UPM Manual Final

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  • 8/9/2019 UPM Manual Final


    MANUAL OF FORMAT AND STYLEFor Theses and Dissertations

    University of the Philippines ManilaNational Graduate Office for the Health Sciences

    Padre Faura Street, Ermita, Manila

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  • 8/9/2019 UPM Manual Final



    INTRODUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""#$ OR%&NI'&TION OF ONTENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""(

    $"$ Title Pa)e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""(

    $"* Si)nature Pa)es!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"($"+ Tale of ontents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""-

    $"# .ist of Tales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"-

    $"( .ist of Fi)ures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""/$"- .ist of &ppendi0es!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/

    $"/ &01no2led)ment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""/

    $"3 &stra0t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"3

    $"4 Te5t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""""3 $"4"$ hapter I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!3

    $"4"* hapter II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!"3

    $"4"+ hapter III!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"3

    $"4"# hapter I6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"3 $"4"( hapter 6!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!"4

    $"4"- hapter 6I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"4$"$7 Referen0es!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""""""!!4

    $"$$ &ppendi0es!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""4

    $"$* urri0ulum 6itae!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""$7$"$+ ONSORT for Randomi8ed ontrolled Trials!!!!!!!!!!$7

    * TE9T FORM&T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"$$

    *"$ Style!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""$$

    *"* :eadin)s in the Te5t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$$*"+ Mar)ins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"$$

    *"# Use of .an)ua)es Other than En)lish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"$$

    *"( .ine Spa0in);

  • 8/9/2019 UPM Manual Final


    / ET:I&. ONSIDER&TIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!""*$


    &PPENDI9 $"$"$? TIT.E P&%E FOR T:ESIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""!*+&PPENDI9 $"$"*? TIT.E P&%E FOR DISSERT&TION!!!!!!!!!!!"""*#

    &PPENDI9 $"*"$? ERTIFI&TE OF &EPT&NE!!!!!!!!!!!!"*(

    &PPENDI9 $"*"*? &PPRO6&. S:EET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""*-&PPENDI9 $"3? &>STR&T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""*/

    &PPENDI9 $"$*? URRIU.UM 6IT&E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""*4

    &PPENDI9 $"$+"$? ONSORT *7$7 :[email protected]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+$&PPENDI9 $"$+"*? ONSORT *7$7 F.O< DI&%R&M!!!!!!!!!!!"""++

    &PPENDI9 #"#"*? SPINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""+#

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    &s the final reAuirement for 0onferment of the masterBs or do0toral de)ree, the 0andidateBs thesisor dissertation shall emody an ori)inal, independent, si)nifi0ant, and s0ientifi0 resear0h or

    0reative 2or1C sho2 the studentBs 0apa0ity to ma1e a 0riti0al evaluation of previous 2or1 done

    and 0urrent material in his;her 0hosen resear0h topi0C and demonstrate his;her aility to presentresear0h findin)s in a 0lear, systemati0, and s0holarly manner"

    The student is solely responsile for the preparation of the thesis or dissertation a00ordin) to thestandards pres0ried y the MasterBs;Do0toral E5amination Panel and 2ithin the )uidelines and

    timetale )overnin) )raduate studies in this University" It is important that the panel memers

    e )iven a 0opy of the thesis or dissertation 2ay efore the studentBs defense" &fter a su00essful

    defense and all the revisions have een made, the Thesis;Dissertation ommittee indi0ate theirapproval of the final 0opy y affi5in) their si)natures on the si)nature pa)es, thus attestin) to the

    a00eptaility and Auality of the final paper"

    The manus0ript should e 2ritten in En)lish" Theses should e for2arded to an appropriate peerrevie2ed ournal efore )raduation 2hile dissertations must have already een a00epted for

    puli0ation" M>& Memorandum O0t $7, *7$*G

    This manual presents only the minimum reAuirements for the style and format of the manus0ript"

    The different departments in the de)ree )rantin) units are responsile for spe0ifyin) all otherdetails of style that are uniAue to their dis0ipline" In the asen0e of su0h, this Manual of Format

    and Style should e used" Students should 0onsult 2ith their adviser;0ommittee memers

    re)ardin) this"

    &dapted from the UP olle)e of S0ien0e

    Style H Format Manual for Theses and Dissertations *77#G

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    >efore the ody of the study, the follo2in) preliminary pa)es should appear in the indi0atedorder and are 0onse0utively pa)inated in lo2er0ase Roman numerals, e50ept for the title pa)e"

    >lan1 sheet of paper not in0luded in 0ountin)G

    Title pa)e in0luded in 0ountin) ut nopa)e numerG ertifi0ate of &00eptan0e of Thesis;Dissertation iiG

    &pproval Sheet iiiG

    Tale of ontents iv, and so onG

    .ist of Tales

    .ist of Fi)ures

    .ist of &ppendi0es



    The ody shall in0lude the follo2in) parts and must e pa)inated 2ith &rai0 numerals" Pleasesee Se0tion $"4 of this manual for the detailed 0ontent and stru0ture of ea0h"


