UPE8 Symposium - Excursion to Karlsruhe

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  • 8/2/2019 UPE8 Symposium - Excursion to Karlsruhe


    25/04/12 UPE8 Symposium - Excursion to Karlsruhe



    Karlsruhe with its 289.000 inhabitants is an important city in the

    south-west of Germany. The city was the capital of the country Baden

    and it nowadays belongs to the federal state of Baden-Wrttemberg.

    It is situated near the french border in the immediate vincinity to the

    Rhine and is framed by the cities of Mannheim in the north, Stuttgart

    in the east an Strasbourg in the south-west. By establishing the

    Federal Supreme Court of Justice and the Federal Constitutional

    Court of Germany as well as the university the city developed during

    the centuries from margrave Karl Wilhelms residential town to a

    capital of law and knowledge.

    History of the city

    The history of Karlsruhe as a city started not until 1715 with thebuilding of the new residential palace of margrave Karl Wilhelm from

    Baden-Durlach. The centre of Karlsruhe was the palace, built in the

    style of Versailles, from which the streets radiated like the spokes of a

    wheel. Thats why Karlsruhe even today is named as a fan-shaped-

    city. This special layout mirrored the intention of the absolutly ruling

    Karl Wilhelm. The palace of Karlsruhe was built by the architect

    Jakob Friedrich from Batzendorf in the woodland near the former

    residence in Durlach. This special place gave enough space for the

    palace, the gardens and the new city. The corps-de-logis (mainbuilding) is set on the east-west axis with two south-facing wings

    along the avenues. North of the corps-de-logis stood a seven-storey

    tower. The working quarters were placed around the palace. Nine

    southbound avenues created the municipal border. The other avenues

    exploited the hunting areas and ended in nearby villages. The

    different levels in high from the three-storey palace, to two-storey

    buildings for aristocracy and officers, to the one-storey town house is

    a prime example of absolutist city foundation. The citys founder

    margrave Karl Wilhelm used the courtyard as a botanical garden.

    After 1754 the central terrain of the courtyard became areas for

    traffic and exhibitions and served later on as a parade ground. Under

    the rule of the margrave Karl Wilhelm from Baden-Durlach the palace

    garden was created in French Baroque style. 1787 the garden was

    partly redesigned by garden inspector Schweickhardt on the basis of

    English models. The gardens actutal shape was designed in 1967 in

    order of the German horticultural show.

    In 1801 Friedrich Weinbrenner changed the city considerably by his

    classical planings. He created the central axis, that ran from the palace

    across the Market- and Rondellplace up to the Ettlinger Tor. This axisis flanked by classical buildings like for example Evangelical Municipal

    Church, the Town Hall and the Margrave-Hochberg Palace.

    In 1825 the first university of Germany was founded in Karlsruhe.

  • 8/2/2019 UPE8 Symposium - Excursion to Karlsruhe


    25/04/12 UPE8 Symposium - Excursion to Karlsruhe


    Since today Karlsruhe is an important university site.

    Also in Karlsruhe in succession of the starting industrialisation the

    population increased strongly. Although there were poor financial

    circumstances after the first world war, bigger planning projects like

    the general development plan of 1926 or the building of new housing

    estates were set into action. After the second world war Karlsruhe, in

    order to the local government restructuring following the foundation

    of the Federal Republic of Germany, lost its function as capital of thecountry Baden. But it was given the function as capital of law by the

    establishing of the Federal Supreme Court of Justice and the Federal

    Constitutional Court of Germany.

    Since the 70th several inner city conversions and urban renewals

    were undertaken. Whole districts of the city were redeveloped,

    former industrial areas were converted and new gardens were

    created. To strengthen Karlsruhe even further in the contest of the

    21. century the TechnologicalRegion Karlsruhe was created.

    Moreover projects City 2015 Future of the inner city of Karlsruheand an inner city transportation concept was developed.

    The Karlsruhe model Link between tram

    and trains

    In the 60th Karlsruhe deliberately decided in favour of the

    maintenance and extention of trams. By links trams and trains were

    connected, but passengers had to change trains. To connect the regionand the city more strongly in the early 1990 the idea of a direkt and

    with no need of change connection was born. The tram and the

    regional train system were melted together to form the regional-city-

    tram additionally the train system was extended. This concept is

    named Karlsruhe model. A technical challenge was the adjustment

    to the different types of power supply with 15.000 volt alternating

    current on the one hand and 750 volt direkt current on the other

    hand. To solve this problem a tram with system change equipment

    was developed, the Twosystem-tram. That way the surrounding

    areas of settlement are direktly connected with the city centre ofKarlsruhe. The Karlsruhe model is an outstanding concept of public

    transportation in Germany.

    Further information:


