Utah Farm Bureau News

Trade Matters: An Agricultural Necessity 14 Baxter Black: Price of Hay 13 Utah Farm Bureau News MAY 2011 VOL 57, NO. 4 Photo courtesy of Matt Hargreaves Weber County Farmer John Diamond stands next to his fields where he raises beef cattle, alfalfa and his son manages a pheasant and chucker hunting business. Diamond spoke to UDOT, EPA and other planning officials on the potential impacts the West Davis Corridor would have if the final route chosen ran through his property. See story on page 5. Farmers prevail in court decision on EPA livestock rules Budget resolution brings changes Wolves & “wild lands” fall in federal budget battle Inside: National Perspective 3 Farm Bureau at Work 5 Member Benefits 8 Baxter Black 13 YF&R Focus 19 Classifieds 27 By Randy Parker CEO, Utah Farm Bureau Fed. WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a major court victory for the American Farm Bureau Federation and other farm organizations, a unanimous federal court of appeals has ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency cannot require livestock farmers to apply for Clean Water Act permits unless their farms actually discharge manure into U.S. waters. The ruling was welcomed by the American Farm Bureau Federation, National Pork Producers Council and several other agriculture groups that filed suit against EPA in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. “For the second time, a U.S. Court of Appeals has ruled that EPA’s authority is limited by the Clean Water Act to jurisdiction over only actual discharges to navigable waters, not potential discharges,” said AFBF President Bob Stallman. “We are pleased that the federal courts have again reined in EPA’s unlawful regulation of livestock operations under the Clean Water Act. The court has affirmed that EPA, like other federal agencies, can only EPA LIVESTOCK continued on pg 3 Farming Future in Question? In a showdown just hours before the threatened April government shut down, western Congressional members led by Utah’s Congressman Rob Bishop were able to amend the Continuing Resolution (CR) to prohibit funds from being used to implement Interior Secretary Ken Salazar’s wild lands directive and to delist gray wolves from the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in several western states including Utah. Seemingly small on the national budget stage, both issues have been elevated due to WOLF continued on pg 12


This issue covers agricultural news in Utah relating to trade, congressional redistricting in Utah and its impact on rural communities, sand hill cranes, and more.

Transcript of Utah Farm Bureau News

Page 1: Utah Farm Bureau News

Trade Matters: An Agricultural Necessity 14 Baxter Black: Price of Hay 13

Utah Farm Bureau News MAY 2011VOL 57, NO. 4

Photo courtesy of Matt HargreavesWeber County Farmer John Diamond stands next to his fields where he raises beef cattle, alfalfa and his son manages a pheasant and chucker hunting business. Diamond spoke to UDOT, EPA and other planning officials on the potential impacts the West Davis Corridor would have if the final route chosen ran through his property. See story on page 5.

Farmers prevail in court decision on EPA livestock rules

B u d g e t resolution b r i n g s

changesWolves & “wild lands” fall in federal budget battle

Inside:National Perspective 3Farm Bureau at Work 5Member Benefits 8Baxter Black 13 YF&R Focus 19Classifieds 27

By Randy ParkerCEO, Utah Farm Bureau Fed.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a major court victory for the American Farm Bureau Federation and other farm organizations, a unanimous federal court of appeals has ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency cannot require livestock farmers to apply for Clean Water Act permits unless their farms actually discharge manure into U.S. waters. The ruling

was welcomed by the American Farm Bureau Federation, National Pork Producers Council and several other agriculture groups that filed suit against EPA in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.

“For the second time, a U.S. Court of Appeals has ruled that EPA’s authority is limited by the

Clean Water Act to jurisdiction over only actual discharges to navigable waters, not potential discharges,” said AFBF President Bob Stallman. “We are pleased that the federal courts have again reined in EPA’s unlawful regulation of livestock operations under the Clean Water Act. The court has affirmed that EPA, like other federal agencies, can only EPA LivEstock continued on pg 3

Farming Futurein Question?

I n a s h o w d o w n j u s t h o u r s b e f o r e the threatened April government shut down, western Congressional members led by Utah’s C o n g r e s s m a n R o b Bishop were able to amend the Continuing R e s o l u t i o n ( C R ) t o p r o h i b i t f u n d s from being used to implement Interior Secretary Ken Salazar’s wild lands directive and to delist gray wolves from the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in several western states including Utah.

Seemingly small on the national budget stage, both issues have been elevated due to WoLF continued on pg 12

Page 2: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News2 May 2011

Utah Farm Bureau News(ISSN 1068-5960)

Matt Hargreaves, Editor9865 South StateSandy, Utah 84070-3205

Phone Numbers:General Inquiries: (801) 233-3000Address Changes: (801) 233-3009Farm Bureau News: (801) 233-3003Classified Ads: ..........(801) 233-3010Fax: .............................(801) 233-3030FB News E-mail: [email protected] site: ...................utfb.fb.org

National Ad Rep:The Weiss Group9414 E. San Salvador Dr. #226Scottsdale, Arizona 85258(480) 860-5394 [email protected]

Local Display Ad Information:Jennifer Dahl(775) 752-3061

Utah Farm BureauFederation OfficersChairman and PresidentLeland J. Hogan, South Rim*

Vice PresidentStephen A. Osguthorpe, Park City*

CEO and Secretary/TreasurerRandy N. Parker, Riverton* Denotes member of the Board of Directors

BOARD OF DIRECTORS District 1 .................Scott Sandall, TremontonDistrict 2 .....................Rulon Fowers, HooperDistrict 3 .............................. Flint Richards, ErdaDistrict 4 ................ Rex Larsen, Spanish ForkDistrict 5 ............................. Scott Chew, JensenDistrict 6 ...........Edwin Sunderland, ChesterDistrict 7 ...............................Nan Bunker, DeltaFB Women’s Chairman ...Ruth Roberts, PenroseYoung Farmer & Rancher Chairman..

Dustin Cox, AltonPeriodicals Postage Paid at Sandy, Utah and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to the Utah Farm Bureau Federation, 9865 South State, Sandy, Utah 84070. Published quarterly for all Farm Bureau members (April/Spring, July/Summer, Oct./Fall, Dec./Winter). Published expressly for farmer/rancher Farm Bureau members and others who specifically request copies Feb., March, May, June, Aug., Sept., and Nov. All eleven issues published by the Utah Farm Bureau Federation in Sandy, Utah. Editorial and Business Office, 9865 South State, Sandy, Utah 84070-3205.

We h a v e a l l heard the Old English Prov-erb “Like a

bad penny, it keeps com-ing back.” Well, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and its view of its authority under the Clean Water Act are Amer-ica’s version of a bad penny.

For the old English, the proverb refers to a bad person who has left a town or village, but keeps coming back – again and again! For the EPA, like a bad penny, it keeps ignoring the courts, the Congress and its Constitutional authority related to the Clean Water Act (CWA) and keeps coming back – again and again. The reoccurring theme is EPA’s disregard for “navigable” and their broad view of “waters of the United States.”

T h e F e d e r a l W a t e r Pollution Control Act, more commonly referred to as the Clean Water Act (CWA), was passed in 1972. The act established the nation’s goals for eliminating releases of toxic substances into U.S. waters at a time when environmental stewardship

was lacking. By the mid-1980s, amendments to the CWA began establishing water quality standards. Implementation of the CWA was designed by Congress as a partnership with the states, many of whom like Utah were granted lead roles by EPA.

T h e 1 9 7 2 s t a t u t e frequently uses the term “ n a v i g a b l e w a t e r s , ” establishing the scope o f f e d e r a l a u t h o r i t y . Over-reaching federal agencies for years have tried to expand regulatory authority beyond navigable to include water features like intermittent streams, prairie potholes, sloughs and isolated wetlands. Farmers and ranchers are concerned this kind of regulatory expansion sought by EPA would target stock watering ponds, culverts and ditches.

N a v i g a b l e w a t e r s a r e d e f i n e d a s t h o s e that “provide a channel f o r c o m m e r c e a n d transportation of people and goods.”

Let’s be clear, the CWA limits federal jurisdiction to navigable waters of the United States and the courts have reaffirmed. To uphold this Constitutional principle and to hold the power grabbing federal agencies at bay, there have been years of court battles and millions of dollars spent in litigation.

In 2001, the U.S. Supreme Court re igned in the Army Corps of Engineers’ interpretation of Section 404 of the CWA related to wetlands permitting.

The Corps interpreted its “migratory bird rule” as authority to regulate isolated waters including isolated wetlands. The migratory bird rule asserted Section 404 covered all water bodies “which are or would be used as habitat by migratory birds that cross state lines.” In Solid Waste of Northern Cook County v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers the Supreme Court ruled the Corps’ interpretation exceeded its statutory authority granted in section 404.

Just a few years later, in 2006, in Rapanos v. United States, the Court upheld private property rights, finding that isolated wetlands that are not connected to navigable waters of the United States do not fall under the jurisdiction of the Army Corps of Engineers. The Court made it clear “waters of the United States” includes only those relat ively permanent, standing or continuous flowing bodies, such as streams, rivers, oceans and lakes.

Congress even got into the scuffle. Policymakers in the 111th Congress h a d t h e o p p o r t u n i t y to redefine “waters of the United States” and specifically the opportunity to withdraw reference to the term “navigable” from the CWA. Representative James Obestar (D-Minn.) introduced the Clean Water Restoration Act in an attempt to overturn the SWANCC and Rapanos Supreme Court rulings.

Randy N. ParkerChief Executive Officer

Thoughts: Like a bad penny

PEnny continued on pg 13

Page 3: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News 3May 2011

The Ag Agenda:Trade should matter to all farmers and ranchersBy Bob StallmanAmerican Farm Bureau President

F r e e T r a d e Agreements are the talk of the town — in Washington, D.C., that i s—and among the leaders of agriculture organizations across the country. But for folks fortunate enough to have a life beyond the ups-and-downs of national politics, the acronym ‘FTA’ doesn’t really mean much.

T r a d e i s s u e s , understandably, seem to get pushed to the background of farmers’ thoughts. Foreign trade is not immediately tangible. It doesn’t weigh in on day-to-day decision-making in farm operations, like cost increases and regulations do. And, many farmers assume trade issues are out of their hands.

B u t , A m e r i c a ’ s farmers and ranchers have a huge stake in global trade and the current FTAs wi th Korea, Colombia and Panama that are pending b e f o r e C o n g r e s s . Combined, the three agreements represent nearly $2.5 billion in U.S. agriculture exports. These FTAs should be in the forefront of every farmer’s and rancher’s thoughts.

N o t P l a y g r o u n d Politics

I recently had the opportunity to visit Panama and Colombia with a delegation of Farm Bureau leaders to show support for the pending U.S. trade agreements with both of the countries. The trip coincided with Farm Bureau’s efforts to get Congress to pass the Panama, Colombia and Korea free trade agreements as quickly as possible. We met w i t h g o v e r n m e n t representatives, U.S. e m b a s s y o f f i c i a l s , industry leaders and agricultural producers in Panama and Colombia to reinforce our support for the FTAs.

W h i l e e m a i l i n g , texting, tweeting and video conferencing all have their place in the modern world, for me nothing is better than a face-to-face meeting and a firm handshake. Being in the same room with the Colombians and Panamanians led to a fuller discussion on the challenges with the FTAs, while building trust with one another.

Both countries feel frustration that they n e g o t i a t e d t h e s e trade agreements in good faith four-plus years ago. They don’t understand why the U.S.

has held them up for so long. They want to be our trading partners, but, as one Colombian official told me, while t h e y w o u l d r a t h e r source their agriculture products from the U.S., they can’t wait forever.

In the meantime, our competition is going into these markets and establishing business and trade relations with Korea, Colombia and Panama, making it more difficult for us once our FTAs are passed. We won’t be able to swoop i n a n d s a y “ W e ’ r e ready now, drop those countries and trade with us instead.” This isn’t the schoolyard and Korea’s not biding its time with the European Union until America feels like playing.

Blackfoot to Bocas del Toro

Colombia is the top South American export market for the U.S. But, from 2008-2009, our exports dropped almost 50 percent because of the stalled FTA. The U.S.

market share peaked in Colombia in 2008 at 46 percent, but by 2010 it had fallen to 24 percent. Without a signed agreement, Korea (the fifth largest trade market in the world) and Panama are likely to follow suit. We’ve put ourselves in the position of fighting a defensive battle in m a r k e t s t h a t h a v e already been negotiated for our products.

This is not only a trade issue, it’s an important e c o n o m i c i s s u e , a g lobal compet i t ion issue and a matter of how the U.S. is viewed by other countries. It’s so important, that the American Farm Bureau has started a national campaign called “Trade Matters” urging Congress and the administration to pass all three FTAs by the end of summer. To learn more about the campaign and have your voice heard by Congress, visit: http://capwiz.com/afb/home/.

Tomorrow, when you are out tending to your beef cows, planting c o t t o n o r p i c k i n g cherries, think about where your products could likely end up. From Blackfoot, Idaho, t h e s e l f - d e s c r i b e d potato capital of the world, to Bocas del Toro in Panama, we are operat ing in a global market and the stakes are high for U.S. producers. Trade matters to American agriculture and affects all farmers and ranchers.

regulate where it has been authorized by Congress to do so.”

In the ruling, issued March 15, the Fifth Circui t concluded “The CWA provides a c o m p r e h e n s i v e liability scheme and the EPA’s attempt to supplement this scheme is in excess of its statutory authority.”

