USS Venture Sourcebook 1 the USS Venture

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  • 7/25/2019 USS Venture Sourcebook 1 the USS Venture


    USS Venture SourcebookBook 1

    The USS Venture


    Discovery is a journey without a chart"USS Venture Dedication

    A Roleplaying Game Sourcebook for the USS Venture.

    By Dan Gurden

  • 7/25/2019 USS Venture Sourcebook 1 the USS Venture



    Appendi! ".#a$t %i$t


  • 7/25/2019 USS Venture Sourcebook 1 the USS Venture


    Foreward a$t %i$t ontent$ '

    Book "

    (he USS Venture )(he *i$tory of the Venture.USS Venture (echnical Specification$Appendi! & USS Venture Game Stati$tic$#aptain Ben+amin *edge$(he ,athfinder ,ro+ect(he -ida$ Array(he USS Venture -i$$ionVe$$el$ a$$igned to the USS Venture

    Book &

    (he #rew of the USS Venture#rew -anife$tDepartmental Dutie$,layer #haracter$#rew ,#/$

    Book '(he USS Venture Uni0er$e1ther ,#/$

    Book$ )(he USS Venture Reference Guide

    Appendi!" 2 #a$t %i$t& 2 USS Venture Game Stati$tic$


  • 7/25/2019 USS Venture Sourcebook 1 the USS Venture


    Book 1

    The History of the Venture.

    (he USS Venture carrie$ on a long and proud hi$tory dating back manycenturie$ and encompa$$ing the mo$t Romantic of Sailing 0e$$el$3 through tothe 4arly ,ioneer$ of Spaceflight before it$ $er0ice within Starfleet.

    The USS Ventures Line!e"

    The Se Venture.

    Recogni5ing the ri$k in putting all one/$ egg$ in oneba$ket3 few organi$ation$ today allow their mo$t $enior

    per$onnel to tra0el on the $ame $pacecraft3 but in "678the Virginia #ompany did not he$itate to $end it$ topmen to Virginia on the $ame $mall $hip. Both the fleet/$admiral3 Sir George Somer$3 and Virginia/$ new interimgo0ernor3 Sir (homa$ Gate$3 were aboard the SeaVenture when the young colony/$ third $upply fleet $et$ail from the (hame$ in -ay3 "678. #aptained by#hri$topher ewport who had $er0ed a$ admiral of thefir$t fleet two year$ before3 the "97 $oul$ aboard thenew flag$hip were in good and e!perienced hand$.

    After rende50ou$ing at ,lymouth3 there were to be nine $hip$ in all3 carrying$ettler$ and crew$ to the number of about 977 :one authority put$ the figurea$ high a$ 677;. Rather than taking the i$landndie$ where uncharted $hoal$ and a$$orted Spaniard$ lay in wait3 theSea Ventureled the con0oy on a northerly and more direct cour$e that $houldha0e left Bermuda below the hori5on to $tarboard.

    Se0en week$ out and only eight day$ from the e!pected landfall3 gatheringblack cloud$ to the $outh foretold bad weather boiling up from the #aribbean.(he hurricane that had $cattered Sir Franci$ Drake/$ fleet in ?une3 "9@63 wa$doubtle$$ much in mind a$ the ocean turned an inky black and the fir$t 0iolent

    gu$t$ of wind threatened the $ail$ and whi$tled through the rigging of thecockle$hell fleet.

    (he Sea Venture3 the large$t of the $hip$3 had a burthen of only about '77ton$ and a $tem to $tern length of perhap$ a hundred feet. (owed behind herwa$ a pinnace3 po$$ibly the new pynnace3 theVirginia3 the fir$t 4ngli$h0e$$el built entirely in the ew =orld and the principal achie0ement of the illnitial run of 6 0e$$el$ operating abo0e andbeyond the de0elopment guideline$ $et out for them by the de$ign team.

    *owe0er the opportunity wa$ taken to in$titute a few de$ign alteration$3 $ucha$ increa$ed weapon$ co0erage with the addition of $e0eral new ,ha$erArray$.

    (he Venture wa$ initially po$ted to report to Starba$e 'E9 1ffering $upportalong the #arda$$ian Border a$ both the #arda$$ian$ and the Federationnegotiated a lengthy treaty. (he Venture wa$ to remain on $tation here forCuite $ometime. 1ffering $upport to the newly chri$tened Deep Space ine3along with both (he USS 4nterpri$e and the USS 1dy$$ey3 Starfleetcommand felt that the pre$ence of ' Gala!y #la$$ Star$hip$ would $how both$trength and diplomatic intent. *elping to diffu$e the $ituation there.

    De$pite the lo$$ o0er the ne!t fewyear$ of both the 4nterpri$e and1dy$$ey3 the Venture remained in thearea and wa$ once again thru$t intothe thick of thing$ a$ fir$t the Llingon$in0aded #arda$$ian $pace3 ru$hing a$the head of a $mall fleet to meet theLlingon Force$ be$ieging Deep Spaceine3 and later when the #arda$$iantreaty broke down and the Dominion=ar broke out. 10er and o0er3 the

    Venture found it$elf on the frontline3 during 1peration Return3 (he Battle of#hin/(oka and e0en the final a$$ault$ on #arda$$ia.

    -any crew die$3 and the Venture wa$ hea0ily damaged3 a$ a re$ult of month$of e!tended combat and improper repair facilitie$. (he Venture limped homeonly to be redirected to 4arth.

    Upon arri0al3 the Venture put into -cLinley Spacedock3 ha0ing leap $traight tothe front of the Mueue3 the $ur0i0ing crew were all gi0en e!tended lea0e or

    (ran$fer$ and a ma$$i0e o0erhaul and refit began. #aptain *edge$ wa$ toldof the -i$$ion that had been a$$igned to the USS Venture3 becoming pri0y to$ome top Secret data in the proce$$ and choo$e to retain thi$ command and$tay with the Venture for the forthcoming mi$$ion rather than a tran$fer.

    So he took e!tended lea0e3 one of only a few of the Venture$ crew to do $o.Facing a "7 year mi$$ion of Deep Space e!ploration3 Starfleet focu$ed on theAcademy3 bringing in young officer$ who would find a "7

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    (aking 0olunteer$ only3 the Venturewa$ a$$igned to the ,athfinder,ro+ect3 a dual mi$$ion3 to e!ploredeep $pace on the far $ide ofRomulan (erritory3 to $et out

    communication$ and $en$orbeacon$ and to $et up for thee!pected return of the USSVoyager3 lo$t o0er 9 year$ before3and recently contacted again.


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    USS Venture Technic* S+ecifictionsN,e USS Venture.e!istrtion##mpul$e 4ngine FuelN Slu$h Deuterium>mpul$e Reactor$N '.Fuel repleni$hmentN Bu$$ard Scoop.

    Co,,unictions>ntra$hip (ran$mi$$ion$N Voice and Data.,er$onnel #ommunicator RangeN 977 km.Ship

  • 7/25/2019 USS Venture Sourcebook 1 the USS Venture


    Scnnin! eso*ution

    *igh Re$olution %ong range Scan3 ma!imum range 9 light year$.-edium to %ow re$olution3 effecti0e range "E light year$.

    Lbortory ci*ities

    -edical3 with full $urgical capability3 bioha5ard >#U3 inten$i0e care3 phy$ical therapyand ad0anced 4-* $y$tem.Biologic lab3 with i$olation capability.A$trometric$ and Stellar #artography lab$.*olo

  • 7/25/2019 USS Venture Sourcebook 1 the USS Venture


    9++en2i (" USS Venture :,e SttisticsThe 6thfin2er 6ro;ectThe #i2s 9rryThe USS Venture #issionVesse*s ssi!ne2 to the USS Venture


  • 7/25/2019 USS Venture Sourcebook 1 the USS Venture


    USS Venture SourcebookBook (

    The Cre0 of the USS Venture


    Discovery is a journey without a chart"USS Venture Dedication

    A Roleplaying Game Sourcebook for the USS Venture.By Dan Gurden


  • 7/25/2019 USS Venture Sourcebook 1 the USS Venture



    #rew -anife$t ,age 'Department Breakdown and Dutie$ ,age 8,layer #haracter$ ,age "@

    #hief 4ngineer < ile Rutherford ,age "@#hief -edical 1fficer < -aura Regem ,age &7#hief of Security < De0lin (ra$k ,age &onn 1fficer < (iberiu$ *unter ,age &)4ngineer$ -ate < 4frim Vibo ,age &64ngineering Speciali$t < (errik Dray$on ,age &@4!ecuti0e 1fficer < %yanna Son$on ,age '7-edical 1fficer < 4phiny #oda ,age ''1peration$ -anager < Solon ,age '9Romulan %iai$on 1fficer < (al ,age 'EStrategic 1peration$ -anager < ?ame$ ,ierce ,age '@


  • 7/25/2019 USS Venture Sourcebook 1 the USS Venture


    USS Venture Cre0 #nifest

    N,e nk /e+t. 6osition S+ecies Se

    Ben$on*edge #ommand Ship$ #aptain *uman -ale


    #ommand 4!ecuti0e 1fficer *uman Female


    (actical Strategic 1peration$1fficer O &nd 1fficer

    *uman -ale

    Subn additionto coordinating repair and maintenance $chedule$3 the #41 i$ u$ually re$pon$ible forupgrade made to impro0e or optimi5e performance. (hey are al$o re$pon$ible forcoordinating the per$onnel $er0ing under their command3 a$ well a$ the condition of alleCuipment on a Starfleet $hip..

