Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022 © UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19 1 These conditions apply to the use of the UPPLY PLATFORM and also to the use of the COMPARE & ANALYZE SOLUTION and/or the MARKETPLACE SOLUTION. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. UPPLY TERMS OF SERVICE………………………………………………………………………………..2 II. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE……………………………………………………………………..14 III. COMPARE AND ANALYZE SOLUTION SPECIFIC CONDITIONS…………………………………….20 IV. MARKETPLACE SOLUTION SPECIFIC CONDITIONS………………………………………………….26


Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


These conditions apply to the use of the UPPLY PLATFORM and also to the use of the COMPARE & ANALYZE SOLUTION and/or the MARKETPLACE SOLUTION.



Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


UPPLY TERMS OF SERVICE ANY USE MADE FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER OF THE PLATFORM NECESSARILY IMPLIES UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE BY THE USER OF THESE TERMS OF SERVICE (TOS). UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the trade and companies register of Nanterre under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret, France (Hereinafter « UPPLY ») publishes the website accessible at the following address https://upply.com/fr (hereinafter the « PLATFORM »). SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS The following terms used herein have the following meaning in these TOS: "ACCOUNT": means the interface hosted on the PLATFORM in which all the data provided by the USER is grouped together. The access to the ACCOUNT is made through the USER'S IDENTIFIERS. "ADMINISTRATOR USER": means the first USER of a given company or his/her replacement if necessary. "COMPARE & ANALYZE SOLUTION": means the SOLUTION of comparison and analysis of the transport prices accessible via the PLATFORM. "DATA": means all data processed by UPPLY and/or exchanged with the USER and/or the customer in the context of the execution of the SOLUTIONS, including in particular identification data during the use of the SOLUTIONS, excluding PERSONAL DATA as defined in the Privacy Policy. “DATABASE”: means a structured and organized set of data collected by UPPLY from USERS and data generated, calculated and integrated by UPPLY to which the tools and the PLATFORM are linked. The DATABASE is financed, constituted, structured and operated by UPPLY, which is the owner of the DATABASE independently of the DATA that it contains, in its capacity as maker of the database within the meaning of Section L.341-1 of the Intellectual Property Code or Section 7.1 of the European Directive 96/9/EC. "IDENTIFIERS": means the confidential identification code and password allowing access to the ACCOUNT. These IDENTIFIERS are for the exclusive use of the USER who is solely responsible for them. "MARKETPLACE SOLUTION": means the matchmaking of a BUYER with a SELLER via the PLATFORM in order to provide a TRANSPORT SERVICE. "PARTIES": means, collectively, the USER and UPPLY. "PERSONAL DATA": means personal data within the meaning of the regulations on personal data and more generally any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. "PLATFORM" or "SITE" or "WEBSITE": means the website offered by UPPLY accessible via the following link www.upply.com and via the Upply mobile application accessible via the apple store or google play store and the portal accessible via the following link: https://developers-dev.upply.com. "SOLUTIONS": means all the solutions offered by UPPLY to the USERS through the PLATFORM, namely, the COMPARE & ANALYZE SOLUTION and the MARKETPLACE SOLUTION. "TERMS OF SERVICE" or "TOS": means these contractual terms and conditions, the purpose of which is to govern the use of the PLATFORM by any USER. These TOS can be consulted and downloaded from the URL address https://upply.com/fr. "USER": means any internet user who accesses and browses the PLATFORM and/or who creates an ACCOUNT in the name of his/her company.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


SECTION 2. PURPOSE The purpose of these TOS concluded between UPPLY and the USER is to set the contractual provisions relating to the respective rights and obligations of the PARTIES in connection with the use of the PLATFORM. The use of the SOLUTIONS is governed by the Terms and Conditions of Sale applicable to the SOLUTION in question, which are available following the TOS. SECTION 3. ACCEPTANCE AND MODIFICATION OF THE TOS The use of the functionalities of the PLATFORM and the SOLUTIONS implies the acceptance of these TOS. Thus, the USER undertakes to read these TOS carefully when accessing the PLATFORM and is invited to print them and keep a copy. These TOS are accessible at the bottom of each page of the PLATFORM by means of a hypertext link and can thus be consulted at any time. The TOS may be modified and updated by UPPLY at any time, in particular to adapt to legislative or regulatory changes. The applicable TOS are those in force at the time of the USER's navigation on the PLATFORM. SECTION 4. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Any USER with access to an internet connection can access the PLATFORM 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. Access to the PLATFORM is free. The USER is informed that access to the PLATFORM and the creation of an ACCOUNT on the PLATFORM do not entail any obligation to purchase. The USER acknowledges having the means and skills necessary to use the PLATFORM. The equipment necessary to access and use the PLATFORM is at the charge of the USER, as well as the telecommunications costs incurred by their use. All equipment used by the USER to connect to the PLATFORM must at all times comply with the legislation and any applicable regulations and meet the requirements they impose. In the event of a disturbance to the PLATFORM that can be traced back to the USER's equipment, the USER must immediately disconnect the equipment causing the disturbance. The USER is informed that the PLATFORM is optimized for use with a latest-generation browser. The USER must access the PLATFORM using virus-free equipment and not to use the PLATFORM to store, transmit malicious code (i.e. all viruses, worms, time-bombs, Trojan horses and other harmful or malicious code, files, scripts, agents or programs), interfere or disrupt the integrity or performance of the PLATFORM. SECTION 5. ROLE OF UPPLY 5.1. Content of the UPPLY intervention The PLATFORM allows registered USERS to benefit from the SOLUTIONS. It is specified that these TOS do not in any way confer on USERS the status of employee, agent or representative of UPPLY. 5.2. Loyalty, Clarity and Transparency Within the scope of the execution of the SOLUTIONS, UPPLY accesses the DATA and PERSONAL DATA. These data allow UPPLY:

• As part of its MARKETPLACE SOLUTION, to propose to the BUYERS and the SELLERS the only offers of transport or freight offers in adequacy with their needs.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


• As part of the COMPARE & ANALYZE SOLUTION, to improve its DATABASE and the quality of its SOLUTION.

UPPLY maintains capital links with some of the BUYERS and some of the SELLERS listed on the PLATFORM without the existence of such links having any influence on the listing of the BUYERS and/or the SELLERS. SECTION 6. SOLUTIONS 6.1. Access to the SOLUTIONS Any capable natural person can access the PLATFORM, as well as its different functionalities, free of charge. The USER wishing to open an ACCOUNT on the PLATFORM - in the name of his/her company - registers free of charge by completing the registration form accessible on the PLATFORM. Thus, to open an ACCOUNT, each USER must provide the following information:

• His/her personal information: name / first name / professional email address / password / telephone number.

• Information about the company to which he/she is attached: company name / postal address / SIRET, identification number, intra-community VAT number or DUNS® number, depending on the location of the company to which he/she is attached.

Fields must be filled in in order for the registration to be validated. The USER is invited to read and expressly accept these TOS by ticking the appropriate box. UPPLY will send an email to the USER asking him/her to confirm the email address provided during registration. Each USER must ensure that his/her data is accurate, complete and unambiguous and to ensure that his/her data is regularly updated as necessary, under penalty of exclusion. By default, the first USER who has verified his email address for a company has the status of USER ADMINISTRATOR as detailed in section 6.2 below. 6.2. Management of the ACCOUNT The USER must keep his/her IDENTIFIERS strictly secret and take all measures to preserve their confidentiality. By express agreement between the PARTIES, any connection to his/her ACCOUNT and any operation carried out by means of the IDENTIFIERS will be presumed to have been made by the USER him/herself. As such, he/she will be responsible for any action carried out through his/her ACCOUNT. In the event of an infringement of the use of his/her ACCOUNT and/or his/her IDENTIFIERS or suspicion of fraudulent use, the USER must contact UPPLY as soon as possible by email at: [email protected]. The USER ADMINISTRATOR can appoint a new USER ADMINISTRATOR and can manage the access of the USERS of the company concerned. The USER ADMINISTRATOR must immediately remove the access of a USER who leaves the company concerned by the ACCOUNT. In the event of the deletion of a USER, only this USER will no longer have access to the data of the company concerned.

Each USER formally refrains from creating or using any other ACCOUNT than the one initially created, whether under his/her own identity or that of a third party, and from transferring his/her ACCOUNT to anyone else.

6.3. Enrichment of the profile

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


By clicking [Settings] and the [My Profile] tab, the USER can: • access and modify his/her PERSONAL DATA, • change his/her password at any time, • manage his/her newsletter subscriptions and be alerted of new offers / services.

Only the USER with the status of USER ADMINISTRATOR for his/her company can modify his/her company's data by clicking on [Settings] and the [My Profile] tab. 6.4. Deleting the ACCOUNT The USER is free, at any time, to delete his/her ACCOUNT by sending an email to: [email protected]. The USER having the status of USER ADMINISTRATOR for his/her company is free, at any time, to delete the ACCOUNT of another USER affiliated to his/her company by clicking on [Settings] then on the [User Management] tab and selecting the [Revoke user] option. UPPLY will confirm the deletion of the USER's ACCOUNT by sending an email to the email address specified in the ACCOUNT. All PERSONAL DATA associated with the ACCOUNT will be kept in our secure archive for a period of three (3) years after unsubscribing and then deleted in accordance with the Privacy Policy. As a reminder, upon request of the USER and in accordance with the right of portability, UPPLY will provide all PERSONAL DATA associated with his/her ACCOUNT in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. In the event that USER does not log in to his/her ACCOUNT for a period of three (3) years, his/her ACCOUNT will be automatically deleted. UPPLY may suspend access to the SOLUTIONS and the ACCOUNT, without prior notice and at its sole discretion, in the event of violation of one or more provisions of the TOS. The USER shall be informed of this decision by means of an e-mail. SECTION 7. OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES 7.1. Obligations of the USERS As part of the use of the PLATFORM, each USER must not undermine public order and comply with the laws and regulations in force, respect the rights of third parties and comply with the provisions of these TOS. Each USER must:

• Behave in a loyal manner towards UPPLY and third parties; • Be honest and sincere in the information provided to UPPLY and other USERS; • Use the PLATFORM in accordance with its purpose as described in these TOS; • Not divert the purpose of the PLATFORM to commit crimes, misdemeanors or offences punishable by

the French criminal code or any other law; • Respect the privacy of third parties and the confidentiality of exchanges; • Comply with the intellectual property rights of UPPLY concerning the elements of the PLATFORM

and, where applicable, the intellectual property rights of other USERS; • Not seek to undermine, within the meaning of Sections 323-1 and following of the French criminal

code, the automated data processing systems implemented on the PLATFORM; • Not modify the information put online by UPPLY or by another USER; • Not use the PLATFORM to send massively unsolicited messages (advertising or other); • Not disseminate data that would diminish, disorganize, slow down or interrupt the normal operation of

the PLATFORM. • Not disrupt the operation of the WEBSITE; • Keep the confidentiality of his/her identifiers and password by not communicating them to anyone;

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


• Not violate the privacy, business secrecy, or secrecy of correspondence by using the SITE; • Not reproduce, represent or communicate to the public in any way whatsoever all or part of the SITE; • Not develop, support or use software, devices, scripts, robots or any other means or processes

(including but not limited to indexing robots, browser plug-ins and add-ons, or any other technology or physical work) to perform web scrapping of the SITE and/or SOLUTIONS;

• Not extract, reuse, store, reproduce, represent or retain, directly or indirectly, on any medium whatsoever, by any means, and in any form whatsoever, all or part of the SITE which constitutes a database protected by law.

The use of the ACCOUNT by the USER is personal. The USER is therefore solely responsible for the actions he/she carries out via his/her ACCOUNT. The USER generally must not contravene the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the SITE and in particular the provisions of the French intellectual property code. The USER must make available to UPPLY contents of which he/she is the author or which he/she is authorized to publish. In line with the legal and regulatory provisions in force and in accordance with French Act of July 29, 1881 on the freedom of the press, the USER must not diffuse any message, opinion or information:

• Constitutive of wrongful denigration aimed at UPPLY or the USERS; • Insulting, defamatory, sexist, pornographic, pedophile, revisionist or damaging to the honor or

reputation of others; • Inciting discrimination, hatred of a person or group of persons because of their origin or their

membership or non-membership of a particular ethnic group, nation, race, sexual orientation or religion;

• Threatening a person or group of persons; • Inciting hatred, violence, to commit a crime, a crime or an act of terrorism or apologia for war crimes

or crimes against humanity or suicide; • Allowing third parties to interrupt, alter, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer or network,

through acts of hacking and intrusion into computer and telecommunications systems, viruses and other logic bombs and generally any software or other tool that may infringe on the rights of others and the safety of persons and property;

• Of a commercial nature (prospection, soliciting, prostitution...); • Aiming at advertising or constituting advertisements’ broadcasting; • Infringing on the intellectual property rights of third parties, in particular with regard to copyright or

trademark law; • Infringing on the right to image or privacy; • Infringing the interests and rights of third parties; • In violation of business secrecy or the secrecy of correspondence; • And generally speaking, any content contrary to the law, public order and morality.

The USER is solely liable for the contents he/she makes available on the WEBSITE. UPPLY may delete any content posted by a USER that is manifestly illegal and that has been reported to it by a USER, in accordance with the legal provisions in force and provided for in particular in French Act for Confidence in the Digital Economy of June 21, 2004. Under no circumstances may UPPLY be held liable in the event of the exercise of this right. The USER expressly authorizes UPPLY to use, distribute, host, store, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate and display its contents on the WEBSITE and/or any other media (including physical and digital media), by any means, for purposes of exploitation and improvement of the SOLUTIONS proposed by UPPLY and of the WEBSITE. This authorization is valid worldwide and granted for a period of ten (10) years as from the provision of the content by the USER.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


The USER represents and warrants that all documents, information, data and content provided to UPPLY during his/her use of the WEBSITE and/or the SOLUTIONS are accurate and up to date at the time of communication. The USER warrants UPPLY against any disturbance, action, claim, opposition, demand and eviction whatsoever from a USER or a third party who considers that any content of a USER infringes on his/her rights, as well as against any damage or liability incurred in the exercise of the rights attached thereto, and must bear all damages or legal costs (including attorney's fees, costs, and other expenses not included in proceedings costs) that UPPLY may have to bear due to the content made available by the USER. Hyperlinks This WEBSITE may contain links to third party websites that are not under the control of UPPLY. UPPLY makes no representations or warranties of any kind whatsoever about any other website to which the USER may have access through the UPPLY WEBSITE. When the USER accesses a third-party website, the USER does so at his/her own risk and acknowledges that UPPLY is not liable for the content, advertisement, products or other elements and data available on such third-party website. The USER also acknowledges and agrees that UPPLY does not assume any responsibility and will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of any third-party website. References to third party companies and third-party websites on the UPPLY WEBSITE are for information purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement or recommendation. Consequently, UPPLY cannot be held liable particularly for the conditions of access, the services offered, their content and/or elements stored on them, the updates made to them, etc. If the USER decides to use a hyperlink to access a third-party website, the USER does so at his/her own risk. These TOS will no longer be in force, so the USER is advised to read the terms and conditions of service applicable to third party websites. 7.2. Obligations of UPPLY The general obligation of UPPLY is an obligation of best efforts. It does not impose on UPPLY any obligation of result or enhanced best efforts of any kind. 7.2.1. Hosting - availability UPPLY must make every effort to make the PLATFORM accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the event of force majeure or an event beyond UPPLY's control and subject to any breakdowns or corrective maintenance operations necessary for the proper functioning of the PLATFORM. However, UPPLY will not be held liable for any disruptions, interruptions and anomalies that are not of its making and that would affect, for example, transmissions via the Internet and more generally via the communication network, regardless of their importance and duration. Furthermore, UPPLY may temporarily interrupt access to the PLATFORM or suspend all or part of the SOLUTIONS for maintenance reasons, for the improvement and installation of new functionalities, for the audit of the proper functioning or in the event of malfunction or threat of malfunction. However, UPPLY draws the attention of the USERS to the fact that the current protocols of communication via Internet do not allow to ensure in a certain and continuous way the transmission of electronic exchanges (messages, documents, identity of the sender or the recipient). 7.2.2. Corrective maintenance UPPLY must make every effort to have the technical corrections made to the PLATFORM as soon as possible, with regard to possible operating anomalies and/or conformity with the applicable safety standards. UPPLY makes available to the USERS a support service accessible at the following address: [email protected] and at the following number: 0033 (0)9 77 40 20 19 (non-premium call – price of a French local call), from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. CEST from Monday to Friday, excluding French public holidays. Any intervention resulting from misuse by the USER of the PLATFORM or the SOLUTIONS may give rise to a specific invoice.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


7.2.3. Security UPPLY is committed to doing everything possible to:

• Ensure logical and physical security of its information systems; • Minimize the risk of a security breach;

so as to optimize the conditions of provision of the SOLUTIONS through the PLATFORM. SECTION 8. LIABILITY 8.1. Liability of UPPLY 8.1.1. General principles UPPLY is not liable:

• in case of temporary impossibility to access the PLATFORM for technical maintenance operations or updating of published information. The USERS acknowledge that UPPLY cannot be held liable in the event of malfunctions or interruptions in the said transmission networks;

• in the event of virus attacks, unlawful intrusion into an automated data processing system; • in case of abnormal use or illicit exploitation of the PLATFORM by a USER or a third party; • as for the content of third-party websites to which hypertext links present on the PLATFORM refer; • in the event of non-compliance with these TOS attributable to the USERS; • in case of delay or non-performance of its obligations, when the cause of the delay or non-performance

is related to a case of force majeure as defined in Section 9 of these TOS; • in the event of a foreign cause not attributable to UPPLY; • in case of use of the service for purposes other than those provided for in the present T&Cs of Sales.

The USER may seek the liability of UPPLY if it has previously notified UPPLY by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt of the alleged breach and if UPPLY has not responded within thirty (30) days from receipt of such notice. In any event, UPPLY's liability may only be sought in the event of proven breach. UPPLY's liability is in any case limited to €5,000 per event and to €50 000 per calendar year. UPPLY cannot warrant the USER that the WEBSITE will exactly meet his/her expectations nor that no errors will appear during its use. UPPLY does not warrant the reliability or the accuracy of the information on the WEBSITE, nor the compatibility of the WEBSITE to the specific uses of the USER. In particular, UPPLY does not represent or warrant that the content of the WEBSITE will be free of errors and that the WEBSITE platform will be free of viruses or other harmful elements, that the information provided is exhaustive, up-to-date, accurate, used in practice or is materially accessible at the time the USER accesses the WEBSITE or that errors and defects will be corrected. The USER must take his/her own precautions in this respect.

UPPLY will not be held liable:

(i) any non-conforming use of the WEBSITE by USERS or any other third party, or (ii) the contents and DATA made available by the USERS in the context of the use of the WEBSITE.