A c c o r d i n g t o t h e r u l i n g , n o n -discharging CAFOs ( c o n f i n e d a n i m a l feeding operations) do not need permit coverage. In addition, CAFOs cannot face separate liability for “failure to apply” for permit coverage, as EPA’s rule provided. Instead, where a CAFO does not seek permit coverage, the Clean Water Act imposes l i a b i l i t y o n l y f o r discharges that occur from the unpermitted CAFO.

AFBF legal analysts are cont inuing to review the ruling to d e t e r m i n e h o w i t will affect livestock farmers and ranchers, i n c l u d i n g t h o s e currently engaged in lawsuits with EPA. It’s uncertain at this time what EPA’s next steps will be now that major provisions of its CAFO regulations issued in 2003 have been vacated by the court.

EPA LIVESTOCKContinued from pg. 1

Page 4: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News4 May 2011

Page 5: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News 5May 2011

YOUR Utah Farm Bureau at Work

Utah Farm Bureau participated …with Weber and Davis County farmers and agriculture related businesses on a tour to show the potential impacts of a West Davis Corridor / Legacy North corridor expansion. Great participation from UDAF, UDOT, EPA, City management leaders, Weber and Davis County Farm Bureau leaders and many of the impacted farmers on the tour. Though the final decision of the expansion route is a few years away, Farm Bureau is hoping to persuade UDOT to use its originally designated and planned for Bluff Street route.

Utah Farm Bureau presented… a legislative update on water issues at the Utah NRCS Quarterly Staff meeting. Executive and Regional leaders attended the legislative presentation. Much of the discussion centered on transitioning agriculture water to municipal and industrial uses.

Utah Farm Bureau attended… Utah’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) board meeting. Leaders exchanged discussed current and future challenges associated with maintaining a sustainable production agriculture industry within the state of Utah. Several issues discussed included: international trade, Clean Water Act, Conservation loan programs, water development projects and various commodity market trends.

Utah Farm Bureau and four county Farm Bureau Presidents… from northern Utah met with United States Fish and Wildlife Service leadership at the Bear River Bird Refuge do discuss viable options for the Service to work in partnership with landowners in the Bear River drainage in preserving habitat and species. A primary option was the potential in securing federal conservation easements.

A leader of Utah Farm Bureau is appointed… by the Governor to sit on Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands (SITLA) Nominating Committee. This committee met to evaluate candidates that will eventually serve on the SITLA Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee identifies and submits two candidates that are forwarded to the Governor. The Governor makes the final decision on which of the two candidates serves on the SITLA Board.

Utah Farm Bureau attended… the first of many Legislative Redistricting Committee meetings. This 19-member committee will ultimately submit a proposal to the full legislative body later this summer or fall during a Special Legislative Session. It is anticipated that the legislature will pass a bill during the Special Session that will redefine district boundaries for Utah’s four Congressional seats, 29 Senators, 75 Representatives and the 15 State Board of Education seats.

Utah Farm Bureau attended… a lunch meeting with Utah’s new United States Senator Mike Lee. Utah’s Department of Agriculture and Food sponsored the lunch meeting and invited many agriculture leaders. Senator Lee fielded questions on America’s deficit and budget concerns, global trading, constitutional rights, maintaining public land access and reducing additional public lands, commodity prices and recent state sponsored immigration legislation.

Utah Farm Bureau attended… the first of many spring/summer Executive Water Task Force meetings. Utah Farm Bureau is a member of this Task Force. These meetings are held under the leadership of Mike Styler, Director of Utah’s Department of Natural Resources. This meeting was to identify water issues that need review this interim before the 2012 legislative session convenes.

T h e U t a h F a r m Bureau participated on a tour of the several proposed routes for the forthcoming West Davis Corridor to see the impact that some of the routes could have on longstanding farms in Davis and portions of Weber County.

The tour was organized by the Utah Department of Agriculture & Food, a n d w a s a t t e n d e d by representatives of Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), the EPA’s Denver office, city planning members, Army Corps of Engineers, and others.

UDOT has recently i n d i c a t e d i t s t h r e e preferences for proposed routes for the West Davis Corridor, abandoning an earlier plan which was identified by a 2001.

All three currently proposed routes will intersect and impact

Utah Farm Bureau participates in tour of proposed routes of West Davis Corridor

f a r m s a n d m i c r o -climates in the area.

Utah Farm Bureau is afraid that a lack of consideration on the impacts the routes will have negatively impact many farms in Davis and Weber Counties – several of which are Century Farms. Farmers

including Charlie Black of Black Island Farms, Stan Hamblin of the Hamblin Dairy and Rulon Fowers made presentations to tour attendees on the impacts the proposed routes would have.

W h i l e t h e f i n a l decision is still two years away, the agricultural community is hopeful to work with UDOT and others to encourage them to go back to their earlier adopted plan.

Utah Farm Bureau’s Sterling Brown holds up a map of proposed routes for the West Davis Corridor as a farmer describes how it could impact his farm. Photo by Matt Hargreaves

Page 6: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News6 May 2011

U.S. farmers and ranchers are losing their market share and competitive advantage with Colombia, Panama and Korea because of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) which have been stalled in Congress or by the White House. These three markets are some of the most valuable and important for U.S. exports, especially for agriculture.

On a recent Farmer-to-Farmer trade mission I participated in to Brazil, Colombia and Panama, I learned the value of these agreements as well as the benefit in partnering with these other nations so that we are both better off.

It was great to see the resources these countries have and the different ways they go about doing things, but I could not help but feel that we as a nation were dropping the ball on great opportunities by not having these trade agreements in place.

While the United States is not opening markets through new trade agreements, many other countries are negotiating bilateral and regional agreements that are reducing U.S. agriculture’s competitiveness and market share around the world.

The result of not passing these agreements is lost agricultural market share and decreased U.S. competitiveness in these markets. As Roberto

Competitiveness of ag depends on passage of trade agreements

Henriquez Sasso, Panama’s Minster of Commerce and Industries put it, “if the U.S. has been waiting, we have not.”

Implementing these free trade agreements would improve our competitiveness and access in these markets. The delay in passing these agreements has already cost American farmers and ranchers hundreds of millions of dollars in lost market share. Failure to implement the agreements will mean a loss of billions of dollars in the future.

Farm Bureau must lead the charge to garner support for the passage of the Colombia, Panama and Korea trade agreements utilizing our organization’s advocacy resources. This is why the American Farm Bureau is launching the

“Trade Matters” campaign to urge Congress to pass the Colombia, Panama and Korea FTAs.

The bilateral trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea combined represent almost $3 billion in additional agriculture exports when fully implemented. These agreements eliminate tariffs, provide gains in market share and remove other trade barriers that have limited U.S. agricultural export growth to these countries. They grant farmers and ranchers in the U.S. the same kind of market access that producers in Colombia and Panama already have to our markets.

The potential gains from these agreements will only be realized if Congress

passes them. So, why is this important for the average person?

Agricultural trade is not only critical to farmers and ranchers. It is important for the U.S. economy and the creation of American jobs. Every $1 billion in agricultural exports supports 9,000 U.S. jobs including those of transportation workers, food processors, packers, longshoremen and even sales and marketing professionals. By passing all three trade agreements, Nearly 22,500 new U.S. jobs could be created.

P a s s i n g t h e s e t r a d e agreements also means leveling the playing field. Currently, U.S. products going into these countries face exorbitant tariffs just to get into these markets. Yet, while we pay tariffs of up to 160 percent to sell to the Colombia and Panama markets, they receive duty-free access to the U.S. market

Leland HoganPresident,

Utah Farm Bureau Federation

Utah Farm Bureau President Leland Hogan (far right) vis-its the São Miguel outside Brasilia. Pictured L to R: Scott VanderWal (So. Dakota FB President), Tyler Sorenson (São Miguel farm manager), Philip Nelson (Illinois FB President), Bob Stallman (AFBF President), Wayne Wood (Michigan FB President) and Hogan. Photo courtesy of AFBF

Page 7: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News 7May 2011for their goods. In Korea, tariffs of up to 500 percent are placed on U.S. goods. Passing these trade agreements would immediately eliminate most of these tariffs.

The agreements will benefit more than the bottom line of U.S. farmers and ranchers, however. Increasing agricultural exports will help to improve the overall U.S. economy and support and create jobs. Passing these agreements is no longer simply about the potential export gains, but about preventing the loss of existing export markets. That is why

“Trade Matters”.

How can I help?Farm Bureau

members, as a group with common interests, can be powerful influences on members of Congress. We are asking you as county Farm Bureau members to engage with your members of Congress to convey that passage of the FTAs is important to agriculture as a whole and to you as a voter in particular.

The time is now f o r C o n g r e s s t o approve free trade agreements with Colombia, Panama

UFBF President Leland Hogan (left) and AFBF President Bob Stallman look at some machinery at the São Miguel in Brazil. Photo courtesy of AFBF

and Korea. Through F a r m B u r e a u ’ s “ T r a d e M a t t e r s ” campaign, all Farm Bureau leaders and members are needed

to encourage your U.S. representatives and senators to pass these pacts. For more information, as well as links to connect with

your congressional d e l e g a t i o n , g o t o http://FBActInsider.org.

Hogan (right) makes point comments regarding agricultural trade to Elizabeth Mello, FAS Agricultural Attaché, (left) and the other members of the Farmer-to-Farmer trade mission while at a U.S. Embassy briefing in Bogota, Colombia. Photo courtesy of AFBF

Hogan (right) shakes hands with the a family member of a palm oil operation near Cartagena, Colombia. The trade group said the face-to-face meetings with government of-ficials, trade negotiators and farmers gave them a new per-spective on the importance of trade agreements the U.S. has negotiated with Colombia and Panama. Photo courtesy of AFBF

Page 8: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News8 May 2011

Member Benefit ColumnClear Value Hearing: An estimated 28 million Americans have a hearing

loss which can be treated; yet fewer than 7,000,000 use a hearing aid. You could be one of them. Now is a good time to take stock of your own hearing and seek help if you think you may have a problem.

You have a hearing loss if you frequently ask people to repeat themselves, often turn your year toward a sound to hear it better, understand people better when you wear your glasses or look directly at their faces, lose your place in group conversations, keep the volume on your radio or TV at a level that others say is too loud, have pain or ringing in your ears.

“People who see themselves in these statements should see an audiologist for a hearing test,” said Dr. Jerry Punch of the Department of Communicative Sciences & Disorders, and the Oyer Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic at Michigan State University. “Even a very slight hearing loss can have an impact on your daily life,” said Dr. Punch. “Hearing loss is treatable, and there is no reason for anyone to miss all the important sounds of life.

ClearValue Hearing and Utah Farm Bureau offer members and their immediate family a comprehensive hearing benefit program. With Farm Bureau membership, you are guaranteed automatic pre-approval into the ClearValue Hearing Healthcare Benefits program – at no additional cost to you. Members receive:

a. Up to 25% discount on hearing instruments manufactured by Starkey.

b. Free initial hearing tests and annual retests. 100% guaranteed fit (free 12 month remake), free hearing aid adjustments, 60 day trial, free bi-annual hearing aid maintenance, one courtesy case of batteries with purchase, one directional mic or a switchless telecoil. Free battery discount club membership -10% discount

c. Two-year full manufacturer warranty on hearing instruments d. Eligible for “FLEX” Plan spendingYour hearing and your health are important to us. That’s why Farm

Bureau, ClearValue Hearing and Starkey are dedicated to providing Farm Bureau members and their families with the most comprehensive hearing healthcare program available today! Call 1-888-497-7447 or visit www.Clearvaluehearing.Com for a list of the provider loCations in utah.

Member Activation Procedure: Farm Bureau members must contact ClearValue Hearing by phone, mail or email to activate their program membership.

1. Mail: ClearValue Hearing, 1010 A Broadway, Red Oak, IA 51566

2. Phone: 1-888-497-7447, TOLL FREE3. E-Mail: [email protected] more information please visit www.clearvaluehearing.com

or call 801-233-3010.T-mobile: limiTed Time offer for uTaH farm bureau

members: Get TRULY UNLIMITED data, talk and text (includes 2GB of full-speed data) for just $79.00/mo with a new 2-year agreement before June 7, 2011. Switch to T-Mobile and save 12% off monthly recurring charges*, plus get your initial $35 activation fee waived and FREE 2 Day shipping. Now thru June 7 save BIG with T-Mobile on a Nokia Astound – FREE after rebate; T-Mobile myTouch 4G - $99.99 after rebate; Motorola DEFY –

FREE after rebate. Dial 1-866-464-8662, option 3 and use Promotional Code 12832TMOFAV. This special offer is not available in stores or through www.t-mobile.com. * Device pricing require voiced and/or date activation and is after mail in rebate. Exclusions apply.

*FlexPay, EvenMorePlus and certain other plans are excluded.

Lagoon: All-day pass $35.10 includes tax. Regular price is $46.82. Not dated. Use any day during the 2011 season. Passes are non-refundable. SEASON PASSES: $ 95.80 includes tax.

Salt Lake Bees: Take the whole gang to a BEES baseball game! Call 801-233-3010 and arrange for vouchers. “Fun Vouchers” are just $5.00 ea. Or choose “Bees Vouchers” just $8.00 ea. for Home Plate or Box Seats.

Seven Peaks Water Park: Tickets will be available – pricing not yet determined

Legoland: $53.00 with 2nd day freeLegoland Park Hopper: $63.00 with 2nd

day free includes water park and aquarium San Diego Zoo: $ 33.50 Adult $25.00

ChildSafari Park: $33.50 Adult $25.00 ChildSeaWorld: $49.00 single day admission;

$59.99 unlimited visitsUniversal Studios: 3 days for $64.00.