    01xamle2 5t. 3ommander eordi 5a Forge" 3hief :iles #Brien 0aboard the (efiant8" 5t.Belanna &orres8/e+uty Chief of n!ineerin!(he #41 deputy i$ e!pected to act in the chief$ place whenaway or una0ailable. (hey will al$o $uper0i$e maintenance ta$k$ in remote area$ :$uch a$away mi$$ion$;3 or critical maintenance ta$k$ when there i$ more than one ta$k of the $amepriority. Al$o traditionally known a$ the 4ngineer$ -ate.05t. 4oseh 3arey8n!ineerin! %fficer(he officer$ and #1/$ of engineering are charged with the actualrepair$ and maintenance needed. A$ well a$ the normal e0eryday ta$k$ that keep a Star$hiprunning3 often working 0ery clo$ely with the 1peration$ Department to thi$ end.01xamles2 1nsign Vorri$" 1nsign *obin 5efler" 5t. *eginald Barclay8

    #e2ic*"irst, Do no harm."

    =hen a $hip full of people goe$ out to e!plore the gala!y3 it$ $ure that at $ometime $omeonewill get hurt. (hat/$ where -edical come$ in. (heir +ob i$ to treat the in+ured and heal the $ick3a$ alway$ a Cualified doctor hold$ $ignificant re$pect whate0er their rank. >t i$ al$o po$$iblefor the #hief -edical officer to order the captain to $tand down3 if he belie0e$ the captain$beha0iour to be affected by -edical #ondition$. ont i$ al$o rare for a Cualified doctorto enter $er0ice below the rank of ?unior %ieutenant. -edical per$onnel wear the $ame colour+er$ey a$ $cience.

    Chief #e2ic* %fficer (he #-1 manage$ the entire medical department3 and i$ re$pon$iblefor the admini$trati0e ta$k$ a$$ociated with the department. (he #-1 mu$t be both Doctorand Admini$trator a$ they al$o ha0e to fit in their normal medical dutie$ a$ well. UnderStarfleet/$ rule$ the $enior ranking medical officer ha$ final $ay in any matter concerninghealthcare3 and treatment of the in+ured.01xamles2 3ommander Beverly 3rusher" 5t. 4ulian Bashier" the (octor8/e+uty #e2ic* %fficer (hi$ officer po$ition i$n/t alway$ filled3 effecti0ely it i$ the ne!tranking doctor on the medical $taff. >n the ca$e that the #-1 i$ unable to fulfill their dutie$thi$ officer will coordinate with the *ead ur$e3 and take o0er command of the Doctor$aboard $hip.#e2ic* %fficer (he Doctor$ primary concern i$ with the phy$ical health and well

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    the head nur$e a $econd departmental deputy3 while the other doctor$ make the medicaldeci$ion$.01xamles 5t. 'lysia #gawa8The Counse**orA Starfleet #oun$ellor i$ primarily re$pon$ible for the mental and emotionalhealth of the crew compliment of the 0e$$el or facility to which they are a$$igned3 but thi$ i$not the only a$pect of the po$ition. #oun$ellor$ are u$ually part of a $hip$ $enior command

    crew3 and can hold rank$ a$ high a$ commander. A$ $uch3 they may e0en be called upon toa$$ume command of an entire facility in time$ of #ri$i$.%ogi$tically a$$igned a$ part of a $hip$ -edical contingent3 the coun$ellor i$ likely to operate$eparately3 and maybe e0en ha0e a$$i$tant$ on $hip$ with particularly large crew$. Acoun$ellor i$ likely to ha0e a $eparate office3 like any other department head3 although thi$office i$ de$igned to pro0ide a calm rela!ed atmo$phere for coun$elling $e$$ion$ if acrewmember wi$he$ to 0i$it the coun$ellor for a $e$$ion.1ften a coun$ellor will al$o ha0e a $eat on the bridge3 often $haring with other mi$$ion$peciali$t$3 near the #aptain and Fir$t 1fficer. (he captain often ha$ cau$e to call upon thee!perience$ and $kill$ of the coun$ellor during fir$t contact3 negotiation$ or other ten$e$ituation$ they will ad0i$e on the cultural di$tincti0ene$$ of race$ or $ugge$t $ocial etiCuettethat may need to be ob$er0ed during communication.(he ability to directly influence the captain$ command deci$ion$ i$ an e!tremely important

    re$pon$ibility. A coun$ellor i$ reCuired to ha0e a high degree of under$tanding3 intuition andconfidence in mo$t a$pect$ of running a $hip3 and mu$t al$o be aware of the protocol andregulation$ needed to deal with any $pecie$ and $ituation that might be encountered.A coun$ellor i$ reCuired to $it in on the ma+ority of $enior $taff briefing$ and meeting$ andoften accompanie$ away team mi$$ion$3 e$pecially on diplomatic 0i$it$ or function$. Acoun$ellor/$ ad0i$e and e!perti$e in the$e in$tance$ can be 0ital in a0oiding culturaldifficultie$. (he Ship$ councillor al$o work$ with the H1 when re0iewing per$onnel andmaking recommendation$ about tran$fer$ and promotion$.01xamles2 3ommander (eanna &roi" 5t0;g8. 1=ri (ax8

    %+ertions"!urn it o##, turn it on, $t'll %e &("

    (he 1peration$ department i$ a hybrid department co0ering *elm3 (actical and $ome4ngineering. (heir area of e!perti$e i$ the control and di$tribution of power and re$ource$around the $hip. (hey deal with (ran$porter$ and #ommunication$ a$ well a$ Shuttlecraft and(ractor beam$3 howe0er under combat condition$ many of the$e $y$tem$ al$o fall under(actical control. 1peration$ al$o deal with Damage report$ when they come in3 a$ well a$ the#oordination of damage control team$ during the aftermath. 1fficer$ in 1peration$ are u$uallyea$ily tran$ferred between *elm3 4ngineering or (actical in an emergency. (hey wearGoldOellow +er$ey$.Along with the Security and 4ngineering Department$3 the ma+ority of Starfleet$ enli$tedper$onnel $er0e within thi$ department.Chief of %+s(he #hief of 1peration$ i$ al$o known a$ the 1peration$ -anager3 thi$

    indi0idual i$ e!tremely reliant on Artificial >ntelligence $ubroutine$ built into the main computernetwork to carry out a $ignificant ma+ority of routine work in ta$k$ $uch a$ the routing of powerand $en$or reCuirement$ and u$age to different department$. All are mo$tly handled by the$hip$ main computer3 although the actual3 allocation of $uch re$ource$ i$ often decided by the1peration 1fficer in charge. (he important nece$$ity of the 1peration$ #hief i$ highlighted byit$ po$itioning on a $hip$ bridge3 often3 right ne!t to either #onn or (actical.An 1peration$ -anager ha$ at their di$po$al a $erie$ of readout$ that gi0e a continuallyupdated li$t of current $hipboard acti0itie$3 thu$ allowing 1p$ to prioriti$e re$ource$ onreCue$t3 or alter the balance in ca$e$ of emergency or potentially dangerou$ tactical$ituation$. (he way in which re$ource$ for a $hip$ $en$or$ are allocated i$ particularlyimportant for e!ploratory 0e$$el$ a$ a number of differing department$ reCuire the u$age ofthi$ re$ource for a wide 0ariety of rea$on$. >n ca$e$ when there i$ a chance of onedepartment$ u$e interfering or pre0enting the $ucce$$ of another3 the 1peration$ -anager

    may re$chedule the allocation of re$ource u$age and e0en reCue$t more dra$ticrecommendation$3 $uch a$ cour$e change$3 to en$ure total $ucce$$.


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    For all the$e rea$on$ an 1peration$ -anager i$ often particularly $killed in #omputer u$e andoften a $killed engineer to boot. (he 1peration$ and 4ngineering department$ will work 0eryclo$ely together3 blending almo$t imperceptibly3 and it i$ true that many of their $kill$ andabilitie$ are interchangeable...1n the Bridge a$ 1peration$ -anager3 the $enior 1p$ con$ole pro0ide$ acce$$ to the $tatu$of a $hip/$ Sen$or$3 Shield$ and #ommunication$3 often enabling the $enior 1p$ officer on

    the bridge to acce$$ and report much of the $ame information al$o a0ailable to a (actical1fficer.>t mu$t al$o be noted that many of the newer $tyle of Starfleet $hip$ bridge arrangement3 ha0ebegun integrating many of the 1peration$ and *elm control$ into a $ingle panel :$uch a$ inthe Defiant3 >ntrepid and ,rometheu$ cla$$e$;3 a$ a re$ult3 more than a few 1peration$manager$ ha0e found them$el0e$ $er0ing a$ #onn officer a$ well.01xamles2 5t. 3ommander (ata" 3hief )etty #fficer :iles #Brien" 1nsign >arry 6im8/e+uty Chief of %+s(he deputy chief of 1peration$ i$ there to back the chief up3 andeffecti0ely coordinate any departmental operation$ acro$$ the $hip while the #hief i$ bu$y onthe bridge. *e i$ al$o e!pected to take o0er on the bridge if the chief of op$ i$ una0ailable totake the po$ition3 likewi$e thi$ officer i$ in charge during the 1p$ chief$ ab$ence.1ut$ide of that3 the deputy chief of 1peration$ i$ u$ually found in charge of one of the otherduty $hift$3 effecti0ely delegating re$pon$ibilitie$ between duty $hift$ of per$onnel.

