Unsubscribe or Submit Changes to a Subscrip o n · 2019-08-27 · Unsubscribe or Submit Changes to...

Unsubscribe or Submit Changes to a Subscripon Open the Form Click on the subscribe link to get to the subscriber form. 1 Select Type of Subscripon Informaon When lling out the form, it is important to select what type of changes you are making to your subscripon. Is it a new subscripon, updates to an exisng subscripon, or that you want to unsubscribe? Aer lling in your name and email, click the arrow to the right of the dropdown menu tled "Type of Subscripon Informaon." There you will see the three opons. 2

Transcript of Unsubscribe or Submit Changes to a Subscrip o n · 2019-08-27 · Unsubscribe or Submit Changes to...

Unsubscribe or Submit Changes to a Subscrip�on

Open the Form

Click on the subscribe link to get to the subscriber form.


Select Type of Subscrip�on Informa�on

When filling out the form, it is important to select what type of changes you are making to yoursubscrip�on. Is it a new subscrip�on, updates to an exis�ng subscrip�on, or that you want tounsubscribe?

A�er filling in your name and email, click the arrow to the right of the dropdown menu �tled"Type of Subscrip�on Informa�on." There you will see the three op�ons.


Please note, if you select to unsubscribe, some of the fields below the menu will change.

Fill out applicable fields.

If you are submi�ng changes to your subscrip�on, fill out each sec�on with your updatedinforma�on.

Note that some of your informa�on may not have changed but is s�ll required (fields markedwith a red asterisk). Please fill out this informa�on anyway, even if it has not changed.


Select Communica�ons

A�er filling out your updated informa�on, scroll down. You will see op�ons for our differentcommunica�ons. To opt in to one or more, click the box to the le� side of your desired op�on(s).

The op�ons are:


• Incident Preven�on Magazine (print)• Incident Preven�on Magazine (email)• Tailgate Topics E-Newsle�er• iP Products & Services E-Newsle�er• IPI Online Educa�on E-Newsle�er

Once you've made your selec�ons, scroll down and click the blue "Submit" bu�on.

• CUSP & USOLN Safety Insider E-Newsle�er (for USOLN members and CUSP creden�alholders)

Unsubscribe Op�ons

If you wish to unsubscribe, please answer the ques�ons at the bo�om of the form to indicatewhich communica�ons you'd like to be removed from and why.

For example, if you'd like to unsubscribe from all communica�ons, then make sure to check allboxes under the first ques�on.

Don't forget to answer the ques�on for why you'd like be to removed. Then click the blue"Submit" bu�on.