Using Social Media Effectively › ... › usingsocialmedia_isdproject.pdf · Using Social Media...

Using Social Media Effectively Instructional Systems Design Designers: Taylor Brachbill, David Ceule, Jennifer Davis, & Kellie Stanfield April 28, 2016 Name Role Contributions Kellie Stanfield Project Manager, Designer Formative evaluation, summative evaluation, materials for training program. Taylor Brachbill Team Member, Designer Learner analysis, types of learning experiences, materials for training program David Ceule Team Member, Designer Contextual analysis, implementation plan- logistics, materials for training program. Jennifer Davis Team Member, Designer Needs assessment, task analysis, materials for training program.

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Using Social Media Effectively

Instructional Systems Design

Designers: Taylor Brachbill, David Ceule, Jennifer Davis, & Kellie Stanfield

April 28, 2016

Name Role Contributions

Kellie Stanfield Project Manager, Designer Formative evaluation, summative

evaluation, materials for training


Taylor Brachbill Team Member, Designer Learner analysis, types of learning

experiences, materials for training


David Ceule Team Member, Designer Contextual analysis, implementation

plan- logistics, materials for training


Jennifer Davis Team Member, Designer Needs assessment, task analysis,

materials for training program.

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Table of Contents

I. Desired Results……………………………………………………………………………2

A. Broad goals and Big Ideas………………………………………………………...2

B. Learning Objectives……………………………………………………………….2

C. Needs Assessment…………………………………………………………………3

D. Task Analysis……………………………………………………………………...5

II. Evidence of Acceptable Results…………………………………………………………...6

A. Formative Evaluation……………………………………………………………...6

B. Summative Evaluation…………………………………………………………….8

III. Learning Experiences…………………………………………………………………….10

A. Learner Analysis…………………………………………………………………10

B. Contextual Analysis……………………………………………………………...12

C. Types of Learning Experiences……………………………………..…...………16

D. Materials for Training Program………………………………………………….18

E. Implementation Plan and Logistics………………………………………....……19


Appendix A. Needs Assessment Instruments and Materials…………………………….21

Task Analysis………………………………………………………………24

Formative Evaluation………………………………………………...……27

Summative Evaluation…………………………………………………….31

Appendix B. Materials………………………………………………………………...…34

Implementation Schedule Outlines………………………………………...35

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In today’s society, in which business, education, finance and entertainment are becoming

increasingly digitized, it is important adults are familiar with and knowledgeable about

emerging trends. Social media is becoming an increasingly important tool in the workforce, and

an increasingly popular skill in everyday, personal life.

This 2 day workshop is focused on how to use social media. Specifically, the workshop will

provide training for adults on how to use four different social media platforms/ social networking

sites (SNS): Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. In addition to learning about the sites

and how to operate them, the workshop will provide specific information and instruction for best

practices using the sites as well as managing one’s own image on the sites.

Broad Goals:

● Understand what a SNS/social media is, in the broadest sense

● Feel comfortable and knowledgable using four popular SNS (Facebook, Twitter,

LinkedIn, Instagram)

● Understand what each individual SNS is and why it is used

● Know how to use each SNS effectively, including photos, statuses, and other features of

the SNS

● Be able to to manage own image on the sites (includes specific practices for each SNS)

Learning Objectives:

At the completion of the workshop, learners will be able to:

● Set-up and access an account on all four SNS without assistance

● Add a profile picture to their account without assistance

● Upload a photo to their account without assistance

● Post a status update to their account without assistance

● Search for and add/follow others without assistance

● Be able to check how their account appears to others/non-friends/employers without


● Explain the uses, “rules,” and specifics of each individual SNS with 90% accuracy

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Needs Assessment

Types of


What do you need to


Why do you need

to know this?



Types of Procedures



Participants should be

using social media

platforms, have an

understanding of the four

different types of social

media platforms and be

able to utilize the

platforms to boost

employer visibility. What

is primary reason for using

social media? What

knowledge should be

obtained during the 2-day

workshop? What tips and

tricks should participants

know? What all goes into

getting a social media

platform started?

Participants need to

know the importance

of social media, why

it’s being used, how

they can use it to

benefit their

potential job search.

Knowing this will

improve the 2-day

workshop and make

sure necessary items

are being covered.

Social media

experts, Career





Interviews: could be

completed to gain an

understanding of each of

the four types of social

media platforms, how

they are used, how

participants can benefit

from them, as well as

tips and tricks of getting

a social media site up

and running


Participants do not have

social media platforms

created. Some participants

have a social media page

but do not utilize it very

much. Why are

participants not using

social media? Who is

currently using it? Have

trainings been offered

before? How do you like

to learn?

To determine proper

steps for training,

what to train on, and

how to train. Could

bring in participants

who already use

social media to

explain how they use

it and what they use

it for.

Participants Survey: could be sent to

participants that sign-up

for the 2 day workshop.



Is there a lack of

knowledge? Are you using

one or more of the social

media platforms right

now? Why are you not

using social media? If you

do use social media, what

What knowledge is

lacking? What are

the differences

between the social

media platforms?

This helps determine

proper training

Participants Survey: could be done

prior to 2-day workshop.

This will help designers

understand what material

is needed.

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do you want to improve

upon? Do you have access

to utilize social media such

as a mobile device,

internet, computer, etc?



Are participants reluctant

to use social media? What

are their initial thoughts

about social media? What

do they like/dislike about

social media? Is there a

disconnect between

optimals and actuals?

Need to understand

the underlying issues

on why participants

are not currently

using social media to

its fullest potential.

Participants Surveys: could be sent to

participants that sign-up

for the 2 day workshop.



