Using SAP Change and Transport Management for SAP Business Objects Planning and Consolidation

SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK SDN - | BPX - | BOC - | UAC - © 2012 SAP AG 1 Using SAP Change and Transport Management for SAP Business Objects Planning and Consolidation Applies to: SAP Business Objects Planning and Consolidation, version for Microsoft platform, as of 7.5 SP06 and 10.0 SP01 as well as SAP Solution Manager 7.01 SP25 and SAP Solution Manager 7.1. Summary SAP Business Objects Planning and Consolidation for the Microsoft platform (BPC MS) is integrated into the Enhanced Change and Transport System (CTS+) to support change control, i.e. transports of BPC objects, across a BPC system landscape. This document provides information of how to setup, configure, and use CTS+ of an SAP Solution Manager managing system with and for BPC MS managed systems. Author: Robin Haettich Company: SAP America Inc. Created on: December 10, 2011 Updated version: June 8, 2012 Author Bio Robin Haettich has been working for SAP America Inc. since 2008. His current focus area is SAP Operation Management concepts and functionalities as well as SAP Solution Manager integration, i.e. Run SAP like a Factory projects. As Solution Architect, Robin leads customer engagements as well as projects to implement business process operations standards, procedures, and solutions and to make SAP applications and systems ’run better.

Transcript of Using SAP Change and Transport Management for SAP Business Objects Planning and Consolidation

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© 2012 SAP AG 1

Using SAP Change and Transport

Management for SAP Business

Objects Planning and


Applies to:

SAP Business Objects Planning and Consolidation, version for Microsoft platform, as of 7.5 SP06 and 10.0 SP01 as well as SAP Solution Manager 7.01 SP25 and SAP Solution Manager 7.1.


SAP Business Objects Planning and Consolidation for the Microsoft platform (BPC MS) is integrated into the Enhanced Change and Transport System (CTS+) to support change control, i.e. transports of BPC objects, across a BPC system landscape. This document provides information of how to setup, configure, and use CTS+ of an SAP Solution Manager managing system with and for BPC MS managed systems.

Author: Robin Haettich

Company: SAP America Inc.

Created on: December 10, 2011

Updated version: June 8, 2012

Author Bio

Robin Haettich has been working for SAP America Inc. since 2008. His current focus area is SAP Operation Management concepts and functionalities as well as SAP Solution Manager integration, i.e. Run SAP like a Factory projects. As Solution Architect, Robin leads customer engagements as well as projects to implement business process operations standards, procedures, and solutions and to make SAP applications and systems ’run better’.

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Using SAP Change and Transport Management for SAP Business Objects Planning and Consolidation


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Table of Contents

Context and Rationale ........................................................................................................................................ 3

Installation and Configuration ............................................................................................................................. 4

Installation and Configuration of Managed System ........................................................................................ 4 Install Required Software ............................................................................................................................................. 4

Configure Environment Variables ................................................................................................................................ 5

Configure TCP Connection .......................................................................................................................................... 5

Configure CTS Export Settings in BPC Server Manager ............................................................................................. 5

Configure BPC User Security ....................................................................................................................................... 6

Installation and Configuration of Managing System ....................................................................................... 6 Configure CTS Settings in SAP Change and Transport System .................................................................................. 6

Configure CTS Deploy Web Service .......................................................................................................................... 15

Deploy CTS+ Import Script for SAP BPC MS ............................................................................................................ 16

Check Logon Group ................................................................................................................................................... 16

Application and Usage ...................................................................................................................................... 17

Transportable Objects ................................................................................................................................... 17

User Interface ................................................................................................................................................ 18 Export ........................................................................................................................................................................ 18

Import ......................................................................................................................................................................... 24

Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................................ 26

Export ............................................................................................................................................................ 26

Import ............................................................................................................................................................ 26

Related Content ................................................................................................................................................ 27

Copyright........................................................................................................................................................... 28

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Context and Rationale

The requirement to integrate into a Change Control (and in later phases Change Request Management and Change Diagnostics) infrastructure refers to the set of concepts, procedures and tools involved in managing information related to the software or application life cycle, i.e. application lifecycle management (ALM) from initial installation and deployment to end of maintenance and replacement.

During the life cycle of an application or solution, the latter defined as at least one software product version installed on hardware - i.e. at least one product system - entire software components or individual software objects will be subject to change and modification. In order to manage software changes efficiently and effectively and to comply with IT management standards and practices, software changes are quality assured before applied to any productive system.

