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Transcript of Uunisepät

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Cozy Getaway

It has been quite cold here in Finland for the past few weeks. The temperature

has dipped even to -40 degrees Celsius. Luckily though, in the capital city, that is

Helsinki, it has gone only as low as -25. It can be tough to deal with this kind of

weather and especially when it is snowing – you feel like the winter is never

ending. Also, it is really annoying to be cold all the time. It wasn’t until this winter

that I decided to take control and stop feeling cold in my home. In the past, I did

try laying down some carpets, adding some extra radiators, wearing several pairs

of wool socks and so on but it still didn’t remove the fact that it was freezing cold

in the apartment.

This winter, thanks to a friend of mine, I discovered fireplaces. She and her

husband had gotten one installed last spring and now they couldn’t be happier

about that decision. So, after being at their house and having shared their love

for fireplaces, I decided to get me one. My sense of style is quite simple but I am

quite obsessive about white furniture so the color had to be white. My friends

recommended me Uunisepät, a Finnish company that has been engineering,

producing and installing fireplaces for many decades now. But what was most

delightful to me was that their range of fireplaces included fireplaces of many

models and colors. At Uunisepät’s website I found a few fireplaces that fit my

need and desire and so I picked up the phone and called Uunisepät. The service

was impeccable; they listened to me, advised me and made sure that everything

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went smoothly and that I didn’t have to stress about a thing. Already next week

an expert from Uunisepät came by, took all the measurements and discussed the

schedule and all the details with me.

I have to say that having had the fireplace for a month now, I already now that it

was the best decision that I have made in a while. I have been living cozy and

haven’t been cold since. Most of all I am grateful to Uunisepät for making the

process so delightful and easy for me.

Invest In Your Home

Nowadays it is not just about living in the house for decades without renovating

it. Today it is all about renovating your home and keeping it updated. After all,

you never know if you want to sell it or change it, and if you have kept it updated,

then it doesn’t acquire such a profound renovation anymore. Also, an updated

house has clearly more value to it. I realized this only after my wife and I had our

third child and our home back then became just too small for us. Once we started

selling it, we were perplexed about the price because a similar house 50 meters

from us was selling for 20% more. At that point, after having visited them and

gotten some good pieces of advice, I realized that keeping your house in mint

condition really does pay off. So, how to make the most of your house’s value?

Well, there are few things that raise the value of your home.

First, put some paint on the walls. Freshening up your walls every few years

keeps the overall atmosphere fresh. A paint bucket doesn’t cost much and the

painting process itself might turn out even fun!

Second, take a critical look at your textiles. Which ones need updating and which

ones should be thrown away altogether? Textiles are often crucial when it comes

to the “selling look”.

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Third, a proper fireplace of good quality always brings the realty price up. When

we were selling our last home, we made a decision to replace the old fireplace

with a new one. The old one wasn’t looking or working very well for it was once

chosen and installed in a hurry. Now we turned to Uunisepät, a Finnish fireplace

company, which is known to be of high quality and having superb customer

service – and it really was all that. I have to say that unlike with many renovation

workers, the experts at Uunisepät were a pleasure to work with because their

schedules and promises always kept. Also, at Uunisepät I found the exact

fireplace that suited our room size.

So, do invest in your home regardless of whether you are selling it or keeping it.

Taking Care of Your Fireplace

We take care of our shoes, cars, bikes but how come we forget to take care of

other important things? I have to say that as a man, I can spend hours and hours

fixing and polishing my car. I do it not only because it is relaxing, but also

because I know it adds to the life years of my car. After really noticing the

difference when one takes care of things as opposed to when one doesn’t, I

started looking around the house with a critical eye. Maybe there were some

other things that could use some TLC.

Well, that week I changed the filter in our air conditioner, isolated the leaking

windows and then I stumbled upon our fireplace. We had gotten that fireplace

over a decade ago from Uunisepät, a Finnish premium fireplace company. Since

the day we had it installed, it has just been there warming us and bringing up our

mood every evening. It is actually quite rare when something doesn’t require a

yearly check up but although I was pleased with that, I thought it was about time

to at least wash it. I didn’t want to take any chances so I decided to give

Uunisepät a call. They gave me good advice and the person on the phone was

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actually the same Uunisepät expert who had installed our fireplace.

So, when I got to the cleaning, I was well informed what to do and what to avoid.

First, I just wiped the fireplace with a wet soapy cloth and then I dried it. An

important thing to bear in mind is that you are not supposed to clean it with

detergents because the surface material might get ruined. After, one can polish

the fireplace with a woolen cloth – wool makes any surface shinier. It is also good

to take out all the ash and give the insides of the fireplace a good scrub.

It is worth it when things have a longer lifespan, you don’t only save money but

you also avoid the hassle of getting rid of the old one and replacing it with a new

one, not mentioning the ecological benefit the longer lifespan has. So, don’t be

lazy, take care of your things!

A Fireplace Where It Really Matters

Once you have decided on acquiring a fireplace, your next decision concerns

where to put it. Most of us choose the living room, and it is a logical and

conventional place for a fireplace. The place is usually dictated by the function a

fireplace has. In the living room it is put because it brings about coziness and

serves as a decorative element. It is also put there for the purpose of keeping the

room warm, at least in some cases. But are there other logical places for a


The latest trends in fireplaces have been tremendously varied. Designers, and

also everyday Joes, have stepped outside the box and thought of new ways to

benefit from a fireplace. A solution I really like is putting the fireplace in the

bathroom. Not many of us have big bathrooms but if you do or if you are building

a house, then you should definitely give it a thought. A fireplace in the bathroom

is so romantic and convenient, too. How many of us have shivers going through

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our bodies when we get out of the bath and quickly try to put on the robe? All the

relaxation that one had while taking the bath is away just because it is too chilly

to get out of the bath. But imagine if you had a fireplace in your bathroom. You

could take your time, listen to the crackling sound of the wood and admire the

flickering fire in the fireplace while taking a bath. Truly delightful.

Also, how about your bedroom? They say that it is better to sleep in a bit colder

room, but personally, it is a torture for me to freeze my toes and have to wake up

in a cold room. A fireplace in the bedroom is romantic and cozy and definitely

makes the nighttime reading more attractive. And why not to sip on a bit of hot

milk, or hot chocolate, while at it.

I had my fireplace installed in a bathroom, and luckily the fireplace company,

Uunisepät, had a suitable model to fit the mood. Also, I was pleased how

efficiently Uunisepät did everything – in only few weeks!

All in all, make sure the decisions you make truly satisfy your personal needs;

don’t put a fireplace in your living room just because it is a convention, do it then

because you want it there. The same applies to any other decision you make. I

am pleased with my decision to have a fireplace installed in bathroom by

Uunisepät, hope you will be happy with yours too.

For more information about visit site:- http://www.uunisepat.se/