1 DISTRIBUTION A. See first page. U.S. ARMY COMBAT CAPABILITIES DEVELOPMENT COMMAND GROUND VEHICLE SYSTEMS CENTER Jeff Koshko Deputy Executive Director CSI 02 April 2019 Industry Days - Center for Systems Integration (CSI) DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. OPSEC #: 2294


1DISTRIBUTION A. See first page.




Jeff Koshko

Deputy Executive Director


02 April 2019

Industry Days - Center for Systems Integration (CSI)


Approved for public release;

distribution unlimited.

OPSEC #: 2294

2DISTRIBUTION A. See first page.

CSI Mission

Design, engineer, manufacture, and integrate technology solutions for all manned

and unmanned DoD ground, watercraft and combat support systems.


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Project management


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Trend CPI


Trend %Spent %Complete BAC


(Worst Case)


CSIA16033 M119A3 BII Kit Cable Fabrication 230,025$ 310,478$ 306,203$ 80,453$ 4,275$ 1.35 Better 1.01 Worse 21.9% 22.2% 1,399,357$ 1,380,088$ 19,269$ 1.00

CSIA16033 M119A3 BII Kit Cable Fabrication 632,811$ 240,468$ 5,742$ (392,343)$ 234,726$ 0.38 Better 41.88 Better 0.9% 38.0% 632,811$ 15,111$ 617,701$ 0.63

CSIA16033 M119A3 BII Kit Cable Fabrication 85,529$ 148,489$ 148,489$ 62,960$ -$ 1.74 Better 1.00 No Change 30.0% 30.0% 494,965$ 494,965$ -$ 1.00

CSIA16033 M119A3 BII Kit Cable Fabrication 257,863$ 257,863$ -$ 257,863$ 1.00 FALSE - FALSE 0.0% 100.0% 257,863$ 257,863$ -$ 0.00

CSIA16033 Total M119A3 BII Kit Cable Fabrication 1,206,229$ 957,299$ 460,434$ (248,930)$ 496,865$ 0.79 Better 2.08 Worse 16.5% 34.4% 2,784,996$ 2,148,027$ 636,970$ 0.79

CSIA16063 MaxxPro RF Cable Fabrication 151,883$ 151,883$ 273,276$ -$ (121,393)$ 1.00 No Change 0.56 No Change 179.9% 100.0% 151,883$ 273,276$ (121,393)$ 0.00

CSIA16063 MaxxPro RF Cable Fabrication 104,900$ 104,900$ 90,452$ -$ 14,448$ 1.00 No Change 1.16 No Change 86.2% 100.0% 104,900$ 90,452$ 14,448$ 0.00

CSIA16063 Total MaxxPro RF Cable Fabrication 256,783$ 256,783$ 363,728$ -$ (106,945)$ 1.00 No Change 0.71 No Change 141.6% 100.0% 256,783$ 363,728$ (106,945)$ 0.00

CSIA16070 LAV Drivers Seat Modification 441,053$ 441,053$ 323,053$ -$ 118,000$ 1.00 Better 1.37 Better 73.2% 100.0% 441,053$ 323,053$ 118,000$ 0.00

CSIA16070 LAV Drivers Seat Modification 36,352$ 36,352$ 31,224$ 0$ 5,128$ 1.00 Worse 1.16 No Change 85.9% 100.0% 36,352$ 31,224$ 5,128$ (0.00)

CSIA16070 LAV Drivers Seat Modification 109,350$ 109,350$ 109,350$ 0$ -$ 1.00 No Change 1.00 No Change 100.0% 100.0% 109,350$ 109,350$ -$ 1.00

CSIA16070 Total LAV Drivers Seat Modification 586,755$ 586,755$ 463,628$ 0$ 123,128$ 1.00 Better 1.27 Better 79.0% 100.0% 586,755$ 463,628$ 123,128$ (0.00)

CSIA16119 MRAP CS18 WIN-T NextGen 1,940,102$ 1,896,881$ 1,307,315$ (43,220)$ 589,566$ 0.98 Worse 1.45 Worse 63.0% 91.4% 2,074,881$ 1,429,991$ 644,890$ 0.23

CSIA16119 MRAP CS18 WIN-T NextGen 79,660$ 79,660$ 66,160$ 0$ 13,500$ 1.00 No Change 1.20 Worse 66.4% 80.0% 99,591$ 82,713$ 16,878$ 0.60