In the event that UPPLY's liability is sought by a third party due to a breach by the USER of any of the provisions of the TOS, UPPLY may call upon the USER as a guarantee;

(iii) in the event of difficulty of transmissions or, more generally, any disturbance of the telecommunications network and the Internet. It is up to the USER to have the necessary skills and means (at the expense of the USER: internet access, telephone subscription etc.) to access the various SOLUTIONS;

(iv) in the case of inaccessibility of the WEBSITE, whatever the reason and/or its duration;

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


(v) in the event of loss or damage suffered by the USER or any third party as a result of a failure (i) of access to the SOLUTION (ii) of the internet networks, (iii) of the telecommunications means and,

(vi) more generally, any event not directly and/or exclusively attributable to UPPLY or any event of force majeure, as defined by French courts’ case law;

The USER acknowledges that the WEBSITE is currently hosted for UPPLY by Microsoft Ireland Operations Ltd registered under VAT Regn No. IE8256796U and domiciled at: One Microsoft Place, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, D18 P521, Ireland (hereinafter referred to as "Microsoft"). To the extent permitted by applicable law, notwithstanding any other provision of these TOS, the USER acknowledges and agrees that UPPLY will not be liable for Microsoft's acts and omissions. In addition, UPPLY does not warrant that the hosting services will be uninterrupted, error-free, or risk-free. The USER acknowledges and accepts that UPPLY uses an outsourced hosting environment and that UPPLY cannot directly control the operations of this environment. By accepting these TOS, the USER confirms and agrees to comply with Microsoft's Terms of Service. 8.1.2. Hosting provider status The USERS acknowledge that UPPLY has the status of host within the meaning of Section 6 I 2° of French Act for Confidence in the Digital Economy of 21 June 2004, known as “LCEN”. In this respect, UPPLY may withdraw any content that it has been informed of and that it considers to be manifestly illicit within the meaning of Section 6 I 2° of French Act for Confidence in the Digital Economy of 21 June 2004, known as “LCEN”. Notification of manifestly illicit content by a USER or any other third party must be made by e-mail to [email protected] or by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the following address: 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret, France. In accordance with Section 6 I 5° of the French Act for Confidence in the Digital Economy of 21 June 2004 known as “LCEN”, the notification, to be valid, must include the following elements:

• the date of the notification; • if the notifying party is a natural person: his/her surname, first names, profession, domicile, nationality,

date and place of birth; if the applicant is a legal entity: its form, name, registered office and the body that legally represents it;

• the name and domicile of the addressee or, in the case of a legal entity, its name and registered office; • the description of the facts in dispute and their precise location; • the reasons for which the content must be removed, including the legal provisions and justification of

the facts; • a copy of the correspondence addressed to the author or publisher of the disputed information or

activities requesting their interruption, withdrawal or modification, or justification that the author or publisher could not be contacted.

8.2. Liability of the USER The USER will be solely liable for any damage, direct or indirect, material or immaterial, caused to UPPLY to other USERS or to any third party as a result of its abnormal use or illegal exploitation of the PLATFORM. UPPLY declines all liability in this respect, and in particular when the cause of the damage constitutes a breach of these TOS. The USER warrants UPPLY against any disruption, action, claim, opposition, demand and eviction whatsoever arising from a USER or third party who considers that a USER's content infringes on his/her rights, as well as against any damage or liability incurred in the exercise of the rights attached thereto, and must bear all damages or legal costs that UPPLY may have to bear as a result of the content made available by the USER. SECTION 9. FORCE MAJEURE

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


UPPLY will not be liable if the non-execution or delay in execution of one of its obligations described in these TOS results from a case of force majeure as defined in the French civil code and by the case law of French courts. There is force majeure in contractual matters when an event beyond the debtor's control, which could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time the contract was entered into and whose effects cannot be avoided by appropriate measures, prevents the debtor from performing its obligation. If the impediment is temporary, performance of the obligation is suspended unless the resulting delay justifies termination of the agreement. If the impediment is permanent, the agreement is terminated by operation of law and the parties are discharged from their obligations under the conditions provided for in Sections 1351 and 1351-1 of the French civil code. In this respect, UPPLY will not be liable in particular in the event of an attack by hackers, the unavailability of materials, supplies, spare parts, personal or other equipment, interruption, suspension, reduction or disruption of electricity or other or any interruption of electronic communications networks, as well as in the event of the occurrence of any circumstance or event beyond the control of UPPLY occurring after the conclusion of the TOS and preventing performance under normal conditions. In such a situation, the USER may not claim payment of any indemnity and may not bring any action against UPPLY. In the event of the occurrence of any of the aforementioned events, UPPLY will endeavor to inform the USER as soon as possible. SECTION 10. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 10.1 WEBSITE of UPPLY and its components The WEBSITE, all its constituent elements (including but not limited to all know-how, trade secrets, texts, presentations, videos, photographs, downloadable documents, graphic charter, interfaces, trademarks and logos, database and software) are protected by intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyright, sui generis right of the maker of databases, trademarks, designs, domain names ...) and related rights held exclusively by UPPLY and/or its licensors. Unless otherwise provided, these TOS do not entail any assignment of any kind of intellectual property rights over the elements belonging to UPPLY for the benefit of the USERS. 10.2. Rights of UPPLY The trademarks, logos, slogans, graphics, photographs, animations, video, databases and texts contained on the PLATFORM are the exclusive property of UPPLY and may not be reproduced, used or represented, under penalty of legal proceedings. The same applies to the computer developments, technologies and underlying developments constituting the PLATFORM. Therefore, they may not be reproduced, decompiled, disassembled without prior express authorization, under penalty of legal proceedings. 10.3. User license granted by UPPLY UPPLY grants USERS a license to use the PLATFORM, free of charge and for the entire world, for the duration of these TOS. Any total or partial reproduction of the contents of the PLATFORM by any process whatsoever is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by Sections L.335-2 et seq. and Sections L.713-1 et seq. of the French intellectual property code. UPPLY also expressly prohibits:

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


1° The extraction, by permanent or temporary transfer of all or a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the contents of the PLATFORM database to another medium, by any means and in any form whatsoever;

2° The reuse, by making available to the public all or a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the contents of the PLATFORM database, in any form whatsoever; 3° The repeated and systematic extraction or reuse of qualitatively or quantitatively non-substantial parts of the contents of the PLATFORM database, when these operations clearly exceed the normal conditions of use of this database.

As such, the USER agrees not to use any content of the PLATFORM, except for the authorizations delivered within the scope of these TOS. 10.4. User license granted by the USER The USER expressly grants to UPPLY, free of charge, a worldwide transferable and sub-licensable license on the DATA communicated to UPPLY during his/her use of the WEBSITE and/or the SOLUTIONS, for their entire duration of protection so that UPPLY uses the data for its own commercial purposes in order in particular to improve the SOLUTIONS of the WEBSITE.

In particular, the USER grants UPPLY the right to use, distribute, host, store, reproduce, communicate, publish, modify, adapt, translate and display the elements, information and DATA in its COMPARE & ANALYZE SOLUTION database without prejudice to the intellectual property rights of UPPLY and/or its licensors.

The USER expressly authorizes UPPLY to use, distribute, host, store, reproduce, communicate, publish, modify, adapt, translate and display his/her DATA on the WEBSITE, on social networks and/or any other media (including physical and digital media, press kits, commercial support, promotional and/or advertising material), by any means, to exploit, improve, promote, market, advertise the SOLUTIONS offered by UPPLY and the WEBSITE. This authorization is valid for the entire world and for the duration of the protection from which the DATA may benefit under applicable legislation. SECTION 11. PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA As part of the operation of the PLATFORM, UPPLY may collect PERSONAL DATA from the USERS. The PERSONAL DATA of the USER is necessary for the management of the PLATFORM and his/her ACCOUNT and to send him/her newsletters exclusively from UPPLY, unless he/she no longer wishes to receive such communication from UPPLY. Such data shall be kept confidential by UPPLY for the purposes of the agreement, its performance and in compliance with the law, for a period of three (3) years from the deletion of the ACCOUNT by the USER. The data may be communicated in whole or in part to the relevant departments of UPPLY and its service providers. In this regard, the USER is invited to consult UPPLY's Privacy Policy available at the following address: https://www.upply.com/hubfs/Juridique/Politique_de_Confidentialite/Privacy_policy_Upply.pdf, which will provide all information relating to the protection of personal data and the processing activities carried out via the PLATFORM. In accordance with French Data Protection Act No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, as modified, and with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation or “GDPR”), UPPLY ensures the implementation of the rights of the data subjects. As a reminder, the USER whose PERSONAL DATA is processed benefits from the rights of access, rectification, updating, portability and erasure of information concerning him or her, as well as the right to

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


restrict processing in accordance with Sections 49, 50, 51, 53 and 55 of the French Data Protection Act and the provisions of Articles 15, 16, 17 and 18 of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In accordance with the provisions of Section 56 of the French Data Protection Act and Article 21 of the GDPR, the USER may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning him or her, without justification and free of charge. The USER may also define the fate of his or her PERSONAL DATA after his/her death and choose whether or not UPPLY may communicate his/her PERSONAL DATA to a third party that the USER will have previously designated. The USER may exercise his/her rights by sending an e-mail to: [email protected] or by sending a letter to: 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France. Finally, the USER may also lodge a complaint with the supervisory authorities and in particular with the CNIL in France (https://www.cnil.fr/fr/plaintes). SECTION 12. CONFIDENTIALITY

UPPLY cares of about providing the USER with SOLUTIONS of high quality. To this end, UPPLY works to improve its SOLUTIONS through the use of the WEBSITE.

No element identifying the USER will be published on the WEBSITE or within the SOLUTIONS when UPPLY uses the DATE of the USER.

The USER warrants and represents that:

• He/she holds all rights, consents and/or authorizations necessary to use, provide to UPPLY, authorize UPPLY to receive, possess and use as indicated in the TOS these DATA;

• Providing the DATA to UPPLY does not infringe on any third-party rights, agreements, or any law or regulation;

The USER will indemnify and hold UPPLY, its officers and employees harmless from and against any claim, demand, suit or proceeding brought against UPPLY by any third party alleging that the receipt, possession or use by UPPLY of such DATA violates any third party right, agreement or any law or regulation, as well as against any damage or liability incurred in the exercise of the rights attached thereto and must bear all damages or legal costs (including attorney's fees, costs and other expenses not included in proceedings costs) that UPPLY may have to bear as a result of the DATA made available by the USER.

UPPLY will maintain all appropriate administrative, physical and technical protection to ensure the security, confidentiality and integrity of the DATA. In addition, UPPLY uses industry-recognized penetration testing service providers to identify and resolve predictable attack vectors and potential intrusion scenarios.

UPPLY may use the DATA in order to perform the SOLUTIONS but without the DATA and the identity of the USER being associated with such use, unless required to do so by law or unless expressly authorized in writing by the USER. No element identifying the USER shall be published on the WEBSITE or within the SOLUTIONS when UPPLY uses the DATA of the USER. By accepting the TOS, USERS expressly agree that their DATA may be transferred to any subcontractors of UPPLY for the purpose of improving the SOLUTIONS offered by UPPLY. SECTION 13. ASSISTANCE Any questions or complaints regarding the use or operation of the PLATFORM may be made in accordance with the following terms and conditions:

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


• by e-mail to the following address: [email protected] • by phone at 00 33 9 77 40 20 19 (available Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. CEST except

French public holidays – non-premium rate call – price of a local French call).

Within the scope of the telephone exchanges between the customer service and the USERS of UPPLY, a recording of the conversations can be made, unless the USER expressly expresses his/her objection to the recording during his/her call. SECTION 14. GENERAL PROVISIONS The fact that one of the PARTIES has not required the application of any provision of these TOS, whether permanently or temporarily, must in no way be considered as a waiver of the said provision. If any of the provisions of these TOS are declared null and void with regard to any legislative or regulatory provision in force and/or a court decision having the force of res judicata, it will be deemed unwritten but will not affect the validity of the other provisions, which will remain fully applicable. Such a modification or decision does not in any way authorize USERS to disregard these TOS. In the event of any difficulty of interpretation between any of the headings of the provisions and any of these provisions, the headings will be declared non-existent. SECTION 15. JURISDICTION AND GOVERNING LAW These TOS and the relationship between the USER and UPPLY will be governed by French law. The TOS constitute the entire agreement between UPPLY and the USER. This agreement supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements, whether written or oral, concerning the matters set forth herein and supersedes any conflicting terms and conditions. The TOS are drawn up in English and French languages. In any event, the French language version of the TOS will prevail over any other version. In the event of a dispute arising between UPPLY and a USER concerning the interpretation, performance or termination of the TOS, the PARTIES must seek to settle it amicably. In such a case, the USER is first invited to contact UPPLY's complaints department by e-mail at the following address: [email protected] or by telephone at the following number: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19 (available Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. CEST – non-premium rate call – price of a French local call). The claims department will make its best efforts to process claims within one (1) month. In any event, the USER will be informed of the time required to process his/her request. If the PARTIES do not reach an agreement, an optional mediation procedure will then be proposed, conducted in a spirit of loyalty and good faith, in order to reach an amicable agreement when any dispute arises in relation to these TOS, including their validity. The PARTY wishing to implement the mediation process must first inform the other PARTY by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, indicating the elements of the dispute. As mediation is not mandatory, the USER or UPPLY may withdraw from the process at any time. In the event that mediation fails or is not considered, the dispute that may have given rise to mediation will be brought in the French courts of Paris.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ANY REGISTRATION ON THE PLATFORM BY THE CUSTOMER IMPLIES UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE BY THE CUSTOMER OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS The terms used in these Terms and Conditions of Sale have the following meaning: "CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION": means all financial, legal, technical, commercial, strategic information, as well as data, documents of any kind, drawings, concepts, manufacturing secrets, know-how, information systems, software, transmitted or brought to the knowledge of a PARTY under the AGREEMENT, regardless of the form and/or media used. "CUSTOMER": means any company that subscribes to the COMPARE & ANALYZE SOLUTION and / or registers on the PLATFORM to access the MARKETPLACE SOLUTION. "PARTY": means together UPPLY and the CUSTOMER. "PERSONAL DATA": means personal data within the meaning of the regulations on personal data and more generally any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. "SOLUTION": means the COMPARE & ANALYZE SOLUTION and/or the MARKETPLACE SOLUTION. "TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE" or "T&Cs of Sale": means these terms and conditions of sale and the specific conditions applicable, which govern access to the COMPARE & ANALYZE SOLUTION and/or the MARKETPLACE SOLUTION between the PARTIES. "TERMS OF SERVICE " or "TOS": means the contractual conditions made available on the home page of the PLATFORM, in order to govern the use of the PLATFORM by any USER and internet user. SECTION 2. CONTRACTUAL DOCUMENTS The contractual documents are listed in order of precedence:

• The Specific Conditions and their appendices • The Terms and Conditions of Sale • The TOS.

UPPLY may modify the T&Cs of Sale at any time. These modifications will be brought to the knowledge of the CUSTOMER by all means before the changes come into force. In the event of substantial modifications of the present T&Cs of Sale, the following hypotheses must be distinguished:

• Either the CUSTOMER refuses the substantial modifications within five (5) days following the notification, in which case it may terminate the contract under the conditions provided in Section 11 hereof.

• Either the CUSTOMER does not refuse the substantial modifications within five (5) days following the notification, in which case they will automatically come into force as of the notification without further formality.

SECTION 3. PURPOSE The purpose of the T&Cs of Sale is to set the terms and conditions of access by the CUSTOMER to the SOLUTION as well as the respective rights and obligations of the PARTIES induced by the use of the SOLUTION.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


It applies to the whole of the SOLUTION provided to the CUSTOMER, which cannot, as a result, rely on any provision of its own general and/or specific terms and conditions of purchase. Under no circumstances do the T&Cs of Sale confer on the CUSTOMER the status of employee, representative or agent of UPPLY. The PARTIES further declare that the T&Cs of Sale must in no case be considered as a constituent act of any legal person or legal entity whatsoever, and that any form of "affectio societatis" is formally excluded from their relationship. SECTION 4. MODALITIES OF ACCES TO THE SOLUTION(S) Access to the PLATFORM and the creation of an ACCOUNT are free. The CUSTOMER can benefit from the SOLUTIONS via the PLATFORM by connecting to his/her ACCOUNT and accepting the TOS and these T&Cs of Sale. The creation of an ACCOUNT implies the definition of IDENTIFIERS. To be able to benefit from the SOLUTIONS, the CUSTOMER must provide UPPLY with a valid e-mail address and information. SECTION 5. FINANCIAL TERMS Subscription to the various SOLUTIONS gives rise to financial terms and conditions detailed in the Specific Conditions. The applicable interest rate is three (3) times the legal interest rate applied by the European Central Bank to its most recent refinancing operation plus ten (10) percentage points. Interest for late payment is due on the day following the payment date shown on the invoice without the need for a reminder or formal notice. Any CUSTOMER in a situation of late payment is automatically liable to the creditor for a fixed compensation for collection costs in the amount of forty (40) euros. When the collection costs incurred are higher than the amount of this fixed indemnity, UPPLY may request additional compensation, upon justification. SECTION 6. OBLIGATIONS OF UPPLY UPPLY must carry out the SOLUTION in compliance with the applicable rules with respect to the T&Cs of Sale, such rules resulting from the state of the art, European standards, laws, decrees, orders and national, local or professional legislative, regulatory or administrative texts. The PARTIES expressly agree that UPPLY is subject to a general obligation of best efforts and that it is not bound by any obligation of result or reinforced best efforts of any kind. SECTION 7. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER In order to allow UPPLY to accomplish the SOLUTIONS in the best conditions, the CUSTOMER must:

• Provide up-to-date and accurate data • Pay the price corresponding to the SOLUTIONS,

In any case, each CUSTOMER must:

• Keep his/her IDENTIFIERS confidential; • Not divert the purpose of the PLATFORM to commit crimes, offenses or misdemeanors punishable by

the French criminal code or any other law; • Respect the privacy of third parties and the confidentiality of exchanges with UPPLY; • Not seek to undermine, within the meaning of Sections 323-1 and following of the French criminal

code, the automated data processing systems implemented for the exploitation of the PLATFORM;

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


• Not violate or attempt to violate the security or integrity of the PLATFORM or the API LICENSE, to communicate any misleading information, to use the information for illicit purposes;

• Not infringe the intellectual property rights of UPPLY or any third party; • Comply with UPPLY's TOS.

SECTION 8. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Section 8.1 – Properties of UPPLY The CUSTOMER acknowledges UPPLY's intellectual property rights over the PLATFORM, its components, the DATABASES and the related contents and waives the right to contest these rights in any form whatsoever. The contents on the PLATFORM are the exclusive intellectual property of UPPLY and/or its partners and may not be reproduced, used or represented without the express authorization of UPPLY, under penalty of legal proceedings. Any total or partial representation of the PLATFORM and its contents, by any process whatsoever, without the express prior authorization of UPPLY is prohibited and will give rise to legal proceedings. Section 8.2 – License to use the PLATFORM UPPLY hereby grants the CUSTOMER a non-exclusive license to use the PLATFORM and the associated software solution. This license is non-transferable and will not be considered as a transfer of property of any kind in favor of the CUSTOMER. The latter therefore refrains from assigning, exchanging, lending, renting or granting to a third party, even free of charge, any right of use conferred by these T&Cs of Sale. This license is granted for the entire world, for the entire duration of the SOLUTIONS, in consideration of the sums agreed in the Specific Conditions. In addition, as a reminder, any use that does not comply with the license is subject to legal proceedings. SECTION 9. PERSONAL DATA As part of the SOLUTIONS, UPPLY collects and processes PERSONAL DATA. These data are processed only to:

• Manage the contractual relations with the CUSTOMER; • Administer the PLATFORM; • Establish statistics of frequentation (anonymous and aggregated) of the PLATFORM; • Be able to provide the CUSTOMER with the SOLUTIONS; • Follow up on requests related to the operation of the PLATFORM;

All of the CLIENT'S PERSONAL CHARACTER DATA will be processed in accordance with these purposes. The CUSTOMER'S PERSONAL DATA will be kept in a secure archive for three (3) years from the end of the business relationship, and will be intended for UPPLY and all service providers associated with the operation of the PLATFORM. The CUSTOMER benefits in particular from the following rights:

• Right of access, rectification, and updating of its data in accordance with Sections 49 and 50 of the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 as amended and Articles 15 and 16 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR);

• Right to object to the processing of its data in accordance with Section 56 of the French Data Protection Act and Article 21 of the GDPR;

• Right to the erasure of his/her personal data in accordance with Article 17 of the GDPR;

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


• Right to withdraw consent at any time in accordance with Article 13-2 c of the RGPD when the legal basis of the processing is consent;

• Right to data portability, when his/her data are subject to automated processing based on consent or a contract, in accordance with Article 20 of the GDPR;

• Right to determine the fate of his/her data after his/her death, and to choose whether or not to communicate his/her data to UPPLY to a third party previously designated. In the event of death and in the absence of instructions from the USER, UPPLY must destroy his/her data, except if conservation proves necessary for evidentiary purposes or to meet a legal obligation.

All information relating to the processing of personal data by UPPLY is detailed in the Privacy Policy accessible here: https://www.upply.com/hubfs/Juridique/Politique_de_Confidentialite/Privacy_policy_Upply.pdf. SECTION 10. LIABILITY The CUSTOMER may hold UPPLY liable if it has previously notified UPPLY by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt of the alleged breach and if UPPLY has not responded within thirty (30) days from receipt of such notice. In any event, UPPLY's liability may only be sought in the event of proven breach. UPPLY will be automatically released from all obligations and liability:

• In case of force majeure as defined by the applicable case law; • In case of default of payment by the CUSTOMER; • In case of breach of these terms and conditions and particularly in case of use of the service for

purposes other than those provided for in the present T&Cs of Sale.