Are there workshops

available? What is the time

commitment? Participants

complete the 2-day

workshop. Are

participants more open to

social media after the

workshop? Are

participants able to

complete workshop

objectives? How do the

participants feel after the


Helps determine if

additional training is

required, if other

information needs to

be covered more

throughout the

trainings. Assists in

creating a

welcoming training

atmosphere and

more efficient



Designer, Social

media experts,

Career Services


Survey: could be

completed by the

participants after the 2-day

workshop. Interviews:

could be completed with

social media experts and

career services


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Task Analysis

There are two topic analyses and three procedural analyses listed in Appendix A.

The first topic analysis covers a brief overview of social media in general. It’s beneficial for

participants to understand what social media is and how it can be used. This topic analysis

would most likely be done at the very beginning of the workshop to really introduce social media

and what it is all about. Leading questions such as, “What is Social Media Used For?” would

strike up conversation on the different ways participants currently use social media. Participants

would also learn from the audience and instructor ways to use social media that they hadn’t

thought of before. Another key aspect to this particular topic analysis is to help participants

understand that social media is used for so much more than just fun. This could be implemented

through a PowerPoint presentation, lecture based but room for small group discussion as well as

participant involvement with question and answer.

The second topic analysis covers the main four social media platforms that will be covered in the

workshop: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. These would also be presented toward

the very beginning to introduce each platform: provide a brief overview of each, why it is used,

how it is used as well as how to get started and immediate tips and tricks to walk away with.

This could be implemented through a PowerPoint presentation as well as walk-throughs of each

social media platform.

The first procedural analysis is a simple walkthrough on how to create a LinkedIn Profile. The

steps would be similar to the other three social media platforms as well. Verbiage may look a

little different, but the concept would be the same. Participants should have prior knowledge on

how to access the internet and search for websites to make this procedure much easier.

The second procedural analysis provides more steps. This step-by-step process will introduce

participants on how to upload a profile picture to LinkedIn. There are several steps that coincide

with each other here such as scrolling over gray box and clicking on change photo. It’s important

to elaborate on each step to make it clear. Throughout this portion of the workshop, it would be

beneficial to note again that a professional photo is needed on LinkedIn. Not a cropped photo or

a typical profile picture that you would use on Facebook.

The overall goal for the third procedural analysis is for participants to search and add new friends

on Facebook. Step one bypasses some of the entering capabilities such as: open new browser,

search for, sign-in to Facebook. This procedural analysis walks a participant

from the beginning (searching for friend), locating the correct friend and how to add the friend.

This could easily be implemented by having the instructor show the participants a walk-through

on their own Facebook page, having the class follow along step by step. The participants could

then complete the exercise by searching for and adding three friends on their own.

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Formative Evaluation

Formative evaluations will be completed at different points while the workshop is being

designed to identify the effectiveness of the workshop and how it can be improved. The focus of

the formative evaluation will be on process-oriented questions that are raised during the

workshop’s development.

The formative evaluations will occur throughout the development process. They will examine

specific learning units within the workshop. Participants in the formative evaluations will be

instructors who are familiar with the topic and adult learners who are little to somewhat familiar

with different social media platforms. The instructors will be provided workshop materials to test

out on their own time. They will then be interviewed about their experience and thoughts on the

materials. The adult learners will attend a workshop session and then participate in focus groups.

Ideally, the participants in the focus groups would have enough social media experience and

knowledge to be interested in the workshop and learning the skills it has to offer. Adults who

consider themselves social media experts will not be included in the focus group formative

evaluation, as their experience with social media would affect their perception of the workshop

and thus the outcome of the formative evaluation. Thus, the following questions will be answered during the formative evaluation of the workshop: 1. How much time did the workshop unit take? Was this an appropriate amount of time? Should

it be longer or shorter? (Answered from the instructors’ and learners’ perspectives)

2. Did the social media practice activities (for example, uploading a profile picture) seem

relevant to/for the learners? (Answered from the instructors’ and learners’ perspectives)

3. Were the learning materials easily accessible? Were their any accessibility issues or glitches

that need to be addressed? (Answered from the instructors’ and learners’ perspectives)

4. Were the workshop presentation materials able to be used without problems? Can anything

be improved to make the workshop flow more smoothly? (Answered from the instructors’ and

learners’ perspectives)

5. Was the language used in the presentation appropriate for the learners’ level of

understanding? (Answered from the instructors’ and learners’ perspectives)

6. Does the format of the presentation need to change? How could the workshop’s format be

improved? (Answered from the instructors’ and learners’ perspectives)

7. Does the workshop adequately addresses the objectives it promises to address? (Answered

from the instructors’ and learners’ perspectives)

8. Is the workshop’s design consistent throughout each unit? Do the learners feel the workshop’s

design is conducive to learning, and not distracting?

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Approach to formative evaluation: Interviews

Participants: Instructors with expertise in social media

The interviews for the formative evaluations will occur when a units of the workshop and the

corresponding materials are in progress. They will occur before the focus groups with the

learners (see below) so that the materials can be tested and improved before presented to

audiences. The feedback from the interviews will inform the completion of the other units.


· Instructors will be provided sample training materials in advance

· Instructors will examine the sample materials prior to his/her interview.

· The interview will be 10-15 minutes long, recorded, and transcribed upon completion.

· The interviewer will present questions (provided in Appendix A) that address the workshop,

its perceived strengths, and its perceived weaknesses.

· Instructors will be thanked for their time and compensated at the completion of the interview.

· Interviews will continue until the moderator reaches saturation in the responses.

Approach to formative evaluation: Focus groups Participants: Adults with limited social media knowledge and experience

The focus groups for the formative evaluations will occur when the different units of the

workshop and the corresponding materials are almost completed. They will occur after the

interviews with the instructors (see above) The feedback from the formative evaluations will

inform the completion of the workshop units. Procedure:

· Adults with limited social media knowledge will be invited to participate in a focus group.

· Participants who attend the focus group will first be presented with one portion of the

workshop. For example, they would take part in the “Twitter” portion of the workshop.

· Participants would fully engage in the workshop presentation.

· Following the completion of the sample workshop, participants will take part in a focus group

with all the other participants.