    Theoreti0al >a01)round




    on0lusion and Re0ommendations

    "#" Title %a&e

    The format of the title pa)e 0an e seen at the end of this manual &ppendi5 $"$"$ for thesis and

    &ppendi5 $"$"* for dissertationG, 2hi0h is in a00ordan0e 2ith Memorandum No" P&EP *7$*7+"

    The author should indi0ate 2ho 0an have provisional a00ess to the thesis;dissertation" Please seeSe0tion - on 0opyri)ht for more information"

    The title is a phrase that identifies the topi0 of the paper" For hypothesistestin) papers, the

    dependent and independent variales as 2ell as the population and the material 2or1ed onshould e in0luded in the title" For des0riptive papers that des0rie a ne2 stru0ture, the name of

    the stru0ture and its 1ey fun0tion should e in0luded in the title" @eep titles 0on0ise" on0ise

    titles 0ontain less than $77 0hara0ters and spa0es 'ie)er, $444G"

    Rememer to indi0ate the month and year of )raduation and not the date of sumission or

    0ompletion of thesis;dissertation"

    "#' Si&nature %a&es

    The ertifi0ate of &00eptan0e of Thesis;Dissertation and &pproval Sheetare offi0ial Universityforms" Otainori&inal si&naturesfor oth forms in permanent la01 or lue in1 for ea0h of the

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    si5 0opies of the thesis or dissertation to e sumitted" & 0opy of ea0h form is atta0hed at the end

    of the manual as &ppendi5es $"*"$ and $"*"*, respe0tively"

    "#( Ta)le of ontents

    The tale of 0ontents must in0lude the list of tales, list of fi)ures, list of appendi0es,a01no2led)ment, astra0t, maor se0tions of the te5t, and referen0es" The title pa)e and si)nature

    pa)es are not to e listed" Use dot leaders et2een the end of a headin) and its pa)e numer" The

    2ordin) of headin)s on the tale of 0ontents must e e5a0tly the same as those 2ithin the te5t"


    List of Tables.... v

    List of Figures.. vi

    List of Appendices.. vii

    Acknoledg!ent viii

    Abstract......... i"

    C#apter $% $ntroduction.. &

    Background of t#e Stud'. (

    State!ent of t#e )roble!. *

    Ob+ectives of t#e Stud'. ,

    Significance of t#e Stud'. -

    Scope and Li!itations of t#e Stud'..

    Operational /efinition of Ter!s..... 0

    C#apter $$% T#eoretical Background &1

    2evie of 2elated Literature.... &&

    Conceptual Fra!eork.. &3

    C#apter $$$% 4et#odolog'......................................................... (1


    "#* List of Ta)les

    The list is presented y itself on a separate pa)e" Use &rai0 numerals for the tale numers"

    Only the first letter of the first 2ord of the tale 0aption is 0apitali8ed" There must e dot leadersfrom the last letter of the title to the pa)e numer" Doule spa0e 2ithin and et2een ea0h entry"

    The titles in the list should e the same as those used in the te5t" They may e shortened for

    0onvenien0e as lon) as the essen0e remains the same ut they may not e len)thened"

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    Use a de0imal numerin) system in laellin) the tales 2ithin ea0h 0hapter and suse0tion" For

    instan0e, if 0hapters four and five have three tales ea0h, the numerin) 2ould e? #"$, #"*, #"+,

    ("$, ("*, and ("+" If there 2ere additional tales in the suse0tions, then the numerin) 2ould e?#"$"$, #"$"*, ("*"$, ("*"*, and so on" The same numerin) system applies to fi)ures and




    *.& /e!ograp#ic /ata.. (,

    *.( 2esults of Surve' (-

    *.(.& Title 51

    ,.& Title.... 5,

    ,.&.( Title... *1

    ,.&.5 Title *,


    "#+ List of Fi&ures

    This list is also pla0ed on a pa)e y itself and follo2s the same format as the list of tales"

    Fi)ures in0lude )raphs, maps, photo)raphs and other types of illustrations" Desi)nate fi)urenumers 2ith &rai0 numerals"

    "#, List of A--endices

    This is presented on a separate pa)e and follo2s the same )uidelines as the list of tales"Materials in the appendi0es are those that are not vital to the te5t ut 2hi0h supplement the te5t"

    Ea0h material e")", Auestionnaire, s0hedule, formG is 0onsidered a separate appendi5 and is

    appropriately laelled" The title should refle0t the 0ontent"

    "#. Ac/no0led&1ent

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    Use your )ood ud)ment in 2ritin) the a01no2led)ments" &ssistan0e from e5tramural a)en0ies

    is usually a01no2led)ed" @eep it for1al and scholarl2" The authorBs name and date should not

    appear on this pa)e"