The CUSTOMER hereby acknowledges that UPPLY will not be liable in case of malfunctions or interruptions of the transmission networks or of the CUSTOMER's computer equipment. UPPLY therefore declines all liability in the event of loss of data, intrusions, viruses, service disruption or other problems extraneous to UPPLY. Under no circumstances will UPPLY be held liable, regardless of the type of action brought, for any indirect damage of any kind, for example, and without the list being exhaustive, any financial or commercial loss, loss of profit, loss of gain, commercial disruption, prejudice to a third party, or action brought by a third party against the CUSTOMER, as well as the consequences thereof, related to this agreement or its execution. The CUSTOMER must be solely liable for any direct or indirect, material or immaterial damage caused by itself or one of its employees to UPPLY or to third parties as a result of its use of the SOLUTIONS. In any event, the PARTIES expressly agree that if UPPLY's liability were to be retained within the framework of the execution of the T&Cs of Sale, this liability must be limited to €5,000 per event and €50,000 per calendar year. The PARTIES expressly agree that UPPLY may call upon external service providers or partners to execute all or part of the SOLUTIONS. In any event, UPPLY will remain the CUSTOMER's sole interlocutor in the event of a call to subcontractors and will be liable under the conditions set forth in this section. The liability cap provided for in the previous paragraph will also apply in this case. The PARTIES expressly agree that the stipulations of this provision must continue to apply even in the event of termination of this agreement by a court decision that has become final. SECTION 11. TERM - TERMINATION The agreement is concluded for the term provided for in the Specific Conditions. In the event of breach of these provisions or of the laws and regulations in force, as well as in the event of a lack of cooperation and/or disloyalty, if there is an urgent need to stop the actions observed, UPPLY may suspend access to the SOLUTIONS by right, without compensation to the benefit of the CUSTOMER and without prior formal notice.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


This decision will be brought to the attention of the USER by e-mail and by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, indicating the alleged grievances as well as the obligations whose non-compliance is alleged. UPPLY may suspend the USER's ACCOUNT in order to regularize the shortcomings identified within seven (7) days from the date of the registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt and the e-mail. If the USER has not corrected the deficiencies within this period, UPPLY may terminate the contractual relationship and delete the ACCOUNT under the conditions of termination for misconduct detailed below. In the event of a serious breach by a PARTY of at least one of its obligations hereunder, the contractual relationship may be terminated by the other PARTY. It is expressly agreed that such termination shall take place ipso jure, ten (10) days after the sending of a formal notice to perform, which has remained without effect. The formal notice, which must imperatively indicate the alleged grievances and the obligations whose non-compliance is alleged, will be notified by e-mail or by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. Any termination, resolution or cancellation of the contractual relationship will result in the cancellation of access to the various SOLUTIONS offered to the CLIENT. Except in the event of termination attributable to a fault of UPPLY, in the event of termination of the contractual relationship, all sums owed by the CUSTOMER to UPPLY will be payable immediately. The Intellectual Property, Confidentiality and Data Protection sections will remain in force in the event of termination hereof for an additional period of five (5) years unless otherwise expressly stipulated or provided by law or regulation. SECTION 12. CONFIDENTIALITY Each PARTY agrees to use the CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, only for the strict performance of this AGREEMENT. Any founded disclosure may hold its author liable, regardless of the cause of the disclosure. The obligations of confidentiality stipulated in this provision do not apply to all or any part of the CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION insofar as:

(a) It was lawfully in the possession of the receiving party prior to its disclosure; (b) It has been lawfully disclosed to the receiving party by a third party without restriction on disclosure; (c) They are subject to a legal duty of disclosure by any court of competent jurisdiction, authority or


This Confidentiality provision must survive the expiration of the contractual relationship until such time as the CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION enters the public domain other than through a breach by the receiving party. SECTION 13. NON-SOLICITATION OF PERSONNEL – NON-COMPETITION Each of the PARTIES waives the right to hire or employ, directly or through intermediary personnel, any employee of the other PARTIES. This commitment is valid for the entire duration of the contractual relationship and for a minimum period of two (2) years after termination of the contractual relationship. In the event of non-compliance with this provision, the PARTIES agree that the penalty invoiced will be equivalent to one (1) year of the salary offered by the new employer. The CUSTOMER must refrain from exercising an activity competing with that of UPPLY on French territory. This prohibition will apply for the entire duration of the contractual relationship and continue for one (1) year from the said termination, regardless of the cause of termination. SECTION 14. GENERAL PROVISIONS - INDEPENDANCE

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


If any of the provisions of the Terms and Conditions of Sale should become invalid with regard to any legal or regulatory provision in force and/or a court decision having the force of res judicata, it will be deemed to be unwritten but shall not affect the validity of the other provisions, which will remain fully applicable. Each of the PARTIES is a legal entity independent of the other, whether legally or financially. Thus, each PARTY acts in its own name and under its sole responsibility. Neither of the PARTIES may be considered as the representative of the other and may not act or commit itself on behalf of the other. Each of the PARTIES must always behave towards the other as a loyal partner and in good faith, and in particular to immediately bring to the attention of the other PARTIES any dispute or difficulty that it may encounter in the execution of the T&Cs of Sale. CUSTOMER authorizes UPPLY to publicly refer to CUSTOMER as a company that has subscribed to the COMPARE & ANALYZE SOLUTION and/or as a company that has registered on the PLATEFORM in order to access the MARKETPLACE SOLUTION. CUSTOMER also authorizes UPPLY to publish CUSTOMER’s name and logo on the PLATFORM, social networks and/or any other marketing or promotional material, without additional consent. SECTION 15. GOVERNING LAW – JURISDICTION These T&Cs of Sale, their performance and interpretation are subject exclusively to French law. The PARTIES must endeavor to settle amicably any dispute arising between them concerning the interpretation, performance or termination of these T&Cs of Sale. IN THE ABSENCE OF AN AMICABLE AGREEMENT WITHIN ONE (1) MONTH FROM THE DATE OF REFERRAL TO ONE OF THE PARTIES, THE DISPUTE MAY BE SUBMITTED TO THE PARIS COMMERCIAL COURT, TO WHICH JURISDICTION IS EXPRESSLY CONFERRED, NOTWITHSTANDING PLURALITY OF DEFENDANTS OR THIRD PARTY CLAIMS, INCLUDING FOR EMERGENCY OR PROTECTIVE PROCEEDINGS, SUMMARY PROCEEDINGS OR ON MOTION.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19



ANY SUBSCRIPTION TO THE COMPARE & ANALYZE SOLUTION BY THE CUSTOMER IMPLIES UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE BY THE CUSTOMER OF THESE SPECIFIC TERMS AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. Preamble UPPLY offers an innovative SOLUTION for comparing transport prices and decision-making support (hereinafter the "COMPARE & ANALYZE SOLUTION"). The CUSTOMER wishes to benefit from the COMPARE & ANALYZE SOLUTION. In order to appreciate the adequacy of the SOLUTIONS of UPPLY to its needs and to make an informed choice, the CUSTOMER acknowledges that UPPLY has provided him/her with the necessary information, answered his/her questions and proceeded to any demonstration which he/she may have required concerning the SOLUTIONS described hereafter. SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS The terms used in these Specific Conditions not defined below are defined in Section 1 of the Terms and Conditions of Sale, annexed hereto and in the Terms of Service: "API" or "UPPLY API": means an application program interface specification that enables CUSTOMERS to benefit from certain SOLUTIONS in an automated manner. "API LICENSE": means the SANDBOX, CONSUME and CONTRIBUTE licenses described below:

• The "Sandbox License": o It is free of charge and without any commitment of duration. o It gives access to the Compare a Price feature via API. o It is limited to one thousand (1000) requests per USER, it being understood that this amount

applies to the company represented by the CUSTOMER. • The "Consume License":

o It is subject to a fee: its price depends on the use of the API by the CUSTOMER. o This amount is calculated according to the number of EFFECTIVE APPLICATIONS made per

month o It gives access to the Compare a Price feature via API. The CUSTOMER does not share its

transport prices. • The "Contributory License":

o It is subject to a fee: its price depends on the use of the API by the CUSTOMER. o This amount is calculated according to the number of EFFECTIVE APPLICATIONS made per

month. o It gives access to the Compare a Price feature via API. o It is subject to the CUSTOMER's contribution to UPPLY's data richness: the CUSTOMER

agrees to provide UPPLY with real and updated information on its transport fares.

"COMPARE & ANALYZE SOLUTION" or "SOLUTION": means the solution for comparing and analyzing the prices of transport service companies accessible via the PLATFORM, as described in Section 2.1 of these Specific Conditions, whose purpose is to provide information to CUSTOMERS. "CORRIDOR": means a transport corridor defined according to the mode of transport and geographical coverage.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


"EFFECTIVE REQUEST": indicates a request made via an API which allowed the return of a complete set of information. The effective character of the request will be determined by UPPLY and will be mentioned on the dashboard of the CUSTOMER, available at https://developers-dev.upply.com. "PACKAGE": means the various formulas proposed by UPPLY to the USERS wishing to benefit from the SOLUTIONS. "SUBSCRIPTION": means the subscription by a CUSTOMER to one of the COMPARE & ANALYZE SOLUTION's PACKAGES for which a fee is charged. SECTION 2. DESCRIPTION OF SOLUTIONS 2.1. General presentation of the COMPARE & ANALYZE SOLUTION By registering for UPPLY's COMPARE & ANALYZE SOLUTION according to the procedure described below, the CUSTOMER can access the following functionalities:

• Compare a Price: allows the CUSTOMER to instantly compare a transport price with the prices referenced in the UPPLY DATABASE, based on origin, destination and weight criteria.

• Compare a Budget: allows the CUSTOMER to compare a set of transport prices against the prices referenced in the UPPLY DATABASE, based on origin, destination and weight criteria. The CUSTOMER must submit his/her file to UPPLY and UPPLY will return a report detailing the performance of the prices charged.

• Past trends: allows the CUSTOMER to access charts that summarize the past price trends for predefined CORRIDORS.

• Future trends: allows the CUSTOMER to access charts that summarize the future price trends for predefined CORRIDORS.

• Historical view: allows the CUSTOMER to view, for a transport line (origin, destination and weight), the evolution of prices over the last few months.

• Our articles: allows the CUSTOMER to access the articles relating to the current events of transport and written by the experts of UPPLY.

2.2. General presentation of the PACKAGES

ACCESS 1 188€/year excl. taxes

ADVANCED 2 988€/year excl. taxes


11 400€/year excl. taxes

1 User Licence 3

User Licences Unlimited User Licences

✔ Market Insights ✔

Market Insights ✔ Market Insights

Unlimited Compare a Price Unlimited

Compare a Price Unlimited Compare a Price

1 200 lines Compare a Budget 18 000 lines

Compare a Budget Unlimited Compare a Budget

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


✔ Historical View ✔

Historical View ✔ Historical View

All corridors Past Trends All corridors

Past Trends All corridors Past Trends

X Future Trends 1 corridor

Future Trends 3 corridors Future Trends

2.3. Presentation of the API LICENSES


Test all of our APIs for free. The ideal tool to perform your

proofs of concept.

Up to 1000 calls.



Access all of the functionalities of


You do not share your transport


Price according to consumption


Access all the functionalities of the COMPARE & ANALYZE SOLUTION at a

preferential price

You share your transport rates

Price according to consumption


1000 Requests ∞ Requests ∞

0 - 10 000 €0,20/request 0 - 10 000 €0,05/request 10 001 - 100 000 €0,15/request 10 001 - 100 000 €0,035/request +100 000 €0,10/request +100 000 €0,02/request


USERS can access the Compare a Price feature either through the web browser or via API. Access to the Compare a Price feature via the web browser or with the Sandbox License via API is free of charge. The Compare a Price feature (via web browser) requires the creation of a USER ACCOUNT for more than ten (10) requests. It is limited to one hundred (100) requests per registrant.

UPPLY offers to each new USER fifteen (15) days of free trial to test all of the SOLUTIONS proposed in the SUBSCRIPTIONS (except Consume and Contributory API LICENCES), up to a maximum of one hundred (100) requests in total, for both Compare a price and Compare a budget features, for a company.

The free trial is activated upon request of the USER prior to any SUBSCRIPTION (provided that it has not already been activated for the company making the request). The free trial can only be activated once (1) for the same company.

Except for free trial, all other SOLUTIONS, as well as access to the Compare a Price feature via Consume and Contributory API Licenses, are subject to a fee and require the creation of an ACCOUNT. UPPLY offers several SUBSCRIPTIONS. Any USER who wishes a "customized" service should contact UPPLY at the following address: [email protected] which will be able to propose a specific estimate to him.

3.1. Methods of registration of the CUSTOMER

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


The CUSTOMER wishing to access the COMPARE & ANALYZE SOLUTION (ACCESS, ADVANCED, ENTERPRISE PACKAGE), registers online on the PLATFORM. As such, the CUSTOMER provides the following information:

• His/her personal information: name / first name / professional email address / password / telephone number.

• Information about the company to which he/she is attached: company name / postal address / SIRET identification number, intra-community VAT number or DUNS® number, depending on the location of the company to which he/she is attached.

The CUSTOMER has the possibility to define a personalized name of use for the use of the PLATFORM by contacting the customer service by email at the address following address: [email protected]. UPPLY submits these Terms of Service and the Terms and Conditions of Sale of the PLATFORM to him/her for validation, which he/she accepts. UPPLY will proceed to verify the CUSTOMER's company of attachment. 3.2 Conditions of access to the API LICENSE CUSTOMERS who have subscribed to one of the PACKAGES can benefit from access to an API LICENSE as described below:

• THE CUSTOMER connects to the https://developers-dev.upply.com website. • THE CUSTOMER chooses the type of API license • UPPLY validates the request and activates the API LICENSE • THE CUSTOMER will receive a confirmation e-mail from UPPLY • THE CUSTOMER connects to the site in order to have the API key necessary for its connection.

UPPLY may periodically modify and/or change the API LICENCES. UPPLY will, to the extent possible, continue to support the previous version of an API that has been modified within twelve (12) months of the modification or depreciation. UPPLY may remove an API for security, intellectual property reasons, to comply with the law or governmental entity requests. Obligations of UPPLY UPPLY must make every effort to ensure that its DATABASE is made available to the CUSTOMER on an ongoing basis through the API. Should a technical problem arise, UPPLY must make its best efforts to carry out the necessary repairs without undue delay. UPPLY cannot warrant that the data extracted from its DATABASE and provided to CUSTOMERS are free of errors or inaccurate references. Obligations of the CUSTOMER The CUSTOMER must:

• Make a regular backup of its data, • Not allow a third party to use the API LICENSE, • Not attempt to download, connect to, or provide access to the API LICENSE or use the API

LICENSE for any purpose not expressly stated in this agreement, • Identify in an apparent and legible manner the data from the UPPLY DATABASE when they are

disseminated or reproduced as part of the API LICENCES via the following mention: "Source: upply.com". Subject to compliance with this obligation, UPPLY grants the CUSTOMER a non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-licensable right to use the reports produced by UPPLY solely for its own

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


internal business needs, for the duration of the intellectual property rights attached thereto to the exclusion of all other rights.

SECTION 4. TERM AND TERMINATION The commitment period is one (1) year from the start date of the SUBSCRIPTION. The SUBSCRIPTION is tacitly renewed for annual periods. Any termination must be made by the CUSTOMER within one (1) month prior to the renewal date, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. The CUSTOMER may not claim any reimbursement of the sums paid for a current SUBSCRIPTION. The Consume or Contributory Licenses subscribed to with the Enterprise SUBSCRIPTION expire and are renewed on the same dates and under the same conditions as the said SUBSCRIPTION. The CUSTOMER may not cancel its SUBSCRIPTION during the period for which it has committed his/herself. However, in case of established and proven defect of the API, the CUSTOMER must notify the customer service at the following address: [email protected]. If the problem persists, the CUSTOMER may terminate his/her SUBSCRIPTION without notice by notifying the customer service. The CUSTOMER will be refunded the portion of the fixed amount of the SUBSCRIPTION corresponding to the number of months not used. UPPLY may terminate access and use of the SUBSCRIPTIONS and UPPLY API Licenses at any time, with or without notice, if you violate or fail to comply with the TOS and/or the Terms and Conditions of Sale, if you use the API interface inappropriately or abusively or if its use allows to access or use services that may violate local, state, provincial, national law, or any other laws, rules or regulations in force or that may constitute a ground for liability on the part of UPPLY. In the event of termination, all rights granted to the CUSTOMER under his/her SUBSCRIPTIONS and Licenses will terminate immediately. The CUSTOMER must destroy all of UPPLY's confidential information and delete UPPLY's stored content and certify it to UPPLY within thirty (30) days. PACKAGES will give rise to an annual fee calculated on the monthly amount specified in the table in Section 2.2. SECTION 5. PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT 5.1 Cost and invoicing of API Consume and Contributing licenses

For Consume and Contributing API Licenses: UPPLY establishes a monthly invoice at the end of each month for the variable amount depending on the use of the API by the CUSTOMER (number of requests).

- For the Consume License, the price will be: - €0.2 per EFFECTIVE REQUEST if the CUSTOMER has made less than 10 000 EFFECTIVE REQUESTS in the given month. - €0.15 per EFFECTIVE REQUEST if the CUSTOMER has made between 10 001 and 100 000 EFFECTIVE REQUESTS in the given month. - €0.1 per EFFECTIVE REQUEST if the CUSTOMER has made more than 100 001 EFFECTIVE REQUESTS in the given month.

- For the Contributory License, the price will be: - €0.05 per EFFECTIVE REQUEST if the CUSTOMER has made less than 10 000 EFFECTIVE REQUESTS in the given month. - €0.035 per EFFECTIVE REQUEST if the CUSTOMER has made between 10,001 and 100,000 EFFECTIVE REQUESTS in the given month. - €0.02 per EFFECTIVE REQUEST if the CUSTOMER has made more than 100 0001 EFFECTIVE REQUESTS in the given month.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


The CUSTOMER has two methods of payment to pay his/her SUBSCRIPTION:

- payment by credit card: the CUSTOMER may pay his/her SUBSCRIPTION directly on the WEBSITE by credit card. UPPLY will generate the invoice paid on the day of subscription of the SUBSCRIPTION.

- payment by wire transfer: the CUSTOMER may pay his/her SUBSCRIPTION by bank transfer. UPPLY will generate the invoice on the day of subscription of the SUBSCRIPTION.

Payment by check is not authorized.

5.2 Payment of invoices

Invoices are payable by credit card or wire transfer upon receipt of the invoice, without discount, at the place of issue of the invoice, and in any event, within a period that may not exceed:

- thirty (30) days from the date of activation of the SUBSCRIPTION - within sixty (60) days from the invoice date.

In accordance with Section 1344 of the French civil code, the debtor is deemed to have been given formal notice to pay by the mere due date of the obligation. Any delay in payment will automatically entail, on the day following the payment date appearing on the invoice, default interest of an amount equivalent to the interest rate applied by the European Central Bank (ECB) to its most recent refinancing operation increased by ten (10) percentage points, and set according to the terms defined in Section L.441-10 of the French commercial code, as well as a lump-sum indemnity for collection costs of forty (40) euros in accordance with Section D.441-5 of the French commercial code, without prejudice to any compensation under the conditions of general law for any other damage resulting directly from this delay.

In any event, UPPLY may terminate access to and use of its SOLUTIONS in the event that the CUSTOMER's payment is more than thirty (30) days late.