This requires that changed or modified software entities as well as dependent software objects are moved through a transport landscape consisting of systems serving different roles – from development to consolidation to production. Applications are therefore installed as system landscapes. Typically, development activities are performed in development systems (DEV). Changed or modified software objects are consolidated in consolidation systems (QAS). After quality assurance, these changes and modifications are applied in productive systems (PRD).

SAP Change and Transport System (CTS) together with SAP Change Request Management (ChaRM) and SAP Change Diagnostics as part of SAP Solution Manager Diagnostics (SMD) provide the infrastructure and the tools to implement and support the processes and tasks of management of software changes as key component of an overall application life cycle solution.

CTS organize transport requests and transports objects (attached to transport requests) between systems of a system landscape, i.e. transport landscape.

Enhanced CTS (also called CTS+) is an add-on to CTS that enables the transport of non-ABAP objects across CTS+ enabled systems. Using CTS+, any type of objects in files can be exported from the non-ABAP application and attached to transport requests. A web-based application, the so called Transport Organizer Web UI (or CTS Browser), manages the transport requests and the objects attached to them. Another component of CTS, the Transport Management System (or TMS), manages their distribution within a transport landscape and triggers their import/deployment into the target systems.

TMS is part of CTS. It transports the objects between systems of the transport landscape. In TMS, the following items are maintained:

the systems of a transport landscape,

the transport routes between these systems,

the imports into the (target) systems.

For further information about CTS, please see:

For further information about CTS+, please see:

For further information about CTS Browser, please see:

For further information about TMS, please see:

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The following document describes the setup and usage of the SAP Change and Transport System with non-ABAP application SAP Business Objects Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC) for Microsoft platform in order to support controlled transports of Non-ABAP objects. This achieves the following goals:

Transport changes and modifications through multi-tier product system landscape

Avoid multiple changes and modifications in different dependent repositories

Enforce similarity or equality of all systems in the product system landscape

Record changes and modifications

The purpose of transporting content with CTS is to ensure that two or more SAP BPC Planning and Consolidation servers maintain the same content by transporting configuration and content from one server (or system) to another in a controlled manner. This follows the recommendation of SAP to apply professional application lifecycle management, i.e. the RUNSAP standards (

Integration into Change Request Management and Change Diagnostics are not covered in this document.

Installation and Configuration

Installation and Configuration of Managed System

Install Required Software

The following components are required to setup and configure CTS for Business Planning and Consolidation for Microsoft (BPC MS).

Component Information

SAP Java Connector 3.0 (JCo) The SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo) is a toolkit that allows a Java application to communicate with any SAP system. SAP JCo supports both Java to ABAP System as well as ABAP to Java calls.

Download SAP JCo from SAP Service Marketplace ( and move it to a directory on the SAP BPC application servers (recommendation: <Drive>\sapjco3\).

Java Development Kit 1.6 (JDK)

The Java Development Kit (JDK) is required by the DI Tools. It includes the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

Download the latest version of JDK from the Oracle Website ( and install it on the SAP BPC application servers.

SAP DI Tools 7.30 or higher The DI Tools provide the CTS command line tools.

Download the latest version/support package of the DI Tools from SAP Service Marketplace ( Move the tools to a directory on the SAP BPC application servers (Recommended location: <Drive>\ditools\).

Please find further information about the CTS command line tools in SAP Note 1278181. The download path on SAP Service Marketplace is -> Support Packages and Patches -> Search for Support Packages and Patches -> Enter "DICLIENTS" as 'search term'.

Download the latest version/SP (currently: 7.31/SP01). Open the file tc~di~cmd_tools~sda.sda (deploy archives) from the DI_CLIENTS.SCA and extract the archive from the SDA to the aforementioned directory (for the BPC MS scenario, only folders lib and transportconsole are needed). Do not deploy the deploy archive on SAP Application Server Java. Please see SAP Online Help for details.

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Configure Environment Variables

After downloading and installing the prerequisite components, set the BPC application server environment variables.

1. Go to My computer -> Properties. a. In Windows 7 or Windows Vista, select Advanced System Settings. Select the Advanced

tab. b. In Windows 2003, select the Advanced tab.