CSIA16119 MRAP CS18 WIN-T NextGen 3,797,266$ 2,949,081$ 2,949,081$ (848,185)$ -$ 0.78 Worse 1.00 No Change 68.3% 68.3% 4,316,973$ 4,316,973$ -$ 1.00

CSIA16119 MRAP CS18 WIN-T NextGen -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - FALSE - FALSE 0.0% 0.0% 9,200$ 9,200$ -$ 1.00

CSIA16119 Total MRAP CS18 WIN-T NextGen 5,817,027$ 4,925,622$ 4,322,556$ (891,405)$ 603,066$ 0.85 Worse 1.14 Worse 66.5% 75.8% 6,500,645$ 5,838,877$ 661,768$ 0.72

CSIA16132 AMPV Skirt Armor 69,739$ 69,396$ 56,501$ (343)$ 12,895$ 1.00 Better 1.23 Better 81.0% 99.5% 69,739$ 56,780$ 12,958$ 0.03

CSIA16132 AMPV Skirt Armor 7,584$ 705$ 996$ (6,879)$ (291)$ 0.09 No Change 0.71 No Change 13.1% 9.3% 7,584$ 10,720$ (3,136)$ 1.04

CSIA16132 AMPV Skirt Armor 8,400$ 8,400$ 8,400$ -$ -$ 1.00 No Change 1.00 No Change 100.0% 100.0% 8,400$ 8,400$ -$ 0.00

CSIA16132 AMPV Skirt Armor 5,038$ 5,038$ -$ 5,038$ 1.00 FALSE - FALSE 0.0% 100.0% 5,038$ 5,038$ -$ 0.00

CSIA16132 Total AMPV Skirt Armor 90,761$ 83,539$ 65,898$ (7,222)$ 17,641$ 0.92 Better 1.27 Better 72.6% 92.0% 90,761$ 80,938$ 9,823$ 0.29

CSIA16138 AMPV Cable Design and Build 83,624$ 83,624$ 74,193$ -$ 9,431$ 1.00 Better 1.13 Better 88.7% 100.0% 83,624$ 74,193$ 9,431$ 0.00

CSIA16138 AMPV Cable Design and Build 28,564$ 28,564$ 11,919$ 0$ 16,645$ 1.00 No Change 2.40 Worse 41.7% 100.0% 28,564$ 11,919$ 16,645$ (0.00)

CSIA16138 Total AMPV Cable Design and Build 112,188$ 112,188$ 86,113$ 0$ 26,075$ 1.00 Better 1.30 Better 76.8% 100.0% 112,188$ 86,113$ 26,075$ (0.00)

CSIA16144 MaxxPro RPG Netting Kit 224,658$ 198,361$ 194,210$ (26,297)$ 4,151$ 0.88 Better 1.02 Better 86.4% 88.3% 224,658$ 219,957$ 4,701$ 0.86

CSIA16144 MaxxPro RPG Netting Kit 720,418$ 547,518$ 9,000$ (172,900)$ 538,518$ 0.76 Worse 60.84 Worse 1.2% 76.0% 720,418$ 11,842$ 708,576$ 0.24

CSIA16144 MaxxPro RPG Netting Kit 915,067$ 915,067$ -$ 915,067$ 1.00 FALSE - FALSE 0.0% 100.0% 915,067$ 915,067$ -$ 0.00

CSIA16144 Total MaxxPro RPG Netting Kit 1,860,143$ 1,660,945$ 203,210$ (199,198)$ 1,457,735$ 0.89 Better 8.17 Better 10.9% 89.3% 1,860,143$ 1,146,865$ 713,277$ 0.12

CSIA16155 Modular Causeway System Reverse Engineering - Left and Right Sections234,461$ 227,092$ 217,295$ (7,369)$ 9,797$ 0.97 Worse 1.05 Worse 89.7% 93.8% 242,121$ 231,676$ 10,445$ 0.61

CSIA16155 Modular Causeway System Reverse Engineering - Left and Right Sections2,000$ -$ (2,000)$ -$ - No Change - No Change 0.0% 0.0% 2,000$ 2,000$ -$ 1.00