SECTION 6. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Trial License: Subject to having identified the UPPLY source, UPPLY grants the CUSTOMER a non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-sub-licensable right to access and use the reports produced by UPPLY solely for its own internal company needs, for the duration of the intellectual property rights attached thereto to the exclusion of all other rights. No property right of any kind whatsoever is assigned to the CUSTOMER. Consume License and Contributory License: Subject to having identified the UPPLY source, UPPLY grants the CUSTOMER a non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-sub-licensable right to access and use the reports produced by UPPLY for its own internal business needs and the needs of its clients, for the duration of the intellectual property rights attached thereto to the exclusion of any other right. No property right of any kind whatsoever shall be assigned to the CUSTOMER. SECTION 7. ACCEPTANCE OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS

By accepting these Specific Conditions, the CUSTOMER acknowledges that it is aware of the Terms and Conditions of Sale of UPPLY in force on the day of signature as annexed hereto and accepts them without reserve.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19



ANY REGISTRATION ON THE PLATFORM BY THE CUSTOMER IN ORDER TO ACCESS TO THE MARKETPLACE SOLUTION IMPLIES UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE BY THE CUSTOMER OF THESE SPECIFIC TERMS AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. Preamble UPPLY proposes a SOLUTION of intermediation (hereafter "MARKETPLACE SOLUTION") in order to connect on the WEBSITE a BUYER and a SELLER to provide a TRANSPORT SERVICE. UPPLY is expressly excluded from the contractual relationship between the BUYER and the SELLER with regard to the TRANSPORTATION SERVICE. UPPLY acts as an “opérateur de bourse numérique de fret”. The CUSTOMER wishes to benefit from the MARKETPLACE SOLUTION. In order to appreciate the adequacy of the SOLUTIONS of UPPLY to its needs and to make an informed choice, the CUSTOMER acknowledges that UPPLY has provided him/her with the necessary information, answered his/her questions and proceeded to any demonstration which he/she may have required concerning the SOLUTIONS described hereafter. SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS The terms used in these Specific Conditions not defined below are defined in Section 1 of the Terms and Conditions of Sale, annexed hereto and in the Terms of Service: "BUYER": means any company looking for a TRANSPORT SERVICE via the PLATFORM. "FREIGHT OFFER": means the freight proposal of a BUYER published via the PLATFORM. The FREIGHT OFFER specifies the origin, destination, date of pick-up, characteristics of the GOODS and the TARGET TRANSPORT PRICE. The FREIGHT OFFER is sometimes referred to as “LOAD” on the WEBSITE. "GOODS": means any product (raw materials, manufactured object, etc.) which may be bought or sold, wholesale or retail, and which does not fall within the particular categories of goods for which there are specific rules (license or prior authorization, sanitary or phytosanitary certificate) such as waste, refrigerated goods, bulk goods, etc. "MAILBOX" means the online messaging system made available to BUYERS and SELLERS in order to exchange live information on the ORDER. "ORDER": means a TRANSPORT OFFER accepted by a BUYER and/or a TRANSPORT REQUEST accepted by a SELLER via the PLATFORM. "PAYMENT SERVICE PROVIDER": means the WEBHELP PAYMENT SERVICES company, registered with the Chambery trade and companies register under number 330 423 815, and payment institution approved by the French Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (“ACPR”) authority under the code 14378 and passported in Europe. "SELLER": means any company wishing to offer a TRANSPORTATION SERVICE via the PLATFORM. "SERVICE FEES": means the remuneration of UPPLY due by the SELLER and the BUYER under the MARKETPLACE SOLUTION. "TARGET TRANSPORT PRICE": the transport price that the BUYER intends to pay to the SELLER in the context of a FREIGHT OFFER or that the SELLER intends to invoice to the BUYER in the context of a TRANSPORT OFFER.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


"TRANSPORT AGREEMENT": means the contractual conditions governing the performance of the TRANSPORT SERVICE between the BUYER and the SELLER. UPPLY is excluded from this TRANSPORT AGREEMENT. "TRANSPORT OFFER": means a transport proposal from a SELLER published on the PLATFORM. The TRANSPORT OFFER includes the location of the transport vehicle, the possible destinations, the characteristics of the truck, the date of availability and the TARGET TRANSPORT PRICE. The TRANSPORT OFFER is sometimes referred to as “TRUCK” on the WEBSITE. "TRANSPORT PRICE" means the remuneration of the SELLER owed by the BUYER for the TRANSPORT SERVICE. "TRANSPORT SERVICE": means the transport service provided in metropolitan France by the SELLER on behalf of the BUYER. SECTION 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE SOLUTIONS 2.1 General presentation of the MARKETPLACE SOLUTION By registering for the UPPLY MARKETPLACE SOLUTION following the procedure described below, the CUSTOMER benefits in particular from the following functionalities:





Access to the PLATFORM

License to use the PLATFORM.

BACK-OFFICE Provision of a back office enabling the CUSTOMER to provide and access

his/her DATA.

MAILBOX Access to a MAILBOX via the

PLATFORM enabling the BUYERS and the SELLERS to communicate.



Matchmaking between BUYERS and SELLERS via the PLATFORM in order to

place ORDERS.

2.2 Access conditions of the BUYER The MARKETPLACE SOLUTION is only intended for professionals whose head office is established in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain. The BUYER must only have lawful GOODS transported and which belong to him/her or to a third party who has regularly appointed him/her to have them transported. An ACCOUNT is mandatory to have access to the MARKETPLACE SOLUTION. The BUYER wishing to benefit from the MARKETPLACE SOLUTION, registers online on the PLATFORM and provides the following information:

• His/her personal information: name / first name / professional email address / password / telephone number.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


• Information about the company to which he/she is attached: company name / postal address / SIRET identification number, intra-community VAT number or DUNS® number, depending on the location of the company to which he/she is attached.

The BUYER has the possibility to define a personalized name of use for the use of the PLATFORM and the associated invoicing process, by contacting the customer service by email at the address: [email protected]. UPPLY may send the procedure for the creation of an ACCOUNT to the BUYER by e-mail, if the BUYER so requests. UPPLY will submit these TOS and the PLATFORM's Terms and Conditions of Sale to him/her for validation, which he/she shall accept. UPPLY will proceed with the verification of the CUSTOMER's company of attachment. In this respect, UPPLY may request the certificate of incorporation (“KBIS”) of the company concerned, the identity document of a legal representative mentioned on the KBIS or a copy of the delegation of power of one of the legal representatives. UPPLY may also proceed to the verification of the financial health of the BUYER, after the publication, by the BUYER, of a FREIGHT OFFER on the PLATFORM. This verification may lead, at UPPLY discretion, to temporary suspension of the services of the MARKETPLACE. UPPLY verifies the completeness and consistency of the BUYER's file and validates, or not, the status of BUYER for a given company. The same company can be both BUYER and SELLER if it meets the access conditions of these two statuses. Refusal by the BUYER to provide UPPLY with updated documents may result, if verification of the documents by UPPLY is impossible, in a temporary suspension of access to the MARKETPLACE SOLUTION and this, until such documents are verified. 2.3 Access conditions of the SELLER The MARKETPLACE SOLUTION is only intended for professionals whose head office is established in the following countries: France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Poland and Lithuania. The SELLER must be duly authorized to transport and / or to organize the transport of the GOODS. An ACCOUNT is required to access the MARKETPLACE SOLUTION. The SELLER wishing to benefit from the MARKETPLACE SOLUTION, registers online on the PLATFORM and provides the following information:

• His/her personal information: name / first name / professional email address / password / telephone number.

• Information about the company to which he/she is attached: company name / postal address / SIRET identification number, intra-community VAT number or DUNS® number, depending on the location of the company to which he/she is attached.

The SELLER has the possibility to define a personalized name of use for the use of the PLATFORM and the associated invoicing process, by contacting the customer service by email at the address: [email protected]. Once the ACCOUNT has been created, the information relating to the SELLER, as listed below, will be verified. The documents requested from the SELLER depend on his/her qualification: carrier, freight forwarder - carrier and freight forwarder and are listed below:

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


For the SELLERS, the following are checked optionally:

- The home address of the legal representative - The identity document of the delegate - The ID of the other beneficial owners - The home address of the beneficial owners.

UPPLY subcontracts part of this process to the e-Attestations company and the PAYMENT SERVICE PROVIDER, which the SELLER accepts, while guaranteeing that it is authorized to transmit all the information communicated. The SELLER will receive an email from e-Attestations asking him/her to create an account on e-Attestations allowing him/her to download all the required documents and to update them if necessary. By creating his/her account on e-Attestations, and/or by sending the requested documents directly to UPPLY, the SELLER automatically authorizes any BUYER with whom he/she has matched to come and download his/her documents on the e-Attestations platform, with the exception of the following documents which are strictly confidential and necessary for opening an account with the PAYMENT SERVICE PROVIDER: Representative's identity card, IBAN and declaration of beneficial owners. UPPLY verifies the completeness and consistency of the SELLER's file and validates, or not, the status of SELLER for a given company. The same company can be both BUYER and SELLER if it meets the access conditions of these two statuses. Refusal by the SELLER to provide UPPLY and/or its subcontractors with updated documents may result, if verification of the documents by UPPLY is impossible, in a temporary suspension of access to the MARKETPLACE SOLUTION until the said documents have been verified. At this stage, the SELLER may register its own general terms and conditions of sale with respect to the TRANSPORT SERVICE. Failing this, the TRANSPORT SERVICE will be subject to the applicable law.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


SECTION 3. ORDERING PROCESS OF THE TRANSPORT SERVICES 3.1 Publication of a TRANSPORT OFFER and/or a FREIGHT OFFER The posting of a TRANSPORT OFFER and a FREIGHT OFFER are independent. In the event of transmission of erroneous information by the BUYER and/or the SELLER, UPPLY will not be held liable for the non-performance or improper performance of the TRANSPORT SERVICE. TRANSPORT OFFERS are referenced according to their availability date, ranging from the TRANSPORT OFFER with the earliest availability date to the TRANSPORT OFFER with the latest availability date. FREIGHT OFFERS are referenced according to the pick-up date, ranging from the FREIGHT OFFER with the earliest pick-up date to the FREIGHT OFFER with the latest pick-up date. UPPLY maintains capital links with some of the BUYERS and some of the SELLERS referenced on the PLATFORM without the existence of such links having any influence whatsoever on the referencing of the BUYERS and/or SELLERS. 3.1.1 Publication of a TRANSPORT OFFER Publication of a TRANSPORT OFFER – General case A SELLER can post a TRANSPORT OFFER by logging on to the PLATFORM, clicking on [Haul Freight], then on [Post a truck]. The SELLER must provide the following information:

- Origin - Destination - Availability dates - Capacity of the means of transport - Price charged.

In order to facilitate exchanges with the BUYER, the SELLER's last name, first name, telephone number and e-mail address, provided by the SELLER when registering on the PLATFORM, will be added by UPPLY in the TRANSPORT OFFER, as well as in the notifications sent by UPPLY to the BUYER in case of correspondence between a FREIGHT OFFER and a TRANSPORT OFFER. The SELLER may then consult the FREIGHT OFFERS formulated by the BUYERS corresponding to its TRANSPORT OFFER on the basis of the criteria listed above and any additional criteria communicated by the SELLER to UPPLY’s customer service. Publication of a recurring TRANSPORT OFFER UPPLY offers to SELLERS the possibility to publish FREIGHT OFFERS with a daily, weekly and/or monthly recurrence for a maximum period of three (3) months. In case of correspondence between a FREIGHT OFFER and a recurring TRANSPORT OFFER whose availability date is close to the date on which it was published on the PLATFORM, UPPLY will notify the SELLER and the BUYER. The BUYER will then be able to consult the TRANSPORT OFFER by logging on the PLATFORM and by clicking on [Ship], on [My loads] then on [Matches]. In case of correspondence between a FREIGHT OFFER and a recurring TRANSPORT OFFER whose availability date is far from the date on which it was published on the PLATFORM, it is up to the SELLER, if the TRANSPORT OFFER is available, to make a reservation request to the BUYER. The BUYER will be able to consult the TRANSPORT OFFER only after the reception of a reservation request from the SELLER, by logging on the PLATFORM and by clicking on [Ship], on [My loads] then on [Matches]. Publication of a TRANSPORT OFFER on the basis of a FREIGHT OFFER proposed by UPPLY

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


UPPLY communicates to the SELLER FREIGHT OFFERS which could correspond to its available capacities and which are related to its activity, on the basis of:

• the preferred trucks indicated by the SELLER; • the history of THE TRANSPORT OFFERS published by the SELLER;

• the preferred lines eventually communicated by the SELLER to the customer service during the registration on the PLATFORM.

The SELLER can access these FREIGHT OFFERS by logging on the PLATFORM and clicking on [Haul Freight]. By clicking on a FREIGHT OFFER communicated by UPPLY, the SELLER has the possibility to publish a TRANSPORT OFFER pre-filled by UPPLY based on the selected FREIGHT OFFER. 3.1.2 Publication of a FREIGHT OFFER Publication of a FREIGHT OFFER – General case A BUYER can post a FREIGHT OFFER by logging on to the PLATFORM, clicking on [Ship], then on [Post a load]. The BUYER must provide the following information:

- Pick-up: - Delivery - Loading - Proposed price.

The BUYER also has the possibility to indicate his telephone number in order to facilitate exchanges with the SELLERS. The BUYER may then consult the TRANSPORT OFFERS formulated by the SELLERS corresponding to his/her FREIGHT OFFER on the basis of the criteria listed above and any additional criteria communicated by the BUYER to UPPLY’s customer service. It is specified that in case of correspondence between a FREIGHT OFFER and a TRANSPORT OFFER whose price is close (difference of less than 50%) to the one requested by the BUYER, UPPLY will notify the SELLER and the BUYER. The BUYER will then be able to consult the TRANSPORT OFFER by logging on the PLATFORM and clicking on [Ship], on [My loads] then on [Matches]. In case of correspondence between a FREIGHT OFFER and a TRANSPORT OFFER whose price is far (difference of more than 50%) to the one requested by the BUYER, it is up to the SELLER, if the TRANSPORT OFFER is available, to make a reservation request to the BUYER and/or to contact the BUYER via the MAILBOX. The BUYER will be able to consult the TRANSPORT OFFER only after receiving a reservation request and/or a message from the SELLER via the MAILBOX, by logging on the PLATFORM and clicking on [Ship], on [My loads] then on [Matches]. Publication of a FREIGHT OFFER on the basis of a TRANSPORT OFFER proposed by UPPLY UPPLY communicates to the BUYER TRANSPORT OFFERS which could meet his transport needs and which are related to his activity, on the basis of:

• preferred lines eventually communicated by the BUYER to the customer service during the registration on the PLATFORM ;

• the history of FREIGHT OFFERS published by the BUYER;

The BUYER can access these TRANSPORT OFFERS by logging on the PLATFORM and clicking on [Ship]. By clicking on a TRANSPORT OFFER communicated by UPPLY, the BUYER has the possibility to publish a pre-filled FREIGHT OFFER based on the selected FREIGHT OFFER. 3.2 Matching of TRANSPORT OFFERS and FREIGHT OFFERS

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


3.2.1 Eligibility criteria

The UPPLY algorithm allows, in a continuous way, to match TRANSPORT OFFERS and FREIGHT OFFERS on the basis of the criteria of eligibility listed below:

- The place of origin of the GOODS specified in the FREIGHT OFFER must correspond with the location of the truck specified in the TRANSPORT OFFER (taking into account the radius if applicable);

- The place of destination of the GOODS specified in the FREIGHT OFFER must correspond with the destination specified in the TRANSPORT OFFER (taking into account the radius if applicable);

- The collection date specified in the FREIGHT OFFER must correspond with the date of availability of the truck specified in the TRANSPORT OFFER (taking into account the flexibility if applicable);

- The weight of the GOODS specified in the FREIGHT OFFER must be less than or equal to the maximum loading weight specified in the TRANSPORT OFFER;

- The height of the GOODS specified in the FREIGHT OFFER must be less than or equal to the maximum loading height specified in the TRANSPORT OFFER:

- The quantity of GOODS (expressed in linear meters or pallets) specified in the FREIGHT OFFER must correspond to the available truck capacity specified in the TRANSPORT OFFER. This criteria allows the consideration of stacking and rounding.

3.2.2 Exact and partial eligibility

FREIGHT OFFERS whose criteria relating to the date of collection, place of origin, place of destination, weight and quantity of GOODS correspond to those of the TRANSPORT OFFER are identified with an "Exact match" sticker. Conversely, TRANSPORT OFFERS whose criteria relating to the date of collection, place of origin, place of destination, weight and quantity of GOODS correspond to those of the FREIGHT OFFER are identified with an "Exact match" sticker. FREIGHT OFFERS for which one or more of the criteria relating to the date of collection, place of origin, place of destination, weight and quantity of GOODS do not correspond to those of the TRANSPORT OFFER are identified with a "Partial match" sticker. Conversely, TRANSPORT OFFERS for which one or more of the criteria relating to the date of removal, place of origin, place of destination, weight and quantity of GOODS do not correspond to those of the FREIGHT OFFER are identified with a "Partial match" sticker.

3.2.3 Display of results

TRANSPORT OFFERS meeting the criteria of eligibility of the FREIGHT OFFER are displayed according to their status and the existence, or not, of exchanges between the SELLER and the BUYER via the MAILBOX. Therefore, are displayed:

- firstly, TRANSPORT OFFERS for which a booking has been received; - secondly, TRANSPORT OFFERS for which a booking has been sent; - thirdly, available TRANSPORT OFFERS for which there are exchanges between the SELLER and the

BUYER via the MAILBOX; - fourthly, available TRANSPORT OFFERS for which there are no exchanges between the SELLER

and the BUYER via the MAILBOX.

Conversely, FREIGHT OFFERS meeting the criteria of eligibility of the TRANSPORT OFFER are displayed according to their status and the existence, or not, of exchanges between the BUYER and the SELLER via the MAILBOX. Therefore, are displayed:

- firstly, FREIGHT OFFERS for which a booking has been received; - secondly, FREIGHT OFFERS for which a booking has been sent; - thirdly, available FREIGHT OFFERS for which there are exchanges between the SELLER and the

BUYER via the MAILBOX; - fourthly, available FREIGHT OFFERS for which there are no exchanges between the SELLER and

the BUYER via the MAILBOX.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


TRANSPORT OFFERS and FREIGHT OFFERS with the same status are displayed according to their relevance, ranging from the most relevant TRANSPORT OFFER / FREIGHT OFFER to the least relevant TRANSPORT OFFERT / FREIGHT OFFER. Relevance is based on the criteria listed below:

- The place of origin of the GOODS / the location of the truck; - The place of destination of the GOODS / the destination of the truck; - The date of pick-up (taking into account the flexibility if applicable) / the date of availability of the truck; - The weight of the GOODS / the loading weight of the truck; - The TARGET TRANSPORT PRICE ; - The quantity of GOODS (expressed in linear meters or pallets) / the truck capacity.

TRANSPORT OFFERS and FREIGHT OFFERS with the same status and the same relevance score are displayed according to their update date, ranging from the most recently modified TRANSPORT OFFER / FREIGHT OFFER to the oldest TRANSPORT OFFER / FREIGHT OFFER. 3.3 Mailbox

This functionality is outsourced to the Sendbird company, registered at 107 S Railroad Ave. San Mateo, CA 94401, USA.

While UPPLY strives to encourage a respectful experience for USERS, including through the use of Sendbird's moderation tool, UPPLY is not liable for the conduct of USERS of the mailbox service.

USERS are solely liable for the content that they disseminate in the context of the mailbox service and must ensure that the said messages exchanged comply with Section 7.1 of the TOS.

USERS agree that the content of their conversations will be accessible to UPPLY staff, its consultants and any subcontractors, in order to verify compliance by the Users with the T&Cs of Sale / TOS and in particular the conditions of use of the mailbox system and for the purpose of analyzing and improving the SOLUTIONS.

The messages exchanged will be available for consultation by the USERS and UPPLY for a period of five (5) years from the date of issue of the said message.

USERS also agree that the messages exchanged may be consulted for the purpose of settling a dispute.

The BUYER and the SELLER acknowledge that they have been informed of the unreliability of the Internet, particularly in terms of the absence of security for data transmission. UPPLY therefore advises them not to transmit via the messaging system set up by SendBird, data and information that they consider confidential.

