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Platform Process Manager Version 9 Release 1 Using Platform Process Manager SC27-4751-01

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Platform Process ManagerVersion 9 Release 1

Using Platform Process Manager



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Platform Process ManagerVersion 9 Release 1

Using Platform Process Manager



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NoteBefore using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 215.

First edition

This edition applies to version 9, release 1 of IBM Platform Process Manager (product number 5725G82) and to allsubsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.

© Copyright IBM Corporation 1992, 2013.US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contractwith IBM Corp.

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Chapter 1. Introduction to ProcessManager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1About Process Manager. . . . . . . . . . . 1About Process Manager terms . . . . . . . . 2Change your server . . . . . . . . . . . . 9About flow definitions and flows . . . . . . . 10

Chapter 2. Process Manager Calendars 15About the calendar editor . . . . . . . . . 17Create a calendar with specific dates . . . . . . 18Create a calendar using an expression . . . . . 19Create a calendar with a complex expression . . . 21Calendar examples . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Edit an existing calendar . . . . . . . . . . 24Delete a calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Chapter 3. Define your flow . . . . . . 27Ways to create a flow definition . . . . . . . 27Using the example flows . . . . . . . . . . 28Create a flow diagram . . . . . . . . . . . 29Include a job array in the flow diagram . . . . . 30Include a job submission script in the flow diagram 33Include a job array submission script in the flowdiagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34Include a static subflow in the flow diagram . . . 35Include a static flow array in the flow diagram . . 36Include a dynamic subflow in the flow diagram . . 38Include a dynamic flow array in the flow diagram 39Include a manual job in the flow diagram . . . . 40Specifying custom exit codes for successful jobcompletion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41Include a local job in the flow diagram . . . . . 42Insert a job to another batch system . . . . . . 44About variables in Process Manager . . . . . . 46Job dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . 64Specify dependency on the start or submission ofspecific jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66Specify a dependency on a file . . . . . . . . 69Change the label displayed for an event . . . . . 71Dependency on a date and time . . . . . . . 71Specify dependencies on a job array . . . . . . 73Specify dependencies on a subflow . . . . . . 75Specify dependencies on an unconnected work item 77Specifying multiple dependencies . . . . . . . 80Details of a job . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81About flow completion attributes . . . . . . . 93Specify flow completion attributes . . . . . . . 95Configuring flow exit codes . . . . . . . . . 98Specify exception handling for a flow . . . . . 99Flow attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100Specify flow attributes . . . . . . . . . . 101Save the flow definition . . . . . . . . . . 102Loop a flow or subflow . . . . . . . . . . 103

Chapter 4. About Process Managerexceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . 107About exception handling . . . . . . . . . 110Handling exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . 113Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

Chapter 5. Run your flow . . . . . . 121Create a flow definition to be triggered manually 122Schedule your flow . . . . . . . . . . . 123Run a flow when another flow... . . . . . . . 127Flow attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130Specify flow attributes . . . . . . . . . . 131Run your flow once . . . . . . . . . . . 133Submit your flow definition . . . . . . . . 134

Chapter 6. Control a Flow . . . . . . 137About the Flow Manager . . . . . . . . . 137Real-time data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139Print data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139Filter the data displayed in the tree view . . . . 140Trigger a flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141View a flow definition and specify versioningoptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142View inter-flow relationships . . . . . . . . 144Determine the status of jobs in a flow . . . . . 146Manually complete a dependency . . . . . . 148Kill a running job . . . . . . . . . . . . 148Run or rerun a single job . . . . . . . . . 149Stop a flow at a specific point by putting a job onhold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149Mark a job complete . . . . . . . . . . . 150Work with manual jobs . . . . . . . . . . 151Completing manual jobs with exit codes . . . . 152Work with proxies. . . . . . . . . . . . 153Kill a running flow . . . . . . . . . . . 155Suspend a running flow . . . . . . . . . . 155Resume a suspended flow . . . . . . . . . 155Rerun an exited flow . . . . . . . . . . . 156Rerun a flow while a job is still running . . . . 158Rerun an exited job array . . . . . . . . . 158Hold a flow definition . . . . . . . . . . 159Releasing a flow definition from hold . . . . . 159View a flow definition and specify versioningoptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160Remove a flow definition . . . . . . . . . 161

Chapter 7. Mainframe support . . . . 163Using mainframe . . . . . . . . . . . . 163Exit codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

Chapter 8. Commands . . . . . . . 167caleditor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168floweditor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168flowmanager . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

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jadmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169jalarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170jcadd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173jcals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177jcdel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178jcmod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179jcomplete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182jdefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184jflows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185jhold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187jid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188jjob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188jkill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191jmanuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192jpublish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192jreconfigalarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193jrelease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194

jremove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194jrerun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195jresume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196jrun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198jsetvars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198jsetversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200jsinstall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201jstop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202jsub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203jtrigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210junpublish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211ppmsetvar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217

iv Using Platform Process Manager

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Chapter 1. Introduction to Process Manager

This section describes each of the component applications that make up the ProcessManager software, and introduces each of the work items used to define andschedule your workload.

About Process ManagerProcess Manager comprises three client applications and a server application. Theclient applications are:v Process Manager Designer:

– The Flow Editor– The Calendar Editor

v The Flow ManagerThe Process Manager Server is the scheduling interface between the clientapplications and the execution agent, Process Manager.


Flow Editor may not be installed if you purchased the Platform Suite for SAS. Formore information, contact your sales representative.

The Flow Editor

You use the Flow Editor to define your flow definitions: the jobs and theirrelationships with other jobs in the flow, any dependencies they have on files, andany time dependencies they may have. You also use the Flow Editor to submityour flow definitions—this places them under the control of Process Manager.

You can submit a flow definition in three ways:v By submitting it to be triggered when one or more events occurv By submitting it to be triggered manuallyv By running it immediately

After a flow definition is submitted, a copy of the definition resides in ProcessManager. If the flow definition is to be triggered by an event, Process Managertriggers it automatically when that event occurs, creating a flow. If the flowdefinition is to be triggered manually, the flow definition waits in ProcessManager until you trigger it, creating a flow. If the flow definition is runimmediately, Process Manager does not store a copy of the definition—just theflow.Using the Flow Editor, you can work with existing flow definitions, easilymodifying them to create new ones. You can also create reusable flow definitionsthat can be shared by many users, or reused over and over again. These flowdefinitions can be easily incorporated into a new definition as subflows. Thesetechniques allow you to create intricate work flows quickly, with fewer errors.You start the Flow Editor from the Windows start menu, by selecting IBMCorporation> Platform Process Manager > Flow Editor, or by runningfloweditor on UNIX.

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The Calendar Editor

You use the Calendar Editor to define calendars, which Process Manager uses tocalculate the dates on which a job or flow should run. Calendars contain eitherspecific dates or expressions that resolve to a series of dates.

Process Manager calendars are independent of jobs, flow definitions and flows, sothat they can be reused. The Process Manager administrator can create calendarsthat can be used by any user of Process Manager. These are referred to as systemcalendars. Process Manager includes a number of built-in system calendars so youdo not need to define some of the more commonly used expressions.

Once a calendar is defined, you associate a job or a flow definition with thecalendar using a time event.

You start the Calendar Editor from the Windows start menu, by selecting IBMCorporation > Platform Process Manager > Calendar Editor, or by runningcaleditor on UNIX.

The Flow Manager

You use the Flow Manager to trigger, monitor and control running flows, and toobtain history information about completed flows.

Using the Flow Manager, you can view the status of, suspend, or kill a flow. Whileworking within the Flow Manager, you can review the flow definition, whilecomparing it to the running flow.

You start the Flow Manager from the Windows start menu, by selecting IBMCorporation > Platform Process Manager > Flow Manager, or by runningflowmanager on UNIX.

About Process Manager termsJobs

A job is a program or command that is scheduled to run in a specific environment.A job can have many attributes specifying its scheduling and executionrequirements. You specify the attributes of the job when you define the job in theFlow Editor. Process Manager schedules and manages jobs that run on ProcessManager hosts. Process Manager uses job attributes, system resource information,and configuration settings to decide when, where, and how to run jobs. While eachjob is assigned a unique job name by the system, you can associate your own jobnames to make referencing easier.


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A dependency describes the order in which something happens within a flow: a job(or job array or subflow) can depend on the completion of a job, job array, subflow,or event before it can run.

A dependency is shown in the Flow Editor and Flow Manager as a line with anarrow. The job at the tip of the arrow cannot run until the work item at the otherend of the arrow reaches a particular condition.

A dependency is used to indicate relationships between jobs, events, alarms, andso on.

Job dependencies

A job dependency is a dependency that a job (or job array or subflow) has on thecompletion of a predecessor job. You can define a dependency that controls a job’sexecution upon the completion, failure, or startup of other jobs. You can also start ajob when the predecessor fails with a specific exit code, or experiences a specificexception.

Job dependencies are shown in the Flow Editor and Flow Manager as a line withan arrow. The job at the tip of the arrow cannot run until its predecessor at theother end of the arrow reaches a particular condition. The default type of jobdependency is on the successful completion of the predecessor.

Job arrays

A job array is a group of homogeneous jobs—jobs that share the same executableand resource requirements, but have different input files, for example input1,input2, input3 and so on. You can use a job array to submit, control and monitorall of the jobs as a single unit. Each job submitted from a job array shares the samejob ID as the job array and is uniquely referenced using an array index. Thedimension and structure of a job array is defined when the job array is created.

Job submission script

A job submission script is a shell script or a batch file, which you can define tosubmit a job. You can define and submit customized job array submission scriptwith bsub command and options. You can monitor and control the jobs that havebeen submitted through the customized job submission scripts. You specify theattributes of the script when you define the job submission script in the FlowEditor. Process Manager schedules and manages job submission scripts that run onthe Process Manager hosts.

Job array submission script

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A job array submission script is a group of submission scripts— that share the sameexecutable and resource requirements, but have different input files, for examplescript1, script2, script3, and so on. You can use a customized job arraysubmission script to control and monitor all the jobs and job arrays. Each jobsubmitted from a job array submission script shares the same job ID as the jobarray submission script and is uniquely referenced using an array index. Thedimension and structure of a job array submission script is defined when the jobarray submission script is created.

Manual jobs

A manual job is a place-holder in a flow—it marks the place in a process wheresome manual activity must take place before the flow can continue. Successors of amanual job cannot run until the manual job is explicitly completed.

Local jobs

A local job is a job that will execute immediately on the Process Manager hostwithout going through LSF®. A local job is usually a short and small job.

It is not recommended to run long, computational-intensive or data-intensive localjobs as it can overload the Process Manager host.

Other Batch jobs

An Other Batch job is a job that you run on a remote batch system or workloadmanager that is not LSF.

When Process Manager is configured to communicate with another batch system,you will see the Other Batch Job work item enabled in Flow Editor:

In the Job Definition, you specify the command to run, other job submissionoptions, and the user account under which the job is to run in the Other BatchSystem.

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Flow definitions

A flow definition is a container for a group of related jobs. The flow definitiondescribes both the jobs and their relationships to each other, as well as anydependencies the jobs have on files or dates and times. Using a flow definition,you can create a complex schedule involving many jobs, and manipulate it as asingle entity. You can also use a flow definition to group jobs together that form aparticular function, and imbed the flow definition as a subflow within a largerflow definition. This allows you to share and reuse common functions.

Flow definitions can be stored locally on your own machine, or within a shared filesystem. You can see and import flow definitions created by another user, but youcannot control running flows owned by another user unless you haveadministrative authority.


A flow is the particular occurrence of a flow definition that is created when theflow definition is triggered. When Process Manager creates a flow from the flowdefinition, it assigns each occurrence of the flow a unique ID called the flow ID.

Adhoc flows

An adhoc flow is a flow that is run directly by the Process Manager Server withoutthe server saving a copy of the flow definition. An adhoc flow is run directly fromthe Flow Editor.

An adhoc flow is displayed in the tree view of the Flow Manager in each of thefollowing ways:v In the By Definition view, in a folder called adhoc

v In the By Event view, in a folder called adhoc

Static subflows

A static subflow is a flow definition that has been copied into another flowdefinition. Using a static subflow within a flow is a simple method to share andreuse common routines.

Dynamic subflows

A dynamic subflow is a reference to another flow definition. The flow definition thatis referenced is called a target flow. The flow that contains the dynamic subflow iscalled the parent flow.

You maintain the target flow separately from the parent flow. Changes made to thetarget flow are automatically updated in the parent flow.

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Only target flows that have been submitted to Process Manager and published canbe selected in a dynamic subflow.

Static flow array

A static flow array is a way to specify to run a static subflow as an array. Thesubflow will run as many times as the size of the array.

In addition, in the array attributes, you can define whether to run the subflow inparallel or sequentially.

Dynamic flow array

A dynamic flow array is a way to specify to run a dynamic subflow as an array. Thesubflow will run as many times as the size of the array.

In addition, in the array attributes, you can define whether to run the subflow inparallel or sequentially.

You maintain the target flow separately from the parent flow. Changes made to thetarget flow are automatically updated in the parent flow.

Only target flows that have been submitted to Process Manager and published canbe selected for the dynamic flow array.


An event is a change or occurrence in the system (such as the creation of a specificfile, a prior job completing with a particular exit code, or simply the arrival of afile at a particular date and time) that can be used to trigger a flow or one or morejobs within a flow. Process Manager responds to the following types of events:v Time events—points of time (defined by calendars and time expressions) that

can be used to trigger the scheduling of jobsv File events—changes in a file’s statusv Proxy events—events used to represent another flow or a work item that runs

within another flowv Link events—events used to consolidate the output of other events

Time events

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You use time events in Process Manager to make something happen at a specifictime. You can use a time event to specify the frequency at which a repetitive jobrepeats, to prevent a job from running until a particular time, or to specify when tostart running a flow.

You cannot create a time event without referencing a calendar, which provides thedate or dates on which the time event is valid, allowing it to trigger.

You create time events using the Flow Editor.

File events

You use file events to make something happen when a file reaches a particular state.You can use a file event to trigger a flow, job or subflow: when a file arrives; whena file reaches a certain size; if a certain file exists; or any combination of theseconditions.

You create file events using the Flow Editor.

Proxy events

You use proxy events to represent work items that run within another flow, or torepresent another flow. You can create a dependency on the success or failure of aproxy event. You can use a proxy event to trigger a flow, or to trigger a work itemwithin a flow.

Link events

You use link events to combine multiple dependencies into a single point in a flowdiagram. You can use link events to run a job when multiple jobs complete, or youcan use them to run a subflow when one of a group of jobs complete. For example,you can use an AND link event to trigger a job when all of a group of conditionsare met, or you can use an OR link event to trigger a job when any one or more ofa group of conditions is met.

You create link events using the Flow Editor.

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A calendar consists of a sequence of days on which the calendar is considered valid.A job is scheduled when the calendar is valid and a time of day specification ismet. Calendars are defined and manipulated independently of jobs so that multiplejobs and flows can share the same calendar. Each user can maintain a private set ofcalendars, or use the calendars defined as system calendars. If a calendar ischanged, any jobs associated with the calendar will automatically run according tothe new definition. Calendars are stored within Process Manager’s private storage,and cannot be stored locally or edited outside of the Calendar Editor.


An exception is a specific error condition that is detected when a job does notprocess as expected. Process Manager detects several of these conditions.

Exception Handlers

An exception handler is a function used to respond when an exception occurs. Youcan use jobs or flows as exception handlers, or you can use Process Manager’sbuilt-in exception handlers:v Killv Rerunv Alarms


You can automatically kill a job, flow, or subflow if it experiences the specifiedexception.


You can automatically rerun a job, flow, or subflow if it experiences the specifiedexception.


An alarm is a type of built-in exception handler, used to send an email notificationto key personnel or execute a script to show that an error has occurred thatrequires intervention.


You can use Process Manager to pass variables to and from scripts. ProcessManager supports three kinds of variables:v Local variables, that allow you to set a value of a variable and have the value

available within a flow;v Global variables, that allow you to set a value of a variable and have the value

available anywhere within the Process Manager Server.

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v Environment variables, that allow you to submit a job with an environmentvariable, including a user or local variable.

Variable evaluator

The variable evaluator (VE) is a work item in the flow editor that allows jobs todepend on the evaluation of variable expressions instead of the traditional job exitstatus, time events, and file events.

This work item contains no actual jobs to run, and therefore you cannot kill,suspend, or resume it. In addition, since the work item does not perform anyactual work, you cannot use the variable evaluator as a triggering event, a proxyevent to start the next work item, or as a flow completion criterion.

The variable evaluator serves as an intermediate step between jobs and thevalidation of variable decision branches. Typically, the predecessors of a variableevaluator assign values to various user variables. When all the variables are set,the variable evaluator will evaluate all of its variable expression branches anddetermine which successors to start executing. If there is no predecessor to thevariable evaluator, the variable evaluator will start and run to completionimmediately.

File naming conventions

This guide uses UNIX file naming conventions to illustrate file names. However, ifthe file you are referencing is on a Windows file system, use Windows file namingconventions where applicable.

Change your serverYou can change the server you are using in any of the three client applications(Flow Editor, Flow Manager, and Calendar Editor).

Changing the server affects only the current session of the client application. Thenext time you open the client application, the server defined in js.conf is stillused.1. In any of the client applications, select File > Change Server.

The Change Server dialog opens.

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2. Specify the host name and port for the new server. Use the drop down list toselect from any host names or ports that you have specified before.

3. Click OK.The client application connects to the new server. You may be asked for yourusername and password. If the connection fails, the previous server is usedinstead.

4. Check you server host name and port number in the lower left hand corner ofyour client application. In Flow Manager, status is also available.

You have changed your server.

About flow definitions and flowsA flow definition is a collection of Process Manager work items (jobs, job arraysand subflows) and their relationships. These Process Manager work items aredefined graphically in the Flow Editor, where the relationships between the workitems—any dependencies they may have on each other—are also representedgraphically. The following picture illustrates a flow definition that consists of twojobs (J1 and J2) a job array (A1) and an imbedded subflow (recovery):

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In the above flow definition, J1 must complete before J2 and A1 can run. If J2 fails,the subflow recovery runs.

Actions you can perform against flow definitionsThe following terms have specific meanings within the Process Manager context:


The term publish is used to describe the act of enabling a target flow to becomeavailable to dynamic subflows and flow arrays.


The term unpublish is used to describe the act of removing a target flow from thelist of target flows available to dynamic subflows and flow arrays. The target flowis no longer available to dynamic subflows and flow arrays.


The term hold is used to describe the act of preventing Process Manager fromrunning a flow, even though the flow definition has been submitted to ProcessManager and is recognized by Process Manager. Holding a flow definitionessentially causes Process Manager to ignore that definition until such time as it isreleased or explicitly triggered.


The term release is used to describe the act of requesting that Process Manageronce again manage a flow definition—to release a flow definition that is on hold.

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The term trigger is used to describe the act of initiating the running of a flow.When a flow definition is triggered, a flow is created.


The term remove is used to describe the act of removing a flow definition from theProcess Manager system. After a flow definition is removed, Process Manager nolonger knows about it and cannot schedule any new occurrences of the flow.

What can I do with a flow definition?v Submit and run the flow immediately, where the definition of the flow is not

stored in the Process Manager system. Process Manager is only aware of thespecific, adhoc occurrence of the flow.

v Submit a flow definition to be triggered manually at a later time.v Submit a flow definition to run on a recurring basis, on a particular schedule.v Submit a flow definition to run when a file reaches a particular state.v Define specific routines as individual flow definitions, so that each can be reused

like a subroutine within other flow definitions.v Set exit conditions on a flow definition that contains multiple branches, so that

completion of any single branch constitutes completion of the flow, or requirethat all branches complete before the flow is complete.

v Imbed a flow definition as a subflow within another flow definition.v Use a flow to handle an exception in another flow.

What can I do with a flow?v Kill, suspend, or resume an entire flowv Rerun a failed flow, starting at the first job that failed in each path through the

flow or from any rerun starting points that you set in the flowv Rerun a flow while a job is still running, or rerun a flow that is done, starting at

the first job that failed in each path through the flow or from any rerun startingpoints that you set in the flow

What can I do with a job?v Kill a running job or a local jobv Hold a waiting job in a running flowv Rerun a Running, Exit, or Done job in a completed flowv Force a job complete in a completed flow

Where do I store my flow definitions?You can store your flow definitions locally on your own computer, or you canstore them on a shared file system. If other users will be creating similar flowdefinitions, you can create flow definitions that perform common routines so thatyou can share them with other users.

What makes a flow Done?Unless you specify otherwise by defining an exit condition for the flow, ProcessManager follows this default behavior:

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v A flow is considered successful with a status of Done only when all jobs in theflow complete successfully.

v A flow is considered to have failed with a status of Exit if any job in the flowfails.

What happens if a job exits?Under the default behavior, if a job in a flow exits, no additional jobs in the floware dispatched, although any currently running jobs will continue running untilthey complete. If you do not want the flow to exit if a job fails, you must specifyan exit condition for the flow and handle the exit condition explicitly.

How does Process Manager know when my flow is complete?A large flow may diverge into multiple branches, depending on the design of yourworkflow. For example, job 1 may release multiple jobs, each of which has a stringof successors. In some cases, you may want every work item in the flow tocomplete successfully before the flow is considered complete, and each branch ofthe flow must complete. This is the default behavior.

In other cases, your flow may include error recovery routines that only run undercertain conditions. In those cases, you do not expect every job or path in the flowto complete. Process Manager allows you to specify a completion attribute, whichdefines what constitutes completion of the flow. For example, you can specify thatonly one of many paths must complete.

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Chapter 2. Process Manager Calendars

Process Manager uses calendars to define the dates in a time event, which can beused to determine when a job runs or a flow triggers. Calendars are definedindependently of jobs and flows so that they can be associated with multipleevents.

Process Manager uses calendars to create time events to initiate an action at aparticular date and time. The time event consists of the date and time to triggerthe event, and the duration in which the event is valid. The calendar provides thedate specification for the time event.

You create Process Manager calendars using the Calendar Editor.

About calendars

Process Manager uses three types of calendars:v Those that consist of one or more specific datesv Those that consist of an expression that resolves to a series of datesv Those that combine other calendars to create complex expressions that resolve to

a series of dates. These calendars can use logical operations within the calendardefinition.Each type of calendar definition can resolve to one or more dates.

About system calendars

System calendars are calendars that are predefined or created by your ProcessManager administrator. These calendars are owned by the virtual user “Sys” andcan be referenced by any user. Only the Process Manager administrator can createor delete system calendars.

Process Manager includes a number of predefined system calendars that you canuse without having to define them. In addition to the following list, your ProcessManager administrator may define other system calendars for your use. Thefollowing is a list of the system calendars that are ready for your use:

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Types of Calendars Calendar Names

Weekly calendars Mondays











Monthly calendars First_monday_of_month












Yearly calendars Holidays *







*The Holidays calendar is predefined with Process Manager. However, it must be edited by a Process Manageradministrator to update the holidays for your company for each year.

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About the calendar editorYou use the Calendar Editor to create calendars that define the dates on which youwant some action to take place. Calendars are required to create time events totrigger flows or dispatch jobs at a particular time. The 6 Server must be runningbefore you can use the Calendar Editor.

About the Calendar Editor user interface

The Calendar Editor is divided into two panes:v The list of calendars in the left-hand panev The calendar definition in the right-hand pane

When you create a new calendar, you define the calendar in the right-handpane. When you save the calendar, it appears in the list of calendars, under youruser ID in the left-hand pane.

About the toolbar

The Calendar Editor toolbar looks like this:

About calendar names

When you create a calendar, you need to save it with a unique name. Some rulesapply:v Calendar names can contain the digits 0 to 9, the characters a to z and A to Z,

and underscore (_)

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v Calendar names cannot begin with a number

Create a calendar with specific datesAbout this task

Use this method to create a calendar when:v The calendar needs to be valid for only one or two datesv The calendar needs to be valid for specific, random dates that do not repeat with

any pattern

Procedure1. Ensure that Process Manager is running, and open the Calendar Editor.2. From the Calendar menu, select New Calendar, and select Clicking on Date(s).

The date selection dialog box appears. The dialog box is shown here with thelist of calendars expanded on the left.

3. In the Description field, specify a description for the calendar that makes itobvious when this calendar is valid. This description is very useful: it isdisplayed in the fly-over text when you point to a calendar name in the list,and helps you quickly determine which calendar you want to use.

4. Select the dates on which you want this calendar to be valid by left-clicking oneach date. You cannot select dates in the past.

5. When you have finished selecting dates, save the calendar: from the Calendarmenu, select Save Calendar. When prompted, specify a meaningful name forthe calendar. Click Save. The calendar is added to the list of centrally storedcalendars, under your user name.

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Create a calendar using an expressionAbout this task

Use this method to create a calendar when:v The calendar needs to be valid every nth day, week, month or yearv The calendar needs to be valid for the same dates every yearv The calendar needs to be valid for the same dates every monthv The calendar needs to be valid for the same days of the week every week

Procedure1. Open the Calendar Editor.2. From the Calendar menu, select New Calendar and select Specify Pattern. The

calendar expression dialog box appears. The dialog box is shown here with thelist of calendars expanded on the left.

3. In the Description field, specify a description for the calendar that makes itobvious when this calendar is valid. This description is very useful: it isdisplayed in the fly-over text when you point to a calendar name in the list,and helps you quickly determine which calendar you want to use.

4. Choose one of the following options:v If the expression should be true every n days, in the This Happens ... field,

select Daily. Then, in the Daily field, specify the number of days betweenoccurrences. For example, if the expression should be true every day, leavethe selections at Daily and Every 1 day(s).

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If the expression should be true every other day, specify Every 2 day(s).v If the expression should be true on specific days every week, or every n

weeks, in the This Happens ... field, select Weekly. Then specify howfrequently this occurs, in the Every n week(s) field. Then click on theappropriate days of the week. For example, if the expression should be trueon Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, click the MON button, then click theWED button, then click the FRI button.

v If the expression should be true on specific days every month or every nmonths, in the This Happens ... field, select Monthly. Then specify howfrequently this occurs, in the Every n month(s) field. Then click on theappropriate dates or days of the week. For example, if the expression shouldbe true on the 6th day of every month, leave the frequency at every 1 monthand click 6.

v If the expression should be true on specific days every year or every n years,in the This Happens ... field, select Yearly. Then specify each date byselecting the month and date and clicking Add. For example, if you want tospecify the last date of each month, in the month field, select Jan, and in thedate field, select 31. Continue to select the remaining dates.


To quickly get to the later dates in the month, click down from 1 to get to 31.

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5. Optional. In the Duration field, specify the time in which this calendar shouldbe valid. If you want this calendar to be valid for an indefinite period of time,do not specify any end date for the duration. The beginning of the time perioddefaults to today’s date.

6. Optional. Verify that the expression yields the correct results: from the Viewmenu, select View Occurrences. A calendar is displayed with all of theresulting dates highlighted.

7. Save the calendar: from the Calendar menu, select Save Calendar. Whenprompted, specify a meaningful name for the calendar. Click Save. Thecalendar is added to the list of centrally stored calendars, under your username.

Create a calendar with a complex expressionAbout this task

Use this method to create a calendar when:v The calendar needs to be valid on certain days, but must exclude other days,

such as holidaysv The calendar needs to be valid on dates that are already defined in one calendar,

and also on dates already defined in another calendar

Procedure1. Open the Calendar Editor.2. From the Calendar menu, select New Calendar and select Combine Calendars.

The combine calendars dialog box appears.The dialog box is shown here with the list of calendars expanded on the left.

3. In the Description field, specify a description for the calendar that makes itobvious when this calendar is valid. This description is very useful: it is

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displayed in the fly-over text when you point to a calendar name in the list,and helps you quickly determine which calendar you want to use.

4. Create an expression that combines the calendars as required: double-click oncalendar names and operators to create the desired expression. See “Operatorsand their meanings” for a description of the operators.


To see the operators, you may need to drag the operator window over from thevery right-hand side of the main window.For example, if you want to create a calendar that is true on Mondays andTuesdays, double-click on the calendar Mondays. Then double-click on Plus,then double-click on the calendar Tuesdays. The new calendar will be validevery day that Mondays is valid plus every day that Tuesdays is valid.

5. Optional. Verify that the expression yields the correct results: from the Viewmenu, select View Occurrences. A calendar is displayed with all of theresulting dates highlighted.

6. Save the calendar: from the Calendar menu, select Save Calendar. Whenprompted, specify a meaningful name for the calendar. Click Save. Thecalendar is added to the list of centrally stored calendars, under your username. For information on naming calendars, see “About calendar names”section.

Operators and their meanings

When creating a calendar expression, you can choose from the following operators:

Operator Description

In common with Use this operator to resolve to the intersection of two setsof dates—only those dates in common between twocalendars

Plus Use this operator to combine two sets of dates—any ofthe dates specified in the two calendars

Not Use this operator to exclude the dates in a calendar—useonly those dates that are not included in the calendar.

( Use this operator to begin an expression nested withinthe expression

) Use this operator to end an expression nested within theexpression.

Not in common with Use this operator to exclude dates. First specify theexpression that resolves to the dates you do want toinclude, then use this operator followed by those datesyou do not want to include.

Calendar examplesEach of the these examples assumes that the Calendar Editor is up and running.

Example: Mondays, except on holidays1. Ensure you have a calendar that repeats every Monday. Typically, that is the

system calendar Mondays@Sys.

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2. Ensure you have a calendar called ‘Holidays’ that defines all of thenon-working holidays for your company. Typically, that is the system calendarHolidays@Sys.

3. From the Calendar menu, select New Calendar, then choose CombineCalendars.

4. Define a combining expression that specifies ‘mondays’ but not ‘holidays’ asfollows:Mondays@Sys Not in common with Holidays@SysDo this by double-clicking on Mondays@Sys, then double-click on Not incommon with, and then Holidays@Sys.


To see the operators, you may need to drag the operator window over from thevery right-hand side of the main window.

5. Provide a meaningful description for the calendar, and save it with a uniquename, such as ‘workingmondays’.

Example: every second Friday1. From the Calendar menu, select New Calendar, then choose Specify Pattern.2. Click Weekly.3. In the Every n weeks field, specify 2.4. Ensure The following days is selected, and click FRI, as follows:

5. Provide a meaningful description for the calendar, and save it with a uniquename, such as ‘oddfridays’.

Example: last working Friday of month1. Ensure you have a calendar that defines working days. Typically, that is the

system calendar [email protected]. Create a calendar called last_friday_of_month, similar to the system calendar

[email protected]. From the Calendar menu, select New Calendar, then choose Combine

Calendars.4. Define a combining expression that specifies last_friday_of_month and the days

it has in common with businessdays@Sys as follows:last_friday_of_month@user In common with businessdays@SysDo this by double-clicking on last_friday_of_month, then double-click on Incommon with, and then businessdays@Sys.


To see the operators, you may need to drag the operator window over from thevery right-hand side of the main window.

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5. Provide a meaningful description for the calendar, and save it with a uniquename, such as ‘lastworkingfriday’.

Edit an existing calendarAbout this task

You can edit an existing calendar to change the dates on which it is valid, or youcan edit a calendar and save it using another name. You can use this method tocreate a new calendar that is similar to an existing one.

You can edit only those calendars owned by your user ID.

What you are able to change in a calendar depends on the method used to createthe calendar. For example, if the calendar was created using an expression, youmust change the expression to change the resulting dates.

You cannot change a calendar from one type to another. For example, if thecalendar was created by clicking on dates, you cannot change it to contain anexpression.

You use this option to change the dates on a calendar that was created by clickingon dates:

Procedure1. In the tree view on the left, double-click on the calendar you want to edit.2. Deselect any previously selected dates you want to delete from the calendar by

clicking on them.3. Click on any new dates that you want to add to the calendar.4. From the Calendar menu, select Save Calendar, or close the calendar, at which

time you will be prompted to save it.

Edit a calendar to change the patternAbout this task

You use this option to change the dates on a calendar that was created byspecifying a pattern:

Procedure1. In the tree view on the left, double-click on the calendar you want to edit.2. Ensure you remove any previously selected dates you no longer want selected.

For example, if the current pattern includes Mondays and Tuesdays, but thenew pattern will be Tuesdays and Fridays, you need to click on Mondays toremove the selection.

3. Specify the new pattern.4. From the Calendar menu, select Save Calendar, or close the calendar, at which

time you will be prompted to save it.

Edit a calendar to change calendar combinationsAbout this task

You use this option to change the dates on a calendar that was created bycombining calendars:

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Procedure1. In the tree view on the left, double-click on the calendar you want to edit.2. Edit the combining expression: you can delete terms in the expression by

highlighting them and clicking the Delete button. However, if you want toinsert terms from the list by double-clicking on them, they will be inserted atthe end of the expression.

3. From the Calendar menu, select Save Calendar, or close the calendar, at whichtime you will be prompted to save it.

Delete a calendarAbout this task

Periodically, you may want to delete unused calendars from Process Manager. Youcan only delete those calendars owned by your user ID.

Procedure1. In the tree view on the left, right-click on the calendar you want to delete.2. Select Delete Calendar.3. Confirm that you want to delete the calendar by clicking Yes.

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Chapter 3. Define your flow

You use the Flow Editor to create or edit flow definitions that group related jobs,job arrays and subflows, so that they can be triggered, run, and controlled as aunit.


Flow Editor may not be installed if you purchased the Platform Suite for SAS. Formore information, contact your sales representative.

About the Flow Editor user interface

The Flow Editor user interface consists of a workspace and a design palette todefine work items in the flow definition: jobs, job arrays, manual jobs, subflows,time events, file events, proxy events, link events, and alarms.

About the toolbar

The Flow Editor toolbar looks like this:

About the design palette

The Flow Editor design palette can be separated from the toolbar, and moved to aconvenient location in the work space. It looks like this:

Ways to create a flow definitionAbout this task

There are many ways to create a flow definition. These are three of them:1. Completely define one job at a time2. Draw all of the work items in the flow and then fill in the details3. A combination of the above methods—draw some of the work items and define

them, then draw more work items and define them, and so on


To support multiple Process Manager servers in a single LSF cluster, you mustensure that each combination of user name and flow name is unique within thecluster. This avoids conflicts and ensures that each job is unique among themultiple Process Manager servers.

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Procedure1. One job at a time

a. Draw the first job on the workspaceb. Define the details of the jobc. Draw the next jobd. Define the details of that jobe. Draw the dependency line between the two jobsf. Continue with the next job in the flow, and repeat

2. Draw the flow, then fill in the detailsa. Draw all of the jobs, flows and events on the workspaceb. Draw the dependency lines between the work items, establishing the

relationships between themc. Define the details for each job and job array, one at a time

3. Combine methods 1 and 2a. Draw a group of jobs, job arrays and flows on the workspaceb. Draw the dependency lines between those work itemsc. Define the details for each job and job array, one at a timed. Create another section of the flow

There is no right or wrong way. Only you can decide which method worksbest for you

How do I know if a job or job array is undefined?About this task

There are two ways in which Process Manager informs you if you have drawn ajob or job array but not yet defined it:

Procedure1. The system-assigned job name is displayed in red text2. When you save a flow that contains undefined jobs or job arrays, you receive a

message that lists all of the undefined work items in the flow

Using the example flowsThe Process Manager Client package includes sample flow definitions that you canuse, to test your Process Manager installation, or to learn from or to modify foryour own use. These examples are located in the examples directory of the Clientinstallation. Each example is a simple flow that illustrates a particular type ofactivity:

The flow definition named... Illustrates...

Example_1 v A simple job dependency, where one job runs when itspredecessor completes successfully

Example_2 v The use of a recovery job

Example_3 v The use of a manual task and a job array

Example_4 v The use of a file event to trigger some processing

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The flow definition named... Illustrates...

Example_5 v The use of a time event to run a job array, which raisesan alarm if it misses its schedule*

*To successfully use this flow definition, your administrator must first define an alarm called Critical_Job_Failed

You can open these flows to view them from the Flow Editor, but if you want torun them or use them to create a new flow, unless you have Process Manageradministrator authority, you must change the owner of each work item in the flowbefore you can successfully run any of the sample flows.

View the sample flow definitionProcedure1. In the Flow Editor, from the File menu, select Open.2. Locate the examples directory within the Client installation.3. Select a flow definition and click OK.

Use a sample flow definitionProcedure1. Open the flow definition as described above.2. Double-click on a job or job array in the flow definition.3. On the General tab, locate the Run as... field at the bottom of the dialog.4. Change the user name to your user ID, and click OK.

