UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) Early risk ...Chapterr4 Robbertt J. de Winte r Radhaa...

UvA-DARE is a service provided by the library of the University of Amsterdam (https://dare.uva.nl) UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) Early risk stratification in patients with chest pain Bholasingh, R. Publication date 2004 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Bholasingh, R. (2004). Early risk stratification in patients with chest pain. General rights It is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Disclaimer/Complaints regulations If you believe that digital publication of certain material infringes any of your rights or (privacy) interests, please let the Library know, stating your reasons. In case of a legitimate complaint, the Library will make the material inaccessible and/or remove it from the website. Please Ask the Library: https://uba.uva.nl/en/contact, or a letter to: Library of the University of Amsterdam, Secretariat, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You will be contacted as soon as possible. Download date:08 Jun 2021

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  • UvA-DARE is a service provided by the library of the University of Amsterdam (https://dare.uva.nl)

    UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository)

    Early risk stratification in patients with chest pain

    Bholasingh, R.

    Publication date2004

    Link to publication

    Citation for published version (APA):Bholasingh, R. (2004). Early risk stratification in patients with chest pain.

    General rightsIt is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s)and/or copyright holder(s), other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an opencontent license (like Creative Commons).

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    Download date:08 Jun 2021


  • Chapterr 4

    Robbertt J. de Winter Radhaa Bholasingh

    Annee B. Nieuwenhuijs Rudolph.. W. Koster

    Ronn J. G. Peters Gerard.. T. Sanders

    Rulingg out acute myocardial infarctionn early with two seriall creatine-kinase MBmass determinations s

    EurEur Heart J 1999;20:967-972

  • RulingRuling out myocardial infarction


    Objective e

    Wee studied the diagnostic value for acute myocardial infarction of serial creatine kinase-

    MBnasss measurements on admission and at 7 hours after the onset of symptoms.

    Methodss and results

    Patientss presenting to our chest pain unit with symptoms of < 5 hours duration were eligible.

    Patientss were kept under observation at least untill 12 hours after onset of symptoms.

    Bloodsampless were drawn on admission, 7 and 10 hours after onset of symptoms. Creatine

    kinase-MBnuBss >7.0 ug/1 (upper reference limit for acute myocardial infarction), or an increase

    >> 2.0 ug/1 (reference change value) between admission and at 7 hours was considered

    abnormal.. Of a total of 470 patients, 248 patients had acute myocardial infarction: 100/248

    patientss had a single creatine kinase-MB,̂ >7.0 ug/1 on admission (sensitivity 40%, 95%

    C.I.:34-36),, 234/248 patients at 7 hours (sensitivity 94%, 95% CI.:91-97), and 240/248 at 10

    hourss (sensitivity 97%, 95% C.L:94-99). At 7 hours, 246/248 patients either had a single

    creatinee kinase-MBmass >7.0ug/l or a significant increase between admission and 7 hours

    (sensitivityy 99%* 95% C.I.: 98-100). Of 222 patients without acute myocardial infarction, 214

    hadd a normal serial creatine kinase-MBn,̂ (specificity 96%, 95% CI. :93-98).

    Conclusion n

    Inpatientss with symptoms of < 5 hours duration, acute myocardial infarction can be ruled-out

    inn 99% using serial creatine kinase-MB,,̂ taken on admission and at 7 hours.

    50 0

  • ChapterChapter 4


    Earlyy diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction may improve treatment and reduce

    complications.. Conversely, identification of low-risk patiënte without myocardial infarction

    mayy allow for early triage and the rational use of intensive care facilities. Goldman et al.(30),

    evaluatingg the need for intensive care in patients with acute chest pain, snowed that the risk of

    majorr complications could be estimated on the basis of clinical presentation (symptoms,

    physicall examination, electrocardiogram) and an additional 12-hours observation period.

