Urdu Dictionary


Transcript of Urdu Dictionary




Ritesh Yadav

Urdu words and their english meanings

AAab(a.) n.f.: water, lusture , sharpness.

Aab-aab(p.) adv.: ashamed , blushed.

Aab-daar(adj.): polished, bartender ,sharp.

Aab-deedah(p.) adj.: tearful, in tears.

Aab-e-aatish(p.) n.m.: wine, liquid fire.

Aab-e-deedah (p.) n.m.: tears, tearful eyes.

Aab-e-hayaat(p.) n.m.: elixir, nectar.

Aab-e-rawaan(p.) n.m.: running water, spring.

Aab-e-zar(p.) n.m.: liquid gold, ink of gold.

Aabgeenah(p.) n.m.: cup, tumbler, mirror.

Aab-joo(p.) n.f.: stream, rivulet.

Aab-o-daanah(p.) n.m.: subsistence, daily bread.

Aab-o-gil(p.) n.f.: water and clay, elements of universe, nature.

Aab-o-hawaa(p.) n.f.: climate, water and air.

Aab-shaar(p.) n.f.: waterfall.

Aab-yaaree(p.) n.m.: irrigation, watering.

Aabaadee(p.) n.m.: population, habitation.

Aabid(a.) n.m.: worshipper, devotee, adorer.

Aabilah(p.) n.m: blister, boil.

Aablah-paa(p.) n.m.: having blisters on the feet.

Aabroo(p.) n.f.: honour, dignity, chastity.

Aab-rood(p.) n.f.: stream, rivulet.

Aabroo-rezee(p.) n.f.: slander, vilification, disgrace.

Aadaab(a.) n.m.pl.: salutation, etiquette.

Aadee(a.) adj.: addicted, accustomed, habituated.

Aadil(a.) n.: just, equitable.

Aa'een(p.) n.m.: code, custom, constitution.

Aa'eenah(p.) n.m.: a mirror, human heart.

Aa'eenah-roo(p.) adj.: fair faced, bright faced.

Aa'eenah-saaz(p.) n.m.: maker of mirrors, God, Creator.

Aafaaq(a.) n.pl.: horizons, the world.

Aafaaqee(a.) adj.: universal, global.

Aafat(a.) n.f.: calamity, disaster, misery.

Aafat-e-jaan(p.) adj.: cruel, beloved, torturer.


Aafreen(p.) n.: bravo, cheers, praise.

Aafreenish(p.) n.f.: creation, universe.

Aaftaab(p.) n.m.: sun

Aaftaabee(p.) adj.: like the sun , golden bright.

Aagaah(p.) adj.: informed, aware, fore-warned.

Aagaahee(p.) n.: premonition ,fore-knowledge ,insight.

Aaghaaz(p.) n.: beginning, origin.

Aaghosh(p.) n.: lap, bosom, embrace.

Aahan(p.) n.m.: iron, steel.

Aahang(p.) n.: melody, sound, rhythm, way.

Aahoo(p.) n.: deer, fault.

Aajiz(u.) adj.: humble, incapable, helpless.

Aajizee(u.) n.: humility, entreaty, helplessness.

Aakhir(a.) adj.: last, end, final.

Aakhirat(a.) n.f: end, resurrection, life after death.

Aal(a.) n.f.: progeny, offspring, dynasty.

'Aalam(a.) n.: world, condition, people, era.

Aalee(a.) adj.: high, noble.

Aalee-jaah(a.) adj.: of high rank, your highness, excellency.

Aalee-shaan(a.) adj.: majestic, magnificent, grand.

Aalim(a.) n.m.: learned, sage, wise, intelligent.

Aam(a.) adj.: common, public, general.

Aamand(p.) n.f.: arrival, income, earning.

Aamand-o-raft(n.) f.: traffic, coming and going.

Aamezish(p.) n.f.: mixture, adulteration.

Aameen(a.) n.f.: amen, so be it!

Aamil(a.) n.m.: doer , operator, magician.

Aan(a.p.) n.f.: pride, honor, time, instant.

Aan-baan(h. )n.f.: pomp and show, elegance, ostentation.

Aanch(h.) n.f.: glare, warmth, injury.

Aaqaa(p.) n.m.: lord, master.

Aaqibat(a.) n.: end, resurrection, life hereafter.

Aaqil(a.) adj.: wise, sensible person.

'Aar(a.) n.f.: dishonor, disgrace.

Aaraaish(p.) n.f.: decoration, adornment, dressing, make-up.

Aaraam(p.) n.m.: rest, relief, ease.

Aaram-baagh(p.) n.m: grave-yard, cemetery.

Aaraam-gaah(p.) n.f.: rest house, bed-room.


Aaraastah(p.) adj.: decorated, equipped.

Aaree(a). adj.: naked, tired, incompetent.

Aarif(a.) n.: sagacious, wise, knowledgeable.

Aarifaanah(p.) adv.: full of mysticism, wisely, piously.

Aariz(a.) n.: cheek, an incident.

Aarizah(a.) n.m.: illness, disease, trouble.

Aarsee(u.) n.f.: mirror, looking glass, ring studded with mirror.

Aarzoo(p.) n.f.: desire, longing, wish.

Aasaaish(p.) n.m.: rest, comfort, enjoyment, tranquility.

Aasaar(a.) n.pl.: (pl.of asar) traces, relics, signs, feelings, traditions, basis.

Aaseb(p.) n.m.: evil spirit, demon.

Aasee(a.) n.: sinner, guilty, rebel.

Aashiq(a.) n.: lover, paramour.

Aashiq-mizaaj(p.) n.: amorous, having the temperament of a lover.

Aashiqaanah(a.&p.) adj.: amorous, like a lover.

Aashuftagee(p.) n.f.: misery, consternation, confusion.

Aashuftah(p.) adj.: weary, perturbed.

Aashiyaana: nest, abode, residence, house.

Aasmaan(p.) n.: sky, heavens, firmament.

Aasmaan-bos(p.) adj.: tall, touching or kissing the sky.

Aasoodah(p.) adj.: rich, opulent, satisfied.

Aasraa(h.) n.m.: refuge, shelter.

Aastaan: entrance to a shrine , threshold

Aastaanah(p.) n.: threshold, door, abode of a beloved, tomb of a saint.

Aasteen(p.) n.: sleeve.

Aatish(p.) n.f.: fire.

Aatish-baaz(p.) n.m.: maker of fireworks, playing with fire.

Aatish-baazee(n.) f.: fireworks, exhibition of fireworks

Aatish-e-tar(p.) n.f.: lips of the beloved, wine, ruby

Aatish-fishaan(p.) adj. n.m.: volcano, volcanic

Aatish-kadah(p.) n.m: fire temple

Aawaarah(p.) adj.: wanderer, a vagabond, homeless

A'azaa(a.) n.m.pl.: (plural of ' Uzw) limbs, organs, parts of body

Aazar(p.) n.m.: fire, Prophet Abraham's father

Aazaar(p.) n.m.: illness, ailment, injury

Aazmaa-ish(p.) n.f.: trial, test, examination

Aazmoodah(p.) adj.: tried, tested, proved

Aazurdah(p.) adj.: dejected, fortured , gloomy, angry


Abad(a.) n.: infinity, time without end

Abadee(a.) adj.: eternal, endless, immortal

Abadiyat(a.) n.: immortality, servitude

'Abd(a.) n.: servant of God, devotee, slave

Abr(p.) n.: clouds

Abroo(p.) n.: eyebrows

Abtaree(u.) n.f.: confusion, deterioration, ruin

Adaa(p.) n.: charm, grace, coquetry

Adaa-kaar(p.) n.: actor, performer

Adaalat(a.) n.: court of law or justice

Adab(a.) n.: etiquette, respect, courtesy, literature

Adam(a.) n.: non-existence, annihilation

Adeeb(a.) n.m.: writer, author, teacher of good manners

Adl(a.) n.: justice, equity

Adnaa(a.) adj.: low, humble, mean

Adoo(a.) n.: enemy, foe

Afkaar(a.) n.: thoughts, cares, meditations

Afroz(p.) adj.: shining, bright

Afsaanah(p.) n.: tale, legend, story

Afsar(p.) n.m.: crown, officer, captain

Afshaan(p.) adj. n.: dispersing, sprinkling of gold or silver powder on girls hair and cheeks for adornment

Afsoon(p.) n.: enchantment, charm, magic

Afsos(p.) n.: regret, sorrow, repentance

Afsurdagee(p.) n.: melancholy, dejection, gloom

Afsurdah(p.) adj.: withered, faded, depressed

'Afw(a.) n.m.: forgiveness, pardon

Afwaah(a.) n.f.: rumor

Afzaa(p.) suf.: increasing, adding

Afzaa'ish(p.): increase, augmentation

Aghyaar(p.) n.m.: strangers, rivals

Ahad(p.) n.: one, unity, unique

Ahbaab(a.) n.: friends, lovers, dear ones

'Ahd(a.) n.: pledge, treaty, period, promise

Ahkaam(a.) n.: commands, orders, ordinances

Ahle-qalam(a.) n.: writer, literary person

Ahl-o-'ayaal: family

Ahliyah(a.) n.: wife

Ahliyat(a.) n.: worthiness, capability, aptitude, skill

Ahmaq(a.) n.: fool, stupid, idiot

Ahwaal(a.) n.pl.: state of affairs, events, narrative

Ajal(a.) n.: end, death, destiny, fate

'Ajam(a.) n.m.: non-Arab, dumb people


'Ajeeb(a.) adj.: strange, wonderful, unique

Ajnabee(a) n.: stranger, unknown, alien

Ajr(a.) n.: fare, wages, cartage, reward

Akbar(a.) adj.: greatest, big

Akhbaar(a.) n.m.pl.: newspaper, news

Akhlaaq(a.) n.: morals, politeness, virtues

Akhlaaqiyaat(a.) n.: ethics, code of morality

Akhtar(a.) n.: a star, good omen, good fortune

Akhtar-shumaaree(a.) n.: counting stars, keeping awake at night in anxiety

'Akkaas(a.) n.: photographer

'Aks(a.) n.: reflection, photograph

'Aalaa(a.) adj.: superior, greater, eminent

'Alaalat(a.) n.f.: ailment, malady, sickness

'Alaamat(a.) n.f.: sign, symbol

'Alaawah(a.) adv.: extra, besides, in addition

Alam(a.) n.: grief, pain, torment, agony

Alam-naak(a.) adj.: painful, tragic

'Alam(a.) n.: banner, spear, mark, a standard

'Alam-bardaar(a.) n.: leader, standard bearer, torch bearer

'Aleem(a.) n.: wise, learned, epithet of God

Alfaaz(a.) n.m.: (pl. of 'Lafz') words, terms

Alhaan(a.) n.m.pl.: (pl. of Lahn)musical notes, tones, melodies

Alhamd(a.) n.f.: opening chapter of Holy Quran

Alhamdu-lillaah(a.) int.: praise be to Allah

Alqaab(a.) n.m.pl.: (pl. of Laqab) titles, epithets

Altaaf(a.) n.: kindness, grace, favors

Alwidaa(a.) n.: good-bye, farewell

Amaanat(a.) n.: trust, deposits, faith

'Amal(a.) n.m.: action, practice, charm

Ambaar(a.) n.: heap, stock, collection

Ameen(a.) n.: faithful, trustworthy

Ameer(a.) n.: chieftain, wealthy, ruler

Amlaak(a.) n.f.pl.: estates, possession, lands

Amn(a.) n.: peace, tranquility, safety

Amr(a.) n.: order, affair

Anban(u.) n.f.: discord, disagreement

Anaa(a.) n.f.: ego, self

Anal-haqq(a.) exp.m.: I am right, I am truth, I am God

Andaam(p.) n.: body, stature, figure

Andaaz(p.) n.m.: style, manner, coquetry, conjecture

Andeshah(p.) n.m.: fear, possibility, suspicion

'Andaleeb(p.) n.: nightingale, lover

Andoh(p.) n.m.: grief, sorrow, anxiety,

Anees(a.) n.: companion, friend, a famous Urdu


anguish poetAngaara(h. n.m.: a burning charcoal, spark

Anjaam(a.) n.: end, termination, result

Anjum(p.) n.: stars, constellation.

Anjuman(p.) n.: society, assembly, congregation.

Ansaar(a.) n.: helpers, friends, assistants.

Anwar(a.) adj: shining, very bright, glittering.

'Aqeedat(a.) n.f.: faith, firm, belief, creed.

'Aqeel(a.) n.m.: intelligent, wise.

'Aql(a.) n.m.: wisdom, sense, intellect, reason

'Araq(a.) n.m.: juice, essence, sprit

'Araz(a.) n.: width, substance, qualities.

Arbaab(a.) n.: lords, masters, members.

Armaan(p.) n,: wish, longing, ambition.

'Arsah(a.) n.m.: time, duration, period, a field.

Arsh(a.) n.: sky, space.

'Arsh-o-farsh(a.) n.: heaven and earth.

Arwaah(a.) n.f.: (pl. of Rooh) spirits, soul.

Arz(a.) n.f.: land, earth.

Arzaan(p.) adj: low priced, cheap.

Asad(a.) n.m.: lion, leo, the fifth sign of zodiac.

Asad-ullah(n.): the lion of allah , brave, a title of hazrat ali.

Asar(a.) n.: effect, footprint, impressions, feeling, trace.

Asbaab(a.) n.: causes, reasons, goods.

Aseer(a.) n.: captive, prisoner.

Asghar(a.) n.: small, younger.

Ashaab(a.) n.: friends, nobles, people.

Ash'aar(a.) n.m. Pl: (pl. of sher) verses couplets.

'Asr(a.) n.: time, era, afternoon.

Asraar(a.) n.m.: obstinacy, secrets.

'Ataa(a.) n.: grant, endowment, gift, reward.

Atfaal(a.) n.: children, infant.

Aulaad(a.) n.f.pl.: (pl. of walad) progeny, children, descendants.

Auqaat(a.) n.m.pl: (pl. of waqt) times, position.

Ausaaf(a). n.m. pl.: merits, characteristics

Awaam(a.) n.m.: public, common, people

'Ayaan(p.) adj: clear, evident

'Ayb(a.) n.: fault, defect, vice, sin

Awwal(a.) adj: first, foremost, best

'Ayn(a.) n. adj.: eye, eye-sight, fountain,

'Aysh(a.) n.: pleasure of enjoyment, luxury


spring, real, original'Aysh-o-'ishrat(a.) n.: pleasantness of life, luxury

Aywaan(p.) n.m.: hall, chamber, palace, assembly

'Ayyaaree(a.) n.f.: knavery, slyness

'Azaa-daar(a.) adj. n.: mourner, lamenter.

'Azaab(a.) n.: punishment, chastisement

Azaan(a.) n.: the call for prayer, ears.

Azal(a.) n.: eternity, the first moment of creation

Azalee(a.) adj.: eternal, from eternity

'Azeem(a.) adj.: great, large, honorable

'Azeez(a.) n. adj.: dear, precious, beloved, relative

Aziyat(a.) n.f.: suffering, hurt, distress, injury

'Azm(a.) n.m.: determination, resolution

'Azmat(a.) n.: greatness, grandeur, glory

'Areezah(a.) n.m.: petition, entreaty, application

'Azaa(a.) n.: mouring, condolence

BBaab(a.) n.: door gate, chapter, affair

Baad(p.) n.f.: wind, air, breeze, be, remain

Baadah(p.) n.: wine, liquor

Baad-e-sabaa(p.) n.: pleasant breeze, morning breeze

Baad-e-samoom(p.) n.: hot wind

Baad-e-tund(p.) n.: gale, stormy wind

Baadah-kash(p.) n.: wine-drinker, drunkard

Baadah-parast(p.) n.: drunkard, wine addict

Baad-baan(p.) n.: a sail

Baagh-baan(p.) n.: gardener

Baaghee(a.) n.m.: rebel, mutineer

Baaham(p.) adv.: together, mutually, along with

Baa'is(a.) n.m.: cause, basis, ground

Baaleedgee(p.) n.f.: growth, development

Baaligh(a.) adj.: mature, major

Baal-o-par(p.) n: feathers and wings.

Baam(p.) n.: martness

Baanee(a.) n.m.: founder, originator, advice, saying, proverb.

Baang(p.) n.: sound, call for namaz, crowing of a cock.

Baankpan(h.) n.m.: smartness.


Baano(p.) n.: lady, woman of rank.

Baar(p.) n.: fruit, load, liability, trunk.

Baargaah(p.) n.: hall,a foray of audience, saint's abode.

Baaryaabee(p.) n.: presence before great man’s court.

Baaraan(p.) n.: rain, shower.

Baatil(a.) adj.: false, void, fictitious, useless.

Baatin(a.) n.: inside, internal, heart, secret.

Baayaan(h.) adj: left.

Baaz(p.) n.m.: hawk, falcon.

Baazee(p.) n.f.: game, sport, play, wager, bet.

Baazoo(p.) n.m.: arm, helper, flank of an army.

Baad(a.) adj.: after, later, subsequently.

Bad(p.) adj: bad, evil, corrupt, unlucky.

Bad-akhlaaq(p.) adj.: rude, ill-mannered, uncultured.

Bad-bakht(p.) n.: unfortunate.

Bad-bakhtee(p.) n.: misfortune, adversity.

Bad-boo(p.) n.: bad smell, stink, stench.

Bad-chalan(p.) adj: rude, ill-mannered, uncultured.

Bad-gumaanee(p.) n.f.: suspicion, scandal, mistrust.

Bad-haal(p.) adj.: wretched, in evil plight, in sorry state.

Bad-hawaas(p.) adj.: senseless, bewildered, stunned.

Bad-khwaabee(p.) n.: a nightmare, wet dream, sleep-lessness.

Bad-zan(p.) adj.: prejudiced, suspicious, mistrustful.

Badaulat(p)adv.: because of, through, by means of.

Badee(p) n.f.: evil, misfortune, badness.

Baghaawat(a) n.m.: revolt, rebellion, mutiny.

Bahaaem(a.) n.m.: beasts, animals.

Bahaanah(p.) n.m.: excuse, pretex, pretence.

Bahaar(p.) n.: spring, bloom, beauty, state, flourishing.

Bahaaristan(p.) n.: garden, spring field.

Bahisht(p.) n.f.: heaven, paradise.

Bahr(p.) n.: sea, ocean, a meter of poetry.

Bahr-o-bar(a.) n.: land and sea, the world over.

Bahrah-war(p.) adj.: prosperous

Bahs(a.) n.: argument, discussion, debate.

Bakhshish(p.) n.: gift, reward, donation, pardon.

Baktar(p.) n.m.: armour, a coat of mail

Band(h.) n.m.: joint, knot, tie, fastener, dam, stanza, restriction

Bandagee(p.) n.f.: devotion, worship, slavery, a mode of salutation

Bandah(p.) n.m.: devotee, slave, bondsman, man

Bandah-nawaaz Bandah-parwar


(p.) adj: patron, cherisher of poor (p.) adj.: cherishers of servants, a patronBandish(p.) n.: composition, binding

Band-o-bast(p.) n.m.: arrangements, orders

Baqaa(a.) n.: eternity, permanence, immorality

Baraa'at(a.) n.f.: acquittal, social boycott

Barhanah(p.) adj.: naked, bare

Barahnagee(p.) n.: nakedness, bareness

Barbat(p.) n.: persian musical instrument

Bardaasht(p.) n.f.: toloerance, endurance, patience

Barg(p.) n.: leaf, provisions for journey, melody

Barge-gul(p.) n.: petal of rose, or flower

Barg-o-baar(p.) n.: leaves and fruits

Barham(p.) adj.: angry, entangled, disordered

Barhamee(p.) n.: anger, entanglement, displeasure, vexation

Barkat(a.) n.: abundance, blessing, good fortune

Barq(a.) n.: lightening, electricity

Bartaao(h.) n.m.: treatment, usage, conduct

Basaarat(a.) n.f.: vision, eye-sight

Basar(p.) n.f.: living, livelihood

Baseer(a.) n.: sage, one with foresight

Baseerat(a.) n.f.: insight, prudence,wisdom

Baseraa(h.) n.m.: abode, nest, resting place

Bashar(a.) n.: man, human being

Bashariyat(a.) n.: humanity, man kind

Basheer(a.) n.: a messenger of glad tidings

Batn(a.) n.m.: womb, belly

Bayaan(a.) n.: declaration, statement

Bayaanah(p.) n.m.: earnest money, advance payment

Bayat(a.) n.f.: fealty, homage, oath of obedience

Bayn(a.) n.m.: lamentation, among, between

B'ayt(a.) n.m.: house, abode, a couplet

Bazm(p.) n.: assembly, meeting, feast

Be(a.) pref: without

Be-adab(a.) adj.: mannerless, misbehaved

Be-baak(adj.): fearless, daring

Bedaar(p.) adj.: injustice, oppresion

Be-daar(p.) adj.: awake, watchful, alert

Be-dast-o-paa(p.) adj.: without hands and feet, helpless

Beenaa(p.) n.: clear sighted, observer

Beenaaee Begaangee


(p.) n.: eye-sight, vision (p.) n.: strangeness, unknown, unfamiliarity

Begaanah(p.) n.: stranger, unknown

Begaar(p.) n.f.m.: forced labour, unpaid labour

Beh(p.) adj.: good

Behbood(p.) n.f.: betterment, welfare

Be-hijaab(a.) adj.: unveiled, immodest

Behisht(p.) n.f.: heaven, paradise

Be-karaan(p.) adj.: shoreless, immense

Be-kas(p.) adj.: helpless, friendless

Be-khudee(p.) n.: alienation of mind, ecstasy, unconsciousness, beyond ego

Be-nang-o-naam(p.) n.: without name or character

Be-nawaa(p.) n.: without provision, without prosperity, indigent

Be-nazeer(p.) adj.: incomparable, matchless, peerless, unique

Be-niyaaz(p.) adj.: without want, carefree

Be-noor(p.) adj.: dark, without light

Be-paayaan(p.) adj.: limtiless, boundless

Be-saakhtah(p.) adj. adv.: spontaneous, artless, extempore

Besh(p.) adj.: more, extra

Be-taab(p.) adj.: restless, impatient

Be-taabaanah(p.) adv.: restlessly, impatiently

Be-taabee(p.) n.f.: restlessness, impatience

Be-takalluf(u.) adj.: informal, unceremonious

Be-wafaa(p.) adj.: unfaithful, frail, treacherous

Be-wafaaee(p.) n.: faithlessness, frailty, ingratitude

Be-zaar(p.) adj.: digusted, angry, displeased

Bezaaree(p.) n.: digust, displeasure

Bharam(h.) n.m.: secret, trust, credit, esteem, reputation

Bhulaawaa(h.) n.m.: deception, fraud, misleading

Bid'at(a.) n.f.: innovation in religion, heresy

Bilaad(a.) n.: countries, towns, cities

Bin(a.) n.: son, without, except

Binaaa(a.) n.f.: foundation, basis, origin, without, except

Bint(a.) n.: daughter

Bint-e-'inab(a.) n.: wine, liquor

Bisaat(a.) n.: capacity

Bishaarat(a.) n.: inspiration, good news, happy

Bismil(a.) adj.: wounded, sacrificed

Bismillah(a.) n.: to begin in name of God

Biyaabaan(p.) n.: desert, wilderness

Boo Bood


(p.) n.m.: scent, odour (p.) n.f.m.: was, existedBood-o-bash(p.) n.f.: residence, living

Boond(h.) n.f.: drop of any liquid

Bootaa(h.) n.m.: shrub, bush

Bosah(p.) n.m.: kiss

Boseedah(p.) adj.: rotten, decayed

Bos-o-kanaar(p.) n.m.: kissing and caressing, dalliance

Bostaan(p.) n.: fruit garden, full of fragrance

Bughz(a.) n.m.: malice, hatred

Buhraan(a.) n.m.: crisis, critical moment, coup

Bohtaan(a.) n.m.: calumny, allegation, accusation

Bukaa(a.) n.: weeping, lamentation, wailing

Bukhaar(a.) n.m.: fever, rage, anguish

Buland(p.) adj.: high, tall, mighty

Bulbulaa(h.) n.m.: bubble

Bul-hawas(a.) n.: greedy, villain

Burqaa(a.) n.m.: veil, mantle, cover, mask

Bustaan(p.) n.m.: a garden, place of fragrance

But(p.) n.: idol, in urdu poetry it is related to beloved

But-kada(p.) n.: temple of idols

But-khaanah(p.) n.: temple of idols

But-parast(p.) n.: idol worshipper

Bunyaad(p.) n.f.: foundation, basis, origin

Burd-baar(p.) adj.: patient, tolerant

Burj(a.) n.m.: tower, turret, a sign of the zodiac

But-parastee(p.) n.: idol worship,idolatry

But-shikan(p.) n.: inconoclast, idol breaker

But-taraash(p.) n.: sculptor, idol maker

Buzdil(p.) n.: coward, faint-hearted, weak

Buzdilee(p.) n.: cowardice, faint-heartedness

Buzurg(p.) n.: aged, great man, venerable

Besh-qeemat(p.) adj.: costly, precious, valuable

Bohtaat(h.) n.f.: abundance, excess

CChaah(h.) n.f.: love, desire, liking, well, pit

Chaak(p.) adj: torn, slit, fissure

Chaak-e-gareebaan(p.) n.: afflicted, sad, dejected person with torn collar

Chaap(h.) n.f.: sound of footsteps

chaaploosee(p.) n.f.: flattery, synophancy

Chaarah(p.) n.: remedy, cure, resources

Chaarrah-gar(p.) n.: doctor, physician

Chaarah-saaz(p.) n.: physician, doctor


Chakmah(h.) n.m.: cheating, trickery

Chaman(p.) n.: garden

chamanistaan(p.) n.m.: garden

Chanchal(h.) adj.: playful,restless

Chand(p.) adj: a few

Chandah(p.) n.m.: donation,contribution

Chang(p.) n.m.: Jew' harp, lute, claw

Charb-zabaan(p.) adj: sharp-tongued, flatterer

Charbah(p.) n.m.: copy, tracing paper

Charkh(p.) n.: sky, circulation, wheel

Chashm(p.) n.: eyes, hope, expectation

Chashm-baraah(p.) n.: waiting to welcome, waiting, impatiently

Chashm-deed(p.) adj: seen, eye-witness

Chashm-e-bad(p.) n.: evil eye

Chashm-e-bad-door: avert malicious glances

Chashn-e-pur-aab(p.) n.: tearful eyes

Chashm-e-nam(p.) n.: tearful eyes, wet eyes

Chashm-o-chiraagh(p.) n.: son, dearly loved ones

Chashm-poshi(p.) n.: turning away the eyes, ignoring, conniving

Chashm zadan(p.) n.: within a wink

Chashmah(p) n.m.: a fountain, a spring, waterfall,eye of the needle.

