ur. Weary. Our Entire Re aiing Si.Ipeb,cblo mable...

RqmewtAdspfwd*&Mwnmnby A* aiwsM Me waads by ti m10 r of the Georgetown Am=amans en the Lewis NIL wegl tee for the governnent e - a tn tlepon sU be isolatd from the et the oomntry in the development oe InliSbome system. It was declared, h~~in I O~wiotnt committee re- efrom the executive com- geueigthat the' provision for geN~ cevemlneestation at Wiscon- avee M street, be reinserted In Dio Prorlsion bill now be- Coagrses. aiSW one from the public cii tieng the need for a uditerlum and better athletic faci- 1P the Western High School. Lk a. commonwealth's attor- ~~Aazadria County. made it rging oeer relationsh,; tb eperesiffing in his coun- Motms in the Georgetown district. - WI ee 6 predent of the asso- jite.Presided& e.p SEMI-ANNU High-Grad At the high pnce of shoes a we are closing out all broken lots We.', Bees of patest vici kid and calf. Values to $ THE SOROSE 1213 F St N. $1 Each week Grafono Grafonola No. 75 in finishes (Mahogany - Gold Funed Oak-Early Englis Twelve blue label (D. D.) rq MWe Price is onlY $84.00 Columbia Records, 75c to $3.00 House &I Sevent and s.... '. The Washi an Capit P JOHN 1 ANDR~I HA R1 BOYD ' 9.2 F St.N. W.JON The Year',I This is the firet opportt put into effect their good cial. Do not let it lip. Wether you propose Opening a Check A Gnig a3% Cet heg aToday!s We The Comapany actas UISSIN5ifWW$173 Answered Call of the Wild After City Life, Police Believe. IN Iss to The1h0 Keruld. % Philadlphia, Pa., Jan. IL-The call ot the wild evidently bas reached Ms. ras- beth Ephraim. a pretty little 16-year-old a gypsy girt-bride, who Is being sought by fo the police. The girl and O1.7 In jewejry It and cash disappeared simultaneously. the 0 police may. on Saturday night from the i h""ne of her father-in-law., Joseph Eph- raIm. a "gypsy king." Ephraith has of- fered 1100 for her arret. h "Libby.* as she was called. has been a mnarred only a few months. She nit tI her husband. Miller, Ephralm. 18 years I old. up In the wilds of Canada. where she n was born. She had been in Philadelphia G less than two months, and repeatedly 0 said she "hated this big town." She long- L ed for snow. dogs. sleds and snowshoes t and talked about them continuously. I ti A new European record for the mot heavily loaded train recently was estab- lished by a Russian railroad on which an American locomotive hauled a train 2,m0 feet long, with a load of 4,434 tons. h If n 01 E jo a AL SALE OF e Footwear h tthe present time, the prices that for are very attractive. f a"011ii leaders, ............$4.50 BOOTSHOP reet N. W. IE .25 pays for this [a Outfit 0 any of the following wood en Oak -Sain Walnut- ) and 24 selections on In cords.h t, rr 11 il T li L C, h ,d ~ti Herrmann Eye Streets ngton Loan d Trust Co. .l, Surplus and Undivded refits, $2,237,359.16. c I. LAR.'ER......President W PA.RK~l. V ice President and Trust Officer e -G. MEEM Vice President and Treasurer .S BRADLET, esident and Real Estate Officer AYLORt. . . Assistant Treasurert roy EDSON, Chairman Board of Directors 'irst Pay Day nity for many thousands to -esolutions in matters finan- Fund- ficate .f Dpusi-, WE Stay Op.. TU 5 P. N. By Henwy, I otnNTWU FROM PAGE OM. have told you tday. I Idgeway, editor of Evetybod ne and spent three heur* ad a haf Ith him telling him just what I have oid you today. In the Belmont notet New York I met Donald MES"D"I t==ametal editor whom I have not seen or fifteen years and I told him aboutI .He asked me what was going to come rthe leak investigation. I told him It as stopped. "If you don't believe me summon them. "This is the mcut astounding thing that as happened to me in forty-six years of etlve life in the business world. Why te chairnman daise his own words I can- t see. What he said to me any honest aan could have said and fairly said. ood God, he mentioned Secretary of tate Laning by saying: "Think of It, ansing went to breakfast four times in he Biltmore Hotel with Barney Baruch." told him then and agreed with him tat there was nothing wrong in that. know Barney Baruch and told him that 3 straighter man ever lived than Mr. aruch." Mr. Baruch. who has been a witness. La testified to the extent of his tradings e -teel stock during the flurry over the Ate and the von Bethmann Hollweg an- muncement in the Reichstag. The effect I Lloyd George's "but" in his reply on arnch's stock operations was also de- :rbed by the witness. "You have demanded of me namena" ontinued Lawson. "I have given you ames-names that have shaken the raft- re. I gave you the name of Paul War- urg. Investigate it. In forty-eight ours you'll vindicate me if you try. rm haded with information. I'll make good my word here. You sent for me to put ae in jail. Here I am and here are the ames now get at the truth." Lawson spoke truly when he said he ad given the committee names and sub- oenases were immediately issued for the allowing: Paul M. Warburg. member of the Fed- ral Resere Board. Archibald S. White. of it Pine street, rew York. William W. Price. White House corre- 3ondent of the Washington Evening tar. Pliny Fiske. of New York firm of Pliny 'iske & Co. Head of the stock brokerage house of D. Barney & Sons, of New York. Malcolm McAdoo. an investor, with of- cer in the Grand Central Terminal uilding, New York. a brother of the