    "#3 A)stract

    The astra0t must e doulespa0ed and simply entitled &>STR&TJ in old, upper0ase

    letters, and 0entered" Note that the first line must not e indented" There is no parti0ular 2ord

    limit ut 2hen the thesis 2ould suseAuently e translated into a pulishale format, thePuli0ation Manual of the &P& *7$7G su))ests that the author adhere to the 2ord limit reAuired

    y the ournal to 2hi0h the manus0ript 2ill e sumitted" This usually varies from $(7 to +77

    2ords" Please see &ppendi5 $"3 for a sample of an astra0t"

    "#4 Te5t

    The student is hi)hly en0oura)ed to follo2 the outline of the te5t indi0ated elo2" This may,

    ho2ever, e altered a00ordin) to the dis0ipline and sue0t matter" onsult youradviser;0ommittee memers for the est approa0h in 2ritin) and or)ani8in) the ody"

    1.9.1 Chapter I

    This is entitled Introdu0tionJ and is sudivided into?

    >a01)round of the Study

    Statement of the Prolem

    Oe0tives of the Study

    Si)nifi0an0e of the Study

    S0ope and .imitations of the Study or Study .imitations K This may e pla0ed in the

    Methodolo)y" Please see Se0tion $"4"+"

    Operational Definition of Terms K This may e pla0ed in hapter II after the on0eptual


    1.9.2 Chapter II

    This is entitled Theoreti0al >a01)roundJ and is sudivided into?

    Revie2 of Related .iterature

    on0eptual Frame2or1 K This may e pla0ed in hapter I after the Si)nifi0an0e of the

    Study" The theoreti0al frame2or1 may also e in0luded efore the 0on0eptual frame2or1"

    Operational Definition of Terms K This may e pla0ed in hapter I after the Study


    1.9.3 Chapter III

    This is entitled Methodolo)yJ and is sudivided into?

    Study Desi)n

    Study Settin) K This may e appli0ale only to some studies"

    Population and Samplin) Te0hniAue

    Data olle0tion Pro0edure K In0lude a flo20hart only in the proposal and not in the final


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    Data Pro0essin) and &nalysis

    Study .imitations K It is ideally pla0ed here for the proposal ut may later e

    in0orporated into the Dis0ussion part of the final paper"

    Ethi0al onsiderations K This may e a separate se0tion or may e in0orporated into the

    Data olle0tion Pro0edure"

    1.9.4 Chapter IV

    This is entitled ResultsJ and may e sudivided a00ordin) to the authorBs preferen0e"

    Presentation of the findin)s is hi)hly individuali8ed ased on the nature;sue0t matter of the


    1.9.5 Chapter V

    This is entitled Dis0ussionJ and may e sudivided a00ordin) to the authorBs preferen0e" It isideally a separate 0hapter from the results althou)h the t2o may e 0omined" The dis0ussion

    usually in0ludes the novel findin)s and an indepth e5planation and summary of the 1ey results"

    omparison 2ith previous 2or1s may e provided to put the 0urrent study in 0onte5t"

    1.9.6 Chapter VI

    This is entitled on0lusion and Re0ommendationsJ and is sudivided into?

    Summary K The summary of the results and dis0ussion 2ill lead into and ustify the

    forth0omin) 0on0lusions"



    "#"6 References

    This immediately follo2s the last pa)e of the te5t" This se0tion should e)in on a ne2 pa)e, 2iththe title REFERENESJ 0entered at the very top of the pa)e" &ll 0itations in the ody, fi)ures,

    tales or 0aptions must e in0luded" &ll entries should e in alphaeti0al order 2ith the first line

    of ea0h referen0e flushed 2ith the left mar)in#Ea0h additional line should e indented han)in)

    indentG"Titles of oo1s, ournals, ma)a8ines, and ne2spapers should appear in itali0s and alllines should e doulespa0ed"

    The referen0in) )uidelines in the Puli0ation Manual of the &P& -thEdition, *7$7G are stron)lyre0ommended for uniformity althou)h a style a00eptale in oneBs field may e used 2ith

    approval from the de)ree)rantin) unit" This manual follo2s the &P& style of 0itation"

    Please oserve intelle0tual honesty and 0ite sour0es properly" &ny form of 0heatin), fari0ation,and;or pla)iarism 2ill not e tolerated" It is the studentBs responsiility to read and aide y the

    rules of 0ondu0t stated in the UniversityBs student handoo1 and other relevant ethi0al )uidelines"

    "#"" A--endices

    The appendi0es must e immediately atta0hed after the referen0es" They should meet thereAuired format i"e", mar)ins, pa)ination, Auality of print and paperG as the other pa)es of the

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    manus0ript" There is no need for 0over pa)es, ust indi0ate the title at the top 0enter of the first

    pa)e of the material" In laellin), rememer to follo2 the previous )uideline for tale 0aptions"

