User Manual for DMA - Europa€¦ · User Manual for DMA EDAMIS 3.3 Author Eurostat Unit B5: Data...

User Manual for DMA EDAMIS 3.3 Author Eurostat Unit B5: Data and metadata services and standards Release 1.0 Status Final Reference GUI 2016-03-21 GUI (User Manual for DMA) F.doc

Transcript of User Manual for DMA - Europa€¦ · User Manual for DMA EDAMIS 3.3 Author Eurostat Unit B5: Data...

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User Manual for DMA


Author Eurostat Unit B5: Data and metadata services and standards

Release 1.0

Status Final

Reference GUI 2016-03-21 GUI (User Manual for DMA) F.doc

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1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 6

1.1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION .................................................................................................................... 6 1.2 WHAT IS EDAMIS? .................................................................................................................................. 7 1.3 EDAMIS: TWO TREES, TWO GARDENERS .................................................................................................. 7 1.4 THE EDAMIS NAMING CONVENTION ........................................................................................................ 8

2 HOW TO ACCESS EDAMIS VIA THE WEB PORTAL? ..................................................................... 10

3 GETTING STARTED WIH A NEW DOMAIN ...................................................................................... 11

4 HOW TO MAINTAIN THE EDAMIS INVENTORY? .......................................................................... 12

4.1 MANAGING THE EDAMIS DOMAIN ......................................................................................................... 12 4.1.1 How to create a new domain? ....................................................................................................... 12 4.1.2 How to update the information linked to an existing domain? ...................................................... 12

4.2 MANAGING THE EDAMIS DATASET........................................................................................................ 16 4.2.1 How to create a new dataset? ....................................................................................................... 19 Section ‘Dataset identification’ ..................................................................................................... 19 Section ‘Transmission’ .................................................................................................................. 20 Section ‘Timeliness’ ...................................................................................................................... 22 Section ‘Confidentiality’ ............................................................................................................... 24 Section ‘Validation’ ...................................................................................................................... 25 Section ‘Other’ .............................................................................................................................. 25 4.2.2 How to activate/deactivate a dataset? ........................................................................................... 26 4.2.3 How to update a dataset? .............................................................................................................. 27 4.2.4 How to copy a dataset? ................................................................................................................. 27 4.2.5 How to delete a dataset? ............................................................................................................... 28

4.3 MANAGING THE DATASET TIMETABLE .................................................................................................... 29 4.4 MANAGING THE LINKS BETWEEN DATASETS AND COUNTRIES ................................................................. 31

4.4.1 How to create a link between a country and a domain/dataset? ................................................... 34 4.4.2 How to create a delegated organisation? ..................................................................................... 36 4.4.3 Rules applied ................................................................................................................................. 37 4.4.4 How to update the link between a country and a domain/dataset? ............................................... 37 4.4.5 How to delete a link between a country and a domain/dataset? ................................................... 38 4.4.6 How to rename an organisation? .................................................................................................. 38

5 HOW TO MANAGE USER INFORMATION AND RIGHTS ? ........................................................... 40

5.1 THE MANAGE USERS FORM ..................................................................................................................... 40 5.1.1 Section Information ....................................................................................................................... 41 5.1.2 Section Organisation ..................................................................................................................... 42 5.1.3 Section Rights (Org) ...................................................................................................................... 42 5.1.4 Section Preferences ....................................................................................................................... 44 5.1.5 Section Emails ............................................................................................................................... 44 5.1.6 Section Notifications ..................................................................................................................... 46

5.2 THE MANAGE RIGHTS BY DOMAIN / DATASET ........................................................................................ 47 5.2.1 Add right ....................................................................................................................................... 48 Grant the requested right .............................................................................................................. 48 Give right to a user ....................................................................................................................... 48 5.2.2 Update a right ............................................................................................................................... 49 5.2.3 Remove rights ................................................................................................................................ 50

6 HOW TO MANAGE ORGANISATIONS AND PERSONS FORM ? ................................................... 51

6.1 PARAMETERS OF THE ORGANISATION ...................................................................................................... 52 6.2 MANAGING A USER .................................................................................................................................. 52

6.2.1 How to create a user ..................................................................................................................... 53 6.2.2 How to update a user of an organisation ...................................................................................... 54 6.2.3 How to delete a user of an organisation ....................................................................................... 54

7 HOW TO ASK MORE RIGHTS OR REMOVE EXISTING RIGHTS ? ............................................. 55

7.1 AN USER CAN ASK MORE RIGHTS ............................................................................................................. 55 7.2 AN USER CAN REMOVE HIS RIGHTS .......................................................................................................... 56

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8 HOW TO SELF REGISTER IN EDAMIS ? ............................................................................................ 57

8.1 SELF-REGISTRATION PROCESS ................................................................................................................. 58 8.1.1 Connect to the EDAMIS portal ..................................................................................................... 59 8.1.2 Fill in the EDAMIS self-registration request form ........................................................................ 59 8.1.3 Send the self-registration request and wait for the reply .............................................................. 61

9 HOW TO SEND DATA FILES USING EWP ? ....................................................................................... 62

9.1 SEND DATA (NEW) MENU ................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 9.1.1 Accept the requests ........................................................................................................................ 62 9.1.2 Select the data file ......................................................................................................................... 64 9.1.3 Fill in the metadata ....................................................................................................................... 64 9.1.4 Perform the transfer and check the transmission status ................................................................ 65


Figure 1: EDAMIS approaches to provide data to Eurostat ....................................................... 7 Figure 2: EDAMIS trees and gardeners ..................................................................................... 8 Figure 3: EDAMIS naming convention ..................................................................................... 9 Figure 4: EWP login form ........................................................................................................ 10 Figure 5: EWP welcome page .................................................................................................. 10 Figure 6: Manage Domains - Menu ......................................................................................... 12

Figure 7: Manage Domains – List ............................................................................................ 12 Figure 8: Manage Domains – Domain form ............................................................................ 14 Figure 9: Manage datasets menu .............................................................................................. 16 Figure 10: Manage datasets list ................................................................................................ 16

Figure 11: Manage datasets – Dataset Form ............................................................................ 19

Figure 12: Manage Datasets form - Identification ................................................................... 19 Figure 13: Manage datasets form – Transmission ................................................................... 20 Figure 14: Manage datasets form – Timeliness ....................................................................... 22

Figure 15: Manage datasets form – Timeliness ....................................................................... 24 Figure 16: Manage datasets form – Confidentiality ................................................................. 24

Figure 17: Manage Datasets form – Validation ....................................................................... 25 Figure 18: Manage Datasets form – Other – Sender selected .................................................. 25 Figure 19: Email server ............................................................................................................ 26

Figure 20: Manage Datasets form – Selecting a dataset for activation .................................... 26 Figure 21: Message from webpage – Activation request is sent .............................................. 26

Figure 22: Manage Datasets – Datasets with ‘A’ icon ............................................................. 27 Figure 23: Manage Datasets form – Selecting a dataset for copy ............................................ 27 Figure 24: Manage Datasets – Copy of a dataset ..................................................................... 28 Figure 25: Message from webpage – Successful copy of a dataset ......................................... 28

Figure 26: Manage Datasets – Selecting a dataset for deletion ................................................ 28 Figure 27: Manage Datasets – Deletion of a dataset – Confirmation ...................................... 29 Figure 28: Manage datasets - Detailed timetable by occurrences filter form .......................... 29 Figure 29: Manage datasets – Detailed timetable by occurrences ........................................... 29 Figure 30: Manage datasets – Timetable preview .................................................................... 30

Figure 31: Manage links datasets and countries menu ............................................................. 31 Figure 32: Manage links datasets and countries form .............................................................. 31

Figure 33: Manage Links Datasets and Countries menu .......................................................... 34 Figure 34: Manage Links Datasets and Countries page ........................................................... 34 Figure 35: Links Domains and Countries Management - Form ............................................... 35 Figure 36: Manage Links Datasets and Countries - Form ....................................................... 35 Figure 37: Manage Links Datasets and Countries – Form for a delegated organisation ......... 36

Figure 38: Manage Links Datasets and Countries – delegated organisation added ................. 37 Figure 39: Manage Links Dataset and Countries - Form ......................................................... 38

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Figure 40: Manage Links Dataset and Countries - Dependencies ........................................... 38 Figure 41: Manage Users form ................................................................................................. 40

Figure 42: Manage List of users – Menu ................................................................................. 40 Figure 43: Manage users – User management ......................................................................... 41 Figure 44: Manage Users – Information .................................................................................. 42 Figure 45: Manage Users – Organisation ................................................................................. 42

Figure 46: Manage Users – Rights (org) .................................................................................. 42 Figure 47: Manage Users – Rights (org) .................................................................................. 43 Figure 48: Manage Users – Rights (org) .................................................................................. 43 Figure 49: Manage Users – Rights (org) .................................................................................. 43 Figure 50: Manage Users – Preferences ................................................................................... 44

Figure 51: Manage Users – Emails .......................................................................................... 45

Figure 52: Manage Users – Manage the notifications .............................................................. 46

Figure 53: Manage Rights by Domain/Dataset – List of domains/datasets ............................. 47 Figure 54: Manage Rights by Domain/Dataset – List of user with rights by dataset ............. 47 Figure 55: Manage Rights by Domain/Dataset – Update of user’s role .................................. 48 Figure 56: Confirmation message ............................................................................................ 48 Figure 57: Manage Rights by Domain/Dataset – Add rights for a user ................................... 48

Figure 58: Manage Rights by Domain/Dataset – Change the rights for a user ........................ 49 Figure 59: Manage Rights by Domain/Dataset – Updated rights for a user ............................ 49 Figure 60: Manage Rights by Domain/Dataset – Remove rights for a user ............................ 50 Figure 61: Manage organisations and persons ......................................................................... 51

