UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)

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Transcript of UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)





    1. (V- -' # N . 160 0501 12) O'+ E ' & O33& +4 &' D&4+ 4- + 3E ' & % -' S - &% & % M&'&% 4# 3 A 4& $7 $4+ D+8-4 +' 3 A 4& $7 $4+ -'C 9 8+4- & ' (UR901). The post is permanent. P-# S -7+! Rs.9,300-34,800 (PB- ! "Rs. 4,#00 ($ra%e Pa&! (T.'. Rs. 30,44 /- )ppro*.! " T) an% +R) as a%missi le.

    $eneral entral er ice, $roup B1, $a2ette%. on- inisterial A +*! 0 #4%.:UALIFICATIONS! ESSENTIAL! EDUCATIONAL! Post 5ra%uate %e5ree in'conomics or )pplie% 'conomics or Business 'conomics or 'conometrics 6rom areco5ni2e% 7ni ersit&/institute. DUTIES! To anal&sis an% interpret 'conomics an%

    tatistical %ata an% to prepare notes an% memoran%a thereon.

    2. (V- -' # N . 160 0502212) F&3 #9+& E;- &'+4 3 T4- + M-4

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    an% rules 6rame% thereun%er. The '*aminer can e assi5ne% an& other wor? relatin5 tothe su @ect & the Re5istrar. H:! um ai with )ll =n%ia er ice ia ilit&.

    . (V- -' # N . 160 050 612) E& M-'- +4% (M-&7 M 4 S+4@& +) M&'&% 4#

    3 C $'& - & ' -' I'3 4 - & ' T+ ' 7 # D+8-4 +' 3 P % % (SC901 ST901 OBC902 = UR90 ). The posts are permanent. P-# S -7+! Rs. A,#00-39,000 (PB-3!" Rs. A,400 ($ra%e Pa&! (T.'. Rs. 4A,990/- )ppro*.! " T) an% +R) as a%missi le.$eneral entral er ice, $roup-) $a2ette%, on inisterial A +*! 5 #4%.:UALIFICATIONS! ESSENTIAL! (A) EDUCATIONAL! Bachelor o6'n5ineerin5/Bachelor o6 Technolo5& in echanical or )utomo ile 'n5ineerin5 6rom areco5nise% 7ni ersit&/=nstitute. (B) E?PERIENCE! Three &ears1 e*perience in operationo6 otor Transport Tra66ic in a $o t./ emi $o t./P 7/ ommercial r5ani2ation liste%on the stoc? e*chan5e(s! o6 =n%ia. DESIRABLE! aster o6 'n5ineerin5/ aster o6Technolo5& in echanical or )utomo ile 'n5ineerin5 6rom a Reco5nise%

    7ni ersit&/=nstitute. DUTIES! )rran5in5 to purchase o6 ehicles, super ision o6 wor?with a iew to controllin5 an% impro in5 the uanit& an% ualit& o6 output o6 thetechnical sta66. on%emnation, %isposal an% replacement o6 tools, machiner& spareparts an% ehicles. eri6ication o6 ehicles. 'nsurin5 completion o6 recor%s. usto%&o6 er ice memo, )P)R %ossier etc. H:! ew >elhi with all =n%ia er ice

    ia ilit&.

    . (V- -' # N . 160 050 612) F $4 S+'& 4 S &+' &3& O33& +4% 4- +9 II

    (E' &'++4&' ) &' D&4+ 4- + +'+4-7 3 :$-7& # A%%$4-' + M&'&% 4# 3 D+3+' +D+8-4 +' 3 D+3+' + P4 $ & ' (SC901 OBC901 = UR902). The posts aresuita le 6or Ph&sicall& hallen5e% Persons with %isa ilit& i2. rthopae%icall&+an%icappe%/ ocomotor >isa ilit&/ ere ral Pals& with ne e5 )66ecte% (Ri5ht or e6t!(OL) OR +earin5 =mpairment ;Partiall& >ea6 (PD) e6ence Cualit& )ssurance

    er ice $roup )1 $a2ette%, ( on- inisterial!. A +*! 5 #4%. :UALIFICATIONS!ESSENTIAL! (A) EDUCATIONAL! B.'./B. Tech in echanical/'lectrical 'n5ineerin56rom a reco5ni2e% 7ni ersit&. (B) E?PERIENCE! Two &ears1 practical e*perience in

    Pro%uction or >e elopment or Cualit& )ssurance in echanical/'lectrical 'n5ineerin5relate% su @ects. DESIRABLE! inimum si* months erti6icate ourse in $erman orDrench or Russian or Eapanese or hinese lan5ua5e 6rom a reco5nise% institute.DUTIES! >ocumentation wor? re5ar%in5 procurement o6 %e6ence stores, Test lamana5ement, reation o6 test 6acilities an% ualit& assurance o6 %e6ence stores,

    apa ilit& assessment o6 pro a le %e6ence en%ors, =n%i5eni2ation, %e elopment an%

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    impro ement o6 %e6ence items in liaison with in%ustries. H:! ew >elhi ut lia le toser e an&where in =n%ia or a roa%.

    5. (V- -' # N . 160 0505612) O'+ S+'& 4 S &+' &3& O33& +4 4- +9 II ( +' +;) &'D&4+ 4- + +'+4-7 3 :$-7& # A%%$4-' + M&'&% 4# 3 D+3+' + D+8-4 +' 3

    D+3+' + P4 $ & ' (UR901). The post is suita le 6or Ph&sicall& hallen5e% Personswith %isa ilit& i2. rthopae%icall& +an%icappe%/ ocomotor >isa ilit&/ ere ral Pals&with ne e5 )66ecte% (Ri5ht or e6t! (OL) 4 ne )rm )66ecte% (Ri5ht or e6t! (OA) OR +earin5 =mpairment ;Partiall& >ea6 (PD) e6ence Cualit& )ssurance er ice$roup )1 $a2ette%, ( on- inisterial!. A +*! 5 #4%. :UALIFICATIONS! ESSENTIAL!(A) EDUCATIONAL! B.'./B.Tech in echanical/ etallur5ical/ Te*tile 'n5ineerin5 6roma reco5nise% uni ersit&. (B) E?PERIENCE! Two &ears1 practical e*perience inPro%uction or >e elopment or Cualit& )ssurance in echanical/ etallur5ical/ Te*tile'n5ineerin5 relate% su @ects. DESIRABLE! inimum si* months erti6icate ourse in$erman or Drench or Russian or Eapanese or hinese lan5ua5e 6rom a reco5nise%institute. DUTIES! >ocumentation wor? re5ar%in5 procurement o6 %e6ence stores, Testla mana5ement, reation o6 test 6acilities an% ualit& assurance o6 %e6ence stores,

    apa ilit& assessment o6 pro a le %e6ence en%ors, =n%i5eni2ation, %e elopment an%impro ement o6 %e6ence items in liaison with in%ustries. H:! ew >elhi ut lia le toser e an&where in =n%ia or a roa%.

    6. (V- -' # N . 160 0506612) T, S+'& 4 S &+' &3& O33& +4% 4- +9 II (M&7& -4#E;87 %&@+%) &' D&4+ 4- + +'+4-7 3 :$-7& # A%%$4-' + M&'&% 4# 3 D+3+' +D+8-4 +' 3 D+3+' + P4 $ & ' (ST901 = UR901). The posts are suita le 6orPh&sicall& hallen5e% Persons with %isa ilit& i2. rthopae%icall&+an%icappe%/ ocomotor >isa ilit&/ ere ral Pals& with ne e5 )66ecte% (Ri5ht or e6t!(OL) OR +earin5 =mpairment ;Partiall& >ea6 (PD) e6ence Cualit& )ssurance

    er ice $roup )1 $a2ette%, ( on- inisterial!. A +*! 5 #4%. :UALIFICATIONS!ESSENTIAL! (A) EDUCATIONAL! B.'./ B.Tech in hemical 'n5ineerin5 / Technolo5&or aster1s >e5ree in hemistr& 6rom a reco5ni2e% uni ersit&. (B) E?PERIENCE! Two

    &ears1 practical e*perience in Pro%uction or >e elopment or Cualit& )ssurance in the6iel% o6 ilitar& e*plosi es. DESIRABLE! inimum si* months erti6icate ourse in$erman or Drench or Russian or Eapanese or hinese lan5ua5e 6rom a reco5nise%institute. DUTIES! >ocumentation wor? re5ar%in5 procurement o6 %e6ence stores, Testla mana5ement, reation o6 test 6acilities an% ualit& assurance o6 %e6ence stores,

    apa ilit& assessment o6 pro a le %e6ence en%ors, =n%i5eni2ation, %e elopment an%

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    impro ement o6 %e6ence items in liaison with in%ustries. H:! ew >elhi ut lia le toser e an&where in =n%ia or a roa%.

    >. (V- -' # N . 160 050>112) F $4 ++' S8+ &-7&% 4- +9III A%%&% -'P4 3+%% 4% (O4 8-+ & %) M&'&% 4# 3 H+-7 = F- &7# W+73-4+ (SC902 ST901

    OBC90 = UR90>). The posts are suita le 6or Ph&sicall& hallen5e% Persons with%isa ilit& i2. rthopae%icall& +an%icappe%/ ocomotor >isa ilit&/ ere ral Pals& withBoth e5s )66ecte% ut not )rms (BL) 4 ne e5 )66ecte% (Ri5ht or e6t! (OL) 4

    uscular Fea?ness an% imite% Ph&sical 'n%urance (MW). The posts are permanentut initiall& to e 6ille% up on temporar& asis. P-# S -7+! Rs. A,#00-39,000 (PB-3! "

    Rs. #,#00 ($ra%e Pa&! (T.'. Rs. 48,# 8/- )ppro*.! " P) " T) an% +R) as a%missi le.entral +ealth er ices, $roup )1, Teachin5 pecialist u -ca%re A +*! 0 #4%.

    :UALIFICATIONS! ESSENTIAL! (A) EDUCATIONAL! (i! ) reco5ni2e% BB %e5reeuali6ication inclu%e% in the Dirst che%ule or the econ% che%ule or Part-== o6 the

    Thir% che%ule (other than licentiate uali6ications! to the =n%ian e%ical ouncil )ct,9A# ( 0 o6 9A#!. +ol%ers o6 e%ucational uali6ications inclu%e% in Part-== o6 the Thir%che%ule shoul% also 6ul6ill the con%itions speci6ie% in su -section (3! o6 section 3 o6

    the =n%ian e%ical ouncil )ct, 9A# ( 0 o6 9A#!. (ii! Post- $ra%uate %e5ree in theconcerne% specialt& or uper-specialit& mentione% in ection ) o6 che%ule = i.e.

    aster o6 ur5er& ( rthopae%ics! NOTE9I ! Dor e ui alence o6 > B uali6ications with>/ or > / . h, the can%i%ates hol%in5 > B uali6ications woul% nee% to 5et theiruali6ication eri6ie% & B' as to whether it is as per the re uirement o6 the $a2ette

    noti6ication o. =- ( !/ 0 0- e%. isc. %ate% .#. 0 an% pro%uce sucheri6ication certi6icate alon5with online application 6orm. NOTE9II ! )n& Post $ra%uation

    >e5ree or >iploma awar%e% & an& =n%ian 7ni ersities, inclu%e% in or e*clu%e% 6rom,the che%ules to =n%ian e%ical ouncil )ct, 9A# ( 0 o6 9A#!, conse uent toreco5nition 5rante% or with%rawn & $o t o6 =n%ia as per pro isions o6 the sai% )ct shall

    e %eeme% to ha e een inclu%e% or e*clu%e% accor%in5l& 6rom the che%ule- =.NOTE9III ! The Post $ra%uation e%ical Cuali6ications awar%e% & =n%ian 7ni ersities,must ha e een inclu%e% in the che%ules to the =n%ian e%ical ouncil )ct,