    Trns+orter Chief(he (ran$porter $y$tem$ are one of the mo$t important facilitie$ a0ailableto Starfleet 0e$$el$ and facilitie$3 enabling the near

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    %+ertions %fficer(he rank and file of the operation$ department3 generally filling abridging role between Science3 #ommand and 4ngineering. (hey often $peciali$e in aparticular $y$tem3 focu$ing on #omputer3 Sen$or$3 *olographic or (ran$porter $y$tem$3 andwill be technically proficient both in their u$e and in their repair3 working clo$ely along$ide4ngineering3 and often the line$ between 1peration$ and 4ngineering get a little blurred. (he1peration$ department often ha$ the large$t contingent of officer$ aboard a Star$hip.

    01xamle2 1nsign 7og" *om8

    Science")eird is part o# the jo%("

    (he primary department of Starfleet/$ continuing mi$$ion of e!ploration. Following the originalmandate a$ an e!ploratory and $cientific organi5ation. (hey $er0e aboard Star$hip/$ indro0e$. =hile there may be a #hief Science officer :u$ually the highe$t ranking officer in thedepartment3 the department i$ then further $plit different field$ of $tudy3 each with it$ ownteam leader. (he large$t department$ aboard e!ploratory 0e$$el$ tend to be A$trogation3which chart$ the gala!y in Stellar #artography and e!plore$ anomalie$ in $pace3 andHenobiology3 $peciali5ing in alien culture$ and u$ually ha0ing $econdary training in fir$t

    contact procedure$. (hey are $potted due to their BlueO(eal +er$ey$.=hile the mi$$ion a Star$hip i$ on Alway$ recei0e$ priority3 Science officer$ are allowed :e0enencouraged; to pur$ue whate0er a0enue of re$earch they de$ire3 within Federation law.>t i$ common for different $cience department$ to operate among$t it$ $eperate department$3more $o than any other Department in the fleet. (he$e are u$ually $peciali$ed into thefollowing department$,lanetary Science$3 Space Science$3 (echnical Science$ and (heoretical Science$3 4!ot i$nt entirely unu$ual for a deep $pace or e!ploration mi$$ion to actuallycontain $e0eral $ubn Starfleet the high con$ideration$ of $cientific achie0ement $till often lead$ $cience officer$into the #ommand branch3 and a $ignificant number of Starfleet #aptain$ and Fir$t 1fficer$come from the Science Department.01xamles2 3ommander 7eela (arren" 5t .3ommander 4ad=ia (ax" 3ommander Soc$89ssistnt Chief Science %fficer(he a$$i$tant chief $tand$ in for the #hief of Science$when they are una0ailable. >n addition it will u$ually be the a$$i$tant chief who accompanie$an away team to a planet$ $urface to $uper0i$e planetary operation$. >n larger 0e$$el$ thereare likely to be multiple A$$i$tant #hief$3 u$ually each head$ up different department$3 a$li$ted abo0e.Science %fficer-o$t $cience officer$ remain tucked away3 in the labyrinth of Science lab$of 0ariou$ type$ a0ailable on mo$t Starfleet $hip$. -o$t o0er the rank and file $cience officer$are u$ually $peciali$t$ in particular field$3 and are u$ually a0ailable for tran$fer to $hip$ goingon mi$$ion$ appropriate to their field of e!perti$e. >t i$ for thi$ rea$on that the $cience

    per$onnel $ometime$ recei0e numerou$ tran$fer$ in a $hort period of time3 mo0ing to wheretheir $kill$ are reCuired for a$ long a$ needed.


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    -o$t $cience officer$ are highly $peciali$ed3 focu$ed in a particular field3 $uch a$ #omputerScience$3 Archaeology and Anthropology :AQA 1fficer;3 *i$torian$ and the like. And thi$ highfocu$ of $peciali$ation often lead$ to rapid ren recent year$ a #hief of Security ha$ al$o$er0ed a$ Senior (actical officer al$o3 a $ituation that ha$ matched Starfleet$ mi$$ion ofpeaceful e!ploration. *owe0er after the recent ho$tilitie$ with the Dominion3 there are many$enior (actical 1fficer$ $er0ing within the fleet3 and it i$ likely that thi$ $plit in $peciali$ation$ i$

    likely to remain with the fleet for $e0eral year$3 lea0ing many 0e$$el$ with both a Security#hief and Senior (actical 1fficer.A Security #hief often accompanie$ any away team$3 at the forefront of the landing party3,ha$er at the ready3 and $canning the planet for $ign$ of ho$tile life form$ or en0ironmentaldanger$. A Star$hip$ chief of $ecurity i$ al$o on hand any time a 0i$itor beam$ aboard. >f thenewcomer $how$ $ign$ of ho$tility3 the $ecurity chief will u$e whate0er mean$ nece$$ary tocalm the $ituation.(he chief of $ecurity function$ a$ an >n0e$tigator3 ,oliceman and Soldier3 and a$ $uch i$e!pected to be fully con0er$ant with all of Starfleet/$ weapon$ $y$tem$ a$ well a$ multipleform$ of hand

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    concerned3 it would be a fooli$h +unior officer who trie$ to pull rank on an enli$ted #1 with$o much e!perience.Shore lea0e $ecurity al$o fall$ under the +uri$diction of the -a$ter at Arm$3 a$ i$ themaintenance and upkeep of the $hip$ weapon$ locker$3 but often thi$ i$ $hared between thechief of Security and delegated to +unior officer$.Security %fficer(he general rank and file of the $ecurity department3 tru$ted with en$uring

    the continued $afety and wellbeing of the $ection they are a$$igned to3 a$ well a$ be a0ailablefor away team duty at any time. -u$t be able to function a$ Guard and Soldier.

    Tctic*"*ust show me where to shoot("

    (he officer$ in the (actical department are re$pon$ible for the upkeep of all $hip boundweapon$ $y$tem$ from the ,ha$er$ and ,hoton torpedo/$3 through to any $peciali$edordinance reCuired for the mi$$ion. =hile the chief of $ecurity often man$ the tactical $tationon the bridge3 when that indi0idual i$ called away it i$ often a member of thi$ department whotake$ o0er the $tation. =ith the recent conflict with the Dominion3 many captain$ ha0e takento a$$igning a $pecific indi0idual to the Bridge $tation3 keeping the Security chief back for

    repelling boarder$ and accompanying away team$. Although thi$ i$ at the #aptain$di$cretion.Strte!ic %+ertions %fficer(hi$ i$ u$ually the mo$t $enior and battle hardened tacticalofficer a$$igned to a $hip3 effecti0ely the department chief. Rarely a$$igned to anyone belowthe rank of %t. #ommander. >t i$ thi$ officer$ duty to command the (actical $tation in combatcondition$3 and can $ometime$ take o0er the $hip if the #aptain or H1 are una0ailable. >t i$generally con$idered that thi$ po$ition i$ a ma+or $tepping

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    Starfleet3 although the fleet and the Federation Diplomatic $er0ice do work clo$ely together3in$tead Diplomat$ are mo$t often ci0ilian$3 $o that they can en$ure impartiality and ob+ecti0itywhen con$idering their diplomatic ca$e file$. *owe0er Starfleet i$ often happy to a$$ign ayoung up and coming officer a$ a Diplomatic liai$on in order to e!po$e their promi$ingcandidate$ to diplomatic procedure$ and to many Jeccentricitie$/ that Diplomat$ are renownedfor. >t i$ not unu$ual for retired admiral$ and captain$ to become diplomat$ or amba$$ador$

    after they take lea0e from Starfleet. 1n the whole few 0e$$el$ ha0e a regular diplomata$$igned to the crew3 unle$$ they are remaining on

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    6*yer Chrcters

    Lieutennt Ni*e utherfor2Chief n!ineer$ USS Venture

    S+ecies" *uman3 Siddaran #olonySe" -ale9!e" '7

    Ser3ice History&'69 < &'6@ < Starfleet Academy

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    :,e Stts

    9ttributes"Fitne$$ '#onitiati0e 63 >ntegrity 73 %uck "3 1penne$$ "3 Skill '=6 90r2e2" 9& =6 S+ent" )9


  • 7/25/2019 USS Venture Sourcebook 1 the USS Venture


    Lieutennt #ur e!e,Chief #e2ic* %fficer

    S+ecies" Alpha #entaurianSe" Female9!e" ')

    Ser3ice History"&'67 < &'6) < Starfleet Academy&'6E < &'E" < USS #onway3 Staff ur$e&'E& < &'E6 < USS #onway3 #hief ur$e&'E6 < &'E@ < Doctorate3 Starfleet -edical&'E@ < USS Venture < %ieutenant3 #hief -edical 1fficer.Chrcter History"Born to parent$ who were ,rofe$$or$ at the #entauran Uni0er$ity3 -aura wa$ rai$ed in thecompany of intellectual$ and arti$t$.*er mother worked in the -edical #ollege in the 4!obiology Studie$ and her father wa$ arecruiter for the #ollege3 often $ent to other world$ to inter0iew potential applicant$. 1ften3

    $he and her mother would tra0el with him3 allowing her e!po$ure to the medical a$pect$ ofother race$. (hi$ fa$cinated her during her childhood3 $purring her on to her $tudie$ atStarfleet.>n Starfleet3 $he graduated from Starfleet -edical Academy with honour$3 e!celling in manytopic$3 e$pecially her mother$ belo0ed e!obiological $tudie$. After graduation3 for her cadetcrui$e3 $he $er0ed on the USS %o0ett3 an 1berth

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    She3 like mo$t Federation citi5en$3 can be $u$piciou$ of Romulan$3 #arda$$ian$3 andDominion Race$...