    However,, others have demonstrated that 4-8% of patients with myocardial infarction may be

    missed(107).. Patients in whom the diagnosis of myocardial infarction is missed and who are

    inadvertentlyy discharged from the emergency department, have increased short-term mortality

    comparedd with admitted patients(4). New rapid assays for creatine lanase-MBmas, with

    excellentt precision in the normal concentration range are now available for early and more

    accuratee diagnosis of myocardial infarction(29;83;108;109). We(29;86) and others(110;Ul),

    havee shown that, with me high precision of creatine kinase-MBmass assays, a so-called

    referencee Change value (or critical difference) can be calculated A significant increase in

    seriall creatine kinase-MBnBB» which can occur within the reference limit, is defined as a

    differencee larger than the reference change-Value, and such an increase signifies myocardial

    damage(90).. Using mis definition in the interpretation of serial creatine kinase-MB

    measurementss could increase sensitivity for the early detection of myocardial damage. We

    havee shown previously that sensitivity of a single value does not reach 100% untill 12-16

    hourss after the onset of symptoms(29;44). In the present study, we assessed the diagnostic

    valuee of two creatine kinase-MBmagg samples taken on admission and at 7 hours, and the

    additionall value of a third sample at 10 hours. The study question was whether myocardial

    infarctionn could already be recognized or ruled out with high sensitivity on the basis of an

    abnormall serial creatine kmase-MBaass measured on admission and at 7 hours


    Fromm the 1996 database of the "cardiac emergency room" or chest pain unit of the Academic

    Medicall Center (The Netherlands), all patients were reviewed with admission diagnosis of

    typicall chest pain. Patients were included when the onset of symptoms was

  • RulingRuling out myocardial infarction

    fromfrom admission, 7 and 10 hours after die onset of symptoms according to our routine protocol.

    Hospitall records were reviewed to assess patients' characteristics, in-hospital clinical course

    andd discharge diagnosis.

    Acutee myocardial infarction was prospectively defined according to World Health

    Organizationn criteria(87), using a typical history, definite electrocardiogram changes and an

    increasee in creatine kinase-MBn̂ levels. A final diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction was

    retrospectivelyy established by one of the investigators (R.B.) combining discharge diagnosis

    fromfrom hospital records, electrocardiogram findings and creatine kinase-MBnass results from all

    timee points. The upper reference limit for myocardial infarction was 7.0 ug/1.

    Creatinee kinase-MBnass was measured with the IMMUNO-1 analyzer (Bayer, Leverkusen,

    Germany);; the coefficient of variation was 2.5% at 5.0 ug/1, me turn-around time of the assay

    wass 1 hour.

    InIn all patients, creatine kinase-MBnass was measured on admission and at 7 and 10 hours.

    Whenn creatine kinase-MB,,̂ at any of these three time point was >7.0 ug/1 or when a

    significantt increase between two samples (>2.0 ug/I) was present, patients were admitted to

    thee coronary care unit and additional creatine kinase-MBnass measurements were made at 12

    hourss and at 4-hour intervals thereafter untill a peak value was reached. Patients who had

    recurrentt symptoms with concommittant electrocardiographic changes while under

    observationn in the cardiac emergency room were diagnosed as severely unstable angina and

    admittedd to die coronary care unit irrespective of creatine kinase-MBnass results, as were aU

    otherr patients in whom the attending cardiologist decided that coronary care unit monitoring

    wass necessary. Patients without evidence of myocardial damage and without recurrent

    symptomss while under observation until 12 hours after the onset of symptoms, were usually

    discharged.. Symptom limited exercise tests, echocardiograms or other diagnostic procedures

    beforee discharge from the cardiac emergency room were ordered at the discretion of the

    attendingg cardiologist.

    Interpretationn of serial creatine kinase-MBmass samples was as follows: creatine kinase-MÊ

    >7.00 ug/1 were considered indicative of myocardial infarction. A difference between

    admissionn and 7 hours >2.0 ug/1 (significant increase), was considered abnormal (figure 1). A

    creatinee kinase-MBnass 7.0 ug/1 on admission, 7 hours, 10 hours, or any time point

    52 2

  • ChapterChapter 4

    thereafter)) was calculated for a single creatine kinase-MBmas, at time points admission, 7

    hours,, and for the serial creatine kinase-MBnass combining these two time points. Confidence

    intervalss for sensitivity and specificity were calculated with the formula for a binomial

    distributionn x s.e., where s.e.=V[p(l-p)/n]. The investigation conformed with the

    principless outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki


    Théé database included 1179 patients coded for "presenting with chest pain". A total of 680

    patientss were excluded owing to admission later than 5 hours after the onset of symptoms

    (2355 patients), or because of atypical chest fain, arrhythmias, congestive heart failure or non-

    cardiacc disease where creatine kinase-MBnass samples were not drawn according to protocol

