u,tm. A mmi CASE. - NYS Historic...

awaa. ,,»*^*t»«is«tei iirtisiitei.ya MRS. HENRY W/Uff Praises in High Terms,the G r a i M if Dr. Greene's Neim Those Who Are Weak, Tired, Nervous, Out of Health and Suffering, Win Take Renewed Hope and Be Cured by Using This Wonderful Medicine, Dr. Greene's Nervura Blood and Nerve Remedy. :*l; <• weak, fir. .1. f«f- | :;iin (<• really >r (,.,. ( .III '-; >"• TI ura in • ti'M aini f»r tli" _'ofx| • • .,i- .nit ,»f health, she li.it -iii' kii"«-> anil hi*.» r--niarka'.|>' Un.-tirml •- "f I>r iiriM!;i' J \»>r- ifin»'-1> I li.ivi' irivn *>in<' mi !•> - M I nil frii'ii'I." ••• iH'ii.titnl lij ii. Tlu'V •I ft'i-l tllfV llilte been MTV )l't<|>on«ili)f "It- ,l"l T. liciiU ;i<H rhuru/*t«*r **f 11»- fl> VlMH'h f<T tile cf I»r. fjreene's in-". I certainly :••••.] anil n<TV rcm- :m>l -unst ri-<fi>rer i ' T k l l " « n . IT IS A FACT TI' \T R. J. CLARK, t •!.,(: r..nriv. - Most Popular Tailor, r i . • , , ' i •/ !!•• i 11 /.- I-; Visit his Rooms, over McHattie's Store. MARGARET ST., Plalislmr^Ji, N. Y. Fall and Winter Goods. I \ I I -I S>>\ I ! 'I '(.- -T.\NJ>.\i;i» <;<M»I).- Siiirin^s HIMI Overcoatings Price- Lower Than Ever. F \T1IKK O'COXXOR. the wwli-iiiiov.-ii Clergyman. Kva.I what he says about STIfO-M; KOOFIXfi. IF- -I \ \>vi l.'i . • . - n .1 «.. . i'.. . ,• . .'. ! . • : . . N. V.. July H. I»:>i.. ": ti\'ir <•! SlrniijrV Fire l'rnnf • ' -I'.ifinii in paying that for • i- . • II lire—ejin sitlwt i(. U A. <M M.VVOK, ra.-tur. FAR AHEAD OF l?ON AND STEEL! [;<I\I:I I:K Vr., .inly :;». 1>!C .- . ,:ii \ I'm- I'ri'i'f J;«»«»IiriiT- We are I'II 1"-I iniifiiiii »!• I'vi'i' ii-wil. It is far U ,c,r ii.nl hulli kiuiR It is also tire IIKATII A iilCK, STRONG HARDWARE CO. / - / 1 / / Roofing,Sheathing, Wheels AXUH. Shafts, Spoken, tfce. urHUNaTON. vi. r. T. WILEY, Agent, Platf burgh, N. V. A. W. Gray's ions Northern N. Y. Branch. HONSINGER & JERRY, Managers. ••'•••I v.irh Ui f'« handle •• i I" Miii'-ii MacliliHV :i!.- at tin- .'ii'! nf ••acli •' ji.ii'li !-•• "1 Ma< liiiic i •••: •• ' '>'•• ;i hvj main • "T.r, jnii ;ire III' 'i,-' Itl'lll tl|l' tll'S I HI m \ ni C. S liA.vCOM, * 1M»U-V. K v . - n l t i c l i \ . K \ e v\- l i n u r h o t i \Vhi>!icy, Ini;..»rtv..! <»in. W i n e <iml iiraildV. . ! i W' N V ADAM'S WOVEN WIRE FENCING. Tli* onlr Worm Wire Peaetae- :;;" which will eat Ma* Tt.i- line win-* runntaff. a* they do, throats th- nn.h w.rtu forni»trim whtoh pratMtt sajfifiii»r. For MHEEP (ORRAI.H « « fa»f» Ikr BE.HT rEMrl!f« • • * » . >TCCL GATKS M4 OKKAXBTtAL rCNCIKO of all Mad* .end for«mt*l«(fue. etc. Al»o Adaaatt • • • » Ttoat Ltot and dawoost oa appoeaUaa. W.J ADAaf.Maaa.ltl. «Z0 W. KlafttSLBY. OMtral Aft Plftmbarf* » . Y City Market, L'4 MAI6AIIT 8 T m t , T«a will ywafiftftd»«uo«iUu»toek <rf Perk, Veal, MatloiuaLwb, Honey Comb Trip*, ,> Tl \ * * All who ar? n^rvnim, weak, tirwl, etbaant- cd in nerve JKIW« and phyufcal nU««rth: wb« an- »lcj|'ifjw. w«ketirwlawlimriwsfWHj. wttfc- mif -irenirth an<l rt*rgs tor th*« day's work; wii. tiavc j«x>r Wood, i»r«ralg»a, rtfiinBalisni, hMckachp. djiirippsia, indjgwtion, gas, bloat- inir. faint filings, loan of appetite, conatipa- tinn. kidney or liver emaptoiot, ahoald imme- •iiuteiy nw r>r. Grefrtf-'i Nerntra Wood and nerve remeity. It trill make yon well. It L'iw'.- a s|i|c'ndiil romptexion, making the ftieeks niow and th*" eyes sparkle with health. No remedy nag ever to Mcoewrfnl in earning [..-..pic to (rain flesh. By atrenjrtJwninjt the ili-cr.ti\e functions, promoting awnmilation tun) enriching the Mood, it caaaea the person to ^radnailv increase in weight imiil the tMo a.d .-lender parts aswnne a roiuHled and beautiful contonr. Pr. fireene'i* Nervm* the prweription of the u\<<-t ?!iccw<sful physician in coring ner- vous and chronic diseases, henceit most of necessity fie iierfectly adaj»ted to cure just thc«> com plaint*. Its discoverer, Dr. Greene, of .if, West Hih St.. New York City, can be consulted free, personally or by totter. By HELOT HATEEBI, Author of "Cherru Ripe," "Comi* Tknt ike-to*? "Mu Lady Often 8keva, n "The Lovely JUalinwurt," Etc. (Oopjrlgbt, 1W, hr Amerlm stoo.1 net voice was sharp with aogllMl), the covered her face, suddenly grown bnraiiig red, with ber bands. Sbooldfibe ever, ever get the brand oat at ber soal of those mad, shameful moments in which she had almost passed into Blake Trelawny's possession? "I don't know if thereto a and strain in our blood," ahewentontsrokenr/, "I will ask father, but bow when every beat of my heart and drop of my blood is Willie's could I suffer that man to make love to me? I can never, never be clean npiin." "Blako's love might compel any wo- man V, just m he bends every (me to bii will,'' said Hagar, who was also pajle, sat could never be colorless with those She entered her face with her hand*. bine ejes, "and if joa bad not met Will Cassilis yon might be supremely happy as Lady Trelawny. No one will ever lore yon as well. Not Will OT ally Oth- er." "And yet yon hate him!" said Nan- nie, with one of those flashes of intui- tion that occasionally startled Hagar, as proving bow little she understood the girl. "Ton can't keep it oat of your face and voice, try as yon will, and yet yon vvonld have me marry him f" Hagar was silent Yes, she hated him. We may flagel- late our sins with every savage word at obloquy wo can command in oar private thoughts, bnt the obvious contempt of others is faard to bear, especially When in this especial instance we bare done nothing to deserve it. "And I feel," said Nannie, ber heart beating very fast, but with a courage astonishing to herself, "that, much as I love you, I do not understand you, Hagar, as yon understand me. Yon can make me believe black is white, but"— "Explain yourself," said Hagar, sit- ting erect and speaking with the pride of Lucifer. "I will. That scene in the Knowle gardens when yon begged and prayed for something"— She paused. The men servants had come to take the coffee caps away. The room, with its colored lights of different shades, its French furniture and exotics, looked like some huge ex- quisitely tinted rote and was a feast to the eye, but its beauty was far from th"* thoughts of either of its occupants just then. "Because 1 begged and prayed of him nut to "ive himself up, not to drag me through all tiio horror of accusing and delivering him over to a shameful death," i-aid Hagar calmly when they Were once mure alone, "and you blame me because I did not bind him down— the man who had given me freedom." Nannie was silent. An ineffaceable impression had been left 00 her mind of Hagar importuning for herself, and though thrust fit one side it persistently recurred now that her friend bad joined a conspiracy to make ber forget Willie. "And in many things yon are strange, Hagar," she said. "Do yon remember how often you used to go up to the moor and would always stop beside an old disused well and stare down into it? I asked you one day why it held such in- terest for you, and you said bBCaUSe yon hoped all your sins lay buried there. But how can yon have had any?" Hagar turned, and with a sudden, fierce gesture snatched Nannie to ber arms. The soft, yielding little body trembled and sickened through and through at a thought it bad been held last against Trelawny's breast. "Nannie," said her friend tenderly and laying her cheek against the fair, curly head, "can't yon frost me? Only love me. and such thoughts will be im- possible to you. Will Casailis returns to- night No one can come between yon. It is Blake Trelawny and I, like my namesake, who will go oat into the desert and suffer." "lam a little beast," said Nannie, feeling a great stone rolled away from her heart, "but 1 have got so nervosa waiting for Willie—and that summer bouse. Oh, I never, never can face him!" she added, despair nailing bank apoa ber. "Forget it," "Yon did no ertellWilL" NanDi« drew baaeaf ont of BaBaV'S arms, her brown eyes sldaias> •I must. leant go to Will on pretenses." •I* the Trelawny's |aaatoaa as in which WULac bsuiirlflgiit Yoal " » r safi " "Of hafctsn . and I think be at wry coat yaw, Hiejur u,tm. ' » fc straight s*4 tall • and be baa nice ways wm ' ** - _ufclBMI 1 a> "aaaaaal jtllBBaT^Sl a*S> MM aafaajpa? aMDWaJ, J a M B U M • R W01AIT8 OTLCENfK WAlUflNOTtr* LKTTKR. ,"sa*lWia 'abets rkawpyearsOMPT ; The influence of woasea npaa tfc« c*rf!iaatrau o# the world, cos id never f with sradd«e gathering together of all ber forces and an aaward lifting of ber body, ah* wan—aiateJ ber whole atten- tion on Nannie, who utweatry stirred and murmured m ber sleep. Hagar listened, • oath has Tbaa sac smiled, for the girl bad said. "TWK wif'Wffla," mi wieiwaar tbaa when I saw bar aad I fboakf bare tsnagat that to be i " ! sa^MMablar » . i •. i "Father wosJaa't go to the sea this bow flwrrraghly w a «o^ aw« hwve twrttsd her with paie ^ J"** W ** B f JfT • » ebetbs BOW. "10>rak be was sorry be •* 0 fl™!fF • * • " mmK ** •**'• " aBstyoaaway.tbiaajblafawvcraaidso.'' « ^ * L *• ^JS&'Z"* . Smu * "m*~Zm**«**T." ~M WilL "bat he is act Will" Bbi pal ber baasl mrttb favaaeaa* #awwv "li waaa't has _ WSHJaW *BHB|^BF^Bawar nPCVf|^« mm BWaBBBW » aaSBBT , ft _^_ yL*"*^-. ft"J* Jtalaaai dsda't oarry yoa off— •Vw BBBBBPBBHg B^^rV BBBBBBat 9BBK9 SBS*9BBB^*IP8 ^VB ^TlPBeCaW" , ^ B e]Btl A SB^Ba* Let aw aaad yoa to steep> for half ^ n f o q ^ . fchav g o Mies Orqroriaa is s^«^.