Figure 62: Manage organisations and persons – Organisations list ......................................... 51

Figure 63: Manage organisations and persons – Users by organisations list ........................... 52

Figure 64: Manage organisations and persons – First part of the screen ................................. 52 Figure 65: Manage organisations and persons – Second part of the screen ............................. 53

Figure 66: Manage organisations and persons – Create a user ................................................ 53 Figure 67: Manage organisations and persons – After creation of a user ................................ 53 Figure 68: Manage Users – Update a user - Information ......................................................... 54

Figure 69: Manage Users – Delete a user ................................................................................ 54 Figure 70: My rights – screen .................................................................................................. 55

Figure 71: My rights – Asking sender rights............................................................................ 55 Figure 72: My rights – Request sent to DMA/TCO ................................................................. 56 Figure 73 – EWP login page .................................................................................................... 57

Figure 74 - ECAS login page ................................................................................................... 58 Figure 75 – Starting the self-registration in the EWP .............................................................. 59 Figure 76 – Selecting the ‘sender’ profile ................................................................................ 59

Figure 77 – Selecting the domain(s)/dataset(s) ........................................................................ 60 Figure 78 – Selecting the recipients of the request .................................................................. 60 Figure 79 – Confirmation message .......................................................................................... 61 Figure 80 – Self-registration confirmation e-mail .................................................................... 61

Figure 10 – Simple upload form ........................................................................... 62 Figure 81 – Security request 1 .................................................................................................. 63 Figure 82 – Security request 2 .................................................................................................. 63 Figure 84 – Send datafile form ................................................................................................. 63

Figure 84 – Selecting the data file ............................................................................................ 64 Figure 85 – Metadata about the file content ............................................................................. 64

Figure 86 – Transmission report .............................................................................................. 65


Table 1: Manage Domain List - Attributes .............................................................................. 13

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Table 2: Manage Domain – List of attributes updated only by the ADM/CCO ...................... 14 Table 3: Manage Domain – List of attributes updated by DMA/DCR .................................... 15

Table 4: Manage Datasets – Filter by domains ........................................................................ 16 Table 5: Manage Datasets List - Attributes .............................................................................. 17 Table 6: Manage Datasets – Action buttons ............................................................................. 18 Table 7: Settings of the identification tab ................................................................................ 20

Table 8: Transmission settings ................................................................................................. 21 Table 9: Timeliness settings ..................................................................................................... 23 Table 10: Timeliness settings for using reminders ................................................................... 23 Table 11: Timeliness settings - Continued ............................................................................... 24 Table 12: Confidentiality status ............................................................................................... 24

Table 13: Validation parameters .............................................................................................. 25

Table 14: Manage dataset and countries – Page filters ............................................................ 31

Table 15: Manage dataset and countries – Domain level ......................................................... 32 Table 16: Manage dataset and countries – Dataset level ......................................................... 33 Table 17: Manage dataset and countries – Save/Cancel changes ............................................ 34 Table 18: Relation between the possible rights and the organisation role ............................... 44 Table 19: Possible values for the feedback .............................................................................. 46

Table 20: Manage rights – Rights by organisations - country ................................................. 49 Table 21: Manage Rights– Rights by organisation roles for - ‘EU’ ........................................ 49

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The target audience of this manual is Eurostat’s domain managers (and co-responsible

domain managers) working with the EDAMIS Inventory in their unit. It shows in detail

how to use the EDAMIS Web Portal, including maintaining a domain, creating datasets

and linking them to countries to allow the transmission of data files, setting the

timeliness parameters, managing users rights, self registration process and sending


1.1 Background information

EDAMIS: the electronic Data file Administration and Management Information System is

the integrated environment for data transmission and the Single Entry Point for data

arriving at Eurostat. It is operated through the following tools:

EWA: the EDAMIS Web Application is installed at the National Statistical Institutes and

used for sending statistical data files to Eurostat. Interactive, semi-automated and fully-

automated transmissions are supported.

EWP: the EDAMIS Web Portal is installed at the European Commission and used for

managing the dataset inventory, managing the user rights related to the transmissions,

sending statistical data files to Eurostat (as an alternative to EWA) and monitoring the

traffic through its Management Information System.

EDAMIS Web Forms is a component of the EDAMIS Web Portal that can be used for the

transmission of low data volumes. It offers all the basic functions of EWP and does not

require any installation on the PC of the user. EDAMIS Web Forms are typically of interest

to the collection of data in statistical domains where:

data volumes are low,

the data are entered in a spread-sheet like data grid,

certain data validation before transmission is desirable,

installation of external software on the PCs in the organisation is forbidden,

a data sharing agreement with international organisations exists.

Local Coordinators: In each National Statistical Institute (NSI), a Local Coordinator

(LC) is the main contact point with Eurostat for the effective implementation of electronic

data transmission and a contact point for members of their own organisation.

Transmission Coordinators: In each National Statistical Institute (NSI), a Transmission

Coordinator (TCO) is responsible for the management of users' rights within EDAMIS. The

TCO is in charge of managing and granting rights to users inside his organisation. In

NSIs the TCO is usually the Local Coordinator, while in non NSIs, a TCO can be

nominated. A TCO can be allowed to coordinate users in several organisations of the

country, provided that an agreement exists between the organisations concerned.

Data sender and EDAMIS: In each National Statistical Institute, the installed EWA

allows the data provider to send data to Eurostat. If the data sender works in another

organisation, then the EWP should be used instead. EDAMIS Web Forms are accessible

via the EWP. In all cases, the data sender should have an ECAS user-id and should

register with EDAMIS. Further details for EDAMIS and ECAS registration are publicly

available in the EDAMIS Help Centre (accessible without login on EWP home page).

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1.2 What is EDAMIS?

EDAMIS is an environment which implements the concept of the Single Entry Point (SEP)

and delivers received files to the Eurostat production environment (see Figure 1).

EDAMIS enables an easy sending of data files to Eurostat together with explanatory

notes and comments when needed. This environment provides adapted solutions to

several needs and users profiles, i.e. to National Statistical Institutes (NSI) and to other

organisations such as Ministries, National Central Banks, industries, universities and

others agencies. The user authentication to connect to EDAMIS is done via ECAS User-

IDs. In principle, all organisations having EWA installed (not only NSIs) use EWA to

forward their data to Eurostat. In case of problems with EWA, EWP could be used in NSIs

as alternative solution to send data to Eurostat. If Web Forms are used, NSIs should use

Web Forms in EWP unless they can send SDMX-ML files directly via EWA.

Figure 1: EDAMIS approaches to provide data to Eurostat

EDAMIS supports the transmission of all data file formats, it facilitates the fully

automated data transmission and offers services such as traffic monitoring; it does allow

acknowledgments to data senders and notifications to receivers and enables the use of

automatic reminders.

When transmitting data, EDAMIS always provides a secure and encrypted (https) data

transmission channel across the Internet and when dealing with confidential data,

EDAMIS uses a public key for providing a second level of encryption which guarantees

that data are delivered encrypted in the Eurostat secured environment. In all cases, the

encryption is fully transparent for the data senders.

1.3 EDAMIS: two trees, two gardeners

The model of the EDAMIS inventory can be seen as two main trees. Eurostat is the

gardener of the first tree, which defines the hierarchical structure from the statistical

theme to the datasets, while countries are the gardeners of the second tree, defining

relationships between countries, organisations and users (see Figure 2).

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Figure 2: EDAMIS trees and gardeners

Two gardeners are the main actors. The domain managers (DMA) and the co-responsible

domain managers (DCR) at Eurostat manage datasets and users’ links in their respective

statistical domains and within their production units. The transmission coordinators

(TCO) in organisations (mainly NSIs) manage users and their rights (Sender = SEN;

Receivers = REC; Data preparer = DAP; Informed = INF; Sender/Receiver = S/R) within

their organisation. When there is no transmission coordinator in an organisation, the

domain manager and the domain co-responsible are by default the actors who manage

the users’ rights in that organisation.

The administrator (ADM) and the Central Co-ordinator (CCO) are two additional actors

who can help DMA, DCR and TCO in their maintenance tasks of the EDAMIS inventory

and who are able to perform specific administrative tasks where there is a need to set up

particular settings at the EDAMIS back-end, such as specifying the folders for delivery

space in the production environment of a Unit at Eurostat.

1.4 The EDAMIS naming convention

Managing data transmission is not only a technical issue. Above all, it is a matter of good

organisation to enable an effective cooperation between the parties involved: senders,

receivers and applications. The EDAMIS naming convention (DSNC) is used by all

EDAMIS applications (EWA, EWP and EWF) as well as by all components which are

interacting with EDAMIS, i.e. the SDMX-ML formatted messages, the Eurostat SDMX-ML

registry, the validation engines and for Web Services bridging with other third party


The EDAMIS dataset naming convention is a key point of EDAMIS and the common shell

which will serve all along the maintenance activities of the EDAMIS inventory. The main

concepts used are the ‘Dataset_Id’, the ‘Dataset_Occurence_Id’ and the ‘Data file’ (see

Figure 3).

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Figure 3: EDAMIS naming convention

For each new envisaged data transmission, it is very important to clearly identify the

datasets to be sent in accordance with the DSNC. This must be done as soon as possible

and already at the Working Group discussions stage, when applicable.

The ‘Dataset_Id’ is composed of the ‘Domain_Id’ + ‘the ‘Dataset structure_Id’ + the


The ‘Dataset_Occurrence_Id’ is composed of the ‘Datset_Id’ + the ‘Country Code’ +

the reference ‘Year’ + the reporting ‘Period’.

For a same Dataset_Occurrence_Id, there is usually only one ‘Data file’ which is

transmitted. In the case of several data transmissions for a data file (e.g. updated data

file) for the same Dataset_Occurrence_Id, EDAMIS will automatically indicate the version

of the data file.