    The follo2in) must at least e in0luded as an appendi5? instruments;tools used in the studyC

    informed 0onsent formC and the Resear0h Ethi0s >oard approval"

    "#"' urriculu1 7itae

    & 0urri0ulum vitae 6G should e atta0hed after the last pa)e of the appendi0es 2ith a * 5 *photo of the author on the upper ri)ht 0orner" Use sin)le spa0e" For the edu0ational a01)round,

    information aout primary;elementary and se0ondary edu0ation is not needed" Please see

    &ppendi5 $"$* for a sample 6"

    "#"( ONSORT for Rando1i8ed ontrolled Trials

    Students 0ondu0tin) randomi8ed 0ontrolled trials are advised to 0onform to the onsolidated

    Standards of Reportin) Trials ONSORTG Statement" The *(item 0he01list and flo2 dia)ramensure adeAuate, transparent reportin) and methodolo)i0al ri)or" They are atta0hed as

    &ppendi5es $"$+"$ and $"$+"*, respe0tively, and 2ere adapted from S0hul8, &ltman, H Moher*7$7G"

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    '# TE9T FORMAT

    '#" St2le

    &ll other aspe0ts of style not mentioned in this manual are left to the dis0retion of the respe0tive

    de)ree)rantin) units and e5amination panels" Students and advisers are en0oura)ed to refer tothe latest style )uides or to the style of a leadin) ournal;puli0ation in their dis0ipline"

    '#' Headin&s in the Te5t

    onsisten0y in the headin)s and suheadin)s is important for 0larity and )uidan0e to the reader,

    aside from )ivin) the do0ument a professional appearan0e"

    The maor headin)s in0lude a01no2led)ements, astra0t, tale of 0ontents, lists of tales, fi)uresand appendi0es, 0hapter headin)s, appendi0es and referen0es" The maor headin)s should e)in

    on a ne2 pa)e follo2ed immediately y the te5t" These headin)s should have the same si8e andstyle 0entered on the pa)e, all 0apital letters, all old lettersG"

    For suheadin)s, ea0h different level must e distin)uished y a different style" For e5ample,the first sulevel mi)ht e in old and itali0s, flush left, 2ritten in oth upper and lo2er0ase"

    The se0ond sulevel mi)ht e in itali0s ut not in old letters" Ensure that these styles are used

    0onsistently throu)hout the 2hole paper, distin)uishin) one sulevel from the other"

    Suheadin)s need not e)in on a ne2 pa)e"

    Ea0h different sulevel should e in0luded in the tale of 0ontents" Ea0h ne2 sulevel is

    indented a little farther to the ri)ht in relation to the previous level in the tale of 0ontents"

    '#( Mar&ins

    The mar)ins of every pa)e in the manus0ript must e one in0h for the top, ottom, and ri)ht and

    $"( in0hes for the left for indin)" Pa)e numers must fall 2ithin the mar)ins"

    '#* Use of Lan&ua&es Other than En&lish

  • 8/9/2019 UPM Manual Final


    as the last line on a pa)eG are not a00eptale"J eTD Style and Poli0y %uide, *7$7, p" $7G Ma1e

    adustments a00ordin)ly"

    '#, %unctuation

    &mon) the 0ommon manus0ript prolems involve pun0tuation, li1e the use of 0ommas" Forinstan0e, 2hen 2ritin) a statement in Auotation mar1s, 0ommas and periods are pla0ed 2ithin the

    Auotation mar1s" :o2ever, 0olons and semi0olons are 2ritten outside the Auotation mar1s"

    &lso, 0ommas are al2ays pla0ed after the terms e")"J and i"e"J" Please refer to other pertinentreferen0es for proper use of pun0tuation mar1s"

    '#. %a&ination

    Pa)e numers must e 0entered at the ottom of the pa)e, 2ith pla0ement, si8e, and style

    0onsistent in the entire manus0ript" No other te5t or mar1s should appear other than the pa)e

    numer itself"

    Startin) 2ith the title pa)e, ea0h pa)e in the manus0ript must e 0ounted" Every pa)e should then

    have a printed pa)e numer aside from the title pa)e only" The preliminary pa)es please seese0tion $G are numered in lo2er0ase Roman numerals ii, iii, iv, et0"G"

    The pa)es of the ody are numered in &rai0 numerals $, *, +, et0"G startin) 2ith the first pa)eof hapter I and throu)h the rest of the ody, referen0es, appendi0es, and 6" &ll 0hapters must

    e)in on a ne2 pa)e and must e numered 2ith upper0ase Roman numerals" The 0hapter

    headin) and title should e typed as follo2s?

    HA%TER !