Create a flow diagramFor purposes of clarity, this topic assumes you will drag and drop all of the jobsonto the workspace, creating a visual representation of the work flow, and thendefine each job in the workspace.

Create a simple flow diagramProcedure1. Click the Insert Job button to put the Flow Editor in job placement

mode—when you left-click in the workspace, a job icon appears.2. Drop the appropriate number of job icons in the workspace, placing them in

the order in which you want the jobs to run, typically with the first job to runat the left and the last job to run at the right. Unique job names are assignedautomatically to the jobs in the workspace. You can change these later if youlike.

3. Change to job dependency mode by clicking the Insert Dependency button.4. Draw job dependencies by left-clicking on the job that must run first, then

left-clicking on the job that runs next. The job at the arrow end of the linecannot run until the job at the originating end of the arrow completes.Refer to the following example:

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Job J2 cannot run until job J1 completes.5. Double-click on each job in the flow definition. The Edit Job dialog appears.6. In the Command to run field, specify the command that this job is to run. For

example, on Windows:

or on UNIX:

7. In the remaining input fields and tabs, specify any other details required todefine the job.

8. Save the flow definition. You can save it in your local file system or in a sharedfile location.

Other things you can doYou can also do the following:

Procedurev Copy a jobv Print the flow definition

Copy a jobProcedure1. Right-click on the job you want to copy, and select Copy.2. Right-click in the workspace where you want to place the new job, and select

Paste.3. Optional: double-click on the new job and change the name of the job.

Print the flow definitionProcedure1. From the File menu, select Print Preview to see how your flow definition looks

on paper. You can adjust the spacing in your flow to avoid breaking icons at apage boundary.

2. From the File menu, select Print... and click OK.

Include a job array in the flow diagramYou can include a job array in the flow diagram. Using a job array is a convenientway to specify a group of jobs that share the same executable and resourcerequirements, but use different input data, with a single definition. All jobs in a jobarray have the same name and same job ID. Each job runs the same executable.Any parameters you specify apply to all jobs in the array. All jobs use an input filefrom the same location, and write to the same output file location. However, eachelement of a job array is distinguished by its array index. Before you can use a job

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array, you need to prepare your input files. See “Job Arrays” chapter inAdministering IBM® Platform LSF for more information.

Insert a job arrayProcedure1. Click the Insert Job Array button to change to job array placement

mode—when you left-click in the workspace, a job array icon appears.2. Left-click in the workspace in the location where you want to insert the job

array. A job array icon appears in the workspace.3. Draw the lines describing any dependencies the job array has on other work

items in the flow.

Define job array detailsProcedure1. Double-click on the job array. The Edit Job Array dialog appears.

2. In the Name field, specify a name for the job array. You can use alphabeticcharacters, numerals 0 to 9, period (.), dash (-) and underscore (_) in the jobarray name. A unique name is automatically assigned to the job array, but youcan change it to make it more meaningful.

3. Create an index expression using one of the following methods.a. Freeform expression: In the Index expression field, specify an expression

that defines the index for the array. The index expression can be a simplerange of positive integers, such as1-5

or a series of comma-separated numbers, such as1,4,5,6,8

In this example, the job array will consist of five jobs.The index expression can also be in the formatstart-end[:step]where start is used to specify the start of a range of indices, and endspecifies the end of the range. step specifies the value to increment theindices in the range. The index begins at start, increments by the value ofstep, and does not increment past the value of end. For example:1-10:2

specifies a range of 1 to 10 with a step value of 2, creating indices of1,3,5,7 and 9. This creates 5 jobs in the job array, whose input files willhave suffixes of .1, .3, .5, .7 and .9 respectively.You can also specify a user variable for any of the values in the indexexpression—start, end or step. For example:1-#{COUNT}where the value of COUNT might be set within a job that runs prior tothis job array in this flow.

b. Using the Job Array Index Expression Builder dialog.

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1) Click the ... button next to the Index expression field. The Job ArrayIndex Expression Builder dialog appears.

2) In the Start field, specify the start of the range of indices, which will bethe first job name suffix. For example: 1. Or specify a variable. Forexample: #{beginix}

3) In the End field, specify the end of the range of indices. For example:10. Or specify a variable. For example: #{endix}

4) Optional. In the Step field, specify the value to increment the indices inthe range. The default is a step of 1. For example: 2. Or specify avariable. For example: #{stepix}

5) Click Add to add the expression to the list.6) Repeat steps ii through v until you have completed specifying all the

index ranges.7) Click OK. The expression you created is inserted in the Index

expression field.4. In the Command to run field, specify the command that each of the jobs in

the array will run. Include any arguments the command requires.5. Ensure that all the input files for the jobs in your job array are in the same

directory. By default, the current working directory is assumed. If the files arenot in the current working directory, specify an absolute path as seen by theProcess Manager Server.Also ensure that all the input files have the same name, with a numericalsuffix that corresponds to the index of the job array element that will use it.

6. In the Input file field, specify the name of the input file, as follows:input_file_name.%I

which specifies to use the input file that corresponds to the index for eachelement in the array. For example:input.1

7. In the Output file field, specify the name of the output file, as follows:output_file_name.%I.%J

which specifies to create an output file that corresponds to the index, followedby the job ID for each element in the array. For example:output.1.3993

8. Optional: In the Max. concurrent jobs field, specify the maximum number ofjobs in the array that can run at the same time.

9. Specify any additional options on this tab and the other definition tabs.10. Click OK.

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Preparing job array input files

Process Manager provides methods for coordinating individual input and outputfiles for the multiple jobs created when submitting a job array. These methodsrequire your input files to be prepared uniformly. To accommodate an executablethat uses standard input and standard output, Process Manager provides variablesthat are resolved at runtime: %I (job array index) and %J (job ID).

All input files for your job array must be located in the same directory. Specify anabsolute path to the directory containing the input files when defining your jobarray.

Each file consists of two parts: a consistent name string and a variable integer thatcorresponds directly to an array index. For example, the following file names arevalid input file names for a job array. They are made up of the consistent nameinput and integers that correspond to job array indices from 1 to 1000:

input.1, input.2, input.3, ..., input.1000

Include a job submission script in the flow diagramAbout this task

You can define and submit customized job submission scripts to control andmonitor jobs.

Procedure1. Click the Insert Job Script button to change it to placement mode—when you

left-click in the workspace, a job submission script icon appears.2. Left-click in the workspace in the location where you want to insert the job

submission script. A job submission script icon appears in the workspace.3. Draw the lines describing any dependencies the job submission script has on

other work items in the flow.

Define job detailsProcedure1. Double-click on the job submission script. The Edit Job dialog appears.2. In the Name field, specify a name for the job submission script. You can use

alphabetic characters, numerals 0 to 9, period (.), dash (-) and underscore (_) inthe job submission script name.

3. In the File field, specify the absolute pate of the job submission script. Ensurethat this path is accessed and executed by Process Manager Daemon jfd. Makesure that your script meets the conditions as explained in Content of job/jobarray submission script.

4. Specify any additional options on this tab and the other definition tabs. Fordetailed information about each of the options, see Details of a Job.

5. Click OK.

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Include a job array submission script in the flow diagramAbout this task

Using a job array submission script is a convenient way to specify a group of jobsubmision scripts that share the same executable and resource requirements, butuse different input data, with a single definition. Any parameters you specifyapply to all job submission scripts in the array. All jobs use a file from the samelocation. However, each element of a job array submission script is distinguishedby its array index. Before you can use a job array submission script, you need toprepare your input files.

Procedure1. Click the Insert Job Array Script button to change it to placement

mode—when you left-click in the workspace, a job array submission script iconappears.

2. Left-click in the workspace in the location where you want to insert the jobarray submission script. A job array submission script icon appears in theworkspace.

3. Draw the lines describing any dependencies the job array submission script hason other work items in the flow.

Define job array detailsProcedure1. Double-click on the job array submission script. The Edit Job Array dialog

appears.2. In the Name field, specify a name for the job array submission script. You can

use alphabetic characters, numerals 0 to 9, period (.), dash (-) and underscore(_) in the job array submission script name.

3. Create an index expression as explained in the job array details section.4. Ensure that all the script files for the jobs in your job array are in the same

directory. By default, the current working directory is assumed. If the files arenot in the current working directory, specify an absolute path as seen by theProcess Manager Server.Also ensure that all the input files have the same name, with a numerical suffixthat corresponds to the index of the job array element that will use it.

5. In the File field, specify the job array submission script directory. This directoryshould be easily accessible for Process Manager Daemon jfd. Make sure thatyour script meets the conditions as explained in Content of job/job arraysubmission script.

6. Specify any additional options on this tab and the other definition tabs. Fordetailed information about each of the options, see Details of a Job.

7. Click OK.

Content of the job/job array submission scriptAbout this task

Process Manager can successfully track the job/job arrays submitted through thecustomized scripts only if these conditions are met:

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Procedure1. Specify job name (JS_JOB_NAME) and job array index (JS_INDEX_LIST) in the

job/job array submission script.For example,bsub -q short -R "mem>1000" -J $JS_JOB_NAME$JS_INDEX_LIST my_command

2. Submit only one job or job array through the job/job array submission script.3. Do not use the following bsub options in the script:

a. -I/-Ip/-Is — interactive jobsb. -K — submit a job and wait for the job to complete

4. The script must exit zero upon successful submission, or non-zero otherwise.

Include a static subflow in the flow diagramAbout this task

At any time, you can include an existing flow definition as a static subflow withina flow diagram. This is especially useful for standardized flow definitions that youwould like to reuse, such as backup and recovery routines, database updateroutines, and so on.

Procedure1. Click the Insert Static Subflow button to put the Flow Editor in static subflow

placement mode. The Open dialog appears.2. Locate the flow definition file you want to include and click Open.3. Left-click in the workspace in the location where you want to insert the static

subflow. The static subflow icon is added to the flow diagram.4. Draw the lines describing any dependencies the static subflow has on other

work items in the flow definition.5. Optional. Specify additional attributes for the static subflow.

a. Right-click the static subflow and select Attributes.b. To specify a working directory at the subflow level, use the Working

directory field.


You can use user variables when specifying the working directory.All valid inner work items (subflows, jobs, and job arrays) in the staticsubflow will use this directory as the working directory unless you furtherspecify a working directory for the inner work item. In this case, theworking directory setting for the inner work item will override the settingfor this static subflow.

c. To add input variables to the static subflow, click Modify, which is besidethe Input Variables field.From the Input Variables window, specify variables in the form ofName=Value. You can also specify user variables as input values.When Process Manager expands static subflows, these input variables areset at the subflow level.


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If you set default values (by enabling Specify a Default Value), this createsboth environment variables and user variables.

d. To specify a description or instructions regarding the subflow, use theDescription field.

e. To monitor this subflow for a particular exception and handle itautomatically, click the Exception Handling tab and specify the exceptionsand handlers.For more detailed information about exceptions and handlers, see HandlingExceptions.

f. Click OK to save the subflow settings.


You can view (and edit) the jobs in a subflow by double-clicking on thesubflow, or by right-clicking the subflow and selecting Open Definition. Anychanges you make apply only to the imbedded subflow.

Include a static flow array in the flow diagramAbout this task

You can include a static flow array as a subflow within a flow diagram. A staticflow array works in a similar fashion to a job array, but at a subflow level.

When the static flow array is instantiated, a specific number of flow elements startto run either in parallel, or sequentially, depending on what you selected in theflow array attributes. By default, flow elements run in parallel.

Within a flow array element, the #{JS_FLOW_INDEX} scoped variable specifies thearray index of the static flow array element.

Procedure1. Click the Insert Static Flow Array button to put the Flow Editor in static flow

array placement mode. The Open dialog appears.2. Locate the flow definition file you want to include and click Open.3. Left-click in the workspace in the location where you want to insert the static

flow array. The static flow array icon is added to the flow diagram.4. Draw the lines describing any dependencies the static flow array has on other

work items in the flow definition.5. Define the static flow array.

a. Right-click the static flow array and select Attributes.The Flow Array Attributes dialog displays.

b. Specify the name of the static flow array in the Name field.The default name assigned to the static flow array is the name of thesubflow you selected.

c. Optional. To specify the description of the static flow array, use theDescription field.

d. Define the size of the array by specifying the First Element and LastElement fields.If you do not specify a value for First Element, it defaults to 1. You mustspecify a value for Last Element that is larger than First Element.

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You can use user variables in the element fields to specify the flow arrayindex, thus allowing static flow arrays with dynamic element fields. Atruntime, before the static flow array is started, Process Manager replaces thevariables with values, which is usually set be a predecessor job.

e. Optional. Specify Run flow array elements: whether flow array elementsrun in parallel or sequentially. By default, flow array elements run inparallel, as checked.

6. Optional. To specify a working directory at the static flow array level, expandthe static flow array and use the Working directory field in the Flow Attributesof the flow array.


You can use user variables when specifying the working directory.All valid inner work items (subflows, jobs, and job arrays) in the static flowarray will use this directory as the working directory unless you further specifya working directory for the inner work item. In this case, the working directorysetting for the inner work item will override the setting for this static flowarray.

7. Optional. Monitor this static flow array for a particular exception, and handle itautomatically.For more detailed information about exceptions and handlers, see HandlingExceptions.a. Right-click the static flow array and select Expand to enter the subflow

level.b. Right-click on the workspace and select Attribute.c. Click the Exception Handling tab and specify the exceptions and handlers.


You can view (and edit) the jobs in the subflow in the flow array bydouble-clicking on the flow array or by right-clicking on the flow array andselecting Expand. Any changes you make apply only to the subflow in the flowarray.

8. Click OK to save your static flow array definition.

Flow array element names

When a static flow array is run, each element takes a unique name in the form offlow_array_name(array_index).

For example, if the name of the static flow array instance is 1:usr1:FA, and itsindex is 1 to 3, the three elements have the name of 1:usr1:FA(1), 1:usr1:FA(2),and 1:usr1:FA(3).

Viewing a static flow arrayProcedure1. Right-click the static flow array in the instance diagram and select View

Elements.A list of flow array elements displays.

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2. Select one of the flow array elements and click View Flow.The diagram for the selected flow array element displays.

Include a dynamic subflow in the flow diagramAbout this task

At any time, you can include an existing flow definition as a dynamic subflowwithin a flow diagram. A dynamic subflow, also called a subflow by reference,refers to a target flow that has already been submitted to Process Manager. Onlyflows that have been submitted to Process Manager and published are eligibletarget flows for dynamic subflows.

When you modify the definition of the target flow, all the dynamic subflows thatreference this target flow can obtain the latest version.

Procedure1. Click the Insert Dynamic Subflow button to put the Flow Editor in subflow

placement mode.The Dynamic Subflow - Insert dynamic subflow window displays.

2. Specify the attributes for the dynamic subflow.a. In the Name field, specify a name for the dynamic subflow.b. In the Choose a flow to insert field, select a target flow for the dynamic

subflow.The eligible target flows are shown in the form of user_name:flow_name.Only flows that have been submitted to Process Manager and published areshown in this field.

c. To add input variables to the dynamic subflow in the Specify inputvariable values field, click Modify. The Input Variables window displays.The variables are set in the form of Name=Value. You can specify uservariables as input variable values. When Process Manager expands dynamicsubflows, these input variables are set at the subflow level.


If you set default values (by enabling Specify a default value), this createsboth environment variables and user variables.

d. Select how you want Process Manager to update the dynamic subflowwhen the main flow is instantiated.v Use the default setting specified in the main flow

v Automatically update to the default version

v Manually update to the default version

e. Click OK to save your dynamic flow definition.3. Left-click in the workspace in the location where you want to insert the

dynamic subflow. The dynamic subflow icon is added to the flow diagram.4. Draw the lines describing any dependencies the dynamic subflow has on other

work items in the flow definition.

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Include a dynamic flow array in the flow diagramAbout this task

You can include a dynamic flow array as a subflow within a flow diagram. Adynamic flow array works in a similar fashion to a job array, but at a subflowlevel.

When the dynamic flow array is instantiated, a specific number of flow elementsstart to run either in parallel, or sequentially, depending on what you selected inthe flow array attributes. By default, flow elements run in parallel.

A dynamic flow array, also called a flow array by reference, refers to a target flowthat has already been submitted to Process Manager. Only flows that have beensubmitted to Process Manager and published are eligible target flows for dynamicflow arrays. The target flow is essentially converted into a dynamic flow array inwhich each array element is equivalent to the target flow.

Within a dynamic flow array element, the #{JS_FLOW_INDEX} scoped variablespecifies the array index of the dynamic flow array element.

Procedure1. Click the Insert Dynamic Flow Array button to put the Flow Editor in dynamic

flow array placement mode.The Dynamic Flow Array - Insert dynamic flow array window displays.

2. Specify the attributes for the dynamic flow array.a. In the Name field, specify a name for the dynamic flow array.b. In the Choose a flow to insert field, select a target flow for the dynamic

flow array.The eligible target flows are shown in the form ofuser_name:flow_array_name. Only flows that have been submitted toProcess Manager and published are shown in this field.

c. Define the size of the array by specifying the First Element and LastElement fields.If you do not specify a value for First Element, it defaults to 1. You mustspecify a value for Last Element that is larger than First Element.


You can use user variables in the element fields to specify the flow arrayindex, thus allowing flow arrays with dynamic element fields. At runtime,before the dynamic flow array is started, Process Manager replaces thevariables with values, which is usually set be a predecessor job.

d. To add input variables to the dynamic flow array in the Specify inputvariable values field, click Modify. The Input Variables window displays.The variables are set in the form of Name=Value. You can specify uservariables as input variable values. When Process Manager expands dynamicflow arrays, these input variables are set at the subflow level.

e. Select how you want Process Manager to update the dynamic flow arraywhen the main flow is instantiated.v Use the default setting specified in the main flow

v Automatically update to the default version

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v Manually update to the default version

f. Optional. Specify Run flow array elements: whether flow array elementsrun in parallel or sequentially.

g. Click OK to save your dynamic flow array definition.3. Left-click in the workspace in the location where you want to insert the

dynamic flow array. The dynamic flow array icon is added to the flow diagram.4. Draw the lines describing any dependencies the dynamic flow array has on

other work items in the flow definition.

Dynamic flow array element names

When a dynamic flow array is run, each element takes a unique name in the formof flow_array_name(array_index).

For example, if the name of the dynamic flow array instance is 1:usr1:FA, and itsindex is 1 to 3, the three elements have the name of 1:usr1:FA(1), 1:usr1:FA(2),and 1:usr1:FA(3).

Viewing a dynamic flow arrayProcedure1. Right-click the dynamic flow array in the instance diagram and select View

Elements.A list of dynamic flow array elements displays.

2. Select one of the dynamic flow array elements and click View Flow.The diagram for the selected dynamic flow array element displays.

Include a manual job in the flow diagramAbout this task

You can include a manual job in the flow diagram wherever you want to indicate amanual process that must take place before the flow can continue. Successors ofthe manual job cannot run until the manual job is explicitly completed.

When the flow is ready for the manual job to be completed, an email is sent to theowner of the flow or job. When you define the manual job, you specify the emailaddress and the text to be included in the email.

Including a manual job in a flow does not stop the entire flow from processing:only the specific path containing the manual job is halted until the job iscompleted.

Procedure1. Click the Insert Manual Job button to put the Flow Editor in manual job

placement mode—when you left-click in the workspace, a manual job iconappears.

2. Left-click in the workspace in the location where you want to insert the manualjob.

3. Draw the lines describing any dependencies the manual job has on other workitems in the flow definition.

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Define manual job detailsProcedure1. Double-click on the manual job. The Manual Job dialog appears.

2. In the Job name field, specify a unique, meaningful name for the manual job.You will use this name when completing the job as the flow runs. You can usealphabetic characters, numerals 0 to 9, period (.), dash (-) and underscore (_) inthe manual job name. The Flow Editor assigns a unique name to each manualjob when you draw it on the workspace, so you are not required to change thename. However, if you want to change the name, you can. The name itself isrequired.

3. In the Email address field, specify the email address to notify when the job isready for completion. If you do not change the email address, it defaults toyour user ID. If you delete the email address, no notification is sent when thejob requires completion.

4. In the Non-zero success exit codes field, specify which numbers in addition to0 represent success for the job. Specify a list of space-separated numbers from 1to 255.

5. In the Message field, specify the message text that should appear in the emailnotification. For example, if the manual job will be used to verify a report, youmight include the following as the message text:Verify the output of report paylist.

You can also specify a variable in the message. For example:Check output from printer #{PRINT}.

6. In the Description field, add any descriptive text that may be used formanaging this job within the flow. For example, if this job requires specialinstructions for operations staff, place those instructions here.

7. Click OK. The manual job appears in the workspace, and you can draw theappropriate dependency lines to any work items.

Specifying custom exit codes for successful job completionBy default, for a job to complete successfully, the exit code must be 0. Any otherexit code indicates the job failed.

In some cases, however, you may want to use exit codes to pass information tosubsequent work items and may want to use numbers other than 0 to indicatesuccess.

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You can do so by specifying these exit codes in the Job Definition dialog, Job ScriptDefinition dialog, Manual Job Definition dialog, or Local Job Definition dialog,Non-zero success exit codes field.

This feature applies to LSF jobs, job scripts, local jobs, and manual jobs.

When you define custom success exit codes:v 0 is always a success exit code, and is the default success exit code. You do not

need to specify it.v You can specify one number or a list of numbers separated by spaces, from 1 to

255.v You can use user variables in the Non-zero success exit codes field. If the user

variable cannot be resolved at runtime, it is ignored.v When a job exits with 0 or any other specified success exit code, the job is

considered successful and receives the Done state.v When a job exits with an exit code other than 0 or the specified success exit

codes, the job is considered to have failed and receives the status Exited.v If you specify an application profile and SUCCESS_EXIT_VALUES is defined in

lsb.applications for the application, SUCCESS_EXIT_VALUES is ignored.v If a job is killed by a user in Process Manager or in LSF, custom success exit

codes are ignored.

From Flow EditorProcedure1. In Flow Editor, right-click on a job, job script, manual job, or local job, select

Open Definition.2. In the Non-success exit codes field, enter the exit codes that represent

successful completion of the job.

Include a local job in the flow diagramAbout this task

You can include a local job in the flow diagram.

A local job is a job that will execute immediately on the Process Manager hostwithout going through LSF. A local job is usually a short and small job. It is notrecommended to run long, computational-intensive or data-intensive local jobs as itcan overload the Process Manager host.

There are several differences between local jobs that run on Windows, and localjobs that run on Linux and UNIX:

Item Windows Linux/UNIX

Behavior The local job is blocking: when a localjob is running, another local job willnot be able to run until the local jobthat is running completes.

The local job is non-blocking: that is,several local jobs can be run inparallel.

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Item Windows Linux/UNIX

Killing a local job You cannot directly kill a local job inthe same way as you kill any otherjob.

The local job can only be killed as aresult of the flow being killed, or if itruns for longer than the configuredtimeout value.

You can kill a local job in the sameway as you kill any other job. Thelocal job may also be killed as a resultof the flow being killed, or because itran for longer than the configuredtimeout value.

Suspending and resuming a local job If you suspend or resume a flow thatcontains local jobs, the local jobs willbe killed and rerun.

If you suspend or resume a flow thatcontains local jobs, the local jobs willalso be suspended or resumed.

Viewing runtime attributes You can view a local job’s runtimeattributes in Flow Manager. Note,however, that no resource usage isavailable for the local job.

You can view the exit status and CPUusage of a local job after the jobcompletes. The process ID identifiesthe local job and you can view CPUusage for the job. You can also viewthe process ID of the job and CPUusage information with jflows -lflow_id and jhist -C job.

Timeout for local jobs By default, a local job has a timeoutso it will be killed if it was runningfor too long.

By default, a local job can runindefinitely; it does not have atimeout. The Process Manageradministrator can, however, define atimeout value for a local job and itwill be killed if it the job was runningfor too long.

Procedure1. Click the Insert Local Job button to put the Flow Editor in local job placement

mode—when you left-click in the workspace, a local job icon appears.2. Left-click in the workspace in the location where you want to insert the local

job.3. Draw the lines describing any dependencies the manual job has on other work

items in the flow definition.

Define local job detailsAbout this task

After placing a local job in the flow diagram, you can open and edit its definitionas you would for other jobs.

Procedure1. Double-click on the local job. The Job Definition dialog appears.2. Specify the local job details.

The following fields are mandatoryv In the Name field, specify a unique, meaningful name for the local job. The

default value is LJnumber (where number is the total number of local jobsinserted into the same flow) and is automatically specified when you firstdefine the local job. You can use alphabetic characters, numerals 0 to 9,period (.), dash (-) and underscore (_) in the local job name.

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v In the Command to run field, specify the actual command to run, includingthe file path to the command and its arguments.

v In the User name field, specify the user name under which the command isrun. If you are not one of the Process Manager administrators, you mustspecify your own user name. The default is your own user name.

The following fields are optional. If undefined, Process Manager uses thedefault values:v In the Working Directory field, specify the directory in which the command

is run. The default is the home directory of the user under which thecommand is run.

v In the Environment Variables field, specify a list of extra key-value pairs tobe set up in the environment for use by the command. This field cannot beedited manually — you must click Modify and use the dialogs to specify thekey-value pair. The default is undefined.

v In the Non-zero success exit codes field, specify a list of space-separatednumbers from 1 to 255. Use this field to indicate which numbers in additionto 0 represent success for the job.

v In the Disable suspension for this job field, select it in cases where you donot want to suspend a running local job when the flow is suspended. If thisfield is selected, when the flow is suspended, the running local job will notbe suspended - it will continue to run. Only available for local jobs onUNIX/Linux.

v In the Enter Description field, add any descriptive text that may be used formanaging this job within the flow. The default is undefined.

You can specify user variables in all fields except the Name and Descriptionfields. For the Environment Variables field, you can only specify user variablesin the value section of the key-value pair.

3. Click OK to save your changes.

Running a local jobWhen Process Manager triggers a flow containing a local job and the local job’sdependencies are met, the local job will start to run.

The local job can be depended upon based on the following types of conditions:v Completes successfully: The job completes with exit code 0, or any other

number specified in the Non-zero success exit codes field.v Fails: The job fails.v Ends with any exit code: The job exits with any exit code, including 0.v Ends with exit code: The job exits with a particular exit code pattern. For

example, not-equal-to, equal-to.

Insert a job to another batch system

About Other Batch JobsIn your flow, you may have jobs that you need to run on remote batch systems orworkload managers that are not LSF. Process Manager can be configured by theadministrator to communicate with the Other Batch System so that users can add ajob in their flow and submit a job to the Other Batch System, and track and controlthe job like any other job in their flow. The Job Definition for Other Batch jobs canbe customized by the administrator.

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Other Batch jobs are only supported when the Process Manager Server is onUNIX/Linux.

Job Definition

When Process Manager is configured to communicate with the Other BatchSystem, you will see the Other Batch Job work item enabled in Flow Editor:

In the Job Definition, you specify the command to run, other job submissionoptions, and the user account under which the job is to run in the Other BatchSystem.

Job monitoring and control

You monitor an Other Batch job in the same way as you monitor any other job. Inthe job’s runtime attributes, you can view the same job information that you canview for any LSF job.

The following actions can be taken on an Other Batch job:v Kill: You can kill Other Batch jobs in the same way as you kill any other job. The

job may also be killed as a result of the flow being killed. Note that the state ofthe job will not change until the job is actually killed in the Other Batch System.When you kill a flow that contains Other Batch jobs, the state of the flowimmediately changes, but the state of the Other Batch job does not change untilthe job is actually killed in the Other Batch System.

v Suspend: If you suspend a flow that contains Other Batch jobs, Other Batch jobswill also be suspended. When you suspend a flow that contains Other Batchjobs, the state of the flow immediately changes, but the state of the Other Batchjob does not change until the job is actually suspended in the Other BatchSystem.

v Resume: If you resume a flow that contains Other Batch jobs, Other BatchSystem jobs will also be resumed. When you resume a flow that contains OtherBatch jobs, the state of the flow immediately changes, but the state of the OtherBatch job does not change until the job is actually resumed in the Other BatchSystem.

It is possible that jobs submitted to different batch systems have the same job ID.This is not a problem because jfd distinguishes jobs by job name.


The dependency types coming out of an Other Batch job are:v Completes successfully: The job completes with exit code 0. If a job state is

Done, it is considered as "Completes Successfully", otherwise it is considered as"Fails".

v Fails: The job fails.v Ends with any exit code: The job exits with any exit code, including 0.

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v Ends with exit code: The job exits with a particular exit code pattern. Forexample, not-equal-to, equal-to.

Failover and Other Batch jobs

Should jfd terminate abnormally, when it restarts it can recover running andfinished Other Batch jobs and determine their status and resource usage.

Include an Other Batch job in the flow diagramAbout this task

Available only when Process Manager server is running on UNIX/Linux.

An Other Batch job is a job that is submitted to a remote batch system or workloadmanager that is not LSF. You can track and control the job like any other job inyour flow.

Procedure1. Click the Other Batch Job button:

Note: The Other Batch Job icon will only be enabled if there are Other BatchSystems configured.

2. Left-click in the workspace in the location where you want to insert the job.The Other Batch Job icon is inserted in your flow definition.

3. Draw the lines describing any dependencies the job has on other work items inthe flow definition.

Define Other Batch System job detailsAbout this task

After placing the Other Batch job in the flow diagram, you can open and edit itsdefinition as you would for other jobs.

Procedure1. Double-click on the Other Batch job. The Job Definition dialog is displayed.2. Specify the job details.3. Click OK to save your changes.

About variables in Process ManagerProcess Manager provides substitution capabilities through the use of variables.When Process Manager encounters a variable, it substitutes the current value ofthat variable.

You can use variables as part or all of a file name to make file names flexible, oryou can use them to pass arguments to and from scripts. You can export the valueof a variable to one or more jobs in a flow, or to other flows that are currently

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running on the same Process Manager Server. You can also use variables in theindex expression of a job array definition, in the message sent when a manual jobrequires completion, or when a job runs.

You can set a value for a single variable within a script, or set values for a list ofvariables, and make all of the values available to the flow or to the ProcessManager Server. They can use a single variable or a list of variables within a job,job array or file event definition.

Types of variablesProcess Manager supports three types of variables:v Built-in variablesv User variablesv Environment variables

Built-in variables

Built-in variables are those defined by Process Manager, where the value isobtained automatically by Process Manager and made available for use by a flow.No special setup is required to use Process Manager built-in variables. You can usethese variables in many of the job definition fields in Flow Editor.

User variables

User variables are those created by a user. To use a user variable, you must firstcreate a job that sets a runtime value for the variable and exports it to ProcessManager. You submit that job to a special queue that is configured to set variables.See your Process Manager administrator for the queue name. Once a value hasbeen set for the variable, you can use the variable in many of the job definitionfields in Flow Editor.

There are two types of user variables Process Manager users can set:v Flow variables—those whose values are available only to jobs, job arrays,

subflows or events within the current flow. These variables are set inJS_FLOW_VARIABLE_LIST or in a file specified by JS_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE.– Parent variables are local variables whose values are set at the parent flow

scope. If the current flow is the main flow, the variables are set at the mainflow scope. These variables are set in JS_PARENT_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE.You use the built-in variable JS_FLOW_SHORT_NAME when you need to usethe shortened version of the flow name to avoid a potential name conflictissue when using JS_PARENT_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE to set parent flowvariables. For more details, refer to Using IBM IBM Process Manager.

v Global variables—those whose values are available to all the flows within theProcess Manager Server. These variables are set in JS_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_LISTor in a file specified by JS_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_FILE.User variables can also be used inside environment variables.

Important: When selecting names for user variables, take care not to use the JS_prefix in your variable names. This prefix is reserved for system use.

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Environment variables

You can submit a job that has environment variables that are used when the jobruns. Environment variables can contain user variables.

Scope of variables and variable override orderVariables of the same name specified at different scope levels may override oneanother. Variables set at an inner subflow scope override those set at an outersubflow scope. This variable override order also applies to default values of inputvariables.

For example, consider the following flow and job scope levels:

v If the J0 job sets a flow variable A=100, the variable is visible to the main flowMF scope and all subflow scopes (including SF). Therefore, J1, J2, and J3 will alluse A=100.

v If J1 sets A=50, J2 will use A=50 because the variable set at the MF_SF subflowscope overrides the variable set at the main flow MF outer scope. However, J3still uses A=100 because the value at the main flow MF scope is still A=100. J2uses A=50 even if J0 sets A=100 after J1 sets A=50.

This variable override order also applies to default values of input variables. Forexample,v If main flow MF has an input variable IV with a default value of 200, and SF

does not have input variables, J0, J1, J2, and J3 will all use IV=200.v If subflow SF now has the same input variable IV with a default value of 20, J0

and J3 will use IV=200, while J1 and J2 will now use IV=20.v If J0 sets IV=30, it overrides the default value at the MF scope, but not at the

MF:SF subflow scope. Therefore, J1 and J2 will use IV=20, while J3 will useIV=30.

v If J1 sets IV=5, J2 will use IV=5, while J3 still uses IV=30.

Similarly, if you trigger a flow with variables, the variables will only override thedefault values at the main flow level, but not the default values at subflows.However, if you specified no default values in the subflow, then the specifiedvalues are also visible to the subflow.

The variables set by the job have similar scope to variables in any programminglanguage (C, for example). If the job sets the variable inJS_FLOW_VARIABLE_LIST (or in the file specified by JS_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE)within a subflow, the scope of the variable is limited to the jobs and events withinthe subflow. This means that the variable is only visible to that subflow and is notvisible to the main flow or any other subflows. If the same variable is overwrittenby another job within the subflow, the new value is used for all subsequent jobs orevents inside that subflow.

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If the job sets variables in the file specified byJS_PARENT_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE within a subflow, the user variable is passedto the parent flow.

Flow variable values override global variable values. Similarly, a value set within asubflow overrides any value set at the flow level, only within the subflow itself.

Environment variables are set in the job definition and the job runs with thevariables that are set.

If you use ppmsetvar to set user variables and you use ppmsetvar multiple times,the variables will be appended. For example, if you run the following, the endresult will be a=10, b=2, c=7, and d=100:ppmsetvar -f a=1 b=2ppmsetvar -f a=10 c=7ppmsetvar -f d=100

If you use ppmsetvar in conjunction with other methods of setting user variables inProcess Manager, such as a variable file or job starter, note that the variable file canoverride any variables set with ppmsetvar as it is read last.

Dynamic subflows

When specifying input variable values for dynamic subflows, the same rules applybecause the specified values are effectively treated as default values of the inputvariables.

List of Process Manager built-in variablesCurrently, Process Manager provides the following built-in variables:

Built-in variable Description Usage

%I Index of a job array element.

You use the built-in variable %I toobtain the index of a job arrayelement. You can use %I ion the JobArray Definition—Edit Job dialog,General tab, in the following fields:

v Input file

v Output file

v Error file

Specify the variable as follows whenyou want to use its current value:


Do not specify brace brackets and #sign.

%J Job ID of a job array.

You use the built-in variable %J toobtain the job ID of a job array. Youcan use %J on the Job ArrayDefinition—Edit Job dialog, Generaltab, in the following fields:

v Output file

v Error file

Specify the variable as follows whenyou want to use its current value:


Do not specify # sign and bracebrackets.

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Built-in variable Description Usage

JS_FLOW_ID Unique ID number of a flow.

You use the built-in variableJS_FLOW_ID when you need to use theunique ID number of a flow.

Specify the variable as follows whenyou want to use its current value:


JS_FLOW_NAME You use the built-in variableJS_FLOW_NAME when you need to usethe complete, unique name of a flow.The flow name is returned in thefollowing format:


Specify the variable as follows whenyou want to use its current value:


JS_FLOW_FULL_NAME You use the built-in uservariable JS_FLOW_FULL_NAME whenyou need to use the long version of asubflow name.

For example,

v For a subflow named11:usr1:F1:SF1:SSF1, this variableis set to 11:usr1:F1:SF1:SSF1.

v For a main flow named 11:usr1:F1,this variable is set to 11:usr1:F1.

v For a flow array element named11:usr1:F1:FA(1), this variable isset to 11:usr1:F1:FA. Note that thisdoes not include the array index. Ifyou need to differentiate betweenarray elements, you must use theJS_FLOW_INDEX built-in uservariable.




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Built-in variable Description Usage

JS_FLOW_SHORT_NAME Shortened version of the flow nameto avoid a potential name conflictissue when usingJS_PARENT_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILEto set parent flow variables.