    :,e Stts"


    Fitne$$ ontellect &3 5ogic&,re$ence '3 ,illower"3 1mathy",$i 7

    Ski**s"Admini$tration :%ogi$tic$; ":&;3 :Star$hip Admini$tration;:&;Arti$tic 4!pre$$ion :Flute; &:';Athletic$ :Running; ":';#harm :>nfluence; ":&;3 :Seduction;:&;#omputer :SimulationO-odelling; ":&;#ulture :#entaurian; &:';

    Dodge "4nergy =eapon :,ha$er; ":&;Fir$t Aid :=oundO#ombat (rauma; &:';3 :*uman;:'; :#hemicalOBiological;:';*i$tory :#entaurian; ":&;3 :Federation;:&;%anguage Federation Standard &3 #entaurian &%aw :Starfleet Regulation$; ":&;,er$onal 4Cuipment :-edical (ricorder; &:';,lanet$ide Sur0i0al :Urban; ":&;Science$3 %ife :Agronomy; ":&;3 :4!obiology;:&;Science$3 -edical :4!onitiati0e 7$ >ntegrity 7$ %uck 73 1penne$$ '3 Skill "=6 90r2e2" &' =6 S+ent" "@


  • 7/25/2019 USS Venture Sourcebook 1 the USS Venture


    Lieutennt /e3*in TrskChief of Security$ USS Venture

    S+ecies" *umanSe" -ale9!e" '"

    Ser3ice History"&'6) 2 &'6@ < Starfleet Academy&'6@ 2 &'E& < USS Black Fire&'E& 2 &'E6 < USS -ateo&'E6 2 ,re$ent < USS Venture. A$$igned a$ #hief of SecurityChrcter History"De0lin wa$ born in Donca$ter O UL < ").7).&')6 on planet 4arth.De0lin$ parent$ were both killed in an (ran$porter accident on board the USS Vi0endi in&'9&. After thi$ $hock in hi$ young life he wa$ gi0en to hi$ uncle Bruce *olloway and hi$ wife(here$e to rai$e the child. Bruce *olloway wa$ part of the Starfleet >ntelligence Ser0ice and$o De0lin didn/t $o him much.

    But when De0lin got in trouble in $chool becau$e of hi$ temperament3 hi$ uncle wa$ alway$there. Sometime$ to e!hort him and $ometime$ to gi0e him ad0ice to clear the $ituation. Aftera while Bruce wa$ like a father for De0lin and both became great friend$. (he$e change in thefeeling$ of De0lin where the main rea$on why he +oined the Academy in &'6).*i$ intere$t in =arfare *i$tory made the deci$ion witch line he $hould choo$e. #ommand andSecurity.(hinking of hi$ Uncle Bruce he choo$e the $ecurity path. >t didn/t took long and hi$ teacher$aw that De0lin ha$ a huge potential and $o De0lin got a $pecial training a$ a StarfleetRanger. (hi$ wa$ totally after De0lin$ ta$te. *e wa$n/t only a pure $ecurity guy. ow he gotthe chance to $how that hi$ intere$t in warfare wa$ $omething he made practical u$e of. *ewa$ $o good that he made him$elf a Ri0al in Lal0in #ormak. Lal0in wa$ the number one$tudent for the Ranger cour$e before De0lin +oined. And after a training mi$$ion whereDe0lin$ tactic lead hi$ team to 0ictory and Lal0in/$ team wa$ captured Lal0in $wore re0enge.

    >t i$n/t only that De0lin alway$ ha$ an an$wer but hi$ open and friendly per$onality make$ himthe middle of a group. But he al$o know$ when he ha$ to $tep back.After a $ucce$$ful cadet crui$e De0lin wa$ tran$ferred to the USS Black Fire in &'6@. (he$e4clip$e #la$$ Special 1peration Ship$ are de$igned for e$pionage on dangerou$ border$.(he mi$$ion wa$ to infiltrate a -aCui$ group on one of the planet$ in the #arda$$ian D-K.De0lin wa$ part of the away team who co0ered the infiltrator. But the plan wa$ un$ucce$$ful.(he #arda$$ian$ landed on the planet and captured mo$t of the -aCui$. (he away teammanaged to e$cape but the agent who $hould infiltrate the -aCui$ wa$ captured.After a )

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    Co,bt< De0lin will try to protect the life of e0ery crewmember including hi$ following$ecurity guard$.*i$ $worn credo i$ to protect li0e and $er0e $tarfleet and the federation. >n combat $ituationhe will alway$ try to $tun hi$ opponent$ or fight them down with martial art$.Le2ershi+< A$ a ranking officer and Department *ead3 De0lin will take command if no othermore appropriate officer i$ a0ailable3 he i$ a ri$k taker.

    /i+*o,cy< De0lin i$ a 0ery diplomatic per$on. >f one of hi$ $ecurity guard$ made a me$$ orha$n/t looked properly after hi$ eCuipment he won/t $hout but $eek a pri0ate con0er$ation withhim in hi$ office.Friend$ will ha0e an open ear with him and he try$ to help them and gi0e them $ome helpfulad0ice if they want.Soci*< *e ha$ $ometime$ problem$ to rela!. But if he i$ getting in the mood at a party hecan be a real entertainer. *e i$ Cuite witty and 0ery charming arround the ladie$. But he i$looking for a $eriou$ relation.

    :,e Stts

    9ttributes"Fitne$$ '

    #ontellect &3 )ercetion ",re$ence &3 ,illower ",$i 7Ski**s"Admini$tration :Star$hip Admin; " :&;Athletic$ :#limbing; " :&;3 :Di0ing; :&;#omputer :Data AlterationO*acking; & :';#ulture :*uman; & :';Diplomacy :Fir$t #ontact; & :&;Dodge &4nergy =eapon :,ha$er; & :';

    4ngineering3 Sy$tem$ :=eapon Sy$tem$; & :';Fir$t Aid :=oundO#ombat (rauma; & :&;*i$tory :*uman; " :&;%anguage$ Federation Standard &3 Romulan "%aw :Starfleet Regulation$; " :&;,er$onal 4Cuipment :4n0ironment Suit; " :&;,lanet$ide Sur0i0al :?ungle; & :';3 :Arctic; :';Science ,lanetary :,lanetology; & :';Science3 Space :A$trogation; & :&;Security :Security Sy$tem$; ' :';Ship$ Sy$tem$ :(actical; & :';Stealth :*ide; & :&;Unarmed #ombat :Starfleet -artial Art$; ' :';

    Vehicle 1peration :Shuttlecraft; & :';=orld Lnowledge :4arth; " :&;923nt!es/is23nt!es"#uriou$ "3 Department *ead :Security; )3 ,romotion :%t.; ).4nemy :Sub #ommander >$k(ar of the (al Shiar;

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    Lieutennt Tiberius HunterConn %fficer$ USS Venture

    S+ecies" Hene!ianSe" -ale9!e" &)

    Ser3ice History"&'E7 < &'E) < Starfleet Academy.&'E) < &'E@ < USS %e!ington3&'E@ < ,re$ent < USS Venture3 ##t wa$ during hi$cadet crui$e that he di$tingui$hed him$elf aboard the USS Diablo. (he USS Diablo wa$a$$igned to Starfleet >ntelligence for a fact

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    Acrobatic$ :Ring$; & :';Admini$tration :Star$hip Admini$tration; & :';Athletic$ :%ifting; " :&;#harm :>nfluence; 7 :";#ommand :#ombat %eader$hip; & :';3 :Star$hip #ommand; :';#omputer :Re$earch; & :';

    #ulture :*uman; " :&;3 :Vulcan; :&;3 :Hene!ian; :&;Dodge &4nergy =eapon :,ha$er; " :';4ngineering3 Sy$tem$ :=eapon$ Sy$tem$; " :&;Fir$t Aid :=oundO#ombat (rauma; " :&;3 :*uman; :&;*i$tory :Federation; " :&;3 :*uman; :&;%anguage$ Federation Std &3 Vulcan "%aw :Starfleet Regulation$; & :';,er$ua$ion :Debate; 7 :";,er$onal 4Cuipment :-edical (ricorder; " :&;3 :(ricorder; :&;,lanetary Sur0i0al :De$ert; " :&;,lanetary (actic$ :Small Unit; " :&;Science$3 %ife :,alaeontology; 7 :";