    9A#( 0 o6 9A#! 6or the purpose o6 che%ule =. NOTE9IV ! =n the case o6 hol%ers o6>octorate o6 e%icine (> ! or a5ister hirur5iae ( . h.! uali6ication o6 6i e &ear1s%uration, the perio% o6 enior Post $ra%uate resi%enc& ren%ere% in the last part o6 thesai% o6 >octorate o6 e%icine (> ! or a5ister hirur5iae ( . h.! shall e counte%

    towar%s re uirement o6 teachin5 e*perience. NOTE9V ! Teachin5 e*perience in an&other post li?e the post o6 $eneral >ut& e%ical 66icer or e%ical 66icer shall not econsi%ere% 6or eli5i ilit& purpose 6or recruitment to teachin5 posts. NOTE9VI ! Thecrucial %ate 6or %eterminin5 the a5e limit shall e the closin5 %ate 6or receipt o6applications 6rom can%i%ates in =n%ia. NOTE!9VII! The uali6ications are rela*a le at the%iscretion o6 the commission, 6or reasons to e recor%e% in writin5, in case o6can%i%ates otherwise well uali6ie%. NOTE!9VIII! The uali6ication re5ar%in5 e*perience

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    is rela*a le at %iscretion o6 the ommission, 6or reason to e recor%e% in writin5, in thecase o6 can%i%ates elon5in5 to che%ule% astes an% the che%ule Tri es i6, at an&sta5e o6 selection, the ommission is o6 the opinion that su66icient num er o6 can%i%ates6rom these communities possessin5 the re uisite e*perience are not li?el& to ea aila le to 6ill up the acancies reser e% 6or them. (B) E?PERIENCE! )t least three&ears1 teachin5 e*perience as enior Resi%ent or Tutor or >emonstrator or Re5istrar inthe concerne% pecialt& or uper-specialit& in a reco5ni2e% teachin5 institution a6tero tainin5 the 6irst Post 5ra%uate %e5ree. N +! Teachin5 e*perience in an& other postli?e the post o6 $eneral >ut& e%ical 66icer or e%ical 66icer shall not e consi%ere%6or eli5i ilit& purpose 6or recruitment to teachin5 posts. DUTIES! .To impart theoreticalan% practical instructions to un%er-5ra%uate/post-5ra%uate me%ical stu%entsG .Tocon%uct an% 5ui%e research wor? in the specialit&G 3.To ren%er patient care in thespecialit&G 4.)n& other %uties that ma& e assi5ne% & the authorities 6rom time to time. ANY OTHER CONDITIONS! The other con%itions o6 ser ice will e lai% %own in the

    + Rules, 99#, an% other rules in 6orce 6rom time to time in particularG (&) Pri atepractice o6 an& ?in% whatsoe er shall not e allowe% inclu%in5 an& consultation an%la orator& practice. (&&) The can%i%ate selecte% will, i6 so re uire% shall e lia le toser e in an& >e6ence ser ice or post connecte% with the >e6ence o6 =n%ia, 6or a perio%not less than 6our &ears inclu%in5 the perio% spent in trainin5, i6 an& : Pro i%e% that sucho66icer shall not (a! e re uire% to ser e as a6oresai% a6ter the e*pir& o6 ten &ears 6romthe %ate o6 appointment or 6rom the %ate o6 @oinin5 the ser ice, ( ! r%inaril& e re uire%to ser e as a6oresai% a6ter attainin5 the a5e o6 4A &ears.

    . (V- -' # N . 160 050 112) F $4 S8+ &-7&% 4- +9III (O"% . = #'-+) M&'&% 4#

    3 H+-7 = F- &7# W+73-4+ (OBC902 = UR902). The posts are suita le 6or Ph&sicall&hallen5e% Persons with %isa ilit& i2. rthopae%icall& +an%icappe%/ ocomotor>isa ilit&/ ere ral Pals& with Both e5s )66ecte% ut not )rms (BL) 4 ne e5

    )66ecte% (Ri5ht or e6t! (OL) 4 uscular Fea?ness an% imite% Ph&sical 'n%urance(MW). The posts are permanent ut initiall& to e 6ille% up on temporar& asis. P-#S -7+! Rs. A,#00-39,000 (PB-3! " Rs. #,#00 ($ra%e Pa&! (T.'. Rs. 48,# 8/- )ppro*.! "

    P) " T) an% +R) as a%missi le. entral +ealth er ices, $roup )1, on-Teachin5pecialist u -ca%re A +*! 0 #4%. :UALIFICATIONS! ESSENTIAL! (A)

    EDUCATIONAL! i! ) reco5ni2e% BB %e5ree uali6ication inclu%e% in the Dirstche%ule or secon% che%ule or part == o6 the Thir% sche%ule (other than licentiate

    uali6ications! to the =n%ian e%ical ouncil )ct, 9A# ( 0 o6 9A#!. +ol%ers o6'%ucational uali6ications inclu%e% in the Part == o6 Thir% che%ule shoul% also 6ul6ill thecon%itions speci6ie% in su -section (3! o6 section ( 3! o6 the =n%ian e%ical ouncil )ct,

    9A# ( 0 o6 9A#!. (ii! Post-$ra%uate >e5ree/>iploma in the concerne% specialit& oruper-specialit& mentione% in ection- )1 or ection- B1 in che%ule- = i.e. >octor o6e%icine ( stetrics H $&naecolo5&!G or aster o6 ur5er& ( stetrics H $&naecolo5&!G

    or >iploma in $&naecolo5& H stetrics. NOTE!9I! Dor e ui alence o6 > B

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    uali6ications with >/ or > / . h, the can%i%ates hol%in5 > B uali6icationswoul% nee% to 5et their uali6ication eri6ie% & B' as to whether it is as per there uirement o6 the $a2ette noti6ication o. =- ( !/ 0 0- e%. isc. %ate% .#. 0an% pro%uce such eri6ication certi6icate alon5with online application 6orm. NOTE!9II!

    )n& Post $ra%uation >e5ree or >iploma awar%e% & an& =n%ian 7ni ersities, inclu%e%in or e*clu%e% 6rom, the che%ules to =n%ian e%ical ouncil )ct, 9A# ( 0 o6 9A#!,conse uent to reco5nition 5rante% or with%rawn & $o t. o6 =n%ia as per pro isions o6the sai% )ct shall e %eeme% to ha e een inclu%e% or e*clu%e% accor%in5l& 6rom the

    che%ule- =. NOTE!9III: The Post $ra%uation e%ical Cuali6ications awar%e% & =n%ian7ni ersities, must ha e een inclu%e% in the che%ules to the =n%ian e%ical

    ouncil )ct, 9A#( 0 o6 9A#! 6or the purpose o6 che%ule =. NOTE!9IV =n the case o6hol%ers o6 >octorate o6 e%icine (> ! or a5ister hirur5iae ( . h.! uali6ication o66i e &ear1s %uration, the perio% o6 enior Post $ra%uate resi%enc& ren%ere% in the lastpart o6 the sai% o6 >octorate o6 e%icine (> ! or a5ister hirur5iae ( . h.! shall e

    counte% towar%s re uirement o6 teachin5 e*perience. NOTE!9V Teachin5 e*perience inan& other post li?e the post o6 $eneral >ut& e%ical 66icer or e%ical 66icer shall note consi%ere% 6or eli5i ilit& purpose 6or recruitment to teachin5 posts. NOTE!9VI! The

    crucial %ate 6or %eterminin5 the a5e limit shall e the closin5 %ate 6or receipt o6applications 6rom can%i%ates in =n%ia. NOTE!9VII! The uali6ications are rela*a le at the%iscretion o6 the commission, 6or reasons to e recor%e% in writin5, in case o6can%i%ates otherwise well uali6ie%. NOTE!9VIII! The uali6ication re5ar%in5 e*perienceis rela*a le at %iscretion o6 the ommission, 6or reason to e recor%e% in writin5, in thecase o6 can%i%ates elon5in5 to che%ule% astes an% the che%ule Tri es i6, at an&sta5e o6 selection, the ommission is o6 the opinion that su66icient num er o6 can%i%ates

    6rom these communities possessin5 the re uisite e*perience are not li?el& to ea aila le to 6ill up the acancies reser e% 6or them. (B) E?PERIENCE! Three &ears1e*perience in the concerne% specialit& or super specialiti& a6ter o tainin5 the 6irst Post-5ra%uate >e5ree or 6i e &ears1 e*perience a6ter the Post-5ra%uate >iploma. DUTIES!

    .To con%uct an% 5ui%e research wor? in the specialit&G . To ren%er patient care in thespecialit&G 3. )n& other %uties that ma& e assi5ne% & the authorities 6rom time to timeH:! The can%i%ates will e initiall& poste% at the +ospital/>ispensaries un%er thea%ministrati e control o6 inistr& o6 a our H 'mplo&ment. +owe er, the& will e lia leto ser an&where in =n%ia. ANY OTHER CONDITIONS! The other con%itions o6 ser icewill e lai% %own in the + Rules, 0 4, an% other rules in 6orce 6rom time to time. (&&) Pri ate practice o6 an& ?in% what so e er shall not e allowe% inclu%in5 an& consultationan% la orator& practice. (iii! The can%i%ate selecte% will, =6 so re uire% shall e lia le toser e in an& >e6ence ser ice or post connecte% with the >e6ence o6 =n%ia, 6or a perio%not less than 6our &ears inclu%in5 the perio% spent in trainin5, i6 an& : Pro i%e% that sucho66icer shall not (a! e re uire% to ser e as a6oresai% a6ter the e*pir& o6 ten &ears 6rom

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    the %ate o6 appointment or 6rom the %ate o6 @oinin5 the ser ice, ( ! r%inaril& e re uire%to ser e as a6oresai% a6ter attainin5 the a5e o6 4A &ears.

    . (V- -' # N . 160 050 112) T, S8+ &-7&% 4- +9III (P #%& -7 M+ & &'+ -'R+ -"&7& - & ') P.M.R. M&'&% 4# 3 H+-7 = F- &7# W+73-4+ (SC901 = OBC901).

    The posts are suita le 6or Ph&sicall& hallen5e% Persons with %isa ilit& i2.rthopae%icall& +an%icappe%/ ocomotor >isa ilit&/ ere ral Pals& with Both e5s

    )66ecte% ut not )rms (BL) 4 ne e5 )66ecte% (Ri5ht or e6t! (OL) 4 uscularFea?ness an% imite% Ph&sical 'n%urance (MW). The posts are permanent ut initiall&to e 6ille% up on temporar& asis. P-# S -7+! Rs. A,#00-39,000 (PB-3! " Rs. #,#00($ra%e Pa&! (T.'. Rs. 48,# 8/- )ppro*.! " P) " T) an% +R) as a%missi le. entral+ealth er ices, $roup )1, on-Teachin5 pecialist u -ca%re A +*! 5 #4% 3 4S + $7+ C-% +% -' & - +% -' #4% 3 4 O +4 B- B uali6ications with >/ or > / . h,the can%i%ates hol%in5 > B uali6ications woul% nee% to 5et their uali6ication eri6ie%

    & B' as to whether it is as per the re uirement o6 the $a2ette noti6ication o. =-( !/ 0 0- e%. isc. %ate% .#. 0 an% pro%uce such eri6ication certi6icate

    alon5with online application 6orm. NOTE!9II! )n& Post $ra%uation >e5ree or >iplomaawar%e% & an& =n%ian 7ni ersities, inclu%e% in or e*clu%e% 6rom, the che%ules to=n%ian e%ical ouncil )ct, 9A# ( 0 o6 9A#!, conse uent to reco5nition 5rante% orwith%rawn & $o t. o6 =n%ia as per pro isions o6 the sai% )ct shall e %eeme% to ha e

    een inclu%e% or e*clu%e% accor%in5l& 6rom the che%ule- =. NOTE!9III: The Post$ra%uation e%ical Cuali6ications awar%e% & =n%ian 7ni ersities, must ha e eeninclu%e% in the che%ules to the =n%ian e%ical ouncil )ct, 9A#( 0 o6 9A#! 6or