For example, there are two dynamicsubflows (DSF1 and DSF2) in a mainflow (11:usr1:F1), that both refer tothe same target flow (TF). If the targetflow sets a parent flow variablemyvar, both dynamic subflows willoverwrite each other’s value of themyvar variable.

To prevent this issue, for all subflowsand flow arrays in a triggered flow,use the JS_FLOW_SHORT_NAMEvariable to indicate the name of thesubflow.

For example,

v For a subflow named11:usr1:F1:SF1:SSF1, this variableis set to SSF1.

v For a main flow named 11:usr1:F1,this variable is set to F1.

v For a flow array element named11:usr1:F1:FA(1), this variable isset to FA. Note that this does notinclude the array index. If youneed to differentiate between arrayelements, you must use theJS_FLOW_INDEX built-in uservariable.

Set the parent flow variable tovariable_name_#{JS_FLOW_SHORT_NAME}in the job.

For example, for the myvar variablename, the DSF1 dynamic subflow willset #{myvar_DSF1} and the DSF2dynamic subflow will set#{myvar_DSF2}.

This allows both dynamic subflows toavoid variable name conflicts eventhough both dynamic subflows usethe same target flow.

If you want to use an environmentvariable (such asmyvar_$JS_FLOW_SHORT_NAME, youmust list JS_FLOW_SHORT_NAME as aninput variable for the flow or job).

JS_ITERATION_COUNTER You use the built-in variableJS_ITERATION_COUNTER when youhave specified a rerun exceptionhandler for a flow or subflow, andyou need to know how many timesthe flow or subflow has been rerun.The first time the flow or subflow isrun, the value ofJS_ITERATION_COUNTER is 0. If theflow or subflow is rerun, the counteris incremented. For example, if thevalue of JS_ITERATION_COUNTERis 3, the flow or subflow has beenrerun three times—it is running forthe fourth time.

Specify the variable as follows whenyou want to use its current value:


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Built-in variable Description Usage

JS_EVENT[n]_FILENAME You use the built-in variableJS_EVENT[n]_FILENAME when youneed to use the name of the file thattriggered this particular flow.

If a flow is triggered by multiple files,multiple variables are created, eachwith a different value for n. The valueof n is determined by the position ofthe triggering event in the list ofpossible flow-triggering events,including all types of events.

Consider the following examples,where a flow definition is submittedwith multiple events that can triggerthe flow.

Example: one event at a time:

In this example, myflow is triggeredto run under either of the followingconditions:

v At 5:00 p.m. on the first Thursdayof the month (a time event)

v If a file called payupdt arrives inthe tmp directory

Flow Attribute triggering events:

First_thursday_of_month@Sys, 17:0

"/tmp/payupdt" arrival

Trigger flow when any event is true

When the file /tmp/payupdt arrives,the name and value of the built-invariable are as follows:


If the flow is triggered by the timeevent, no value is set forJS_EVENT[2]_FILENAME.

Note that the value of n in thename of the variable corresponds tothe position of the file event in thelist of events.

Specify the variable as follows whenyou want to use its current value:


where n is the position of thetriggering event in the list of possibleevents.

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Built-in variable Description Usage

Example: multiple events

In this example, myflow is triggeredto run when all of the following aremet:

v A file called payupdt arrives in thetmp directory

v Today is Wednesday

v The file /tmp/dbupdt exists

Flow Attribute triggering events::

"/tmp/payupdt" arrival

Wednesdays@Sys, 0:0

"/tmp/dbupdt" exist

In this example, all of theconditions must be met before theflow is triggered. When the flowtriggers, the names and values ofthe built-in variables are as follows:



Note that the value of n in thename of the variable corresponds tothe position of the file event in thelist of events.


Specify the variable as follows whenyou want to use its current value:


Where you can use variablesYou can use a variable in the following places in the Flow Editor:v On the Job/Job Array Definition—Edit Job dialogs, General tab, in the following

fields:– Name—applies only to jobs, not job arrays


If you used a user variable to describe the job name, and your job is not in aflow array, you must ensure that your flow is arranged such that the uservariable is resolved before triggering the flow.

This is because if the user variable is not resolved when the flow is triggered,the flow will fail to be triggered unless the job is in a flow array. Once the jobname is resolved with the user variable, the job name will not change latereven if the value of the user variable changes.

– Command to run– Index expression—applies only to job arrays– Queue name– Project name

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– Input file– Output file– Error file– Email address– Run as user name

v On the Job Definition—Edit Job dialog, Processing tab, in the following fields:– Host name– Priority

v On the Job Definition—Edit Job dialog, Resources tab, in the following field:– Expression

v On the Job Definition—Edit Job dialog, File Transfer tab, in the following fields:– Local path including name– File on execution host

v On the File Event Definition dialog, in the following field:– File name

v On the Manual Job Definition dialog, in the following field:– Message

v On the Alarm Definition dialog, in the following field:– Description

v On the Flow Attribute dialog, in the following field:– Email address

Include the variable evaluator to run jobs based on decisionbranches

About this task

The variable evaluator (VE) is a work item in the flow editor that allows jobs todepend on the evaluation of variable expressions instead of the traditional job exitstatus, time events, and file events. This work item contains no actual jobs to run,and therefore you cannot kill, suspend, or resume it. In addition, since the workitem does not perform any actual work, you cannot use the variable evaluator as atriggering event, a proxy event to start the next work item, or as a flow completioncriterion.

The variable evaluator serves as an intermediate step between jobs and thevalidation of variable decision branches. Typically, the predecessors of a variableevaluator assign values to various user variables. When all the variables are set,the variable evaluator will evaluate all of its variable expression branches anddetermine which successors to start executing. If there is no predecessor to thevariable evaluator, the variable evaluator will start and run to completionimmediately.

When you specify the variable expressions for each branch, you can use acombination of variables, operators, and constants. The variable evaluator supportsthe following operators: <, >, =, >=, <=, !=

The basic variable expression consists of one variable, one operator, and oneconstant: variable operator constant. For example, #{A} > 1.

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You can also create larger and more complect expressions by joining smallerexpressions using the following boolean operators:

&& (AND), || (OR), ! (NOT), () (parentheses). However, you can only apply! (NOT) to variable expressions and not to literals. That is, !({#A} > {#B}) is validwhile !({#A}) >{#B} is not.

For example, the following at all valid combinations of variable expressions:#{A} < 4 && #{B} > 3

!(#{A} < 4 || #{B} > 4)

!(#{A} > 2 && #{B} > 3) || #{C} > 5

You can also specify an else branch decision. The variable evaluator only evaluateselse branches to TRUE if all other non-else branches evaluate to FALSE.

Procedure1. Click the Variable Evaluator button to put the Flow Editor in variable

evaluator placement mode.2. Left-click in the workspace in the location where you want to insert the

variable evaluator.The variable evaluator icon is added to the flow diagram.

3. If you want to include a name or description of the variable evaluator,double-click the variable evaluator icon that you added and specify these fields.

4. Draw the lines linking any predecessors (dependencies) the variable evaluatorhas on other work items in the flow definition.The predecessors will likely have variable definitions on which the variableevaluator will make decisions.If you do not define any dependencies for the variable evaluator, the variableevaluator will be triggered immediately when the flow runs.

5. Draw the lines linking the variable evaluator to the decision branching jobs thatdepend on the variable evaluator.In the flow editor, the decision branching can be drawn as a link object fromthe variable evaluator to any successive jobs. The link dependencies definitionhas the following options:v Specify a variable expression

The variable evaluator branches to this job if the variable expression that youspecify is TRUE. Specify a variable expression or a combination of variableexpressions.If you specify multiple branches that evaluate to TRUE in a workflow, theywill all run their next jobs.


If, at runtime, a variable is undefined and thus cannot be resolved to a value,the variable evaluator evaluates the corresponding sub-expression to FALSE;however, the whole expression might not be evaluated to FALSE.

v else

The variable evaluator branches to this job if all the other variableexpressions are FALSE.If you specified multiple else statements in a workflow, they will all run theirnext jobs if the all of the other (non-else) variable expressions are FALSE.

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6. Click OK.

Use global variablesProcedure

In the Flow Manager, from the View menu, select Global Variables. The list ofglobal variables and their values is displayed.

Add a global variableProcedure1. In the Flow Manager, from the View menu, select Global Variables.2. Click Add in the Global Variables window. The Add Variable window is

displayed.3. In the Name field, specify a unique variable name. You can use alphabetic

characters, numerals 0 to 9, space, and underscore (_) in the variable name.


Name cannot start with a numeric character.4. Set a value to the variable.


Do not include equal or semicolon characters in the value.5. Click OK to add the global variable. The added variable can be referenced in a

flow instance.

Remove a global variableProcedure1. In the Flow Manager, from the View menu, select Global Variables.2. Select a variable and click Remove in the Global Variables window.

Edit a global variableProcedure1. In the Flow Manager, from the View menu, select Global Variables.2. Click Edit in the Global Variables window. The Edit Variable window is

displayed.3. Set another value to the existing variable.


Do not include equal or semicolon characters in the value.4. Click OK. The edited variable can be referenced in a flow instance.

Setting user variables within a flow definitionWhen defining a job that sets one or more variables, ensure that you specify aqueue that is configured to support user variables.


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Before you can set or use user variables in a flow, your Process Manager systemneeds to have one or more queues configured to accept them. Check with yourProcess Manager administrator to see which queues are configured to supportvariables.

Types of user variables you can set

There are two types of variables you can set:v Flow variables—those whose values are available only to jobs, job arrays,

subflows or events within the current flowv Global variables—those whose values are available to all the flows within the

Process Manager Server

Methods to set user variables

User variables are set using the following methods:v Job starter.

This method is still supported for backwards compatibility but is deprecated.Use ppmsetvar instead.

v External file.This method requires a shared filesystem. The jfd work directory must be on ashared filesystem accessible by all your jobs.Process Manager can set user variables by writing to an external file.– On UNIX, by setting the value within a script– On Windows, by setting the value within a bat file

v The command ppmsetvar.Only available with Process Manager 9.1 and LSF 9.1 and higher.You can use the command ppmsetvar from an LSF job, job script, job array andjob script array to pass user variables from a subflow to a main flow, to set uservariables that are used only within a flow, or to set global user variables used byall flows in the system. You can also use ppmsetvar to remove specific uservariables. You do not need a shared filesystem with ppmsetvar.

Multiple variables in a list

You can set a value for a single variable within a script, or set values for a list ofvariables, and make all of the values available to the flow or to the ProcessManager Server. You can use a single variable or a list of variables within a job, jobarray or file event definition.

When the value of a user variable is evaluatedThe value of a variable is resolved just before the job or job array is dispatched forexecution. If the variable is used in a file event, the value is resolved periodically,when the condition of the event is evaluated.

When a variable is used for a manual job message, the value of the variable isresolved just before the email is sent.

Use a user variable in a flow definitionProcedure

Define a job that sets a runtime value for the variable, ensuring that the value willbe available to Process Manager before the job that needs the value runs.

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Setting user variables with ppmsetvar

The ppmsetvar command: Only available with Process Manager 9.1 and LSF 9.1and higher.

You can use the command ppmsetvar from an LSF job, job script, job array and jobscript array to pass user variables from a subflow to a parent flow, to set uservariables that are used only within a flow, or to set global user variables used byall flows in the system. You can also use ppmsetvar to remove specific uservariables. You do not need a shared filesystem with ppmsetvar.

Important: This command uses the LSF bpost command with slots 4, 5, and 6. Ifanyone is using bpost in your LSF cluster, ensure the slots 4, 5, 6 are not used asthis will interfere with the ppmsetvar command and may lead to unexpectedresults.

Setting variables that can be used only by work items within a flow

The following example shows how set a user variable that can be used by all workitems within a flow using the command ppmsetvar.

This flow contains two subflows to be run as arrays and a condition evaluator thatdecides whether to run the arrays in parallel or sequentially. The Set_variable jobsets the variable MYVAR=1, which indicates to run the array in parallel. This flowalso sets the arraysize at the time the flow array runs.

In this example, the job Set_variable sets MYVAR=1 with ppmsetvar.

In the variable evaluator, when MYVAR=1, the job Set_arraysize4 runs. The jobSet_arraysize4 sets the variable ARRAYSIZE=4 with ppmsetvar -f.

In the variable evalutor, when MYVAR is equal to any other number, the jobSet_arraysize5 runs. The job Set_arraysize5 sets the variable ARRAYSIZE=5 withppmsetvar -f.

The flow arrays that follow use the variable set by the the jobs Set_arraysize4 orSet_arraysize5 to define how many times the subflows are run as flow arrays.

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Passing variables between parent flows and subflows

The following example shows how to pass variables from a parent flow to be usedby a subflow, and then how to pass a variable from a subflow to its parent flowusing the command ppmsetvar.

This flow contains two dynamic subflows and passes the variable MYVAR=100 toone subflow as an input variable to the flow, and MYVAR=200 to the othersubflow as an input variable.

Jobs J1 and J2 write the value passed from the subflow to an output file. Theoutput of J1 is xyz100 and the output of J2 is xyz200.

The last job in the subflow passes the variableresult_#{JS_FLOW_SHORT_NAME}=xyz#{MYVAR} to the parent flow and alsowrites the variable to a file. The parent flow accesses the user variable set by thesubflow by indicating the subflow name such as echo result_Dynamic_Subflow1and echo result_Dynamic_Subflow2.

Note: The subflows use the built-in variable #{JS_FLOW_SHORT_NAME} to avoidpotential naming conflicts with the main flow.

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Setting a global variable that can be used by any flows in the system

The following example shows how to set a user variable that can be used by allflows in the system with the command ppmsetvar.

In the following example, the last job sets the global variable ALLRESULTS to thevalue 99. This variable can be used by any flow in the system.

Figure 1. Parent flow

Figure 2. Subflows Dynamic_Subflow1 and Dynamic_Subflow2

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Set a user variable in a Windows bat fileAbout this task

This method requires a shared filesystem. The jfd work directory must be on ashared filesystem accessible by all your jobs.

Within the batch file, set the values and scopes of multiple variables by specifyingthe files containing these variables. The jobs write to the files in the followingformat, with each line containing a variable-value pair:VARIABLE1=VALUE1VARIABLE2=VALUE2...

Process Manager will not initially create these files — the files need to be createdby the job.

For job arrays, you must append the LSB_JOBINDEX environment variable to thefile names to indicate the index of each job array element.

Procedure1. Define a job that runs a batch file, or wraps the command to run within a batch

file.2. Within the batch file, set the scope of the variable by specifying the

variable-value pair in the scope-specific file, as follows:a. To set local variables, whose values are not available outside the scope of

this flow (or subflow), from a file, use the JS_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILEenvironment variable to access the file.v To set a local variable-value pair for a job, append to the

%JS_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE% file:echo variable=value > %JS_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE%

v To set a local variable-value pair for a job array, append to the%JS_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE%[%LSB_JOBINDEX%] file:echo variable=value > %JS_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE%[%LSB_JOBINDEX%]

b. To set global variables, whose values are available to all flows within theProcess Manager Server, from a file, use the JS_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_FILEenvironment variable to access the file.v To set a global variable-value pair for a job, append to the


v To set a global variable-value pair for a job array, append to the%JS_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_FILE%[%LSB_JOBINDEX%] file:echo variable=value > %JS_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_FILE%[%LSB_JOBINDEX%]

c. To set parent flow variables, whose values are available to the scope of theparent flow for this flow (or subflow), from a file, use theJS_PARENT_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE environment variable to access thefile. If this flow is the main flow, the parent flow is also the main flow.v To set a parent variable-value pair for a job, append to the


v To set a parent variable-value pair for a job array, append to the%JS_PARENT_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE%[%LSB_JOBINDEX%] file:

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Process Manager sets the file environment variables as follows:v Process Manager sets %JS_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE% to JS_HOME\work\var_comm\

flowvar.job_name.v Process Manager sets %JS_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_FILE% to JS_HOME\work\var_comm\

globalvar.job_name.v Process Manager sets %JS_PARENT_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE% to JS_HOME\work\


Within the appropriate scope, Process Manager reads these files and records thevariable-value pairs to the corresponding variable list environment variable (forexample, %JS_FLOW_VARIABLE_LIST% for local variables or%JS_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_LIST% for global variables)

Set a user variable in a UNIX scriptAbout this task

This method requires a shared filesystem. The jfd work directory must be on ashared filesystem accessible by all your jobs.

Within the script, set the values and scopes of multiple variables by specifying thefiles containing these variables. The jobs write to the files in the following format,with each line containing a variable-value pair:VARIABLE1=VALUE1VARIABLE2=VALUE2...

Process Manager will not initially create these files — the files need to be createdby the job.

For job arrays, you must append the LSB_JOBINDEX environment variable to thefile names to indicate the index of each job array element.

Procedure1. Define a job that runs a script, or wraps the command to run within a script.2. Within the script, set the scope of the variable by specifying which list of

variables to create, as follows:a. To set local variables, whose values are not available outside the scope of

this flow (or subflow), from a file, use the JS_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILEenvironment variable to access the file.v To set a local variable-value pair for a job, append to the

$JS_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE file:echo variable=value > $JS_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE

v To set a local variable-value pair for a job array, append to the$JS_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE\[$LSB_JOBINDEX\] file:echo variable=value>$JS_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE\[$LSB_JOBINDEX\]

The following is a sample perl script for jobs to set flow variables:

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#!/bin/perl$flowVarFile = $ENV{JS_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE};open (OUT, ">$flowVarFile") || die "Can’t open $flowVarFile: $!\n";print OUT "LocalVar1=value1\n";print OUT "LocalVar2=\"value2 with value\"\n";close(OUT);

b. To set global variables, whose values are available to all flows within theProcess Manager Server, from a file, use the JS_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_FILEenvironment variable to access the file.v To set a global variable-value pair for a job, append to the


v To set a global variable-value pair for a job array, append to the$JS_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_FILE\[$LSB_JOBINDEX\] file:echo variable=value > $JS_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_FILE\[$LSB_JOBINDEX\]

The following is a sample perl script for jobs to set global variables:#!/bin/perl$globalVarFile=$ENV{JS_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_FILE};open (APP, ">$globalVarFile") || die "Can’t open $globalVarFile: $!\n";print APP "GlobalVar1=Gvalue1\n";print APP "GlobalVar2=\"Gvalue2 with space\"\n";close(APP);

Process Manager sets the $JS_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_FILE environment variableto JS_HOME/work/var_comm/globalvar.job_name.

c. To set parent flow variables, whose values are available to the scope of theparent flow for this flow (or subflow), from a file, use theJS_PARENT_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE environment variable to access thefile. If this flow is the main flow, the parent flow is also the main flow.v To set a parent flow variable-value pair for a job, append to the


v To set a parent flow variable-value pair for a job array, append to the$JS_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_FILE\[$LSB_JOBINDEX\] file:echo variable=value > $JS_PARENT_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE\[$LSB_JOBINDEX\]


Process Manager sets the file environment variables as follows:v Process Manager sets $JS_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE to JS_HOME/work/var_comm/

flowvar.job_name.v Process Manager sets $JS_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_FILE to JS_HOME/work/var_comm/

globalvar.job_name.v Process Manager sets $JS_PARENT_FLOW_VARIABLE_FILE to JS_HOME/work/


Within the appropriate scope, Process Manager reads these files and records thevariable-value pairs to the corresponding variable list environment variable (forexample, $JS_FLOW_VARIABLE_LIST for local variables or $JS_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_LISTfor global variables)

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Set a flow variable using the flow managerAbout this task

View and set flow variables in flows, subflows, and flow arrays from the flowmanager. In order to view and set flow variables for these items, the main flowmust be either in a Running, Pending, Exit, Waiting, or Suspended state, and theflow item itself (the flow, subflow, or flow array) must be in an Exit state.

Procedure1. From the flow manager, right-click on an Exited flow, subflow, or a flow array,

and select Set Flow Variables.The Flow Variables dialog displays. This dialog shows a list of the flowvariable names and values for the selected flow item.

2. Modify the flow variables in the selected flow item.v To add a new flow variable, click Add.v To delete a flow variable, select the flow variable and click Remove.v To modify an existing flow variable, select the flow variable and click Edit.


Process Manager does not currently support editing flow variables for a flow,subflow, or flow array if the corresponding main flow that is in a Done orKilled state.

3. Save or discard your changes.v To save the flow variable changes and close the Flow Variables dialog, click

OK.v To discard the flow variable changes and close the Flow Variables dialog,

click Cancel.v To save the flow variable changes and continue editing variables, click


Job dependenciesAbout this task

When you draw a line between two work items in the flow diagram, you areestablishing dependencies between the two jobs. The default type of dependency isassigned, which is a dependency on the first job to complete successfully. However,you may want a job to run only after a predecessor job has failed, or when a jobcompletes with a particular exit code. In these cases, you need to edit the jobdependency.

You can choose from the following criteria:v Run a job when the predecessor completes successfullyv Run a job when the predecessor job startsv Run a job when the predecessor is submittedv Run a job when the predecessor job failsv Run a job when the predecessor job ends, regardless of success or failurev Run a job when the predecessor job overrunsv Run a job when the predecessor underrunsv Run a job if the predecessor fails to start

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v Run a job when the predecessor cannot runv Run a job if the predecessor misses its scheduled start time

Procedure1. Draw both the predecessor job and the job that succeeds it.2. Change to job dependency mode by clicking the Insert Dependency button.3. Draw job dependencies by left-clicking on the job that must run first, then

left-clicking on the job that runs next.

Job J2 cannot run until job J1 completes successfully. J2 cannot run until thedependency condition is met.

4. To change the type of dependency, right-click on the dependency line andselect Open Definition. The Event Definition dialog box appears.

5. In the Event Type field, select the type of dependency you want to use totrigger the successor job, and the appropriate operator and values. See theexamples that follow for job dependencies you can use.

6. In the Description field, add any descriptive text that may be used forunderstanding this event. For example, if this event requires special instructionsfor operations staff, place those instructions here.

7. Click OK.


Run a job when predecessor starts

Run when predecessor has exit code greater than 2

Run when the predecessor’s exit code is 10, 15, or 22

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You can specify multiple exit codes to indicate to run when any of these exit codesare encountered. You specify a space-separated list of exit codes in numbers from 0to 255.

Run when the predecessor’s exit code is not 9 or 11

You can specify multiple exit codes to indicate to run when any of these exit codesare not encountered. You specify a space-separated list of exit codes in numbersfrom 0 to 255.

Specify dependency on the start or submission of specific jobsBy default, when you establish a dependency on a job to complete successfully,dependent jobs are not submitted until dependencies are satisfied. For example,job124 depends on job 123. Job 123 is submitted, and job 124 is not submitted untiljob 123 completes.

In some cases, you may have a data preparation job that takes a long time,followed by a computation job. If you have a busy cluster, if your second job getssubmitted after the first job has completed, your second job may be waiting a longtime in the queue to be scheduled. For these kinds of cases, you can specify toProcess Manager to pre-submit dependent jobs, reducing the time a job waits inthe queue to be scheduled.

Examples:v You want your job to be started as early as possible

For example, you have job 123 followed by job 124. You want job 124 to besubmitted as early as possible. In this case, you pre-submit job 124 and specify theIs Submitted dependency. Job 124 will be submitted right after job 123 has beensubmitted to LSF.v The next job cannot start until the execution host is known for the previous job

For example, job124 needs to run on the same host as the preceding job. Youpre-submit job 124 and specify the Starts dependency. Job 124 will be submittedright after job 123 has started to run in LSF.

Requirements to pre-submit dependent jobsv Only LSF jobs, job arrays, job scripts, job array scripts, template jobs, proxy job

events, and proxy job array events can be pre-submitted.v Only jobs, job scripts, job arrays, job array scripts, and template jobs can be

preceding jobs to the dependent job to be pre-submitted.

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v The jobs to be pre-submitted must be direct links. They cannot be more than onelink away.

v The dependencies of all predecessors must be logically connected with AND.v In Flow Editor, the Event type in the Job Event Definition for the preceding

jobs to the other job must be set to Starts or Is Submitted.v If you specify dependent jobs to be pre-submitted, and the condition is never

met, it is possible for the flow to be “stuck”. To handle this, define an overrunexception handler to kill the last job if it runs or pends for more than a certainperiod of time.

ExamplesExample: Simple flow, pre-submission with "Starts" dependency

In this flow, you can only specify J2 and J4 to pre-submit J5. As a result, J5 will besubmitted right after J2 and J4 start to run in LSF.

J1 and J3 cannot be considered because they are more than one link away from J5.

Example: Simple flow, pre-submission with "Is submitted"dependency

In this flow, you can only specify J2 and J4 to pre-submit J5. As a result, J5 will besubmitted right after J2 and J4 are submitted to LSF.

J1 and J3 cannot be considered because they are more than one link away from J5.

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Example: Pre-submission not possible

In this flow, you cannot specify any pre-submission. This is because jobs must belogically connected with AND.

Example: Complex flow with "Starts" dependency

In this flow, you can only specify J1 to pre-submit J5. As a result, J5 will besubmitted right after J1 starts to run in LSF.

J3 and J4 cannot be considered because they are more than one link away from J5,and there is also a logical OR.

How to submit a dependent job after selected jobs startrunning

Procedure1. Draw both the predecessor job and the job that succeeds it.2. Change to job dependency mode by clicking the Insert Dependency button.3. Draw job dependencies by left-clicking on the job that must run first, then

left-clicking on the job that runs next.4. To change the type of dependency, right-click on the dependency line and

select Open Definition.

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The Event Definition dialog box is displayed.5. In the Event Type field, select Starts.6. Click OK.7. Double-click the dependent job that depends on other jobs to start.

The Job Definition dialog is displayed.8. Select the Advanced tab.9. In the Pre-submit section, select jobs from the Available column and click the

Add button to put them in the Selected column.The current job will be submitted right after the selected jobs start running inLSF.

How to submit a dependent job after selected jobs aresubmitted

Procedure1. Draw both the predecessor job and the job that succeeds it.2. Change to job dependency mode by clicking the Insert Dependency button.3. Draw job dependencies by left-clicking on the job that must run first, then

left-clicking on the job that runs next.4. To change the type of dependency, right-click on the dependency line and

select Open Definition.The Event Definition dialog box is displayed.

5. In the Event Type field, select Is Submitted.6. Click OK.7. Double-click the dependent job that depends on other jobs to start.

The Job Definition dialog is displayed.8. Select the Advanced tab.9. In the Pre-submit section, select jobs from the Available column and click the

Add button to put them in the Selected column.The current job will be submitted right after the selected jobs are submitted toLSF.

Specify a dependency on a fileAbout this task

Sometimes you do not want a work item within a flow to run until somethinghappens to a particular file. You can specify the following circumstances:v The file arrivesv The file exists (includes is created)v The file does not exist (includes is deleted)v The file size meets a certain criteriav The file is updated within a certain time period

When you specify a file event for a job within a flow, that job will run once,when the file meets the specified condition. Even if the flow is still active thenext time that file meets the specified condition, the file event triggers the jobonly once.

Procedure1. Change to file event mode by clicking the Insert File Event button.

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2. Click in the workspace where you want to insert the file event. The file eventicon does not yet appear in the workspace. The Event Definition dialog boxappears.

3. In the File name field, specify the full path name of the file as the ProcessManager Server sees it, or click the Browse button to point to the file on whichthis event depends.When specifying the file name, you can also specify wildcard characters: * torepresent a string or ? to represent a single character. For example, a*.dat*matches abc.dat, another.dat and abc.dat23. S??day* matches Satdays.tarand Sundays.dat. *e matches smile.Note: There are some differences between UNIX and Windows when usingwildcard characters. Because UNIX is case-sensitive and Windows is not, if youspecify A*, on UNIX it matches only files beginning with A. On Windows, itmatches files beginning with A and a. Also, on UNIX, if you specify ??, itmatches exactly two characters. On Windows, it matches one or two characters.These behaviors are consistent with UNIX ls command behavior, and Windowsdir command behavior.You can also specify a variable for the file name, provided your system isconfigured to support them.

4. In the Condition field, choose the appropriate condition from the list, andspecify the number of bytes if applicable. See the examples that follow thistopic.

5. In the Description field, add any descriptive text that may be used forunderstanding this event. For example, if this event requires special instructionsfor operations staff, place those instructions here.

6. Click OK. The file event appears in the workspace, and you can draw theappropriate dependency lines to any jobs that are awaiting its arrival.


You can change the text of the label that appears above the file event in theworkspace if the label text is too long.


Run a job when a file arrives

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Run a job if file is updated within a certain time period

Change the label displayed for an eventAbout this task

Sometimes when you define an event, the label that appears in the workspace forthe event is long and cumbersome, and interferes with the readability of the flow.This is because the label used is derived from the expression that defines the event.In a time event, for example, the label displays the calendar name and all the timesthe event will trigger. For example:

You can change the label for a file or time event by creating a customized label.That way, you can control the text that appears in the workspace for each event.

Procedure1. In the Flow Editor, right-click on the event whose label you want to change.2. From the menu, select Edit Label. The Edit Event Label dialog appears.3. Select Display customized label, and type the text you want to appear in the

input field provided.

4. Click OK. The new label is now displayed.

Dependency on a date and timeAbout this task

While a flow may trigger at a particular time each day, or each week, you maywant a work item within the flow to wait until after a specific time before it can

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run. For example, the flow Backup may run every night at midnight. However,within that flow, the job Report cannot be submitted until after 6:00 a.m. You cancreate a time event that tells Report to wait until 6:00 a.m. before it runs.

When you specify a time event for a job within a flow, that job will run once,when the combination of the date and time is true. Even if the flow is still activethe next time that date and time combination is true, the time event triggers thejob only once.

You can create the following types of dependencies using time events:v You can specify a date and time when you want the job to runv You can specify a particular frequency, such as daily, weekly or monthly, or at

every nth interval, such as every 2 days, every 3 weeks or every 6 monthsv You can specify a particular day of the week or month of the yearv You can combine calendar expressions to create complex scheduling criteria

When you create a time event, you point to a particular calendar, which definesthe date component of the time event. To use a calendar, that calendar must firstbe defined.

Procedure1. Change to time dependency mode by clicking the Insert Time Event button.2. Click in the workspace where you want to insert the time event. The Event

Definition dialog box appears.3. In the Calendar name field, specify the calendar that resolves to the dates on

which you want this job to run.4. In the Time zone section, specify the time zone for this time event.5. In the Hours and Minutes fields, specify an expression that resolves to the time

or times when you want the job to start running. Be sure to specify the time asit appears on a 24-hour clock, where valid values for hours are from 0 to 23.


Do not a time between 2:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. on the day that daylight savingstime begins (the second Sunday in March), as the flow will not run and anysubflows that are scheduled to start after this flow will also not run.

This is because the 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. hour is removed to start daylightsavings time in North America.

6. In the Duration of event field, specify the length of time in minutes for whichyou want this event to be valid. This value, when added to the trigger time ofthe event, is the time by which this job must be submitted. After this timeexpires, the job will not be submitted. For example, if a job must run after 5p.m. but cannot be submitted after 6 p.m., specify 17: 00 in the Time field, and60 minutes in the Duration of event field.


If you want to prevent a job from running after a particular time, and the jobhas a dependency on another event, ensure you use an AND link to combinethe two events, not an OR link.

7. Optional. In the End after ... occurrences field, specify the maximum number ofoccurrences of this time event before you want it to end.

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8. In the Description field, add any descriptive text that may be helpful forunderstanding this event. For example, if this event requires special instructionsfor operations staff, place those instructions here.

9. Click OK. The time event appears in the workspace, and you can draw theappropriate dependency lines to the job or jobs that are depending on this time.


You can change the text of the label that appears above the file event in theworkspace if the label text is too long.

Specify dependencies on a job arrayAbout this task

When you draw a dependency line from a job array to another work item in theflow definition, the dependency you create is the default: the work item cannot rununtil all of the jobs in the job array complete successfully.

You can specify the type of dependency to be one of the following:v All jobs in the job array complete successfully—this is the defaultv All jobs in the job array end, regardless of success or failurev The sum of the exit codes of all the jobs in the job array has a valuev A specified number of jobs in the job array complete successfullyv A specified number of jobs in the job array failv A specified number of jobs in the job array end regardless of success or failurev A specified number of jobs in the job array have startedv Any job failsv The job array is submittedv The job array runs longer than it shouldv The job array runs an abnormally short length of timev The job array fails to startv The job array cannot run

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v The job array misses its scheduled start time

Procedure1. Draw both the predecessor job array and the work item that succeeds it.2. Change to job dependency mode by clicking the Insert Dependency button.3. Draw a dependency line from the job array to the work item that depends on

the array.4. To change the type of dependency, right-click on the dependency line and

select Open Definition. The Event Definition dialog box appears.

5. In the Event type field, select the type of dependency you want to use totrigger the successor job, and the appropriate operator and value if applicable.See the examples that follow for some of the job array dependencies you canuse.

6. In the Description field, add any descriptive text that may be helpful forunderstanding this event. For example, if this event requires special instructionsfor operations staff, place those instructions here.

7. Click OK.


All jobs in the array end, regardless of success or failure

Sum of the exit codes is...

Number of successful jobs is...

Number of unsuccessful jobs is...

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Example: number of jobs started is...

Specify dependencies on a subflowAbout this task

When you draw a dependency line from a subflow to another work item in theflow definition, provided that the subflow does not have a pre-defined exitcondition, the dependency you create is the default: the work item cannot run untilall of the jobs in the subflow complete successfully.

You can specify the type of dependency to be one of the following:v All jobs in the subflow complete successfully—the defaultv All jobs in the subflow end, regardless of the exit codev The sum of the exit codes of all the jobs in the subflow has a valuev The subflow failsv The subflow fails with the specified exit codev The subflow completes successfully with the specified exit codev A specified number of jobs in the subflow complete successfullyv A specified number of jobs in the subflow failv A specified number of jobs in the subflow end regardless of success or failurev A specified number of jobs in the subflow have startedv The subflow runs longer than it shouldv The subflow runs for an abnormally short length of timev The subflow misses its schedule

Procedure1. Draw both the predecessor subflow and the work item that succeeds it.2. Change to job dependency mode by clicking the Insert Dependency button.3. Draw a dependency line from the subflow to the work item that depends on

the subflow.4. To change the type of dependency, right-click on the dependency line and

select Open Definition. The Event Definition dialog box appears.

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5. In the Event type field, select the type of dependency you want to use totrigger the successor job, and the appropriate operator and values. See theexamples that follow for subflow dependencies you can use.

6. In the Description field, add any descriptive text that may be helpful forunderstanding this event. For example, if this event requires special instructionsfor operations staff, place those instructions here.

7. Click OK.


Sum of the exit codes has a specific value

Specified number of jobs complete successfully

Specified number of jobs fails

Use this case when you want to run a job if the subflow fails. If you want totrigger the event when a certain number of jobs fail, specify the number of jobsthat must complete successfully. This trigger occurs in real time—as soon as thespecified number is met, the event triggers. It does not wait until the flowcompletes to test the condition.

Specified number of jobs have started

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Specify dependencies on an unconnected work item

Specify a dependency on a proxy jobAbout this task

You can specify a dependency on another flow, or a work item that is runningwithin another flow, or on a work item elsewhere in the current flow by creating aproxy event. You can specify the following types of dependencies:v When the work item is submittedv When the work item startsv When the work item ends successfullyv When the work item exits with any exit codev When the work item exits with a specific exit codev When the work item exits with any of the specified exit codes. You can specify a

list of space-separated exit codes with the event type Ends with exit code... andEqual to and Not equal to. You can specify a list of exit codes for a proxy job,proxy template job, proxy job script, and proxy local job.

Procedure1. Change to proxy event mode by clicking the Insert Proxy Event button.2. Click in the workspace where you want to insert the proxy event. The proxy

event icon does not yet appear in the workspace. The Proxy Event Definitiondialog box appears.

3. In the Create proxy for... box, leave the default at Job.4. In the Job name field, specify the fully qualified name of the job, in the

following format:flow_name:subflow_name:job_name

If the job is not defined within a subflow, simply specify the flow name and thejob name, separated by a colon.Note: You cannot specify a proxy for a manual job.

5. If the flow containing the job is not owned by your user ID, in the Owner field,specify the user ID that owns the flow containing the proxy job.

6. In the Duration field, specify the number of minutes in the past to detect theproxy event.

7. In the Event type field, select the type of dependency you want to use totrigger the successor job, job array, subflow or flow, and the appropriateoperator and values.

