Upgrade On Reiki Systems and Symbols

UPGRADE ON REİKİ SYSTEMS AND SYMBOLS UPGRADE ON REİKİ SYSTEMS AND SYMBOLS This dochument includes a new way to use reiki systems and symbols stronger , this is a kind of upgrade and all Reiki Systems can do this upgrade .


Reiki Systems and symbols

Transcript of Upgrade On Reiki Systems and Symbols

Page 1: Upgrade On Reiki Systems and Symbols



This dochument includes a new way to use reiki systems and symbols stronger , this is a

kind of upgrade and all Reiki Systems can do this upgrade .

Page 2: Upgrade On Reiki Systems and Symbols


One day I traveled to lower world by using a reiki symbol ,this reiki system tells that a reiki

master can work on upper world and also on lower world too . It says we can travel lower

world with the symbol of this reiki system , so I tried it . I traveled to lower world by the

symbol and I called Guardians of Holy Grail by another symbol for protection . Then

suddenly I turned back to upper world , I didnt understand why this happened and I asked

this to spiritual guides , the spiritual guides said that I cant use upper world symbols in

lower world , then I asked how can I call Guardians in lower world , then they showed me

a symbol , The Symbol was very similar the original Guardians of Holy Grail Symbol . Then I

understood that all reiki systems and symbols has a similar lower world one . Then I started

to find lower world symbols and energies of all Reiki Systems we use . Below there is original

Reiki Symbols and lower world one , see the difference . I created this sheet down to create

lower world type of reiki systems and symbols .

Page 3: Upgrade On Reiki Systems and Symbols

This is the change , so what happens to symbols . I sensed that after some hard

conditions symbols changed and become stronger and all symbols has feeling like humans

( after hard conditions ) , runvaldr becomes angry , dragon reiki becomes sad , Awakening

of the guardians and their helpers becomes cursed after hard conditions but they resisted

and changed now they are stronger .

Page 4: Upgrade On Reiki Systems and Symbols

Also I called spiritual guides by symbols and they said changed symbols are stronger and it

is better to use new ones . JUST TRY IT ! Upgrade your reiki system or symbol and ask

your guides which is better to use .

Draw or print symbols then ask your higherself to create lower world type of reiki system

or symbol by using the guidence of the symbols above . You can also ask for my guidence by

my picture .

It is easier to create a lower world reiki system which doesnt include symbols ( like

Kundalini Reiki ) ,after creating it , just call lower world type of reiki system like reiki

level 1 , just say “ l call lower world reiki level 1 “ .


Ömer Volkan Akkuş