Chob-daar(p.) n.: watchman, sentry.

Chawkhat(h.) n.f.: threshold.

Cheestaan(p.) n.: a riddle , enigma.

Chehal-qadmee(h.) n.f.: strolling, walking.

Chehlum(p.) n.: fortieth day ceremony after death.

Chehraa(p.) n.: face, mask, potrait

Chhab(h.) n.f.: charm, grace, shape, figure

Chillah(p.) n.m.: a period of forty days, course of prayer for acquiring divine powers

Chilman(p.) n.: blinds, screen, curtain

Chiraagh(p.) n.: a lamp, a light

Chiraaghaan(p.) n.: festival of lights

Chiragh-paa(v.): enraged, angry

Chitwan(h.) n.f.: sight, look, glance

Chulloo(h.) n.m.: handful, cupped palm

Chust(p.) adj.: fitting, active, clever

Chust-o-chaalaak(p.) n.: very clever, agile

Chutkee(h.) n.f.: pinch, snapping of fingers

Chutkulaa(h.) n.m.: pleasantry, joke, witty, cure




Daad(p.) n.m.: praise, justise, complaint

Daad-faryaad(p.) n.f.: application for justice, compliant, appeal

Daad-khaah(p.) n.m.: petitioner, applicant

Daad-o-dahish(u.) n.f.: charity, generosity

Daad-ras(p.) n.m.: judge, redresser

Daaee(a.) n.: claimant, complainant

Daagh(p.) n.: spot, blemish, grief, mark

Daaghbel(u.) n.f.: demarcation, division

Daagh-daagh(p.) n.: full of stains, injuries

Daagh-daar(p.) n.: anything having stains or spots

Daa-e-rah(p.) n.m.: circle, orbit, ring

Daam(p.) n.m.: net, snare, price

Daaman(p.) n.: skirt of a garment, foot of a mountain

Daaman-e-koh(p.) n.: plains at the foot of a mountain, valley

Daamanee(p.) n.: ladies' sheet cover

Daanaa(p.) adj.: wise, sage, learned

Daanaaee(p.) n.f.: wisdom, sagacity

Daanish(p.) n.: knowledge, learning

Daanish-mand(p.) n.: wise, learned

Daanist(p.) n.f.: knowledge, wisdom

Daanistah(p.) adv.: deliberately, purposely.

Daar(p.) n.: gallows, abode

Daar-o-madaar(p.) n.: dependance, agreement

Daar-o-rasan(p.) n.: gallows

Daar-ush-shifaa(a.) n.m.: hospital, medical clinic

Daaraa(p.) n.: king of ancient Persia, King

Daastaan(p.) n.: story, tale

Daataa(h.) n.f.: generous, giver, donor

Daawar(p.) n.f.: god, just, prince

Daayah(p.) n.f.: nurse, midwife

Dab-dabah(p.) n.m.: dignity, authority, magesty.

Dabistaan(p.) n.m.: school

Daf(p.) n.m.: drum, tambourine

Daf'ah(a.) n,f,: time, moment, term, tenure, clause, section

Dafeenah(a) n.m.: hidden treasure.

Dafn(a.) n.m.: bury

Daftar(a.) n.m.: office, journal, scroll.

Daghaa(p.) n.f.: betrayal, treachery, deceit

Dahaanah(p.) n.m.: mouth, delta of a river

Dahleez(p.) n.f.: threshold, portico

Dahr(a.) n.m: world, time, an age.

Dahshat(a.) n.m.: fear, terror, dread

Dereenah(p.) adj: old, ancient

Dakhl(a.) n.m.: entrance, interference

Dalaalat Daldal


(a.) n.f.: indication, proof (h.) n.f.: swamp, marshDaleel(a.) n.: argument, proof, indicator

Dam(p.) n.m.: life, breath, moment

Dam-ba-dam(p.) n.: every moment, continous, continually, moment to moment.

Dam-ba-khud(p.) adj.: dumb, struck, silent.

Dam-kham(u.) n.m.: stamina, strength.

Dam-qadam(p.) n.m.: health and strength.

Dam-saaz(p.) n.: friend, companion

Damak(h.) n.f.: glitter, flush, ardour.

Dandaan(p.) n.f.: teeth

Dar(p.): gate, door,in, inside

Dar-ba-dar(p.) adv: door to door.

Dar-guzar(p.) n.f.: pardon, overlook

Dar-haqeeqat(p.) n.: in fact, in reality.

Dar-o-deewaar(p.) n.: door and wall, every dewlling, every nook and corner of house

Dahan(p.) n.m.: mouth, hole

Daraaz(p.) adj.: long, extended, tall

Daregh(p.) n.: regret, disinclination

Darakhhshaan(p.) adj.: brilliant, flashing

Darakhshaanee(p.) n.f.: brilliance, glitter

Darakht(p.) n.m.: a tree

Dard(p.) n.m.: pain, pity, injury, grief

Dard-aamez(p.) adj: painful, pathetic

Dard-aashnaa(p.) adj.: compassionate, sympathetic, understanding of other's pain, one who understands the affliction of others.

Dard-angez(p.) adj.: pitiable, exciting, full of compassion

Dard-mand(p.) adj.: compassionate, sympathetic, Pitiful

Dard-naak(p.) adj.: painful, sorrowful

Dareechah(p.) n.: window, casement

Darjah(a.) n.m.: dignity, grade rank

Darkaar(p.) adj.: required, desired

Darkhaast(p.) n.f.: request, petition

Dar-kinaar(p.) n.: apart, on one side

Darmaan(p.) n.: remedy, medicine

Darmaandah(p.) adj.: helpless, destitute, tired

Darmiyaan(p.) n.m.: middle, Interval

Darogh(p.) n.: lie, falsehood

Daroon(p.) pre.: in, within, inside

Dars(a.) n.m.: lesson, lecture

Darwesh(p.) n.m.: mendicant, facqueer

Daryaaft(p.) n.m.: inquiry, investigation

Dasht(p.) n.: desert, forest


Dasht-naward(p.) n.m.: a wanderer

Dast(p.) n.m.: hand

Dast-ba-dast(p.) adv.: hand to hand, quickly

Dast-bastah(p.) adj.: with folded hands

Dast-burd(p.) n.f.: plunder, power, agggression

Dast-Daraaz(p.) n.: oppressor

Dast-e-shifaa(p.) n.m.: healing power

Dast-geer(p.) n.: helper,saviour

Dast-Khat(p.) n.m.: signature

Dast-nigar(p.) adj.: needy, dependent

Dast-o-gareebaan(p.) adj.: engaged in combat

Dast-o-panaah(p.) n.m.: a pair of tongs

Dast-ras(p.) n.m.: ability, skill, attainment

Dast-yaab(p.) n.f.: achievement, available

Dastaanah(p.) n.m.: hand gloves

Dastaar(p.) n.f.: a turban

Dastaawez(p.) n.: a bond, title deed, certificate, document

Dastah(p.) n.m.: handle, pestle, bunch

Dastak(p.) n.: knocking at the door, summons, call, clap, tax

Dastoor(p.) n.: rule, regulation, custom, mode, constitution

Da' waa(a.) n.m.: claim, demand, law suit

Dawaam(p.) n.: lasting, perseverance, permanence, eternal

Daawat(a.) n.f.: invitation, banquet, feast

Daulat-kadah(p.) n.: royal residence, palace

Daur(a.) n.: revolution of time, orbit, passing round of wine-cups

Dauraan(p.) n.: duration, during

Daurah(p.) n.m.: round, circuit, tour, revolution, turn, fit

Dayr(a.) n.m.: debt, liability

Deed(p.) n.: seeing, sight, glimpse

Deedaar(p.) n.: glimpse, vision, look

Deedah(p.) n.m.: eye, eyeball, seen

Deedah-diler(p.) adj.: shameless, undaunting

Deedah-dileree(p.) n.: shamelessness, audacity

Deeda-e-tar(p.) n.: eye full of tears

Deeda-war(p.) n.: jeweller, clear-sighted

Deen(a.) n.: religion, faith

Deen-daaree(a.) n.: keeping of religion, piety, honesty

Deenaar(a.) n.: a golden coin, ducat

Dahqaan(p.) n.: peasant, villager

Dhadkan(h.) n.m.: fear, suspicion, palpitation


Dil-aawez(p.) adj.: charming, attractive

Dilaawar(p.) adj.: brave, courageous

Diler(p.) adj.: valiant, daring

Dil-bar(p.) adj.: sweetheart, lover

Dil-baree(p.) n.: loveliness, comfort

Dil-chasp(p.) adj.: interesting, pleasing

Dil-daadah(p.) n.: lover, enamoured

Dil-daar(p.) adj.: charming, beloved

Dil-daaree(p.) n.f.: consolation

Dil-fareb(p.) adj.: charming, fascinating

Dil-figaar(p.) adj.: melancholy, depressing, mournful

Dil-jooee(p.) n.: consoation, pleasantry

Dil-kash(p.) adj.: attractive, lovely

Dil-kharaash(p.) adj.: excruciating

Dil-nawaaz(p.) adj.: attractive

Dil-nawaazee(p.) n.f.: fascination

Dil-shaad(p.) adj.: cheerful, glad, happy

Dil-shikan(p.) adj.: heart-rending

Dil-shikastah(p.) adj.: broken hearted, sorrowful

Dimaagh(p.) n.m.: brain, head, intellect

Durdaanah(p.) n.m.: unbored pearl

Durust(p.) adj.: right, corect, safe

Dushnaam(p.) n.f.: abuse, ill name, swearing at

Dushwaar(p.) adj.: difficult, arduous, hard

Dushwaaree(p.) n.f.: difficulty, hardship

Duzdeedah-nazar(p.) n.: side glance, shy look

Daoman-geer(p.) adj.: dependent, accuser, adherent, plaintiff

Dahan(p.) n.m.: mouth, hole

Dayr-o-haram(a.) n.: temple and mosque

Dayn(a.) n.m.: debt, liability


Eid(a.) n.f.: hapiness, a muslim festival

Eidul-fitr(a.) n.f.: festival after observing fast during the month of Ramzaan

Eid-uz-zuhaa(Eid-e-qurbaan: festival after Hajj

Eefaa(a.) n.m.: fulfilment, rewarding

Eejaad(a.) n.m.: invention

Eemaa(a.) n.m.: sign, hint, intention

Eezaa(a.) n.f.: pain, trouble, affliction, harm

Eezedee(p.) adj.: divine

Ehraam(a.) n.m.: two unstitched pieces of white cloth worn by Hajis at time of

Ehsaan(a.) n.: kindness,oblgation


Hajj pilgrimageEhsaan-faraamosh(a.) n.m.: one who forgets obligation

Ehsaas(a.) n.m.: feeling,percieving, understanding, perception

Ehtejaaj(a.) n.: argument, protest, objection

Ehtemaam(a.) n.m.: management, administration, effort, supervision

Ehteraam(a.) n.: act of honouring, adoration, respect, veneration

Ehtesaab(a.) n.m.: computation, question a behaviour, critcise

Ehteshaam(a.) n.m.: pomp, ostentation

Ehtiyaaj(a.) n.f.: want, need, necessity, exigency, urgency

E'jaaz(a.) n.: miracle, wonder, marvel

E'jaaz-e-maseehaaee(p.) n.: miracle of Jesus, miraculous cure

E'laan(a.) n.: proclamation, announcement

Elchee(t.) n.m.: an ambassador, agent

E'tebaar(a.) n.: confidence, faith, trust

E'teraaf(a.) n.: confess, to admit

E'teraaz(a.) n.: objection, criticism, protest

E'zaaz(a.) n.: exalting, esteem, respect

E'zaazee(a.) adj.: honorary


Faakhir(a.) n.: boaster, precious

Faal(a.) n.f.: omen, spell

Faalij(a.) n.m.: paralysis, hemiplegia

Faanee(adj.): mortal, perishable

Faanoos(a.) n.m.: a lantern

Faaqah(a.) n.m.: starvation, fasting

Faaqah-mast(p.) adj.: starving person, joyful in distress

Faarigh(a.) adj.: free, discharged

Faash(a.) adj.: gross, apparent

Faaselah(a.) n.m.: distance, space, interval

Faasiq(a.) n.m.: impious, sinner

Faatehah(a.) n.m.: start, opening, introduction, preface, 1st chapter of Al Quran

Faazil(a.) adj.: scholar, virtuous, proficient

Faheem(a.) n.: intelligent, understanding

Fahmeedah(p.) adj.: understand

Fajr(a.) n.f.: morning, dawn, daybreak

Fakhr(a.) n.: pride, glory, ostentation

Falaah(a.) n.f.: betterment, prosperity

Falak Falaakat


(a.) n.f.: sky, heaven, fate, plank (a.) n.f.: misfortune, ill luck, adversityFanaa(a.) n.: destruction, death

Fankaar(p.) n.: artist, craftsman

Fann(a.) n.: art, skill, craft

Faqat(a.) adv.: simply, end, only

Faqeer(a.) n.m.: darvesh, beggar

Faqr(a.) n.m.: poverty, need, luck, want

Faraagh(a.) n.m.: repose, pleasure, rest

Faraaghat(a.) n.f.: leisure, repose, abundance

Faraakh(p.) adj.: spacious, wide, extensive

Faraakh-dil(p.) n.: kind-hearted, generous

Faraaham(p.) adj.: accumulated, collected

Faraamosh(p.) adj.: neglected, forgotten

Faraar(a.) n.: to run, escape, abscond

Faraasat(a.): sagacity, acutenes, insight

Farawaanee(p.) n.f.: plentifulness, abundance

Faraaz(p.) n.: height, aloft, elevation

Fareb(p.) n.: deceit, cheating

Farebee(p.) n.: deceiver, cheat, fraud

Fareftah(p.) adj.: enamoured, charmed, seduced

Fard(a.) n.f.: individual, sheet of paper, list, role, verse

Fardaa(p.) n.: tomorrow

Fareed(a.) n.: incomparable, unique

Fareezah(a.) n.m.: duty, divine command

Farhat(a.) n.: pleasure, joy, delight

Farhat-bakhsh(p.) adj.: pleasant, full of joy, pleasing

Farishtah(p.) n.: angel, messenger

Farishtah-sifat(p.) adj.: angelic, heavenly

Farmaaish(p.) n.: requisition, an order, command, request

Farmaaishee(p.) adj.: ordered, desired

Farmaan(p.) n.m.: ordinance, command

Farogh(p.) n.m.: splendour, light, illumination, fame, honour

Faromaayah(p.) adj.: worthless, low, poor

Farosh(p.) suf.: seller

Farozaan(p.) adj.: shining, dazzling

Farq(a.) n.m.: difference, disparity

Farsh(p.) n.: floor, carpet, earth

Farsh-e-rah(p.) n.m.: spread like a mat, most welcome

Fart(a.) n.: excess, abundance

Fart-e-shauq(a.) n.: eagerness, deep longing, craze

Fart-e-zar(p.) n.: excess of money

Faryaad(p.) n.f.: complaint, cry for help

Farz(a.) n.m.: duty, obligation

Farzaanah(p.) adj.: wise, excellent, intelligent

Farzand(p.) n.m.: child, son or daughter

Farzangee Fasaad


(p.): learning, wisdom (a.) n.m.: brawl, disturbance, riotFasaahat(a.) n.f.: eloquence, fluency of speech, purity of language

Fasaanah(p.) n.: fiction, romance, tale

Faseel(a.) n.: city wall, rampart

Fasl(a.) n.: weather, time, harvest, chapter, season

Fasl-e-bahaar(a.p.) n.: spring season

Fasl-e-gul(a.p.) n.: spring season

Fasurdah(p.) adj.: Frigid, depressed

Fasurdagi(p.) n.f.: depression, sadness

Faulaad(a.) n.m.: steel, iron

Fauqiyat(a.) n.f.: supremacy, preference

Faysal(a.): decree, decision

Faysalah(a.): settlement, judgement

Fayyaz(a.) adj.: generous, bountiful, beneficient

Fayz(a.) n.: grace, generisity, favour

Fayzaan(a.) n.: grace, generosity, favour

Fayz-yaab(a.) adj.: benefitted ,blessed.

Fazaa(a.) n.: atmosphere ,environment.

Fazaael(a.) n.: good qualities, virtues.

Fazeelat(a.) n. f.: excellence, virtue, merit.

Fazl(a.) n.: bounty, favour, learning.

Fazoon(p.) adj.: increasing, excess

Feel(a.) n. m.: elephant, in chess rook or bishop

Fe'l(a.) n. m.: action, work, doing, deed.

Fidaa(p.) adj.: devotion, sacrifice

Fidaaee(a.) (p.) n.: lover, one who willingly hazards his life for anyone

Fikr(a.) n.: thought, idea, care, counsel

Fikr-mand(p.) adj.: thoughtful, anxious, sad

Firaaq(p.) n.: separation, anxiety

Fir'aun(a.) n. m.: Pharaoh, title of the kings of Egypt in the days of Moses, despot, proud.

Firdaus(a.) n.: paradise, heaven

Firqah(a.) n.: sect, class, caste

Firqah-parast(p.) adj.: sectarian, communal

Fitnah(p.) n.: mischief, evil

Fitnah-angez(p.) n.: mischievous, evil-minded

Fitnah-gar(p.) n.: mischievous, evil-minded

Fitnah-pardaaz(p.) n.: mischievous, evil-minded

Fitrat(a.) n.: nature, creation, intrigue

Fitratee(a.) (p.) adj.: natural, crafty, cunning


Foghaan(p.) n.: lamentation, cry of pain or distress, complaint

Fohsh(a.) n.m.: bawdy, obscene

Furqat(a.) n.: seperation, parting

Fursat(a.) n.f.: leisure, leave, rest

Fusoon(p.) n.: enchantment, magic, spell, incantation, sorcery

Fusoon-gar(p.) n.: magician, trickster

Fusoon-saaz(p.) n.: enchantment, sorcery, spell

Futoor(a.) n.m.: weakness, infirmity, quarelling

Fuzool(a.) adj.: needless, useless, redundant, superflous, extravagant

Fuzool-kharch(u.) adj.: extravagant, prodigal, spend-thrift


Gaahe-ba-gaahe(p.) adj.: sometimes, occasionally

Gaam(p.) n.m.: pace, stop

Gadaa(p.) n.m.: beggar, mendicant

Gadraanaa(h.) v.: to be half ripe, to bloom, to attain puberty

Gahan(h.) n.m.: eclipse

Gahwaarah(p.) n.m.: cradle, swing

Gend(h.) n.f.: ball

Gesoo(p.) n.: side locks, hair

Gesoo-daraaz(p.) n.: person having long hair, beloved's hair

Getee(p.) n.f.: world, universe

Gajar(h.) n.m.: strokes of a gong, hourly ringing of the bell

Gandum(p.) n.m.: wheat

Gangaa-nahaanaa(h.) v.: to be relieved

Ganj(p.) n.: heap, treasure

Ganj-e-shaheedaan(p.) n.m.: buria place of martyr

Ganjeenah(p.) n.m.: treasury

Gard(p.) n.f.: dust, flying dust, trifle

Gardan(p.) n.m.f.: neck

Gard-baad or gird--baad(p.) n.f.: whirlwind, tornado

Gardish(p.) n.: revolution, circulation, misfortune

Gardoon(p.) n.m.: heaven, firmament, sky, fortune

Gasht(p.) n.m.: going on round,a walk, a stroll, police control

Gawaah(p.) n.m.: a witness

Gawaaraa(p.) adj.: agreeable, tasty

Gauhar(p.) n.: pearl, gem

Gauhar-shanaas(p.) n.: jeweller, one who knows human qualities


Gazand(p.) n.m.: injury, harm, loss

Ghaafil(a.) adj.: indolent, negligent

Ghaaeb(a.) adj.: invisible, mystery, hidden

Ghaalib(a.) adj.: victorious, over powering

Ghaar(a.) n.: cave, den, pit

Ghaarat(a.) n.: plunder, spoil, ravage

Ghaarat-gar(p.) n.m.: raider,destroyer, robber

Ghaat(h.) n.f.: ambush, snare, slaughter, opportunity to attack

Ghaaebaanah(a.) & (p.) adv.: secretly, invisibly

Ghaazah(p.) n.m.: perfumed, face powder

Ghaazee(a.) n.: conqueror, knight, warior

Ghaddaar(a.) adj.: traitor, disloyal

Ghaflat(a.) n.: negligence, unconciousness, insensibility

Ghalabah(a.) n.m.: prevalence, predominancy

Ghaltaan(p.) adj: wallowing

Gham(a.) n.: grief, sorrow, sadness

Gham-gusaar(p.) n.: comforter, initimate friend

Gham-khwar(a.) n.: consoler, sympathiser, sad

Gham-khwaree(a.) n.: sympathy, condolence

Gham-zadah(p.) adj.: grieved, afflicted

Ghammaaz(a.) n.m.: back-biter, informer, traitor

Ghamsaan(h.) n.m.: heavy fighting, crowd, riot, street battle

Ghamzah(a.) n.: wink, an amorous glance, coquetry

Ghanee(a.) n.: rich, wealthy

Ghaneem(a.) n.: enemy, foe

Ghaneemat(a.) n.: booty, boon, abundance

Gharaz(a.) n.f.: motive, aim, necessity

Ghareeb(a.) n.m.: poor, helpless, homeless

Ghareeb-nawaz(p.): benefactor, kind to the poor, an attribute of saint Khwaja Moinuddin Chishtee of Ajmer

