Using Jaspersoft with MongoDB

Using Jaspersoft with MongoDB Mariano Luna Senior Sales Engineer, Jaspersoft April 16, 2013


Slide deck for the April 16, 2013 Jaspersoft Tech Talk. * MongoDB - * MongoDB Documentation - * The Jaspersoft MongoDB Query Language - * Right Outer Join Blog - by Matt Dahlman * JasperReports Server Documentation -

Transcript of Using Jaspersoft with MongoDB

Using Jaspersoft with MongoDB

Mariano LunaSenior Sales Engineer, JaspersoftApril 16, 2013

Session Overview

What is MongoDB?

Connecting to MongoDB from JasperServer

The MongoDB Query Language

Using MongoDB in iReport

Using Adhoc with MongoDB

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What is MongoDB

MongoDB (from "humongous") is an open source document database written in C++.

MongoDB in a nutshell Document-Oriented Storage (JSON Documents) JSON-style documents with dynamic schemas offer simplicity and

power. Full Index Support. Index on any attribute, just like you're used to. Rich, document-based query language. Map/Reduce Flexible aggregation and data processing.

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The Jaspersoft MongoDB Query Language

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The Jaspersoft MongoDB Query Language is a JSON-style declarative language for specifying what data to retrieve from MongoDB. The connector converts this query into the appropriate API calls and uses the MongoDB Java connector to query the MongoDB instance.

There are two types of queries supported:

API driven queries: These queries rely on the mongo-java-driver support provided to query MongoDB.

Command driven queries: This queries allow the usage of MongoDB Aggregation Framework operators

Connecting Jaspersoft to MongoDB

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Creating a JasperServer Datasource

Setting connection URL

and (optional) authentication


API Driven Queries

Querying Mongo form Jasper{ # The following parameter is mandatory. collectionName : myCollection Details, # The following parameters are optional findQuery : { Details }, findFields : { Details }, sort : {Details}, mapReduce : {Details}, limit : int Details, rowsToProcess : int Details}

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Command Driven Queries

Querying mongo form Jasper{ runCommand : { Command body }, # The following parameter is optional rowsToProcess : int Details}

Using runCommand to access the MongoDB aggregation framework

{ runCommand : { aggregate : COLLECTION_NAME, pipeline : [ List of aggregation operations ] }}

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Example Queries

Minimal{ 'collectionName' : 'accounts’ }

Filtered and parameterized{ 'collectionName' : 'accounts', 'findQuery' : { 'status_date' : { '$gte' : $P{StartDate} }, 'name' : { '$regex' : '^N', '$options' : '' } }}

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Example Queries

Specify the fields returned and sort the results{ 'collectionName' : 'accounts', 'findFields' : { 'name':1, 'phone_office':1, 'billing_address_city':1, 'billing_address_street':1, 'billing_address_country':1 }, 'sort' : { 'billing_address_country':-1, 'billing_address_city':1 }}

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Example Queries

Using the Aggregation { runCommand: { aggregate : 'zips', pipeline : [ { $group : { _id : '$state', population: { $sum : '$pop' } } }, { $sort : { population : -1 } } ]}

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Additional Resources


MongoDB Documentation

The Jaspersoft MongoDB Query Language

Right Outer Join Blog - by Matt Dahlman

JasperReports Server Documentation

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Thank You