· The focus group will be 30-45 minutes long. It will be recorded, and transcribed upon


· The focus group moderator would present questions (provided in Appendix A) that address

the workshop, its perceived strengths, and its perceived weaknesses. The moderator will ask both

general and specific questions related to the presentation and workshop materials.

· The moderator will also present questions that ask the participants to explain their experience

in the workshop, what they enjoyed, what they disliked, what they found useful, and what they

think was unnecessary.

· Participants will be thanked for their time and compensated at the focus group’s completion.

· Focus groups will continue until the moderator reaches saturation in the responses from the

focus group participants. All formative evaluation materials are provided in Appendix A.

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Summative Evaluation

A summative evaluation will be completed to understand the learning outcomes of the adults

who attend the workshop on using social media effectively. The following questions will be

asked of those instructors who led the workshops and the adult learners who attended the social

media workshop in order to understand if it achieves its desired outcomes of helping adults better

understand and best utilize social media and social networking sites. Specifically, the following questions are aimed at better understanding if the adult learners felt a

change occur in their ability to use social media and social networking sites, and if and how the

workshop helped to improve their experience and confidence using social media. Additionally,

some of the following are aimed at understanding if the instructors perceived the learners were

grasping the material and becoming more familiar with the SNSs as the workshops progressed. Thus, the following questions will be answered during the summative evaluation of the

workshop: Adult learners:

1. Do the adults regularly access their social media accounts? Did they continue to use

social media and social networking sites after the workshop?

2. Do the adults who attended the workshop feel they are aware of how to use social

media and the various options the social networking sites offer?

3. Do the adults add photos to various platforms of social media? Do they send and accept

friend requests? Do they post text status updates?

4. Do the adults check their social media accounts to see how they look to others?

Potential employers?

5. Do the adults access or reference the materials they were given at the workshop when

using social media?

6. If they do reference the materials they were given at the workshop, do they feel they

are easy to understand and helpful?

7. Now that they use social media, do the adults feel they have questions that the

workshop did not answer? What are those questions?

8. Do the adults feel they can explain how to use social media to others?

9. Would the adults recommend the workshop to others? Why or why not?

Workshop instructors:

1. Did the learners succeed at the concept and task checks? How many tries did it take?

2. As the workshop progressed, did the learners seem to be understanding procedures for

SNS? How were they able to relate the skills in one session to those in another?

3. By the end of a session, were the learners proficient using the SNS? Were they able to

successfully complete tasks with 100% accuracy? Did they need further help and


4. Since the workshop concluded, has anyone reached out with questions about SNS?

Did they need further clarification on skills they learned? Were they curious about new


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Approach to summative evaluation: Online survey

Participants: Adults who participated in the two-day workshop on social media. The summative evaluation will occur one month after the completion of the two-day workshop.

The feedback from the summative evaluations will inform the workshop designers on the

effectiveness of the workshop. Procedure:

· Adults who attend the workshop will be invited via email to take a 15 to 20 minute survey

about their experience with social media since attending the workshop.

· Adults who attended the workshop will be sent the email inviting them to take the survey

about one month after they attend the workshop. This provides them with ample time to practice

the social media skills they were taught in the workshop, and reflect on what they learned and

their experience.

· The email will contain a link to the survey. Those who wish to take the survey will click on

the link, which will redirect them to the Qualtrics survey.

· The survey will consist of quantitative and qualitative measures (provided in Appendix A) to

assess learning outcomes of the workshop.

· Participants will be thanked for their time upon completion of the survey.

Approach to summative evaluation: Focus groups

Participants: Instructors for the workshop training sessions.

The summative evaluation will occur up to a few days after the completion of the two-day

workshop. The feedback from the summative evaluations will inform the workshop designers on

the effectiveness of the workshop.

· The focus group will be 30-45 minutes long. It will be recorded, and transcribed upon


· The focus group moderator would present questions (provided in Appendix A) that address

the learners and their performance and improvement throughout the sessions. The moderator will

ask both general and specific questions.

· Participants will be asked if there’s anything they’d like to add, that the moderator did not

cover in the focus group.

· Participants will be thanked for their time and compensated at the focus group’s completion.

All summative evaluation materials for focus groups are provided in Appendix A.

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Learner Analysis

The learner variables that we considered when planning our training session was the delivery

format, instructor quality, learning activities, and learning support.

We chose to have a training session for the format so we were able to meet the needs of every

learner. The instructors will be teachers who are qualified to teach about social media and the

basics of how to set it up, and incorporate it into the classroom. The learning activities are meant

to help people with different levels of knowledge. To do that, we created focus groups that met

the needs of each learner. Lastly, learning support will be given through the focus groups. This

will be based on responses from the participants regarding what they still need assistance with

when using social media practices.

Our data collection procedure to gather information included a participant survey. Participants

received surveys during the workshop regarding different topics that were covered and the ease

of the program. Survey questions can be found under Formative Evaluations. There would also

be a survey sent to participants a month after they have received the social media training. This is

to see how their knowledge of social media has carried over to outside of the workshop and to

see how much they are implementing it. Survey questions can be found under Summative


The assumptions that being made are since everyone who will be attending the training sessions

will be adult learners, they will enjoy hearing the instruction, and exploring more activity on

their own and decide what more they can take away from their experiences. Another assumption

is that all of the learners will have a wide range of abilities. This was all taken into consideration

when we developed our training program. To appeal to all adult learners, there will be different

learning styles incorporated into the workshop to meet the needs of all learners.

Orienting Context

Data Collection for Information


•Do participants have experience using

social media?

•How much experience do participants

have with using a laptop/iPad?

•Are participants motivated to learn how

to use different social media?

•What are the goals the learners have for

attending the training program?

•What is the learner’s prior knowledge of

social media instruction?

Survey: Will send out a survey to potential workshop

participants prior to the training program to get an idea

of the experience the participants have on the topics

that will be taught, and their entering capabilities.