Ghareeb-parwar(p.) n.: helper of the poor

Ghareeb-ul-watan(a.) n.: stranger, foreigner, away from one's own country

Gharq(a.) n.m.: sunk, dived, drowned

Gharqaab(p.) adj.: drowned in water

Gharrah(a.) n.m.: pride, vanity, haughtiness

Ghash(a.) n.: faint, swoon

Ghataa(h.) n.f.: clouds, gathering of clouds

Ghaur(a.) n.m.: deep thinking, consideration

Ghawwaas(a.) n.m.: diver, pearl diver

Ghaybat(a.) n.f.: absence, being invsible

Ghaybee(u.) adj.: divine, heavenly, absent, invisible


Ghayr(a.) n.m.: outsider, stranger, beside, except, hot, non, un

Ghayrat(a.) n.: bashfulness, sense of self respect, shame

Ghayrat-daar(p.) n.: bashful, having sense of respect

Ghayrat-mand(p.) n.: bashful, having sense of self repect

Ghayz(a.) n.m.: rage, fury, vexation

Ghazab(a.) n.: compulsion, violence, anger

Ghezaal(a.) n.: young deer, fawn

Ghazaalah: young deer, fawn, gazelle

Ghazal(a.) n.: conversation with beloved, Urdu poetry of 5 to 15 couplets

Ghazal-saraa(p.) n.: singer, one who sings ghazals

Ghazal-saraaee(p.) n.: the singing of an ode

Gheebat(a.) n.f.: slander, defamation

Ghilaaf(a.) n.m.: case, cover, envelope

Ghool(a.) n.m.: sylvan, demon, company, bend, herd

Ghotah(a.) n.m.: plunging, dive in water

Ghotah-khor(a.) p.n.: a diver

Ghotah-khoree(a.) n.: dipping, diving

Ghubaar(a.) n.: dust, clouds of dust

Ghubbaarah(u.) n.m.: a balloon

Ghul(p.) n.m.: noise, tumult

Ghulaam(a.) n.m.: slave, disciple, lover

Ghulaam-gardish(p.) n.m.: servant's rest shed

Ghulghulah(p.) n.m.: noise

Ghuloo(a.) n.m.: excess, exaggeration

Ghun(h.) n.m.: weed, insects which destroy wood or grains

Ghunchah(p.): bud, blossom

Ghunchah-dahan(p.): having a small mouth, blossom like mouth

Ghunghat(h.) n.m.: veil, face cover

Ghurbat(a.) n.: poverty, a stranger and far away from home, alienation

Ghuroob(a.) n.m.: setting, sinking

Ghuroor(a.) n.m.: pride, vanity, glory

Ghusl(a.) n.: bath, wash

Ghussah(a.) n.m.: anger, passion, rage

Gil(p.) n.: soil

Gilah(u.) n.m.: complaint, reproach, blame

Giraan(p) adj.: heavy, weighty, dear, costly, important

Giraan-baar(p.) adj.: pregnant, heavy

Giraan-jaanee(p.) f.: unhappiness, slugishness, tiresome life, misfortune

Giraanee Girah


(p.) n.f.: dearness, rise in price, heaviness, indigestion

(p.) n.f.: knot, a joint, one sixteenth measure of a yard

Gird(p.) adv.: around, orbit, circle

Girdaab(p.) n.: whirlpool, vortex

Girebaan(p.) n.: collar, opening or breast of a garment, neck

Girebaan-chaak(p.) v.: garment torn to pieces

Girebaan-geer(p.) adj.: accuser, one catching by neck or collar, plaintiff

Girift(p.) n.: grasp, capture, seizure

Giriftaar(p.) adj.: arrested, captivated

Girweedah(p.)adj.: captivated, attached

Giryaan(p.) adj.: crying, weeping

Giryah(p.) n.: weeping, lamentation

Girya-o-zaaree(p.) n.: weeping, crying, lamentation

God(h.) n.f.: lap, bosom

Goonj(h.) n.f.: echo, roar, resounding

Gor(p.) n.f.: grave, tomb

Gor-e-ghareebaan(p.) n.: graves of poor, graves of strangers

Gor-khan(p.) n.: grave digger

Gosh(p.) n.m.: ear

Gosh-maalee(u.) n.f.: boxing the ear

Goshwaarah(p.) n.m.: ear-ring, abstract of accounts

Goshah(p.) n.: corner of the house, privacy

Goshah-geer(p.) adj.: retired, secluded

Goshah-nasheen(p.) n.: retired, solitude, recluse

Goyaa(p.) adj.: speaking, as if

Goyaaee(p.) n.f.: power of spech, oratory

Gudaaz(p.) adj.: melted, soft, plump, dissolved

Gudgudee(h.) n.f.: titilation, tickling

Guftaar(p.) n.: speech,saying, discourse

Guftugoo(p.) n.: conversation, dialogue

Guft-o-shaneed(p.) n.f.: conversation, dialogue, debate

Gouhar(p.) n.m.: gem, essence, pearl

Gouhar-baar(p.) adj.: shower of gems

Gul(p.) n.: rose, flower, issue, ornament, brand

Gul-afshaan(p.) adj.: scattering of roses, speaking beautifully

Gul-andaam(p.) n.: flower like delicate body, beautiful, delicate,graceful

Gul-baang(p.) n.: notes of a nightingale, glad tidings, shouts of joy

Gul-badan(p.) n.: having flower-like beautiful body, delicate

Gul-barg(p.) n.: rose, petal, flower-leaf

Gul-cheen(p.) n.: one who plucks flowers, gardener

Gul-dastah(p.) n.: a bouquet

Gul-dum(p.) n.f.: nightingale

Gul-e-khandaan(p.) n.: blooming of flower

Gul-faam(p.) adj.: redcoloured, red faced


Gul-fishaan(p.) adj. n.m.: rose-scattering, sprinkler

Gul-gasht(p.) n.: garden stroll

Gul-goon(p.) adj.: rosy

Gulezaar(p.) adj.: rosy cheeked, beloved

Gul-kadah(p.) n.: garden, place of flowers

Gul-posh(p.) n.: covered with flowers

Gul-roo(p.) n.: rosy-cheeked

Gul-rukh(p.) n.: rosy cheeked, beloved

Gul-zaar(p.) n.: garden

Gulaab(p.) n.m.: rose water, rose

Gulaabee(p.) n.adj.: red wine, rosy,pink

Gulistaan(p.) n.: rose garden, garden

Gulshan(p.) n.: garden

Gum(p.) adj.: absorbed, lost

Gumaan(p.) n.: doubt, suspicion, supposition

Gumbad(p.) n.m.: dome

Gumraah(p.) adj.: wanderer, misguided

Gunaah-gaar(p.) n.m.: sinner

Gunjaaish(p.) n.f.: capacity,room

Gunjlak(a.) n.f.: complication, crease

Gurez(p.) n.f.: abstinence, escape

Gurezaan(p.) adj.: fleeing, fugitive

Guroh(p.) n.m.: band, troop, crowd, gang

Gustaakh(p.) adj.: impudent, rude, arrogant

Gutthee(h.) n.f.: complication, entanglement, riddle, puzzle, knot

Guzaarah(p.) n.m.: substinence, passage, abode

Guzaarish(p.) n.f.: submission, request

Guzar(p.) n.f.: a living, passage, road

Guzistah(p.) adj.: previous, gone by, left


Haadisah(a.) n.m.: happening, accident

Haafizah(a.) n.: good memory, retentive faculty

Haael(a.) n.: obstacle, intervening, hindrance

Haajat(a.) n.: want, need, necessity

Haajat-mand(p.) n.: needy, poor

Haajat-rawaa(p.) n.: one who fulfils other's wants

Haajat-rawaaee(a.) n.f.: fulfil one's desire

Haakim(a.) n.m.: ruler, governor, chief

Haal(a.) n.m.: condition, spiritual ecstacy

Haalah(a.) n.m.: a halo, circle around the moon

Haamil(a.) n.: bearer, carrier

Haamilah(a.) n.: pregnant woman, carrier

Haashiyah(a.) n.m.: margin, border

Haasil(a.) n.: achievement, inference

Habaab Habeeb


(h.) adj.: bubble (a.) n.: friend, belovedHadaf(a.) n.m.: target, aim

Hadd(a.) n.f.: limit, boundary, definition

Hadees(a.) n.f.: tradition, history, anecdotes, words of Prophet Mohammed

Hadyah(a.) n.m.: offering, gift, present

Haft(p.) n.: seven

Haft-iqleem(a.) n.f.: seven worlds, universe

Hech(p.) adj.: unimportant, nothing

Hajar(a.) n.: a stone

Hajj(a.) n.m.: pilgrimage to Kaa'ba

Hajw(a.) n.f.: satire, lampoon, defamatory poem

Hakeem(a.) n.m.: philospher, physician

Halaahal(p.) n.m.: deadly poison

Halaal(a.) adj.: lawful, sanctioned by religion, killed as prescibed by laws of Islam

Halaal-khor(a.) n.: sweeper, one who eats what is lawful

Halaawaat(a.) n.f.: sweetness

Haleef(a.) adj.: comrade

Haleem(a.) adj.: mild, humane, dish prepared with meat and several cereals

Half(a.) n.m.: swearing, an oath

Hall(a.) n.m.: solution, untying

Halq(a.) n.m.: throat, gullet, wind-pipe

Halqah(a.) n.: circle, ring, loop, assembly

Hamaa-el(a.) n.f.: sword belt, small Qu'ran meant to be hung by the neck, garland of flowers

Hemaaqat(a.) n.f.: stupidity, folly, idiocy

Hamah-tan(p.) adv.: entirely, fully

Hamd(a.) n.: praise of God, prayer

Hamdam(p.) n.m.: close friend, companion

Hamiyat(a.) n.f.: concern for what is sacred, indignation, ardour

Hamnafas(p.) adj. n.m.: friend

Hamnasheen(p.) n.m.: companion

Hamnawaa(p.) n.m.: fellow singer, supporter of the same cause, of the same opinion

Hamsaayaa(p.) n.m.: neighbour

Hamsar(p.) n.m. adj.: an equal's consort, wife, or husband

Hamwaar(p.) adj.: level, even, equal

Hamzaad(p.) n.m.: born together, wice, double

Hangaam(a.) n.m.: season, time, period

Hangaamah(p.) n.m.: tumult, disturbance


Hanslee(h.) n.f.: collar bone, neck, ornament

Haqeeqat(a.) n.f.: truth, fact, reality

Haqeer(a.) adj.: base, mean

Haqq(a.) adj.: God, truth, right

Haqq-aashnaa(adj.): knowing the truth

Haqq-ta'alaa(a.) n.: most high God

Haraam(a.) adj.: unlawful, forbidden

Haraarat(a.) n.f.: heat, warmth, passion

Haram(a.) n.: kabaa, enclosure of the Mosque, apartment

Haram-saraa(a.) n.: women's appartment

Haref(a.) n.: rival, opponent, enemy

Harem(a.) n.m.: house, sacred place

Hargiz(p.) adv.: never

Harj(a.) n.m.: loss, harm, damage

Harkaarah(p.) n.m.: outdoor servant, footman

Harkat(a.) n.: motion, action, movement

Hasad(a.) n.: envy, jealousy, malice

Hashmat(a.) n.: dignity, state, pomp

Hashr(a.) n.: doomsday, resurrection

Hasht(p.) adj.: eight

Hasht-pahloo(p.) adj.: octagon, eight-sided

Hasrat(a.) n.: grief, intense longing

Hassaas(a.) adj.: sensitve, emotional

Hastee(p.) n.: existence, life, being, entity

Hast-o-bood(p.) n.f.: is and was, past and present

Hatak(a.) n.f.: insult, affront, disrespect

Hathiyaar(h.) n.f.m.: arms, weapon

Hawaadaar(a.) n.m.: well-wisher, lover, an open palaquin, open, airy, well

Hawaadis(a.) n.m.pl.: accidents, occurences

Hawas(a.) n.f.: ambition, greed, lust

Haul(a.) n.f.m.: terror, fright, horror

Hausalah(a.) n.: capacity, spirit, courage

Hauz(a.) n.m.: reservoir of water, tank

Hayaa(a.) n.: modesty, shame

Hayaa-daar(a.) adj.: modest, shameful

Hayaat(a.) n.f.: life, existence

Hay-at(a.) n.f.: nature, countenance, appearance, astronomy

Haybat(a.) n.f.: awe, dread, panic, terror

Hayf(a.) intj.: Ah ! Alas ! How sad !

Hayjaan(a.) n.m.: commotion, excitement, tumult, anger

Hayoolaa(a.) n.m.: matter, shape, origin

Hayraan(a.) adj.: perplexed, confounded, worried,


disturbedHayrat(a.) n.: astonishment, amazement, wonder

Hayrat-zadah(a.) adj.: wonder-struck, aghast, amazed, astonished

Haywaan(a.) n.: animal, beast, brute

Hazar(a.) n.m.: caution, prudence, fear, avoiding

Hazeemat(a.) n.f.: rout, defeat

Hazeen(a.) adj.: sorrowful, grieved

Hazrat(a.) n.: presence, title of honour, reverend

Heelah(a.) n.: excuse, fraud, strategem, trick

Hichkee(h.) n.f.: hiccough

Hidaayat(a.) n.f.: instruction, advice

Hiddat(a.) n.f.: sharpness, vehemence, fury, heat

Hifaazat(a.) n.: protection, safety, care

Hijaab(a.) n.: modesty, shame, veil

Hijr(a.) n.: seperation, absence

Hijraan(a.) n.: seperation, absence

Hijrat(a.) n.f.: migration, separation

Hikaayat(a.) n.: story, tale, narration

Hikmat(a.) n.: knowledge, wisdom, philosophy, function of a physician

Hilaal(a.) n.m.: new moon, crescent

Himaayat(a.) n.: support, defence, help

Himaayatee(a.) n.: supporter, defender

Himmat(a.) n.f.: courage

Hinnaa(p.) n.: henna

Hinaaee(p.) adj.: red, henna's colour

Hindisah(p.) n.m.: geometry, arithmetic

Hindu(p.) n.m..: a follower of hinduism, of black colour, dark

Hanoz(p.) adv.: just now, till now

Hiqaarat(a.) n.f.: disgrace, scorn

Hiraas(p.) n.m.: fear, terror, confusion

Hirs(a.) n.: greediness, avarice

Hissah(a.) n.m.: part, share, portion, lot

Hook(h.) n.f.: shooting pain, stitch

Hoor(a.) n.: virgin of paradise, celestial bride, black-eyed nymph

Hosh(p.) n.m.: sense, discretion

Hosh-mand(p.) adj.: sensible

Hubb(a.) n.f.: love, friendship, affection

Hubb-ul-watan(a.) n.: patriotism, love of one's country

Hudood(a.) n.: boundaries, limits

Hujjat(a.) n.: argument, discussion, reasoning,

Hujoom(a.) n.: crowd, mob, people, rush


proofHujrah(a.) n.m.: chamber, cell

Hukm(a.) n.m.: order, command, Decree

Hulyah(a.) n.m.: the external form, appearance, quality of a person

Humma(p.) n.m.: bird of good omen

Hunar(p.) n.m.: art, skill

Hurmat(a.) n.: dignity, reputation chastity

Husool(a.) n.m.: attainment, acheivement

Husn(a.) n.: beauty, elegance

Husn-e-zan(p.) n.: good opinion of a person, beauty

Huzoor(a.) n.: prence, your honour, the royal presence, Sir

Huzn(a.) n.m.: sorrow, grief

II'aadah(a.) n.m.: repetition, reiteration, return

I'aanat(a.) n.f.: help, aid, assistance

'Ibbadat(a.) n.: divine worship, prayer

'Ibaarat(a.): diction, composition

Iblees(a.) n.: the devil, Satan

Ibrat(a.) n.f.: warning, caution

Iibtidaa(a.) n.: beginning, origin

Ibtilaa(a.) n.m.: trial, suffering

Ibtizall(a.) n.m.: carelessness in preserving anything, meanness

Idaarah(a.) n.: instiution, centre

Idbaar(a.) n.m.: calamity, mishap, affliction, adversity

Idraak(a.) n.: perception, sagacity, understanding, comprehension

Ifaaqah(a.) n.m.: relief, recovery from a disease, healing process

Iffat(a.) n.f.: purity, virtue

Iflaas(a.) n.m.: poverty, want, indigence

Ifraat(a.) n.f.: excess, plenty, surplus

Ifshaa(a.) n.m.: disclosure of a secret

Iftaar(a.) n.m.: light breakfast, breaking the fast

Iftitaah(a.) n.m.: honour, glory, repute

Ighwaa(a.) n.m.: seduction, abduction.

Ihaanat(a.) n.f.: contempt, insult, slander

Ihaatah(a.) n.m.: enclosure, boundary, compound, province

Ijaabat(a.) n.f.: answering of a prayer, favourable reply, grace

Ijaazat(a.) n.: permission, sanction


Ijlaas(a.) n.: session, court

Ijmaa'(a.) n.m.: consensus, gathering, council, unanimity

Ijtimaa(a.) n.: assemblage, gathering

Ijtinaab(a.) adj.m.: keeping aloof, avoiding

Ikhfaa(a.) n.m.: concealment, hiding

Ikhlaas(a.) n.m.: purification, purity, sincerity, candour, selflessness

Ikhraaj(a.) n.m.: expences, expulsion, eviction, extradition, discharge

Ikhtilaaf(a.) n.m.: disagreement, difference, variance, discord

Ikhtilaat(a.) n.m.: intimacy, amalgamation

Ikhtisaar(a.) n.m.: abridgement, precise, conciseness, brevity

Ikhtitaam(a.) n.m.: end, completion

Ikhtiyaar(a.) n.: authority, power, control

Ikkaa-Dukkaa(adj.): one or two, very few

Ikraam(a.) n.m.: esteem, kindness, difference

Ikseer(a.) n.: elixir, medicine to cure every disease, alchemy

Iktisaab(a.) n.m.: earning, acquiring

Ilaaj(a.) n.m.: remedy, medical treatment, cure

Ilaahee(a.) n.m.: My God

Ilaaqah(a.) n.m.: jurisdiction, estate, region, conection, relation

Ilhaad(a.): atheism, irreligion, heresy, apostasy

Ilhaam(a.) n.: inspiration, revelation

Ilhaan(a.) n.m.: singing sweetly, reciting melodiously

'Iim(a.) n.: knowledge, science

Iltifaat(a.) n.: regard, inclination

Iltijaa(a.) n.: request, application

Iltimaas(a.) n.m.f.: request, supplication

Ilzaam(a.) n.m.: blame, accusation

Imaam(a.): spiritual head, one who leads Muslims in prayers

Imdaad(a.) n.f.: subscription, help

Imkaam(a.) n.: possibility, power

Imlaa(a.) n.m.: taking notes,writing,dictation,orthopraghy

Imroz(p.) adv: today

Imtihaan(a.) n.: examination,test,experiment,trial

Imtiyaaz(a.) n.: discretion,discrimination

'Inaad(a.) n.m.: enmity,resistance

Inaam(a.) n.m.: present,prize,reward

'Inaan(a.) n.f.: bridle,rein

'Inaayat(a.) n.f.: kindness,grace,favour

'Inab(a.) n.m: grapes

Inbisaat(a.) n.m.: gladness,gaiety,cheerfulness,joy

'Indiyaah(a.) n.m: opinion,intention

Infi'aal(a.) n.m.: repentance, contrition


Inhidaam(a.) n.m.: destruction, demolition

Inhimaak(a.) n.m.: concerntation, engagement

Inhiraaf(a.) n.m.: deflection, deviation

Inhisaar(a.) n.m.: deendance

Inhitaat(a.) n.m.: decline, decrease

In'iqaad(a.) n.m.: celebrating, to start work

Injimaad(a.) n.m.: freezing, curdling

Inkaar(a.) n.m.: negation, denial

Inkissar(a.) n.m.: humbleness, modesty

Inkishaaf(a.) n.m.: disclosure, explosition

Inqilaab(a.) n.m.: revolution, change

Insaan(a.) n.m.: man, mankind, gentleman

Inshaa-Allah: God willing, if so desiredby God

Intihaa(a.) n.m.: termination, finish, utmostlimit, end

Intikhaab(a.) n.: selection, choice, election, chosen, select

Intiqaal(a.) n.: death, migration, transfer, transmission, conveyance

Intiqaam(a.) n.: revenge, vengeance

Intisaab(a.) n.: dedication, being related to, engagement

Intishaar(a.) n.m.: dispersion, scattering, spreading

Intizaam(a.) n.m.: management, administration, organisation, bandobast

Intizaar(a.) n.m.: to wait, expectation

Iradah(a.) n.m.: intention, plan, desire

Iraadat(a.) n.f.: faith, respect

Iram(a.) n.m.: paradise, heaven

'Irfaan(a.) n.m.: wisdom, knowledge

Irsaal(a.) n.m.: remittance, sending

Irshaad(a.) n.m.: command, order

Iqbaal(a.) n.m.: good luck, success

Iqbaal-mand(a.) adj: fortunate, lucky

Iqdaam(a.) n.m.: step, attempt

Iqleem(a.) n.f.: zone, region, country

Iqraar(a.) n.m.: affirmation, acceptance

Iqraarnaamah(a.) n.m.: indenture, written agreement,contract, bond

Iqtibaas(a.) n.m.: eztract, excerpt, obtaining

Iqtidaar(a.) n.m.: influence, power

Irti'aash(a.) n.m.: trembling, trepidation

Irtidaad(a.) n.m.: apostasy, retraction, givingup Islam

Irtikaab(a.) n.m.: commission (of sin or crime) riding, undertaking

Ishaa'at(a.) n.f.: publication, divulgence

Ishaarah(a.) n.m.: sign, gesture, hint, signal

Ishkaal(a.) n.m.: perplexity, difficulty

Ishq(a.) n.m.: fervent love, passion

Ishq-pechaan(p.) n.m.: American jasmine, Ivy

'Ishrat(a.) n.m.: pleasure, delight, mirth

Ishti'aal Ishtibaah


(a.) n.m.: blaze, provocation, instigation, inflammation

(a.) n.m.: suspicion, doubt, mistake

Ishtihaar(a.) n.m.: notification, advertisement, anouncement, poster

'Ishwah(a.) n.m.: coquerty, playfulness

Ishtiyaaq(a.) n.m.: deepinclination, fondness

Islaah(a.) n.m.: correction, amendment

Islaam(a.) n.m.: submission to god, peace, religion of muslims

'Ismat(a.) n.f.: honour, chastity

Ism-e-aazam(a.) n.m.: the greatest name, name of Almighty God

Israaf(a.) n.m.: waste, extravagance, prodigality, abuse

Israar(a.) n.m.: concealment, suppression

Israar(a.) n.: insistence, obstinacy

Isti'aarah(a.) n.m.: metaphor, borrowing

Istid'aa(a.) n.: request, petition, solicitation

Istidlaal(a.) n.m.: reasoning, deducing, arguments

Istifaadah(a.) n.m.: seeking gain, profit

Istifsaar(a.) n.m.: enquiry, information

Istighaasah(a.) n.m.: caall for help, demand for justice, application in a court

Istighfaar(a.) n.m.: penitence, asking forgiveness, craving for mercy

Istighnaa(a.) n.m.: contentment, self-sufficiency, freedom from cares

Istighraaq(a.) n.m.: drowning in thought, absorption

Istihkaam(a.) n.m.: firmness, strength, confirmation, stability

Istikhaarah(a.) n.m.: seeking God's mercy, divine book for guidance

Istihqaaq(a.) n.m.: right, ability

Istejaab(a.) n.m.: astonishment, wonder

Iste'maal(a.) n.m.: use, application, custom

Istinjaa(a.) n.m.: cleaning private organs after natural evacuation

Istiqaamat(a.) n.f.: uprightness, stability, constancy, integrity

Istiqbaal(a.) n.m.: reception, welcome, futurity

Istiraahat(a.) n.f.: rest, tranquillity, sleep

Istitaa'at(a.) n.f.: power, ability, potentiality

'Isyaan(a.) n.: sin, transgression

Itaa'at(a.) n.f.: obedience, submission

'Itaab(a.) n.: anger, wrath, annoyance

I'tidaal(a.) n.m.: equilibrium, moderation

I'tiqaad(a.) n.m.: faith, belief, confidence

Itlaaq(a.) n.m.: application, according to rule

Itmeenaan(a.) n.m.: satisfaction, contentment, composure, repose

'Itr(a.) n.m.: perfume, fragrance

Itraanaa(h.) v.i.: to show off, to be conceited, to give onself airs

Ittifaaq Ittihaad


(a.) n.: confidence, unity, opprtunity (a.) n.m.: union, amity, unity, concordIttilaa'(a.) n.f.: information, notice, report, announcement

'Iwaz(a.) n.m.: reward, compensation

'Iyaadat(a.) n.f.: enquiring after a sick person, visiting the sick

Izaafah(a.) n.m.: addition

Izaalah(a.) n.m.: removal, revocation, abolition

Izdihaam(a.) n.m.: crowd, throng, concourse

Izhaar(a.) n.: expression, disclosure, deposition, statement

'Izraaeel(a.) n.m.: the angel of death

Iztiraab(a.) n.: restlessness, anxiety, commotion, disturbance

Iztiraar(a.) n.m.: restlessness, helplessness

'Izzat(a.) n.f.: dignity, honour

Iftiraa'(a.) n.f.: calumny, false accusation, scandal, imputation

Iftitaah(a.) n.m.: inauguration, exposition

Ijtihaad(a.) n.m.: earnest effort of religious striving to accomplish

Ikhtilaaj(a.) n.m.: palpitation, restlessness

JJaa(p.) n.f.: place, locality

Jaabir(a.) n.: tyrant, cruel

Jaadah(a.) n.m.: right road, path

Jaageer(p.) n.f.: property, land given by government

Jaah(p.) n.m.: dignity, magnificance

Jaah-o-hasham(ap.) n.m.: rank and dignity

Jaah-o-jalaal(p.) n.m.: dignity, grandeur, pomp

Jaa-e-zah(a.) n.: survey, reviewing, examination

Jaalaa(h.) n.m.: cobweb, web, cataract

Jaam(p.) n.: bowl, drinking cup

Jaamah(p.) n.: garment

Jaan(p.) n.f.: soul, life, spirit

Jaan-baaz(p.) adj.: daring, spirited

Jaan-e-jaanaan(p.) n.m.: sweetheart, most dear

Jaan-fishaanee(p.) n.: extreme effort

Jaanaan(p.) n.: beloved

Jaan-kaah(p.) adj.: sad, pathetic

Jaan-kanee(p.) n.f.: agonies of death, process of dying

Jaan-nisaar(p.) adj.: devoted, sacrificing one's life, bosom pal.

