Using the scientific method

Using the Scientific Method EarthEnvSciHonSec09Fall14 Ms. Kella Randolph, B.S., M. Ed.



Transcript of Using the scientific method

Page 1: Using the scientific method

Using the Scientific Method

EarthEnvSciHonSec09Fall14Ms. Kella Randolph, B.S., M. Ed.

Page 2: Using the scientific method

• 1.7 Scientific Method• Now that you know about the four main branches of earth science

and the scientific method, design an experiment that deals with an Earth Science topic using the scientific method. Please be sure that you create a testable hypothesis, create a controlled experiment, generate sample data in chart format, and draw a conclusion based on your sample data.


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Lab Report Sample Layout:

Date: MM/DD/YY

Lab Title


Research Question(s)… Hypothesis: (If … [IV], then [DV] … because….) Variables…

o Independent (IV): {what you change in an experiment}o Dependent (DV): {what you observe or measure}o Controls (CVs): {constants; what stayed the same} 

Materials List Procedure:1. …2. …3. …

Data Collection & Processing:

Data tableso Quantitative and/or qualitative observations

Processed data Graphs


Claim: what is/are your answer(s) to your research question(s)? Evidence: use data to back up your claim Hypothesis: was it right or wrong? Explain why. Error: identify and discuss possible sources of error Extend: describe potential improvements to lab design or execution

Bibliography: Cite all books, articles, website articles, newspapers, magazines , etc.

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Format for Lab Reports for Earth Science Students

• Getting Started with Your Science Laboratory Notebook• Lab Report• All lab reports should be written in the 3rd person, past tense, and

passive voice. Use proper English grammar. Cite sources using in-text parenthetical citations according to the APA style. Paraphrase. Do not plagiarize.

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Use this format for your report.

• Title

• by Student Name

• Objective

• What do you need to do for this lab assignment? What is the purpose of this lab?

• Hypothesis

• Predict the outcome(s) of the experiment using “if…then…” statement, include the independent and dependent variables.

• Materials

• What equipment and materials did you need for this lab assignment? List the name and amount of each item used.

• (Continued on next slide.)

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• Procedure• What steps did you take to accomplish this lab assignment?• Data• Record the data that is required at each step of the lab: tables, charts, graphs, sketches,

qualitative and quantitative data, etc.• Results• Explain your data in words.• Conclusions• What conclusions can you draw from the results of this lab assignment? Compare the

results of the experiment with your hypothesis. Give details on anything that went wrong.

• Bibliography• List all books, papers, journal articles, communications cited in the paper. Follow the APA

style.• Source of Lab Format: Unknown.

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Science Notebook RubricElements & Criteria NA Not Present Lacking Meets Exceeds

Focus Question • Relates to the big idea • Uses your own words 


Hypothesis/Prediction • Makes hypothesis/prediction • Explain why you think this will happen 


Planning • Lists the materials • Describe the steps you take so someone else can repeat the experiment & get the same results 


Data/Diagrams/Graphs • Organized • Clear • Accurate • Diagrams/graphs have all essential elements (labels, title, details, etc.) 


Claims and Evidence • A “claim” is a statement about what you observe to be happening in the experiment. For each claim, you must give the evidence from the experiment that supports it. • Claims should be related to the underlying principles • Evidence includes what works and what doesn’t work when appropriate. 


Conclusion • Begins with the topic sentence that puts the focus question into a sentence format • Refer to the evidence you gathered to support your claims • Show your connection to the focus question • Show your connection to the real world 


Reflections • What new thoughts or questions do you have? • How could you improve this lab or your results? • What went wrong? • Describe a “wow” factor 


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