Valid for 12 months from the 1st use. For additional information about these or

other Farm Bureau member benefits, visit utfb.fb.org or call 801-233-3010. Visa or MasterCard accepted.

Page 9: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News 9May 2011

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Action by the Senate recently passing a bi l l repealing the onerous Form 1099 requirement is great news for America’s farm and ranch families, according to American Farm Bureau Federation President Bob Stallman.

“ T h i s w a s a c o s t l y , burdensome and unnecessary tax compliance requirement that was counterproductive to job creation and economic growth,” Stal lman said. “Farmers, ranchers and small businesses are overloaded with paperwork, and we are pleased

Form 1099 repeal great news for ag families

that our leaders in Washington took steps to provide relief. Farm Bureau commends the Senate for passing H.R. 4, and we urge President Obama to sign it.”

The health care law contains a provision set to begin in 2012 requiring that businesses submit a Form 1099 to the Internal Revenue Service for every vendor from which they purchase $600 or more worth of goods or services. H.R. 4, passed by both the House and the Senate, would repeal this new requirement.

Passing of State Senator Dennis Stowell

The Utah Farm Bureau Federation expresses its condolences over the passing of State Senator Dennis Stowell. Stowell passed away at his home April 17 after a battle with pancreatic cancer.

S t o w e l l w a s a g r e a t advocate for agriculture and worked tirelessly at the state legislature to represent his constituents of District 28, which includes Garfield, Kane, Iron, Beaver, Millard and part of Washington counties. He was also vice chairman of the Legislature’s appropriations committee.

“Senator Stowell was a t remendous leader and supporter on Utah’s Capitol Hill. He was one of those legislators that reached out to me and Farm Bureau and included us in various issues in protecting ag interests,” said Sterling Brown, Utah Farm Bureau Federation Vice President for Public Policy. “He was, without question, the rural and agriculture leader on the Senate Floor. He always

made himself available to talk. We will miss him in Parowan, Iron County and Capitol Hill. Without question, he went

the distance representing his constituents.”

S t o w e l l w a s a c t i v e l y representing his district as recently as the week before he passed, calling in to the Millard County Farm Bureau to express some of this thoughts at the County Farm Bureau’s issue surfacing meeting.

The FBACT Insider website (www.fbactinsider.org) has been rede-signed for easier readability and quicker engagement on important Farm Bureau issues. FBACT Insider is a one-stop website for news, information and engagement.Our goal is to continue to provide value to Farm Bureau members wanting to engage on important issues.

In addition to a more user-friendly webpage, FBACT Insider will focus on providing election information to Farm Bureau members.

The FBACT Insider will continue to provide:~Up-to-date news from Farm Bureau, political news and other

information important to agriculture.~Background information on Farm Bureau issues.~Access to our FBACT Legislative Action Center.~Farm Bureau media resources.

FB-ACT Insider website now redesigned

Page 10: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News10 May 2011

Money Matters A special column for the Utah Farm Bureau News provided by USU Extension



By Darlene ChristensenUSU Extension Associate Professor – Tooele County.

The first step to getting credit card debt under control is to KNOW WHAT YOU OWE. Take some time to write down each of your creditors, the annual percentage rate (APR), how much you owe and what you normally pay each month. It may be a daunting task and seem depressing, but it is the first step to freedom from credit card debt. You can’t gain control unless you know where you are now.

Next, CUT DOWN ON SPENDING. It’s as simple as that. You have credit card debt because, for whatever reason, you have been living beyond your means. In order to get things back in control, it’s essential to cut down expenses. Start by putting together a basic budget-

Credit card debt? Pay it offlook at where your money is going and how you can keep those money leaks from happening. Not sure what you are spending money on? Track it by writing down everything you buy (from small things like convenience store sodas to larger expenses like your car payment.) Each time you spend any kind of money at all- whether it be cash, credit or automatic payment, write it down. This will help you to put together a more feasible budget for the next month. Take a look at things you can cut expenses on, such as cable TV, cell phones, eating out and entertainment.

Now it’s time to START PAYING IT DOWN. The most critical part of this concept is that you cannot still be charging on your credit cards. Put your credit cards away in a safe place so they aren’t easily accessible to

you. Most financial experts recommend that you pick the debt with the highest APR and start paying extra on that. Once you have paid off that debt, then take that money and put it towards the second highest APR creditor. Keep snowballing the money you are paying to creditors and you will find that it is possible to pay off credit card debt. Check out www.powerpay.org, a Utah State University Extension program that can help you organize your debt and look at possibilities for snowball payments.

KEEP TRACK OF THE DEBIT CARD. Although a debit card is handier than cash, it can lead to run away spending. Give yourself a budget and stick to it each day or week. Check your bank statement often to see where you are at. Try the envelope system for smaller items such as food and eating out. For instance, give yourself $20 a

day for food. Put $20 in 7 envelopes- one for each day of the week. When the money is gone- it’s gone. You can pull the money together to go grocery shopping, but just remember you are shopping on a budget and need to keep within your planned spending.

TRACK YOUR SCORE. Check your credit report each year for free at www.annualcreditreport.com. You can get a free credit report from each of the 3 major credit bureaus through this site. DO NOT be fooled by similar sites, which will require you to pay registration and other costs. You will need to pay a small fee if you want to see your actual credit score through www.annualcreditreport.com, but no other expense will be incurred. Read your credit report carefully and look for any mistakes. Learning from your past credit history can help you with your future spending plans.

Following these simple steps can be a bit of a challenge. Curbing spending is never easy- but it’s worth it. Good luck with your debt reduction plan.

SALT LAKE CITY – The Utah Department of Agriculture & Food (UDAF) is once again seeking proposals for the federally funded Specialty Crops Block Grant Program. Specialty Crops are defined as fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, horticulture and nursery crops (including floriculture).

The Specialty Crop Grant stems from the U.S. Farm Bill which authorizes the U.S. Department of Agriculture to partner with state departments of agriculture

$285,000 in grants available for specialty cropsto enhance the competitiveness of specialty crop producers in areas such as marketing, promotion, education, research, trade, and increasing child and adult nutrition knowledge and consumption of specialty crops.

I n d i v i d u a l p r o d u c e r s , producer groups, organizations, and associations, as well as state and local organizations, academia and other specialty crops stakeholders are eligible to apply either as single entities or in combined efforts. Each project

must demonstrate measurable benefits for the specialty crop industry and must assist more than just a single producer or company.

In 2010, 21 projects were awarded a total $285,000. This year again, approximately $285,000 of grant money will be available for the State of Utah on a competitive and application basis. Proposals & projects that assist new specialty crop producers or socially disadvantaged farmers are also

encouraged. Matching funds are not required but are strongly encouraged.

Grant proposals are due to Utah Department of Agriculture & Food (UDAF) by June 10, 2011

Application information and forms are available on line at http://ag.utah.gov or call David Bailey at (801) 538-4931. For more information on the program, go to the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) at www.ams.usda.gov/scbgp.

Page 11: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News 11May 2011

By Mark Petersen, Water Quality & Sensitive Species Specialist, Utah Farm Bureau Federation, & Howard Thomas, Water Quality Specialist, Utah Farm Bureau Federation.

In December 2009, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) completed its Oil Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) rule, which will have a regulatory effect on some farms and ranches. Affected farms and ranches will need to be in compliance to the new rules by November 10, 2011.

The stated goal of the SPCC program is to prevent oil spills into waters of the United States and adjoining shorelines.

According to EPA, SPCC applies to a farm or ranches which meet the following coverage criteria:

-Stores, transfers, uses, or consumes oil or oil products, such as diesel fuel, gasoline, lube oil, hydraulic oil, crop oil, vegetable oil, or animal fat; and

-Stores more than 1,320 U.S. gallons in above ground containers or more than 42,000 U.S. gallons in buried containers; and

- C o u l d r e a s o n a b l y b e expected to discharge oil to waters of the U.S. or adjoining shoreline, such as interstate waters, rivers and streams.

If your farm meets these criteria, then your farm is included in the SPCC rule.

Farms with more than 10,000 gallons in above storage capacity who meet the coverage criteria above will need to have an oil spill

EPA workshop seeks to provide answers for questions

relating to SPCC rulesprevention plan (SPPC Plan) certified by a professional engineer. If your farm has a total oils storage capacity between 1,320 and 10,000 gallons in above ground storage capacity, you may be able to prepare and self-certify your own plan.

What about milk? At this time, milk is considered oil because of the animal fats provision and would be regulated under the SPCC. However, EPA is in the process of reviewing a proposal that would exempt milk from SPCC regulation. Utah Farm Bureau is closely monitoring this process.

Mark Petersen and Howard Thomas attended an EPA workshop in Vernal on April 5th and can answer specific questions about your farm and the SPCC regulations. An information fact sheet for farmers can be found at www.epa.gov/emergencies/docs/oil/spcc/spccfarms.pdf. The fact sheet will be available at a water quality display at the Utah Farm Bureau Midyear Conference in Price. Mark and Howard will also be available at Midyear to answer question concerning the SPCC rule.

If your farm meets the coverage criteria above, UFBF encourages you to carefully review the factsheet and understand what you need to do to be in compliance. Farms that are found to be in noncompliance can face significant fines.

From Left to Right: Logan Jones, Secretary, Springville High School; Kaid Panek, Vice President, Westlake High School; Sawyer Peacock, Sentinel, Pleasant Grove High School; Josh Ovard, Treasurer, North Summit High School; McKena Woolstenhulme, President, South Sum-mit High School; and Morgan Peterson, Reporter, Juab High School.

Utah Farm Bureau welcomes new State FFA Officers

Page 12: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News12 May 2011

ongoing frustrations a c r o s s t h e R o c k y Mountain region.

Salazar’s December direct ive has been c h a r a c t e r i z e d a s elevating one of the C o n g r e s s i o n a l l y -mandated multiple uses of the public lands above other uses like recreation, mining and grazing. Even Salazar’s BLM Director Bob Abbey had to admit before Congressional q u e s t i o n i n g t h a t his agency has “no statutory authority” to elevate one multiple use above another.

A c c o r d i n g t o Representative Bishop, “ t h e S a l a z a r w i l d lands directive would

WOLFContinued from pg. 1

authorize the creation of de facto wilderness, locking up millions of acres, destroying jobs and paralyzing western communities.”

H e i d i M c I n t o s h , associate director of the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA) said the move won’t repeal federal law requiring BLM to inventory and protect wilderness. She further noted the wild lands defunding rider has nothing to do with the budget while calling its supporters extreme. McIntosh specifically referenced production of oil, gas and off-road recreational use, under the BLM’s multiple use umbrella, as “extreme.”

SUWA is currently

engaged in a multi-m i l l i o n d o l l a r public relations and advertising campaign aimed at increasing wilderness acreage in Utah - the most extreme and restrictive land use designation available to the BLM.

Mike McKee, Uintah County Commissioner, p o i n t s o u t “ federa l land u s e s c h e m e s l ike Salazar ’s ‘ w i l d l a n d s ’ order tramples o n s t a t e s ’ r ights , cos ts loca l j o b s , a d v e r s e l y impacts ranching and agriculture and denies revenues that fund education and support

local school districts. It’s time to start pushing back!”

The federal spending m e a s u r e ( H . R . 1473) that allows the government to continue o p e rat io n t hro u g h

September 31st also drops the gray wolf from protection under the ESA in Utah, Idaho Montana, Oregon and Washington – a result

of western frustrations with the state’s inability to control livestock and wildlife depredation. Trip Van Noppen, of Earthjustice says lifting a species from the ESA should be based on biology, not politics. Gray wolf numbers have far exceeded the biological numbers for removal from the ESA.

For a decade or more, radical and elitist environmental groups h a v e m a i n t a i n e d a vigil to keep the gray wolf on the ESA through litigation, legal maneuvering and court delaying tactics – not biology.

Salazar’s ‘wild lands’ order tramples on states’ rights, costs jobs and adversely impacts ranching and agriculture.Mike McKeeUintah CountyCommissioner

“and restrictive land

“and restrictive land use designation “use designation available to the “available to the Salazar’s ‘wild lands’ “Salazar’s ‘wild lands’

”jobs and adversely ”jobs and adversely jobs and adversely impacts ranching ”impacts ranching impacts ranching

Page 13: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News 13May 2011

Baxter Black: The high price of hay

On the edge of common senseBAxTER BLACk

In the southwest the price of hay can be daunting to horse owners. I keep our ranch horses up in the corral. When hay gets above $10.00 a bale, I actually weigh each feeding!

Clyde has a little band of broodmares on his southern California operation. His place is sandwiched by irrigated alfalfa fields to the west and 5,000 acres of desert to the east. To save money on his feed bill, the neighboring farmer lets him pick up ‘tags’ after the field is cut. Tags are what are left after the baling is complete.

One hot evening he and his faithful wife and horse lover took their old ’85 Isuzu 4x4 diesel pickup into the neighbor’s field to pick up tags. She drove slowly down the rows followed by Clyde who was pitchforking hay into the bed. She had to put the truck in first and low to keep it slow enough for him to keep up. It crawled along.

The ends of the rows where the baler turns garners the most hay. As the pickup turned sideways to Clyde, he tossed in a forkful. ‘It felt heavy,’ he thought. He glanced up and watched the hay float into the bed and a three and a half foot snake, carried by its own momentum, shoot out of the cloud of stems and leaves, arc through the open window and slap onto the dashboard!