Jaa-namaaz(p.) n.f.: mat, carpet on which Namaz is performed.


Jaanib(p.) n.f.: side, part, region.

Jaawed(p.) adj.: eternal.

Jaawidaan(p.) adj.: eternal, everlasting.

Jaawedaanee(p.) adj.: eternal.

Jabal(a.) n.: mountain.

Jabeen(p.) n.: forehead.

Jabeen-saaee(p.) n.: bowing down the forehead.

Jabr(a.) n.: force, violence, coercion

Jadd(a.) n.m.: grandfather, ancestor

Jafaa(p.) n.: oppression, violence

Jahaan(p.) n.: the world, universe, place

Jahaan-aaraa(p.) n.: world adorned by, the name of Shah Jahan's daughter

Jahaan-daar(p.) n.m.: king, emperor

Jahaan-geer(p.) n.: conqueror of the world, name of moghul emperor

Jahez(a.) n.m.: dowry, parent's gift to the bride

Jahannam(a.) n.m.: hell

Jeib(a.) n.f.: pocket

Jalaal(a.) n.: grandeur, dignity, power

Jald(p.) adv.: at once, soon, quickly

Ja'l(a.) n.m.: forgery, fabrication, counterfeit

Ja'lee(a.) adj.: artificial, fake

Jallaad(a.) n.m.: an executioner, cruel

Jalwah(a.) n.: glimpse, splendour, manifestation

Jalwat(a.) n.: in presence of, publicly

Jamaa'at(a.) n.f.: company, group, party, gathering, congregation

Jamaaee(h.) n.f.: gaping, yawning

Jamaal(p.) n.: beauty, elegance

Jameel(a.) adj.: comely, beautiful

Jam'eeyat(a.) n.f.: collection, assemblage, multitude

Jam'eeyat-e-Khaatir(a.) n.f.: satsfaction, peace of mind, in favour of populace

Jamm-e-ghafeer(a.) n.m.: huge crowd, a great multitude

Jamhooriat(a.) n.f.: democracy, a republic

Janaab(p.) n.m.: majesty, sir

Janaazah(a.) n.m.: funeral, bier

Jang(p.) n.f.: battle, war, combat

Jang-joo(p.) adj.: quarrelsome, fighter

Jang-o-jadal(p.) n.f.: fight, brawl, altercation

Janjaal(h.) n.m.: trouble, bother, fuss

Junoob(a.) n.m.: south

Jantree(h.) n.m.: calendar,diar,almanac

Jaraahat: surgery, wound, injury

Jaras(a.) n.: caravan bell, bell

Jasaamat(a.) n.f.: stature, personality

Jasaarat(a.) n.f.: daring, boldness

Jashn Jast


(p.) n.m.: festival, celebration (p.) n.f.: leap, jumpJatan(h.) n.m.: effort, remedy

Jawaab(a.) n.m.: answer, match, equal

Jawaahir(a.) n.m.: (plural of jauhar) jewels, gems, essences

Jawaaz(a.) n.m.: plea, permit, propriety

Jaudat(a.) n.f.: ingenuity, intelligence, quickness of apprehension

Jauhar(a.) n.: merit, skill, jewel, spirit, atom, substance, essence

Jaulaan(p.) adj.: quickness, springing

Jaulaanee(p.) n.f.: moving about, acumen

Jaur(a.) n.: tyranny, oppression

Jazaa(a.) n.f.: retribution, reward

Jazb(a.) n.: attraction, allurement, absorption

Jazbaat(a.) n.: emotions, feelings

Jazbah(a.) n.: felling, passion, desire, rage

Jazeerah(a.) n.m.: an island

Jhaalar(a.) n.f.: frill, fringe

Jhaad-phoonk(h.) n.f.: conjuring, hocus-pocus, witchcraft

Jhenp(p.) n.f.: shame, dhyness

Jhalak(h.) n.f.: slight and short appearance, brightness, reflection

Jhankaar(h.) n.f.: rattle, ringing, tinkling

Jhapak(h.) n.f.: winking, blinking, gust of wind, shame

Jharee(h.) n.f.: continous rains, showers

Jhijhak(h.) n.f.: start, recoil, hesitation, shyness

Jhurmut(a.) n.m.: crowd, cloth used as a turban

Jibraa-eel(a.) n.m.: Gabriel, angel who brings tidings and messages from God to the Prophets

Jidaal(a.) n.f.: altercation, contest, dispute

Jiddat(a.) n.f.: modernity, newness, originality, innovation

Jihaad(a.) n.m.: religious war, supreme effort

Jilau-khaanah(p.) n.m.: ante-chamber,vestibule, porch

Jild(a.) n.f.: skin, leather, binding of a book, volume

Jinaan(a.) n.m.: (plural of jannat) regions of paradise, or orchard gardens

Jinn(a.) n.m.: ginii, an elf, headstrong person

Jinnaat(a.) n.m.: geni, demon, race believed to have inhabitated the world before adam

Jins(a.) n.: sex, articles, grains

Jism(a.) n.m.: body

Jiz-biz(p.) adj.: displeased, angry

Joo(p.) n.: stream, rivulet

Joo-e-baar(p.) n.: river, stream

Jod-tod(h.) n.m.: intrigue, conspiracy

Josh(p.) n.: excitement, emotion, boiling point, heat

Judaa(p.) adj.: seperated, aside

Judaaee Jugnoo


(p.) n.f.: seperation, away (a.) n.f.: glow-worm, fireflyJul(h.) n.m.: deceit, cheating, trick

Juloos(a.) n.m.: procession, glory

Jumhoor(a.) n.m.: people, the populace

Jumlah(a.) n.m.: total, aggregate, a sentence

Jumbish(p.) n.: motion, movement, shake

Junoon(a.) n.: madness, lunacy

Jur'ah(a.) n.m.: gulp, sip, mouthful

Jur'at(a.) n.f.: courage, boldness, daring, valour, audacity

Jurm(a.) n.m.: crime, fault, criminal act

Justujoo(p.) n.: search, investigation, quest, enquiry

Juwaa(h.) n.m.: gambling, gamble, yoke

Juz(a.) n. Juzw: a part, ingredient, portion, a format, except

KKaaenaat(a.) n.: universe, world, entire belongings of a person

Kaafir(a.) n.m.: an infidel, sweetheart

Kaafoor(a.) n.m.: camphor

Kaaheedgee(p.) n.f.: thin and sickly looking

Kaaee(h.) n.f.: moss, green formation on moist surface

Kaakh(p.) n.m.: tower, balcony, battlements

Kaakul(p.) n.f.: a curl, tuft of hair

Kaam(p.) n.m.: lust, palate, desire

Kaamil(a.) adj.: accomplished, complete

Kaamyaab(p.) adj.: sucessful, prosperous

Kaamyaabee(p.) n.: success, prosperity

Kaan(p.) (h.) n.f.m.: mine, quarry, the ear

Kaar(p.) n.m.: deed, function, duty

Kaar-o-baar(p.) n.m.: business, trade, employment

Kaarawaaee(p.) n.f.: proceedings, actions, conduct of business

Kaarsaaz(p.) adj.n.m.: doer, adroit, maker

Kaargar(p.) adj.: operative, effective, active

Kaarkhaanah(p.) n.m.: workhouse, workshop, factory

Kaarkun(p.) n.m.: worker, manager, record keeper

Kaarawaan(p.) n.m.: caravan

Kaarzaar(p.) n.f.: war, engagement

Kaasah(p.) n.m.: bowl, goblet

Kaasa-e-gadaaee(p.) n.m.: beggar's bowl

Kaash(p.) inter.: may it be, be it so

Kaashaanah(p.) n.m.: a dwelling, a house

Kaatib(a.) n.m.: scribe, copyist, writer

Kaawish(p.) n.f.: endeavour, enmity

Ka'abah(a.) n.: mosque in Mecca built by Prophet


AbrahamKabaab(p.) n.m.adj.: roasted meat, minced meat burnt, roasted balls

Kabeer(a.) adj.: big, grand, elder

Kaf(p.) n.m.: foam, palm of hand or sole

Kaf-e-afsos malnaa(v.) n.: to regret, to repent

Kaf-e-dast(p.) n.f.: the palm of the hand

Kaf-e-naazuk(p.) n.m.: delicate palm or foot of beloved

Kaf-e-paa(p.) n.m.: the sole of the foot

Kaffaarah(a.) n.m.: atonement, expiation for sin

Kahkashaan(p.) n.: milkyway, group of stars

Kahrubaa(p.) n.m.: yellow amber, a stone which attracts straws

Kash(p.) n.m.: practice, habit, manner, faith

Kajee(p.) n.f.: crookedness, bend

Kajkulaah(p.) n.m.adj.: wearer of a cocked hat, clown, wealthy

Kajkulaahee(p.) n.f.: pride, foolery

Kal(h.) n.f.: tomorrow or yesterday, comfort, repose

Kalaaee(h.) n.f.: the wrist, the forearm

Kalaam(a.) n.m.: discourse, speech, writing

Kalaf(a.) n.m.: starch, stiffness, pimple

Kalejah(a.) n.m.: liver, heart, courage, magnimity, beloved

Kaleem(a.) n.m.: speaker

Kaleemullah(p.) n.m.: speaker with God, Prophet Moses

Kaleemee(a.) n.m.: a jew

Kalghee(u.) n.f.: crest, pinnacle, ornament on a turban

Kalimah(a.) n.m.: a word, part of speech, a prayer of the muslims

Kamaal(a.) n.m.: perfection, excellence

Kamaan(p.) n.f.: bow, an arch, spring, a command

Kamand(p.) n.f.: ringlet, slipknot, a noose

Kamar(p.) n.f.: loins, waist, middle of a mountain, an arch

Kameen(a.) n.f.: ambush, wicked

Kameengaah(p.) n.f.: place of ambush

Kameenah(p.) adj.: wretched, mean, vulgar

Kamkhwaab(p.) n.m.: sleepless, silk cloth with gold or silver

Kamtar(p.) adj.: worse, seldom

Kamtareen(p.) adj.: worst, least

Kanaar(p.) n.m.f.: bosom, side, margin

Kandah(p.) n.adj.: engraved, block, handle

Kaneez(p.) n.f.: slave girl, maid

Karaamat(a.) n.f.: (pl. of karamat) miracle, generosity, supernatural powers

Karak(h.) n.f.: thunder, clap, crash

Karam(a.) n.: grace, favour

Karb Karbalaa


(a.) n.m.: anguish, affliction, vexation (a.) n.f.: city in Irq where the grandson of Prophet Mohammed was martyred, place where water is scarce

Kareem(a.) adj.: merciful, generous, an epithet of God

Karishmah(p.) n.: miracle, wonder, phenomenon, coquetry

Karr(p.) n.m.: deaf

Karr-o-farr(p.) n.m.: pomp and show

Kartab(h.) n.m.: jugglery, trick, skill, experiment

Kartoot(h.)n.m.f.: ill behaviour, misconducr, bad deeds

Kasaafat(a.) n.f.: density, thickness, impurity

Kasak(h.) n.f.: intermittent, pain, afflication, stitch

Kasar(a.) n.f.: breac, fraction, shortcoming

Kas(p.) n.m.: man, person, essence, extract, strength, tenacity

Kasbal(h.) n.m.: strength, power, vitality

Kash(p.) n.m.: pulling, puff

Kashaakash(p.) n.f.: struggle, dilemma, perplexity, stretch and pain

Kasheed(p.) n.f.: extract, draw

Kashf(a.) n.m.: manifestation, revelation

Kashish(p.) n.: attraction, gravitation, pull

Kashkol(a.) n.: beggar's bowl, notebook album

Kashmakash(p.) n.: complication, hesitation, wrangle, struggle

Kasrat(a.) n.: bulk, excess, abundance

Katbah(a.) n.m.: writings, inscriptions

Kauhaan(p.) n.m.: bullock's or camel's hump

Kaukab(a.) n.m.: star

Kaundaa(h.) n.m.: lightening, flash

Kausar(a.) n.: name of a stream in paradise

Kayf(a.) n.: intoxication, exhilaration

Kayfiyat(a.) n.f.: condition, narrative

Keel(h.) n.f.: nail, peg, boil, a pimple

Keemiyaa(a.) n.f.: alchemy, chemical preparation which transmits baser metals into gold, panacea

Keenah(p.) n.m.: malice, grudge, spite, animosity

Khaab(p.) n.: khawaab, dream, sleep

Khwaabeedah(p.) adj.: sleeping, asleep

Khaadim(a.) n.m.: servant, waiter

Khwaahish(p.) n.f.: desire, request

Khaa-ef(a.) adj.: afraid

Khwaajah(p.) n.: master, man of distinction

Khwaajaa-saraa(p.) n.: middle sex, eunuch

Khaak(p.) n.: dust, ashes, earth

Khaakah(p.) n.m.: plan, sketch, draft, an outline

Khaakistar(p.) n.f.: ashes, burnt metal powder

Khahsaar(p.) n.m.: humble, low

Khaal Khaaliq


(p.) n.m.: mole, maternal uncle (a.) n.: the creator, GodKhaamah(p.) n.m.: pen

Khaamee(p.) n.f.: immaturity, rawness, unripe

Khaamoshee(p.) n.f.: silence, quiet

Khaanah(p.) n.m.: house, a place, dwelling, a drawer, compartment

Khaanmaan(p.) n.m.: house, belongings of house

Khaanqaah(p.) n.f.: monastery, centre of sufstic activity, abode of holy men

Khar(p.) n.m.: an ass, stupid person

Khaardaar(p.) adj.: thorny, barbed, troublesome

Khaaristaan(p.) n.m.: thicket of thorns, jungle

Khwaar(p.) adj.: abject, poor

Khaar-o-khas(p.) n.: sweepings, rubbish, grass and hay

Khaarzaar(p.) n.: a thicket of thorns

Khaarij(a.) adj.: externed, outcaste, excluded

Khaarijah(a.) adj.: excluded, foreign, external

Khaashaak(p.) n.m.: sweepings, trash

Khaasiyat(a.) n.f.: quality, innate property

Khaassah(p.) n.m.: speciality, quality, nature

Khaatam(a.) n.f.: ring, seal, sinet

Khaatir(a.) n.: respect, heart, mind, treatment

Khaawar(p.) n.m.: east

Khabaasat(a.) n.f.: wickedness, depravity

Khabar(a.) n.f.: news, report, account

Khabt(a.) n.m.: craze, insanity

Khafaa(p.) adj.: angry, displeased

Khafee(a.) adj.: hidden, fine or small

Khafeef(a.) adj.: unimportant, petty

Khafgee(p.) n.f.: anger

Khajaalat(a.) n.f.: shame

Khala(a.) n.m.: space, vacancy, vacuum

Khalaa-eq(a.) n.f.: (pl. of khalq) creatures, created beings, people, disposition

Khalaf(a.) n.m.: heir, favourite son

Khalal(a.) n.m.: gap, ruptures, fault, disorder, hinderance

Khalbalee(h.) n.f.: commotion, tumult, disorder

Khaleel(a.) n.: sincere friend, title of Prophet Abraham also called 'Khalilullah'

Khaleeq(a.) adj.: polite, courteous

Khalish(p.) n.f.: irrtation, prick, stop, enmity

Khalijaan(a.) n.m.: distraction, anxiety, commotion, confusion

Khallaaq(a.) n.m.: creator, God, Almighty

Khalq(a.) n.: creation, mankind, the people

Khalwat(a.) n.: privacy, retirement. Solitude

Kham(p.) n.: curve, curl, bend, bowed, wave of the hair

Khamdaar(p.) adj.: curved, curled

Khameedah Khameer


(p.) adj.: bent, crooked (a.) n.: leaven, yeast, original substanceKhamsah(a.) n.m.: a stanza of five lines

Khamyaazah(p.) n.: yawning, retribution, punishment

Khandah(p.) n.: smile, laugh

Khandah-zan(p.) n.: one who laughs at others, sarcastic

Khandaq(a.) n.f.: a ditch, a moat, firepit

Khanjar(p.) n.: a dagger

Kharaabaat(p.) n.: tavern or brothel

Kharaabah(p.) n.m.: ruin, a tavern, an inn

Kharaaj(a.) n.m.: tax, tribute

Kharaam(p.) n.m.: gait, pace, graceful walk

Kharaash(p.) n.f.: scratch, excoriation, scrapping

Khareed(a.) n.f.: purchase, cost price

Khas(p.) n.m.: sweet scented root of a grass, dry leaves and stalks

Khaskhaanah(p.) n.m.: room with screens of fragrant grass, a hut made of grass

Khasaarah(a.) n.m.: loss, damage

Khasaasat(a.) n.f.: stinginess, miserliness

Khaslat(a.) n.f.: disposition, habit, nature

Khastagee(p.) n.f.: softness, crispness

Khastah(p.) adj.: wounded, broken, crisp

Khastah-dil(p.) n.: broken-hearted

Khataa(a.) n.: fault, mistake, slip, miss

Khataakaar(p.) n.: sinner, guilty

Khateeb(a.) n.m.: preacher

Khaatimah(a.) n.m.: the end, conclusion, finish

Khatkaa(h.) n.m.: knock, scruple, suspicion, anxiety, apprehension

Khat(a.) n.m.: line, letter, script, board

Khawaas(a.) n.m.: top ranking gentry

Khauf(a.) n.: fear

Khaufnaak(a.) adj: fearful,dreadful

Khayaal(a.) n.m.: the thougth,idea,notion,conception,whim

Khayaanat(a.) n.f.: embezzlement,defalcation,breach of trust,perfidy

Khemah(a.) n.m.: tent,pavilion

Khayr(a.) n.f. adj: well,safe,welfare, health

Khayr-baad(p.) int.: may there be prosperity, may there be good

Khayraat(a.) n.: aims, charity

Khayriyat(a.) n.: welfare, safety

Khidmat(a.) n.f.: service, in royal presence

Khiffat(a.) n.f.: humilation, indignity, disgrace

Khijil(a.) adj.: bashful, ashamed of

Khilaaf(a.) prop.: against, in opposition to, contrary to, versus, opposite

Khilqat(a.) n.f.: creation, people

Khiraamaan(p.) adj.: walking gracefully, strollling

Khirad(p.) n.: wisdom, intelligence, intellect

Khiradmand(p.) adj.: wise, intelligent, intellectual


Khirman(p.) n.m.: harvest, products, grains

Khitaab(a.) n.m.: title, address, conversation, speech

Khiyaabaan(p.) n.m.: flower bed, the road between the greenery, an avenue

Khizaab(a.) n.m.: hair dye, hair oil

Khizar(p.) n.m.: alive Prophret raming the world from time immemorial; guide

Khoo(p.) n.: habit, nature

Khooboo(p.) n.: character, behaviour

Khoogar(p.) adj.: habituated, accustomed, addicted

Khoobaan(p.): fair ones, beautiful women, sweethearts

Khoobee(p.) n.f.: goodness, excellence, virtue

Khoonbaar(p.) adj.: sheddind blood

Khoon-bahaa(p.) n.m.: ransom, price of blood, enalty for murder

Khoonaab(p.) n.m.: blood mixed with water, tears of blood

Khoraak(p.) n.f.: diet, victual, food, meal

Khor-o-nosh(p.) n.m.: food and drink

Khoshah(p.) n.m.: an ear of corn, a spike, a bunch of grapes

Khuda-haafiz(p.) int.: may God protect you, wishing good-bye

Khudaaee(p.) n.f.: the world, divinity, from God

Khudaawand(p.) n.m.: master, professor, Godhead

Khud-daar(p.) adj.: self-respecting

Khudee(p.) n.: egotism, conceit, ego

Khudkushee(p.) n.f.: suicide, killing oneself

Khulaasah(p.) n.m.: gist, essence, best part of anything, summary

Khuld(a.) n.m.: eternity, paradise

Khuloos(a.) n.: sincerity, purity, candour

Khulq(a.) n.: amiability, quality

Khum(p.) n.m.: large jar of wine

Khumkadah(p.) n.m.: liquor shop, a tavern

Khumkhaanah(p.) n.m.: liquor shop, a tavern

Khumaar(p.) n.: intoxication, hangover

Khuraafaat(p.) n.f.: senseless speech, ludicrous talk, a myth

Khurd(p.) adj.: small

Khurram(p.) adj.: gay

Khursheed(p.) n.: the sun

Khushaamad(p.) n.f.: flattery

Khush-aamdeed(p.) adv.: welcome

Khush-gawaar(p.) adj.: pleasnt, agreeable

Khushkee(p.) n.f.: land, dryness, dry flour

Khush-numaa(p.) n.: pleasant to the sight, beautiful

Khush-roo(p.) adj.: having a charming face


Khusoosiyat(a.) n.f.: pecularity, seciality, special relations, intimacy

Khutbah(a.) n.: sermon, address, preface

Kibriyaa(a.) n.m.: magnificent, God

Kileed(p.) n.f.: key

Kiran(h.) n.f.: ray, sunbeam, moonbeam

Kirdaar(p.) n.: character, work, action

Khirmak-e-shbtaab(p.) n.m.: glow worm

Kisht(p.) n.f.: sown field

Kishtee(p.) n.f.: (kashti) boat, tray, beggar's bowl

Kishwar(p.) n.m.: country, climate

Kitaab(a.) n.f.: book, writing, scripture

Kizb(a.) n.m.: lie

Koft(p.) n.f.: vexation, grief

Koh(p.) n.: mountain, hill

Koh-e-toor(p.) n.m.: Mount Sinai, where Moses talked to God

Kohkan(p.) n.: mountain digger, title of Farhaad, lover of Shirin

Koh-saar(p.) n.m.: mountainous country

Kohraa(h.) n.m.: fog, mist

Kokh(h.) n.f.: womb, belly

Konpal(h.) n.f.: oung shoot, bud, new leaf

Kooch(p.) n.m.: departure, march, death

Koochah(p.) n.m.: lane, narrow street

Kook(h.) n.f.: painful cry, a shriek

Koozah(p.) n.m.: goblet, jug

Kor(p.) n.m.: blind, sightless

Koshish(p.) n.f.: attempt, endeavour, effort

Kot(h.) n.m.: castle, fort, a stronghold

Kotaah(p.) adj.: short, less

Kotaahee(p.) n.f.: brevity, deficiency, shortcoming

Kudocrat(a.) n.f.: resentment, depression

Kufr(a.) n.m.: infidelity, blasphemy

Kohraam(h.) n.m.: weeping, wailing, noise

Kul(a.) adj.: entire, total

Kulaah(a.) n.f.: crown, cap

Kulfat(a.) n.f.: trouble, vexation, affliction

Kulliyah(a.) n.m.: formula, principle, totality

Kumak(t.) n.f.: help, aid, reinforcement

Kumait(a.) n.m.: bay horse

Kunbah(h.) n.m.: family, brotherhood

Kundan(h.) n.m.: bright and pure gold

Kunj(p.) n.m.: grave, lonely-spot

Kunjashk(p.) n.m.: sparrow

Kunjee(h.) n.f.: key

Kurrah(a.) n.m.: globe

Kushtah(p.) n.f.: killed, lover

Kushtee(p.) n.f.: wrestling, exercise

Kusht-o-khoon(p.) n.m.: blood-shed, mass slaughter, killing and murdering

Khaar(p.) n.: thorn


Khazaanah(a.) n.m.: a treasure, valuable belongings, a magazine

Khittah(a.) n.m.: region, country, territory

Khizaan(p.) n.: autumn, decay

LLaa(a.) neg.part.: no, not, negative prefix equivalent to un, in, ir

Laachaar(p.) adj.: helpless, forlorn

Laad(h.) n.f.: load

Laad chal-naa(h.) v.: to die, to bodily pack up

Laaf(p.) n.f.: boast, bragging, conceit

Laagat(h.) n.f.: cost of production

Laaghar(p.) adj.: lean, thin.

