed n lucrative trade with hi ton n- At h Ki te- I A few iijnnh R Mr Iojrnell went to Wnyern O i with wife I had ben MilTeriiiK for ome lime lie I hall the mNfortune to hue hit wife fen dry hen nnd since thi misfor- tune visited him nut feel di pood to retniin here I love titineville remarked M- rIjirncll in referring to hi removnl hways roll it home I have Men the town grow up from ihe oak thicket htid feel ai touch riulit t l it my home n any other man I havu teen it projnr from liirr time and io man ol erved it with more enthiiiia and pladne Ml I hare I f that now I am cunti back t try uhf home fur but Ne nre that yeti will t e- bjifherid1 with my prennce tvery in n while Mr Iounell may fe l Mire that his friend will no be bothered by his Appearance but will alway be wet coined Doctors Arc Puzzled The remarkable recovery of Keniuth M Iver of Me i the rubs much inherent to the medical fraternity and a wide circle ol friend lit ay of cae to e- vere inllammalion of the throat and con etion of the lungs three diwtor gave me up to die when a a vrt I wa induced to try Dr New Discovery and I am harpy to ay it aved my life Curia the worst cough and coldrbrnnchiti toniilitis weak lunge lionr ne and laurippe Guaranteed a all drug We acd fl llle tree HANDS RA VI WITH fClfMA Sp air pit i I I I T on 01 J CH I II Md I tlltiluta Hh IIL- I Id I ill ill I f r I Bro II 1 t I I I t i I r ill I Ill I fr- I r all I I I II ih I July Htl I I I I D- IjI 4 to II I I I Will- I tl i II 11 > I if I r mid n of I f I Jo I hll itlill 11 I hill 1 t1I1C jct of hit lat r purrs i Ya Speedy had 1r7Tns I i tl 1It 4d till 1 t t Ira I ru i1i Itlet t1 tIt It t nr r Ilnnr IIV alt i I t I hu t l I lithe I Ituplrti cnrtll Li tutu ria Mf- r ttI Ira r man Irs t 11 I hi- I n- I I s- erntnry alt M his a- I dir and tin ray r Vane INro Ring Kings ¬ + > > > > > < > > > > + + + + + + + + + + + ± + + + ++ TELEPHONE CONSTRUCTION En Telephone CompA Si- l f a I H y- p tr a- t t J j- ll Mi i f- trtiit t wi i it nite itrrtmtid tog j MaiK r 1 V i retunel Mun day frum Juiiett II thit the line ha been cniiiei t I up to ttnt point aio born extended ck pruiK u mile distant m the direction of O aia Ihe con triiciuin i alpo working from Julietto to- Iunnellon end are n r on v thru DR SPURGEONS LECTURE j On Life and Ministry of C H Spur geon An Interesting Address The final or farewell address of hr- Villiam Spuriteon who hat been con iluctiiiR a eerier of in thi city the part week wa uiven at Kava nmjRh Methodit Church Mondpy- niitht the Mibject beinj The Lire Mild Ministry of C 11 Spurceon with leftm The wa well atttemled and ihoe who heard the treat fntker were jriatl impreped- IT Spur roil who IIH done treat work here expects to make depnr- Iire in H da or two for other p nut where he will mother meeting The petile of iniiie villf appreciate h work Marriage at High Springs j There a hnppv mnrriice nt SprinK Sunday iu t the conlractini prune bring Kihn Vit ii a d Mim- Mamie Carr the chnrniti daughter j Ir Mud Mr V C l rr The cere- mnny wn itt the honit in the miiit of the rebttiri n lew immediate friend of the contracting parte- Ttie cniotn io a el known yom j man of SprinR bejtiK n m- acinnt wth tinny friend He was f r nne time employed a a nmchi- nil in the imp at that plnce The i bride i alo well known and i very popular in Hinh Si rijp where site with her parent for ev- eral year The happy ji inst pair arrived in city Monday moraine mid while here h few were cu t of Mr nnd- Mr C A XiehoU Ornnf- ttnet where were wirmly wel- comed Letter to Marshal Pinkoson G ine fille Fla Dear Sir Me r Keachman v ides tin Urafton IV Vu had been elliiiR a paint which they thought well of and this had occurred They had sold a costumer 18 gallon of it to paint his hou e A few year Inter they old the same zinc the ramp numbei of ptl- I in to paint the some hou e He nail T gallon left The point of the tale i 11 gallons nainifl 4n IS trnllon lioue Of coure that int all Wtiv dote II eallons RO aa far IS gallon of other pnint Hecauae it i all paint all true no rham ami toll mea re- liiit thin tnt nil P voe longs No n havent Rot to wnit ten fear lo Had that out Ten th iu- patil people know it Were Rot their lIam ir agents know them they think R of levoo There lilitllfiilty in towing your town pm pie what to expect of Devoe f 10 will pain a 15 houe and the paintll t iie a Inn Your truly r V hEVOEATo 23 New York- i The S J Thoma Co sell our paint ELECTION TMKii MAI Ml ColXTV I In the Honrdol Public V the underiRried taipayern Mild voter in till Joaeville and