Utica NY Daily Gazette 1846- 1847 - 0543909765465543765487657658486547658765765

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Transcript of Utica NY Daily Gazette 1846- 1847 - 0543909765465543765487657658486547658765765

  • 8/12/2019 Utica NY Daily Gazette 1846- 1847 - 0543909765465543765487657658486547658765765



    R. NORTH WAV A> CO.,ALEX. SEWARD, Editor. -. 132 Chnes* ttrett^o* the Can**, l/rton.

    T F R M S . '''The'DULY GAZETTE willbedeliveredto7 .' rtiPHVB.DOLLABSper annum, payabe

    af 20 lines 1tune^

    For^"r^ rf i~? n,00th ''F ^ a n e ^ r f * 1 1 ^ ^ :Card,notexceeding,forI

    . . . f 0 601 251758252 *BOO760

    10001200tinea, inserted at

    U T I C A ,N Y.TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24, J816. NUMBER2f4.Lifeand Fire Insurance.

    rpHK MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCEJL OOMPAN V,or Nsw You*. No44 Wall auThe sett accuundaied preuuumsofthu l . l*the Agency for lhis cityand itsv ic in i t y , w i l l beh n ppy , at nil t im es ,to g i ve f u r ther informntion t o a n y w h o m a y des ireamore |>crtoctk n o w l e d g e uf the new plan;a nd hopes thatan o * h-ith e m i n d s oft h e m a n yw ho -have heretofore, from so me cause, negle cted to avail

    ForSale^ To Reat.Sk TO Rr.NT.A vttv P L E A S A N TTWOu ry br ick h u s e , qu i t e n e w , a n d l.icatedinai Je* ir jbU n e^h bu rh o id , atlo w r vn t . M os t ofthef u n m w e en ube u ou gk i ,if deeered ,atvery rra a ona b l ep r i c e s a* I b e uccupant intend * h>b u * rd . E n s m r eath o G a xeQ B u d kc L 'u < , O e t . . 1 4 t b ,1 J * 4 6 . atliM^IvTO R EN T T HE L A R O K S T O R K NO .strict, nroi>erty could be divided if required..Alsoa first rate dwelling house, with gardenandgntund*. Ter m* liberal. Fnmiireof>ug 7tf C. P.WETMURR, at Yorkville.T i g y T O L E T T H K UTORBNo . 118Ciii^.j a i , es .treet, atalow rent." T he location ia in thecentre of bumness yil iBifl nt4he most ileslrahlein thecity. Enquire at No. 122 Genesee, cornerofLiberty t r e e 1 , . *_ . _ jy20dtf

    T O L E T A NUMBER 6 r GO O D D W I L -Inn Hall , June 1 9, 1846.rpHE LONGnsL^ANblNSURANCECOMPANY.-Offiw,4 1FuUonstT r okTyhTCapital, 200,000, withaeurpiu*B.'W. bauiATBa , President.E. C . - F I K N ,Secretary.lyfiit. c COMMODIOL'BJEHL d^THiing housein Whitesboro street, two door*west of ike Haok-ofX'tica:a more desirabe residenceis not found in the city. InquireofWILLIAM BAKER,-_"..niy_15tf. ,Z U&ce Wanlnngt n Hall, Broad st.IBirmf i>ui ]r nilmmftJT^far ms for*aie or to axenange for city iroperty.

    No . 14Libertyst.to25,1846.narchJgLXQ X T ^ - T H E ^ t * e WTORTrTorrriSa L dwelling house No. 63 Broad street,at averylow rent. Possesio n given immediately._ m y S _ WALKER A LAKE. 129 Geneaee st,M T O L E T A N U M B E R orOOODJs K Dwelling-houses on Hotel and other streets indie city, from die firstofMay next. EnquireofH. HURLBURT,Office over BrenJnaU.d McCcll and'a Hat Store.