8. In the Description field, add any descriptive text that may be used forunderstanding this event.

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9. Click OK. The proxy event appears in the workspace, and you can draw theappropriate dependency lines to any work items.

Specify a dependency on a proxy job arrayProcedure1. Change to proxy event mode by clicking the Insert Proxy Event button.2. Click in the workspace where you want to insert the proxy event. The proxy

event icon does not yet appear in the workspace. The Proxy Event Definitiondialog box appears.

3. In the Create proxy for... box, select Job Array.4. In the Job array name field, specify the fully qualified name of the job array, in

the following format:flow_name:subflow_name:job_array_name

If the job array is not defined within a subflow, simply specify the flow nameand the job array name, separated by a colon.

5. If the flow containing the job array is not owned by your user ID, in theOwner field, specify the user ID that owns the flow containing the proxy jobarray.

6. In the Duration field, specify the number of minutes in the past to detect theproxy event.

7. In the Event type field, select the type of dependency you want to use totrigger the successor job, job array, subflow or flow, and the appropriateoperator and values.

8. In the Description field, add any descriptive text that may be used forunderstanding this event.

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9. Click OK. The proxy event appears in the workspace, and you can draw theappropriate dependency lines to any work items.

Specify a dependency on a proxy subflowAbout this task

You can specify the type of dependency to be one of the following:v The flow completes successfully—the defaultv The flow failsv The flow ends with any exit codev The flow fails with the specified exit codev The subflow completes successfully with the specified exit codev The flow has the specified exit codev A specified number of successful jobsv A specified number of jobs finished with any exit codev A specified number of unsuccessful jobsv A specified number of started jobs

Procedure1. Change to proxy event mode by clicking the Insert Proxy Event button.2. Click in the workspace where you want to insert the proxy event. The proxy

event icon does not yet appear in the workspace. The Proxy Event Definitiondialog box appears.

3. In the Create proxy for... box, select Subflow.4. In the Subflow name field, specify the fully qualified name of the subflow, in

the following format:flow_name:subflow_name

5. If the flow containing the subflow is not owned by your user ID, in the Ownerfield, specify the user ID that owns the flow containing the proxy subflow.

6. 7In the Duration field, specify the number of minutes in the past to detect theproxy event.

7. In the Event type field, select the type of dependency you want to use totrigger the successor job, job array, subflow or flow, and the appropriateoperator and values.

8. In the Description field, add any descriptive text that may be used forunderstanding this event.

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9. Click OK. The proxy event appears in the workspace, and you can draw theappropriate dependency lines to any work items.

Specify a dependency on a proxy flowProcedure1. Change to proxy event mode by clicking the Insert Proxy Event button.2. Click in the workspace where you want to insert the proxy event. The proxy

event icon does not yet appear in the workspace. The Proxy Event Definitiondialog box appears.

3. In the Create proxy for... box, select Flow.4. In the Flow name field, specify the name of the flow.5. If the flow is not owned by your user ID, in the Owner field, specify the user

ID that owns the flow.6. In the Duration field, specify the number of minutes in the past to detect the

proxy event.7. In the Event type field, select the type of dependency you want to use to

trigger the successor job, job array, subflow or flow, and the appropriateoperator and values.

8. In the Description field, add any descriptive text that may be used forunderstanding this event.

9. Click OK. The proxy event appears in the workspace, and you can draw theappropriate dependency lines to any work items.


You can change the text of the label that appears above the proxy event in theworkspace if the label text is too long.

Specifying multiple dependenciesA job (or job array or subflow) can have dependencies on other jobs, job arrays,subflows, files or dates and times. You can define these dependencies so that all ofthem must be met before the job can run, or you can define these dependencies sothat only one of them needs to be met before the job can run.

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Specify that all dependencies must be metProcedure1. Change to AND link mode by clicking the Insert LinkEvent - ’AND’ button.2. Click in the workspace where you want to insert the AND link.3. Change to job dependency mode by clicking the Insert Dependency button.4. Draw a dependency line from the AND link to the work item it triggers.5. Draw a dependency line from each work item that must precede the AND link

to the AND link.


If you draw a second dependency line to any work item in the flow, an ANDlink is automatically created for you. Also, you can change an OR link into anAND link by double-clicking on the OR icon.

Specify that at least one dependency must be metProcedure1. Change to OR link mode by clicking the Insert LinkEvent - ’OR’ button.2. Click in the workspace where you want to insert the OR link.3. Change to job dependency mode by clicking the Insert Dependency button.4. Draw a dependency line from the OR link to the work item it triggers.5. Draw a dependency line from each work item that must precede the OR link to

the OR link.6. Consider specifying an exit condition for the flow: when you specify an OR

link, it is possible for some predecessor jobs to the OR link to still be runningwhen the remainder of the flow is finished.


You can change an AND link into an OR link by double-clicking on the ANDicon.

Details of a jobWhen you double-click a job icon, the Edit Job dialog is displayed. You use thisdialog to specify any information that is required to define the job itself, such asthe command it runs, and to specify any requirements that the job has, such asresources it needs to run.

The General tab

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Name the job

Every job in a flow definition requires a unique name—it cannot be the same nameas any other work item within the flow. The Flow Editor assigns a unique name toeach job when you draw it on the workspace, so you are not required to changethe name. However, if you want to change the name, you can.

In the Name field, specify a unique name using alphanumeric characters, periods(.), underscores (_) or dashes (-). You cannot use a colon (:), semicolon (;) or poundsign (#) in a job name.

Specify the command the job runs

The purpose of a job is to run a command, so a command name is mandatory. Inthe Command to run field, specify the name of the command this job runs, andany arguments required by the command, ensuring the syntax of the command iscorrect, or specify the script to run. Because the job will run under your user ID,ensure the path to the script is specified in your path environment variable, orspecify the full path to the script.

If running this command or script requires access to a file or application, ensurethe files are in a shared location that is accessible to the Process Manager Server. Ifapplicable, specify any files that need to be transferred to where the job will runon the File Transfer tab.

If running this command requires access to specific resources, ensure you specifythe appropriate resource requirements on the Resources tab.

Specify a login shell to initialize the execution environment

If the execution environment needs to be initialized using a specific login shell, inthe Login shell to use field, select the login shell to be used from the list provided.This is not necessarily the shell under which the job runs.

The value specified for the login shell must be the absolute path to the login shell.

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Run the job as part of a project

If you are using project codes to collect accounting information, and you want toassociate this job with a project, in the Part of project field, select or specify thename of the project.

Specify a job working directory

Specify the directory where the job should run. Use an absolute path rather than arelative path. The working directory is also the job's submission directory(thedirectory from which the job is submitted). When no working directory isspecified, the default working directory is used (this is the user's home directory,for example, C:\Documents and Settings\user_name on Windows or/home/user_name/ on Unix). When working directory does not exist, then theworking directory used is %LSF_TOP%\tmp.

Submit the job with environment variables

You can submit a job that has environment variables that are used when the jobruns. Environment variables can only contain alphanumeric characters,underscores, and user variable definitions. No semicolons can be part of the nameor value.

User variables can be used in the environment variable name or value. A uservariable definition must be in the form #{user_variable_name} and must be defined.

To add an environment variable, click New and then fill in the environmentvariable name and value, and click OK.

To modify an environment variable, select the one you want to modify and clickEdit.

To remove an environment variable, select the one you want to remove and clickRemove.

Specify non-zero success exit codes

Specify which numbers in addition to 0 represent success for the job. Specify aspace-separated list of exit codes from 1 to 255.

Specify input, output and error files

You can use standard input, output and error files when submitting a job.

To get the standard input for the job from a file, in the Input file field, specify anabsolute path to the file or a path relative to the current working directory.

To append the standard output of the job to a file, in the Output file field, specifya path to the file. If the current working directory is not accessible to the executionhost, the standard output file is written to /tmp/.

To append the standard error output of the job to a file, in the Error file field,specify a path to the file. If the current working directory is not accessible to theexecution host, the standard error output file is written to /tmp/.

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Notify a user when the job ...

You can instruct the system to send an email to you or another user when the jobends, when it starts, or once when it starts, and again when it ends. By default,you will not receive an email, except when the flow completes. To specify an emailnotification, check the notification box, and in the Notify when job field, selectwhen you want the email sent. Then in the Email address field, specify the emailaddress you want to notify.

Run the job under another user name

If you have administrator authority, you can specify a different user name underwhich to run the job. In the User name field, specify the user ID under which torun the job.

The Submit tab

Submit the job to a queue

Job queues represent different job scheduling and control policies. All jobssubmitted to the same queue share the same scheduling and control policy. ProcessManager administrators configure queues to control resource access by differentusers and application types. You can select the queues that best fit the job.

If you want to submit your job to a particular queue, in the Submit to queue(s)field, select or specify the queue name. If you want to specify a list of queues,specify the queue names separated by a space.

When you specify a list of queues, the most appropriate queue in the list isselected, based on any limitations or resource requirements you specify, and the jobsubmitted to that queue.

This field is optional. If you do not specify a queue name, the configured defaultqueue is used.

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Application Profile

Use application profiles to map common execution requirements toapplication-specific job containers. For example, you can define different job typesaccording to the properties of the applications that you use; your FLUENT jobs canhave different execution requirements from your CATIA jobs, but they can all besubmitted to the same queue.

In the Application Profile drop-down list, select an Application Profile name. Thedrop-down lists all the Application Profile names that are configured in LSF.

Service Level Agreement

Goal-oriented Service Level Agreement (SLA) scheduling policies help youconfigure your workload so that your jobs are completed on time and reduce therisk of missed deadlines. They enable you to focus on the "what and when" ofyour projects, not the low-level details of "how" resources need to be allocated tosatisfy various workloads.

In the Service level agreement drop-down list, select a goal. The drop-down listsall the SLAs that are configured in LSF.

Submit the job on hold

If you are creating a flow definition that contains a job whose definition you wantto include in the flow, but you do not yet want the job to run for multipleiterations of this flow, you can submit the job on hold. At a later time, you can editthe flow definition, deselect this option, and resubmit the flow. At that time, thejob will run as part of the flow.

You put a job on hold when you want to stop a flow at a specific point so that youcan fix problems.

When you put a job in the flow on hold:v The job receives the status On Hold. The status of the flow is not affected.v The flow pauses at that specific job.v Only the branch of the flow that contains the job that is On Hold pauses. Other

branches of the flow continue to run.

In the Flow Manager, when you look at a job that has been submitted on hold, thejob is grayed out.

To submit a job on hold, check On hold.

For more details, see “Stop a flow at a specific point by putting a job on hold” onpage 149.

The Processing tab

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Run on a specific host

When you define a job, you can specify a host or series of hosts on which the jobis to be run. If you specify a single host name, you force your job to wait until thathost is available before it can run. Click Run on host(s), and select or specify thehosts on which to run this job.

Run with exclusive use of host

When you define a job, you can specify that the job must have exclusive use of thehost while running—no other LSF jobs can run on that host at the same time.Check Must have exclusive use of host. The job is dispatched to a host that has noother jobs running, and no other jobs are dispatched to that host until this job isfinished.

Rerun on another host if this one becomes unavailable

When you define a job, you can specify that if the host the job is running onbecomes unavailable, the job should be dispatched to another host. Under thedefault behavior, the job exits, unless your Process Manager administrator specifiedautomatic rerun at the queue level. Check Rerun if host becomes unavailable.

Run on the same host as another job

When you define a job, you can specify to run it on the same host that another jobruns on. This is useful when a job generates a large amount of data—you do notneed to transfer the data to run the next job. Click Same host as: and select the jobon whose host this job should run. The other job must have at least started to runwhen this job is submitted, so the Process Manager can determine the correct host.

Specify number of processors for parallel jobs

If you are running a parallel job, you can specify a minimum and maximumnumber of processors that can be used to run the job. The maximum number isoptional—if you specify only a minimum number, that is the number of processorsused.

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In the Minimum field, specify the minimum number of processors required to runthe job. When this number of processors is available, and all of its otherdependencies are met, the job can be dispatched.

Assign the job a priority

You can assign your jobs a priority, which allows you to order your jobs in aqueue.

In the Priority field, specify a number from 1 to the maximum user priority valueallowed at your site. See your Process Manager administrator for this value.

Run a command before running the job

You can run a command on the execution host prior to running the job. Typically,you use this to set up the execution environment.

In the Run command field, specify the command to be run on the execution hostbefore running the actual job. If the command runs successfully, the job can run.Otherwise the command and job are rescheduled. Be sure the command is capableof being run multiple times on the target host.

Assign the job to a fairshare group

You can assign the job to a fairshare group. You must be a member of the groupyou specify.

In the Associate job with user group field, specify the name of the group.

The Resources tab

Specify resources required to run the job

You can specify a string that defines the resource requirements for a job. There aremany types of resources you can specify. For complete information on specifying

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resource requirements, see the Administering Platform LSF. However, some typicalresource requirements are illustrated here. Some of the more common resourcerequirements are:v I want to run the job on a particular type of hostv The job requires a specific number of software licensesv The job requires a certain amount of swap space and memory available

You can use user variables when specifying resource requirements.

Run on host type

The following example specifies that the job must be run on a Solaris 7, 32-bit host:


Float software licenses

The following example specifies that the job requires 3 Verilog™ licenses. Therusage statement reserves the licenses for 10 minutes, which gives the job time tocheck out the licenses:

select[verilog==3] rusage[verilog=3:duration=10]

In the above example, verilog must first be defined as a shared resource in LSF.

Swap space and memory

The following example specifies that the job requires at least 50 MB of swap spaceand more than 500 MB of memory to run:

select[swp>=50 && mem>500]

The Limits tab

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Specify host limits

You can specify criteria that ensure that the job is run on a particular host, orspecific model of host. You can also limit the normalized CPU hours and minutes ajob can use, or the number of hours and minutes a job can run. If the job exceedsthese limits, it is killed automatically.

You can specify a host name or model in the Host name or model field.

To limit the job’s usage of CPU time, in the Maximum CPU time fields, specify thenumber of hours and minutes the job can use before it should be killed.

To limit the job’s run time, in the Maximum run time fields, specify the number ofhours and minutes the job can run before it should be killed.

Specify job limitations

You can specify job limits, that restrict the following:v The file size per job process, in kilobytesv The core file size, in kilobytesv The memory size per job process, in kilobytesv The data size per job process, in kilobytesv The stack size per job process, in kilobytes

The File Transfer tab

You use this tab to transfer required files to the host where the job runs, and totransfer output files after the job has completed. You can transfer multiple files,and perform any or all of the operations available on this tab. Simply create a listof each required file transfer in the Expression(s) field.

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Transfer a local fileIf the job you are defining requires one or more applications or data files to run,and those files do not exist on the host on which the job runs, you need to transferthe files to the host when the job is dispatched.

Procedure1. In the Local path including name field, specify the full path name of the file to

be transferred.2. If the location on the host where the job will run is different from the local

path, in the File on execution host field, specify the full path where the fileshould be located when the job runs.

3. Select Copy file to remote host before running job.4. Click Add to add this operation to the list of operations to perform.5. Repeat as required.

Transfer an output file locally after the job runsIf the job you are defining produces output files that must be transferred toanother location after the job completes, you need to copy the output files locallyafter the job runs.

Procedure1. In the Local path including name field, specify the full path name where the

output file is to be stored locally.2. In the File on execution host field, specify the full path where the output file

will be located when the job completes.3. Select Copy file to local location after running job.4. Click Add to add this operation to the list of operations to perform.5. Repeat as required.

Append output to a local file after the job runsIf the job you are defining produces output files that must be transferred toanother location after the job completes, and you want the output appended to afile that already exists, do the following:

Procedure1. In the Local path including name field, specify the full path name where the

output file is to be appended.2. In the File on execution host field, specify the full path where the output file

will be located when the job completes.3. Select Append file to local location after running job.4. Click Add to add this operation to the list of operations to perform.5. Repeat as required.

The Advanced tab

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You use this tab to specify additional bsub submission options that are notavailable from the Definition dialog, and to select jobs upon which this jobdepends.

Other Options

You can specify additional bsub submission options for a job.

This allows you to use options that are not available from the job definition dialog.The options you specify are added to the bsub command when you submit the jobor job array.

You can also specify user variables in the Other Options field.


The following options are not supported in the Other Options field: -I, -Ip, -Is forinteractive jobs, and -K for submitting a job and waiting for it to complete.v Example: Specify License Scheduler options:

For example, if you use the esub feature and you want to display accountingstatistics for jobs belonging to specific License Scheduler projects, specify in theOther Options field:-a myesubapp -Lp mylsproject

v Example: Specify complex job dependenciesIf you have complex dependencies between jobs, you can use the Other Optionsfield with the built-in user variable JS_FLOW_FULL_NAME.Note that you are limited to what the LSF bsub -w option supports. For moredetails, refer to the LSF Command Reference.– To specify jobB depends on the completion of jobA, regardless of its exit code:

In jobB’s job definition dialog, Advanced tab, Other Options field, specify:-w "ended(#{JS_FLOW_FULL_NAME}:jobA)"

In this example, JS_FLOW_FULL_NAME is the full name of the subflowcontaining jobA and jobB.

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– To specify jobB depends on a combination of dependencies, specify in OtherOptions:-w "ended(#{JS_FLOW_FULL_NAME}:JobA) &&done(#{JS_FLOW_FULL_NAME}:JobC)"

– To specify dependencies for jobs in flow array elements:A job in a flow array element has a name in the format "11:usr1:F1:FA(1):J1".Make sure you single quote the name. For example:-w "exit(’11:usr1:F1:FA(1):J1’, > 2)"

Using the JS_FLOW_FULL_NAME variable:-w "exit(’#{JS_FLOW_FULL_NAME}(#{JS_FLOW_INDEX}):J1’, > 2)"


Select jobs upon the current job depends.v Only LSF jobs, job arrays, job scripts, job array scripts, and template jobs can be

pre-submitted.v Only jobs, job scripts, job arrays, job array scripts, and template jobs can be

preceding jobs to the dependent job to be pre-submitted.v The jobs to be pre-submitted must be direct links. They cannot be more than one

link away.v The dependencies of all predecessors must be logically connected with AND.v In Flow Editor, the Event type in the Job Event Definition for the preceding

jobs to the other job must be set to Starts or Is Submitted.v If you specify dependent jobs to be pre-submitted, and the condition is never

met, it is possible for the flow to be “stuck”. To handle this, define an overrunexception handler to kill the last job if it runs or pends for more than a certainperiod of time.

The Exception Handling tab

You use this tab to specify what action to take if a specific exception occurs whilerunning this job or job array.

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Exceptions and applicable handlers

In a... If this exception occurs... You can use this handler...

Job Overrun Kill

Underrun Rerun

Specified exit code Rerun

Job array Overrun Kill

Underrun Rerun

Sum of exit codes Rerun

Number of unsuccessful jobs Kill

The Description tabIn the input field, add any descriptive text that may be used for managing this jobor job array within the flow. For example, if this job requires special instructionsfor operations staff, place those instructions here.

About flow completion attributesBecause flows can be as individual as their creators, and may contain recovery jobsthat run when another job fails, Process Manager provides many options to choosefrom when defining your flow.

For example, you may require that every job in a flow complete successfully, and ifany job fails, you may want to stop processing the flow immediately. In anothercase, you may want to process as many jobs as possible in a flow, and handle anyexceptions on an individual basis. The first example is handled by the defaultbehavior of Process Manager, the latter by defining flow completion attributes.

You define flow completion attributes to a flow to describe the criteria the ProcessManager Server should use to determine when to assign a state to the flow—when

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it should be considered complete. You can also specify what the Process ManagerServer should do with any jobs that are running when it determines a flow iscomplete.

Default completion criteria of a flow

By default, Process Manager considers a flow to be complete (Done or Exited)when:v All work items in the flow have completed successfully. The flow is Done.

orv Any work item in the flow fails or is killed. The flow is Exited.

Alternative completion criteria

You can specify two alternatives to the default completion criteria for a flow:1. Specify a list of work items that must end before the flow is considered to be

complete, and ignore the other work items in the flow when determining thestate of the flow

2. Specify a list of work items, any one of which must end before the flow isconsidered to be complete, and ignore the other work items in the flow whendetermining the state of the flow

Default completion behavior of a flow

By default, when a flow is considered complete and has been assigned a state, nonew work is dispatched, unless it is within a subflow or job array that is still inprogress. Any work that is currently processing completes, and the flow isstopped.

If, however, you have selected a list of work items, and specified that all must endbefore the flow is considered complete, even if a work item in the flow exits, theflow continues processing until all of the selected items have completed. At thattime, any work that is currently processing completes, and the flow is stopped.

Conversely, if you have selected a list of work items, and specified that the flow iscomplete when any of the selected work items ends, the flow continues processinguntil one of the selected items ends, even if other work items exit. At that time,any work that is currently processing completes, and the flow is stopped.

Alternative completion behavior

You can direct Process Manager to continue processing work in a flow even after itis considered complete and has been assigned a state. In this case, Process Managercontinues to process the flow until it cannot run any more work, or until theremaining work is dependent on events or has dependencies that cannot be met,and then the flow is stopped.

If you use error recovery routines

You may choose to include error recovery routines within a flow that only runwhen a particular work item in the flow fails. Not only will you not want the flowto wait indefinitely for work that can never complete, you will also not want theflow to stop, preventing the error recovery routine from running.

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In this case, you can select particular work items that must end before the flowshould be considered complete. You can specify that all of the selected work itemsmust end, or to consider the flow complete when any one or more of the selectedwork items end. In the case of the following flow with an error recovery routine,you want the flow to be considered complete when either success or recoverycomplete:

If you use multiple branches in a flow

You may define a flow that contains multiple branches. In this flow, if one branchfails, you may not want the flow to stop processing. Perhaps you want to let theflow to run as much as it can, and then you will perform some manual recoveryand rerun the failed branch.

Specify flow completion attributesYou can specify the following flow completion criteria to specify when ProcessManager should consider the flow complete and assign it a state:

Procedurev All work completes successfully or any work item fails. This is the default.v All selected work items end.v Any selected work items end. You can also specify what Process Manager

should do when the state of the flow is determinedv Complete any work in progress and stop running the flow. This is the default.v Change the flow state immediately but continue running the flow until any

remaining work items that can complete, complete.v Continue running the flow and only change the state when any remaining work

items that can complete, complete.v Determine the flow exit code either from the sum of exit codes of all work items

in the flow(this is the default), or from the last finished work item in asuccessful flow, or the last failed item in a failed flow.

Assign a state to a flow when all work items are doneProcedure1. From the Action menu, select Specify Flow Completion Attributes, or

right-click in a blank section of the flow definition, and select CompletionAttributes. The Flow Completion Attributes dialog box appears.

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2. Leave the first option set to the default All work completes successfully orany work item fails.

3. If you want the flow to stop running if any work item exits, leave the option asthe default Complete any work in progress and stop running the flow. If youwant the work item to continue to run but change the flow state, select Changethe flow state immediately and continue running the flow. This allows you toimmediately trigger the next work item if there is one that is dependent on thisflow or subflow. If you want to continue to process as many jobs in the flow aspossible Continue running the flow, change the flow state only after the flowis complete.

4. Select how the flow exit code is calculated in Determine the flow exit codefrom.

5. Click OK. The flow will be assigned a state when all of the work itemscomplete successfully or any work item fails or is killed.

Assign a state to a flow when all selected work items endProcedure1. From the Action menu, select Specify Flow Completion Attributes, or

right-click in a blank section of the flow definition, and select CompletionAttributes. The Flow Completion Attributes dialog box appears.

2. Select All selected work items end.3. From the list of available work items, select those that must process before the

flow can be assigned a state. Select each item and click Add> to move it to thelist of selected items, or double-click on an item to move it to the other list.

4. If you want the flow to stop running when the specified jobs end, leave theoption as the default Complete any work in progress and stop running theflow. If you want the work item to continue to run but change the flow state,select Change the flow state immediately and continue running the flow. Thisallows you to immediately trigger the next work item if there is one that isdependent on this flow or subflow. If you want to continue to process as manyjobs in the flow as possible Continue running the flow, change the flow stateonly after the flow is complete.

5. Click OK. The flow will be assigned a state when all of the selected work itemsend.

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Assign a state to a flow when any selected work item endsProcedure1. From the Action menu, select Specify Flow Completion Attributes, or

right-click in a blank section of the flow definition, and select CompletionAttributes. The Flow Completion Attributes dialog box appears.

2. Select Any selected work items end.3. From the list of available work items, select those that may process before the

flow can be assigned a state. Select each item and click Add> to move it to thelist of selected items, or double-click on an item to move it to the other list.When one item in this list ends, the flow will be assigned a state.

4. If you want the flow to stop running when the specified jobs end, leave theoption as the default Complete any work in progress and stop running theflow. If you want the work item to continue to run but change the flow state,select Change the flow state immediately and continue running the flow. Thisallows you to immediately trigger the next work item if there is one that isdependent on this flow or subflow. If you want to continue to process as manyjobs in the flow as possible Continue running the flow, change the flow stateonly after the flow is complete.

5. Click OK. The flow will be considered complete when one of the selected workitems ends.

Continue processing when the state of the flow is determinedProcedure1. From the Action menu, select Specify Flow Completion Attributes, or

right-click in a blank section of the flow definition, and select CompletionAttributes. The Flow Completion Attributes dialog box appears.

2. If you want the work item to continue to run but change the flow state, selectChange the flow state immediately and continue running the flow. Thisallows you to immediately trigger the next work item if there is one that isdependent on this flow or subflow.

3. Click OK. When the flow is considered complete and assigned a state, anyeligible work items in the flow will continue to process until Process Managercannot run any more work, or until the remaining work is dependent on eventsor has dependencies that cannot be met. The flow is then stopped.

Continue processing and only change the state after the flowis complete

Procedure1. From the Action menu, select Specify Flow Completion Attributes, or

right-click in a blank section of the flow definition, and select CompletionAttributes. The Flow Completion Attributes dialog box appears.

2. If you want to continue to process as many jobs in the flow as possibleContinue running the flow, change the flow state only after the flow iscomplete.

3. Click OK. The flow will continue to run and only change state once ProcessManager cannot run any more work, or until the remaining work is dependenton events or has dependencies that cannot be met.

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Configuring flow exit codesBy default, a Done job has an exit code of 0. As a result, a Done flow or subflowhas an exit code of 0, since the default way that Process Manager determines theflow exit code is through the sum of all exit codes of all work items in the flow.

However, it is possible to specify custom success exit codes for LSF jobs, jobscripts, local jobs, and manual jobs. As a result, if you specify custom success exitcodes for these types of jobs, a Done flow can have an exit code other than 0.

If there is more than one Done job with an exit code other than 0 in a Done flow,or there are some jobs with Done or Exited states with codes other than 0 in afailed flow, the sum of all exit codes may not be meaningful to you.

For such cases, you can configure the flow to inherit the exit code of the last itemthat was successfully completed or that failed. You can do this in the Flowcompletion Attributes dialog, with the option Determine the flow exit code fromthe last finished work item in a successful flow, or the last failed work item in afailed flow.

How the system selects the last finished or failed work item:v If more than one work item finishes or fails last and at the exact same time, the

system picks an item at random to get the exit code.v If you select Change the flow state immediately and continue running the

flow the system does not consider jobs that finish or fail after the flow state waschanged.

In combination with the other options in the Flow Attributes dialog, you canconfigure your flow to have an exit code that makes sense to you.

Configure flow exit code calculationProcedure1. In Flow Editor, select Action > Specify Flow Completion Attributes.

The Flow Completion Attributes dialog is displayed.2. Select all desired behavior for flow completion:

v Determine the state of the flow when...

v After the state of the flow is determined

v Determine the flow exit code from

3. Click OK.

Configure dependencies for subflowsAbout this task

If your flow has subflows, when creating your flow, you want to establish adependency between the subflow and other work items to track when flowcompletes successfully with a specific exit code, or when a flow fails with aspecific exit code.

Procedure1. In Flow Editor, draw a dependency from the subflow to the next work item.2. Select the dependency, right-click and select Open Definition.

The Flow Definition is displayed.

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3. Select the event type The flow completes successfully with exit code..., Theflow fails with exit code...., or The flow fails.

4. Click OK.

Specify exception handling for a flowAbout this task

You can use Process Manager to monitor for specific exception conditions when aflow is run, and specify handlers to run automatically if those exceptions occur.

You can monitor a flow for the following exceptions:v Overrun—the flow runs longer than it shouldv Underrun—the flow runs for an abnormally short timev The flow has exit code—the flow ends with a particular exit codev Number of unsuccessful jobs—a particular number of jobs in the flow are


Procedure1. From the Action menu, select Add Flow Attribute, or right-click in a blank

section of the flow definition and select Flow Attribute, and select theException Handlers tab. The Flow Attribute dialog box appears.

2. On the Exception Handling tab, click Add.3. In the Exception type field, select the exception you want to handle.4. If you chose Runs more than..., in the Expected run time field, specify the

maximum time, in minutes, the flow can run before it should be killed.If you chose Runs less than..., in the Expected run time field, specify theminimum time, in minutes, the flow can run before it should be rerun.If you chose the flow has exit code, in the Value field, choose the operator andvalue that best define the exit code requirement. For example, greater than 5.If you chose number of unsuccessful jobs, in the Value field, choose the operatorand value that best define the requirement. For example, greater than 3.

5. In the Action field, select the appropriate exception handler. In most cases,however, the appropriate exception handler is selected for you, as follows:

If you monitor for this exception... This handler is used...

Overrun Kill

Underrun Rerun

Exit code Rerun

Number of unsuccessful jobs Kill

6. Click OK. The exception handling specification is added to the list.7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 until you have finished specifying exceptions to

handle. Click OK.

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Flow attributesYou can specify the following flow attributes:v A description of the flowv Email notification about the flowv Preventing concurrent versions of the same flowv Automatic exception handling of the flow

Flow description

You can use the description field of a flow to include any instructions regardingthe flow, or to include general descriptions about what this flow does. This isespecially useful if your site uses shared flows, that might be reused by anotheruser.

Flow working directory

You can specify the working directory for the flow. All valid inner work items(subflows, jobs, and job arrays) in the flow will use this directory as the workingdirectory unless you further specify a working directory for the inner work item.In this case, the working directory setting for the inner work item will override thesetting for this flow. The working directory is also the work item's submissiondirectory(the directory from which the work item is submitted).

You can also specify the flow working directory by triggering a flow and settingthe variable JS_FLOW_WORKING_DIR.

If you do not specify the flow working directory in the flow definition and youspecify JS_FLOW_WORKING_DIR when you trigger the flow, the value youspecify with the variable becomes the flow's default working directory. If theworking directory is specified in the flow definition, theJS_FLOW_WORKING_DIR variable has no effect.

The override order is:1. The working directory defined at the job level in the flow definition.2. The working directory defined at the flow level in flow definition.3. The working directory passed in with JS_FLOW_WORKING_DIR when the

flow is triggered.

You can use user variables when specifying the working directory.

Email notification for a flow

By default, Process Manager notifies you by email only if your flow exits. You canset the notification options to send an email to you or another user when:v The flow exitsv The flow ends, regardless of its successv The flow startsv The flow starts and exitsv The flow starts and ends, regardless of its success

If the flow exits, the email provides information about the jobs that caused theflow to exit. If you are using the default flow completion criteria, this is

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information about the job or job array that exited. If you specified flowcompletion criteria, this includes on the jobs specified in the flow completioncriteria that exited.You can also turn off flow email notification entirely.At the system level, your Process Manager administrator can turn off flow emailnotification, or limit the size of the emails you receive. If you are not receivingemail notifications you requested, or if your email notifications are truncated,check with your administrator.

Prevent concurrent flows

When you create a flow definition, you can prevent multiple copies of the flowfrom running at the same time. This is useful when you need to run a flowrepeatedly, but any occurrence of the flow must have exclusive access to adatabase, for example.

Specify flow attributesProcedure1. From the Action menu, select Add Flow Attribute or right-click in a blank

section of the flow definition and select Flow Attribute.The Flow Attribute dialog box appears.

2. On the General tab, enter the description text in the field provided. When youhave finished typing the description, click OK.

3. To specify user variables and environment variables, click Modify, which islocated to the right of the Input Variables field.The Flow Input Variables dialog displays a list of input variables that arecurrently defined in the flow, and the order in which they are defined.You can specify variables on a per-flow basis, which allows multiple jobs orsub-flows within a flow to use the same variable; you can specify variablesfrom the job definition dialog, which overrides these flow-level input variables;and you can specify built-in variables.Input variables can only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, anduser variable definitions. No semicolons can be part of the value.


The order in which you define the variables is important. You must define onevariable before you can use it in the next. For example, if you have an inputvariable named MyVar_#{Var1}, you must have defined the Var1 variable first.Var1 can either be defined in the current flow level (if it was defined beforeMyVar_#{Var1}) or at a parent or other upper level flow.v To add an input variable, click New.

Specify a name for the variable. Unless you are explicitly specifying a built-invariable, do not use a variable name beginning with JS_.To define a default value, select the Specify a Default Value field, thenspecifying a default value for the variable. You can include user variableswhen specifying a default value.


Do not specify a default value for a built-in variable.

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v To modify an input variable, select the variable you want to edit and clickEdit.

v To remove an input variable, select the variable you want to remove andclick Remove.

The environment variables defined in the list can only be used in the currentflow or sub-flow, though any environment variables listed at the parent flowlevel are propagated to its subflows. Variables defined in sub-flows willoverwrite variables defined in the main flow or parent flows if they have thesame name.Changing environment variables in a job cannot affect other jobs. Therefore, ifone job changes the value of an environment variable, the same environmentvariable is unaffected in the next job, even if it runs after the first job.The names and values of local and environment variables that a job usesappear in the Runtime Attributes of that job.

4. Optional. To specify a working directory at the flow level, use the Workingdirectory field.


You can use user variables when specifying the working directory.All valid inner work items (subflows, jobs, and job arrays) in the flow will usethis directory as the working directory unless you further specify a workingdirectory for the inner work item. In this case, the working directory setting forthe inner work item will override the setting for this flow.

5. In the Notify when flow field, select the appropriate notification option. Toreceive a notification only if a flow exits, leave the default at Notify when flowexits. Otherwise, leave Notify when flow checked, and select the desiredoption.

6. In the Email address field, specify the email address to be notified. The defaultemail address is your user name.


You can use user variables when specifying the email address.7. To prevent concurrent versions of the same flow, in the Options box, check

Allow only one flow to run at a time.8. Click OK.

Turn off email notification for a flowProcedure1. On the General tab, uncheck Notify when flow. This does not affect email

notifications regarding job completion.2. Click OK.

Save the flow definitionYou can save a flow definition at any time, whether it is complete or not. You cansave the flow definition locally or on a shared-file system.

When saving the flow definition, specify a unique file name using alphanumericcharacters, periods (.), underscores (_) or dashes (-). You cannot use a colon (:),semicolon (;) or pound sign (#) in a job name.

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The file name you assign is concatenated with your user ID to become the flowname.

If you plan to use this flow definition as a subflow within another flow definition,ensure you give it a meaningful name that will make it unique within the otherflow definition.

Once you submit a flow definition, a copy of the flow definition is stored withinthe Process Manager system. If you make a change to the flow definition, you needto submit the flow definition again before the changes take effect in ProcessManager.

Loop a flow or subflowAbout this task

You can define a flow or subflow that loops a specific number of times or loopsuntil a specific condition is met. This is useful if you need to rerun a group of jobsuntil you achieve specific results.

In this example, John needs to run a series of three jobs that need to be repeateduntil the correct data results—an undetermined number of times. John created thefollowing flow called DataRefine:

Process Manager allows you to automatically rerun a flow or subflow whenever aparticular work item in the flow has a specific exit code. This allows John to loopDataRefine as many times as required to complete refining the data results. In thescript run by the job Examine_data, John sets the exit code of the job to be aparticular value, such as 77, until such time as the data refinement is complete.Then the exit code of Examine_data is set to 0. John used the exception handling atthe flow level to loop the flow, as follows:

If John requires it, he can use the number of times the flow is rerun in his job. Thisinformation is available through the built-in variableJS_ITERATION_COUNTER[flow_name], where flowname is the name of the flow,without the user name. For example:


To loop a flow:

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Procedure1. Define the jobs in the flow.2. Ensure that one job in the flow sets a specific exit code in the circumstances

under which you want to rerun the flow. Ensure that it sets a different valuewhen the flow should stop rerunning.