Hull Moon district prtitiuu your honorable body to cniobdate our cchool and call an elfctdti in accordance with the law and at H Unit cuitabie to to vote on the creation of a Special Tax l itriit and the nunlter of mUll to Iw- i levied to embrace the following de- cribed yection of land and territory towlt The K j of Sections 23 6 and the Ne4 of Sec 35 and all of Section I Jo J6 and Ihe Nil of Seetion 13 Township 10 Range 17 also nil of s ctions 1 Ji 2S and 9 30 Ml 33 ants lo the N of Section 17 and 18 Township 10 tang lh hat also all of Sections 80 31 and 3 Town- ship 9 KaiiRe 18 Knit and all of Sec- tions 3 4 7 8 10 I also S f Sections 16 and 17 all III Town hip 1 flange H Ea t W J Hamilton J II A- Iickett C I H Rain W- XV Sklere J H Smith S T Holt K C Crodhay T I lonjr A F Hunt J A Jone M N Sanchei W M R T Miller NOTE The above petition will lie to the Board of In truction at a meeting to be held on Its Snc- I I t I 1h H r llld I II I 1 I I I I II I It t I lIr 1 r I I I 1111111 I j meet nh ill lie f lId II iLh this they man r II I 011 I I I PETITION 1 I 3 and I Ii d 9 III H Holt Fir ua b t rr l n it r ti I h t r tater and tau toi- l tang nut thit plate Iii ting his b nap I ha reside I tutu nit 1rvo- Irad and Ii roe ewe 9 lasts Ill i last Iii rltrs- i N- and and 2 S and E Watson Ham sr presented ihlie Tuesdaytpril 1Ttb1964- Y w > > > >> > ¬ > > ¬ ¬ < + + + + + + + + + + + + MIDDLE LIFE A Time When Women Are Susceptible to Dread Diseases Intelligent Women Prepare for it Two Relate their Experiences I Many- I I L r + tilt III unit tiii t feu hy- Wiiliictl i r N i Hot Uimll reltxtn- Kvi i uiitiiuti who iu t ilu ore of her hciiitlt nt time iu vitv ilis u e and pain V hen her vMeiu is in a diraoyed nulition or she i prv li os4 l to ipo lcy or congeMion- of any the ten I at Ibis period likely to IHMIHIIO attire uinl a host of tier ton irritations make life a burden At this time alx iantvni and tuioorN ore more liable to form and thtir destructive work Seth uarniiijr Rvmp tom as MIIM of surTo- cation hot tlashes head aohen backache dnad itv sounds in the ears palpitation of the heart sparks the eyes Irregularities const i i- ttion variahh apintite- weakness and li i liens are promptly heeded by in- lelli ont xvoineii aoproachine the i eriod I itj II htl all t IIIar 1 organ with tlf thnid 10 fun Z g s t 1 II R- Iiif tS IIiIi I t Ills dt nets bt gin inipi udlnevil inquietude n Ito tire > > < > < > > > life lun xvonmun great change may exK eted Lydia K Iin Whams V iretal l Pom- rxiuml was prepared to meet the tietds of woman s syitem at this trying pcriiMi of her life It invigorate and strengthens the female organism and builds u pt he weakeneil nervous system For s efial advi e njranilnjr this im- portant HTHM women ar Invited to write to Mrs 1inkhamat Lynn Mass and It will Iv furnished absolutely free ofehartre Tilt precut Mrs lydln K Iink ham her assistant Infon her dewnse and for years slmv tier advliv Wen freely given to sick women Head what Lydia K Ilnkturns Com- pound did ilyland and Mrs Ilinklo hear Mr rinktiam I hud Imii iitT Hn of the niui for r nn l wat ms lns tin ihniiKe flife Iwuilr- iwnlliii nits lotiu h wn t H V I had ditty I 1U iik Iwnlnrhin and n rvoua Is has for IIt RhII lie thedautrhtrr inlatvof t1v ntyQve Mrs s with dl phir rent fly was t Nay wiry ¬ ¬ + Mrs 1 Hyland t- o ooetroNuaeeo11oGYlltselllso I wrote foradrk anti iniiiBiMiMfl treatment with Lydia SL Malt i V Compound M you directed a4- h t all Utr 4ng tya- tomsVft nt niiil I bat mMj l ho cluinKe uf lifp wntaait 1 um- rMoinamtilinir medlrin to all friend E O Hykad CtoHr- ttmn Mil Another Weataaa CM During of wonla nm r t f- imwi what raffrrrd My I had n iamvroiM or fMaat- eorpiw One day 1 read MNM rf Ik tMtt- iixmlak i f womea t Uo had bwa cared by lydia B llnkuunVi to try It sad Oo write far Ailvfns Your mtiUciai nada mo MiHitan and all y hall yiiiptmiia tern I a T WOBUW at IbM perfect et Mi- lo Tour me ilrln sad ad- vle Mr Uwi Hlnkb lad What lvill K IMakhaMa VeceUVto the for Mn Mrs Hinkle it will do for otberwi at thin time of life It conquered rain reator 4i health sad utterly baMcd pbyslelaju to a wet our MIL said 0 tAke B has CUMtMt i r table law I say i l r safe fir i haa Ute 3 pi the a eaU r pear L < IE I BARGAINS AT SUPPLY 10 1- I CWI C J I ol US FOR p AND CATALOO- UIItur QAlnrSYlllr SUPPlY c nPAnl Corner University and E Union Sts GliHIUI fll Us Your Next Job Work Ly Is PIult ms Y etaWs tr ii- iI r 1 TD- EGAINESYILLE T CO1- l II 4t- h 7 t ll 0 Rz II l t I r ll- 1VRIT t 4 order for z t- r 1 = + +