Audience: Participants will be adults trying to gain

knowledge of how to use social media effectively in

their classrooms.

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Instructional Context

Data Collection for Information


•What different types of instruction should

be used?

•What is the maximum number of

participants that should be included in

smaller group sessions so people have


•What instructional format works best for


Observation: Observations will be made

throughout the training program. These informal

observations will be made of the participants to

make sure they have mastered the information being

taught regarding the different social media.

Audience: Participants will be exposed to different

types of instructional formats because what works

for some people when learning may not work for


Transfer Context

Data Collection for Information


•What resources will be available after the

training program?

•Will there be any support provided to assist

participants interested in more advanced

learning of social media?

• What was the transfer of learned knowledge

and skill to the classroom?

•What was the level of difficulty of the transfer

of learning to other learning settings?

Participant survey: A participant survey will be

sent out via email to all those who attended the

training program. The survey will ask the

participants about their overall experience and

how they have taken the information and used it

in their workplace.

Audience: Participants will use the basic

knowledge given at the training program and

transfer the skills to the classroom. The

participants will be given the presenters contact

information in case they have any questions

about using the material in their workplace.

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Contextual Analysis

Orienting Context

Data Collection for Information

Immediate Environment Factors

1. Do participants have the ability to

attend an in-person, instructor-led training


2. Do participants have access to

transportation to get to the location where

the training would be held?

3. Will the participants have access to

the internet, computers, and/or mobile


4. Will tech support and/or an IT

representative from the host facility be

available if there are onsite accessibility


Participant Survey: Survey potential

participants regarding their level of interest and

logistical ability to attend the workshop.

Inquire about methods and modes of

transportation to attend the workshop

(Questions 1 and 2).

Technology Consultation: Speak with facility

representatives regarding internet access, Wi-

Fi, and other necessary connectivity. Inquire as

to whether a representative would be available

during the workshop and if an additional cost

would be involved (Questions 3 and 4).

Organizational Factors

1. How much of a budget is available to

create, implement, and support this program?

2. What is the desired meeting space

environment and set up for the workshop?

How long should the workshop be?

3. Will there be support staff available

to individually assist participants who are

behind or struggling?

4. Does the chosen facility have the

Program Management Interview: Speak with

chief financial officer, education coordinator,

IT representatives, and staff members to

determine budget available, desired facility set

up, and willingness and desire for support staff

to participate (Questions 1, 2, and 3).

Facility Survey: Survey potential facility

management representatives for feasibility with

leadership expectations and outcomes. Obtain

room layouts and lists of available furniture and

audio/visual equipment (Question 4).

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proper software and equipment for the use of

multimedia presentations?

Instructional Context

Data Collection for Information

Immediate Environment Factors

1. Would the same presentation be

relevant to every adult interested in social

media who attends the workshop?

2. Can the curriculum of the workshop be

designed for a wide range of adult

participants? Or does there need to be a

narrower focus geared toward a particular

target audience?

3. Are proper facilities readily available to

host such an event over multiple days, and

possibly multiple sessions?

Social Media Specialist Panel/Interview:

Speak with content-area experts, like social

media directors from local businesses and

sports teams, to determine if just one

universal presentation could be designed to

use for a broad adult audience (Questions 1

and 2).

Venue Management Questionnaire: Send a

potential calendar of projected events to

various facility managers as a part of the bid

process to host the workshop. Specify the

desired layout and equipment needed

(Question 3).

Organizational Factors

1. Will technical support from the

presenters and/or the facility be available during

the training sessions?

2. What type of in-workshop guides and

takeaway materials need to be produced?

3. Will the presenters be available for one-

on-one tutoring or follow up?

Technology Consultation: Speak with

workshop and facility management to

determine the level of IT support that can be

provided onsite throughout the workshop

(Question 1). Interview with Instructors: Prepare some

questions to personally ask the

presenters/instructors regarding supplemental

materials and individual training (Questions 2

and 3).

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Transfer Context

Data Collection for Information

Immediate Environment Factors

1. Will there be opportunities for

participants to create their own social

media accounts and demonstrate their

newfound abilities within the content of

the workshop?

2. Will some participants view the

opportunity to learn about social media an

obligation rather than an opportunity?

3. Will all participants view the

workshop and use of social media as

equally important, regardless of race or


Instructor Interview: Discuss the format of

the workshop with lead instructors. Inquire

as to whether “self-guided” time and

activities will be present within the

workshop (Question 1).

External Interview: Discuss the program

with social media experts and professionals

within the community regarding their views

of the program and whether they’d support

the concept (Questions 2 and 3).

Organizational Factors

1. Will members of the workshop

instructional staff be able to follow up with

workshop participants after the session is


2. Is there a formal method of follow up

desired by workshop management for

participants to provide feedback?

3. Would workshop management like to

include some type of follow up resource in

conjunction with the training session, like

including it on a website or “help line”?

Staff Interview: Speak with workshop

management about the importance of

following up on and supporting the training.

Obtain feedback from management regarding

their perceptions on how to provide support

for the program after participants have

attended the workshop (Questions 1, 2, and 3). Staff Survey: Survey workshop staff members

and social media experts on what the most

valuable form of support would be for

participants who have been through the

workshop (Questions 1, 2, and 3).

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The following assumptions are made for the Contextual Analysis: · Workshop participants do not have any previous experience with social media usage. · Workshop participants are attending voluntarily and with an overall desire to learn more

about social media. · Workshop participants may have basic computer and/or smart phone usage skills, but have

little to no exposure to social media. · Workshop participants are adults who are primarily wanting to learn about various social

media applications for personal use. · Workshop participants are looking for group instruction with built-in individualized

assistance. · Workshops will need to be scheduled at times that adults can attend without affecting their

daily routines. · Workshop participants will NOT all move at the same pace, prompting the need for some

individualized instruction. · Facility management will ensure all needed technological components are functional and

operational prior to and throughout the workshop. · Workshop facilitators will be available before, during, and after the sessions to offer

assistance and brief individual consultations. · Workshop participants will have access to follow-up support through direct contact, takeaway

materials, and a support website. · There will be a fee to attend the workshop based on estimated cost of production. · As adults unfamiliar with social media, workshop participants will at first be hesitant and

perhaps resist the training. A valid effort will be made in the initial stages of the workshop to

alleviate the fear and resistance.