^ H y , i ! rt , ,,t " ftto beta? laaafKBsyoaareaeg^frie.* ^^?*??* e ' ** e0 ?**_ 1 *- ^. . ^ _ « • *"»«. I wae bard OB that poor girl, one leasee e m and Mouaeu tte wmi oft^ g^a (**„ w tfaooglit of ft i^'^^mldli^rZSI" *"* Wl«ym' re tr.h/wri*cbedyoar- •aost imnM*atery Nanaie saak back oa ,ajf, j « I «n»s m rter bow yoa've amde the pillows asleep. olbrr people safer and feel For awhile Hagar watched ber; then. e "Sir William has arrived at the tie, my lord," the old botlerannounced to bis master at the latter sat over his wine alone in the sealing wax red din- ing room that evening. "Tnank God!" cried Ma master fer- vently and-from bis soaL for be bad long ago regretted sending Will on his travels and felt disagreeable qualms at Blake Trelawny's persistent pursuit of Nannie, bo* be coold aot forbid He neighbor the bam, and BOW Will was here to protect bis OWB, BOd Bntten ware going to torn out aU right after all "We most wake av. Bell," be aaM briskly as be walked, in bit elation, op ado* down the room. "There's Miaj Nannie's coming out balL and my Lady Lirriper anlvlog, god presently, I asp- pose, there will be a wedding, Ben," be west on, almost intoxicated by bis intense sense of relief, "and there wiU be all the falals to boy, aad the old place tamed topsy tarvy." The stocky little figure want •oat of the room almost dancing, and BeU smiled as be turned to remove the wine. "Bless 'em!" be said warmly, "they'll make a pretty pair, and that black devil's nose will be fairly pat oa* of joint. Flesh and blood's dirt to him, 'cept when ho wants it, as be wants oar young lady. So my Lady Lirriper'scorn- ing. Lord, she'll make as sit up! She'U be making my two namsknlls drop the dishes they're carrying by her StOlieS, and 1 wonder bow she and Miss Gre- goriaswill fait it Both too clever by half and bound to fall oat, say 1 " CHAPTER HI A deer park at 6 o'clock of a sum- mer's morning is a beautiful thing, and the deer know it as they wander over the pearled grass and sniff np those clear, rarefied scents that cool night has shaken from her skirts wbea from break of day. And a young man who could scarcely be said to have gone to bed all night knew it, as be obtruded bis nnwelcome presence among the deniaens of the woodland, when scarcely a blink of day bad come and be coold barely see the white blind of a distant window behind which the apple of bis eye slept Bow coold she sleep and be wander- ing out bare alone? How coold be call so urgently to ber to wake and aba aot know it? Did not everything aboot out to ber: "The time is op, is up! and be is aot yonder waiting? The time of trial is over; springtide to bare. Come oat, come out, to join yoar impatient lover!" The moments dragged like noon. Long before the a n was fully up, WilL his eyes glued to that immovable blind, bad in imagination seen it tbaa fixed to all eternity, and Nannie passing through the successive stages of Blake Tre- lawny's unwilling sweetheart to hie willing one, and thence by slow degrees to the altar, where he finally took leave of ber,and all because an innocent white blind refused to go np at an onboly hour of the morning! Bat was it all? A word' in Ids ear overnight from an old servaat bad set a torch to his fears and bred in him the first real doubts he had felt of Nannie since he bad left her. "My lord, Trelawny to a great deal atStraubenzee," the butler said wbea giving the news of the country for which his master bad asked. "Lady Annabella and Miss Gregorias bad been at home some weeks now," the old asaa concluded, and it might be fancy, not Will scented something significant aad even warning in his retainer'• tone, who bad also added that there was to be a grand ball to celebrate Lady Anaa- bella's coming oat in September, and my lord's eister, Lady Liiriner, was coming to do the honors. Will had plenty of time to digest these facts, us at last, growing reckless, be stood in the midst of the great gravel sweep opposite the colonnade and Im- mediately below Nannie's window, needless of early housemaids and gar- deners, heedless of everything save the moment when that hideous square of white should give place to his dear lit- tle girl's sweet face. As the clock struck 8 it came. TJp rushed the blind, the window followed, and there, in ber pink cotton frock, was Nannie, who stretched oat her arms to him, all wild with joy, as if she woald precipitate herself bodfly into bis arms, and for awhile they took their fill «f gazing at each other, while broken words of love feU from their tins. Then the window yawned empty, and Will rushed round in ecstasy to ooe of nooks in which the and by* instinct toM join him. SIM most bare flown. Bfefaeardakey turn, and,in a moment they bad naked iato each others arms. The bene with large fawriWes who bad omde this half ruined colonnade their special banting ground wondered what all the fuss was ui nst snl|iinsajyi their daily avocations with showing satisfaction, the interlopers retired to a painted and deec by the gardeners"fiar tbehr He stood on, a straight, long limbed fellow with something eager and iahisbrowa fans that aaed not to be there, bet wefl became i t "We asaat try to psas some of oar saWjBBses on, darling." be said. * I leal thai saominw mm it Ifcwl aBoogb for whole world." "Like the old woman who, wbea she first beheld the sea, said that at last she saw what was enough for everybody," said Nannie as she tried to remove the mold marks from ber white gown. "Willie, aren't yoa faangry?" "Frigbtfulhr," said Willie, and mov- ed her heart to pity by the relation of bow be bad roamed the park and ob- jargated bar window blind in vain. "FOOT boy!" she said, then danced » step or two, aad said; "You'll oosne ia to nrraJrfast, of eOOraS?" And both bant oat brngUog. "And to break the shock," said Will. offering his arm with, exaggerated re- spect, "we will take a public walk round the praniaES, selecting for pref- erence those portions where your father ie aare to see and admire us." And they did. And Lord Straobenaee, shaving himself closa to a window, and happening to look oat, eat his chin in his extravagant delight and executed a sort of dance that simply appalled Cole- man, who entered while it was pro- gressing, aad thought his master bad soddenry gone mad. Bat a glance oat of the window ex- plained the situation, and, all clan dis- tinctions forgotten, the two old boys literally beamed on one another. "I always did like Sir William," said Coleman in the servants' ball later, while the love story op stain war caus- ing many a flutter under neat cotton frocks, "but it's a good job he's back— a very good job, for accidents will bap- pen." And he nodded with a profound sagacity that scorned to explain itself to the lumbering wits around him. And in the sealing wax red dining room Will bad come op to Miss Grego- rias as she entered, and in the manliest, nicest way told her how glad be was to see ber again, and looking so well, too. and his warm handshake had thrilled through her whole body, and the pride la bar bad triumphantly asserted his right to be loved, and with no shame to so Strong was he, so dear, so "I can't, I won't harm yoa," to herself then, bat later in the day, When aba had incantioasly wandered ratberfarafield, BlakeTreJawnyswoop- ed down oa aad balned bar. "Stop toon fools," be arid, his black ryes with their topaa lights gleaming daugcioosly. "I don't know bow yoa do it, bat do it yoa can, if yoa choose; yon brought ber into my arms yester- day, bat not long enough." He hogged them oa big breast as if be still felt bar there. "Tbey'reHllm«andcooiag Bkatwo sick turtledoves oat oallow idiots and aot one of even teach toe other what love "I will not." said Hagar. setting bar back to thereat bole of the beech tree under which they stood. "They-reen- gaged, they wiU be married"— "Pmbt Andyoorinnnencewithberr' "Is as nothing ha the balance with his. Go your way, Blake Trehrwny. and set yoar beart where yoa have a to win." 1 never look bock," be said, "and I mge. Hark ye! There isaome- tbing ha your past that yoa dread to ham revealed. IwiUrip that past ap from end to cad, and shame yoa baton* the whole world, if yoa win aot do aqr bidding in tnto thing." do in Yoa Cornish n aaeeataatbe last word, •ot yoa, who profwas to be so love, know that yoa nay drag i an a body to yoar arms, bat yoa compel the spirit witkm ber to drink Of love? find something mwa tbaa the the shell, woold be aeedad to "You leak r WULaadi aie, and ao prettyf fit to tie bsea flirting?" be ace ia his ttaawmwh,. •1 w, OBBBBB • as yoa. "I WiU take the husk, the shell, so loaw as it be Nannie, "he said. "Now Veten. The day yon put hey bandni nine J wiU make yoa a rich woman, so that yoa shall want for nothing to yoar dying day. You shall not need to take disdainful beauty into the mar- Yon may—who knows?