Users and gratification theory


Transcript of Users and gratification theory

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Diversion (escapism)

This is the concept that films and TV programs have the ability to help people escape from their ‘daily grind’ such as work or school.


Films and other forms of media provide entertainment for viewers, this could be to relax, for an emotional release or simply to experience the ‘fun’ that comes with watching the film.

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Surveillance (Information)

This basically means that some viewers use media as a form of education, to gain information and knowledge. This is used in such programmes as Documentary's.

Personal Identity

The media allows viewers to create their own identity from characters in films/ celebrities in the media and learning about different behaviour and values.

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Personal Relationships

Otherwise known as ‘Social Interaction’, viewers can utilise media texts for emotional interaction.

An example of this is viewers watching soap operas as a substitution for family life.

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Thriller Opening: Users and Gratification Theory

Escapism: Our thriller will help viewers escape from their daily grind by hooking them into a realistic storyline, with elements of horror that will frighten and shock the audience.

Surveillance (Information): The genre thriller itself isn’t very informative, therefore our trailer may not be appealing to an audience who want to be educated.

Entertainment: Our piece follows Props Theory of Character types by including a villain and a hero. Despite not being a comedy genre, we still aim to provide a entertaining and exciting experience.

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Personal Identity: We expect our audience to almost idolise the hero character by giving him loveable traits and a quirky personality.

Personal Relationships (Social Interaction): Our target audience is teenagers and adults so we predict our film would be watched at social events (such as parties and the cinema) for viewers who want to feel excited.