Updated hypothesis (1) (1)


Transcript of Updated hypothesis (1) (1)

Business Model Canvas 2.0

Lean Entrepreneurship Project - Team3

Hypotheses rank

Lean Entrepreneurship Project - Team3

1. Hypothesis

– Problem in the Market

• We believe that students and Business people have a problem to find quickly a nearby and affordable meal.Hypothesis

• Survey to a sample of 50 students and 50 Business people to check whether they have a problem to find quickly a near by and affordable meal. Interview to 20 students and 20 business people.


• If 60% of the interviewees state they indeed have a problem to find quickly a near by and affordable meal.Validation

Lean Entrepreneurship Project - Team3

2. Hypothesis

– Customer Segment

• We believe that students will find an extra value and use our app frequently (at least once a week) to search for food promotions nearby them.


• Survey to a sample of 50 students to check whether they would find an extra value and use such app frequently. Interview to 20 students.


• If 60% of the interviewees state they find extra value and would like to use the app on a regular basis (at least once a week).


Lean Entrepreneurship Project - Team3

3. Hypothesis

– Customer Segment

• Business people will find an extra value and use frequently our app (at least once a week) to search for food promotions nearby them.


• Survey to a sample of 50 business people to check whether they would find an extra value and use such app frequently. Interview to 20 business people.


• If 60% of the interviewees state they would find an extra value and like to use the app on a regular basis (at least once a week).


Lean Entrepreneurship Project - Team3

4. Hypothesis

– Value Proposition

• Restaurants are willing to upload a meal frequently (at least once week) to be displayed in our app.Hypothesis

• Interview 20 restaurants to check whether they would be willing to upload meals on a weekly basis.Testing

• If 60% of the restaurants interviewed show the will to.Validation

Lean Entrepreneurship Project - Team3

5. Hypothesis

– Value Proposition

• Restaurants are willing to have frequent food promotions ready to be displayed in our app.Hypothesis

• Interview 20 restaurants to check whether they would be willing to upload food offers on a weekly basis.Testing

• If 60% of the restaurants interviewed show the will to.Validation

Lean Entrepreneurship Project - Team3

6. Hypothesis

– Value Proposition

• We believe that students and business people find it simpler for their purpose to navigate in our app than in existing apps.


• Survey to a sample of 100 young and business people (50+50) to check which App they find simpler to use. (App prototyping). Interview to 20 young and business people.


• If 60% of the interviewees find our app easier/simpler to use.Validation

Lean Entrepreneurship Project - Team3

7. Hypothesis

– Revenue Streams

• Restaurants are willing to pay a fee – base fee, bidding and premium serviceHypothesis

• Interview 20 restaurants to check whether they would be willing to pay an extra fee in order to put their offers available for the public in our App.


• If 60% of the restaurants interviewed show the interest in in paying such fee.Validation

Lean Entrepreneurship Project - Team3

8. Hypothesis

– Key Activities

• The development of an App is technically feasible and our functions don’t require a very costly technical environment.)


• Interview to at least 3 IT experts ( or companies in the that area) to create a cost-benefit analysis for the app.Testing

• If 2 IT experts say it is possible to create our App both in terms of technical feasibility and low costs. Validation

Lean Entrepreneurship Project - Team3

9. Hypothesis

– Value Propositions

• Our customers would value the possibility of paying throught their phones.Hypothesis

• Interview 20 students, 20 business people and 20 restaurants.Testing

• If 60% of the intervieees value the mobile payment service. Validation

Lean Entrepreneurship Project - Team3

10. Hypothesis

– Value Proposition

• We believe that business and young people would prefer our app if it has a complementary food delivery service.


• Survey to a sample of 100 young and business people (50+50) to check whether they would get more value from the App if it has a delivery system.


• If 60% of the interviewees value the delivery system.Validation

Lean Entrepreneurship Project - Team3

Thank You!

Lean Entrepreneurship Project - Team3

11. Hypothesis

– Value Proposition

• We believe that restaurants people find it simpler for their purpose to navigate in our app than in existing apps.


• Interview to 20 restaurantTesting

• If 60% of the interviewees find our app easier/simpler to use.Validation

Lean Entrepreneurship Project - Team3

12. Hypothesis

– Revenue Streams

• Our initial revenue will be made mainly through advertisement.


Lean Entrepreneurship Project - Team3

13. Hypothesis

– Value Proposition

• We believe that business and young people would prefer our app if it has a complementary food delivery system.


• Survey to a sample of 150 young and business people (100+50) to check whether they would get more value from the App if it has a delivery system.


• If 60% of the interviewees value the delivery system.Validation

Lean Entrepreneurship Project - Team3