Using Hauppauge Capture Capture tab - Amazon S3 · Video format: The video format of the incoming...

Using Hauppauge Capture After restarting your PC, you will see the Hauppauge Capture icon on your Windows desktop. Click this icon to start Hauppauge Capture. For more information on Hauppauge Capture, how-to videos and the latest version of Hauppauge Capture, please look here: Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Capture: to record videos Edit: to trim videos YouTube: to upload videos Settings menu Preview window: when you have chosen your video source, you should see your video here Page 4 Quality: This is where you set the bit rate of your recordings. The higher the bitrate, the better your video qual- ity will be. But higher quality videos consume more disk space. Advanced menu: This is where you can set the audio settings Capture tab SkipBack: SkipBack allows you record gameplay in the past. The Minutes setting sets the number of minutes to record in the past Snapshot button: Click this button to take a snapshot of your video. You can also hit the spacebar on your keyboard to take a snapshot. Video format: The video format of the incoming video is shown here Start/Stop recording: You can also use the record button on top of the HD PVR 60 to start or stop recordings Export to MP4: Some video editors need an MP4 file. When you are finished trimming your videos, click this button and your video will be converted to MP4 without any loss in video quality. Start and pause your video: You can start or pause your videos with this button Cut from the LEFT: When you click this button, you will delete all of the video to the LEFT of the video mark. Video mark: This shows you the current posi- tion in your recording of the video you see in the preview win- dow Cut from the RIGHT: When you click this button, you will delete all of the video to the RIGHT of the video mark. Edit tab File selector: Your last recording will be at the top of the list. You can also choose any other recording. Upload to YouTube: After you have trimmed your videos, click here to upload them to YouTube. Enter your YouTube credentials: Enter your user name and password. Note: if you have multiple YouTube accounts linked to one user name and password, you cannot use this function to upload to YouTube. You will need to manually upload using a web browswer. Your videos can be found in the Videos folder on your PC. Enter the Title, Keywords and Description: This is the minimum information required by YouTube to upload your videos. Then click OK. YouTube tab File selector: Your last recording will be at the top of the list. You can also choose any other recording. Next, select your streaming service: You can stream with Twitch, YouTube and Ustream. You can also add your commen- tary by selecting your microphone in the ‘Mic input’ box above. For more information on YouTube streaming setup, go here: Enter your login information: Once you have selected your service, click here and the Login box will open. If you are using Twitch, you can also choose your Ingest server in the Location box. Login box: This is where you enter your user name and password. Once you have entered this information, you will see ‘Gathering credentials’ as we try to log onto your account. Start Streaming: Once you have logged into your account, click the Start Steaming button. You will then be streaming to your service. First, set your streaming quality: We recommend starting at 1.5Mbps and checking to see if your stream looks good. If it is, then your Internet connection is good and you can increase the Quality to 2.0Mbps or more. StreamEez tab Recordings Directory: This is the folder where your recordings will be stored. The default is in your ‘Videos’ folder. Settings tab Snapshot Directory: This is the folder where your still images will be stored. The default is in your ‘Pictures’ folder. To capture a snapshot, hit the spacebar on your keyboard when in the Capture tab. Video Decoding: These are settings which help speed up video preview when in the Capture tab. We recommend using Hardware Acceleration. On slower PCs, you might want to use ‘I-Frame’. This slows down the video preview, but allows recordings to be made with better quality. Webacm Settings: These are settings which are used to add your Facecam to your recordings. First, in the pull down menu, chose your webcam. Then, click the ‘Edit Faccam Position’ button and then you will see a red box in the Preview window showing the position of your webcam. Drag and resize the red box. When you are done, unclick ‘Edit Facecam Position’ and then return to the Capture tab. Name of your recording: Default name is the date and time Timed recording: If you would like to have your recording made for a certain time (example: 10 minutes), set this to the time. If you leave this at 00:00:00, then you will need to manually start/stop your recording Audio volume: Set the audio volume of your game, your microphone and your PC audio here. To disable PC audio, turn this all the way to the LEFT (this is 0 volume). Audio volume will only be adjusted when a microphone is selected. Microphone input: If you want to record your game commentary, select your micro- phone here. Video and Audio sources: For a PC game, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4 or WiiU, set for HDMI Recording format: TS, M2TS, MP4

Transcript of Using Hauppauge Capture Capture tab - Amazon S3 · Video format: The video format of the incoming...

Using Hauppauge Capture

After restarting your PC, you will see the Hauppauge Capture icon on yourWindows desktop. Click this icon to start Hauppauge Capture.

