Upward Bound Update - September 2010

update September 2010 You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ’failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down. - Mary Pickford Whats Whats Whats Whats Inside? Inside? Inside? Whats Inside? Inside? Remembering Summer Summer 2010 at UB As the (UB) World Turns Whats new at UB? News YOU can use About UB and college Blast From the Past Bounder Bears Alumni News Parents Page Parent-Teacher conferences! . . . and much more!!! Summer 2010 Upward Bound serves students from several different schools with different grading systems UB figures all participants quarter grades using a four point weighted scale. The resulting UB grade point average is used for this honor roll. Only UB participants active during all of the quarter are included here. A HUGE UB summer class enjoyed five weeks of classes, study, and learning, all capped with a sixth week in the Twin Cities - career and college visits, great new food, and cultural events! From moving in to commu- nity service, theme weeks, classes and study, recreation and arts activities, talent show, Fine Dine, finals, and more, UB students worked their hearts out getting ready to be successful college students. Congrats to all UB summer students - those academic muscles you developed this summer will make a difference! Were Proud of You, Fourth Quarter (09-10) Scholars! 4.000 and above Tammy X (Holmen) * Shue Shiane Y (Central) Mai Khoua V (Holmen) * Yer L (Holmen) Sou Thee H (Logan) * Jasmine A (Central) Zakary J (Tomah) * Pachoua L (Holmen) * Tou Y (Holmen) Katelynn B (Sparta) * Daisy P (Tomah) * Tou Long V (Central) Sabrina B (Logan) * Christina B (Sparta) 3.750 to 3.999 Van N (Logan) * Michael B (Sparta) * Ann V (Holmen) Fong V (Holmen) * Tria X (Logan) * Alex H (Tomah) GaoSeng Y (Logan) * Vang Y (Central) * Amy L (Logan) Bobby L (Logan) * Sai V (Holmen) 3.500 to 3.749 Avery VG (Central) * MaLia T (Central) * Lakysha R (Logan) Kaitlyn B (Sparta) * Hai Y (Central) * Avon L (Logan) Mai Zoua V (Holmen) * Ethan T (Logan) * Fue Y (Holmen


News of the Upward Bound program at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.

Transcript of Upward Bound Update - September 2010

update September 2010

�You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down.� - Mary Pickford

What�sWhat�sWhat�sWhat�sInside?Inside?Inside?What�s Inside?Inside?

Remembering Summer Summer 2010 at UB

As the (UB) World Turns What�s new at UB?

News YOU can use About UB and college

Blast From the Past Bounder Bear�s Alumni News

Parents� Page Parent-Teacher conferences!

. . . and much more!!!

Summer 2010

Upward Bound serves students from several different schools with different grading systems UB figures all participants� quarter grades using a four point weighted scale.

The resulting UB grade point average is used for this honor roll. Only UB participants active during all of the quarter are included here.

A HUGE UB summer class enjoyed five weeks of classes, study, and learning, all capped with a sixth week in the Twin Cities - career and college visits, great new food, and cultural events! From moving in to commu-nity service, theme weeks, classes and study, recreation and arts activities, talent show, Fine Dine, finals, and more, UB students worked their hearts out getting ready to be successful college students. Congrats to all UB summer students - those academic muscles you developed this summer will make a difference!

We�re Proud of You, Fourth Quarter (09-10) Scholars!

4.000 and above Tammy X (Holmen) * Shue Shiane Y (Central)

Mai Khoua V (Holmen) * Yer L (Holmen) Sou Thee H (Logan) * Jasmine A (Central)

Zakary J (Tomah) * Pachoua L (Holmen) * Tou Y (Holmen) Katelynn B (Sparta) * Daisy P (Tomah) * Tou Long V (Central)

Sabrina B (Logan) * Christina B (Sparta)

3.750 to 3.999 Van N (Logan) * Michael B (Sparta) * Ann V (Holmen) Fong V (Holmen) * Tria X (Logan) * Alex H (Tomah)

GaoSeng Y (Logan) * Vang Y (Central) * Amy L (Logan) Bobby L (Logan) * Sai V (Holmen)

3.500 to 3.749 Avery VG (Central) * MaLia T (Central) * Lakysha R (Logan)

Kaitlyn B (Sparta) * Hai Y (Central) * Avon L (Logan) Mai Zoua V (Holmen) * Ethan T (Logan) * Fue Y (Holmen

Our terrific tutors!