ecretary of the Treasury. Stuart Gibboney, a New York broker. Mrs. Ruth Thomson Visconti. of Wash- mgton, and her attorney (name un- nown). John R. Ratbaun, editor of the Provi- ence (R. T.) Journal. John O'Hara Cosgrove, of New York. Erman Ridgeway, of New York. Cabinet osicers te Appear. it was announced by the chairman that -cretary McAdoo. Secretary Lansing and eeph Tumulty. Secretary to the Presi- nt. would appear without subpoenas hen they were desired. The accusation against Chairman Henry tused a sensation in the committee >om. Apparently Mr. Henry was the ast affected of all by the statements ade by Mr. Lawson. When he took ie stand and entered his denial It was At consistent with his Imperturbility at earing the Lawson statement. He left no room for compromise be- veen the two statements. Either one an has deliberately lied or the other as Sworn to untruths. statement as made without resertion and tere no room left for a lapse of morery. misunderstanding or a misconstruction. awson says that Henry mentioned the ame to him and Henry says he didn't. Iawson on Stand. In taking the witness stand Yawson itered a plea with the committee that iey listen to the disclosures which he as about to make in executive session. "These disclosures are of such grave nportance and the opportunity which ublic disclosure affords for all these grth:pants in the. 4eak profits to de- roy books and paters and make aWay ith other evidence before they can be fled before the committee that r solemn- warn you that I should be heard "in kmera.'" said Lawson. Chairman Henry conferred with his col- agues. The committee demanded that awson proceed. Chairman Henry read ie questions. one by one, to the witness. he first had to do with the identity of im Congressman who had admitted to, awson that a certain Cabinet officer ad been mentioned as profiting in stock 'alings. "That Congressman." said Lawson, was Chairman Henry." Mr. Henry blushed and proceeded with me examination. "We now want the names of the banker ho informed you that another banker, Senator and a Cabinet officer were en- aged in joint speculation in Wall Street, "77" Humphreys' Seventy-seven For Colds, Influenza, GRIP When Grip prevails, everything is Grip. It is hard to tell an attack of Grip rom a bard stubborn Cold that hangs' n, nor is it of importance as "Sev-. ity-seven" is good for both. T get the best results take "Sev- nty-seven" at the first chill or shiver. If you wait until your bones begin ache, it will take longer. At Druggists. 25 cents or mailed. Hassphreys' Homeso. Medicine Co., 56 William street. New York. CAUSES OF THE HIGH COST OF LIVING 1st-Ivideuds and intereet paId en bout miaety-Cve billion dollars ..f ebts, whieh Is added te the priee of he things the people bay er' Use. ed-Infltian ot pricer by the lean- et abeut three billies dellars of Bank Credits" under the "Federal Re- err. Aet." 3rd.-Enflatien by Baks leasing mix * eight defae of "Bank Credit". for very deflar et the Ave ndred mil- Ion of new geld that has some late eto "ak Credits". reoeipta te held toed Is lae and in wasebems.esfrm The esand only Remedy I. ry T. erl.' he ete 4-e sal atren- Pne a th ean atefe osa maisbl awsonSwears haring the pes in ghik iiism li ur. Weary. "My informant." said Laweem. " Arehbald . White, of White & C.. Mew Who W e speounatemt "And you may now proesed," pur'ssd the chairman. "Who wer the three Me- dateor mentioned to you by Mr. White?" "The bnker," said LawsOn, "wal Plinky Fisk. of the arm of Harvey mb* Lad Bon of New York. The senator, I am sorry to may I have not the aes straight in my mind, but the name be- fins with '0.' The Cabinet. member is Witliam MaAdoo." Representative Harrison. of Mledrn Immediately moved that A$hibiM . White be suposnaed. Lawson next produced a letter. "1 will read this letter Into the record." he Said. He read a letter from Mrs. Ruth Thomas- son-Visconti, of Washington. in which she advised him that she was prepared to reveal to him the names of a high Dficial of government and his "go-be- tween" who had participated in the aiak profite. She offered to come to am law- son and he told that he had invited her to meet him in the Willard Hotel at Washington. "She came to the hotel accompanied by her attornek, a Washington lawyer )f high repute and this was ber story.' Paid Lawson. "She said that the 'go- between" in the leak of advance informa- ton from the White House was Wimim W. Price. White House correspondent of the Washington Evening Star. and that tis informant, the man who had 'leaked' the information to him was Joseph P. rumulty, secretary to the President." At once orders flew to subpoena Mrs. Visconti. Mrs. Visoonti, said to he a stenographer by Mr. Lawson, Is listed in the directory as a clerk, living in the Alston, 1721 rwenty-tirst street northwest. This Miss sconti was not at home last night. McAdoo's Brother In Deal. Continuing his testimony Lawson re- lated that the Wall Street firm of C. D. Barney & Co. was in another speculation in Wall Street in which the parties to the transactions were Matolm McAdoo, brother of the Secretary of the Treasury. and Steuart G. Gibboney. Secretary Mc- Adoo's business associate, and the Secre- tary himself. He also said that report connected the name of Paul M. Warburg, of the Fed- eral Reserve Board with knowledge of