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Types of Learning Experiences

Flowchart used to present the type of instruction that will be provided in the learning system.

The instructional format that will be used is a group presentation training program. Within the

training program, the participants will be learning a wide range of new practices using the social

media’s that will be taught. There will also be times the participants will break up into smaller

focus groups. This type of learning experience is a live event, which means instruction requires

participation of those who are in attendance. The learners will interact with the instructors using

the learning materials at one specific time.

At the completion of the workshop, learners will be able to complete the following objectives: 1. Set-up and access an account on all four SNS

2. Add a profile picture to their account

3. Upload a photo to their account (if applicable to specific SNS)

4. Post a status update to their account (if applicable to specific SNS)

5. Search for and add/follow others

6. Be able to check how their account appears to others/non-friends/employers

7. Understand the “rules” and specifics of each individual SNS

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These objectives are considered to be part of the factual information and procedural types of

learning. All of the objectives require learners to process and remember certain information, such

as setting up accounts and performing basic tasks, and it is also procedural in that learners must

be able to perform the task by applying the procedure. They must demonstrate how to complete

the procedure.

To present the information, instructors will use a PowerPoint format as their main source to

display the necessary material. The PowerPoint will have the basic information that the

instructors will teach to the participants on how to set up social media accounts and important

rules, as well. There will also be graphic organizers that will be sent home with participants with

the steps they learned in the program and on how to perform other basic tasks within each social


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Materials for Training Program

In order to conduct a two day workshop program on social media, the moderators and our

participants will need to come prepared with certain materials.

The moderators will have grab bags when they first enter the room for those adults who are

participating in the training program. In the grab bags, there will be an informational brochure on

all four social media areas that will be discussed in the presentation and information on the

moderators. The bags will also contain information about upcoming technology workshops and


Next, the moderators will need to come prepared with laptops and hookups to project the

information they will be giving the participants in the training program. There will be a

PowerPoint presentation with their information that will project on the SmartBoard or wall. In

the presentation, the participants will be covering how to use the different social media sites or

apps and the different features of all four of the sites or apps that are being presented. The

moderators will also use AirServe when they are demonstrating a feature from the iPad.

The participants will need to come ready to work with an iPad or laptop. They will be using their

device of choice throughout the training program and checking out new features that have been

presented in the workshop. They may want to bring something to write with and write on so they

are prepared to write down any new information they receive.

Sample PowerPoint materials provided in separate document

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Implementation Plan and Logistics

Using Social Media Effectively

The presenting organization and workshop leadership team will work closely with the event

planning staff of a local hotel and meeting facility to coordinate the facility set up and logistics

of the 2-day Using Social Media Effectively workshop. The presenting organization is

responsible for hiring a team of two instructors and one information technology liaison. The

instructors and IT liaison will be paid a rate of $30 per hour from funds collected from

registration fees for the workshop. In advance of the actual workshop dates, a “technology rehearsal” will take place at the meeting

facility to ensure primarily that all audio/visual equipment is functioning properly, and that there

are no issues with Wi-Fi connectivity or any other technology-related issues. Facility

management staff and the IT liaison will coordinate the rehearsal and be in attendance. It will

not be necessary for the instructors to attend; however, the instructors will be responsible for

having presentations in order and knowing the material. Upon conclusion of the technology rehearsal, the dates of the initial 2-day workshop will be

announced and the online registration window will open. The nonrefundable registration cost

will be $75 per participant. The registration window will close 3 days prior to the first day of the

workshop to ensure facilities can be adequately prepared for the total number of participants

involved. Any member of the public is invited to attend, but the content of the workshop will be

geared for and marketed to adults age 40 and older. Local businesses and school districts will

also be informed about the workshop for possible use as a professional development activity. The first workshop will be capped at 60 participants. If there is further interest, additional

workshop dates may be added to accommodate those who could not sign up for the first session.

Participants will be encouraged to bring and use their own personal laptop computer, tablets,

and/or mobile devices. If a participant does not have his or her own devices, a partnership with a

local electronics retailer will be established and individuals will be given the option to lease a

device for the duration of the workshop with an option to purchase at the conclusion. It will be the responsibility of facility management to ensure the Wi-Fi is functioning and that

staff and participants have access. The IT liaison will coordinate with facility management and

work to establish usernames and passwords to access the network if necessary. In addition, the

IT liaison will work with the electronics retailer to provide extra charging cables and batteries for

various devices potentially being used. The instructors of the course will work with the instructional design team to ensure all

presentations, notes, and takeaway items have been adequately produced, prepared, and

reproduced in ample quantities. The instructional design team will also work with the IT liaison

to make the presentation materials available to participants before and after the workshop via a

website or other data-hosting application like Dropbox. Finally, the IT liaison will communicate

with the facility management regarding any technological issues and to ensure no maintenance or

other possible interruptions will be a factor during the workshop times.

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Participants will be encouraged to review materials online ahead of time, but paper copies will

also be provided at the workshop itself. Material will be presented by the instructors using direct

instruction and demonstration. Any additional materials or talking points introduced during the

workshop will be provided in an online supplement created at the conclusion of the sessions. The workshop will consist of four different sessions on the topics of Twitter, LinkedIn,

Facebook, and Instagram. Each session will be two hours in length. The first hour of each

session will be dedicated to introducing the social networking site (SNS) and its primary

components and uses. The second hour of each session will focus on setting up one’s own

profile and individualized consultation and instruction. The initial workshop will be offered in a

weekend, Saturday-Sunday format. The workshop will begin at 9:00am and conclude at 2:00pm

on Saturday. The topics will be Twitter and Instagram, and the schedule will include a one-hour

lunch to be served at the meeting facility. On Sunday, the workshop will begin at 12 Noon and

conclude at 6:00pm. Sunday’s schedule will include Facebook and LinkedIn. There will be a

short break between topics. At the end of the workshop, there will be a question and answer

session led by the instructors followed by a brief “graduation” ceremony and social between staff

and participants.