EDAMIS Help Centre and Support

Note A set of comprehensive documents is available at the EDAMIS Help Centre.

They cover a wide range of topics such as the available software tools

(including technical aspects: advice to select the best method to fit the

requirements and the installation procedures). The EDAMIS Help Centre can

be accessed through the following link:

The EDAMIS support team is available to help you in case of questions,

resolving incidents or problems encountered when using the data

transmission tools. The support team can be contacted at the following


Email: [email protected]

Tel: (+352) 4301-33213

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To access the EDAMIS Web Portal, enter the following address in your web browser:

EDAMIS is also available via a link on Eurostat’s intranet: go to the ‘Statistics’ >> ‘Data

transmission’ page.

The Login page appears (see Figure 4):

Figure 4: EWP login form

Click on the [ECAS authentication] button; you will be redirected to the ECAS login page.

For the purpose of this guide it is assumed that the reader (EDAMIS Domain

Manager and Co-responsible) has an ECAS user account in the domain of

“European Commission”. If it is not the case or you are not familiar with ECAS please

contact the EDAMIS support for further instructions.

Enter your ECAS username (or email address) and password, click on the [Login] button

and after successful authentication you are back on the EDAMIS Welcome page (see

Figure 5).

Figure 5: EWP welcome page

The Welcome page displays a summary table of recent data transmissions via the Web

Portal, a number of user menu options (Transmission, Reports, Inventory, Workflow,

User/Rights, Administration, Preferences and Logout) and some links (e.g. the Sitemap,

the EDAMIS Help Centre). Information about details not discussed in this guide is

available in the EDAMIS Help Centre.

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One of the typical activities of a domain manager is creating a domain with underlying

datasets and adding country links. The steps are briefly described below in order to give

you a quick start with EDAMIS.

Open a browser and connect to and log in

with your ECAS User-ID.

First the domain must be created by the EDAMIS administrators. A request form

helps you collect all the required information. The form is available in the EDAMIS

Help Centre under the ‘In Practice’ >> ‘Setting up Transmission’ menu, or can be

obtained from the EDAMIS support. Later on, you will be able to maintain the

domain’s attributes.

Once the domain has been created you may add the datasets that will belong to

it. Several mandatory and optional details need to be provided for each dataset,

but you may also “copy” a dataset in order to create another one with similar

configuration. The domain manager has the right to perform this action; the

updates may be performed later by a co-responsible domain manager acting as

an assistant to the domain manager.

Each dataset, for which a data transmission needs to be sent, must be linked at

least to one country and organisation.

Once all the necessary parameters have been set and checked, the domain

manager can request the activation of the datasets. The activation is performed

by the EDAMIS administrator and it will enable the transmission of these datasets

for the linked countries and organisations.

Data senders in the countries will be able to transmit their data files and consult all

EDAMIS reports. All other EDAMIS functionalities will be enabled according to the dataset

settings and user preferences.

Important notes:

EDAMIS is an online production environment which allows several networked actors to

act on it. With a view of facilitating the maintenance and aiming at keeping all actors with

up-to-date information, EDAMIS generates e-mails when actions are performed in the


Please keep in mind that EDAMIS always sends e-mails outside Eurostat for ‘Active’

datasets. The generation of e-mails and their content depends on the nature of the

performed action. The e-mail parameters, such as the subject, the content and the

recipients (To, CC or BCC) are globally defined for the entire EDAMIS environment.

Nevertheless, according to the individual user preferences, the global e-mail parameters

could be overwritten to avoid generating redundant e-mails.

In any case, as long as the dataset is ‘Not Active’, no e-mail will be sent outside Eurostat.

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4.1 Managing the EDAMIS domain

4.1.1 How to create a new domain?

Since setting up the delivery space on the production unit servers requires administrator

level rights, only the ADM and the CCO can create a new domain. Therefore, when the

DMA/DCR needs a new domain, they must send a request to the EDAMIS support.

4.1.2 How to update the information linked to an existing domain?

Select Inventory in the navigation bar and select Manage Domain from the drop-down

list (see Figure 6).

Figure 6: Manage Domains - Menu

The Manage Domain page appears. The form (like many others in EDAMIS) has drop-

down boxes (filters) to help the user find the specific inventory item. The navigation

buttons allow moving up and down between levels in the inventory “tree”.

The drop-down boxes are populated according to the user’s pre-configured unit and

modules (see Figure 7). The DMA/DCR can see only the domains under their own


Figure 7: Manage Domains – List

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Table 1 presents the domain attributes.

Domain Domain attributes

Domain ID The domain name created by the administrator as requested by

the domain manager of the Unit. Its maximum length is eight


▲/▼ icons The arrows move the user to the upper level, i.e. the

corresponding ‘Theme management’ (CCO and ADM only), or to

the lower level, i.e. ‘Manage datasets’

Label The long description of the domain as defined in the EDAMIS

inventory. Its maximum length is 200 characters.

Unit The Eurostat unit the domain is attached to.

Manager The full name of the DMA in charge of the domain in the Eurostat

production unit.

Theme The Theme the domain is linked to.

Conf This icon shows if the domain is completely, partially or not

confidential. This is indicated by a lock icon. Red lock means fully

confidential (all underlying datasets are confidential as well), grey

lock means partially confidential (at least one underlying dataset is

not confidential); no lock means that the domain is not


PK This icon shows if there is a public key attached to the domain.

Table 1: Manage Domain List - Attributes

Click on the Domain ID (see Figure 7) to open the ‘Manage Domains - Domain form’ (see

Figure 8), where the following domain attributes can be updated: ‘Label’, ‘Description’,

‘Confidential’ flag, ‘Basis for transmission flag and ‘GPG public Key’. Attributes with a red

asterisk are mandatory and must be provided before clicking on the [Save] button.

A public key used for the encryption of data files can be uploaded. The public key applies

to the entire domain, i.e. to all datasets within the domain declared as confidential at the

dataset level. The public key file has to respect the GPG file structure and the file

extension must be ‘ASC’ (indicating it is a GPG public key file). When the user uploads

the file, EDAMIS checks if it has the expected extension. The public key can be later

replaced or removed.

It is recommended that the domain manager asks help from the EDAMIS support when

setting up the public key, because the procedure requires the approval of the Information

Security Officer of Eurostat (LISO) in order to generate the encryption key pair with the

appropriated parameters and to set up the delivery space in the secured environment.

The DMA/DCR, and CCO are informed about the domain update and the ADM is informed

about updates of the Public Key by email.

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Figure 8: Manage Domains – Domain form

The fields ‘Eurostat unit’, ‘Theme’, ‘Domain’, and ‘Domain Manager’ are pre-filled

according to the domain(s) for which the DMA/DCR is responsible for.

Only the ADM and the CCO can update the following domain attributes (see Table 2).

Domain Domain attributes – ADM / CCO

Eurostat Unit The Eurostat unit the domain is attached to.

Theme The Theme the domain is linked to.

Domain The domain name created by the administrator as requested by

the domain manager of the Unit. Its maximum length is eight




The full name of the DMA in charge of the domain in the Eurostat

production unit.

Table 2: Manage Domain – List of attributes updated only by the ADM/CCO

When a domain is created by the CCO or the ADM, the DMA is notified by email (with

DCR in copy).

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However, the DMA/DCR can update the following domain attributes (see Table 3).

Domain Domain attributes – DMA / DCR

Label The long description of the domain as defined in the EDAMIS

inventory. Its maximum length is 200 characters.

Description The Eurostat unit the domain is attached to.



The flag shows if the domain is completely, partially or not

confidential. This is indicated by a lock icon. A Red lock means

fully confidential (all underlying datasets are confidential as well),

a grey lock means partially confidential (some underlying

datasets are confidential and some are not); no lock means that

the domain is not confidential.

Basis for


It shows whether there is legal act, an agreement or if data

collection is dedicated to the voluntary countries. In the 2 first

cases, the countries having rights on this dataset are obliged to

send (or receive) the data related to this datasets. If the basis for

transmission is set to voluntary, the countries are not obliged to

send/receive the data.


the GPG public


The icon is displayed next to the domain’s name if a public

key already exists for this domain.

Table 3: Manage Domain – List of attributes updated by DMA/DCR

Once finished with the updates click on the [Save] button to store the changes.

When the domain is updated the DMA is notified by email (with DCR, CCO and ADM in


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4.2 Managing the EDAMIS dataset

Select Inventory in the navigation bar and select Manage Datasets from the drop-

down list (see Figure 9).

Figure 9: Manage datasets menu

The Manage Dataset page appears. The drop-down boxes are populated according to the

user’s pre-configured unit, domains and modules (see Figure 10). The DMA/DCR can see

only the datasets under their responsibility. Table 4 presents the filter elements.

Figure 10: Manage datasets list

1 Eurostat units

It allows shortening the list of datasets using the Eurostat unit’s name. By default,

the organisation list is set to the user’s unit.

2 Domains filter

It allows shortening the list of datasets using the domain’s name. Its content

depends on the selected unit.

3 Module

It allows shortening the list of datasets using the module’s name. Its content

depends on selected domain.

Table 4: Manage Datasets – Filter by domains

The Manage Dataset list provides information about the datasets as shown in Table 5.

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4 Dataset Dataset attributes

Dataset_Id The dataset name given by the domain manager of the Unit. It is

automatically created when entering the dataset attributes. It is

the link to update dataset form.



The icons show status information about the dataset. They are

displayed next to the dataset name in manage/report screens:

Transmission mode: Web form / All / Send data

A workflow exists

Activated / Deactivated

Confidential (for all countries) / Partial (for some countries


▲/▼ The arrows move the user to the upper level: ‘Manage Domain’, or

to the lower level: ‘Manage links datasets and countries’

Label The long description of the dataset. Its maximum length is 200


Unit The Eurostat unit the dataset is attached to.