Cooking with Tanya & friends

We won!

Whoa! I thought this was an ACADEMIC program! (Volunteering at Kane Street Community Garden)

September 2010 2 UB Update

Summer �10 Award winners! Science Matters Improvement Atyanna R Anat/Phys Achievement Katelynn B Chemistry Achievement Sheng Y & Vang Y Physics Improvement Gao Seng Y Physics Achievement Alex H Algebra 1 Improvement Sarah R Algebra 1 Achievement Atyanna R Geometry Achievement Yer L Algebra 2 Improvement Shue Shiane Y Algebra 2 Achievement Van N Pre-Calc Improvement Ann V Pre-Calc Achievement Katelynn B

Congrats to these summer 10 UB Honors students and Citizens!

Statistics Improvement Fong V Statistics Achievement Mai Khoua V Calculus Improvement Kaitlyn B Calculus Achievement Sou Thee H Language Arts Improvement Devin C, Mai Yer X, Vang Y, Language Arts Achievement Lakysha R, Tou Long V, Tou Y Study Skills Improvement Lakysha R Study Skills Achievement Ka Bao Y

Chinese Improvement Vang Y Chinese Achievement Shue Shiane Y French Improvement Yer L French Achievement Gao Seng Y Spanish 1 Improvement Alex H Spanish 1 Achievement Zakary J Spanish 2 Improvement Sarah R Spanish 2 Achievement Ann V Senior Seminar Achievement Sabrina B, Mai Khoua V Outstanding Citizenship Pachoua L Van N Fong V Larry X

Honors: Devin C, Sou Thee H, Nhia L, Ethan T, Ann V, Fong V, Mai Khoua V, Larry X, Fue Y, Hai Y, Sheng Y, Toua Y High Honors: Sabrina B, Alex H, Pachoua L, Siesha M, Van N, Mai Zoua V, Ka Bao Y, Tou Y Highest Honors: Katelynn B, Yer L, Tou Long V, Gao Seng Y, Shue Shiane Y

oH Yeah -

some studyin

g got do

ne! Finely Dining!

See more pix @ www.uwlax.edu/upbound

UB Update 3 September 2010

September 2010 4 UB Update

Summer UB: How Will You Remember It?

Campus feels empty now that our Summer UB students have packed up and returned home, but my memories of summer 2010 aren�t leaving any time soon. Reflecting on my first summer as a UB Advisor, I�m reminded of a quote that encapsulates my advice to all you students:

�I discovered I always have choices and sometimes it�s only a choice of attitude.�

You�ve been making choices all your life. You all chose to join Upward Bound. (And what a great choice that was!) More recently, you chose to attend�or not attend�our Summer Program. How did you make that choice? Based on what you heard from your friends? Based on your experience last summer? Based on what seemed �easiest� at the time?

For those of you who did attend, how will you choose to remember Summer UB? Will you dwell on your hot, sticky dorm room and your seemingly endless research paper? Or will you cherish the new friends you made and the knowledge you gained? Will you look back on this experience and say, �That was one of the hardest things I�ve ever done in my life; I�m never doing that again!�? Or will you say, �That was one of the hardest things I�ve ever done in my life; I wonder what else I�m capable of��?

How will you let Summer UB change you? Will you toss aside the memories and go on with your life like it never happened? Or will you seize the energy and excitement of Summer UB and carry it with you into the school year? Will you continue to meet new people and try new things, just like you did all summer? Or will you revert to the cliques and habits of your �normal� life? Will you let your disappointments and failures from Summer UB define you? Or will you confront them head on, learn from your mistakes, and strive to do better next time?

The choice is yours. - Ben

What did you learn about yourself this summer?

That I can be positive in these types of longterm situations, keeping it poisitve helps at UB summer.

I learned that I am not shy at all, I just didn't have as much confidence as everyone else. I'm just afraid of what they will think of me.

That it isn't all about fun and I gotta focus my self more. And that running away from problems isn't always the conclusion.

That I can make alot of friends!

That I can be a funny and cool person.

I learned that making up missing work takes time and perseverance!

That I don't mind being away from my family.

I learned that I have a lot of potential, and that if I focus, I can do very well in school.

I can be open-minded.

I learned that I am a very good listener for my friends.

I learned that I am prepared for college.