the speculative use of advance govern- ment information in the street. "In my conversation with the Speaker of the House over the question of this 'leak." said Lawson. "I told him the name of Charles IH. Sabin. president of the Guarantee Trust Company. as one of the men having full knowledge of the seeping of advance information out of Washington. The committee had Mr. Sabin before it and yet it did not go into the details at all with him, but permitted him to leave the United States without anything more than a most formal catechising which elicited nothing." The committee neglected to pin lawson down as to the source of his information with regard'to the Barney-McAdoo-Gib- boney c Vbination. It was evident that the conncting of these names had cre- Fted suwh consternation in the commit- tee and sensation as following sensation in such rapid succession that it was im- possible for the committee to get quite the "hang" of what was going on. Lawson was then questioned by Chair- man Henry as to the connection of the name of Secretary of State Lansing with the leak of December 20. "I have never connected the name of Secretary of Stle Lansing, with partid-- pation in 'this leak aerd.r." said 1Awsenm "But you will yourself recall that in the conversation you had with me on Janu- ary 1. the day before I appeared first on the witness stand, his name was men- tioned and you repeated to me that you had heard that four or five times he had had conversations with Barney Baruch at the Biltmore Hotel." Lawson then asked the committee's in- dulgence long enough to make a state- ment, but he was temporarily shelved. Henry Asks to Be Sworn. Mr. Henry asked to be sworn in order to make a personal statement before the rommittee. Acting Chairman Pou then swore the chairman and Henry described in great circumstantial detail his inter- new with Lawson in Washington on January 1. lie asserted that at the two- hour morning conference with the wit- ness and the afternoon interview of equel length tie did not mention any of the names of high officials which Lawson a.- rerted that he had. lie called to witness his own twenty- year reputation for veracity as a mem- bier of the House. tie denied specifically every statement which Lawson had at- tributed to him with regard to any of the names of officials high in the councils of government which had during the course of Lawson's direct testimony been bandied about the committee. The committee will meet this morning at 10 o'cleek and Mr. Lawson will be ask- ed more questions. MeAdoo Threatens Prison. Secretary McAdoo said: "No man should be called upon to notice such detestable and irresponsible gossip and slander, but since my name has been mentioned I wish to say that no more shameless and wanton lie could he con- ceived than the rumor or suggestion that I have been interested at any time and in any manner whatever, in stock specu- lations or purchases of stock in New York or elsewhere, or that I have been con- nected in any manner whatever with the alleged "leak" about the so-called peace note." said Secretary McAdoo. "The putrid partisan politiian"s and the putrid stock gamblers in New York and Htoston are giving the country a pain- ful exhibition of the contemptible meth- ods to which they resort in their efforts to injure the administration. If any man in orm Omt of t'ongresas will assume re- sponsibility for these slanders, or if I can secure legal proof of the guilt of such a man. I will have him put in the pent- tentiary where he belong-. It is time that an example be made of the foul scoundrels who make a profession of whispered and baseless insinuiations against men in public life." W. W. Price. Washington newspaper man, denied the story as absurd. Hie laid a tribute to the integrity of Messrs. MinAdoo and Tumulty. NEW YORK HOTEL ARRIVALS. 'New York, Jan. 15.--The follow ing Washingtonians have registered at boteh herec: L. P. Barlow. C, Brower. ('. A. Lind- strom. W. Rebbe. Grand; J. H. Btradford, W. M. White, Mrs. M. N. White. Bres. lint; B. W. C'layborn, Brostell; S. D. Coi-. lins. Continental: J. G. Dowling. Navar- re: Mrs. C. R. Eckman. Flanders; La Ford. Remington: W. 1'. Matthewson, Latham; W. B. Van Devanter. Murray tim; C. T1. Wilson. Albert. TRADE REPRitBENTATIVES. W.oodwardt & Lothroptehrduunnun G. B. White, shes. Woodward .& Loth- rop, dry goods, etc.. 384 Fourth avenue; Julius M. Goldenberg, ladies' winten ceata, suits ~ddresses, N. Goldenberg, FmZ less OUT BLOCK. Closter. N. J., Jan. 15.--Fire destroyed en entics busianess block here today with a .loss ,Of P76,00. Guests at Wardi's Hotel were forced to floe unclothed and OOOu- pants of adjoining bieeks were rescued by lhe. desheemits frotm six adjoining tewa maiane in a~in the blaan. Ane. IL DW1 Our Entire Re Of Fashic OFFERED TO YO1 FOR THE CO1 A TF There is one reason, and oi merchandise to the next season. Furs are all the season's b you may choose in absolute coni IN THE FU 40-inch plain Hudson Seal Coat! 45-inch plain Hudson Seal Coati Hudson Seal Coats, with skun collar and 3-inch border. Hudson Seal Coats, with skun collar and 6-inch border. BEAUTIFUL FOX SETS in B PERFECTLY MATCM Meieskia CkumbS Seaver Black Naltral LyNx ('at L1 TaMpe Welf Had.s Ro~e Wolf grishel NatWual R IcrNe Hades Remem BLANK -to be ready to make your In WHITE CALIFORNIA