— WillCaBrilisintheend. Bnt if wiU aot help me in this by fair us or foal l^iU aeparanrthoae two. I wiU sticks* nothing to gain nyenou no eriine, abaJl be too bank for me. Now!" "I refuse." ••Then on yoar own haasTbs itr kokiag like an incarnate force of ley aad evfl be strode furioasly away in ttodBKctioaof Beeaase of ber. threw* have *wn •atablialM-d aad deMrnyed. The na*ft of her the torch <>f her hand, ami we bare the marvellous power of wosaen. glorioas in the possession of perfect physical aealth. Lydia E. nnkL-m, by ber wonder- ful discovery of the " Vegetable Com- pound," baa done much to place this great power in the hands of women. She ba» lifted thousands and thousands out of the misery brought by displace- ment of the womb, and all the evils that follow diseases of tbe uterus. The *' Vege- table Com- pound ** re- stores natural cheerfulness, de- stroys despondency, cures backache, strengthen* the muscles, restores the womb to its normal condition, and yoa are changed from a physical wreck to the joy of your home and friends. By the way—the leading druggists tell ns that the demand for Ljdia E. Pinkham's Vcg-otaMe Componsd is Simply beyond their power of under- Standing, aod what is beet of all, it does the work and cares where the bast physicians utterly fail. pertPiiH t ten !•>•' ' h-4. I*- Jin 1 > h»V' •if - *ii'k.n.'n"r mak.n_' ;''••• m.'nili' r if i of l * i».» « . ' ; than '.it.**! ,l*Mii'?~- i'! ' ll-.l Mm 1 !:• i art'I •• ten.! th jr.».| It • ton !.. p.. i • rii. iv r •. If,''' I pr •' tl. A .i:).I in- •> •-.» ". V » \ ik a i f ,«< • •ritt»>.'h i* ••" ••' 4*i. i! '' •' . »"i I i'- n - . i .».»-• i •« - A i •r.w Bryan - •'"-* ».M^- * »., :•'<• :|\..- «.»>,- • I • • - k ' n 'l .4 4t,>»»;.,. i •>,. il>!'Cin runik* i ..ij.iH«-ter* ••? B ' x v •• •> ruJir s.i*t.> i '••imn i' ISryan xil! r>"' h.u>' :l.ity ill tt»:i! «t^te «r f |..w« «!)••*» A m»." r ' ri..n. r ii r^.k..... k «- n.^r Stn+,:_-.i-. «- ••• I \orth an>] >«Mith l»u ":». [H.f«»nal ct»ntj<'t w;'!i ihf . in the lunre IITII'.TM;.' '•- I :** n»»r cent. <>f ihe*j> • !.•'.• f..r Bryan. I f^-t «m - I - .-, will g»'» for Brian m l i •»• >r.ty. Silver is *HI top. #II:• , .-! !-• .'vi.lcnt ercn t'« S«w*r. ir\ si!-" if that be ma<l" a mi-uk.- '••- i, »if>w waei, be niiiile tli.it iifi'a •ili»3erved attiwk n\*>n .^.iiat.ir- :i^r!i an.1 Mttfrran. Iw^-^n^.^ ^' :!.. •.' •* fnv silver. A* -fri.rc'v i- 1 I' HI; I and tht> other nifiitwr^ "f '-. '•• i ;>|H>iie«l to silv.r. tti"\ t" i i i . ' l»elanxn»ie<»rs-vretj»r> V'-rt • . V > . rtashington«<iiil lt<»il<i*t).. i \ . •:.• - •mi» «>f t i e deniiicraT- "ti lit-* \ _ :.» : tiif Potomac, in hansin-rSfi-. M> r* • ,.i 'nit he has been VIT> freely comic ir, I cl.Hses of men. Here i< a vcr> i-.m- r\ opinion cx|n>"H.-ii''l In Hon. I* l> Me- *. Mavor of K'lfali. XU . ai. 1 i _'.ll A mmi CASE. Remarkable Cine ot a ISo5ton Man who was AftHctccI with Salt^ Rheum and Rheumatism. BOTH PROMPTLY CURED BY OR. WILLIiMS' PINK PILLS FOR PALE PEOPLE. <v.f Hi, V. ••) f .-r Hir • i. lit •• i'< •i ,i "If only you weren't a thousand XDiJcl from town!" she said, nodding to BeU, Who was himself waiting oa ber with tea and looking really delighted to see her. "What the embassador—who lived every moment of his life—meant by building such a place here passes my eomarehension." She was looking hard mk Hagar, at the outline of ber nose and lips and chin against the background of the fa- BOH peacock screen that was an heir- loom and worth many thousands of pounds. "And how is Trelawny?" she went on without waiting for an answer. "Be'seuefa a devil—and Ilikedevik. That man's alive—if he walked past a tow of dead folks those coals of eyes of "Howw ChmfifO" mrtd Lord 8toambenzee. bis woald saake 'em aU aft up and talk, BJ I were a sbaigfateaed her smart bouuet uaiveied, "Trehrwny woald be toe nan far no, though I sup- two each n a n a aa bo and I woold ' B ^ k Charles?" enfaj Lord Steau- nt aithnat naliiiaiis inltiii- 'HnarJes looks 100," said bis wife tartly, "aad deserves it, too, burying himself in books, negleetenr hi« aveear- ance and turning into dust and amber before he's dead. As I always told bim, and you. too, there's lots of time for sitting down and nraldering wbea wo go over to the majority, ft'a positively ahnTal not to a a s a p every aerap of time ha eajoytag ourselves while we aw Her brother smiled, and a little oral^olor augmented the artificial oae in lady Lirriper'a cheeke, forafae and iabtott be bad by fools. day with aaaa, aooile, aaaot and a Bflaof troaaatlHatwoaJdaKailMvedis- a OaTatofA telle, with the new- hs boaaotaoB her wicked old Mwell astheaewtat scandal op bar alsa«a-4bBi last for the sole delee •WaaHQB mm JMBBBaMI A B H u V w y i H r * *^^ •"^oat^ofoiB^iontbatGod vary early ia tbehr aaatrJed Kfe. Ha amid it was because ttng two lumps of ateadof one; brought Ilka woman. So they bad agreed to differ. ' 1 beard •"—»"rg about Trehrw- ay's being ia love with Nannie" she •aid. taking another piece of cake, which was immensely to ber favor. When tbe sweet tooth survives middle age, there is distinct hope for the person who possesses it, for i$ proves tbatt) good many of bto instincts artain their pristine vigor. "Bitber Nannie has im- proved or Trelawny's taste has grown rusty—winch is it? Is my niece so good looking?" And she looked point blank at Miss Gregorias. "Family opinions •1© anlWanTS nMO. "Ithink Jhe nurt be lovely." Bald Hagar slowry. "as the oujy two ajaj U ^ h a v e baatopportanities of faUmar in love with bar adore bar." "H'ml Nke for Cassilis to live with ruefa a rivalasTrehnrayat his gates. Xbe days of Lochinvar are not over while Blake lives. But where are these young people? Vary rude of 'em, I most >.J^~tf%3fif % nid bar brother, "bnt then yon must rameiBbuj t»ey have beau parted f o r t •Uar and Wans oaJyrmanited yesterday." 'Marry 'on," a i d Lady Lirriper •JPot an end to 'em like any Oh, bare tbey are! if Yoa*mno beauty, my dear, but you've got sone nice dimples and a sweet little way of your own. and, filler all, that's what fetches a man awat. HowawyOB,Caarilii? Yoa were a dhrty nttle boy when I saw you last, nnd you're a clean-big one BOW, and. aot sophaaiesque, I think I'U go np and AadwitbapartiBg at Hagar, who clearly interested asr aaacfa nrare than bar niece, tbe old taTii y atiuasly aaamted WiU's arm and ber Ireaeb akirtsontof the In ..'! ai.w K»»ii.'ii 1Iem1HT.1t: - { h a v e put S v r r U n W>>rrtm h-, Uie front rank of liemocraci " . < I.'.».l»-r-. »•• I ai« a soun4 muney «l.'in.xTi»t. I wa.^ aii>.:.>ti- si-e liim nominal*! f>r rr>''iil»Tif. Hut aft >r his Lu>- utti-ranck"?. unja-t ami II:.«M!!«1 for, 1 am lsitllltl tD modify n-.v 0}ii:ii..n of hi* character. Hw f.xiUsll a.*A«lllt Oil St'iUtOft WII S:in. I'uirh jui'i Ilnrri^. arnl liw u*t.-tiij>t to wave the Moody shirt by rousiriirpnjiiiiico »_rair.«t (he South will hnrttii*'can*" IK- w.ints III ail] mor«» lhan IIKWI j*e:>fl<* ima^in-. It will t irn Iimiilre«N <if wavering Mi!.-r» ii even MHltiiifil -tate to the ^i|.- »f Bryan." Secret a rj' Morgan dismy^-il the mattt-r 'in a few c'tan^-turistic words, reffniti^ ti» Mr. Motion as a "barn raL~ Secretary Carlisle has the <!a!>ioa* honor of having been the first man to make » public parii^sn political speech in the ('. S. Treasury Bniliiin^. The speech was asainj't free jiilver a ui was made to a Baito. delegation which hail come to Washington to rei)iie*l Mr. Car- lisle to make a speech in Baito. before elec- tion. As Mr. Carlisle's stomp en^ra^unents in Kentucky made it inconvenient frr h'm to go to Baito.. be proceed to make :m anti- silver speech then and here to toe delegation, forrettinz, perhaps that democrats were be- in^ kicketl oat of oulce for daring to tto maeh less in behalf of silver. Tbe latest removal was the son-in-law of Senator I'u-h of Ala.. who dared to becooe a silver camlidate for Conj»rea. The repobflcans who have bceu Maffin^ about their expectation of carrying Texas r ^wled into their boles when a man with f 500 which he wanted to bet that Bryan woald carry Tana by 150.010 majority, ar- rived in Washingtea and tried to ran them down. Senator Batter. Charmao of Popafist Na- tional Coauaittee, doeso t talk like a man who is either lakewarm in bto support of Bryan or doabtfot of the resolt. both of which be has been charged with being by re- publicans. He said; "While I was in Chi- cago, aiuraaecs were given me that tbe rotes of Minnesota, Indiana aad Michigan are-absolateJy sare for Bryan. Should Mr. ! Bryan not loseaay of the border states, the j vote of Indians atone, in addition, will elect him. The votes of the other states will simply ad 1 to a s laajorilr. Mr. Bailer frankly said that he did net -care to express any positive opinion about i a n o k or Iowa, because the information received coneerafsa; those two states Wat of each a mixed aatare mat be bad not formed any. Mark Baoaa has captured the National of- ScersoftbeA. P. A, bag and bagsage, aad they are preparing to ciicajato aa ofibnl at- tack apoa Mr. Bryan, which win" uauraetly appeal to A F. A. men to vote fwlfadOater. It has beau knewa to Mr. Bryan's for seow time that this aeooa wa plated, bat tbey have not deemed dm matter of aaatoat imp artanee to try to preveat i t ufactsaam«fBasmsakmktteA.P. A. at- tackeallcBryaa wig make a great many more vetes Jar aha than against hhu, aad awfoc that reasoaiatla«r disposed toweteome it. MaMHaaaaHBaaBi Th-«e •' •> h\ trTTi.'f.ti 'i w!c n it I . m **r fit\ I !»