3. Set the automatic rerun exception handler to rerun the flow under the correctcircumstances:a. Right-click in an empty space in the flow definition, and select Flow

Attribute.b. Click Exception Handling.c. Click Add. The Exception Handler Definition dialog appears.d. In the Exception type field, select A work item has exit code...

e. In the Work item field, ensure the correct work item is selected.f. In the Has exit code field, specify the exit code conditions required to loop

the flow.g. In the Action field, ensure Rerun is specified.h. If applicable, in the After field, specify the number of minutes to delay the

rerunning of the flow.i. In the Maximum number of reruns field, specify the maximum number of

times you want the exception handler to rerun the flow.j. Click OK. The exception handling specification is added to the list. Click OK

again.The flow you define here will always loop under the specifiedcircumstances, even when embedded in another flow as a subflow.

Loop a subflow that does not contain a loop definitionProcedure1. Add the subflow at the appropriate location in your flow.

Note: You still need to ensure that one job in the subflow sets a specific exitcode in the circumstances under which you want to rerun the flow. Ensurethat it sets a different value when the subflow should stop rerunning.

2. Right-click on the subflow icon, and select Attributes.3. Click Exception Handling.4. Click Add. The Exception Handler Definition dialog appears.5. In the Exception type field, select A work item has exit code...

6. In the Work item field, ensure the correct work item is selected. By default, itis the last work item in the flow.

7. In the Has exit code field, specify the exit code conditions required to loopthe flow.

8. In the Action field, ensure Rerun is specified.9. If applicable, in the After field, specify the specify the number of minutes to

delay the rerunning of the flow.10. In the Maximum number of reruns field, specify the maximum number of

times you want the exception handler to rerun the flow.11. Click OK. The exception handling specification is added to the list. Click OK

again. The subflow icon changes to indicate that this subflow will loop, asfollows:

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Any work item that depends on DataRefine cannot run until the loopingcompletes.

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Chapter 4. About Process Manager exceptions

Process Manager provides flexible ways to handle certain job processing failures sothat you can define what to do when these failures occur. A failure of a job toprocess is indicated by an exception. Process Manager provides some built-inexception handlers you can use to automate the recovery process, and an alarmfacility you can use to notify people of particular failures.

Process Manager exceptions

Process Manager monitors for the following exceptions:v Misschedulev Overrunv Underrunv Start Failedv Cannot Run


A Misschedule exception occurs when a job, job array, flow or subflow depends ona time event, but is unable to start during the duration of that event. There aremany reasons why your job can miss its schedule. For example, you may havespecified a dependency that was not satisfied while the time event was active.


When a job depends on a time event, and you want to monitor for a misscheduleof the job, ensure that the time event either directly precedes the job in the flowdiagram, or precedes no more than one link (AND or OR) prior to the job in theflow diagram. Process Manager is unable to process the misschedule exception ifmultiple links are used between the time event and the job depending on it.


An Overrun exception occurs when a job, job array, flow or subflow exceeds itsmaximum allowable run time. You use this exception to detect run away or hungjobs. The time is calculated using wall-clock time, from when the work item is firstsubmitted to LSF until its status changes from Running to Exit or Done, or untilthe Overrun time is reached, whichever comes first.


An Underrun exception occurs when a job, job array, flow or subflow finishessooner than its minimum expected run time. You use this exception to detect whena job finishes prematurely. This exception is not raised when a job is killed byProcess Manager. The time is calculated using wall-clock time, from when thework item is first submitted to LSF until its status changes from Running to Exit orDone.

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Start Failed

A Start Failed exception occurs when a job or job array is unable to run because itsexecution environment could not be set up properly. Typical reasons for thisexception include lack of system resources such as a process table was full on theexecution host, or a file system was not mounted properly.

Cannot Run

A Cannot Run exception occurs when a job or job array cannot proceed because ofan error in submission. A typical reason for this exception might be an invalid jobparameter.

Behavior when an exception occurs

The following describes Process Manager behavior when an exception occurs, andno automatic exception handling is used:

When a ... Experiences this exception ... This happens ...

Flow definition Misschedule The flow is not triggered.

Flow Overrun The flow continues to run after theexception occurs. The run time iscalculated from when the flow is firsttriggered until its status changes fromRunning to Exit or Done, or until theOverrun time is reached, whichevercomes first.

Underrun The time is calculated from when theflow is first triggered until its statuschanges from Running to Exit orDone.

Subflow Misschedule The subflow is not run.

Overrun The subflow continues to run afterthe exception occurs. The run time iscalculated from when the subflow isfirst triggered until its status changesfrom Running to Exit or Done, oruntil the Overrun time is reached,whichever comes first.

Underrun The time is calculated from when thesubflow first starts running until itsstatus changes from Running to Exitor Done.

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When a ... Experiences this exception ... This happens ...

Job Misschedule The job is not run.

Cannot Run The job is not run.

Start Failed The job is still waiting. Submission ofthe job is retried until the configurednumber of retry times. If the job stillcannot run, a Cannot Run exceptionis raised.

Overrun The job continues to run after theexception occurs. The run time iscalculated from when the job issuccessfully submitted until it reachesExit or Done state, or until theOverrun time is reached, whichevercomes first.

Underrun The time is calculated from the whenthe job is successfully submitted untilit reaches Exit or Done state.

Job array Misschedule The job array is not run.

Cannot Run The job array is not run.

Start Failed The job array is still waiting.Submission of the job array is retrieduntil it runs.

Overrun The job array continues to run afterthe exception occurs. The run time iscalculated from when the job array issuccessfully submitted until its statuschanges from Running to Exit orDone, or until the Overrun time isreached, whichever comes first.

Underrun The time is calculated from when thejob array is successfully submitteduntil all elements in the array reachExit or Done state.

User-specified conditions

In addition to the Process Manager exceptions, you can specify and handle otherconditions, depending on the type of work item you are defining. For example,when you are defining a job, you can monitor the job for a particular exit code,and automatically rerun the job if the exit code occurs. The behavior when one ofthese conditions occurs depends on what you specify in the flow definition.

You can monitor for the following conditions in addition to the Process Managerexceptions:

Work Item Condition

Flow An exit code of n (sum of all exit codes)

n unsuccessful jobs

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Work Item Condition

Subflow An exit code of n

n unsuccessful jobs

Job An exit code of n

Job array An exit code of n

n unsuccessful jobs

About exception handlingProcess Manager provides built-in exception handlers you can use to automaticallytake corrective action when certain exceptions occur, minimizing humanintervention required. You can also define your own exception handlers for certainconditions.

Process Manager built-in exception handlersThe built-in exception handlers are:v Rerunv Kill


The Rerun exception handler reruns the entire job, job array, subflow or flow. Usethis exception handler in situations where rerunning the work item can fix theproblem. The Rerun exception handler can be used with Underrun, Exit and StartFailed exceptions.


The Kill exception handler kills the job, job array, subflow or flow. Use thisexception handler when a work item has overrun its time limits. The Kill exceptionhandler can be used with the Overrun exception, and when you are monitoring forthe number of jobs done or exited in a flow or subflow.

User-defined exception handlersIn addition to the built-in exception handlers, you can create your flow definitionsto handle exceptions by:v Opening an alarmv Running a recovery jobv Triggering another flow


An alarm provides a visual, graphical cue that an exception has occurred, andeither an email notification to one or more addresses, or the execution of a script.You use an alarm to notify key personnel, such as database administrators, ofproblems that require attention. An alarm has no effect on the flow itself.

When you are creating your flow definition, you can add a predefined alarm to theflow diagram, as you would another job. You create a dependency from the work

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item to the alarm, which can be opened by any of the exceptions available in thedependency definition. The alarm cannot precede another work item in thediagram—you cannot draw a dependency from an alarm to another work item inthe flow.

An opened alarm appears in the list of open alarms in the Flow Manager until thehistory log file containing the alarm is deleted or archived.

Valid alarm names are configured by the Process Manager administrator.

Recovery job

You can use a job dependency in a flow diagram to run a job that performs somerecovery function when an exception occurs.

Recovery flow

You can create a flow that performs some recovery function for another flow.When you submit the recovery flow, specify the name of the flow and exception asan event to trigger the recovery flow.

Behavior when exception handlers are usedFlow

When a Flow Experiences thisException ... and the Handler Used is ... This Happens ...

Overrun Kill The flow is killed. All incomplete jobsin the flow are killed. The flow statusis ‘Killed’

Underrun Rerun Flows that have a dependency on thisflow may not be triggered, dependingon the type of dependency. The flowis recreated with the same flow ID.The flow is rerun from the first job, orfrom any rerun starting points, asmany times as required until theexecution time exceeds the underruntime specified.

An exit code of n Rerun Flows that have a dependency on thisflow may not be triggered, dependingon the type of dependency. The flowis recreated with the same flow ID.The flow is rerun from the first job, orfrom any rerun starting points, asmany times as required until an exitcode other than n is reached.

n unsuccessful jobs Kill The flow is killed. All incomplete jobsin the flow are killed. The flow statusis ‘Killed’

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When a Subflow Experiences thisException ... and the Handler Used is ... This Happens ...

Misschedule Alarm The alarm is opened. The subflow isnot run. The flow continues executionas designed.

Recovery job or flow The subflow is not run. The flowcontinues execution as designed. Therecovery job or flow is triggered.

Overrun Alarm The alarm is opened. Both the flowand subflow continue execution asdesigned.

Recovery job or flow Both the flow and subflow continueexecution as designed. The recoveryjob or flow is triggered.

Kill The subflow is killed. The flowbehaves as designed.

Underrun Alarm The alarm is opened. The flowcontinues execution as designed.

Recovery job or flow The subflow continues execution asdesigned. The recovery job or flow istriggered.

Rerun Work items that have a dependencyon this subflow may not be triggered,depending on the type ofdependency. The subflow is rerunfrom the first job as many times asrequired until the execution timeexceeds the underrun time specified.

An exit code of n Rerun Work items that have a dependencyon this subflow may not be triggered,depending on the type ofdependency. The subflow is rerunfrom the first job as many times asrequired until an exit code other thann is reached.

n unsuccessful jobs Kill The subflow is killed. The flowbehaves as designed.

Job or job array

When a Job or Job Array Experiencesthis Exception ... and the Handler Used is ... This Happens ...

Misschedule Alarm The alarm is opened. The job or jobarray is not run. The flow continuesexecution as designed.

Recovery job or flow The job or job array is not run. Theflow continues execution as designed.The recovery job or flow is triggered.

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When a Job or Job Array Experiencesthis Exception ... and the Handler Used is ... This Happens ...

Overrun Alarm The alarm is opened. Both the flowand job or job array continue toexecute as designed.

Recovery job or flow Both the flow and job or job arraycontinue to execute as designed. Therecovery job or flow is triggered.

Kill The job or job array is killed. Theflow behaves as designed. The job orjob array status is determined by itsexit value.

Underrun Alarm The alarm is opened. The flowcontinues execution as designed.

Recovery job or flow The flow continues execution asdesigned. The recovery job or flow istriggered.

Rerun Work items that have a dependencyon this job or job array are nottriggered. The job or job array isrerun as many times as required untilthe execution time exceeds theunderrun time specified.

Start Failed Alarm The alarm is opened. The flowcontinues execution as designed.

Recovery job or flow The recovery job or flow is triggered.

Rerun The job or job array is rerun as manytimes as required until it startssuccessfully.

Cannot Run Alarm The alarm is opened. The flowcontinues execution as designed.

Recovery job or flow The recovery job or flow is triggered.

An exit code of n Rerun The job or job array is rerun as manytimes as required until it startssuccessfully.

n unsuccessful jobs Kill The job array is killed. The flowbehaves as designed. The job arraystatus is determined by its exit value.

Handling exceptionsAbout this task

When you define a job, job array, flow or subflow, you can specify what exceptionsyou want Process Manager to watch for, and how you want to handle theexceptions if they happen. You can specify as many exceptions and handlers asyou want for any job, job array, flow or subflow. You can handle an exceptionautomatically using the following:

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Procedurev “Handle exceptions of a job or job array using built-in handlers”v “Handle exceptions of a subflow using built-in handlers” on page 115v “Handle exceptions with a recovery job” on page 116v “Handle exceptions with a recovery flow” on page 116

Handle exceptions of a job or job array using built-in handlersProcedure1. Within the flow definition in the Flow Editor, open the job or job array

definition.2. Click on the Exception Handling tab.3. Click Add. The Exception Handler Definition dialog appears.

4. In the Exception type field, select the exception you want to handle.5. If you chose Runs more than..., specify the maximum time, in minutes, the job or

job array can run before it should be killed.If you chose Runs less than..., specify the minimum time, in minutes, the job orjob array can run before it should be rerun.If you chose Has exit code, choose the operator and value that best define theexit code requirement. For example, greater than 5.If you chose Number of unsuccessful jobs is ...choose the operator and value thatbest define the exit code requirement. For example, greater than 3.

6. In the Action field, select the appropriate exception handler. In most cases,however, the appropriate exception handler is selected for you, as follows:

If you monitor for this exception... This handler is used...

Overrun Kill

Underrun Rerun

Exit code Rerun

Number of unsuccessful jobs is ... Kill

If you specify a rerun exception, you can specify a number of minutes to delaybefore rerunning the subflow and the maximum number of times you want theexception handler to rerun the subflow.

7. Click OK. The exception handling specification is added to the list.8. Repeat steps 3 through 7 until you have finished specifying exceptions to

handle then click OK.

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Handle exceptions of a subflow using built-in handlersProcedure1. Within the flow definition in the Flow Editor, right-click on the subflow.2. Select Attributes. The Subflow Attributes dialog appears.3. Click on the Exception Handling tab.4. Click Add. The Exception Handler Definition dialog appears.

5. In the Exception type field, select the exception you want to handle.6. Select the corresponding criteria for the Exception type that you specified.

v If you chose Runs more than..., specify the maximum time, in minutes, thesubflow can run before it should be killed or should trigger an alarm.

v If you chose Runs less than..., specify the minimum time, in minutes, thesubflow can run before it should be rerun or should trigger an alarm.

v If you chose the Flow has exit code, choose the operator and value that bestdefines the exit code requirements before the subflow is rerun or triggers analarm. For example, greater than 5.

v If you chose Number of unsuccessful jobs, choose the operator and valuethat best defines the requirements before the subflow is killed or triggers analarm. For example, greater than 3.

v If you chose The work item has an exit code, choose the operator and valuethat best defines the exit code requirement before the subflow is rerun. Forexample, greater than 5.

7. In the Action field, select the appropriate exception handler. In most cases,however, the appropriate exception handler is selected for you, as follows:

If you monitor for this exception... This handler is used...

Overrun Kill or Alarm

Underrun Rerun or Alarm

Exit code Rerun or Alarm

Number of unsuccessful jobs Rerun or Alarm

The work item has an exit code Rerun

If you choose to rerun the subflow when an exception occurs, you can delaythe rerunning of the subflow by a specified number of minutes and specify themaximum number of times you want the exception handler to rerun thesubflow, as shown:

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8. Click OK. The exception handling specification is added to the list.9. Repeat steps 3 through 6 until you have finished specifying exceptions to

handle, then click OK.

Handle exceptions with a recovery jobProcedure1. Within the flow definition in the Flow Editor, draw both the predecessor and

recovery jobs (or job arrays or subflows).2. Change to job dependency mode by clicking the Insert Dependency button.3. Draw job dependencies by left-clicking on the job that must run first, then

left-clicking on the recovery job.4. Right-click on the dependency line and select Open Definition. The Event

Definition dialog box appears.5. In the Event Type field, select the appropriate exception.6. Click OK.

Handle exceptions with a recovery flowProcedure1. In the Flow Editor, define the recovery flow such that it performs the required

functions.2. When the recovery flow definition is complete, from the Action menu, select

Add Flow Attribute...3. Click the Triggering Events tab.4. Click Add to define an event to trigger this flow. The Trigger Flow with

Events dialog box appears.

5. In the Select type of event field, select Proxy Event.6. In the Create Proxy for... field, select Flow.

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7. Optional. In the Owner field, specify the name of the user who owns the flow.If you own the flow, you do not need to specify a name—the user name willdefault to your own.

8. In the Flow name field, specify the name of the flow definition whosecondition will trigger this flow. Ensure you specify the name of the flowdefinition, not its file name. The next occurrence of this flow will trigger theflow you are presently creating.

9. In the Event type field, select the exception condition under which you wantthis flow to trigger.

10. In the Description field, add any descriptive text that may be used forunderstanding this event. For example, if this event requires specialinstructions for operations staff, place those instructions here.

11. Click OK. The Flow-Triggering Event(s) dialog reappears, and the proxy eventyou defined appears in the list.

12. Click OK. The flow definition is submitted to the Process Manager system,where it will await the appropriate conditions to be run.

AlarmsAn alarm is used to send a notification when an exception occurs. The alarmdefinition specifies how a notification should be sent if an exception occurs. Analarm is opened as a result of the Alarm exception handler. Alarms are configuredfor your site by your Process Manager administrator. Each alarm has a name andan email address to be notified.

Raise an alarm when an exception occurs within a flowProcedure1. In the Flow Editor, with the flow definition opened, change to alarm mode by

clicking the Insert Alarm button.2. Drop the alarm icon in the appropriate place in the workspace.3. Right-click on the alarm icon in the workspace, and select Open Definition.

The Alarm Definition dialog box appears.

4. In the Name field, specify a unique name for the alarm. You can usealphabetic characters, numerals 0 to 9, period (.), dash (-) and underscore (_)in the job array name. A unique name is automatically assigned to the alarm,but you can change it to make it more meaningful.

5. In the Alarm type field, select the type of alarm you want to use from the listof configured types. Alarms are configured by your Process Manageradministrator. To see an updated list of alarms, click Refresh.

6. Optional. In the Description field, add any descriptive text that may behelpful for understanding this alarm. For example, if this alarm requiresspecial instructions for operations staff, place those instructions here.

7. Click OK.

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8. Draw the dependency line from the job or other work item whose exceptionopens this alarm to the alarm itself.

9. Right-click on the dependency line and select Open Definition. The EventDefinition dialog box appears.

10. In the Event Type field, select the exception for which you want to open thealarm.

11. Click OK.

View the opened alarmsProcedure

In the Flow Manager, from the View menu, select Alarms. The View Alarms dialogbox appears. It lists all of the open alarms.Alarms stay in the list of open alarms until the history log file for that time period

is archived or deleted. They do not disappear from the list when the problem isfixed.

Insert an alarm in a flow definitionAbout this task

You can use an alarm to send a notification when an exception occurs, or to notifya user when a particular condition is met. The alarm definition specifies how anotification should be sent if the alarm is opened.

Alarms are configured for your site by your Process Manager administrator. Eachalarm has a name and an email address to be notified.

There are two ways to specify an alarm in a flow:v By inserting an alarm as a successor to a work item in the flow, and specifying a

dependency on the work item that opens the alarm when the dependency ismet. This method is recommended when it is important to have a visual cue inthe flow definition that an alarm is defined in a particular place. You can usethis method when you want to notify a user of the successful completion of awork item.

v By specifying an alarm as an exception handler when a particular exceptionoccurs. This method is recommended when you want to maintain an unclutteredview of the work items in your flow, and you are monitoring specifically for aparticular exception.

To insert an alarm as a successor to a work item in a flow:

Procedure1. Click the Insert Alarm button in the design palette to change to alarm mode.2. Drop the alarm icon in the appropriate place in the workspace.3. Right-click on the alarm icon in the workspace, and select Open Definition.

The Alarm Definition dialog box appears.

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4. In the Name field, specify a unique name for the alarm. You can usealphabetic characters, numerals 0 to 9, period (.), dash (-) and underscore (_)in the alarm name. A unique name is automatically assigned to the alarm, butyou can change it to make it more meaningful.

5. In the Alarm type field, select the type of alarm you want to use from the listof configured types. Alarms are configured by your Process Manageradministrator. To see an updated list of alarms, click Refresh.

6. Optional. In the Description field, add any descriptive text that may behelpful for understanding this alarm. For example, if this alarm requiresspecial instructions for operations staff, place those instructions here. You canspecify a user variable in this field.

7. Click OK.8. Draw the dependency line from the job or other work item whose exception

opens this alarm to the alarm itself.9. Right-click on the dependency line and select Open Definition. The Event

Definition dialog box appears.10. In the Event Type field, select the exception for which you want to open the

alarm.11. Click OK.

Use an alarm as an exception handlerYou can use an alarm as an exception handler, when it is not important to see thatan alarm is opened at a particular point in a flow. If the visual cue is important,insert an alarm directly into the flow definition.

Procedure1. Open the definition for the work item you want to monitor for the exception.2. Click on the Exception Handling tab.3. Click Add. The Exception Handler Definition dialog appears.

4. In the Exception type field, select the exception you want to handle.5. If you chose Runs more than..., specify the maximum time, in minutes, the work

item can run before an action should be taken.If you chose Runs less than..., specify the minimum time, in minutes, the workitem can run before an action should be taken.

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If you chose the Flow has exit code, choose the operator and value that bestdefine the exit code requirement. For example, greater than 5.If you chose Number of unsuccessful jobs, choose the operator and value thatbest define the requirement. For example, greater than 3.

6. In the Action field, select Alarm.7. In the Alarm type field, select the type of alarm you want to use from the list

of configured types. Alarms are configured by your Process Manageradministrator. To see an updated list of alarms, click Refresh.

8. Click OK. The exception handling specification is added to the list.

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Chapter 5. Run your flow


Flow Editor may not be installed if you purchased the Platform Suite for SAS. Formore information, contact your sales representative.

The attributes of a flow include what, if any, events trigger the flow to run, whatconstitutes successful completion of the flow, the type of email notification toimplement regarding the flow, which flow exceptions to monitor for, and what todo if they occur.

When you create your flow definition, you need to know how and when you wantthe flow to run—will it run on a recurring basis, at a particular time? Or will it runwhen a file arrives in a particular location? Or a combination of the two? Providedthat you want the flow to run under some specific conditions, you need toschedule the flow before you submit it to Process Manager.

The first decision you need to make is how the flow will be triggered. (Triggering aflow is the act of telling Process Manager to take a flow definition and create a flowfrom it.) A flow can be triggered manually or automatically by an event.

If you want to create a flow that can be run more than once, but want it to triggerit manually, see Creating a flow definition to be triggered manually forinstructions.

If you can specify a recurring schedule for the flow, see Run a flow at a specifictime for instructions.

If you want to run a flow whenever something happens to a particular file, seeRun a flow based on file activity for instructions.

If the flow is to be triggered by one or more events, you need to specify each ofthe events that should trigger the flow, and then determine if the flow shouldtrigger only when all events occur, or if any one of the events occurs.

If you want to run the flow only once, see Running your flow once forinstructions.

About manual triggers

When you want to create a flow that can be run more than once, but there is noschedule by which the flow should be run, you submit the flow to be triggeredmanually, and then trigger it manually as required.

You can explicitly trigger any submitted flow from within the Flow Manager atany time, even if the flow definition is on hold. By manually triggering a flowdefinition that is normally triggered by an event, you create an extra occurrence ofthe flow.

When you manually trigger a flow, you can pass values to the flow for uservariables that are used within the flow.

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A flow is also triggered implicitly when you run a flow immediately from the FlowEditor. However, in this case, the flow definition is not stored within ProcessManager, and you cannot trigger the flow later from the Flow Manager.

About automatic triggers

There are many ways to automatically trigger a flow:v Using a time event, which triggers it at a certain time on the specified datesv Using a file event, which triggers it when a certain file condition occursv Using a proxy event, which triggers it when another flow, or work item within

another flow reaches a certain statev Using an exception event, which triggers it when another flow generates a

specific exception

Running a flow periodically

You can create a flow that runs on a recurring schedule, by specifying a time eventto trigger the flow. The schedule can be as simple as running the flow daily at 9:00a.m. or it can be as complex as running the flow on the second and fourthMondays of the month, but not on a holiday. You use calendars to define theschedule criteria.

Running a flow multiple times on a date

You can define a flow to run on multiple dates by using a time event thatreferences a calendar that resolves to multiple dates. However, if you want to run aflow multiple times on any of those dates, you need to define a time expression inthe time event. You can do this with a calendar that resolves to one date or with acalendar that resolves to multiple dates.

Running a flow when a file...

You can define a flow that runs when something happens to a specified file bydefining a file event to trigger the flow.

Running a flow when another flow...

You can define a flow that runs when another flow or work item in another flowcompletes or reaches a certain condition.

Create a flow definition to be triggered manuallyWhen you want to create a flow that can be run more than once, but there is norepeating schedule by which the flow should be run, you define the flow to betriggered manually. You can trigger it manually from the Flow Manager when itneeds to be run. By default, unless you explicitly define an event to trigger a flow,a flow is designed to be triggered manually.

In the flow definitionProcedure1. When you have completed defining the flow, right-click in an empty space in

the flow definition and select Flow Attribute. The Flow Attributes dialog boxappears.

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2. Click the Triggering Events tab. Ensure that the list of triggering events isblank.

3. Click OK.4. From the Action menu, select Submit to submit the flow. The flow will be

submitted on hold—you will have to manually trigger it. When you are readyto trigger the flow, open the Flow Manager and expand the tree until you seethe flow definition you want to trigger.

From the command lineProcedure1. On the command line, type the following:

jsub flow_file_name

where flow_file_name is the full path name of the file containing the flowdefinition.

2. Press Enter.

Schedule your flowYou can schedule a flow to run at a particular date and time, when a file arrives,or a combination of these. You schedule a flow using an event.

Run a flow at a specific time

In the flow definitionProcedure1. In the Flow Editor, open the flow definition.2. Right-click in an empty space in the flow definition and select Flow Attribute.

The Flow Attributes dialog box displays.3. Click the Triggering Events tab.4. Click Add to define an event to trigger the flow. The Trigger Flow with Events

dialog box displays.5. In the Select type of event field, select Time Event.6. In the Calendar name field, select the calendar that resolves to the dates on

which you want this flow to run.7. In the Time zone section, specify the time zone for this time event.

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8. In the Hours and Minutes fields, specify the time when you want the flow tostart running.


Do not schedule your flow to start between 2:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. on the daythat daylight savings time begins (the second Sunday in March), as the flowwill not run and any subflows that are scheduled to start after this flow willalso not run.

This is because the 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. hour is removed to start daylightsavings time in North America.

9. In the Duration of event field, specify the number of minutes after thespecified time that the flow can start. This is useful if there is a time windowin which the flow can start. If the flow must start exactly at the specified time,leave the duration at 1 minute.

10. Optional. In the End after ... occurrences field, specify the maximum numberof occurrences of this time event before you want it to end.

11. Click OK. The Triggering Event(s) tab reappears, and the time event youdefined appears in the list.

12. Click OK.13. From the Action menu, select Submit to submit the flow. The flow definition

is submitted to Process Manager, where it will be scheduled at the specifiedtime, on each day that the specified calendar is true.

From the command line:Procedure

1. On the command line, type the following:jsub -T time_event flow_file_name

where time_event is the definition of the time event that triggers this flow andflow_file_name is the full path name of the file containing the flow definition.

2. Press Enter.

Run a flow at multiple times on a single dateProcedure1. In the Flow Editor, open the flow definition.2. Right-click in an empty space in the flow definition and select Flow Attribute.

The Flow Attributes dialog box displays.3. Click the Triggering Events tab.4. Click Add to define an event to trigger the flow. The Trigger Flow with Events

dialog box displays.5. In the Select type of event field, select Time Event.6. In the Calendar name field, select the calendar that resolves to the dates on

which you want this flow to run.7. In the Time zone section, specify the time zone for this time event.8. In the Hours and Minutes fields, specify an expression that resolves to the

times when you want the flow to start running. Be sure to specify the times asthey appear on a 24-hour clock, where valid values for hours are from 0 to 23.For the syntax of the time expression, see Specifying time expressions.

9. In the Duration of event field, specify the number of minutes after thespecified times that the flow can start. This is especially useful if the flow is

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triggered by multiple events, requiring that you define a time window inwhich the flow can start. If the flow must start exactly at the specified time,leave the duration at 1 minute.

10. Optional. In the End after ... occurrences field, specify the maximum numberof occurrences of this time event before you want it to end.

11. Click OK. The Triggering Event(s) tab reappears, and the time event youdefined appears in the list.

12. Click OK.13. From the Action menu, select Submit to submit the flow. The flow definition

is submitted to Process Manager, where it will be scheduled at the specifiedtimes, each day the calendar is true.

Specifying time expressionsYou can specify several times for the event to trigger. You can:

Procedurev Specify a list of times separated by commas. For example, to run the flow at 2:00

p.m., 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., specify the following in the Hours field:14,15,17

v Specify a range of hours. For example, to run the flow every hour from 1:00 5:00 a.m., specify the following in the Hours field:1-5

v Specify a combination of the above. For example, to run the flow at 2:00 p.m.,3:00 p.m., and every hour from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., specify the following inthe Hours field:14,15,19-22

v Use the Minutes field to modify the value in the Hours field. For example,specify the following in the Hours field:7,9,11-13

and the following in the Minutes field:15,30

to run the flow at 7:15, 7:30, 9:15, 9:30, 11:15, 11:30, 12:15, 12:30, 13:15 and 13:30.v Use an asterisk (*) in the Hours field to specify every hour, or in the Minutes

field to specify every minute. For example, to run a flow every hour, in theHours field, specify an asterisk (*).

Run a flow based on file activity

In the flow definitionProcedure1. In the Flow Editor, open the flow definition.2. Right-click in an empty space in the flow definition and select Flow Attribute.

The Flow Attributes dialog box displays.3. Click the Triggering Events tab.4. Click Add to define an event to trigger the flow. The Trigger Flow with Events

dialog box displays.5. In the Select type of event field, select File Event.6. In the File name field, specify the specify the full path name of the file as the

Process Manager Server sees it, that is to be monitored for the activity, or clickBrowse to locate the file in the file system.

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When specifying the file name, you can also specify wildcard characters: * torepresent a string or ? to represent a single character. For example, a*.dat*matches abc.dat, another.dat and abc.dat23. S??day* matches Satdays.tarand Sundays.dat. *e matches smile.For arrival/exist/size/age events, every matched file triggers the event. Forexample, if you specify a dependency on the arrival of *.tar, the dependency ismet when 1.tar arrives, and again when 2.tar arrives.Note: There are some differences between UNIX and Windows when usingwildcard characters. Because UNIX is case-sensitive and Windows is not, ifyou specify A*, on UNIX it matches only files beginning with A. On Windows,it matches files beginning with A and a. Also, on UNIX, if you specify ??, itmatches exactly two characters. On Windows, it matches one or twocharacters. These behaviors are consistent with UNIX ls command behavior,and Windows dir command behavior.You can also specify a variable for the file name, provided your system isconfigured to support them. See User variables within a flow definition formore information about user variables.

7. In the Condition field, specify the condition that matches the activity youwant to monitor the file for. Choose from the following:v existsv does not existv agev arrivalv size

8. Depending on the condition you choose, you may need to further qualify thecondition with the input fields that follow the condition. For example, whenyou choose size, you need to specify an operator (greater than, and so on) andthe size, in bytes.

9. Click OK. The Triggering Event(s) tab reappears, and the file event youdefined appears in the list.

10. Click OK.11. From the Action menu, select Submit to submit the flow. The flow definition

is submitted to Process Manager, where it is triggered when the specified fileevent is true.

Examplesv Triggering when a file exists

The following file event triggers the flow when the file /tmp/core exists:

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When triggering a flow when a file exists, keep the following in mind:– Process Manager polls periodically to see if the file exists. When it does, the

flow is triggered. The default polling interval is 30 seconds. Check with yourProcess Manager administrator to see what your polling interval is set to.

– Unless the file is deleted, after the flow is triggered, it will trigger again eachtime Process Manager polls and finds the file exists, unless you combine thisevent with another such as a time event.

v Triggering when a file is deletedThe following file event triggers the flow when the file tmp/update is deleted:

After the flow is triggered, it will trigger again each time Process Manager pollsand finds the file does not exist, unless you combine this event with anothersuch as a time event.

v Triggering when a file is more than 15 minutes oldThe following file event triggers the flow when the file /tmp/data is more than15 minutes old:

v Triggering whenever a file arrivesThe following file event triggers the flow every time a tar file arrives in the tmpdirectory:

From the command lineProcedure

On the command line, enter the following command:jsub -F “file_event” flow_file_namewhere file_event is the definition of the file event that triggers this flow andflow_file_name is the full path name of the file containing the flow definition. Forexample:jsub -F "arrival(/tmp/*.tar)" testflow.xml

Run a flow when another flow...You can run a flow when another flow reaches a certain condition, or you can runa flow when a work item in another flow reaches a certain condition. In eithercase, you use a proxy event to trigger the flow. As its name indicates, the proxyevent acts as a proxy in the current flow for another flow or a work item that runswithin another flow

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Run a flow when another flow completesProcedure1. In the Flow Editor, open the flow definition.2. Right-click in an empty space in the flow definition and select Flow Attribute.

The Flow Attributes dialog box displays.3. Click the Triggering Events tab.4. Click Add to define an event to trigger the flow. The Trigger Flow with Events

dialog box displays.5. In the Select type of event field, select Proxy Event.6. In the Create proxy for... field, select Flow.7. In the Flow name field, specify the name of the flow definition whose

condition will trigger this flow. Ensure you specify the name of the flowdefinition, not its file name. The next occurrence of this flow will trigger theflow you are presently creating.

8. Optional. In the Owner field, specify the name of the user who owns the flow.If you own the flow, you do not need to specify a name—the name willdefault to your own.

9. In the Duration field, specify the number of minutes in the past to detect theproxy event.

10. In the Event type field, select The flow completes successfully.11. In the Description field, add any descriptive text that may be used for

understanding this event. For example, if this event requires specialinstructions for operations staff, place those instructions here.

12. Click OK. The Triggering Event(s) tab reappears, and the proxy event youdefined appears in the list.

13. Click OK.14. From the Action menu, select Submit to submit the flow. The flow definition

is submitted to Process Manager, where it is triggered when the specified fileevent is true.

Examplesv Triggering when a flow has exit code greater than 3:

The following proxy event triggers the flow when the flow testflow exits with anexit code greater than 3:

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v Triggering when 5 or more jobs in a flow failThe following proxy event triggers the flow when 5 or more jobs in the flowtestflow fail:

From the command line1. On the command line, to achieve the same results, type the following:

jsub -p “flow(numexit(bhorner:testflow)>=5)”2. Press Enter.

Calculation of number of jobs in a flowWhen Process Manager calculates the number of jobs in a flow, for successful jobs,failed jobs, and so on, it does not count the jobs in a subflow, and it counts a jobarray as a single job. It also does not count other work items in the flow, such asevents or alarms.

Run a flow when a proxy job completesProcedure1. In the Flow Editor, open the flow definition.2. Right-click in an empty space in the flow definition and select Flow Attribute.

The Flow Attributes dialog box displays.3. Click the Triggering Events tab.4. Click Add to define an event to trigger the flow. The Trigger Flow with Events

dialog box displays.5. In the Select type of event field, select Proxy Event.6. In the Create proxy for... box, leave the default at Job.7. In the Job name field, specify the fully qualified name of the job, in the

following format:flow_name:subflow_name:job_name

If the job is not defined within a subflow, simply specify the flow name andthe job name, separated by a colon.


You cannot specify a proxy for a manual job.8. If the flow containing the job is not owned by your user ID, in the Owner

field, specify the user ID that owns the flow containing the proxy job.9. In the Duration field, specify the number of minutes in the past to detect the

proxy event.

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10. In the Event type field, select the type of dependency you want to use totrigger the flow, and the appropriate operator and values.

11. In the Description field, add any descriptive text that may be used forunderstanding this event.

12. Click OK. The Triggering Event(s) tab reappears, and the proxy event youdefined appears in the list.

13. Click OK.14. From the Action menu, select Submit to submit the flow. The flow definition

is submitted to Process Manager, where it is triggered when the specified fileevent is true.

From the command line—trigger when job failsProcedure1. On the command line, to trigger when the job fails, type the following:

jsub -p “job(exit(bhorner:testflow:J2))”2. Press Enter.

Flow attributesYou can specify the following flow attributes:v A description of the flowv Email notification about the flowv Preventing concurrent versions of the same flowv Automatic exception handling of the flow

Flow description

You can use the description field of a flow to include any instructions regardingthe flow, or to include general descriptions about what this flow does. This isespecially useful if your site uses shared flows, that might be reused by anotheruser.