WOO with pink, blue and yellow borc size. A pvAir................. WOOL BLANKETS, made from best of materials, white and gray with pink and blue bor- ders; well made. and finished with mohair binding; sizc 7ox82; a pair..... e FINE WHITE AND GRAY WOOL RLANiETS, made from goed quality California stock; finished in the best man- ner: pink and blue borders, silk mohair binding; size $5.0 7ox82. at, pair.. . COTTON-FILLED COMFOR colors, floral and Oriental efects cotton; double-bed size. Each.. Kann's-Street Floor. The Very Det Has Taken L Would Indicate that I SALE CHILDRE FINAL RE $5.00 COATS, made of cor lines, comprising sizes to 6 yes $9.00 COATS, made of cot cloths, novelty mixtures; one-of- Kann's-Second Floor. HOME CLUB PLAYERS IN'CHRISTMAS CAROL' An admirable presentation of Dickens' "Christmas Carol" was rendered by the Home Club Players in the ballroom of the club, 14 Jackson Place. last night. Several tableaux apropriate to the play. were shown between each scene. Those who took part in these were Herman H. Walker, jr.. Jesse Myer. Thomas P. Shuler. Margaret H. Worrell. Elie A. lancaster. F~red INestler. ida Paxtor. Mary H. Louden, and Clarissa Wlnter. Those cast in the principal parts were 3. H*. Pellen, Albert P. Jonas, Malcolm Hay, S. H. Meyer, Margaret Lancaster, Bernard McGarvey, Helen Kusneake. Kathryn Winter, Alice Meyer. Charlotte M. Crawford and M. A. McKenna. George H. Palmer. formerly with thei Poll Players, directed the presentation. John McMechan. chairman of the com- mittee on dramatics, was stage manager. SUSTEN TO THIS! SAYS CORNS UFT RIGHT OUT NOW You reckless men and women who are pestered ,with corns and who have at least once a week Invited an awful death from Iqekjaw or blood poison are now told by a Cincinnati authority to use a drug called freemone, which the moment a few drops are applied to any corn, the soreness Is relieved and soon the entire corn. root -and afl, lifts out with the 1nn iers. It is a stick ether cerspoupd which dries the momea~t it ia applied and simply shrivels the corn wIthout innaming or even irritatinug the surreunding tissue 0r skin, It is claImed that a quarter of anl ounge of treasne witU ct very little at any of the drug stoveavbut is sufnelent Ito rid one's te of every lard or soft ern or eatlus,. You az's LuitWiarned Umtt cutting St *. ..e.. i.a addlsma abite-:a. V raun& aiing Stocks-A Si mable Fur I IN PLENTY OF TIM .DEST WEATHER it C It 1,3 C [E ORIGINAL PRII ly one, for this sale; and that is o est styles; pelts are the high grade th dence that you are getting "the Best R COATS YOU V Hudson Seal Coats, with taupe fox 4 collar and. border. Hudson Seal Coats, with beaver k collar and border. Nutria Coats, with Hudson seal I collar, cuffs and border. 40-inch plain Natural Muskrat Coat. kck, American Red, Kanitchatka Red, I and Taupe. D SETS. HANDS0I yaa" LYNN Hudmism Reel TSR bvme Semi " seni and Eemime ne INutria " ay ebte ber March 4th Weather a: ETS AND COl auguraton guests comfortable if the nc L BLANKETS. of good quality Califor rs; 3-inch mercerized cotton tafeta TS; covers are made of fine mercerize good weight; scroll stitched; filled rmined Way King Wint Ip His Headquarters He dothers Should Not Over] :N'S WARM COA DUCTIONS TODA duroy, velvet, caracul. novelty cloths. ns. NOW..................... duroy. chinchilla, wool plush, colored a-kind styles, in sizes to 7 years. NO DIRMISS STtRMIZATION LAW. of ithout passing an the constitutionafity I of the Iowa law for the steriliation at criminals, the Suprerne Court yesterday remanded the Rudolph Davis case to the Federal Court for the Southern district of Iowa. with instructions that it be die- missed. The court held that as the law has since been repealed. there was no necessity of passing on its constitution- ality. The law provided for the sterilisa- tion of persons twice convicted and sent to prison, and also of persons of unsound mird. WE REPAIR In exactly the same way the make new ones in the factor' Use the same kind of machines exercise the same skill. See th samples of our work waiting t be called for. You'll Gnd ii ready to repair your f~tweari the same expert manner. INEOLIN MN' AMI SEE SC .Ipeb,cblo )ff CE ar reiectance to car "r OW at Kann's are asd fr. and m for the LAast M1e1." IILL FIND: 5-inch Natural Muskrat Coat, with raccoon collar and cuffs. o-inch plain French Seal Coats. *rench Seal Coats. with skunk col- lar. 'rench Seal Coats, with black opossum collar and border. ,amtchatka Blue, Battleship Gray IE SEPARATE MUFFS. 3meek Lynx Iaaek Plan Tamwe Mena'e. tivet Cet Jap Mink Kaun's-Second Floor. Ad Buy 4FORTS rth winds blow coldly at that tine. nia wools, soft and fluffy. Gnished bi *ig. double-b $7 COTTO -FILLED COM- FORTS. covers of silkoline, in floral and Oriental designs; light and dark effects; good, hea)- weight, filled with pyre cotton; scroll stitched and tufted; each ..$...2..200 WOOL NA P BLANKETS, heavy-weight, close %oven; white with pink or blue border. fbished with mohair bind$mg. 64x76-in. size; pair d French sateen. in light and dark with Pure whIte $3.75 ook T& TS AT Y -tc.; in broken . . 75 velvet, broad- ..$6.75 Oa s~ity' ga~ me rc f r an a" aWr.ea. CONSULT POt' PCIAA. NVUS EZXANINPU FUMEK. Quality Optical Co., 43 NK S. N. W. OLD SHOES 35c 7-c sa a whO a aem wUS.- 7M 14:0 St. N.W ng it.W~i