    Science$3 Space :A$trogation; " :&;Ship$ Sy$tem$ :#ommand; " :&;3 :Flight #ontrol; :&;3 :(actical; :&;Star$hip (actic$ :Starfleet; & :';Stealth :Stealthy -o0ement; " :&;Unarmed #ombat :Starfleet -artial Art$; & :';Vehicle 1peration$ :Shuttlecraft; " :';=orld Lnowledge :4arth; 7 :";3 Vulcan :";923nt!es/is23nt!es"Alien Upbringing "3 Athletic Ability &3 Bold "3 #ommendation " :Starfleet citation ofcon$picuou$ gallantry;3 #ommendation " :Space 4!ploration -edallion;3 #ontact &:#ommander =e$ting3 H13 USS %e!ington;3 ,romotion :%ieutenant; )Argumentati0e nitiati0e 63 >ntegrity 73 %uck 73 1penne$$ )3 Skill 7=6 90r2e2" ' =6 S+ent" 7


  • 7/25/2019 USS Venture Sourcebook 1 the USS Venture


    Lieutennt >;!? fri, Vibon!ineers #te/e+uty Chief of n!ineerin!$USS Venture

    S+ecies" (iburonianSe" -ale9!e" '&

    Ser3ice History"&'6@ 2 &'E& < Starfleet Academy&'E& 2 &'E' < USS Starcha$er&'E' 2 &'E6 < USS 10erreach&'E6 2 ,re$ent < USS VentureChrcter History"4frim $pent mo$t of hi$ early life like any other (iburonian +u$t en+oying life. At an early agethough he di$co0ered hi$ knack for engineering. *i$ main intere$t$ at the time were rockclimbing3 computer$ and Rilaria. =hen Rilaria fell to her death while climbing 4frim wa$cru$hed. From that moment on he 0owed to ne0er take a life. *e al$o $tarted trying to

    impro0e hi$ own reaction time $o a$ to ne0er be to late to $a0e $omeone again.=hen 4frim decided to enter Starfleet Academy many of hi$ in$tructor$ tried to con0ince himto go into ,ropul$ion 4ngineering but 4frim $tayed with hi$ fir$t lo0e computer$ and related$y$tem$. *e howe0er did minor in warp dri0e$. =hile at the Academy3 4frim learned of theBa+oran people. *e became fa$cinated with their culture and e0en took to wearing Ba+oranearring$ whene0er po$$ible.*i$ #adet crui$e wa$ 0ery une0entful and he $pent mo$t of hi$ time ob$er0ing and learning.*i$ fir$t po$t wa$ the $hakedown crui$e of the USS 10erreach. >t wa$ a new $hip withe!perimental warp dri0e$ de$igned to increa$e the range of federation $tar$hip$. =hilerepairing and te$ting the main $en$or$ 4frim detected an unknown $hip. (hey were after thenew technology =ith 4frim$ effort$ during the latter battle with thi$ $hip the 10erreach andher crew were able to defeat the unknown enemy. 4frim$ department head %t. #ommander.Ba$il 4rik$on wa$ not happy that 4frim had $howed him up and in$ured during hi$ report to

    keep 4frim from getting a promotion. Unfortunately the e!perimental dri0e$ were a failure butre$earch continue$. 4frim ha$ a$ked for a tran$fer to the USS Venture to get away from hi$ri0al 4rik$on.9++ernce"4frim i$ 6 tall3 bald with a 0ery prominent cranial ridge. *e ha$ grey eye$ :rare for hi$ race;.4frim when off duty often wear$ +ewellery and long flowing clothe$. :loo$e fitting like in the$wa$hbuckler mo0ie$ of earth;. *e %1V4S earring$ to put in hi$ 0ery large ear$.6erson*ity4frim i$ rather fun lo0ing... *e +u$t en+oy$ life. *e like$ to ha0e fun and that include$ practical+oke$. *e lo0e$ partie$ and al$o en+oy$ dancing. 4frim can al$o be rather nai0e3 e$peciallycon$idering he i$ rather old to ha0e recently graduated from the academy...4frim doe$ not care much for 0iolence and will per$onally not kill anyone if he can help it. *edoe$nt panic howe0er3 he can u$ually keep hi$ head but get$ a might $trange afterward$...

    :,e Stts"

    9ttributes"Fitne$$ o

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    #ulture :(iburonian; & :';3 :Ba+oran; :';Dodge "4nergy =eapon$ :,ha$er; " :&;4ngineering3 ,ropul$ion :=arp Dri0e; " :);4ngineering3 Sy$tem$ :#omputer$; & :);3 :=eapon$; :';3 :Sen$or$; :);3 :4n0ironmental; :';Gaming :Dom

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    Terrik /rysonn!ineerin! S+eci*ist$ USS Venture

    S+ecies" *umanSe" -ale9!e" '7

    Ser3ice History"&'69 2 &'6E 2 Alpha #entauri School of Star$hip4ngineering.&'68 2 &'E7 2 Kephram #ochrane School of (heoretical,hy$ic$3 Alpha #entauri.&'E7 2 &'E& 2 Apprenticed at 1utpo$t '&63 -a$kari >V.&'E& 2 &'E6 2 USS Di$co0ery3 #i0ilian 4ngineering Re$earch Speciali$t.&'E@ 2 ,re$ent 2 USS Venture3 #i0ilian 4ngneering Speciali$t.Chrcter History"e0er ha0ing it ea$y from the $tart3 (errik had to fight for hi$ life from the 0ery beginning.40en named after an ill

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    $en$e of what to do in a grind. *e u$e$ hi$ en0ironment and hi$ other $kill$ to end combatwith a$ little blood$hed a$ po$$ible.=hen faced with hea0y odd$ again$t him3 though3 (errik may not reali5e thatit$ not +u$t another holontellect ',re$ence &3 ,illower ",$i 7Ski**s"Admini$tration :%ogi$tic$; " :&;Athletic$ :=eight %ifting; & :';#omputer :Data AlterationO*acking; & :';

    #ulture :*uman; & :';3 :4ngineer$; :&;4ngineering3 -aterial :Star$hip De$ign; " :&;4ngineering3 ,ropul$ion :=arp Dri0e; & :9;3 :>mpul$e; :';4ngineering3 Sy$tem$ :#omputer; & :';3 :4n0ironmental; :';*i$tory :*uman; " :&;3 :Starfleet; :&;%anguage Federation Standard &,er$onal 4Cuipment :(ricorder; & :';3 :4n0ironment Suit; :';Science$3 ,hy$ical :-ath$; & :';3 :#omputer; :';Science$3 Space :Stellar #artography; " :';Ship$ Sy$tem$ :Sen$or$; & :&;Vehicle 1peration :=ork Bee; " :&;3 :Shuttlecraft; :&;=orld Lnowledge :ew A0alon; " :&;3 :4arth; :&;

    923nt!es/is23nt!es"Alertne$$ &3 #ontact :#ommander %owell3 1utpo$t '&6; ">ntolerant :#arda$$ian$; 2"3 Ri0al 2" :Dr *enry ?ami$on;Cour!e 9esistnce )eno0n &Aggre$$ion 73 Di$cipline 73>nitiati0e "3 %uck 73 1penne$$ 73 Skill "=6 90r2e2" ' =6 S+ent" 7


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    Co,,n2er Lynn Sonsonirst %fficer$ USS Venture

    S+ecies" *umanSe" Female9!e" &8

    Ser3ice History"&'69 < &'68 < Starfleet Academy.&'68 < &'E" < Starfleet -edical3 ,ari$. Doctorate in-edicine.&'E" < &'E' < USS Bertrand < %t. :+g;3 -edical 1fficer3Delta Shift (eam %eader.&'E) < USS Venture < %t. A$$igned a$ #hief -edical 1fficer&'E6 < USS Venture < Field ,romotion to 4!ecuti0e 1fficer. #onfirmed after the (reaty ofBa+or i$ $igned.&'EE < Bre0et ,romotion to #ommander appro0ed.&'EE < Starfleet #ommand School

    Chrcter History"%yanna grew up in the country with her $i$ter$3 and had a good early education. She lo0ed to$tudy the wide 0ariety of plant$ and animal$ that li0ed around her in the country. And by thetime $he wa$ eight $he had already e!pre$$ed a keen intere$t in biology.1nce $he had mo0ed to %ondon with her parent$ $he continued her $chooling and went on tofini$h $chool and almo$t immediately applied to Starfleet Academy medical $chool. She hadalready $hown potential and pa$$ed the entrance e!am$ with relati0e ea$e. She $tudied hardat Starfleet medical3 broadening her knowledge to include anatomy3 phy$iology3 0irology ande!obiology.>t wa$ al$o during her $econd year of medical training3 on a medical field trip out that $he metthe man that wa$ to later become her *u$band. %yanna and -ark fell in lo0e in$tantly andwere married nine month$ later during the $ummer rece$$.After graduating the academy third in her cla$$3 %yanna wa$ po$ted aboard the USS