    '#. Runnin& Header

    .ee *7$7G defined a runnin) header as a short title (7 0hara0ters or fe2er, in0ludin) spa0esG

    that appears at the top of every pa)e of your paper"J This is not allo2ed in any part of the


    '#3 Footnotes:Endnotes

    Footnotes, 2hi0h are defined y the Merriam

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    (#" Ta)les

    Use sin)le spa0e for the 0ontents of the tale and you may also sele0t a font si8e smaller than $*"

    This is to ma1e the tale more presentale and easier to read" Rememer to ma1e the stylin)uniform for all tales"

    Type the tale numer and 0aption aove the data" Titles should e)in 2ith the 2ord Tale,J

    follo2ed y the tale numer a00ordin) to the de0imal numerin) system" Only the first letter ofthe first 2ord of the 0aption is 0apitali8ed and should e 0onsistent for the all of the tales" Tale

    titles must e flush left throu)hout the manus0ript"

    Tales 0ould e pla0ed alon) 2ith the te5t or in a separate pa)e" They may also e pla0ed 2ithinthe te5t or in the appendi5" Note that that they should e in0luded in the te5t on0e they are

    mentioned" They may e appended only if they are not dire0tly related to the dis0ussion or aretoo ul1y or len)thy" In 0ase lon) tales need to e 0ontinued from pa)e to pa)e, the tale

    numer and 0aption should appear as follo2s?

    Tale +"$ ontinuedG Title

    (#' Fi&ures

    Fi)ure 0aptions should e pla0ed flush left at the ottom" &side from that, the same )uidelines

    for tales apply" Note that if you 0hoose to )roup your fi)ures to)ether in an appendi5 or at the

    end of your te5t, they should follo2 your tales if anyG" %raphs, dra2in)s, and photo)raphsrelevant to the thesis or dissertation may e pasted or ele0troni0ally prepared on the manus0ript

    2ithin the spe0ified mar)ins" Do not use transparent tape or ruer 0ement in atta0hin) themC use

    )ood )lue or paste"

    (#( O

  • 8/9/2019 UPM Manual Final


    6erti0al Fold? Ma1e the first fold at the ri)ht side of the pa)e, foldin) to2ard the

    left" The first fold should redu0e the oversi8ed sheet to 3 in0hes" If further foldin)

    is ne0essary, the left side of the folded pa)e should e folded a)ain, this time a01to2ards the ri)ht, leavin) a $L in0h mar)in from the left and the fold"

    Step $? Step *?

    :ori8ontal Fold? If foldin) from the ottom up, e sure to 0ut a strip $ in0h 2idefrom the left ed)e of the entire folded portion" This prevents the fold from ein)

    0au)ht in the indin)" If a se0ond hori8ontal fold is needed, the ed)e should e

    folded do2n"J p" $(G

    Step $? Step *?

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    Step +?

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    *# THE F!NAL O%Y

    *#" T2-in&:%rintin& of the Manuscri-t

    The manus0ript must e as perfe0t as possile in form and appearan0e" It must e prepared on a

    0omputer" Times Ne2 Roman or &rial are a00eptale fonts" The font si8e must e $* for allmaterial in the te5t" It should e left ustified, 2ithout any ro1en 2ords at the end of ea0h typed

    line" Ea0h para)raph should e indented usin) the Ta 1ey" In printin) the final 0opy, the

    resolution must e at least +77 dots per in0h laser printerG" Reprodu0ed 0opies;photo0opies area00eptale only if they are of hi)h Auality" Printin) may e on one or oth sides of the paper,

    2hi0hever is preferred, ut should e 0onsistent all throu)hout" There is no limit on the numer

    of pa)es of the entire manus0ript"

    *#' %a-er

    Use only plain 2hite oo1 paper, letter si8e 3"( 5 $$ inG, sustan0e *7, and of ar0hival Auality"

    *#( orrections

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    4.4.2 Spine

    The spine of the manus0ript follo2s the format elo2" Please see &ppendi5 #"#"* for an a0tualsample" There should e a verti0al line separatin) the name, title, de)ree, s0hool, and year"


    Title /E82EE SC7OOL 9ear

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  • 8/9/2019 UPM Manual Final


    In the event a thesis;dissertation 0ontains information on an invention that may e

    patentale or re)istrale, or if the same 0ontains 0onfidential information of the

    university and;or that of a third party, the department, institute or 0olle)e may2ithhold puli0 a00ess to said thesis;dissertation and the defense pro0eedin)s and

    may ta1e su0h other reasonale steps to prote0t the university and;or third partyBs

    IP ri)hts until the university and;or third party has )iven 2ritten permission todis0lose the same" In the event that the university 2aives its ri)ht to the invention

    as provided under this poli0y as the inventor is 2illin) and ale to 0omply 2ith

    the 0ondition, amon) others that may e imposed y the university, to file a patentor other appli0ale intelle0tual property appli0ation for the same, the inventor may

    reAuest the department, institute or 0olle)e to 2ithhold puli0 a00ess to said

    thesis;dissertation or to the defense pro0eedin)s pertainin) to said invention"J

    To a00ess the 0omplete te5t of the Revised IPR Poli0y of the UP System, visit this 2esite?