Transcript of ur. Weary. Our Entire Re aiing Si.Ipeb,cblo mable...

Page 1: ur. Weary. Our Entire Re aiing Si.Ipeb,cblo mable Furchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1917-01-16/ed...RqmewtAdspfwd*&Mwnmnby A* aiwsM Me waads by ti m10 ofr the Georgetown


A* aiwsM Me waads by tim10 rof the Georgetown

Am=amans en the Lewis NILwegltee for the governnent

e - a tn tleponsU beisolatd from the

et the oomntry in the development oeInliSbome system. It was declared,

h~~in IO~wiotnt committee re-efrom the executive com-geueigthat the' provision for

geN~cevemlneestation at Wiscon-avee M street, be reinserted In

Dio Prorlsion bill now be-Coagrses. aiSW one from the public

ciitieng the need for auditerlum and better athletic faci-1P the Western High School.

Lk a. commonwealth's attor-~~Aazadria County. made it

rging oeer relationsh,;tbeperesiffing in his coun-

Motms in the Georgetown district.- WIee 6 predent of the asso-



High-GradAt the high pnce of shoes a

we are closing out all broken lots

We.', Bees of patestvici kid and calf. Values to $


N.$1Each week

GrafonoGrafonola No. 75 in

finishes (Mahogany- GoldFuned Oak-Early EnglisTwelve blue label (D. D.) rq

MWe Price is onlY


ColumbiaRecords,75c to $3.00

House &ISevent and

s.... '.The Washi






9.2 F St.N. W.JON

The Year',IThis is the firet opportt

put into effect their goodcial. Do not let it lip.

Wether you propose

Opening a Check A

Gniga3% Cetheg aToday!s We

The Comapany actas

UISSIN5ifWW$173Answered Call of the Wild After City

Life, Police Believe.IN

Iss to The1h0 Keruld. %Philadlphia, Pa., Jan. IL-The call ot

the wild evidently bas reached Ms.ras-beth Ephraim. a pretty little 16-year-old a

gypsy girt-bride, who Is being sought by fothe police. The girl and O1.7 In jewejry Itand cash disappeared simultaneously. the 0police may. on Saturday night from the i

h""ne of her father-in-law., Joseph Eph-raIm. a "gypsy king." Ephraith has of-fered 1100 for her arret. h"Libby.* as she was called. has been a

mnarred only a few months. She nit tIher husband. Miller, Ephralm. 18 years Iold. up In the wilds of Canada. where she nwas born. She had been in Philadelphia Gless than two months, and repeatedly 0said she "hated this big town." She long- Led for snow. dogs. sleds and snowshoes tand talked about them continuously. I

tiA new European record for the mot

heavily loaded train recently was estab-lished by a Russian railroad on which anAmerican locomotive hauled a train 2,m0feet long, with a load of 4,434 tons. h





e Footwearh

tthe present time, the prices thatfor are very attractive. f

a"011ii leaders,............$4.50BOOTSHOP

reet N. W.IE

.25pays for this

[a Outfit0

any of the following wooden Oak -Sain Walnut-

)and 24 selections on









HerrmannEye Streets

ngton Loand Trust Co..l, Surplus and Undivded

refits, $2,237,359.16. cI. LAR.'ER......PresidentW PA.RK~l. Vice President

and Trust Officer e

-G. MEEMVice President and Treasurer

.S BRADLET,esident and Real Estate Officer

AYLORt. . . Assistant Treasurert

roy EDSON,Chairman Board of Directors

'irst Pay Daynity for many thousands to

-esolutions in matters finan-


ficate .f Dpusi-,

WE Stay Op.. TU 5 P. N.


have told you tday. IIdgeway, editor of Evetybodne and spent three heur* ad a hafIth him telling him just what I haveoid you today. In the Belmont notetNew York I met Donald MES"D"I

t==ametal editor whom I have not seenor fifteen years and I told him aboutI.He asked me what was going to comerthe leak investigation. I told him Itas stopped."If you don't believe me summon them."This is the mcut astounding thing thatas happened to me in forty-six years ofetlve life in the business world. Whyte chairnman daise his own words I can-t see. What he said to me any honest

aan could have said and fairly said.ood God, he mentioned Secretary oftate Laning by saying: "Think of It,ansing went to breakfast four times in

he Biltmore Hotel with Barney Baruch."told him then and agreed with him

tat there was nothing wrong in that.know Barney Baruch and told him that3 straighter man ever lived than Mr.aruch."Mr. Baruch. who has been a witness.La testified to the extent of his tradingse-teel stock during the flurry over the

Ate and the von Bethmann Hollweg an-muncement in the Reichstag. The effectILloyd George's "but" in his reply onarnch's stock operations was also de-:rbed by the witness."You have demanded of me namena"ontinued Lawson. "I have given youames-names that have shaken the raft-re. I gave you the name of Paul War-urg. Investigate it. In forty-eightours you'll vindicate me if you try. rmhaded with information. I'll make goodmy word here. You sent for me to putae in jail. Here I am and here are theames now get at the truth."Lawson spoke truly when he said head given the committee names and sub-oenases were immediately issued for theallowing:Paul M. Warburg. member of the Fed-ral Resere Board.Archibald S. White. of it Pine street,rew York.William W. Price. White House corre-3ondent of the Washington Eveningtar.Pliny Fiske. of New York firm of Pliny'iske & Co.Head of the stock brokerage house ofD. Barney & Sons, of New York.

