US-CMS T2 Centers US-CMS Tier 2 Report Patricia McBride Fermilab GDB Meeting August 31, 2007 Triumf...

US-CMS T2 Centers US-CMS Tier 2 Report Patricia McBride Fermilab GDB Meeting August 31, 2007 Triumf - Vancouver


US-CMS T2 Centers August 31, 2007US-CMS T2 Centers3 Current US CMS T2 Resources US CMS T2 Site CPU (kSI2K) Disk (TB)WAN (Gb/s) Caltech Florida MIT Nebraska Purdue UCSD Wisconsin

Transcript of US-CMS T2 Centers US-CMS Tier 2 Report Patricia McBride Fermilab GDB Meeting August 31, 2007 Triumf...

Page 1: US-CMS T2 Centers US-CMS Tier 2 Report Patricia McBride Fermilab GDB Meeting August 31, 2007 Triumf - Vancouver.

US-CMS T2 Centers

US-CMS Tier 2 Report

Patricia McBrideFermilabGDB MeetingAugust 31, 2007Triumf - Vancouver

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US-CMS T2 Centers

US Tier 2s for CMS

• There are 7 CMS Tier-2 centers in the US.

• The US-Tier 2s are hosted at universities and are OSG sites.

• Funding through the US-CMS Software and Computing Project.

• L2 coordinator for US-CMS T2s: Ken Bloom, U. of Nebraska

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US-CMS T2 Centers

Current US CMS T2 Resources

US CMS T2 Site


Disk (TB) WAN (Gb/s)

Caltech 586 60 10Florida 519 104 10MIT 474 157 1Nebraska 650 105 10Purdue 743 184 10UCSD 318 98 10Wisconsin 547 110 10

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US-CMS T2 Centers

US-CMS Tier2s

• In 2008 we expect all US T2 sites to be operating with 1M SI2K of CPU, 200TB disk and 10Gbit/s WAN - nearly double the current resource levels.

Note: In CMS about half the T2 resources are dedicated to simulation and the other half to analysis activities.

Some details• All US T2 sites use SL4 with Condor (or PBS),• Disk pools are managed by dCache with SRM as an

interface for remote data transfers.• Gratia provides the accounting services.• CMSSW software and CMS services such as

PheDEX are installed at the sites.

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US-CMS T2 Centers

US -Tier 2 coordination and operations

• T2 sites are operated by the university groups.– Close connection to the CMS local user community– Local management of the facilities, purchases– Coordination through US CMS S&C project

• Each T2 site has 2 FTEs for operations:– This includes 1 FTE for operations of the storage system.

• Good communication and planning has paid off– The T2’s have a close collaboration with Fermilab and the FNAL

T1 group.– There is a US T2 meeting every 2 weeks. – There seems to be good coordination among the sites.

• T2s provide help for US-Tier3 sites, other OSG sites (Brazil, for example).

• The sites have often done early deployment and been testers for upgrades to software and services for CMS and OSG.

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US-CMS T2 Centers

US-CMS T2 in CSA06

• US-CMS T2 sites were leaders during CSA06 in number of jobs hosted. Note the high success rates for these jobs.

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US-CMS T2 Centers

Monte Carlo production for CSA07

• text

US Tier 2 sites are making a major contribution to CMS MC event production: 66M/196M events in the recent months.

Expectation for 2007: 50M events per month at all T2 sites. This has been achieved.

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US-CMS T2 Centers

Commissioning• CMS Computing Model calls for analysis dataset transfers from

Tier-1 to non-regional Tier-2s.– The CMS commissioning team has set up a program of work to

debug these links and bring them to production quality.• Metric for a commissioned T1<->T2 link: 4 out of 5 days above 300

GB/day; in excess of 1.7TB for 5 days. • Links will be “decommissioned” or removed from production after 7

days with <300 GB/day.• Only commissioned links will be used in production for CSA07.

– This is a work in progress and it has been vacation season. Stay tuned.

• The seven US-CMS Tier 2 sites are commissioned and are used in production.– All US-Tier-2 links for transfers to/from the FNAL-Tier-1 have been

commissioned. – These sites were used extensively in CSA06 and in pre-CSA07 MC


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US-CMS T2 Centers

CMS Site Availability TestingHourly monitoring of sites with CMS SAM tests has improved site availability for CMS. CMS SAM “Green” correlates to high job success rate at site.US T2 sites normally have good availability rankings >80%.


Includes OSG/CMS sites in Brazil

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US-CMS T2 Centers

Data Transfers to US-CMS T2 CentersSnapshot of daily transfers

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US-CMS T2 Centers

Data Transfers rates to T2s

Average daily transfer rate to US T2s sites is ~80 MB/sec.

These rates are dominated by transfers from Fermilab.

2007 Target: 20-200 MB/s depending on the link

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US-CMS T2 Centers

Transfers: Source to all US-Tier2Most transfers to US T2 sites are from FNAL, but CMS has started to commission links to the T2 sites from other (non-regional) T1 sites.

All transfers to US T2 Source: Non-regional T1s

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US-CMS T2 Centers

User analysis at the Tier-2s

• The number of jobs hosted at the seven US CMS T2s is routinely more than 1k/day.

• We expect the number of jobs to increase during CSA07 when more MC data sets will be hosted at T2 sites for the analysis. (Users needed!)

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US-CMS T2 Centers

Data hosting/data managers

• Each T2 site will have a data manager who decides which datasets are hosted at the site. – Users make requests which are

honored if space is available.

• T2 disk is regarded as cache; datasets will not reside permanently at a T2.

• The T2 system is designed for frequent replacement of data sets determined by the needs of the local users or the physics groups.

Data managers at US Tier 2 sites.

Coordinating the placement of skim datasets at the US-T2 will be tested in CSA07.

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US-CMS T2 Centers


• The US Tier 2 sites for CMS have been working well.• In early 2008, we expect all sites to be operating at

the full capacity required for startup.• For more details on US CMS T2 computing, see the

CHEP poster by Kenneth Bloom “US CMS Tier-2 Computing”.

• US-Tier 2s facilities are well organized and there are communication paths between sites to the Tier-1 at Fermilab.– We followed this example and created a new position in the

CMS computing org: the T2 liaison. Ken Bloom and Giuseppe Bagliesi are now the liaisons to the T2 sites around the globe.