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    the purpose o6 che%ule =. NOTE!9IV =n the case o6 hol%ers o6 >octorate o6 e%icine(> ! or a5ister hirur5iae ( . h.! uali6ication o6 6i e &ear1s %uration, the perio% o6

    enior Post $ra%uate resi%enc& ren%ere% in the last part o6 the sai% o6 >octorate o6e%icine (> ! or a5ister hirur5iae ( . h.! shall e counte% towar%s re uirement o6

    teachin5 e*perience. NOTE!9V Teachin5 e*perience in an& other post li?e the post o6$eneral >ut& e%ical 66icer or e%ical 66icer shall not e consi%ere% 6or eli5i ilit&purpose 6or recruitment to teachin5 posts. NOTE!9VI! The crucial %ate 6or %eterminin5the a5e limit shall e the closin5 %ate 6or receipt o6 applications 6rom can%i%ates in =n%ia.NOTE!9VII! The uali6ications are rela*a le at the %iscretion o6 the commission, 6orreasons to e recor%e% in writin5, in case o6 can%i%ates otherwise well uali6ie%.NOTE!9VIII! The uali6ication re5ar%in5 e*perience is rela*a le at %iscretion o6 the

    ommission, 6or reason to e recor%e% in writin5, in the case o6 can%i%ates elon5in5 toche%ule% astes an% the che%ule Tri es i6, at an& sta5e o6 selection, theommission is o6 the opinion that su66icient num er o6 can%i%ates 6rom these

    communities possessin5 the re uisite e*perience are not li?el& to e a aila le to 6ill upthe acancies reser e% 6or them. (B) E?PERIENCE! Three &ears1 e*perience in theconcerne% specialit& or super specialiti& a6ter o tainin5 the 6irst Post-5ra%uate >e5ree.DUTIES! .To con%uct an% 5ui%e research wor? in the specialit&G .To ren%er patientcare in the specialit&G 3. )n& other %uties that ma& e assi5ne% & the authorities 6romtime to time H:! The can%i%ates will e initiall& poste% at the +ospital/>ispensariesun%er the a%ministrati e control o6 inistr& o6 a our H 'mplo&ment. +owe er, the& will

    e lia le to ser an&where in =n%ia. ANY OTHER CONDITIONS! The other con%itions o6ser ice will e lai% %own in the + Rules, 0 4, an% other rules in 6orce 6rom time totime. (&&) Pri ate practice o6 an& ?in% what so e er shall not e allowe% inclu%in5 an&

    consultation an% la orator& practice. (iii! The can%i%ate selecte% will, =6 so re uire% shalle lia le to ser e in an& >e6ence ser ice or post connecte% with the >e6ence o6 =n%ia,

    6or a perio% not less than 6our &ears inclu%in5 the perio% spent in trainin5, i6 an& :Pro i%e% that such o66icer shall not (a! e re uire% to ser e as a6oresai% a6ter thee*pir& o6 ten &ears 6rom the %ate o6 appointment or 6rom the %ate o6 @oinin5 the ser ice,( ! r%inaril& e re uire% to ser e as a6oresai% a6ter attainin5 the a5e o6 4A &ears.

    10. (V- -' # N . 160 0510 12) F $4 A%%&% -' D&4+ 4% (H&' & T#8&' -' H&' &S +' 4-8 #) &' C+' 4-7 H&' & T4-&'&' I'% & $ + M&'&% 4# 3 H + A33-&4%D+8-4 +' 3 O33& &-7 L-' $- + (SC901 OBC901 = UR902). The posts are suita le

    6or Ph&sicall& hallen5e% Persons with %isa ilit& i2. rthopae%icall&+an%icappe%/ ocomotor >isa ilit&/ ere ral Pals& with ne e5 )66ecte% (Ri5ht or e6t!(OL) OR +earin5 =mpairment ;Partiall& >ea6 (PD) e5ree 6rom a reco5nise% 7ni ersit& with +in%i as one o6 the compulsor&

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    su @ect or with +in%i e%ium OR Bachelor1s %e5ree 6rom a reco5nise% 7ni ersit& with+in%i as one o6 the compulsor& su @ect at 0 " le el (ii! Pro6icienc& in +in%isteno5raph& with spee% o6 00 wor%s per minute in +in%i shorthan% an% 40 wor%s perminute in +in%i T&pewritin5. (iii! ne &ear %iploma or certi6icate course in +in%it&pewritin5 an% +in%i steno5raph& con%ucte% & =n%ustrial Trainin5 =nstitute or otherinstitutions un%er the ae5is o6 the ational ouncil 6or ocational Trainin5 ( T! ortrainin5 imparte% & the institute o6 state $o ernments or 7nion territories. (B)E?PERIENCE! Di e &ears1 e*perience in +in%i steno5raph& inclu%in5 +in%i t&pewritin5.DESIRABLE! (i! Two &ears e*perience in or5ani2in5 classes in +in%i teno5raph&inclu%in5 +in%i t&pewritin5 in a reco5ni2e% =nstitution. (ii! For?in5 ?nowle%5e o6computer inclu%in5 +in%i so6tware relatin5 to +in%i t&pin5. DUTIES! =mpartin5 trainin5 in+in%i T&pewritin5 an% +in%i teno5raph& to emplo&ees o6 entral $o ernment an% its7n%erta?in5s. H:! ew >elhi with =nitial postin5 at orth 'ast / outhern Re5ion.+owe er, the post carries all =n%ia trans6er lia ilit&.

    11. (V- -' # N . 160 0511 12) O'+ D+8$ # M&'+4-7 E ' &% (I' +77& +' +) &'I' &-' B$4+-$ 3 M&'+% M&'&% 4# 3 M&'+% (UR901). The post is suita le 6orPh&sicall& hallen5e% Persons with %isa ilit& i2. rthopae%icall&+an%icappe%/ ocomotor >isa ilit&/ ere ral Pals& with Both e5s )66ecte% ut not )rms(BL) 4 ne e5 )66ecte% (Ri5ht or e6t! (OL) 4 ne )rm )66ecte% (Ri5ht or e6t!(OA) 4 ne e5 an% ne )rm )66ecte% (OLA) OR Blin%ness or ow ision ;Blin% (B) or Partiall& Blin% (PB) < OR +earin5 =mpairment ;>ea6 (D) or Partiall& >ea6 (PD) e5ree in $eolo5& or )pplie% $eolo5& or 'conomics or>e5ree in inin5 'n5ineerin5 6rom a reco5ni2e% 7ni ersit& or e ui alent. NOTE! +erewor% E $&@-7+' G has een use% 6or 7ni ersit& an% not 6or e%ucational uali6ication.(B) E?PERIENCE! Di e &ears1 e*perience in a uper isor& capacit&I in resourcesappraisal mar?et sur e& an% in esti5ation o6 economic aspect o6 mineral resources an%pro%uction an% utili2ation o6 minerals. NOTE! I S$8+4@&% 4# -8- & # means mana5in5wor? or o erseein5 wor? in resources appraisal mar?et sur e& an% in esti5ation o6

    economic aspect o6 mineral resources an% pro%uction an% utili2ation o6 minerals.DESIRABLE! (i! aster1s >e5ree in inin5 'n5ineerin5/>octorate >e5ree in$eolo5&/)pplie% $eolo5&/'conomics pre6era l& in the 6iel% o6 mineral economics 6roma reco5ni2e% uni ersit& or e ui alent. (ii! >e5ree in tatistics. (iii! For?in5 ?nowle%5eo6 computers with special emphasis on commonl& use% so6tware in o66ice. NOTE! +erewor% E $&@-7+' G has een use% 6or 7ni ersit& an% not 6or e%ucational uali6ication.DUTIES! To super ise the wor? o6 )ssistant ineral 'conomist an% ineral 66icers

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    are relate% to collection, compilation, ta ulation an% anal&sis o6 %ata pertainin5 tomines, minerals, minerals ase% in%ustries, e*ploration a5encies etc. 6or preparation o6notes, reports, re iews etc 6or preparation o6 arious pu lication li?e =n%ian ineralJear Boo?, Bulletin on ineral =n6ormation, ar?et sur e& Reports, onsumption o6

    opper- ea%-Kinc etc. Preparation an% perio%ical up-%ation o6 >irector& o6 inin5eases, matters relate% to ineral )% isor& Boar%. H:! a5pur with lia ilit& to ser e

    an&where in =n%ia.

    12. (V- -' # N . 160 0512612) T, A%%&% -' E;+ $ &@+ E' &'++4%(E7+ 4 '& %) &' D&4+ 4- + +'+4-7 3 L& $%+% = L& % &8% M&'&% 4# S &88&' (ST901 = UR901). Both the posts are e*clusi el& reser e% 6or Ph&sicall&

    hallen5e% Persons with %isa ilit&/%isa ilities. 6 the two posts, one post is reser e% 6orPh&sicall& hallen5e% Persons with %isa ilit& i2. rthopae%icall&

    +an%icappe%/ ocomotor >isa ilit&/ ere ral Pals& with ne e5 )66ecte% (Ri5ht or e6t!( ! an% remainin5 one post is reser e% 6or +earin5 =mpairment ;Partiall& >ea6 (P>!e5ree in Telecommunications/ 'lectronics 'n5ineerin5/'lectronicsan% ommunications 'n5ineerin5 6rom a reco5nise% 7ni ersit& or e ui alentI. NOTE! I='T' (=nstitute o6 'lectronics an% Telecommunication 'n5ineers an% ) =' ection )HBissue% & the =nstitution o6 'n5ineers (=n%ia!. (B) E?PERIENCE! Two &earse*perience in super isor& capacit& in the 6iel% o6 ra%io ai%s to na i5ationDESIRABLE! Two &ears1 e*perience in 5eneration, suppl& an% transmission o6power with e*perience in li5htin5 small motors an% wirin5 DUTIES! To assist ininstallation impro ement an% maintenance o6 e uipments an% other na i5ational ai%sH:! Eamna5ar H Port Blair with all =n%ia er ice ia ilit&.

    1 . (V- -' # N . 160 051 612) O'+ A%%&% -' D&4+ 4 4- +9II (T+ '& -7) &'+ O33& + 3 + T+; &7+% C &%%& '+4 M&'&% 4# 3 T+; &7+% (UR901). The post is

    e*clusi el& reser e% 6or Ph&sicall& hallen5e% Persons with %isa ilit& i2.rthopae%icall& +an%icappe%/ ocomotor >isa ilit&/ ere ral Pals& with ne e5

    )66ecte% (Ri5ht or e6t! (OL) 4 ne )rm )66ecte% (Ri5ht or e6t! (OA) The post is

    permanent. P-# S -7+! Rs.9,300-34,800 (PB- ! " Rs. 4,#00 ($ra%e Pa&! (T.'. Rs.30,44 /- )ppro*.! " T) an% +R) as a%missi le. $eneral entral er ice, $roup B1,$a2ette%. on- inisterial. A +*! 5 #4%. :UALIFICATIONS! ESSENTIAL! (A)EDUCATIONAL! >e5ree in Te*tile anu6acture/Te*tile Technolo5& o6 a reco5nise%7ni ersit& or e ui alent. (B) E?PERIENCE! ) out &earsI e*perience o6 wor?connecte% with mana5ement an% runnin5 o6 te*tile mills o6 which a out a &earshoul% e in spinnin5 or wea in5 OR a out &earsI e*perience in 5o ernment%epartment %ealin5 with inspection/appraisement o6 Te*tile ills tores. NOTE! I

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    '*perience o6 not less than 0 &ear H 09 months ma& e treate% as L) out 0 &earse*perience1. DUTIES! To assist in the matters relatin5 to %e elopments an%mo%erni2ations o6 Te*tile =n%ustr&. To ren%er a% ice on arious technical issues. Toman the power loom ser ice centers with trainin5 an% testin5 ser ice to the in%ustr&.=mplementation o6 arious schemes 6or Te*tile =n%ustr& an% tra%e %e elopment. H:!

    ew >elhi with all =n%ia er ice ia ilit&.

    1 . (V- -' # N . 160 051 12) O'+ L+ $4+4 &' M- + - & % &' @+4' +'P 7# + '& D- -' U'& ' T+44& 4# A &'&% 4- & ' 3 D- -' = D&$ T+ '& -7E $ - & ' D+8-4 +' (OBC901). The post is suita le 6or Ph&sicall& hallen5e%Persons with %isa ilit& i2. rthopae%icall& +an%icappe%/ ocomotor >isa ilit&/ ere ralPals& with Both e5s )66ecte% ut not )rms (BL) 4 ne e5 )66ecte% (Ri5ht or e6t!(OL) 4 ne )rm )66ecte% (Ri5ht or e6t! (OA) 4 ne e5 an% ne )rm )66ecte%(OLA) The post is permanent. P-# S -7+! Rs. A,#00-39,000 (PB-3! " Rs. A,400()ca%emic $ra%e Pa&! (T.'. Rs. 4A,990/- )ppro*.! " T) an% +R) as a%missi le.$eneral entral er ice, $roup-) $a2ette%, on inisterial A +*! #4%.:UALIFICATIONS! ESSENTIAL! EDUCATIONAL! Dirst lass aster1s >e5ree in

    athematics with Dirst class or e ui alent at Bachelor1s or aster1s le el 6rom areco5nise% uni ersit&. NOTE9I! =6 a lass/ >i ision is not awar%e%, minimum o6 #0Mmar?s in a55re5ate shall e consi%ere% e ui alent to Dirst class/ >i ision. =6 a $ra%ePoint s&stem is a%opte% the umulati e $ra%e Point ) era5e will e con erte% intoe ui alent mar?s as elow !