2. Select Environment Variables. 3. In User Variables, edit the PATH variable to add the full path of the SAP DI Tools, e.g. C:\

ditools\transportconsole. 4. In System Variables, edit the CLASSPATH variable to add the full path of SAP Java Connector, e.g.

C:\sapjco3\sapjco3.jar. 5. In System Variables, enter the following new variables:

Variable Value

JAVA_HOME Path to JDK, e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_21

JCO30_HOME Path to Java Connector, e.g. C:\sapjco3\

NWDITOOLLIB Path to DI Tools, e.g. C:\ditools\lib

Configure TCP Connection

In order to connect to the Transport Management System (TMS) message server, define an entry for sapms<SID> in the windows services file. The path to the services file is C:\WINDOWS\system32\driver\etc\services. If the System ID (SID) of your TMS system is TMS, the setting would look like “sapmsTMS 3600/tcp”. Ensure that a blank line follows this entry. If this entry is missing or incorrect, the transport tool may not connect to the message server of your TMS system. Please see SAP Note 52959 for details.

Configure CTS Export Settings in BPC Server Manager

In order to configure your source BPC application server for CTS, use BPC Server Manager.

1. Open BPC Server Manager (-> Options ->) Configure CTS+. 2. Enter the following settings:

The example settings assume an SAP Solution Manager system with system ID SM1 running on host sm1.mycomp.corp as Domain Controller. Client 100 is used to configure a BPC source system with system ID BP1.

Variable Value Example

Enable The CTS menu option (Transport Content with CTS) is activated here. If the variable is flagged, the menu entry is shown in the BPC Administration Client‟s Action Pane under Environment Tasks.


Communication System

The System ID (SID) of the Transport Management System (TMS), i.e. the communication system, is entered here.


Client The Client of the Transport Management System (TMS), i.e. the communication system, is entered here. (-> see chapter Export System)


Target System Directory

The Message Server IP address (or host name) of the TMS, i.e. the communication system, is entered here.


Logon Group The Logon Group of the Transport Management System (TMS), i.e. the communication system, is entered here.


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Node Name The Node Name of the source BPC application server in the transport landscape of the TMS is entered here.


File Type The File Type used in the transport request (BPC content attached to the transport request) is entered here, usually set to ZIP.


Transport Organizer Link

The URL of the Transport Organizer Web UI (CTS Browser) is entered here. The CTS Browser is used to verify the transport request and to release the transport request to TMS. The link is available via SAP Solution Manager, transaction STMS -> Transport Organizer WebUI (F7). Copy the URL from the browser window that is opened.


Batch File Path The Path to the transport console program is entered here. Program transportconsole.bat is e.g. located in folder <Drive>:\ditools\transportconsole.


When configuring CTS+ for BPC, the TMS domain controller has to be used as communication system for any TMS system representing a BPC server.

Configure BPC User Security

In order to export, the corresponding BPC development user needs a specific task security. Assign the task security “ITSAM” > “ManageTransport” to the BPC user profile in BPC Administration Console > Manage Security. Furthermore, the BPC Administrator user which is used to transport the objects to the target system has to be assigned the Windows security profile to be allowed to copy files on OS level.

Installation and Configuration of Managing System

Configure CTS Settings in SAP Change and Transport System

The following configuration settings are required on the Change and Transport System. The transport administrator configures TMS and CTS system, including the transport system environment, and regularly tracks and plans transport requests.

The objective of a system landscape is to provide an implementation environment where:

Customizing and changes can be applied without affecting the production environment

Business processes can be validated before using them in the production environment

Release upgrades Support packages can be applied and tested before they impact the production environment.

The three standard systems required for implementation are:

Development system (Integration system)

Quality Assurance system (Consolidation system)

Production system.

Transport Domain and Transport Domain Controller (Communication System)

When setting up a system with the Transport Management System, include the system in an already existing or a new transport domain. Systems in a transport domain must have unique system IDs, and may or may not share the same transport directory. Within a transport domain, TMS enables communication between all systems. Changes to the transport domain configuration are made in the domain controller and distributed to all systems in the transport domain. Several changes to the domain controller can be distributed at one time. All systems administered in the TMS belong to a transport domain. Within a transport domain, configuration settings such as the transport routes are identical for all systems in a domain. One system (the so called domain controller) holds the reference configuration. Other systems in the transport domain receive copies of this reference configuration. Hence, the domain controller system (SAP Solution Manager system) should be highly available. If the domain controller system is not available, no changes can be made to the TMS configuration.