3.4 Confirmation of ORDER The SELLER must choose the desired confirmation mode between:

- Acceptance of instant ORDER: o The SELLER accepts that his/her TRANSPORT OFFER is considered as confirmed as soon

as a BUYER issues a corresponding FREIGHT OFFER on the basis of the matching criteria defined above;

o When the BUYER accepts a TRANSPORT OFFER, UPPLY submits these PLATFORM's T&Cs of Sale / TOS to the BUYER for validation, which the BUYER accepts.

- Acceptance of manual ORDER: o The SELLER must expressly accept the FREIGHT OFFER formulated by the BUYER; o At the time of this acceptance, UPPLY will submit these T&Cs of Sale / TOS of the

PLATFORM to him/her for validation, which he/she accepts. In the case where the use of subcontracting is forbidden by the BUYER, UPPLY also invites the SELLER to formalize his commitment not to subcontract the TRANSPORTATION SERVICE.

o Acceptance by the SELLER of the FREIGHT OFFER and acceptance by the BUYER of the TRANSPORT OFFER will constitute the conclusion of the TRANSPORT AGREEMENT between the SELLER and the BUYER.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


A confirmation of the ORDER will be sent to the e-mail address of the ACCOUNT concerned, containing the information of the ORDER including the PRICE OF THE TRANSPORT SERVICE. In the event that the BUYER does not receive the said acknowledgement of receipt within one hour after the ORDER on the PLATFORM, it is up to the BUYER to contact UPPLY. The BUYER and the SELLER may, if they wish, exchange on the methods of performance of the SERVICE via the MAILBOX. As a reminder, UPPLY, as an intermediary, does not take part in the definition of the methods of performance of the TRANSPORT SERVICE. Any instantaneous reservation or not duly accepted by the BUYER and the SELLER, becomes an ORDER. 3.5 Cancellation of ORDER The BUYER and/or the SELLER may cancel a TRANSPORT OFFER or a FREIGHT OFFER before it becomes an ORDER, at no charge. The BUYER or SELLER may cancel an ORDER twenty-four (24) hours prior to the pick-up time indicated on the ORDER. In order for such cancellation to be effective, the party initiating the cancellation must contact customer service at [email protected]. This cancellation will be free of charge. Nevertheless, the aggrieved party may file a claim with the party initiating the cancellation if the cancellation is made twenty-four (24) hours before the pick-up time, without UPPLY being a party to the claim. 3.6 Tracking of the ORDER Upon registration, the SELLER may be contacted by a partner of UPPLY (thereafter « VISIBILITY PARTNER ») in order to automatically share information needed for the tracking of the ORDER with this VISIBILITY PARTNER. As part of the tracking of the ORDER, the SELLER must complete pick up date and delivery date as soon as possible and upload proof of delivery upon delivery of the GOODS either on the WEBSITE by clicking on [Haul Freight], on [My orders] and on [Submit POD], or on the platform of the VISIBILITY PARTNER in the event the SELLER accepted to do so as part of the registration process. The BUYER and the SELLER will have access to the tracking information of the ORDER once shared by the SELLER either via the WEBSITE or the platform of the VISIBILITY PARTNER. The SELLER will notably have access to the pick-up and delivery dates and the proof of delivery as verified by UPPLY. In order to access the information of the ORDER:

- the SELLER must log on to the PLATFORM, click on [Haul Freight] then on [My orders]; - the BUYER must log on to the PLATEFORM, click on [Ship] then on [My orders].

3.7 Rating of BUYERS and SELLERS by UPPLY UPPLY has a scoring system to evaluate BUYERS and SELLERS. Scores are calculated by UPPLY on a scale of 0 to 5 (0 being the lowest score and 5 being the highest) and are represented as stars based on the following criteria: For BUYERS:

o The activity on the platform (activity related to FREIGHT OFFERS and activity related to ORDERS);

o Reliability in transactions (speed of response and cancellation of ORDERS);

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


o The payment period for TRANSPORT PRICE and SERVICE FEES invoices. For SELLERS:

o The activity on the platform (activity related to TRANSPORT OFFERS and activity related to ORDERS);

o Reliability in transactions (speed of response and cancellation of ORDERS); o The time limit for transmission of proof of delivery.

The scores are updated daily. The rating is not displayed for companies with less than one (1) month of seniority and/or with less than two (2) confirmed ORDERS. These companies are identified with a "Newly registered" sticker; CUSTOMERS may contact customer service for any questions regarding this scoring system at the following address: [email protected]. SECTION 4. OBLIGATIONS 4.1 Obligations common to BUYERS and SELLERS

The BUYER and the SELLER must keep each other informed at all times to the extent necessary for the execution of the TRANSPORTAT SERVICES.

The BUYER and the SELLER must use the MARKETPLACE SOLUTION in accordance with its purpose. They thus refrain from transmitting, via the WEBSITE, any data that is prohibited, illicit, illegal, contrary to morality or public order and infringes the rights of third parties.

Furthermore, they must also refrain from any act of unfair competition with regard to UPPLY. In this respect, the BUYER and the SELLER must use the MARKETPLACE SOLUTION for their needs, in a loyal manner and in good faith, in strict compliance with these TOS and T&Cs of Sale. This excludes in particular the fact of allowing access to the MARKETPLACE SOLUTION to other natural person or entities other than those identified upon registration.

Likewise, the BUYER and the SELLER must not use the MAILBOX in order to organize between them the TRANSPORT SERVICE outside UPPLY. Non-compliance with these obligations will lead to the liability of their authors and the immediate deletion of the ACCOUNTS concerned by UPPLY.

4.2 Obligations of the BUYER

It is the responsibility of the BUYER to select the appropriate SELLER. When the ORDER is confirmed, the BUYER must deliver the freight to the SELLER under the conditions described in the ORDER and pay the TRANSPORT PRICE. If the BUYER does not deliver the freight described in the ORDER, the PRICE indicated on the ORDER summary page will still be charged to the BUYER. The BUYER must comply with the regulations applicable to him/her. When the BUYER publishes a FREIGHT OFFER on the WEBSITE, the BUYER must provide UPPLY for each shipment on the WEBSITE with the requested information. In accordance with their declarative obligations, the BUYERS must be solely and uniquely liable for the nature and detailed description of the GOODS for which they wish to entrust the organization of the transport. The BUYERS therefore certify the lawfulness and the absence of counterfeiting of their GOODS. The dispatch must not constitute a cause of danger to persons or to other goods transported as well as to the vehicles, equipment or means of transport used.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


The BUYER warrants to be solvent, must pay the SERVICE FEES to UPPLY for its match-making service and possibly the price corresponding to the accessories.

4.3 Obligations of the SELLER The SELLER is solely liable for the TRANSPORT OFFERS made to the BUYERS on the WEBSITE and for the search for information on the BUYERS. Once the ORDER has been accepted, the SELLER must perform the TRANSPORT SERVICE with the means and under the conditions described in the ORDER. The SELLER must provide proof of delivery as soon as the GOODS are delivered. In the event of loss of the proof of delivery, the SELLER must contact the BUYER to obtain a copy of the proof of delivery. In the event of a problem, the SELLER must contact customer service as soon as possible via the following address: [email protected]. The SELLER must pay the SERVICE CHARGES to UPPLY for its service of setting in relation and possibly the price corresponding to the accessories. The SELLER must comply with the regulations applicable to him/her. The SELLER must, whatever the country in which it has its registered office, always comply with the competent authorities concerning the exercise of its regulated activities. SECTION 5. TERM The PARTIES are engaged for the duration of the fulfillment of their respective obligations. SECTION 6. PRICE AND TERMS OF PAYMENT 6.1 UPPLY SERVICE FEES


- The SERVICE FEES are 5% of the TRANSPORT PRICE excluding taxes; - They are due at 2.5% of the TRANSPORT PRICE by the SELLER; - They are due at 2.5% of the TRANSPORT PRICE by the BUYER.

The SERVICE FEES are understood as exclusive of taxes.

The SERVICE FEES are calculated on the basis of the TRANSPORT PRICE agreed between the SELLER and the BUYER upon acceptance of the ORDER.

6.2 Price of TRANSPORT SERVICES Concerning the TRANSPORT SERVICES, the prices are freely fixed by the SELLERS and possibly negotiated between the SELLER and the BUYERS concerned. UPPLY does not intervene in any way in the determination of the price of the TRANSPORT SERVICES.

This price includes the cost of the TRANSPORT SERVICE strictly speaking, including the cost of any possible specific instruction;

- It includes the fuel charges, the revision of which is determined by the imperative provisions of Sections L.3222-1 and L.3222-2 of the French transport code;

- It does not include ad valorem insurance coverage. The BUYER must take out its own insurance to cover possible damage to the goods during transport and be in a position to receive satisfactory compensation;

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


- It does not include duties, taxes, fees and taxes due under any regulation, particularly fiscal or customs regulations (excise duties, import duties).

6.3 Invoicing terms for the TRANSPORT PRICE

The BUYER and the SELLER expressly agree to receive invoices electronically.

The SELLER mandates UPPLY to issue the TRANSPORT PRICE invoice in the name and on behalf of the SELLER in accordance with the mandate attached in Appendix 1.

Also, the SELLER mandates UPPLY to issue a credit note in the name and on behalf of the SELLER in the event of cancellation of the ORDER, by the SELLER, less than twenty-four (24) hours before the pick-up time indicated on the ORDER and / or in the event of disputes relating to the TRANSPORTATION SERVICE after agreement between the SELLER and the BUYER.

After delivery, the SELLER must indicate on the WEBSITE the effective date of delivery and deposit the proof of delivery on the WEBSITE. The billing process is triggered within a maximum period of five (5) calendar days following the pick-up date of the ORDER concerned.

UPPLY will generate an invoice at the expiration of the five (5) calendar days following the pick-up date or on the day of receipt by UPPLY of the confirmation of delivery if this confirmation occurs before the expiration of the five (5) days period.

The invoice is transmitted electronically to the SELLER and to the BUYER, on the day of its creation, for its accounting treatment. The SELLER may object to the invoice issued on his behalf by UPPLY in accordance with the terms and within the timeframe provided in the Invoicing mandate that he gave to UPPLY, attached hereto as Appendix 1.

The invoice must mention the deadline for payment, which is thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice.

6.4 Invoicing terms for SERVICE FEES

Upon the expiration of five (5) calendar days following the pick-up date, or on the day of receipt by UPPLY of the confirmation of delivery if this confirmation occurs before the expiration of the five (5) days period, UPPLY will send the BUYER the invoice for the SERVICE FEES due by the BUYER and will send the SELLER the invoice for the SERVICE FEES due by the SELLER.

The invoice must mention the deadline for payment, which is thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice.

The SERVICE FEES due by the SELLER are directly deducted from the TRANSPORT PRICE that was paid by the BUYER, before payment to the SELLER.

6.5 Payment of the TRANSPORT PRICE and the SERVICE FEES 6.5.1 Means and terms of payment The TRANSPORT PRICE and SERVICE FEES are payable by credit card or wire transfer, according to the terms and conditions detailed below.

● Payment by credit card

Payment is made by credit card (Blue Card, Visa and Mastercard), at time of ORDER. After the acceptance of the reservation request by the BUYER or the SELLER, the SELLER is redirected to the online payment platform of the PAYMENT SERVICE PROVIDER in order to proceed to the payment of the TRANSPORT PRICE and SERVICE FEES, by entering the information of his credit card (card number, expiration date and cryptogram). It is specified that UPPLY does not have

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


access to these data in accordance with the article 6.6 hereof. The BUYER can then be redirected to a page of authentication in order to validate the payment. The funds on the BUYER’s account are then withdrawn by the PAYMENT SERVICE PROVIDER and are protected in a specific account, as detailed in article 6.6 hereof, before being transferred:

- to the SELLER’s bank account, regarding the TRANSPORT PRICE, after verification by UPPLY of the proof of delivery and deduction of the SELLER’s SERVICE FEES;

- to UPPLY’s bank account, regarding the SERVICE FEES, which will be the subject of a corresponding invoice issued by UPPLY, in accordance with article 6.3 hereof.

In case of failure of the payment by credit card, the BUYER has the possibility to initiate a new payment. Otherwise, the corresponding TRANSPORT SERVICE may be reserved by another CUSTOMER.

• Payment by wire transfer The payment of the TRANSPORT PRICE and the SERVICE FEES by wire transfer is strictly reserved to CUSTOMERS who do not have a credit card. To benefit of this means of payment, the BUYER must contact UPPLY’s customer service by phone at the following number: 0033 (0)9 77 40 20 19 (non-premium call – price of a French local call, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. CEST from Monday to Friday, excluding French public holidays) or by e-mail at the following address: [email protected], after the acceptance of the reservation request by the BUYER or the SELLER. The wire transfer must be made within a maximum of twenty-for (24) hours from the confirmation of the ORDER and the BUYER must transmit the transfer order to UPPLY’s customer service within the aforementioned period. The delay in the transmission of the transfer order will lead to the immediate cancellation of the ORDER by UPPLY. The funds are received in a specific account of the PAYMENT SERVICE PROVIDER, before being transferred:

- to the SELLER’s bank account, regarding the TRANSPORT PRICE, after verification by UPPLY of the proof of delivery and deduction of the SELLER’s SERVICE FEES;

- to UPPLY’s bank account, regarding the SERVICE FEES, which will be the subject of a corresponding invoice issued by UPPLY, in accordance with article 6.3 hereof.

In case of cancellation of the ORDER more than twenty-four (24) hours before the pick-up date indicated on the ORDER, the funds will generally be transferred to the BUYER’s account within three (3) or five (5) days; the BUYER will be able to dispose of it according to inter-bank transfer times. UPPLY reserves the right to propose the payment at thirty (30) days to certain CUSTOMERS, according to criteria such as their country of localization, the seniority of their company, the legal form of their company, their financial health and their activity on the PLATFORM. In this case, payment is made by wire transfer within a period which may not exceed thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice. Upon receipt of the transfer, the TRANSPORT PRICE will be transferred to the SELLER concerned after deduction of his SERVICE FEES.

6.5.2 Late payment

In accordance with Section 1344 of the French civil code, the debtor is deemed to have been given notice to pay by the mere due date of the obligation.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


Any delay in payment automatically entails, on the day following the payment date appearing on the invoice, the payment of late payment interest of an amount equivalent to the interest rate applied by the European Central Bank (ECB) to its most recent refinancing operation increased by 10 percentage points, and set in accordance with the terms and conditions defined in Section L.441-6. 40 in accordance with Section D.441-5 of the French commercial code, without prejudice to any compensation under the conditions of general law for any other damage resulting directly from this delay. 6.6 PAYMENT SERVICE PROVIDER

UPPLY uses a PAYMENT SERVICE PROVIDER for the payment of TRANSPORT SERVICES. This PAYMENT SERVICE PROVIDER has a payment service master contract, which is attached as Appendix 2.

By accepting the T&Cs of Sale and the TOS, the BUYERS and SELLERS agree to be directly bound to the PAYMENT SERVICE PROVIDER and expressly acknowledge and accept this payment service master contract.

The debits from the account of the BUYER and the SELLER are made on the PAYMENT SERVICE PROVIDER's secure and approved bank servers; the funds paid by the BUYER and the SELLER are protected in a specific account identified on the PAYMENT SERVICE PROVIDER's site before being transferred, within the above-mentioned deadlines, to the bank account of the SELLER in the case of the TRANSPORT PRICEE and to the bank account of UPPLY in the case of the SERVICE FEES.

With regard to these payments, UPPLY will not have access to any data relating to the means of payment of the BUYER and/or the SELLER. Payment is directly made to the PAYMENT SERVICE PROVIDER.

The data recorded by the payment system must constitute proof of the financial transactions.

ARTICLE 7. DISPUTES BETWEEN BUYER AND SELLER As a reminder, UPPLY is a simple intermediary between the SELLER and the BUYER. Consequently, UPPLY will not be liable for the actual performance of the TRANSPORT SERVICE. In addition, UPPLY will not intervene in the resolution of the dispute between the SELLER and the BUYER. The BUYER or the SELLER will have the possibility of contacting UPPLY in order to ask for information relating to the good administration of his/her dispute. UPPLY will then make its best efforts to respond to the requests of the BUYER and/or the SELLER without being bound by any obligation whatsoever.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19



(hereinafter the “AGENT”)

On the one hand, And


(hereinafter the “PRINCIPAL”)

on the second hand, And Collectively referred to as the “PARTIES” PREAMBLE Within the scope of the referencing of the SELLER on the PLATFORM and the provision of a Back-Office, the SELLER wishes to benefit from a service of issuing invoices. As part of this service, UPPLY publishes in the name and for the account of the SELLER the invoices relating to the orders placed to the SELLER by the BUYERS of the PLATFORM. In these circumstances, the PARTIES have met to determine the terms of their collaboration. It is expressly agreed that UPPLY acts as an AGENT on behalf of the SELLER. As an AGENT, it must furthermore comply with the obligations arising from this qualification and in particular those provided for in Sections 1984 to 1997 of the French civil code and by French Act of 29 January 1993. SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS The terms mentioned below have the following meaning in this contract:

• "AGENT": means UPPLY, entrusted by the AGENT to proceed with the preparation of invoices in its name and on its behalf for transactions carried out on the PLATFORM;

• “AGREEMENT": means this mandate agreement by which the PRINCIPAL entrusts the AGENT with the task of issuing invoices in its name and on its behalf for transactions carried out on the PLATFORM;

• “CUSTOMER": means any person who accesses and browses the PLATFORM and uses the SOLUTIONS in a professional capacity;

• "PLATFORM": means the UPPLY Internet PLATFORM accessible at the address https://upply.com/fr;

• “PRINCIPAL”: means the SELLER entrusting the AGENT with the task of preparing the invoices in its name and on its behalf for the transactions carried out on the PLATFORM;

• “SELLER”: means any company wishing to offer a TRANSPORT SERVICE via the PLATFORM.

SECTION 2. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT The purpose of this AGREEMENT is to define the conditions under which the AGENT will proceed, in the name and on behalf of the PRINCIPAL, to issue initial and/or corrective invoices in the context of orders placed on the PLATFORM.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


SECTION 3. OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES 3.1 Obligations of the AGENT It is expressly agreed between the PARTIES that the AGENT is subject to a general obligation of best efforts and is not bound by any obligation of result or enhanced best efforts of any kind. Thus, under no circumstances may the liable of the AGENT be sought in the event of failure or delay on the part of the AGENT in the preparation of invoices. Under this AGREEMENT, the AGENT delivers invoices electronically in the name and on behalf of the PRINCIPAL for orders placed on the PLATFORM. In this respect, these invoices:

- will contain all the information required by Section 242 nonies A of the French general tax code; - will be denominated in euros; - will expressly mention the authorization given to the AGENT to issue said invoices in the name and

on behalf of the PRINCIPAL. In this respect, invoices issued in the name and on behalf of the PRINCIPAL must necessarily include the words "Invoice issued by UPPLY in the name and on behalf of [name of PRINCIPAL];

- will be automatically edited and transmitted directly to the CUSTOMER and made available to the PRINCIPAL via the PLATFORM from the date of issue.

Furthermore, the AGENT must inform the PRINCIPAL promptly of any new elements that may modify the conditions of performance of this AGREEMENT. 3.2 Obligations of the PRINCIPAL The PRINCIPAL must notify the AGENT of any error or anomaly concerning the content of the invoices issued in its name and on its behalf within fifteen (15) days of becoming aware of it. No dispute will be admissible beyond this period. The AGENT must issue a rectifying invoice as soon as possible under the conditions provided for in Article 289-1-5 of the French general tax code. As a reminder, the PRINCIPAL remains solely liable for its obligations in terms of invoicing and its consequences with regard to VAT in accordance with Section 283-3 of the French general tax code. The PRINCIPAL is required to:

- pay to the Treasury the taxes mentioned on the invoices drawn up in its name and on its behalf; - claim immediately from the AGENT the double of the invoice if the latter has not reached it; - inform the AGENT of any change in the information concerning the identification of its company.