Module The module the dataset belongs to.

Table 5: Manage Datasets List - Attributes

Table 6 provides a list of actions the user can carry out on the selected dataset(s).

1 [Request Activate] button

A dataset becomes active only after the DMA/DCR has requested the activation. To

activate the dataset, the DMA/DCR must select the dataset (multiple selection is

possible) and click on the [Request Activate] button. EWP will send a request to the

ADM who will approve it. When the ADM has approved the activation, the dataset

becomes ‘Active’, all the links between datasets and countries will be updated and all

parties involved by the activation of a dataset (CCO, DMA, TCO, REC, SEN and

SEN/REC) will receive an email message (provided that preferences are set by

default). When a dataset has become ‘Active’, EWP indicates it with an icon labelled

‘A’ and this dataset becomes visible for the outside world, i.e. in EDAMIS

applications, in data transmission screens and in reports.

2 [Request Deactivate] button

The DMA/DCR might request the deactivation for a dataset. Before this becomes

effective, the green light of the ADM is necessary, as it affects the data transmission

chain in all the countries where a Dataset/Country link exists. When an active

dataset must be deleted, it must be first deactivated in order to properly close all

issues related to the data collection. When the dataset becomes inactive, all the links

between datasets, countries and users still exist but are not visible to the outside

world. All parties involved by the deactivation of a dataset (CCO, DMA, TCO, REC,

SEN and SEN/REC) receive then an email message. At this stage, the dataset name

could be changed, but it is usually the step before the deletion of a dataset.

3 [Workflow properties] button

User can view workflow properties for dataset if it exists.

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4 [Edit workflow] button

It allows editing the workflow attached to a dataset (if any).

5 [Request deletion] button

It allows deleting one or several datasets from the dataset lists. Only non-active

datasets can be deleted as for active datasets, the data collection process does still

exist. When deleting a dataset, all dependencies (links with countries) are also


6 [Copy] button

It allows copying an existing dataset with all its linked objects (links with countries,

organisations and users’ rights). The copy of the dataset can be edited, updated

and, once saved, be used in EDAMIS.

7 [Insert a dataset] button

It allows creating a completely new dataset provided that a domain exists.

Table 6: Manage Datasets – Action buttons

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4.2.1 How to create a new dataset?

In the ‘Manage Dataset List’ (see Figure 10) click on the [Insert a dataset] button to

open the ‘Manage Datasets’ form (see Figure 11) where the dataset parameters can be

completed in six sections.

Figure 11: Manage datasets – Dataset Form

The sections are as follows. The dataset Identification (see Figure 12), the Transmission

(see Figure 13), the Timeliness (see Figure 14), the Confidentiality (see Figure 16), the

Validation section (see Figure 17) and the Other section (see Figure 18).

The fields with a red asterisk are mandatory.

Each section of the ‘Manage Datasets’ – ‘Dataset form’ is described in detail below. Section ‘Dataset identification’

In this section, the DMA will provide the information related to the ‘Structure Id’, the

periodicity of the data, the periodicity for the transmission, the module, the label (long

name) of the dataset and a description of the dataset (see Figure 12).

Figure 12: Manage Datasets form - Identification

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Table 7 provides the list of parameters related to the Identification tab.

Dataset form Section Identification

Structure_Id This is usually the name of the statistical table linked to the

dataset. It is composed of seven alphanumerical characters. It will

be used by EDAMIS to create the dataset name according to the

dataset naming convention.

Periodicity for


The periodicity for data corresponds to the length of the

observation period. Typical periodicities are yearly, quarterly and

monthly. In certain cases, there is no periodicity, meaning that the

dataset is sent in a sequential order without a fixed frequency. In

these cases, it is not possible for EDAMIS to calculate a timetable

(see for details).

Module The module the dataset is attached to.

Label The long description of the dataset. Its maximum length is 200


Description Additional information related to the dataset, e.g. methodology of

data collection, involved countries, preparation of a legal act,

further usage by a third party…

Table 7: Settings of the identification tab Section ‘Transmission’

The ‘Basis for transmission’ flag, the data ‘transmission mode’ and the ‘possibility to force

the transmission’ can be specified here (see Figure 13).

Figure 13: Manage datasets form – Transmission

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Table 8 provides the list of parameters related to the Transmission tab.

1 Basis for transmission



It shows whether there is a legal act, an agreement or if the data

collection is dedicated to the voluntary countries. In the 2 first

cases, the countries having rights on this dataset are obliged to send

(or receive) the data related to this dataset. If the basis for

transmission is set to voluntary, the countries are not obliged to

send/receive the data.

2 Transmission mode

Send data It is used for normal data transmission of files in any format.

Web Form It is selected when Web Forms are used for data transmissions.

All It allows both transmission modes ‘Send data’ and ‘Web Form’

The choice of ‘All’ or ‘Web Form’ will enable the Web Form functionalities. It is

available only if the transmission direction is set to ‘Incoming’.

3 Delivery format

XML / CSV For Web Forms the format of the delivered data can be SDMX-

compliant (SDMX-ML), or comma separated text file.

Max Web

Form table

The maximum number of sheets allowed in the Web Form.

The delivery format can be selected only when the transmission mode is ‘Web Form’

or ‘All’. Otherwise the data files are delivered in their original format.

4 Do not allow forced transmission for this dataset

It disables forcing the transmissions. Data senders can “force” a transmission even if

minor problems are found (e.g. the selected period is in the future).

Table 8: Transmission settings

Transmission mode for Web Forms

Note For the usage of Web Forms, the transmission direction, the transmission

mode and the delivery format must be checked.

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User Manual for DMA EDAMIS 3.3 - 22 - Section ‘Timeliness’

In this section the DMA will specify the information required to calculate the timetable.

The timetable is an internal data structure of EDAMIS where the deadlines for a certain

number of reference periods are stored. The automatic reminders can be configured here

as well. The reminders are sent relative to the calculated deadlines (see Figure 14).

Figure 14: Manage datasets form – Timeliness

The values set in this section impact the functionalities linked to the timetable, e.g. the

Send data file screen (list of periods offered), the reports (occurrences shown) and the

automatic reminders, so it is important to set them in a correct and consistent manner.

Table 9 provides the list of parameters related to the timeliness tab.

1 First reference period

Unit/Year The first reference period of the dataset will set the beginning of the

timetable. It is composed of a ‘Unit’ which depends on the

periodicity of the dataset and a ‘Year’. E.g. for a quarterly dataset,

the first reference period could be ‘Q1’ – ‘2009’.

The first reference period must be set in order to populate the timetable.

2 Last reference period

Unit/Year The last reference period of the dataset will set the end of the

timetable. It is composed of a ‘Unit’ which depends on the

periodicity of the dataset and a ‘Year’. E.g. for a monthly dataset,

the last reference period could be ‘Dec’ – ‘2019’.

The last reference period must be set in order to populate the time table, though it

is usually set to a value “in the far future”.

3 Timetable calculated for the next

Year The complete population of the timetable would cover the date from

the first to the last reference period. Since this range could be quite

big, in practice it is enough to calculate 1-2 years ahead, or at least

for 3-4 periods in case of multiannual periodicities.

At the end of each year, the timetable is automatically calculated for

another year, but latest until the year of the last reference period.

The timetable is calculated at least for one year ahead. For technical reasons the

time table could go beyond the last reference period to cover a whole year.

4 End of first reference period

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Unit/Year It is the end of the first reference period of the dataset. By default it

is the natural end of a calendar period derived from the periodicity,

e.g. end of the month. Setting this parameter to a different value

introduces a shift in the timetable.

It is recommended to keep the default value for the end of the first reference period.

5 Maximum delay

Month/Day It specifies the length of the time range starting at the end of the

reference period and ending on the day of the deadline set for

transmissions, i.e. the transmissions should take place during this


This field should not be left empty if there is an agreed deadline for transmissions.

Table 9: Timeliness settings

Automatic reminders may be set up to warn the data senders via emails if the

transmission has not yet been sent. There are four types of reminders: before the

deadline, on the day of the deadline, at the end of reference period and (repeated) after

the deadline (see Figure 15). The email is scheduled to the early hours of the given day.

Table 10 provides the list of parameters related to the reminders.

6 Automatic reminders

Send automatic


It activates the automatic reminders for the dataset. By

default the reminders are sent on the day of the deadline.

On the end of

reference period

A Reminder will be sent on the last day of the reference


Before the deadline A Reminder will be sent X days before the day of the

deadline, as indicated by the specified number of days.

Specific text for the

reminder before

deadline’s email

Specific text for the email “reminder before the deadline”.

On the day of the


A Reminder will be sent on the day of the deadline.

(Checked by default when reminders are activated.)

After the deadline Several reminders will be sent every ‘X’ day(s) after the

deadline, as indicated by the specified numbers.

Specific text for the

reminder after

deadline’s email

Specific text for the email “reminder after the deadline”.

Table 10: Timeliness settings for using reminders

The default email reminder contains the dataset name, the reference period, the data

sender, the date of the deadline, and can be extended with a specific text.

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Figure 15: Manage datasets form – Timeliness

In the Timeliness section, the following buttons are available:

1 [Detailed timetable by occurrences] button

It provides a table view of the timetable for the selected countries and time range. It

allows the DMA/DCR to modify the individual deadlines. See also section 4.3.

2 [Timetable preview] button

It provides a graphical preview of the timetable (see Figure 30).

Table 11: Timeliness settings - Continued Section ‘Confidentiality’

Even if the domain is not confidential, a dataset can be set confidential using the

Confidentiality flag. This setting will be used for the new country links (see Figure 16).