! • . h»- r- • t ,,. i\ ••;• •• h i* p* a .<>•.•! o f a ni" In •I I llf jM.t •!i ir't vi.nr ..f th.- •' r i" pri-lli_' l.'iir m a u l m H-« ' of th.- r i:! -i I ri- n. n : , i !• M> U«h 'inii th- it. in i in 1* n:td cir'-it'ii-'i'i'.«, »ht>:jl>l mil.- •• : "• nit'Ilt nil tin' flirt' ur iifid in •'•• cm*. J;«ni<M Frntiiati. f.* .1 ni!.!i!» r ••( ?• •• empl'tyrtl « a hr:«k.ni*'.n »;i th. «H<!« "!"i'} I>i\i I'll of the XfW V.trV. V » » l l n « and II«tf'..r«l lUiiroatl. Tiiis o-iitlem-m had Ix-.ii al!Ti«n«l with nah-rhenna from infanfy an i iii- M,».id had a tie. jd«i teodt'ticr i.» huif'T-. in addition to which the fift-^t rii-trn. t.-r of hia oo-npntioa prwawted an sg- CTHVSI.I attack of mtturaLur rhmnntiwn whi.-h thrntteaed to d«*«r«»y his n»rfitlo*«ii and d.t.rirr aha of thin ateana aflirt-lihonl. Bat Wamiag of tin- rewarkaMe testi»».>ity i -. in i «n v i rii t. r. *t.f Mi I !• H I' I l-"' f lwv whi.-h had !»-"n riv.-a to theeUVaey of IH-. WiUiaii.-*- Pink Mils far Pale Prnpie »h- n- ever trie.1 for these and kiadrvd duacoltica. particularly such aa arise Boa aa impaver- ' tsheii or di<.i.-d!>r<<tl eendMioa of the blood, be was iadniv I to try taem, aad tbe result has I fcet-B no craiifVins that he baa htmm* a piont-er in r^tnameadiaf them te hi* fellnw < workmen, who thronffh bia words and the ; manif.-it results of his example hare shawa : a coosunt IT rnrresMitg as* of the pills. f fa vifvr of the degree m" attention which tte m*p attracted, partiewlarij' ia itm eOVct of. promirtinc thr use af the pills SBtor.r niea whs are not in tbe habit af takmg aardk-inc, tbe cireum«taiK*« were aVeaaed worthy of persatnl inv.ittieatiaB, aad accordingly » re. Barter miulc a full at tbe ca«y banc of Mr. Freemsn. at '233 8hawnteat Arraae, Boataa, Mass.. tshfre h<> aad hia wife were faaad ta he thoreuKhly fret and aarrarrred hi atanag the fa.-i^. and moat eardial ia niawu fMi—i af tbe Pink Pills. "Yea, it H true," bs said ia ramose te inquiry, ''I hare the greatest aaaamrttaa ia K 'rinsr my word as what Dr. UTilHaaaa* ink Pills have dooe"for aar. I have a* pcr- sonal interest ia speaking akwot the asattar except that I feel irratefal sar am earn they bare caused, and I tfaiafc it hi aalr rigfat that I sboaid try and let sthera have the same opportunity tor benefit as mjmW b re- gard to tbe origin af his ass afthe Hak PQls he remarked: "I was ant led ta try a certificate fmaa a ManSJ pabliaheil ia the jsgwa, aad I same thing that woald help ate. "I aerded te eaaditioa of the The fact ia that aqr laaadbasbMafa very aaaasry aasare sua a BBOS assa awaaafea utm salt4henm aaaa iBBBna/. My r r ti' I ' . >•• r t . i; .r r I-. i n . . • -fi \m I t-- K ti • " - ' B'i|.t I i 1- • •>!• • pi: . ( ii •>« * , . f.. ' -I .it I ti.j.t hitv- u ! f it • ; h n l«.t.« " I).- r>*i.l« v i, tlmf I »»« .»ial.ie.i t. U- t.tfl f.i nir «"t-k u « t rak.tn* '.ft »h«- ^»ni, nil,ill Vntt !»•• :\ r«..j'nrr« a !••*»» frr«> »••• ' klh ill tl • in; m, and I fouri-l »! 1 f " . r- ai i.- :»llh and *|ir:;« t..n«^f up "in the ear! •• |-rt,-!« »f takittr the |.i!N I t.».L .-lie aa a«i<— mnl latterly I _n.-rHtord to t«i> and tbea thrt»«. th^ t<«in«r raWi t«-tag alt the atreajprr without any ^tamgraiahh> enect 'I *w» fieaasd «ith the reanha of tba Pink Pill* in a»y caae that I r -.«a»eooVd them t<> all tbe railread mew aad .-then, wrtb- ia my knonledfe mat I kaew would Reed tb«ir I- n. fit. Aa a wawajatiw a«He a aaaa- ber u can their aar, aad warn all that 1 hear their cfTecta were very aafwabi liny, an Okat I doaht not tbey woaW he willing to rriafciin my certificate with their awa teatiaa—y. ** Mr. Frt^tnaa's reaaarks wew «wrr itiniraSad at inttrraU by Ma wia>, who was aart<et- pant in tbe tiantiaHiuq aad aaaaifcsvy •bared kis geawhac tire t***maf wbieb i and fcr which the name af Dr. Will Hff taWusaUaBly •••ItuSuf V C f l aaatuf Mr mmW lor ttn*r<JNuV •f dSMf^Jf* by bat T Uat doable usjTfNHr tmj wUaV the th* Pink Pun reaaba wbieb tba Wak PtSs bat* braayht aw-thmlesareaduV give an aaMera hraW a Kotaay a* ahat eaWt. AH wha know aw aad the atsimiilii afary esse will, bow. aUOraaa* 1 aBaaUU annSBrwnBaaVaat aWaanaaaank BUBBUI #^B«haad) ^aaV* Pr m cms tar nakPBls sanav all dw eteaaeata awee bsaaf] ririMeai *s the htaod They areaa BDauhag iaaeaav savytajErae and i pass an seeelpt m avaca, n esass a baa, er six• haaea fir Ctn7daey am a m r aaM to am 'A HANDFUL OP DIRT MAY B E A HOU64C FUL OF SHAME.'* CLEAN HOUSE uVITM APOLIO Bew Variety Store! t»»«» Oil the fir^t .di*v of »Julv I opened to the public a carefullv selected stock oi' Voiioly and D6^tliiT8nl Store Goods, At No. 31 Bridge Street, An<i a>k tte public for t h i r pAtrooa>ze. With a, ^tort* eeconii to n o n e , a u d t h e Vi?ry be.-t o f f o o d s , I rhaJl endeavor t o p i e i s e • 11 > a n d a'l. ROBERT LONG. Miss ELSIE E ALLEN, rLATTSBDKGH, «f. Y. WBl cleanse the scalp and hair forthe ladies at ' their homes and give a shampoo if desired. AU. \ will treat their complexion. Orderf by mall uulv. f M Court street. Plattsborxh. ! Ibavebaen rerr tnach pleased with MM Kluic ' TJ—^-_fc tl A. * V f l e a ' s treatment of niy head. She has cored me I rfOmpt raymeilt 01 LoS&eS. of a bad atate of the scalp. i * w ~ «*»»wnw«. o~_ , « . Maa,U.B.00LLIS8. Sept. 1SSC. WaabinsUHL D. C. Parkliursl Taylor, A. M. WARREN. INSURANCE AGENCY, Bookseller, Stationer and successors to A. u. PLATT & Co. Newsde«iler. General Insurance, Marion Block, Clinton Street, to dinner?" sbo at the door, "If not to- ask him for praucrrow. I cant wijfaQat my Trttawny. " --'• I**- fmummBBSBeBB *%&te-L%&&%$- s^mmigrk^. TEHCHEB OF MUSIC. * ^ Ui iMWm ®*WM. tes«^iMj«ivcaiDr^B0 t 0rjraD&UarrE'i> ! ull|l«j«llwil Bsperial attention given to be^intien- ^ well as to advanced pupils for terms and hours apply at or si'.irt -t- 83 Couch r3tr«t, PutrrsBUBOH, S Y. THOMA^KILEY, Piano Tuner and Repairer. R I'MJ t rs a:.d Hmpazmt;-, Am<riraii »f d Fiir<,^'!i. t* j urilietK-rt)' prieea. Fa.Ti til d's tillid I'tCB. K.'ai.a 11-niks. Memoranda «ud P«-a IJ •. : - *•; n !al rulinij tu '.rdtr. Iri'.. - • f -..• k.md^. t> U .*i 1; ;i:id SUti.i^rat-U.-rt." rVn* i» . : - ii- fr«-|H- ami li-.^.. ,».»;•.,- V •:,- in: <ii*.>^ ,'t Alht'iji <ib M»:. .- fat l:. r • r - >:• r I.J; > .v.r N .vc.t«> »ud >«.-t» ft m th.- »% i.itinjr Mitiiufiwiuiiiiij < ... -N« A il •• k- r u t . t t . l *? i..».ri »- > .!.- 'u to ti ia this years of aneeaarful in PlatUburrh Orders by Mail or Telephone attended to. Agenta for the old, nli»h!e Travel, r^. Life, Accident and EtnpVijiT.s lv-. :.<:.i<\ Coaspaay. Also f<>. th<- Anchor Lit ; i- • ' Steaasera- M. P. PAHKHUKST. S. TAVLoH II i K>»>kS HL.! >rli.. at j. -j. i.»r II. i . ii. «r * .... •!. tim.i. Ni'.'vciy. rif.»Tavm.' f AiM i-.v Selling Out, A. M. MfAHREN, 70 Margaret Street WSur^aja*. MJm VlaOt> m U U I DOMliaaBal i n rimXlmOurgU fitMl n q - atjmnnl ». aaBnanai am ~- ftS* S^^^^S^S'^^mW. * t-rae Aso„r.saeat af .en's wo.e.'s ! C E / w T R A L MARKET. •rate. Battoatea giren on aptalaateerfat^M. I »"d t falldnaN w •••*•» aasouBSUUa. I v and f falldrt •*« BOOK, SHOES AIM fifffifiESS.: ***EEFE & co.. p,oprV At-o a uar A—,...»-..t ••' * ***** * Brl< ** *" 4 ***** Wrwta. tT kS- i J r» i i PUTTSBUHCh N Harness, Singie and Double. LNMher Mrapa, HarM> tulUra aa< Harness Fhidlu*-, Which will f« &M i KliY 4'JfKAi: l.I-i.'ll-'-. Ull.l m gtrea on applieaooa for re- aeflona. ©to. Leava ordera at StaraJjCUntoaat. Platarbaraa. MYfiA A. BRENAN, Pabiic Reader aod Teacher of Elocution, to make eagaawsaenu witb Ba- it Conuoltteea. Sir Cborchea, BoeJ- S, Lodaea. Concert Coaapaales. ete^ aaw he ancaced for an Eattaa nrealna: er fa aSetloii with other talent. Attdreaa, aa- MH* Voraa. H. V tut N. fi McILWADJE, BsMl IlMllKI i l l t Leather, lt-i-.i U n,> Oooglas >ln«- H will i hand at i; oih.-uiiiiiv mi .AMD- ttirfij Mi! Brabr. , (tVfD_„ MM. pttfmbmy fn mm i § OliiitOD Street, * % LaForces New Place, No. 71 Marytrtt Street, Over tba AUHTI. an < luthutx Store Call and exaimii.- mir i^Mdn before j.ur •iaawhere. i»tf 1 UKEI IIOTHeM' LwberTards, fUTISBPKfiH, K. Y. JOealern at Wholesale aad Retail in gWHTOMBRH will *!•-.,* du.i »• -i... w-» Uarket a cum,-. MIWII.H. m! ,a r u • i pty of * i'Vaiah. a a d **»it M^.n M . *' r ^»h and Mi.Jt Kiat„, •*«»«ltrr Mill <,iku... Orwtairaj in Iboir •>«,».,,., \V**..|^- avala* m u l l£wt H il. B»rlr V'atsMtut.le.a, Ituttatr. •• «! fc », C h a e a o . a e o . , * » . 2^PA ,n * T*" *" •f"" 1 to anlt run, a.,,. rneea aa low aa tti« loweat - £ ^ i * < * • *•"»•'•••< "» ««V pmn ot ,t,. .,, All at* tavtt^ to «ail. punswiieH MCK co. C OA X, At WholeoaJe or Retail Alt. asca* vtaa-iTiaa a a u acuaan attf. ABO 0 U U B . ALSO, Salt; Lime. Cement, Oil, Ac. M V f l M A l l rwUViSMKf. •ad Owuffrml •*i.ATT«alunio N. a v. •M. toprdttt, jr, "V^H RH #Hi Mttt| .np.