Laagoo(h.) n.m.: friends, supporter.

Laa-haasil(a.) adj.: unproductive, barren

Laa'ihah(a.) n.m.: programme, event

Laa'ilaaj(a.) adj.: incurable, irremediable

Laa'ilm(a.) adj.: ignorant, illiterate

Laaj(h.) n.f.: reputation, bashfulness

Laa-jawaab(a.) adj.: unrivalled

Laalah(p.) n.m.: a red tulip, poppy flower

Laalah-faam(p.) adj.: bright pink colour

Laalah-rukh(p.) adj.: rosy cheeked, beloved

Laalah-zaar(p.) n.m.: garden of tulips

Laalee(h.) n.f.: redness, blood, daughter

Laamazhab(a.) adj.: irreligious

Laamakaan(a.) n.m.: homeless, God, Omnipresent

Laamuhaalah(a.) adv.: surely, positively

Laa-raib(a.) adv.: doubtless, certainity

Laasaa(h.) n.m.: bait, glue

Laasaanee(a.) adj.: incomparable, matchless

Laash (laashah)(t.) n.f.: a carcass, corpse, dead body

Laawaaris(a.) adj.: heirless, unclaimed

Laawalad(a.) adj.: childless, heirless

Laayanfak(a.) adj.: indivisible, inseperable

Laayanhal(a.) adj.: difficult, insoluble

Laazawaal(a.) adj.: imperishable, eternal

Laazim(laazimah)(a.) adj.: necessary, essential, corollary

Lab(p.) n.m.: lip, brim, side, verge

Lab-o-lahjah(p.) n.m.: style of speaking, tone

Labaadah(p.) n.m.: cloak, a wrapper

Labbaik(a.) interj.: "here am I ! In obedience to your command" : a recitation by pilgrims on entering Mecca

Lachak(h.) n.f.: flexibility, sprain.

La'een(a.) adj.: accursed, abominable.


Laffaz(a.) adj.: talkative, boaster.

Lafz(a.) n.m.: a word.

Lagaam(h.) n.f.: bridle, rein.

Lagan(h.) n.f.: attachment, zeal, auspicious moment.

Laghw(a.) adj.: false, nonsense.

Laghzish(p.) n.f.: slip, stumbling.

Lahad(a.) n.f.: grave, tomb.

Lahak(h.) n.f.: eye-catching wave of glittering greenery.

Laheem(a.) adj.: fleshy, fat.

Lahjah(a.) n.m.: tone, voice, accent.

Lahm(a.) n.m.: flesh, meat.

Lahn(a.) n.m.: sound, note, melody.

Llahn-e-daawoodee(a.) n.m.: melody of prophet Dawood (David) who had a very melodious voice.

Lahoo(h.) n.m.: blood.

Lahar(h.) n.f.: wave, emotion, rapture.

Lahzah(a.) n.m.: moment, a glance, twinkling of an eye.

Lajaajat(a.) n.f.: adulation, servility, flattery.

Lakeer(h.) n.f.: line, strip, streak.

Lakht(p.) n.m.: piece, bit, portion.

Lakht-e-jigar(p.) n.m.: dear child, darling.

La'al(p.) n.m.: ruby, lips of the beloved.

Lalkaar(h.) n.f.: challenge, threat.

Lamhah(a.) n.m.: moment, minute.

Lams(a.) n.m.: sense of touch.

La'an(a.) n.m.: curse, abuse.

La'nat(a.) n.f.: curse, abuse.

Lang(a.) n.m.: lame, limp.

Langar(h.) n.m.: an anchor, free public kitchen.

Langotiya(h.) n.m.: playmate, old chum.

Lapeit(h.) n.f.: fold, envelope.

Lapak(h.) n.f.: spring, leap, swiftness.

Lapkaa(h.) n.m.: bad habit, addiction.

Laqab(a.) n.m.: title, honour.

Larakpan(h.) n.m.: childhood, childishness.

Laree(h.) n.m.: string, link.

Larzah(p.) n.m.: trembling fearing.

Larzah(p.) n.m.: shivering.

Larzish(p.) n.f.: trembling, quivering.

Lashkar(p.) n.m.: army, camp.

Lassaan(a.) adj.: talkative, eloquent.

Lat(h.) n.f.: lock of hair.

Lat(h.) n.f.: bad habit, vice.

Lataafat(a.) n.f.: elegance, neatness.

Lateef(a.) adj.: delicate, fine, light.

Lateefah Latkaa


(a.) n.m.: joke, witticism. (h.) n.m.: incantation, a kind of chain, a trick.Lattaa(h.) n.m.: a rag, piece of cloth.

Lattoo(h.) n.m.: a top, madly in love.

Law(h.) n.f.: flame of candle, ardent desire.

Lawh(a.) n.f.: a tablet, a plank.

Lawh-o-qalam(a.) n. pl.: slate and pen, divine slate and pen used for recording destiny of universe.

Lay(h.) n.f.: symphony, rhythm.

Layl(a.) adj.: night.

Layl-o-nahaar(a.) n.m.: night and day, circumstances, times.

Lays(h.) adj.: ready. dressed, arrayed.

Lazeez(a.) adj.: tasty, delicious.

Lekin-Lek(p.) conj.: but, yet, however, nevertheless.

Libaas(a.) n.m.: apparel, clothes, dress.

Lifaafah(a.) n.m.: cover, envelope.

Lihaaf(a.) n.m.: a quilt, a coverlet.

Lihaaz(a.) n.: respect, regard, modesty.

Lisaan(a.) n.f.: language, tongue, dialect.

Lohaa(h.) n.m.: iron, sword.

Loo(h.) n.f.: hot wind.

Lot-pot(h.) adj.: tumble and toss, restless.

Loot khasot(h.) n.f.: plundering and looting.

Lu'aab(a.) n.m.: spittle, saliva, viscosity.

Lubb-e-Lubaab(a.) n.m.: the crust of the matter, just.

Lughat(a.) n.m.: glossary, dictionary.

Luknat(a.) n.f.: stammering, stuttering.

Luqmah(a.) n.m.: morsel, a bite of food.

Lutf(a.) n.m.: pleasure, grace.

Lutraa(h.) n.m.: a back-biter, flatterer.

Laa'ihah-e-amal(a.) n.m.: programme, constitution

Labrez(p.) adj.: overflowing

MMa'aal(a.) n.: result, end.

Maadar(p.) n.f.: mother.

Maaddah(a.) n.m.: matter, substance, rest of a word, article.

Maadari(p.) adj.: motherly, maternal.

Maah(p.) n.m.: month, moon.

Maah-jabeen(p.) adj.: pretty, sweetheart.

Maah-laqaa(p.) adj.: beautiful, beloved.

Maah-paarah(p.) adj.: pretty, beloved.

Maahwash(p.) adj.: handsome, darling.

Maahasal(a.) n.m.: inference, result, harvest.

Maahawl(p.) n.m.: atmosphere, environment.

Maahazar(a.) n.m.: whatever is present.


Maahee(p.) n.f.: a fish.

Maahir(a.) adj.: expert, master.

Maahiyat(a.) n.f.: nature, state, form.

Maajraa(a.) n.: an occurrence, matter.

Maa'il(a.) adj.: inclined, obsessed.

Maalik(a.) n.m.: master, proprietor, lord.

Maalish(p.) n.f.: rubbing, massage.

Maaliyat(a.) n.f.: cost, value.

Maaloof(p.) adj.: beloved, familiar.

Maand(h.) adj.: dim, faint.

Maang(h.) n.f.: the parting of the hair, want, demand, betrothal.

Maanoos(a.) adj.: intimate, familiar.

Maar(p.) n.m.: a snake, a serpent.

Maat(a.) n.f.: defeat, kill, death.

Maatam(a.) n.m.: mourning, grief, breast-beating.

Maawaa(a.) n.m.: resort, shelter, haven.

Maayah(p.) n.m.: wealth, fund, stock.

Maayoos(a.) adj.: disappointed, pessimist.

Maazee(a.) n.f.: past.

Maa'bad(a.) n.m.: place of woship.

Mabda(a.) n.m.: source, place of origin.

Mabhoot(a.) adj.: astonished, amazed.

Maa'bood(a.) n.: God, deity.

Machaan(h.) n.m.: aloft, a temporary wooden platform on tree.

Madaar(a.) n.m.: dependence, seat, orbit.

Madd(a.) n.m.: prolongation, flood, tide.

Madd-e-nazar(p.) n.: within sight, attention.

Madd-o-jazr(a.) n.m.: ebb and flow, tide.

Maddaah(a.) n.m.: lover, eulogist, admirer.

Madeenah(a.) n.m.: yasrib, a city in Arabia where prophet Mohammed migrated from Mecca.

Madfan(a.) n.: a tomb, grave.

Madh(a.) n.f.: praise, appreciation.

Madhosh(a.) adj.: unconscious, drunk.

Ma'doom(a.) n.m.: disappear, hide.

Mafarr(a.) n.m.: refuge, shelter.

Mafhoom(a.) n.m.: meaning, compression.

Magas(p.) n.f.: a fly.

Mahal(a.) n.m.: palace, location, seraglio, harem.

Mahalsara(a.) n.m.: seraglio, harem, place with many apartments.

Mahboob(a.) n.: dear, beloved.

Mahfil(a.) n.: assembley, convention.

Mahfooz(a.) adj.: protected, safe.

Mahkamah(a.) n.m.: department, tribunal, court of justice.

Mahmil(a.) n.: litter in which women travel on camel.

Mahram(a.) n.m.f.: spouse, confidant.

Mahroom(a.) n.: debarred, unfortunate.


Mahshar(a.) n.: day of judgement, place of resurrection.

Mahsool(a.) n.m.: tax, duty, revenue.

Mahtaab(a.) n.: moon, moonlight.

Mahw(a.) adj.: absorbed, effaced, engrossed, charmed.

Mahwiyat(a.) n.f.: obliteration, engrossment.

Mezbaan(p.) n.: host, landlord.

Majaal(a.) n.: courage, ability, strength.

Majaaz(a.) adj.: superficial, illusive.

Majboor(a.) adj.: helpless, compelled.

Majlis(a.) n.f.: congregation, religious gathering, parliament.

Majmaa'(a.) n.: crowd.

Majmoo'ah(a.) n.m.: collection, book of miscellaneous writings.

Majnoon(a.) n.: lunatic, 'Qais' the lover of 'Laila'.

Majrooh(a.) adj.: wounded, hurt.

Majzoob(a.) n.m.: a sufi, godly man.

Makhdoom(a.) adj.: served, waited on.

Makhlooq(a.) n.f.: creation, people.

Makhmoor(a.) n.m.: drunk, intoxicated.

Makhzan(a.) n.m.: store house, treasure.

Maakoos(a.) adj.: photographed, transposed.

Maktab(a.) n.: school.

Maktabah(a.) n.: book depot, library.

Maktoob(adj.) and n.: written, letter, epistle.

Malaahat(a.) n.: rich brown complexion, elegance.

Maalaamaal(p.) adj.: rich, abundant.

Malakoot(a.) n.m.: angel's world, empire.

Mallaah(a.) n.: sailor, boatman.

Malool(a.) adj.: grieved, bored.

Mamnoo'(a.) adj.: prohibited, contraband.

Mamnoon(a.) adj.: obliged, grateful.

Mansoob(a.) adj.: related, bethrothed.

Mansoobah(a.) n.: plan, intention.

Mansoobah-bandee(u.) n.: planning, designing.

Mansoor(a.) n.: triumphant, a Sufi saint who said Anal-haq (I am God) and was, therefore, hanged.

Manzar(a.) n.m.: scene, sight, view.

Manzil(a.) n.: jouney's end, destination, house.

Manzoor(a.) adj.: approved, seen.

Maqaam(a.) n.: place, position, office.

Maqbool(a.) adh,: approved, accepted.

Maqsad(a.) n.m.: object, aim, desire.

Maqtal(a.) n.: a place of slaughter.

Maraz(a.) n.m.: sickness, disease.

Mardood Mardum


(a.) adj.: rejected, outcast. (p.) n.m.: people, pupil of the eye.Mareez(a.) n.m.: sick person, patient.

Marg(p.) n.m.: death.

Marghat(h.) n.m.: cremation, ground.

Marhabaa(a.) interj.: hail, welcome, bravo.

Marhalah(a.) n.: hurdle, problem, a place.

Marham(a.) n.m.: salve, ointment, cure.

Marhoom(a.) n.: the late, deceased.

Maa'rfat(a.) n.f.: revelation, knowledge.

Maa'rikah(a.) n.m.: strife, fight.

Markab(a.) n.m.: a vehicle, a carrier, a horse.

Markaz(a.) n.m.: centre.

Marqad(a.) n.m.: grave, tomb.

Marsiyah(a.) n.m.: elegy, lamentation, poem on tragedy of Karbala.

Martabah(a.) n.m.: rank, dignity, office, order.

Mas(a.) n.m.: touch, feeling.

Masaafat(a.) n.f.: distance, space, a day's journey.

Masaawaat(a.) n.f.: equality, evenness.

Masen(h.) h.f.: new hair appearing on the lips of a youth.

Masaknaa(h.) v.: to tear, to split, to burst.

Mas'alah(a.) n.m.: riddle, query.

Masarrat(a.) n.f.: pleasure, joy, rapture.

Maseeh(a.) n.m.: Christ, Messiah.

Maseehaa(a.) n.: name of Jesus Christ, Healer.

Maseehaa'ee(a.) n.: ability to cure or heal.

Mash'al(a.) n.f.: torch, flame, beam.

Mashaqqat(a.) n.f.: labour, pains, toil.

Mashghalah(a.) n.m.: employment, profession.

Masheeyat(a.) n.f.: will, wish.

Mashik(p.) n.f.: water bag, animal skin to contain water.

Mashkoor(a.) adj.: thanked, praised.

Mashoor(a.) adj.: bewitched, enchanted.

M'ashooq(a.) n.: beloved, a sweetheart.

Mashq(a.) n.f.: practice, exercise, writing or drawing letters.

Mashrab(a.) n.m.: place of drinking, sect especially of the Sufis.

Mashriq(a.) n.m.: the East, the place of the rising of the sun.

Mashwarah(a.) n.m.: counsel, advice.

Maa'siyat(a.) n.f.: sin, disobedience.

Masjid(a.) n.f.: a mosque.

Masjood(a.) adj.: worshipped, adored.

Maskan(a.) n.m.: residence, an abode.

Maskh(a.) n.m.: mutilation, ugly.

Maskharah(p.) n.m.: joker, buffoon.

Maslahat(a.) n.f.: expediency, advisability.

Maslak(a.) n.m.: way, path, ideology.

Masnad Masnawee


(a.) n.f.: a large cushion, a throne. (a.) n.f.: a form in Urdu and Persian poetry.M'asoom(a.) adj.: innocent, sinless.

Masraf(a.) n.m.: expense, use.

Masroof(a.) adj.: busy, occupied.

Masroor(a.) adj.: happy, delighted.

Mastaanah(p.) n. adj.: drunken, inebriated.

Mastaul(h.) n.m.: mast of a ship.

Mastoor(a.) adj.: hidden, veiled, covered.

Mat(h.) n.f.: sense, understanding, way, faith, religion, used to form negative from inpertive, don't.

Mataa'(a.) n.: wealth, goods.

Mataanat(a.) n.: firmness, constancy.

M'atub(a.) adj.: cursed.

Mauj-zan(a. & p.) adj.: agitated, billowy.

Mauqa'(a.) n.: opportunity, proper place, occasion.

Mausam(a.) n.: season, time.

Mausam-e-gul(p.) n.: spring season.

Mausoof(a.) adj.: named, praised.

Mauzoon(a.) adj: befitting, fit, proper.

Maiy(p.) n.: wine, liquor.

Maiy-kadah(p.) n.: bar, tavern.

Maiy-kash(p.) n.: one who drinks liquor.

Maiy-khaanah(p.) n.: tavern, bar.

Maiy-khwaar(p.) n.: one who drinks liquor.

Ma'yoob(a.) adj.: defective, bad.

Mayyat(a.) n.: dead body, corpse.

Mazaaq(a.) n.m.: wit, humour, joke, taste.

Mazaar(a.) n.: tomb, shrine.

Mazallat(a.) n.f.: contempt, disgrace.

Mazammat(a.) n.f.: blame, scorn, abuse.

Mazeed(a.) adj. n.m.: increase, addition.

Mazhab(a.) n.m.: religion, faith, path.

Mazhar(a.) n.m.: manifestation.

Mazkoor(a.) n.m. & adj.: statement, recorded.

Mazloom(a.) adj.: oppressed, wronged.

Mee'yaad(a.) n.f.: time, duration.

Meenaa(a.) n.m.: blue stone, wine glass.

Mehnat(a.) n.f.: labour, work.

Mehr(p.) n.m.: favour, love.

Mehraab(a.) n.f.: arch, entrance, chamber.

Milansaar(h.) adj.: friendly, familiar.

Minnat kash(p.) adj.: obliged, grateful.

Me'raaj(a.) n.: ascent, ladder, Prophet Mohammed's journey to heaven.

Misaal(a.) n.f.: example, likeness, model.

Miskeen(a.) adj.: poor, meek, needy.

Misl(a.) adv.: like, as, resembling.

Mismaar(a.) n.m.: a nail, a peg, (adj.) razed.

Misrah(a.) n.m.: a line of a poem.

Mizaaj Mizgaan


(a.) n.: temperament, disposition. (p.) n.: eye lashes.Mohlat(p.) n.: time, tune, respite, delay.

Mohsin(a.) n.m.: oblinging, benefactor.

Mohtaaj(a.) n.: needy, poor, indigent.

Moo(p.) n.m.: hair.

Moo-ba-moo(p.) adv.: hair by hair, exactly.

Moojib(a.) n.m.: motive, reason.

Muammaa(p.) n.: riddle, puzzle.

Mu'attal(a.) adj.: suspended, dismissed.

Mu'attar(a.) adj.: perfumed, fragrant.

Mu'ayyan(a.) adj.: fixed, settled, appointed.

Mubaadalah(a.) n.m.: exchange, barter.

Mubaalaghah(a.) n.m.: exaggeration.

Mubaarak(a.) adj.: blessed, fortunate, hail.

Mubaarakbaad(p.) n.f.: congratulation, good wishes.

Mudaam(a.) adv.: always.

Mudaaraat(a.) n.f.: courtesy, hospitality.

Mudaawaa(a.) n.m.: remedy, care.

Mudda'aa(a.) n.m.: suit, claim, wish, object.

Mudda'ee(a.) n.m.: claimant, plaintiff.

Muddat(a.) n.f.: duration.

Mu'een(a.) n.: helper, assistant.

Mufeed(a.) adj.: useful, beneficial.

Muflis(a.) adj.: poor, pauper.

Mughaan(p.) n.m.: tavern keeper.

Muhaal(a.) adj.: impossible, difficult.

Muhaawarah(a.)n.m.: idiom, usage, colloquialism.

Muhabbat(a.) n.f.: love, affection, intimacy.

Muharram(a.) n.m.: first month of Islamic lunar calendar, mourning period.

Muhazzab(a.) adj.: polite, civilized, cultured.

Muheet(a.) adj.: expansive, surrounding.

Muhibb(a.) n.m.: lover, friend.

Muhtasib(a.) n.: accountant, authority to check morals of people.

Mujassam(a.) adj.: embodied, incarnate.

Mujraa(a.) n.m.: performance of singing and dancing, salutation.

Mujrim(a.) n.m.: criminal, sinner.

Mukarram(a.) adv.: respected, venerable.

Mukarrar(a.) adv.: repeatedly, second time.

Mukhaalif(a.) n.: an opponent, adversary.

Mukhaatab(a.) n.: one who is addressed, the second person.

Mukhaatib(a.) n.: speaker, the person who addresses another.

Mukhlis(a.) adj.: sincere, friend.

Mukhtaar(a.) adj.: empowered, chosen, free.

Mukhtalif(a.) adj.: different, various.

Mukhtasar(a.) adj.: brief, abridged.


Multajee(a.) n.: petitioner, refugee.

Munaafiq(a.) n.m.: hypocrite, infidel.

Munaajaat(a.) n.: prayer, hymn.

Munawwar(a.) adj.: illuminated, bright.

Munazzam(a.) adj.: managed, organized.

Muneer(a.) adj.: brilliant, shinning.

Munhadim(a.) n.: demolished.

Munsif(a.) n.m.: justice, judge.

Muntazir(a.) adj.: one who waits.

Muqaddar(a.) n.m.: fortune, fate.

Muqaddas(a.) adj.: holy, sacred, sanctified.

Muqarrar(a.) adj.: appointed, entrusted.

