U.s. foreign policy presentation

U.S. Foreign Policy By: Courtney Rowles

Transcript of U.s. foreign policy presentation

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U.S. Foreign PolicyBy: Courtney Rowles

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What is a Foreign Policy?

This a policy that is pursued and created by a country and its government that focuses on the relationship between other countries, and is made to accomplish national objectives.

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Ways the President Can Make a Foreign Policy?

Independent Action

Independent action is when the president creates a foreign policy through his or her own actions and choices. In can be difficult to change this policy in the short term, however Congress will typically support the president’s actions.

Legislation Proposals

When the executive branch or treaties make proposals to legislation international agreements are submitted to Senate and Congress for approval.

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Ways Congress Can Make a Foreign Policy?

Resolutions and Policy Statements

By making policy statements they can submit ideas and statements that they have to change the current Foreign policy.

Legislative Restrictions and Fund Denials

By creating restrictions for all parties involves, it allows them to make compromises and bargains which can help them establish the kind of foreign policy that they need to have.

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The Marshall Plan The Marshal Plan was a plan that established a

relationship between America and 16 European countries. When European faced a crisis in their ruins in 1947, America was called upon to help Europe restore economic stability. America shared about 13 million dollars to Europe’s cities to help restore the world’s economy.

This was a pivotal document to foreign policy because it helped create a healthy relationship between foreign countries, which helped set the standards for all future foreign relationships.

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NATO’s purpose is to allow member countries to work together to make security decisions to protect its members through all political and military endeavors.

NATO is currently dealing with adapting to the new concept that was established in 2010, which is the “Active Engagement, Modern Defense.”

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United Nations

The United Nations was established in 1945 in an attempt to maintain peace and security as well as establish a friendly relationship between countries and increasing social progress, living standards, and human rights.

The United Nations receives the Nobel peace prize for the prohibition of chemical weapons and their efforts in instilling peace in the world.

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World Hunger Organization

This organization was created to help increase awareness to our world about poverty and hunger in all foreign countries.

One issue they are dealing with now is budget cuts on food stamps that are being allocated to people who need them.

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U.S. Foreign Policy Influence over U.S.

Citizens The U.S. Foreign policy encourages progression in our

relationships between our country and foreign countries.

We currently have conflicts with countries such as Iran, Iraq, and Israel.

When our country faces lots of conflict with certain countries, it can influence Americans to have aggressive emotions towards that country.

Our country will always go through international conflicts and the way our government approaches the foreign policy will always have a strong impact over how citizens react.

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Review and Reflect

Our country’s foreign policy deals with how our country interacts with foreign countries. We have multiple organizations and documents that have been established to help encourage healthy relationships between the world’s countries and create awareness in all citizens. The country will continue to face adversity with other countries, however if our government reacts the right way the foreign policy can continue to be a resolution at times of crisis.