Transcript of u,tm. A mmi CASE. - NYS Historic...

awaa. , ,»*^*t»«is«tei iirtisiitei.ya

MRS. HENRY W/Uff Praises in High Terms,the G r a i M i f

Dr. Greene's N e i m Those Who Are Weak, Tired, Nervous, Out of Health and Suffering,

Win Take Renewed Hope and Be Cured by Using This Wonderful Medicine, Dr. Greene's Nervura Blood and Nerve Remedy.

: * l ;

<• weak, fir. .1. f«f- |

:;iin (<•

really >r ( , . , . ( .III '-; >"• TI ura in

• ti'M aini f»r tli" _'ofx| • • .,i- .nit ,»f health, she li.it - i i i ' k i i"« -> a n i l hi*.» • r--niarka'.|>' Un.-tirml •- "f I>r iiriM!;i' J \»>r-ifin»'-1>

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cf I»r. fjreene's

in-". I certainly • :••••.] anil n<TV rcm-:m>l -unst ri-<fi>rer

i 'T k l l " « n .


R. J. CLARK, t •!.,(: r..nriv. -

Most Popular Tailor,

r i . • , , • • ' i

•/ !!•• i 11 /.- I-;

Visit his Rooms, over McHattie's Store. MARGARET ST.,

P l a l i s l m r ^ J i , N . Y .

F a l l a n d W i n t e r Goods. I \ I I -I S>>\ I ! 'I ' ( . - -T.\NJ>.\i;i» <;<M»I).-

Siiirin^s HIMI Overcoatings P r i c e - L o w e r T h a n E v e r .

F \ T 1 I K K O'COXXOR. t h e wwl i - i i i i ov . - i i C l e r g y m a n .

Kva . I w h a t h e s a y s a b o u t STIfO-M; KOOFIXf i . IF- -I \ \ > v i l.'i

. • . - n .1 « . . • . i ' . . . ,• .

.'. ! . • : . . N. V.. July H. I»:>i.. ": ti\'ir <•! SlrniijrV Fire l'rnnf

• ' -I'.ifinii in paying that for • i- . • II lire—ejin sitlwt i(.

U A. <M M.VVOK, ra.-tur.

FAR AHEAD OF l ? O N AND S T E E L ! [;<I\I:I I:K Vr., .inly :;». 1>!C

. - . ,:ii \ I'm- I ' r i ' i ' f J;«»«»IiriiT- W e a re I'II 1"-I iniifiiiii »!• I'vi'i' ii-wil. It is far

U ,c,r ii.nl hulli kiuiR It is also tire IIKATII A iilCK,

STRONG H A R D W A R E CO. / - / 1 / /

Roofing,Sheathing, Wheels A X U H . Shafts, Spoken, tfce. urHUNaTON. v i .

r. T. WILEY, Agent, P l a t f burgh, N. V.

A . W . G r a y ' s ions N o r t h e r n N . Y . B r a n c h .

HONSINGER & JERRY, Managers. ••'•••I v.irh Ui f'« handle

•• i I" Miii'-ii MacliliHV

:i!.- at tin- .'ii'! nf ••acli

•' ji.ii'li !-•• "1 Ma< liiiic i

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III' ' i , - ' Itl'lll t l | l ' tll'S I

HI m \ ni C. S liA.vCOM,

* 1M»U-V. Kv . -n l t i c l i \ . K \ e v\- l i n u r h o t i \ V h i > ! i c y , Ini;. .»rtv..! <»in. W i n e <iml i i r a i l d V .

. ! i W '


ADAM'S W O V E N W I R E FENCING. Tli* onlr Worm Wire Peaetae-: ; ;" which will eat Ma*

Tt.i- line win-* runntaff. a* they do, throats th- nn.h w.rtu forni»trim whtoh pratMtt sajfifiii»r.

For MHEEP (ORRAI.H « « fa»f» Ikr BE.HT rEMrl!f« • • * » .


.end for«mt*l«(fue. etc. Al»o Adaaatt • • • » Ttoat Ltot and dawoost oa appoeaUaa.

W . J A D A a f . M a a a . l t l .

« Z 0 W. Klaft tSLBY. O M t r a l A f t P l f t m b a r f * » . Y

City Market, L'4 MAI6AIIT 8 T m t ,

T«a will ywafi ftftd »«uo«iUu»toek <rf

Perk, Veal, MatloiuaLwb,

Honey Comb Trip*,

, > Tl \ * *

All who ar? n^rvnim, weak, tirwl, etbaant-cd in nerve JKIW« and phyufcal nU««rth: wb« an- »lcj|'ifjw. w«ketirwlawlimriwsfWHj. wttfc-mif -irenirth an<l rt*rgs tor th*« day's work; wii. • tiavc j«x>r Wood, i»r«ralg»a, rtfiinBalisni, hMckachp. djiirippsia, indjgwtion, gas, bloat-inir. faint filings, loan of appetite, conatipa-tinn. kidney or liver emaptoiot, ahoald imme-•iiuteiy nw r>r. Grefrtf-'i Nerntra Wood and nerve remeity. It trill make yon well. It L'iw'.- a s|i|c'ndiil romptexion, making the ftieeks niow and th*" eyes sparkle with health. No remedy nag ever to Mcoewrfnl in earning [..-..pic to (rain flesh. By atrenjrtJwninjt the ili-cr.ti\e functions, promoting awnmilation tun) enriching the Mood, it caaaea the person to ^radnailv increase in weight imiil the tMo a.d .-lender parts aswnne a roiuHled and beautiful contonr.

Pr. fireene'i* Nervm* 1« the prweription of the u\<<-t ?!iccw<sful physician in coring ner­vous and chronic diseases, henceit most of necessity fie iierfectly adaj»ted to cure just thc«> com plaint*. Its discoverer, Dr. Greene, of .if, West Hih St.. New York City, can be consulted free, personally or by totter.

By HELOT HATEEBI, Author of "Cherru Ripe," "Comi* Tknt

ike-to*? "Mu Lady Often 8keva,n

"The Lovely JUalinwurt," Etc.

(Oopjrlgbt, 1W, hr Amerlm stoo.1

net voice was sharp with aogllMl), the covered her face, suddenly grown bnraiiig red, with ber bands. Sbooldfibe ever, ever get the brand oat at ber soal of those mad, shameful moments in which she had almost passed into Blake Trelawny's possession?

"I don't know if thereto a a n d strain in our blood," ahewentontsrokenr/, " I will ask father, but bow when every beat of my heart and drop of my blood is Willie's could I suffer that man to make love to me? I can never, never be clean npiin."

"Blako's love might compel any wo­man V, just m he bends every (me to b i i wil l , ' ' said Hagar, who was also pajle, sat could never be colorless with those

She entered her face with her hand*.

bine ejes, "and if j o a bad not met Will Cassilis yon might be supremely happy as Lady Trelawny. N o one wi l l ever lore yon as well. Not Will OT ally Oth­er."

"And yet yon hate h i m ! " said Nan­nie, with one of those flashes of intui­tion that occasionally startled Hagar, as proving bow little she understood the girl. "Ton can't keep it oat of your face and voice, try as yon wil l , and yet yon vvonld have me marry him f"

Hagar was silent Yes, she hated him. We may flagel­

late our sins with every savage word at obloquy wo can command in oar private thoughts, bnt the obvious contempt of others is faard to bear, especially When in this especial instance we bare done nothing to deserve it.

"And I feel ," said Nannie, ber heart beating very fast, but with a courage astonishing to herself, "that, much as I love you, I do not understand you, Hagar, as yon understand me. Yon can make me believe black is white, but"—

"Explain yourself," said Hagar, sit­ting erect and speaking with the pride of Lucifer.

"I will. That scene in the Knowle gardens when yon begged and prayed for something"— She paused. The men servants had come to take the coffee caps away.

The room, with its colored lights of different shades, its French furniture and exotics, looked like some huge ex­quisitely tinted rote and was a feast to the eye, but its beauty was far from th"* thoughts of either of its occupants just then.

"Because 1 begged and prayed of him nut to "ive himself up, not to drag me through all tiio horror of accusing and delivering him over to a shameful death," i-aid Hagar calmly when they Were once mure alone, "and you blame me because I did not bind him down— the man who had given me freedom."

Nannie was silent. An ineffaceable impression had been left 00 her mind of Hagar importuning for herself, and though thrust fit one side i t persistently recurred now that her friend bad joined a conspiracy to make ber forget Willie.

"And in many things yon are strange, Hagar," she said. "Do yon remember how often you used to go up to the moor and would always stop beside an old disused well and stare down into it? I asked you one day why it held such in­terest for you, and you said bBCaUSe yon hoped all your sins lay buried there. But how can yon have had any?"

Hagar turned, and with a sudden, fierce gesture snatched Nannie to ber arms. The soft, yielding little body trembled and sickened through and through at a thought it bad been held last against Trelawny's breast.

"Nannie," said her friend tenderly and laying her cheek against the fair, curly head, "can't yon frost me? Only love me. and such thoughts wi l l be im­possible to you. Will Casailis returns to­night No one can come between yon. It is Blake Trelawny and I, like my namesake, who will go oat into the desert and suffer."

" l a m a little beast," said Nannie, feeling a great stone rolled away from her heart, "but 1 have got so nervosa waiting for Willie—and that summer bouse. Oh, I never, never can face h im!" she added, despair nail ing bank apoa ber.

"Forget i t , " "Yon did no e r t e l l W i l L "

NanDi« drew baaeaf ont of BaBaV'S arms, her brown eyes sldaias>

•I must. l e a n t g o to Will on pretenses."

• I *

the Trelawny's |aaatoaa as

in which WULac bsuiirlflgiit Yoal

" » r safi " "Of hafctsn

. and I think be at w r y c o a t yaw, H i e j u r


' » fc straight s*4 tall • and be baa nice ways w m

• ' • * * - _ufclBMI 1 a> " a a a a a a l jtl lBBaT^Sl a*S>

M M aafaajpa? aMDWaJ, J a M B U M • R

W01AIT8 OTLCENfK W A l U f l N O T t r * L K T T K R .

, "sa* lWia 'abets rkawpyearsOMPT ;

The influence of woasea npaa tfc« c*rf!iaatrau o# the world, cos id never f •

with sradd«e gathering together of a l l ber forces and an aaward lifting of ber body, ah* wan—aiateJ ber whole atten­tion on Nannie, who utweatry stirred and murmured m ber sleep.

