Using Radioactive Isotopes

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  • 8/13/2019 Using Radioactive Isotopes


    Using radioactiveisotopes

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  • 8/13/2019 Using Radioactive Isotopes


    The decay of radioactive isotopes make them useful inmany ways

    Uses include determining the ages of natural materialson earth

    By tracing the steps of chemical reactions and industrial

    processes , diagnosing and treating disease, and providingsource of energy.

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    Radioactive Dating

    When the atoms of a radioactive isotope decay ,they can changeinto other kinds of atoms

    Not all the atoms of a radioactive sample decay at once.

    Although you cant predict when any particular nucleus will decaythe time it takes for half the toms to change can be measured.

    Half-life of an isotope : is the length of time needed for half of theatoms of a sample to decay

    The half life is different for each isotope

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  • 8/13/2019 Using Radioactive Isotopes


    Fossils are the traces or remains of living things that have beenpreserved

    The half-lives of certain radioactive isotopes are useful indetermining the ages of rocks and fossils.

    Example : as plants grow they use carbon dioxide from the air

    Some carbon dioxide contains carbon-14 which become a part ofplants structure the same way carbon-12 does .

    The scientists can calculate how many half lives have passed sincethe plant was alive. In this way , they can estimate the age of thefossil and its surrounding rock. This process is called radioactivedating

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    Uses in science and industry Like a lighthouse flashing in the night , a radioactive isotope

    signals where it is

    Tracers are radioactive isotopes that can be followed through

    the steps of chemical reaction or an industrial process

    Tracers behave the same way of non-radioactive form of anelement

    The scientists can follow the tracers , using equipment's that

    detects radiations

    This technique is helpful for studying reactions in living organisms

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    In industry ,tracers used to find a weak spots in metal pipes,especially oil pipelines

    When we added to a liquid tracers can be easily detected if theyleak out of the pipes. Engineers use gamma radiation fromradioactive isotopes to look for flaws in the metal.

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    Uses in medicine

    Doctors use radioactive isotopes to detect medical problems andto treat some diseases.

    Tracers injected into the body travel to organs and other structurewhere that chemical is normally used

    Using equipment that detects radiation or organ affected

    For example tracers made with technetium -99 are used to

    diagnose problems in the bones , liver , kidneys , and digestivesystem this is called radiation therapy

    Radioactive elements are used to destroy unhealthy cells

    Example : iodine-131 is given to patients with tumors of the thyroidgland-gland in the neck that controls the rate at which nutrients aused

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    Mr. Hassan Amer

  • 8/13/2019 Using Radioactive Isotopes


  • 8/13/2019 Using Radioactive Isotopes


    Nuclear power

    Some power plants use radioactive isotopes as a fuel .

    The nuclei of certain radioactive isotopes are made to split intosmaller fragments , releasing enormous amounts of energy

    Most often using uranium-235 provide electric energy in many partsof the world. Nuclear reactions provide the energy for nuclearsubmarines and other types of ocean vessels

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    Safe use of radioactive materials

    Radioactive materials are dangerous

    Radiation penetrates living tissue ,knocking electrons from atoms thprocess produce particles that then can interface with chemicalreactions in living cells , illness, disease, and even death may resultfrom exposure to radiations

    People who work in this field and used this materials, they must

    wear a protecting clothing and use in insulating shielding

    Materials with low levels of radiations may be buried in landfills .

    Isotopes which have long half-life buried in dry underground tunne

    In this way, the radioactive wastes can be isolated for manygenerations

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