SECTION 4. REMUNERATION OF THE AGENT The amount and terms of remuneration of the AGENT for the preparation of invoices in the name and on behalf of the PRINCIPAL are set out in the Specific Conditions. This invoicing service is included in the commission provided as remuneration for the subscription to the SOLUTIONS proposed by UPPLY. SECTION 5. TERM The AGREEMENT is concluded for a duration identical to that set out in the Specific Conditions of the MARKETPLACE SOLUTION. SECTION 6. SUSPENSION – TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT In the event of a serious breach by either party of any of its obligations hereunder, this AGREEMENT may be terminated by the other party. In accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Sale, such termination will take place automatically ten (10) days after the sending of a formal notice to perform, which has remained without

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


effect. The formal notice, which must imperatively indicate the alleged grievances and the obligations whose non-compliance is alleged, will be notified by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. Termination of the AGREEMENT will result in the return by either party of all documents transmitted in the performance of this AGREEMENT. Termination of the Terms and Conditions of Sale will automatically entail termination of this AGREEMENT and vice versa. SECTION 7. NON-EXCLUSIVE BASIS The PARTIES expressly agree that this AGREEMENT is entered into on a non-exclusive basis. Also, the AGENT remains free to accept to ensure, during the term of this AGREEMENT, invoicing mandates proposed to it by a third-party direct competitor of the AGENT. SECTION 8. GENERAL PROVISIONS The PARTIES may refer to the Terms and Conditions of Sale with regard to the application of provisions relating to intellectual property and personal data, general provisions, liability, governing law and jurisdiction.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19



The term Seller includes BUYER and SELLER as defined in the Specific Conditions of UPPLY's MARKETPLACE SOLUTION.


French version English version Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement Payment Services Framework Contract


Webhelp Payment Services France, société par actions simplifiée au capital de 3.968.100 euros, immatriculée au RCS de Chambéry sous le numéro 330 423 815, dont le siège social est situé 450 rue Félix Esclangon - BP 22 / 73291, La Motte Servolex CEDEX (Ci-après dénommée le « Prestataire de Services de Paiement »)

WEBHELP PAYMENT SERVICES – WPS France, a simplified joint stock company with a capital of 3.968.100 €, registered in the Chambéry Register of Commerce and Companies under the number 330 423 81, whose head office is 450 rue Félix Esclangon - BP 22 / 73291 La Motte Servolex CEDEX (Hereinafter referredto as the «Payment Services Provider»)

Et And

La société The company

(Ci-après dénommée le « Vendeur ») (Hereinafter referred to as the «Vendor»)

(Ci-après individuellement ou collectivement dénommées la ou les « Partie(s) »)

(Hereinafter individually referred to as the «Party» and collectively referred to as the « Parties»)

OBJET Le présent Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement définit les conditions dans lesquelles sont gérées, dans la relationentre la Marketplace et les Vendeurs, les opérations de paiement résultant des transactions des acheteurs/payeurs sur la Marketplace, ainsi que les obligations qui en résultent pour les signataires.

PURPOSE This Payment Services Framework Contract defines the terms and conditions under which the Marketplace and the Vendors manage the payment transactions resulting from purchasers/payers transactions on the Marketplace and the resulting obligations for signatories.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


Le Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement fait référence, pour les clauses commerciales relatives à la Marketplace, et, notamment, pour les conditions tarifaires, aux Conditions Générales d‘Utilisation(CGU)

The Payment Services Framework Contract refers, for the commercial clauses relating to the Marketplace, and, notably, to the pricing conditions, to the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) applicable to the Vendors for

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


applicables aux Vendeurs pour la commercialisation de leurs offres via la Marketplace.

the marketing of their offers via the Marketplace.

PROCEDURE PREALABLE L’acceptation du présent Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement suppose qu’ait été préalablement signé le contrat définissant les obligations commerciales réciproques de la Marketplace et du Vendeur, dénommé Conditions Générales d’Utilisation (« CGU »).

PRIOR PROCEDURE The acceptance of this Payment Services Framework Contract assumes that the contract defining the reciprocal commercial obligations of the Marketplace and the Vendor, entitled General Terms and Conditions (« GTC ») has been previously signed.

Le présent Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement constitue un complément à ces CGU pour définir les conditions dans lesquelles est réalisé le service de paiement de gestion des flux générés par l’activité commerciale du Vendeur sur la Marketplace.

This Payment Services Framework Contract complements these GTC to define the conditions under which the payment management service for the flows generated by the Vendor’s commercial activity on the Marketplace is performed.

CONDITIONS D’ENTREE EN VIGUEUR DU CONTRAT La mise en application du présent Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement est soumise à la validation de l’entrée en Relation d’affaires par le Prestataire de Services de Paiement. Tant que l’entrée en Relation d’affairesn’est pas validée par le Prestataire de Services de Paiement, le présent Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement n’entre pas en application et aucun compte de paiement n’est ouvert au Vendeur. Le Vendeur est avisé que le Prestataire de Services de Paiement n’est pas tenu de justifier sa décision et en accepte paravance la décision. Il s'engage à apporter son meilleur concours à la Marketplace et au Prestataire de Services de Paiement pour la collecte d'informations nécessaires à la validation de l'ouverture et au fonctionnement de son Compte de Paiement.

CONDITIONS OF ENTRY INTO FORCE OF THE CONTRACT The entry into force of this Payment Services Framework Contract is subject to the validation of the entry into Business relationship by the Payment Services Provider. As long as the Payment Services Provider does not validate the entry into a Business relationship, this Payment Services Framework Contract does not apply and no Payment Account is open to the Vendor. The Vendor is advised the Payment Services Provider is not required to justify its decision and accepts the decision in advance. He undertakes to provide his best support to the Marketplace and the Payment Services Provider for the information collection necessary to validate the opening and functioning of his Payment Account.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


DEFINITIONS Les Parties s’entendent sur les définitions suivantes afin de faciliter la compréhension des termes et des conditions du présent Contrat Cadre de Service de Paiement. Les mots suivants ont, lorsqu’ils sont utilisés avec une majuscule, la signification suivante:

DEFINITIONS The Parties agree on the following definitions to facilitate understanding of the terms and conditions of this Payment Services Framework Contract. The following words have, when used with a capital letter, the following meaning :

- Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement

: désigne le présent contrat selon lequel sont régies les Opérations de Paiement intéressant le Vendeur et directement liées à ses activités sur la Marketplace, ainsi que les opérations y afférentes.

- Payment Services Framework Contract:

means this contract which governs the Payment Transactions of interest to the Vendor and is directly related to its activities on the Marketplace, as well as the operations relating thereto.

- Vendeur : désigne une personne morale qui, satisfaisant aux critères d’entrée sur la Marketplace, ayant accepté les CGU, agissant à titre professionnel pour les besoins deses activités, propose des produits à la vente sur la Marketplace.

- Vendor : means a legal person who, satisfying to entry criteria to the Marketplace, having accepted the GTC, acting in a professional capacity for the purposes of its activities, offers products for sale on the Marketplace.

- Espace Vendeur : désigne l'espace virtuel

personnel de chaque Vendeur sur le Site internet de la Marketplace.

- Vendor’s Area: means the personal virtual area of each Vendor on the Marketplace Website.

- Bénéficiaire : désigne la personne

physique ou morale désignée par le Vendeur pour agir pour le compte du Vendeur dans le cadre du Service de Paiement au titre des activités de la Marketplace.

- Prestataire de Services de Paiement

(PSP) : dans le cadre du présent Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement, le PSP désigne WEBHELP PAYMENT SERVICES qui est en charge de la gestion opérationnelle du Service de Paiement.

- Compte de Paiement : désigne le

compte de paiement ouvert au nom de chaque Vendeur signataire du

- Beneficiary: means the natural or legal person designated by the Vendor to act on behalf of the Vendor as part of the Payment Service under the Marketplace activities.

- Payment Services Provider (PSP): under

this Payment Services Framework Contract, the PSP designates WEBHELP PAYMENT SERVICES which is in charge of the operational management of the Payment Service.

- Payment Account: means the payment

account opened in the name of each Vendor who has signed this Payment Services Framework Contract in the PSP books for the purpose of debiting

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


présent Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement dans les livres du PSP à l’effet d’inscrire au débit et au crédit les Opérations de Paiement. Le Compte de Paiement ne peut en aucun cas être assimilable à un compte de dépôt. Les fonds collectés par le Prestataire de Services de Paiement pour la fourniture des Services de paiement ne constituent pas des fonds remboursables du public au sens de l’article L.312-2 du Code monétaire et financier.

- Compte de Cantonnement : désigne un

compte de dépôt à vue ouvert dans les livres d’un établissement de crédit sur lequel sont conservés les fonds reçus par WEBHELP PAYMENT SERVICES pour le compte des Vendeurs dans le cadre du présent Contrat. Ce compte de dépôt est réservé aux dépôts des fonds destinés aux Vendeurs.

and crediting the Payment Transactions. The Payment Account can not in any case be assimilated to a deposit account. The funds collected by the Payment Services Provider for the provision of the Payment Services do not constitute public repayable funds within the meaning of article L.312-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code.

- Escrow account: means an open deposit

account in the books of a credit institution in which the funds received by WEBHELP PAYMENT SERVICES are kept on behalf of the Vendors under this Contract. This deposit account is reserved for deposits of funds intended for Vendors.

- Business relationship : means the

validation of the Vendor KYC (Know Your Customer) identification.

- Relation d’affaires : désigne la validation

de l’identification KYC (Know Your Customer) du Vendeur.

- Payment Operations: means the operations of paying, transferring or withdrawing funds by transfer from the Vendor’s Payment Account, as well as the Payment Transactions.

- Opérations de Paiement : désigne aussi bien les opérations consistantà verser, transférer ou retirer des fonds par virement à partir du Compte de Paiement du Vendeur, que les Transactions de Paiement.

- Transactions de Paiement : désigne les

opérations de paiement effectuées par les Acheteurs/Payeurs pour régler l’acquisition de produits et services vendus par la Marketplace, et réalisées par l’un des instruments de paiement mis à disposition des Acheteurs/payeurs pour leurs règlements de produits et services proposés par la Marketplace.

- Payment Transactions : means the

payment operations made by the Purchasers/Payers to pay for the purchase of products and services sold by the Marketplace, and made by one of the payment instruments made available to Purchasers/Payers fortheir payment of products and services offered by the Marketplace.

- Payer: means the person conducting a

payment transaction resulting from the purchase of one or more products and services on the Marketplace. Synonym: Purchaser/Payer.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


- Payeur : désigne la personne procédant à une transaction de paiement résultant de l’achat d’un ou plusieurs produits et services sur la Marketplace. Synonyme : Acheteur/Payeur.

- Marketplace : désigne le service

d’espace de vente virtuel permettant à des Vendeurs de proposer leurs produits et/ou services à des Payeurs.

- Provision : désigne le solde créditeur du

Compte de Paiement correspondant aux sommes dues au Vendeur, sauf indication contraire.

- Service(s) de Paiement : désigne les

services mis en œuvre en application du Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement et comprenant notamment : l’acquisition de Transactions de Paiement au moyen des instruments de paiement proposés par la Marketplace aux Acheteurs/Payeurs, l’exécution de virements au profit du Vendeur, et toute autre opération de régularisation éventuellement nécessitée par la gestion du Compte de Paiement. Ces services incluent également les moyens de communication au Vendeur des informations relatives à la gestion du Compte de Paiement.

- Site Internet : désigne le site internet

UPPLY.com et sa partie Marketplace à partir desquels sont proposés les Services de Paiement.

CONDITIONS DE LA PRESTATION DE SERVICES DE PAIEMENT Les prestations de Services de Paiement sont assurées par le Prestataire de Services de Paiement, établissement de paiement agréé

- Marketplace: means the virtual retail space service allowing Vendors to offer their products and/or services to Payers.

- Provision: means the credit balance of the

Payment Account correspondingto the sums due to the Vendor, unless otherwise indicated.

- Payment Service(s): means the services

implemented pursuant to the Payment Services Framework Contract and including in particular: the acquisition of Payment Transactions using the payment instruments offered by the Marketplace to Purchasers/Payers, the execution of transfers to the Vendor, and any other regularization operation that may be required by the management of the Payment Account. These services also include the means of communication to the Vendor information relating to the management of the Payment Account.

- Website: means the website UPPLY.com

and its Marketplace part from which the Payment Services are offered.

CONDITIONS FOR THE PROVISION OF PAYMENT SERVICES Payment Services are provided by the Payment Services Provider, payment institution approved by the French banking authority

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


par l’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution, sous le numéro CIB : 16518 qui est soumis, à ce titre, à toutes les obligations légales et règlementaires applicables aux établissements de paiement relevant de la juridiction française.

“Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution », under the number CIB: 16518 which is subject, in this respect, to all legal obligations and regulations applicable to payment institutions under French jurisdiction.

Le Prestataire de Services de Paiement assure le support du Service de Paiement proposé par la Marketplace et peut être, à ce titre, amené à contacter directement le Vendeur si le bon fonctionnement du Service de Paiement ou le suivi des transactions le nécessite.

The Payment Services Provider provides support of the Payment Service offered by the Marketplace and may, as such, be required to contact the Vendor directly if the proper functioning of the Payment Service or transactions tracking requires it.

De même, le Vendeur peut, si le Service de Paiement suscite une question, contacter directement le Prestataire de Services de Paiement au moyen du formulaire approprié proposé sur le site internet du Prestataire de Services de Paiement. A tout instant, conformément à la loi, il est possible de vérifier l’agrément du Prestataire de Services de Paiement sur le site regafi.fr, en qualité d’établissement de paiement. La liste des pays de l'Espace Economique Européen dans lesquels le Prestataire de Services de Paiement offre ses services de paiement est disponible à tout instant sur le site https://www.regafi.fr/

Similarly, the Vendor may, if the Payment Service raises a question, directly contact the Payment Services Provider using the appropriate form available on the website of the Payment Services Provider. At any time, according to the law, it is possible to verify the approval of the Payment Services Provider on the regafi.fr website, as a payment institution. The European Economic Area list of countries in which the Payment Services Provider offers its payment services is available at any time on the https://www.regafi.fr/.

PRE REQUIS A L'OUVERTURE DU COMPTE DE PAIEMENT Le Vendeur doit satisfaire la procédure d’ouverture de Compte de Paiement ci- après décrite.

PRECONDITIONS TO THE OPENING OF THE PAYMENT ACCOUNT The Vendor must comply with the Payment Account opening procedure described below.

Déclarations préalables du Vendeur Vendor’s Prior declarations

Le Vendeur, personne morale, déclare expressément avoir la capacité et/ou avoir reçu les autorisations requises pour utiliser le Service de Paiement fourni par la Marketplace et garantit la Marketplace

The Vendor, a legal person, expressly declares that it has the capacity and/or the required permissions to use the Payment Service provided by the Marketplace and warrantsthe Marketplace against any liability that may

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


contre toute responsabilité pouvant résulter pour elle d’une fausse déclaration. Il agit en tant que professionnel. Le Vendeur déclare agir pour son compte. Le Vendeur a l'obligation d'utiliser les services fournis par la Marketplace de bonne foi, à des fins licites uniquement, et dans le respect des dispositions du Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement. Le Vendeur, personne morale, déclare être immatriculé en France et/ou dans un pays de l’Espace Economique Européen. Formulaire d’ouverture et documents à fournir Le Vendeur doit compléter le formulaire d’ouverture de Compte de Paiement et transmettre les pièces justificatives décrites en annexe 1 du présent Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement. Acceptation d’ouverture de Compte de Paiement Le Prestataire de Services de Paiement, après application de la procédure d’ouverture, confirme ou refuse l’ouverture du Compte de Paiement du Vendeur. Le Vendeur peut, à compter de l’ouverture de son compte de paiement et sous réserve de l’activation de son Espace Vendeur par la Marketplace, commercialiser ses produits/services sur le Site Internet de la Marketplace. Le Prestataire de Services de Paiement peut refuser d’ouvrir un Compte de Paiement ou décider de le clôturer, dans le respect des délais légaux, pour tout motif sans avoir à justifier sa décision qui ne pourra motiver aucune demande de versement de dommages intérêts.

result from the misrepresentation. He acts as a professional. The Vendor declares to act on his behalf. The Vendor is obligated to use the services provided by the Marketplace in good faith for lawful purposes only and in accordance with the terms of the Payment Services Framework Contract. The Vendor, legal entity, declares to be registered in France and/or in a country of the European Economic Area. Opening form and documents to provide The Vendor must complete the Payment Account opening form and submit the supporting documents described in appendix 1 of this Payment Services Framework Contract. Acceptance of opening the Payment Account The Payment Services Provider, after application of the opening procedure, confirms or refuses the opening of the Vendor’s Payment Account. The Vendor may, from the opening of his Payment Account and subject to activation of his Personal Area by the Marketplace, market its products/services on the Marketplace Website. The Payment Services Provider may refuse to open a Payment Account or decide to close it, in compliance with legal deadlines, for any reason without having to justify any claim for damages.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


Services de paiement Description des Services de Paiement Exécution des opérations de paiement Acquisition de la Transaction de Paiement Le Compte de Paiement du Vendeur est crédité des sommes qui lui sont payées par le Payeur. La date de valeur des sommes portées au crédit du Compte de Paiement du Vendeur ne peut pas être postérieure à celle du jour ouvrable au cours duquel les fonds ont été reçus. Le solde du Compte de Paiement du Vendeur est transféré sur son compte bancaire par virement dans les conditions définies ci-après. Le cas échéant, ils peuvent être utilisés par le Vendeur pour effectuer un remboursement dont le montant ne peut être supérieur aux fonds disponibles sur le Compte de Paiement. Transfert des fonds par virement Les opérations de virement au Vendeur sont exécutées les 5 du mois, 15 du mois et 25 du mois. L’ordre de virement donné est effectuédans le format SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area). L’ordre de virement sous format électronique comprend, notamment, le montant du virement, le numéro IBAN (International Bank Account Number) du compte bancaire du Vendeur et tout libellé d’opération dans une limite de cent quarante (140) caractères. Refus d’exécution d’un ordre de paiement Le Vendeur est prévenu que le Prestataire de Services de Paiement peut surseoir à l’exécution de toutes Opérations de Paiement dans le cas où :

- son exécution entrainerait un solde débiteur sur le Compte de Paiement ;

- pour tout motif tenant notamment à des impératifs légaux et

PAYMENT SERVICES Payment Services description Execution of payment transactions Acquisition of the Payment Transaction The Vendor’s Payment Account is credited with amounts paid by the Payer. The value date of the sums credited to the Vendor’s Payment Account can not be posterior than the value date of the working day on which the funds were received. The balance of the Vendor's Payment Account is transferred to his bank account by transfer under the conditions defined below. If so, they may be used by the Vendor to make a refund, the amount of which may not exceed the funds available on the Payment Account. Transfer of funds by wire transfer The transfer transactions to the Vendor are executed on the 5th of the month, the 15th of the month and the 25th of the month. The given transfer order is made in the SEPA format (Single Euro Payments Area). The transfer order in electronic format includes, in particular, the amount of the transfer, the IBAN number (International Bank Account Number) of the Vendor’s bank account and any transaction label within a limit of one hundred and forty (140) characters. Refusal to execute a payment order The Vendor is advised that the Payment Services Provider may suspend the execution of any Payment Operations in the event that:

- Its execution would result in a debit balance on the Payment Account ;

- for any reason relating in particular to legal and regulatory requirement,

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


réglementaires notamment en cas de non-respect des législations en matière de lutte contre le blanchiment et financement du terrorisme.

Lorsque le Prestataire de Services de Paiement refuse d’exécuter un ordre de paiement, le Vendeur en est informé dès que possible et, en tout état de cause, dans un délai de cinq (5) jours ouvrés à compter du refus.

particularly in the event of non- compliance with the laws relating to anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism.

When the Payment Services Provider refuses to execute a payment order, the Vendor is informed expeditiously and, in any case, within five (5) working days of the refusal.

Moment de réception d’un ordre de paiement et exécution de l’ordre Les ordres de paiement sont exécutés immédiatement après réception par le Prestataire de Services de Paiement.

Time of receipt of a payment order and execution of the order The payment orders are executed immediately after reception by the Payment Services Provider.

Identifiant unique Un identifiant unique est attribué à chaque transaction réalisée dans le cadre du traitement des Opérations de Paiement.

Single identifier A single identifier is assigned to each transaction performed as part of the processing of Payment Operations.