    Bertrand. (he Bertrand wa$ a dedicated medical $hip and a$ $uch3 in the fir$t two year$ ofher tour $he attended $e0eral large di$a$ter$3 $he Cuickly took on what re$pon$ibilitie$ werehanded to her and a$ $uch caught the attention of the $enior $urgeon on board. *erdedication to the medical field earned her the re$pect of the officer$ $he wa$ $er0ing with andcon$eCuently recei0ed her promotion to full %ieutenant when the Bertrand wa$ rea$$igned tothe $e0enth fleet.A$ war broke out3 %yanna e!perienced $ome of the wor$t $ituation$ that can be imagined3 hertraining had prepared her for treating her comrade$ but the $heer $cale of the ca$ualty li$t$wa$ $omething $he could not ha0e imagined. >n the early day$ of the war the Federation wa$$oundly defeated at e0ery engagement3 her $hip wa$ alway$ the one fir$t into the area afterthe battle$ picking through the wreckage of $ma$hed 0e$$el$.She $tayed with the Bertrand for another year until $he recei0ed a new po$ting aboard theUSS Venture3 the Venture$ medical $taff had been hea0ily depleted in the long month$ of

    fighting. She took up the role a$ the A$$i$tant #hief -edical 1fficer3 but a$ Starfleet/$re$ource$ grew thinner and the #-1 wa$ needed el$ewhere3 $he took on the role a$ #-1the head of Department.(he war $lowly began to turn in the fa0our of the Federation and people were beginning tobelie0e that the war could be won. (hat wa$ when the Dominion unlea$hed it$ late$t weapon3the Breen. An a$ yet Cuiet force in the war3 the Breen had alway$ been elu$i0e to theintelligence of the Allie$3 howe0er nothing could prepare them for the $urpri$e that awaited thecombined fleet at #hintoka.A Federation3 Llingon and Romulan force of nearly "77 $hip$ wa$ met by the Dominion andnewly +oined Breen force$ and the Breen u$ed an energy damping weapon that crippled thepower $y$tem$ of the $hip$. (hi$ left the fleet helple$$ and the Dominion force$ took fullad0antage de$troying all but one of the $hip$ in the fleet. (he one $ur0i0ing $hip3 a Llingoncrui$er managed to e!po$e a weakne$$ in the weapon that in time the Romulan$ and the

    Federation could e!ploit and render it u$ele$$.>t wa$ during thi$ battle that -ark Son$on wa$ lo$t3 although $e0eral of hi$ crewmate$confirmed he made it to one of the Bri$bane$ e$cape pod$3 he and other$ were ne0er found.


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    (he new$ hit %yanna hard3 but $he had no time for grief < in$tead $he +u$t a$$umed andprayed that he wa$ taken pri$oner.=ith the Federation building up a fleet to liberate Beta5ed3 the Dominion felt the tide of thewar once again turn in the Alliance$ fa0our. A$ wa$ their way3 they made the Alliance pay inblood for it$ 0ictorie$. During one of the$e many battle$ on a day that %yanna will ne0erforget. (he Venture and her e$cort$ were ambu$hed by a Dominion $couting force3 de$pite

    being clearly outgunned and outmatched the Dominion force$ engaged anyway.(he battle $hould ha0e la$ted little more than fi0e minute$3 howe0er the lead Dominion $hip nitiati0e "3 %uck 73 1penne$$ 2", Skill 9=6 90r2e2" "9 =6 S+ent" "'


  • 7/25/2019 USS Venture Sourcebook 1 the USS Venture


    Lieutennt So*on%+ertions #n!er

    S+ecies" VulcanSe" -ale9!e" 9)

    Ser3ice History"&'97 < &'E7 Vulcan A$trophy$ical Sur0ey&'E7 < &'E) Starfleet Academy&'E' #adet #rui$e

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    *i$tory :Vulcan; " :&;3 :Federation; :&;%anguage$ Vulcan &3 Federation Standard "%aw :Starfleet Regulation$; " :&;-ind -eld &,er$onal 4Cuipment :(ricorder; " :&;,lanet$ide Sur0i0al :De$ert; " :&;

    Science3 ,lanetary :,lanetology; " :&;Science3 Social :Archaeology; & :);Science3 Space :A$trophy$ic$; & :';3 :A$trogation; :&;3 :Stellar #artography; :';Ship$ Sy$tem$ :Flight #ontrol; ' :';Unarmed #ombat :er0e ,inch; & :';3 :Starfleet -artial Art$; :&;Vehicle 1peration$ :Shuttlecraft; & :';=orld Lnowledge :Vulcan; " :&;

    923nt!es/is23nt!es"Bold "3 #uriou$ "3 Department *ead " :Deputy #hief;3 ,atron &3 ,romotion :%ieutenant;9Arrogant ntegrity "3 %uck 73 1penne$$ 73 Skill &=6 90r2e2" &7 =6 S+ent" "8


  • 7/25/2019 USS Venture Sourcebook 1 the USS Venture


    Sub-Co,,n2er T*o,u*n Liison %fficer


    Ser3ice History"

    Chrcter History"



    :,e Stts"


  • 7/25/2019 USS Venture Sourcebook 1 the USS Venture


    Lieutennt Co,,n2er @,es 6ierceStrte!ic %+ertions %fficerSecon2 %fficer

    S+ecies" *umanSe" -ale9!e" ')

    Ser3ice History"&'9En$tead of taking $ome per$onal time3 ?im immediately entered the Starfleet

    Academy ,reparatory ,rogram3 and then3 the ne!t year3 entered Starfleet Academy +u$tbefore hi$ "E birthday. ?im3 ha0ing an a$tute mind for practically all thing$ tactical3 naturallycho$e (actical Studie$ a$ hi$ ma+or. *e continued to $tudy hard3 and e!celled at theAcademy3 graduating in &'6" with (actical *onour$ and fini$hing in the top "7 percent of hi$cla$$. =hile attending the Academy3 ?im participated in the Red SCuadron program3 wa$ amember of the Academy #horu$3 and participated on the Academy Rockn early &'6E the -elbourne3 along with '@ other $hip$3 participated in that battle of=olf '98. Again$t a $ingle Borg #ube3 the a$$embled fleet wa$ decimated. (he -elbourneput up a 0aliant fight3 but wa$ de$troyed along with 'E other $hip$3 lo$ing almo$t all hand$ in

    the proce$$. During the battle3 the #hief (actical 1fficer wa$ killed when a in$trument panele!ploded3 cau$ing ma$$i0e burn and concu$$i0e damage. ?im a$$umed the po$t3 andmanaged to $core $e0eral direct hit$ again$t the #ube3 but it wa$ all for naught. Finally3 the


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    $hip$ $hield$ $huddered and collap$ed under the a$$ault of the Borg weaponry3 and e0eryoneon the 0e$$el began to feel that the end wa$ near. e0er one to gi0e up3 ?im $tayed at hi$po$t3 trying to regain $ome protection from the $hield$3 a$ well a$ continuing to fire weapon$3while the crew could prepare the e$cape pod$. Unfortunately3 a direct hit on the bridge3 a$well a$ in main engineering3 by the Borg cuttingn &'E) ?im wa$ rotated off the #hallenger3 and wa$ ata cro$$road$. *e felt that hi$ life wa$ without a defined purpo$e3 but then came an offer fromStarfleet #ommand3 ha0ing ob$er0ed ?im$ knack for tactic$3 offered him the opportunity torecei0e ad0anced training at Starfleet Academy in a 0ariety of $trategic3 tactical and command$ub+ect$3 to prepare ?im for an e0entual command of hi$ own. Starfleet new how dedicated?im wa$ to the ideal$ and goal$ of Starfleet3 and they knew that #aptain el$on had felt a

    great le0el of confidence in him. Starfleet al$o knew that ?im wa$3 at lea$t in $ome part3 $tilltroubled by the death of #aptain el$on3 and they knew that they had to do $omething to tryand $al0age thi$ particular officer$ career3 if not for hi$ own $ake3 then for the $ake of the manwho had died $o 0aliantly3 like $o many other$. ?im $tudied hard3 and wa$ in many way$ gladto be back at the Academy. *e $tayed at hi$ family home while on 4arth3 and wa$ able to$pend a great deal of time with hi$ family. (he time helped ?im3 but he $till carrie$3 deep downin$ide of him$elf3 the guilt o0er the death of #aptain el$on.ow3 after completing the ad0anced cour$e$ at the Academy3 ?im ha$ recei0ed hi$ newpo$tingN Strategic 1peration$ 1fficer on board the USS Venture3 ##

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    6erson*ity?im/$ per$onality depend$ on a 0ariety of factor$. Generally3 he hi$ Cuiet and profe$$ional3pre$enting an aura of di$cipline and confidence to tho$e around him. Sometime$3 howe0er3when he i$ alone3 or perhap$ with $omeone he would con$ider clo$e3 he $tart$ to let more ofhim$elf $how. *e i$ a 0ulnerable per$on3 who carrie$ a hea0y emotional burden that i$ burieddeep in$ide him. *e i$ a per$on who feel$ that he ha$ little to lo$e3 and he i$ a man who ha$

    faced death and de$truction many time$ before3 but at the $ame time he i$ a per$on who i$longing to find $omething :other than Starfleet; to li0e for. ,erhap$3 in thi$ new a$$ignment3hell find what it i$ that he $eek$.