    4- + P &' E $&@-7+' P+4 +' - +

    #. A AAM#.NA #0MN. A #AMN.NA N0M8. A NAM

    NOTE92! The e*act re uirement o6 the su @ect or %iscipline is athematics. DUTIES!Teachin5 >iploma courses inclu%in5 lectures, la orator& wor? H tutorials. tu%ents

    )ssessment H ' aluation inclu%in5 '*amination wor?. Plannin5 H implementation o6instruction in class room H la oratories. >e elopin5 Resource aterial H urricula an%

    o-curricular acti ities. tu%ent 5ui%ance H counsellin5 6or their character %e elopment,=nno ation in technical e%ucation H e aluation Pro i%in5 lea%ership. H:! $o ernmentPol&technic, >aman.

    15. (V- -' # N . 160 0515 12) O'+ L+ $4+4 &' E' 7&% &' @+4' +'P 7# + '& D- -' U'& ' T+44& 4# A &'&% 4- & ' 3 D- -' = D&$ T+ '& -7

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    E $ - & ' D+8-4 +' (UR901). The post is suita le 6or Ph&sicall& hallen5e%Persons with %isa ilit& i2. rthopae%icall& +an%icappe%/ ocomotor >isa ilit&/ ere ralPals& with Both e5s )66ecte% ut not )rms (BL) 4 ne e5 )66ecte% (Ri5ht or e6t!(OL) 4 ne )rm )66ecte% (Ri5ht or e6t! (OA) 4 ne e5 an% ne )rm )66ecte%(OLA) The post is permanent. P-# S -7+! Rs. A,#00-39,000 (PB-3! " Rs. A,400()ca%emic $ra%e Pa&! (T.'. Rs. 4A,990/- )ppro*.! " T) an% +R) as a%missi le.$eneral entral er ice, $roup-) $a2ette%, on inisterial A +*! 5 #4%.:UALIFICATIONS! ESSENTIAL! EDUCATIONAL! Dirst lass aster1s >e5ree in'n5lish with Dirst class or e ui alent at Bachelor1s or aster1s le el 6rom a reco5nise%uni ersit&. NOTE9I! =6 a lass/ >i ision is not awar%e%, minimum o6 #0M mar?s ina55re5ate shall e consi%ere% e ui alent to Dirst class/ >i ision. =6 a $ra%e Points&stem is a%opte% the umulati e $ra%e Point ) era5e will e con erte% intoe ui alent mar?s as elow !

    4- + P &' E $&@-7+' P+4 +' - +#. A AAM#.NA #0MN. A #AMN.NA N0M8. A NAM

    NOTE92! The e*act re uirement o6 the su @ect or %iscipline is 'n5lish. DUTIES! Teachin5 >iploma courses inclu%in5 lectures, la orator& wor? an% tutorials. tu%ents

    )ssessment an% ' aluation inclu%in5 '*amination wor?. Plannin5 H implementation o6instruction in class room H la oratories. >e elopin5 Resource aterial an% urriculaan% o-curricular acti ities. tu%ent 5ui%ance an% counselin5 6or their character%e elopment, =nno ation in technical e%ucation an% e aluation Pro i%in5 lea%ership.H:! $o ernment Pol&technic, >aman.

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)



    = $ >)T' D R 7B = = D = ' R' R7=T ' T )PP = )T= ( R)!T+R 7$+ R) F'B =T' = 2 !5 HRS ON 1.0 .2016.

    T+' ) T >)T' D R PR= T= $ D P 'T' J 7B =TT'> = ' )PP = )T= = 7PT 2 !5 HRS ON 01.0 .2016.

    >)T' D R >'T'R = = $ T+' ' =$=B= =TJ D ) ) >=>)T' = ' 'RJR' P' T +) B' T+' PR' R=B'> = $ >)T' D R 7B = = D

    = ' R' R7=T ' T )PP = )T= ( R)!. T+' )PP = ) T )R' )> = '> TD= = ) T+'=R P)RT= 7 )R = T+' = ' R' R7=T ' T )PP = )T=

    )R'D7 J ) 7B = = D FR $ = D R )T= )J ')> T R'E' T=T+R 7$+ P7T'R B) '> + RT = T= $ )P)RT DR >'B)R ' T BJ T+'

    = = .>)T' D R T+' = T'R ='F F+= + T+' + RT = T'> ) >=>)T' =R'C7=R'> T BR= $ T+' PR= T 7T D += /+'R = ' )PP = )T=

    ) $F=T+ T+'R > 7 ' T )T 7P +) B' = T= )T'> 'P)R)T' J.


    a! an%i%ates are re ueste% to appl& onl& nline a5ainst this a% ertisement on thenline Recruitment )pplication ( R)! we site an% T write

    to the ommission 6or )pplication 6orms. The& are also re ueste% to 5o throu5h care6ull&the %etails o6 posts an% instructions pu lishe% elow as well as on the we site

    ! *The a5e limit shown a5ainst =tem os * (I 6or 0 post reser e% 6or che%ule%astes can%i%ates! is rela*e% a5e limit 6or che%ule% astes can%i%ates. The a5e limitshown a5ainst item os * an% 1 * (I 6or 0 post reser e% 6or ther Bac?war% lassescan%i%ates! is rela*e% a5e limit 6or ther Bac?war% lasses can%i%ates. *The a5e limitshown a5ainst all items is the normal a5e limit an% the a5e is rela*a le 6or / Tcan%i%ates upto A &ears an% upto 3 &ears 6or B can%i%ates in respect o6 acanciesreser e% 6or them. / T/ B an%i%ates ha e to pro%uce a caste certi6icate inprescri e% pro6orma. Dor a5e concession applica le to other cate5ories o6 applicantsplease see rele ant paras o6 the O=nstructions an% )%%itional =n6ormation to an%i%ates 6orRecruitment & electionO

    c! ) can%i%ate will e eli5i le to 5et the ene6it o6 communit& reser ation onl& in casethe particular caste to which the can%i%ates elon5 is inclu%e% in the list o6 reser e%communities issue% & the entral $o ernment. =6 a can%i%ate in%icates in his/herapplication 6orm that he/she elon5s to / T/ B /$eneral cate5or& ut su se uentl&writes to the ommission to chan5e his/her cate5or&, such re uest shall not e entertaine%

    & the ommission.

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    %! Ph&sicall& +an%icappe% (P+! Persons or Persons with %isa ilities, as in%icate%a5ainst arious item(s! in the ) ) J >'T)= , can appl& to the respecti e posts e eni6 the post is not reser e% 6or them ut has een i%enti6ie% as uita le. +owe er, suchcan%i%ates will e consi%ere% 6or selection to such post & 5eneral stan%ar% o6 merit.Persons su66erin5 6rom not less than 40M o6 rele ant %isa ilit& shall alone e eli5i le 6or the

    ene6it o6 reser ation an% other rela*ations as permissi le un%er the rules. Thus, Ph&sicall&+an%icappe% (P+! persons can a ail ene6it o6 :

    i! Reser ation an% other oncessions H Rela*ations as permissi le un%er the rulesonl& when %e5ree o6 ph&sical %isa ilit& is 40M or more an% the posts are reser e% 6or P+can%i%ates.

    ii! ther oncessions H Rela*ations as permissi le un%er the rules onl& when %e5reeo6 ph&sical %isa ilit& is 40M or more an% the posts are suita le 6or P+ can%i%ates.

    iii! =n re5ar% to the e%ical posts pertainin5 to the inistr& o6 +ealth H Damil& Fel6are

    an% =n%icate% at =tem(s! > = a o e, + 8+4 +' - + 3 + &%-"&7& #/ &%-"&7& &+% 6orthe posts i%enti6ie% as ein5 suita le to e manne% & persons with %isa ilit&/%isa ilities,-% "++' +3&'+ -% ' 7+%% -' 0 -' ' 4+ -' >0 .

    e! HEAD:UARTERS! )t places speci6icall& state% a5ainst certain posts, otherwisean&where in =n%ia.

    6! PROBATION! The persons selecte% will e appointe% on pro ation as per rule.

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)



    1. CITI ENSHIP! ) an%i%ate must e either:

    (a! a citi2en o6 =n%ia, or

    ( ! a su @ect o6 epal, or

    (c! a su @ect o6 Bhutan, or

    (%! a Ti etan re6u5ee who came o er to =n%ia e6ore st Eanuar&, 9# with theintention o6 permanentl& settlin5 in =n%ia, or

    (e! a person o6 =n%ian ori5in who has mi5rate% 6rom Pa?istan, Burma, ri an?a or'ast )6rican countries o6 en&a, 75an%a, the 7nite% Repu lic o6 Tan2ania(6ormerl&Tan5an&i?a an% Kan2i ar!, Kam ia, alawi, Kaire, 'thiopia an% ietnam with theintention o6 permanentl& settlin5 in =n%ia. Pro i%e% that a can%i%ate elon5in5 tocate5ories ( !, (c!, (%! an% (e! a o e shall e a person in whose 6a our a certi6icate o6eli5i ilit& has een issue% & the $o ernment o6 =n%ia.

    NOTE The application o6 a can%i%ate in whose case a certi6icate o6 eli5i ilit& isnecessar&, ma& e consi%ere% & the ommission an%, i6 recommen%e% 6orappointment, the can%i%ate ma& also e pro isionall& appointe% su @ect to the

    necessar& certi6icate ein5 issue% in his 6a our & the $o ernment o6 =n%ia.

    . A E LIMITS : The a5e limit 6or the post has een 5i en in the a% ertisement.Dor certain a5e concessions a%missi le to arious cate5ories please 5o throu5h theinstruction re5ar%in5 oncessions H Rela*ations.

    3. MINIMUM ESSENTIAL :UALIFICATIONS : )ll applicants must 6ul6ill theessential re uirements o6 the post an% other con%itions stipulate% in the a% ertisement.

    The& are a% ise% to satis6& themsel es e6ore appl&in5 that the& possess at least theessential uali6ications lai% %own 6or arious posts. o en uir& as?in5 6or a% ice as toeli5i ilit& will e entertaine%.

    NOTE9I! The prescri e% essential uali6ications are the minimum an% the merepossession o6 the same %oes not entitle can%i%ates to e calle% 6or inter iew.

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    NOTE9II! = T+' ' ' T D 7 B'R D )PP = )T= B'= $ )R$',= = F= )> PT + RT = T= $ R=T'R=) T R' TR= T T+'

    7 B'R D ) >=>)T' T B' ) '> D R = T'R ='F T ) R') )B '7 B'R BJ ) J R R' D T+' D F= $ 'T+ > :

    (a! L n the asis o6 >esira le Cuali6ication (>C! or an& one or all o6 the >Cs i6 more thanone >C is prescri e%Q( ! n the asis o6 hi5her e%ucational uali6ications than the minimumprescri e% in the a% ertisement(c! n the asis o6 hi5her e*perience in the rele ant 6iel% than the minimum prescri e% inthe a% ertisement(%! B& countin5 e*perience e6ore or a6ter the ac uisition o6 essential uali6ications(e! B& hol%in5 a Recruitment Test.




    IMPORTANT(i! The cate5or&-wise minimum le el o6 suita ilit& in inter iews, irrespecti e o6 whether

    the selection is ma%e onl& & inter iew or & Recruitment Test 6ollowe% &inter iew, will e 7R-A0 mar?s, B -4A mar?s, / T/P+-40 mar?s, out o6 the totalmar?s o6 inter iew ein5 00.

    (ii! =n cases where selection is ma%e & Recruitment Test (RT! 6ollowe% & inter iew,the can%i%ate will ha e to achie e minimum le el o6 suita ilit& in their respecti e

    cate5or& at oth sta5es i.e. Recruitment Test1 as well as =nter iew1. The minimumle el o6 suita ilit& in case o6 RT shall e %eci%e% & the ommission on case tocase asis.