Flow working directory

You can specify the working directory for the flow. All valid inner work items(subflows, jobs, and job arrays) in the flow will use this directory as the workingdirectory unless you further specify a working directory for the inner work item.

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In this case, the working directory setting for the inner work item will override thesetting for this flow. The working directory is also the work item's submissiondirectory(the directory from which the work item is submitted).

You can also specify the flow working directory by triggering a flow and settingthe variable JS_FLOW_WORKING_DIR.

If you do not specify the flow working directory in the flow definition and youspecify JS_FLOW_WORKING_DIR when you trigger the flow, the value youspecify with the variable becomes the flow's default working directory. If theworking directory is specified in the flow definition, theJS_FLOW_WORKING_DIR variable has no effect.

The override order is:1. The working directory defined at the job level in the flow definition.2. The working directory defined at the flow level in flow definition.3. The working directory passed in with JS_FLOW_WORKING_DIR when the

flow is triggered.

You can use user variables when specifying the working directory.

Email notification for a flow

By default, Process Manager notifies you by email only if your flow exits. You canset the notification options to send an email to you or another user when:v The flow exitsv The flow ends, regardless of its successv The flow startsv The flow starts and exitsv The flow starts and ends, regardless of its success

If the flow exits, the email provides information about the jobs that caused theflow to exit. If you are using the default flow completion criteria, this isinformation about the job or job array that exited. If you specified flowcompletion criteria, this includes on the jobs specified in the flow completioncriteria that exited.You can also turn off flow email notification entirely.At the system level, your Process Manager administrator can turn off flow emailnotification, or limit the size of the emails you receive. If you are not receivingemail notifications you requested, or if your email notifications are truncated,check with your administrator.

Prevent concurrent flows

When you create a flow definition, you can prevent multiple copies of the flowfrom running at the same time. This is useful when you need to run a flowrepeatedly, but any occurrence of the flow must have exclusive access to adatabase, for example.

Specify flow attributesProcedure1. From the Action menu, select Add Flow Attribute or right-click in a blank

section of the flow definition and select Flow Attribute.

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The Flow Attribute dialog box appears.2. On the General tab, enter the description text in the field provided. When you

have finished typing the description, click OK.3. To specify user variables and environment variables, click Modify, which is

located to the right of the Input Variables field.The Flow Input Variables dialog displays a list of input variables that arecurrently defined in the flow, and the order in which they are defined.You can specify variables on a per-flow basis, which allows multiple jobs orsub-flows within a flow to use the same variable; you can specify variablesfrom the job definition dialog, which overrides these flow-level input variables;and you can specify built-in variables.Input variables can only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, anduser variable definitions. No semicolons can be part of the value.


The order in which you define the variables is important. You must define onevariable before you can use it in the next. For example, if you have an inputvariable named MyVar_#{Var1}, you must have defined the Var1 variable first.Var1 can either be defined in the current flow level (if it was defined beforeMyVar_#{Var1}) or at a parent or other upper level flow.v To add an input variable, click New.

Specify a name for the variable. Unless you are explicitly specifying a built-invariable, do not use a variable name beginning with JS_.To define a default value, select the Specify a Default Value field, thenspecifying a default value for the variable. You can include user variableswhen specifying a default value.


Do not specify a default value for a built-in variable.v To modify an input variable, select the variable you want to edit and click

Edit.v To remove an input variable, select the variable you want to remove and

click Remove.The environment variables defined in the list can only be used in the currentflow or sub-flow, though any environment variables listed at the parent flowlevel are propagated to its subflows. Variables defined in sub-flows willoverwrite variables defined in the main flow or parent flows if they have thesame name.Changing environment variables in a job cannot affect other jobs. Therefore, ifone job changes the value of an environment variable, the same environmentvariable is unaffected in the next job, even if it runs after the first job.The names and values of local and environment variables that a job usesappear in the Runtime Attributes of that job.

4. Optional. To specify a working directory at the flow level, use the Workingdirectory field.


You can use user variables when specifying the working directory.

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All valid inner work items (subflows, jobs, and job arrays) in the flow will usethis directory as the working directory unless you further specify a workingdirectory for the inner work item. In this case, the working directory setting forthe inner work item will override the setting for this flow.

5. In the Notify when flow field, select the appropriate notification option. Toreceive a notification only if a flow exits, leave the default at Notify when flowexits. Otherwise, leave Notify when flow checked, and select the desiredoption.

6. In the Email address field, specify the email address to be notified. The defaultemail address is your user name.


You can use user variables when specifying the email address.7. To prevent concurrent versions of the same flow, in the Options box, check

Allow only one flow to run at a time.8. Click OK.

Turn off email notification for a flowProcedure1. On the General tab, uncheck Notify when flow. This does not affect email

notifications regarding job completion.2. Click OK.

Run your flow onceWhen you have finished creating a flow definition, you can run the flowimmediately from the Flow Editor. You may want to do this to test the jobsequence in a flow, or when the flow is to be run only once, and not on a recurringschedule. If you plan to run a flow again, or on a recurring basis, ensure that yousubmit the flow definition.

From the Flow EditorProcedure1. Ensure that the Process Manager Server is up and running.2. When you have completed the flow definition, from the Action menu, select

Run Now.3. In the Run Flow Confirmation dialog, click Yes. The flow will run once. A copy

of the flow definition is not retained in the Flow Manager. You can view theflow from your adhoc folder in the Flow Manager.

From the command lineProcedure1. On the command line, type the following:

jrun flow_file_name

where flow_file_name is the full path name of the file containing the flowdefinition.

2. Press Enter.

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Submit your flow definitionAbout this task

Until you submit a flow definition, Process Manager is not aware of it. Submittinga flow definition places it under the control of Process Manager. Once a flowdefinition is submitted, Process Manager determines when the flow is to run, andtriggers it as appropriate.

When you have completed defining your flow, it is recommended that you savethe flow before you submit it.

You can optionally submit your flow with versioning comments, which makes iteasier to track different versions of the flow.

Procedurev Submit your flow without version comments.v Submit your flow with version comments.


When the flow is submitted successfully, you will receive a confirmation messagewith the version number of the flow. New flows are submitted as version 1.0.

What to do next

After submitting the flow to Process Manager, it is not published by default. Topublish a flow, run the Flow Manager as an administrator, right-click the flow, andselect Publish. To unpublish the flow, right-click the published flow and selectUnpublish.

Submit your flow without version commentsProcedure1. In the flow editor, select the flow definition that you want to submit.2. From the Action menu, select Submit.3. If the flow editor displays a Flow exists dialog, specify the method of flow

submission.v To assign the flow as a new version, click Update.

The new flow exists as a new version of the existing flow.v To assign the flow as a duplicate, click Duplicate.

The new flow exists as a separate, independent flow.


If you delete a flow, then later add a flow with the same name as the deletedflow, the new flow is treated as a new flow rather than a new version of theprevious flow.

Submit your flow with version commentsProcedure1. In the flow editor, select the flow definition that you want to submit.2. From the Action menu, select Submit with comment....

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The Set Comments window displays.3. In the Comments for the flow field, specify the comments for the flow version.4. Click OK to submit the flow.

If there is a flow with the same name, the flow editor displays a Flow existsdialog.

5. If the flow editor displays a Flow exists dialog, specify the method of flowsubmission.v To assign the flow as a new version, click Update.

The new flow exists as a new version of the existing flow.v To assign the flow as a duplicate, click Duplicate.

The new flow exists as a separate, independent flow.


If you delete a flow, then later add a flow with the same name as the deletedflow, the new flow is treated as a new flow rather than a new version of theprevious flow.

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Chapter 6. Control a Flow

When you have created a flow definition and scheduled it, or submitted it to betriggered manually, a copy of the flow definition is stored within the ProcessManager system. You can trigger a flow at any time once its definition is known toProcess Manager. You trigger the flow using Flow Manager or the command lineinterface.

When you trigger a flow definition manually, when you run a flow definitionimmediately, or when a flow definition is triggered automatically via an event, aflow is created. You can view and control these flows from within the FlowManager.

About the Flow ManagerYou use the Flow Manager to view the status of flows, jobs, job arrays andsubflows that are currently in the system, or have run recently. You also use theFlow Manager to:v Trigger a flowv Place a flow definition on hold, or release it from holdv Kill, suspend, resume or rerun a flowv Remove a flowv Kill, run or rerun a jobv Force a job to complete

The Process Manager Server must be running before you can open the FlowManager.

About Flow Manager views

The Flow Manager user interface consists of two panes:

The left-hand pane controls the flow data that is displayed in the right-hand pane.You can look at the data in the following views:v By Definition—Displays flow definitions organized by the user who submitted

them.You can see flow definitions in the tree in the form:– flow_definition_submitter:flow_name [(On Hold)][(Published)]

- flow_id (flow_owner)(flow_state)v By Flow User—flow definitions and flows are sorted by user who owns them:

the user who triggered the flow.When the By Flow User view is selected, the left-hand pane lists all the flowdefinitions known to the Process Manager Server, and any running flows. Theyare grouped by user, in an expandable tree structure, similar to WindowsExplorer.You can see flows in the tree in the form:– flow_owner

- flow_id (flow_definition_submitter:flow_name)(flow_state)v By State—flows are sorted by their current state.

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When the By State view is selected, the left-hand pane lists all the flows in thesystem, grouped by state. This allows you to look only at Exited flows, forexample. The states are listed in a tree structure, similar to Windows Explorer.You can see flows in the tree in the form:flow_state

– flow_owner

–- flow_id (flow_definition_submitter:flow_name)

v By Event—flows are sorted by their triggering events.When the By Event view is selected, the left-hand pane lists all the flows in thesystem, grouped by triggering event. This allows you to see all flows that aretriggered at a particular time, or all flows that are waiting for a particular file toarrive. The events are listed in a tree structure, similar to Windows Explorer.You can see flows in the tree in the form:event_name

– flow_definition_submitter:flow_name [(On Hold)] [(Published)]

–- flow_id (flow_owner) (flow_state)

When a view is selected, the right-hand pane shows the graphical illustration ofthe currently selected flow definition or flow.

The left-hand pane also contains an optional legend, which displays the meaningof each of the states you may see in the left pane.v You can also view the following information by selecting it in the left-hand

pane:– Alarms—the current list of alarms that have been opened– Manual jobs—the list of manual jobs requiring acknowledgement

System status

You can view the current status of the Process Manager system from the Viewmenu, by selecting System Status. The System Status view displays the status ofthe Process Manager agents—the hosts that run the jobs.

List of alarms

When you choose to view the alarms (from the View menu, select Alarms), awindow shows all of the open alarms in the system. Open alarms remain in the listuntil the history log file containing the alarm is archived or deleted.

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List of manual jobs

When you choose to view manual jobs (from the View menu, select Manual Jobs),a window displays all of the manual jobs in the Process Manager system. Thosethat are waiting for acknowledgement now have a check mark in the CompletionRequired field.

About the toolbar

The Flow Manager toolbar looks like this:

Real-time dataThe data displayed in the Flow Manager is intended to reflect real-time status ofthe flows in the system. The Flow Manager display is set to refresh automaticallyevery 5 minutes. Depending on the number of flows in the system, you may wantto change that value, or turn off automatic refresh entirely.

Refresh the data displayed manuallyProcedure

Click the refresh button or from the View menu, select Refresh.

Change the automatic refresh intervalProcedure1. From the File menu, select Properties.

The Properties dialog is displayed.2. Specify the number of seconds between refreshes of the data.3. Click OK.

Print dataAbout this task

From any view in the Flow Manager, you can print the data displayed. Particularlywhen viewing a flow or flow definition, you may want to preview the data to beprinted.

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Procedure1. From the File menu, select Print Preview to see how your flow will look on

paper.You can adjust the spacing in your flow to avoid breaking icons at a pageboundary.

2. From the File menu, select Print and click OK.

Filter the data displayed in the tree viewYou can filter the data displayed in the tree view, to limit the data to that whichmeets your needs. This is especially useful when your Process Manager systemruns many hundreds of flows and you do not want to download unnecessaryamounts of data to your client machine. The following are some of the ways youmay want to filter the data: When viewing flows by state, and you want to limitthe flows displayed to those owned by a particular user, when you want to limitthe flows displayed to those that ran during the last hour or two, or when youwant to limit the flows displayed to those that ran within a particular timewindow.

Limit the flows displayed to those owned by a userProcedure1. In the Flow Manager, select the view of the data you want—by state or by

event by clicking the appropriate tab at the top of the left pane.2. From the View menu, select Set Filter....3. In the User field, specify the name of the user whose flows you want to see.

4. Click OK. The view of the flows is refreshed with the new filter applied.

Limit the flows displayed to last x hoursProcedure1. In the Flow Manager, select the view of the data you want—by state or by

event by clicking the appropriate tab at the top of the left pane.2. From the View menu, select Set Filter....3. Click Specify the time range.4. In the Within the last field, specify the number of hours of flow data to


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5. Click OK. The view of the flows is refreshed with the new filter applied.

Limit the flows displayed to a time periodProcedure1. In the Flow Manager, select the view of the data you want—by state or by

event by clicking the appropriate tab at the top of the left pane.2. From the View menu, select Set Filter....3. Click Specify the time range.4. Select From.5. In the first input field, specify the starting date and time of the time period for

which you want to display flows.6. In the second input field, specify the ending date and time of the time period

for which you want to display flows.

7. Click OK. The view of the flows is refreshed with the new filter applied.

Trigger a flowWhen you create a flow definition that is not triggered automatically by an event,it needs to be triggered explicitly before it can run. You can trigger it manuallyfrom the Flow Editor by specifying Run Now. However, the flow runs only once,and the definition is not stored in the Process Manager system where it can be runagain. If you want to be able to run a flow more than once, but to trigger itmanually as required, you submit the flow definition, specifying that it will betriggered manually. The flow definition is submitted to Process Manager, where itawaits a manual trigger.When you trigger a flow, you can pass parameters to theflow using user variable and value pairs. The values are available to any job in theflow, for the life of the flow. For example, you can use this to specify the path tothe data files to be processed.

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Trigger a flow

From the Flow ManagerProcedure1. In the Flow Manager, select By Definition.2. In the tree view of the Flow Manager, expand the tree until you see the flow

definition you want to trigger.3. Right-click on the flow definition, and select Trigger. A flow is created and run.

From the command lineProcedure1. On the command line, type the following:

jtrigger flow_definition_name

where flow_definition_name is the name of the flow definition you want totrigger.

2. Press Enter.

Trigger a flow, passing it values for variables

From the Flow ManagerProcedure1. In the tree view of the Flow Manager, expand the tree until you see the flow

definition you want to trigger.2. Right-click on the flow definition, and select Trigger, then select With

Variables. The Pass Variables to Flow dialog box appears.

3. Specify the parameters to pass in the following format:variable=value;variable=value...

4. Click OK. A flow is created and run.

View a flow definition and specify versioning optionsAbout this task

When working within the Flow Manager, you are not limited to working withflows—you can also view the definition of a flow.

Procedure1. In the Flow Manager, select By Flow User.2. Under the appropriate user ID in the tree view, locate the flow definition you

want to view. It is listed by name, above every occurrence of the flow that is inthe system.

3. Right-click on the definition name, and select View Flow. The flow definition isdisplayed in the right-hand pane. You cannot edit the definition here—you canonly change the definition in the Flow Editor.

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View VersionAbout this task

You can view the version history of the flow to see the different versions of theflow that are submitted.

You may also set any eligible flows to be the default version. The default versionof the flow is the version set to be effective at the current time. If you trigger thisflow, Process Manager will instantiate the flow instance with the default version.

In a dynamic subflow that is automatically updated, the currently-used version isthe same as the default version. In a dynamic subflow that is manually updated,the currently-used version is the default version of the target flow at the main flowsubmission time, or the default version at the time that you last manually updatedthe dynamic subflow.

Procedure1. In the Flow Manager, select By Definition.2. Under the appropriate user ID in the tree view, locate the flow definition you

want to view.3. Right-click on the definition name, and select View Version.

The Flow Version window displays. This window initially displays the versionof the corresponding flow definition when the flow instance is instantiated(Current® Version), and the latest version of the corresponding flow definition(Latest Version).

4. Click View History to expand the version history list.A scroll panel with the flow version, submission time, and comments isdisplayed. The comments shows any comments made with the Submit withcomments... option for submitting a flow.

5. Optional. Specify the default version options.v In a static subflow, to set a flow version to be the default version, select a

version in the expanded version history list and click Set Default Version.


The Set Default Version might not be available under certain circumstances.For example, you will not be able to set a default version when viewing thehistory of a flow instance from the tree view.

v In a dynamic subflow, specify the default version update options in Updateto default version.You can select automatic or manual updates, and you can choose tomanually update the dynamic subflow now.

View StatisticsAbout this task

You can view relevant flow instance information summary:

Procedure1. In the Flow Manager, select By Definition.2. Under the appropriate user ID in the tree view, locate the flow definition you

want to view.

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3. Right-click on the definition name, and select View Statistics.

View inter-flow relationshipsAbout this task

You can view all of your flow definitions in Process Manager using the GlobalView option in the Flow Manager. This allows you to see proxy dependenciesbetween flows.

The global view displays inter-flow relationships in a graphical format: it shows agraphical representation of each of the events that trigger a flow, it showsdependency lines between flows, and it shows curved, dotted dependency linesthat represent dependencies on proxies within a flow.

You use the global view to see how your flow definitions relate to each other, andto see what triggers each flow. From the global view, you can:v See the entire business processv See what events are used to trigger each flowv See proxy dependencies between flowsv Manually complete an inter-flow dependencyv See flows that other flows are dependent upon that have not yet been submitted

to Process Manager, or are on hold, waiting for a manual trigger

View the events that trigger a flow:

Procedure1. Open the Flow Manager.2. From the View menu, select Global View. The Global Definition View appears,

where the flow definitions are shown graphically. An event that triggers a flowis displayed to the left of the flow, with a dependency arrow drawn betweenthem. In the following example, the flow is triggered by a time event:

View proxy dependencies that trigger flowsProcedure1. Open the Flow Manager.2. From the View menu, select Global View. The flow definitions are shown

graphically in the right-hand pane. An event that triggers a flow is displayed tothe left of the flow, with a dependency arrow drawn between them, as shown:A proxy event that triggers a flow is displayed to the left of the flow, with adependency arrow drawn between them. In the following example, bothExample_1 and myflow are dependent on the completion of recovery. Thesedependencies were defined as proxy events on the flow recovery.

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In the following example, myflow triggers when J1 in recovery completes. Thisdependency was defined as a proxy event on recovery:J1.

View proxy dependencies within a flowProcedure1. Open the Flow Manager.2. From the View menu, select Global View. The flow definitions are shown

graphically in the right-hand pane. A proxy dependency on a work item withina flow is represented by a curved, dotted line running from the flow containingthe actual work item to another flow containing the proxy to the work item.Refer to the following example:

In the above example, flowd has a dependency on a work item in flowc.3. To see a description of the proxy dependency, double-click on the curved

arrow. The Proxy Summary dialog appears, displaying information about theproxy event:

Manually complete an inter-flow dependencyProcedure1. Open the Flow Manager.2. From the View menu, select Global View. The flow definitions are shown

graphically in the right-hand pane. An event that triggers a flow is displayed tothe left of the flow, with a dependency arrow drawn between them.

3. Right-click on the dependency line representing the dependency you want tocomplete.

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4. Select Complete Dependency. The dependency is completed, removing thedependency only for this occurrence of the flow. Completing a dependency hasno impact on the flow definition.


Removing a dependency does not automatically make a flow eligible to run—ifit has other dependencies, it will wait for those to be met, unless you completethem also.

View dependencies on flows that do not exist or are on holdProcedure1. Open the Flow Manager.2. From the View menu, select Global View. The flow definitions are shown

graphically in the right-hand pane. An event that triggers a flow is displayed tothe left of the flow, with a dependency arrow drawn between them.When a flow has a dependency on another flow whose definition does not yetexist in Process Manager, the global view looks like this example, whererecovery has been submitted, but payupdt has not:

When a flow has a dependency on another flow that is on hold, awaiting amanual trigger, the global view looks like this example, where payprt dependson Example_1, which must be triggered manually:

Determine the status of jobs in a flowWhen you view a running flow, you can see the progress as a job runs. There aremultiple ways to determine the current status of a job:v By the color of the box around the work item iconv By the text displayed when you place your mouse over the work item iconv By the state shown in the Runtime Attributes dialog

Colored border around the icon

The Flow Manager uses a colored border around the job, job array, subflow andmanual job icons to indicate their current state.

When the Color is ... The State is ... Which means the Work Item ...

Blue Done Completed successfully

Red Exit Failed

Killed Was killed when the flow was killed

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When the Color is ... The State is ... Which means the Work Item ...

Green Running Is currently running

Waiting for completion Manual Job completion required

Brown Pending in LSF Is pending in LSF—the job is waitingin a queue for scheduling anddispatch.

Process Manager considers these jobsto be the same as Running. Unlessotherwise specified, anything thatapplies to Running jobs also appliesto jobs that are Pending in LSF.

Yellow/orange Waiting Is waiting to be dispatched, or wassuspended while it was waiting

Initializing Is still initializing

Black Suspended Was suspended after the flow startedto run

Initializing Suspended Was suspended while the flow wasinitializing

Waiting Suspended Was suspended while the job waswaiting to be dispatched

Gray On hold Is held in the flow definition—itcannot be run

In the following example, the flow testflow was running. J1 with a blue bordercompleted successfully. J2 with a green border is currently running. J3 has a yellowborder—it is waiting.

Fly-over mouse text

When you place your mouse over a work item within a flow, a popup windowappears for a short period of time that describes the state of the work item. Forexample:

Runtime attributes

When you view the runtime attributes of a work item, its state is displayed, withother information about the work item. For example:

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Manually complete a dependencyAbout this task

You can manually complete a dependency, so that a work item no longer needs towait for that dependency to be met. You can select any dependency within a flowand complete it. This is useful if the duration on a file event has expired, and thefile is now available, or if you determine that the dependency can never be met,and there is a case for running the work item anyway.You can also manuallycomplete a dependency that triggers a flow.

Procedure1. To manually complete a dependency within a flow, open the flow in the Flow

Manager. To manually complete a dependency that triggers a flow, from theView menu, select Global View to display all of the flows.

2. Right-click on the dependency line representing the dependency you want tocomplete.

3. Select Complete Dependency. The dependency is completed, removing thedependency only for this occurrence of the flow. Completing a dependency hasno impact on the flow definition.


Removing a dependency does not automatically make a work item eligible torun—if it has other dependencies, it will wait for those to be met, unless youcomplete them also.

Kill a running jobYou can kill an individual job that is running, without killing the entire flow. Notethat you cannot kill a manual job.

From the Flow ManagerProcedure1. In the Flow Manager, locate the flow containing the job you want to kill, and

open the flow.2. Locate the job you want to kill, and right click on it.3. From the menu, select Kill.

From the command lineProcedure1. On the command line, specify the following:

jjob -i flow_id -k flow_name[:subflow_name]:job_name

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where flow_ID is the unique flow ID containing the job you want to kill,flow_name is the name of your flow, subflow_name is the name of your subflow(if you have one), and job_name is the name of your job.

2. Press Enter.

Run or rerun a single jobAbout this task

You can run or rerun a single job directly from the Flow Manager. You may wantto use this option to debug a flow, or to run a single job to fix a flow. You can usethis option to rerun a job, regardless of whether the job failed or completedsuccessfully.

You can run or rerun a job in a suspended flow, but the state of the flow does notchange. If you specify a rerun exception handler to rerun a job, and the flow issuspended, the job does not run until the flow has been resumed.

When you rerun a job in a flow that is running, successor work items run asdesigned.

When you rerun a job in a flow that is Exited or Killed, only the job runs—itssuccessors do not. If you want to rerun more than one job, you must wait until onejob completes before rerunning the next—you rerun them one at a time. If youwant to rerun multiple jobs, or if you want the successor jobs to run, you need torerun the flow.

Procedure1. Locate the flow containing the job you want to run, and open the flow.2. Locate the job you want to run, and right click on it.3. From the menu, select Run. The job will be run, but its successors may not,

depending on the state of the flow.

From the command lineProcedure1. On the command line, specify the following:

jjob -i flow_id -r flow_name[:subflow_name]:job_name

where flow_ID is the unique flow ID containing the job you want to run,flow_name is the name of your flow, subflow_name is the name of your subflow(if you have one), and job_name is the name of your job.

2. Press Enter.

Stop a flow at a specific point by putting a job on holdAbout this task

In some cases, you may want to stop a flow at a specific point so that you can fixproblems. You can do this by putting a job in the flow on hold.

When you put a job in the flow on hold:v The job receives the status On Hold. The status of the flow is not affected.v The flow pauses at that specific job.

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Only the branch of the flow that contains the job that is On Hold pauses. Otherbranches of the flow continue to run.

Only jobs in the Waiting state can be put on hold. When desired, you can thenrelease the job that you have put on hold. The flow instance continues to run andthe job receives the status Waiting.

You can put on hold LSF jobs, job submission scripts, local jobs, job arrays, and jobarray scripts.

If the selected job is in a flow array, by default the hold applies to the job in theelement the job is in. You can, alternatively, apply the hold to jobs in all elementsin the flow array.

Only users who own the flow, the Process Manager administrator, or ProcessManager control administrator can hold and release LSF jobs, job submissionscripts, local jobs, job arrays, and job array scripts.

Procedure1. Select the By Definition tab, and double-click a flow to display it.2. Select the desired job in the Waiting state in the flow, right-click and choose


From the command lineProcedure1. On the command line, specify the following for a job in the Waiting state:

jjob -i flow_id -p flow_name[:subflow_name]:job_name

where flow_ID is the unique flow ID containing the job you want to put onhold, flow_name is the name of your flow, subflow_name is the name of yoursubflow (if you have one), and job_name is the name of your job.

2. Press Enter.The job will be put on hold.


To release the job at a later time, use the -g option on the command line.

Mark a job completeAbout this task

You can mark a job complete without actually running the job. Use this optionwhen you want a flow to continue running, even though the job failed or did notrun. Marking a job complete does not actually run the job—it just changes its state.You mark a job complete so that its successor jobs can run when you rerun theflow.You can only complete a job in a flow that has exited.

Procedure1. Locate the flow containing the job you want to mark complete, and open the

flow.2. Locate the job you want to mark complete, and right click on it.3. From the menu, select Complete Job.

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From the command lineProcedure1. On the command line, specify the following:

jjob -i flow_ID -c flow_name[:subflow_name]:job_name

where flow_ID is the unique flow ID containing the job you want to markcomplete, flow_name is the name of your flow, .subflow_name is the name ofyour subflow (if you have one) and job_name is the name of your job.

2. Press Enter.

Work with manual jobsA flow containing a manual job cannot complete its processing until the manualjob has been explicitly completed. When a flow progresses to the point where themanual job is next in the work flow, that branch of the flow (or the entire flow)halts. A notification is sent to a specified email address, indicating that the manualjob is awaiting completion. Generally, this requires completing the actual taskassociated with the manual job and then completing the manual job to indicatethat the task is complete.You can complete a manual job using the Flow Manageror using the command line interface.

View the manual jobs awaiting for completionProcedure

In the Flow Manager, from the View menu, select Manual Jobs. The Manual Jobswindow appears, listing the manual jobs that are not yet completed.Note that not all manual jobs in this list are ready to be completed. Those manual

jobs that are awaiting completion have a check mark in the Completion Requiredcolumn.

From the command lineProcedure1. On the command line, type the following:


2. Press Enter.

Complete a manual jobProcedure1. In the Flow Manager, from the View menu, select Manual Jobs. The Manual

Jobs window appears.2. Locate the manual job in the list—it will have a check mark in the Completion

Required column.3. Ensure that the manual task associated with this manual job has been

completed, and complete the manual job. Left-click or right-click on the job toselect it.

4. Click the Complete Manual Job button. The Complete manual job dialogappears.

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5. If applicable, in the Comments field, specify any comments required todescribe what happened. For example:

The description you enter here appears in the Runtime Attributes of the manualjob.

6. Click Complete Manual Job.

From the command lineProcedure1. On the command line, type the following:

jcomplete -i flow_id flow_name[:subflow_name]:job_name

where flow_id is the unique ID of the flow containing the manual job, andflow_name[:subflow_name]:job_name is the fully qualified name of the manualjob to complete.

2. Press Enter.

Completing manual jobs with exit codesYou can specify exit codes when completing manual jobs. The exit code youspecify determines the state of the manual job. Exit codes can be any number from0 to 255.

If you did not define custom success exit codes in the Manual Job Definition, anexit code of 0 indicates the manual job was successful and the state is set to Done.Any other exit code indicates the manual job failed and its state is set to Exit.

If you defined custom success exit codes in the Manual Job Definition, an exit codeof 0 and any of the numbers you specified in the Non-zero success exit codes fieldindicates the manual job was successful and the state is set to Done. Any other exitcode indicates the manual job failed and its state is set to Exit.

Complete a manual job with an exit codeProcedure1. In Flow Manager, select the manual job, right-click and select Complete

Manual Job.2. In the Exit code field, enter the exit code for the job.3. Click the Complete Manual Job button.

You can view the exit code you entered by selecting the manual job,right-clicking and choosing View Runtime Attributes.

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From the command-lineUse the jcomplete command with the -e option.

Example: Complete a manual job with exit code 4jcomplete -d "printed check numbers 4002 to 4532" -e 4 -i 42 payprt:checkprinter

completes the manual job checkprinter with exit code 4 in the flow payprt withflow ID 42, and adds the comment "printed check numbers 4002 to 4532".

Work with proxiesAbout this task

Proxies are used to represent work items that run within another flow, or torepresent another flow. Another work item can depend on the success or failure ofa proxy. A proxy event can be used to trigger a flow, or to trigger a work itemwithin a flow.

Using the Flow Manager, you can do the following with proxies:v See if any proxies of a work item exist.v If proxies to a work item exist, see a list of those work items that depend on

them. This allows you to determine the impact that a work item has on otherflows.

v Locate a proxy dependantv Manually complete a proxy dependencyv View the inter-flow relationships established by defining proxies, using the

global view.

Proxy dependants—those work items that depend on a proxy— are listed in theShow Proxy Dependants dialog. The list of proxy dependants includes everylocation where dependants to the proxy are defined, including both flowdefinitions and flow instances. If no flow ID is listed in the Flow ID column, theitem listed is a flow definition.

The Show Proxy Dependants dialog shows the flow ID where the dependant runs,if applicable, the name of the dependant, including flow and subflow names, ifapplicable, the owner of the flow and the condition under which the dependantruns.

If you double-click on a work item listed in the Show Proxy Dependants dialog,the flow definition or flow containing that work item is opened. However, youcannot change the definition here—you need to change it in the Flow Editor andresubmit it.

To see if any proxies of a work item in a flow exist:

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Procedure1. Open the flow containing the work item.2. Right-click on the work item for which you want to check for proxies.3. Select Show Proxy Dependants. The Show Proxy Dependants dialog appears.

If any proxies to this work item exist, the work items that depend on them arelisted here.

See if any proxies of a flow existProcedure1. In the tree view, right-click on the flow definition name.2. Select Show Proxy Dependants. The Show Proxy Dependants dialog appears.If

any proxies to this flow exist, the work items that depend on them are listedhere.

Navigate to a proxy dependantProcedure1. Open the flow containing the work item.2. Right-click on the work item for which you want to check for proxies.3. Select Show Proxy Dependants. The Show Proxy Dependants dialog appears.

If any proxies to this work item exist, the work items that depend on them arelisted here.

4. In the list of proxy dependants, double-click on the work item you want tolocate. The flow or flow definition containing the work item is opened in theright-hand pane.

Manually complete a proxy dependencyProcedure1. Open the flow containing the work item.2. Right-click on the work item for which you want to check for proxies.3. Select Show Proxy Dependants. The Show Proxy Dependants dialog appears.

If any proxies to this work item exist, the work items that depend on them arelisted here.

4. In the list of proxy dependants, double-click on the work item you want tolocate. The flow containing the work item is opened in the right-hand pane.

5. Right-click on the dependency line running from the proxy to the proxydependant.

6. Select Complete Dependency. The dependency is completed, removing thedependency only for this occurrence of the flow. Completing a dependency hasno impact on the flow definition.


Removing a dependency does not automatically make a work item eligible torun—if it has other dependencies, it will wait for those to be met, unless youcomplete them also.

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Kill a running flowAbout this task

You can kill a flow any time after it has started running. Killing a flow kills anywork items within the flow that have not yet completed.

Procedure1. In the Flow Manager, select the most appropriate view for finding the flow.2. In the tree view, locate the flow you want to kill.3. Right-click on the flow and select Kill. All incomplete or waiting jobs in the

flow are killed.

From the command lineProcedure1. On the command line, type the following:

jkill flow_id

where flow_id is the unique ID of the flow you want to kill.2. Press Enter.

Suspend a running flowAbout this task

You can suspend a flow after it has started running. Suspending a flow suspendsall jobs, job arrays and subflows within the flow that have not yet completed. Anyjobs that were already completed before the flow was suspended are not affectedby either suspending or resuming the flow.

Procedure1. In the Flow Manager, select the most appropriate view for finding the flow.2. In the tree view, locate the flow you want to suspend.3. Right-click on the flow and select Suspend. All incomplete and waiting jobs in

the flow are suspended until they are explicitly resumed.

From the command lineProcedure1. On the command line, specify the following:

jstop flow_id

where flow_id is the unique ID of the flow you want to suspend.2. Press Enter.

Resume a suspended flowAbout this task

You can resume a flow after it has been suspended. Resuming a flow resumes allsuspended jobs, job arrays and subflows within the flow. Any jobs that werealready completed before the flow was suspended are not affected by eithersuspending or resuming the flow.

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Procedure1. In the Flow Manager, select the most appropriate view for finding the flow.2. In the tree view, locate the flow you want to resume.3. Right-click on the flow and select Resume. All suspended jobs in the flow are

now resumed.

From the command lineProcedure1. On the command line, specify the following:

jresume flow_id

where flow_id is the unique ID of the flow you want to resume.2. Press Enter.

Rerun an exited flowAbout this task

You can rerun a flow that has exited, provided that the flow was not killed.

When you rerun a flow, the flow runs again, starting at the jobs that exited andany jobs set as rerun starting points, and all successor jobs are also rerun, even if ajob's status is Done.


Rerunning a flow that contains an alarm will not reopen a previously openedalarm. Similarly, rerunning a flow that contains a manual job that was alreadymarked complete will not reset the state of the manual job. If the flow contains amanual job that was already marked complete, the state of the manual job is resetto waiting, but the manual job will not require completion again—the remainder ofthe flow may not run as designed.

Procedure1. In the Flow Manager, select the most appropriate view for finding the flow.2. In the tree view, locate the flow you want to rerun.3. Ensure that no jobs are still running within the flow—sometimes elements of a

job array or jobs in a subflow may continue to run after a flow exits.4. Right-click on the flow and select Rerun.

The Rerun Flow dialog is displayed.5. Select whether to rerun the flow from exited items and starting points, or from

starting points only and click OK.The flow is rerun, beginning with any jobs that exited, were killed, or were setas rerun starting points.

From the command lineProcedure1. On the command line, specify the following:

jrerun flow_id

where flow_id is the unique ID of the flow you want to rerun.2. Press Enter.

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Set a starting point to rerun a flowAbout this task

By default, when you rerun a flow, the flow continues from exited jobs. Undercertain situations, the root cause of a job failing may be from conditions set by aprevious job, in which case, you will need to rerun the flow from a job that isbefore the exited job. To address this situation, you can use the flow manager toset specific work items in the flow from which to rerun the flow. This allows youto have more flexibility in correcting errors in a flow by rerunning jobs other thanthe last exited job in the flow.

You can only set a rerun starting point for flows that are in an Exited state. Inorder to be set as a rerun starting point, the item in the flow must meet thefollowing requirements:v The item must be in a Done or Exited state.v The item must be one of the following types of work items:

– Job– Job array– Job submission script– Job array submission script– Local job– Template job


You can set multiple work items as rerun starting points. In addition, all exitedjobs in a flow automatically become rerun starting points. This is the defaultbehavior and remains unchanged even when you set other work items as rerunstarting points.

Procedure1. In the Flow Manager, select the most appropriate view for finding the points to

rerun the flow.2. Right-click the work item and select Set as starting point to rerun flow.