Figure 16: Manage datasets form – Confidentiality

Setting the confidentiality flag to ‘Yes’ will have an impact on the data transmission so

that the confidentiality check box of the data sender screen in the ‘Transmission’ >>

‘Send data’ menu will be checked by default. Then, if the data sender accepts the default

settings and provided that a public key is attached to the domain, the transmitted data

file will automatically be encrypted using the public key of the domain.

1 Domain confidential

Status It shows if the domain is completely, partially or not confidential,

indicated by a lock icon. A full red lock means fully confidential (all

underlying datasets are confidential as well), a grey lock means

partially confidential (at least one underlying dataset is not

confidential); no lock means that the domain is not confidential.

This field is read only.

2 Dataset confidential

Yes/No It sets the confidentiality of the dataset. When the dataset is created

and this flag is set to ‘Yes’, all new dataset country links will be set

confidential. When it is set to ‘No’, country links will not be

confidential by default.

Table 12: Confidentiality status

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User Manual for DMA EDAMIS 3.3 - 25 - Section ‘Validation’

This section provides the name of the data structure definition (DSD) file available in the

Eurostat EDAMIS registry that describes the dataset (field names, formats, code list

names, and validation rules). Hence, it defines the metadata linked to the dataset (see

Figure 17 and Table 13).

Figure 17: Manage Datasets form – Validation

1 Allow transmission of non-SDMX files (when validation is published)

Checkbox It defines the processing of non-SDMX files. When ticked (default),

SDMX validation will be skipped for non-SDMX files (and only basic

validation will be performed). When not ticked, a non-SDMX file will

generate an error during SDMX validation.

2 Treat data outside reference period as

List It defines the action of the validation engine to the case when the

data is outside the reference period.

Normal: no action, i.e. data is considered as normal.

Warning: a warning is generated.

Error: an error is generated.

3 Forward the validation reports to productions units

Checkbox It defines whether the validation report has to be delivered to the

production unit.

4 Data Structure Definition

NO/Yes It shows whether the validation is based on a DSD.

Table 13: Validation parameters

The link at the bottom Manage Validation for this dataset opens the ‘Manage DSD and

Validation’ screen. Section ‘Other’

From the tab “Other”, a user can choose a list of persons linked to a dataset by checking

boxes (see Figure 18).

Figure 18: Manage Datasets form – Other – Sender selected

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If the user selects the checkbox ‘sender’ and clicks on the ‘Send a email to’ link, he accesses

to his email server and can send an email to these users (see Figure 19).

Figure 19: Email server

4.2.2 How to activate/deactivate a dataset?

In the ‘Manage Datasets’ form the DMA/DCR can select one or multiple datasets to be

(de-)activated by ticking the checkbox in front of the dataset name (see Figure 20).

Figure 20: Manage Datasets form – Selecting a dataset for activation

Click on the [Request Activate] button to send your request to the EDAMIS

administrators. (See the confirmation message on Figure 21.)

Figure 21: Message from webpage – Activation request is sent

Once the administrators have activated the dataset(s), the DMA/DCR will receive a

confirmation email. From that moment, the icon ‘A’ behind the dataset name indicates

that the dataset is “active” (see Figure 22), i.e. can be used for data transmissions.

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Figure 22: Manage Datasets – Datasets with ‘A’ icon

Once the dataset is active, it becomes visible to data senders and all updates made in

the EDAMIS inventory will generate e-mails (sent to the users involved). Therefore it is

recommended that all preparatory steps are carried out before activation.

In a very similar manner, the selected active dataset(s) can be de-activated using the

[Request Deactivate] button. It can be used when the data collection is temporarily

suspended or before its complete deletion.

4.2.3 How to update a dataset?

In the dataset list (see Figure 10) click on the dataset name in order to get the Manage

Dataset form where the dataset parameters can be updated in six sections (=tabs) (see

previous sections).

4.2.4 How to copy a dataset?

Select the dataset to be copied by ticking the checkbox in front of its name in the

‘Manage Datasets’ form (see Figure 23).

Figure 23: Manage Datasets form – Selecting a dataset for copy

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After pressing the [Copy] button the ‘Dataset Form’ appears. Change the ‘Structure ID’

and press [Save] to create a new dataset (see Figure 24).

Figure 24: Manage Datasets – Copy of a dataset

The new dataset is a full copy of the original one including the links with countries and

organisations, the value of the expected to send/to receive and confidential flags as well

as the user rights. (See the confirmation message on Figure 25.)

Figure 25: Message from webpage – Successful copy of a dataset

The DMA/DCR and CCO are notified about the dataset creation via email.

4.2.5 How to delete a dataset?

Select one or multiple datasets to be deleted by ticking the check box in front of the

dataset name in the ‘Manage Datasets’ form the DMA/DCR can (see Figure 26).

Figure 26: Manage Datasets – Selecting a dataset for deletion

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Click on the [Request Deletion] button and you will be prompted to confirm the deletion

(see Figure 27). If a selected dataset is active, an email is sent to the ADM who has to

confirm the deletion of the dataset and its links to countries.

Figure 27: Manage Datasets – Deletion of a dataset – Confirmation

4.3 Managing the Dataset Timetable

Click on the [Detailed Timetable by occurrences] button in the ‘Timeliness’ section of the

‘Manage Dataset’ form (see Figure 14), and set up the filters for the country/organisation

and the date range. The drop-down lists show ‘all countries’ and ‘all years’ by default.

The country list shows only those where the link between the dataset and the country

exists (see Figure 28).

Figure 28: Manage datasets - Detailed timetable by occurrences filter form

For the date range use either the ‘Reference year’ or the ‘First reference period’ and ‘Last

reference period’ list boxes as convenient. Having set up the filters, click on the [View]

button to view the timetable (see Figure 29).

Figure 29: Manage datasets – Detailed timetable by occurrences

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The timetable is automatically generated using the dataset parameters (periodicity of

transmissions, the end of the reference period and the maximum delay that are used to

calculate the indicative deadlines). The same information will be used to trigger

reminders or in the reports (data file traffic report).

Each deadline in the timetable can be individually adjusted. When you enter a new

deadline you are offered to copy the same deadline for the other countries. Finally, press

the [Save] button to store the updated timetable. Note that for non-periodic datasets

timetables cannot be generated, and hence Web Forms cannot be created for them


In the Manage Dataset form, section ‘Timeliness’ (see Figure 14), the [Timetable

preview] button gives the graphical representation of key timeliness parameters of the

dataset (see Figure 30).

Figure 30: Manage datasets – Timetable preview

Using the values stored in the timetable, the reference period, the allowed transmission

delay, the indicative deadline and the reminder dates are presented.

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4.4 Managing the links between datasets and countries

Select Inventory in the navigation bar and select Manage Links Datasets and

Countries from the drop-down list (see Figure 31).

Figure 31: Manage links datasets and countries menu

The ‘Manage Links Datasets and Countries’ page now appears. By default the Eurostat

Unit is set to the unit of the domain manager. The domain and dataset drop-down boxes

are set to ‘all domains’ and ‘all datasets’, but limited to the domains and the datasets the

domain manager is responsible for (see Figure 32, Table 15, Table 16 and Table 17).

Figure 32: Manage links datasets and countries form

1 Page filter Allows filtering the displayed objects



Filtering based on Eurostat unit. For domain managers, the unit is

pre-set based on their user-id.

Domains Filtering based on domain.

Datasets Filtering based on dataset.

Table 14: Manage dataset and countries – Page filters

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1 Domain Domain name and its description

Domain name The domain where the links between datasets and countries will be




The long description of the domain.

2 [Country] button Country ISO code linked to the dataset

Country ISO


The two character ISO code of the reporting country. Click on this

button to update the parameters of the country (see Figure 35).

3 [New] button Allows the creation of a new link

New link


country and


Click on the button to create a new link between all datasets under

the domain and a country (its reporting organisation) (see Figure


4 CNA (Organisation) List of participating Competent National Authorities



The abbreviation of the organisation



The full name of the organisation

Basis for


It shows whether there is legal requirement, binding agreement or

if the country volunteers to report data. If these radio buttons are

checked at domain level, the selected country/organisation is

obliged to send (or receive) for all datasets; if not checked – none

of the datasets are checked.

Confidential It shows whether the data reported by this country are

confidential. As underlying datasets might be confidential or not,

this flag could have a ‘Partial’ status indicated by a grey check box.

5 Group of Countries Group of countries to create several links at once

List of



The country groups, pre-defined in EDAMIS, can be used to create

links for a group of countries in one operation.

6 Role radio button Sets the role for the organisations

Role type It defines the role for all the organisations when the [Add all

countries] button is used.




7 [Add all countries]


Allows to create links for several countries in one


Add all


It allows the bulk creation of links between the datasets in the

domain and the countries in the country group list box. The role is

set by the radio button. The link is established with the country’s

main organisation (National Statistical Institute or Central Bank).

Table 15: Manage dataset and countries – Domain level

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1 Dataset Dataset name and its description



The dataset for which the links ‘datasets’ and ‘countries’ will be

managed. The icon ‘A’ behind the dataset name indicates that the

dataset is active, thus the data transmission is enabled.



The long description of the dataset.

Active flag It shows that the dataset is active.

2 [Country] button Country ISO code linked to the dataset

Country ISO


The two character ISO code of the reporting country. Click on this

button to update the parameters of the country (see Figure 35).

3 [New] button Allows the creation of a new link

New link


country and


Click on this button to create a new link between the dataset and a

country (its reporting organisation) (see Figure 32).

4 CNA (Organisation) List of participating Competent National Authorities



The abbreviation of the organisation.



The full name of the organisation.

Basis for


It shows whether there is legal requirement, binding agreement or

if the country volunteers to report data. If these radio button are

checked, the selected country/organisation is obliged to send (or

receive) the dataset.

Confidential It shows whether the data reported by this country (organisation)

are confidential.

