Using the lathe

USING THE LATHE Darron Birgenheier, “Clausing 5912 metalworking lathe” Taken on May 17, 2003 via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution




Transcript of Using the lathe

  • Using The Lathe
    DarronBirgenheier, Clausing 5912 metalworking lathe
    Taken on May 17, 2003 via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution
  • Info on the lathe
    • The lathe is a machine tool used to turn wood, metal, plastic ,and anything else you could possibly want.
    • You can also drill, bore, polish, grind and make threads for projects.
    • The lathe has simple parts, the headstock, which provides power to your work, the bed, which is connects everything together and is under your work, the tailstock, which provides extra support for your project ,and last the tool rest, it is what you must have to keep your tool supported so you can use them to their potential.