Transcript of uVed it Lbs - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01438/00836.pdf · hppt...

Page 1: uVed it Lbs - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01438/00836.pdf · hppt oral r I t a i-Ii Iii r pep i s r 1 ntirz-a felt ignite M tat t urn a t and W r


J w a-




Sixty Coif s li

Bolt forIVim 0


Mary Thtin Kiwe tr l sh Erucalion Speak the Lareuije Flu-

ently Are Now Workng at Paradiseand Appear to be ContentedWith the intrndntion nt

Ubor iMeti n C V rthe bin naval torts i pernt rown i wral ItrRe etiterprie if tliikind n Atachii county Iud other eclion hop to solve the Ub r j roblem far a the naval store buMin M

concernedWhile the naval tore iieret-

hare been tneof the irjiitri 4in Florida for the f at trw year theoperators hive experienced considertable ditliculty in nMrinj help Ntt-vithsUtnliuB that guild wHiten lavebeen ptid and the employe al

the matter of the man whohim work the negro realizing im-

portance in the making of turpentineI a born deposed to do heI leaied with the reut that he irerred lu own id i a to when ami

when he thnuld work Thii

CHiditmn-i f ntltiri made him independent

n ft rile he ha siren the op rator no-

eid i rouble and iiiintivenieiuv at-

jl te HTnailCial ll

Chase while he WR williiiit i i hmii to sour o nide ratn n of thetepro went nbout the muter to cecure-Uiure fliahle help Helm i p

from Inrliand Oregon nboiil r y-

CMnatMMi Mr ChMi ntMtit or ripepentative explnineii to the Chintnien-

Jl e n tit u re nf the work Itnil n dmd-s em to irmiie A prix tie Pullmank r v ei ured ari in t the tiMyleft Ijrilaiid in JiMela conditionh J after dujf travel arrived

nt iaradi vitiirdny iidilThey xv II pleaded and haveVm1 tn work vali a uilinifu It i