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TMS is activated using transaction STMS in client 000. The administrative user has to be assigned the authorization profile S_CTS_ADMIN. BPC developers have to be assigned role SAP_CTS_PLUS. Depending on the product version and support package level of your communication system, the assigned permissions have to be enhanced as per SAP Note 1003674. There is no need to assign further function groups (i.e. replace X by CTS_WBO_DIS and EPSF), as they are part of role SAP_CTS_PLUS already. For further information, please refer to SAP Note 460089. When a transport domain controller is first created TMS generates:

a transport domain and a transport group,

a user ID TMSADM,

an RFC destination required for TMS,

a file DOMAIN.CFG in directory bin of the transport directory.

After configuring the transport domain controller additional systems are included in the transport group and transport domain. All other systems connected to this transport directory read the file DOMAIN.CFG during TMS initialization to identify the domain controller and transport group. After setting up the development system and initializing the TMS, you can use the TMS to model the proposed transport routes for the anticipated system infrastructure. The TMS allows you to configure these planned systems as virtual systems of the transport domain.

Transport Directory and Transport Group

The description of the transport domain is stored in the file DOMAIN.CFG in the common transport directory. The TMS supports several transport directories within a transport domain. Within a transport domain, systems that share a common transport directory form a transport group.

For our example setup, the following transport group has been maintained. The transport group belongs to the transport domain DOMAIN_A70.

Transport Layer and Transport Routes

The transport routes are used to define both the target system in which you want to consolidate transport requests, and the systems to which transport requests are delivered after verification and testing. Transport routes are either of type "consolidation" or "delivery".

For a standard three-system landscape, the transport routes are visualized below.

A consolidation route connects the development system and the quality assurance system. This transport layer may be named Z<SID>, where <SID> is the system ID of the development system. This transport route is used for (non-ABAP) exports from the source system.

A delivery route is created between the quality assurance system and the production system. In the development system, if changes are made to objects, these changes are assigned to requests, and transported to the quality assurance system and then to the production system.

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Every request that is imported into the source of a delivery route will be automatically forwarded by TMS to the target of the delivery route.

Non-ABAP-objects are assigned to the standard transport layer. If no standard transport layer is configured for the source system, non-ABAP objects will be assigned to local transport requests only.

For our example setup, the following transport route has been maintained.

Configuration of Transport Domains, Systems, Routes

The following configurations are required on the TMS side. The system landscape consists of the systems (and clients) representing stages of an installation. In SAP Solution Manager, the different stages or roles of an individual system or installation is also called Logical Component. A productive system will need to support continuous changes to the software products and components installed or deployed on the same – due to corporate demands for additional business functionality as well as updates to the software in the form of release upgrades or support packages and patches.

Maintain BPC systems (export and import systems)

Log on to Transport Management System (TMS). Transaction code STMS leads to the main screen.

Go to System Overview (Shift + F6).

In this example, three BPC systems have been maintained already, belonging to the transport group GROUP_DAB and transport domain DOMAIN_A70. If not already present, maintain the system landscape.

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The domain needs to be made aware of the application BPC. In transaction STMS, go to Systems Overview -> Extras -> Application Types -> Configure.

Maintain the following values via New Entries.

Application: BPC

Description: SAP BPC for Microsoft

Support Details: ACH: EPM-BPC-MS

Save and distribute the configuration changes by confirming the following confirmation screen.

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Create and Configure Export System

Go to Systems Overview -> SAP System -> Create -> Non-ABAP System. Maintain the system attributes as outlined in the following example, i.e. maintain:



Communication System (Transport Organizer system, i.e. use SID of Domain Controller)

Source System Settings (Flag „Activate Transport Organizer‟ and Client)

Note: The client is serving as a proxy client for the BPC source system. The system identifier (SID) and system client have to match the settings made in the SAP BPC Server Administrator, please see chapter 2.4.1.

In case of changes required to the TMS configuration of the Export System, doubleclick on the Export System in the System Overview.

The TMS Configuration screen for the Export System is presented.

In tab Transport Tools, set the values for the strategies regarding getting a transport request and releasing a transport request. Go to change mode and insert lines to maintain the parameters if not already maintained.