5 Group of Countries Group of countries to create several links at once

List of



The country groups, pre-defined in EDAMIS, can be used to create

links for a group of countries in one operation.

6 Role radio button Sets role for the organisations

Role type It defines the role for all the organisations when the [Add all

countries] button is used.




7 [Add all countries]


Allows to create links for several countries in one


Add all


It allows the bulk creation of links between the dataset and the

countries in the country group list box. The role is set by radio

button. The link is established with the country’s main organisation

(National Statistical Institute or Central Bank).

Table 16: Manage dataset and countries – Dataset level

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1 [Save] button Save the changes



It saves the data in the form.

2 [Cancel] button Cancel the changes made



It returns to the previous screen without saving changes.

Table 17: Manage dataset and countries – Save/Cancel changes

4.4.1 How to create a link between a country and a domain/dataset?

Select Inventory in the navigation bar and select Manage Links Datasets and

Countries from the drop-down list (see Figure 33).

Figure 33: Manage Links Datasets and Countries menu

EDAMIS provides a list of datasets based on the user’s pre-defined scope. The DMA/DCR

can only see the datasets under their responsibility. The filter allows further narrowing of

the selection. Click on the [View] button to enter the Manage Links Dataset and Country

page (see Figure 34). Note that the first block is the Domain, the others are the


Figure 34: Manage Links Datasets and Countries page

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Domain block: Click on the [New] button within the Domain to open the ‘Links Domains

and countries Management’ screen (see Figure 35) and to create a new link between a

domain and a country by adding a responsible organisation. The country group, the

country and the organisation are mandatory fields. Only those values appear in the drop-

down boxes that are not yet in use. For example, if a link between a dataset

(ATEST_ATEST1_A) and a country (LU) for the organisation (SOG) is already declared,

the country ‘LU’ will not appear in the list of countries under the country group ‘EU.

The colour of the “country” button depends on the organisation’s role:

Red: defined as receiver

Blue: defined as sender

Yellow: defined as sender/receiver

Note: if the country has sender and receiver organisations for different datasets, the

“country” button will be Blue at domain level.

Figure 35: Links Domains and Countries Management - Form

The Domain Manager can modify the parameters applicable to the entire domain

(including all underlying datasets). Click on the [Save] button to store the changes.

Dataset block: Click on the [New] button within any of the Dataset blocks to open the

‘Manage Links Datasets and Countries’ screen (see Figure 36).

Figure 36: Manage Links Datasets and Countries - Form

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The Domain Manager can create a new link between a dataset and a country. By default,

the new organisation is responsible (see also next chapter) and the DMA can choose the

role of the organisation (Sender, Receiver or Sender/Receiver). The ‘Country group’, the

‘Country’ and the ‘Organisation’ are mandatory fields. Other fields (confidential, basis for

transmission, comments, derogation and max delays) can be filled.

4.4.2 How to create a delegated organisation?

In some cases the NSI (usually the responsible organisation) wants to allow another

organisation to send/receive data. It is called delegation. To create a delegated

organisation for the dataset country specification, click on the [New] button. Then set the

radio button ‘Is responsible?’ to ‘No’ to start configuring the delegation (see Figure 37).

Figure 37: Manage Links Datasets and Countries – Form for a delegated


First set the role. Then select the responsible (lower part), and continue with the

delegated organisation (upper part). The attributes of the delegated organisation

(‘Confidential’, ‘Legal basis, ‘Transmission mode’, etc.) are not displayed, because their

values (and the timetable) are inherited from the responsible organisation.

Several organisation links can be added for the same dataset and country specification,

but only one organisation per country can be responsible for a dataset with the given

role. Furthermore, the same organisation cannot be responsible and also delegated for

the same dataset country specification.

Click on the [Save] button to store the new link. The delegated organisation will be

added to the list (see Figure 38). Through this screen, it is visible that ‘TESTORG1’

organisation is a delegated organisation of ‘SOG’ organisation. Both organisations belong

to the country ‘LU’.

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Figure 38: Manage Links Datasets and Countries – delegated organisation added

4.4.3 Rules applied

Rules applied in the creation of a responsible organisation:

If the domain country specification exists, it is updated according to the new

dataset country specification.

If the domain country specification exists, the rights existing for this domain

country specification are copied into the dataset country (only the rights

applicable to a dataset: sender, sender/receiver, receiver, informed, data


If the affected dataset is active, the information about the new dataset country

specification is forwarded to all client applications (EWA).

If no domain country specification exists for this country, then a domain

country specification is created with these values.

Rules applied in the creation of a delegated organisation:

If another organization from the same country is already defined in one of the

existing datasets of the domain, at domain level the country button will be

deactivated and the label “---several organizations---” will be displayed.

If the domain country specification exists, the rights existing for this domain

country specification are copied into the dataset country (only the rights

applicable for a dataset: sender, sender/receiver, receiver, informed, data


If the affected dataset is active, the information about the new dataset country

specification is forwarded to all client applications (EWA).

If no domain country specification exists for this country, then a domain

country specification is created that will be in read only mode.

4.4.4 How to update the link between a country and a domain/dataset?

Click on a “country” button (see Figure 34) to update the link between the dataset and

the country in the ‘Manage Links Datasets and Countries’ screen (see Figure 39). The

fields ‘Dataset’, ‘Is responsible’, ‘Role’ and ‘Country’ cannot be updated.

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Figure 39: Manage Links Dataset and Countries - Form

Click on the [Save] button to store the changes.

4.4.5 How to delete a link between a country and a domain/dataset?

Use the [Delete] button to remove a link which is no longer relevant. If there are users

linked to the dataset, the dependencies will be displayed (see Figure 40).

Figure 40: Manage Links Dataset and Countries - Dependencies

A warning is given if there are users attached to the organisation of the country linked to

the dataset. Click on the [Confirm] button to delete the link or on [Cancel] to go back.

The DMA, DCR, CCO and ADM are informed of all actions made at the level of the

dataset/country links in their scope of competence and the TCOs are informed when a

creation, update or deletion is done for an active dataset linked to their organisation.

If several organizations from the same country are used in different dataset in the

domain, at domain level the label “--- several organizations ----“ will be displayed. If the

user decides to delete dataset links in order to make only one organization remaining for

upper mentioned country, the domain country link definition will be automatically

updated and take values from the remaining dataset country link (unique organization for

the country in this domain).Moreover, if after the deletion no more links remain between

the datasets and the country, then the link between the domain and the country is also


4.4.6 How to rename an organisation?

The organisation can be renamed only if there is no user attached to the dataset. If the

organisation associated to the current dataset/country link is the same for all the

dataset/country links of the same country, then the domain/country link is updated with

this organisation. If the organisation associated to the current dataset/country link is

NOT the same for all the dataset country links of the same country, then the

domain/country link is set to “--- several organisations ---“.

In order to rename an organisation for an ‘Active’ dataset, all the attached users must be

deleted first. Once the organisation has been renamed, the users should be linked again

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to the dataset and to the new organisation. Such a change is seldom required and there

are bulk operations available.

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The users’ information and their rights can be managed in two menu items:

Manage Users,

Manage Rights by Domain / Dataset.

5.1 The Manage Users form

Select Users/Rights in the navigation bar and select Manage Users from the drop-

down list (see Figure 41).

Figure 41: Manage Users form

Use the country group, country and organisation filters to find the user. Searching is also

possible using the user’s name (‘Pattern name’), profile or user status.

When the filters are set up, press the [View] button to get the list of matching users (see

Figure 42).

Figure 42: Manage List of users – Menu

The users are shown with colour background indicating their status:

White background: the user is active.

Orange: the user has sent a guest request and is waiting for granting or


Grey: user has been created in the EDAMIS inventory, but not activated.

Red: user has sent a request but there is a problem with it.

Light yellow: user has been created, but the rights have been granted only

partially: some accepted, but others refused.

Black yellow: the user has sent a request and is waiting for granting or


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Click on the user’s last name to update the parameters (see Figure 43).

Figure 43: Manage users – User management

The following buttons are available above the tabs.

1 [Save all] button To save all changes on the tabs

Save all It saves all the changes on the tabs and an email gets sent.

2 [Cancel all] button To cancel all change on the tabs

Cancel all It cancels all the changes on the tabs.

3 [Give guest rights] To grant guest rights to the user

Give guest


It gives “guest” level access to the user.

4 [Refuse all] button To refuse the requested rights

Refuse all It refuses all the rights requested for a user.

5 [Deactivate] button (Not accessible for the DMA)


4 [Delete physically]


To delete the user account



It deletes the user with all the associated rights.

5.1.1 Section Information

The user’s personal information can be updated here (see Figure 44). Only ADM, CCO

and the user’s TCO can change the ‘Profiles list’. The ‘Update user information from LDAP’

check box shows whether the data is to be retrieved from ECAS. It is checked by default.

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Figure 44: Manage Users – Information

5.1.2 Section Organisation

It shows the user’s organisation and his rights on datasets. ADM and CCO can move the

user from one organisation to another while keeping (or not) the rights (see Figure 45).

Figure 45: Manage Users – Organisation

5.1.3 Section Rights (Org)

The user’s rights on domains and datasets can be updated here. Click on the ‘+’ symbol

to expand the domain and show the datasets (see Figure 46).

Figure 46: Manage Users – Rights (org)

In the example below the user requested Informed rights on the dataset

EDAMIS6_TRAIN_Q (see Figure 47).

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Figure 47: Manage Users – Rights (org)

The following options are available.

Click on the [Set as requested] button to grant the requested right(s);

Click on the [Refuse all requested] button to refuse the requested right(s);

Grant another right using the list box in the ‘Granted’ column (see the example


Figure 48: Manage Users – Rights (org)

In the example the Sender right will be selected (same as requested, but could be any

other). After clicking on the [Save all] button the Sender right will be granted (see Figure

48 and Figure 49).