i tirpoi n tlihl uemeit ti-w r the men id the woid well

nil ther Uiei incident to th minttfiOtjre of Uirj entitle Hill l i he-

lievi d thiV wil make i o Ci j ttentand faithful emi

Tin ufotip comprise v ry intelliaent e wh k Ilnchth-iuenly aud art sm t

M A of them were in the cityMondif niHiii prchae and made

tuvurtlle imprejio i thosewhom they met


T J McRae Purchases Fine Properlyon West Liberty Street

One rf the latest tr nfer in renti tinted iti the purjhne hy T

J McKee of the two utory blillinp-knonn a tliDfh ler hou e oituatedan Ves Iiherly street near theGHiroiviMe and Bolt ia pnjer fta-

t Ml

property among the motin th city especially liner the

inverpity lunidiiiu have been lucattd-in thjit ihrectioi niiil is destined to In-

emne of great r ti The lumsse eoti-

th r nlntit rMtni and mnke ait lfKble dwelllriirplace

While the Iniiliiinc i in repairt I efUiiHl thill the new owrer-

wi nrt e nine nltenttioi which i

it r ve the

OXFORDSNONhtjLU ktd Patent

Hotiiid lox d IJIucher Oxford Box

Kid Inertiun Hart Tip and Sin-

gle yule a new narrows receduiR toeV4 4J75 3 15 oral 3 75 We

ntitee all our bud 75 Oxfordtube jolt what you buy hi other placefor 3 and 3 50 knit our 3 In and

375 to be the H and 5

L C SMITHAorth Side Square Fla




1 ltdl U f-








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1 ntirz-a felt

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uVed fr T

to fiyj in J Lbs E ortsof Three Doctors Anotner Re-

markable and



I 1 N frr tinynir At titt it uo u IT iKfutotilv-in vmtir Tlan it tiuiiiy iazm to-

xr v Hiv l htd tlir t-

flxd dirtor toall they niinl hutC-

H liitii if tlii iii didaty thin

MI f-

Cntiiura Oiit it-t null three bottli of

nnd Aiuicured hinU

S Wire rrv nil o rboll gilt

nail tin fi tiiii-wn iirR nil n v Ud iiidliinli I iiif Cut i nia lti i f ii r uith

the Ointment my orhi ilnl iii r ahd by I t i I hail-ii d tli li jt I v titnly-M II I hid 1 Ktul t aid UH

fit hii r tliiii I In any Itii1win any kin II H diM a 1-

WuiiM i th i t f t tillClitu tiri Iteineiliio uinl x t II ifiifki rthan nil ti dm tir i t S iti ranrun you Mrs M I I

May l i 1POJ i i 1 rry Vu


I have UHII troil Iil ith a liimnrtin kuk nf i in k nd I i il

ijrorlve y It h k idIlirnint i IIVIIIM dial v i i iry un-

iTtnlort ijc ii lug I M I I Ie-C itiruni llitllei t ni i ilivitTill thru Htid iti v 1 am

Mr II I I HamDtm Citv Md-

fU l Ut Ill M I I k t I lj U


One of Gainesvilles Old RidentsMake His Home in Georgia

A noted in ofthe f A 1 urae1 A Son

tn er xvill ie li o r d A M



ii the ir member the firm

reirineIuirnell ha decded to

to hi old home in Georgia mdrid for th next few month onfarm near J littman In hi depar-ture the people of ininirille feelthey hive lot a cood citizen andpioneer cince he ha been A

of the city f ir this pSt ijnnrter of1 I I l

i uwhich they all proud For evernl-

i year he hn been encaced in the jrro-

Irery biiitie on Smith Tniversity-I street where he WH q lite unere ifulhilt finally moved to th location ntthe corner of Main and KitIni u ftriet where he ha ince en-

joyed n lucrative trade with hi ton n-

At h Ki te-

I A few iijnnh R Mr Iojrnell wentto Wnyern O i with wife

I had ben MilTeriiiK for ome lime lieI hall the mNfortune to hue hit wife

fen dry hen nnd since thi misfor-

tune visited him nut feel dipood to retniin here

I love titineville remarked M-rIjirncll in referring to hi removnl

hways roll it home I

have Men the town grow up from iheoak thicket htid feel ai touch riulit t

l it my home n any other man I

havu teen it projnr from liirrtime and io man ol erved it withmore enthiiiia and pladne Ml I