Malcolm McAdoo. an investor, with of-cer in the Grand Central Terminaluilding, New York. a brother of theecretary of the Treasury.Stuart Gibboney, a New York broker.Mrs. Ruth Thomson Visconti. of Wash-mgton, and her attorney (name un-nown).John R. Ratbaun, editor of the Provi-ence (R. T.) Journal.John O'Hara Cosgrove, of New York.Erman Ridgeway, of New York.

Cabinet osicers te Appear.it was announced by the chairman that-cretary McAdoo. Secretary Lansing andeeph Tumulty. Secretary to the Presi-nt. would appear without subpoenashen they were desired.The accusation against Chairman Henrytused a sensation in the committee>om. Apparently Mr. Henry was theast affected of all by the statementsade by Mr. Lawson. When he tookie stand and entered his denial It wasAt consistent with his Imperturbility atearing the Lawson statement.He left no room for compromise be-veen the two statements. Either onean has deliberately lied or the otheras Sworn to untruths. statementas made without resertion and tereno room left for a lapse of morery.misunderstanding or a misconstruction.awson says that Henry mentioned theame to him and Henry says he didn't.

Iawson on Stand.In taking the witness stand Yawsonitered a plea with the committee thatiey listen to the disclosures which heas about to make in executive session."These disclosures are of such gravenportance and the opportunity whichublic disclosure affords for all thesegrth:pants in the. 4eak profits to de-roy books and paters and make aWayith other evidence before they can befled before the committee that r solemn-warn you that I should be heard "in

kmera.'" said Lawson.Chairman Henry conferred with his col-agues. The committee demanded thatawson proceed. Chairman Henry readie questions. one by one, to the witness.he first had to do with the identity ofim Congressman who had admitted to,awson that a certain Cabinet officerad been mentioned as profiting in stock'alings."That Congressman." said Lawson,was Chairman Henry."Mr. Henry blushed and proceeded withme examination."We now want the names of the bankerho informed you that another banker,Senator and a Cabinet officer were en-

aged in joint speculation in Wall Street,"77"Humphreys' Seventy-seven

For Colds, Influenza,

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rom a bard stubborn Cold that hangs'n, nor is it of importance as "Sev-.ity-seven" is good for both.T get the best results take "Sev-

nty-seven" at the first chill or shiver.If you wait until your bones beginache, it will take longer.At Druggists. 25 cents or mailed.Hassphreys' Homeso. Medicine Co.,

56 William street. New York.


1st-Ivideuds and intereet paId enbout miaety-Cve billion dollars ..febts, whieh Is added te the priee ofhe things the people bay er' Use.ed-Infltian ot pricer by the lean-et abeut three billies dellars of

Bank Credits" under the "Federal Re-

err. Aet."

3rd.-Enflatien by Baks leasing mix* eight defae of "Bank Credit". forvery deflar et the Ave ndred mil-Ion of new geld that has some late

eto "ak Credits".reoeipta te held toed Is

lae and in wasebems.esfrmThe esand only Remedy I.

ry T. erl.'heete 4-e sal atren-

Pne a thean

atefe osa maisbl

awsonSwearsharingthe pes in ghik iiism li

ur. Weary.

"My informant." said Laweem. "

Arehbald . White, of White & C.. Mew

Who W e speounatemt"And you may now proesed," pur'ssd

the chairman. "Who wer the three Me-dateor mentioned to you by Mr. White?""The bnker," said LawsOn, "wal

Plinky Fisk. of the arm of Harvey mb*Lad Bon of New York. The senator, Iam sorry to may I have not the aesstraight in my mind, but the name be-fins with '0.' The Cabinet. member isWitliam MaAdoo."Representative Harrison. of Mledrn

Immediately moved that A$hibiM .

White be suposnaed.Lawson next produced a letter. "1 will

read this letter Into the record." he Said.He read a letter from Mrs. Ruth Thomas-son-Visconti, of Washington. in whichshe advised him that she was preparedto reveal to him the names of a highDficial of government and his "go-be-tween" who had participated in the aiakprofite. She offered to come to am law-son and he told that he had invited herto meet him in the Willard Hotel atWashington."She came to the hotel accompaniedby her attornek, a Washington lawyer

)f high repute and this was ber story.'Paid Lawson. "She said that the 'go-between" in the leak of advance informa-ton from the White House was WimimW. Price. White House correspondent ofthe Washington Evening Star. and thattis informant, the man who had 'leaked'the information to him was Joseph P.rumulty, secretary to the President."At once orders flew to subpoena Mrs.

Visconti.Mrs. Visoonti, said to he a stenographerby Mr. Lawson, Is listed in the directory

as a clerk, living in the Alston, 1721rwenty-tirst street northwest. This Misssconti was not at home last night.