Hagar listened, • oath has Tbaa sac smiled, for the girl bad said. " T W K

w i f ' W f f l a , "

mi wieiwaar t baa when I saw bar aad I fboakf bare tsnagat that to be i

" ! sa^MMablar » . i •. i "Father wosJaa't go to the sea this

bow flwrrraghly wa « o ^ aw« hwve twrttsd her with paie ^ J " * * W**B fJfT • » ebetbs BOW. "10>rak be was sorry be

•*0fl™!fF • * • " mmK ** • * * ' • " aBstyoaaway.tbiaajblafawvcraaidso.'' « ^ * L *• JS&'Z"* .Smu* "m*~Zm**«**T." ~M WilL "bat he i s act W i l l " Bbi pal ber baasl mrttb favaaeaa* #awwv " l i waaa't has

_ — WSHJaW *BHB|^BF^Bawar n P C V f | ^ « mm BWaBBBW » aaSBBT

, f t _ ^ _ y L * " * ^ - . ft"J* J t a l a a a i dsda't oarry yoa off— •Vw BBBBBPBBHg B^^rV BBBBBBat 9 B B K 9 S B S * 9 B B B ^ * I P 8 ^ V B ^ T l P B e C a W " , ^ B e ] B t l A S B ^ B a *

Let a w aaad yoa to steep> for half ^ n f o q ^ . fchav go Mies Orqroriaa is

s ^ « ^ . ^ H y ,i ! r t , , , t " f t t o beta? l a a a f K B s y o a a r e a e g ^ f r i e . *

^ ^ ? * ? ? * e ' ** e 0 ? * * _ 1 * - . . ^ _ «• *"»«. I wae bard OB that poor girl, one leasee e m and M o u a e u tte wmi o f t ^ g^a (**„ i « w tfaooglit of ft

i^'^^mldli^rZSI" * " * W l « y m ' r e t r . h / w r i * c b e d y o a r -•aost imnM*atery Nanaie saak back oa ,ajf, j « I«n»smrter bow yoa've amde the pillows asleep. olbrr people safer and feel

For awhile Hagar watched ber; then.

• e • • • "Sir William has arrived at the

tie, my lord," the old botlerannounced to bis master at the latter sat over his wine alone in the sealing wax red din­ing room that evening.

"Tnank God!" cried Ma master fer­vently and-from bis soaL for be bad long ago regretted sending Will on his travels and felt disagreeable qualms at Blake Trelawny's persistent pursuit of Nannie, bo* be coold aot forbid H e

neighbor the bam, and BOW Will was here to protect bis OWB, BOd Bntten ware going to torn out aU right after a l l

"We most wake av. Be l l ," be aaM briskly as be walked, in bit elation, op ado* down the room. "There's Miaj Nannie's coming out balL and m y Lady Lirriper anlvlog, god presently, I asp-pose, there wi l l be a wedding, B e n , " be w e s t on, almost intoxicated by bis intense sense of relief, "and there wiU be all the falals to boy, aad the old place tamed topsy tarvy."

The stocky little figure want •oat of the room almost dancing, and BeU smiled as be turned to remove the wine.

"Bless 'em!" be said warmly, "they'll make a pretty pair, and that black devil's nose wil l be fairly pat oa* of joint. Flesh and blood's dirt to him, 'cept when ho wants it , as be wants oar young lady. So my Lady Lirriper'scorn­ing. Lord, she'll make as sit up! She'U be making my two namsknlls drop the dishes they're carrying by her StOlieS, and 1 wonder bow she and Miss Gre-goriaswil l fait i t Both too clever by half and bound to fall oat, say 1 "

CHAPTER H I A deer park at 6 o'clock of a sum­

mer's morning is a beautiful thing, and the deer know it as they wander over the pearled grass and sniff np those clear, rarefied scents that cool night has shaken from her skirts wbea from break of day.

And a young man who could scarcely be said to have gone to bed all night knew it, as be obtruded bis nnwelcome presence among the deniaens of the woodland, when scarcely a blink of day bad come and be coold barely see the white blind of a distant window behind which the apple of bis eye s lept

B o w coold she sleep and be wander­ing out bare alone? How coold be call so urgently to ber to wake and aba aot know it? Did not everything aboot out to ber: "The time is op, is up! and be i s aot yonder waiting? The time of trial is over; springtide to bare. Come oat, come out, to join yoar impatient lover!"

The moments dragged like noon. Long before the a n was fully up, WilL his eyes glued to that immovable blind, bad in imagination seen i t tbaa fixed to all eternity, and Nannie passing through the successive stages of Blake Tre­lawny's unwilling sweetheart to hie willing one, and thence by slow degrees to the altar, where he finally took leave of ber,and all because an innocent white blind refused to go np at an onboly hour of the morning!

Bat was i t all? A word' in Ids ear overnight from an old servaat bad set a torch to his fears and bred in him the first real doubts he had felt of Nannie since he bad left her.

"My lord, Trelawny to a great deal atStraubenzee," the butler said wbea giving the news of the country for which his master bad asked. "Lady Annabella and Miss Gregorias bad been at home some weeks now," the old asaa concluded, and it might be fancy, not Will scented something significant aad even warning in his retainer'• tone, who bad also added that there was to be a grand ball to celebrate Lady Anaa-bella's coming oat in September, and my lord's eister, Lady Liiriner, was coming to do the honors.

Will had plenty of time to digest these facts, us at last, growing reckless, be stood in the midst of the great gravel sweep opposite the colonnade and Im­mediately below Nannie's window, needless of early housemaids and gar­deners, heedless of everything save the moment when that hideous square of white should give place to his dear lit­tle girl's sweet face.

As the clock struck 8 i t came. TJp rushed the blind, the window followed, and there, in ber pink cotton frock, was Nannie, who stretched oat her arms to him, all wild with joy, as i f she woald precipitate herself bodfly into bis arms, and for awhile they took their fill « f gazing at each other, while broken words of love feU from their tins. Then the window yawned empty, and Will rushed round in ecstasy to ooe of nooks in which the and by* instinct toM join him.

SIM most bare flown. Bfefaeardakey turn, and,in a moment they bad naked iato each others arms.

The bene with large fawriWes who bad omde this half ruined colonnade their special banting ground wondered what al l the fuss was ui nst snl|iinsajyi their daily avocations with showing satisfaction, the interlopers retired to a painted and deec by the gardeners"fiar tbehr

He stood on, a straight, long limbed fellow with something eager and iah i sbrowa fans that aaed not

to be there, bet wefl became i t "We asaat try to psas some of oar

saWjBBses on, darling." be said. * I leal thai saominw mm it Ifcwl aBoogb for

U» whole world." "Like the old woman who, wbea she

first beheld the sea, said that at last she saw what was enough for everybody," said Nannie as she tried to remove the mold marks from ber white gown. "Willie, aren't yoa faangry?"

"Frigbtfulhr," said Willie, and mov­ed her heart to pity by the relation of bow be bad roamed the park and ob-jargated bar window blind in vain.

"FOOT boy!" she said, then danced » step or two, aad said;

"You'll oosne ia to nrraJrfast, of eOOraS?" And both b a n t oat brngUog.

"And to break the shock," said Will. offering his arm with, exaggerated re­spect, " w e wi l l take a public walk round the praniaES, selecting for pref­erence those portions where your father ie aare to see and admire u s . "

And they did. And Lord Straobenaee, shaving himself closa to a window, and happening to look oat, eat his chin in his extravagant delight and executed a sort of dance that simply appalled Cole­man, who entered while i t was pro­gressing, aad thought his master bad soddenry gone mad.

Bat a glance oat of the window ex­plained the situation, and, all c lan dis­tinctions forgotten, the two old boys literally beamed on one another.

" I always did like Sir William," said Coleman i n the servants' ball later, while the love story op s ta in war caus­ing many a flutter under neat cotton frocks, "but it's a good job he's back— a very good job, for accidents wil l bap-pen." And he nodded with a profound sagacity that scorned to explain itself to the lumbering wits around him.

And in the sealing wax red dining room Will bad come op to Miss Grego­rias as she entered, and in the manliest, nicest way told her how glad be was to see ber again, and looking so well , too. and his warm handshake had thrilled through her whole body, and the pride l a bar bad triumphantly asserted his right to be loved, and with no shame to

so Strong was he, so dear, so " I can't, I won't harm yoa ,"

to herself then, bat later in the day, When aba had incantioasly wandered ratberfarafield, BlakeTreJawnyswoop­ed down oa aad balned bar.

"Stop t o o n fools," be arid, his black ryes with their topaa lights gleaming daugcioosly. " I don't know bow yoa do it , bat do i t yoa can, if yoa choose; yon brought ber into m y arms yester­day, bat not long enough." He hogged them oa big breast as i f be still felt bar there. "Tbey'reHllm«andcooiag Bkatwo sick turtledoves oat oallow idiots and aot one of even teach toe other what love

" I wi l l not ." said Hagar. setting bar back to t h e r e a t bole of the beech tree under which they stood. " T h e y - r e e n ­gaged, they wiU be married"—

"Pmbt Andyoorinnnencewithberr' "Is as nothing ha the balance with

his. Go your way, Blake Trehrwny. and set yoar beart where yoa have a

to w i n . " 1 never look bock," be said, "and I

mge. Hark y e ! There isaome-tbing ha your past that yoa dread to h a m revealed. I w i U r i p that past ap from end to cad, and shame yoa baton* the whole world, i f yoa w i n aot do aqr bidding in tnto thing."

do in

Yoa Cornish n aaeeataatbe last word,

• o t yoa, who prof was to be so love, know that yoa n a y drag i an a body to yoar arms, bat yoa compel the spirit witkm ber to drink Of love? find something mwa tbaa the

the shell, woold be aeedad to

"You leak

r WULaadi

aie, and ao prettyf fit to tie bsea flirting?" be a c e ia his ttaawmwh,.



• as yoa. " I WiU take the husk, the shell, so

loaw as it be Nannie, " h e said. "Now Veten. The day yon put hey bandni n i n e J wiU make yoa a rich woman, so that yoa shall want for nothing to yoar dying day. You shall not need to take

disdainful beauty into the mar-Yon may—who knows?—

Wil lCaBril is intheend. Bnt if wiU aot help me in this by fair us or foal l^iU aeparanrthoae two.

I wiU s t icks* nothing to gain n y e n o u no eriine, abaJl be too

bank for me. N o w ! " " I refuse." ••Then on yoar own haasTbs i t r

kokiag like an incarnate force of ley aad evfl be strode furioasly away in ttodBKctioaof

Beeaase of ber. threw* have * w n •atablialM-d aad deMrnyed. The na*ft of her the torch <>f her hand, ami we bare the marvellous power of wosaen. glorioas in the possession of perfect physical aealth.

Lydia E. nnkL-m, by ber wonder­ful discovery of the " Vegetable Com­pound," baa done much to place this great power in the hands of women.

She ba» lifted thousands and thousands out of the misery brought by displace­ment of the womb, and all the evils that follow diseases of tbe uterus.

The *' Vege­table Com­pound ** re­stores natural cheerfulness, de­stroys despondency, cures backache, strengthen* the muscles, restores the womb to its normal condition, and yoa are changed from a physical wreck to the joy of your home and friends.