Two parameters have to be set:

WBO_GET_REQ_STRATEGY (Get Request Strategy - options: CREATE, TAGGED, SMART)

WBO_REL_REQ_STRATEGY (Release Request Strategy – options: MANUAL, AUTO)

For further information on these strategies, please see:

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For a BPC transport scenario, we recommend setting WBO_GET_REQ_STRATEGY to SMART and WBO_REL_REQ_STRATEGY to MANUAL. However, other strategies and combinations are supported as well.

Create and Configure Import System

Go to Systems Overview -> SAP System -> Create -> Non-ABAP System. Maintain the system attributes as outlined in the following example, i.e. maintain:



Communication System (for BPC system: Use SID of Domain Controller)

Target System Settings -> Flag „Activate Deployment Service Methods‟ and „Other‟.

Distribute Configuration Changes. You are presented the System Details screen.

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Go to New Entries and maintain the following fields.

For the selected system, enter the application type, the deployment method, the deploy URI, the user and the password and save your entries.

In field Applicationtype, maintain value “BPC”. For this application type, an OS script is called on the host of the deploy service of a given import system (as configured in tp parameter DEPLOY_WEB_SERVICE). More precisely, the script deploy.bat (Windows) or (Unix) in subfolder CtsScripts of the SYS_GLOBAL directory of a given import system is called.

In field Deploy method, chose Script-based Deployment from the dropdown list.

For field Deploy URI, enter the IP address (or host name) of the BPC import system, i.e. the BPC file share server. This is the server where the BPC file share is hosted, which does exist once per BPC system.

For field User and Password, enter a user of the BPC import system, including domain. This user has to be a MS Windows OS user who is allowed write access to the BPC file share and file copy functions. For details please see the SAP Business Objects Planning and Consolidation Administration Guide.

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Save and distribute the configuration changes by confirming the following confirmation screen.

In case of changes required to the TMS configuration of an already existing Import System, doubleclick on the Import System in the System Overview.

The TMS Configuration screen for the Import System is presented.

In tab Management, leave the default values.

In tab Communication, leave the default values.

In tab Transport Tool, leave the default values.

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To change the deployment method configuration, select the tap Transport Tool. Use the navigation Goto -> Application Types -> Deploy Method.

Select New Entries from the menu bar.

For the selected system, enter the application type, the deployment method, the deploy URI, the user and the password and save your entries as explained above. Generally, only the deploy URI, user and password will have to be changed potentially. If so, save your changes and confirm the popup window.

Create and Configure Transport Routes

Go to Transport Routes in transaction STMS (Shift + F7). Switch to Change Mode (F5). Edit -> Transport Routes -> Create.

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Create a Consolidation Transport Route. In this example, the transport route has been created between the source system BP1 and the destination system BP2. In case of further systems in your system landscape, create delivery transport routes.

Save your entries.

Configure CTS Deploy Web Service

The web service DeployProxy hosted on the SAP Netweaver application server Java of SAP Solution Manager has to be configured.

Configure the HTTP connection CTSDEPLOY. First, create a logical port CTSDEPLOY on the SAP Netweaver Application Server ABAP of your domain controller, i.e. SAP Solution Manager system, if not already existing. As of enhancement package 1 for SAP Netweaver 7.0, the logical port CTSDEPLOY is completely configured already. To check whether the logical port CTSDEPLOY exists in client 000 and is active, use transaction LPCONFIG (please ignore the message that the transaction is obsolete). In field Proxy Class enter the value “CO_TFLDEPLOY_PROXY_VI_DOCUMENT”. In field Logical Port enter the value “CTSDEPLOY”.

In case the logical port does not exist, create it in client 000. Set the system change option of client 000 to Modifiable. After the configuration, the system change option can be reverted.

1. Call transaction SE03 in a new mode. 2. Choose Administration -> Set System Change Option and choose Execute. 3. Choose Client Setting. The Display "Clients" View: Overview screen is displayed. 4. Select the Client 000. 5. Choose Display -> Change. 6. Confirm the message that the table is cross-client with Continue. 7. Choose Detail. The Display "Clients" View: Detail screen is displayed. 8. Select Automatic Recording of Changes. 9. Save your entries.

To activate the logical port, return to transaction LPCONFIG where the inactive logical port CTSDEPLOY is displayed.