    (4388 patients). In 7 patients, creatine lunase-MB,̂ samples were missing due to cardiogenic

    shockk or large myocardial infarction, where urgent treatment interfered with marker

    measurements.. The remaining 499 patients were presenting within 5 hours after the onset of

    symptomss and had complete series of creatine kinase-MBmass samples taken on admission, 7

    andd 10 hours. Because of incomplete, equivocal or missing hospital records, another 29

    patientss were excluded and therefore 470 patients comprised the study group. Table 1 shows

    thee patients* characteristics which were representative of those of chest pain patients admitted

    too the cardiac emergency room. Myocardial infarction was diagnosed in 248 patients (table 2):

    1000 patients with a creatine kmase-MBâ >7.0 ug/1 on admission (sensitivity: 40%, 95%C.I.:

    34-46),, 234 patients with a creatine kmase-MB,̂ >7.0 ug/1 at 7 hours (sensitivity: 94%,

    95%C.L:: 91-97), and 240 patients with a creatine kinase-MB̂ >7.0 ug/1 at 10 hours

    (sensitivity:: 97%, 95% C.L: 94-99). A total of 254 patients had an abnormal serial creatine

    kmase-MBnro;; 237 patients with a creatine kinase-MBmass >7.0 ug/1 either on admission

    and/orr 7 hours, and 17 patients with a significant increase between admission and 7 hours but

    noo creatine kinase-MB̂ >7.0 ug/1 at either time point. Qf these 17 patients, 9 were

    diagnosedd as myocardial infarction with a creatine kmase-MBmass release curve that continued

    too increase above 7.0ug/l at 10 h (table 3, patients 1-9; figure 1). The other 8 patients had a

    significantt increase between admission and 7 hours but a creatine kinase-MBnass at 10 hours

    beloww 7.0 ug/1 (table 3, patients 10-17; figure 1). Of 216 patients with a normal serial creatine

    kinase-MBmasgg on admission and at 7 hours, 214 patients had a creatine kinase-MB̂ below

    7.00 ug/1 at 10 hours. Two patients had a creatine kinase-MBraB» at 10 hours above 7.0ug/L, one

    53 3

  • RulingRuling out myocardial infarction

    off these patients (who was diagnosed as myocardial infarction) was resuscitated outside the

    hospitall and admitted to the emergency room in cardiogenic shock, the other patient was

    admittedd with severe unstable angina with repetitive episodes of recurrent angina after

    admissionn and later diagnosed as myocardial infarction (table 3, patients a and b). There were

    1377 patients with ST-elevation on the admission electrocardiogram, 131 with myocardial

    infarctionn and 6 without myocardial infarction. ST-depression or T-wave changes was present

    inn 167 patients, 67 with myocardial infarction and 100 without myocardial infarction. Of the

    remainingg 166 patients with either a non-diagnostic or a normal electrocardiogram, 50 had

    myocardiall infarction and 116 did not have myocardial infarction. The sensitivity and

    specificityy of an abnormal serial creatine kinase-MBmagj according to admission

    electrocardiogramm is depicted in figure 2, demonstrating no significant differences between

    groups. .

    Inn summary, of 248 patients diagnosed as myocardial infarction, 246 were identified with

    seriall creatine lunase-MB,̂ on admission and at 7 hours (sensitivity 99%, 95% CI.: 98-100).

    Off 222 patients not diagnosed as myocardial infarction, 214 had normal serial creatine kinase-

    MBmasss (specificity 96%, 95% CI.: 93-99).


    Inn the present study we analyzed the value of serial samples taken on admission (before 5

    hours)) and at 7 hours after the onset of symptoms, and compared this with a single

    measurementt taken on admission, at 7 hours and at 10 hours. The combined information from

    thee creatine kinase-MBmasg measurement on admission and at 7 hours had a sensitivity of 99%,

    higherr than for a single measurement at each of these three time points. Of 216 patients with a

    normall serial creatine Jonase-MB,̂ in only two patients did creatine kinase-MBmass at 10

    hourss increase (unexpectedly) above 7.0 ug/1. One patient was resuscitated outside the

    hospitall but the onset of symptoms was thought to have occurred prior to the time of cardiac

    arrest;; the other was admitted with severe unstable angina and may have had another episode

    off severe ischemia after admission mat caused a late increase of creatine kinase-ME^a,». Both

    thesee patients had a clinical presentation that made admission to the coronary care unit

    necessary,, irrespective of the creatine kinase-MBroass results. The specificity of the presented

    algorithmm was only 96%: eight patients had an increase between admission and 7 hours >2.0

    ug/11 but no diagnosis of myocardial infarction, thus lowering specificity (although it could be

    54 4

  • ChapterChapter 4

    arguedd that these patients had indeed signs of myocardial damage). The sensitivity of this

    algorilhmm was similarly high in patients with ST-elevation, ST-depression or non-diagnostic

    orr normal electrocardiograms on admission. Specificity was 83% (5 of 6) in the small group

    off patients with ST-elevation but without infarction.