It is possible to grant right on several datasets and/or domains at the same time.

Figure 49: Manage Users – Rights (org)

Rules of inheritance between domain and dataset:

When a right is set at a domain level it is applied to all datasets below.

If the same right is set on all datasets the setting is automatically taken over at

domain level. For instance, if a user is Sender for all datasets linked to his

organisation, then the user becomes Sender of the domain. However, if several

organisations of the same country are linked to the datasets of the domain

then no user/organisation has rights at the domain level.

When a new dataset is created and the right exists at domain level, then the

user will get the setting of the domain. For instance, if a user has Informed

rights on the domain, then for a new dataset created in this domain the user

will become Informed for the dataset.

The possible rights depend on the organisation role. Table 18 presents the possible rights

in relation with the organisation roles.

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Sender Receiver Informed Sender/







Sender X X X

Receiver X X

Table 18: Relation between the possible rights and the organisation role

5.1.4 Section Preferences

This section presents specific information (see Figure 50).

Maximum results by page

Users can change the number of results per page for the “list items”. Under the menu

Reports, all the results are displayed in one page.

Profile(s) description

This section presents the users’ profiles with a short explanation.


This section presents the organisation of the user and his country. Click on the

organisation name to go to the ‘Manage Organisations and Persons’ form.

Information from ECAS

The user information is retrieved from ECAS.

Figure 50: Manage Users – Preferences

5.1.5 Section Emails

In the ‘Email’ section, the user roles can be customized for the general preferences and

the specific preferences (see Figure 51).

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Figure 51: Manage Users – Emails

For the general preference, the user can change the email format and the categories.

For the specific preferences and for all roles except ‘Guest’, the user can change the

setting for several messages sent by the application. Regarding email triggers the

following types of messages can be configured.

Acknowledgement: sent upon reception of the data file at Eurostat, indicating

that processing in EDAMIS has started.

Notification: sent upon delivery of the data file to the production environment.

Reminder: sent according to the dataset settings to warn the sender that the

deadline is approaching, has been reached or already passed. Sent also to

receivers for information.

The list of ‘Acknowledgments of reception’ has the following options.

‘For all datasets under my responsibilities’

‘Only for files that I have sent myself’


The list of ‘Notifications of delivery’ has the following options.

‘For all datasets under my responsibilities’

‘Only for files that I have sent myself’

‘Only for a group’


If the option ‘Only for a group’ is selected, the ‘Notifications’ tab appears (see 5.1.6).

The possible and default values are displayed in the table below.

Type of

feedback Acknowledged Notified Reminded



“No”, “Sent(1)”,


“No”, “Sent(1)”,

“All(2)”,”Group(3)” “Yes”, “No”

Roles/Profiles Default Other Default Other Default Other

INF No All All

No, Group (only

Eurostat) Yes No

DAP All No No All Yes No

SEN All Sent No Sent, All Yes No

TCO Sent All No Sent, All Yes No

REC Sent No, All All

Sent, No, Group

(only EUROSTAT) Yes No

SEN/REC Sent No, All All

Sent, No, Group

(only EUROSTAT) Yes No

DMA or DCR Sent No, All All Sent, No, Group Yes No

CCO or ADM Sent No, All Sent No, All No Yes

Sent (1): Receive Acknowledgements and Notifications only for the files the user sent.

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All (2): Receive Acknowledgements and Notifications for all the files under the user’s

responsibility, even if sent by another user.

Group (3): Receive the Notifications only for a group of countries (to be specified).

Table 19: Possible values for the feedback

5.1.6 Section Notifications

If the option “Only for a group” is selected, a new tab ‘Notifications’ will appear allowing

the user to manage the specific notification settings for domain/dataset/country (see

Figure 52). Only DMA, DCR and Eurostat users with REC, SEN, SEN/REC and INF role

have access to this window. Used only in some domains.

Figure 52: Manage Users – Manage the notifications

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5.2 The Manage Rights by Domain / Dataset

Select Users/Rights in the navigation bar and select Manage Rights by

Domain/Dataset from the drop-down list (see Figure 53).

Select the domain, dataset and country where you want to manage the rights. Click on

[View] to see the selected domain and datasets (see Figure 53).

Figure 53: Manage Rights by Domain/Dataset – List of domains/datasets

The colour indicates the role of the country/organisation.

Yellow: Sender/receiver; by default, Eurostat is always Sender/receiver;

Blue: Sender;

Red: Receiver.

In this example, rights are managed for countries, but they are managed the same way

for a Eurostat unit.

Click on the country name to manage the rights on the dataset. The screen shows

persons/groups and their rights (see Figure 54).

Figure 54: Manage Rights by Domain/Dataset – List of user with rights

by dataset

The users are shown with colour background indicating their status. The code of colour is

the same as the one used in the Manage Users form.

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5.2.1 Add right

2 possibilities exist. DMA can:

grant a requested right

give a new right to an user Grant the requested right

The DMA can grant or refuse the requested right using the list in the ‘Granted’ column

(see Figure 55).

Figure 55: Manage Rights by Domain/Dataset – Update of user’s role

Click on the [Save rights] button to save the current settings. The message confirms the

successful update (see Figure 56).

Figure 56: Confirmation message Give right to a user

Click on the [Add rights] button to add rights without request (see Figure 55).

The ‘Manage Rights’ form appears. Select the ‘Role’, Check the user or the group of users

(see Figure 57). Click on [Save] to update the list of users with the selected role.

Figure 57: Manage Rights by Domain/Dataset – Add rights for a user

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Rules related to the rights

The available rights depend on the organisation’s role at dataset country link (see Table


Organisation roles Rights

Sender Receiver Informed Sender/receiver Data preparer

Sender/receiver X X X X X

Sender X X X

Receiver X X

Table 20: Manage rights – Rights by organisations - country

Select the country ‘EU’ to grant rights to a Eurostat user. The available rights are shown

in Table 21.

Organisation roles Rights

Sender Receiver Informed Sender/receiver Data preparer

Sender/receiver X X X X

Sender X X X

Receiver X X

Table 21: Manage Rights– Rights by organisation roles for - ‘EU’

5.2.2 Update a right

Modify the right in the ‘Granted’ column. E.g. user “Marc JAVAUX” is currently Sender,

but will become Informed (see Figure 58). Click on [Save rights] to store the changes.

Figure 58: Manage Rights by Domain/Dataset – Change the rights for a user

The new right appears in the list, user “Peter GOOS” is now Informed (see Figure 59).

Figure 59: Manage Rights by Domain/Dataset – Updated rights for a user

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5.2.3 Remove rights

Select the person(s) using the check box (EDAM) and click on the [Remove rights] button

to delete the user’s right on the dataset (see Figure 60).

Figure 60: Manage Rights by Domain/Dataset – Remove rights for a user

The DMA, DCR, CCO, ADM, TCO and the affected users are informed by email. The rights

are removed in the Web Portal and in the EWA client application.

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Select Users/Rights in the navigation bar and select Manage Organisations and

Persons from the drop-down list (see Figure 61).

Figure 61: Manage organisations and persons

Select the country group and country. Click on the [View] button to show the list of root

organisations (see Figure 62). The list also shows the number of users in each

organisation. Click on the organisation name to show information about the

Organisational Units and the attached users (see Figure 63).

Figure 62: Manage organisations and persons – Organisations list

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Figure 63: Manage organisations and persons – Users by organisations list

The form has three parts showing the following details.

General information about the organisation.

The list of users linked to the organisation.

Details of the dataset country specifications.

6.1 Parameters of the organisation

The first part presents general information (see Figure 64).

Figure 64: Manage organisations and persons – First part of the screen

Three checkboxes manage specific rights:

The ‘Allow DMA updates’ flag and the ‘Allow EWP transmissions’ flag are displayed

if the organisation is at the root level. The “EWP” flag is only available if a “Statel

installation” exists for this organisation.

The ‘Allow DMA updates’ flag allows the DMA in Eurostat to grant transmission

rights for users of the organisation. (This option doesn’t allow the DMA to activate

or deactivate a user.) If the TCO doesn’t tick this box, the DMA is not allowed to manage rights for users of the organisation.

The ‘Allow EWP transmissions’ flag must be checked to allow the users of the

organisation to send data using the Web Portal.

The ‘Allow EWF transmissions’ flag must be checked to allow the users of the

organisation to send data using Web Forms.

Only TCO/ADM and CCo are allowed to manage these parameters.

6.2 Managing a user

The second part of the screen displays the list of users linked to the selected organisation

(see Figure 65). The user can create, update or delete a user of the organisation.

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Figure 65: Manage organisations and persons – Second part of the screen

6.2.1 How to create a user

Click on the [Create] button to add a user to the organisation (see Figure 66).

Figure 66: Manage organisations and persons – Create a user

In this form the user’s personal data can be completed. The fields with a red asterisk are

mandatory. Click on the [Save] button and the message confirms the successful update.

The new user appears with a grey background because he is not active (see Figure 67).

Figure 67: Manage organisations and persons – After creation of a user

Click on the user’s last name to grant rights to the new user. The ‘Manage users’ form

appears (see Figure 68).

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Figure 68: Manage Users – Update a user - Information

The user is in “Current non active person” status. At the bottom of the form, the [Update

user information from LDAP] flag must be ticked. It allows the synchronisation of the

user information between EDAMIS and LDAP (i.e. ECAS) based on the e-mail address.

The details of the user management are discussed in chapter 5.1.

6.2.2 How to update a user of an organisation

To update a person click on the last name in the ‘People links’ part of the screen.

The tab Information of the ‘Manage Users’ screen is displayed (Figure 68) and the user’s

personal information, organisation, rights and preferences can be updated. For more

details see chapter 5.1.