    . APPLICATION FEE :(a! an%i%ates are re uire% to pa& a 6ee o6 Rs. A/- (Rupees Twent& 6i e! onl&either & remittin5 the mone& in an& ranch o6 the B= & cash or & usin5 net an?in56acilit& o6 the B= or & usin5 isa/master cre%it/%e it car%.( ! o 6ee 6or / T/P+/Fomen can%i%ates o6 an& communit&. o O6ee e*emptionOis a aila le to B male can%i%ates an% the& are re uire% to pa& the 6ull prescri e% 6ee.

    (c! )pplications without the prescri e% 6ee woul% not e consi%ere% an% summaril&re@ecte%. o representation a5ainst such re@ection woul% e entertaine%.(%! F++ ' + 8-& % -77 ' "+ 4+3$' + $' +4 -'# &4 $ % -' + ' 4 -' +3++ "+ +7 &' 4+%+4@+ 3 4 -'# +4 +;- &'- & ' 4 %+7+ & '.


  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    (a! T + $88+4 - + 7& & &' -%+ 3 E;9S+4@& + +' -' C &%%& '+O33& +4% &' 7$ &' ECO%/SSCO%shall e rela*e% & 6i e &ears su @ect to the con%itionthat on the closin5 %ate 6or receipt o6 applications the continuous ser ice ren%ere% in the

    )rme% Dorces & an '*- er iceman is not less than si* months a6ter attestation. Thisrela*ation is also a aila le to ' s/ s who ha e complete% their initial perio% o6

    assi5nment o6 6i e &ears o6 ilitar& er ice an% whose assi5nment has een e*ten%e%e&on% 6i e &ears as on closin5 %ate an% in whose case the inistr& o6 >e6ence issuescerti6icates that the& will e release% within 3 months on selection 6rom the %ate o6receipt o6 o66er o6 appointment. an%i%ates claimin5 a5e rela*ation un%er this para woul%

    e re uire% to pro%uce a certi6icate in the prescri e% pro6orma to the ommission.

    NOTE! '* er icemen who ha e alrea%& secure% re5ular emplo&ment un%er the entral$o t. in a i il Post are permitte% the ene6it o6 a5e rela*ation as a%missi le 6or '*-

    er icemen 6or securin5 another emplo&ment in an& hi5her post or ser ice un%er theentral $o t. +owe er, such can%i%ates will not e eli5i le 6or the ene6it o6 reser ation,

    i6 an& 6or '*- er icemen in entral $o t. @o s.

    ( ! I' 4 +4 $-7&3# 3 4 + ' +%%& ' $' +4 (-) -" @+ , can%i%atesconcerne% woul% e re uire% to pro%uce a certi6icate that the& ha e een release% 6romthe >e6ence Dorces. The certi6icate 6or '*- er icemen an% ommissione% 66icersinclu%in5 ' s/ s shoul% e si5ne% & the appropriate authorities speci6ie% elowan% shoul% also speci6& the perio% o6 ser ice in the >e6ence Dorces:-(i! =n case o6 ommissione% 66icers inclu%in5 ' s/ s:

    )rm&: >irectorate o6 Personnel er ice, )rm& +ea% uarters, ew >elhi.

    a &: >irectorate o6 Personnel er ices a al +ea% uarters, ew >elhi.

    )ir Dorce: >irectorate o6 Personnel er ices, )ir +ea% uarters, ew >elhi.

    (ii! =n case o6 E s/ Rs an% e ui alent o6 the a & an% )ir Dorces: )rm&: B& arious Re5imental Recor% 66ices.

    a &: a al Recor%s, Bom a&

    )ir Dorce: )ir Dorce Recor%s, ew >elhi.

    (c! A + 4+7-;- & ' 3 4 C+' 4-7 @+4' +' + 87 #++%! The upper a5e limit is rela*a le 6or entral/7.T. $o t. er ants up to A &ears as perinstructions issue% & the $o t. o6 =n%ia 6rom time to time. ( 0 &ears 6or persons

    elon5in5 to che%ule% astes/ che%ule% Tri es an% 8 &ears 6or persons elon5in5 toother Bac?war% lasses in respect o6 the posts reser e% 6or them! in accor%ance withthe instructions or or%ers issue% & the $o ernment o6 =n%ia. ) can%i%ate claimin5 to

    elon5 to the cate5or& o6 entral $o ernment ser ant an% thus see?in5 a5e rela*ationun%er this para woul% e re uire% to pro%uce a erti6icate in the prescri e% pro6orma&%%$+ -3 +4 + - + 3 - @+4 &%+ +' 6rom his/her 'mplo&er on the 66ice letter hea%

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    to the e66ect that he/she is a re5ularl& appointe% entral $o ernment er ant an% not oncasual/a%hoc/%ail& wa5es/hourl& pai%/contract asis emplo&ee.

    The a5e rela*ation will e a%missi le to such o6 the $o ernment ser ants as are wor?in5in posts which are in the same line or allie% ca%res an% where a relationship coul% e

    esta lishe% that the ser ice alrea%& ren%ere% in a particular post will e use6ul 6or thee66icient %ischar5e o6 the %uties o6 the post(s! recruitment to which has een a% ertise%.>ecision in this re5ar% will rest with the ommission.

    (%! A + 4+7-;- & ' 8+4% '% , - 4 &'-4&7# "++' & &7+ &' + S - + 3J=K $4&' + 8+4& 34 1 % J-'$-4# 1 0 1 % D+ + "+4 1 :The rela*ation in upper a5e limit o6 A &ears shall e a%missi le to all persons who ha%or%inaril& een %omicile% in the tate o6 EH %urin5 the perio% 6rom st Eanuar&, 980 to3 st >ecem er, 989. The persons claimin5 rela*ation un%er this su -para woul% e

    re uire% to pro%uce a certi6icate to this e66ect 6rom the >istrict a5istrate within whose @uris%iction the& ha% or%inaril& resi%e% or 6rom an& other authorit& %esi5nate% in thisehal6 & the $o ernment o6 Eammu an% ashmir. This rela*ation shall remain in 6orce

    upto 3 . . 0 N.

    (6! A + 4+7-;- & ' P #%& -77# H-' & -88+ (PH) 8+4% '%!

    i! )5e rela*ation o6 0 &ears ( A &ears 6or / T can%i%ates an% 3 &ears 6or Bcan%i%ates! in upper a5e limit shall e allowe% to persons su66erin5 6rom (a! lin%ness or low

    ision, ( ! hearin5 impairment an% (c! locomotor %isa ilit& or cere ral pals&, in case o6 %irect

    recruitment to all ci il posts/ser ices un%er the entral $o ernment i%enti6ie% suita le to ehel% & persons with such %isa ilities, su @ect to the con%ition that ma*imum a5e o6 theapplicant on the closin5 %ate shall not e*cee% A# &ears. The a5e concession to the personswith %isa ilities shall e a%missi le irrespecti e o6 whether the post is reser e% 6or personswith %isa ilities or not, pro i%e% the post is i%enti6ie% suita le 6or the rele ant cate5or& o6%isa ilit&.

    ii! Rela*ation o6 a5e limit woul% e permissi le to such persons who ha e a minimum o640M %isa ilit&.

    iii! =6 a person with %isa ilit& is entitle% to a5e concession & irtue o6 ein5 a entral$o ernment emplo&ee, concession to him/her will e a%missi le either as a person with%isa ilit&1 or as a entral $o ernment emplo&ee1 whiche er ma& e more ene6icial tohim/her.

    i ! The a o e pro isions will not e applica le to a post/ser ice 6or which other speci6icpro ision re5ar%in5 a5e rela*ation is ma%e & noti6ication.

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    ! The %e6inition o6 %i66erent cate5ories o6 %isa ilities, 6or the purpose o6 a5erela*ation, will e same as 5i en in >oPHT1s o. 3#03A/3/ 004-'stt(Reser ation!%ate% 9th >ecem er 00A.

    6.(A) HOW TO APPLY!

    i! an%i%ates must appl& online throu5h the we site )pplications recei e% throu5h an& other mo%e woul% not e accepte% an% summaril&re@ecte%.

    ii! an%i%ates must uploa% %ocuments pertainin5 to e%ucational uali6ication(s! an%

    e*perience (pre6era l& in prescri e% 6ormat!, i6 an&, as claime% in the online application,in a sin5le p%6 6ile in such a wa& that the 6ile si2e %oes not e*cee% B an% is le5i lewhen a printout ta?en. Dor that the applicant ma& scan the e*perience certi6icate in 00%pi 5re& scale. >ocuments li?e Pa& lip, Resume, )ppointment etter, Relie in5 etter,7n-si5ne% '*perience erti6icate etc. must not e uploa%e% in the >ocument 7ploa%


    iii! IMPORTANT ! ) >=>)T' )R' )> = '> T D= T+'=R RR' T ) > ) T= ' '- )= )>>R' ' = T+' = ' )PP = )T= ) )

    RR' P >' ' F= B' )>' BJ T+' = T+R 7$+ '- )=J. = T'R ='F +'>7 ' ) > R'C7=R' ' T F=T+ R'$)R> T P='

    D 'RT=D )T' T B' 7B =TT'> = R' P' T D )= )>' = T+'= ' )PP = )T= F= B' '- )= '> = >7' 7R ' T T+' ) >=>)T'= T+'=R R'$= T'R'> '- )= => ) > F= ) B' P T'> T+' F'B =T'

    D T+' = = .

    i ! an%i%ates who wish to appl& 6or more than one post shoul% appl& separatel& 6oreach post an% pa& the 6ee 6or each post in the prescri e% manner.

    ! )6ter su mittin5 the nline Recruitment )pplication ( R)!, the can%i%ates arere uire% to ta?e out a print out o6 the 6inall& su mitte% nline Recruitment )pplication.

    @&) C-' & - +% -4+ ' 4+ $&4+ %$" & + C &%%& ' +& +4 "# 8 % 4"# -' + 84&' $ % 3 +&4 '7&'+ -887& - & '% 4 -'# +4 $ +' . T +# ,&77"+ 4+ $&4+ "4&' -7 ' ,& + + 84&' $ % 3 +&4 '7&'+ -887& - & '% -'

    + $ +' % +' & '+ &' 8-4- > "+7 , &3 -77+ 3 4 &' +4@&+,.

    ii! The applicants are a% ise% to su mit onl& sin5le nline Recruitment )pplication6or each postG howe er, i6 somehow, i6 he/she su mits multiple nline Recruitment

    )pplications 6or one post, then he/she must ensure that nline Recruitment )pplication

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    with the hi5her O)pplication um erO is complete in all respects inclu%in5 6ee. Theapplicants, who su mit multiple nline Recruitment )pplications, shoul% note that onl&the nline Recruitment )pplication with hi5her O)pplication um erO shall e entertaine%

    & the ommission an% 6ee pai% a5ainst one O)pplication um erO shall not e a%@uste%a5ainst an& other O)pplication um erO.

    iii! The can%i%ates are a% ise% to su mit the nline Recruitment )pplication well ina% ance without waitin5 6or the closin5 %ate.

    6 (B) C-' & - +% % 4 7&% + 3 4 &' +4@&+, ' + "-%&% 3 + &'3 4 - & '84 @& + &' + '7&'+ -887& - & '% %$" & + "# + ,&77 "+ 4+ $&4+ %+' %+73- +% + 8&+% 3 $ +' %/4+7+@-' +4 &3& - +% &' %$88 4 3 + 7-& % - +&' + -887& - & ' -% -' , +' + -' + "# + C &%%& '.

    WARNIN !




    T + 84&' $ 3 + '7&'+ -887& - & ' -' + 3 77 ,&' O4& &'-7 D $ +' %/C+4 &3& - +% -7 ' ,& %+73 - +% + 8&+% -' +4 & + % %8+ &3&+ &' S$ ' L+ +4 3 4 &' +4@&+, -4+ "+ 84 $ + - + & + 3 &' +4@&+, 3-&7&', & + -' & - + , $7 ' "+ -77 ,+ -88+-4 &' + I' +4@&+, &' , & -%+%$ -' & - + ,&77 ' "+ +' & 7+ 4+ +&@+ + C &%%& 'G% ' 4&"$ & '

    ,-4 % 4-@+77&' +;8+'%+%!9

    a! atriculation/ 0 th tan%ar% or e ui alent certi6icate in%icatin5 %ate o6 irth, ormar? sheet o6 atriculation/ 0 th tan%ar% or e ui alent issue% & entral/ tate Boar%in%icatin5 >ate o6 Birth in support o6 their claim o6 a5e. Fhere %ate o6 irth is nota aila le in certi6icate/mar? sheets, issue% & concerne% '%ucational Boar%s, choollea in5 certi6icate in%icatin5 >ate o6 Birth will e consi%ere% (in case o6 Tamil a%u H


  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    ! >e5ree/>iploma certi6icate alon5 with mar?sheets pertainin5 to all the aca%emic&ears as proo6 o6 e%ucational uali6ication claime%. =n the a sence o6 >e5ree/>iplomacerti6icate, pro isional certi6icate alon5 with mar? sheets pertainin5 to all the aca%emic&ears will e accepte%.c! r%er/ letter in respect o6 e ui alent '%ucational Cuali6ications claime%, in%icatin5

    the )uthorit& (with num er an% %ate! un%er which it has een so treate%, in respect o6e ui alent clause in 'ssential Cuali6ications, i6 a can%i%ate is claimin5 a particularuali6ication as e ui alent uali6ication as per the re uirement o6 a% ertisement.