See Appendix B for a sample schedule.

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Appendix A

Needs Assessment


This will provide the designers with more information in creating the 2-day workshop. It will

assist the designers in understanding the social media platforms more and what the 2-day

workshop should entail. Interviews should be done, because there is too much information that

needs to be asked and covered. A regular quantitative survey would not provide as much detail.

1. Please provide a brief overview of each social media platform; Twitter, Facebook,

LinkedIn and Instagram.

2. What should the average user know about each platform?

3. Why is social media being used?

4. How can users benefit from these platforms?

5. What are the step-by-step instructions for creating each of these platforms?

6. How can these platforms be used for employer visibility and job searching?

7. What are the most important aspects of social media?

8. What necessary information should be delivered in a 2-day workshop?

9. What tips and tricks should the average user know?

10. Can all of this information be covered within a 2-day workshop? Can it be shorter or does

it need to be longer?


This survey would be sent to participants prior to the 2-day workshop to better understand the

audience and their knowledge level of each social media platform.

1. Do you currently have a Twitter account? Yes No Unsure

- If yes, how often do you use Twitter? Once a week

Once a day

Multiple times a day

Have an account but do not use it

- What is your skill level? (circle one) Proficient

Above Average


Below Average

Need More Training

- If no, why do you not currently utilize Twitter? (Open ended response)

2. Do you currently have a Facebook account? Yes No Unsure

- If yes, how often do you use Facebook? Once a week

Once a day

Multiple times a day

Have an account but do not use it

- What is your skill level? (circle one) Proficient

Above Average

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Below Average

Need More Training

- If no, why do you not currently utilize FB? (Open ended response)

3. Do you currently have a LinkedIn account? Yes No Unsure

- If yes, how often do you use LinkedIn? Once a week

Once a day

Multiple times a day

Have an account but do not use it

- What is your skill level? (circle one) Proficient

Above Average


Below Average

Need More Training

- If no, why do you not currently utilize LI? (Open ended response)

4. Do you currently have a Instagram account? Yes No Unsure

- If yes, how often do you use Instagram? Once a week

Once a day

Multiple times a day

Have an account but do not use it

- What is your skill level? (circle one) Proficient

Above Average


Below Average

Need More Training

- If no, why do you not currently utilize Instagram? (Open ended response)

5. Have you been trained on any of these social media platforms? Yes No

6. If yes, which platforms have you been trained on? (Circle all that apply)

Twitter, FB, LI, Instagram

7. What did you learn from the previous training? (Open ended response)

8. Would you attend additional training? Yes No

9. What would you like to learn more about? What do you hope to gain from a 2-day

workshop? (Open ended response)

10. Provide details on how you like to obtain information. How do you like to learn? (Open

ended response)

11. What do you like about social media? (Open ended response)

12. What do you dislike about social media? (Open ended response)

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This survey would be sent to the participants after the 2-day workshop to obtain their feedback.

This will provide the designers with information to improve the workshop.

1. Did your awareness of social media platforms increase? Yes No Stayed the same

2. Did your skill level improve? Yes No Stayed the same

3. Were you able to complete all workshop objectives? Yes No

4. Is a 2-day workshop an appropriate amount of time to learn the material? Yes No

5. If no, should the workshop be longer or shorter and why? (Open ended)

6. Will you use the new skills obtained? Yes No

7. Will you use social media more after this workshop? Yes No

8. What information did you learn that you did not know before? (Open ended question)

9. What did you like most about the 2-day workshop? (Open ended question)

10. Any suggestions for improvements? (Open ended question)

11. Will you use these social media platforms for your job search? Yes No

12. In what ways would you use social media for your job search? (Open ended question)

13. Would you recommend this workshop to others? Yes No


This interview would be completed after the workshop to gather experts’ opinions to see how the

workshop could be improved. The experts would be observing the participants and could easily

answer these questions.

1. Did participants complete objectives successfully?

2. How well did the participants complete the objectives?

3. What did the participants struggle with the most?

4. What did the participants seem to like the most?

5. Were there any objectives that should be improved or changed?

6. What suggestions do you have to improve the workshop?

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Appendix A

Task Analysis


Brief overview of social media in general

a. What is social media?

b. What is social media used for?

i. Is it just for fun?

ii. Stay connected to people

iii. Voice our thoughts/ideas

iv. Promote brands

c. How many of you have social media?

i. Initial thoughts of social media?

ii. Good reputation, bad reputation, not sure?

d. Can we use social media to benefit our job search?

e. Describe immediate dos and don’ts of social media

Four types of social media (many more but for this workshop we are only covering four)

a. Twitter

i. History

1. Why this SNS is used

ii. How it works

1. Provide examples

iii. How to get started

1. Basic overview

2. Profile info

3. Pictures

4. Tweets

iv. Quick tips and tricks

b. Facebook

i. History

1. Why this SNS is used

ii. How it works

1. Provide examples

iii. How to get started

1. Basic overview

2. Profile info

3. Pictures

4. Posts/Shares/Likes

iv. Quick tips and tricks

c. LinkedIn

i. History

1. Why this SNS is used

ii. How it works

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1. Provide examples

iii. How to get started

1. Basic overview

2. Profile info

3. Professional headshot

4. Growing network

iv. Quick tips and tricks

d. Instagram

i. History

1. Why this SNS is used

ii. How it works

1. Provide examples

iii. How to get started

1. Basic overview

2. Create account

3. Upload pictures

iv. Quick tips and tricks


Creating a LinkedIn Profile

1. Click on web browser of your choice to open the internet

2. Type in URL:

3. Enter First Name, Last Name, E-mail, and Password

4. Click Join Now

Adding a LinkedIn Profile Picture

1. Once logged into LinkedIn (should be logged in after creating account anyway)

2. Scroll over Profile tab

3. Click on Edit Profile

4. Scroll over gray box

a. Click Change Photo

b. An Edit Photo box will appear, click Change Photo (in blue) again

c. Select your professional headshot that is saved on your desktop (already

covered this material in the first section of the workshop)