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    Resear0hes involvin) human sue0ts or parti0ipants reAuire revie2 and approval y the >oard"The Standard Operatin) Pro0edures of the UP Manila Resear0h Ethi0s >oard 0an e found online

    at http?;;re"upm"edu"ph;" &ll pro0edures, 0he01lists, forms, and 0onta0t details are also availale

    on the 2esite"

    The International ommittee of Medi0al ournal Editors IMEG 2esite provides Uniform

    ReAuirements for Manus0ripts Sumitted to Medi0al ournals and also a dis0ussion on 0ommonethi0al 0onsiderations su0h as authorship and 0ontriutorship"

    Page | 21

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    A%%END!9 "#"#"= T!TLE %AGE FOR THES!S

    Anal'sis and Evaluation of )olicies $!ple!enting

    Advanced )ractice Nursing in t#e )#ilippines

    A 4aster:s T#esis Sub!itted to t#e

    Facult' of t#e 8raduate )rogra! in 7ealt# )olic' and Ad!inistration

    College of )ublic 7ealt#

    6niversit' of t#e )#ilippines 4anila

    $n )artial Fulfill!ent of t#e 2e;uire!ents

    For t#e /egree of

    4aster of Arts in 7ealt# )olic' Studies


  • 8/9/2019 UPM Manual Final



    Co!!unit' 4obili>ation for t#e )revention

    and Control of Cardiovascular /iseases a!ong

    Older )ersons in San )ablo Cit'

    A /issertation Sub!itted to t#e

    Facult' of t#e 8raduate )rogra! in )ublic 7ealt#

    College of )ublic 7ealt#

    6niversit' of t#e )#ilippines 4anila

    $n )artial Fulfill!ent of t#e 2e;uire!ents

    For t#e /egree of

    /octor of )ublic 7ealt#


    ?osep#ine Agapito

    ?une (11-

    )er!ission is given for t#e folloing people to #ave access to t#is t#esis%

    Available to t#e general public No

    Available onl' after consultation it# aut#or=t#esis adviser No

    Available onl' to t#ose bound b' confidentialit' agree!ent 9es

    Student:s signature%

    Signature of t#esis adviser%

    Page | 24

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    6)4@N8O7S For! 1*Certificate of Acceptance


    The thesis/dissertation attached hereto, entitled___________________________________


    prepared and s!"itted !# ____________________________, in partial $l%ll"ento$ the

    name of student

    re&ire"ents $or the degree o$ _____________________________________ isaccepted'


    _______________________Thesis/Dissertation Adviser

    (ccepted as partial $l%ll"ent o$ the re&ire"ents $or the degree o$


    _________________________________ _________________________________)Dean) (Director)

    *ollege o$ ___________________ +ational radate -.ce $or the ealthciences

    Page | 25

    +(T-+( ((T -* - T (T *+*University of the Philippines Manila3/F UP Manila Main (Old NEDA) BuildingPadre Faura crner Maria Or!a S"ree"!# Er$i"a# Manila %&&&P'iliine!

  • 8/9/2019 UPM Manual Final


    niersit# o$ the Philippines anila niersit# o$ the Philippines anilaate ________________ ate _________________

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  • 8/9/2019 UPM Manual Final


    A%%END!9 "#'#'= A%%RO7AL SHEET6)4@N8O7S For! 15

    Completion/Approval Sheet


    :e, the "e"!ers o$ the oral e;a"ination panel $or________________________________

    name of student

    nani"osl# approe the thesis/dissertation entitled_____________________________


    The thesis/dissertation attached hereto

  • 8/9/2019 UPM Manual Final


    ____________________!ane" Chairman/Adviser


    _________________________________________ ____________________________

    Dept# Chair/ Chair $raduate !rogram Committee Deanate ________________ *ollege o$ ___________________

    ate ________________A%%END!9 "#3= ABSTRAT


    6ir)in 0o0onut oil 6OG has e0ome a popular health produ0t e0ause of its various

    health enefits in0ludin) its antimi0roial properties" :o2ever, studies on 6O are limited and

    most of its 0elerated enefits are only ased on studies 2ith the medium 0hain tri)ly0erides and

    its hydroly8ates, medium 0hain fatty a0ids, espe0ially lauri0 a0id"

    The present study determined the effe0t of 6O on the etala0tamase a0tivity of

    Methi0illinresistant Stah!lococcus Aureus usin) an iodometri0 assay" Inhiition of eta

    la0tamase 2as oserved 2ith the lipase hydroly8ed6O" .ipase hydrolysis produ0ed a potent

    antimi0roial K $onolaurin" In0reased amounts of 6O lipase hydrolysis produ0ts di)ly0erides,

    mono)ly0erides and fatty a0idsG dispersed in 0ulture 0orrelated 2ith the lo2erin) of eta

    la0tamase a0tivity" This su))ests that etala0tamase inhiition depends on the hydrolysis of