hare I f that now I am cuntiback t try uhf home fur but

Ne nre that yeti will t e-

bjifherid1 with my prennce tveryin n while

Mr Iounell may fe l Mire that his

friend will no be bothered by his

Appearance but will alway be wet


Doctors Arc Puzzled

The remarkable recovery of KeniuthM Iver of Me i the rubs

much inherent to the medicalfraternity and a wide circle ol friendlit ay of cae to e-

vere inllammalion of the throat and

con etion of the lungs three diwtorgave me up to die when a a

vrt I wa induced to try Dr

New Discovery and I am harpy to ay

it aved my life Curia the worst

cough and coldrbrnnchiti toniilitisweak lunge lionr ne and laurippeGuaranteed a all drug We

acd fl llle tree



Sp airpit




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En Telephone CompA Si-

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trtiit t wi i it nite itrrtmtidtog

j MaiK r 1 V i retunel Munday frum Juiiett II thit theline ha been cniiiei t I up to ttntpoint aio born extended

ck pruiK u mile distant m thedirection of O aia Ihe con triiciuin

i alpo working from Julietto to-Iunnellon end are n r on v thru


j On Life and Ministry of C H Spurgeon An Interesting Address

The final or farewell address of hr-Villiam Spuriteon who hat been con

iluctiiiR a eerier of in thicity the part week wa uiven at KavanmjRh Methodit Church Mondpy-niitht the Mibject beinj The Lire MildMinistry of C 11 Spurceon withleftm

The wa well atttemledand ihoe who heard the treat fntkerwere jriatl impreped-

IT Spur roil who IIH done treatwork here expects to make depnr-Iire in H da or two for other p nutwhere he will mother meetingThe petile of iniiie villf appreciateh work

Marriage at High Springsj There a hnppv mnrriice ntSprinK Sunday iu t the conlractiniprune bring Kihn Vit ii a d Mim-Mamie Carr the chnrniti daughter

j Ir Mud Mr V C l rr The cere-mnny wn itt the honit inthe miiit of the rebttiri n lewimmediate friend of the contractingparte-

Ttie cniotn io a el known yom jman of SprinR bejtiK n m-acinnt wth tinny friend He wasf r nne time employed a a nmchi-nil in the imp at that plnce The

i bride i alo well known and i verypopular in Hinh Si rijp where site

with her parent for ev-eral year

The happy ji inst pair arrived incity Monday moraine mid while hereh few were cu t of Mr nnd-Mr C A XiehoU Ornnf-ttnet where were wirmly wel-


Letter to Marshal PinkosonG ine fille Fla

Dear Sir Me r Keachman v idestin Urafton IV Vu had been elliiiRa paint which they thought well ofand this had occurred

They had sold a costumer 18 gallonof it to paint his hou e A few yearInter they old the same

zinc the ramp numbei of ptl-I in to paint the some hou e He nailT gallon left

The point of the tale i 11 gallonsnainifl 4n IS trnllon lioue

Of coure that int allWtiv dote II eallons RO aa farIS gallon of other pnint Hecauae

it i all paint all true no rham amitoll mea re-

liiit thin tnt nil P voe longsNo n havent Rot to wnit

ten fear lo Had that out Ten th iu-

patil people know it Were Rot theirlIam ir agents know them theythink R of levoo There

lilitllfiilty in towing your town pmpie what to expect of Devoe f 10 willpain a 15 houe and the paintllt iie a Inn Your truly

r V hEVOEATo23 New York-


The S J Thoma Co sell our paint


TMKii MAI Ml ColXTVI In the Honrdol Public

V the underiRried taipayern Mild

voter in till Joaeville and Hull Moondistrict prtitiuu your honorable bodyto cniobdate our cchool and call anelfctdti in accordance with the lawand at H Unit cuitabie to tovote on the creation of a Special Taxl itriit and the nunlter of mUll to Iw-

i levied to embrace the following de-

cribed yection of land and territorytowlt

The K j of Sections 23 6 and theNe4 of Sec 35 and all of Section

I Jo J6 and Ihe Nil of Seetion 13

Township 10 Range 17 also nilof sctions 1 Ji 2S and 9 30 Ml

33 ants lo the N of Section17 and 18 Township 10 tang lh hatalso all of Sections 80 31 and 3 Town-ship 9 KaiiRe 18 Knit and all of Sec-

tions 3 4 7 8 10 I

also S f Sections 16 and 17 all III

Town hip 1 flange H Ea tW J Hamilton J II A-

Iickett C I H Rain W-

XV Sklere J H Smith S T HoltK C Crodhay T I lonjr A F HuntJ A Jone M N Sanchei W M