Cas exceptionnels et virement non exécutable Dans certains cas exceptionnels, le Vendeur est prévenu que le Prestataire de Services de Paiement peut surseoir à l’exécution d’un virement dans le cas où : son exécution entrainerait un solde débiteur sur le Compte de Paiement ; pour tout motif tenant notamment à des impératifs légaux et réglementaires.

Exceptional cases and non-executable transfer In some exceptional cases, the Vendor is advised that the Payment Services Provider may suspend the execution of a transfer in the event that : Its execution would result in a debit balance on the Payment Account ; For any reason including in particular legal and regulatory requirements.

Le Prestataire de Services de Paiement peut exclure une Transaction de Paiement de l’ordre de virement si cette transaction est reliée à un litige entre le Vendeur et le Payeur.

The Payment Services Provider may exclude a Payment Transaction from the transfer order if this transaction is related to a dispute between the Vendor and the Payer.

Cas des remboursements demandés par le Payeur Lorsque le Payeur demande un remboursement et que celui-ci est accepté et validé par le Vendeur, le Prestataire de Services de Paiement procède à un ordre de

Case of refunds requested by the Payer When the Payer requests a refund and it is accepted and validated by the Vendor, the Payment Services Provider makes a payment order to the Payer by debiting the Vendor’s Payment Account.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


paiement en direction du Payeur en débitant le Compte de Paiement du Vendeur. Cas des impayés Une transaction est dite « impayée » si, malgré la bonne application des procédures relatives aux transactions de paiement, le Payeur ou le prestataire de service paiement du Payeur remettent en cause la transaction. En cas d’impayé, le Vendeur mandate la Marketplace et le Prestataire de Services de Paiement pour effectuer toutes les opérations et formalités nécessaires au recouvrement des sommes dues, soit directement, soit via des prestataires de la Marketplace ou du Prestataire de Services de Paiement. Si nécessaire, le Vendeur mandate la Marketplace et le Prestataire de Services de Paiement pour le représenter auprès des administrations, instances et organismes concernés. Si malgré ces formalités, la révocation du paiement se confirme, le Vendeur accepte de voir la transaction être débitée sur son Compte de Paiement. FRAIS L’ensemble des frais facturés par la Marketplace au Vendeur sont présents dans les Conditions Générales d’utilisation conclues entre la Marketplace et le Vendeur. Les versements effectués par le PSP sont réalisés déduction faite des abonnements, et commissions convenus entre la Marketplace et le Vendeur dans les CGU. D’éventuelles factures ou avoirs diversentre la Marketplace et le Vendeur pourront aussi être déduits des versements.

Cases on unpaid A transaction is said “unpaid” if, despite the proper application of the payment transaction procedures, the Payer or its payment service provider dispute the transaction. In case of unpaid, the Vendor mandates the Marketplace and the Payment Services Provider to perform all operations and formalities necessary to recover the sumsdue, either directly or through providers of the Marketplace or the Payment Services Provider. If necessary, the Vendor mandates the Marketplace and the Payment Services Provider to represent it with the administrations, bodies and agencies concerned. If, despite these formalities, the revocation of the payment is confirmed, the Vendor accepts the debit on its Payment Account. FEES All the fees charged by the Marketplace to the Vendor are included in the General Terms and Conditions between the Marketplace and the Vendor. The payments made by the Payment Services Provider are made net of subscriptions, and commissions agreed between the Marketplace and the Vendor in the GTC. Potential invoices or miscellaneous credit notes between the Marketplace and the Vendor may be deducted from the payments.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


DUREE DU CONTRAT ET DATE D’EFFET Conformément à l’article 3, la durée du présent Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement est liée à la durée des CGU. Ainsi toute résiliation des CGU entrainera la résiliation du présent Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement et la clôture du Compte de Paiement.

DURATION OF THE CONTRACT AND EFFECTIVE DATE In accordance with article 3, the term of this Payment Services Framework Contract is related to the term of GTC. Thus, any termination of the GTC will result in the termination of this Payment Services Framework Contract and the closing of the Payment Account.

Le Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement entre en vigueur après validation définitive de l’entrée en Relation d’affaires et ce pour une durée indéterminée.

The Payment Services Framework Contract enters into force at the final validation of the entry of Business relationship for an indefinite period.

RECLAMATIONS Les réclamations commerciales qui portent sur les relations entre les Vendeurs ou Payeurs sur le fonctionnement des fonctionnalités d’achat de la Marketplace ne sont pas recevables auprès du Prestataire de Services de Paiement. Seules celles qui portent sur l’absence ou la mauvaise exécution d’un Ordre de Paiement sont visées par le présent article et par le Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement. Les réclamations (contestations, droits d'opposition, d'accès et de rectification, etc.) peuvent être exercées gratuitement sur demande adressée à la Marketplace par courrier électronique à l'adresse email suivante : [email protected]

CLAIMS Commercial claims relating to the relationship between Vendors and Payers or about functioning of the Marketplace’s purchasing features are not receivable from the Payment Services Provider. Only those relating to the absence or the improper execution of a Payment Order are subject to this article and the Payment Services Framework Contract. Claims ( disputes, opposition rights, access and rectification, etc.) may be exercised free of charge on request addressed to the Marketplace by email to the following email address : [email protected]

Toute contestation ou requête relative à : Any dispute or request relating to :

un dysfonctionnement d'une des fonctionnalités du Service de Paiement fourni ou du Site Internet, à une information communiquée par le système de la Marketplace dans le cadre du Service de Paiement, à une erreur dans l'exécution d'un paiement ou dans son inexécution, ou dans la gestion du Compte de Paiement, à une erreur dans le prélèvement de commission, taxe ou frais bancaires par la Marketplace.

a malfunction of one of the Payment Services features provided or the Website, an information communicated by the Marketplace system as part of the Payment Service, an error in the execution of a payment or its non-execution, or in the management of the Payment Account, an error in the debiting of commissions, taxes or bank charges by the Marketplace.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


doit être notifiée au Prestataire de Services de Paiement par le Vendeur dans les plus brefs délais à compter du jour où le Vendeur en a eu connaissance ou est présumé en avoir eu connaissance. Conformément à la recommandation 2015- R-03 de l’ACPR (4 Place de Budapest, 75436 Paris) du 26 février 2015, un accusé de réception sera envoyé sous dix (10) jours maximums. Un formulaire de déclaration de réclamation est également disponible sur le site internet du Prestataire de Services de Paiement: http://www.webhelp.com. SECURITE Interruption du Site Internet Le Vendeur est informé que la Marketplace peut interrompre, occasionnellement, l'accès au Site Internet ou à tout ou partie de ses services : pour permettre les réparations, maintenances, ajouts de fonctionnalité, en cas de suspicion de tentative de piratage, de détournement de fonds ou de tout autre risque d'atteinte, sur demandes ou instructions émanant de personnes ou autorités compétentes habilitées. Le Prestataire de Services de Paiement ne peut en aucun cas être tenue responsable des dommages résultants éventuellement de ces suspensions. GARANTIE En raison de sa qualité d'établissement de paiement de droit français, le Prestataire de Services de Paiement est soumis à plusieurs garanties légales envers le Vendeur.

must be notified to the Payment Services Provider by the Vendor expeditiously after the Vendor becomes aware of it or is presumed to have been aware of it. In accordance with recommendation ACPR 2015-R-03 (4 Place de Budapest, 75436 Paris) of February 26, 2015, an acknowledgment of receipt will be sent within ten (10) days maximum. A declaration of claim form is also available on the Payment Services Provider's website: http://www.webhelp.com SECURITY Interruption of the Website The Vendor is informed that the Marketplace may interrupt, from time to time, access to the Website or all or part of its services: to allow repairs, maintenance, additions of functionality, if there is suspicion of an attempt at piracy, misappropriation of funds or any other risk, on requests or instructions from authorized competent persons or authorities. The Payment Services Provider cannot, under any circumstances, be held liable for damages resulting from these suspensions. GUARANTEE Due to its capacity as a payment institution under French law, the Payment Services Provider is subject to several legal guarantees towards the Vendor.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


Le Prestataire de Services de Paiement n'accorde aucune garantie au Vendeur, à l'exception des garanties légales et des garanties prévues par le Contrat. En outre, il est expressément convenu entre les Parties que les dispositions du Code monétaire et financier français mentionnées à l'article L. 133-1-1, aux troisième et quatrième alinéas de l'article L. 133-7, aux articles L. 133-8, L. 133-19, L. 133-20, L. 133- 22, L. 133-23, L. 133-25, L. 133-25-1, L. 133- 25-2 et à l'article L. 133-26 ne sont pas applicables au Contrat.

The Payment Services Provider does not grant the Vendor any warranty other than legal warranties and warranties otherwise provided under the Contract. Furthermore, it is expressly agreed between the Parties that the provisions of the French Monetary and Financial Code mentioned in Article L. 133-1-1, in the third and fourth paragraph of the Article L. 133-7, in the Articles L. 133-8, L. 133-19, L. 133-20, L. 133-22, L. 133- 23, L. 133-25, L. 133-25-1, L. 133-25-2 and in the Article L. 133-26 do not apply to the Contract.

RESPONSABILITES Conformément à l’article L. 133-22 du Code monétaire et financier, le Prestataire de Services de Paiement est responsable, sous réserve des articles L. 133-5 et L. 133-21 du Code monétaire et financier, de la bonne exécution de l’Opération de Paiement à l’égard du Vendeur jusqu’à réception des fonds par le prestataire de services de paiement du vendeur.. Lorsque le Prestataire de Services de Paiement est responsable d’une Opération de Paiement mal exécutée par sa faute, le Prestataire de Services de Paiement restitue sans tarder son montant au Payeur et rétablit le compte débité dans la situation qui aurait prévalu si l’Opération de Paiement mal exécutée n’avait pas eu lieu. Le Vendeur reconnaît être averti qu’il ne pourra présenter aucune réclamation au titre d’éventuels dommages directs et/ou indirects, tels que préjudice commercial, perte de clientèle, trouble commercial quelconque, perte de bénéfice, perte d’image de marque, ni de tout autre pertes et dommages, subis par un Vendeur, ou par un tiers, et qui pourraient résulter des prestations objet du présent Contrat ou du fait de l’exécution ou de l’inexécution de ses stipulations. Sauf stipulation contraire du présent Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement ou des lois impératives et sans préjudice des autres

LIABILITY In accordance with Article L. 133-22 of the French monetary and financial Code, the Payment Services Provider is liable, subject to Articles L. 133-5 and L. 133-21 of the monetary and financial Code, for the proper execution of the Paying Operations towards the Vendor until receipt of the funds by the Vendor’s payment services provider. When the Payment Services Provider is responsible for a Payment Operation that has been improperly executed by his fault, the Payment Services Provider shall promptly return the amount to the Payer and reinstate the debited account in the situation that would have prevailed if the Payment Operation had not been executed correctly. The Vendor acknowledges that it will be not able to make any claim for any direct and/or indirect damages, such as commercial prejudice, loss of customer , any business troubles, loss of profit, loss of brand image, or any other loss or damage suffered by aVendor or by a third party that may result from the performance of this contract or the performance or non-performance of its terms. Unless otherwise stated in this Payment Services Framework Contract or the mandatory laws and without prejudice to other causes of exclusion or limitation of liability provided herein, the Payment Services

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


causes d'exclusion ou de limitation de responsabilité prévues par les présentes, le Prestataire de Services de Paiement ne pourra en aucun cas être tenu pour responsable de tout dommage causé par un cas de force majeure ou un événement hors de son contrôle ou de toute mesure ou dispositions législatives prises par les autorités françaises ou étrangères. Sont réputés constituer un cas de force majeure ou un événement hors de son contrôle, notamment, mais sans que cela soit limitatif : une panne d'électricité, un incendie ouune inondation, la grève de son personnel ou d'un de ses sous-traitant ou fournisseurs, un dysfonctionnement des systèmes interbancaires ou de paiement par carte bancaire, guerre, troubles, émeutes ou occupation du territoire par des forces étrangères, négligence d'un tiers dans le sens de la jurisprudence et de la doctrine telles que les personnes responsables de la livraison d'électricité ou des services de télécommunication. PROTECTION DES FONDS DU VENDEUR Les fonds disponibles inscrits en solde créditeur du Compte de Paiement du Vendeur sont protégés sur un Compte de Cantonnement ouvert auprès d’un établissement de crédit. COMPTE DE PAIEMENT INACTIF Un Compte de Paiement est réputé inactif si : (i) Le Compte de Paiement n’a fait l’objet d’aucune Opération de Paiement pendant une période de douze (12) mois au cours de laquelle, hors inscription de débit tenant le compte de frais et commissions de toutes natures, et (ii) le Vendeur titulaire du Compte de Paiement, son représentant légal ou la personne habilitée par lui ne s’est pas

Provider shall under no circumstances be held liable for any damage caused by a case of force majeure or an event beyond its control or any measure or legislative provision made by the French or foreign authorities. Are deemed to constitute a case of force majeure or an event out of its control, including, but not limited to: a power failure, fire or flood, the strike of his staff or one of his sub- dealing or suppliers, malfunction of interbank systems or payment by bank card, war, unrest, riots or occupation of the territory by foreign forces, negligence of a third party in the sense of jurisprudence and doctrine such as those responsible delivery of electricity or telecommunication services. VENDOR’S FUNDS PROTECTION The funds credited to the Vendor's Payment Account are protected on in an Escrow Account open with a credit institution. INACTIVE PAYMENT ACCOUNT A Payment Account is deemed inactive if: (i) The Payment Account has not been the subject of any Payment Operation for a period of twelve (12) months during which, except debit registration, the account of fees and commissions of all kinds, and (ii) the Vendor holding the Payment Account, his legal representative or his authorized representative has not manifested himself in any form whatsoever with the Marketplace, or

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


manifesté, sous quelque forme que ce soit, auprès de la Marketplace, ou (iii) à l’issue d’une période de douze (12) mois suivant le décès du Vendeur. Le Vendeur et ses ayants droit sont informés par les présentes des conséquences qui y sont attachées. Les avoirs inscrits sur le Compte de Paiement inactif sont déposés à la Caisse des dépôts et consignations à l'issue d'un délai de dix (10) ans à compter de la date de la dernière Opération de Paiement hors inscription des débits tenant le compte de frais et commissions de toutes natures. Sauf en cas de décès du titulaire du compte où les avoirs inscrits sur le Compte de Paiement inactif sont déposés à la Caisse des dépôts et consignations à l’issue d’un délai de trois (3) ans après la date du décès du titulaire. PROPRIETE INTELLECTUELLE Aucun droit de propriété intellectuelle relatif à l'utilisation du Service de Paiement ou aux prestations fournies au travers de la Marketplace n’est transféré au Vendeur au titre du présent Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement. Le Vendeur s'engage à ne pas porter atteinte aux droits détenus par la Marketplace et au Prestataire de Services de Paiement, en s'interdisant notamment, toute reproduction, ou adaptation de tout ou partie des éléments intellectuels et matériels composant la Marketplace et ce quel que soit le support, actuel et futur. L'ensemble des droits relatifs aux logiciels de la Marketplace et du Prestataire de Services de Paiement sont la propriété pleine et entière de la Marketplace et du Prestataire de Services de Paiement. Ils font partie des informations confidentielles sans égard au

(iii)at the end of a period of twelve (12) months following the death of the Vendor. The Vendor and his assigns are hereby informed of the consequences attached thereto. The funds entered in the inactive Payment Account shall be deposited at the “Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations” at the end of a period of ten (10) years from the date of the last Payment Operation, excluding the recording of the debits holding the expense account and commissions of all kinds. Except in the event of the death of the account holder where the assets entered in the inactive Payment Account are deposited with the “Caisse des dépôts et Consignations” after a period of three (3) years after the date of the death of the holder. INTELECTUAL PROPERTY No intellectual property right relating to the use of the Payment Service or services provided through the Marketplace is transferred to the Vendor under this Payment Services Framework Contract. The Vendor undertakes not to infringe the rights held by the Marketplace and the Payment Services Provider, in particular by refraining any reproduction, or adaptation of all or part of the intellectual and material elements of the Marketplace whatever the support, current and future. All rights relating to the Marketplace and the Payment Services Provider software are the sole property of the Marketplace and the Payment Services Provider. They are part of the confidential information regardless of whether certain components may or may not be protected in the current state of the law by an intellectual property right.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


fait que certaines composantes puissent ou non être protégées en l'état actuel de la législation par un droit de propriété intellectuelle. Les marques « WEBHELP PAYMENT SERVICES » sont la propriété du Prestataire de Services de Paiement. Le Vendeur s'engage à ne pas supprimer la mention de la marque « WEBHELP PAYMENT SERVICES » sur tout élément fourni ou mis à sa disposition par le Prestataire de Services de Paiement, tels que logiciel, document ou bannière publicitaire.

Marketplace and Payment Services Provider software and, where applicable, their documentation, are recognized by the Vendor as a work of the spirit that he and his staff members oblige themselves to consider as such by refraining from copying them, reproduce them, translate them into any other tongue or language, adapt them, distribute them for free or for a fee, or add to them any object that does not conform to their specifications. The brands "WEBHELP PAYMENT SERVICES" are the property of the Payment Services Provider. The Vendor agrees not to remove the mention of the brand "WEBHELP PAYMENT SERVICES" on any item provided or made available by the Payment Services Provider, such as software, document or banner advertising.

CONFIDENTIALITE Le Vendeur s'engage à respecter la plus stricte confidentialité concernant l'ensemble des techniques, commerciales ou de toute autre nature dont le Vendeur viendrait à avoir connaissance dans le cadre de l'exécution du Service de Paiement.

CONFIDENTIALITY The Vendor undertakes to respect thestrictest confidentiality regarding all commercial techniques or any technique of other nature of which the Vendor would come to know in connection with the execution of the Payment Service.

Cette obligation de confidentialité demeurera en vigueur pendant la durée de la souscription au Service de Paiement et pendant trois (3) ans suivant la date de résiliation du Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement. Cette obligation de confidentialité ne s'applique pas aux informations qui sont ou deviennent publiquement disponibles sans faute du Vendeur. Les Parties reconnaissent que les Opérations de Paiement sont couvertes par le secret professionnel en application de l’article L.522-19 du Code monétaire et financier.