Sarah R (Sparta)

This was my second summer with UB. I came back because of the opportunities that they provide that I can�t get on my own! We do community service (it�s hard work but it makes you feel good). They help you prepare for next year�s classes, but that�s not it! We do a lot of fun stuff like movies and popcorn, ice cream, hiking, sports, art, music, and tons more stuff. You get to live in the dorms for five weeks...and while that may seem hard to do it is actually fun! You meet new people and it makes you step out of your comfort zone! It is all worth it in the end.

Roomie Reflections �How did you like Summer Upward Bound?�

PaChoua L (Holmen)

My summer 2010 was spent with other UBers, where I got to wake up extra early for Stats class, compete with other small groups in �Minute To Win It� challenges, catch up on a week�s worth of missing assignments, secretly check my Facebook (we all did it! haha), and fight the hot humidity. This summer was definitely a fun and memorable one because of the people I met and became closer friends with. My first summer Upward Bound really helped me build expectations for this year�s. However, being a senior, this was my last summer and I learned so much that could help me as I�m preparing for college. I learned that procrastination is a really bad habit and if I don�t break it, college would be extremely difficult and I would not get any free time. I also learned that college applications are more than �filling in the blanks� and Senior Seminar probably saved my life! This summer was a lot of fun in spite of the heat. Our mini trip to the Twin Cities for the Lynx Game, the Fine Dine week, the awesome tutors who energetically participated in our annual Talent Show (which was EPIC by the way), and my lovely roommate Sarah Rodgers who made me laugh every day. Right up the end of the Twin Cities trip, this summer was something I will always remember! Thank you to everyone involved in Upward Bound for your never-ending support, I really appreciate it!

UB Update 5 September 2010

September 2010 6 UB Update

As the (UB) World TurnsAs the (UB) World TurnsAs the (UB) World TurnsAs the (UB) World TurnsAs the (UB) World Turns It�s been an eventful summer and fall! First, our director, Antoiwana Williams, got a new job in July. Antoiwana is the new Director of UW-L�s Office of Multicultural Student Services! But, she will also serve as interim Director of Upward Bound until a new UB director can be hired this spring.

Next, our advisor, Ben Penlesky, has agreed to stay on for this new year to help train in our new Upward Bound advisor, Lisa Yang! (Welcome, Lisa!)

Lisa, a UW-L UB graduate, (see next page) has tons of advising and education experience. She�s also been UB�s summer Chinese teacher for several years, so she steps in already knowing many UB students and ready to help get them ready for college!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch ... Jessica Thill, UB�s advisor until 2009, who is now the program coordinator for the TRIO McNair Scholars program at UW-L HAD A BABY! She and her husband, Shekty Rahman, welcomed little Isaiah Asa on September 10!

What will happen NEXT!!!!???

Will Antoiwana miss UB so much that she�ll decide to stay? Will Ben get the career of his dreams? Will Lisa learn the names of all 85 UB students? Will Jess get enough sleep to remember what day it is????

We do know one thing - with all these super fantastic UB people, we�re gonna have a great year of tutoring, college visits, career exploration, skills and leadership development, drama, comedy, growth and FUN!

Stay tuned - you won�t want to miss one exciting episode of As the (UB) World Turns!




Jess and Isaiah

UB Update 7 September 2010

Greetings all! Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Lisa Yang and I am honored to inform you that I have joined the UB team as of this summer as the new Advisor. I will be working closely with the UB staff in assisting you in your journey for success. It was a great summer and I look forward to meeting with all of you as well as the UB parents.

You might recognize me amongst the �hall of fame� photos in the UB office. A former UB student myself, I attended Central High School and am a 1999 alumna. I then went to UW-La Crosse where I graduated in the fall of �05 with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and a minor in Ethnic and Racial Studies. Though some things have changed since I was in UB, I can relate to the weekly study guides, having knowledgeable tutors assisting me with my homework, and the stressful yet fun summers. During my last year at UW-L I studied abroad in Guilin, China for a semester. The experience changed my life completely. It taught me a lot about the beautiful country and its people in addition to teaching me about myself, my strengths and my weaknesses. This experience also enabled me to teach Chinese for Summer UB for the past four summers.

Throughout my college years and even after graduation I have been working heavily with youth. I worked with the Office of Multicultural Student Services at UW-L and served as the Community Liaison, a tutor, and a classroom supervisor for their Pre-College Tutoring Program. For many years I was also a camp counselor and the Coordinator Assistant to the Mississippi River Adventure Camp. Continuing my work with youth, I then took

on a few interpreting jobs in Melrose and Winona. There I worked with students from 1st grade-12th grade.