When you set a work item to be the starting point to rerun a flow, the work itemwill have a green circle in the top-right corner to indicate that it is the rerunstarting point.

Remove the starting point to rerun a flowAbout this task

To remove a work item as a rerun starting point, use the flow manager to unset awork item as the rerun starting flow.

Procedure1. In the Flow Manager, select the appropriate work item to find the points to

rerun the flow.2. Right-click the work item and select Unset as starting point to rerun flow.

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Rerun a flow while a job is still runningAbout this task

You can rerun a flow that has the Running, Exit, or Done state.

This is useful for flows that have several branches. When one branch fails, you canrerun the branch without waiting for other branches of the flow to complete.

You can:v Set or unset starting points when there are still jobs running in the flow.v Choose whether to rerun the flow from:v

– Exited items and starting points. The flow will rerun from any starting points,exited work items, and, from the item following any manually completed jobsprovided dependencies are met.

– Starting points only. The flow will rerun only from starting points.

Note that you can only rerun a running flow if the part of the flow to be rerundoes not overlap with items that are currently running.

Procedure1. In the Flow Manager, select the most appropriate view for finding the flow.2. In the tree view, locate the flow you want to rerun.3. Right-click on the flow and select Rerun.

The Rerun Flow dialog is displayed.4. Select whether to rerun the flow from exited items and starting points, or from

starting points only and click OK.The flow is rerun, beginning with any jobs that exited, were killed, or were setas rerun starting points.

Rerun an exited job arrayAbout this task

You can rerun an exited job array. You can rerun the entire job array, or only thoseelements of the array that exited. When you rerun an exited job array, the job arrayhas a new ID.


Rerunning an exited job array that triggers an alarm will not reopen a previouslyopened alarm.

Procedure1. In the Flow Manager, locate the job array you want to rerun.2. Right-click on the job array and select Run.

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Hold a flow definitionAbout this task

You can hold a flow definition that has been submitted to the Process Managersystem. You do this when it has been scheduled to trigger automatically, but youdo not want that automatic trigger to happen for some period of time. Forexample, you may do this when you first submit the flow definition but are notquite ready to put it into production, or when you require a maintenance window.The flow definition remains on hold until it is explicitly released.

When a flow definition is on hold, it cannot be triggered automatically, but can stillbe triggered manually.

Procedure1. In the Flow Manager, select By Definition.2. Expand the tree view until you see the flow definition you want to hold.3. Right-click on the flow definition and select Hold. The status of the flow

definition changes to On Hold.

From the command lineProcedure1. On the command line, type the following:

jhold flow_definition_name

where flow_definition_name is the name of the flow definition you want to placeon hold.

2. Press Enter.

Releasing a flow definition from holdAbout this task

When a flow definition is placed on hold, it cannot be triggered automatically untilit has been explicitly released.

Procedure1. In the Flow Manager, select By Definition.2. Expand the tree view until you see the flow you want to release.3. Right-click on the flow definition and select Release. The status of the flow

definition changes to Released.

From the command lineProcedure1. On the command line, type the following:

jrelease flow_name

where flow_name is the name of the flow definition you want to release.2. Press Enter.

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View a flow definition and specify versioning optionsAbout this task

When working within the Flow Manager, you are not limited to working withflows—you can also view the definition of a flow.

Procedure1. In the Flow Manager, select By Flow User.2. Under the appropriate user ID in the tree view, locate the flow definition you

want to view. It is listed by name, above every occurrence of the flow that is inthe system.

3. Right-click on the definition name, and select View Flow. The flow definition isdisplayed in the right-hand pane. You cannot edit the definition here—you canonly change the definition in the Flow Editor.

View VersionAbout this task

You can view the version history of the flow to see the different versions of theflow that are submitted.

You may also set any eligible flows to be the default version. The default versionof the flow is the version set to be effective at the current time. If you trigger thisflow, Process Manager will instantiate the flow instance with the default version.

In a dynamic subflow that is automatically updated, the currently-used version isthe same as the default version. In a dynamic subflow that is manually updated,the currently-used version is the default version of the target flow at the main flowsubmission time, or the default version at the time that you last manually updatedthe dynamic subflow.

Procedure1. In the Flow Manager, select By Definition.2. Under the appropriate user ID in the tree view, locate the flow definition you

want to view.3. Right-click on the definition name, and select View Version.

The Flow Version window displays. This window initially displays the versionof the corresponding flow definition when the flow instance is instantiated(Current Version), and the latest version of the corresponding flow definition(Latest Version).

4. Click View History to expand the version history list.A scroll panel with the flow version, submission time, and comments isdisplayed. The comments shows any comments made with the Submit withcomments... option for submitting a flow.

5. Optional. Specify the default version options.v In a static subflow, to set a flow version to be the default version, select a

version in the expanded version history list and click Set Default Version.


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The Set Default Version might not be available under certain circumstances.For example, you will not be able to set a default version when viewing thehistory of a flow instance from the tree view.

v In a dynamic subflow, specify the default version update options in Updateto default version.You can select automatic or manual updates, and you can choose tomanually update the dynamic subflow now.

View StatisticsAbout this task

You can view relevant flow instance information summary:

Procedure1. In the Flow Manager, select By Definition.2. Under the appropriate user ID in the tree view, locate the flow definition you

want to view.3. Right-click on the definition name, and select View Statistics.

Remove a flow definitionAbout this task

When you no longer require a flow definition, you can remove it from the list offlows the Process Manager system knows about.If you remove a flow definition,and some flows belonging to the flow definition are still in the Process Managersystem, they appear in the Flow Manager in the adhoc folder.

Procedure1. In the Flow Manager, select By Definition.2. In the tree view, locate the flow definition you want to remove.3. Right-click on the flow definition and select Remove Flow.4. Confirm that you want to remove this definition. The flow definition is

removed from the system.

From the command lineProcedure1. On the command line, type the following:

jremove flow_name

where flow_name is the name of the flow definition you want to remove.2. Press Enter.

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Chapter 7. Mainframe support

Process Manager with IBM® z/OS® mainframe support allows you to dispatch jobsto a mainframe and monitor their progress using FTP (file transfer protocol)technology on Microsoft® Windows® or UNIX.

z/OS® is an operating system for IBM’s zSeries mainframes.

For more information about z/OS, see IBM’s z/OS website:

How does it work?

The Process Manager daemon (the jfd) supports mainframe by submitting an LSFproxy job which controls the FTP to the mainframe host. The LSF proxy job(through FTP) submits, monitors, and retrieves the output of the mainframe job.This means that mainframe jobs specify both mainframe and LSF details.

Requirementsv A valid z/OS mainframe user ID

Limitationsv z/OS does not support suspending or resuming jobsv Job arrays for mainframe jobs are not supportedv On Windows, if you want to be able to kill a mainframe job, you must submit

the job to a queue set up specifically for that purpose.

Using mainframeTo use the mainframe support, you must:1. Copy the template file z/OS_Template.xml from JS_TOP/ to

JS_TOP/work/templates.2. Define your template job in Flow Editor.

Define your job

Use the template job feature to define your mainframe job.1. Make sure you have copied the zOS_Template.xml file from

JS_TOP/ to JS_TOP/work/templates.2. Select the Insert Application button from the design palette.

The Insert Application window displays.3. Select zOS Job from the list and click OK.4. Click anywhere on your flow page.

A zOS job is added to your flow.5. Right-click your zOS job and select Open Definition.

The Application Definition window displays:

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On the General tab

Field Description

z/OS host name The full host name where the mainframe job is submittedto.

Login User ID The mainframe log in ID.

Password The mainframe log in password.

Is JCL file located on z/OS host? Location of the JCL file (either on the z/OS host or LSFexecution host).

JCL File Full path to the JCL file to submit with the job.

Output file Full path to the file to receive the mainframe job output.Note: Any existing output file will be overwritten withouta warning.

Estimated run time (in minutes) (Optional) The estimated run time of the job. This valueinforms the system when to begin checking the job status.Specifying this value reduces system overhead for longjobs.

Check interval (in minutes) (Optional) How often the status of the job is checked bythe system.

Time out (in minutes) (Optional) The number of minutes before the job timesout. If the job times out, the job exits with exit status 237.A time out period of 0 means no time out (the job runsuntil it finishes).

On the Execution Environment tab

Field Description

Submit to queue/partition (Required for Windows only) Specify a queue created bythe Administrator to be able to kill the job if necessary.Contact your Administrator for the mainframe queuename.

Run on host (Optional) Specify the LSF host name where the proxy jobwill run.

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Field Description

Run as user (Optional) Specify an LSF user name.

File Transfer (Optional) Specify file transfers between theProcessManager Server and LSF execution host.


local_file operator [remote_file]


v local_file is the path and file name on the ProcessManager server

v operator specifies whether the file is copied to theremote host, or whether it is copied back from theremote host. The operator must be surrounded bywhite space. The following are valid operators:

– < Copies the remote file to the local file after the jobcompletes. Overwrites the local file if it exists.

– > Copies the local file to the remote file before thejob starts. Overwrites the remote file if it exists.

– <> Copies the local file to the remote file before thejob starts. Overwrites the remote file if it exists.Then copies the remote file to the local file after thejob completes. Overwrites the local file.

– >< Copies the local file to the remote file before thejob starts. Overwrites the remote file if it exists.Then copies the remote file to the local file after thejob completes. Overwrites the local file.

– << Appends the remote file to the local file after thejob completes. The local file must exist.

Example: copy the local file on the Process Managerserver c.s to the LSF execution host and name the filea.s:

/share/usr1/c.s > /home/usr1/a.s

v remote_file is the path and file name on the LSFexecution host

Log File (Optional) Full path to the log file that contains thestdout of the LSF job. Includes FTP messages. Use fortroubleshooting.

Status of jobs

The status of your mainframe jobs is displayed in Flow Manager just like anyother job.

Killing a job (Windows)

To kill a job in a Windows environment, the Administrator must create a queuespecifically for mainframe jobs. For jobs to be eligible to be killed, you mustsubmit the mainframe job to that special queue. Contact your Administrator formore information.

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Killing a job (UNIX)

You can kill a mainframe job regularly if you are on a UNIX platform.

Exit codesThe following exit codes may occur if there is a problem between your LSF proxyjob and the mainframe job:

Exit Code Failure Reason

230 Failed to connect to mainframe via FTP.

231 Failed to log in to mainframe.

232 Command site filetype=jes or site filetype=seq failed.

233 Failed to retrieve job ID. put or get command failed.

234 Failed to retrieve job output.

235 Failed to match Dir Header. Dir command failed.

236 Failed to get job status. Dir command failed.

237 Timeout checking mainframe job status.

238 Failed to delete a mainframe job.

239 Encryption error.

240 Environment variable not found.

241 Script error.

242 Process Manager configuration file not found.

243 FTP configuration file not found.

244 Incomplete system output file: IEF142I and IEF472I notfound.

245 System output file not found.

246 bpost command failed.

247 bread command failed.

248 Failed to get mainframe job ID from bread output.

249 Failed to transfer JCL file from z/OS host to LSF host.

250 Failed to modify job name in JCL file.

255 Mainframe job has an ABEND status.

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Chapter 8. Commands

Process Manager includes a command line interface you can use to issuecommands to Process Manager. You can use commands to submit flow definitionsto Process Manager, trigger flows to run, monitor and control running flows, andobtain history information about many Process Manager work items.

Process Manager provides commands for various purposes: creating and editingcalendars, manipulating flow definitions, monitoring and controlling active flows,and obtaining history about various work items.

You cannot use commands to create a flow definition.

Calendar commands

You can use the following commands to work with Process Manager calendars:v caleditor—to start the Calendar Editor graphical user interfacev jcadd—to create a calendarv jcals—to display a list of calendarsv jcdel—to delete a calendarv jcmod—to edit a calendar

Flow definition commands

You can use the following commands to work with flow definitions:v floweditor—to start the Flow Editor graphical user interfacev jrun—to submit and run a flow immediately, without storing the flow definition

in Process Managerv jsub—to submit a flow definition to Process Managerv jtrigger—to trigger the creation of a flowv jhold—to place a flow definition on hold, preventing automatic triggering of the

flowv jrelease—to release a flow definition from hold, enabling automatic triggering

of the flowv jdefs—to display information about flow definitionsv jremove—to remove a flow definition from Process Manager

Flow monitor and control commands

You can use the following commands to monitor and control flows that are in theprocess of running or have recently completed:v flowmanager—to start the Flow Manager graphical user interfacev jalarms—to list open alarmsv jcomplete—to complete a manual jobv jflows—to display information about a flowv jjob—to kill or run a job, or to mark a job completev jkill—to kill a flowv jmanuals—to list all manual jobs waiting for completion

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v jpublish—to publish target flows for use by dynamic flows and flow arraysv jrerun—to rerun an exited flowv jresume—to resume a suspended flowv jsetvars—to change the value of a local or global variable while a flow is

runningv jstop—to suspend a flowv junpublish—to unpublish target flows and remove them from the list for use by

dynamic flows and flow arrays

Other commandsv jid—to verify the connection between the Process Manager Client and the

Process Manager Serverv jadmin—to control the Process Manager daemon on Unixv jhist—to view the historic information about server, flow definitions, flows, and

jobs.v jreconfigalarm—to reload the alarm definitions.

caleditorstarts the Calendar Editor.



You use the caleditor command to start the Calendar Editor, where you can createnew calendars, edit or delete existing calendars.



opens the Calendar Editor.

floweditorstarts the Flow Editor.


floweditor [file_name [file_name ...]]


You use the floweditor command to start the Flow Editor. You can specify one ormore flow definition file names to open automatically when the Flow Editor starts.You can use this as a shortcut to quickly open a flow definition for editing.


Flow Editor may not be installed if you purchased the Platform Suite for SAS. Formore information, contact your sales representative.

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Specifies the name of the file to be opened when the Flow Editor starts. If youdo not specify a file name, the Flow Editor starts with no files opened. You canspecify a list of files by separating the file names with a space.


floweditor /tmp/myflow.xml /flows/payupdt.xml

opens the Flow Editor, and opens myflow.xml and payupdt.xml at the same time.


opens the Flow Editor with no files opened.

flowmanagerstarts the Flow Manager.




You use the flowmanager command to start the Flow Manager, which allows you tomonitor and control existing flows.



opens the Flow Manager.

jadmincontrols the Process Manager daemon jfd on UNIX.


jadmin [-s] start

jadmin stop

jadmin [-h|-V]


You use the jadmin command to start and stop the Process Manager daemon. Youmust be either root or the primary Process Manager administrator to stop theProcess Manager daemon.

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Starts the Process Manager daemon on UNIX. Ensure Process Manager is upand running before you start the Process Manager daemon. You must be rootto use this option.

-s start

Starts the Process Manager daemon on UNIX in single-user mode. EnsureProcess Manager is up and running before you start the Process Managerdaemon. You must be the primary Process Manager administrator to use thisoption.


Stops the Process Manager daemon on UNIX. You must be root or the primaryProcess Manager administrator to use this option.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.


jadmin start

Starts the Process Manager daemon.

jadmin -s start

Starts the Process Manager daemon in single-user mode.

jadmin stop

Stops the Process Manager daemon.

See also

jfd, js.conf

jalarmslists the open alarms in Process Manager.


jalarms [-u user_name|-u all] [-f flow_name|-i flow_id] [-t start_time,end_time]

jalarms [-h]|[-V]


You use the jalarms command to display an open alarm or a list of the openalarms. The following information is displayed:v alarm name

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v user who owns the flowv the date and time the alarm occurredv alarm typev Description of the problem that caused the alarm, if it was specified by the

creator of the flow


-u user_name

Specifies the name of the user who owns the alarm. If you do not specify auser name, user name defaults to the user who invoked this command. If youspecify -u all, information is displayed about alarms owned by all users.

-f flow_name

Specifies the name of the flow definition for which to display alarminformation. Displays alarm information for flow definitions with the specifiedname.

-i flow_ID

Specifies the ID of the flow for which to display alarm information. Displaysalarm information for flows with the specified ID.

-t start_time,end_time

Specifies the span of time for which you want to display the alarms. If you donot specify a start time, the start time is assumed to be the time the first alarmwas opened. If you do not specify an end time, the end time is assumed to benow.

Specify the times in the format "yyyy/mm/dd/HH:MM". Do not specify spacesin the time interval string.

The time interval can be specified in many ways.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

Time interval format

You use the time interval to define a start and end time for collecting the data tobe retrieved and displayed. While you can specify both a start and an end time,you can also let one of the values default. You can specify either of the times as anabsolute time, by specifying the date or time, or you can specify them relative tothe current time.

Specify the time interval is follows:


Specify start_time or end_time in the following format:



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v year is a four-digit number representing the calendar year.v month is a number from 1 to 12, where 1 is January and 12 is December.v day is a number from 1 to 31, representing the day of the month.v hour is an integer from 0 to 23, representing the hour of the day on a 24-hour

clock.v minute is an integer from 0 to 59, representing the minute of the hour.v . (period) represents the current month/day/hour:minute.v .-relative_int is a number, from 1 to 31, specifying a relative start or end time

prior to now.


Specifies both the start and end times of the interval.


Specifies a start time, and lets the end time default to now.


Specifies to start with the first logged occurrence, and end at the timespecified.


Starts at the beginning of the most specific time period specified, and endsat the maximum value of the time period specified. For example, 3/specifies the month of March—start March 1 at 00:00 a.m. and end at the lastpossible minute in March: March 31st at midnight.

Absolute time examples

Assume the current time is May 9 17:06 2002:

1,8 = May 1 00:00 2002 to May 8 23:59 2002

,4 = the time of the first occurrence to May 4 23:59 2002

6 = May 6 00:00 2002 to May 6 23:59 2002

3/ = Mar 1 00:00 2002 to Mar 31 23:59 2002

/12: = May 9 12:00 2002 to May 9 12:59 2002

2/1 = Feb 1 00:00 2002 to Feb 1 23:59 2002

2/1, = Feb 1 00:00 to the current time

,. = the time of the first occurrence to the current time

,2/10: = the time of the first occurrence to May 2 10:59 2002

2001/12/31,2002/5/1 = from Dec 31, 2001 00:00:00 to May 1st 2002 23:59:59

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Relative time examples

.-9, = April 30 17:06 2002 to the current time

,.-2/ = the time of the first occurrence to Mar 9 17:06 2002

.-9,.-2 = nine days ago to two days ago (April 30, 2002 17:06 to May 7, 2002 17:06)

Example: Display all opened alarms for the last seven daysjalarms -u all -t ".-7,."

jcaddcreates a calendar and adds it to the set of Process Manager calendars for the user.


jcadd [-d description] [-s] -t "cal_expression" "cal_name"

jcadd [-h]|[-V]


You use the jcadd command when you need to define a new time expression foruse in scheduling either a flow or a work item within a flow. You define a newtime expression by creating a calendar with that expression. The calendar is ownedby the user who runs this command. You must define a calendar expression whenyou use this command.


-d description

Specifies a description for the calendar. Specify a meaningful description forthe calendar that summarizes the expression.


Specifies that you are creating a system calendar. You must be a ProcessManager administrator to create system calendars.

-t cal_expression

Specifies the dates on which you want some action to take place. You can enterspecific dates, a range of dates, or a more complex expression that resolves to aseries of dates.


If you want the calendars you create to be viewable in the Calendar Editor,specify abbreviated month and day names in all uppercase. For example: MONfor Monday, MAR for March.


Specifies the name of the calendar you are creating. Specify a unique name forthe calendar. The first character cannot be a number. You can also use anunderscore (_) in the calendar name.


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Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.


Note that only merged calendars or calendar expressions with the following formatcan be viewed through the Calendar Editor graphical user interface:

RANGE(startdate[, enddate]):PERIOD(1,*,step):occurrence

Some examples that follow this format are:RANGE(2001/1/1,2002/1/1):day(1,*,3) RANGE(2001/1/1,2002/1/1):week(1,*,3):MON,TUE RANGE(2001/1/1,2002/1/1):week(1,*,3):ABC(1) RANGE(2001/1/1,2002/1/1):month(1,*,3):1,3,5 RANGE(2001/1/1,2002/1/1):month(1,*,3):MON(1),TUE(1) RANGE(2001/1/1,2002/1/1):month(1,*,3):ABC(1) RANGE(2001/1/1,2002/1/1):JAN:1||RANGE(2001/1/1,2002/1/1):JAN:2 ABC && DEF || HIJ

where ABC, DEF, HIJ are predefined calendars.

Creating calendar expressions

You can create several types of calendar expressions when you are creating ormodifying a calendar. You use these expressions within system calendar definitionsor calendars defined or modified using the jcadd or jcmod commands:v Absolute datesv Schedules that recur dailyv Schedules that recur weeklyv Schedules that recur monthlyv Schedules that recur yearlyv Combined calendars

To create absolute dates:

Specify the date in the following standard format:(yyyy/mm/dd)

For example:(2001/12/31)

Specify multiple dates separated by commas. For example:(2001/12/31,2002/12/31)

To create schedules that recur daily:

Specify the expression in the following format:RANGE(startdate[,enddate]):day(1,*,step)

The ending date is optional. If it is not specified, the calendar is valid indefinitely.For example:RANGE(2003/2/1,2003/12/31):day(1,*,2)

In the above example, the expression is true every other day, beginning February 1,2003, until December 31, 2003.

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To create schedules that recur weekly:

Specify the expression in one of the following formats:RANGE(startdate[,enddate]):week(1,*,step):day_of_week

where step is the interval between weeks and day_of_week is one or more days ofthe week, separated by commas. For example:RANGE(2002/12/31):week(1,*,2):MON,FRI,SAT


where step is the interval between weeks, abc is a previously defined calendarname and ii is an integer indicating a specific occurrence of a day within thatcalendar. For example:RANGE(2002/01/01):week(1,*,3):MON(-1)

In the above example, MON(-1) refers to last Monday.

To create schedules that recur monthly:

Specify the expression in one of the following formats:RANGE(startdate[,enddate]):month(1,*,step):day_of_month

where step is the interval between months and day_of_month is one or more days ofthe month by number, separated by commas. For example:RANGE(2002/12/31):month(1,*,2):1,15,30


where step is the interval between months, abc is a previously defined calendarname or built-in keyword and ii is an integer indicating a specific occurrence of aday within that calendar. For example:RANGE(2002/01/01):month(1,*,3):MON(-1)

In the above example, MON(-1) refers to last Monday.


where step is the interval between months, day_of_week is one or more days of theweek separated by commas, and ii is an integer indicating a specific occurrence ofa day within that calendar. For example:RANGE(2002/01/01):month(1,*,3):MON(-1)

In the above example, MON(-1) refers to last Monday.

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To create schedules that recur yearly:

Specify the expression in the following format:RANGE(startdate[,enddate]):month:day

where month is the name of the month (JAN, FEB, MAR...DEC) and day is the dayof the month (1,2,3...29,30,31). For example:RANGE(2002/1/1,2004/12/31):JAN:1

To merge calendar expressions:

You can use Boolean logic to further qualify your schedule expressions. Forexample:Mondays@Sys||Fridays@Sys && !Holidays@Sys

where Mondays@Sys, Fridays@Sys and Holidays@Sys are all predefined systemcalendars.

Built-in keywords-reserved words

Platform Process Manager reserves words that are used as building blocks to createcalendars. You cannot use these reserved words in a calendar name. However, youcan use them within calendar expressions, and they are recognized by PlatformProcess Manager. The following are the reserved words:v apr, april, APRv aug, august, AUGv dates, DATESv day, DAYv dec, december, DECv feb, february, FEBv fri, friday, FRIv fy, FYv h, HHv jan, january, JANv jul, july, JULv jun, june, JUNv m, MMv mar, march, MARv may, MAYv mon, monday, MONv month, MONTHv nov, november, NOVv oct, october, OCTv quarter, QUARTERv range, RANGEv sat, saturday, SATv sep, september, SEPv sun, sunday, SUNv thu, thursday, THU

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v tue, tuesday, TUEv wed, wednesday, WEDv yy, YYv zzz, ZZZZ

Examplesjcadd -d "Mondays but not holidays" -t "Mondays@Sys && ! Holidays@Sys" Mon_Not_Holiday

Creates a calendar called Mon_Not_Holiday. This calendar resolves to any Mondaythat is not a holiday, as defined in the Holidays system calendar.

jcadd -d "Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays" -t "Mondays@Sys || Wednesdays@Sys || Fridays@Sys" Everyotherday

Creates a calendar called Everyotherday that resolves to Mondays, Wednesdaysand Fridays.

jcadd -d "Monday to Thursday" -t "*:*:MON-THU" Shortweek

Creates a calendar called Shortweek that resolves to Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays and Thursdays, every month.

jcadd -d "Db report dates" -t "*:JAN,JUN,DEC:day(1)" dbrpt

Creates a calendar called dbrpt that resolves to the first day of January, June andDecember, every year.

See also

jcdel, jcals

jcalsdisplays the list of calendars in Process Manager. The calendars are listed byowning user ID.


jcals [-l] [-u user_name|-u all] [cal_name]

jcals [-h]|[-V]


You use the jcals command to display information about one or more calendars.When using the default display option, the following information is displayed:v user namev calendar namev the expression



Specifies to display the information in long format. In addition to theinformation listed above, this option displays the status of calendar (whether itis true today or not), the last date the calendar resolved to, the next date thecalendar resolves to, and the calendar description.

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-u user_name

Specifies the name of the user who owns the calendar. If you do not specify auser name, user name defaults to the user who invoked this command. If youspecify -u all, information is displayed about calendars owned by all users.


Specifies the name of the calendar. If you do not specify a calendar name, allcalendars meeting the other criteria are displayed.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

Examplesjcals -u all

Displays all calendars in Process Manager.

jcdeldeletes an existing calendar.


jcdel [-f][-u user_name] cal_name [cal_name ...]

jcdel [-h]|[-V]


You use the jcdel command to delete one or more calendars from ProcessManager. You must be the owner of a calendar to delete it.

If you delete a calendar that is currently in use by a flow definition or flow, oranother calendar, the deleted calendar will continue to be available to theseexisting instances, but will no longer be available to new instances.



Specifies to force the deletion of the calendar.

-u user_name

Specifies the name of the user who owns the calendar. If you do not specify auser name, the user name defaults to the user who invoked this command.


Specifies the name of the calendar you are deleting. You can specify multiplecalendar names by separating the names with a space.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


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Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

Examplesjcdel -u "barneyt" Rundays2001

Deletes the calendar Rundays2001 owned by the user barneyt.

See also

jcadd, jcals

jcmodedits an existing calendar. Using this command, you can change the calendarexpression and the description of the calendar.


jcmod [-d description] [-u user_name] [-t cal_expression] cal_name

jcmod [-h]|[-V]


You use the jcmod command when you need to change either the calendarexpression or the description of an existing calendar. You must be the owner of thecalendar or be a Process Manager administrator to change a calendar.

If you modify a calendar that is in use by a flow definition or flow, or anothercalendar, your changes will only take effect on any new instances; current instanceswill continue to use the previous calendar definition.


-d description

Specifies a description for the calendar. Specify a meaningful description forthe calendar that summarizes the expression.

-u user_name

Specifies the name of the user who owns the calendar. If you do not specify auser name, the user name defaults to the user who invoked this command.

-t cal_expression

Specifies the dates on which you want some action to take place. You can enterspecific dates, a range of dates, or a more complex expression that resolves to aseries of dates.


Specifies the name of the calendar you are changing. You cannot change thename of the calendar.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

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Creating calendar expressions

You can create several types of calendar expressions when you are creating ormodifying a calendar. You use these expressions within system calendar definitionsor calendars defined or modified using the jcadd or jcmod commands:v Absolute datesv Schedules that recur dailyv Schedules that recur weeklyv Schedules that recur monthlyv Schedules that recur yearlyv Combined calendars

To create absolute dates:

Specify the date in the following standard format:(yyyy/mm/dd)

For example:(2001/12/31)

Specify multiple dates separated by commas. For example:(2001/12/31,2002/12/31)

To create schedules that recur daily:

Specify the expression in the following format:RANGE(startdate[,enddate]):day(1,*,step)

The ending date is optional. If it is not specified, the calendar is valid indefinitely.For example:RANGE(2003/2/1,2003/12/31):day(1,*,2)

In the above example, the expression is true every other day, beginning February 1,2003, until December 31, 2003.

To create schedules that recur weekly:

Specify the expression in one of the following formats:RANGE(startdate[,enddate]):week(1,*,step):day_of_week

where step is the interval between weeks and day_of_week is one or more days ofthe week, separated by commas. For example:RANGE(2002/12/31):week(1,*,2):MON,FRI,SAT


where step is the interval between weeks, abc is a previously defined calendarname and ii is an integer indicating a specific occurrence of a day within thatcalendar. For example:RANGE(2002/01/01):week(1,*,3):MON(-1)

In the above example, MON(-1) refers to last Monday.

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To create schedules that recur monthly:

Specify the expression in one of the following formats:RANGE(startdate[,enddate]):month(1,*,step):day_of_month

where step is the interval between months and day_of_month is one or more days ofthe month by number, separated by commas. For example:RANGE(2002/12/31):month(1,*,2):1,15,30


where step is the interval between months, abc is a previously defined calendarname or built-in keyword and ii is an integer indicating a specific occurrence of aday within that calendar. For example:RANGE(2002/01/01):month(1,*,3):MON(-1)

In the above example, MON(-1) refers to last Monday.


where step is the interval between months, day_of_week is one or more days of theweek separated by commas, and ii is an integer indicating a specific occurrence ofa day within that calendar. For example:RANGE(2002/01/01):month(1,*,3):MON(-1)

In the above example, MON(-1) refers to last Monday.

To create schedules that recur yearly:

Specify the expression in the following format:RANGE(startdate[,enddate]):month:day

where month is the name of the month (JAN, FEB, MAR...DEC) and day is the dayof the month (1,2,3...29,30,31). For example:RANGE(2002/1/1,2004/12/31):JAN:1

To merge calendar expressions:

You can use Boolean logic to further qualify your schedule expressions. Forexample:Mondays@Sys||Fridays@Sys && !Holidays@Sys

where Mondays@Sys, Fridays@Sys and Holidays@Sys are all predefined calendars.

Built-in keywords—reserved words

Process Manager reserves words that are used as building blocks to createcalendars. You cannot use these reserved words in a calendar name. However, youcan use them within calendar expressions, and they are recognized by ProcessManager. The following are the reserved words:v apr, april, APRv aug, august, AUG

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v dates, DATESv day, DAYv dec, december, DECv feb, february, FEBv fri, friday, FRIv fy, FYv h, HHv jan, january, JANv jul, july, JULv jun, june, JUNv m, MMv mar, march, MARv may, MAYv mon, monday, MONv month, MONTHv nov, november, NOVv oct, october, OCTv quarter, QUARTERv range, RANGEv sat, saturday, SATv sep, september, SEPv sun, sunday, SUNv thu, thursday, THUv tue, tuesday, TUEv wed, wednesday, WEDv yy, YYv zzz, ZZZZ

EXAMPLESjcmod -d "Valentines Day" -u "barneyt" -t "*:Feb:14" SpecialDays

Modifies a calendar called SpecialDays. This calendar resolves to February 14thevery year.

jcompleteacknowledges that a manual job is complete and specifies to continue processingthe flow.


jcomplete [-d description] [-u user_name] [-e exit_code]-i flow_idflow_name[:subflow_name]:manual_job_name

jcomplete [-h]|[-V]

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You use the jcomplete command to mark a manual job complete, to tell ProcessManager to continue processing that part of the flow. Only the branch of the flowthat contains the manual job is affected by the manual job—other branchescontinue to process as designed. You must be the owner of the manual job or aProcess Manager administrator to complete a manual job.


-d description

Describes the manual process completed. You can use this field to describeresults of the process, or any pertinent comments.

-e exit_code

Specifies the exit code with which to complete the manual job.

The exit code you specify determines the state of the manual job. Exit codescan be any number from 0 to 255.

If you did not define custom success exit codes in the Manual Job Definition,an exit code of 0 indicates the manual job was successful and the state is set toDone. Any other exit code indicates the manual job failed and its state is set toExit.

If you defined custom success exit codes in the Manual Job Definition, an exitcode of 0 and any of the numbers you specified in the Non-zero success exitcodes field indicates the manual job was successful and the state is set toDone. Any other exit code indicates the manual job failed and its state is set toExit.

-i flow_id

Specifies the ID of the flow in which the manual job is to be completed. Thisoption is required to differentiate between multiple occurrences of the flow,ensuring the correct job is completed.


Specifies the name of the manual job to complete. Specify the fully-qualifiedmanual job name, which is the flow name followed by the subflow name, ifapplicable, followed by the name of the manual job. For example:myflow:prtcheck:prtpage

Specify the manual job name in the same format as it is displayed by thejmanuals command.

-u user_name

Specifies the name of the user who owns the manual job you are completing. Ifyou do not specify a user name, user name defaults to the user who invokedthis command.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

Examplesjcomplete -d "printed check numbers 4002 to 4532" -i 42 payprt:checkprinter

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completes the manual job checkprinter in the flow payprt with flow ID 42, andadds the comment "printed check numbers 4002 to 4532".

See also

jmanuals jjob

jdefsdisplays information about the flow definitions stored in Process Manager for thespecified user.


jdefs [-l] [-u user_name|-u all] [-s status] [definition_name [definition_name ...]] [-v]

jdefs [-h]|[-V]


You use the jdefs command to display information about flow definitions and anyassociated flows. When using the default display option, the following informationis displayed:v user namev flow namev the status of the flow definitionv flow IDs of any associated flowsv the state of each flowv flow version history and details



Specifies to display the information in long format. In addition to theinformation listed above, this option displays the following information:

v any events defined to trigger the flowv any exit conditions specified in the flow definitionv the default version and the latest version of the flow

-u user_name

Specifies the name of the user who owns the flow definitions. If you do notspecify a user name, user name defaults to the user who invoked thiscommand. If you specify -u all, information is displayed about flow definitionsowned by all users.

-s status

Specifies to display information about only the flow definitions that have thespecified status. The default is to display all flow definitions regardless ofstatus. Specify one of the following values for status:


Displays information about flow definitions that are on hold: these aredefinitions that are not currently eligible to trigger automatically.

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Displays information about flow definitions that are not on hold. Thisincludes any flow definitions that were submitted with events and flowdefinitions that were submitted to be triggered manually. This does notinclude flows that were submitted on an adhoc basis, to be run once,immediately.


Specifies the name of the flow definition. If you do not specify a flow name, allflow definitions meeting the criteria are displayed. To specify a list of flowdefinitions, separate the flow definition names with a space.


Displays the version history of the flow.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

Examplesjdefs -u barneyt -s RELEASE

Displays all flow definitions owned by barneyt that are not on hold.

jflowsdisplays information about the flows in Process Manager for the specified user. Theinformation listed includes the current state and version of the flow.


jflows [-l] [-u user_name|-u all] [-f flow_name] [-s state]

jflows [-l] [flow_id [flow_id ...] | 0]

jflows [-h]|[-V]


You use the jflows command to display information about one or more flows.When using the default display option, the following information is displayed:v user namev flow namev flow IDv the state of the flowv start and end time for each flow



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Specifies to display the information in long format. In addition to theinformation listed above, this option displays the states of all jobs, job arrays,subflows, and flow arrays in the flow, and displays the currently-used versionin the flow.

-u user_name

Specifies the name of the user who owns the flow. If you do not specify a username, user name defaults to the user who invoked this command. If youspecify -u all, information is displayed about flows owned by all users.

-f flow_name

Specifies the name of the flow definition. If you do not specify a flowdefinition name, all flow definitions meeting the other criteria you specify aredisplayed. This option is mutually exclusive with the other options—if youspecify a flow name, you cannot specify a flow ID.

-s state

Specifies to display information about only the flows that have the specifiedstate. If you do not specify a state, flows of all states that meet the othercriteria you specify are displayed. Specify one of the following values for state:


Displays information about flows that completed successfully.


Displays information about flows that failed.


Displays information about flows that were killed.


Displays information about flows that are running.


Displays information about flows that were suspended.


Displays information about flows that are waiting.


Specify the ID number of the flow. If you do not specify a flow ID, all flowsmeeting the other criteria you specify are displayed. This option is mutuallyexclusive with the other options—if you specify a flow ID, you cannot specifya flow name. To specify a list of flows, separate the flow IDs with a space.