For more information on Hauppauge Capture, how-to videos and the latest versionof Hauppauge Capture, please look

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3

Page 5 Page 6

Capture:to record videos

Edit:to trim videos

YouTube:to upload videos


Preview window:when you have chosen your video source, you

should see your video here

Page 4

QQuuaalliittyy::TThhiiss iiss wwhheerree yyoouu sseett tthhee bbiitt rraatteeooff yyoouurr rreeccoorrddiinnggss.. TThhee hhiigghheerr tthheebbiittrraattee,, tthhee bbeetttteerr yyoouurr vviiddeeoo qquuaall--iittyy wwiillll bbee.. BBuutt hhiigghheerr qquuaalliittyyvviiddeeooss ccoonnssuummee mmoorree ddiisskk ssppaaccee.. AAddvvaanncceedd mmeennuu::

TThhiiss iiss wwhheerree yyoouu ccaann sseett tthhee aauuddiioo sseettttiinnggss

Capture tab

SSkkiippBBaacckk::SSkkiippBBaacckk aalllloowwss yyoouu rreeccoorrdd ggaammeeppllaayy iinn tthhee ppaasstt.. TThhee MMiinnuutteess sseettttiinnggsseettss tthhee nnuummbbeerr ooff mmiinnuutteess ttoo rreeccoorrdd iinn tthhee ppaasstt

SSnnaappsshhoott bbuuttttoonn::CClliicckk tthhiiss bbuuttttoonn ttoo ttaakkee aa ssnnaappsshhoott ooff yyoouurr vviiddeeoo.. YYoouu ccaann aallssoo hhiitttthhee ssppaacceebbaarr oonn yyoouurr kkeeyybbooaarrdd ttoo ttaakkee aa ssnnaappsshhoott..

VViiddeeoo ffoorrmmaatt::TThhee vviiddeeoo ffoorrmmaatt ooff tthhee iinnccoommiinngg vviiddeeoo iiss sshhoowwnn hheerree

SSttaarrtt//SSttoopp rreeccoorrddiinngg::YYoouu ccaann aallssoo uussee tthhee rreeccoorrdd bbuuttttoonn oonn ttoopp ooff tthhee HHDD PPVVRR 6600 ttoossttaarrtt oorr ssttoopp rreeccoorrddiinnggss

EExxppoorrtt ttoo MMPP44::SSoommee vviiddeeoo eeddiittoorrss nneeeeddaann MMPP44 ffiillee.. WWhheenn yyoouu aarreeffiinniisshheedd ttrriimmmmiinngg yyoouurrvviiddeeooss,, cclliicckk tthhiiss bbuuttttoonnaanndd yyoouurr vviiddeeoo wwiillll bbeeccoonnvveerrtteedd ttoo MMPP44 wwiitthhoouuttaannyy lloossss iinn vviiddeeoo qquuaalliittyy..

SSttaarrtt aanndd ppaauussee yyoouurrvviiddeeoo::YYoouu ccaann ssttaarrtt oorrppaauussee yyoouurr vviiddeeoosswwiitthh tthhiiss bbuuttttoonn

CCuutt ffrroomm tthhee LLEEFFTT::WWhheenn yyoouu cclliicckktthhiiss bbuuttttoonn,, yyoouuwwiillll ddeelleettee aallll oofftthhee vviiddeeoo ttoo tthheeLLEEFFTT ooff tthheevviiddeeoo mmaarrkk..

VViiddeeoo mmaarrkk::TThhiiss sshhoowwss yyoouutthhee ccuurrrreenntt ppoossii--ttiioonn iinn yyoouurrrreeccoorrddiinngg ooff tthheevviiddeeoo yyoouu sseeee iinntthhee pprreevviieeww wwiinn--ddooww

CCuutt ffrroomm tthhee RRIIGGHHTT::WWhheenn yyoouu cclliicckktthhiiss bbuuttttoonn,, yyoouuwwiillll ddeelleettee aallll oofftthhee vviiddeeoo ttoo tthheeRRIIGGHHTT ooff tthhee vviiddeeoommaarrkk..

Edit tab

FFiillee sseelleeccttoorr::YYoouurr llaasstt rreeccoorrddiinngg wwiillll bbee aatt tthhee ttoopp ooff tthheelliisstt.. YYoouu ccaann aallssoo cchhoooossee aannyy ootthheerr rreeccoorrddiinngg..

UUppllooaadd ttoo YYoouuTTuubbee::AAfftteerr yyoouu hhaavveettrriimmmmeedd yyoouurrvviiddeeooss,, cclliicckk hheerreettoo uuppllooaadd tthheemm ttooYYoouuTTuubbee..

EEnntteerr yyoouurr YYoouuTTuubbee ccrreeddeennttiiaallss::EEnntteerr yyoouurr uusseerr nnaammee aanndd ppaasssswwoorrdd..