1. Choose Display <-> Change. 2. Select Activate.

Select tab page Call Parameter and in the HTTP Destination field enter the value CTSDEPLOY and in the Path Suffix field enter the value DeployProxy/default?style=document.

In case the logical port does exists, check that the Path Suffix (tab page Call Parameter) has the value DeployProxy/default?style=document.

Configure the HTTP Connection in the transport client of your communication system.

1. Call transaction SM59. 2. Create a new HTTP connection called CTSDEPLOY. 3. Choose connection type HTTP Connection to External Server, and enter a description for the HTTP

connection. 4. Choose the Technical Settings tab page. 5. Enter the name of the host of the SAP Solution Manager Java stack. Under Service Number enter

the corresponding HTTP port number (5<SAP System Number>00) of SAP Solution Manager Java stack. Ensure that no path prefix is entered and confirm your entries with Enter.

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6. If you encounter warnings about “invalid query strings” or missing documentation, ignore them by choosing “Enter”.

7. Save your entries. 8. Choose the Logon and Security tab page. 9. Select Authentication details as appropriate for logging on to the system where the Deploy Web

service is running, e.g. by using Basic Authentication and entering a user with administration rights and corresponding password.

10. Save your entries. 11. Test the new HTTP connection. Choose Connection Test.

If you have created the new HTTP connection successfully, the status text in the test results is set to OK. To conclude the configuration of the deploy web service, set a timeout value which supports BPC transportable objects‟ deployment time. In SAP Netweaver Application Server ABAP, call transaction SM59 -> HTTP Connections to External Server -> CTSDEPLOY.

In the Special Options tab page, the ICM Default Timeout option is selected as the default under Timeout. Select No Timeout to avoid the connection timing out during a deployment.

For further information, please see:

Deploy CTS+ Import Script for SAP BPC MS

Download the BPC import script (the BPC deploy script) from the attachment of SAP Note 1582525. Use the scripts in file new_deply.ZIP attached to the SAP Note. You will find two script files after unpacking the ZIP file. Go to the System Information page of the SAP Solution Manager Java (via URL http://<host>:5<system number>00/monitoring/SystemInfo -> dispatcher -> system properties). Check the value of system property "". The default value of "" property on Windows platforms is "C:\usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\global".

Create a new folder "CtsScripts" in that directory, e.g. C:\usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\global\CtsScripts. The import scripts have to be copied into the "CtsScripts" folder, i.e. establishing a MS Windows path to the scripts like for example "C:\usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\global\CtsScripts\deploy.bat". The names of the files have to be “deploy.bat” and deploy_BPC.bat - do not change the file names.

Note: Ensure that the security settings are maintained according to your security policy. The BPC import script has to have "execute" permissions for the user (group) under which the SAP Netweaver Application Server Java runs, e.g. SAPService<SID>. The "CtsScripts" directory folder should have restricted permissions for other users not involved into deployment and setup process. After setting the security properties, test if the script can be successfully executed.

Check the drives on the target BPC application server. The import scripts assume drive F on this server to be available for mapping, i.e. not in use already. In case this drive is in use, please change the deploy scripts, i.e. replace all occurrences of the drive letter F with a drive letter which is available. Thereafter, copy the modified scripts into the folder above by replacing the existing ones.

In case that there is already an import script deploy.bat (or active in the corresponding folder, the files have to be merged, so that execution of scripts of already existing application types as well as for new application type BPC can be started from same deploy.bat script.

Check Logon Group

Use transaction SMLG in the SAP Solution Manager system to determine existing logon groups. If not already maintained, create the logon group named PUBLIC on the communication system, i.e. the SAP Solution Manager system.

Please see SAP Online Help for further details.

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Application and Usage

Transportable Objects

Software objects which are subject to changes and hence transports into subsequent systems of a transport route (DEV -> QAS -> PRD) have to be identified, i.e. all objects which are customized and modified. Optimally, this includes coding as well as customizing. Most likely, dependencies between objects have to be taken into consideration, e.g. might a modification of a software object require further objects to be changed as well. It is recommended to transport all dependent objects in one transport request, which has implications for the design of the application and interface which will be used to identify, group, and export software changes from a source system.

SAP BPC for Microsoft, supports the controlled transport of the following object types.