By the way—the leading druggists tell ns that the demand for Ljdia E. Pinkham's Vcg-otaMe Componsd is Simply beyond their power of under-Standing, aod what is beet of all, i t does the work and cares where the bast physicians utterly fail.

pertPiiH t

ten !•>•' '




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. »"i I i'- n - . i . » . » - • • i •« - A i •r.w Bryan - •'"-* ».M - * »., :•'<• : | \ . . - «.»>,- • I • • - k ' n 'l .4 4t,>»»;.,.

i •>,. il>!'Cin runik* i ..ij.iH«-ter* ••? B ' x v

•• •> ruJir s.i*t.> i '••imn i' ISryan xil! r>"' h.u>' :l.ity ill tt»:i! «t^te «r f |..w« «!)••*» A m»." r ' ri..n. r ii r .k.....k «-n.^r Stn+,:_-.i-. « - •••

I \orth an>] >«Mith l»u ":». [H.f«»nal ct»ntj<'t w;'!i ihf

. in the lunre IITII'.TM;.' '•-I :** n»»r cent. <>f ihe*j>

• !.•'.• f..r Bryan. I f -t «m - I-.-, will g»'» for Brian m l i •»•

• >r.ty. Silver is *HI top. #II:• , .-! !-• .'vi.lcnt ercn t'« S«w*r. • ir\ si!-" if that be ma<l" a mi-uk.- '••-• i, »if>w waei, be niiiile tli.it iifi'a •ili»3erved attiwk n\*>n .^.iiat.ir-:i r!i an.1 Mttfrran. Iw - n . ^' :!.. •.' •* fnv silver. A* -fri.rc'v i-1 I' HI; I and tht> other nifiitwr^ "f '-.

'•• •i;>|H>iie«l to silv.r. tti"\ t" i i i . ' l»elanxn»ie<»rs-vretj»r> V'-rt • . V > . rtashington«<iiil lt<»il<i*t).. i \ . •:.• - •mi» «>f t i e den i i ic raT- " t i lit-* \ _ :.»

: tiif Potomac, in hansin-rSfi-. M> r* • ,.i 'nit he has been VIT> freely comic ir, • I cl.Hses of men. Here i< a vcr> i-.m- r\ opinion cx|n>"H.-ii''l In Hon. I* l> Me-*. Mavor of K'lfali. XU . ai. 1 i _'. l l

A mmi CASE. Remarkable Cine ot a ISo5ton Man

who was AftHctccI with Salt^ Rheum and Rheumatism.


<v.f Hi,


••) f . - r


• i. lit • •• i ' <

•i , i •

"If only you weren't a thousand XDiJcl from town!" she said, nodding to BeU, Who was himself waiting oa ber with tea and looking really delighted to see her. "What the embassador—who lived every moment of his life—meant by building such a place here passes my eomarehension."

She was looking hard mk Hagar, at the outline of ber nose and lips and chin against the background of the fa-B O H peacock screen that was an heir­loom and worth many thousands of pounds.

"And how is Trelawny?" she went on without waiting for an answer. "Be'seuefa a devil—and I l i k e d e v i k . That man's alive—if he walked past a tow of dead folks those coals of eyes of

"Howw ChmfifO" mrtd Lord 8toambenzee.

bis woald saake 'em aU aft up and talk, BJ I were a sbaigfateaed her smart bouuet uaiveied, "Trehrwny woald be toe n a n far n o , though I sup-

two each n a n a aa bo and I woold

' B ^ k Charles?" enfaj Lord Steau-nt aithnat nalii iaiis inltiii-

'HnarJes looks 100," said bis wi fe tartly, "aad deserves it, too, burying himself in books, negleetenr hi« aveear-ance and turning into dust and amber before he's dead. A s I always told bim, and you. too, there's lots of time for sitting down and nraldering wbea w o g o over to the majority, ft'a positively ahnTal not to a a s a p every aerap of time ha eajoytag ourselves whi le w e a w

Her brother smiled, and a little oral^olor augmented the artificial oae in l a d y Lirriper'a cheeke, forafae and

i a b t o t t be bad

by fools.

day with aaaa, aooile, aaaot and a

Bflaof troaaatlHatwoaJdaKailMvedis-a OaTatofA telle, with the new-hs boaaotaoB her wicked old

M w e l l a s theaewtat scandal o p bar alsa«a-4bBi last for the sole delee •WaaHQB mm JMBBBaMI A B H u V w y i H r * * ^ ^

•" oat ofoiB iontbatGod

vary early ia tbehr aaatrJed Kfe. Ha amid i t was because ttng two lumps of ateadof one; brought Ilka woman. So they bad agreed to differ.

' 1 beard • " — » " r g about Trehrw-ay's being i a love with N a n n i e " she •aid. taking another piece of cake, which was immensely to ber favor. When tbe sweet tooth survives middle age, there i s distinct hope for the person who possesses it , for i$ proves tbatt) good many of bto instincts artain their pristine vigor. "Bitber Nannie has im­proved or Trelawny's taste has grown rusty—winch i s it? Is m y niece so good looking?" And she looked point blank at Miss Gregorias. "Family opinions •1© anlWanTS n M O .

"I th ink Jhe nur t be lovely." Bald Hagar slowry. "as the oujy two ajaj U ^ h a v e baatopportanities of faUmar in love with bar adore bar."

"H'ml N k e for Cassilis to live with ruefa a r iva lasTrehnrayat his gates. Xbe days of Lochinvar are not over while Blake lives. But where are these young people? Vary rude of 'em, I most

>.J ~tf%3fif %

n i d bar brother, "bnt then yon must rameiBbuj t»ey have beau parted f o r t •Uar and Wans oaJyrmanited yesterday."

'Marry ' o n , " a i d Lady Lirriper •JPot an end to 'em like any

Oh, bare tbey are! if Yoa*mno beauty, my dear,

but you've got s o n e nice dimples and a sweet little way of your own. and, filler all , that's what fetches a man awat. HowawyOB,Caarilii? Yoa were a dhrty nttle boy when I saw you last, nnd you're a clean-big one BOW, and. aot sophaaiesque, I think I'U go np and

Aadwitbapart iBg a t Hagar, w h o clearly interested

asr aaacfa nrare than bar niece, tbe old taTii y atiuasly aaamted WiU's arm and

ber Ireaeb akirtsontof the

In ..'! ai.w K»»ii.'ii 1Iem1HT.1t: -{have put SvrrUn W>>rrtm h-, Uie front rank of liemocraci ".< I.'.».l»-r-. »•• I ai« a soun4 muney «l.'in.xTi»t. I wa. aii>.:.>ti- t» si-e liim nominal*! f>r rr>''iil»Tif. Hut aft >r his Lu>- utti-ranck"?. *» unja-t ami II:.«M!!«1 for, 1 am lsitllltl tD modify n-.v 0}ii:ii..n of hi* character. Hw f.xiUsll a.*A«lllt Oil St'iUtOft WII S:in. I'uirh jui'i Ilnrri^. arnl liw u*t.-tiij>t to wave the Moody shirt by rousiriirpnjiiiiico »_rair.«t (he South will hnrttii*'can*" IK- w.ints III ail] mor«» lhan IIKWI j*e:>fl<* ima^in-. It will t irn Iimiilre«N <if wavering Mi!.-r» i i e v e n MHltiiifil -tate to the ^i|.- »f Bryan." Secret a rj' Morgan dismy^-il the mattt-r 'in a few c'tan^-turistic words, reffniti^ ti» Mr. Motion as a "barn raL~

Secretary Carlisle has the <!a!>ioa* honor of having been the first man to make » public parii^sn political speech in the ('. S. Treasury Bniliiin^. The speech was asainj't free jiilver a ui was made to a Baito. delegation which hail come to Washington to rei)iie*l Mr. Car­lisle to make a speech in Baito. before elec­tion. As Mr. Carlisle's stomp en^ra^unents in Kentucky made it inconvenient frr h'm to go to Baito.. be proceed to make :m anti-silver speech then and here to toe delegation, forrettinz, perhaps that democrats were be-in^ kicketl oat of oulce for daring to tto maeh less in behalf of silver. Tbe latest removal was the son-in-law of Senator I'u-h of Ala.. who dared to becooe a silver camlidate for Conj»rea.

The repobflcans who have bceu Maffin^ about their expectation of carrying Texas r ^wled into their boles when a man with f 500 which he wanted to bet that Bryan woald carry Tana by 150.010 majority, ar­rived in Washingtea and tried to ran them down.

Senator Batter. Charmao of Popafist Na­tional Coauaittee, doeso t talk like a man who is either lakewarm in bto support of Bryan or doabtfot of the resolt. both of which be has been charged with being by re­publicans. He said; "While I was in Chi­cago, aiuraaecs were given me that tbe rotes of Minnesota, Indiana aad Michigan are-absolateJy sare for Bryan. Should Mr. ! Bryan not loseaay of the border states, the j vote of Indians atone, in addition, will elect him. The votes of the other states will simply ad 1 to a s laajorilr. Mr. Bailer frankly said that he did net -care to express any positive opinion about i anok or Iowa, because the information received coneerafsa; those two states Wat of each a mixed aatare mat be bad not formed any.

Mark Baoaa has captured the National of-ScersoftbeA. P. A , bag and bagsage, aad they are preparing to ciicajato aa ofibnl at­tack apoa Mr. Bryan, which win" uauraetly appeal to A F. A. men to vote fwlfadOater. It has beau knewa to Mr. Bryan's for seow time that this aeooa wa plated, bat tbey have not deemed dm matter of aaatoat imp artanee to try to preveat i t ufactsaam«fBasmsakmktteA.P. A. at-tackeal lcBryaa wig make a great many more vetes Jar aha than against hhu, aad awfoc that reasoaiatla«r disposed toweteome it.


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•!i i r ' t v i . n r . . f th . - •' r i"

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U«h 'inii th- it. in i in 1* n:td c i r ' - i t ' i i - ' i ' i ' . « , »ht>:jl>l m i l . - • • : "•

nit'Ilt nil tin' flirt' ur iifid in •'•• cm*. J;«ni<M Frntiiati. f.* .1 ni!.!i!» r ••( ?• •• empl'tyrtl « a hr:«k.ni*'.n »;i th. «H<!« "!"i'} I>i\i I'll of the XfW V.trV. V»» l l n « and II«tf'..r«l lUiiroatl. Tiiis o-iitlem-m had Ix-.ii al!Ti«n«l with nah-rhenna from infanfy an i iii- M,».id had a tie. jd«i teodt'ticr i.» huif'T-. in addition to which the f i f t - ^ t rii-trn. t.-r of hia oo-npntioa prwawted an sg-CTHVSI.I attack of mtturaLur rhmnntiwn whi.-h thrntteaed to d«*«r«»y his n»rfitlo*«ii and d.t.rirr aha of thin ateana aflirt-lihonl.

Bat Wamiag of tin- rewarkaMe testi»».>ity

i - .

in i «n v

i r i i t. r.