    :,e Stts"

    9ttributes"Fitne$$ )3 Strength&3 Vitalityontellect )3 ,erception &,re$ence )3 ,illower",$i 7

    Ski**s"Admini$tration :Star$hip Admini$tration; ' :);3 :%ogi$tic$; :);Athletic$ :#limbing; & :';Arti$tic 4!pre$$ion :,iano; " :';3 :Singing; :';#ommand :Star$hip #ommand; ' :);#omputer :Re$earch; & :';3 :SimulationO-odelling; :);#ulture :Federation; & :';Dodge '4nergy =eapon :,ha$er; & :';4ngineering3 Sy$tem$ :(actical; " :';4$pionage :(raffic Analy$i$; ' :);3 :Starfleet >ntelligence (echniCue$; :);*i$tory :*uman; & :';3 :4nterpri$e; :';3 :Federation; :';3 :Starfleet; :';Lnowledge :-u$ic; " :';3 :Federation Star$hip/$; :';3 :%ayman Science; :&;

    %anguage$ Federation Standard '%aw :Federation %aw; & :';3 :Starfleet Regulation$; :);,er$onal 4Cuipment :(ricorder; & :';,lanetary Sur0i0al :-ountain; " :';Security :Security Sy$tem$; & :';Science$3 Space :A$tronomy; " :&;Ship$ Sy$tem$ :#ommand; ) :9;3 :(actical; :6;3 :Sen$or$; :9;Stealth :Stealthy -o0ement; " :&;Strategic 1peration$ :Borg; ' :);3 :Federation; :);(actic$3 ,lanetary :Small Unit; & :);(actic$3 Star$hip :Borg; ' :);3 :Federation; :);Unarmed #ombat :Starfleet -artial Art$; " :';Vehicle 1peration$ :Shuttlecraft " :';

    =orld Lnowledge :4arth; & :';923nt!es/is23nt!es"Arti$tic (alent "3 Battle

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    Cre0 N6CAs

    nsi!n #iche**e 6o0ers9stro-6hysicist$ USS Venture

    S+ecies" *umanSe" Female9!e" &6

    Chrcter"-ichelle i$ one of the large contingent of Science ,er$onnelaboard the USS Venture. She doe$ differ from many otherofficer$ in that her friend and con$tant companion i$ heridentical twin $i$ter ,aula.(he two entered academy together3 ma+ored in the $cience$3 and e!celled at their focu$ of$tudy. >t wa$ lucky in fact that the two $i$ter$ cho$e differing $tudy focu$e$3 a$ there i$preciou$ little to tell them apart otherwi$e.(hey are two young and pretty girl$3 and 0ery popular among the crew3 well known for their

    partie$ and being the unofficial welcomenitiati0e ", %uck 73 1penne$$ 7, Skill 7


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    Sonny C*e,on2sCi3i*in Br #n!er$ USSVenture

    S+ecies" *umanSe" -ale9!e" 4arly 97/$ :Apparent;

    Chrcter"Sonny wa$ a #ountry and =e$tern $ingerfrom the late &7th #entury 4arth. *e died ofemphy$ema and e!ten$i0e li0er damage3but had arranged for hi$ body to becryogenically fro5en and $tored aboard an orbiting $atellite.*e wa$ re0i0ed in &'6) by the crew of the USS 4nterpri$e ##nno0ati0e "3 Strong =ill &3 (olerance ' :Strong %iCuor; Addiction

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    C+tin Benson He2!esStrshi+ C+tin$ USS Venture

    S+ecies" *umanSe" -ale9!e" )E

    Ser3ice History"&'97 < &'9) < Starfleet Academy.&'99 < &'67 < USS #on$tellation3 ##n that time Ben wa$ offered a chance to choo$e another 0e$$el to command or retain the

    Venture and undertake the new mi$$ion a head of it.(here really wa$ no choice to makeP


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    9++ernce(all and impo$ing3 he ha$ a good figure for a man hi$ age3 although hi$ hair i$+u$t beginning to grey at the $ide$ prematurely. *owe0er the feature that people mo$tremember are hi$ deep3 brown3 almo$t me$meri$ing3 eye$.6erson*ity #aptain *edge i$ a fair but hard man. >f an officer de$er0e$ it3 they will ha0e hi$full backing and $upport3 but they do ha0e to de$er0e that. *e i$ a man who ha$ looked deathin the eye3 that $ort of thing change$ $omeone3 a$ i$ noticeable of many of the $ur0i0or$ of

    =olf '98. *e feel$ that nothing can $care or $hock him anymore. After leading on the frontline$ through the Dominion =ar *edge$ i$ eager to get back to the rea$on he +oined Starfleet3and e!plore. Although he i$ concerned that $uch a $hift for a 0eteran $oldier may be difficult.6hi*oso+hy"+ dont blame eole for their mista$es" do hold that they be resonsible forthem.+2uction 4ducated at 0ariou$ Starfleet facilitie$ at either Starba$e$ or aboard Star$hip/$.?oined Starfleet at age "E3 $er0ing ) year$3 $peciali$ing in $hip$ 1peration$3 #ommand and(actic$.n0a$ion Strategie$;:';Unarmed #ombat :Starfleet -artial Art$; ":';Vehicle 1peration$ :Shuttlecraft; &:);3 Aircraft:';

    =orld Lnowledge :4arth; &:';


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    923nt!es/is23nt!es"Battle *ardened '3 #ommendation$ :Variou$; E3 #ontact :#ommander -cDowl3 AdmiralRo$$$ AttachW3 Starba$e 'E9; &3 #ultural Fle!ibility "3 Department *ead :#ommanding1fficer3 Gala!y #la$$; )3 ,romotion :#aptain; "73 Security #learance ".#ode of *onour :Starfleet; nitiati0e "&3 >ntegrity )3 %uck 63 1penne$$ "73 Skill "9


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    Chief 6etty %fficer TA6nChief Nurse

    S+ecies" VulcanSe" Female9!e" )7

    Chrcter"(,an wa$ a young Vulcan ur$e. Finding her$elf aboard a FederationStar$hip3 the USS #ra5y *or$e3 during the defence of Vulcan during theDominion =ar3 $he found her$elf drawn into Starfleet $er0ice. =orkingfir$t a$ a ci0ilian in the $hip$ infirmary and gaining a field commi$$ion a$ a #rewman.>n no time her profe$$ionali$m and dedication to duty ha0e $een her ri$e rapidly through the#1 rank$. She now en0i$ion$ her future with Starfleet and ha$ decided to continue her$er0ice3 tran$ferring to the USS Venture for continued $er0ice in the field where $he couldha0e the mo$t worth3 rather than returning to a -edical 4ducation Facility in order to Cualifya$ a Doctor and Starfleet officer. *er logic $tate$ that with her long Vulcan life$pan ahead ofher3 the e!perience $he can gain in $er0ice aboard the Venture will only aid her continuing

    career.She i$ a pretty young Vulcan woman3 wearing her long hair in a bun3 but her beauty i$matched by her typical Vulcan $uppre$$ion of emotion and embrace of logic.

    :,e Stts"

    9ttributes"Fitne$$N &3 StrengthN "3 VitalityN "#ontellectN &3 5ogicN &,re$enceN &3 1mathyN nitiati0e 7, %uck 73 1penne$$ 7, Skill &


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    Lieutennt 9**yen iChief Science %fficer

    S+ecies" (rill :+oined;Se" Female9!e" '9

    Chrcter"Ally5en ,enn wa$ born to parent$ tra0elling to yetanother archaeological dig. ,laying in dirt and $tonewa$ pretty much to norm for her early life. (hough $heactually ne0er di$co0ered any remarkable item$ byher$elf3 $he wa$ u$ually not far away3 digging with her toy$ho0el and bucket. But it wa$nt the dirt that grabbedAlly5en$ intere$t3 but the $tar$ in the $ky. A$ her familymo0ed from planet to planet3 $he $aw a new $ky3 with the$ame $tar$ making up new con$tellation$.She +oined Starfleet $pecifically to $pite her parent$.