NNoottee:: iiff yyoouu hhaavvee mmuullttiippllee YYoouuTTuubbee aaccccoouunnttss lliinnkkeedd ttoo oonneeuusseerr nnaammee aanndd ppaasssswwoorrdd,, yyoouu ccaannnnoott uussee tthhiiss ffuunnccttiioonn ttoouuppllooaadd ttoo YYoouuTTuubbee.. YYoouu wwiillll nneeeedd ttoo mmaannuuaallllyy uuppllooaadduussiinngg aa wweebb bbrroowwsswweerr.. YYoouurr vviiddeeooss ccaann bbee ffoouunndd iinn tthheeVViiddeeooss ffoollddeerr oonn yyoouurr PPCC..

EEnntteerr tthhee TTiittllee,, KKeeyywwoorrddss aannddDDeessccrriippttiioonn::TThhiiss iiss tthhee mmiinniimmuumm iinnffoorrmmaattiioonnrreeqquuiirreedd bbyy YYoouuTTuubbee ttoo uuppllooaaddyyoouurr vviiddeeooss..TThheenn cclliicckk OOKK..

YouTube tab

FFiillee sseelleeccttoorr::YYoouurr llaasstt rreeccoorrddiinngg wwiillll bbee aatt tthhee ttoopp ooff tthheelliisstt.. YYoouu ccaann aallssoo cchhoooossee aannyy ootthheerr rreeccoorrddiinngg..

NNeexxtt,, sseelleecctt yyoouurr ssttrreeaammiinngg sseerrvviiccee::YYoouu ccaann ssttrreeaamm wwiitthh TTwwiittcchh,,YYoouuTTuubbee aanndd UUssttrreeaamm..YYoouu ccaann aallssoo aadddd yyoouurr ccoommmmeenn--ttaarryy bbyy sseelleeccttiinngg yyoouurr mmiiccrroopphhoonneeiinn tthhee ‘‘MMiicc iinnppuutt’’ bbooxx aabboovvee..

FFoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonn YYoouuTTuubbeessttrreeaammiinngg sseettuupp,, ggoo hheerree::wwwwww..hhaauuppppaauuggee..ccoomm//yyoouuttuubbee

EEnntteerr yyoouurr llooggiinn iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn::OOnnccee yyoouu hhaavvee sseelleecctteeddyyoouurr sseerrvviiccee,, cclliicckk hheerreeaanndd tthhee LLooggiinn bbooxx wwiillllooppeenn..IIff yyoouu aarree uussiinngg TTwwiittcchh,,yyoouu ccaann aallssoo cchhoooossee yyoouurrIInnggeesstt sseerrvveerr iinn tthheeLLooccaattiioonn bbooxx..

LLooggiinn bbooxx::TThhiiss iiss wwhheerree yyoouu eenntteerr yyoouurruusseerr nnaammee aanndd ppaasssswwoorrdd..OOnnccee yyoouu hhaavvee eenntteerreedd tthhiissiinnffoorrmmaattiioonn,, yyoouu wwiillll sseeee‘‘GGaatthheerriinngg ccrreeddeennttiiaallss’’ aass wweettrryy ttoo lloogg oonnttoo yyoouurr aaccccoouunntt..

SSttaarrtt SSttrreeaammiinngg::OOnnccee yyoouu hhaavvee llooggggeedd iinnttoo yyoouurr aaccccoouunntt,, cclliicckk tthhee SSttaarrttSStteeaammiinngg bbuuttttoonn.. YYoouu wwiillll tthheenn bbee ssttrreeaammiinngg ttoo yyoouurr sseerrvviiccee..

FFiirrsstt,, sseett yyoouurr ssttrreeaammiinngg qquuaalliittyy::WWee rreeccoommmmeenndd ssttaarrttiinngg aatt11..55MMbbppss aanndd cchheecckkiinngg ttoosseeee iiff yyoouurr ssttrreeaamm llooookkssggoooodd.. IIff iitt iiss,, tthheenn yyoouurr IInntteerrnneettccoonnnneeccttiioonn iiss ggoooodd aanndd yyoouuccaann iinnccrreeaassee tthhee QQuuaalliittyy ttoo22..00MMbbppss oorr mmoorree..

StreamEez tab

RReeccoorrddiinnggss DDiirreeccttoorryy::TThhiiss iiss tthhee ffoollddeerr wwhheerree yyoouurr rreeccoorrddiinnggss wwiillll bbee ssttoorreedd.. TThheeddeeffaauulltt iiss iinn yyoouurr ‘‘VViiddeeooss’’ ffoollddeerr..