d. Click Open

i. New Profile picture will appear

ii. Position photo appropriately in the window by holding mouse


picture and dragging the photo

e. Click Save

Search for and add friends on Facebook

1. Once logged into Facebook (should be logged in after creating account anyway)

2. Click in search field at the very top “Search Facebook”

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3. Type in name of potential friend, “Jennifer Davis”

a. Several “Jennifer Davis” may appear in the drop down box

b. Look at the location below name

c. UCM New Bloomfield, Missouri would be the accurate “Jennifer Davis”

d. Click on “Jennifer Davis”

e. Locate “Add Friend” button and Click “Add Friend”


-Participants should be able to use normal functions of computer including; keyboard, mouse,


-Participants should be able to access the internet (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox)

-Participants should be able to locate and type in the URL (search internet)

-Participants that have social media accounts already created should be able to login to those


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Appendix A

Formative Evaluation Materials for Focus Groups with Learners: Outline

Introductions: (5 minutes)

· Moderator introduces herself/himself to the participants and thanks everyone for coming.

· Participants introduce themselves and explain their experience with social media.

Workshop unit: (20-30 units)

· Presenters will present one unit from the workshop to participants.

· All the actual presentation materials and workshop materials will be used in this sample


Break: (5 minutes)

· The moderator will arrange ask the seats in a circle during the break.

Focus group meeting: (30-45 minutes)

· Participants will take their seats.

· The moderator will record the session, and let the participants know the meeting is being


· The moderator will verbally present the participants with a question (list of questions

provided below) about the sample workshop they attended before the break.

· Participants will discuss their answers to the questions.

· The moderator will ask follow up questions if and when necessary.

· The participants will be thanked for their time and compensated.

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Appendix A

Formative Evaluation Materials for Focus Groups with Learners: Questions

1. Did you feel the workshop took the appropriate amount of time? Do you think it should be

longer or shorter?

2. Were there any portions of the workshop you felt moved too slowly or too quickly? Were

there any portions of the workshop you felt needed to be longer or more detailed? Shorter or less


3. What did you think of the practice activities in the workshop? Did they seem relevant to you?

4. Were there any glitches in the presentation that need to be addressed?

5. Were the workshop presentation materials able to be used without problems? What could be

improved to make the workshop flow more smoothly?

6. Did you understand the language used in the presentation? Was there any confusing jargon or

advanced technological vocabulary? Could the language or vocabulary be changed to be easier to


7. What did you think of the presentation and workshop format? Were you able to follow along


8. Do you feel you are now able to do the things on social media the workshop promised to

teach you? Did the workshop not teach you something you thought it would?

9. Did you feel the workshop’s design is conducive to learning and not distracting? Would you

change anything about the workshop’s presentation?

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Appendix A

Formative Evaluation Materials for Interview with Instructors: Outline

Instructors are provided with materials in advance. They are instructed to examine the training

session materials in terms of content and ease of use.

On day of interviews:

Introductions: (2-4 minutes)

· Interviewer introduces herself/himself to the interviewee (an instructor) and thanks him/her

for his/her time. Interviewer explains how the interview will be structured, and answers any

questions the interviewee may have,

Interview: (15-20 minutes)

· The interviewer will record the session, and let the interviewee know he/she is being


· The interviewer will verbally present the interviewee with a question (list of questions

provided below) about the sample training session he/she was provided.

· Interviewee will provide his/her answers to the questions.

· The interviewer will ask follow up questions if and when necessary.

· The interviewee will be thanked for his/her time and compensated.

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Appendix A

Formative Evaluation Materials for Interview with Instructors: Questions

1. Did you feel the training workshop materials are appropriate for the amount of time provided

to teach the workshop? Is the lesson too detailed for the given time? Too general?

2. Explain how you feel about the activities suggested in the training materials. Do you think

the practice activities are useful for learners? Do they seem relevant to the teaching material?

3. How did the training materials function? Were there any issues before or during your time

with the materials indicating there is a technical problem with them?

4. If you could rearrange any part of the workshop, would you? Do you think the materials

make sense in their current order?

5. Do you think the language used in the materials is appropriate for learners with very little

social media experience? How should the vocabulary in the training materials be changed to best

meet the needs of the learners?

6. Explain your thoughts on the presentation in general, and how it could be changed to best

benefit learners.

7. From your perspective, does the workshop deliver on its promises to learners? Does it

promise to teach something it doesn’t teach?

8. Would you want to present this material to learners? Do you feel it is professional and


9. In your opinion, what is this workshop’s strength?

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Appendix A

Summative Evaluation Materials for Surveys: Questions

Survey Introduction:

Thank you for participating in this survey about your experience using social media since

attending the workshop: Using Social Media Effectively!

This survey will take between 15 to 20 minutes. All answers are confidential and anonymous.

The information you provide on this survey will be used to enhance the workshop!