I had always wanted to work with youth but it wasn�t until my job at Winona Senior High School when I realized just how important my role as a mentor was. I have a passion for education and a passion in working and mentoring youth. I had great role models growing up in addition to UB, thus making me the person I am today. UB enables me to give back to my community and give back to one of the programs that were influential to me. Now I feel like I�ve come full circle and it gives me a great sense of accomplishment.

As your new Advisor I will be making weekly visits to your high schools to meet up with you and �check in� on classes and address any concerns you may have with them, questions about college, or any other concerns or questions you may have. I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you as I start this new beginning; to an awesome academic year and new friendships.


Lisa Yang/ Livxam Yaj/

September 2010 8 UB Update

UB Senior 2010 Book Stipend

Winners! These 2010 graduating seniors were honored

at our May picnic with $100 BOOK STIPENDS

for their outstanding careers in Upward Bound at UW-L!

This fall, Tammy, Tria and Keng are attending the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse and

Jasmine attends Iowa State University!

Tammy X - Academic Achievement

Tria X- Academic Improvement

Jasmine A - Community Service

Keng V - Jonathan Soo Seong Wright Participation Award


Enrollment at two-year campuses in Wisconsin at all time high

Enrollment at two-year campuses in the University of Wisconsin System is at an all-time high this year, marking the sixth consecu-tive year of growth.

The campuses provide freshman and sophomore courses to students transferring to four-year campuses as well as collaborative programs with four-year campuses that allow students to earn bachelor's degrees in nursing, business, engineering and other specialties without leaving their local campus.

At two-year campuses, students pay $4,268 in tuition, roughly $2,000 less than most four-year campuses and about $3,500 less than UW-Milwaukee and UW- Madison.

In 2006, the Board of Regents approved a tuition freeze at UW Colleges to keep postsecondary education affordable for all students. The freeze has continued for four years, despite an average increase of 5% each year at four-year campuses.


Education Pays - College graduates� rates of unemployment much lower

People with college degrees earn more and are far less likely than others to experience unemployment. The gaps have widened in recent years, according to Education Pays 2010, the latest report from the College Board Advocacy & Policy Center.

While unemployment has risen for both groups during the economic downturn, from 2005 to 2009 the difference between the unemployment rates for those with a bachelor's degree and those with a high school diploma increased from 2.3 to 5.1 percentage points. The earnings of college graduates increased more rapidly from 2005 to 2008 than the earnings of high school graduates.


Obama Questions College Amenities, Urges More Disclosure of How Tuition Is Spent

In a conference call with student journalists, President Obama renewed his calls for reining in college costs, saying that every institution should provide a chart showing how each tuition dollar is spent. He also questioned the need for expensive amenities. "You're not going to a university to join a spa," he told the students. The president said improving the economy to help shore up state budgets is crucial to improving affordability, but he argued that colleges need to be mindful of teaching loads as well. Colleges should "give professors the opportunity to engage in work outside the classroom that advances knowledge," he said, "but at the same time reminding faculties that their primary job is to teach."

jobs.chronicle.com/blogPost/ Obama-Questions-College/


Whew! It was just summer and now it�s NOT! We have lots to report from summer and this fall.

First, congratulations Lisa Yang (Central �99), a graduate of UW-La Crosse, for becoming the new Upward Bound advisor!!!

Thanks to these outstanding summer office aides: Jasmine Anderson (Central �10), Kim Leitner (Holmen �07), Yer Lor (Logan �08), Chang Vang (Holmen �07), and Mai Yia Vang (Central �06)! Jasmine will attend ISU this fall. The other great students are currently enrolled at UW-L.

Also, from summer 2010, thanks to Tanya Becker (Logan �95), a University of Minnesota graduate currently finishing up a second degree at UW-L, for being a residential tutor.

Xong Xiong (Central �98), a UW-L graduate and Master�s degree candidate, has been named the new director of the local Hmong Mutual Assistance Association! (lacrossetribune.com/news/local/ article_80d404a6-b7c6-11df-ad33- 001cc4c03286.html)

We learned that Christan Tabron (Tomah �04) has graduated from Winona State University!

Sheng Vang (Central �03) graduated from UW-La Crosse earlier this year!