Muqarrir(a.) n.m.: speaker, lecturer.

Muqeem(a.) n.: resident, dweller.

Muraad(a.) n.f.: wish, desire, will.

Murabbee(a.) n.m.: patron, guardian.

Muraqqa'(a.) n.m.: a drawing, an album, patchwork garment.

Murdah(a.) n.m.: a dead body, a corpse.

Mureed(a.) n.m.: disciple, follower.

Murgh(p.) n.m.: bird, fowl, cock.

Murshid(a.) n.m.: teacher, spiritual guide.

Murawwat(a.) n.f.: modesty, respect, civility.

Musaawee(a.) adj.: equal, impartial, neutral.

Musallaa(a.) n.m.: prayer mat for namaz.

Musallah(a.) adj.: armed, in armour.

Musallam(a.) adj.: admitted, entire, sound.

Musallat(a.) adj.: subdued, conquered.

Musalsal(a.) adj.: continuous, successive.

Musawwadah(a.) adj.: first draft of book or document.

Musawwir(a.) n.m.: painter, photographer.

Museebat(a.) n.f.: calamity, misfortune.

Mushaa'erah(a.) n.m.: poetry recitation by several poets in public.

Mushaabehat(a.) n.: likeness, similarity, resemblance.

Mushaahadah(a.) n.m.: observation, vision.

Mushfiq(a.) adj.: kind, friend.

Mushk(p.) n.f.: musk.

Mushkil(a.) adj.: difficult, hard, intricate.

Mushkil-kushaa(p.) adj.: removal of difficulties, title of Hazrat Ali.

Musht(p.) n.: handful, fist, blow.

Musht-e-khaak(p.) n.: handful of dust, human being, man.

Mushtaaq(a.) adj.: desirous, fond, longing.

Musta'aar(a.) adj.: borrowed.

Must'afee(a.) adj.: resigned, excused, pardoned.

Mustafeed(p.) adj.: profitable, gaining.

Mustafeez(a.) adj.: favoured, obliged.

Mustaghraq(a.) adj.: absorbed, immersed.


Mustahaq(a.) adj.: deserving, entitled.

Mustahkam(a.) adj.: firm, sound, established.

Mustahsan(a.) adj.: virtuous, laudable.

Musta'id(a.) adj.: ready, prepared, alert.

Must'amal(a.) adj.: in use, applied, used.

Mustanand(a.) adj.: authentic, certified.

Mustaqbil(a.) n.m.: future, future tense.

Mustaqeem(a.) adj.: exact, right, straight.

Mustaquil(a.) adj.: permanent, stable, firm.

Mustarad(a.) adj.: returned, rejected.

Mutaale'ah(a.) n.: contemplation, reading, study.

Mutaalabah(a.) n.: demand, requisition.

Mutlaq(a.) adj.: absolute.

Mutrib(a.) n.m.: a minstrel, singer.

Muzaah (Mizaah)(a.) n.m.: jest, joke, fun, humour.

Muzaahamat(a.) n.f.: obstruction, opposition.

Muzakkar(a.) adj.: masculine.

Muzdah(p.) n.m.: good news, glad tidings.

Muzir(a.) adj.: harmful, troublesome.

Muzmahil(a.) adj.: exhausted, feeble.

Muztar(a.) adj.: restless, a lover.

Muztarib(a.) adj.: agitated, afflicated.

NNaa-ahl(p.) a.adj.: incapable, unfit

Naachaaqee(p.) n.f.: displeasure, discord

Naachaar(p.) adj.: forlorn, helpless

Naacheez(p.) adj.: insignificant, worthless

Naadaan(p.) adj.: insensible, stupid

Naadaaree(p.) n.f.: poverty, insolvency

Naadim(a.) adj.: ashamed, repentant

Naadir(a.) adj.: rare, precious, wonderful

Naadir-e-rozgaar(p.) adj.: unique in the world, rare

Naaf(p.) n.f.: naval, bun of wheel

Naafarmaan(p.) adj.: disobedient, insubordinate

Naagahaan(p.) adv.: suddenly, unexpectedly, untimely, accidently

Naagawaar(p.) adj.: unpleasant, unbearable

Naahaqq(p.) adj.: false, improper, in vain

Naaeb(a.) n.m.: deputy, assistant

Naayaab(p.) n.m.: rare, not available

Naa-jaaez(p.) adj.: unlawful, illegal

Naakaam(p.) adj.: hopeless, unsuccessful

Naakhuda(p.) n.: boatman, captain

Naalah(p.) n.: lamentation, moan

Naamah Naamah-bar


(p.) n.: a letter, record (p.) n.: a letter-carrier, postmanNaama-e-aamaal(p.) n.: register of deeds, record of work, conduct

Naamah-nigar(p.) n.: news writer, correspondent

Naama-o-payaam(p.) n.: correspondence

Naamaaqool(p.) adj.: impertent, absurd

Naamoos(a.) n.f.: fame, chastity, purity

Naamurad(p.) adj.: unlucky, unsuccessful

Naao-nosh(p.) n.m.: feasting, eating and drinking

Naapaaedaar(p.) adj.: unsteady, fickle, frail

Naapaaedaaree(p.) n.: inconsistency, fraility

Naapasand(p.) adj.: disliked, unpleasant

Naaqis(a.) adj.: defective, worthless

Naaqis-ul-aql(p.) n.: of unsound mind, fool

Naar(h.) n.f.: fire

Naaree(h.) n.: woman

Naaraaz(p.) adj.: displeased, angry

Naarasaa(p.) adj.: unworthy, improper

Naasaaz(u.) adj.: disagreeable, indisposed

Naasaazgaar(p.) adj.: disagreeable

Naaseh(a.) n.: advisor, preacher

Naasir(a.) n.: a helper, supporter

Naashaad(p.) adj.: unhappy, displeased

Naasoor(a.) n.m.: fistula, ulcer

Naataa(h.) n.m.: kinship, relationship

Naatawaan(p.) adj.: weak, haggard

Naatiq(a.) n.: speaker, rational

Naawaaqif(p.) adj.: unacquainted, inexperienced

Naawak(p.) n.m.: an arrow, bee's sting

Naaz(p.) n.: pride, coquetry

Naaz-bardaaree(p.) n.: to bear with the whims, to tolerate

Naaz-parwardah(p.) n.: diligently nurtured

Naazaan(p.) adj.: proud of

Naazil(a.) adj.: descend from, alight

Naazireen(a.) n.m.: spectators, beholders

Naazneen(a.) n.: delicate woman, sweetheart

Naazuk(p.) adj.: delicate, fragile

Naazukee(p.) n.: delicacy, nicety, softness

Nabbaaz(a.) n.m.: physician, pulse expert

Nabee(a.) n.: prophet

Nabz(a.) n.: pulse

Nadaamat(a.) n.: repentance, regret

Nadeem(a.) n.: companion, friend

Nafas(a.) n.: breath, a moment

Nafees(a.) adj.: decent, pure, chaste

Nafrat(a.) n.: hatred, aversion

Nafs(a.) n.: soul, self, desire, lust

Nafsparast(a.) adj.: sensual, selfish

Nafsaanee(a.) adj.: sensual, carnal

Nafsee(a.) adj.: relating to the soul, psyschic, psychological


Nafsiyaat(a.) n.: psychology

Nafsiyaatee(a.) adj.: psychological

Nageenah(p.) n.m.: a jewel, gem

Naghmah(p.) n.: song, melody

Nahaar(a.) n.: day

Nahang(p.) n.m.: crocodile, shark

Naheef(a.) adj.: weak, slender

Nahoosat(a.) n.f.: misfortune, evil

Neik(a.) adj.: good, virtuous

Neik-naam(p.) adj.: famous, of good repute

Neik-qadam(p.) adj.: welcome, auspicious steps

Neik-seerat(p.) adj.: well mannered, noble

Nairang(p.) n.m.: deceit, trick, magic

Najaat(p.) n.: freedom, salvation

Najeeb(a.) adj.: honourable, of noble birth

Najis(a.) adj: dirty, impure

Najm(a.) n.: star

Nakel(h.) n.f.: nose string of a camel or a bear

Nakhat(a.) n.: fragrance, odour

Nakhl(a.) n.: tree, a date tree

Nakhl-e-pursamar(p.) adj: tree, full of fruit

Nakhwat(a.) n.f.: pride, pomp

Nakseer(h.) n.f.: nose bleeding, vein of nose

Nam(p.) n.m.: wet, moist

Namak(p.) n.m.: salt, grace, beauty

Namkeen(p.) adj: brackish, beautiful

Namood(p.) n.: appearance, display

Namoodar(p.) adj: apparent, visible

Namrood (Nimrood)(p.) n.: tyrant ruler of Nineveh (Iraq) at the time of prophet Abraham, who claimed to be God

Nang(p.) n.m.: naked, destitute

Naqaab(a.) n.: veil, face cover

Naqqaad(a.) n.m.: critic, reviewer

Naqqaash(a.) n.: painter, an engraver

Naqs(a.) n.: defect, fault, flaw

Naqsh(a.) n.: print, picture, carving

Naqsh-e-paa(p.) n.: footprints

Naqsh-e-qadam(p.) n.m.: footprints

Naqshah(a.) n.: features, map, diagram

Nareenah(p.) adj: male

Nargis(p.) n.f.: narcissus, beloved's eye

Nasab(a.) n.m.: geneolgy, race

Naseeb(a.) n.m.: providence, luck

Naseehat(a.) n.f.: advice, counsel

Naseem(p.) n.: breeze, fragrant air

Naseem-e-sahar(a.) n.: cool gentle and fragrant morning air, breeze of morning

Na'ash(a.) n.f.: dead body, coffin

Nashah(p.) n.m.: intoxication, pride

Nasheb(p.) n.m.: slope


Nasheb-e-faraaz(p.) n.m.: ups and downs

Nasheman(p.) n.: nest

Nashw-o-numaa(a.) n.m.f.: growth, development

Nasl(a.) n.f.: caste, family, race

Nasr(a.) n.: prose

Nasreen(p.) n.: a wild rose

Na'at(a.) n.f.: poem in praise of holy Prophet

Nath(h.) n.f.: nose ring worn by women

Naw(p.) adj: new, fesh

Naw-ba-naw(p.) adj: new, very fesh

Naw bahaar(p.) n.: early spring, spring

Nawaazish(p.) n.: kindness, favour

Nawbat(a.) n.f.: period, time, calamity, kettle-drums

Nawbat-khaanah(p.) n.m.: house of kettle-drums

Naweed(p.) n.f.: happy news

Nawhah(p.) n.: lamentation, poems on tragedy of karbala

Nawishtah(p.) n.m.: a letter, written piece

Nawkhez(p.) adj.: newly risen, fresh, tender

Nawras(p.) adj: young, fresh

Nawshaabah(p.) n.m.: water of life, elixir

Nawshaah(p.) n.m.: bridegroom

Nay(p.) n.f.: flute, muscial pipe

Nazaa(a.) n.f.: last breath

Nazaakat(p.) n.: delicacy, elegance, tenderness, softness

Nazar-e-bad(p.) n.f.: evil eye

Nazdeek(p.) adj.: near, neighbouring

Nazeer(a.) n.f.: instance, example

Nazm(a.) n.f.: poetry, arrangement

Nazr(a.) n.: gift, an offering

Nazraanah(p.) n.: present, tribute, gift

Nazzaarah(a.) n.: view, scene, panorama

Neelofar(p.) n.m.: lotus, a flower

Neem(p.) adj.: half, little, kind of tree

Neem-baaz(p.) adj.: half awake, intoxicated

Neem-jaan(p.) adj.: half-dead

Neem-raazee(p.) adj.: half satisfied, half agreed

Neem-roz(p.) n.m.: mid-day

Neem-shab(p.) n.f.: mid-night

Neem-waa(p.) adj.: half-open

Neesh(p.) n.m.: sting, lancet

Ne'mat(a.) n.: divine boon, blessings

Nibaah(h.) n.m..: carrying on, endurance

Nichaawar(h.) n.m.: sacrifice, offering

Nidaa(a.) n.f.: sound, call, voice

Nidhaal(h.) adj: still, weak

Nigar-khaanah/Nigaristaan(p.) n.: picture gallery, studio


Nigahbaan(p.) n.m.: watchman, guard

Nigraan(p.) adj: watchful, guardian

Nihaal(p.) adj.: a sapling, pleased, happy

Nihaan(p.) adj.: hidden, concealed

Nihaayat(a.) n.f.: extreme, limit

Nijee(a.) adj.: own, personal

Nikaas(h.) n.m.: outlet

Nirkh(p.) n.m.: market rate

Nisaar(a.) n.m.: sacrifice, scattering

Nisbat(a.) n.: relation, connection

Nisf(a.) adj.: half

Nishaan(p.) n.m.: banner, mark

Nishaat(a.) n.: happiness, pleasure

Nishtar(p.) n.: a lancet, a knife

Niswaan(p.) n.: women, ladies

Nit(h.) adj.: always

Niyabaat(a.) n.f.: deputation, proxy

Niyaam(p.) n.f.: sheath, scabbard

Niyaaz(p.) n.: supplication, longing, favour, blessing, gift

Niyaaz-mand(p.) adj.: desirous, humble

Niyyat(a.) n.f.: intention, desire

Nizaa(a.) n.m.: dispute, law suit

Nooh(a.) n.: prophet Noah

Noor(a.) n.: light, splendour

Nudrat(a.) n.f.: rarity, singularity

Nujoom(a.) n.m.: stars, astronomy

Nukhtah(a.) n.m.: point

Nuktah-cheen(p.) adj: critical, critic

Numaaish(p.) n.f.: exhibition, display

Numaayaan(p.) adj.: apparent, prominent

Numoo(a.) n.: growth, increase

Nuqsaan(a.) n.: loss, damage

Nuqs(a.) n.: defect, fault

Nushoor(a.) n.m.: resurrection

Nusrat(a.) n.m.: victroy, help

Nutfah(a.) n.m.: seed, sperm

Nutq(a.) n.: speech, discourse, power of speech

Nuzhat(a.) n.f.: delight, purity, freshness

Nuzool(a.) n.m.: descent, revelation

Naazebaa(p.) adj.: absurd, improper

OOak(h.) n.f.: cupped palm

Oas(h.) n.f.: dew, fall in value, to fade, dampening of hope

Oat Ood


(h.) n.f.: covering, hiding (a.) n.m.: fragrant wood, a lute or harp

PPaa(p.) n.: foot, leg

Paaband(p.) adj.: restricted, subjugated

Paabandee(p.) n.: restriction, checks

Paadash(p.) n.f.: punishment, retaliation, revenge

Paaeen(p.) n.m.: down, lower part, under, behind, back

Paa'endah(p.) adj.: lasting, durable

Paak(p.) adj.: pure, sacred, innocent

Paak-baaz(p.) adj.: pure, chaste

Pakeezah(p.) adj.: chaste, clean, pure, neat

Paakeezgee(p.) n.: cleanliness, purity, neatness

Paalaa(h.) n.m.: frost, dividing line

Paamaal(p.) adj.: ruined, destroyed

Paansaa(h.) n.m.: dice, a throw of dice

Paaposh(p.) n.f.: footwear, shoe, a slipper

Paarah(p.) n.m.: a piece, a bit

Paarah(h.) n.m.: mercury

Paaras(h.) n.m.: touchstone which converts anything in its contact into gold

Paarchah(p.) n.m.: a piece of cloth, a fragment, a piece

Paarsaa(p.) adj.: chaste, holy

Paas(p.) n.m.adv.: regard, consideration

Paasbaan(p.) n.: guard, custodian

Paasdaaree(p.) n.f.: favour, regard

Paayaab(p.) adj.: ankle-deep water

Paayaan(p.) n.m.: end, extrimity, conclusion

Paayah(p.) n.m.: leg, foundation, rank

Paaye'daar(p.) adj.: firm, steady, permanent

Pahar(h.) n.m.: eighth part of the day, watch

Pahelee(h.) n.f.: riddle, enigma

Pahloo(p.) n.: aside, flank, lap, wing

Pahunchaa(h.) n.m.: wrist, forearm

Palak(h.) n.f.: eyelid, moment

Palang(p.) n.m.: panther, leopard

Pallah(p.) n.m.: pan of the weighing scales, end of a garment

Panaah(p.) n.: protection, refuge, shelter

Panchhee(h.) n.m.: a bird

Panjah(p.) n.m.: an aggregate of five, five fingers, grasp

Pankharee(h.) n.f.: a petal, flower leaf

Pand(p.) n.: advice, counsel

Paraaw(h.) n.m.: camp, a halting place

Pareishaan(p.) adj.: distressed, perplexed,scattered, worried


Pareishaanee(h.) n.: distress, scattering, dissipation, confusion

Parakhche(p.) n.m.: pieces, its

Parind(p.) n.m.: (parindah) bird

Parastaan(p.) n.m.: fairy land

Parastaar(p.) n.: worshipper, lover

Parastish(p.) n.: worship, devotion

Parbat(h.) n.m.: mountain, hill

Parchah(p.) n.m.: slip of paper, newspaper

Parcham(p.) n.: flag, banner

Parchhaa'een(h.) n.f.: shadow, reflection, influence of some evil spirit

Pardaakht(p.) n.f.: patronage, completion

Pardah(p.) n.m.: curtain, secrecy

Pardaadaar(p.) n.m.adj.: confidential, confident

Pardah-nasheen(p.) adj.: veiled, modest

Pardah-poshee(p.) n.f.: concealing a fault, keeping secret

Paree(p.) n.f.: fairy, beautiful lady

Paree-paykar(p.) adj.: beautiful, fairy-faced

Paree-wash(p.) adj.: fairy-like, pretty

Paree-zaad(p.) n.m.adj.: fairy, lovely, pretty

Parhez(p.) n.m.: abstinence, prevention

Parkaar(p.) n.f.: a pair of compass

Parkhhash(p.) n.f.: conflict, enmity

Parniyaan(p.) n.m.: painted silk cloth

Partaw(p.) n.: shadow, reflection

Parwaanah(p.) n.m.: a moth, lover, devoted, warrant, permit

Parwaangee(p.) n.m.: permission, command

Parwaaz(p.) n.: flying, flight

Parwar(p.) adj.: nourisher, cherisher

Parwardigaar(p.) n.: cherisher, providence, an epithet of God

Parwarish(p.) n.: fostering, patronage

Pasandeedah(p.) adj.: favourite, pleasing, chosen

Pashemaan(p.) adj.: ashamed, repentent

Pashemaanee(p.) n.: shame, repentance

Paso-pesh(p.) n.: hesitation, forward and backward

Past(p.) adj.: fallen, low, mean

Pastee(p.) n.: decline, meanness, baseness

Pataakhaa(u.) n.m.: cracker, firework

Patang(h.) n.m.: paper kite, moth

Pattaa(h.) n.m.: belt, a deed of lease

Pattee(h.) n.f.: a leaf, metal sheet

Payk(p.) n.m.: messenger, runner

Paykaan(p.) n.m.: head of an arrow

Paykaar(p.) n.f.: war, battle, conflict

Paykar(p.) n.: body, potrait, model

Paymaa'ish(p.) n.f.: measurement, survey

Paymaan(p.) n.: pledge, promise

Paymaanah Payraastah


(p.) n.: a goblet, cup, measure (p.) adj.: adorned, decorated, trimmedPayrahan(p.) n.: robe, long garment

Payraw(p.) n.: follower, disciple

Paytaraa(h.) n.f.: wrestling trick

Paywand(p.) n.: a patch, relation, graft

Paywast(p.) adj.: joined, penetrated

Payzaar(p.) n.f.: slipper, shoe

Pazmurdagee(p.) n.: witheredness, sadness

Pazmurdah(p.) adj.: withered, faded, sad

Pech(p.) n.m.: fold, complication, trick

Pech-dar-pech(p.) adv.: intricate, coil within coil

Pech-o-kham(p.) n.m.: perplexity, difficulty

Pechaan(p.) adj.: twisted, complicated

Pecheedah(p.) adj.: twisted, complicated

Peer(p.) n.: saint, old man, Monday

Peer-e-mughaan(p.) n.: a tavern-keeper

Peeree(p.) n.f.: old age, saintly status

Pesh(p.) adv.: front, before

Peshdastee(p.) n.: anticipation, precedence

Peshaanee(p.) n.f.: forehead, title, fate

Peshgee(p.) n.: earnest money, an advance

Peshraw(p.) n.: fore-runner, a leader

Peshtar(p.) adv.: before, formerly

Peshwaa(p.) n.: a leader, a priest, chief

Phabtee(h.) n.f.: jest, plesantry, sarcasm

Phapholaa(h.) n.m.: blister, bubble, vesicle

Phool(h.) n.m.: flower, spark

Phuljharee(h.) n.f.: a kind of fire-work

Phuwaar(h.) n.f.: slight drizzle, light rain

Pichkaaree(h.) n.f.: syringe

Pidar(p.) n.m.: father

Pind(h.) n.m.: body, ball of flour

Pindaar(p.) n.: imagination, thought, pride, arrogance

Pinhaan(p.) adj.: hidden, concealed

Pisar(p.) n.m.: son, boy, youth

Pishwaaz(p.) n.f.: dancing girl's gown

Pistaan(p.) n.m.: breasts of a woman

Pittaa(h.) n.m.: gall bladder, force of character, passions

Piyaadah(p.) n.m.: a foot soldier, a pawn in the game of chess

Poonchh(h.) n.f.: a tail

Poonjee(h.) n.f.: capital, wealth, fund

Poshaak(p.) n.f.: dress, garment, clothes

Posheedah(p.) adj.: hidden, covered

Posheedage(p.) n.: concealment, secrecy

Post(p.) n.m.: skin, crust, shell, bark

Pot(p.) n.m.: bundle, package, heap

Pur(p.) adj. And pref.: full, laden, charged

Purdard(p.) adj.: painful, sorrowful

Pursoz(p.) adj: full of heat, anguish


Pursaan(p.) n.: inquisitive, enquirer

Pursah(p.) n.: condolence, mourning the dead

Pursish(p.) n.: asking, enquiring

Purwaa'ee(h.) n.f. (purwa): easterly wind

Puryaa(h.) n.f.: small parcel, colour

Purzah(p.h.) n.m.: a bit, small paper

Pusht(p.) n.f.: back, generation, support

Pushtaarah(p.) n.m.: load, mass, bundle

Pushtah(p.) n.m.: buttress, prop, heap, load

Putlaa(h.) n.m.: effigy, puppet, embodiment

QQaab(t.) n.f.: large dish, tray

Qaaboo(t.) n.m.: power, hold, authority

Qaadir(a.) n.: powerful, capable

Qaafilah(a.) n.: caravan

Qaafilah-saalaar(a.) n.: chief of caravan, leader

Qaafiyah(a.) n.m.: a rhyme, last or 2nd last word in urdu couplets in urdu poetry

Qaahir(a.) n.: wrathful, angry

Qaaid(a.): a leader

Qaa'il(a.) n.: speaker, one who submits

Qaaim(a.) adj: stationarry, stable, established

Qaalib(a.) n.m.: body, model, frame

Qaamat(a.) n.f.m.: stature, body, figure

Qaanoon(a. n.: law, rule, status, custom

Qaanoon-daan(a.) n.m.: laywer, barrister

Qaanoonee(a.) adj: legal, constitutional

Qaaree(a.) n.: reader, one who recites Quran

Qaaroon(a.) n.m.: cousin of Prophet Moses, a very wealthy and miserly person

Qaash(t.) n.f.: slice, big piece

Qaasid(a.) n.m.: envoy, messenger

Qaasim(a.) n.m.: distributor

Qaasir(a.) adj.: unable, failing

Qaatil(a.) n.m.: murderer, killer, beloved

Qaatilaanah(a.) adj.: murderous

Qabaa(a.) n.: longgown, tunic, maxi

Qabaahat(a.) n.f.: defect, perversion

Qabeeh(a.) adj.: base, ugly, detestable

Qabl(a.) n.m.: before, preparatory

Qabool(a.) n.f.: acknowledgement, accepted

Qabr(a.) n.f.: grave, tomb

Qabz(a.) n.m.: constipation, control

Qadaamat(a.) n.f.: old, antiquity

Qadah(a.) n.: cup, bowl


Qadah-khaar(p.) n.m.: drunkard

Qadam(a.) n.m.: footstep, a foot

Qadd(p.) n.: stature, figure, size

Qadeem(a.) adj.: old, ancient

Qadr(a.) n.f.: value, appreciation

Qadeer(a.) adj.: powerful

Qafas(a.) n.m.: cage, lattice, body

Qahhaar(a.) n.: extremely wrathful

Qahqahah(a.) n.m.: guffaw, loud laugh

Qahr(a.) n.: calamity, fury

Qaht(a.) n.m.: famine, scarcity

Qalam(a.) n.m.: pen, hand-writing, graft

Qalamraw(p.) n.f.: empire, dominion

Qalandar(p.) n.m.: a free muslim sect

Qalaq(a.) n.m.: regret, pain

Qalb(a.) n.: heart, mind, centre

Qaleel(a.) adj.: few, rare, little

Qallash(t.) adj.: shrewd, rogue

Qamar(a.) n.: moon

Qanaa'at(a.) n.f.: contentment, tranquility

Qanaat(t.) n.f.: parg, canvas screen

Qand(a.) n.m.: sugar candy

Qandeel(a.) n.: lantern, chandelier

Qaraabat(a.) n.f.: nearness, kindred, relationship, affirmity

Qaraar(a.) n.: patience, rest, agreement, promise

Qareen(a.) adv.: nearby, close to

Qareenah(a.) n.m.: context, manner, system, order, analogy

Qarz(a.) n.m.: debt, loan, borrowings

Qasam(a.) n.f.: oath, swearing

Qasd(a.) n.: intention, wish

Qaseedah(a.) n.m.: a type of urdu poem exceeding 13 couplets in praise of a patron

Qashqah(a.) n.: mark on the forehead

Qasr(a.) n.m.: palace, shortcoming

Qataar(a.) n.f.: row, line

Qat'a(a.) n.: cut, style, piece, segment

Qat'ah(a.) n.: Urdu verse of four lines

Qateel(a.) adj.: murdered, killed

Qatrah(a.) n.: drop

Qawaa(a.) n.m.: powers, forces, faculties

Qawaa'id(u.) n.m.: rules, regulations, grammer, drill

Qawee(a.) adj.: mighty, strong

Qawee-haykal(a.) adj.: strong-bodied, robust

Qawee-ul-jussah(a.) adj.: robust, gigantic

Qawl(a.) n.m.: vow, contract, promise, saying

Qawl-o-fe'l(a.) n.m.: word and deed

Qawl-o-qaraar(a.) n.m.: mutual treaty, terms

Qawm(a.) n.f.: people, caste, tribe

Qaws(a.) n.: bow, arc of circle


Qaws-e-quzah(a.) n.: rainbow

Qawwaal(a.) n.m.: singer of islamic spiritual verses or poems

Qay(a.) n.f.: vomit

Qayaamat(a.) n.: resurrection, last day, disaster, tumult, ccommotion

Qayd(a.) n.: imprisonment, restaint

Qaydee(a.) n.: prisoner, captive

Qays(a.) n.: name of Laila's lover also known as 'Majnoon'

Qazaa(a.) n.f.: death, judgement

Qazeeyah(a.) n.m.: case, proposition, dispute

Qeel-o-qaal(a.) n.: conversation, altercation, discussion.

