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V. Success Indicator Guide Questions: 1. Did it correspond to each of your activity? 2. Did it fulfill your objectives? 3. Is it specific and measurable? Success corresponded well in each of our activity in Laguna Resettlement Community School. Building the bookshelves were one of the things that our class did for the school. The boys built 2 bookshelves for half a day during one of the 3 meetings. And each of us contributed our own money to buy the materials needed for building the shelves. Time and effort were definitely put into each day that we were at that school. We even painted the bookshelves the week after it was built. Teamwork was developed throughout the meetings that we were together. We can say that we have fulfilled our objectives after all the hard work that we‘ve done. This was to make the children and the staff of that school very happy. There was even a time when some of us had a movie viewing for some of the children. We were delighted to see their happy faces while they were watching the movies. It seems like they had a lot of fun during that day. Prizes were also given to them as they played mini games after they’ve watched the movie. Food and candies that they’ll definitely enjoy were given as their



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V. Success Indicator

Guide Questions:

1. Did it correspond to each of your activity?

2. Did it fulfill your objectives?

3. Is it specific and measurable?

Success corresponded well in each of our activity in Laguna Resettlement

Community School. Building the bookshelves were one of the things that our class did

for the school. The boys built 2 bookshelves for half a day during one of the 3 meetings.

And each of us contributed our own money to buy the materials needed for building the

shelves. Time and effort were definitely put into each day that we were at that school. We

even painted the bookshelves the week after it was built. Teamwork was developed

throughout the meetings that we were together. We can say that we have fulfilled our

objectives after all the hard work that we‘ve done. This was to make the children and the

staff of that school very happy. There was even a time when some of us had a movie

viewing for some of the children. We were delighted to see their happy faces while they

were watching the movies. It seems like they had a lot of fun during that day. Prizes were

also given to them as they played mini games after they’ve watched the movie. Food and

candies that they’ll definitely enjoy were given as their prizes.