He shouted a warning to his wife, which was not necessary, she was already half-way to the house! The truck puttered along in first and low. Clyde raced to catch up! Running along side the open driver’s door he reached in for the ignition. The snake was now in the seat and struck out at Clyde! Clyde fell back, snagging the toe of his right boot on the heel of his left, and cart-wheeled to the ground!

As he watched from the gopher’s eye-view, the little pickup banged over a border ditch, punched through the two strand hot-wire fence and shoved its way into the mare pasture. Upon seeing the clunking vehicle coming their way dragging 300 feet of hot-wire, the ten mares and one cocky stallion stampeded across the pasture and crashed through the hot wire on the other side! They escaped into the desert.

Finally, the little truck stalled. Clyde’s wife came to get him in the other pickup. It took them two hours to find and gather the mares, in the dark, and they went to bed exhausted.

Next day they went out to fix the fence. The Isuzu squatted calmly in the morning sun, both doors shut. Armed with a hoe Clyde opened the door as his wife stood by with a cell phone, sure that she would have to call 911 and report a snake bite victim. Clyde poked and prodded around in the cab, then carefully tilted the front seat forward. He screamed! His wife screamed! Then he fell back laughing, hysterical in relief. She peeked inside. A grumpy gopher snake looked up at her as if to say, “Why can’t we all just get along?”

The bill lost and the g e n t l e m a n f r o m Minnesota lost his re-election bid, after serving for 36 years in the U.S. House of Representatives.

So why the history l e s s o n ? L i k e t h e proverbial bad penny, they’re back again! Supreme Court rulings a n d C o n g r e s s i o n a l action, or inaction are not enough for these arrogant bureaucrats in charge in Washington DC. With the as yet undefined “significant nexus” standard of the Rapanos case as their weapon, EPA and the Corps are indeed back. They have teamed up to draft broad regulatory guidance on the Clean Water Act.

Utah Farm Bureau h a s c a l l e d o n o u r C o n g r e s s i o n a l delegation and the U.S. Congress to oppose this power grab recognizing i t a s a r e g u l a t o r y scheme to expand the reach of EPA and the Corps. One hundred and seventy members of the U.S. House of R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s , i n c l u d i n g U t a h R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s Rob Bishop and Jim Matheson, were part of a bipartisan letter

PENNYContinued from pg. 2

c h a l l e n g i n g t h e guidance.

H.C.R. 6, opposing expansion of federal CWA jurisdiction was passed unanimously b y b o t h t h e U t a h House and Senate in 2009 and signed by Governor Gary Herbert. Farm Bureau supported sponsors Representative Mel Brown and Senator Ralph Okerlund and their call for Congress to preserve the traditional powers of the states over land and water.

T h i s r e g u l a t o r y guidance is a road map by EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers to designate nearly all water bodies, and even some dry washes and gullies, as subject to more CWA permitting requirements, more litigation and surely will be an impediment to economic growth.

EPA’s and the Corps’ attempt to re-write the jurisdictional scope of the Clean Water Act while ignoring the courts and disregarding Congress and the U.S. Constitution is a slap in the face of the states, l ike Utah, who are proactively addressing water quality issues.

Page 14: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News14 May 2011


Farm Bureau launches ‘Trade Matters’ campaignWith U.S. farmers and ranch-ers losing market share and competitive advantage in key trade venues, the time is now for Congress to approve free trade agreements with Co-lombia, Panama and Korea. Through the recently launched “Trade Matters” campaign, all Farm Bureau volunteer leaders and mem-bers are encouraged to reach out to their U.S. representa-tives and senators to urge them to pass these pacts. When fully implemented, these agreements represent almost $2.5 billion in addi-tional agriculture exports for farmers and ranchers, and will support 22,500 U.S. jobs. For more information, as well as links to connect with your congressional delegation, go to FBActInsider.org.

U.S. growers anxious to reap benefits of U.S.-Korea free trade agreement

Of the almost $2.5 billion an-nually in trade opportunities for farmers and ranchers represented by the three outstanding free trade agreements—with Colom-bia, Panama and Korea— the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement alone would increase U.S. agricul-ture exports by $1.9 billion each year after full implementation.

The Korea-U.S. FTA was signed by both countries in 2007. How-ever, ratification of the deal was initially held up because Korean automakers resisted opening their domestic market to U.S. autos and concerns lingered about Korea’s non-science-based ban on imports of U.S. beef from animals over 30 months old. The age-related ban came after a complete ban on U.S. beef following the 2003 finding

of a U.S. case of bovine spongi- form encephalopathy.

Changes have been made to appease U.S. automakers, and, more important to farmers and ranchers, despite the limita-tions on U.S. beef, yearly sales into the market are in-creasing. Exports to Korea in January 2011 rose 63 percent in volume (11,975 metric tons) and 81 percent in value ($49.2 million) over January 2010, according to the U.S. Meat Export Federation.

“With the beef and auto issues out of the way, there is no reason for the president and Congress to hesitate in putting this agreement

through,” said Chris Garza, Amer-ican Farm Bureau Federation trade specialist. “In fact, there are millions of dollars worth of reasons for them to pass it.”

USDA estimates that every bil-lion dollars in agri-cultural exports sup-ports 9,000 U.S. jobs.

AFBF estimates the duty-free and reduced tariff access the FTA would give to U.S. agricultural exports would even-tually boost those

exports by nearly $1.9 billion per year. Corn, wheat, livestock feed, beef, cattle hides, pork, soybeans, cotton, and fresh fruits and veg-etables are among the top U.S. agricultural exports to Korea.

Farm Bureau leaders get a look at the productivity of Brazilian agriculture, as well as the regulatory challenges that Brazil’s farmers face, at the Saõ Miguel Farm outside Brasilia. Pictured left to right are Jeff Zimmerman, U.S. agricultural attache to Brazil; Tyler Sorenson, Saõ Miguel Farm manager; South Dakota Farm Bureau President Scott VanderWal; New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau President Mike White; Mike Danna, Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation information and public relations direc-tor; Utah Farm Bureau President Leland Hogan; AFBF President Bob Stallman and Michigan Farm Bureau President Wayne Wood. Illinois Farm Bureau President Philip Nelson, mostly hidden, is standing between Stallman and Wood.

Farm Bureau leaders impressed by Brazil’s agricultureIf agriculture is your busi-

ness, you can’t overlook Brazil. It’s the No. 1 exporter for a long list of commodities from coffee to poultry to ethanol and is gaining on the U.S.’ top spot in soybeans, corn and beef. That’s why, on a trip fo-cused on passing stalled free trade agreements, members of the American Farm Bu-reau Federation’s Trade Advi-sory Committee couldn’t go to South America without visit-ing their top competition.

“When you come here you realize that this country is just getting started. We haven’t felt the full impact of what Brazil can do yet,” said Leland Hogan, Utah Farm Bureau president.

While counting the kernels on an ear of corn to estimate yield in one field, Scott Vander-Wal, South Dakota Farm Bureau president, agreed.

“We’re fortunate because we get to come down here and see for ourselves. Until you can stand here and look around and see what they have and what they can actually do, it doesn’t really sink in as to what the competition is and what Bra-zil is all about,” he reflected.

Brazil’s countryside is covered in pasture. High commodity

prices are encouraging many farmers there to convert that to cropland. But while the nation’s potential is obvious, so are the ob- stacles Brazilian farmers and ranchers face.

Brazil has restrictive land-use regulations to protect the biodi-versity of each of six biomes, or landscape types. In the savannah area—called the cerrado—land-owners must set aside 20 percent of their land for environmental reasons. No crops, no grazing, no building or agricultural produc-tion of any kind can take place on

that land, explained Tyler Soren- son, general manager of Saõ Miguel Farm. Some biomes call for even higher percentages of set-aside land.

“I thought we had heavy en-vironmental laws in the United States. I was surprised to find out that Brazilian farmers have a mandatory set-aside to preserve nature,” remarked Wayne Wood, Michigan Farm Bureau president.

Infrastructure is weak and rural landowners often have to put up and maintain power lines to their property.

“As we saw driving here their roads are in terrible shape,” described Illinois Farm Bureau President Philip Nelson. “When you consider that as a nation, only 14 percent of Brazil has paved roads, you see they have a long way to go. But Brazil is making that investment, not only in roads, but also in water-ways and other infrastructure improvements. Like Illinois farmers who are trying to ser-vice their customers, Brazil understands the need to get their commodities to market more timely and efficiently.”

As Brazil makes improve-ments in infrastructure and technology, it is going to be-come even more of an agricul-tural powerhouse, pointed out Mike White, New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau president.

“We see large operations in our country, but this is beyond any scale we can see at home. This is a very impressive sight,” admitted Hogan, as he looked out to the horizon. “In the fu-ture, as the population grows and production becomes more important to us, it will be more impressive because the small steps forward that they can take will increase their capabilities greater than we can increase ours at home.”

“That’s why we’ve got to part- ner with them,” suggested Wood. “We can’t afford a con- frontation with them for world markets.”

And, as world population grows, it’s going to take both of these western hemisphere breadbaskets to keep people fed.

If agriculture is your busi-ness, you can’t overlook Bra-zil. It’s the No. 1 exporter for a long list of commodities from coffee to poultry to ethanol and is gaining on the U.S.’ top spot in soybeans, corn and beef. That’s why, on a trip focused on passing stalled free trade agreements, mem-bers of the American Farm Bureau Federation’s Trade Advisory Committee couldn’t go to South America without visiting their top competition.

“When you come here you realize that this country is just getting started. We haven’t felt the full impact of what Brazil can do yet,” said Leland Hogan, Utah Farm Bureau president.

While counting the ker-nels on an ear of corn to estimate yield in one field, Scott VanderWal, South Da-kota Farm Bureau president, agreed.

“We’re fortunate because we get to come down here and see for ourselves. Until you can stand here and look around and see what they have and what they can actu-ally do, it doesn’t really sink in as to what the competition is and what Brazil is all about,” he refl ected.

Brazil’s countryside is cov-ered in pasture. High com-modity prices are encouraging many farmers there to convert that to cropland. But while the nation’s potential is obvious, so are the obstacles Brazilian

Farm Bureau leaders impressed by Brazil’s agriculture

farmers and ranchers face. Brazil has restrictive land-

use regulations to protect the biodiversity of each of six biomes, or landscape types. In the savannah area—called the cerrado—landowners must set aside 20 percent of their land for environmental rea-sons. No crops, no grazing, no building or agricultural production of any kind can take place on that land, ex-plained Tyler Sorenson, gen-eral manager of Saõ Miguel Farm. Some biomes call for even higher percentages of set-aside land.

“I thought we had heavy en-vironmental laws in the Unit-ed States. I was surprised to

fi nd out that Brazilian farmers have a mandatory set-aside to preserve nature,” remarked Wayne Wood, Michigan Farm Bureau president.

Infrastructure is weak and rural landowners often have to put up and maintain power lines to their property.

“As we saw driving here their roads are in terrible shape,” described Illinois Farm Bureau President Philip Nelson. “When you consider that as a nation, only 14 per-cent of Brazil has paved roads, you see they have a long way to go. But Brazil is making that investment, not only in roads, but also in waterways and other infrastructure im-

provements. Like Illinois farmers who are trying to service their customers, Brazil understands the need to get their commodities to market more timely and effi ciently.”

As Brazil makes improve-ments in infrastructure and technology, it is going to become even more of an agri-cultural powerhouse, pointed out Mike White, New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau president.

“We see large opera-tions in our country, but this is beyond any scale we can see at home. This is a very impressive sight,” admitted Hogan, as he looked out to the horizon. “In the future, as the population grows and produc-tion becomes more important to us, it will be more impres-sive because the small steps forward that they can take will increase their capabilities greater than we can increase ours at home.”

“That’s why we’ve got to partner with them,” suggested Wood. “We can’t afford a confrontation with them for world markets.”

And, as world population grows, it’s going to take both of these western hemisphere breadbaskets to keep people fed.

Farm Bureau leaders get a look at the productivity of Brazilian agriculture, as well as the regulatory challenges that Brazil’s farmers face at the Saõ Miguel farm outside Brasilia. Pictured left to right are Jeff Zimmerman, U.S. agricultural attaché to Brazil; Tyler Sorenson, Saõ Miguel farm manager; South Dakota Farm Bureau President Scott VanderWal; New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau Bureau President Mike White; Mike Danna, Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation information and public relations director; Utah Farm Bureau President Leland Hogan; AFBF President Bob Stallman and Michigan Farm Bureau President Wayne Wood. Photo courtesy of AFBF

Page 15: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News 15May 2011April 18, 2011



Gabriel Schavarria (left), president of the Muelles El Bosque Port in Cartagena, Colombia, talks with (from left to right) Illinois Farm Bureau President Philip Nelson, American Farm Bureau Federation President Bob Stallman and Utah Farm Bureau President Leland Hogan during the AFBF Trade Advisory Committee’s trade mis-sion. Also on the trip were Michigan Farm Bureau President Wayne Wood (partially pictured behind Hogan), South Dakota Farm Bureau President Scott VanderWal and New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau President Mike White. Wood said the face-to-face meetings with government officials, trade negotiators and farmers gave him a new perspective on the importance of trade agreements the U.S. has negotiated with Colombia and Panama.