    %! erti6icate(s! in the prescri e% pro6orma 6rom the +ea%(s! o6r5ani2ation(s!/>epartment(s! 6or the entire e*perience claime%, clearl& mentionin5 the

    %uration o6 emplo&ment (%ate, month H &ear! in%icatin5 the asic pa& an% consoli%ate%pa&. The certi6icate(s! shoul% also mention the nature o6 %uties per6orme%/e*perienceo taine% in the post(s! with %uration(s!. '*perience erti6icate shoul% e issue% inprescri e% 6ormat rele ant to the post. '*perience certi6icate not in prescri e% pro6orma

    ut containin5 all the %etails as mentione% a o e woul% e consi%ere% on merits & theommission.

    e! aste certi6icate & can%i%ate see?in5 reser ation as / T/ B , in theprescri e% pro6orma 6rom the competent authorit& in%icatin5 clearl& the can%i%ate1saste, the )ct/ r%er un%er which the aste is reco5ni2e% as / T/ B an% theilla5e/ town the can%i%ate is or%inaril& a resi%ent o6.

    6! ) %eclaration in the prescri e% 6ormat & can%i%ate see?in5 reser ation as B ,that he/she %oes not elon5 to the cream& la&er on the crucial %ate, in a%%ition to thecommunit& certi6icate ( B !. 7nless speci6ie% otherwise, the prescri e% closin5 %ate 6orreceipt o6 nline Recruitment )pplication 6or the post is to e treate% as crucial %ate.5! Ph&sicall& +an%icappe% certi6icate in prescri e% pro6orma issue% & thecompetent authorit& & Ph&sicall& +an%icappe% persons eli5i le 6or appointment to thepost on the asis o6 prescri e% stan%ar%s o6 e%ical Ditness. The ompetent )uthorit&to issue Ph&sicall& +an%icappe% certi6icate shall e a e%ical Boar% %ul& constitute% &the entral or a tate $o ernment. The entral/ tate $o ernment ma& constitute

    e%ical Boar%(s! consistin5 o6 at least three mem ers out o6 which at least one shall ea specialist in the particular 6iel% 6or assessin5 ocomotor/ ere ral / isual / +earin5%isa ilit&, as the case ma& e.

    ) A -' & - + , 7-& % -' + &' '- + -3 +4 - 4& $7- & ' ' -44&- + 44+ -44&- + 4 &@ 4 + + . + 3 77 ,&' $ +' % % -77 "+ %$" & + !9i! I' -%+ 3 -44&- + 3 , +' - Photocop& o6 +us an%1s passportshowin5 names o6 spouses or an atteste% cop& o6 marria5e certi6icate issue% & theRe5istrar o6 arria5e or an )66i%a it 6rom hus an% an% wi6e alon5 with a @ointphoto5raph %ul& sworn e6ore the ath ommissionerGii! I' -%+ 3 4+9 -44&- + 3 , +' 9 >i orce >ee%/>eath certi6icate as thecase ma& e in respect o6 6irst spouseG an% photocop& o6 present hus an%1s passportshowin5 names o6 spouse or an atteste% cop& o6 marria5e certi6icate issue% & theRe5istrar o6 arria5e or an )66i%a it 6rom the hus an% an% wi6e alon5 with @ointphoto5raph %ul& sworn e6ore the ath ommissioneriii! I' -%+ 3 &@ 4 + 3 , +' - erti6ie% cop& o6 >i orce >ecree an% >ee%Poll/)66i%a it %ul& sworn e6ore the ath ommissioner.

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    i ! =n +4 &4 $ % -' +% 3 4 -' + 3 '- + 3 4 " -7+ -' 3+ -7+ 9 >ee% Poll/)66i%a it %ul& sworn e6ore the ath ommissioner an% paper cuttin5s o6 twolea%in5 %ail& newspaper in ori5inal ( ne %ail& newspaper shoul% e o6 the area o6applicants permanent an% present a%%ress or near & area! an% $a2ette oti6ication.i! erti6icate/ >ocument in respect o6 )5e rela*ation 6or:

    i! '*- er icemen an% ommissione% 66icers inclu%in5 ' s/ s in prescri e%pro6orma 6rom competent authorit&.ii! entral/7T $o ernment 'mplo&ees/ er ants in prescri e% pro6orma 6romcompetent authorit& issue% a6ter the %ate o6 a% ertisement.iii! eritorious ports persons in prescri e% pro6orma 6rom competent authorit&.i ! Fi%ows/>i orce% Fomen/Fomen Eu%iciall& separate% 6rom +us an%s.

    ! Persons who ha% or%inaril& een %omicile% in the tate o6 E H %urin5 the perio%6rom st Eanuar&, 980 to 3 st >ecem er, 989.

    i! Persons see?in5 a5e rela*ation un%er special pro ision/ or%er. @! Persons alrea%& in Re5ular $o ernment ser ice, whether in permanent ortemporar& capacit& other than casual/a%hoc/%ail& wa5es/hourl& pai%/contract asis are

    howe er re uire% to su mit a %eclaration that the& ha e in6orme% in writin5 to their +ea%o6 66ice/>epartment that the& ha e applie% 6or the selection.?! erti6icate(s! in respect o6 claim re5ar%in5 Pro6essional Re5istration, an5ua5e,Pu lications, 'T, $)T', on6erence, =nternship.l! >ocumentar& support 6or an& other claim(s! ma%e.

    NOTE I! >ate o6 irth mentione% in nline Recruitment )pplication is 6inal. osu se uent re uest 6or chan5e o6 %ate o6 irth will e consi%ere% or 5rante%.

    NOTE II! The period of experience rendered by a candidate on part time basis, daily

    wages, visiting/ guest faculty will not be counted while calculating the valid experiencefor short listing the candidates for interview.

    NOTE III! =6 an& %ocument/ certi6icate 6urnishe% is in a lan5ua5e other than +in%i or'n5lish, a transcript o6 the same %ul& atteste% & a $a2ette% o66icer or notar& is to esu mitte%.

    . ACTION A AINST CANDIDATES FOUND UILTY OF MISCONDUCT :an%i%ates are warne% that the& shoul% not 6urnish an& particulars that are 6alse or

    suppress an& material in6ormation in 6illin5 up the application 6orm. an%i%ates are alsowarne% that the& shoul% in no case correct or alter or otherwise tamper with an& entr& in

    a %ocument or its atteste%/certi6ie% cop& su mitte% & them nor shoul% the& su mit atampere%/6a ricate% %ocument. =6 there is an& inaccurac& or an& %iscrepanc& etweentwo or more such %ocuments or their atteste%/certi6ie% copies, an e*planation re5ar%in5this %iscrepanc& shoul% e su mitte%.

    ) can%i%ate who is or has een %eclare% & the ommission to e 5uilt& o6:

    a! o tainin5 support o6 his/her can%i%ature & an& means, or

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    ! impersonatin5, orc! procurin5 impersonation & an& person , or%! su mittin5 6a ricate% %ocuments or %ocuments which ha e een tampere% with,ore! ma?in5 statements which are incorrect or 6alse or suppressin5 material

    in6ormation, or6! resortin5 to an& other irre5ular or improper means in connection with his/hercan%i%ature 6or the selection, or5! usin5 un6air means %urin5 the test, orh! writin5 irrele ant matter inclu%in5 o scene lan5ua5e or porno5raphic matter, inthe script(s! , ori! mis eha in5 in an& other manner in the e*amination hall, or

    @! harassin5 or %oin5 o%il& harm to the sta66 emplo&e% & the ommission 6or thecon%uct o6 their test, or?! rin5in5 mo ile phone/ ommunication %e ice in the e*amination +all/=nter iewroom.

    l! attemptin5 to commit or, as the case ma& e, a ettin5 the ommission o6 all oran& o6 the acts speci6ie% in the 6ore5oin5 clauses ma&, in a%%ition to ren%erin5himsel6/hersel6 lia le to criminal prosecution, e lia le:i! to e %is uali6ie% & the ommission 6rom selection 6or which he/she is acan%i%ate, an%/orii! to e %e arre% either permanentl& or 6or a speci6ie% perio%:-• & the ommission 6rom an& e*amination or selection hel% & them• & the entral $o ernment 6rom an& emplo&ment un%er them, an%iii! i6 he/she is alrea%& in ser ice un%er $o ernment to %isciplinar& action un%er theappropriate rules.


    a! )ll can%i%ates whether in $o ernment ser ice or in $o ernment owne% in%ustrialor other similar or5ani2ations or in pri ate emplo&ment shoul% su mit their applicationsonline %irectl& to the ommission. Persons alrea%& in Re5ular $o ernment ser ice,whether in permanent or temporar& capacit& other than casual/a%hoc/%ail& wa5es/hourl&pai%/contract asis are howe er re uire% to su mit a %eclaration that the& ha e in6orme%in writin5 to their +ea% o6 66ice/>epartment that the& ha e applie% 6or the selection.

    ! The %ate 6or %eterminin5 the eli5i ilit& o6 all can%i%ates in e er& respect shall ethe closin5 %ate 6or su mittin5 the nline Recruitment )pplication on the we site .c! =n respect o6 e ui alent clause in 'ssential Cuali6ications, i6 a can%i%ate isclaimin5 a particular uali6ication as e ui alent uali6ication as per the re uirement o6a% ertisement, then the can%i%ate is re uire% to pro%uce or%er/letter in this re5ar%,in%icatin5 the )uthorit& (with num er an% %ate! un%er which it has een so treate%otherwise the nline Recruitment )pplication is lia le to e re@ecte%.%! an%i%ates must, i6 re uire%, atten% a personal inter iew at such place, as ma& e6i*e% & the ommission. The ommission %o not %e6ra& the tra elin5 or other e*penseso6 can%i%ates summone% 6or inter iew. The&, howe er, contri ute towar%s those

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    e*penses at a rate correspon%in5 to the amount o6 the econ% lass ail railwa& 6are &the shortest route to the place o6 inter iew 6rom the Railwa& tation nearest to thenormal place o6 resi%ence o6 the can%i%ate or 6rom which he actuall& per6orms the

    @ourne&, whiche er, is nearer to the place o6 inter iew, an% ac? to the same station orthe amount o6 Railwa& 6are actuall& incurre% & the can%i%ate whiche er is less. >etails

    o6 this will e 6urnishe% when the& are calle% 6or inter iew.e! ommission1s contri ution towar%s the tra elin5 e*penses in respect o6 thosecan%i%ates who are inter iewe% at >elhi will e pai% on the spot on the %ate o6 inter iewitsel6 pro i%e% the& 6ul6ill all the con%itions. =n respect o6 those can%i%ates who ha e eencalle% to e present at inter iews at places other than >elhi, the same will e sent &

    one& r%er later on.6! The ummonin5 o6 can%i%ates 6or inter iew con e& no assurance whatsoe er thatthe& will e selecte%. )ppointment or%ers to selecte% can%i%ates will e issue% & the$o ernment.5! an%i%ates must e in soun% o%il& health. The& must, i6 selecte% e prepare% toun%er5o such me%ical e*amination an% satis6& such me%ical authorit& as $o ernment

    ma& re uire.h! an%i%ates will e in6orme% o6 the 6inal result in %ue course throu5h 7Pwe site/ 'mplo&ment ews an% an& interim en uiries a out the result are there6ore,unnecessar& an% will not e atten%e% to. The ommission %o not enter intocorrespon%ence with the can%i%ates a out reasons 6or their non selection 6orinter iew/appointment.i! The ommission ma& 5rant hi5her initial pa& to can%i%ates a%@u%5e% meritoriousin the inter iew.