CSIA16155 Modular Causeway System Reverse Engineering - Left and Right Sections51,904$ 45,919$ 45,919$ (5,986)$ -$ 0.88 Worse 1.00 No Change 68.2% 68.2% 67,360$ 67,360$ -$ 1.00

CSIA16155 Total Modular Causeway System Reverse Engineering - Left and Right Sections288,365$ 273,010$ 263,213$ (15,355)$ 9,797$ 0.95 Worse 1.04 Worse 84.5% 87.6% 311,481$ 301,036$ 10,445$ 0.80

CSIA16160 Stryker Collapsible Net Kit 309,172$ 306,747$ 545,555$ (2,425)$ (238,808)$ 0.99 Worse 0.56 Worse 70.0% 39.3% 779,679$ 1,386,672$ (606,993)$ 2.02

CSIA16160 Stryker Collapsible Net Kit 35,008$ 34,407$ 8,931$ (601)$ 25,475$ 0.98 Worse 3.85 No Change 17.9% 68.8% 50,008$ 12,981$ 37,027$ 0.38

CSIA16160 Total Stryker Collapsible Net Kit 344,180$ 341,154$ 554,487$ (3,026)$ (213,332)$ 0.99 Worse 0.62 Worse 66.8% 41.1% 829,687$ 1,399,653$ (569,966)$ 1.78

CSIA16162 CVP Bradley Suspension Upgrade_FY16 241,239$ 247,231$ 270,525$ 5,991$ (23,294)$ 1.02 Worse 0.91 Worse 39.8% 36.4% 679,738$ 743,782$ (64,044)$ 1.06

CSIA16162 CVP Bradley Suspension Upgrade_FY16 183,227$ 186,070$ 287,838$ 2,843$ (101,768)$ 1.02 Worse 0.65 No Change 120.7% 78.0% 238,551$ 369,023$ (130,471)$ (1.06)

CSIA16162 CVP Bradley Suspension Upgrade_FY16 132,545$ 132,545$ 132,545$ 0$ -$ 1.00 No Change 1.00 No Change 100.0% 100.0% 132,545$ 132,545$ -$ 1.00

CSIA16162 Total CVP Bradley Suspension Upgrade_FY16 557,012$ 565,846$ 690,907$ 8,834$ (125,061)$ 1.02 Worse 0.82 Worse 65.7% 53.8% 1,050,834$ 1,245,349$ (194,515)$ 1.35

CSIA17012 TACOM ILSC APS Engine Install Upgrade Kits Packaging 291,324$ 41,459$ 68,119$ (249,865)$ (26,660)$ 0.14 #N/A 0.61 #N/A 7.8% 4.7% 874,877$ 1,437,466$ (562,589)$ 1.03

CSIA17012 TACOM ILSC APS Engine Install Upgrade Kits Packaging 1,551,540$ 1,473,963$ 1,420,070$ (77,577)$ 53,893$ 0.95 #N/A 1.04 #N/A 91.5% 95.0% 1,551,540$ 1,494,810$ 56,730$ 0.59

CSIA17012 Total TACOM ILSC APS Engine Install Upgrade Kits Packaging 1,842,864$ 1,515,422$ 1,488,189$ (327,442)$ 27,233$ 0.82 #N/A 1.02 #N/A 61.3% 62.5% 2,426,416$ 2,932,276$ (505,860)$ 0.97

CSIA17032 MRAP Manual Updates 71,295$ 70,384$ 39,453$ (911)$ 30,931$ 0.99 Worse 1.78 Worse 49.2% 87.8% 80,148$ 44,927$ 35,221$ 0.24

CSIA17032 Total MRAP Manual Updates 71,295$ 70,384$ 39,453$ (911)$ 30,931$ 0.99 Worse 1.78 Worse 49.2% 87.8% 80,148$ 44,927$ 35,221$ 0.24

CSIA17037 Stryker ECP Engine Replacement_CSIA16100 198,108$ 200,266$ 181,140$ 2,159$ 19,126$ 1.01 Worse 1.11 Worse 23.9% 26.4% 757,407$ 685,071$ 72,335$ 0.97

CSIA17037 Stryker ECP Engine Replacement_CSIA16100 31,157$ -$ 192$ (31,157)$ (192)$ - No Change - No Change 0.4% 0.0% 50,300$ 50,300$ -$ 1.00