Trade deal limbo is costing U.S. in market shareMembers of the American Farm

Bureau Federation’s Trade Adviso-ry Committee saw firsthand how pending trade deals with Panama and Colombia could offer a much needed boost to the U.S. economy. Free trade agreements (FTAs) with those two nations and Korea have been stalled since 2006.

“At a time when our economy needs more jobs and more eco-nomic activity, it just makes sense to pass these agreements,” said AFBF President Bob Stall-man. “All three agreements are going to be beneficial to the U.S. economy. All three are beneficial to agriculture. Every billion dol-lars worth of additional agricul-tural exports will support 9,000 U.S. jobs. It’s time to push these deals through. It’s past time.”

Stallman led the 10-day “Farm- er-To-Farmer” trade mission, which included stops in Colom- bia, Panama and Brazil. The trip allowed the delegation to learn about the impact of the stalled trade agreements firsthand from the trading partners’ point of view.

Wayne Wood, Michigan Farm Bureau president, believes the face-to-face meetings with gov- ernment officials, trade negotia- tors and farmers have given him a new perspective on the impor- tance of the FTAs.

“These trade deals will facilitate a more cooperative working rela-tionship between the countries in the future and set a platform that would make us very competitive down here. We’ve heard time and time again, the quality of U.S. ag-ricultural goods down here is really appreciated. We have our foot in the door. We’re foolish if we don’t open the door and allow these trade deals to pass,” Wood observed.

USDA’s Economic Research Ser-vice estimates that, fully imple-mented, the agreements would represent an additional $370 mil- lion per year in agricultural ex-port gains in Colombia and more

than $46 million in Panama. Once the deals are ratified a wide range of U.S. exports would im-mediately gain duty-free access to those markets. Tariffs on most remaining goods would be phased out over the next 15 years.

“We have waited for four years. It’s a long wait,” said Roberto Henriquez Sasso, Panama’s min-ister of commerce and industries. However, he pointed out that it is the United States that is hurt most by the delay, because neither country is sitting idly by while the U.S. deals languish. “If the U.S. has been waiting, we have not,” Sasso emphasized.

Panama has established FTAs with the five countries in Central America, Singapore, Chile, Tai-wan and Canada and is negotiat-ing with the European Union, Ko-rea, Peru and the European Free

Farmers, ranchers cheer progress on U.S.-Colombia free trade agreement

Farmers and ranchers are hopeful a recently announced accord between U.S. and Co- lombian officials will put the U.S.-Colombia Trade Promo-tion Agreement on the path to congressional passage.

“The fact that the Obama administration has been able to strike a deal that moves the Colombia free trade agree- ment forward is great news for America’s farmers and ranch-

ers,” said American Farm Bureau Federation President Bob Stallman.

The White House’s April 6 an-nouncement about the progress coincided with a trip made by Stall-man and other Farm Bureau leaders to Colombia, Panama and Brazil.

“After our recent meetings with farmers, ranchers and agri-cultural leaders from Colombia, we know this is a development welcomed by all sides,” Stall-man said. “Trade will help the

United States build stronger bonds with our Latin American neighbors, and it makes sense given our advantage of proxim-ity and history of cooperation.”

 U.S. agricultural export gains expected from the agreement could run as high as $370 million per year at full implementation.

Under the terms of the new ac-cord, the Colombian government agreed that before the free trade agreement is implemented it will

Trade Association (EFTA), which includes Norway, Switzerland, Ice-land and Liechtenstein. Colombia is in the final stages of deals with Canada and the European Union and is in talks with EFTA, Korea, Turkey and China. Panama and Colombia are also working on a bilateral deal with each other.

“I think the takeaway from the trip is that American agriculture has got a lot to lose. We’ve seen that,” observed Philip Nelson, Illi- nois Farm Bureau president. “Just since 2008 we’ve dropped more than a billion dollars in ex-ports just to Colombia. This has always been a good market for us, but without taking some of the tariffs away to give us a com-petitive advantage, we’re start-ing to lose that market share.”

In 2008, the U.S. provided 68 percent of Colombia’s

grain imports. By 2010 that figure had dropped to only 24 percent. That decline is likely to continue without passage of the FTA, as Brazil and Argentina maintain a tariff advantage.

Colombia’s lead agricultural trade negotiator Andres Espinosa said, “This is the perfect storm of how to avoid making business. We have to correct that and it can be done in a very simple way. That’s to have the U.S. Congress to take this FTA and approve it as soon as possible.”

The delegation also included Leland Hogan, Utah Farm Bureau president; Scott VanderWal, South Dakota Farm Bureau president; and Mike White, New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau president.

Government officials in both countries stressed the importance of their long-standing relationships with the United States. Both con-sider themselves important allies and want to be treated accordingly.

The Obama administration is ready to move forward with the Korea trade agreement and re-cently announced that outstand-ing labor issues with Colombia have been resolved. The next step is for the White House and Congress to agree on how to pro- ceed with congressional votes on the FTAs and other trade priori- ties. Passing all three trade agree- ments this year is a priority for AFBF.

State-by-state benefits of the Co-lombia FTA can be found at http://www.fas.usda.gov/info/factsheets/Colombia/us-ColombiaTPAfact sheets.asp.

Benefits of the Panama FTA are at http://www.fas.usda.gov/info/factsheets/Panama/us-PanamaTPA factsheets.asp.

move forward with labor and judicial policies addressing U.S. lawmakers’ and others’ con-cerns about violence against union members in Colombia.

Stallman urged the admin- istration to work with Con-gress to ensure passage of all three outstanding trade agreements —Colombia, Panama and South Korea—by summer to boost trade and build American jobs.

Of the almost $2.5 b i l l ion annual ly in trade opportunities for farmers and ranchers represented by the three outstanding free trade agreements—with Colombia, Panama and Korea— the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement alone would increase U.S. agriculture exports by $1.9 billion each year after full implementation.

The Korea-U.S. FTA was signed by both

M e m b e r s o f t h e American Farm Bureau Federation’s Trade Ad-visory Committee saw firsthand how pend-ing trade deals with Panama and Colom-bia could offer a much needed boost to the U.S. economy. Free trade agreements (FTAs) with those two nations and Korea have been stalled since 2006.

“At a time when our economy needs more jobs and more eco-nomic activity, it just makes sense to pass these agreements,” said AFBF President Bob Stallman. “All three agreements are going to be benefi cial to the U.S. economy. All three are benefi cial to agricul-

Trade deal limbo is costing U.S. in market share

Gabriel Schavarria (left ) president of the Muelles El Bosque Port in Cartagena, Colombia, talks with (left to right) Illinois Farm Bureau President Phillip Nelson, AFBF President Bob Stallman and Utah Farm Bureau President Leland Hogan during the AFBF Trade Advisory Committee’s trade mission. Photo courtesy of AFBF

ture. Every billion dol-lars worth of additional agricultural exports will support 9,000 U.S. jobs. It’s time to push these deals through. It’s past time.”

Sta l lman led the 10-day “Farmer-To-Farmer” trade mission, which included stops in Colombia, Panama and Brazil. The trip allowed the delegation to learn about the impact of the stalled trade agree-ments firsthand from the trading partners’ point of view.

Wayne Wood, Michi-gan Farm Bureau presi-dent, believes the face-to-face meetings with government officials, trade negotiators and farmers have given him

a new perspective on the importance of the FTAs.

“These trade deals will facilitate a more cooperative working relationship between the countries in the fu-ture and set a platform that would make us very

competitive down here. We’ve heard time and time again, the qual-ity of U.S. agricultural goods down here is re-ally appreciated. We have our foot in the door. We’re foolish if we don’t open the door and allow these trade

deals to pass,” Wood observed.

USDA’s Economic Research Service esti-mates that, fully imple-mented, the agreements would represent an ad-ditional $370 million per year in agricultural export gains in Colom-bia and more than $46 million in Panama. Once the deals are rati-fi ed a wide range of U.S. exports would imme-diately gain duty-free access to those mar-kets. Tariffs on most remaining goods would be phased out over the next 15 years.

“We have waited for four years. It’s a long wait,” said Roberto Henriquez Sasso, Pan-

See MARkEt on pg. 23

U.S. growers anxious to reap benefi ts of U.S.-korea FTA c o u n t r i e s i n 2 0 0 7 . However, ratification of the deal was initially held up because Korean automakers resisted opening their domestic market to U.S. autos and concerns lingered about Korea’s non-science-based ban on imports of U.S. beef from animals over 30 months old. The age-related ban came after a complete ban on U.S. beef following the 2003 finding of a U.S.

case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy.

Changes have been made to appease U.S. automakers, and, more important to farmers and ranchers, despite the limitations on U.S. beef, yearly sales into the market are increasing. Exports to Korea in January 2011 rose 63 percent in volume (11,975 metric tons) and 81 percent in value ($49.2 million) over January 2010, according

to the U.S. Meat Export Federation.

“With the beef and auto issues out of the way, there is no reason for the president and Congress to hesitate in putting this agreement through,” said Chris Garza, American Farm Bureau Federation trade specialist. “In fact, there are millions of dollars worth of reasons for them to pass it.”

USDA estimates that every billion dollars

in agricultural exports supports 9,000 U.S. jobs.

AFBF estimates the duty-free and reduced tariff access the FTA would give to U.S. agricultural exports would eventually boost those exports by nearly $1.9 billion per year. Corn, wheat, livestock feed, beef, cattle hides, pork, soybeans, cotton, and fresh fruits and vegetables are among the top U.S. agricultural exports to Korea.

Page 16: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News16 May 2011

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Sand County Foundation, in partnership with the Utah Farm Bureau Federation, Utah Cattlemen’s Association and Western Ag Credit, seeks

Leopold Conservation award seeks nominees for 2011nominations for the 2011 Leopold Conservation Award in Utah.

T h e A w a r d , w h i c h i s comprised of $10,000 and

an Aldo Leopold crystal, recognizes Utah farmers and ranchers who demonstrate outstanding stewardship and sustainable management

of natural resources. The Leopold Conservation Award is presented in honor of renowned conservationist and author Aldo Leopold who called for an ethical relationship between people and the land they own and manage.

“Since 2007, the Leopold Conservation Award has recognized four outstanding agricultural families in Utah, but they aren’t the only families in the state doing exceptional work for natural resources,” said Brent Haglund, Sand County Foundation President. “We look forward to honoring more of these innovative f a r m i n g a n d r a n c h i n g families who are committed to the enhancement of Utah’s landscape.”

The 2010 award recipient was the Tanner family of Della Ranches in Box Elder County. The Leopold Conservation Award will be presented at the Utah Farm Bureau’s Convention in November in Layton.

“We look forward to another year of great applicants for this award,” said Leland Hogan, president of the Utah Farm Bureau Federation. “As some of the original environmentalists, farmers and ranchers in Utah take great care of the land under their stewardship. This great award is another way to recognize that effort.”

The nomination deadline is August 1, 2011. For more information, vis it www.leopoldconservationaward.o r g , o r c o n t a c t M a t t Hargreaves, 801-233-3003 or [email protected].

Page 17: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News 17May 2011

All waters of the State of Utah are the property of the public, administered through the State of Utah. Water rights can be acquired by appropriation of new water rights from the State of Utah, or by purchase from owners of existing rights. All major watersheds in the State of Utah are either fully appropriated, or in many cases over-appropriated.

Water r ights are private property rights that can be bought and sold in the market place. S u c h t r a n s a c t i o n s b e t w e e n w i l l i n g sellers and buyers are fundamental to the Farm Bureau policy that water rights, including underground water rights, are property rights that should not be taken from the owner without due process and just compensation.

During years of robust economic growth in Utah and even during slowing economic years,

Money: A greater gravitational influence to moving water rights

Practical PolicyVice President- Public PolicySterling Brown

there is increasing demand for municipal and industrial water, and even for more intensive agricultural uses. The marketplace generally assures the most productive use of any resource, including water rights, at least as measured by rate of return. Water flows to gravity, water rights flow to money. Another words, money often has a greater gravitational inf luence in water matters than gravity.

W a t e r u s e d f o r irrigated agriculture in the present economy typically returns less economic benefit to the water owner than water used for industrial or commercial purposes due to the narrow profit margins of those using and owning irrigated lands. Irrigation water use is not constant; it varies with both economic conditions and weather cycles. Low markets and many other economic conditions

WAtER continued on pg 21

affect the planting decisions of individual farm operators. These business decisions can significantly affect water use on a microeconomic level. While weather cycles obviously affect the amount of water u s e d f o r i r r i g a t e d agriculture, many farm operators say that economic factors have far greater influence on their water use than weather cycles.

U t a h ’ s g r o w t h , even during slower economic times has created addi t ional demand for Utah’s limited water resources. Since municipal and industrial uses offer a greater rate of return on money spent for water resources, these sectors continue to bid water away from

irrigated agriculture. Again, water rights flow to money. Irrigated agriculture is the sector most likely to sell water rights to municipal and industrial users. Farm operators, of necessity, b a s e t h e i r w a t e r decisions on economics, weather, and other factors, rather than on legal matters. If farm operators must base water use decisions on legal and regulatory r e q u i r e m e n t s n o t a l i g n e d w i t h f a r m economics, the farm business will fail.

