Using Trust in Recommender Systems: an experimental analysis

Using Trust in Recommender Systems: an experimental analysis Paolo Massa University of Trento (joint work with Bobby Bhattacharjee, UMD)


Presentation of the same title paper at iTrust2004 conference

Transcript of Using Trust in Recommender Systems: an experimental analysis

Page 1: Using Trust in Recommender Systems:  an experimental analysis

Using Trust in Recommender Systems:

an experimental analysis

Paolo Massa

University of Trento

(joint work with Bobby Bhattacharjee, UMD)

Page 2: Using Trust in Recommender Systems:  an experimental analysis


1. Recommender Systems recommends items the user might like, based on past ratings.

2. Now, Decentralized publishing of info:– Ratings on Items

– Trust on Principals[Semantic Web]

3. New issues (sparseness, scalability, trust, attacks, ...)

... Trust-aware Decentralized RS

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1. Recommender Systems (RSs)– Weaknesses

2. Solution: trust-awareness– Trust and trust metrics

3. Experiments on – Evidence trust solves RSs problems

– (~50.000 users!)

4. Future works

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Collaborative Filtering (CF)

1. Input: ratings given by users to items● I like “ Titanic” as 4/5

2. I ask recommendation

3. RS computes the similarity of me against every other user

● Pearson correlation coefficient

4. RS find similar users and suggests to me items liked by them.

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It does not consider the content of the items, only the ratings given by users.

It works independently of the domain (also jokes)


Overlapping of rated items required!


52 45

2 5 5User1


5 5 1











5?2 5 55

52 4552 45

52 55

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RSs weaknesses

1. Ratings Matrix sparseness (95-99%)– Low or No overlapping (users not comparable)

2. Cold start– New users have 0 ratings (->not comparable)

3. Easy Attacks by Malicious Users– Copy profile and become the most similar

4. Hard to understand and control– Black box (bad recs -> user gives up)

Solution? Trust of course!

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1. Trust statement =Rating by human to human about her usefulness (ex: in providing good movie reviews)

2. Explicitly provided

3. Trust is subjective! T(A,Z)=1 & T(B,Z)=0

– No Global BAD principals!!!

4. Trust is asymmetric! I trust Bill Gates.

5. FOAF (Friend-Of-A-Friend) is an XML format to express relationships

– Some millions files out there...

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Trust Networks


6 degrees of separation “ theorem”

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Trust metrics

1. Task: based on known trust edges, predict trustworthiness of principals

2. Trust propagation (A->B,B->C|A-?->C)

3. Global (pagerank, ebay, ...)

4. Local (personalized)


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Trust solves RS problems1. Trust solves CF sparseness problem

– trust propagation and “ 6 degrees” -> reach many

2. Trust solves Cold Start problem

– “ just add 1 friend”

3. Trust metrics resistant to copy-profile-attack.

– “ you can be similar but if no trust path to you ...”

4. Trust easier to understand and control

– trust nets supports Explanation (HCI tests needed)

EVIDENCE of 1 and 2 provided by analyzing a REAL, VAST community (

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1.' users can– Review and rate items (from 1 to 5)

– Keep web of trust (trust=1) and block list (trust=0).

– “ Reviewers whose reviews and ratings you have consistently found to be valuable” (Epinions FAQ)

2. Dataset (by crawling site):– ~50K users, ~140K items, ~660K ratings.

– ~500K trust statements. • No block list (not shown on site)

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Epinions' recommendations

Taken one user “ ME” , we can

- use CF on ratings and compute “ similarity” of other users

- use Trust Metric and compute “ trustworthiness” of other users

Then we can suggest items liked by similar or trustable users.

On how many users are they computable?

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Statistics (1)

#Ratings expressed by Users

(#rev<5) = 52.82%! [Cold start users]

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#Trust statements expressed by Users

(#trust<5) = 70.18%!

Statistics (2)

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User Similarity Computability

1. Ideally, every user should be comparable against every other user.

2. BUT ratings sparseness = 99.99135% -> tiny overlapping between 2 users

3. Pearson correlation coefficient meaningful only if overlapping(A,U)>1

4. Question: taken one user, how many users are comparable?

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US computability (cont.)

1. Taken one user, we computed all the comparable users.

– On average an user has 161 comparable users (ideally ~50.000!)

2. We have averaged #comparable_users over users who expressed a certain number of reviews.

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US computability (cont.)

Ex: users with 40 reviews have ~800 comparable users.

BUT users (y axis) are ~50.000!

And for Cold Start Users (>50%) this is 2.74

Cold Start Users

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Trust computability

1. Trust metrics predict trust in unknown users based on known trust statements.

2. Distance from ME to U is a first measure of Trust computability

3. On average, – In 2 steps, reach 400 users

– In 3 steps, reach 4386 users

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Mean # Reachable Users (in k steps) for users expressing X trust statements

In few steps, you can predict trust in every user!

Even for Cold Start Users!!!

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Trust and US computability comparison

Mean number of Comparable users for All users

Propagating Trust Using PearsonDist 1 Dist 2 Dist 3 Dist 4

Mean number of Comparable users for Cold Start users

Propagating Trust Using PearsonDist 1 Dist 2 Dist 3 Dist 4

9.88 400 4386 16334 161 2.14 94.54 1675 9121 2.74

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Experimental evidence that– CF is ineffective in real world scenarios

• Especially for Cold Start users.

– Trust can solve CF problems• Sparseness

• Cold Start

• Attacks (self-evident)

Trust is computable on many more users than user similarityEspecially for cold start users (the majority!)

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Future works

1. US and Trust correlate? Contradict?– US over trusted is higher than usual?

2. Distrust?– Propagation? Properties?

3. Design a Trust Metric (for RS)– Create and evaluate a Trust-aware RS

• Input data

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Thanks for your attention!


Paolo Massa

Email: [email protected]


Page 24: Using Trust in Recommender Systems:  an experimental analysis

Collaborative FilteringSimilarity measure: Pearson Correlation Coefficient of user a and u

Prediction of rating given by user a to item i

wa , u=∑i=1

mr a , i−r a r u , i−r u

� ∑i=1

mr a , i−r u


mr u , i−r u


pa , i=r a∑u=1

nr u , i−r u ∗wa , u


nwa , u

Page 25: Using Trust in Recommender Systems:  an experimental analysis

Hard Trust and Soft Trust

1. Vocabulary:– Hard Trust: about security, identity of

something (user, device, information)• Public key cryptography

– Soft Trust: appreciation of some principal (explicitly provided by another principal)• Social Networks and Trust Metrics