    March II. FOR

    ia dns seqwlu>die attraction* ofournn-derate tliar ge*.A large aA>ainent of new good* for Fall and WinterWearareode red fi>rinapectkin, coinprifiiig Chahmcut oneof the

    K B iraordlsjsiry l>:*cV*)rlee)aU 5lsa-Mr Uyard, an En^wh gcntkmn, ISMforUe ta t imvlve monttw t en parBatngChe track--hrst laid openbyM.HOURatNimrovd, otmr.Muul,.MItlie Tirt. Hi*cxc*v*\yoahrwnot otilv ettled theprecise po-.troo of Nme-veUth veryfxiatetv^of which harlhrfninliUic Uttterihanavajwe historic dreambthave brought to light aonie fttjla htiilsiiaga,..scofpteffea, an

    JXXUUHU received at CunaUntinople, eeaattnotitha *mce, and c^rotBonicaued tot he AUBBii-eumof Saturday last, Mr. Uytrfd had discovered an entrance formed bv twicent winged, human, b*oded lion*.This entrance led him intoabat) a bore 110f'aa>

    .culiaray vantageaoffercd by thi.compan yara. ^ S S t S ^ .1. A guaranteejcapiul. _^ ^__5. ~An- anu a/ participatioa in die profit*.~" 3.Nondbvin iaJxsponeiTtUty,beyond the amount o f

    the Old Hardwarr1Stand,92Genesee street.Thev will be soldjrery l ow, and nowis thetimeporchaMo. Call and see .Ltica, April 24, I>*6 DANA , SON &COSILVER PLATING P O K E I*TH E B ESTstyle ami workmanship..Harness 'tYimmn^MofH kind* r-fr"r n,mv nt"-toJ

    Alsoforsale a great variety otvery desirabe, which will be *o1dlow, and on.Apply to.HOPPFJvery

    -Printing prease* furnished, also steam engines ef dieest approved patterns.COCKCROFT4 OVEREND,derarHr 68-Anu * irevt .J. W. TRACY

    "atdieOldHardware Standy 92 Genesee utreet,byDANA, SON A CO.,

    LOCKS L O C K S D A N A.S O N6 ZC O .are now abe to-furni b Lock*inany ooantity prquality from twenty-fire eeijj*fOTwuhuncfred and fifty%her v/ our own tarnutacttire

    jul6V}tfe * i X l > L E 1 \ S T O R E S No. 18A ND 20 OWJSaV Gene*** street, fnmting on Wood-market;andNo. 4, m Whuesboro street, of',MiUer'$ Block."Al*o,*everafl wclung-noo *e allo w rejit*. Pons as i onfrom1stof MaVnex t Enquireof _**.i-Feh. 2. JOHN B. MILLER.

    FOR S A L E , AT A B A R O A I K , A S O O Pbrick dwell ing house in goid cowdrSua andia a

    'fff the late firm of. W. V\. ChesUTtf Co.TN MT ES AT TENTION TO A LARGEA A*ortn.iitof ._- - eA i tPfTTTN^ ^ r^ wmcLOTITST-Sc:--whiahhe* rxove theHoapitaL 5wdp> t y York, Oct. 23.1,16*6.

    hut noti.in: thna far haa occurred to pot themin hostilityt oGeneva.The Grand Council metio-day. Itsfirstcare will naturallybe toestablishadefinitegovernment. M. Fazy, who is at the beadofthe present government, la a TreocKtrtaobybirth, and tnok an active part imh e Paris rev-olotjaoof 1830. .J R O I L O E .Woot>Drvioir_pT THE ARarr.The advance of the army under Gen. Wool ar-rived at tho Rio Grand* on th*>Qh irfr Tbey


    pteasani part o t t he c i t y .a p4dt frp o'LEsee street

    Enqtttretw"O. M. BENEDICT.

    Banks can.>e furnished jjjdxhank door-locksn)ii sl-^to Day's, Jones',orany -jther kind, at aboutthe price, and warranted good.

    T * E ' S T RE Nt*TfC m -This Stori1isaituated in the centreofall reaper. > a most de^nrfcftffccation. eiy. Enqerire at No.122L. -iu t. " tfrs ninaltone half

    4. Those who insureloraless period dian life, par*aictioiaataeauaUyinthe annual profitsofdie company._The Sauldus company confines its business excru-nedy to Insurance on Lives, andallInsurance ap|r-to Lire

    landA Edtnowds.