    Thee upper reference limit of the creatine kinase-MÊ assay was established using the 95m

    percentilee of the distribution of healthy donors (7.0 ug/1 for the IMMUNO-1 assay in our

    institution).. However, the distribution of healthy donors is heavily skewed to the right, and for

    mostt healthy individuals, the normal creatine kinase-MBasss is around 1.5-2.5 ug/L For these

    individualss a creatine kmase-MBn̂ of e.g. 5.0 ug/1 can be abnormal, although it is still within

    thee reference limits. Using serial sampling with carefully timed bloodsamples, the difference

    betweenn samples detects abnormal creatine kinase-MB̂ changes within the reference limits.

    Neww assays for creatine kmase-MBmasa have very good precision in the normal concentration

    range,, the assay used in mis study had a coefficient of variation of 2.5% in the range of 5.0

    ug/LL Moreover, biological variation of creatine kinase-MBmass is small(29;86;ni), therefore

    thee reference change-value or me maximum change in creatine kinase-MBmass due to

    analyticall and biological variation is only 2.0 ug/1 for values within me reference limits. The

    analyticall variation for creatine kmase-MB̂ 2.5% at 5.0 ug/I with the IMMUNO-1 assay in

    ourr laboratory, which is somewhat better man the 6.8% recently reported by Ross et al. tor the


  • RulingRuling out myocardial infarction

    withinn 24 hours(29;86), whereas others have demonstrated that a significant increase in

    creatinee kinase-MBmass has prognostic implication̂ 110;111).

    Theree are some limitations to the study. Including only those patients in the study presenting

    withinn 5 hours after onset of symptoms and with a complete series of creatine kinase-MBjnass

    sampless may have preferentially selected patiënte with myocardial infarction and patients with

    aa clear time of onset of symptoms. However, in many patients which were coded 'presenting

    withh chest pain' in the database, creatine kinase-MBma» measurements were not performed

    owingg to a low suspicion of ischemic myocardial injury. Therefore, patients in whom creatine

    kinase-MBmasss measurements were considered relevant were included in thee study. Secondly,

    ourr study was a retrospective study, and whether a sampling protocol with two serial creatine

    kinase-MBaasss measurements on admission and at 7 hours will allow safe discharge at that

    timee point of patients with normal results (both creatine kinase-MBmass results ^7.0 ug/1,


  • ChapterChapter 4

    RCV V

    Admission n «« *

    100 15 20

    Timee after onset of symptoms 2.0ug/l,

    whichh may signify minor myocardial damage (patient nr. 13, table 3).

    57 7

  • RulingRuling out myocardial infarction

    #f f >J»--

    o o i i «ft t > >

    > > m m

    100 0

    80 0

    60 0

    40 0

    20 0 & &

    0 0 ST-elevatt ion ST-deprcwssion / Non-diagnostic /

    T-wavoo changes normal ECG

    n=137 7 ami=131 1

    n=167 7 ami=67 7

    n=166 6 amm i=50

    Figuree 2.

    Sensitivityy (shaded columns) and specificity (solid columns) of the algorithm for an abnormal serial creatine kinase-

    MBmaa,, (>7.0ug/l on admission or at 7 h or a rise between admission and 7 h >2.0ug/l) for the diagnosis of acute

    myocardiall infarction (ami). Patients are grouped according to the admission electrocardiogram: the presence of ST-

    elevation,, ST-depression or T-wave changes, or non-diagnostic or normal. There were no significant differences in

    sensitivityy and specificity between groups.