    (ra0el wa$ the only life $he had known3 ne0er at oneplanet for more than two year$. Ally decided that iftra0elling among the $tar$ wa$ her lot in life3 $he wouldmake it on board one $hip3 with a family that $tayed the $ame. 1f cour$e3 Ally5en didntreali5e the tran$ient nature of a Starfleet crew. *ardly anyof the friend$ $he made in the Academy were a$$igned to the $ame $hip3 and tho$e few werein different department$3 and in a Gala!y cla$$ Star$hip3 that could mean rare meeting$ offduty.(he fourth ho$t for the $ymbiont =ai3 Ally5en had completed her fir$t tour of duty onboard theUSS Broad$word a$ Science 1fficer. She i$ a $ur0i0or of Dominion =ar. (he Broad$word$uffered ma$$i0e damage from battle to retake Deep Space ine. (he Broad$word wa$de$troyed but $ur0i0ed due to hi$ battle $tation a$$ignment. Ally5en wa$ initially de$ignateda$ unacceptable for +oining. She wa$ recon$idered on the reCue$t of :the +oined (rill; Brahde

    =ai prior to $uccumbing to a fatal wound $uffered in the battle.Brahde :male; wa$ to attend the Vulcan Academy of Science$ when he wa$ $elected for the?oining. *e continued with hi$ de$ire to attend the Academy and had completed three year$of $tudie$ when the Dominion =ar broke out. Due to hi$ $trong #ode of *onour towardStarfleet3 he dropped out to +oin Science$ Department on board USS Broad$word. (heBroad$word wa$ in the fleet of $hip$ which $upported the retaking of Deep Space ine fromthe #arda$$ianODominion force$. (he Broad$word $uffered e!ten$i0e damage$. Brahde wa$fatally in+ured when ma+or $ection$ of the upper hull den$titute3 following a recommendation from unknown patron$. Ally5en completed the Branch1fficer #our$e and Bridge #ertification #our$e while on the Broad$word.Since the end of the Dominion =ar3 $he ha$ $er0ed on board the USS Venture3 preparing it$refit and readying her e!tended team for the mi$$ion ahead.6re3ious hosts to the i sy,biont re(hata :male; fir$t ho$t3 wa$ one of fir$t (rill to attend Starfleet Academy3 an e!ceptional pilotwho ma$tered many of the cour$e$ the Academy offered %ohng :male;3 a (rill Admini$trator3one of the Fir$t #ontact team that e$tabli$hed the treaty and e0entual acceptance of the (rill$y$tem into the United Federation of ,lanet$3 e!ceptional at debate and who$e oratory $kill$were belie0ed to be chief among the rea$on$ for the appro0al of the (rill into the UF, earlierthan normal. Bradhe :male; Starfleet Science 1fficer.6erson*ity"Ally i$ a practical +oker and a pun$ter. She had alway$ been the cla$$ clown3 her attempt to

    gain attention that her parent$ rarely ga0e to her. She ha$ out grown her in$ecuritie$ while


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    ha0ing to grow up during the Dominion =ar. She now u$e$ tho$e talent$ to help relie0e $omeof the ten$ion$ and trouble$ that $till cling to $ome Starfleet crew following the =ar.Ally i$ al$o going through $ome intere$ting time$ with a $ymbiont that ha$ been with threemale ho$t$ and now ha$ to ad+u$t to being in a female ho$t. (hi$ ha$ lead to $omeembarra$$ing moment$ in her pri0ate life.9++ernce

    Ally5en i$ a 0ery attracti0e (rill female *o$t in her midn$tant #alculator "3 ,romotion :%ieutenant; )#ode of *onour :Starfleet; nitiati0e 7, >ntegrity 7, %uck 73 1penne$$ 7, Skill 7


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    /r >nsi!n? /3i2 9yersChief Sur!eon$ USS Venture

    S+ecies" *umanSe" -ale9!e" &6

    Chrcter"Born in a bomb $helter beneath the $urface of Daltera >H3 aformer Federation colony world de0a$tated by ci0il warbetween two human faction$N the (alH; ":&;

    923nt!es/is23nt!es" Alertne$$ &3 #uriou$ "3 ,romotion "


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    #ode of *onour :*ippocratic 1ath;

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    Lieutennt >;!? Linne oyCo,,unictions %fficer$ USS Venture

    S+ecies" #arda$$ianOBa+oranSe" Female9!e" &E

    Chrcter"1rphaned at a young age3 the young =oy %i5anne wa$ left to fend for her$elf on a $mallfrontier colony. She barely knew her mother3 and her father wa$ a total my$tery3 ha0ing rapedher mother before $he could e$cape the occupation. =oy ne0er knew her home planet$.=ithout proper parental guidance3 $he fell into a bad group3 committing act$ of petty thie0ery.10er time $he became Cuite $killed at her life$tyle3 but deep down $he knew it wa$nt right.Still e0eryone either pitied the poor half #arda$$ian child or $neered at her3 neither earnedher re$pect3 and $o became fair game.1ne day $he $aw a party of Federation official$ in the $treet$3 u$ing all her $kill$ and ability$he tracked them and tried to $teal from them. She knew they carried no money3 but $hecould get good latinum for the weapon$ and tricorder$3 that wa$ of cour$e if $he had no u$e

    for them her$elf.Unfortunately a young command officer caught her. *owe0er in$tead of pulling the full forceof the law again$t her he dealt with her fairly and compa$$ionately3 $howing no $ign of pity ofintolerance. >f anything he $eemed more worried about the thought of a $mall child on the$treet$ alone. 10er time a friend$hip $prang up between =oy and %t. Ben *edge3 but time$oon ran out and he wa$ po$ted el$ewhere. But before he left he offered the young girl achoice. *e offered her the chance to make $omething of her life. All he a$ked in return wa$her promi$e to try and make $omething of her life...She accepted3 warily3 con0inced of an ulterior moti0e. *edge$ organi$ed her a chance toattend $chool3 and a place to li0e and $tudy in $afety. 40entually $he graduated3 far fa$terthan the other children3 $he had alway$ been $mart. (rue to hi$ word3 *edge$ had help make$omething with her life3 and e0en $hown that good deed$ could be +u$t that3 with ulteriormoti0e. 1n the now #ommander *edge$ recommendation $he applied for Starfleet academy3

    and wa$ $urpri$ed when $he $ucceeded in her application fir$t time. She $tudied hard3 takingthe $hip operation$ cour$e$ with a minor in $pace e!ploration. =hen $he graduated $hefound that $he wa$ the ranking $tudent on the cadet crui$e. 40erything wa$ going well.10er the year$ the relation$hip between =oy and *edge changed too3 it became clo$er3 a$he a$$umed the role of the parent$ $he ne0er knew3 and $he became the daughter he hadne0er had time to ha0e.She wa$ a$$igned on a new Sabre cla$$ Star$hip for it$ $hakedown crui$e3 and remainedaboard throughout the duration of the Dominion war3 while the $hip $er0ed along thefrontline$. -any time$ $he wa$ offered a chance to $er0e in the rear echelon$3 her mi!edheritage thought a po$$ible danger if the $hip $he $er0ed on wa$ hit or captured. Shecon$tantly refu$ed3 ha0ing promi$ed Ben all tho$e year$ before3 $he felt $he couldnt let himdown and wanted to be there to make a difference.=ith the cea$efire3 $he ha$ reCue$ted rea$$ignment. (hi$ time on #aptain *edge$ $hip3 the

    USS Venture a$ it i$ deployed on a long

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    Athletic$ :Running; & :';3 :#limbing; :';#harm :>nfluence; " :&;#ommand :Star$hip; " :';#omputer :Re$earch; " :&;#ulture :*uman; " :';3 :Ba+oran; :&;3 :#arda$$ian; :&;Dodge "

    4nergy =eapon :,ha$er; " :&;4ngineering3 ,ropul$ion and ,ower :=arp Dri0e; " :&;4ngineering3 Sy$tem$ :#omputer; & :';3 :Sen$or$; :); *i$tory :Federation; " :&;3 :Ba+oran; :&;%anguage$ Federation Standard &3 Ba+oran "%aw :Starfleet Reg$; " :&;,er$onal 4Cuipment :(ricorder; " :&;,lanet$ide Sur0i0al :Urban; " :&;Science$3 ,hy$ical :#omputer$; " :&;Ship$ Sy$tem$ :#ommunication$; & :);3 :Sen$or$; :';3 :(ran$porter$; :';Sleight of *and :,ick ,ocket$; " :&;Streetwi$e :Street Gang$; " :&;Unarmed #ombat :Starfleet -artial Art$; " :&;

    Vehicle 1peration$ :Shuttlecraft; & :';=orld Lnowledge :-aracon >V; " :&;

    923nt!es/is23nt!es" >nno0ati0e "3 -i!ed Specie$ :Ba+oranO#arda$$ian; 63 ,romotion &3 (oughne$$ ode of *onour :,ledge to #aptain *edge$;

  • 7/25/2019 USS Venture Sourcebook 1 the USS Venture


    #omputer Science$ < ,elori -ac5ar Damage #ontrol (eam %eader < Len Darcy


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    FS Reporter < Durian?urian


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    4n$ign ,aula ,ower$Geologi$t3 USS Venture

    S+ecies" *umanSe" Female9!e" &6

    Chrcter",aula i$ one of the large contingent of Science ,er$onnelaboard the USS Venture. She doe$ differ from many otherofficer$ in that her friend and con$tant companion i$ heridentical twin $i$ter -ichelle.(he two entered academy together3 ma+ored in the $cience$3and e!celled at their focu$ of $tudy. >t wa$ lucky in fact that the two $i$ter$ cho$e differing$tudy focu$e$3 a$ there i$ preciou$ little to tell them apart otherwi$e.(hey are two young and pretty girl$3 and 0ery popular among the crew3 well known for theirpartie$ and being the unofficial welcomempul$i0e nitiati0e ", %uck 73 1penne$$ 7, Skill 7


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    *ologram < #.*.R.>.$*ologram < 4-*&%ife Science$O#ybernetici$t < (aba$ Reiur$e < ?e$$ica -itchellur$eO,hy$ical (herapi$t < Dor++

    Science 1fficer < So0ikSecurity 1fficer < D0orak$ Lar


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    TALnSecurity %fficer$ USS Venture



    :,e Stts"


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    (ran$porter #hief < Do0oro


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