Agriculture uses 85 percent of the Utah w a t e r s u p p l y . Th e bulk of water used in agriculture is used for irr igat ing crop and pasture land. All e c o nomic ac t iv i t y , including and perhaps especially irrigated agriculture, requires a source of water . Because Utah is the second driest state in


Continued on pg 23

I N D I A N A P O L I S – Twelve of the nation’s premier agriculture students were recently selected for the 2011 International Collegiate Agricultural Leadership (I-CAL) Program. These s t u d e n t s w e r e required to complete an application and answer numerous essay questions regarding their understanding a n d t h o u g h t s o n international trade and marketing. They will travel to Panama and Columbia May 15–27, 2011 to study international grain marketing and trade and global agriculture.

The selected students included Jarvis Pace of Utah State University.

During the program, they will visit many d i f f e r e n t S o u t h American agricultural operations, including g r a i n i n s p e c t i n g f a c i l i t i e s , f r u i t /vegetable production f a r m s , l i v e s t o c k operations, and open air grain, meat and animal markets. The tours are designed to help the students — all who plan to pursue careers in

Twelve collegiate

agriculture students

selected for international


Page 18: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News18 May 2011

By Senator Ralph Okerlund, Utah State Senator – District 24 (Juab, Piute, Sanpete, Sevier, Tooele and Wayne Counties).

Every 10 years, Utah legislators assemble t o r e d r a w d i s t r i c t boundaries based on the results of the most recent census. Thomas Jefferson, as Secretary of State, directed the first constitutionally prescribed decennial census in 1790. Since then, the census has been taken in each year ending in zero.

The primary purpose of redistricting is to identify new district boundaries for Utah’s four Congressional s e a t s , 7 5 S t a t e Representatives, 29 State Senators and 15 members of the State Board of Education. E n s u r i n g e q u a l population within each district is the guiding principle for legislators to follow when drawing

The process and impacts of redistricting

up new boundaries. G i v e n t h e r e s u l t s of the 2010 census, the following are the population numbers for the next 10 years for each respective district: 690,971 for each Congressional district, 95,306 for State Senators, 36,852 for State Representatives a n d 1 8 4 , 2 5 9 f o r members of the State Board of Education.

H i s t o r i c a l l y , Legislative Redistricting Committees have been accused of catering to incumbents, politics and polit ical party affiliations to steer

them in drafting new boundaries. However, as these issues have gone to court all across the country, courts have consistently ruled in favor of legalizing new district maps that are based first and foremost on equal population. The goal is to draw up new district boundaries that will be upheld in a court of law.

R e d i s t r i c t i n g i s a c o n s t i t u t i o n a l mandate. The Utah Constitution states in Article IX, Section 1 , “ the Legis lature shall divide the state into congressional, l e g i s l a t i v e , a n d other districts….” In Section Two, Utah’s Constitution states, “ T h e S e n a t e s h a l l consist of a membership not to exceed twenty-nine, and the number of representatives shall never be less than twice nor greater than three

times the number of senators.” Currently, there are 29 Senators and 75 Representatives. The State Board of Education membership is statutorily set at 15 board members.

National ly , there i s a l i m i t o f 4 3 5 congressional seats. Each state is guaranteed one seat. Through r e a p p o r t i o n m e n t , states lose, gain or remain the same in congressional seats. This year, Utah gained one congressional seat, from three to four. On the flip side, both New York and Ohio were not so lucky. They each lost two seats. In general, the northeast is losing seats while the West and South are gaining. In 1910, Utah gained its second seat. Then in 1980, Utah gained its third congressional seat. Now, with the results of the 2010


continued on pg 24

census, Utah will get its fourth seat.

The 19-member Utah Legislative Redistricting Committee was recently appointed by Utah Senate and House leadership. I was asked to co-chair the committee along with Representative Ken Sumsion (R-American Fork). The committee is diverse. Several served on the Redistricting Committee ten years ago. There are 13 Representatives and 6 Senators. Seven are members of the R u r a l C a u c u s a n d lend active support to rural and agriculture i s s u e s . F o u r t e e n are Republicans and five are Democrats. Fifteen are men and four are women. This committee will meet regularly this spring and summer throughout the state looking for input and direction on where to draw new district boundaries. In addition, new software has allowed the public to submit ideas online and also to observe what the Redistricting Committee is discussing and proposing. There is more opportunity for public comment and access than ever before.

S i n c e t h e 2 0 0 0 census, Utah has grown 23.8 percent. Within Utah, county growth rates have ranged from 1 to 55 percent. The significant population

Page 19: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News 19May 2011

harvesting crops, manure management, reproduction, and feeding were just a few of his responsibilities. Matt’s heritage runs deep as well; both sets of his grandparents began dairy farming in West Jordan and then each of them relocated their farms to southeast Idaho around 1972. Matt was fortunate to work closely with his brother, father, and

grandparents as he helped on each dairy.

Matt and I met while attending Utah State University and working at the Caine Dairy Center – he as

YF&R Focus: Matt & Lena LeakState Young Farmer and Rancher Committee — District 1 (North & South Box, Cache & Rich Counties)

Our dreams were big, but our budget wasn’t.Lena LeakYF&R committee member

“Our dreams were “Our dreams were

”YF&R committee member”YF&R committee memberYF&R committee member

Inscribed in a statue outside the National Archive Museum in Washington D.C. it reads “The heritage of the past is the seed that brings forth the harvest of the future.” Matt and I feel very fortunate to have come from such respectable roots.

I grew up in a small farming community in southern Utah. Kids outnumbered acreage at our place and we l e a r n e d early on how to put in a hard days work. As kids we spent a lot of time with G r a n d p a a n d Grandma, sorting, branding, and moving their herd of beef cows. Many hours were spent on the ‘mountain’ or the ‘bench’ fi xing fence and enjoying Grandma’s lunches while learning how to take care of the land and enjoy the freedoms that others fought for. When harvest time came we worked alongside mom and dad until the work was done and then managed to squeeze in time to play. We enjoyed camping, hunting, and rodeoing together – often with extended family.

Matt grew up on a dairy farm in southeast Idaho. He too learned the value of hard work early. Milking, planting, irrigating,

a herdsman and myself as a calf feeder. We married shortly after and both worked while he fi nished his degree. Our dreams were big but our budget w a s n ’ t . The reality of having what our predecessors had felt like an unattainable goal. Upon graduation Matt was offered a position as a dairy nutritionist with Cargill, Inc. We felt a corporate job was a step away from our dream of owning our own farm but realized margins were to slim to make it on our own. We started a family, built a home in a subdivision, and yet never lost sight of our dream.

In 2006 we were able to purchase 60 acres along with an 80 cow dairy. We have witnessed the sacrifi ce, joy, work, pain, happiness, and dedication our parents and grandparents experienced so we could grow up with an agriculture lifestyle. Our hope is that through our own farm, we will pass this knowledge onto our children, Matti

(10), Kael (7), Trey (5), and Kase (3).

We feel very fortunate to work with and be surrounded by others that share our common interests and goals. Although dairy farming for us today is different from our ancestors, the lessons learned haven’t changed. We now share a new goal – to continue honoring our heritage by planting productive seeds today!

Page 20: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News20 May 2011

SALT LAKE CITY – The Utah State Fairpark Board of Directors have announced the selection of Clark H. Caras as the new executive director.

Caras assumed his new duties at the Fairpark on April 18. For the past six years, Caras has served as marketing director for the Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Development dur ing a t ime that has seen companies such as Proctor & Gamble, Adobe, Disney , Hershey , Amer Sports, and others expand in, or relocate to the state.

Utah State Fairpark Board names Clark Caras as new executive director

His career encompasses broad experience in public affairs, politics, business development, corporate initiatives, and large event

planning.Caras grew up on a sheep

r a n c h i n c e n t r a l U t a h . He said that being a kid who was allergic to most farm animals made him resourceful at an early age.

“It’s that out-of-the-box thinking that will help me support and expand on the legacy of the State Fair and to further the long-term vision for the Fairpark.” Caras said.

The Utah State Fair marks 156 years in 2011.

“ U t a h e n j o y s o n e o f the best state fairs in the nation,” Caras said. “The same energy that emanates

from this place during the 11 days of the Fair wil l spill over into an exciting year-round venue with events such as the return of the Dickens’ Christmas Festival.” he said.

“What the city and the state have here is a 65-acre jewel on the verge o f b e c o m i n g a p r i m e d e s t i n a t i o n f o r f a m i l y a c t i v i t i e s , c o m m u n i t y festivals, special events, and economic development opportunities.”




Great Basin Women and Youth in Agriculture Conference

The purpose of the conference is to educate women and youth in Nevada, Idaho and Utah about ongoing and emerging successful risk management strategies in production agriculture. Conference participants will learn how to effectively manage financial, production, marketing, legal, and human resource risks associated with an agricultural business. The supporting objectives of the long-term goal for this project for women and youth are:

Increase small business planning skills necessary to own, operate and sustain an agricultural operation;

Increase knowledge and skills pertaining to arid region production agriculture and insurance options;

Increase knowledge and skills to develop and direct small farm marketing options;

Increase knowledge about food safety in terms of small farm and ranch production;

Raise awareness of school gardens and farm-to-school program opportunities;

Increase knowledge and skills to effectively manage family farm enterprises.

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Page 21: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News 21May 2011

By Matt Hargreaves, Editor, Utah Farm Bureau News

In an example of private enterprise, g o v e r n m e n t a n d Farm Bureau working together, corn growers in wetland regions of Utah will find relief from potential corn losses this year due to Sandhill cranes and pheasants.

T h e U . S . E n v i r o n m e n t a l P r o t e c t i o n A g e n c y (EPA) has granted the State of Utah a Section 18 permit, which allows farmers to use a product known as Avipel, to treat corn prior to planting in hopes of preventing field and sweet corn loss from birds eating seed.

According to the EPA, Section 18 refers to the section of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, a n d R o d e n t i c i d e A c t ( F I F R A ) t h a t grants a time-limited authorization from EPA to use a pesticide for a use that is not registered if a determination is made that emergency conditions exist and that use of the pesticide will not cause unreasonable harm to human health or the environment.

W h e n a p p l i e d properly Avipel forms a bird repellent coating on corn seeds. Birds may sample treated seeds, but they will a v o i d a d d i t i o n a l consumption because

Relief for corn farmers besieged by Sandhill cranes

WATERContinued from pg. 17

the country, natural rainfall is not sufficient in most locations in Utah to successfully sustain crops.

Since Utah’s farmers own this large share of Utah’s water rights, they arguably have the greatest stake in any legislative process that impacts the size of water rights. A lot is at stake as we continually grow urban Utah.

The Utah legislature a n d G o v e r n o r a r e strong supporters of taking proactive steps to lure businesses to Utah during this slow economic time. This was clearly evident as we heard and read of Governor Herbert traveling to China to promote Utah products and secure business deals. The Governor’s Office reports that Utah’s population will double in the next 30 years. Where will the water come from to quench the thirst and needs for this additional p o p u l a t i o n a n d businesses? How will this need be funded?

Another factor to consider is politics. Utah lawmakers are in the early stages of drawing new district boundaries that will ultimately determine new State House and Senate districts for both the Statehouse and Congress. Some districts will become smaller while most rural districts will become

l a r g e r . R e g a r d l e s s of where these new lines will be drawn, the Wasatch Front will gain legislative representation while rural Utah will drop in legislative numbers. The results of redistricting wil l certainly have i m p a c t s o n h o w a g r i c u l t u r e w a t e r transitions to municipal and industrial uses.

Utah Farm Bureau urges local, county and state elected officials to carefully consider the future water needs of Utah. Maintaining a viable and sustainable agriculture industry is essential to the rural economy. Adequate and proper economic d e v e l o p m e n t i s necessary for overall prosperity of Utah. Measures must be t a k e n t o e n s u r e Utah’s mutual water irrigation companies r e m a i n v i a b l e , a s these companies have played an integral role in managing and distributing Utah’s water.

W a t e r i s k e y t o every Utahn and every business. A western politician said, “The production of food and fiber on Western irrigated lands is critical to our nation’s ability to feed itself. You cannot visit the West and not talk about water. No other commodity holds so much power, so much promise, and has the potential to cause so much conflict.”

of what is described as an immediate “tummy ache” the birds receive after eating the treated corn.

“The immediate effect is needed, so that they birds associate the discomfort with the corn they just recently

ate, thus not returning to eat that corn again,” said Sterling Brown, Utah Farm Bureau Vice President-Public Policy. “We got feedback from other states in the Midwest who’ve had good results using this product. We hope it works well here.”

The snacking habits of these birds have increasingly been a source of frustration by farmers in recent years. The problem starts in the spring just after corn has been planted, when Sandhill cranes and pheasants arrive to eat the seed. Farmers; however, are not aware of the severity of the problem until weeks later once the corn has

started growing – or hasn’t been growing. By then, farmers have too few options of what to do because it is too late to replant and even if you could, the patterns of eaten seed are too sporadic to make it effective.

It was reported that farmers were losing approximately 10-15 acres of corn per field because of the birds. In past years, farmers looked to noise cannons to scare away the birds and some even placed piles of corn seed on the perimeter of their fields, in an attempt to placate the birds’ appetites and keep them away from eating the seed throughout the field.

Further complications come from the fact that the birds are protected by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, prohibiting the removal of the birds.

Working with the

biRDs continued on pg 23

Photo courtesy of UDWR

Page 22: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News22 May 2011

SNOTEL data provides valuable information to farmers and ranchers

County Connection

County ConnectionVice President- OrganizationDavid Bailey

We pray for it, we curse it, we love it, we wish for it, we expect it, we hope for it, we wonder when it will come and when it will go away, we talk about it often, we try and predict it, we worry about it, we try and plan around it, we have even had some limited success in trying to alter it. We have less of it here in Utah than all other states except Nevada. What is the “it” I’m referring to here? Well you guessed it – water!