* t . f

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whi.-h had !»-"n riv.-a to theeUVaey of IH-. WiUiaii.-*- Pink Mils far Pale Prnpie »h- n-ever trie.1 for these and kiadrvd duacoltica. particularly such aa arise B o a aa impaver- ' tsheii or di<.i.-d!>r<<tl eendMioa of the blood, be was iadniv I to try taem, aad tbe result has I fcet-B no craiifVins that he baa htmm* a piont-er in r^tnameadiaf them te hi* fellnw < workmen, who thronffh bia words and the ; manif.-it results of his example hare shawa :

a coosunt IT rnrresMitg as* of the pills. f fa vifvr of the degree m" attention which •

tte m*p attracted, partiewlarij' ia itm eOVct of. promirtinc thr use af the pills SBtor.r niea whs are not in tbe habit af takmg aardk-inc, tbe cireum«taiK*« were aVeaaed worthy of persatnl inv.ittieatiaB, aad accordingly » re. Barter miulc a full at tbe ca«y banc of Mr. Freemsn. at '233 8hawnteat Arraae, Boataa, Mass.. tshfre h<> aad hia wife were faaad ta he thoreuKhly fret and aarrarrred hi atanag the fa.-i^. and moat eardial ia niawu fMi—i af tbe Pink Pills.

"Yea, it H true," bs said ia ramose te inquiry, ''I hare the greatest aaaamrttaa ia

K'rinsr my word as t» what Dr. UTilHaaaa* ink Pills have dooe"for aar. I have a* pcr-

sonal interest ia speaking akwot the asattar except that I feel irratefal sar am earn they bare caused, and I tfaiafc it hi aalr rigfat that I sboaid try and let sthera have the same opportunity tor benefit as mjmW b re­gard to tbe origin af his ass afthe Hak PQls he remarked:

"I was ant led ta try a certificate fmaa a ManSJ pabliaheil ia the j s g w a , aad I same thing that woald help ate.

"I aerded te eaaditioa of the The fact ia that aqr laaadbasbMafa very aaaasry aasare sua a BBOS assa awaaafea utm salt4henm aaaa iBBBna/. My

r r ti' I ' . >•• r t . i; . r r I-. i n . .• -fi

\m I t - - K ti • " -' B ' i | . t I i 1- • •>!• •

p i : . ( ii •>« * , . f . . ' -I .it I t i . j . t h i tv -u ! f i t • ; h n l « . t . «

" I) .- r>*i.l« v i, tlmf I »»« .»ial.ie.i t. U-t.tfl f.i nir «"t-k u « t rak.tn* '.ft »h«- ^»ni, nil,ill Vntt !»•• :\ r«..j'nrr« a !••*»» frr«> »••• ' k l h i l l t l • i n ; m, a n d I fouri-l »! 1 f " . r-ai i.- :»llh and *|ir:;« t..n«^f up

" i n the ear! •• |-rt,-!« »f takittr the |.i!N I t.».L .-lie aa a«i<— mnl latterly I _n.-rHtord to t«i> and tbea thrt»«. th^ t<«in«r raWi t«-tag alt the atreajprr without any ^tamgraiahh> enect

' I * w » fieaasd «ith the reanha of tba Pink Pill* in a»y caae that I r -.«a»eooVd them t<> all tbe railread mew aad .-then, wrtb-ia my knonledfe mat I kaew would Reed tb«ir I- n. fit. Aa a wawajat iw a«He a aaaa-ber u can their aar, aad warn all that 1 hear their cfTecta were very aafwabi liny, an Okat I doaht not tbey woaW he willing to rriafciin my certificate with their awa teatiaa—y. **

Mr. Frt^tnaa's reaaarks wew «wrr itiniraSad at inttrraU by Ma wia>, who was aart<et -pant in tbe t iantiaHiuq aad aaaaifcsvy •bared kis geawhac t ire t***maf wbieb i and fcr which the name af Dr. Wi l l

H f f taWusaUaBly • • • I t u S u f V C f l aaatuf M r mmW

l o r ttn*r<JNuV

• f dSMf^Jf* by bat T Uat doable usjTfNHr t m j

wUaV the th* Pink P u n

reaaba wbieb tba Wak PtSs bat* braayht aw-thmlesareaduV give an aaMera hraW a Kotaay a* ahat eaWt. AH wha know aw aad the atsimiilii afary esse will, bow. aUOraaa*1 aBaaUU annSBrwnBaaVaat aWaanaaaank BUBBUI #^B«haad) aaV*


m cms tar

n a k P B l s sanav all dw eteaaeata awee bsaaf] ririMeai *s the htaod

They areaa BDauhag

iaaeaav savytajErae and i

pass an seeelpt m avaca, n esass a baa, er six• haaea fir Ctn7daey am a m r aaM to


APOLIO Bew Variety Store!

t » » « »

O i l t h e fir^t .di*v o f »Julv I o p e n e d t o t h e p u b l i c a c a r e f u l l v s e l e c t e d s t o c k oi '

Voiioly and D6^tliiT8nl Store Goods, At No. 31 Bridge Street,

An<i a > k t t e p u b l i c f o r t h i r p A t r o o a > z e . W i t h a, ^ tor t*

e e c o n i i t o n o n e , a u d t h e Vi?ry be . - t o f f o o d s , I rhaJ l e n d e a v o r

t o p i e i s e • 11 > a n d a ' l .



rLATTSBDKGH, «f. Y. WBl cleanse the scalp and hair forthe ladies at ' their homes and give a shampoo if desired. AU. \ will treat their complexion. Orderf by mall uulv. f M Court street. Plattsborxh. !

Ibavebaen rerr tnach pleased with MM Kluic ' T J — ^ - _ f c t l A. * V flea's treatment of niy head. She has cored me I r f O m p t r a y m e i l t 0 1 L o S & e S . of a bad atate of the scalp. i * w ~ «*»»wnw«.

o~_ , « . Maa,U.B.00LLIS8. Sept. 1SSC. WaabinsUHL D. C.

Parkliursl Taylor, A. M. WARREN. INSURANCE AGENCY, Bookseller, Stationer and

successors to A. u. PLATT & Co. Newsde«iler.

General Insurance, Marion Block, Clinton Street,

to dinner?" sbo at the door, "If not to-

ask him for praucrrow. I c a n t wijfaQat m y Trttawny. "

--'• I**-fmummBBSBeBB



TEHCHEB OF MUSIC. * ^ Ui iMWm ®*WM. tes«^iMj«ivcaiDr^B0t0rjraD&UarrE'i> ! u l l | l « j « l l w i l

Bsperial attention given to be^intien- ^ well as to advanced pupils

f o r terms and hours apply at or si'.irt -t-83 Couch r3tr«t,

PutrrsBUBOH, S Y.

THOMA^KILEY, Piano Tuner and Repairer. R

I'MJ t rs a:.d Hmpazmt;-, Am<riraii »f d Fiir<,^'!i. t* j urilietK-rt)' prieea.

Fa.Ti til d's tillid I'tCB.

K.'ai.a 11-niks. Memoranda «ud P«-a IJ •. : - *•; n !al rulinij tu '.rdtr.

Iri'.. - • f -..• k . m d ^ .

t> U .*i 1; ;i:id SUti.i^rat-U.-rt." rVn* i» . : - i i - fr«-|H- ami l i - . ^ . . ,».»;•.,-V •:,- i n : <ii*.>^ ,'t Alht'iji <ib M»:. .-

f a t l : . r • r -

>:• r I.J; > .v.r N .vc.t«> »ud >«.-t» ft m th.- »% i.itinjr Mitiiufiwiuiiiiij < ...

-N« A il •• k- rut . t t . l *? i..».ri »- > .!.-


to ti ia this

years of aneeaarful in PlatUburrh

Orders by Mail or Telephone attended to.

Agenta for the old, nli»h!e Travel, r . Life, Accident and EtnpVijiT.s lv-.:.<:.i<\ Coaspaay. Also f<>. th<- Anchor Lit;i- • ' Steaasera-


I I i K>»>kS H L . ! > r l i . .

at j . -j. i.»r I I . i . i i . « r * . . . .

•!. tim.i. N i ' . ' v c i y .

rif.»Tavm.' • f A i M i-.v

Selling Out, A. M. MfAHREN,

7 0 Margaret Street

WSur aja*.

MJm VlaOt> m U U I DOMliaaBal i n rimXlmOurgU fitMl n q - atjmnnl ». aaBnanai am ~-

ftS* S ^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ S ' ^ ^ m W . * t - r a e Aso„r.saeat af . e n ' s w o . e . ' s ! C E / w T R A L M A R K E T . •rate. Battoatea giren on aptalaateerfat^M. I »"d t falldnaN w • • • * • » aasouBSUUa. I v

and f falldrt •*«

BOOK, SHOES AIM fifffifiESS.: * * * E E F E & co.. p,oprV At-o a uar A—,...»-..t ••' * ***** * B r l < * * * " 4 ***** W r w t a .

tT kS- i J r» i i P U T T S B U H C h N

Harness, Singie and Double. LNMher Mrapa, HarM> tulUra aa<

Harness Fhidlu*-, Which will f« &M i KliY 4'JfKAi:

l.I-i.'ll-'-. Ull.l

m gtrea on applieaooa for re-aeflona. ©to. Leava ordera at

StaraJjCUntoaat. Platarbaraa.

MYfiA A. BRENAN, Pabiic Reader aod Teacher

of Elocution, to make eagaawsaenu witb Ba­

it Conuoltteea. Sir Cborchea, BoeJ-S, Lodaea. Concert Coaapaales. ete^ aaw he ancaced for an Eattaa nrealna: er fa aSetloii with other talent. Attdreaa, aa-

M H * Voraa. H. V tut


BsMl IlMllKI i l l t

Leather, lt-i-.i Un,> Oooglas >ln«-H will i hand at

• i ; oih.-uiiiiiv mi


ttirfij M i ! Brabr. , (tVfD_„

MM. pttfmbmy fn mm

i § OliiitOD Street,

* % •

LaForces New Place, No. 71 Marytrtt Street,

Over tba AUHTI. an < luthutx Store Call and exaimii.- mir i Mdn before j.ur •iaawhere.

i»t f 1


LwberTards, fUTISBPKfiH, K. Y.

JOealern a t W h o l e s a l e a a d R e t a i l i n

gWHTOMBRH will * ! • - . ,* du.i »• - i . . . w-» Uarket a cum,-. MIWII.H. m!,a ru • i pty of * i'Vaiah. a a d **»it M ^ . n M .

* ' r ^ » h a n d Mi.Jt Kiat„, •*«»«ltrr Mil l < , i k u . . .

Orwtairaj i n I b o i r •>« ,» . , , . , \V**. . |^-avala* m u l l£wt H i l .

B»rlr V'atsMtut.le.a, I tuttatr . •• «!fc», C h a e a o . aeo. , * » .

2^PA ,n* T*" *" •f""1 to anlt run, a . , , . rneea aa low aa tti« loweat

- £ ^ i * < * • *•"»•'•••< "» ««V pmn ot , t , . . , , All at* tavtt^ to «ail.

punswiieH MCK co. C O A X,

A t W h o l e o a J e o r R e t a i l A l t . asca* v t a a - i T i a a a a u a c u a a n

attf. ABO 0 U U B . ALSO,

Salt; Lime. Cement, Oil, Ac. M V f l M A l l r w U V i S M K f .

•ad Owuffrml

• * i . A T T « a l u n i o N. a v .

•M. toprdttt, jr,

"V^H RH #Hi Mttt |