6.2.3 How to delete a user of an organisation

Select the user(s) using the checkbox and click on the [Delete] button (see Figure 69).

Figure 69: Manage Users – Delete a user

If the selected user has a user ID, a warning message is displayed to indicate that this

person will lose his/her transmission rights. If the operation is confirmed the user is

deleted from the organisation and loses all the rights. The ADM, CCO, DMA/DCR, TCO

and SEN/REC are informed in their scope of competence (only active SEN/REC with a

user ID is informed).

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7.1 An user can ask more rights

If you have rights on specific datasets, you can ask for more. To do so, click on the menu

Preferences>My rights.

Figure 70: My rights – screen

Select the role you want for another dataset (example: sender for the dataset

EWF_A1_M) and click on the ‘Save’ button (see Figure 71 and Figure 72).

Figure 71: My rights – Asking sender rights

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Figure 72: My rights – Request sent to DMA/TCO

The request is sent to DMA of the new dataset (EWF_A1_M) and/or to TCO if the

checkbox TCO is selected. The DMA/TCO should be able to grand the requested rights.

7.2 An user can remove his rights

In the Menu Preferences>my rights, user click on the ‘Remove all my rights’ button (see

Figure 70) and all his rights are removed.

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This part of the document refers to MS users but Domain manager must also be aware of

the process because if there is no Transmission Coordinator in the organisation, the DMA

has to manage the user in this organisation. Each action presented in this chapter has to

be performed by User belonging to a MS country.

Use the following address to connect to the EWP

On the ‘Welcome’ page log in using the EC Authentication System. When you click on the

“ECAS authentication” button the application will check if you are already authenticated

(Figure 73).

Figure 73 – EWP login page

If you are, the main page of EDAMIS will appear. Otherwise you will be redirected to the

ECAS login page (Figure 74). Make sure that the selected domain is "External". If not,

click on "Change it".

There are three possibilities:

You have an ECAS account;

You have an ECAS account (but forgot your password);

You do not have an ECAS account yet.

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Figure 74 - ECAS login page

You have an ECAS account

Fill in the login page: username (with the username or the mail address) and password,

then click on the “login” button.

You have an ECAS account, but forgot your password

If you forgot your password or wish to obtain a new one, click on the link "Lost your

password?" or the link “New password” at the top (Figure 74).

In order to obtain a new password, fill in the “New password” page: username (or email

address) and the CAPTCHA security code.

You will receive an email with instructions to enter your new password.

You do not have an ECAS account yet

Create an ECAS account in order to use EDAMIS. Click on “Not registered yet” or the link

"Sign Up” at the top. Fill in the “Sign up” page: username, first name, last name, email

and the CAPTCHA security code.

Once the account is created in ECAS, you will receive an email “ECAS Password

Initialization” with instructions to enter your password (with a time limit of 90 minutes).

Now you may go back to EDAMIS and log in.

8.1 Self-registration Process

When you log in to the EWP for the first time, you have to complete the “Self

Registration Request” form and request rights on datasets of interest to you. You can ask

for Sender, Receiver, Informed or Data preparer (Web Forms only) rights, but most users

need Sender rights. The request is then accepted (or rejected) by the Transmission

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Coordinator1 in your organization or the Domain Managers in Eurostat and you will

receive an email with the result. The next steps describe how to perform the self-

registration in the EWP.

8.1.1 Connect to the EDAMIS portal

As explained at the beginning of Chapter 8, go to “ECAS Authentication” then sign in with

your ECAS account and password.

8.1.2 Fill in the EDAMIS self-registration request form

The EWP invites you to start the registration by selecting your country group, country

and organisation (Figure 75).

Figure 75 – Starting the self-registration in the EWP

Select the option “I want to send data files to Eurostat” (Figure 76).

Figure 76 – Selecting the ‘sender’ profile

The form automatically refreshes and allows you to select the domain(s) and/or

dataset(s) for which you are the sender.

Select the domain(s) and/or dataset(s) you want to transmit (Figure 77).

1 The Transmission Coordinator (TCO) is responsible for coordinating data transmission

issues in your organisation.

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Figure 77 – Selecting the domain(s)/dataset(s)

If no dataset is visible, click on the '+' sign at the domain name to display the available

datasets underneath.

Select the person(s) who will receive your request (Figure 78).

Figure 78 – Selecting the recipients of the request

In organizations without Transmission Coordinator (TCO), only the “My Domain

Manager(s) in Eurostat” option can be selected.

In organizations with an appointed TCO (most National Statistical Offices), the TCO can

decide whether the Domain Managers at Eurostat are allowed to manage user rights. If

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they are not, only the “My Transmission Coordinator in my organisation” option can be


8.1.3 Send the self-registration request and wait for the reply

Click on the “Send request” button. A confirmation is then displayed (Figure 79).

Figure 79 – Confirmation message

The DMA and the TCO receive an e-mail with the requested right and will grant/approve

it (in function of the request reception; see 0). Check your e-mails. EDAMIS will inform

you about their decision (Figure 80).

Figure 80 – Self-registration confirmation e-mail

The self-registration is completed. From now on, you are allowed to connect to the EWP

using your ECAS username and password and send statistical data files to Eurostat.

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In the EWP you can send data files in three ways by clicking on the main menu item

“Transmission” and then on the sub-menu item “Send Datafile (Traditional), Send

data file (advanced) or “Web Form Entry”. Only the send data (New) Menu is

presented in this document. Several types of users have access to this functionality, only

the DMA view will be presented below.

9.1 Send Datafile (traditional) Menu

Datafiles can be sent with Simple upload - [Java disabled] or secured upload [Java

enabled]. After clicking on the “Send Datafile (Traditional)” sub-menu item from the

“Transmission” menu, the user has access to the simple (Figure 81) or to the secure

upload form.

Figure 81 – Simple upload form

A user has the possibility to browse for a file respecting the DSNC. A file respecting the

DNSC fills automatically the fields on the simple upload form, otherwise the user has to

select the Dataset manually and the other fields are automatically filled with the current

year, period.

9.2 Send Datafile (advanced) Menu

Datafiles can be sent in secure upload Form or [Java enabled] upload. This mode is

available in Firefox and Internet Explorer v.9 and higher, and it enables sending

confidential data.

After clicking on the “Send Data (Advanced)” sub-menu item, the web browser

downloads a small Java program, an applet, which will be used for sending the data. The

applet contains compression and encryption functions that will be automatically applied

on the data file before sending. Before the download, several requests can be asked

(java and/or security request).

9.2.1 Accept the requests

The user will be requested to ‘Allow the following application from this web side’ and/or

to ‘Allow access to the following application from this side’ (See Figure 82 and Figure 83).

Answer ‘Allow’ and ‘Run’ to run the application using java.

These Security messages displayed may vary depending on the version of the Java

Runtime Environment installed.

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Figure 82 – Security request 1

Figure 83 – Security request 2

If you don’t have a java version installed, the application will request to install an

compatible java version. You have thus to accept this request.

After running the application, the “Send Data” form is displayed. Follow these three

steps in order to send a data file (

Figure 84 – Send datafile form


1. Select the data file (cf. 9.2.2),

2. Fill in the metadata describing the content (cf. 9.2.3),

3. Perform the transfer and check the transmission status (cf. 9.2.4),

Figure 84 – Send datafile form

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9.2.2 Select the data file

Use the “Choose a file” button to select the file you want to send (Figure 85). The file

content and format should follow the rules agreed with the data receiver counterpart.

Figure 85 – Selecting the data file

9.2.3 Fill in the metadata

The metadata describes the data content of the file and will be used to deliver it to the

appropriate Production Unit(s) in Eurostat (Figure 86). If the file name observes the

Dataset Naming Convention (see also the EDAMIS Help Centre) some of the metadata

fields will be automatically completed by the application.

Figure 86 – Metadata about the file content

1. File name: The file selected for transmission.

2. Dataset: The name of the dataset describing the content of the file.

3. From: This combo lists the countries which have a sender or a sender/receiver

organisation associated to the dataset selected. The DMA can send data files on

behalf of a MS country (See Figure 86). It is thus country and organisation of the

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sender. But for Receiver MS organisation, the DMA can send datafiles to these


4. To: You can select either ‘All’ or ‘Selection…’. If you select ‘All’ the file is sent to

all receiver or sender/receiver organisation. If ‘Selection…’ is selected the list of

receiver or sender/receiver organisations is displayed. The user must then select

the receiver organisations.

5. Year: The reference year for the dataset occurrence.

6. Period: The reference period for the data collection within the year. The possible

values depend on the periodicity of the dataset. For a monthly dataset 1 to 12,

for a quarterly dataset 1 to 4 can be selected etc.

7. Encryption: This flag can only be set if the dataset is confidential and has a

public encryption key available in EDAMIS. In this case the flag is checked and

disabled by default. The user cannot decide to not encrypt the file by unchecking

the box.

8. Validation: This flag can be set only if validation rules exist for the selected

dataset. In this case the flag is disabled and ticked by default. The user cannot

decide to not validate the file by unchecking the box2.

9. Free text comments: Your comment will be forwarded to the receivers in the

notification e-mail.

10. File with explanatory notes: A file (e.g. methodological note) can be

attached. It will be forwarded to the receivers via e-mail.

NB: the 2 fields Comment and explanatory note are optional.

9.2.4 Perform the transfer and check the transmission status

Now the applet starts sending the file. You can follow the progress (one progress bar for

the file and one progress bar for the exploratory note) on the next screen (Figure 87).

When the process is completed, the status of the transmission is displayed (In this case:

‘Transfer finished with success. The file has been delivered’).

If you perform a second transfer; the application will present a second transmission

report below the first one.

By clicking on the ‘Close’ button you can delete the transmission reports.

Figure 87 – Transmission report

2 Validation and encryption are mutually exclusive