Qiblah(a.) n.m.: mecca, respectable person

Qibla-e-haajaat(a.) n.m.: benovelent, supplier of another's need

Qiblah-gaah(p.) n.m.: elder, father

Qiblah-numa(p.) n.m.: compass of mariners

Qillat(a.) n.f.: shortage, scarcity, paucity

Qimaar(p.) n.: gamble

Qimaar-khaanah(p.) n.m.: gambling-house

Qirtaas(a.) n.m.: paper, leaf

Qisaas(a.) n.m.: revenge, retaliation

Qism(a.) n.f.: division, type, sort

Qismat(a.) n.f.: fate, division, part

Qissah(a.) n.m.: talk, story, facts

Qiwaam(a.) n.m.: essence, syrup, tobacco

Qiyaadat(a.) n.f.: leadership, guidance

Qiyaafah(a.) n.m.: guess, conjecture

Qiyaam(a.) n.: residence, stabiliy

Qiyaas(a.) n.m.: guess, theory

Qubooliyat(u.) n.f.: acceptance, assent, consent

Quboor(a.) n.: graves

Qudrat(a.) n.f.: nature, force, ability

Qufl(a.) n.m.: a lock

Qul(a.) n.m.: third day ceremony after death of a person.It is called qul because the chapter beginning with this word is recited in offering bendiction to dead persons' soul,say

Qulqul(p.) n.: gurgling, the noise made by water or wine in the neck of the bottle as it pours out.

Qulzum(a.) n.m.: sea, town in Egypt near Mt. Sinai

Qumqumah(a.) n.m.: globe, electric bulb

Qumree(a.) n.f.: a turtle-dove

Qurb(a.) n.m.: nearness, relationship

Qurbaan(a.) n.m.: sacrifice, martyred

Qurbat(a.) adj.: nearness, relationship

Qurq(a.) n.m.: seizure, attachment, an embargo, confiscation


Qurs(a.) n.m.: a tablet, a pallet, a round thin bread

Qusoor(a.) n.: defect, sin, fault

Qusoor-waar(a.) n.: sinner, guilty, faulty

Qutb(a.) n.m.: the pole, the polar star, pivot, the spindle or axis on which a mill stone tuns, a rank among the sufis who are supposed to be the pivots around whom the world turns

Quwwat(a.) n.: power, strength, force

Quyood(a.) n.m.: restrictions, limitations, loud noise

RRa'ad(a.) n.: thunder, loud noise, guidance, leadership

Raa'egaan(p.) adj.: useless, waste, vain

Raah(p.) n.: path, way, road

Raah-bar(p.) n.: guide, leader

Raahbaree(p.) n.: guidance, leadership

Raah-geer(p.) n.: traveller

Raahguzar(p.) n.: way, road, street

Raah-raw(p.) n.: traveller

Raah-zan(p.) n.: high-way man, a robber

Raahat(a.) n.: rest, comfort, relief

Raahat-afza(a.) adj.: adding to the comfort

Raahat-e-jaan(a.) adj.: comforting to one's soul, lover, beloved

Raal(h.) n.f.: saliva, spittle

Raas(p.) n.: suitable, head of cattle

Rasad(p.) n.f.: grain for army, food

Raatib(a.) n.m.: food ration, daily food allowance of cattle

Raaz(p.) n.: a secret, a mystery

Raazdaan(p.) n.: raazdaar) one who knows secrets, trustworthy, close friends

Raaz-o-niyaz(p.) n.: intimate conversation between the lover and beloved

Rabb(a.) n.: preserver, lord, God

Rabaab(p.) n.: a kind of violin

Rabt(a.) n.: connection, friendship, relation

Radd(a.) n.: rejection, cancellation

Ra'ees(a.) n.: nobleman, richman

Rafee(a.) adj.: high, exalted

Rafeeq(a.) n.: companion, friend

Rafoo(p.) n.: darning, repair

Rafoogar(p.) n.: darner, consolver

Raftaar(p.) n.: walk, speed, behaviour

Raftah(p.) adv.: past, lost, late

Rag Rag-e-jaan


(p.) n.: vein (p.) n.: a jugular veinRahaa'ish(u.) n.: abode, residence

Raheen(a.) adj.: mortgaged, obliged to, indebted to

Raheen-e-minnat(a.) adj.: under obligation

Rahm(a.) n.: mercy, pity

Rahmdil(a.& p.) n.: kind-hearted, generous

Rahmaan(a.) adj.: most merciful (God)