Settings tab

SSnnaappsshhoott DDiirreeccttoorryy::TThhiiss iiss tthhee ffoollddeerr wwhheerree yyoouurr ssttiillll iimmaaggeess wwiillll bbee ssttoorreedd.. TThheeddeeffaauulltt iiss iinn yyoouurr ‘‘PPiiccttuurreess’’ ffoollddeerr.. TToo ccaappttuurree aa ssnnaappsshhoott,, hhiitttthhee ssppaacceebbaarr oonn yyoouurr kkeeyybbooaarrdd wwhheenn iinn tthhee CCaappttuurree ttaabb..

VViiddeeoo DDeeccooddiinngg::TThheessee aarree sseettttiinnggss wwhhiicchh hheellpp ssppeeeedd uupp vviiddeeoo pprreevviieeww wwhheenn iinntthhee CCaappttuurree ttaabb.. WWee rreeccoommmmeenndd uussiinngg HHaarrddwwaarree AAcccceelleerraattiioonn..OOnn sslloowweerr PPCCss,, yyoouu mmiigghhtt wwaanntt ttoo uussee ‘‘II--FFrraammee’’.. TThhiiss sslloowwssddoowwnn tthhee vviiddeeoo pprreevviieeww,, bbuutt aalllloowwss rreeccoorrddiinnggss ttoo bbee mmaaddee wwiitthhbbeetttteerr qquuaalliittyy..

WWeebbaaccmm SSeettttiinnggss::TThheessee aarree sseettttiinnggss wwhhiicchh aarree uusseedd ttoo aadddd yyoouurr FFaacceeccaamm ttoo yyoouurrrreeccoorrddiinnggss.. FFiirrsstt,, iinn tthhee ppuullll ddoowwnn mmeennuu,, cchhoossee yyoouurr wweebbccaamm..TThheenn,, cclliicckk tthhee ‘‘EEddiitt FFaaccccaamm PPoossiittiioonn’’ bbuuttttoonn aanndd tthheenn yyoouu wwiillllsseeee aa rreedd bbooxx iinn tthhee PPrreevviieeww wwiinnddooww sshhoowwiinngg tthhee ppoossiittiioonn ooffyyoouurr wweebbccaamm.. DDrraagg aanndd rreessiizzee tthhee rreedd bbooxx.. WWhheenn yyoouu aarree ddoonnee,,uunncclliicckk ‘‘EEddiitt FFaacceeccaamm PPoossiittiioonn’’ aanndd tthheenn rreettuurrnn ttoo tthhee CCaappttuurreettaabb..

NNaammee ooff yyoouurr rreeccoorrddiinngg::DDeeffaauulltt nnaammee iiss tthhee ddaattee aanndd ttiimmee

TTiimmeedd rreeccoorrddiinngg:: IIff yyoouu wwoouulldd lliikkee ttoo hhaavvee yyoouurr rreeccoorrddiinngg mmaaddee ffoorr aa cceerrttaaiinn ttiimmee((eexxaammppllee:: 1100 mmiinnuutteess)),, sseett tthhiiss ttoo tthhee ttiimmee.. IIff yyoouu lleeaavvee tthhiiss aatt 0000::0000::0000,, tthheenn yyoouu wwiillll nneeeedd ttoo mmaannuuaallllyyssttaarrtt//ssttoopp yyoouurr rreeccoorrddiinngg

AAuuddiioo vvoolluummee::SSeett tthhee aauuddiioo vvoolluummee ooff yyoouurr ggaammee,, yyoouurr mmiiccrroopphhoonnee aanndd yyoouurr PPCCaauuddiioo hheerree.. TToo ddiissaabbllee PPCC aauuddiioo,, ttuurrnn tthhiiss aallll tthhee wwaayy ttoo tthhee LLEEFFTT ((tthhiissiiss 00 vvoolluummee)).. AAuuddiioo vvoolluummee wwiillll oonnllyy bbee aaddjjuusstteedd wwhheenn aa mmiiccrroopphhoonneeiiss sseelleecctteedd..

MMiiccrroopphhoonnee iinnppuutt::IIff yyoouu wwaanntt ttoo rreeccoorrdd yyoouurr ggaammee ccoommmmeennttaarryy,, sseelleecctt yyoouurr mmiiccrroo--pphhoonnee hheerree..

VViiddeeoo aanndd AAuuddiioo ssoouurrcceess:: FFoorr aa PPCC ggaammee,, XXbbooxx OOnnee,, XXbbooxx 336600,, PPSS44 oorr WWiiiiUU,, sseett ffoorr HHDDMMII

RReeccoorrddiinngg ffoorrmmaatt:: TTSS,, MM22TTSS,, MMPP44