Whether it is in the form of rain, snow, sleet or hail, here in the west, we have a real fascination with how, when and where it will be coming. Water can have a very real

effect upon the daily lives and activities of farmers and ranchers. It often means the difference between economic success and economic failure for any given year.

Detai led precipi tat ion tracking and data has been around for a very long time. Agriculturalists, scientists, climatologists, meteorologists and others throughout our history have gathered this type of data in a variety of ways in an effort to track when, where and how much water to expect from year to year. This data has been valuable in predicting what we refer to as “normal” weather patterns and rain/snow fall amounts from year to year. At least it has given us a starting point in assessing and

predicting what to generally expect each year.

I am fascinated by the methods used today in tracking how much water falls from the sky. Some years ago, I discovered the Natural Resource and Conservation’s (NRCS) website that publishes precipitation data that is useful for those of us who farm or ranch for a living. Truthfully though this data is not only useful for farmers and ranchers exclusively, I also use it to monitor my favorite places where I enjoy snowmobiling during the winter months!

The website I referred to above is operated by a branch of the USDA-NRCS office and is called the National Water & Climate Center or NWCC. Their website address is www.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/ . This website is connected to a plethora of climate instruments throughout the

Western U.S. Users can find data and information that tracks water and climate statistics back for many decades.

Although the NRCS has been tracking much of this water and climate data for many years, the methods and technologies that have recently been employed have greatly increased the accuracy and access to much of what is being tracked. On any given day of the year I can get online and find my favorite SNOTEL site and access a variety of snow, water and climate data. SNOTEL sites are

weather stations that designed to monitor precipitation and climate mostly related to rain and snow-fall. These sites measure daily precipitation as well as what is called snow water equivalent. I can also monitor the high and low temperature for the day as well as the soil temperature and soil moisture at these sites.

The SNOTEL sites are scattered around various location throughout 13 western states including Alaska. These sites use sophisticated instruments such as a snow pillow and a sonic depth sensor to take measurements and then relay this data back to the USDA where the data is automatically posted on the web. One of the amazing factors in all of this is the way that the data is relayed. Because most of these sites are very far away from any source of power, scientists came up with a method of relaying all of this information using very little energy and no use of satellites. The information is transmitted via VHF radio signals that are reflected at a very steep angle off a band of ubiquitous ionized meteors existing about 50 to 75 miles above the earth. A small solar cell and battery capture enough energy each day to make this radio relay possible and can relay this information as far as 1,200 miles away. Most SNOTEL sites are only visited by a technician once a year for upkeep. Many of the SNOTEL sites are located

snotEL continued on pg 26

Page 23: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News 23May 2011

ama’s minister of com-merce and industries. However, he pointed out that it is the United States that is hurt most by the delay, because neither country is sit-ting idly by while the U.S. deals languish. “If the U.S. has been wait-ing, we have not,” Sasso emphasized.

Panama has estab-lished FTAs with the five countries in Cen-tral America, Singa-pore, Chile, Taiwan and Canada and is ne-gotiating with the Eu-ropean Union, Korea, Peru and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), which includes Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechten-

stein. Colombia is in the final stages of deals with Canada and the European Union and is in talks with EFTA, Ko-rea, Turkey and China. Panama and Colombia are also working on a bilateral deal with each other.

“I think the takeaway from the trip is that American agriculture has got a lot to lose. We’ve seen that,” ob-served Philip Nelson, Illinois Farm Bureau president. “Just since 2008 we’ve dropped more than a billion dol-lars in exports just to Colombia. This has al-ways been a good mar-ket for us, but without taking some of the tar-iffs away to give us a competitive advantage, we’re starting to lose

that market share.” In 2008, the U.S. pro-

vided 68 percent of Co-lombia’s grain imports. By 2010 that figure had dropped to only 24 per-cent. That decline is likely to continue with-out passage of the FTA.

Colombia’s lead ag-ricultural trade nego-tiator Andres Espinosa said, “This is the perfect storm of how to avoid making business. We have to correct that and it can be done in a very simple way. That’s to have the U.S. Congress to take this FTA and approve it as soon as possible.”

The delegation also included Leland Ho-gan, Utah Farm Bu-reau president; Scott VanderWal, South Da-kota Farm Bureau pres-

ident; and Mike White, New Mexico Farm & Livestock Bureau presi-dent.

Government off i-cials in both countries stressed the importance of their long-standing relationships with the United States. Both consider themselves important allies and want to be treated ac-cordingly.

The Obama adminis-tration is ready to move forward with the Korea trade agreement and recently announced that outstanding labor issues with Colombia have been resolved. The next step is for the White House and Con-gress to agree on how to proceed with con-gressional votes on the FTAs and other trade

priorities. Passing all three trade agreements this year is a priority for AFBF.

State-by-state benefits of the Colombia FTA can be found at http://www.fas.usda.gov/info/factsheets/Colombia/us-Colombi-aTPAfactsheets.asp.

Benefits of the Pana-ma FTA are at http://www.fas .usda.gov/info/factsheets/Pan-ama/us-PanamaTPA-factsheets.asp.

MARKETContinued from pg. 15

USDA Wildlife Services and State Director Mike Linnell, Utah Farm Bureau and the Utah Department of Agriculture & Food (UDAF) were made aware of the Avipel product and the need for the Section 18 permit. All sides were proactive and cooperative in their approach to finding a solution to the problem affecting corn farmers near the Bear River and Great Salt Lake regions, as well as in spots in the Uintah Basin which has seen its share of Sandhill cranes due to its proximity to Flaming Gorge Reservoir.

While UDAF was

BIRDSContinued from pg. 21

charged with petition the EPA for the permit, Utah Farm Bureau reached out to i ts members to solicit feedback on the impact Sandhill cranes have had on their crops.

“ W e h a d g r e a t responses from our f a r m e r m e m b e r s regarding this issue,” Brown said. “Ideally, this is how the policy p r o c e s s w o r k s ; farmers tell us about their issues and Farm Bureau works to put their experiences to work with government agencies and it results in a solution that works for all involved parties.”

A r m e d w i t h t h e experiences of farmers and an effective remedy, U D A F p e t i t i o n e d

EPA for the Section 18 permit with enough time so that if granted, the treated seed could be applied this growing season.

The EPA granted the permit in early April and UDAF notified Utah Farm Bureau and impacted farmers of the decision. The agency then contacted the manufacturers of Avipel (Arkion Life Sciences) to inform them of the action and encourage them to increase inventory of the product. Shipping of Avipel was taking place the end of April to dealers in Box Elder and Weber Counties.

R e a c t i o n f r o m f a r m e r s h a s b e e n positive and most are

hopeful to get the corn planted soon.

“This is an example of the process working as it should,” Brown said. “We have had great support from UDAF in getting the permit, direction from USDA Wildlife Services on finding a product that works and recognition from EPA on the need for quick action to help farmers deal with a problem. We would like to continue to see this happen in the future.”

Farmers with more questions about Avipel and how to purchase the product can contact Sterling Brown at 801-233-3004 or [email protected].

STUDENTS Continued from pg. 17

the agriculture industry — understand current international trade and cultural issues and gain awareness of how international markets for agricultural products operate.

The I-CAL program was developed as a partnership with the U.S. Grains Council and The Grains Foundation. These organizations seek to build global markets for American grains. Through their work, they also provide opportunities for others to learn about how the global marketplace a f f e c t s A m e r i c a n agriculture. Visit www.grains.org for more information.

Page 24: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News24 May 2011REDISTRICTINGContinued from pg. 18

growth has occurred along the Wasatch Front and Washington County. As a result, Senate and House district will get smaller along these urban centers while rural Utah districts will be larger, leading to less rural representation on Utah’s Capitol Hill.

The Legislative Redistricting Committee will be holding public meetings, taking input and drafting plans through August of this year. It is anticipated in the fall, a Special Legislative Session will be called to create new districts. Then, during the November 2012 elections,

folks will be running for office for their respective new legislative districts.

I urge you to get involved in this process. Log on to www.le.utah.gov and become familiar with the software and make recommendations in addition to following our summer progress. Both urban and rural input is essential in this process to ensure all citizens, interest groups and industries are adequately represented in the outcome.

Senator Ralph Okerlund, a Republican State Senator from Monroe, Utah, is the co-chair of the Legislative Redistricting Committee.

Members of the Greenline Equipment team gathered for the ribbon cutting and open house of its brand-new building in Bluffdale in Salt Lake County. Located just off Interstate-15, the facility combines the company’s Springville, Redwood Road, and Layton stores.

Greenline has been an authorized John Deere dealer since 2001, with locations in Utah, Idaho and Wyoming.

Page 25: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News 25May 2011

Looking for information regarding the history of water in Utah? Perhaps you’d like to know how the locations for the Pony Express Stations were determined. Do you need to know the length of the growing season in Millard County? Are you interested in learning about food rations during the Civil War? Perhaps you’d like to share with your children or students what happens on a modern dairy farm. While each of the above topics can be found on other sites through a lot of internet searching, they are all just a mouse click away when you visit http://utah.agclassroom.org.

Utah teachers and agriculture industry volunteers alike are celebrating the release of the updated Utah Agriculture in the Classroom website. This revamped website is the result of years of continual adding, updating and refining by the Utah AITC Department staff at Utah State University. It brings together a wealth of resources for anyone interested in providing agricultural literacy for their children, their students or themselves.

Although less than two percent of our nation’s population is directly involved in agricultural production, a healthy agricultural system is vital to everyone’s quality of life. Consider the difference in lifestyles between citizens in countries where the cost of food consumes more than 50 percent of one’s disposable income versus the current U.S. average of 10%. United States agriculture provides a safe supply of food that frees the rest of us to concentrate on other activities such as medical research, space travel, computer technology, art,

A cornucopia of agricultural education resourcesmusic, literature, philosophy, and recreation. Agriculture provides the basic necessities of food, clothing, and shelter,

yet many of us take f o r g r a n t e d t h e ease with which we obtain these items. Additionally, the important economic impact of agriculture in the United States and the world is often not realized.

Agriculture in the Classroom is a nationwide program designed to help students develop an awareness and understanding of our food and fiber system, and how agricul ture impacts our daily lives. Utah Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) provides training and resources for teachers to use as a vehicle to teach across existing curriculum. Teachers across the state can help to increase agricultural literacy.

“Teachers are busy professionals with a lot of responsibility,” explains D e b r a S p i e l m a k e r , Agriculture in the Classroom Projects Director. “The new U t a h A g r i c u l t u r e i n t h e Classroom website, http://utah.agclassroom.org, provides teachers with access to activity and research- based lesson plans, kits, DVDs, maps, posters, and more, to help them built curriculum maps to meet state standards and assessments. Agriculture is a subject that adds meaning to social studies, science, and nutrition, while at the same time allowing students to integrate and practice their reading, writing, and arithmetic skills.”

Agriculture in the Classroom does not attempt to add anything

to the existing school curriculum. All of the lesson plans found on the site have been correlated with, and meet Utah Core Curriculum Standards in the areas of science, nutrition, and social studies. In addition all lessons have links to additional resources; activities, trade books, maps, kits, online movies, DVD’s, websites, and more. The site easily enables you to develop your own curriculum map.

In addition to the resources found on the site, teachers can sign up for newsletters, a personal l ibrary, order

directly from the e-store – which continuously receives high marks from educators around the nation as well as Utah educators – or register for the Food, Land & People online course to receive licensure professional development credit or Utah State University credit.

The student center is a popular site with young learners. Features in this category include, “The Buzz about Bees”, Kid Zone, Teen Scene and the virtual tour section. Check out Teen Scene if you need a great idea for this year’s Science Fair!

As you navigate around don’t overlook another outstanding feature of the updated website,

the AITC National Resource Directory. This directory is an online database which lists hundreds of the best educational materials available about agriculture. The resources are high quality and designed for youth audiences Pre/K through 12th grade. As each potential resource is recommended it is reviewed to determine if it meets basic agricultural literacy benchmarks, state educational standards and is appropriate for use in K-12 formal education. The educational material is searchable by title, agricultural

content, grade level, academic subject, media type and area of the country addressed in the resource.

Individuals who routinely volunteer at their county Farm Field Days, who want to read accurate agriculture based books to students at their local school, or p lan to make other agriculture related classroom presentations, have not been overlooked

on the updated site. A quick click on Ag Literacy – Volunteer Resources – gives access to grade appropriate lesson plans, activities and associated resources to support and enhance any presentation.

Whether you are a teacher and/or a Farm Bureau member take time to learn more about the wealth of resources for agricultural education available on the Agriculture in the Classroom website. Take the movie tour on the home page, and then be sure to click on the link to hear what teachers have to say about Agriculture in the Classroom resources and training opportunities.

By Aurline Boyack,Women’s Committee Coordinator

Page 26: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News26 May 2011

at very high altitudes and are only accessible by foot, ATV or snowmobile. They are strategically placed to maximize the data gathering potential in critical watershed areas. Because upwards of 50-80 percent of the water in the west comes in the form of snow much of the tracking tools involve tracking snow depth and also measure the water content of the snow.