    6O into mono)ly0erides and fatty a0ids"

    The 0on0entrations of unhydroly8ed 6O used in the e5periment did not produ0e a

    si)nifi0ant inhiition of etala0tamase a0tivity, su))estin) the dependen0e of MRS& eta

    la0tamase inhiition on the a0tion of lipases"

    onversely, MRS& treated 2ith olive oil in0reased etala0tamase a0tivity and hydrolysis

    of the oil further in0reased the a0tivity of en8yme, similar to the effe0t of peni0illin K an indu0er

    Page | 28


  • 8/9/2019 UPM Manual Final


    of etala0tamase in Sataphylo0o00us aureus" The effe0t of olive oil on MRS& etala0tamase

    a0tivity may e due to olei0 a0id, 2hi0h has nutritive effe0ts on mi0roor)anisms"

    The )ro2th of MRS& 2as hindered y oth unhydroly8ed and pan0reati0 lipase

    hydroly8ed 6O and olive oil, antiioti0s and standard lauri0 lipids monolaurins, dilaurins, and

    lauri0 a0idG e50ept for trilaurin T.G 2hi0h produ0ed hi)her 0ell 0ount in 0ulture" This may

    proaly e due to the diffi0ulty of releasin) the antimi0roial monolaurin and lauri0 a0id from

    T. in the 0ulture" Inhiition of MRS& )ro2th y 6O, standard lauri0 lipids and olive oil may

    e attriuted to in0reased a0idity of fatty a0ids"


    Deo0aris, "" *77/G" The effect of +iase , H!drol!-ed and #nh!drol!-ed .ir"in /oconut Oil

    (./O) on the "ro0th and *eta,+acta$ase activit! of Methicillin1resistant

    Stah!lococcus Aureus(MRSA)" University of the Philippines Manila, unpulishedmasteral thesis"

    Page | 29

  • 8/9/2019 UPM Manual Final


    A%%END!9 "#"'= URR!ULUM 7!TAE


    Na!e ara dela Cru>

    7o!e & ?ose /iokno Boulevard )asa' &511

    D1( ,(5@0*0&dcru>g!ail.co!

    Gork 6niversit' of t#e )#ilippines 4anilaCollege of Nursing)edro 8il Street Er!ita 4anilaD1( ,5@&0(

    Educational Background

    &33, B.S. Nursing

    St. Louis 6niversit'

    (111 4.A. in Nursing D4ental 7ealt# )s'c#iatric Nursing6niversit' of t#e )#ilippines 4anila

    (115 )#./. in Nursing e"pected Septe!ber 6niversit' of t#e )#ilippines 4anila

    Professional Employment

    August &330@?ul' &333 2esearc# AssociateSS,1& Foundation $nc.

    August &333@?ul' (111 Supervisor H 6ndergraduate 2esearc# Tea!6niversit' of t#e )#ilippines 4anila

    April (11&@?une (11& $nstructor H 6ndergraduate Nursing Course )s'c#iatricNursing

    6niversit' of t#e )#ilippines 4anila

    Page | 30

    $nsert )#oto 7ere

  • 8/9/2019 UPM Manual Final



    ?ung 9.7. dela Cru> . S#i! C.4. 7'un B. D(11&. Attention /eficit 7'peractivit'/isorder in C#ildren and Adolescents% A 2evie. Journal of Mental Health !" D(


    )otter 7.?. Geasle' 2.B. dela Cru> . 8ranger 7.?. 2oling ?.. D&333. 7ig#@2isk Be#avior and 2ates of Se"uall' Trans!itted /iseases A!ong6ndergraduate Students. Journal of Adolescent Health #$ D* 0--@03.

    Personal %ata

    /ate of Birt# October , &3,)lace of Birt# 4anilaSe" Fe!ale

    Nationalit' FilipinoCivil Status 4arried

    Page | 31



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    A%%END!9 "#"(#"= ONSORT '6"6 HE>L!ST

    CONSORT +&%& c'ec8li!" inr$a"in " include 9'en rer"ing arand$i!ed "rial:

    &ection'TopicItem(o C)ecklist item

    Reportedon page

    (oTitle and astract

    &a $dentification as a rando!ised trial in t#e title

    &b Structured su!!ar' of trial design !et#ods results and conclusions Dfor specific guidance see CONSO2T forabstracts

    IntroductionBackground andob+ectives

    (a Scientific background and e"planation of rationale

    (b Specific ob+ectives or #'pot#eses

    Met)odsTrial design 5a /escription of tr ial design Dsuc# as parallel factorial including allocation ratio

    5b $!portant c#anges to !et#ods after trial co!!ence!ent Dsuc# as eligibilit' criteria it# reasons