CSIA17037 Total Stryker ECP Engine Replacement_CSIA16100 229,264$ 200,266$ 181,332$ (28,998)$ 18,934$ 0.87 Worse 1.10 Worse 22.5% 24.8% 807,707$ 735,371$ 72,335$ 0.97

CSIA17042 3K TWPS_PRJ0883 835,499$ 724,397$ 854,247$ (111,101)$ (129,850)$ 0.87 Better 0.85 Better 28.9% 24.5% 2,953,985$ 3,483,494$ (529,509)$ 1.06

CSIA17042 3K TWPS_PRJ0883 20,191$ 4,421$ 5,265$ (15,770)$ (844)$ 0.22 No Change 0.84 No Change 1.2% 1.0% 450,068$ 536,009$ (85,940)$ 1.00

CSIA17042 3K TWPS_PRJ0883 -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - FALSE - FALSE 0.0% 0.0% 3,671,673$ 3,671,673$ -$ 1.00

CSIA17042 Total 3K TWPS_PRJ0883 855,690$ 728,818$ 859,512$ (126,871)$ (130,694)$ 0.85 Better 0.85 Better 12.1% 10.3% 7,075,726$ 7,691,176$ (615,449)$ 1.02

CSIA17053 MRAP M-LIDS Integration 1,311,326$ 1,276,632$ 753,947$ (34,694)$ 522,685$ 0.97 No Change 1.69 Worse 57.5% 97.4% 1,311,326$ 774,436$ 536,890$ 0.06

CSIA17053 MRAP M-LIDS Integration 88,700$ 88,700$ 17,993$ 0$ 70,707$ 1.00 No Change 4.93 No Change 19.0% 93.7% 94,700$ 19,210$ 75,490$ 0.08

CSIA17053 MRAP M-LIDS Integration 566,400$ 566,400$ 566,400$ 0$ -$ 1.00 No Change 1.00 No Change 100.0% 100.0% 566,400$ 566,400$ -$ 1.00

CSIA17053 Total MRAP M-LIDS Integration 1,966,426$ 1,931,732$ 1,338,339$ (34,694)$ 593,393$ 0.98 Better 1.44 Worse 67.9% 97.9% 1,972,426$ 1,360,046$ 612,380$ 0.06

CSIA17054 2CR LRAS3 Scout Kit 941,746$ 897,049$ 759,155$ (44,697)$ 137,894$ 0.95 Worse 1.18 Worse 65.7% 77.6% 1,155,968$ 978,273$ 177,695$ 0.65

CSIA17054 2CR LRAS3 Scout Kit 214,300$ 214,300$ 79,486$ 0$ 134,814$ 1.00 No Change 2.70 Better 36.1% 97.3% 220,300$ 81,712$ 138,588$ 0.04

CSIA17054 Total 2CR LRAS3 Scout Kit 1,156,046$ 1,111,349$ 838,642$ (44,697)$ 272,708$ 0.96 Worse 1.33 Worse 60.9% 80.8% 1,376,268$ 1,059,985$ 316,283$ 0.49

CSIA17057 ASWDS Armor 613C_CSIA15138 43,467$ 43,467$ 65,289$ -$ (21,822)$ 1.00 No Change 0.67 No Change 150.2% 100.0% 43,467$ 65,289$ (21,822)$ 0.00

CSIA17057 ASWDS Armor 613C_CSIA15138 240$ 240$ 186$ 0$ 54$ 1.00 No Change 1.29 No Change 77.5% 100.0% 240$ 186$ 54$ (0.00)

CSIA17057 Total ASWDS Armor 613C_CSIA15138 43,707$ 43,707$ 65,475$ 0$ (21,769)$ 1.00 No Change 0.67 No Change 149.8% 100.0% 43,707$ 65,475$ (21,769)$ 0.00

CSIA17063 Bridge Adapter Pallet 512,854$ 465,365$ 448,783$ (47,489)$ 16,582$ 0.91 Worse 1.04 Worse 72.3% 74.9% 621,139$ 599,007$ 22,132$ 0.90

CSIA17063 Bridge Adapter Pallet 10,000$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 0$ -$ 1.00 No Change 1.00 No Change 100.0% 100.0% 10,000$ 10,000$ -$ 1.00