All of this information is used to predict snowpack, runoff, flooding, available water and a host of other water related forecasts. It is useful and available to anyone with a computer and a connection to the internet. I even access the site from my smart phone

at times when I am away from my computer when I want to access the data when planning an outing. The uses seem to be endless and the information is most fascinating to me when comparing current data to past years. The two sites I monitor the most happen to be the highest water content grossing sites in Utah which are the Ben Lomond Peak and Snowbird SNOTEL sites. Both of these sites average more than 55 inches of water annually and sit at an elevation of 8,000 ft. and 9,640 ft. respectively. Late winter snow depth at both of these sites can easily reach 12-15 feet. The easiest way to access these and any of Utah’s SNOTEL sites is to use the interactive map of Utah

that contains location links t h a t t a k e users directly to the usable information. The map link is www.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/snotel/Utah/utah.html

T o d a y t h e SNOTEL network consists of more than 750 automated sites with another 1,200 manually measured snow courses. There are also 740 stream flow forecast points. Best of all, the data is relayed in near real time to anyone who is interested in accessing it online. According to snow survey supervisor, Randy Julander, SNOTEL

as a system is the biggest provider of snowpack and high elevation climatic data in the world. I encourage you to visit the SNOTEL website and see for yourself the wealth of information that it provides. I think you will enjoy tracking the data particularly in a record water year like we are having this year.

SNOTELContinued from pg. 22

Page 27: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News 27May 2011

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGIMPORTANT NOTICE1. Non-commercial ads for Utah Farm Bureau members selling items they grow or make themselves, or used machinery, household items, etc., they themselves have used in the past. Each member family is entitled to one such ad free in each three-month period. Ads can be up to 40 words or numbers such as phone number or Zip. Words such as “For Sale” are included, initials and numbers count as a word. All words over 40 cost 25 cents each. Ads over 40 words not accompanied by the extra payment, or not meeting the above requirements, will be returned to the sender. Family memberships cannot be combined to create larger ads, nor can a membership be used for free classified ad purposes by anyone other than immediate family members. Ads run for three months.2. Commercial ads for Utah Farm Bureau members where the member is acting as an agent or dealer (real estate, machinery, handicraft items made by people outside the member family, etc.) cost 25 cents per word. Payment MUST accompany such ads or they will be returned to the sender. Members are entitled to one such ad. Ads run for one month.3. Ads for non-Utah Farm Bureau members cost 50 cents per word. Payment MUST accompany such ads or they will be returned to the sender. Ads run for one month.In all ads, short lines requested by the advertiser, extra lines of white space, and lines with words in all caps count as 6 words per line. Ads with borders and bold headlines may be submitted and placed within the classified section, but will be charged the display advertising rate. Please contact the classified advertising department for further information. No insurance ads will be accepted.***DEADLINE: ALL ADS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE 15TH OF THE MONTH IN ORDER TO APPEAR IN THE NEXT ISSUE. EXCEPT FOR THE JANUARY ISSUE, WHICH HAS A CLASSIFIED DEADLINE OF DEC. 5.Only free ads (Category 1 ads of 40 words or less) will be accepted by telephone at 801-233-3010, by fax at 801-233-3030 or e-mail at [email protected]. Please include your membership number. Ads must be received no later than the 15th of the monthMail ads, typed or neatly printed, with any payment due, to Utah Farm Bureau News, Classified Ad Department, 9865 South State Street, Sandy, UT 84070-2305. Free ads must be resubmitted by mail, telephone or fax after running for three months. Ads for which there is a payment due will be run as long as payment is received in advance.ALL CLASSIFIED ADS will be listed on the Utah Farm Bureau web page unless the Utah Farm Bureau member specifies otherwise when placing the ad. The ads on the web site will run concurrently with the classified ads in the Utah Farm Bureau News. NOTE: The appearance of any ad in the Utah Farm Bureau News does not constitute an endorsement or approval of the service or merchandise offered. While every effort is made to ensure the legitimacy of services or merchandise advertised, the Utah Farm Bureau News or the Utah Farm Bureau Federation accepts no responsibility or liability for services or products advertised.

FARM EQUIPMENTI BUY, SELL, TRADE AND LOCATE all kinds of farm machinery. Bale wagons, tractors, tillage, planting, harvesting equipment, etc. I have a large inventory at this time. Palmer Equipment is located one mile south of Manti on Highway 89. 435-835-5111 or Cell: 435-340-1111. www.balewagons.com.FOR SALE: Dump Truck hoist for 2 ½ ton truck, complete with pup and power take off. 5th wheel trailer hitch for pick-up. Call 801-391-6663.WANTED: Looking for a good tractor 45 to 90 horsepower. If it has a loader that would be great! Also need a New Holland 1036 bale wagon, a bull squeeze chute, calf table, and portable cattle loading ramp. Dave (801) 243-9890.FOR SALE: 2007 New Holland Big Baler 3x4, 5500 bales, always shedded. $64,900 Delivery available. Call Charles Redd 435-686-2221.WANTED TO BUY: Offset disk 8-9 ft on rubber. Good Condition. Call Reed 435-436-8792. FOR SALE: JD 450 10’ Grain Drill DD 7” spacing, no alfalfa box, excellent condition $5500. Call Charles Redd 435-686-2221.FOR SALE: small JD baler model # 468. Field ready with warranty, many extras. Hyd oiler, Hyd tension, ram in tong. Factory lights, fiber glass sleeves in chamber, side wheel. 435-257-5053.FOR SALE: Three Ford tractors in good condition. Two have low and high range transmission with three speed gears. The other a four speed. Built 1946 to 1954. Loader, plows, blades, disks and harrows too. Call 435-458-3360.FOR SALE: ’87 Volvo forward cab box truck, 22’ bed. Model FE613, 170 HD diesel engine. LWB 28000. 79,500 miles. 1 ex truck. $7,000. Ray Child, Clinton 801-825-1701.FOR SALE: Baler, John Deere 2-wire small bales, older model 224.Still works! $300.00 OBO. St. George (435) 632-5536.FOR SALE: John Deere 38 forage chopper 5ft hay pickup head, 2rw corn head. Very good condition. $3900. Paul Macdonald 435 678 2984.

FEEDFOR SALE: 200 1 ton bales. Mostly weeds. $25 per bale. 435-563-3382.

LIVESTOCKOUTSTANDING HEREFORD BULLS: Yearling Hereford bulls you will really like and possessing the best genetics to be found anywhere in the country. Buy them as yearlings and get an extra year of use. Well grown out but not fat, these youngsters are ready to go to work for you. Lowell Peterson, Peterson Bros. Herefords (801) 540-1001.

BULLS FOR SALE: Easy keeping Line One Herefords. Calving ease, excellent performance, mellow disposition. Jensen Bros. Please call: 435-752-4904.SHOW PIGS for sale. 801-643-7125.TOP QUALITY LINE ONE Hereford Bulls for sale. 20 stout yearling & 2-yr old bulls available at www.JohansenHerefords.com. Breeding focuses on low birth weights, muscle, growth, maternal traits, and disposition. Contact Jonathan @ 801-450-6458 or Craig @ 435-381-2523.GELBVIEH-ANGUS-BALANCER Bulls for sale. 12-18 months old. Red and black. Not grain fed and will work under any conditions. Contact Larry at 435-864-7879. BEEF CATTLE for sale. 801-643-7125.

REAL ESTATEFOR SALE: Half acre lot on the Snake River in Buhl, ID with power, well, and septic. Across river from golf course. Asking 80,000 or best offer. Ramona, 435-590-3034PRICE REDUCTION! $89,900 for 26.9 ac along Hwy 36 in Mink Creek, Idaho. 300 water shares. Beautiful home site. 4.01 acres in Lewiston. Beautifully updated home. Outbuildings and heated shop. 10 Acres in Trenton. $78,000. Excellent farm land. Ideal Ranchette Land in Clarkston Price Reduction! Seller Financing! $175,000 for 194.6 acres. Beautiful farm against foothills. Torrey Scenic Land 175.83 acres with excellent water rights. Near entrance of Capitol Reef Nat’l Park. Dairy Farm in Cache Valley 41 acres. Irrigated. Updated home, excellent crops. Double 5 Herringbone parlor. Mt. Sterling Land 14.94 acres with water shares and water rights. Clarkston Land A 57 and a 63 acre parcel with large fish pond. Must be sold together. Legacy Ranch Townhome $119,900, only one left, 3 bdrm, 2 1/2 bath, 1,500 sq ft, garage. Legacy Ranch Homes In Franklin, Idaho. Equestrian, lakeside and view lots. Homes from $139,900. Contact Brent Parker, @Home Realty, (435)881-1000.FOR SALE: Forest Service grazing permit for 131 cattle. Summer range in Manti Canyon near Manti, Utah. 435-673-0667, Scott Lamb. FOR SALE: 64 acres farm ground in Lewiston, Cache County Utah. 64 water shares. Wheel line for entire 64 acres. Property at 804 West 800 North on road heading north into Preston, ID. For more information call Loron Marler at 801-782-4768 or write PO Box 12505, Ogden, UT 84412-2505. FOR SALE: Forest grazing permits, summer range – 5 month permit. Fish Lake Forest near Loa, Utah. 435-979-3778, David Brown.

MISCELLANEOUS:WANTED TO BUY: Old License Plates, especially pre-1950, 1920s and 1930s tonnage plates, 1943 window sticker, 1959 motorcycle, exempt or quarterly plates, etc. Old, rusty, partial plates just fine. Thanks for looking. Mark Wallentine, [email protected], (435) 723-2492FOR SALE: 2009 Yamaha Rhino with snow blade. Less than 300 mile & chipped. Telephone number 435-724-5069.FOR SALE: Used pivot irrigation tires and wheels size 11.2 x 24. Priced from $40.00 - $200. Also some used gear boxes, center drives, and irrigation drops with sprinkler heads. Call Richard for pricing and availability. 435-563-3532 or 435-770-7898FOR SALE: Bostitch box stapler, Model F94EO, foot operated. $250. Electric container box stapler, ex condition, $400. 3 pt Sitrex tractor wood saw, $600. 801-825-1701, Ray Child, Clinton. FOR SALE: 2 quarter mile wheel lines. 7’ wheels, 4” pipe, western ends. Also includes mover, hose, & valve opener. These lines were in use last season, so they are in good working order. Call 435-701-1276 FOR SALE (3 items): Hay Squeeze, Tow-able 21’ Lift, Gas 6-clyinder, (Shuttle Transmission has problem), $8500/OBO; Hobie Cat Catamaran Sail Boat, $750/OBO; 5” PVC Gray Conduit, 20’ lengths- (8000 feet), Make Offer; Call Steve @ 801-787-1212.UTAH VACATION IDEA! Hiking, fishing, hunting, mountain biking, horse trails, more. Everything’s close to the Rosebud Guest House. Near Ashley NF, Strawberry River, Starvation. Fully equipped cabin. Pet-friendly. Corrals. Reservations, more information: 435-548-2630, 1-866-618-7194, [email protected], www.rosebudguesthouse.com.AGRICULTURAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIESNRCS JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: Full time, exempt position for Conservation t e c h n i c i a n / P l a n n e r / W a t e r s h e d Coordinator, Morgan Conservation District. Job includes conservation planning and water quality improvement projects in the Lower Weber River watershed. Position located at and technical oversight at the NRCS Ogden Field Office. Apply before May 27, 2011 to Desiree Van Dyke @ [email protected]. Complete list of qualifications, requirements and duties can be obtained by emailing [email protected] or calling 801-542-8208.

Page 28: Utah Farm Bureau News

Utah Farm Bureau News28 May 2011

County Scenes

Beaver County ▶ Farm Field Day, May 5, 8:30 a.m. at Gillens Dairy in Minersville

Emery County▶ Board meeting, May 17, 7:30 p.m. at the county courthouse in Castle Dale

Iron County ▶ SUPAC, 12:45 p.m. at Brian Head resort.

Garfield County ▶ Farm Field Day, May 25, 8:30 a.m. at Triple C Arena in Panguitch

Salt Lake County▶ Board meeting, May 10, 7 p.m. at UFBF State office in Sandy.

Cache County ▶ Farm Field Days, May 23-24, Munk Dairy & Wangsgard dairy

Sevier County ▶ Natural Resources Festival, May 6-7, all day in Richfield▶ Six County Nat. Resource Committee, May 11, 1 p.m. at teh County Admin. building.▶ Board meeting, May 26, 8 p.m. at Insurance office

Morgan County▶ Board meeting, May 11, 7 p.m. at County Courthouse

Weber County

▶ Board meeting, May 26, 7 p.m. in West Weber

Utah County▶ Board meeting, May 26, 7 p.m. at USU Ext. office

Washington County▶ Board meeting, June. 1, 8:00 p.m. at the insurance office.

State and Regional Activities▶ UFBF Board meeting, May 25, at State Office

▶ Farm Bureau Center closed May 30 for Memorial Day


▶ May RAC Meetings: Visit wildlife.utah.gov.

▶Mark your calendars for the 2011 Utah Farm Bureau Midyear Conference, July 14-15 in Price, Carbon County. More details on registration and the agenda will be coming in the June edition of the Utah Farm Bureau News. Questions can also be sent to Susan Furner at [email protected] or 801-233-3040.

FB County Corner

[Top]Utah Farm Bureau President Leland Hogan visits the Panama Canal as part of the AFBF Trade Mission to Central and South America. Photos courtesy of AFBF [Middle]U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah 3rd District ) speaks to the Utah County Farm Bureau while attending its banquet in March. Photo by Matt Hargreaves [Bottom] Michele Barker, Women’s Committee Chair for the Carbon County Farm Bureau speaks with a reporter from the Price Sun-Advocate during its Farm Field Days in April. Photo by Matt Hargreaves.