This confidentiality obligation shall remain in effect for the duration of the subscription to the Payment Service and for three (3) years following the date of termination of the Payment Services Framework Contract. This confidentiality obligation does not apply to information that is or becomes publicly available without fault of the Vendor. The Parties recognize that the Payment Operations are covered by professional secrecy pursuant to Article L.522-19 of the French monetary and financial Code.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


LUTTE CONTRE LE BLANCHIMENT DES CAPITAUX ET LE FINANCEMENT DU TERRORISME En application des dispositions des articles L.561-2 et suivants du Code monétaire et financier, relatifs à la participation des organismes financiers à la lutte contre le blanchiment des capitaux et le financement des activités terroristes, le Prestataire de Services de Paiement en sa qualité d’établissement de paiement est tenu à certaines obligations. Il doit notamment, réaliser toutes les diligences nécessaires à l’identification du Vendeur. Il doit en outre, s’informer de toute relation d’affaire ou opération à l’origine ou objet de l’opération et de la destination des fonds. Le Vendeur s’engage à accomplir toute diligence nécessaire pour permettre au Prestataire de Services de Paiement d’effectuer un examen approfondi des opérations, à l’informer de toute opération exceptionnelle par rapport aux opérations habituellement enregistrées sur son Compte de Paiement et à lui fournir tout document ou information requis. Le Vendeur reconnaît que le Prestataire de Services de Paiement peut être amené à mettre en place des systèmes de surveillance ayant pour finalité la lutte contre le blanchiment des capitaux et le financement des activités terroristes. Le Vendeur reconnaît que le Prestataire de Services de Paiement peut mettre un terme ou reporter à tout moment l’ouverture du Compte de Paiement ou l’exécution d’une opération en l’absence d’éléments suffisants sur son objet ou sa nature. Il est informé qu’une opération réalisée dans le cadre des présentes peut faire l’objet d’un signalement à la cellule de renseignement financier nationale (TRACFIN). Ainsi, aucune poursuite fondée sur les articles 226-13 et 226-14 du code pénal et aucune action en responsabilité civile ne peut être intentée ni aucune sanction

ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING AND COMBATING THE FINANCING OF TERRORISM Pursuant to articles L.561-2 et seq. of the French monetary and financial Code, relating to the participation of financial institutions in the anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism, the Payment Services Provider as a payment institution is subject to certain obligations. In particular, he must perform all the necessary diligences to identify the Vendor. He must also inquire about any business relationship or transaction at the origin or purpose of the transaction and the destination of funds. The Vendor undertakes to perform all necessary diligence to enable the Payment Services Provider to carry out a thorough examination of the transactions, to inform him of any exceptional transaction in relation to the transactions usually recorded on their Payment Account and to provide him with any document or information required. The Vendor acknowledges that the Payment Services Provider may be required to set up surveillance systems for the purpose of anti- money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism. The Vendor acknowledges that the Payment Services Provider may terminate or defer the opening of the Payment Account or the execution of a transaction at any time in the absence of sufficient evidence as to its purpose or nature. He is informed that an operation carried out within the framework of the present can be the object of a report to the national financial intelligence unit (TRACFIN). Thus, no prosecution based on articles 226-13 and 226-14 of the Penal Code and no action in civil liability can be brought or any professional sanction pronounced against the Payment

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


professionnelle prononcée contre le Prestataire de Services de Paiement, leurs dirigeants ou leurs préposés qui ont fait de bonne foi les déclarations mentionnées aux articles L 561-15 et suivants du Code monétaire et financier. COLLECTE ET TRAITEMENT DES DONNEES A CARACTERE PERSONNEL Conformément au Règlement (UE) 2016/679, Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données (RGPD), le Prestataire de Services de Paiement, en qualité d’établissement de paiement, est qualifié de responsable de traitement des données personnelles collectées dans le cadre du présent Contrat. Données collectées Pour la fourniture des Services de Paiement, le Prestataire de Services de Paiement recueille les données personnelles suivantes :

- Les informations d’identification du représentant légal du Vendeur, le cas échéant le mandataire et/signataire du représentant légal ainsi que les « bénéficiaires effectifs » (par exemple, nom, carte d’identité et numéro de passeport, nationalité, lieu et date de naissance, genre, photographie, adresse IP) ;

- Les informations de contact clients (par exemple adresse mail, numéro de téléphone).

Finalités des traitements Les données personnelles recueillies sont utilisées exclusivement pour les finalités suivantes :

- L’exécution du présent Contrat ; - La gestion du risque, le contrôle et la

surveillance liés au contrôle interne auquel est soumis le Prestataire de Services de Paiement ;

Services Provider, their managers or their agents who have made in good faith the declarations referred to in Articles L 561-15 et seq. of the French monetary and financial Code. COLLECTION AND PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Payment Services Provider, as a payment institution, referred to as data controller in the framework of this Contract. Collected data In order to provide Payment Services, the Payment Services Provider collect the following personal data:

- The identification information of the Vendor’s legal representative, where appropriate the agent and/or the authorized signatory and the «beneficial owners» ( such as the name, identity card, passport number, nationality, place and date of birth, gender, picture, IP address) ;

- The client information contact (such as the email address, phone number).

Purposes of the processing Personal data collected shall be processed exclusively for the following purposes:

- The performance of this Contract; - Managing risk, supervisory and monitoring

related to internal control, which the Payment Services Provider is subject ;

- Compliance with legal and regulatory obligations and notably, identify inactive accounts, anti-money laundering and the financing of terrorism,

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


- Le respect des obligations légales et réglementaires et notamment, l’identification des comptes inactifs, la lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux et le financement du terrorisme, l’échange automatique d’informations relatif aux comptes en matière fiscale ;

- La gestion des demandes de droit d’accès, de rectification et d’opposition.

automatic information exchange related to accounts it tax matters ;

- Managing the claims concerning the right of access, deletion, correction and opposition.

Communication à des tiers Les données personnelles collectées lors de l’entrée en relation, de même que celles qui seront recueillies ultérieurement, sont destinées au Prestataire de Services de Paiement en sa qualité de responsable de traitement. Elles pourront être communiquées dans les conditions relatives au secret professionnel aux entités suivantes :

- Aux entités membres du groupe auquel appartient le Prestataire de Services de Paiement, ainsi qu’à ses partenaires contractuels, dans les limites nécessaires à l’exécution des finalités décrites ci-dessus ;

- A l’établissement de crédit teneur du compte de cantonnement (protection des fonds) du Prestataire de Services de Paiement ;

- A l’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentielle et de Résolution (ACPR) ou toute autre autorité européenne équivalente dans le cadre du respect des obligations légales et règlementaires;

Communication to a third party The personal data collected, both when entering into business relations and later on, are intended for the Payment Services Provider as data controller. Such data may be disclosed according to the rules relating to professional confidentiality to the following entities:

- The group entities to which the Payment Services Provider belongs and its contractual partners within the necessary limits of the performance of the purposes described above ;

- The credit institution holding the Payment Services Provider escrow account (protecting funds) ;

- The French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (ACPR) or any equivalent authority to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory obligations ;

- Where appropriate, in the event of subscription to a credit insurance offer, to the Payment Services Provider’s partner insurance, subject to professional secrecy.

Cas spécifiques de communication à des tiers Pour les besoins de lutte contre le blanchiment et le financement du terrorisme, en vertu du Règlement UE 2015/847 du 20 mai 2015, en cas de virement de fonds, certaines des données doivent être transmises à la banque du

Particular cases of communication to a third party In order to ensure the anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism, according to the European Regulation 2015/847, in case of fund transfer, some of the data should have to be transmitted to the

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


bénéficiaire du virement située dans un pays de l'Union européenne.

transfer beneficiary’s bank located in the European Union.

Durée de conservation Le Prestataire de Services de Paiement conserve les données collectées aussi longtemps que le requière la fourniture des services mentionnées ci-dessus ainsi qu’à l’issue de la relation contractuelle pendant une durée minimale de cinq (5) ans prévueà l’article L.561-12 du Code Monétaire et Financier. Si besoin, le Prestataire de Services de Paiement conserve certaines données pour une durée de dix ans pour répondre à ses obligations comptables.

Data retention period The Payment Services Provider retains the data collected as long as is required for the purposes identified above and at least five (5) years at the end of the contractual relationship under Article L.561-12 of the Monetary and Financial Code. If required, the Payment Services Provider retains some data for ten years in order to meet its accounting obligations.

Droits et exercice La personne concernée par le traitement dispose d’un droit d’accès et de rectification à ses données personnelles ainsi que d’un droit d’effacement si les données à caractère personnel ne sont plus nécessaires au regard des finalités pour lesquelles elles ont été collectées ou traitées d'une autre manière en vertu de l’article 17 du RGPD. Ces droits peuvent être exercés par e-mail accompagné d’une copie de tout document d’identité signé par le demandeur adressé à [email protected].

Rights and exercise : The person concerned by the processing has a right of access, to request the rectification and to erase its personal data as soon as no longer necessary in the light of the purposes for which the data were collected or processed under Article 17 of the GDPR. These rights may be exercised by sending an email with a copy of any identity document signed by the applicant addressed to [email protected].

Refus de communication Le refus par le représentant légal du Vendeur, le cas échéant le mandataire et/signataire du du Vendeur de communiquer tout ou partie de sesdonnées peut entrainer le rejet de sa demande de service.

Refusal to disclose The refusal of the Vendor’s legalrepresentative, where appropriate the agent and/or the authorized signatory to communicate all or part of its data may cause the rejection of his service request.

CONVENTION DE PREUVE Toutes les informations enregistrées dans les bases de données informatiques du le Prestataire de Services de Paiement relatives notamment aux instructions et confirmations de paiement reçues, aux demandes de virement et à l'exécution des opérations par le Prestataire de Services de Paiement, aux notifications adressées par le

CONVENTION OF PROOF All information stored in the computer databases of the Payment Services Provider including payment instructions and confirmations received, withdrawal requests and execution of transactions by the Payment Services Provider , the notifications sent by the Vendor and / or the Marketplace, have, until shown proof to the contrary, the same

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


Vendeur et/ou la Marketplace , ont, jusqu'à preuve du contraire, la même force probante qu'un écrit signé sur un support papier, tant en ce qui concerne leur contenu qu'en ce qui concerne la date et l'heure à laquelle ils ont été effectués et/ou reçus. Ces traces inaltérables, sûres et fiables sont gravées et conservées dans les systèmes informatiques du Prestataire de Services de Paiement. SUSPENSION DU COMPTE DE PAIEMENT La suspension temporaire et immédiate d'un Compte de Paiement peut être prononcée par le Prestataire de Services de Paiement pour toute raison et notamment : si le Vendeur n'a pas respecté les dispositions du Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement, si le Vendeur a fourni des données d'identification inexactes, périmées ou incomplètes, en cas de risque de fraude, de blanchiment de capitaux ou financement du terrorisme ou de risque pouvant affecter la sécurité du Compte de Paiement ou du système du Prestataire de Services de Paiement, , en cas de réception par le Prestataire de Services de Paiement d’un nombre important de remboursement, d’annulation d’ordres ou de contestation pour ordres non autorisés. Cette décision est motivée et notifiée au Vendeur par tout moyen. La suspension du Compte de Paiement ayant pour objet de protéger le Vendeur, elle ne pourra en aucun cas donner lieu au versement de dommages intérêts au profit de ce dernier. En fonction de la gravité du manquement au Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement et notamment si le Bénéficiaire a vendu des produits illicites, le Prestataire de Services

probative force as a writing signed on a paper support, as regards both their contents and the date and time when they were made and/or received. These unalterable, safe and reliable traces are engraved and stored in the computer systems of the Payment Services Provider. PAYMENT ACCOUNT SUSPENSION The temporary and immediate suspension ofa Payment Account may be pronounced by the Payment Services Provider for any reason and in particular : if the Vendor has not complied with the provisions of the Payment Services Framework Contract, if the Vendor has provided inaccurate, outdated or incomplete identification data, in the event of risk of fraud, money laundering or terrorist financing or risk that may affect the security of the Payment Account or the Payment Services Provider system, if the Payment Services Provider receives a large number of refunds, cancellation of orders or contestation for unauthorized orders. This decision is motivated and notified to the Vendor by any means. As the suspension of the Payment Account is intended to protect the Vendor, it may not in any case give rise to the payment of damages for the benefit of the latter. Depending on the seriousness of the breachof the Payment Services Framework Contract and in particular if the Beneficiary has sold illicit products, the Payment Services Provider reserves the right to terminate the Payment Services Framework Contract in accordance with the provisions of the Article 20.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


de Paiement se réserve le droit de résilier le Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement conformément aux stipulations de l’article 20. RESILIATION DU CONTRAT En cas de résiliation des CGU, le Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement est automatiquement résilié. Le Vendeur peut résilier de plein droit le présent Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement qui emportera clôture de son Compte de Paiement par lettre recommandée avec avis de réception suivant le respect d’un préavis d’un (1) mois. Il doit maintenir une Provision suffisante pour assurer la bonne fin des Opérations de Paiement en cours pendant le délai nécessaire à leur dénouement et le paiement des frais dus par lui. En cas de manquement grave d’une Partie, le Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement peut être résilié avec effet immédiat par simple notification écrite par l’autre Partie. Il est entendu par manquements graves réalisés par le Vendeur: communication de fausse information, exercice d’activité illégale contraire aux bonnes mœurs, blanchiment de capitaux ou de financement du terrorisme, menaces à l’encontre de préposés de la Marketplace, défaut de paiement, irrespect d’une obligation du Vendeur au titre des présentes, résiliation des relations entre le Vendeur, surendettement ou pour les personnes morales nomination d’un mandataire ad hoc, d’un administrateur judiciaire, ouverture d’une procédure de redressement ou de liquidation. En cas de modification de la réglementation applicable et de l’interprétation qui en est faite par l’Autorité de régulation concernée affectant la capacité du Prestataire de Services de Paiement ou de ses mandataires à exécuter les Opérations de Paiement, le

TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT In case of termination of the GTC, the Payment Services Framework Contract is automatically terminated. The Vendor may automatically terminate this Payment Services Framework Contract which will entail the closing of his Payment Account by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt following a one (1) month notice. He must maintain a sufficient Provision to ensure the successful completion of the Payment Operations in progress during the period necessary for their settlement and the payment of the fees due by him. In the event of a serious breach by a Party, the Payment Services Framework Contract may be terminated with immediate effect by written notice of the other Party. It is understood by serious breach made by the Vendor: communication of false information, exercise of illegal activity contrary to good morals, money laundering or financing of terrorism, threats against agents of the Marketplace, failure of payment, breach of an obligation of the Vendor hereunder, termination of the relationship between the Vendor, over- indebtedness or for legal persons appointment of an ad hoc agent, a judicial administrator, opening of a procedure of recovery or liquidation. In the event of a change in the applicable regulations and the interpretation made by the relevant Regulatory Authority affecting the ability of the Payment Services Provider or its agents to execute the Payment Operations, Payment Services Framework Contract will be automatically terminated. The Vendor will no longer be able to send a Payment Order from the effective date of termination. The Payment

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement sera automatiquement résilié. Le Vendeur ne pourra plus transmettre d’ordre de paiement à compter de la date d’effet de la résiliation. Le Compte de Paiement pourra être maintenu pendant une durée de quinze (15) mois maximum à l’effet de couvrir les éventuelles contestations et réclamations ultérieures. Les Opérations de Paiement initiées avant la date d’effet de la résiliation ne seront pas remises en cause par la demande de résiliation et devront être exécutées dans les termes du Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement. La résiliation du Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement entraîne la clôture définitive du Compte de Paiement. La clôture d'un Compte de Paiement ne pourra donner lieu à aucune indemnité quels que soient les éventuels dommages occasionnés par la fermeture de ce Compte de Paiement. Le Vendeur dont le Compte de Paiement a été clôturé par le Prestataire de Services de Paiement n'est pas autorisé, sauf accord exprès de la Marketplace, à ouvrir un autre Compte de Paiement. Tout Compte de Paiement ouvert en violation de cette disposition pourra être immédiatement clôturé par le Prestataire de Services de Paiement, sans préavis. La Provision sur le Compte de Paiement objet de la clôture donnera droit à un virement au profit du Vendeur titulaire de ce compte suivant ses instructions sous réserve des opérations en cours et des éventuels impayés, rejets bancaires ou oppositions à venir. Le Prestataire de Services de Paiement se réserve le droit de demander en justice réparation du préjudice qu'il aurait subi du fait de la violation du Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement. La clôture du Compte de Paiement pourra donner lieu à des frais dans la limite du l’article L. 314-13 du Code monétaire et financier.

Account may be maintained for a period of up to fifteen (15) months in order to cover any disputes and subsequent claims. Payment Operations initiated prior to the effective date of termination will not be affected by the termination request and must be executed under the terms of the Payment Services Framework Contract. The termination of the Payment Services Framework Contract entails the definitive closure of the Payment Account. The closing of a Payment Account may not give rise to any compensation, whatever the potential damage caused by the closing of this Payment Account. The Vendor whose Payment Account has been closed by the Payment Services Provider is not authorized, except with the express agreement of the Marketplace, to open another Payment Account. Any Payment Account opened in violation of this provision may be immediately terminated by the Payment Services Provider without notice. The Provision on the Payment Account subject to the closing will be entitled to a transfer to the benefit of the Vendor holding this account according to his instructions subject to ongoing transactions and any potential unpaid, bank rejections or oppositions to come. The Payment Services Provider reserves the right to seek compensation from the court for damages that it may have suffered as a result of the breach of the Master Payment Services Agreement. The closing of the Payment Account may give rise to costs within the limits of Article L. 314-13 of the French monetary and financial Code.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

© UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19


MODIFICATION DU CONTRAT Le présent Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement peut être amené à évoluer, notamment lorsque le cadre réglementaire évolue.

MODIFICATION OF THE CONTRACT This Payment Services Framework Contract may evolve, particularly as the regulatory framework evolves.

Tout projet de modification du Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement est communiqué sur support papier ou sur un autre support durable au Vendeur au plus tard deux (2) mois avant la date d'application proposée pour son entrée en vigueur. En l’absence de contestation écrite par lettre recommandée avec AR adressée à la Marketplace par le Vendeur avant l’expiration de ce délai de deux mois, ce dernier est réputé avoir accepté ces modifications. En cas de refus de la modification proposée, la Marketplace peut résilier le Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement sans frais, avant la date d'entrée en vigueur proposée de celle-ci. Cette demande n’affecte pas l’ensemble des débits (frais, cotisations, paiement) dont le Vendeur reste redevable.

Any proposed amendment to the Payment Services Framework Contract shall be communicated in hard copy or other durable medium to the Vendor no later than two (2) months before the proposed date of application for its entry into force. In the absence of a written objection by registered letter with AR sent to the Marketplace by the Vendor before the expiry of this period of two months, the latter is deemed to have accepted these changes. In the event of a denial of the proposed change, the Marketplace may terminate the Payment Services Framework Contract at no charge, before the proposed effective date. This request does not affect all debits (fees, contributions, payment) of which the Vendor remains liable.

GENERALITES Si l'une quelconque des stipulations non substantielles du Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement est nulle au regard d'une règle de droit en vigueur, elle sera réputée non écrite, mais n'entraînera pas la nullité du Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement.

MISCELLANEOUS If any of the non-substantive provisions of the Payment Services Framework Contract are void under any applicable law, it will be deemed unwritten, but will not void the Payment Services Framework Contract.

Le fait pour l'une des Parties de ne pas se prévaloir d'un manquement par l'autre Partie à l'une quelconque des obligations visées dans les présentes ne saurait être interprété pour l'avenir comme une renonciation à l'obligation en cause. En cas de difficulté d'interprétation entre l'un quelconque des titres et l'une quelconque des clauses du Contrat Cadre de

The fact that one of the Parties does not claim a breach by the other Party of any of the obligations referred to herein shall not be construed for the future as a waiver of the obligation in question. In case of difficulty of interpretation between any of the titles and any of the clauses of the Payment Services Framework Contract, the titles will not be taken into account.

Confidential – Upply Property Version 29 – 02 February 2022

68 © UPPLY - All rights reserved 2020 UPPLY, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 100 000 euros, registered with the Nanterre trade and companies register under number 518 618 608, located at 26 Quai Charles Pasqua, 92300 Levallois-Perret France, Tel: 00 33 9 77 40 20 19

Services de Paiement il ne sera pas tenu compte des titres. LANGUE Le présent Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement est rédigé en langue française.

LANGUAGE This Payment Services Framework Contract is written in French.

RECEPTION DES TERMES CONTRACTUELS Le présent Contrat est transmis au Vendeur, sur support durable. Le Prestataire de Services de Paiement s’engage à adresser au Vendeur, sur simple demande, les termes contractuels.

RECEPTION OF CONTRACTUAL TERMS This Contract is transmitted to the Vendor in a durable medium. The Payment Services Provider undertakes to send the Vendor, on simple request, the contractual terms.

DROIT APLLICABLE ET JURIDICTIONS Le Contrat Cadre de Services de Paiement est régi par le droit français. Toutes contestations relatives à la validité, l’interprétation, l’exécution ou la résiliation du Contrat seront par préférence réglées amiablement entre les Parties. Dans ce cadre, les Parties s’engagent à se concerter afin de régler le différend de manière amiable dans les meilleurs délais. Faute de règlement amiable dans le mois qui suit leur survenance, tous différends découlant du Contrat ou en relation avec celui-ci seront sera portés devant les cours et tribunaux compétents du ressort du siège social du Prestataire de Services de Paiement. Il est entendu entre les Parties qu’aucun procédé de règlement extrajudiciaire n’est prévu.

APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTIONS The Payment Services Framework Contract is governed by French law. All disputes relating to the validity, interpretation, execution or termination of the Contract will be, as a matter of preference, settled amicably between the Parties. In this framework, the Parties undertake to consult among themselves in order to settle the dispute amicably in the shortest time. Failing amicable settlement within one month of their occurrence, all disputes arising from the Contract or in relationship with the latter will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of Paris and the Court of Appeal. It is understood by both Parties that no extrajudicial settlement is foreseen.