Scaled survey questions:

Please indicate the degree to which you agree with the following statements: Strongly Disagree – Disagree – Neither Agree nor Disagree – Agree – Strongly Agree

1. I regularly access social media since attending the workshop.

2. I access social media at least once a week since attending the workshop.

3. I regularly access Facebook since attending the workshop.

4. I regularly access Twitter since attending the workshop.

5. I regularly access Instagram since attending the workshop.

6. I regularly access LinkedIn since attending the workshop.

7. I feel like I understand how to use social media.

8. I feel like I know the different features social media have to offer.

9. I feel like I know the different features Twitter has to offer.

10. I feel like I know the different features Facebook has to offer.

11. I feel like I know the different features Instagram has to offer.

12. I feel like I know the different features LinkedIn has to offer.

13. I post photos to social media.

14. I feel like I know how to post photos to social media.

15. I update my status on social media.

16. I feel like I know how to update my status on social media.

17. I check my social media accounts to see how they appear to others.

18. I feel like I know how to check my social media accounts to see how they appear to others.

19. I check my social media accounts to see how they appear to potential employers.

20. I feel like I know how to check my social media accounts to see how they appear to potential


21. I use the materials I was provided at the workshop when accessing social media.

22. I feel the materials I was given at the workshop are helpful when I am accessing social


23. I feel the materials I was given at the workshop are easy to understand when I am accessing

social media.

24. I have questions I need answered about social media that the workshop did not address.

25. I feel I can explain social media to others.

26. I feel I can explain how to use social media to others.

27. I have explained social media to others.

28. I have explained how to use social media to others.

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29. I would recommend this workshop to others.

30. I have recommended this workshop to others. Short answer:

31. Please explain what questions you still have about social media since attending the


32. Would you recommend this workshop to others? Why or why not?

33. Other: Please provide any additional feedback you feel this survey did not cover.

34. Please indicate how long it has been since you attended the workshop.

35. Please indicate your age.

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Appendix A

Summative Evaluation Materials for Focus Groups: Questions

1. Did the learners succeed at the concept and task checks?

○ Set-up and access an account on all four SNS

○ Add a profile picture to their account

○ Upload a photo to their account (if applicable to specific SNS)

○ Post a status update to their account (if applicable to specific SNS)

○ Search for and add/follow others

○ Be able to check how their account appears to others/non-friends/employers

○ Demonstrate they understand the specifics of each individual SNS, such as

character count.

2. How many tries did it take? Did they need guidance?

3. As the workshop progressed, did the learners seem to be understanding procedures for


4. How were they able to relate the skills in one session to those in another? For example,

after they learned to upload a profile picture on Twitter, were they able to do it on


5. By the end of a session, were the learners proficient using the SNS?

6. Were they able to successfully complete tasks with 100% accuracy?

7. Did they need further help and guidance?

8. What tasks did the learners have the most difficult time with?

9. Did you have to explain instructions multiple different ways? If so, how? Did they

seem to understand with different sets of instructions?

10. Since the workshop concluded, has anyone reached out with questions about SNS? Did

they need further clarification on skills they learned? Were they curious about new


(Additional follow-up questions that arise out of each focus group anticipated, but not

included here)

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Appendix B

Materials for training program



Grab Bags

The grab bags will include an informational brochure covering all four social

media areas that will be presented. The front of the brochure will be the title

of the presentation “Using Social Media Effectively” and the names of the

moderators. It will also include the date and time and the location of the

presentation. The three inside covers of the brochure will be about three of

the social medias: Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Each one will have the

name of the social media on top with its logo and quick facts about each

resource. On the inside flap of the brochure it will be the last social media,

LinkedIn, which will also include the name on the top with its logo and quick

facts about the site. On the very back of the brochure, it will read the title of

the presentation and give information about the moderators. This information

will include our level of schooling and years of teaching experience.

Laptops and


Moderators will bring laptops and iPads to use throughout the presentation.

The laptop will have the PowerPoint presentation prepared on it, while the

iPads will be used to project how to use the different social medias onto the

SmartBoard or wall using AirServe. The hookups to project the information

will be provided for us at the location.



The PowerPoint presentation that will be used at the training program will

cover the four main social medias and examples of how to use them. The title

and introduction slides will be neutral colors and use Cambria font.

Following the introduction slides, there will be a section breaking down each

social media. The Twitter sections will be four different shades of the blue

that is used for the site and there will be the Twitter logo on each slide. The

Facebook sections will be four different shades of blue, along with three

shades of gray, and two shades of off-white. There will be the Facebook logo

on each slide. The Instagram sections will be different shades of vintage

colors such as brown and yellow, and there will be the Instagram camera

logo on each slide. Lastly, the LinkedIn sections will be blue, orange, purple

and red with the LinkedIn logo on each slide.

iPad or Laptop

for Participants

Participants will be required to bring an iPad or laptop to participate in the

training program. They will need one of these devices because they will be

using them to follow along with the presentation and trying the new features

they are learning in the program.

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Appendix B

Implementation schedule

Using Social Media Effectively

Sample Workshop Schedule


· 8:00am-9:00am – Welcome/Registration/Electronic Device Setup

· 9:00am-11:00am – The Topic of Twitter

· 9:00am-10:00am – Group Instruction

· 10:00-11:00am – Setting Up Twitter/Individual Consultations

· 11:00am-12:00pm – Lunch/Social Media Conversation

· 12:00pm-2:00pm – The Ins and Outs of Instagram

· 12:00pm-1:00pm – Group Instruction

· 1:00pm-2:00pm – Setting Up Instagram/Individual Consultations

· 2:00pm-2:30pm – Adjourn/Instructors Available for Questions


· 11:30am-12:00pm – Facility Open and Available

· 12:00pm-2:00pm – Figuring out Facebook

· 12:00pm-1:00pm – Group Instruction

· 1:00pm-2:00pm – Setting Up Facebook/Individual Consultations

· 2:00pm-2:30pm – Break

· 2:30pm-4:30pm – Learning About LinkedIn

· 2:30pm-3:30pm – Group Instruction

· 3:30-4:30pm – Setting Up LinkedIn/Individual Consultations

· 4:30pm-5:00pm – Question and Answer Session with Instructional Staff

· 5:00pm-5:15pm – Social Media School Graduation/Certificate Conferral

· 5:15pm-6:00pm – Social (Food & Beverage Provided)