R T MillerNOTE The above petition will lie

to the Board of Intruction at a meeting to be held on

Its Snc-I

I tI 1h

Hr llld I


I III It t I lIr 1 r






j meet






II iLh






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nut thit plate







ha reside I


1rvo-Irad and

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i last






S andE

WatsonHam sr

presented ihlie

Tuesdaytpril 1Ttb1964-

Y w




> >




















MIDDLE LIFEA Time When Women Are Susceptible to

Dread Diseases Intelligent Women Preparefor it Two Relate their Experiences

I Many-I




tilt III

unit tiii t feu hy-Wiiliictl i r N

i Hot Uimll reltxtn-Kvi i uiitiiuti who

iu t ilu ore of herhciiitlt nt time iuvitv ilis u e and pain

V hen her vMeiu is ina diraoyed nulitionor she i prv li os4 l toipo lcy or congeMion-of any the ten

I at Ibis periodlikely to IHMIHIIO attire

uinl a host of tierton irritations makelife a burden At thistime alx iantvni andtuioorN ore more liableto form and thtirdestructive work

Seth uarniiijr Rvmptom as MIIM of surTo-cation hot tlashes headaohen backache dnad

itv sounds in the earspalpitation of the heartsparks the eyesIrregularities const i i-ttion variahh apintite-weaknessand li i liens arepromptly heeded by in-

lelli ont xvoineiiaoproachine the i eriod


itjII htlall

t IIIar




tlf thnid

10 fun

Z g


t 1 II R-Iiif tS IIiIi I



dt nets

bt gin

inipi udlnevil


n Ito tire



< >





life lun xvonmun great changemay exK eted

Lydia K Iin Whams V iretal l Pom-rxiuml was prepared to meet the tietdsof woman s syitem at this tryingpcriiMi of her life It invigorate andstrengthens the female organism andbuilds u p t he weakeneil nervous system

For s efial advi e njranilnjr this im-

portant HTHM women ar Invited towrite to Mrs 1inkhamat Lynn Massand It will Iv furnished absolutely freeofehartre Tilt precut Mrs

lydln K Iinkham her assistant Infon her dewnseand for years slmv tieradvliv Wen freely given to sickwomen

Head what Lydia K Ilnkturns Com-pound did ilyland and MrsIlinklohear Mr rinktiam

I hud Imii iitT Hn ofthe niui for r nn l wat ms lnstin ihniiKe flife Iwuilr-iwnlliii nits lotiu h wn t H V I had ditty

I 1U iik Iwnlnrhin and n rvoua






thedautrhtrr inlatvof

t1v ntyQve


s with dl phir rentfly was


Nay wiry





Hyland t-

o ooetroNuaeeo11oGYlltselllsoI wrote foradrk anti iniiiBiMiMfl

treatment with Lydia SL Malt i VCompound M you directed a4-

h t all Utr 4ng tya-tomsVft nt niiil I bat mMjl ho cluinKe uf lifp wntaait 1 um-rMoinamtilinir medlrin to allfriend E O Hykad CtoHr-ttmn Mil

Another Weataaa CMDuring of wonla nm r t f-

imwi what raffrrrd My Ihad n iamvroiM or fMaat-eorpiw One day 1 read MNM rf Ik tMtt-iixmlak i f womea t Uo had bwa cared bylydia B llnkuunVi

to try It sad Oo write farAilvfns Your mtiUciai nada moMiHitan and all y hall yiiiptmiia tern

I a T WOBUW at IbM perfect et Mi-lo Tour me ilrln sad ad-vle Mr Uwi Hlnkb lad

What lvill K IMakhaMa VeceUVtothe for Mn

Mrs Hinkle it will do for otberwiat thin time of life

It conquered rain reator 4ihealth sadutterly baMcd pbyslelaju


a wetour







i r

table law Isay

i l rsafe


i haa Ute 3pithe

a eaU r

pear L










UIItur QAlnrSYlllr SUPPlY c nPAnlCorner University and E Union Sts GliHIUI fll

Us Your Next Job Work

Ly Is PIult ms Y etaWs

tr ii-






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order forz


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