    @! an assin5 in an& 6orm will %is uali6& a can%i%ate.



    a! $o ernment stri es to ha e wor? 6orce which re6lects 5en%er alance an% womencan%i%ates are encoura5e% to appl&.

    ! =n case o6 an& 5ui%ance/in6ormation/clari6ication re5ar%in5 their applications,can%i%ature etc. can%i%ates can contact 7P 1s Dacilitation ounter near 5ate 1 o6 itscampus in person or o er Telephone o. 0 - 338A N /0 - 338 A/0 - 3098A43on wor?in5 %a&s etween 0.00 hrs an% N.00 hrs.


    P4 3 4 -9I

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    T + 3 4 3 +4 &3& - + "+ 84 $ + "# S + $7+ C-% +% -' S + $7+ T4&"+%-' & - +% -887#&' 3 4 -88 &' +' 8 % % $' +4 + @+4' +' 3 I' &-

    This is to certi6& that hri/ hrimati/ umariI..................................................son/%au5hterI o6 ..................................................... o6 illa5e/townI................................................. in >istrict/>i isionI ........................................... o6 the

    tate/7nion Territor&I ...................... elon5s to the.......................... aste/Tri eI whichis reco5nise% as a che%ule% aste/ che%ule% Tri eI un%er:

    S The onstitution ( che%ule% astes! r%er, 9A0

    S The onstitution ( che%ule% Tri es! r%er, 9A0

    S The onstitution ( che%ule% astes! 7nion Territories r%er, 9A

    S The onstitution ( che%ule% Tri es! 7nion Territories r%er, 9A

    as amen%e% & the che%ule% astes an% che%ule% Tri es ist ( o%i6ication! r%er,

    9A#G the Bom a& Reor5anisation )ct, 9#0, the Pun@a Reor5anisation )ct, 9##, thetate o6 +imachal Pra%esh )ct, 9N0, the orth 'astern )reas (Reor5anisation! )ct,9N , the che%ule% astes an% che%ule% Tri es r%er ()men%ment! )ct, 9N#., thetate o6 i2oram )ct, 98#, the tate o6 )runachal Pra%esh )ct, 98# an% the $oa,

    >aman an% >iu (Reor5anisation! )ct, 98N.U

    S The onstitution (Eammu an% ashmir! che%ule% astes r%er, 9A#

    S The onstitution ()n%aman an% ico ar =slan%s! che%ule% Tri es r%er, 9A9 asamen%e% & the che%ule% astes an% che%ule% Tri es r%er ()men%ment! )ct, 9N#

    S The onstitution (>a%ar an% a5ar +a eli! che%ule% astes r%er, 9#

    S The onstitution (>a%ar an% a5ar +a eli! che%ule% Tri es r%er, 9#

    S The onstitution (Pon%icherr&! che%ule% astes r%er, 9#4

    S The onstitution (7ttar Pra%esh! che%ule% Tri es r%er, 9#N

    S The onstitution ($oa, >aman an% >iu! che%ule% astes r%er, 9#8

    S The onstitution ($oa, >aman an% >iu! che%ule% Tri es r%er, 9#8

    S The onstitution ( a5alan%! che%ule% Tri es r%er, 9N0

    S The onstitution ( i??im! che%ule% astes r%er, 9N8

    S The onstitution ( i??im! che%ule% Tri es r%er, 9N8

    S The onstitution (Eammu H ashmir! che%ule% Tri es r%er, 989

    S The onstitution ( ! r%er ()men%ment! )ct, 990

    S The onstitution ( T! r%er ()men%ment! )ct, 99

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    S The onstitution ( T! r%er ( econ% )men%ment! )ct, 99

    S The che%ule% astes an% che%ule% Tri es r%ers ()men%ment! )ct 00

    S The onstitution ( che%ule% astes! r%er ()men%ment! )ct, 00

    S The onstitution ( che%ule% astes an% che%ule% Tri es! r%ers ()men%ment! )ct,00

    S The onstitution ( che%ule% astes! r%ers ( econ% )men%ment! )ct, 00

    M . )pplica le in the case o6 che%ule% astes/ che%ule% Tri es persons who ha emi5rate% 6rom one tate/7nion Territor& )%ministration to another.

    This certi6icate is issue% on the asis o6 the che%ule% astes/ che%ule% Tri escerti6icate issue% to hri/ hrimatiI..................................................... Dather/ other o6

    hri/ hrimati/ umari ................................................... o6 illa5e/townI.......................................... in >istrict/>i isionI............................ o6 the tate/7nionTerritor&I............................ who elon5s to the aste/Tri eI which is reco5nise% as a

    che%ule% aste/ che%ule% Tri e in the tate/7nion Territor&I o6..................................... issue% & the ..................................... %ate%......................................

    M 3. hri/ hrimati/ umariI............................................... an%/orI his/herI 6amil&

    or%inaril& resi%es in illa5e/townI............................. o6..............................>istrict/>i isionI o6 the tate/7nion Territor&I o6..............................................



    (Fith eal o6 66ice!

    tate/7nion Territor&I

    Place: .....................................

    >ate: ......................................

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    IPlease %elete the wor%s which are not applica le.

    SPlease uote speci6ic Presi%ential r%er.

    M >elete the para5raph which is not applica le.

    T': The term Lor%inaril& resi%e (s!Q use% here will ha e the same meanin5 as inection 0 o6 the Representation o6 the People )ct, 9A0.

    II ist o6 authorities empowere% to issue che%ule% aste/ che%ule% Tri e erti6icate.

    (i! >istrict a5istrate/)%%itional >istrict a5istrate/ ollector/>eput&ommissioner/)%%itional >eput& ommissioner/>eput& ollector/ st lass tipen%iar&a5istrate/V u ->i isional a5istrate/Talu?a a5istrate/'*ecuti e a5istrate/'*tra

    )ssistant ommissioner.V(not elow o6 the ran? o6 st lass tipen%iar& a5istrate!.

    (ii! hie6 Presi%enc& a5istrate/)%%itional hie6 Presi%enc& a5istrate/Presi%enc&a5istrate.

    (iii! Re enue 66icers not elow the ran? o6 Tehsil%ar.(i ! u >i isional 66icer o6 the area where the can%i%ate an%/or his/her 6amil&normall& resi%es.

    ( ! )%ministrator/ ecretar& to )%ministrator/>e elopment 66icer( a?sha%weep!

    P4 3 4 -9II

    T + 3 4 3 +4 &3& - + "+ 84 $ + "# O +4 B- istrict/>i isionI............... o6

    the tate/7nion Territor&I.................................. elon5s to the .................... ommunit&which is reco5nise% as a ac?war% class un%er:

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    S $o ernment o6 =n%ia, inistr& o6 Fel6are Resolution o. 0 /#8/93-B ( ! %ate%0th eptem er, 993 pu lishe% in the $a2ette o6 =n%ia '*traor%inar& Part-=, ection- ,o. 8# %ate% 3th eptem er, 993.

    S $o ernment o6 =n%ia, inistr& o6 Fel6are Resolution o. 0 /9/94-B %ate% 9-0-94, pu lishe% in the $a2ette o6 =n%ia '*traor%inar& Part-=, ection- , o. #3 %ate%0- 0- 994.

    S $o ernment o6 =n%ia, inistr& o6 Fel6are Resolution o. 0 /N/9A-B %ate% 4-A-9A, pu lishe% in the $a2ette o6 =n%ia '*traor%inar& Part-=, ection- , o. 88 %ate% A-A-


    S $o ernment o6 =n%ia, inistr& o6 Fel6are Resolution o. 0 /9#/94-B %ate% 9tharch, 99# pu lishe% in the $a2ette o6 =n%ia '*traor%inar& Part-=, ection- , o. #0

    %ate% th arch, 99#.

    S $o ernment o6 =n%ia, inistr& o6 Fel6are Resolution o. 0 /44/9#-B %ate% #th>ecem er, 99# pu lishe% in the $a2ette o6 =n%ia '*traor%inar& Part-=, ection- , o.

    0 %ate% th >ecem er, 99#.

    S $o ernment o6 =n%ia, inistr& o6 Fel6are Resolution o. 0 /99/94-B %ate% th>ecem er, 99N pu lishe% in the $a2ette o6 =n%ia '*traor%inar& Part-=, ection- , o.

    3# %ate% th >ecem er, 99N.

    S $o ernment o6 =n%ia, inistr& o6 Fel6are Resolution o. 0 / 3/9N-B %ate% 3r%>ecem er, 99N pu lishe% in the $a2ette o6 =n%ia '*traor%inar& Part-=, ection- , o.

    39 %ate% Nth >ecem er, 99N.

    S $o ernment o6 =n%ia, inistr& o6 ocial Eustice an% 'mpowerment Resolution o.

    0 /#8/98-B %ate% the Nth cto er, 999 pu lishe% in the $a2ette o6 =n%ia'*traor%inar& Part-=, ection- , o. 4 %ate% the Nth cto er, 999.

    S $o ernment o6 =n%ia, inistr& o6 ocial Eustice an% 'mpowerment Resolution o.0 /88/98-B %ate% #th >ecem er, 999 pu lishe% in the $a2ette o6 =n%ia

    '*traor%inar& Part-=, ection- , o. N0 %ate% #th >ecem er, 999.

    S $o ernment o6 =n%ia, inistr& o6 ocial Eustice an% 'mpowerment Resolution o.0 /3#/99-B %ate% 4th )pril, 000 pu lishe% in the $a2ette o6 =n%ia '*traor%inar&

    Part-=, ection- , o. N %ate% 4th )pril, 000.

    S $o ernment o6 =n%ia, inistr& o6 ocial Eustice an% 'mpowerment Resolution o.

    0 /44/99-B %ate% the st eptem er, 000 pu lishe% in the $a2ette o6 =n%ia'*traor%inar& Part-=, ection- , o. 0 %ate% the st eptem er, 000.

    S $o ernment o6 =n%ia, inistr& o6 ocial Eustice an% 'mpowerment Resolution o.0 A/9/ 000-B %ate% #th eptem er, 00 pu lishe% in the $a2ette o6 =n%ia

    '*traor%inar& Part-=, ection- , o. 4# %ate% #th eptem er, 00 .

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    S $o ernment o6 =n%ia, inistr& o6 ocial Eustice an% 'mpowerment Resolution o.0 / / 00 -B %ate% 9th Eune, 003 pu lishe% in the $a2ette o6 =n%ia

    '*traor%inar& Part-=, ection, o. A %ate% 0th Eune, 003.

    S $o ernment o6 =n%ia, inistr& o6 ocial Eustice an% 'mpowerment Resolution o.0 /4/ 00 -B %ate% 3th Eanuar&, 004 pu lishe% in the $a2ette o6 =n%ia

    '*traor%inar&, Part-= ection- , o. 9 %ate% 3th Eanuar&, 004.

    S $o ernment o6 =n%ia, inistr& o6 ocial Eustice an% 'mpowerment Resolution o.0 / 4/ 004-B %ate% th arch, 00N pu lishe% in the $a2ette o6 =n%ia

    '*traor%inar&, Part-=, ection- , o. #N %ate% th arch, 00N.

    hri/ hrimati/ his/herI 6amil& or%inaril& resi%esin illa5e/townI................................ o6...................... >istrict/>i isionI o6 the tate/ 7nionTerritor&I o6.............................

    This is also to certi6& that he/sheI %oes not elon5 to the persons/sectionsI( ream& a&er! mentione% in column 3 o6 the che%ule to the $o ernment o6 =n%ia,>epartment o6 Personnel H Trainin5 . . o. 3#0 / /93-'stt. ( T! %ate% 8-9- 993

    . . o. 3#033/3/ 004-'stt. (Res.! %ate% 9th arch, 004 an% . . o. 3#033/3/ 004-'stt. (Res.! %ate% 4th cto er, 008.



    (Fith seal o6 66ice!

    tate/7nion Territor&



    IPlease %elete the wor%s which are not applica le.

    S tri?e out whiche er is not applica le.

    NOTE! The term Lor%inaril& resi%e (s!Q use% here will ha e the same meanin5 as inection 0 o6 the Representation o6 the People )ct, 9A0.