McAdoo's Brother In Deal.Continuing his testimony Lawson re-

lated that the Wall Street firm of C. D.Barney & Co. was in another speculationin Wall Street in which the parties tothe transactions were Matolm McAdoo,brother of the Secretary of the Treasury.and Steuart G. Gibboney. Secretary Mc-Adoo's business associate, and the Secre-tary himself.He also said that report connected the

name of Paul M. Warburg, of the Fed-eral Reserve Board with knowledge ofthe speculative use of advance govern-ment information in the street."In my conversation with the Speaker

of the House over the question of this'leak." said Lawson. "I told him thename of Charles IH. Sabin. president ofthe Guarantee Trust Company. as one ofthe men having full knowledge of theseeping of advance information out ofWashington. The committee had Mr.Sabin before it and yet it did not go intothe details at all with him, but permittedhim to leave the United States withoutanything more than a most formalcatechising which elicited nothing."The committee neglected to pin lawson

down as to the source of his informationwith regard'to the Barney-McAdoo-Gib-boney c Vbination. It was evident thatthe conncting of these names had cre-Fted suwh consternation in the commit-tee and sensation as following sensationin such rapid succession that it was im-possible for the committee to get quitethe "hang" of what was going on.Lawson was then questioned by Chair-

man Henry as to the connection of thename of Secretary of State Lansing withthe leak of December 20."I have never connected the name of

Secretary of Stle Lansing, with partid--pation in 'this leak aerd.r." said 1Awsenm"But you will yourself recall that in theconversation you had with me on Janu-ary 1. the day before I appeared first onthe witness stand, his name was men-tioned and you repeated to me that youhad heard that four or five times he hadhad conversations with Barney Baruch atthe Biltmore Hotel."Lawson then asked the committee's in-

dulgence long enough to make a state-ment, but he was temporarily shelved.

Henry Asks to Be Sworn.Mr. Henry asked to be sworn in order

to make a personal statement before therommittee. Acting Chairman Pou thenswore the chairman and Henry describedin great circumstantial detail his inter-new with Lawson in Washington onJanuary 1. lie asserted that at the two-hour morning conference with the wit-ness and the afternoon interview of equellength tie did not mention any of thenames of high officials which Lawson a.-rerted that he had.lie called to witness his own twenty-

year reputation for veracity as a mem-bier of the House. tie denied specificallyevery statement which Lawson had at-tributed to him with regard to any of thenames of officials high in the councils ofgovernment which had during the courseof Lawson's direct testimony been bandiedabout the committee.The committee will meet this morning

at 10 o'cleek and Mr. Lawson will be ask-ed more questions.

MeAdoo Threatens Prison.Secretary McAdoo said:"No man should be called upon to notice

such detestable and irresponsible gossipand slander, but since my name has beenmentioned I wish to say that no moreshameless and wanton lie could he con-ceived than the rumor or suggestion thatI have been interested at any time andin any manner whatever, in stock specu-lations or purchases of stock in New Yorkor elsewhere, or that I have been con-nected in any manner whatever with thealleged "leak" about the so-called peacenote." said Secretary McAdoo."The putrid partisan politiian"s and

the putrid stock gamblers in New Yorkand Htoston are giving the country a pain-ful exhibition of the contemptible meth-ods to which they resort in their effortsto injure the administration. If any manin orm Omt of t'ongresas will assume re-sponsibility for these slanders, or if Ican secure legal proof of the guilt of sucha man. I will have him put in the pent-tentiary where he belong-. It is timethat an example be made of the foulscoundrels who make a profession ofwhispered and baseless insinuiationsagainst men in public life."W. W. Price. Washington newspaper

man, denied the story as absurd. Hielaid a tribute to the integrity of Messrs.MinAdoo and Tumulty.

NEW YORK HOTEL ARRIVALS.'New York, Jan. 15.--The follow ing

Washingtonians have registered at botehherec:

L. P. Barlow. C, Brower. ('. A. Lind-strom. W. Rebbe. Grand; J. H. Btradford,W. M. White, Mrs. M. N. White. Bres.lint; B. W. C'layborn, Brostell; S. D. Coi-.lins. Continental: J. G. Dowling. Navar-re: Mrs. C. R. Eckman. Flanders; LaFord. Remington: W. 1'. Matthewson,Latham; W. B. Van Devanter. Murraytim; C. T1. Wilson. Albert.

TRADE REPRitBENTATIVES.W.oodwardt & LothroptehrduunnunG. B. White, shes. Woodward .& Loth-

rop, dry goods, etc.. 384 Fourth avenue;Julius M. Goldenberg, ladies' wintenceata, suits ~ddresses, N. Goldenberg,

FmZ less OUT BLOCK.Closter. N. J., Jan. 15.--Fire destroyed

en entics busianess block here today witha .loss ,Of P76,00. Guests at Wardi's Hotelwere forced to floe unclothed and OOOu-pants of adjoining bieeks were rescued by

lhe. desheemits frotm six adjoiningtewa maiane in a~in the blaan.

Ane. ILDW1

Our Entire ReOf FashicOFFERED TO YO1



There is one reason, and oimerchandise to the next season.