CSIA17063 Bridge Adapter Pallet -$ -$ -$ - FALSE - FALSE 0.0% 0.0% 19,003$ 19,003$ -$ 1.00

CSIA17063 Total Bridge Adapter Pallet 522,854$ 475,365$ 458,783$ (47,489)$ 16,582$ 0.91 Worse 1.04 Worse 70.6% 73.1% 650,142$ 628,010$ 22,132$ 0.91

CSIA17093 Modular Bar Armor_FY17 151,825$ 151,825$ 167,399$ -$ (15,574)$ 1.00 No Change 0.91 No Change 110.3% 100.0% 151,825$ 167,399$ (15,574)$ 0.00

CSIA17093 Modular Bar Armor_FY17 13,077$ 13,077$ 13,077$ 0$ -$ 1.00 No Change 1.00 No Change 100.0% 100.0% 13,077$ 13,077$ -$ 1.00

CSIA17093 Modular Bar Armor_FY17 16,440$ 16,440$ -$ 16,440$ 1.00 FALSE - FALSE 0.0% 100.0% 16,440$ 16,440$ -$ 0.00

CSIA17093 Total Modular Bar Armor_FY17 181,342$ 181,342$ 180,476$ 0$ 866$ 1.00 No Change 1.00 No Change 99.5% 100.0% 181,342$ 196,916$ (15,574)$ (0.00)

CSIA17097 M1 Armor Effort_FY17_ CSIA16008 2,180,351$ 2,180,351$ 2,155,804$ -$ 24,547$ 1.00 Better 1.01 Worse 98.9% 100.0% 2,180,351$ 2,155,804$ 24,547$ 0.00

CSIA17097 M1 Armor Effort_FY17_ CSIA16008 127,256$ 126,852$ 127,689$ (404)$ (838)$ 1.00 Worse 0.99 Worse 100.3% 99.7% 127,256$ 128,096$ (840)$ (0.93)

CSIA17097 Total M1 Armor Effort_FY17_ CSIA16008 2,307,606$ 2,307,202$ 2,283,493$ (404)$ 23,709$ 1.00 Better 1.01 Worse 99.0% 100.0% 2,307,606$ 2,283,900$ 23,707$ 0.02

CSIA17100 STRYKER Sabre Fury Kits 1,378,747$ 1,249,145$ 1,280,010$ (129,602)$ (30,865)$ 0.91 Worse 0.98 Worse 91.3% 89.1% 1,401,900$ 1,436,540$ (34,640)$ 1.25

CSIA17100 STRYKER Sabre Fury Kits 101,200$ 101,200$ 153,698$ 0$ (52,498)$ 1.00 No Change 0.66 No Change 115.4% 76.0% 133,200$ 202,298$ (69,098)$ (1.56)

CSIA17100 STRYKER Sabre Fury Kits 188,468$ 152,858$ 152,858$ (35,610)$ -$ 0.81 Worse 1.00 No Change 74.6% 74.6% 204,858$ 204,858$ -$ 1.00

CSIA17100 STRYKER Sabre Fury Kits -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - FALSE - FALSE 0.0% 0.0% 30,946$ 30,946$ -$ 1.00

CSIA17100 Total STRYKER Sabre Fury Kits 1,668,415$ 1,503,203$ 1,586,566$ (165,212)$ (83,364)$ 0.90 Worse 0.95 Worse 89.6% 84.9% 1,770,904$ 1,874,642$ (103,738)$ 1.45

CSIA17108 Bradley Smoke Screen 456,202$ 397,767$ 326,427$ (58,435)$ 71,340$ 0.87 Better 1.22 Worse 71.6% 87.2% 456,202$ 374,381$ 81,821$ 0.45

CSIA17108 Bradley Smoke Screen 23,298$ 23,298$ 6,776$ 0$ 16,522$ 1.00 No Change 3.44 No Change 29.1% 100.0% 23,298$ 6,776$ 16,522$ (0.00)

CSIA17108 Total Bradley Smoke Screen 479,500$ 421,066$ 333,203$ (58,435)$ 87,862$ 0.88 Better 1.26 Worse 69.5% 87.8% 479,500$ 381,158$ 98,343$ 0.40