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    II ist o6 authorities empowere% to issue B erti6icate

    (i! >istrict a5istrate/)%%itional >istrict a5istrate/ ollector/>eput&ommissioner/)%%itional >eput& ommissioner/>eput& ollector/ st lass tipen%iar&a5istrate/V u ->i isional a5istrate/Talu?a a5istrate/'*ecuti e a5istrate/'*tra

    )ssistant ommissioner.V(not elow o6 the ran? o6 st lass tipen%iar& a5istrate!.

    (ii! hie6 Presi%enc& a5istrate/)%%itional hie6 Presi%enc& a5istrate/Presi%enc&a5istrate.

    (iii! Re enue 66icers not elow the ran? o6 Tehsil%ar.(i ! u >i isional 66icer o6 the area where the can%i%ate an%/or his/her 6amil&normall& resi%es.( ! )%ministrator/ ecretar& to )%ministrator/>e elopment 66icer( a?sha%weep!

    N + 1! an%i%ates claimin5 to elon5 to B s shoul% note that the name o6 their aste(inclu%in5 its spellin5s! as in%icate% in their certi6icates, shoul% e e*actl& the same aspu lishe% in the lists noti6ie% & the entral $o ernment 6rom time to time. ) certi6icatecontainin5 an& ariation in the aste name will not e accepte%.

    N + 2! The B claim o6 a can%i%ate will e %etermine% in relation to the tate (or parto6 the tate! to which his/her 6ather ori5inall& elon5s. ) can%i%ate who has mi5rate%

    6rom one tate (or part o6 the tate! to another shoul%, there6ore, pro%uce an Bcerti6icate which shoul% ha e een issue% to him/her ase% on his/her 6ather1s Bcerti6icate 6rom the tate to which he (6ather! ori5inall& elon5s.

    N + ! o chan5e in the communit& status alrea%& in%icate% & a can%i%ate in his/hersimpli6ie% application 6orm 6or this e*amination will or%inaril& e allowe% & the


    P4 3 4 -9III

    F 4 3 + 7-4- & ' "+ %$" & + "# + OBC -' & - + (&' - & & ' +$'& # +4 &3& - +)

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    = WWWWWW. on/%au5hter o6 hriWWWWWWWW.resi%ent o6illa5e/town/cit&WWWWWWW.%istrictWWWWWWW.stateWWWWWWhere & %eclare

    that = elon5 to theWWWWWW..communit& which is reco5ni2e% as a ac?war% class &the $o ernment o6 =n%ia 6or the purpose o6 reser ation in ser ices as per or%erscontaine% in >epartment o6 Personnel an% Trainin5 66ice emoran%um o

    3# 0 / /93-'stt. ( T! %ate% 8-9- 993. =t is also %eclare% that as on closin5 %ate, = %onot elon5 to persons/sections/sections ( ream& a&er! mentione% in column 3 o6 theche%ule to the a o e re6erre% 66ice emoran%um %ate% 8-9- 993, . . o.

    3#033/3/ 004-'stt. (Res.! %ate% 9th arch, 004 an% . . o. 3#033/3/ 004-'stt.(Res.! %ate% 4th cto er, 008.


    Dull ame:WWWWWWWWW


    P4 3 4 -9IV


    A. F 4 3 C+4 &3& - + -887& -"7+ 3 4 R+7+-%+ /R+ &4+ P+4% ''+7

    =t is certi6ie% that o..................... Ran?.....................ame..........................................whose %ate o6 irth is..................... has ren%ere% ser ice

    6rom..................... to..................... in )rm&/ a &/)ir Dorce.

    . +e has een release% 6rom militar& ser ices:

    M a! on completion o6 assi5nment otherwise than

    (i! & wa& o6 %ismissal, or

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    (ii! & wa& o6 %ischar5e on account o6 miscon%uct or ine66icienc&, or(iii! on his own re uest, ut without earnin5 his pension, or(i ! he has not een trans6erre% to the reser e pen%in5 such release

    M ! on account o6 ph&sical %isa ilit& attri uta le to ilitar& er ice.

    Mc! on in ali%ment a6ter puttin5 in at least 6i e &ears o6 ilitar& ser ice

    3. +e is co ere% un%er the %e6inition o6 '*- er iceman (Re-emplo&ment in entrali il er ices an% Posts! Rules, 9N9 as amen%e% 6rom time to time

    Place: ..........................

    >ate: ...........................

    i5nature, ame an% >esi5nation o6 the

    ompetent )uthorit&II


    M >elete the para5raph which is not applica le.

    B. F 4 3 C+4 &3& - + 3 4 S+4@&' P+4% ''+7

    (Applicable for serving personnel who are due to be released within one year)

    =t is certi6ie% that o. WWWWWRan?WWW. ameWWW. is ser in5 in the )rm&/ a &/)ir Dorce 6romWWWWWWWW

    . +e is %ue 6or release retirement on completion o6 his speci6ic perio% o6 assi5nmentonWWWWW..

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    3. o %isciplinar& case is pen%in5 a5ainst him.

    Place: ..........................

    >ate: ...........................

    i5nature, ame an% >esi5nation o6 the

    ompetent )uthorit&II


    C-' & - + (S+4@&' P+4% ''+7) 3$4'&% &' +4 &3& - + B -% -" @+ ,&77 -@+ &@++ 3 77 ,&' $' +4 -

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    C. F 4 3 C+4 &3& - + -887& -"7+ 3 4 S+4@&' ECO%/SSCO% , -@+ -74+- #87+ + +&4 &'& &-7 -%%& ' +' -' -4+ ' +; +' + -%%& ' +'

    =t is certi6ie% that o................. Ran?.....................ame.......................................... whose %ate o6 irth ser in5 in the

    )rm&/ a &/)ir Dorce 6rom......................

    . +e has alrea%& complete% his initial assi5nment o6 6i e &ears onWWWWWan% ison e*ten%e% assi5nment tillWWWWWW

    3. There is no o @ection to his appl&in5 6or ci il emplo&ment an% he will e release%on three months notice on selection 6rom the %ate o6 receipt o6 o66er o6 appointment.



    i5nature, ame an% >esi5nation o6 the

    ompetent )uthorit&II


    II)uthorities who are competent to issue certi6icate to )rme% Dorces Personnel 6ora ailin5 )5e concessions are as 6ollows:

    (a! =n case o6 ommissione% 66icers inclu%in5 ' s/ s. )rm& - ilitar& ecretar& Branch, )rm& + rs., ew >elhi

    a & - >irectorate o6 Personnel, a al + rs., ew >elhi

    )ir Dorce - >irectorate o6 Personnel 66icers, )ir + rs., ew >elhi

    ( ! =n case o6 E s/ Rs an% e ui alent o6 the a & an% )ir Dorce. )rm& - B& arious Re5imental Recor% 66ices

    a & - B)B , um ai

    )ir Dorce - )ir Dorce Recor%s, ew >elhi

    P4 3 4 -9V


    >isa ilit& erti6icate

    (=n cases o6 amputation or complete permanent paral&sis o6 lim s

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    issuin5 certi6icate

    ( i5nature an% eal o6 )uthorise% i5nator& o6

    noti6ie% e%ical )uthorit&!


    impression o6 the

    person in whose

    6a our %isa ilit&

    certi6icate is issue%.


    >isa ilit& erti6icate

    (=n case o6 multiple %isa ilities!

    ( ) ' ) > )>>R' D T+' '>= ) )7T+ R=TJ = 7= $ T+'

    'RT=D= )T'!

    ( ee rule 4!

    Recent PP si2e )tteste%

    Photo5raph ( howin5 6ace

    onl&! o6 the person

    with %isa ilit&

    erti6icate o. ...................... >ate: ......................

    This is to certi6& that we ha e care6ull& e*amine% hri/mt/ um. .............................. /son/wi6e/%au5hter o6 hri ........................ >ate o6

    Birth.............................. )5e ..................&ears, male/6emale.......................

    (>>! ( ! (JJ!

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    Re5istration o....................... permanent resi%ent o6 +ouse o......................Far%/ illa5e/ treet.................................................. Post 66ice ....................>istrict.............................. tate ....................... whose photo5raph is a66i*e% a o e, an%are satis6ie% that:

    ()! +e/she is a ase o6 ultiple >isa ilit&. +is/her e*tent o6 permanent ph&sicalimpairment/%isa ilit& has een e aluate% as per 5ui%elines (to e speci6ie%! 6or the%isa ilities tic?e% elow, an% shown a5ainst the rele ant %isa ilit& in the ta le elow:

    . >isa ilit& )66ecte% Part >ia5nosis Permanent ph&sical

    o. o6 Bo%& impairment/ mental%isa ilit& (in M!

    ocomotor %isa ilit& S

    ow ision Y

    3 Blin%ness Both '&es

    4 +earin5 impairment Z

    A ental retar%ation [

    # ental-illness [

    (B! =n the li5ht o6 the a o e, his /her o er all permanent ph&sical impairment as per5ui%elines (to e speci6ie%!, is as 6ollows:-

    =n 6i5ures:- ..............................percent

    =n wor%s:- ...............................percent

    . This con%ition is pro5ressi e/ non-pro5ressi e/ li?el& to impro e/ not li?el& to impro e.

    3. Reassessment o6 %isa ilit& is :

    (i! not necessar&,


    (ii! is recommen%e%/ a6ter ........................ &ears.................. months, an% there6orethis certi6icate shall e ali% till ...........................................................

    (>>! ( ! (JJ!

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    S e.5. e6t/Ri5ht/ oth arms/le5s

    Y in5le e&e/ oth e&es

    Z e.5. e6t/Ri5ht/ oth ears

    4. The applicant has su mitte% the 6ollowin5 %ocument as proo6 o6 resi%ence:-

    ature o6 >ocument >ate o6 =ssue >etails o6 authorit&

    issuin5 certi6icate

    A. i5nature an% seal o6 the e%ical )uthorit&,

    ame an% seal o6 em er ame an% seal ame an% seal o6 the

    o6 em er hairperson


    impression o6 the

    person in whose

    6a our %isa ilit&

    certi6icate is issue%.


    >isa ilit& erti6icate

    (=n cases other than those mentione% in Dorms == an% ===!

    ( ) ' ) > )>>R' D T+' '>= ) )7T+ R=TJ = 7= $ T+'

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    ( ee rule 4!

    Recent PP si2e )tteste%

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)


    Photo5raph ( howin5 6ace

    onl&! o6 the person

    with %isa ilit&

    erti6icate o. ...................... >ate: ......................

    This is to certi6& that = ha e care6ull& e*amine% hri/ mt./ um ..................son/wi6e/%au5hter o6 hri ....................... >ate o6 Birth........................................

    (>>! ( ! (JJ!

    )5e ............. &ears, male/6emale...................

    Re5istration o. ......... permanent resi%ent o6 +ouse o................. Far%/ illa5e/ treet............. Post 66ice ......... >istrict............... tate ...................

    whose photo5raph is a66i*e% a o e, an% am satis6ie% that he/she is a case o6......................... %isa ilit&. +is/her e*tent o6 percenta5e ph&sical impairment/%isa ilit& has

    een e aluate% as per 5ui%elines (to e speci6ie%! an% is shown a5ainst the rele ant%isa ilit& in the ta le elow:-

    . >isa ilit& )66ecte% Part >ia5nosis Permanent ph&sical

    o. o6 Bo%& impairment/ mental%isa ilit& (in M!

    ocomotor %isa ilit& S

    ow ision Y

    3 Blin%ness Both '&es

    4 +earin5 impairment Z

    A ental retar%ation [

    # ental-illness [

    (Please stri?e out the %isa ilities which are not applica le.!

    . The a o e con%ition is pro5ressi e/ non-pro5ressi e/ li?el& to impro e/not li?el& toimpro e.

    3. Reassessment o6 %isa ilit& is :

    (i! not necessar&

  • 8/18/2019 UPSC Recruitment, 2016 for Various Posts (Advt. No. 5-2016)



    (ii! is recommen%e%/ a6ter ....................... &ears ...................... months, an% there6orethis certi6icate shall e ali% till .....................................................

    (>>! ( ! (JJ!S e.5. e6t/Ri5ht/ oth arms/le5s

    Y e.5. in5le e&e/ oth e&es

    Z e.5. e6t/Ri5ht/ oth ears

    4. The applicant has su mitte% the 6ollowin5 %ocument as proo6 o6 resi%ence:-

    ature o6 >ocument >ate o6 =ssue >etails o6 authorit&

    issuin5 certi6icate

    ()uthorise% i5nator& o6 noti6ie% e%ical )uthorit&!

    ( ame an% eal!