Furs are all the season's byou may choose in absolute coni

IN THE FU40-inch plain Hudson Seal Coat!45-inch plain Hudson Seal CoatiHudson Seal Coats, with skun

collar and 3-inch border.Hudson Seal Coats, with skun

collar and 6-inch border.BEAUTIFUL FOX SETS in B

PERFECTLY MATCMMeieskia CkumbSSeaver BlackNaltral LyNx ('at L1TaMpe Welf Had.sRo~e Wolf grishelNatWual R IcrNe Hades


BLANK-to be ready to make your In

WHITE CALIFORNIA WOOwith pink, blue and yellow borcsize. A pvAir.................WOOL BLANKETS, made

from best of materials, whiteand gray with pink and blue bor-ders; well made. and finishedwith mohair binding;sizc 7ox82; a pair..... e

FINE WHITE AND GRAYWOOL RLANiETS, madefrom goed quality Californiastock; finished in the best man-ner: pink and blue borders, silkmohair binding; size $5.07ox82. at, pair.. .

COTTON-FILLED COMFORcolors, floral and Oriental efectscotton; double-bed size. Each..

Kann's-Street Floor.

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$5.00 COATS, made of cor

lines, comprising sizes to 6 yes$9.00 COATS, made of cot

cloths, novelty mixtures; one-of-Kann's-Second Floor.


An admirable presentation of Dickens'"Christmas Carol" was rendered by theHome Club Players in the ballroom ofthe club, 14 Jackson Place. last night.Several tableaux apropriate to the play.

were shown between each scene. Thosewho took part in these were Herman H.Walker, jr.. Jesse Myer. Thomas P.Shuler. Margaret H. Worrell. Elie A.lancaster. F~red INestler. ida Paxtor.Mary H. Louden, and Clarissa Wlnter.Those cast in the principal parts were

3. H*. Pellen, Albert P. Jonas, MalcolmHay, S. H. Meyer, Margaret Lancaster,Bernard McGarvey, Helen Kusneake.Kathryn Winter, Alice Meyer. CharlotteM. Crawford and M. A. McKenna.George H. Palmer. formerly with thei

Poll Players, directed the presentation.John McMechan. chairman of the com-mittee on dramatics, was stage manager.


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It is a stick ether cerspoupd which driesthe momea~t it ia applied and simplyshrivels the corn wIthout innaming oreven irritatinug the surreunding tissue 0rskin, It is claImed that a quarter of anlounge of treasne witU ct very little atany of the drug stoveavbut is sufnelentIto rid one's te of every lard or softern or eatlus,.You az's LuitWiarned Umtt cutting St

*. ..e.. i.a addlsma abite-:a.



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[E ORIGINAL PRIIly one, for this sale; and that is o

est styles; pelts are the high grade thdence that you are getting "the Best

R COATS YOU VHudson Seal Coats, with taupe fox 4

collar and. border.Hudson Seal Coats, with beaverk collar and border.Nutria Coats, with Hudson seal I

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Coat.kck, American Red, Kanitchatka Red, I

and Taupe.D SETS. HANDS0Iyaa"LYNN Hudmism Reel

TSRbvme Semi" seni and Eemime neINutria" ay ebte

ber March 4th Weather a:ETS AND COlauguraton guests comfortable if the ncL BLANKETS. of good quality Califorrs; 3-inch mercerized cotton tafeta

TS; covers are made of fine mercerizegood weight; scroll stitched; filled

rmined Way King WintIp His Headquarters Hedothers Should Not Over]:N'S WARM COADUCTIONS TODAduroy, velvet, caracul. novelty cloths.ns. NOW.....................duroy. chinchilla, wool plush, coloreda-kind styles, in sizes to 7 years. NO

DIRMISS STtRMIZATION LAW.of ithout passing an the constitutionafity

I of the Iowa law for the steriliation atcriminals, the Suprerne Court yesterdayremanded the Rudolph Davis case to theFederal Court for the Southern district ofIowa. with instructions that it be die-missed. The court held that as the lawhas since been repealed. there was nonecessity of passing on its constitution-ality. The law provided for the sterilisa-tion of persons twice convicted and sentto prison, and also of persons of unsoundmird.

WE REPAIRIn exactly the same way themake new ones in the factor'Use the same kind of machinesexercise the same skill. See thsamples of our work waiting tbe called for. You'll Gnd iiready to repair your f~twearithe same expert manner.






CEar reiectance to car "r OW

at Kann's are asd fr. and mfor the LAast M1e1."

IILL FIND:5-inch Natural Muskrat Coat,with raccoon collar and cuffs.

o-inch plain French Seal Coats.*rench Seal Coats. with skunk col-lar.'rench Seal Coats, with blackopossum collar and border.

,amtchatka Blue, Battleship Gray

IE SEPARATE MUFFS.3meek LynxIaaek PlanTamwe Mena'e.tivet CetJap MinkKaun's-Second Floor.

AdBuy4FORTSrth winds blow coldly at that tine.nia wools, soft and fluffy. Gnishedbi *ig. double-b $7

COTTO -FILLED COM-FORTS. covers of silkoline, infloral and Oriental designs; lightand dark effects; good, hea)-weight, filled with pyre cotton;scroll stitched andtufted; each ..$...2..200WOOL N A P BLANKETS,

heavy-weight, close %oven; whitewith pink or blue border. fbishedwith mohair bind$mg.64x76-in. size; pair

d French sateen. in light and darkwith Pure whIte $3.75

ook T&TS ATY-tc.; in broken

. . 75velvet, broad-


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saa whOa aemwUS.-

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