Rahmat(a.) n.: mercy, divine favour

Rak'at(a.) n.f.: part of namaaz

Rakhsh(p.) n.: brilliant horse

Rakhsh-e-umr(p.) n.: gallop of life and time

Rakhshaan(p.) adj.: dazzling, shinning

Rakht(p.) n.: bag and baggage, cloth

Ramaq(a.) n.: last breath, departing spirit or soul

Ramz(a.) n.: sign, wink, riddle, secret

Ramz-shinass(a.& p.) adj.: one who understands hint, intimate friends or signs

Ran(h.) n.m.: battle, combat

Raanaaee(p.) n.: grace, lovliness, beauty

Raanaaee-e-khayal(p.) n.: beauty of thoughts, good sense

Rang(p.) n.m.: colour, style, character

Rang-dhang(h.) n.m.: character, fashion

Rang-mahal(p.& a.) n.m.: palace, stately building, apartment for enjoyment

Rang-o-boo(p.) n.: colour and fragrance

Rang-ralyaan(h.) n.f.: pleasures, music and dancing, merrimints

Rangaa-rang(p.) adv.: multi-coloured

Rangat(p.) n.f.: condition, colour, form

Rangeen(p.) adj.: coloured, flowery, embellished

Rangeenee(p.) n.m.: colouring, showiness

Ranj(p.) n.: grief, sorrow, affliction

Ranjeedah(p.) adj.: sad, afflicated

Ranjish(p.) n.: grief, unpleasantness

Ranjoor(p.) n.: sick, afflicted, griefed

Raqaabat(a.) n.: rivalry, enmity

Raqeeb(a.) n.: rival, competitor

Raqqas(a.) n.: dancer

Raqqaasah(a.) n.: a dancing girl

Raqs(a.) n.: dance

Raqsaan(p.) adj.: dancing

Rasaa'ee(p.) n.: reach, success

Rasan(p.) n.: rope, cord, string

Rashk(p.) n.m.: jealousy, envy

Rashk-e-jinaan(p.) n.: similar to heaven

Rasm(a.) n.: custom, tradition

Rasool(a.) n.: messenger, Prophet

Rasyaa(h.) n.m.: epicure, enjoying life's pleasure

Rawaa(p.) adj.: right, lawful, worthy

Rawadaar(p.) n.: considerate, approving

Rawaan Rawayyah


(p.) adj.: moving, flowing (p.) n.: custom, behaviour, fashion, rule, law

Rawghan(p.) n.: oil, grease

Rawish(p.) n.: walk, behaviour, ways

Rawnaq(p.) n.: splendour, flourishing, beauty, grandeur

Rawzah(a.) n.: a garden, a mausoleum

Rayn(h.) n.: night

Rayn-baseraa(h.) n.: a night's halt or rest

Razeel(a.) n.: wreched, mean

Reg(p.) n.: sand

Registaan(p.) n.: sandy place, desert

Rekhtah(p.) n.adj.: scattered, fallen, old name of urdu language

Rewar(h.) n.m.: flock of sheeps or goats

Rezah(p.) n.: a scrap, a piece, a bit

Rezah-rezah(p.) adj.: boken into pieces, in bits

Reesh(p.) n.: beard

Rifat(a.) n.: elevation, dignity, eminence, exaltation

Rihlat(a.) n.f.: departure, demise

Rikaab(p.) n.: a stirrup

Rind(p.) n.: drunkard, free thinker

Rindaanah(p.) adj.: dissolute, licentious

Rindee(a.) n.: debauchery, addiction to drinking, carefree life

Riqqat(a.) n.f.: softness, ecstasy

Rishtah(p.) n.: relationship, thread

Riwaayat(a.) n.: a narrative, tradition, legend

Riyaa(a.) n.: hypocrisy, show

Riyaakaar(a.) n.: a hypocrite, deceitful, disembler, pretender

Riyaaz(a.) n.: gardens, labour, practice

Riyaazat(a.) n.: training, disciplined, religious, abstinence

Riyaazee(a.) n.: mathematics

Riyaazee-dan(a.) n.: a mathimatician

Rizaa(a.) n.: approval, pleasure

Rizaakaar(a.) n.m.: volunteer, scout

Ro'b(a.) n.m.: awe, fear

Rog(h.) n.: disease, defect

Roo(p.) n.: face

Roo-ba-roo(p.) adj.: face to face, in front

Roogardaan(p.) adj.: inattentive, disobedient

Roo-posh(p.) adj.: underground, concealed, absconding

Roo-poshee(p.) n.: underground, concealment, abscondence

Roo-shinaas(p.) n.: acquintance, familiar

Roo-siyaah(p.) n.: sinner, guilty

Roodaad Rood


(p.) n.: narrative, story (p.) n.: streamRooh(a.) n.: soul, spirit,life, essence

Rooh-afzaa(a. & p.) adj.: accelerating, elevating

Roh-farsaa(p.) n.: heart throbbing, palpitation

Rooh-ul-ameen(a.) n.: trustworthy soul, an epithet of angel Gabriel

Roohaanee(a.) adj.: spiritual, having a soul, concerning the spirit

Roohaaniyat(a.) n.: spirituality

Roomaan(ap.) n.: romance, love

Roomaanee(p.) adj.: romantic

Rozan(p.) n.m.: hole, window

Rozgaar(p.) n.: earning, business

Rujhaan(a.) n.: inclination, willingnes

Rukh(p.) n.: face, cheek, side

Rukhsaar(p.) n.: face, cheek, side

Rukhsat(a.) n.: leave, permission

Rukoo(a.) n.m.: bowing in namaaz

Roopahlee(p.) adj.: beautiful, silvery

Ruswaa(p.) adj.: disgraced, notorious

Rutbah(p.) n.: rank, position, title

R RRuyaa(a.) n.: a vision, a dream

SSaabir(a.) n.: patient, person

Saabit(a.) adj.: proved, lasting, firm

Saadiq(a.) adj.: true, sincere, faithful

Saadir(a.) adj.: issued, passed

Saaghar(p.) n.: wine cup, goblet

Sagheer(a.) adj.: minor, small, little

Saahil(a.) n.: coast, sea shore

Saahir(a.) n.: magician, enchanter, sorcerer

Saa'il(a.) n.: a beggar, a petitioner, a questioner

Saanee(a.) adj.: second

Saanihah(p.) n.m.: an occurrence

Saaqee(a.) n.m.: bar-maid, beloved, cup-bearer

Saaqiyaa(a.) n.: beautiful bartender

Saaz(p.) n.: musical instrument

Saaz-gaar(p.) adj.n.: favourite, suitable

Sabaa(a.) n.: morning, gentle, breeze

Sabaah(a.) n.: morning, dawn, beautiful, whitish

Sabaahat(a.) n.f.: grace, beauty

Sabaat(a.) n.: stability, permanency

Sabab(a.) n.: cause, reason


Sabad(p.) n.m.f.: basket

Sabeel(a.) n.f.: road, place of drinking water

Sabr(a.) n.: patience, endurance

Sabz(p.) adj.: green, flourishing

Sa'd(a.) n.m.: fortunate

Sadaa(h.) adv.: always, perpetual, for ever

Sadaa(p.) n.: sound, echo

Sadaf(a.) n.f.: shell, mother pearl

Sadee(a.) n.: century, hundred

Sadmah(a.) n.m.: affliction, sorrow

Sadaqah(a.) n.: alms, offerings of sacrifice for divine favour

Sa'ee(a.) n.f.: efforts, purpose

Sa'eed(a.) adj.: fortunate, auspicious

Saf(a.) n.f.: row, line, mat

Safee(a.) adj.: serene, clear

Safeenah(a.) n.: boat, ship

Safeer(a.) n.: ambassador, an envoy

Sag(p.) n.m.: dog

Sahar(a.) n.: dawn, morning

Sahbaa(a.) n.f.: red wine

Sahn(a.) n.: court-yard, open area, compound, front

Sahn-e-chaman(p.) n.: compound of garden

Sahraa(a.) n.: desert, forest

Sajdah(a.) n.: to prostrate onself in prayers

Sakhaawat(a.) n.f.: generosity,charity

Sakhee(a.) adj.: generous, large-hearted

Salaahiyat(a.) n.: calibre, ability

Salaam(a.) n.: salute, compliment, peace, safety

Salaamat(a.) adj.: safe, alive

Salaasil(a.) n.: chains

Saleem(a.) adj.: perfect, mild, sound

Saleeqah(a.): manner, courtesy

Saltanat(a.) n.f.: dominion, kingdom

Samaa'at(a.) n.: the sense of hearing

Samaan(h.) n.m.: season, scene, time

Saman(p.) n.f.: jasmine

Samar(a.) n.: fruit, result, reward

Samm(a.) n.m.: venom, poison

Samoom(a.) n.f.: hot wind

Sanad(a.) n.f.: certificate, proof

Sanam(a.) n.: an idol, sweetheart

Sang(p.) n.m.: stone

Sang-e-dar(p.) n.: stone of threshold or door

Sangeen(p.) adj.: severe, made of stone, strong, heavy

Sanjeedah(p.) adj.: serious, firm, sound

Sanjeedgee(p.) n.: seriousness, solemnity

Sanobar(p.) n.: pine tree

Saraab(a.) n.m.: mirage, illusion


Saraapaa(p.) n.: from head to foot

Sar buland(p.) adj.: exalted, glorious

Sareer(a.) n.f.: sound of pen

Sarfaraaz(p.) n.m.: superior, of high rank

Sargaraan(p.) adj.: proud, drunk, arrogant

Sargarm(p.) adj.: zealous, ardent, active

Sargarmee(p.) n.: zeal, activity

Sarghanah(p.) n.m.: mischievous, ring leader

Sargoshee(p.) n.f.: whispering

Sarkash(p.) adj.: wicked, rebellious

Sarmaayah(p.) n.: capital, wealth

Sarmaayah daar(p.): capitalist, wealthy

Sarmad(p.) n.: eternal, everlasting

Sarnigoon(p.) adj.: bowed head, ashamed

Sarod(a.) n.: song, melody, musical instrument

Sarshaar(p.) ad.: intoxicated, brimful

Sarwar(a.) n.: chief, leader

Sarwat(a.) n.f.: influence, power, wealth

Sawdaa(a.) n.: love, madness, trade

Sawdaaee(a.) n.: insane, mad, lover

Sayf(a.) n.f.: sword

Sayqal(a.) n.f.: polishing, cleaning

Sayyaad(a.) n.: hunter

Sayyaal(a.) n.: liquid, flowing

Seemaab(p.) n.: mercury

Sehr(a.) n.: magic, enchantment

Sehraa(h.) n.: bride and bridegroom's flower cover, mariage-poem

Shaad(p.) adj.: happy, cheerful

Shaa-daab(p.) adj.: green, verdant

Shaadaan(p.) adj.: mirthful, happy

Shaad-maan(p.) adj.: mirthful, happy

Shaaistah(p.) adj.: gentle, suitable, civilised

Shaaheen(p.) n.: hawk, falcon

Shaahid(a.) n.: a witness, a sweetheart

Shaahwaar(p.) adj.: princely, valuable

Shaakh(p.) n.: branch of a tree, a horn

Shaakhsaar(p.) n.f.: garden, full of trees

Shaakir(a.) adj.: grateful, praising

Shaamat(a.) n.f.: bad luck, disaster

Shaan(p.) n.m.: pomp, dignity, glory

Shaandaar(p.) adj.: splendid, pompous

Shaan-o-shaukat(p.) n.: splendour, pomp

Shaanah(p.) n.m.: shoulder, comb

Shab(p.) n.: night

Shab-ba-khayr(p.): good night

Shab-o-roz(p.) adj.: night and day, all the time

Shabaab(a.): youth, prime of life

Shabistaan(p.) n.m.: bed-room, resting chamber

Shabnam(p.) n.: dew

Shadeed(a.) adj.: extreme, acute


Shafaq(a.) n.: twilight, evening, golden sky

Shafqat(a.) n.: kindness, affection, favour

Shafeeq(a.) adj.: affectionate, compassionate, merciful

Shaffaaf(a.) adj.: transparent, clear

Shaghl(a.) n.: occupation, employment

Shagoofah(p.) n.: bud, blossom

Shahaadat(a.) n.: martydom

Shaheed(a.) n.: martyr

Shahood(a.) n.m.: present, witness

Shahryaar(p.) n.m.: king, prince

Shahsawaar(p.) n.m.: master rider, expert jockey

Shajar(a.) n.: a tree, a plant

Shakeel(a.) adj.: handsome, well-shaped

Sham'a(p.) n.: lamp, candle

Shameem(a.) n.: odour, fragrance

Shams(a.) n.: the sun

Shamsheer(p.) n.f.: sword

Shaq(a.) n.m.: crack of dawn

Shaque(a.) adj.: vicious, wretched

Shar(a.) n.: evil, vice

Sharaabor(p.) adj.: dripping, wet, drenched

Sharaafat(a.) n.: nobility, good manners

Sharaf(a.) n.m.: honour, rank

Sharar(a.) n.: spark of fire, malice

Shareef(a.) adj.: noble person, gentle

Shareek(a.) n.: a co-sharer, partner

Sharh(a.) n.f.: commentary, annotation

Sharm-naak(p.) adj.: shameful, disgraceful

Sharm-saar(p.) adj.: ashamed, repentent

Shart(a.) n.f.: a bet, condition

Shawq(a.) n.: desire, love, intense interest

Shay(a.) adj.: thing, article

She'aar(a.) n.: habit, custom, manner

Sheer(p.) n.: milk

Sheeraazah(p.) n.m.: organisation, book binding

Shekhee(p.) n.: boasting, pride

Shewah(p.) n.m.: way, plan, method

Shifaa(a.) n.f.: healing, recovery

Shigaaf(p.) n.: crack, breaking

Shiguftah(p.) n.m.: blooming, flourshing

Shihaab(a.) n.: a bright shining star

Shikaib(p.) n.: patience, long suffering

Shikan(p.) n.f.: wrinkle, curl, frown

Shikast(p.) n.: defect, breakage

Shikanjah(p.) n.m.: torment, pain, stocks

Shikastah(p.) adj.: broken, weak, defeated

Shikwah(a.) n.: complaint

Shinaasaa(p.) adj.: knowing, known


Shirkat(a.) n.f.: participation, alliance

Shobadah(p.) n.m.: mirable, jugglery

Shokh(p.) adj.: gay, playful, wanton

Shokhee(p.) n.: sauciness, wantoness

Sho'lah(p.) n.: flame, blaze

Shoreedah(p.) adj.: disturbed, mad

Shorish(p.) n.: confusion, disturbance, madness

Shuaa'(a.) n.: rays, beams, light

Shuhrat(a.) n.f.: fame, glory

Shukr(a.) n.m.: thanks

Shumaar(p.) n.m.: numbering, counting

Shuoor(a.) n.m.: intellect, sense

Sidq(a.) n.m.: truth, righteousness

Sifaal(a.) n.: earthenware, clay goblet

Silah(a.) n.: remuneration, reward

Sinf(a.) n.f.: kind, sort, type

Sinn(a.) n.m.: age, tooth, nib of a pen

Sipaah(p.) n.m.: force, army

Sipar(p.) n.f.: shield, support

Siraaj(a.) n.: lamp, the sun

Siraat(a.) n.f.: road, way, path

Sitam(p.) n.m.: tyranny, injustice

Sitamgar(p.) n.m.: tyrant, cruel

Sogwaar(p.) n.m.: sorrowful, grieved

Sokhtah(p.) adj.: burnt, scorched

Sood(p.) n.: profit, interest

Sood-o-ziyaan(p.) n.: profit and loss

Soz(p.) n.: burning, grief

Sukhan(p.) n.: speech, words, poetry

Sukhan-war(p.) n.: eloquent, a poet

Sukoon(a.) n.: peace, rest

Sultaan(a.) n.m.: monarch, king

Sumbul(p.): lily plant, flower

Supurd(p.) n.f.: consignment, entrust

Suraagh(a.) n.: search, trace, mark

Surkhaab(p.) n.m.: lark, a bird

Surkh-roo(p.) adj.: successful

Suroor(a.) n.: pleasure, mild intoxication

Sutoon(p.) n.m.: pillar, prop

TTa'aaqub(a.) n.m.: pursuit, followup

Ta'aaruf(a.) n.f.: introduction, acquaintaince

Taa'at(a.) n.f.: praying

Ta'aawun(a.) n.m.: cooperation, help

Taab(p.) n.: heat, power, lusture, curl,

Taab-daar(p.) adj.: bright, curling


enduranceTaabaan(p.) adj.: sparkling, brightness

Taabe(a.) n.m.: printer,seal

Taabindagee(p.) n.: brightness, lustre, luminousity

Taabindah(p.) adj.: shining, glittering

Taaboot(a.) n.: coffin, bier

Taa'eed(a.) n.: support, assistance

Taa'ib(a.) n.: repentant, penitent

Taajir(a.) n.m.: trader, merchant

Taakeed(a.) n.f.: warning, emphasis

Taakheer(a.) n.f.: delay

Taaleef(a.) n.: complication, composition

Taalib(a.) n.m.: seeker, a lover

Ta'aam(a.) n.m.: food, eating

Ta'oos(a.) n.: a peacock

Taaqat(a.) n.: strength, power

Taaraaj(a.) n.m.: plunder, ruin

Taaree(a.) adj.: happening, occurring

Taareek(p.) adj.: dark, obscure

Taaseer(a.) n.: impression, effect

Ta'assub(a.) n.: prejudice, bigotry, partiality

Ta-assuf(a.) n.: grief, regret

Taawaan(p.) n.: penalty, damages, compensation

Taaweel(a.) n.f.: explanation, elucidation

Taazgee(p.) n.: freshness, greenness

Tabaa(a.) n.f.: temperament, quality, nature

Tabassum(a.) n.: smile

Tabeeb(a.) n.: physician, doctor, unani healer

Taa'beer(a.) n.: interpretation of a dream, meaning, attribute

Tableegh(a.) n.: preaching, religious propaganda

Tadabbur(a.) n.: foresight, prudence, understanding

Tadbeer(a.) n.: deliberation, plan

Tadfeen(a.) n.f.: burial

Tafaawut(a.) n.: diffrence, variance

Tafreeh(a.) n.: recreation, enjoyment

Tafseer(a.) n.: commentary, explanation

Taghaaful(a.) n.: deliberate negligence, carelessness

Tag-o-daw(p.) n.& v.: search, endeavour

Tahaffuz(a.) n.: preservation, security

Tahammul(a.) n.: toleration, endurance, patience, bearing

Tahayyur(a.) adj.&n.: wonder, astonishment

Tahiyyah(a.) n.m.: determination

Tahlakah(a.) n.m.: agony, panic, confusion

Tahreek(a.) n.: movement, resolution

Tahreer(a.) n.: writing, composition

Tahseen(a.) n.: praise, cheers, applause

Tahzeeb(a.) n.: civilisation, culture

Tajaahul(a.) n.: pretence, indifference

Tajallee(a.) n.: brightness, lustre, glory


Tajassus(a.) n.: curiosity, search

Tajribah(a.) n.: experience, experiment

Tajweez(a.) n.: proposal, suggestion

Takabbur(a.) n.: pride, arrogance, haughtiness

Takalluf(a.) n.: formality, ceremony

Takallum(a.) n.: conversation, eloquence

Takhallus(a.) n.m.: poetic name, nom-de-plume, pen name

Takhayyul(a.) n.m.: imagination, thought

Takhfeef(a.) n.: abbreviating, retrenchment, decrease

Takhleeq(a.) n.: creation, formation

Takht(p.) n.m.: a throne, low seat

Takht-e-taa'oos(p.) n.m.: peacock throne of Shahjahan

Takmeel(a.) n.: completion, achievement

Takraar(a.) n.m.: dispute, repetition

Takyah(a.) n.: pillow, reliance, graveyard

Talaafee(a.) n.: compensation, reparation

Talaatum(a.) n.: storm, dashing of waves

Talab(a.) n.: desire, wish, want

Talaf(p.) n.m.: loss, waste, expense

Taaleem(a.) n.: education, teaching

Talkh(p.) adj.: bitter

Talqeen(a.) n.: instruction, funeral service

Tamaam(a.) adj.: end, complete

Tamaashaa(a.) n.: spectacle, fun, sport

Tam'a(a.) n.: greediness

Tamaddun(a.) n.m.: culture, living together

Tamanna(a.) n.f.: ambition, desire, longing

Taameel(a.) n.f.: obedience, execution

Taa'meer(a.) n.: construction, building

Tameez(a.) n.: good manners, discrimination between right and wrong

Tamheed(a.) n.: introduction, preface, preamble

Tamkanat(a.) n.f.: dignity, gravity

Tamseel(a.) n.f.: parable, example

Tan(p.) n.m.: body, person

Taanah(a.) n.: taunt, sarcasm

Tandoor(h.) n.m.: oven, stove

Tang(h.) adj.: narrow, tight

Tangdast(p.) adj.: poor, penniless

Tanhaa(p.) adj.: single, alone, solitary

Tanweer(a.) n.: light, shine, illumination

Tanz(a.) n.m.: taunt, mocking

Tanzeem(a.) n.: organisation, arrangement, composing verse

Tapaan(a.) adj.: heated, boiling

Tapish(p.) n.f.: heat, agitation

Taqaazaa(a.) n.m.: demand, requisition, claim

Taqaddus(a.) n.m.: holiness, purity


Taqleed(a.) n.: imitation, following

Taqreeb(a.) n.f.: ceremony, festival

Taqreer(a.) n.: speech, oration, lecture

Taqseem(a.) n.f.: division, partition

Taqseer(a.) n.f.: crime, sin, error

Taqwaa(a.) n.: fear of god, guarding oneself from sin, piety

Taraqqee(a.) n.: progess, promotion, increase

Tarbiyat(a.) n.: training, education, up-bringing

Tardaaman(p.) n.: sinner, guilty, immoral

Tardaamanee(p.) n.: sin, guilt, immorality

Taareef(a.) n.: praise, introduction

Tareeqah(a.) n.: method, custom, way

Targheeb(a.) n.: inducement, temptation

Tarjeeh(a.) n.f.: preference, priority

Tarjumaan(a.) n.: interpreter, translator

Tark(a.) n.: to give up, omission

Tarkash(p.) n.m.: quiver case

Tarkeeb(a.) n.f.: mode, plan, method

Tarteeb(a.) n.: arrangement, order, method

Tarz(a.) n.: style, way, manner

Tasaadum(a.) n.f.: clash, conflict

Tasaahul(a.) n.m.: apathy, lazinees

Tasallee(a.) n.: consolation, contentment

Tasanno(a.) n.: artificiality, hypocrisy

Tasawwuf(a.) n.: mysticism, theology of sufis

Tasawwur(a.) n.: imagination, ideas

Tasbeeh(a.) n.: rosary, beads

Tashbeeh(a.) n.: comparison, simile

Tashreeh(a.) n.f.: explanation, clarification

Taskeen(a.) n.f.: consolation, comfort

Taskheer(a.) n.f.: captivating, capture

Tasleem(a.) n.f.: salutation, obedience, acknowledging

Tawaaf(a.) n.: going around, circum-ambulating, the Kaa'ba

Tawaanaa(p.) adj.: mighty, healthy, strong

Tawaazo(a.) n.m.: hospitality, civilty

Tawahhum(a.) n.m.: superstition, whims, fancy

Tawajjuh(a.) n.: attention, care, kindness

Tawaqqo(a.) n.: expectation, hope, wish

Tawbah(a.) n.: penitence, repentance

Tawbah-shikan(p.) n.: breaking a vow, renouncing, abstinence

Taaweez(a.) n.m.: a amulet, a charm

Tawfeeq(a.) n.: divine guidance, grace

Tawheed(a.) n.: unity of God

Tawheen(a.) n.: insult, contempt

Tawq(p.) n.: yoke, an ornament worn in the neck

Tawqeer(a.) n.: honour, respect

Tayraak Taysh


(h.) n.m.f.: swimmer (a.) n.: anger, rage, annoyanceTaywar(h.) n.m.: look, displeasure, frown, brow, forehead

Tazabzub(a.) n.m.: uncertainity, doubt

Taa'zeem(a.) n.f.: reverence, civilty

Tazkirah(a.) n.: mention, biography

Tazkiyah(a.) n.: purification, sanctification

Tegh(a.) n.: a dagger, a scimitar

Teshah(a.) n.m.: carpenter's axe

Tezgaam(p.) adj.: brisk walk, running

Teemaar(p.) n.: care, sickness

Teemardaar(p.) n.: one who looks after the sick and invalid, nurse

Teemar-daaree(p.) n.: nursing, looking after the sick and invalid

Teergee(p.) n.: darkness, obscurity, gloom

Tifl(a.) n.f.: child, infant

Tihee(p.) adj.: empty, vain, void

Tihee-dast(p.) adj.: poor, indigent

Tilism(a.) n.: magic, charm

Tishnaa-labee(p.) adj.: parched lips, thirst

Tishnagee(p.) n.: thirst, desire, longing

Tohfah(a.) n.: gift, present

Tohmat(a.) n.: false accusation, calumny, slander

Toofaan(a.) n.m.: storm, tempest

Toor(a.) n.: mount Sinai where prophet Moses saw a glimpse of God

Toghyaanee(p.) n.: over-flowing, deluge, excess

Tukhm(p.) n.m.: seed, egg

Tund(p.) adj.: sharp, severe, fast

Turaab(a.) n.: soil, earth

Turbat(p.) n.: grave, earth

Tishnaa(p.) adj.: thirsty, insatiable

UUbaal(h.) n.m.: boiling, ebullience, swelling with rage

Ubkaa'ee(h.) n.f.: nausea, the act of vomiting

Uboor(a.) n.f.: pass through, crossing a river, mastery of subject

Ubtan(h.) n.m.: face cream, a cosmetic preparation

Udaas(h.) adj.: sad, dejected, grieved

Udaasee(h.) n.f.: sadness,dullness

Udherbun Uftaad


(h.) n.f.: embarassment, anxiety (p.) n.f.: fall, distress, mishapUftaadah(p.) adj.: powerless, useless, wasteland

Uftaan-o-kheizaan(p.) adj.: helter skelter, with much ado

Ufuq(a.) n.: horizon

Uhdah(a.) n.: official position, post

Ujaar(h.) adj.: waste, deserted

Ujaagar(h.) adj.: manifest, bright, clear

Ujlat(a.) n.f.: haste, speed, hurry

Ujrat(a.) n.: wages, remuneration

Ukhuwwat(a.) n.f.: brotherhood, friendship

Uktaahat(h.) n.f.: boredom, dullness

Ulat-pheir(h.) n.m.: trickery, alterations

Ulfat(a.) n.f.: affection, attachment

Uljhaaw(h.) n.m.: entanglement, complication

Uljhan(h.) n.f.: perplexity, embarassment, derangement

Uloom(a.) n.m.: sciences, knowledge

Umang(h.) n.f.: passion, ardour

Umdagee(p.) n.f.: greatness, fineness

Umdah(a.) adj.: grand, nice, superior

Ummat(a.) n.f.: sect, followers, generation

Ummatee(a.) n.m.: followers of a religious order

Ummeed(p.) n.: hope, expectation, trust, desire

Ummeedwaar(p.) n.: hopeful, expectant, trust, desire

Umoor(a.) n.m. (pl.): things, matters

Uns(a.) n.: love, attachment, friendship

Unsiyat(a.) n.: love, attachment

Unwaan(a.) n.: title, topic, frontispiece

Upaj(h.) n.f.: productivity, product

Uqaab(a.) n.: eagle

Uqbaa(a.): end, last stage, life

Uqdah(a.) n.: a hard knot or problem, enigma, puzzle

Uqdah-kushaa(p.) adj.: solver of difficulties

Urdoo(t.) n.: cantonment, Urdu language

Urooj(a.) n.: ascent, height

Uroos(a.) n.: bride

Uroos-ul-bilaad(a.) n.: the bride of the cities, metropolis

Urs(a.) n.: a marriage ceremony, death anniversary, festival at a shrine

Uryaan(p.) adj.: naked, bare

Uryaanee(p.) n.: nakedness, bareness

Uryaaniyat(p.) n.: nakedness, bareness, pornography

Ushshaaq(a.) n.: lovers

Usloob(a.) n.m.: way, style, method

Usool(a.) n.m.: roots, fundamentals, principles, rules

Ustuwaar(p.) adj.: strong, firm

Ustuwaaree(p.) n.: strength, firmness


Utaar(h.) n.m.: descent, slope, decrease

Utran(h.) n.m.: used clothes

Uzmaa(a.) adj.: greatest, best

Uzr(a.) n.: objection, excuse

Uzr-e-lang(a.) n.p.: lame excuse

Uzw(a.) n.: member, limb, joint

WWaa(p.) adj.: open, back

Waabatagee(p.) n.f.: relationship, connection

Waabastah(p.) adj.: adherent, bound

Waadee(a.) n.: valley

Waahid(a.) n.: one, attribute of God

Waahimah(a.) n.m.: imagination, fancy, whim

Waahiyaat(a.) n.f.: nonsense, absurd

Waa'iz(a.) n.: preacher, adviser

Waajib(a.) n.: obligatory, necessary

Waalee(a.) n.: guardian, chief, lord

Waalihaanah(a.) p.adv.: in madness, with love

Waapseen(p.) adj.: last, later

Waaqi'ah(a.) n.: event, incident

Waaqif(a.) n.: familiar, intimate

Waaqifiyat(a.) n.m.: knowledge, acquaintance

Waar(u.) n.: blow, wound

Waarid(a.) n.: coming, arriving

Waaridaat(a.) n.: events, accident, happening

Waaris(a.) n.: heir, successor, lord, owner

Waawaylaa(p.) n.m.: bewailing, lamentation

Wabaa(a.) n.f.: epidemic, plague

Wabaal(a.) n.m.: burden, misfortune, crime

Waadah(a.) n.: promise, vow

Wafaa(a.) n.: keeping a promise, faithfulness

Wafaat(a.) n.: death, demise

Wahdaaniyat(a.) n.f.: oneness, singularity, unity of God

Wahdat(a.) n.: unity, singularity

Wahee(a.) n.: divine revelation

Wahm(a.) n.: doubt, superstition, fancy

Wahshat(a.) n.: savagery, dread, horror, ferocity

Wajaahat(a.) n.: respect, dignity of the person

Wajd(a.) n.: ecstacy, rapture

Wajeeh(a.) adj.: handsome, respectable

Wajh(a.): cause, reason, face

Wajood(a.) n.: existence, being

Wakaalat(a.) n.f.: advocacy, proxy

Wakeel(a.) n.m.: lawyer, agent, attorney

Walaayat(a.) n.: authority, holiness, mystical, union


with GodWallaah(a.) n.: by God, swearing

Walwalah(a.) n.m.: ardour, fervour, noise

Waqf(a.) n.m.: trust, legacy, endowments for charity

Waqfah(a.) n.m.: interval, pause, delay, respite

Waqoo(a.) n.m.: occurrence, happening

Waqt(a.) n.: time, period, duration

Waram(a.) n.m.: inflation, swelling

Waraq(a.) n.: leaf, sheet of paper

Warsah(a.) n.: heritage, bequest

Warzish(p.) n.f.: athletic exercise

Wasee(a.) adj.: extensive, large, spacious

Waseelah(a.) n.: mediator, cause, means

Wasf(a.) n.m.: virtue, attribute, epithet

Wasiyat(a.) n.: will, testament

Wasl(a.) n.: union, meeting, connection

Wast(a.) n.f.: middle, centre

Waswasah(a.) n.m.: temptation, evil suggestion, apprehension, surplus

Watan(a.) n.m.: motherland, home

Wa'az(a.) n.: condition, style

Wazadaar(a.) n.: consistent, dependable

Wazaahat(a.) n.: explanation, clarification

Wazeefah(a.) n.m.: stipend, pension, worship, duty

Wazeer(a.) n.m.: minister, vice-regent

Wazn(a.) n.m.: weight, rhythm, measure

Weeraan(p.) adj.: desolate, laid waste, ruined, unpopulated

Widaa(a.) n.: parting, leaving

Wijdaan(a.) n.: rapture, ecstacy

Wilaadat(a.) n.: birth, birth anniversary

Wiqaar(a.) n.: dignity, honour, majesty

Wird(a.) n.m.: routine, daily practice, repitition of a prayer

Wisaal(a.) n.: meeting, death of a saint

Wizaarat(a.) n.f.: ministry, ministership

Wufoor(a.) n.m.: abundance, plenty

Wurood(a.) n.m.: arrival, appearance

Wus'at(a.) n.f.: range, spaciousness

Waz'a(a.) n.: condition, style

YYaad Yaad-daasht


(p.) n.f.: memory, rememberance (p.) n.f.: memory, monumentYaad-gaar(p.) n.: memorial, monument

Yaadgaar-e-zamaanah(p.) n.: monument of an age

Yaadallah(u.) n.f.: intimacy, acquaintance, a sufi salutation

Yaar(p.) n.: friend, lover

Yaaraanah(p.) n.m.: friendship, intimacy

Yaas(a.) n.: despair, hopelessness

Yaasmeen(p.) n.: jasmine, a flower

Yaawar(p.) n.: friend, helper

Yad(a.) n.m.: hand, authority, aid

Yad-e-toolaa(a.) n.m.: very long hand, skill

Yagaangat(p.) n.f.: unity, union, accord

Yagaanah(p.) n.: unique, singular

Yak(p.) adv.: one, a, an

Yakbayak(p.) adv.: suddenly

Yakjaa(p.) adv.: at one place, together

Yakjaa'ee(p.) n.f.: togetherness, being at one place

Yakjahatee(p.) n.f.: friendship, unanimity

Yakmusht(p.) n.f.: prompt payment, handful

Yakh(p.) n.f.: ice

Yaksaan(p.) adj.: equal, same, ditto

Yaksaaniyat(p.) n.f.: uniformity, sameness

Yaksoo(p.) adj.: one side

Yaktaa(p.) n.: unequalled, single, unique

Yakum(p.) adj.: one, first, first day

Yaanee(a.) adv.: i.e., namely, meaning

Yaqeen(a.) n.: confidence, faith

Yarqaan(a.) n.m.: jaundice

Yaseer(a.) adj.: very weak, soft, little

Yateem(a.) n.: orphan, matchless

Yawm(a.) n.: day, period of 24 hours

Yazdaan(p.) n.: God, Almighty

Yoorish(t.) n.f.: assault, attack, invasion

Yoosuf(a.) n.: Prophet Joseph known for his unparalled beauty

ZZaad(a.) n.m.: offspring, son, born of

Zaad-e-raah(a.) n.m.: provision for travel, travel kits

Zaahid(a.) n.: devotee, zealot, abstainer

Zaahir(a.) adj.: apparent, open, clear

Zaaichah(p.) n.m.: astronomical table, birth certificate

Zaa'id(a.) adj.: surplus, more

Zaa'iqah(a.) n.m.: taste

Zaakir(a.) adj.: one who remembers, one who


praises GodZaalim(a.) n.: tyrant, oppressor

Zaanee(a.) n.m.: adulterer, whoremonger

Zaar(p.) adj.: weak, lean and thin

Zaat(a.) n.f.: person, caste, kind

Zaatee(a.) adj.: personal, of one's own

Zaawiyah(a.) n.m.: an angle, corner

Zabaan(p.) n.f.: language, tongue

Zabaan-daan(p.) adj.: linguist, poet

Zabaan-daraaz(p.) adj.: abusive, impudent

Zabh(a.) n.: sacrifice, slaughter, kill

Zaboor(a.) n.f.: psalms of David

Zabt(a.) n.m.: control, discipline, toleration

Zachchah(a.) n.m.: a woman who has recently delivered a child

Zad(p.) n.f.: target beating, loss

Zafar(a.) n.m.: victory, triumph

Zafar-yaab(p.) adj.: conqueror, trimphant

Zahaanat(a.) n.: intelligence, sagacity

Zahmat(a.) n.m.: uneasiness of mind

Zahr-khand(p.) n.: a bitter smile, sarcastic laughter

Zahrmaar (Karnaa)(p.) v.: act willingly

Zak(u.) n.m.: defeat, insult, injury

Zakaa(a.) n.: judicious, fragrance

Zakaawat(p.) n.: brightness of genius

Zakee(a.) adj.: acute, sharp, clever, pious

Zakheerah(a.) n.: a treasure, a store, hoard

Zakhm(p.) n.m.: wound, sore, gash

Zaleel(a.) n.: mean, contemptible

Zaa'm(a.) n.: presumption, vanity, imagining

Zamaan ( Zamaanah)(a.) n.m.: time, period, the world

Zameer(a.) n.: heart, conscience

Zamzam(a.) n.: a holy well in Mecca

Zamzamah(a.) n.: singing, tone of voice

Zan(p.) n.: woman, wife

Zanjeer(p.) n.f.: a chain

Zann(p.) n.: impression, suspicion, knowledge

Zar(p.) n.: gold, wealth

Zar-daar(p.) adj.: wealthy, rich

Zar-khez(p.) adj.: fertile, rich

Zaraafat(a.) n.: humour, wit, pleasantry

Zarar(a.) n.m.: damage, loss, ruin

Zarb(a.) n.f.: blow, beating

Zard(p.) adj.: yellow

Zaree(p.) n.m.: gold brocade or thread

Zareef(a.) n.: ingenious, witty

Zarf(a.) n.: endurance, capacity, vessel

Zarq-barq(a.): glittering, shining

Zarrah(a.) n.: atom, particle

Zarreen(p.) adj.: golden

Zau Zawaal


(a.) n.: light (a.) n.: decline, decay, fall, perishZawj(a.) n.m.: couple, consort

Zawjah(a.) n.f.: wife

Zawq(a.) n.: taste, fondness

Zeb(p.) n.: beauty, grace

Zebaa(p.) adj.: beautiful, graceful, adorned

Zebaa'ish(p.) n.: adorning, decoration

Zer-o-bam(p.) n.m.: low and deep sound

Zewar(p.) n.m.: ornament, jewels

Zeenat(a.) n.: beauty, elegance, decoration

Zee-qudr(a.) adj.: respectable

Zeest(p.) n.: life

Zindaan(p.) n.: prison

Zindah-dil(p.) adj.: cheerful, pleasant, large hearted

Zidd(a.) n.f.: stubbornness, opposition

Zihn(a.) n.: understanding, intellectual power

Zindagaanee(p.) n.f.: livelihood, life

Ziraa'at(a.) n.: agriculture, husbandry, cultivation

Zikr(a.) n.m.: remembrance, recital, talk, praise

Zill(a.) n.m.: shadow, protection

Zillat(a.) n.f.: disgrace, insult

Zillulah(a.) n.: shadow of God, king

Zirah(p.) n.f.: iron armour, iron ring chains

Ziyaa(a.) n.: light

Ziyaafat(a.) n.: feast, banquet, hospitality,invitation

Ziyaan(p.) n.: injury, damage, loss, mischief

Ziyaarat(a.) n.: pilgrimage, a religious visitation, sight

Zinaa(a.) n.: adultry, fornication

Zoodfahm(p.) n.: of quick understanding

Zooma'nee(u.) adj.: meaningful, having two meanings

Zof(a.) n.m.: infirmity, weakness

Zuhd(a.) n.m.: devotion, abstinence, continence

Zuhoor(a.) n.: appearance, manifestation

Zuhrah(a.) n.: the planet venus

Zuhrah-Jabeen(p.) n.: forehead of venus, beautiful, handsome

Zulf(a.) n.: lock of hair

Zulm(a.) n.m.: oppression, injustice, cruelty

Zulmat(a.) n.: darkness, torment, black

Zumrah(a.) n.m.: group, crowd, kind

Zunnaar(a.) n.: sacred thread worn by the Hindus or Zorastrians