Type Move Type Synchronization Modes Comment

Report File Update or Sync Model required, Team Folder support

Input schedule File Update or Sync Model required, Team Folder support

Conversion file File Update or Sync Model required, Team Folder support

Transformation file File Update or Sync Model required, Team Folder support

Data Manager package File Update or Sync Model required, Team Folder support

Script logic File Update or Sync Model required

Dimension Data Sync Model not required

Table driven logic Data Sync Model required

Security profile Data Update Model required

Web content File Update Model not required

Books File Update of Sync Model required, Team Folder support

Distribution File Update or Sync Model required, Team Folder support

PowerPoint File Update or Sync Model required, Team Folder support

Word File Update or Sync Model required, Team Folder support

The specifics of movement type, synchronization modes, and models will be explained in the following chapters. The Change and Transport System supports the movement of this transportable content between SAP BPC Planning and Consolidation servers.

Using CTS for BPC, you can achieve the following activities.

Select BPC content and attach it to a CTS transport request

View the BPC content attached to a CTS transport request via the CTS Browser (link integration)

Export selected BPC content from a source system and import the same into the target system

CTS does not provide any means of tracking or monitoring between the source and target systems. This is achieved e.g. via SAP Solution Manager Change Diagnostics. Please ensure that the correct content is transported as existing content on target systems may be overwritten.

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User Interface


SAP BPC for Microsoft 7.5 as well as 10.0 provides a user interface to work with SAP‟s Change and Transport System.

BPC for Microsoft 7.5 offers it as part of the Application Set Tasks:

BPC for Microsoft 10.0 offers it as part of the Environment Tasks:

The integration is part of the SAP BPC Administration Client. The action pane offers the action “Transport Content with CTS” (Ctrl + F8). In screen “Transport Content with CTS”, the transport object selection as well as transport request review is executed. In the following, the document uses the interface of version 10.0.

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Choose BPC objects for transportation. Enter or review the following information.

Type: See the list of transportable objects outlined above. The object types range from Reports to


Model: Select a model from a selection list. Also select the synchronization mode for the model.

Folder: Displays the folder associated with this transport type.

SyncMode: Select the behavior of the transport

1. Update overwrites the selected BPC content

2. Sync removes all BPC content in the folder of the target system, and then moves the

selected files into it

For folder and database content, synchronization mode Sync is recommended, for files (including script files), Update is recommended.

Note: Sync will transfer a folder or table, so that records in the table or files in the folder, which do not exist in the source system any longer, will be deleted in the target system. Update will transport in a traditional sense.

Select the transport types and objects to transport and choose Export. For CTS export, you require a user ID and password to access the Transport Management System.

BPC objects are selected by application.

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For files, select a folder. All files within the selected folder are transported.

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For tables, select a table. All entries within the selected table are transported.

Note: For script files, the LGF and LGX files should be transported. For security metadata, only profiles (security) are transported; users are not transported or created on the target BPC application server.

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After having selected the BPC objects, click on „Export‟ to attach the objects to a CTS transport request. A popup will ask for a user and password valid in the transport management system. Enter the credentials and confirm. A popup confirms the successful export of the BPC objects to the transport request in TMS.

Note: If the user flags checkbox “Detailed Message”, a new log file named “log_CTSXXXX.txt” will be created and a verbose log detailing the interaction with the communication system will be written. The directory of the file is \\BPC_FILE _SERVER\WebFolders\AdminTemplates\CTS\Export\log.

Start the „Transport Organizer‟ (CTS Browser). The link is available in the Action Pane of the SAP BPC Administration Client. If the export has been successful, a new transport request (or the transport request used during the export) is in the list of transport request waiting for release.

In the example outlined above, 4 transport requests (generated request) are in status modifiable, one has been preselected.

Select a transport request and choose the Object List tab in order to view the attached BPC content as ZIP file (if ZIP is used as file type). The file name is prefixed with “CTS_” followed by the date (yyMMdd) and time (hhmm). The file extension is .zip.

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Select the transport request and release it.

The request icon changes to a transport icon. A refresh of the list removes the transport request from the list of requests to be released.

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The transport request(s) released are visible in the list of released transport requests. For further information on Transport organizer Web UI, please see:


SAP CTS detects the released transport request and file attachment and transfers it into the import queue of the Transport Management System of the target system automatically. In order to import, log in to the TMS system (i.e. via SAP Logon).

Use transaction code STMS to start the Transport Management System application.

Click on the transport icon (F5) to open the Import Overview screen (Import Queue).