Freda Fair (Logan �02), a graduate of Macalester College, is �In the Spotlight� on the UCLA Women�s Studies web page. Freda is a PhD candidate there: (www.womensstudies.ucla.edu/spotlight.html)

Michelle Kudron (Sparta �07) transferred from UW- Richland and is now pursuing a Bachelor�s degree at Winona State University.

Fe Miller (Holmen �06) graduated from the Univer-sity of Wisconsin - La Crosse in June!

UB Update 9 September 2010

Jimmy Peth (Tomah �07) is at UW-Stevens Point and was the 2009 summer seasonal Biological Aide at the Necedah National Wildlife Refuge. Currently, he�s studying in Alaska.

AB Vang (Logan �06) is a Hamline University student and a member of the NCORE (National Conference on Race and Ethnicity) Team through the Center for Multicultural and International Student Affairs.

Ger Xiong (Onalaska �04) and Mai Ia Vue (Holmen �05) have both recently graduated from the Univer-sity of Wisconsin-La Crosse! Hooray!!

Victoria Pearson (Logan �06) is a senior at UW- Milwaukee and a member of the Multicultural Coordinating Committee there.

Your success is our success! Every year we must report to the U.S. Department of Education about our graduates college persistence and graduation.

Please visit www.uwlax.edu/upbound/ bounder.htm to find an online survey for former UB students (graduates or not) who graduated high school from 2001 through 2010. Accurate info about your postsecondary experience and degrees will help us show how successful our program is!

Attention SENIORS!!!


Monday, Nov. 22 5 to 7 p.m.

217 Wimberly, UW-L

Finding and applying for scholarships

Writing a great application essay

How one student�s search really paid off!

September 2010 10 Update


NTSNTSNTSNTS Just a quick reminder: stay involved in your children�s academic lives. Ask

about their classes, attend parent-teacher conferences, encourage your students to study hard and get good grades.

Parent involvement makes a big difference - research shows students earn better grades in school, have better attendance, exhibit better attitudes and behavior, have homework com-

pleted more, are more likely to graduate high school and are more likely to attend college.

Parent-Teacher Conferences are important! Conferences are a chance for you to ask about your child�s performance and behavior at school and an opportunity for your child to learn how to advocate for her or

himself. Please plan to attend a conference this fall!

Tips for Parent-Teacher Conferences

Before the conference * Write down what you want to ask the teacher * List things that might help the teacher know your child better - health concerns, hobbies and interests, family problems, etc. * Ask your child, �what do you want me to tell your teacher?� * Be on time. If you can't make the conference as scheduled, call and notify the teacher.

During the conference * If you have a specific point to discuss or if you have a complaint, listen to the teacher's point before criticizing. * The teacher may have some questions too -- not trying to pry into your personal life, but only to obtain information that will help her or him to work better with your child. * Before you leave develop an action plan and, if needed, set up a way to check on your child's progress. Follow through with the plan. * Leave promptly. Schedule another conference with the teacher if you feel it�s needed.

Ten questions you might ask the teacher

1. What will you cover in this class?

2. What will my child learn that will help her/him prepare for future college and career success?

3. What are your expectations for assignments? Do I need to monitor this? How?

4. How is my child�s behavior in class? Does he/she participate as much as you would like?

5. Has my child missed any classes other than the ones I contacted the school about?

6. Do you need anything or any help from parents? Chaperons, fundraisers, materials or supplies?

7. Does my child need or qualify for any special programs like gifted/accelerated, honors, tutoring, extra time on tests or special accomodations?

8. What can I do at home to help my child be more successful at school?

Central Conferences (789-7900 for more info) Thursday, October 7 from 4:00 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, October 14 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Thursday, November 11 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Holmen Conferences (526-3372 for more info) Monday, October 11 from 3:45 to 7:15 p.m. Monday, December 13 - from 3:45 to 7:15 p.m.

Onalaska Conferences (783-4561 for more info) Monday, October 18 from noon to 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 19 from noon to 8:00 p.m.

Logan Conferences (789-7700 for more info) Wednesday, October 6 from 4:00 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 4 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Thursday, November 11 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Sparta Conferences (366-3491 for more info) Friday, October 8 from 7:30 to 10:30 a.m. Monday, October 11 from 3:30 p.m.to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 12 from 3:30 p.m.to 6:30 p.m.

Tomah Conferences (374-7358 for more info) Monday, October 11 from 4:30 p.m.to 8:00 p.m.