    )articipants *a Eligibilit' criteria for participants

    *b Settings and locations #ere t#e data ere collected

    $nterventions , T#e interventions for eac# group it# sufficient details to allo replication including #o and #ent#e' ere actuall' ad!inistered

    Outco!es -a Co!pletel' defined pre@specified pri!ar' and secondar' outco!e !easures including #o and #ent#e' ere assessed

    -b An' c#anges to trial outco!es after t#e trial co!!enced it# reasons

    Sa!ple si>e a 7o sa!ple si>e as deter!inedb G#en applicable e"planation of an' interi! anal'ses and stopping guidelines


    0a 4et#od used to generate t#e rando! allocation se;uence

    0b T'pe of rando!isationI details of an' restriction Dsuc# as blocking and block si>e


    3 4ec#anis! used to i!ple!ent t#e rando! allocation se;uence Dsuc# as se;uentiall' nu!beredcontainers describing an' steps taken to conceal t#e se;uence until interventions ere assigned

    $!ple!entation &1 G#o generated t#e rando! allocation se;uence #o enrolled participants and #o assignedparticipants to interventions

    Blinding &&a $f done #o as blinded after assign!ent to interventions Dfor e"a!ple participants care providerst#ose assessing outco!es and #o

    Page | 3

  • 8/9/2019 UPM Manual Final


    &&b $f relevant description of t#e si!ilarit' of interventions

    Statistical !et#ods &(a Statistical !et#ods used to co!pare groups for pri!ar' and secondar' outco!es

    &(b 4et#ods for additional anal'ses suc# as subgroup anal'ses and ad+usted anal'ses

    Results)articipant flo Dadiagra! is strongl'reco!!ended

    &5a For eac# group t#e nu!bers of participants #o ere rando!l' assigned received intendedtreat!ent and ere anal'sed for t#e pri!ar' outco!e

    &5b For eac# group losses and e"clusions after rando!isation toget#er it# reasons

    2ecruit!ent &*a /ates defining t#e periods of recruit!ent and follo@up

    &*b G#' t#e trial ended or as stopped

    Baseline data &, A table s#oing baseline de!ograp#ic and clinical c#aracteristics for eac# group

    Nu!bers anal'sed &- For eac# group nu!ber of participants Ddeno!inator included in eac# anal'sis and #et#er t#eanal'sis as b' original assigned groups

    Outco!es andesti!ation

    &a For eac# pri!ar' and secondar' outco!e results for eac# group and t#e esti!ated effect si>e and itsprecision Dsuc# as 3,J confidence interval

    &b For binar' outco!es presentation of bot# absolute and relative effect si>es is reco!!ended

    Ancillar' anal'ses &0 2esults of an' ot#er anal'ses perfor!ed including subgroup anal'ses and ad+usted anal'sesdistinguis#ing pre@specified fro! e"plorator'

    7ar!s &3 All i!portant #ar!s or unintended effects in eac# group Dfor specific guidance see CONSO2T for #ar!s

    %iscussionLi!itations (1 Trial li!itations addressing sources of potential bias i!precision and if relevant !ultiplicit' of


    8eneralisabilit' (& 8eneralisabilit' De"ternal validit' applicabilit' of t#e trial findings

    $nterpretation (( $nterpretation consistent it# results balancing benefits and #ar!s and considering ot#er relevantevidence

    *t)er information2egistration (5 2egistration nu!ber and na!e of trial registr'

    )rotocol (* G#ere t#e full trial protocol can be accessed if available

    Funding (, Sources of funding and ot#er support Dsuc# as suppl' of drugs role of funders

  • 8/9/2019 UPM Manual Final


    A%%END!9 "#"(#'= ONSORT '6"6 FLO; D!AGRAM

    CONSORT +&%& Fl9 Diagra$

    A%%END!9 *#*#'= S%!NE

    Page | 34

    Assessed for eligibilit' DnK

    E"cluded DnK

    Not !eeting inclusion criteria DnK

    /eclined to participate DnK

    Ot#er reasons DnK

    Anal'sed DnK

    E"cluded fro! anal'sis Dgive reasons DnK

    Lost to follo@up Dgive reasons DnK

    /iscontinued intervention Dgive reasons DnK

    Allocated to intervention DnK

    2eceived allocated intervention DnK

    /id not receive allocated intervention Dgivereasons DnK

    Lost to follo@up Dgive reasons DnK

    /iscontinued intervention Dgive reasons DnK

    Allocated to intervention DnK

    2eceived allocated intervention DnK

    /id not receive allocated intervention Dgivereasons DnK

    Anal'sed DnK

    E"cluded fro! anal'sis Dgive reasons DnK




    2ando!i>ed DnK


  • 8/9/2019 UPM Manual Final


    4AANO T#e /evelop!ent and 6se of 4odules inTeac#ing )ost 8raduate Students at t#e)#ilippine 8eneral 7ospital /er!atolog'


    47)Ed 6) (11,