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In this example, you see 3 systems. BP1 and BP2 belong together (BP1 -> BP2 is a transport route) and BP3 is the consolidation system of BP2. The “source” system, BP1 is an export system; there is no further import into this source system. Hence you see no requests in these queues (column “Requests”).

The target systems BP2 and BP3 however will receive imports (from their source system) and hence you see some requests already in the column “Requests”. Double click on an import queue/system modeled in the transport route of the BPC system landscape. You might need to authenticate against the TMS system.

Either click the Import All icon or select pending transport requests (you may have to refresh the list) from the list of all past and pending imports (i.e. the ones which have been approved using the Transport Organizer Web UI) and click the Import Request icon to actually import the transport requests (i.e. execute BPC‟s deploy script).

Enter a start time (or import immediately), check execution mode and import options, and confirm the following popup windows.

1. If the transport is successful, the icon in the return code (RC) column of the Import Queue changes to status “import running”, thereafter to “request already imported” (green).

2. If the transport is not successful, the icon in the return code (RC) column of the Import Queue changes to “error” red. Double-click on this icon for a detailed error report (i.e. the transport log).

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For error analysis on the export side, i.e. the handover of BPC transportable objects to the communication system, i.e. SAP Solution Manager, use the verbose mode when executing calls to SAP Solution Manager manually. This provides vital hints for troubleshooting.

1. Log on to the source system, i.e. the source BPC application server on MS Windows operating

system level.

2. Change to the DI Tools directory, e.g. [Drive]\ditools\.

3. Execute the following export commands in verbose mode:

a. transportconsole.bat <Enter>

b. verbose <Enter>

c. connect –s [Communication System] –c [Client] –ms [Target System Directory] 00 <Enter>

d. setnode [Node Name] [ID] [Password] <Enter>

e. getrequests <Enter>

f. addfile –f [File Path] -a BPC -c [File Type] <Enter>

4. Save the stack trace information locally for error analysis.

5. Refer to SAP Note 1155884 identify potential issues and recommendations.


Communication System, Client, Target System Directory, Node Name, and File Type should be used

according to the values maintained in SBOP BPC Server Manager. For details, please see chapter

Configure CTS Settings in BPC Server Manager on page 5 of this document.

ID and Password should be a valid SAP Solution Manager user as outlined on page 22 of this


File Path should be entered as ZIP file created by BPC. For testing and troubleshooting purposes, enter any file.


For error analysis on the import side, i.e. if the import log does not provide enough information to resolve import issues (when working with the import log the menu path „Edit -> Expand -> At Highest Level‟ (or Shift+F4 resp. first icon on left) reveals further information about the deployment/import), more detailed error information can be derived from a stack trace. SAP Note 1170359 provides further information about error analysis and resolution. As the SAP Netweaver Application Server Java stack of the SAP Solution Manager system is used as Deploy Web Service host (i.e. hosting the DeployProxy webservice which executes the deploy script specific for BPC application server), it needs to be started up in order to make the web service call available. In case of issues, a log will be available from the Import Queue (transaction STMS) of the target system for the request(s) in question.

At this point in time - assuming a successful import - the target system has received the BPC content to be imported, i.e. TMS moved the import file including the BPC content to the Import folder in <Root>\Data\Webfolders\AdminTemplates\CTS on the target BPC application server.

BPC‟s CTS Service Manager service, a Microsoft Windows service, detects the file to import at that location and automatically starts importing, distributing and deploying the content on the target BPC application server. Check the result of the import and deploy step in BPC‟s CTS log file. The logfile is located in Web folder <Root>\Data\Webfolders\AdminTemplates\CTS\LogData. The log file follows a naming convention which prefixes “Import_CTS”, followed by the export file name, followed by a date and time stamp (yyyyMMddHHmm). The file extension is .log. An example would be Import_CTS_201101261212_201101220211.log.

In case of an import error of type RC=12 with corresponding import log entry 'The script mode is not valid. Valid modes are: CONNECT, DEPLOY', update the existing BPC deploy script to the new BPC deploy scripts (2 scripts) attached to SAP Note 1582525 (i.e. in file new_deploy.ZIP). See chapter “Deploy CTS+ Import Script for SAP BPC MS” in this document for details.

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Related Content

Change and Transport System

FAQs on the Enhanced Change and Transport System

Resources on CTS+

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