    58 8

  • ChapterChapter 4

    Tablee 1, Characteristics of 470 study patients with chest pain suggestive of myocardial

    ischemiaa presenting within 5 hours after the onset of symptoms

    Characteristic c

    Males s

    Females s

    Agee (years; median» range)

    Historyy of:

    Acutee myocardial infarction

    CABG G

    PTCA A

    Angina a

    Riskk factors;

    Smoking g

    Hypertension n

    Diabetess Mellitus

    Hyperiipidemia a

    Positivee family history

    Medication: :

    Aspirin n

    B-blockers s

    Nitrates s

    Ca-antagonists s

    Noo medication

    Admissionn ECG: ST-elevation n

    ST-depressionn / T-wave changes

    Non-diagnosticc /normal

    Number r

    328 8 142 2

    64(31-93) )

    157 7 80 0 90 0

    251 1

    153 3 156 6 73 3

    100 0 127 7

    188 8

    160 0 191 1

    167 7 175 5

    153 3

    125 5 192 2

    (%) ) 70 0 30 0

    33 3 17 7 19 9 53 3

    33 3

    33 3 16 6 21 1 27 7

    40 0 34 4 41 1

    36 6

    37 7

    32 2

    27 7 41 1

    CABG== coronary artery bypass grafting; ECG, electrocardiogram; PTCA=percutaneous transluminal coronary

    59 9

  • RulingRuling out myocardial infarction

    Tablee 2. Number of patients with and without acute myocardial infarction diagnosed with a

    creatinee kinase-MBmass >7.0ug/l at admission or 7 hours after the onset of symptoms and

    additionall patients identified with a significant increase between these time points

    Acutee No acute Myocardiall myocardial infarctionn infarction

    (n=248)) (n=222)

    Creatinee kinase-MB̂ >7.0 ug/1 Ta and/or T7

    Significantt increase Ta-T7 and creatinee Jonase-MB̂ > 7.0 ug/1 at T10

    Noo significant increase Ta-T7 and creatinee tanase-MB̂ > 7.0 ug/1 at T10

    Significantt increase Ta-T7 and creatinee kinase-MBmass ̂ 7.0 ug/1 at T10

    Noo significant increase Ta-T7 and creatinee kJnase-MBn̂

  • ChapterChapter 4

    Tablee 3. Creatine kinase M B ^ results in individual patients

    Patientt no.

    1 1

    2 2

    3 3

    4 4

    5 5

    6 6

    7 7

    8 8

    9 9

    10 0

    11 1

    12 2

    13 3

    14 4

    15 5

    16 6

    17 7

    a a

    b b

    Ta a

    2.7 7

    1.0 0

    1.6 6

    1.6 6

    1.2 2

    3.6 6

    2.6 6

    2.6 6

    1.8 8

    2.5 5

    1.8 8

    2.3 3

    3.2 2

    1.1 1

    2.8 8

    2.3 3

    22 22

    2.9 9

    3.2 2

    T7 7

    6.9 9

    3.1 1

    4.6 6

    5.6 6

    6.3 3

    6.6 6

    4.8 8

    7.0 0

    6.5 5

    5.0 0

    5.3 3

    5.3 3

    6.0 0

    4.6 6

    5.4 4

    6.4 4

    6.7 7

    1.8 8

    2.5 5

    A C K - M B ^ C H - T a) )

    4.2 2

    2.1 1

    3.0 0

    4.0 0

    5.1 1

    3.0 0

    2.2 2

    4.4 4

    4.7 7

    2.5 5

    3.5 5

    2.8 8

    2.8 8

    3.5 5

    2.6 6

    4.1 1

    4.5 5

    -1.1 1

    -0.7 7

    T10 0

    499 9

    7.9 9

    13.1 1

    7.2 2

    7.2 2

    8.3 3

    12.0 0

    7.3 3

    10.1 1

    5.7 7

    5.6 6

    3.8 8

    6.7 7

    6.0 0

    4.3 3

    6.9 9

    6.8 8

    14.2 2

    9.6 6

    CK-MB,»,, results in 9 patients (patients 1-9) with a significant increase (>2.0ug/l) between admission and 7 hours

    afterr the onset of symptoms and with a CK-MB ^ above 7.0 u/l at 10 hours. There were 8 patients (patients 10-17)

    withh a significant increase between admission and at 7 hou» after the onset of symptoms but with a CK-MB ^ at T10

    beloww 7.0 ug/1. An additional 2 patients did not have a significant increase between admission and at 7 hours after the

    onsett of symptoms but with a CK-MB™,, at T10 above 7.0 ug/1 (patients a and b).

    CK-MBBB ^^ creatine kinase MBaa»; Ta*= time of admission; T7= seven hours after the onset of symptoms; T10= ten

    hourss after the onset of symptoms.

    61 1