    Mineral knobs^funusberl, with locks, at menufaetar-eTs*prices. T~,Utica. Nov. 28. 1946.

    PwGenesee,comerP R OS P E erU i L or TH ESE COND StJ=-R1ES,ibittlKRlrCAX JOLR.XAL OFLocks wiltesilver plas^ AmHtnt^rwajra^a-^^ b > f ? ^ o r '

    CUAC^H& CARKJAG E *R I M M I N G S .,,, l lMI e (J l l l t l z n | )m D c r S Mn a u2 1 J^5,000 yards broad anJ narrow Laee, al so Bands, I Ma"*1 MlTi t'Bl/i S*ptrmhrr *"* VTT-TLamps, Ghna~ Frames, Iixnd tSprings, Axles, Rubber Coth,everything needed by carriage makers, for sale at a r eduction from former prices Dashers, TuTuTalleeble Iron,andSIUJMA *, B.iit\.uuA3r,-3r., and JAMBS'DHL)AA,at New Haven, Congj -~The Second Serie s bfih irt nng eataboabed Journalcommenced ondie firstofJanuary, 1646, aad will bejHiehedin*ii numbers annually, namely, inJanuary, ~ "~* bar ef each'

    T R U S T E E S .

    " DANA, SO N & CO.,offi *r dw e. Cutlery, and Cabinet-Ware,deaJaraiav NaiU ssJn isaaatir, liajrdn^gSB*wai)j^-92

    Daca.z. P L Y O N .Tailors, No.96T. H O P S B R I No. 10Blee cksr atraet. For das pnr-aad sale of aD kinds af Reel Estate.v -N. rTTTOWNSENa),Devarenx Block.iUatCaaaJ,

    JamesD . P.Ogdso,^H.W.Hieka,A. Norrie,*P Mr^etroore,Robert B.TotemanM. a.Rolerts,

    RichardE.Purdy,O. BaahaeJURichard Irvia,D. A.Comatpck,

    - i James Harper,mrr;Wm.H.AspinwaU,Taos.W.Ludlow,C. F.'Lindaley,A. MLM asavensmtJohn Cryder,R.H .Morrii,SpeacerS. Benedict,4- adoring Andrews,1 HenryE.Bogart/ . D P.OGDEN . Preatdent1 A. M.MERCHANT, Visa

    .-Lrw i s BSXTOSI, Secretary.POarr FBKBBIAW,Actuary ' BTEftMAL BXAstl ifsTBi .George Wilkas,M. D-23 Laigbt street .OraaiiaaR. Bo ^J JL lL ,^S t Msrki Plare.

    Each number will contain frora 140 to 150page*,making annaslly tw volumes of 430 460 asareaeacb,fully illustratedbysntcrariags, as the suhjarta may re2,n s m ^ - . - . ^ay e a r > MThi* Journaliaintendedto be afaithful recordo fAmerican and Foreign Sci ence. The ''iSruwrillc/n -telUgeacc,"will containasummaryrf tf \ t fPrrrstcalScience afaome and abroad. .Theai deft heu***:sb and the latter as bis w itne sses, andfrf +tr:e TmsTrspecting bride w^a~^a rja*r to**>'Run :an lover bv this false priest. Two year*k i n d * .

    the Geoeotl became tiredofme wife,and desired her to return to her father's i


    TOOO sides Sole Leather,ofall we]tOOOaidas of Wax Uaa-sr.100JJ J iasihiTfP kr -,,100doe-Hesal oek and Oak tanned, finished CalfTrder TathaasAWalker's Shoe Thread,Nos.

    10 aad12 . 'Horoceas, Lining*, Btadiaarmand Fiadiags.TaanerV aad Curmra' Tool*.Sbnemakera' Kit aad Fiadiag a.f> u^*pring1*purchaae , &ad fbraale m\ No. 35"Geast. Utica, by _April26 HUftBELI. ACVKRXN -OR RTto

    .,*. nii*jr-+.^t T>e*i' if