CSIA17116 PdM MRAP Vehicle Systems RG-31 Upgrade Parts Fabrication and Procurement475,193$ 457,910$ 522,380$ (17,283)$ (64,470)$ 0.96 Better 0.88 Better 107.5% 94.2% 485,988$ 554,411$ (68,423)$ (0.77)

CSIA17116 PdM MRAP Vehicle Systems RG-31 Upgrade Parts Fabrication and Procurement174,512$ 148,336$ 121,432$ (26,177)$ 26,904$ 0.85 Worse 1.22 No Change 69.6% 85.0% 174,512$ 142,861$ 31,652$ 0.49

CSIA17116 Total PdM MRAP Vehicle Systems RG-31 Upgrade Parts Fabrication and Procurement649,706$ 606,246$ 643,812$ (43,460)$ (37,566)$ 0.93 Better 0.94 Worse 97.5% 91.8% 660,500$ 697,271$ (36,771)$ 3.25

CSIA17141 AMPV Camouflage Development 33,941$ 33,943$ 14,731$ 2$ 19,212$ 1.00 Worse 2.30 Better 13.0% 30.0% 113,043$ 49,059$ 63,984$ 0.80

CSIA17141 AMPV Camouflage Development 21,690$ 21,690$ 0$ 21,690$ 1.00 Worse - No Change 0.0% 50.0% 43,380$ 43,380$ -$ 0.50

CSIA17141 AMPV Camouflage Development 1,002$ -$ -$ (1,002)$ -$ - No Change - No Change 0.0% 0.0% 6,000$ 6,000$ -$ 1.00

CSIA17141 Total AMPV Camouflage Development 56,633$ 55,633$ 14,731$ (1,000)$ 40,902$ 0.98 Worse 3.78 Better 9.1% 34.3% 162,423$ 98,439$ 63,984$ 0.72

CSIA17144 Bradley Engine Hull Modifications 338,000$ 263,898$ 274,575$ (74,103)$ (10,677)$ 0.78 Worse 0.96 Worse 48.5% 46.6% 566,222$ 589,131$ (22,909)$ 1.04

CSIA17144 Bradley Engine Hull Modifications -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - FALSE - FALSE 0.0% 0.0% 720,000$ 720,000$ -$ 1.00


Project Management

Integrated Master Schedules

Earned Value Management




Manufacturing Processing

Production Control

Tech Manuals

5DISTRIBUTION A. See first page.

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ManufacturingLaser & Waterjets

CNC Milling

CNC Turning

6DISTRIBUTION A. See first page.

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CNC Press Brake


Metal Inert Gas

Tungsten Inert Gas

Gas Metal Arc Welding

Gas Metal Arc Welding Pulse

7DISTRIBUTION A. See first page.

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Cable/ Harness Fab

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Printed Circuit Board Fabrication

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Paint, Assembly & Kitting

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CSI executes ≈ 100 projects at any point in time

42 42 31Proposal Engineering Manufacturing

CSI is very dynamic within the 144,000 sq-ft facility; project priorities

change, schedules are modified…….on a weekly basis we constantly

have to assess capacity needs. Opportunities exist:

115as of 10 MAR

The forecast data is for planning purposes, does not represent a pre-solicitation synopsis, does not constitute an invitation

for bid or request for proposal, and is not a commitment by the government to purchase the desired products and services

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The forecast data is for planning purposes, does not represent a pre-solicitation synopsis, does not constitute an invitation

for bid or request for proposal, and is not a commitment by the government to purchase the desired products and services

Arctic Slope Regional Corporation

• Modernization: Engineering/Project Mgt services, procurement of materials and

fabrication of end products. Create Technical Data Packages (drawings, tech manuals).

• 5 years (active through Apr-2022). Award ceiling: $22M. Ceiling remaining: $18M

• White Collar: Professional labor hours for engineering, project management, systems

administration, earned value management.

• 5 years (active through Aug-2020). Award ceiling: $20M. Ceiling remaining: $17M

• Manufacturing & Technical Services: Skilled trades (i.e. welders, machinists, painters,

etc), procurement of materials, build to print tasks.

• 5 years (active through Jan-2023). Award ceiling: $22M Ceiling remaining: $21M

Credit Card

Fabrication support and materials

• Up to $3.5K

• Small business $10K.

• Contingency Operation Deviation (COD) $20K

• GSA Contract $25K

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Visit Us at Booths 12-13