Specifies to display all flows.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

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Examplesjflows -f myflow

Displays all flows associated with the flow definition myflow.

jholdplaces a previously submitted flow definition on hold. No automatic events cantrigger this definition until it has been explicitly released. Use this command whenyou want to temporarily interrupt automatic triggering of a flow. When a flow ison hold, it can still be triggered manually, such as for testing purposes.


jhold [-u user_name] flow_name [flow_name ...]

jhold [-h]|[-V]


You use the jhold command to place a submitted flow definition on hold. Thisprevents it from being triggered automatically by any events. You must be theowner of a flow definition or the Process Manager administrator to place a flowdefinition on hold.


-u user_name

Specifies the name of the user who owns the flow. Use this option if you haveadministrator authority and you are holding the flow on behalf of anotheruser. If you do not specify a user name, user name defaults to the user whoinvoked this command.


Specifies the name of the flow definition. To specify a list of flow definitions,separate the flow definition names with a space.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

Examplesjhold myflow

Places the flow definition myflow, which is owned by the current user, on hold.jhold -u "user01" payupdt

Places the flow definition payupdt, which is owned by user01, on hold.

See also


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jiddisplays the host name, version number and copyright date of the current ProcessManager Server.


jid [-h|-V]


You use the jid command to verify the connection between Process ManagerClient and Process Manager Server. If the command returns the host name ofProcess Manager Server, you have successfully connected to the server. If serverfailover is enabled, the jid command displays the host where the server iscurrently running.



Prints command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

jjobcontrols a job in a running flow.


jjob [-u user_name] -i flow_id -c|-k|-r|-p|-g|-l flow_name[:subflow_name]:job_name

Flow arrays in UNIX:

jjob [-u user_name] -i flow_id -c|-k|-r|-p|-g|-l "flow_name[:subflow_name]:job_name"

jjob [-h]|[-V]


You use the jjob command to kill or run a job, or mark a job complete. You mustbe the owner of the job or a Platform Process Manager administrator or controladministrator to control it.


-u user_name

Specifies the name of the user who owns the job you are controlling. If you donot specify a user name, user name defaults to the user who invoked thiscommand.

-i flow_id

Specifies the ID of the flow containing the job to be controlled. This option isrequired to differentiate between multiple occurrences of the flow, ensuring thecorrect job is selected.

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Specifies to mark the job complete. You can only complete a job in a flow thathas exited. you use this option before rerunning a flow, to continue processingthe remainder of the flow.


Specifies to kill the job.


Specifies to run or rerun the job.


Specifies to put the job on hold. Only jobs in the Waiting state can be put onhold. You can put on hold LSF jobs, job submission scripts, local jobs, and jobarrays.

If the selected job is in a flow array, by default the hold applies to the job inthe element the job is in. You can, alternatively, apply the hold to jobs in allelements in the flow array.

When you put a job in the flow on hold, the flow pauses at that specific job.Only the branch of the flow that contains the job that is On Hold pauses.Other branches of the flow continue to run. The status of the flow is notaffected.

When desired, you can then release the job that you have put on hold.


Specifies to release a job that has been put on hold. You can release LSF jobs,job submission scripts, local jobs, and job arrays that have been put on hold.

When you release a job that has been put on hold, the flow instance continuesto run and the job receives the status Waiting.


Specifies to view the detailed history of local and input variables that the jobuses. This does not show global variables.


Specifies the name of the job to control. Specify the fully-qualified job name,which is the flow name followed by the subflow name, if applicable, followedby the name of the job. For example:myflow:print:prtreport


When specifying the job name for a flow array, you must enclose the name inquotation marks ("). This is because the Linux command line does not processparentheses characters (( or )) properly unless you use quotation marks.

For example:"myflow:print(5):prtreport"


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


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Prints the Platform Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.


Kill a specific flowjjob -i 42 -k payprt:report

kill the job report in the flow payprt with flow ID 42.

Hold and release a jobv Hold a job

jjob -i 42 -p "myflow:myjob"

In flow with ID 42, flow name myflow, put the job named myjob on hold. Thejob receives the status On Hold and the flow stops running when it reaches thatspecific job.

v Release the jobjjob -i 42 -g "myflow:myjob"

In flow with ID 42, flow name myflow, release the job named myjob. The flowwill resume running from that point onward in the flow.

Hold and release a job arrayv Hold a job array

jjob -i 42 -p -a "myflow:myarray"

In flow with ID 42, flow name myflow, put the job array named myarray onhold. The job array receives the status On Hold and the flow stops runningwhen it reaches that specific job array.

v Release the job arrayjjob -i 42 -g -a "myflow:myarray"

In flow with ID 42, flow name myflow, release the job array named myarray.The flow will resume running from that point onward in the flow.

Hold and release a job in a flow arrayv Hold a job in a flow array

jjob -i 45 -p "mymainflow:myflowarray(1):myjob"

In flow with ID 45, flow name mymainflow, flow array myflowarray hold thejob named myjob in the first element only. The job receives the status On Holdand the subflow stops running when it reaches that specific job in the flowarray.

v Release the job in the flow arrayjjob -i 45 -g "mymainflow:myflowarray(1):myjob"

In flow with ID 45, flow name mymainflow, flow array named myflowarray,release the job named myjob in the first element only. The job receives the statusWaiting and the subflow will continue running once it reaches that job in theflow.

v Hold all jobs in all elements in the flow arrayjjob -i 45 -p "mymainflow:myflowarray:myjob"

v Release all jobs in all elements in the flow arrayjjob -i 45 -g "mymainflow:myflowarray:myjob"

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See Also


jkillkills a flow.


jkill [-u user_name|-u all] [-f flow_name]

jkill flow_id [flow_id ...] | 0

jkill [-h]|[-V]


You use the jkill command to kill all flows, all flows belonging to a particularuser, all flows associated with a flow definition, or a single flow. Any incompletejobs in the flow are killed. Any work items that depend on the successfulcompletion of this flow do not run. Only users with administrator authority cankill flows belonging to another user.


-u user_name

Specifies the name of the user who owns the flow. Use this option if you haveadministrator authority and you are killing the flow on behalf of another user.If you do not specify a user name, user name defaults to the user who invokedthis command. If you specify -u all, and you have administrator authority, youcan kill flows belonging to all users.

-f flow_name

Specifies the name of the flow definition. Use this option if you want to kill allflows associated with the same flow definition. This option is mutuallyexclusive with the other options, if you specify a flow name, you cannotspecify a flow ID.


Specifies the ID of the flow you want to kill. Use this option if you want to killone or more specific flow IDs. This option is mutually exclusive with the otheroptions—if you specify a flow ID, you cannot specify a flow name. To specify alist of flow IDs, separate the flow IDs with a space.


Specifies to kill all flows.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

Examplesjkill -f myflow

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Kills all flows associated with the flow definition myflow. Does not affect the flowdefinition.

jmanualsdisplays all manual jobs that have not yet been completed.


jmanuals [-i flow_ID] [-u username |-u all] [-f flow_definition] [-r yes | -r no]

jmanuals [-h]|[-V]


You use the jmanuals command to list the flows that contain manual jobs that havenot yet been completed.


-i flow_ID

Specifies the ID of the flow for which to display manual jobs.

-u user_name

Displays manual jobs in flows owned by the specified user. If you do notspecify a user name, user name defaults to the user who invoked thiscommand. If you specify -u all, manual jobs are displayed for flows owned byall users.

-f flow_definition

Specifies the name of the flow definition for which to display manual jobs.Manual jobs are displayed for all flows associated with this flow definition.

-r yes

Specifies to display only those manual jobs that require completion at thistime.

-r no

Specifies to display only those manual jobs that do not require completion atthis time.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

See also


jpublishpublishes a target flow to Process Manager.

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jpublish [-u user_name] [-f flow_name]

jpublish [-h]|[-V]


You use the jpublish command to publish a target flow to Process Manager.Dynamic subflows and flow arrays can only refer to published target flows.

Only Process Manager administrators and control administrators can publish targetflows.


-u user_name

Specifies the name of the user who owns the flow.

-f flow_name

Specifies the name of the flow. If you do not specify a flow name, all flowsmeeting the other criteria are published.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

Examplesjpublish -u userA -f flow1

Publishes the flow1 flow belonging to user A.

See also


jreconfigalarmreloads the alarm definitions.


jreconfigalarm [-h|-V]


You use the jreconfigalarm command to reload the alarm definitions. You use thiscommand to add or change alarm definitions without restarting Process ManagerServer. You must be a Process Manager administrator to use this command.



Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.

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Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

jreleasereleases a previously held flow definition.


jrelease [-u user_name] flow_name [flow_name ...]

jrelease [-h]|[-V]


You use the jrelease command to release a submitted flow definition from hold.The flow definition is now eligible to be triggered automatically by any of itstriggering events. Use this command when you want to resume automatictriggering of a flow.


-u user_name

Specifies the name of the user who owns the flow. Use this option if you haveadministrator authority and you are releasing the flow on behalf of anotheruser. If you do not specify a user name, user name defaults to the user whoinvoked this command.


Specifies the name of the flow definition. To specify a list of flow definitions,separate the flow definition names with a space.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

Examplesjrelease myflow

Releases the flow definition myflow, which is owned by the current user, from hold.jrelease -u "user01" payupdt

Releases the flow definition payupdt, which is owned by user01, from hold.

See also


jremoveremoves a previously submitted flow definition from Process Manager.

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jremove [-u user_name] -f flow_name [flow_name ...]

jremove [-h]|[-V]


You use the jremove command to remove a submitted flow definition from ProcessManager. Issuing this command has no impact on any flows associated with thedefinition, but no further flows can be triggered from it. Use this command whenyou no longer require this definition, or when you want to replace a definition thatwas created by a user ID that no longer exists. If you want to temporarily interruptthe automatic triggering of a flow, use the jhold command.


-u user_name

Specifies the name of the user who owns the flow. Use this option if you haveadministrator authority and you are removing the flow on behalf of anotheruser. If you do not specify a user name, user name defaults to the user whoinvoked this command.


Forces the removal of a flow definition that other flows have dependenciesupon.


Specifies the name of the flow definition. To specify a list of flow definitions,separate the flow definition names with a space.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

Examplesjremove myflow

Removes the definition myflow from Process Manager. In this example, myflow isowned by the current user.jremove -u "user01" payupdt

Removes the definition payupdt from Process Manager. In this example, payupdt isowned by user01.

See also

jsub, jhold

jrerunreruns an exited, done, or running flow.

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jrerun [-v "var=value[;var1=value1;...]"] flow_id [flow_id ...]

jrerun [-h]|[-V]


You use the jrerun command to rerun a flow. The flow must have a state of Exit,Done, or Running.

The flow is rerun from the first exited job or starting point, and the flow continuesto process as designed.

If the flow contains multiple branches, the flow is rerun from the first exited jobsor starting points in each branch and continues to process as designed.

You must be the owner of a flow or a Process Manager administrator to use thiscommand.

You cannot use this command to rerun a flow that was killed—you must triggerthe flow again.


-v var=value

Specifies to pass variables and their values to the flow when rerunning it. Tospecify a list of variables, separate the variable and value pairs with asemi-colon (;). The value of the variable is available only within the scope ofthe flow itself—local variables only.


Specifies the ID of the flow to rerun. To specify a list of flows, separate theflow IDs with a space.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

Examplesjrerun 1234

reruns the flow with the flow ID 1234.jrerun -v "USER=jdoe" 277

reruns the flow with the flow ID 277 and passes it a value of jdoe for the USERvariable.

jresumeresumes a suspended flow.

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jresume [-u user_name|-u all] [-f flow_name]

jresume flow_id [flow_id ...] | 0

jresume [-h]|[-V]


You use the jresume command to resume all flows, all flows belonging to aparticular user, all flows associated with a particular flow definition, or a singleflow. Only users with administrator authority can resume flows belonging toanother user.


-u user_name

Specifies the name of the user who owns the flow. Use this option if you haveadministrator authority and you are resuming the flow on behalf of anotheruser. If you do not specify a user name, user name defaults to the user whoinvoked this command. If you specify -u all, and you have administratorauthority, you can resume flows belonging to all users.

-f flow_name

Specifies the name of the flow definition. Use this option if you want toresume all suspended flows associated with the same definition. This option ismutually exclusive with the other options—if you specify a flow name, youcannot specify a flow ID.


Specifies the ID of the flow you want to resume. Use this option if you want toresume one or more specific flow IDs. This option is mutually exclusive withthe other options—if you specify a flow ID, you cannot specify a flow name.To specify a list of flow IDs, separate the flow IDs with spaces.


Specifies to resume all suspended flows.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

Examplesjresume 14 17 22

Resumes the flows with IDs 14, 17 and 22.jresume 0

Resumes all suspended flows owned by the user invoking the command.jresume -u all

Resumes all suspended flows owned by all users.

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See also


jruntriggers a flow definition from a file and runs the flow immediately withoutstoring the flow definition in Process Manager.


jrun [-v "var=value[;var1=value1;...]"] flow_file_name

jrun [-h]|[-V]


You use the jrun command when you want to trigger and run a flow immediately,without storing the flow definition within Process Manager. A flow ID is displayedwhen the flow is successfully submitted. This command is most useful for flowsthat run only once, or for testing a flow definition prior to putting it intoproduction. You must be the owner of a flow definition or have Process Manageradministrative authority to use this command.


-v var=value

Specifies to pass variables and their values to the flow when running it. Tospecify a list of variables, separate the variable and value pairs with asemi-colon (;). The value of the variable is available only within the scope ofthe flow itself—local variables only.


Specifies the name of the file containing the flow definition.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

Examplesjrun /flows/backup.xml

Runs the flow defined in /flows/backup.xml. It does not store the definition of theflow in Process Manager.jrun -v "USER=bsmith;YEAR=2003" /flows/payupdt.xml

Runs the flow defined in /flows/payupdt.xml, and passes it a value of bsmith and2003 for the USER and YEAR variables respectively. It does not store the definition ofthe flow in Process Manager.

jsetvarssets values for variables during the runtime of a flow.

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jsetvars -i flow_ID -s [scope_1]:variable_1a=value_1a [;variable_1b=value_1b ...][[scope_2]:variable_2a=value_2a [;variable_2b=value_2b ...] ...]

jsetvars -i flow_ID -r [scope_1]:variable_1a [variable_1b ...] [[scope_2]:variable_2a[variable_2b ...] ...]

jsetvars -i flow_ID -l [scope_1[;scope_2 ...]]

jsetvars [-g] -s [scope_1]:variable_1a=value_1a [;variable_1b=value_1b ...][[scope_2]:variable_2a=value_2a [;variable_2b=value_2b ...] ...]

jsetvars [-g] -r [scope_1]:variable_1a [variable_1b ...] [[scope_2]:variable_2a [variable_2b...] ...]

jsetvars [-g] -l [scope_1[;scope_2...]]

jsetvars [-h]|[-V]


You use the jsetvars command to change the value of one or more local variablesin a flow at runtime or to change the value of one or more global variables atruntime.


-i flow_ID

Specifies the ID of the flow in which to take action.


Specifies that the action is to take place on global variables. The -g option isassumed if -i flow_ID is not specified,


Specifies the name of the flow indicating the scope for the following variables.If unspecified, this defaults to the main flow scope. You can combine variablesof the same scope together and specify multiple scope levels.


Specifies the name of the variable you are setting.


Specifies the value to which you will set the specified variable.


Adds new or edits existing variables


Removes existing variables


Lists all variables.


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Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

Examplesjsetvars -i 1234 priority=10

Changes the value of the priority variable to 10 for the flow with the ID 1234.jsetvars -g -s date=05-09-2007

Sets the date global variable value to 05-09-2007. If the date variable already exists,this changes the value of the date variable, otherwise, this adds a new variablecalled date).jsetvars -i 1234 -r time

Deletes the time variable from the flow with the ID 1234.jsetvars -i 21 -s mainvar1=123;mainvar2=456 mainvarX=zzz MF:SF1:myvar1=abc;myvar2=xyz MF:SF2:svar1=333 MF:SF2:svar2=555

For the flow with the ID 21, this command sets the mainvar1 and mainvar2variables at the main flow scope level, sets the myvar1 and myvar2 variables at thesubflow level (specifically, the MF:SF1 subflow), and sets the svar2 variable at thesubflow level (specifically, the MF:SF2 subflow). If these variables already exist, thiscommand changes the value of these variables, otherwise, this command adds anynew variables that do not already exist.

jsetvars -i 212 -s MF:FA:myarrayvar=abc#{JS_FLOW_INDEX}

For the flow with the ID 212 and assuming MF:FA is a flow array, this commandsets the myarrayvar variable to abc1, abc2, abcX, for all the different flow arrayelements (for example, for 212:MF:FA(1), 212:MF:FA(2), and the remaining flowarray elements to 212:MF:FA(X)).jsetvars -i 21 -l MF:SF1

For the flow with the ID 21, lists all variables at the MF:SF1 subflow scope.jsetvars -i 21 -r mainvar MF:SF1:myvar1;myvar2 MF:SF2:myvar3

For the flow with the ID 21, removes the mainvar variable at the main flow scope,removes myvar1 and myvar2 variables at the MF:SF1 subflow scope, and removesthe myvar3 variable at the MF:SF2 subflow scope.

jsetversionsets the default version of a flow.


jsetversion -v default_version [-u user_name] flow_name ...

jsetversion [-h]|[-V]


You use the jsetversion command to set the default version of the specified flow.The default version of the flow is the version set to be effective at the current time.

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If you trigger this flow, Process Manager will instantiate the flow instance with thedefault version.


-v default_version

Specifies the version of the flow that you are setting as the default version.

-u user_name

Specifies the name of the user who owns the flow. If you do not specify a username, user name defaults to the user who invoked thjis command.


Specifies the name of the flow for which you are setting the default version.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

Examplesjsetversion -v 1.3 flow1

Sets version 1.3 as the default version for the flow named flow1.

jsinstallruns jsinstall, the Process Manager installation and configuration script


jsinstall [-s -y] -f install.config

jsinstall -h | -V


jsinstall runs the Process Manager installation scripts and configuration utilitiesto install a new Process Manager component. You should install as root.

Before installing and configuring Process Manager, jsinstall checks theinstallation prerequisites, outputs the results to prechk.rpt, writes anyunrecoverable errors to the install.err file and exits. You must correct theseerrors before continuing to install and configure Process Manager.

During installation, jsinstall logs installation progress in the install.log file,uncompresses, extracts and copies Process Manager files, and configures ProcessManager Server.

To uninstall Process Manager, delete the folder in which it was installed.



Performs a silent installation of Process Manager.

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Creates an installation log install.log in the directory in which ProcessManager was installed. If any errors occurred, also creates install.err in thesame location.


Accepts the license agreement for the silent installation.

-f install.config

Specify the install.config file you edited to perform the installation.

Installation parameters are described in the file.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

jstopsuspends a running flow.


jstop [-u user_name|-u all] [-f flow_name]

jstop flow_id [flow_id ...] | 0

jstop [-h]|[-V]


You use the jstop command to suspend all flows, all flows belonging to a user, allflows associated with a flow definition, or a single flow. All incomplete jobs withinthe flow are suspended. Only users with administrator authority can suspendflows belonging to another user.


-u user_name

Specifies the name of the user who owns the flows. Use this option if you haveadministrator authority and you are suspending the flow on behalf of anotheruser. If you do not specify a user name, user name defaults to the user whoinvoked this command. If you specify -u all, and you have administratorauthority, you can suspend flows belonging to all users.

-f flow_name

Specifies the name of the flow definition. Use this option if you want tosuspend all flows associated with a particular flow definition. This option ismutually exclusive with the other options—if you specify a flow name, youcannot specify a flow ID.


Specifies the ID of the flow you want to suspend. Use this option if you wantto suspend one or more specific flow IDs. This option is mutually exclusive

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with the other options—if you specify a flow ID, you cannot specify a flowname. To specify a list of flow IDs, separate the flow IDs with a space.


Specifies to suspend all flows.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

Examplesjstop -f "myflow"

Suspends all flows associated with the definition myflow. Does not affect the flowdefinition.jstop 14

Suspends flow ID 14.jstop 0

Suspends all flows.

See also


jsubsubmits a flow definition to Process Manager.


jsub [-H] [-r|-d] [-m "ver_comment"] [[[-T time_event] ...] [[-F "file_event"] ...] [[-p"proxy_event"] ...] [-C combination_type]] flow_file_name

jsub [-h]|[-V]


You use the jsub command to submit a flow definition to Process Manager. Whenyou submit the flow definition, you may specify the event that triggers the flow, ifapplicable. If you do not specify an event to trigger the flow, it requires a manualtrigger. You must be the owner of the flow definition, or have Process Manageradministrator authority to submit a flow definition.

Note: The flow definition you are submitting may contain pre-defined events thattrigger the flow. When you submit this flow using the jsub command, those eventsare overwritten by any specified in the command. If the flow definition containstriggering events, and you submit the flow definition without specifying atriggering event, those events are deleted from the definition that is submitted, andthe flow definition requires a manual trigger.

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Submits the flow definition on hold. No automatic events can trigger thisdefinition until it has been explicitly released. Use this option when the flowdefinition is complete, but you are not yet ready to start running flows on itsdefined schedule. When a definition is on hold, it can still be triggeredmanually, such as for testing purposes.


Replace. Specifies that, if a flow definition with the same name already existsin Process Manager, it is replaced with the definition being submitted. If youdo not specify -r and the flow definition already exists, the submission fails.


Duplicate. Specifies that, if a flow definition with the same name already existsin Process Manager, a unique number is appended to the flow definition nameto make it unique. The new name of the flow definition is displayed in theconfirmation message when the flow definition is successfully submitted.

-m "ver_comment"

Submit the flow with version comments. jsub returns a flow version numberafter each successful submission.

-T time_event

Specifies to automatically trigger a flow when the specified time events aretrue. Specify the time event in the following format:


Note: You can find a list of valid time zone IDs in JS_HOME/JS_VERSION/resources/


Specify the name of an existing calendar, which is used to calculate the dayson which the flow runs. If you do not specify a calendar name, it defaults toDaily@Sys. If you do not specify a user name, the submission user user nameis assumed. Therefore, the calendar must exist under that user name.


Specify the time within each calendar day that the time event begins. You canspecify the time in the following formats:

v hour:minutes, for example, 13:30 for 1:30 p.m. You can also specify the wildcardcharacter * in the hour or minutes fields to indicate every hour or every minute,respectively.

v A list of hours, separated by commas, for example, 5,12,23 for 5:00 a.m., noonand 11:00 p.m.

v A range of numbers—for example, 14-17 for on the hour, every hour from 2:00p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

The value you specify for hour must be a number between 0 and 23. The value forminute must be a number between 0 and 59. All numbers are values in the 24-hourclock.


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Specify the number of minutes for which the time event should remain validafter it becomes true. After the duration expires, the event can no longertrigger any activity. The default duration is 1 minute. The minimum durationyou can specify is also 1 minute.

-F "file_event"

Specifies to automatically trigger a flow when the specified file events are true.

When specifying the file name, you can also specify wildcard characters: * torepresent a string or ? to represent a single character. For example, a*.dat*matches abc.dat, another.dat and abc.dat23. S??day* matches Satdays.tarand Sundays.dat. *e matches smile.


There are some differences between UNIX and Windows when using wildcardcharacters. Because UNIX is case-sensitive and Windows is not, if you specify A*,on UNIX it matches only files beginning with A. On Windows, it matches filesbeginning with A and a. Also, on UNIX, if you specify ??, it matches exactly twocharacters. On Windows, it matches one or two characters. These behaviors areconsistent with UNIX ls command behavior, and Windows dir command behavior.

Specify the file event in one of the following formats:


Trigger a flow when the specified file arrives in the specified location, andsubsequently only if the file is deleted and arrives again. This option looks for atransition from nonexistence of the file to existence. When the file is on a sharedfile system, specify the file location in the following format:absolute_directory/filename


Trigger a flow if the specified file exists in the specified location, and continue totrigger the flow every time the test for the file is performed, as long as the filecontinues to exist. When the file is on a shared file system, specify the file locationin the following format:absolute_directory/filename

! exist(file_location)

Trigger a flow if the specified file does not exist in the specified location, andcontinue to trigger the flow every time the test for the file is performed, as long asthe file does not exist. When the file is on a shared file system, specify the filelocation in the following format:absolute_directory/filename

size(file_location) operator size

Trigger a flow when the size of the file meets the criteria specified with operatorand size. When the file is on a shared file system, specify the file location in thefollowing format:absolute_directory/filename

Valid values for operator are: >, <, >=,

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<=, == and !=.


For csh, if you specify != (not equal), you need to precede the operator with abackslash escape character

Specify the size in bytes.

age(file_location) operator age

Trigger a flow when the age of the file meets the criteria specified with operatorand age.

When the file is on a shared file system, specify the file location in the followingformat:absolute_directory/filename

Valid values for operator are: >, <, >=, <=, == and !=.


For csh, if you specify != (not equal), you need to precede the operator with abackslash escape character.

Specify the age in minutes.

-p "proxy_event"

Specifies to automatically trigger a flow when the specified proxy event is true.

Specify the proxy event in one the following formats:

job(exit|done|start|end(user_name:flow_name:[subflow_name:]job_name) [operatorvalue])

Trigger a flow when the specified job meets the specified condition. You mustspecify the user name to fully qualify the flow containing the job. You only specifya subflow name if the job is contained within a subflow.

Valid operators are >=, >, <=, <, != and ==.

If you are specifying exit codes, you can specify multiple exit codes when usingthe operators != and ==. Separate the exit codes with spaces, and specify a numberfrom 0 to 255.


For csh, if you specify != (not equal), you need to precede the operator with abackslash escape character.v Example: on successful completion of J1:

-p "job(done(jdoe:myflow:J1))"v Example: if payjob exits with an exit code greater than 5:

-p "job(exit(jdoe:myflow:testflow:payjob)>5)"v Example: if payjob ends with any of the following exit codes: 5, 10, 12, or 14:

-p "job(exit(jdoe:myflow:testflow:payjob)==5 10 12 14)"

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v Example: if payjob does NOT end with any of the following exit codes: 7, 9, 11:-p "job(exit(jdoe:myflow:testflow:payjob)!=7 9 11)"

jobarray(exit|done|end|numdone|numexit|numend|numstart(user_name:flow_name:[subflow_name:]job_array_name )[operator value])

Trigger a flow when the specified job array meets the specified condition. Youmust specify the user name to fully qualify the flow containing the job array. Youonly specify a subflow name if the job array is contained within a subflow.

Valid operators are >=, >, <=, <, != and ==.v Example: on successful completion of all jobs in Array1:

-p "jobarray(done(jdoe:myflow:Array1))"v Example: if arrayjob exits with an exit code greater than 5:

-p "jobarray(exit(jdoe:myflow:testflow:arrayjob)>5)"v Example: if more than 3 jobs in A1 exit:

-p "jobarray(numexit(jdoe:myflow:testflow:arrayjob)>3)"

flow(exit|done|end|numdone|numexit|numstart(user_name:flow_name:[subflow_name])[operator value])

Trigger a flow when the specified flow or subflow meets the specified condition.You must specify the user name to fully qualify the flow. Specify a subflow nameif applicable.

Valid operators are >=, >, <=, <, !=, ==.

Example: on successful completion of all jobs in myflow:

-p "flow(done(jdoe:myflow))"

Example: if myflow exits with an exit code greater than 5:

-p "flow(exit(jdoe:myflow)>5)"

Example: if more than 3 jobs in the subflow testflow exit:

-p "flow(numexit(jdoe:myflow:testflow)>3)"

Note: When Process Manager calculates the number of jobs in a flow, for successfuljobs, failed jobs, and so on, it does not count the jobs in a subflow, and it counts ajob array as a single job. It also does not count other objects in the flow, such asevents or alarms.

-f "flow_event"

Specifies to automatically trigger a flow when the specified flow event(s) aretrue.

Specify the flow event in one of the following formats:


Trigger a flow when the specified flow completes successfully. Specify theflow definition name as follows:


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If you do not specify a user name, it defaults to your own.


Trigger a flow when the specified flow ends, regardless of exit code.Specify the flow definition name as follows:


If you do not specify a user name, it defaults to your own.

numdone(flow_definition_name) operator nn

Trigger a flow when the specified number of jobs in the specified flowcomplete successfully. Specify the flow definition name as follows:


If you do not specify a user name, it defaults to your own.

Valid operators are >=, >, <=, <, !=, ==.

For example:


will trigger the flow you are submitting when 5 jobs complete successfully inpayflow.

numstart(flow_definition_name) operator nn

Trigger a flow when the specified number of jobs in the specified flow havestarted. Specify the flow definition name as follows:


If you do not specify a user name, it defaults to your own.

Valid operators are >=, >, <=, <, !=, ==.

numexit(flow_definition_name) operator nn

Trigger a flow when the specified number of jobs in the specified flow exit.Specify the flow definition name as follows:


If you do not specify a user name, it defaults to your own.

Valid operators are >=, >, <=, <, !=, ==.

For example:


will trigger the flow you are submitting if more than 3 jobs in payflow exit.

exit(flow_definition_name) operator nn

Trigger a flow when the specified flow ends with the specified exit code.Specify the flow definition name as follows:


If you do not specify a user name, it defaults to your own.

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Valid operators are >=, >, <=, <, !=, ==.

For example:


will trigger the flow you are submitting if payflow has an exit code greater than orequal to 2.

Note: When Process Manager calculates the number of jobs in a flow, for successfuljobs, failed jobs, and so on, it does not count the jobs in a subflow, and it counts ajob array as a single job. It also does not count other objects in the flow, such asevents or alarms.

-C combination_type

When multiple events are specified, the combination type specifies whetherone event is sufficient to trigger a flow, or if all of the events must be true totrigger it. The default is all.


Specifies that all events must be true before a flow is triggered. This is thedefault.


Specifies that a flow will trigger when any event is true.


Specifies the name of the file containing the flow definition.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

Examplesjsub -r -T "Weekends@Sys:0-8:30%30" -F "exists(/tmp/1.dat)" -CAND myflow.xml

Submits the flow definition in myflow.xml, to be triggered when both of thefollowing are true:v Saturdays and Sundays every hour on the half hour, beginning at midnight until

8:00 a.m.v The file /tmp/1.dat exists

Any triggering information defined within the flow definition is overwritten. Ifthis flow definition already exists, replace it.

% jsub -d -F "size(/data/tmp.log) >3500000" -F "arrival(/tmp/1.dat)"-C OR backup.xml

Submits the flow definition in backup.xml, to be triggered when one of thefollowing is true:

v The size of /data/tmp.log exceeds 3.5 MBv The file /tmp/1.dat arrives

Any triggering information defined within the flow definition is overwritten. Ifthis flow definition already exists, create a duplicate.

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jtriggermanually triggers a previously submitted flow definition.


jtrigger [-u user_name] [-v "var=value[;var1=value1;...]"] flow_name low_name... [f]

jtrigger [-h]|[-V]


You use the jtrigger command to trigger a submitted flow definition, whichcreates a flow associated with that definition. Any events normally used to triggerthis definition are ignored at this time.

If the flow definition is on hold, you can use this command to trigger a flow. If theflow definition is not on hold, this command triggers an additional execution ofthe flow. If you want to trigger a flow whose definition is not yet stored in ProcessManager, use the jrun command.


-u user_name

Specifies the name of the user who owns the flow definition. Use this option ifyou have administrator authority and you are triggering the flow on behalf ofanother user.

-v var=value

Specifies to pass variables and their values to the flow when triggering it. Tospecify a list of variables, separate the variable and value pairs with asemi-colon (;). The value of the variable is available only within the scope ofthe flow itself (local variables only).


Specifies the name of the flow definition. To specify a list of flow definitions,separate the flow definition names with a space.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

Examplesjtrigger myflow

Triggers the flow definition myflow, which is owned by the current user.jtrigger -u "user01" payupdt

Triggers the flow definition payupdt, which is owned by user01.jtrigger -v "PMONTH=October" payflow

Triggers the flow definition payflow, which is owned by the current user, andpasses it a value of October for the variable PMONTH.

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See also


junpublishunpublishes a target flow from Process Manager.


junpublish [-u user_name] [-f flow_name]

junpublish [-h]|[-V]


You use the jpublish command to unpublish a target flow from Process Manager.Unplublished target flows can no longer be referred to by dynamic subflows andflow arrays.

Only Process Manager administrators and control administrators can unpublishtarget flows.


-u user_name

Specifies the name of the user who owns the flow. In Windows, the user namemust include the domain in the form of domain_name\user_name.

-f flow_name

Specifies the name of the flow. If you do not specify a flow name, all flowsmeeting the other criteria are unpublished.


Prints the command usage to stderr and exits.


Prints the Process Manager release version to stderr and exits.

Examplesjunpublish -u userA -f flow2

Unpublishes the flow2 flow belonging to userA.junpublish -u domainA\userA -f flow2

In Windows, unpublishes the flow2 flow belonging to userA, which belongs to thedomainA domain.

See also


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ppmsetvarsets or removes flow user variables, subflow user variables, and global uservariables from a work item in a flow or subflow


ppmsetvar -f variable_name=value[ variable_name=value ...]

ppmsetvar -p variable_name=value[ variable_name=value ...]

ppmsetvar -g variable_name=value[ variable_name=value ...]

ppmsetvar -f -r variable_name[ variable_name ...]

ppmsetvar -p -r variable_name[ variable_name ...]

ppmsetvar -g -r variable_name[ variable_name ...]

ppmsetvar -h | -V


Use the ppmsetvar command to set user variables or remove user variables from awork item in a flow at runtime, and to set global user variables or remove globaluser variables at runtime.

Only LSF jobs, job scripts, job arrays and job script arrays can use ppmsetvar.

This is a blocking command.

Important: This command uses the LSF bpost command with slots 4, 5, and 6. Ifanyone is using bpost in your LSF cluster, ensure the slots 4, 5, 6 are not used asthis will interfere with the ppmsetvar command and may lead to unexpectedresults.

You can use ppmsetvar in conjunction with other methods of setting user variablesin Process Manager, such as a variable file or job starter. For example, you couldset some variables using ppmsetvar and other variables with a variable file. Alluser variables will be identified by Process Manager. If you use several methods toset user variables, note that the variable file can override any variables set withppmsetvar as it is read last.

If ppmsetvar is used multiple times, the variables will be appended. For example, ifyou run the following, the end result will be a=10, b=2, c=7, and d=100:ppmsetvar -f a=1 b=2ppmsetvar -f a=10 c=7ppmsetvar -f d=100


-f variable_name=value [variable_name=value ...]

Sets user variables for a flow. Use this option to set user variables that canonly be accessed by work items within a flow. These user variables cannot beaccessed from other flows. Separate multiple variables with a space.

-p variable_name=value [variable_name=value ...]

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Sets user variables from a subflow to be used in a main flow. Use this optionwhen you want to pass a user variable from a subflow to its main flow.Separate multiple variables with a space.

-g variable_name=value [variable_name=value ...]

Sets global user variables for flows. Use this option to set a global uservariable that is available to all flows in the system. Separate multiple variableswith a space.

-f -r variable_name [variable_name ...]

Clears the specified user variable for work items within a flow. Separatemultiple variables with a space.

-p -r variable_name [variable_name ...]

Clears the specified user variable for a subflow. Separate multiple variableswith a space.

-g -r variable_name [variable_name ...]

Clears global user for flows. Separate multiple variables with a space.

Return Valuesv 0: command completed successfully.v 1: command exited due to an invalid parameter.v 2: command exited due to incorrect variable/value syntax.v 3: command exited due to unknown reasons.

Set user variables ABC and XYZ that can be accessed by allwork items in a flow

ppmsetvar -f ABC=123 XYZ=456

Clear flow user variables ABC and XYZ

ppmsetvar -f -r ABC XYZ

Set a user variable from a subflow to a parent flow

For example, the subflow name is Dynamic_Subflow1. In this example, the job setsthe user variable with the flow short name. The parent flow can access this uservariable by indicating in a work item echo #{result_Dynamic_Subflow1}. In thiscase, the result of echo #{result_Dynamic_Subflow1} would be xyz100.

ppmsetvar -p result_#{JS_FLOW_SHORT_NAME}=xyz#{MYVAR}

Clear a user variable from a subflow

In this example, the subflow clears the user variable with the subflow short name.If the subflow name is Subflow1, this command clear the user variableother_result_Subflow1.

ppmsetvar -p -r other_result_#{JS_FLOW_SHORT_NAME}

Set a global user variable from any work item

ppmsetvar -g MYGLOBAL=all

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Clear a global user variable from any work item

ppmsetvar -g -r MYGLOBAL

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